The Gang of Five
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Shorty's Dark Past

Ducky123 · 227 · 27180


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You did a very nice job with this chapter! It advanced the crucial plots in the story in a meaningful way, starting the new day nicely. For example the scene where Ali and Shorty exchanged glances was a subtle yet effective way to affirm the duo's rocky relationship. I imagine writing the about the Gang's journey to find Littlefoot was a difficult job. :lol In any case, using the film's dialogue works well and is a good way to advance their part in the story.

However, it was the scene where Littlefoot and Cho met which was the highlight of the chapter. The initial awkwardness was done pretty well and the interaction between the duo's different personalities was spot-on. Some nice touches like Littlefoot's hesitation to tell Cho about the concept of death really make scenes like these excel. Moreover, that whole part's dialogue was just great. The only remark I have is the fact that Ali has recently beaten Littlefoot in every game or race.

Otherwise, this chapter was very nice to read. This time, as Darkwolf said, the text flowed very well, creating a great level of pacing while advancing the crucial storylines. Good work!


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I can certainly see the improvement in this chapter.  Though the flow of the chapters have been improving steadily, in this chapter the flow is completely natural.  There is just the right about of dialogue and description to make a dialogue-heavy chapter flow well.  In terms of the events of this chapter, the Cho scene was by far the most important I think.  It shows us quite a bit more of her personality as she opens up.  It also shows her to be quite intuitive when it comes to seeing things that some others may not see.  I do fear for the Shorty/Littlefoot confrontation that is sure to come, however.  Likewise I also fear for whichever female Hart decides to 'court'.  I think most longneck females would rather date Redclaw than deal with how Hart really is.

A very good chapter.  :) I eagerly await the next installment.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thanks for the reviews, guys :)

It might be because it's 1 am here, but I can't think of any criticism this time dino_laugh.gif
Or maybe I was extra careful to make it great? :p Well, I did take great care writing this one and I will continue to do so, yep, yep, yep!

I think this chapter flows very well! You had great transitions between separate plotlines smile.gif
That's great to hear :)

I'm terrified for the poor female that Hart decides to harass blink.gif
That is assuming his mission (or rather, Ricky's) will succeed. :p But yÈah... he's not up to any good deed...

Also can't wait to see what role the rest of the gang plays in this! Great work, as always. Cho is quickly becoming one of my favorite OCs smile.gif
That will have to wait a little longer but their role will become apparent eventually, though they won't play a very important role in this story. It didn't seem right to leave them out completely though :yes
Cho is my favourite OC too  ^^spike

You did a very nice job with this chapter! It advanced the crucial plots in the story in a meaningful way, starting the new day nicely. For example the scene where Ali and Shorty exchanged glances was a subtle yet effective way to affirm the duo's rocky relationship
Thanks, I'm glad you think so. The scene you mention was a spontaneous idea of mine, admittedly. After Shorty had seen Ali with Littlefoot the other night, I thought it would have been interesting to have the two of them meet :smile Though, as indicated, Ali has plans of talking some more sense into him later that day, yep, yep, yep!

I imagine writing the about the Gang's journey to find Littlefoot was a difficult job. dino_laugh.gif
How do you mean? Do I see some sarcasm there? :lol: So far, I have only been referenc“ng the scenes as seen in the 10th movie, however I will also include scenes of their journey which aren't in the movie.

In any case, using the film's dialogue works well and is a good way to advance their part in the story.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Why come up with something completely new, when we got decent scenes as it is? I'm adding thoughts and description at least :smile

However, it was the scene where Littlefoot and Cho met which was the highlight of the chapter. The initial awkwardness was done pretty well and the interaction between the duo's different personalities was spot-on. Some nice touches like Littlefoot's hesitation to tell Cho about the concept of death really make scenes like these excel. Moreover, that whole part's dialogue was just great. The only remark I have is the fact that Ali has recently beaten Littlefoot in every game or race.
Thanks, and the scene is far from being finished yet :yes Littlefoot is on an unlucky streak, huh?  ^^spike

Otherwise, this chapter was very nice to read. This time, as Darkwolf said, the text flowed very well, creating a great level of pacing while advancing the crucial storylines. Good work!
That's great to hear, my efforts are paying off ^^spike

I can certainly see the improvement in this chapter. Though the flow of the chapters have been improving steadily, in this chapter the flow is completely natural. There is just the right about of dialogue and description to make a dialogue-heavy chapter flow well.
Thanks, that's good to hear :)

In terms of the events of this chapter, the Cho scene was by far the most important I think. It shows us quite a bit more of her personality as she opens up. It also shows her to be quite intuitive when it comes to seeing things that some others may not see.
Yeah, Cho begins to open up as she discovers that there is an alternative to her previous way of behavior. She now begins to learn and appreciate friendship.

I do fear for the Shorty/Littlefoot confrontation that is sure to come, however.
Yes, there certainly is a lot of tension. :smile

Likewise I also fear for whichever female Hart decides to 'court'. I think most longneck females would rather date Redclaw than deal with how Hart really is.
That is still an understatement I believe :p However, the females don't know how Hart really is
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Well executed! I rather enjoyed this chapter, and in it you've proven that you've got a knack for good dialogue. Seriously, everyone felt in-character here. They said things I would expect them to say, did things I would expect them to do. This chapter could have happened within the events of LBT X and it would have fit in perfectly on the big screen. I also noted that you've taken a great deal of the constructive criticism you received during the fanfic awards to heart! I felt more connected to the characters, Cho in particular- than I have before, and I really began to empathize with her plight. This was a shorter chapter, so I don't have much else to say, but I'd like to state again how impressed I am with the new chapter! Well done, and I'll be watching to see where we go from here!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well executed! I rather enjoyed this chapter, and in it you've proven that you've got a knack for good dialogue. Seriously, everyone felt in-character here. They said things I would expect them to say, did things I would expect them to do. This chapter could have happened within the events of LBT X and it would have fit in perfectly on the big screen. I also noted that you've taken a great deal of the constructive criticism you received during the fanfic awards to heart! I felt more connected to the characters, Cho in particular- than I have before, and I really began to empathize with her plight. This was a shorter chapter, so I don't have much else to say, but I'd like to state again how impressed I am with the new chapter! Well done, and I'll be watching to see where we go from here!
Thanks! :lol:

It's very encouraging to know that I've succeeded in applying the feedback and I'll try not to fall back into old habits, hehe  ^^spike

I've already written most of the Cho part of the next chapter so it might not take too long ;)
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Another somewhat in-time update, I suppose... this chapter is deep towards the end, enjoy reading :)


Chapter 49

“So anyway, Cho…” Littlefoot spoke as his attention turned back to the young girl. “This wasn’t the first time Shorty hurt you, was it?”

“No,” came the response immediately. “If only you knew…”

“There are several Longnecks of your age in the herd, aren’t there?” Littlefoot continued his interrogation, a quick nod of the two girls confirming his assumption. “Does Shorty bully them too?”

“Of course he does…” Cho replied quietly though Littlefoot knew from Ali that Cho was his favourite target… and her hesitation indicated all he needed to know.

“Mostly you though, doesn’t he?”

Ali, noticing that Cho was beginning to feel awkward and uncomfortable, decided to intervene the conversation of her two friends.

“Littlefoot, why do you want to know? I’m not sure if Cho…”

“It is okay, Ali,” Cho stated, sighing. “Yes, he picks on me the most. I mean, look at me, Littlefoot!” Cho’s voice lost its formality for the first time as she robbed herself out of her nest just a little bit to present her body to the boy.

“Uh oh, I think I shouldn’t have asked… now I made her upset…” Littlefoot reprimanded himself though now it was too late to pull back. Besides, Cho seemed to be willing to share the details. Therefore, he did as he was instructed, looking at the girl lying in front of him.

“I’m ugly, pathetic and weird and pretty much a loner nobody likes… and I snap easily at his insults. I’m the easiest to bully around and the ugliest so he choses me…” Cho was in full self-pitying mode now.

“Who says you’re all of these things, Cho?” Littlefoot spoke quietly but it had a ring of threat to it as anger was building up.

“I do!” the girl exclaimed defiantly.

“More like… Shorty said that about you until you started believing the crap he was spreading!” Littlefoot argued firmly.

“That’s not true!” Cho snapped.

“Cho, you’re overreacting…” Ali sighed. “Littlefoot is trying to say nice things about you."

“Well, I told you that I snap too easily!” Cho snorted before taking a few deep, painful breaths to bring her temper back on the right track. “I am sorry, Littlefoot, but he is right in what he says…”

“You may be many things, Cho, but you’re not a weirdo and certainly not a loner,” Littlefoot reasoned while Ali nodded to indicate that she agreed with his words. “If you were a loner you wouldn’t want to be around us now. I’ve once met a true lonesome dinosaur - you’re not like him… and you’re still young, you can change!”

“But I’m ugly and weird, nobody ever wanted to be my friend because of that!”

“I’m your friend!” Ali protested weakly as she watched little Cho getting upset again. “She sure is stoic sometimes…”

“Yes, but you are special… “ Cho tried to explain. “The riddle…”

“Oh right… “ Ali remembered. “If I’ll ever figure it out… “

“You can be my friend too, Cho,” Littlefoot mentioned, offering a weak smile. “You may have a few quirks but isn’t that what makes us all unique and, therefore, likable?” Littlefoot waited a few seconds to let the words sink in. “So far, I think you’re really nice, Cho. I do believe it makes a huge difference how we are treated by others, you know?”

“How do you mean?” the young Longneck questioned curiously, yet remaining a little suspicious.

“If we are only shown kindness by those we live and interact with, it’s all we know. Likewise, if we only receive rejection, hate and violence…”

“... we will express that towards others too… yes, that totally makes sense!” Ali exclaimed.

“Then I will ask you, Littlefoot…” Cho spoke challengingly. “Why did I turn into this here,” she pointed at herself. “... while Shorty became an asshole? He used to be nice back when we were still on our own in the Mysterious Beyond…”

“Looks like you now have a riddle yourself to figure out,” Ali chuckled, trying to light up the mood. “Though, as you know, Cho, I’m just as curious.”

Littlefoot considered quickly before answering as demanded.

“Assuming you were both experiencing the same negative behavior from the other dinosaurs around you… there must have been another influence…”

“Yes, but I do not know what influence, Littlefoot… we both had a bad childhood in our own ways…”

“I know some details of Shorty’s past,” Littlefoot mentioned casually as the conversation went on. “Thanks to Ali and my dad… but I know not a lot about yours, Cho…”


Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike were frozen in horror as the realisation finally hit them… They’d been sleeping next to a Sharptooth and didn’t even notice it! Though now was clearly not the right time to ponder about such things. The grey-coloured Sharptooth opened his eyes, when he heard Cera’s scream. It didn’t take him long to figure out what was happening around him… Christmas and thanksgiving at the same time!

“Ahhhh!!!” the Gang screamed in unison. While the predator rose to his full height, uttering a mighty roar while gazing at them with greed, the children were finally able to recover from the initial shock, adrenaline pumping through their bodies as they darted away from the beast before it beat them to it. Instantly, the predator gave chase.


As Cho was painfully reminded of her early childhood, she felt a wave of sadness take hold of her whole body. As curious as she was to find out the reason for the different path her life had taken, she just couldn’t talk about it right now.

“Maybe another time, okay? Those are not bright memories…”

“I understand, that’s no problem at all…” Littlefoot stated, smiling sadly. He knew of Cho’s fate of being orphaned and he certainly knew how lucky he was not ending up as an orphan himself. The few weeks he had spent journeying through the Mysterious Beyond weren’t exactly the brightest of his life - he didn’t want to know what fate had befallen young Cho back then.

“Anyway, Cho, I have seen you act completely different than I was expected based upon Yuyun’s and Ali’s descriptions of you. Hate, violence… and rejection cause a vicious circle since it makes you act in a similar fashion to those who make you feel bad, who hurt you… who reject you… or call you ugly just because of your unique skin colour. I have seen you break this vicious circle today, Cho. Keep trying and you won’t be perceived as the odd one anymore soon, believe me…” Littlefoot noted in pleasure that the eyes of the little girl widened with every word he said and her smile - at first just a faint sign of one, grew wider and wider. He smiled back.

“I will, Littlefoot, I will,” Cho spoke ever so warmly, looking at the boy in admiration. “You are very wise… and extremely nice, do you want to be my friend?”

“Hey, that rhymed…” Ali snickered as she watched the display between her two friends. “This is going much better than expected…”


The group was running through a light forest while the Sharptooth quickly gained distance with his much bigger legs.

“What should we do?!” Cera was panicking as she noticed how fast their pursuer was. They could run as fast as they could with all their might and willpower and still would not make it. Luckily, she had a history of run-ins with malevolent creatures like the hungry beast which had them on his diet for the morning.

“We need to take sharp turns!” the Threehorn shouted to her compagnons. “He can’t change direction very quick but we can!” As the next tall tree came in sight before her, Cera made a decision.


Littlefoot was delighted to hear the girl’s plead. The answer was pretty obvious.

“Didn’t I already tell you that I would like to be your friend?” Littlefoot chuckled, winking. What happened then, though, came unexpected for all dinosaurs present… All of a sudden, Cho pulled herself out of her nest further in order to reach Littlefoot’s face to give him a friendly lick across the cheek, not bothering about the pain at all.

“Uhh…” Littlefoot was slightly embarrassed by Cho’s actions but then gently shoved her back into her comfortable nest where he returned the favor by giving the girl a nuzzle… under the watchful eyes of Ali.

“So, what kind of friends are you two going to be?” the pink Longneck asked mischievously.

“The kind of friends you two are not,” Cho chuckled, ignoring the pain in her chest.

“Direct as always, aren’t you?” Ali teased.

Cho gave a knowing smile while Littlefoot returned to his previous position, Ali positioning herself demonstratively close to Littlefoot. Even though she tried to hide her feelings for her friend in front of others, she had to defend her love there.


“Gee, this is certainly more interesting than looking for plants that don’t exist…” As Ricky slowly and unsuspiciously walked through the area, trying to appear as if he was just taking a stroll on such a beautiful day, he noted this while trying to do the job his father had given him. It wasn’t an easy job per se but he knew he could do it. All he had to do was wait and observe. And he already knew where to start looking for what his father was demanding of him…


“So… would you like to ask me some more questions right now, Cho?” Except for the lingering question about her past, there weren’t any urgent questions about his new friend so Littlefoot decided offering to pass the ball.

“Hmm, I think I have two… or maybe more," Cho replied thoughtfully as she tried to remember the questions she still had. For the time being, she just asked the one that had formed during the last few minutes.

“I do wonder where you got your wisdom from, Littlefoot? You probably have more than just a wise mother.”

“Yeah, well, guess where my mother got it from,” Littlefoot spoke, smiling a little proudly. It were moments like these when he appreciated the sometimes lengthy and boring lessons and reprimands of his grandparents the most.

“Your grandparents?” Cho guessed.

“Sure, who else?” Littlefoot chuckled. “Though you are quite smart for your age too, Cho.”

“This is just who I am,” Cho explained. “I don’t know why but… I see things that many others do not… but then again, others see things that I am completely unaware of… especially those things that require being social…”

“I wouldn’t be too concerned about it, Cho,” Ali commented. “Now you have friends to help you get better at these things, right Littlefoot?” Ali cast a glance towards her friend who responded with a determined nod. “Meanwhile, you get strong again and teach us how to be a bit more like you.”

“Are you serious?!” Cho exclaimed in disbelief. “Nobody with all their senses still in place would want to be me…”

“We really need to work on her self-esteem, Ali…” Littlefoot muttered, the mutter soon turning into a light chuckle.

“Yes, I agree,” Ali responded, shooting a mischievous grin at the smaller Longneck.

“You are trying to fool me, aren’t you?” Cho added, not sure whether or not to believe what her friends were talking about.

“Not at all…” Ali reassured. “I mean it. Really, I do.”

“Cho, I don’t know what kind of nonsense Shorty has been telling you all the time – or others around you for that matter… but you’re worth much more than that, of that I’m convinced,” Littlefoot spoke in a serious voice. “Please stop pitying yourself, you deserve better than that…”

Cho gave both of them an uncertain look.

“I-if you say so?”

“Either way, Shorty has something coming now, that’s a promise…” Ali spoke in an almost cold voice. It didn’t earn her quite the reaction she had expected though.

“No, Ali, that’s not right either… he is right in some regards…” Cho protested weakly which earned her a lot more attention than she liked.

“E-excuse me?” Ali stammered. “He has made your life a living hell, Cho… he made you so awkward and shy… he made you feel so worthless and unloved but… but you are not!”

“As I understand these things, Cho, Shorty is the main reason why you have most of your negative traits,” Littlefoot added. “Why do you keep defending him?”

“Oh, you don’t understand!” Cho suddenly yelled, jerking when the pain struck her hard but she was too upset to care much. “You don’t understand these things because you weren’t there when it happened!!!”

“Cho…” Ali sighed sadly, observing how the young Longneck hurt herself. Unfortunately, Littlefoot decided to confront her.

“Why, then tell us what happened, Cho, how are we supposed to know?” he questioned in a neutral tone. “How are we supposed to understand you if we don’t know these things about you because you don’t tell them to us? We…”

“Because I don’t want to!” Cho suddenly screamed from the top of her lungs, her whole body entering a state of extreme tension which caused her to feel excruciating pain… but some hidden source of energy apparently kept her going. “I don’t want to…” she added much quieter, a sob causing her body to shake uncontrollably.

“Cho…” Ali spoke softly but the chain reaction of emotions had already started. The pain had overwhelmed the little girl with the black skin and, while that alone usually didn’t cause such a reaction in her, memories of the past certainly did, especially when they had a connection to Shorty. As tears started flowing and sobs breaking out at a fast rate, Cho rapidly curled up in her nest – the anger gone, replaced by shame and sadness. Again, she had let her nature get the better of her. What would Littlefoot think about her now? She wasn’t even mad at him for the things he said, he was trying to understand her – really and in all honesty, trying. But there were things she wished she never knew, things she wished never happened… and things she wished she had done… but she couldn’t do them back then. And, now, it was probably too late. She just hoped she didn’t mess up the chance to make a friend.

“I-I didn’t mean…” Littlefoot stammered as he realised what his words had done. “Me and my big mouth!”

“It’s not your fault…”

“Yuyun… we uhh…” Ali stood next to the crying form of Cho while Littlefoot stood a little distance away awkwardly as the little one’s adopted mother entered the scene with a knowing, sad smile.

“You are not used to her yet, Littlefoot, you are not to blame for this, don’t worry,” she spoke softly as she approached her adopted daughter.

“I shouldn’t have tried to push the matter…” Littlefoot muttered, cursing.

“You probably accidently reminded her of something very unpleasant; she doesn’t react very well to those things I’m afraid,” Yuyun sighed, bending her head down to give Cho a gentle nuzzle. “Even I don’t know a lot about the time before I took her in… she just never tells anyone. But I’m sure she’ll tell one day when she’s ready. Now, though, I think she needs some rest… the morning has been quite eventful after all.” Yuyun chuckled a little, then nudging her crying daughter. “Right, dear?”

Cho just continued to cry bitterly, her whole body trembling like a volcano about to explode.

“Don’t cry…” Ali pleaded; Yuyun gave her a sad smile.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be alright,” the grown-up assured as she moved Cho into a more comfortable position in the nest, careful not to hurt her. “I’m sure you can come back later if you like, she is just exhausted and doesn’t like to admit it as always… my brave girl…”

“Okay…” Ali spoke quietly. Turning to Cho, she said. “Bye Cho, we will be back later, don’t worry…”

Littlefoot appeared to be deep in thoughts though.

“Littlefoot, are you alright?” Ali wondered. The boy didn’t respond though, instead seeking eye-contact with Yuyun who understood his intentions.

“Go ahead,” she whispered.


The Sharptooth had almost come close enough for the children to enter his snapping range now, Petrie at the backend of the group panicking as he saw himself end up as a toothpick for the mighty predator already but Cera had a plan.

“Around that tree now!” she ordered, leading the way. Despite the risk, Cera took the sharp turn with full speed. She had to run a wide circle around the tree in order to stay on track but she made the 180 degree turn without any issues. Spike, with Ducky holding onto his back tightly, momentarily slowed down to circumnavigate the tree in a very tight circle while Petrie, due to his high speed, chose to fly on Cera’s wider route lest the escape velocity got the better of him.

The Sharptooth noticed that his prey was trying to escape but he knew of his huge advantage in speed. However, he didn’t take into account that his higher speed and size also meant that he had to overcome much higher escape velocity while circumnavigating the tree. While his prey had successfully taken the turn, his momentum carried him further and further, unable to stop until he was abruptly stopped by another tall tree which got completely destroyed by the impact though.

Meanwhile, the Gang were making progress:


Ali’s gaze was a puzzled one when Littlefoot started approaching the bundle of misery lying in the nest in front of him. As soon as he had reached her, he spoke up in a quiet and soft but clear voice so that only Cho could hear his words sufficiently.

“Cho, I really like you no matter what happened there. I just want to let you know that I still would like to have you as a friend.” He smiled. Turning more serious, he added. “Oh and… Cho?” Littlefoot waited patiently, hoping that the girl might decide to turn towards him instead of curling into a ball.

“Y-yes?” Inbetween many sobs, Cho managed to respond. Littlefoot took this as an invitation to walk around her nest so Cho didn’t have to turn around which would be causing her additional pain.

“Cho, I don’t know why you’re so upset right now but I just want to let you know that you can talk to me about it whenever you like… I’ve known the pain of losing my mother and… it still makes me cry at night on some days. I’m sure I can relate to your situation whatever that is and I believe that all you needed the whole time was someone who you could… talk to about these things.” Cho’s cries grew a bit weaker as she listened to every of his words.

“I think you wanted to ask another question, didn’t you? I could almost swear you’d ask about my friends whom I travelled with all the way to the Great Valley?” With a smile, the boy registered Cho nodding ever so slightly.

“Well, they are what helped me to survive my mother’s death emotionally back then… We were all in the same situation… lost, hungry and without our families, feeling lonely. We were orphans at the time just like you and, despite our differences – maybe I should mention that they aren’t Longneck’s like you and me… we could count on each other when we were feeling lonely and upset, when we couldn’t sleep at night… and we still do. It was what kept us going; what kept us from giving up and kept us marching towards the Great Valley each day. But… you’re probably starting to wonder why I’m telling you all this now, aren’t you?” Littlefoot donated a knowing smile before continuing.

“You have never had such a friend who you could talk to, you see? There… there is something my grandparents told me the day I found them in the Great Valley that I would like to pass on to you because I think it’ll help you cope… You see, Cho… I had told them about everything that I went through that evening and, obviously, the memories made me cry all the way through it… but do you know what they told me?” Littlefoot took a short break in order to allow Cho to think about his constant influx of words.

Cho’s face was smeared in her tears but the crying had stopped for the most part as Littlefoot’s speech had captured not just hers but everyone’s attention. Expectantly, she looked up at Littlefoot for the first time.

“I was embarrassed about weeping all the time. This is what my grandfather told me then…”

“Littlefoot, there is no need to be ashamed. As a matter of fact, it is a good sign! You are expressing your emotions, good or bad, and that is very important. The Circle of Life can be cruel when it takes away our love ones, especially if death arrives too timely. It puts us into a very dangerous situation and I believe you know what I am talking about, don’t you?”

When Littlefoot looked up at his Grandfather teary-eyed, too busy watering the meadow below with his tears to think of an answer, the wise Longneck began to explain.

“I guess you never refused to eat then, never felt indifferent about everything around you and wondered what the purpose of anything you do was after you lost her? Or did you ever feel so lonely that you’d give a tree a hug or just wanted to be left alone despite feeling that way?” Littlefoot’s bitter cries confirmed all he needed to know; he would understand so Grandpa continued.

“You went through all that but you managed to find a way out of this most vicious circle to get caught in. Why? Well, the key is to express your emotions, my grandson. If you keep these terrible feelings inside of you, they will grow stronger and stronger until they overwhelm you! Such is the fate of many young orphans such as you were until this day. You allowed yourself to cry – and you do so right now, that’s good! Crying made you stronger and you survived against all odds despite the grief and the sorrow you are feeling each and every day. It will never resolve fully but it will get better and better and easier to live with - as the saying goes, only in time…”


“That deserve him right!” Petrie panted as he continued to push his wings to gain distance from the Sharptooth but his satisfaction didn’t last for long when the behemoth got back on his feet again, continuing the chase with a roar of pure anger.

“We need to hide, yes we do!” Ducky proposed.

“But where?” Petrie wondered. Some distance away, they found what they were looking for soon. As they took another sharp turn around a big boulder and a tree growing in front of it, they saw it.

“In there!” Cera ordered as she spotted the short tunnel that lead into the rock, apparently. The relief was almost audible, when the predator stormed past their hideout, not noticing their little stunt…


When Littlefoot had finished retelling his grandfather’s wisdom, it was dead quiet – even the ubiquitous chatter of hundreds of Longnecks seemed to have stopped; and the trees around them appeared to hold still, almost as if they were listening too.

Cho had started crying again but Littlefoot knew that she had understood just like he had long ago.

“Well, I didn’t mean to upset you in the first place, I’m very sorry about that,” he spoke softly, carefully nudging the girl with the black skin. “Ali and I will be back later, rest now so we can play games together in a few days!” Littlefoot grinned at her one more time before he finally turned away from the nest, leaving a very tired and weeping Cho and two speechless females gawking at him in awe.

“Thank you, Littlefoot…” Yuyun thought in mute appreciation before she found the remote control for her muscles again and continued to nurture her daughter until she drifted off into an uneasy slumber.


I'll admit that at least half of what happened here came to me in a spontaneous idea when I was wondering how the conversation should continue... it took a rather... extreme turn but I'm extremely happy the way it turned out :lol

But that is just my biased view, what do you think? ^^spike Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I'll try to update my story for the contest too tonight :p
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This was a great chapter! Dialogue is something I struggle with in writing, and you've handled it so nicely here! Cho's breakdown was really well done- you showed that, while she is trying, she still has problems expressing herself and dealing with her past. These are things that have not magically disappeared, which is good :) In a story sense... probably not good for poor Cho, but I have faith in her :smile

Littlefoot is also really in his character here- not perfect by any means, but a very empathetic and level-headed longneck with uncanny insight :yes

I continue to be very intrigued by the story, and by Shorty and Cho's differing paths. Can't wait to read more :D


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Thanks so much! :lol

This was a great chapter! Dialogue is something I struggle with in writing, and you've handled it so nicely here!
Well, dialogue is my strength, I sometimes struggle with telling though :p I seem to recal from your story that you're quite good at that though :)

Cho's breakdown was really well done- you showed that, while she is trying, she still has problems expressing herself and dealing with her past. These are things that have not magically disappeared, which is good smile.gif
Yep, yep, yep :) Well, not counting the fact that I came up with the idea of that whole scene spontaneously :p Either way, there's a lot of character development Cho is still about to go through :yes

In a story sense... probably not good for poor Cho, but I have faith in her Dino_grins.gif
oh, she'll be fine :p

Littlefoot is also really in his character here- not perfect by any means, but a very empathetic and level-headed longneck with uncanny insight in-yes.gif
It felt naturally right to have him act like that. If anyone can make Cho open up, I'm sure it would be him. Well, she already is opening up as it is but that was mostly to do Ali a pleasure and try to be nice towards her friend (or friend? :lol), then noticing with some surprise that Littlefoot was not judging her at all and being all nice ad friendly towards her... so it began coming more naturally throughout the last two chapters, I guess. Cho is so much fun to write, it's always interesting trying to think like her  ^^spike

by Shorty and Cho's differing paths.
Ah, glad you picked that up :smile

You can be quite sure to get to read more about that eventually but for now... I shall keep you in the dark ;)
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I can only echo what DarkWolf has said, the dialogue in this chapter was truly inspired.  Not only have we been able to delve a bit deeper into Cho's thoughts and insecurities, but also deeper into some of Littlefoot's past - most notably when he mourned for his mother in the valley, which is something the films never dared to show us.  It is lovely to know that he is now sharing that wisdom with another dinosaur in her time of need.

Additionally it seems that Littlefoot and Cho have both picked up on a critical piece of the puzzle.  Cho, Littlefoot, and shorty have all encountered hardship in their lives, but each has chosen a different path to deal with that hardship.  Cho has nearly been torn asunder mentally, but is hanging on with extreme stoicism until it collapses; Littlefoot has learned enough from his friends and family to keep the demons from his past at bay; and Shorty... well Shorty has chosen the darker path.  Now only time will tell if he overcomes those demons.

All of that darkness aside, however, I must say that this piece of dialogue:

“So, what kind of friends are you two going to be?” the pink Longneck asked mischievously.

“The kind of friends you two are not,” Cho chuckled, ignoring the pain in her chest.

“Direct as always, aren’t you?” Ali teased.

Made me laugh out loud.  :lol I cannot imagine how Cera or the others would have reacted if they had walked in at that moment.  The only thing I am sure about is that Littlefoot would never hear the end of it.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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This chapter was mostly extremely well-written and interesting, with Cho's long overdue breakdown highlighting the character's calm, carefully-built facade. The conversation that started really well in the last chapter developed into one of the best scenes in this whole story! Cho's loss of confidence and Littlefoot's insight into hers and his own turmoil were truly great pieces of dialogue, and I guess this conclusion will prove to be a critical turning point in Cho's character development. The way you told about Littlefoot's struggles with his sorrow was extremely emotional and insightful to this overlooked part of his character.

Yet, I'd find it better if there won't be a love triangle in this story... I hope Cho won't continue her demonstrations of friendship. Also, there wasn't much wrong in the scenes themselves but I felt that the Gang's escape from the sharptooth and the one, brief scene with Ricky were completely overshadowed by the main scene of the chapter. Of course, those storylines had to be advanced also but this time the contrast was quite profound. But no worries, this was a great chapter anyway. :)


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What a chapter! I can honestly say that I feel I know and understand Cho better now than ever before, and I truly feel sorry for her. She's described as being very intelligent here, and it kind of makes you wonder- could this have been Littlefoot's story if he'd grown up under different circumstances?

But that's neither here nor there. Your dialogue in this chapter is great, and really helped create a sense of empathy towards Cho's plight. Just as you've expanded our understanding of Shorty in previous chapters, now we get to see Cho's side of things. I can't stress this enough, but she absolutely has my deepest sympathies. I hope things start to look up for her, going forward.

I also felt that the cuts back to the gang in this chapter added a nice touch, adding some context for us as to where in the film this is all taking place. If I remember correctly, we're closing in on the eclipse, which means I'd imagine things will start coming to fruition still, for good or ill. Excellent job on this chapter, and I eagerly await the next one!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Whoa guys, you make me blush :lol

I can only echo what DarkWolf has said, the dialogue in this chapter was truly inspired.
I'm very happy that the dialogue turned out more than alright!

Not only have we been able to delve a bit deeper into Cho's thoughts and insecurities, but also deeper into some of Littlefoot's past - most notably when he mourned for his mother in the valley, which is something the films never dared to show us. It is lovely to know that he is now sharing that wisdom with another dinosaur in her time of need.
I did not quite draw any comparisons between Littlefoot and Cho there (not while writing, that is) but you're completely right about that one. The whole point of this little story arc here is to develop Cho further now that she got a much bigger role to play in this story than previously planned :smile
Littlefoot and Cho might not know each other for a long time yet but he's already begun to understand the younger girl much better than Ali ever did. They share the fate of being orphaned (at least temporarily) and Cho didn't handle that very well, retreating into her own world and staying lonely while Littlefoot (at least according to my very own interpretation of what the movie didn't show us) allowed himself to feel the pain and the sorrow. Along with having friends to share the pain with, he was able to cope while Cho was not... and that left a scar. (gee, I think I should have Littlefoot say that in the story, actually :p)

Additionally it seems that Littlefoot and Cho have both picked up on a critical piece of the puzzle. Cho, Littlefoot, and shorty have all encountered hardship in their lives, but each has chosen a different path to deal with that hardship.
Hmm yeah, seems so. I usually never see all the parallels (intended or not) until you point them out  :blink: The one between Shorty and Cho was intended but I did not consider Littlefoot's past being about as dark.

ho has nearly been torn asunder mentally, but is hanging on with extreme stoicism until it collapses; Littlefoot has learned enough from his friends and family to keep the demons from his past at bay; and Shorty... well Shorty has chosen the darker path. Now only time will tell if he overcomes those demons.
You got that quite right, yeah. Cho has toughened up because of a number of reasons but, occasionally, that wall she builds around herself by not telling anybody anything about her and being an unsocial creep is shattered (for example by Shorty's extreme mockery... if anybody remembers that one flashback)
Littlefoot has learned to overcome the loss of his mother through the help and support of his friends indeed (and I think I will focus on that even more than currently planned when I finally get around to start posting the LBT 1 story I'm writing along with SDP...)
And Shorty... well, he's been out of focus lately but that doesn't mean he's any less important. There's just nothing important going on about him currently :p We shall see how he's developing eventually...

All of that darkness aside, however, I must say that this piece of dialogue:

“So, what kind of friends are you two going to be?” the pink Longneck asked mischievously.

“The kind of friends you two are not,” Cho chuckled, ignoring the pain in her chest.

“Direct as always, aren’t you?” Ali teased.

Made me laugh out loud. dino_laugh.gif I cannot imagine how Cera or the others would have reacted if they had walked in at that moment. The only thing I am sure about is that Littlefoot would never hear the end of it.
Haha, glad to hear :lol I kinda started that joke when Littlefoot first met Cho where she was trying to act as if she were just with Ali who was familiar to her and, therefore, Cho was pretty open and also funny towards her... and then Littlefoot too :lol Here, Cho is on the receiving end of the joke though... and of course little Cho is talking llike a Rainbowface again ^^spike

Anyway, I'm very happy you like my newest addition to the story, rhombus!


This chapter was mostly extremely well-written and interesting, with Cho's long overdue breakdown highlighting the character's calm, carefully-built facade. The conversation that started really well in the last chapter developed into one of the best scenes in this whole story!
Thanks, glad you think so :) Personally, I think it's one of my favourites too... any scene involving Cho tends to be fun to write, hehe.

Cho's loss of confidence and Littlefoot's insight into hers and his own turmoil were truly great pieces of dialogue, and I guess this conclusion will prove to be a critical turning point in Cho's character development. The way you told about Littlefoot's struggles with his sorrow was extremely emotional and insightful to this overlooked part of his character.
A turning point? Quite... :smile

Yet, I'd find it better if there won't be a love triangle in this story... I hope Cho won't continue her demonstrations of friendship.
Oh don't worry... Cho is too young for that kind of friendships! The friendly lick was more of a way to say "thank you". I was thinking about Spike there and he hasn't started dating Ducky either (as far as I can tell... lol) But there's still Shorty... :p

Also, there wasn't much wrong in the scenes themselves but I felt that the Gang's escape from the sharptooth and the one, brief scene with Ricky were completely overshadowed by the main scene of the chapter. Of course, those storylines had to be advanced also but this time the contrast was quite profound. But no worries, this was a great chapter anyway. smile.gif
Yeah, I know... I didn't want to change my system of switching back and forth between the different plotlines just for one chapter. Neither of these scenes were of particular importance to the story (the Ricky part was merely an introduction into his new "job" and the Gang... well, we all knew that they'd trick that dump ol' Sharptooth, didn't we? :smile I can tell you however, that there'll be changes to the Gang's storyline from next chapter on (won't follow the movie's storyline exactly there, shall not say more yet)

Anyway, I'm really happy that you enjoyed this chapter and I hope I will continue to write entertaining scenes!


What a chapter! I can honestly say that I feel I know and understand Cho better now than ever before, and I truly feel sorry for her. She's described as being very intelligent here, and it kind of makes you wonder- could this have been Littlefoot's story if he'd grown up under different circumstances?
Interesting point... there are a few distinct aspects of their stories which are quite not matching but it's obvious that they share the same fate and the same pain. I don't think Littlefoot would have developed Cho's personality and vice versa but they would be much more similar then since the extremes in both's characters would be eliminated. I don't think it makes much sense to ponder about it too much now since it's not relevant for the story :lol

But that's neither here nor there. Your dialogue in this chapter is great, and really helped create a sense of empathy towards Cho's plight. Just as you've expanded our understanding of Shorty in previous chapters, now we get to see Cho's side of things. I can't stress this enough, but she absolutely has my deepest sympathies. I hope things start to look up for her, going forward.
I'm very happy that you liked the dialogue and the chapter in general! You're my most critical reader (which is a compliment by any means!) so the chapter must be good if you don't criticise anything, haha ^^spike Either way, yes, we're now getting an insight into Cho's complicated personality and past (which is connected to Shorty's in a way as you should remember) which was anything but bright. Cho's life so far has been a single journey of rejection and lonesomeness (funny, I could say the same about Shorty, huh?) and her childhood so far has been terrible by all means. You can really feel sorry for her. Before I had decided to develop her further than was part of my original plan, Cho was merely designed to be a victim for Shorty - a typical outsider that the bullies pick on.... but I'm sure things will continue to improve for her. She's made another friend today after all, yep, yep, yep!

I also felt that the cuts back to the gang in this chapter added a nice touch, adding some context for us as to where in the film this is all taking place.
Yeah, I'm glad you see it this way. I think I managed to find a good point of time to introduce the gang to the party...

If I remember correctly, we're closing in on the eclipse, which means I'd imagine things will start coming to fruition still, for good or ill. Excellent job on this chapter, and I eagerly await the next one!
That is considering I stick to the timing of LBT 10. I'm not quite sure yet how long it'll take me to develop certain ideas for the future of the story... possibly much longer than it would take the gang to reach the location so I shall have to see. :exactly

I hope you'll like the next additions to the story although I guess they won't be quite as epic and eventful ^^spike

(Puh, that took a while to type!)
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Wow talk about dedication for you to respond to all of us. And so far we love then story.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Okay guys, I'm not sure if I'm just seeing things because of the advanced time over here but... while reading some of my older chapters for reference and preventing plotholes (I even found one, though it's irrelevant for the story as far as I can tell...) I discovered that, apparently, one chapter is completely missing? Did I forget to upload a whole chapter and nobody noticed this?! Talking about chapter 19, which is an important one!


chapter 18 is here and then the next one is 20?!  :unsure:
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I usually follow the chapters on, so I did not notice the gap in the chapters.  Though, looking back in chapter 19 in the copy, I can almost swear that it was posted here as well.  That is... odd.  :confused

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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that's weird. So what are to gonna do? just edit the chapter 18 post, and fit 19 at the end of it?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I usually follow the chapters on, so I did not notice the gap in the chapters. Though, looking back in chapter 19 in the copy, I can almost swear that it was posted here as well. That is... odd. dino_confused.gif
Well, yeah. I have the same feeling here. But it sure is odd that the chapter is gone and that there's nothing indicating that it ever was there to begin with  <_<

that's weird. So what are to gonna do? just edit the chapter 18 post, and fit 19 at the end of it?
I suppose, yeah.

On a related note... reading my older chapters makes me cringe.   :sducky
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Guess I finally broke writer's block, huh? To make up for it, have a douple update. You heard right, two chapters for the price of one!  :lol:

(this was originally going to be a birthday present for RockingScorpion, oh well :p)


Chapter 50:

“That was too bloody close!” Cera was panting heavily after the sprint she had to take in order to escape the Sharptooth’s bloodlust and hunger. Her friends weren’t doing much better – even Ducky was panting despite not actually running herself but the agitation made her heart beat like a hammer nonetheless.

“Is he gone?!” Ducky inquired, too scared to look while she cowered down behind Spike.

“Me think so…” Petrie whispered.

“That is the last time I trust Petrie to pick us a boulder to sleep near!” Ducky ranted quietly in indignation, staring at her friend angrily.

“Hey, it was dark, okay?” Petrie shot back.

“Well, we tricked him at least, didn’t we?” Cera mentioned in a slightly boasting manner, receiving slight nods in return.

“It okay to come out?” Petrie wondered.

“M-maybe we should wait in case he comes back, yes we should…” Ducky suggested, staying close to Spike for comfort.

“Well, me no mind…” Petrie replied. “Me scared anyway…”


A few minutes earlier…

The elderly Longneck shook out of his gentle stroll as he heard the nearby Sharptooth’s roar.

“Oh no, not one of those creatures again…” The male stood still, trying to locate the direction of the possible threat with his ears which were already showing signs of age, as was pretty much every part of his body. Back in his days, he used to be quite a fighter in his herd, taking on the biggest Sharpteeth without fear but now he was old and frail, some teeth missing and his bones old and weak. Even a small Fastbiter could end his life any day if he wasn’t careful. “But this sounded more like one of the big guys…” Pat noticed with some relief that the beast was apparently some distance away, furthermore heading away from his current position.

“Don’t worry, the Sharptooth is going the other direction,” he spoke in relief, bending his neck to the small form of a young Longneck on his back. It was a girl, her body a yellow-ish colour with her back being much darker, almost brown-ish. A few nasty scars decorated her right flank slightly behind her front shoulder.

“We should be just fine…” Pat mused, while taking in an overview of the surrounding area. They were walking along a light forest on the one side of the path while a stream was gently flowing on the other side, about as wide as a Longneck measured in length. “Still… might not hurt if we wait here for a little just to be safe? Or what do you think, Lizzie?” the elder one addressed the child on his back. However, she responded with little interest, merely staring at some spot on the far distant horizon.

It was a sad sight for the old Longneck but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it. Lizzie, as far as he was concerned, had always been like that ever since he met her and decided to keep an eye on the lonely child. The moments she spoke were rare – and the moments she smiled or laughed even rarer. Most of the time, the girl was quiet, lost in her own world and appeared to be sad and gloomy. Nonetheless, he was glad to have some company on his rather lonesome journey; and he also had a purpose to exist. The little one depended on him and she had nobody except for him. They were both outcasts; and Pat had to admit that the girl had grown on him despite her very uncommunicative nature. He understood her just enough to refrain himself from pushing the matter. After all, when he found her in the deepest of the deserted places he’d ever seen, the little one had been as good as dead. She survived only by miracle – and because his herd found a source of water to save her. It was apparent that she was an orphan so he really didn’t want to ask her how that came to be. What mattered was that she was still alive to tell the story whenever she was ready to do so.

Lizzie also had her heart at the right spot. If there was anything that got her out of her usual gloomy mood, it were situations where somebody was in need of help, be it emotional or physical. Her scars had resulted in a foolhardy attempt to save one of the herd’s children that got lost from a Fastbiter; and Pat appreciated her emotional support after they got kicked out of their herd too.

Suddenly, the girl lifted her head, becoming agitated. Was it the Sharptooth that worried her? He would find out soon.


It wasn’t until Littlefoot and Ali had brought a significant distance between Cho’s nest and them that Ali finally spoke up.

“Littlefoot?” The girl was a little unsure how to address her friend.

“Yes, Ali?” the boy responded, halting his movement and turning to the girl who had been walking slightly behind him thus far.

“I keep forgetting about all of these horrible things you had to go through when you were still so young…” Ali spoke quietly, looking down a little since she felt really sorry for her friend even though the pain was long since gone and better times had pushed this terrible time into the background. “I also didn’t realise that Cho might have gone through similar things when she was still a hatchling…” she admitted. “I mean… I knew that she’s an orphan and that she’s missing her mother since she told me that she does just yesterday… but I completely forgot how hard it can be to grow up without a mother.” The girl looked at Littlefoot again, her gaze somewhat clouded. “Now I feel a little bad because I didn’t realise it sooner…”

“Oh, don’t worry, Ali,” Littlefoot reassured. “I was just taking a guess when I told her about my experiences, that’s all. You see…” Littlefoot thought back to the conversation he had had with the young girl just mere moments ago. “I noticed that she was hesitant to talk about her past so I assumed that she must have made a similar experience. My mother’s death traumatised me and it wasn’t until I met Ducky that I’ve been able to start coping and focusing on living in the present again. Cho was an orphan so she must have been separated from her parents…”

“Probably for good…” Ali sighed.


Ricky took an unsuspicious drink at the biggest watering hole of the valley before positioning himself in an area where tall grass grew in the shallow coastal water, hiding him from any curious on-lookers yet allowing him to see most things if he needed to.

As was to be expected, this was the perfect place for carrying out his job. Naturally, the place was quite crowded but the number of female Longnecks was remarkably higher than the number of males here. Why that was so was beyond Ricky’s understanding but, right now, it didn’t matter to him at all. He didn’t need to know why some things were the way they were, he only needed to do his job if he wanted to have more brothers and sisters.

The fact that Hart was planning to have more offspring came completely out of nowhere for the blue-ish coloured Longneck. He may have discovered that at least one of his siblings was still alive though he highly doubted that Shorty would even want to come back even if Hart decided to have mercy with him. The fact that the main reason for this was not to do him a favor but to find a replacement for him, was lost on Ricky though...


“Pat, I hear somebody scream!” Lizzie had heard the voices in the distance. It almost seemed to her as if the Sharptooth they heard roaring earlier was after a group of children like her.

“Oh, do you?” the old male wondered, his ears not being quite as good as they used to be.

“Yes, there are children… and-and they’re chased by a Sharptooth!” she exclaimed. “We’ve gotta help them!” Lizzie just couldn’t sit around while others were in need of help.

“But Lizzie, I’m old!” Pat protested. “I can’t just pick a fight with a Sharptooth of all malicious creatures on this land!” The girl gave him a sad, pleading look.

“There are children like me out there running for their lives… do you want that they get scars like mine?”

“Why of course not… but…” Pat replied but the girl insisted.

“Then come on! I don’t want them to get hurt!”

“Oh Lizzie, it’s always the ones who are hurt the most that are least willing to watch and stand by while others get hurt,“ Pat reflected. However, in this case, coming to the aid of those in need might result in injury for the helping party too. “Lizzie, you know we could get ourselves killed, don’t you? If the Sharptooth gets me, I might survive the injury and get another scar, but if he gets you, you’re doomed. Have you ever seen a Sharptooth up close? Imagine what horrible wounds those claws and teeth would do to a young one…”

Lizzie looked at Pat sadly, pointing at the scars. Admittedly, it had been a juvenile Fastbiter that caused them but, still, she could imagine that a fully-grown Sharptooth could rip her apart without effort.

“Oh… right…” Pat murmured, pondering hard what to do. Would he risk his life as well as the life of the young one for somebody he didn’t even know?

“Please, Pat… you can still be a hero even though you’re old… you saved me…” Lizzie encouraged the elderly dinosaur.

“Oh, alright then…” Pat gave in reluctantly. If it made the girl happy, he would risk his old neck in battle once again. The moments she was happy were rare as it was. “…but you stay here where it’s safe!” Pat insisted.

“No way, what if something sneaks up on me while you’re gone?” Lizzie argued fiercely. “I would like to stay with you, it’s the safest place for me…”

“Well, then hold on tight, little one!” Pat warned as he, reluctant as he was, entered the light forest, following the roar of the Sharptooth and the constant screams of the children. “At least they still haven’t been caught… yet. I’ve got to hurry! Oh Lizzie, my brave girl… you care so much about others but so little about yourself…”


“Where are we heading anyway?” Littlefoot and Ali had simply been strolling to someplace else than Cho’s nest so far though now Ali began to wonder where Littlefoot, whom she had been following without questioning so far, was headed to.

Littlefoot only now became aware of his surroundings. He hadn’t been paying attention where he was going and now failed to recognise where they were.

“Uhh, somewhere, I guess…” came his response eventually though the boy sounded everything but self-confident about it. “Darn it, where are we?”

“I suppose…” Ali replied, not sure whether to respond with a chuckle or a sigh attached to her voice. She eventually decided to go for the sigh. “Well, I can’t blame you, my mind is just as busy right now, believe me, Littlefoot…”

“R-right…” Littlefoot had to admit that his mind had been everywhere but in the present these past few minutes either. As a result, he now found himself in a light forest that he didn’t recognise at all – nor could he spot anything that looked familiar to him.

“Do you know where we are? I don’t think I’ve been here before…” Ali admitted, looking in all directions, feeling a little uneasy despite the fact, that the valley wasn’t big enough to get badly lost. Still, it was big enough to get lost for a few hours.

“Me neither,” Littlefoot confirmed. “Actually, I don’t see anything I’ve seen before right now…”

“Wait, you haven’t seen me before?” Ali couldn’t help but make fun of the statement her friend had just made.

“You know what I mean!” Littlefoot shot back quickly, much to the amusement of Ali. “I just had to walk into a forest, didn’t I? You can’t even see the walls from here…”

“Well, seems like we’ll have to go on another adventure again,” Ali deduced which was something she wasn’t too unhappy with.

“Gee, wonder if we’ll end up getting ourselves into trouble again just like yesterday…” Littlefoot mused, reminded of the incident at the cave that wasn’t as empty as it first appeared to be.

“No caves today…” Ali warned – the shock of the stranger chasing them still affecting her now that she was reminded of it again.

Littlefoot snickered. “Don’t worry, Ali. We’ll just try to figure out where we are for now.”

“Where should we go then?” Ali wondered, relieved that their little involuntary scouting tour probably wouldn’t end up with them risking their necks again. “Maybe we should just turn back? If we’re lucky, we won’t take a wrong turn and find back in no time!”

“Or we just keep going and see where it takes us,” Littlefoot mused, looking at Ali expectantly, his somewhat gloomy state momentarily forgotten to be replaced by a surge of curiosity as well as the urge to discover new things.

“Well, why not?” Ali shrugged slightly. “Then let’s keep going. I’m sure we’ll find back home before the afternoon either way, won’t we?”

“You bet!” Littlefoot laughed.


As they had ventured further into the forest, the screaming had suddenly stopped.

“Oh no, are they…” the little Longneck didn’t want to assume the worst but the possibility was hanging in the air heavily. She had simply seen too many dinosaurs slip away from her in her short life already…

“Pat, we’ve got to hurry!” Lizzie urged the elderly male on, worried.

“Quiet…” Pat whispered, slowing down vigilantly. “He either got the kids or they lost him. It sounded like a group so it’s unlikely that he got them all at once…” Constantly checking his surroundings for any signs of the predator, he spoke. “I’d say they got away or found a place to hide – Sharpteeth are easy to trick if you know how, especially if you have something that they don’t have… Children may be too weak to fight and too slow to escape but they can make use of their surroundings and make use of their small size to outsmart them.”

That was when he spotted the Sharptooth. The predator was moving away from their current position, fortunately, and he seemed to be looking for something. Pat quietly took a few steps to the side to use the vegetation as camouflage. The Sharptooth continued to walk and look around in a frenzy but didn’t notice them nor the children for that matter. Soon, he appeared to have decided to give up on the chase, roaring in frustration before disappearing in a thicker part of the jungle.

“Well, he didn’t get them, that much is certain…” Pat mentioned cautiously.

“Where are they though? We have to find them!” Lizzie quietly exclaimed in agitation.

Pat looked around a bit while slowly closing in on the area where the Sharptooth walked through just moments ago.

“Hmm, how about that little cavern there, underneath the big boulder?” He pointed towards a huge boulder in the middle of the forest that had a small but clearly visible opening, just big enough for a bunch of kids to slip through… though certainly not big enough for a thick-headed Sharptooth to fit through.

“Mmhhm…” she nodded, her mind slowly calming again. Most likely, the kids would be fine so she could relax again. They approached carefully…


It had been hardly a few minutes before Ali decided to speak up yet again.

“You know, Littlefoot?” Ali only received a grunt from her friend. “I'd really like to know now what exactly happened to Cho when she was young… See, I’m curious how she lost her mother…”

Littlefoot sighed. So far, they hadn’t stumbled upon anything remotely interesting aside from more trees, bushes, ferns as well as the occasional Longneck crossing their paths. As he had to admit, it wasn’t exactly helping to trigger his adventurous side, causing him to fall back into the somewhat gloomy state the talk with Cho left him in.

“I can’t stop thinking about her either, Ali…” Littlefoot confirmed the unspoken with a sigh, slowing his pace a little as the dialogue unfolded.

“Wait, how do you mean that?” Suddenly, Ali was on alert. “Does Littlefoot like her that much?!”

“Huh, how should I mean it?” Littlefoot wondered in confusion. “I just keep thinking about her and what happened earlier… I’m just as curious, you know?”

“Oh, alright then,” Ali replied, visibly relieved. “Phew, she’s no competition, that’s good…”

“What were you thinking?” Littlefoot raised an eyebrow, giving his friend a questioning look.

Ali looked slightly embarrassed when she responded. “See uhm, I almost thought you said that because you like her…”

“Are you implying…” It dawned on Littlefoot what Ali was hinting at but he decided to speak it out loud. “Are you implying that you think that I have a crush on Cho?! That’s ridiculous, Ali!”

“Why, no. I was just making sure because I thought it would be silly…” Ali quickly amended though she did not realise that she was talking nonsense herself.

“If I had a crush on Cho, we’d be an old couple in comparison, Ali!”

“What?!” Ali spat out, breaking out into a fit of laughter, soon to be joined by Littlefoot.


After some time, Ricky noticed the first group of females who had begun to talk about the other gender. As far as he could tell after listening to their, in his opinion, childish and crazy talk, these particular Longnecks were singles, considering that they were debating about how their lovers should look and act like.

“Geesh, I hope I’m still sane once this day is over…”


Once the laughter had subsided, Ali spoke up again.

“Well, it was a silly thought…” So silly in fact that it made Ali chuckle once again.

“Yeah, what made you think this anyway?” the boy questioned with a curious glance.

Ali turned serious again. “Well, you gave her a nuzzle – something you didn’t like giving me last night, and you said you like her…” she reasoned, not failing to let Littlefoot know that she was still a little disappointed because of that.

“I just returned the favor there…” Littlefoot shrugged. “As for nuzzling, well, I’ve already told you that it felt awkward to do it…”

“Yet it’s totally fine to nuzzle Cho?” Ali didn’t quite understand.

“She’s still a young child, Ali,” Littlefoot tried to explain. “You, on the other hand, are my age… “

“And that’s why you feel awkward about it? Littlefoot, it’s totally awesome!” Ali exclaimed. “Don’t you like it when your Grandparents nuzzle you?”

“Hey, I never said I didn’t like it in general…” the boy underlined. “And, besides, why is this so important all of a sudden? I don’t get it…”

Ali had to admit that things were a bit more complicated than she’d hoped for. “Hmm, now I’m not so sure if Littlefoot likes me like I like him at all…” The girl also didn’t feel like opening up and telling her friend what she felt about him straightforward out of fear it would have the opposite effect than the one she was hoping for. Until she was certain that Littlefoot loved her, she wouldn’t admit to loving him either. That was not to say she wouldn’t try to get it out of him though.

“Well, because I would have enjoyed nuzzling you… “ Ali replied defiantly. It wasn’t an outright lie – after all, she had really wanted to nuzzle Littlefoot, but, still, it was not quite what she wanted to say. “Forget about it.”

“Yeah, let’s return to what we were talking about before this…” Littlefoot suggested, realising that he’d slightly upset his friend the other day though he still didn’t get why.

Ali immediately jumped on Littlefoot’s words. “Cho… yeah. She seems to be more open towards me than she usually is so maybe she will tell me one day?”

“How is she usually like when you consider ëthis’ being open?” Littlefoot joked though making clear through his gestures that he wasn’t mocking.

The girl decided to return to him with some irony. “Well, let’s just say that I probably know more about Cho’s past than her mother and Bron combined… and I only just met her too!”

“What exactly did she tell you that she didn’t tell them anyway?” the boy wondered curiously. For a while already, he had noticed that the girl only had her eyes on him as they proceeded to walk, not looking where she was going. This would prove to be fatal very soon…


“Well, I’ve waited for long enough now, the Sharptooth’s gone so let’s keep going or we’ll never catch up with those flatheads!” Cera eventually demanded, tired of sitting around.

“Okay, I hope you are right…” Ducky spoke a little anxiously though Spike gave her a reassuring grunt.

“Me sure hope Cera right too…” Petrie said, worried too.

As the group walked out of their little hideout, a huge shadow suddenly descended upon them…


That made you curious? Well, I certainly hope so  ^^spike

The changes have now reached the sub-plot of the Gang too. Who is this mysterious child (don't worry, it's not Cho 2.0 even if it sounds like just that right now :p) and what role is she going to play? (of course, I know all of that already ^^spike) Also, what about Littlefoot and Ali?

You might not find out in the next chapter since that one will be 80% flashback but you will... soon (if writer's block doesn't become a thing again -.-)
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand, second chapter (with a short fanservice scene, who spots it? :p)


Chapter 51:

“Well, Cho talked about her mother yesterday when we were having a chat while you were with your dad,” Ali explained, all the while keeping loose eye-contact with her friend, not looking where she was going.

“Ah, okay,” Littlefoot replied. “Though she was also rather open about these things earlier, wasn’t she?” That was, when Littlefoot noticed something… and it was completely unrelated to what he had just been talking and thinking about. “There’s a spider hitching up its string and Ali is walking right towards it… should I tell her… or not?” Considering how things went the last time Ali met a spider, Littlefoot soon decided to be kind… and let her know. Indirectly, at least.

“Yeah, she was,” Ali confirmed. “Actually…”

“Uhm, Ali, I hate to interrupt you but…” Littlefoot chimed in, a slight smirk on his features.

“What?!” Ali demanded. “I was trying to…”

“If I were you, I would look where I am going right now…”

“Why, what do you…” That was when Ali decided to do as Littlefoot said… finding herself face-to-face with a spider about the size of her eyes.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Ali screamed, instantly bolting and hiding behind her friend.

“Told you…” Littlefoot snickered, highly amused about the scared face Ali was making.

“I hate spiders… they’re so ugly and creepy and… urghghgh let’s get away from here!”

“No problem, follow me,” the boy raised an eyebrow, continuing their gentle stroll with a smug grin. It took Ali a few moments to find her usual self again… until the spider was far behind them.

“What were you gonna say anyway?” Littlefoot eventually piped up again, mildly curious.

“Uhh, what were we talking about anyway?” Ali wondered - the incident had completely shaken her.

“Cho being open earlier… more open than usual,” he mentioned casually, Ali’s behavior making him smile without a break.

“Oh right, I remember now…” Ali cleared her throat. “Actually, Cho was being extremely open today. She was even acting a little silly…”

“Oh yes…” Littlefoot chuckled heartily. “She seemed pretty funny, didn’t expect that to be honest.”

“Well, me neither,” Ali admitted, taking her eyes from the boy for a short moment lest she’d run into another spider.

“Certainly a good sign if you ask me…” Littlefoot mused. “Maybe she’ll be less of an oddball now that she’s got friends at last?”

“Yes, I really hope so, Littlefoot,” Ali agreed, smiling at the thought. It would make her extremely happy if her friendship would help Cho to become a happy Longneck.

After some moments of silent walking through the same forest which was literally offering them a very monotonous sight, only vegetation without any significant features visible, another question was on Littlefoot lips just waiting to be asked.

“Say, Ali, how did you even meet? You and Cho, I mean…”

“Oh, that’s a pretty interesting story if you like to hear it,” Ali responded, offering a shy smile. “It was on the first day I found my conscience again after almost dying in the desert…”

“Of course I’d like to hear it, Ali!” Littlefoot answered immediately, expressing curiosity above anything else. “It’s not like there’s anything interesting to discover here so I’m more than willing to listen to that particular story right now as we keep on walking.”

“Alright, then listen, Littlefoot.” Ali cleared her throat while thinking back to the day she met Cho for the first time, making friends immediately…


As the afternoon sun was slowly beginning its descent from the sky, the young child was absentmindedly walking around in the little valley that was carved into the rock by a river forcing its way downwards as it carried the meltwater of the glaciers growing on the high mountains further inland. The little Longneck with the black skin wasn’t going any particular way, just mindlessly walking around in search of something to entertain herself with. As there were no friends she could play with and no other familiar sources of entertainment visible to her right now, she was looking for something to play with – or something to discover for that matter. Though any cavern was off-limits, there were still many other things that one could possibly discover during a long journey through lands unknown.

So far, the girl had been walking along the stream but the only interesting things to see were the rocks shining through the crystal-clear water. Though, as she kept on going, inspecting the occasional rock that caught her interest, the child eventually noticed another girl, being somewhat older than her, lying close to the water. Upon closer inspection, the little one noticed the obvious sunburn, immediately recognising who this girl was. “She’s the girl the herd rescued!” For some reason, she was extremely curious now. Despite the fact that the girl was completely strange – the little one with the black skin usually frowning upon contact with anybody she didn’t know, something told her that this injured soul in front of her would be different than all of the other kids who despised her for who she was. There was almost a strange familiarity that she couldn’t quite explain when she took a closer look, the feeling becoming even stronger as she saw an adult nearby that appeared to be the child’s mother. She couldn’t explain these feelings nor why she was getting them in the first place for that matter though it didn’t stop her from advancing towards the newcomer. After all, the last time when another dinosaur had caused this feeling in her, it had probably saved her life…


Ali stared at her reflection in the water. It had only been a few hours since she woke up from unconsciousness, tons of thoughts and mixed feelings haunting her ever since, ranging from happy and excited to worried and ashamed. On the one hand, she was extremely happy to figure out that her plan had worked out in the end. She was headed to the place where Littlefoot would, hopefully, wait for her – she just couldn’t wait to see him! On the other hand, she also knew that she had narrowly survived to tell the story and she could only imagine what kind of lecture she was about to hear once she was out of danger. However, her focus was soon shifted to something entirely else as she spotted the girl with the black skin approaching her with a mixture of curiosity, anxiety and uncertainty…


The girl was extremely nervous when the injured Longneck made notice of her, however her initial gaze seemed curious above anything else rather than hostile. Cho’s shyness made her stop once she had gotten into hearing range though. Despite all the sudden positive feelings, she couldn’t help but remain cautious. Too many times in her short life already she had been hurt by dinosaurs who she thought she could trust only to discover that they were only trying to be as mean as they could. Her siblings came to her mind. They were all still in the same herd, living with foster parents just like she did but they got separated at a very young age. None of them knew she was their sister – the last bit of her family that remained in relative reach didn’t even know that she was family. (Only Cho had developed the ability to keep memories of her very early childhood – an ability that she wished she never had). None of them were nearly as bad as Shorty of course but they didn’t try to hide that they didn’t like her so Cho had long since ceased to play with them as well as any other children in the herd. They were all the same spiteful, false children who despised just about anything about her. Would the girl in front of her be any different? She seemed older than most of the kids in her herd who bullied her – about Shorty’s age, actually.

'“I am so glad Shorty isn’t here right now…”' The green boy was the only other dinosaur that seemed to give her this strange feeling that she could trust him easily. Well, at least that had been the case back when they first met. Nowadays, he only gave her a reason to live in fear of being verbally and physically attacked at any second.


Ali eyed the younger and smaller dinosaur as she approached until she was at a distance of a Longneck length where she stopped abruptly, unsure whether to keep going or not.

'“Hmm, I wonder who she is?”' Ali’s nature was a curious one just like Cho’s. Ali could feel that the girl meant no danger so she gave her a friendly, inviting look. Maybe she’d even find a friend in her?


Despite the reassuring response of the injured girl, Cho’s legs still wouldn’t quite move. Too deep remained the fear of being disappointed yet again, too deep the general distrust towards anyone whom she met.[/I]


“That sounds much more like the Cho I’ve been warned of…” Littlefoot admitted as the pair continued to walk through the forest which seemed as unchanging as the rocks of the Great Valley.

“Yeah, it was an… awkward first meeting to say the least…” Ali explained, continuing to tell the story to her friend.


“Hey little one!” As the child still seemed to be startled of her presence, Ali decided to address her. “Don’t worry, I’m friendly. You can come closer if you like.”

For some more moments, the younger Longneck remained where she was, pondering what to do. Her cautious conscience was struggling with her heart yearning for finding the friend she never had. What was right to do? What could possibly go wrong?

'“She is helpless… so why would she hurt me? She is alone so why would she reject me? It feels just like back when Shorty saved me from my father so maybe she’ll save me too? From being… lonely…”'

With a smile, Ali registered that the little one’s fear seemed to waver. With slow, uneasy steps, Cho approached, her head lowered, her legs ready to jump if necessary… and yet her eyes scanned the older girl in front not because of fear but because of her excitement.

“H-hello…” Cho’s greeting came out as a croaked sound rather than a word. She never talked much unless she needed to thus her vocal chords were a bit rusty.

“Hi, I’m Ali and… I’m new here, I guess,” Ali replied, moving her drained body slightly so she was facing towards the girl with the black skin. “And who are you, little one?”

“I-I’m…” the younger child stuttered, nervousness getting the better of her despite the friendly welcome.

Ali could see that she was incredibly shy. As a matter of fact, she was a shy soul herself so she understood just what the young one was going through right now.

“There’s no need to be afraid,” she encouraged the startled child. “I’m completely strange here, I should be the one to be anxious. I’m really nice, you can trust me,” Ali spoke warmly, responding with an inviting gesture that seemed to have a calming effect on the younger child’s nerves. In reaction, Cho took a few deep, slow breaths, closed her eyes for a moment and relaxed her tense muscles in order to try again, receiving a nod.

“I-I my name is C-Cho, n-nice to meet you, Ali,” the younger Longneck stuttered awkwardly though she slowly got her shy nature under control, the feeling of familiarity getting stronger and stronger the longer she looked at the injured girl.. Seemingly, she had more on her lips but didn’t dare to speak up on her own so Ali took the initiative.

“Cho, that’s an interesting name,” Ali spoke happily, getting a little curious why the young one was showing such curiosity towards her. Was it because she just wanted to get a look at her injuries or did she have some more friendly intention in mind? The fact that she defeated her strong shyness to meet her could only be a result of the same sort of excitement that she and Littlefoot wore in them – the will to discover new things and learn more about this strange and dangerous yet also beautiful world. “You’re shy but you’re also curious… just like me,” Ali noted with a slight chuckle. “I’m sure you didn’t just come here to say hello, did you?”

“Y-you are the girl who was found in the desert…” Cho replied, answering Ali’s question indirectly. “I do not know why I came here – I… I had a feeling that I should…”

“I knew you didn’t come here just to get a good look at how terrible I look right now,” Ali spoke, not failing to let frustration shine through her happy demeanor.

“Are you not feeling pain, Ali?” Cho wondered as her gaze wandered across the body of the older Longneck that was a dangerously thin-looking body with lots of skin peeling away. She had to admit that it made a creepy impression with all the loose skin and the sunburned flesh underneath.

“I do… it hurts like crazy,” Ali admitted. When she saw Cho’s unspoken question waiting to be asked, she went ahead and answered it. “See, I’m just glad that I’m still alive to tell the tale. Moreover, my foolhardy actions had the desired effect, I think…”

“What do you mean?” Cho wondered. One of the biggest questions she had was how Ali ended up all alone in a desert in the first place. After all, she still had her mother to look after her. Did that mean…

“Do you feel it? Do you get the sleepstories too?” Ali inquired. When Cho nodded, she continued. “Well, I ran away from my herd. The leader ignored the sleepstories and decided that the herd wouldn’t go on this adventure but I couldn’t accept this! I knew that something was about to happen somewhere far away. Something great, something… exciting! I just mustn’t miss it!”

“I am feeling the same but…”

I know, Cho…” Ali sighed. “I almost got myself killed there, I thought the sleepstories would guide me and I’d be old enough to be alright on my own… how wrong I was…” Ali looked down sadly. “But… there was another reason why I took the risk…”

“What would that be?” Cho wondered. The longer they talked the less awkward it felt to be around Ali.

“I am hoping to see a distant friend of mine wherever our sleepstories guide us and… to be honest, it was a pain in the… see, my herd was…” Ali sighed. “I just couldn’t stand it there anymore. I was lonely because there weren’t many other children and I… didn’t really have any friends there…”

Suddenly, Cho didn’t feel strange at all anymore. Studying Ali’s emotions going on a wild coaster, she felt as if she was looking at a mirror. The older girl was just as lonely. Was that the reason why she looked so familiar at first sight? It wasn’t like she had recognised a face; a feeling hard to define and understand.

“I wonder… how is this herd like, Cho? Are there many children like you and me? How are the leaders like?” Ali questioned. Already when she had first seen her, she’d been wondering why she was alone. Children usually formed small groups to play together during breaks in her old herd.

“You are asking the wrong Longneck, Ali…” Cho replied, her mood shifting in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, her head was hanging low. “Ask the popular children if you want to find new friends. If you hang around me, they will reject you too…”

At that moment, it dawned on Ali why Cho wasn’t playing with the other children she had seen running around nearby. '“She’s just as lonely as me…”'

“They hate me… you know?” Cho spoke, depressed.

It took Ali some moments to think of a reasonable response to cheer the young one up. “So you came because you thought that I was feeling lonely… just like you?”

“M-maybe? I… I didn’t really think about that…” Cho replied awkwardly.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind if we talked a little more… like to stay for a while, Cho?” Ali gave her a shy smile.

At this point, Cho had lost any doubt that may have remained in her until now. Ali was so kind and she was very similar to her, how could she not be honest with her? Cho trusted her heart this time. Hopefully, it wouldn’t result in yet another disappointment.

“See, I’m too weak to move much yet and… I’m really bored,” Ali admitted reluctantly, gritting her teeth.

“If you really wish me to stay…” Cho responded, unsure what to make of the request since she was mainly used to rejection and hate. “I do not think that I am good company though…”

Ali didn’t react to her self-conscious words but, instead, gestured to Cho, who was still standing a few feet away from her, to come closer. “Make yourself comfortable, Cho.” Only after Cho had taken a seat next to her, she added with a warm smile. “Your company is better than not having any.”

“Right…” Cho sighed.

“I wonder… why do the other children dislike you, Cho?” Ali then picked up the previous talk again. “I mean, you’re kinda shy and self-conscious but I like you, Cho. I don’t understand… how can the other children dislike someone like you so much?”

“They don’t dislike me, they hate me, despise me… and you don’t know me, Ali. You don’t know how I am like most of the time…” It wasn’t exactly a cheerful topic to talk about but Ali needed to know why Cho was so lonely.

“Of course I don’t know you, I just met you, silly!” Ali chuckled to lighten up the mood though it hardly had the desired effect. “See Cho, why is it that they think of you that way? And what do they do to you? And what 'are' you like most of the time???” Ali knew that she’d probably asked too many questions at once but she just couldn’t help it. Here and now, she wanted to understand the young girl next to her and try to help her if possible. Loneliness was nothing to be desired.

“They don’t like me for a number of reasons… do you really want to hear them all, Ali? All that I know of?” Cho spoke quietly, a slight portion of anger mixing into her gloomy mood.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, Cho, but… I’d really like to get an idea of what you’re going through so I can understand you better,” Ali explained, pleading the child to keep talking.

Cho sighed audibly before she began speaking, her self-esteem lowering with every spoken word. “I am not like them, Ali…” Cho admitted reluctantly. “I am not just shy… sometimes I don’t even understand myself, you know? They call me names, call me odd, ugly and weak… and they are right. They push me around and hurt me whenever they want and they won’t stop until I snap or they get bored… Just because I am different, just because I am very moody, just because I have this skin colour and personality… nobody understands me… not even me…”

Ali listened to her very closely. The more she heard the sorrier she felt for Cho who actually seemed like a pretty nice dinosaur to have around. Ali didn’t quite know how to reply though.

“Why am I even telling you this? Most dinosaurs just leave me as soon as they can anyway…”

Ali allowed the words to sink for a short moment before she found the right words to continue.

“Cho… don’t even say such things…” she discouraged her. “I know what it means to be lonely… guess why I wanted to have you stay, silly!” Ali then realised that she’d gotten a bit too worked up about it, taking a few deep breaths to calm down again.

“So you do not want to leave me?“ Cho watched Ali closely, a small portion of distrust that she thought she’d defeated long ago returning to her.

“Cho, I can only repeat what I said… you are here talking to me because I invited you to stay; I would like you to stay a little longer because you are not the only one who is bored and lonely right now… This is the truth.”

Cho gave her a sad look. “I know… sorry.”

“It’s alright,” Ali exclaimed, sending a friendly smile her way. “I can see it in your eyes that you’re sad and lonely, do you even have any friends?”

Cho simply shook her head. There was nothing words could express better than her current face, her head almost hanging on the ground.

“I’m sorry to hear that…” Ali said in a sympathetic manner. Anger rising up, she continued. “I don’t get why everyone just rejects you… you may not be perfect but neither is anybody! We’re all who we are and that makes us special. YOU are special, Cho!”

“Isn’t that just the problem, Ali?” Cho reasoned. “I am despicable because I am so different, so special…”

“Can you try to describe what you are like then? I still can’t agree with what you say about yourself because the Cho I see right in front of me right now is not despicable at all. Much rather…” Ali was about to say more when Cho interrupted her, slightly upset.

“It always depends on my mood… sometimes when I am feeling good for my standards – like right now, I can talk to people and be like a normal dinosaur but, just as often – or, rather, most of the time when I feel bad, I can be very… well, not like right now…” Cho sighed. It was indeed a lucky coincidence that she was going through one of the rare phases of feeling rather good. Most of the time, she just hated her life, rejecting everybody who tried to get close to her. It was a behavior she couldn’t understand nor fight. Whenever she was caught in such a mood, it was best to stay away from her. Cho just hoped her sociability would remain on a rather high level for a little longer for Ali seemed like a dinosaur who wouldn’t turn away from her as easily as the other children in her herd. Maybe she wouldn’t reject her and try to be her friend? Cho was still feeling strangely comfortable around Ali… almost as if she wasn’t a stranger to her after all…

“What are you like when you are like… that?” Ali wondered curiously.

It took Cho a while to respond. “I… I would probably just want to be left alone… angry, sad… and yet I would feel lonely. I can’t help it…” Cho looked down sadly. Her life just sucked in every aspect.

“Isn’t there a way to fight this?” Ali inquired. “I mean… see, you could still try to not act like that… couldn’t you?”

“It doesn’t work…” Cho shook her head. “Like I said, sometimes I don’t understand what is going on with me. It is as if somebody else controls me… I hate it!”

“Maybe I can help you?” Ali wondered.

“It would be a waste of time, Ali…” Cho began to notice the shift in her mood. If it continued to worsen…

“Hey, don’t be so pessimistic,” the older girl suggested, smiling weakly at her. “There must be a way… there’s always one.”

“I… think I should go now,” the younger girl mentioned downheartedly, the shift in mood continuing. Already, she began to feel the urge to be alone again.

“You don’t have to go, it’s alright,” Ali confirmed with an inviting gaze. “I really appreciate your company, please stay…”

Cho gave the older girl a confused look. “Why, Ali? I don’t understand…” She flinched slightly as she said her next words. “Nobody likes to have me around…”

“Cho…” Ali looked at the younger dinosaur with a slightly sad look on her face. Right now, she felt incredibly sorry for the young one who really didn’t seem to have it easy in life. However, Ali already had an idea how to improve her situation as well as her own.

“It’s the truth!” Cho added defiantly, followed by her turning away from Ali, looking at her reflection in the water. “When I look at my reflection, I don’t even want to be around myself…” she muttered.

“Cho, stop saying these things!” Ali pleaded almost desperately. Listening to the girl talk so low of herself hurt her. “I would really like you to stay, get to know you better… See, I think we’re more alike than you think…”


Suddenly, Ali remembered something Cho recently told her.

“We actually have a lot in common, Ali – more than you can imagine right now…”

Now that she thought about it, maybe Cho’s riddle wouldn’t be too hard to figure out? However, first she had to finish telling Littlefoot about her first meeting with her friend.


“See, this is just what I was referring to… I cannot help acting like this…” Cho flinched, turning away from Ali, closing her eyes, feeling just terrible.

“I think all you need is someone to break that vicious circle of being lonely and sad,” Ali hypothesized. Of course there was little to prove it but, certainly, it couldn’t hurt to have such a dinosaur around, could it?

“Ali, are you serious?!” Cho inquired, catching the implications of Ali’s words right away. Would this older girl really want to befriend her despite all her flaws?

“Of course I am, wanna be friends, Cho?” With delight, Ali observed how emotions changed in Cho in an instant.

“And you… you really…”

Ali laughed. “Yes, Cho. I really do mean it. Don’t let others tell you what you are and how you have to be. You are probably a really funny girl once you aren’t lonely anymore. Just be yourself and try to work on you, I’ll help you, okay? Though I think I still have to work on myself too,” Ali chuckled. “Or else I’ll lose my head next time I go on an adventure without thinking first.”

For the first time on this day, Cho’s facial muscles twitched, forming a smile that started out weak and faint, soon growing wider and wider. “Thank you, Ali. We are friends now.”

“We are friends now,” Ali repeated, a bright grin appearing on her face too and, as if to seal the new bond between the two girls, Ali gave her younger friend a nuzzle. The two friends then locked eyes, grinning at each other sheepishly. It was only then when Cho noticed that Ali’s eye colour matched her mother’s perfectly. Was that the reason for the feeling of familiarity and trust that she’d felt ever since meeting Ali? Back then, Cho didn’t know but she would soon figure it out on her own…


“You were her first friend, Ali. I guess you’re probably about as important to her as if you were her sister,” Littlefoot spoke, acknowledging Ali’s decision back then.

“Well, the age difference is about the time that a Longneck needs to make the next clutch of eggs… I guess,” Ali replied though she didn’t know for sure if she remembered that particular lesson of Old One correctly. “She could be my little sister indeed… to be honest, it already feels a little like that.”

“I guess so…” Littlefoot shrugged. “Did you know about Cho’s… past back then?”

“No, I only heard of it later,” Ali responded. “Yuyun told me when Cho invited me to spend the day with her some days later.”

“What did you do after becoming friends that day by the way?” Littlefoot continued to ask in curiosity.

“Mostly, we spend the rest of the time talking about the herd and playing the cloud guessing game. I didn’t think you’d be as interested to hear about that too…” Ali explained hesitantly. “Should I…”

“Nah, you were right there.”

Ali poked out her tongue which Littlefoot returned just as readily. “Watch out for the spiders, Ali. They like to eat tongues the most, you know?”

Ali quickly checked her surroundings to be safe though there was nothing to worry about except more trees which wouldn’t allow them to locate themselves.

“Got’cha!” Littlefoot snickered.

“I’ll get you for that, you know?” Ali shouted in playful fury.

“Good idea, catch me if you can!” Littlefoot teased, dashing ahead.

“Oh, just wait you little…”

As the two Longnecks made their way through the unknown territory, laughing could be heard all along.


I actually had in mind to put this scene a few chapters earlier but I kinda uhh... forgot :p Seems like it fits in the way it is now. I was gonna have Littlefoot and Ali go adventuring again anyway, the transition to them getting lost was just too hilarious not to make use of it ^^spike

I hope you liked both chapters I uploaded, let me know what'cha think as always :)

I'm not really sure what to do with the next chapter yet as it'll be more of a filler, I guess, but I'll think of something good ;)
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I was beginning to wonder where the new chapter (or two) has been. It's great to see you finally resume this story and both chapters were nice to read. It seems the Gang's part is finally going to get larger and it's an interesting idea to bring a new character to their sublot. (I'm not sure if Lizzie is the best name I've heard but alright). I'm looking forward to seeing where her character will develop and how she is going to impact the main storyline.

Also, it was nice to see that the love triangle isn't going to happen. :lol The whole Littlefoot/Ali sequence was amusing even if it got pretty awkward later on. It seems Ali isn't going to get over the nuzzling part anytime soon. Also, the spider scene and the characters' antics in it were rather hilarious  :DD In the latter chapter, Cho and Ali's first meeting was quite sad but it fit well into her character and far from cheerful past. Her life was clearly glorious before she met Ali. There were some problems with the italics on that part, though.

These chapters were really well-written and a nice return to this story. :) They managed to establish a solid new sideplot to the story while deepening Ali and Cho's relationship. I hope your writer's bloc will stay away for a while: I'm really looking forward what is going to happen in this story.