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Sky's Artworks

Sky · 345 · 50186


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Quote from: Sky,Feb 12 2012 on  02:19 PM
I just saw that picture for the first time (yes, I've gotten that bad at visiting people's art and fanfic threads :oops), and my reaction was "WHOA! :blink: … Whoa! … Whoa…" :o THAT is one intimidating picture of Eybron. I almost thought he was Glide at first, probably because your other color picture of Eybron (which long ago became my archetypal mental image of the character) is overall paler and grayer, whereas here his tones look a little more brownish. However, character appearance aside, the scene this image immediately reminded me of was Sky's battle against Eybron, and that's what made me certain of which wingtail this was meant to be. The next thing I thought when I looked at Eybron was that he sort of reminded me of Nigel the cockatoo from Rio, especially in the eyes, and also the beak (which is the most hooked I've ever seen you draw on a wingtail). And while Eybron is unequivocally terrifying, Sky is no slouch in the threatening expression department, either. Both Sky and Eybron are in very dynamic poses here (Eybron's in particular makes it unmistakably clear that they are fighting), and to me, the slightly blurry background adds to the impression of action.

I think the third feather in Eybron's head crest should be longer than it is, and the "mane" on Sky's back looks a bit unusual in the way it's curved, and the alternating fuzziness and smoothness of it (though I think you deserve some slack, considering how hard it must have been to draw Sky's back from that angle). However, I actually think the feathers at the base of their tails look better than usual; more natural, somehow. In summary, this is an awesome picture. :smile

*checks earlier posts* Oh, fluppitts…I've been even worse than I thought; I haven't reviewed this thread since July 1st last year! :blink: :slap Oh, well…if I started writing my reviews here and now, I'd be up all night. If I can find the time (what with being late with so many other GOF threads and related projects :oops), I'll see about reviewing those other three recent pictures sometime in the near future. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Haha, I just love reading your detailed comments!  :lol: Thank you so much~!  :)
It kinda makes me feel bad to answer with a much shorter comment.  :oops

Anyways, I'm glad you like it so much. :) The more brownish color of Eybron is because of the setting and atmosphere they are currently at. Looks much natural that way. :yes And wow...! Now that you said it, he really reminds me of Nigel from Rio! :D Ahaha, that's awesome. :lol

Thanks for pointing out that little mistake with Eybrons third feather and I have to agree, I was pretty struggling with Sky's back there. Probably because I haven't drawn a wingtail from the back that often.  :p

Thanks again for the comment. :)
And, no worries~! You don't need to comment on my other pictures if it means even more work for you. I'm okay. :^.^:


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Reviving my old artwork topic yet again! :o
Posting some old art before I go to sleep~

Soon to be Parents

Done for Mother's Day~ :) So what is the greatest treasue a mother can have? Children of course (in my opinion :p).
Congratulations Star~!  :wub

~ ~ ~

Colorful Wingtails

If anyone of you follow my deviantArt, you probably know who all those other wingtails are. :)
If not, they're the characters I have drawn only in their anthro forms as of yet. Wanted to see how those guys would look like in their LBT versions (+ the kids of Sky and Star). :^.^:
So many colors~ *O*

~ ~ ~


Our favourite little flyer~ :^.^:
An attempt of a new coloring method I'm currently experimenting.

~ ~ ~

What I always wanted to tell you~

Always getting a warm and fuzzy feeling everytime when I see these two together~ :wub
But I think you guys already knew that! :DD
Still experimenting with the new coloring method~ .3.

That is all.  :)
The next will be a bigger one as super delayed birthday present for a good friend, that I hopefully finish tomorrow!
Until then, enjoy the art~!  :yes


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More artwork from Sky! Awesome! :smile

Soon to be Parents:

Aww, that’s a perfect mother’s day card! :DD That’s a very sweet scene. :wub Sky looks a little like he’s preening Star (or about to). Do wingtails preen each other? I’d assume they need to take care of their feathers, and mutual preening is something a lot of birds engage in as a social or bonding activity, especially between mates. Evidently it is important to their psychological health as well as their physical; some social birds, if deprived of preening partners, will apparently suffer much as a human would if cut off from social contact with other humans. Anyway, just putting preening out there as something wingtails might do.

Colorful Wingtails:

Holy buckets, that’s a lot of wingtails! :blink:

I love the excited-looking green one vaulting over that brown one’s head. :lol Her expression is great, as are those of all three of the other wingtails who are reacting to her (though personally I think it’s a little odd that their reactions include sweating). I like that unreadable (at least, I can’t read it :oops) expression Glide has as well, though it looks like part of the line that forms Glide’s mouth has been erased. And Sky and Star’s chicks are adorable, especially Cloud, and the one on Sky’s head. :lol


This picture reminds me a lot of your older LBT artwork, but in a much more sophisticated style. I like it. In some ways it’s a fairly simple picture (I particularly notice that most of the outlines are extremely marginal, if they’re there at all), but the shading and highlighting adds an amazing amount of depth to it.

What I always wanted to tell you:

That’s a really pretty one. :o The background is nice, but Sky and Star are just gorgeous! I love their expressions. There’s just something incredibly cute about them. And such shiny eyes! *mesmerized*

So do wingtails use flowers in place of engagement rings? :p

Like the Petrie picture, it looks like outlines are minimized in this piece, but somehow that only makes the details stand out even more. I particularly like the feathers on Sky’s wings, the “fur” on both wingtails’ backs, and the fluff on their chests. The lighting on Star also looks really nice. I can’t help wondering, though, if Sky and Star (Sky especially) should really be that brightly lit from this angle since the moon is behind them. Maybe it would be possible for the water to reflect some of the moonlight back at them, (especially if the water was shallow with light colored gravel or sediment on the bottom), but then their feet and tails might be more brightly lit as well. (Seeing as there’s a full moon right now, I actually brought a water-filled pan and bowl outside and held a little dinosaur figure over them to see whether the reflections from the water illuminated it any differently. :lol) Of course, you probably know a lot more about lighting than I do, so I could be wrong.

Personally I love this new art style. I wouldn’t want to see you completely abandon your usual style, but I definitely would like to see more pictures like the last two above.

By the way, Sky, I recently updated my own art thread with a picture I made a few years ago, and if you happened to have the time and inclination, I would be honored to receive a brief comment from you on it. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I don’t believe I’ve commented on your art before.  :o  I’ll fix that!

For Colorful Wingtails I also like the green wingtail’s pose and expression the best, but I like pretty much all of the characters in the entire upper left corner of the picture, as well as the way the blue one is touching her fingers together.

Your picture of Petrie is cute as well.  To me though, it looks like his left wing is a bit too long in relation to the rest of his body, but his wings make such a good composition against the background. The shading style is very soft looking, but in a nice, sculptural way.   :^.^:

I would like to know more about your wingtail species and characters, do you have a story or character sheet for them (if you don't mind me asking)?  