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Dumb laws


  • Cera
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  • The Circle
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It would also be interesting to know how many of these laws are actually still in place and how many of them are not anymore. The breaking of some of these laws would hardly be noticed by anyone in a sane mind, but if the existing law was broken, and if anybody did bring the "offender" to court about it, then how would the judges react caught between the obligation to interpret the law and act with common sense?


  • Littlefoot
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Yeah, I too am wondering that as well.  Since some of those laws seem a bit far fetch too....but still funny none the less :lol


  • The Circle
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They could do silly punishments like do a penny or a nickle fine.  Or put you on 5 minute probation, or just give you a warning.


  • General of the Great Valley
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It is against the law to fish from horseback.

It is illegal not to drink milk. So lactose in tolerance is illegal?

It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon. So I can detonate conventional weapons?

It is a felony to persistently tread on the cracks between paving stones on the sidewalk of a state highway.

It is considered an offense to hunt whales. There are landwhales in Utah?


If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle. Can you imagine towing an elephant?

It is considered an offense to shower naked. So the police make random "shower checks?"

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  • The Circle
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By the way, does every state which does not have a specific law against private ownership of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons permit for the keeping and bearing (not using) them on the basis of the 2nd amendment? It does not specify which weapons one may keep and bear after all seeing that canon were pretty much the most effective weapon of mass destruction at the time.


  • Cera
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I know one weird one here in AZ:

It's illegal to shoot a camel.  And yes, we have camels.

Cancerian Tiger

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I consider this one to be dumb: Virginia's freeway speed limits!  Freeways should have a speed limit of at least 65-70 mph.  While a couple of the freeways within the state have 65 mph posted, the rest are a sluggish 55 mph :bang!  Traffic still moves at 70 mph, and the cops drive right along with 'em without pulling anybody over, so why don't they change the speed limit already?


  • Petrie
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By the way, does every state which does not have a specific law against private ownership of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons permit for the keeping and bearing (not using) them on the basis of the 2nd amendment? It does not specify which weapons one may keep and bear after all seeing that canon were pretty much the most effective weapon of mass destruction at the time.
I've  always wondered that.  What if I built a nuclear bomb (the only really difficult part is enriching uranium)?  Could I legally keep it?


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Here are some from my home state:
- Being naked in public is legal, as long as the genitals and female nipples are covered
- Anyone classified as an "idiot" isn't allowed to vote (yet there are no laws barring them from running the whole darn state! :lol  :lol )
- State officials ordered 400 words of "sexually explicit material" to be cut from Romeo and Juliet
- In Carrizozo, women can't go out in public unshaven (sorry, furries!)
- Public spitting is illegal in Deming (I don't think that one is THAT dumb)
- Also in Deming, you can't hunt or ride a bike in the cemetery
- You can't misuse official anthems (that would be the national anthem and the state song, 'O Fair New Mexico')
- Women aren't allowed to pump their own gas or change their own tires (I see women doing those things all the time, though)
- You can't carry a lunchbox on Main St in Las Cruces
- Gambling on bike races is legal, but not ostrich or camel races (well there go my plans to get rich, but at least I can bet on bike races!)
- An Albuquerque city council member wanted to ban Santa Claus once (maybe symbolizing them not wanting to admit that Santa Fe is a much better place :nyah )

I actually never knew about quite a few of those!! :lol :lol :lol



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heh,  found two of these sites long long time ago, and shared their links on forums. :D
People must know!


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Here are some more from my other home state:
- Children over the age of eight can't wet the bed
- Cats that meow in the dark get their tails cut off (what the f**k is THAT about?!?!)
- It's illegal to crash into obstacles while skiing in Vail (now I know that when I take up skiing, I shouldn't start there)
- Car dealers can't show cars on Sundays
- Liquor stores can't sell food, and grocery stores can't sell alcohol, except beer with less than 3.2% alcohol (that one's true)
- You can't have upholstered furniture outdoors in Boulder
- Throwing missiles at cars is illegal in Alamosa
- Abusing rats is illegal in Denver (yet cats get their tails cut off if they meow in the dark?)
- Insulting a cop is legal in Boulder, but only until he/she asks you to stop (Ozzy, I think I found your place! You can insult those vegan cops until they say to stop!)
- In Sterling, cats that run loose need to have tail lights (but what if the cat was caught meowing in the dark?)
- Tags can be cut off of pillows and mattresses (dang it, how do I know what's in those things around here?! :bang )
- It's illegal to let a dandelion grow within Pueblo city limits (I guess you can always put coins in wishing wells)
- Dog catchers in Denver have to notify the dogs they plan to catch for three consecutive days by putting flyers on a tree in the city park and along a road that goes through the park (because dogs can read flyers and will know to either brace themselves or get the heck out :lol )
- Cross-dressing is illegal in Durango (good thing Mrs Doubtfire wasn't filmed there :p )
- Driving black cars on Sunday is illegal in Denver (my mother actually broke that law once, and I think I saw a bunch of other people in black cars that day, so I guess that one's not really enforced)
- In Colorado Springs (where I live right now), it's legal to wear a holstered six-shooter, but not on Sundays, election days or national holidays (so I guess I shouldn't get people to vote or wish them a merry Christmas by wearing a revolver on my belt)
- It's illegal to mutilate a rock in a Colorado state park (I guess Cera better keep her horns to herself x(cera )
- It's also illegal to move a rock on city property in Boulder (I think Cera ought to just play it safe and keep away from Boulder and Colorado state parks x(cera )
- Riding a horse while drunk is illegal (I wonder if the same goes if you're stoned; it is Colorado, after all)
- Until 2008, selling alcohol on Sundays or election days was illegal
- In Cripple Creek, you can't bring a horse or mule above the first floor of any building (I better get all my horses over there out of the attic!!)
- In Denver, you can't loan a vacuum cleaner to your next-door neighbor
- Snowball fights are illegal in Aspen (yet it's NOT illegal to throw a missile at someone's car like it is in Alamosa?!)
- In Westminster, it's illegal to get lost between 9PM and 4AM, or to get lost while someone else is driving your car (I guess it's important to get good directions there!)
- In Fountain, it's illegal to have a broken-down car on private property or any public right-of-way (good thing Subarus are so popular)
- Men aren't allowed to kiss women in their sleep in Logan County
