The Gang of Five
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Topics - Sovereign

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LBT Fanart / Sovereign's Fanart
« on: October 05, 2020, 09:22:46 AM »
Okay, this is a day I thought would never happen for years but here we are. :bestsharptooth I've made a couple of drawings that I've released on Discord already but I know that not everyone uses it so I might as well post the ones I've done thus far here too. I'll put the newer ones first to give you a better first impression. :lol

I'll also share this one failed drawing which I didn't quite finish as I rage quit because of Petrie's beak but I thought showing my mistakes hurts. It's the attached one. However, I won't be taking criticism of it. :petrienotamused

In any casy, I hope you like especially the first two pics and i hope to put more stuff in this thread in the near future. :)littlefoot

LBT Fanfiction / A Friendship Born of Fear and Courage
« on: April 22, 2020, 04:32:58 AM »
A Friendship Born of Fear and Courage

A warm breath of wind moved gently among the rugged mountains of the desolate region, growing ever weaker as the Bright Circle headed towards the horizon. The air was as sweet and gentle as possible and even the coming night seemed to be becoming a calm one. The ever-dimming light bathed the Hanging Rock within its grace but to a lone form sitting near its entrance, the evening was far from a soothing one.

The blue sharptooth crossed his hands around his legs as he looked towards the sky, a longing sigh escaping his mouth. Chomper had hoped to settle down in this place with his new companions but during the day he had spent here, there hadn’t been one moment when he had felt like he really welcome here. The boy frowned as he listened to the laughter and banter that could be heard from the cave, his hosts’ happiness only making him more miserable. They had tried to be nice to him, true, but they simply couldn’t hide the fact that he wasn’t one of them… nor would he ever be.

The young sharptooth closed his eyes as he tried to make sense of it all. His mind’s eye returned to his times with his parents and especially to his precious island. Maybe his parents didn’t understand him as well as he would have wanted but at least they loved him without any conditions. A single tear dropped from his right eye as he thought about his situation, praying that his parents hadn’t left him here with these… these strangers who clearly didn’t want him here.

“…and I’ll never forget that foolish threehorn’s face when she realized that she was treating with those far more clever than her! To think she thought it was a good idea to tell us her best spot to find green food in an exchange for us simply giving her stinkweed to drive away some sharpteeth! It was just one example on how easy some leafeaters are to outsmart!” Detras said with a chuckle, thinking about his latest encounter with a lost leafeater. Of course he knew they were far from stupid but Hanging Rock’s position in this hostile land gave him and his family some real leverage over any others trespassing here.

“Don’t forget it was my idea to offer her our help, dear. You thought threehorns were too dangerous to even talk to.” She said with a smile, causing Detras to clear his throat. It was true that his recent encounter with Dein had rattled him rather deeply but he had been ready to act when his mate had suggested to do so. Orchid smiled widely as he asked his parents the first question coming to his mind.

“Couldn’t we have made that threehorn protect us from sharpteeth in case anything like yesterday happens again?” He asked, that genuine question causing his older sister to turn to look at the male with a confused expression. Of course she knew that staying safe from the predators was the right thing to do but… she couldn’t help but feel bad for her family’s guest. He had seemed beyond sad from the very beginning of his stay with the fastrunners. She couldn’t blame her family for not willing to spend time with him but… deep down, she couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Orchid’s words caused Ruby to take a silent sigh when her father started to give his answer.

“We cannot afford to have a threehorn here as you know, Orchid! They eat too much and we’ve stayed safe because we’ve been able to work as a team and stay hidden from danger. A threehorn certainly would…” He started but before he could finish, Ruby interrupted him.

“Daddy… I’ll go check on Chomper. Maybe there’s something I can do for him.” She said as she rose to her feet, causing the older fastrunner to frown slightly. He had little compassion for the young sharptooth as he couldn’t forgive his father’s plan to force the boy into his family. Besides, getting food for another mouth wasn’t something he or Pearl were fond of in the least. However, he wasn’t going to tell Ruby to abandon that idea but his voice was far from enthusiastic as he spoke.

“Very well, Ruby. See you later.” He said as his mate nodded at the girl. Ruby gave the duo a weak smile after which she headed towards the mouth of the cave on top of the Hanging Rock.

The young sharptooth’s misery seemed to deepen by the second. He wanted nothing more than to simply head off and try to find his parents on his own but he still respected their decision too much to really do as he wanted. This would be as long a night as the previous one with him only wanting to get to the only dinosaurs he had known… besides his dear friends. It had been so very long since he had last seen them… why couldn’t he even be with them? Why in earth did he have to be here of all…

“Chomper? H… how are you doing? At least the evening is beautiful, beautiful it is.” She said, narrowing her eyes as she looked at the male’s longing eyes. Chomper sighed again as he turned away from Ruby, his voice beyond heavy.

“Who cares about it in a time like this? I’d accept the worst Cold Time if only I were with my parents right now.” He said, causing Ruby to approach him a little further. She hated to see him like this but inside she understood just why the carnivore felt the way he did. She couldn’t quite imagine a life away from her parents even if she knew she’d have to prepare to part from them even in the near future. They had told her that she might have to do some kind of favor for the whole family in case some new danger arose but she hoped such a thing wouldn’t come to pass anytime soon as she loved her family’s company and protection. Her voice was a soft one as she spoke to the young sharptooth.

“I understand, Chomper, understand I do. But your daddy and mommy left you here for a reason. They still love you but they want you to stay safe and if you stayed with them, you couldn’t be safe!” She said, trying to make the boy see reason. She was still a bit worried by her father’s reaction to his family’s new task as it was clear he wanted nothing to do with the young carnivore.

Chomper glanced at the fastrunner wearily, not really willing to argue with her. Of course he had heard what his parents had told him about their reasons to leave him here but that hadn’t made it much easier. He had usually been willing to give any dinosaur a chance to win his trust but something in the circumstances  of his parting with his family and especially Detras’ coldness towards him had made this day and the last darker than he had even expected himself. His voice mirrored that sentiment as he gave his answer.

“Yeah, right… because I was such a burden to them, apparently. I would have done anything to escape eating some snappy shells and rotten ground fuzzies all the day and looking at your parents’ disdaining looks.” He said with a cringe but those words made Ruby’s own face darken. Yes, she knew Chomper wasn’t that happy with his life right now but those words made her grow slightly annoyed with the other young dinosaur. She put her hands on her hips as she gave her answer, willing to teach the male something about ingratitude.

“Chomper, that wasn’t nicely said at all. Mommy and daddy have done their best to get you food and we have even given you better food than what we eat ourselves! And they do not dislike you but they are not happy in the least with how your parents acted against us! We would be more willing to have you inside that cave with us but you choose to stay here, blaming us about the fact that we cannot hunt as well as two-footers?” She said as she looked at the other dinosaur with a look of deep disapproval. Chomper rolled his eyes, hating to act like this but he was not in the mood to argue with the fastrunner in the least. His voice grew only darker as he answered even if he knew in his heart that Ruby was right.

“As if they wanted me there. I’d just ruin any fun you and your family could have. Just go and leave me here.” He said, not even looking at the girl as he spoke. Ruby’s annoyance only deepened and she snorted as she spoke next.

“Is that it, Chomper? We’d be willing to welcome you among us but still you decide to keep us from helping you? Is that it?” She asked, displeasure at the sharptooth’s words more than clear. She was a kind soul but she expected better from those who enjoyed her family’s hospitality and she was not going to listen to such behavior from her guest. Chomper rolled his eyes as he prepared to give his answer, not willing to continue this conversation any further.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it as you cannot help me. Just go, Ruby, and leave me be.” He said, snorting slightly as he spoke. Ruby looked at him in clear agitation, liking the arrogant carnivore less and less by the second. The omnivore exhaled deeply before turning around and saying her goodbyes to the other dinosaur.

“Very well. If you want to be alone and miserable, then stay alone and miserable, Chomper! But don’t forget I tried to help you!” She said as she walked back into the cave, seething in frustration and anger. The sharptooth looked after her for a few seconds, kicking a large rock next to him, causing him to let out a pained growl. His time at Hanging Rock was growing worse and worse by the second.

After a few hours, the Night Circle had risen to the sky over the dry mountains, bathing the bare hills in its pale light. The warm wind still continued to wander through the maze that surrounded the Hanging Rock, wailing slightly as it moved through the narrowest cracks in the walls. It was a silent night but that hardly bothered Pearl as she looked at the sight around her. She was beyond tired from the previous day but she and her mate simply couldn’t leave their family unprotected. It was a fatiguing task but one of them made a brief tour near the Hanging Rock in order to make sure that they would never be surprised in their sleep by a sharptooth.

The female’s eyes scoured the many passes between the mountains, sniffing at the air for any hints about an impeding danger. At first, she had been prepared to give the alarm when she had smelled a two-footer somewhere nearby but it had taken her only a few seconds to recognize that scent as Chomper’s. She had heard about his and Ruby’s conversation and she couldn’t help but dislike the arrogant brat.

She and Detras were doing their all to keep him safe and still he thinks he’s some kind of victim? She tried to think about her first meeting with the young sharptooth and the positive view he had received of him back then but right now, she’d mostly just want to kick him out of her home. But as she and her mate knew, she couldn’t do that or they’d have two more sharpteeth to worry about so she’d just have to try to tolerate his presence for as long as she had to, no matter what.

The omnivore yawned slightly as she stopped for a moment. The night seemed completely normal with not even a flicker of danger to be seen. She yawned slightly as he prepared to head back home, more than confident that there wouldn’t be any danger coming her family’s way this night. However, when she took the first step, a new scent hit her nostrils, one that stopped her immediately. Her eyes widened immediately and she raised her nose higher into the air and sniffed for a few times. The female didn’t waste any time before she sprinted towards Hanging Rock, knowing that time was of utmost importance if she wanted to ensure the safety of her mate and children.

“Wake up, everyone! There’s a small group of fastbiters out there and we have to get to safety, now!”

Chomper opened his eyes slowly as he heard that voice, awaking from a happy sleep story where he was still in his old island, spending one of the endless days with his dear friends. In that sleep story, they had decided to stay with him and that had changed his life for the better. How he hoped he would one day be able to live with them in peace but… but it was impossible. As he had said to Littlefoot, they both were what they were. But all of that disappeared from Chomper’s mind the moment he heard that warning.

The sharptooth rose into a sitting position, looking at the cave around him while trying to remember just where he was again. His hosts had told him to move into the cave itself to stay safe even if he hadn’t been exactly eager to do so. He turned to look at his companions, his eyes widening as he saw Pearl waking up all the others while telling them to follow her. The boy was slightly disappointed to realize she had just ran past him without really giving him any heed but that disappeared from his mind as the urgency in her words registered in his mind. He ran towards the omnivores and asked in a worried voice.

“Sharpteeth? Where? What will we do?” He asked, earning only a quick glance from Pearl. The other fastrunners were quickly rising up and the female found a moment to answer Chomper’s question.

“I’m not sure, Chomper, but follow us! We have a few routes to escape from danger! Let’s go before they’re here!” She yelled as she sprinted deeper into the cave with the rest of her family. The carnivore glanced at them in growing fear and he looked one more time behind himself, also recognizing the scent of a fastbiter… and it was quickly getting closer! Without further hesitation, the male headed after the omnivores, hoping to get to safety as soon as possible.

The sharptooth cringed as he realized that his hosts clearly didn’t wait for him, cursing as he heard their steps grow ever more distant in the darkness. He could see better in the dark than any of them, true, but it mattered little if he had no idea which one of the many tunnels they had gone to. He looked at the many tunnels in growing panic, not really knowing what to do. He had no doubts that his chasers would kill him as well if they got a chance and fear quickly overtook him. The boy suddenly yelled into the darkness, his heart beating wickedly.

“Where did all of you go? Please, DON’T LEAVE ME HERE!” He cried with tears falling from his eyes. His parents had always made sure he was safe but here he was, facing the prospect of getting slaughtered by a small group of fastbiters.

“Is that brat incapable of even following us? Screw that useless kid…” Detras hissed from between his teeth as he stopped after hearing his guest’s fearful cry. He had hoped that at least this escape had gone somewhat well but here he was, forced to turn back once was again to protect someone had had never wanted in his home. Even now, he knew he had no chance but to go save him as he knew full well what Dein and Terri’s reaction would be should Chomper be hurt during his stay here. Ruby looked at her father in growing alarm, speaking to him nervously.

“He isn’t that far away from us, far away from us he isn’t! We can still bring him to safety!” She said with a deep frown, causing her mother to turn towards her, speaking both kindly and firmly at the same time.

“I and your father will get him here, Ruby. Take Orchid and Arial to safety and we’ll follow you shortly.” She said, her tone leaving no room for objections. The younger female gulped at those words but this was far from the first time her parents had told her something like this. It was her role to keep her siblings safe for now and she’d do it more than happily. She nodded at her mother and spoke to her in a heavy but calm voice.

“Okay, mommy. Come back as soon as you can. Orchid, Arial, come with me!”

The young sharptooth slowly backtracked against one of the cavern’s walls, breathing heavily as he felt the scent of his chasers grow closer by the second. It wouldn’t take much longer until they’d reach him and at that point, it’d be all over for him. The boy put his snout against the cold stone and whimpered in a broken voice into the darkness.

“Mommy, daddy, why did you abandon me here? I… I… I don’t understand why it has to end like this…” He said, tears falling into the ground as he thought about the misery at all. It had only been a few days since his life appeared to open infinitely before him but now, his fate would be to die here for reasons incomprehensible to him. The poor carnivore was on the verge of falling to his knees when he heard a call that made eyes open wide,

“Pearl, take him now! I’ll try to delay the sharpteeth!” He cried but before Chomper could react to it in any way, he felt himself being pulled up from the ground. The boy heard the fastrunner’s words as he prepared to turn around and escape to safety.

“Don’t make this any more difficult, Chomper. I’ll take you away from here!” She said but before she could do as she said, the young sharptooth could see additional pairs of eyes appearing from the darkness, signaling that the omnivores hadn’t been quite as quick as they had hoped.

Detras cursed as the trio of fastbiters appeared in front of him, knowing just how dangerous the situation was becoming. He knew of course he could never hope to best even one of his foes in a fight but neither was he helpless just yet. The carnivores stopped in front of him for a moment, giving him a chance to try to solve the situation diplomatically.

“Get out of my home, monsters! Know that I am one of Dein and Terri’s closest allies and I am guarding their son right now! Attack us and they will certainly make sure you will not live to see the next Cold Time!” He said in a stern voice, hearing as Pearl ran away from the scene. He knew the female would have wanted to stay by his side but for now, making sure Chomper would get away unhurt was the most important thing. Even then, the situation didn’t seem to move in his direction when one of the predators gave his answer.

“Did I understand right? Does that scent belong to Chomper? We were wondering why another sharptooth was hiding here but that certainly explains it…” He said, something in the other male’s voice making Detras’ heart to skip a beat. Something in that tone made chills creep up his spine but he managed to hide it perfectly. There wasn’t the least hint of fear or hesitation in his answer.

“That is right and if I were you, I’d turn around now and forget you ever came here! Even without Dein and Terri, I promise you will regret your intrusion before the Bright Circle rises again!” He said, knowing well that his threats would hardly scare the attackers to any significant degree. And indeed, he earned only one despising laughter from one of the three sharpteeth, her voice not even trying to voice its poison.

“We’ll see about that. We all know just what kind of monsters your benefactors are and we will only be honored by everyone for killing you and bringing that cursed boy to our leader! Let’s go and send these fools into the next world!” She said and none of the three carnivores questioned that call in the least. The trio started to advance on the hapless omnivore who wasted no time turning around and following his mate, praying that his plans wouldn’t fail horribly.

The shock was slowly starting to wear off from Chomper’s mind as he looked at the cave’s walls pass by with a surprisingly great speed. Not even his parents could move nearly this fast and even more, the female fastrunner’s back was rather comfortable to ride on. He hadn’t expected her to come back for him but here he was, still alive despite the extremely threatening encounter only a minute prior. For the first time since his arrival, he felt some joy as he realized that he was going to survive. He couldn’t see just what kind of an expression Pearl had but that mattered little. In a burst of joy, he turned to look behind him, yelping happily.

“We’re making more distance between us and them! Just a bit more and…” He started but his swift twitch to another position was something that Pearl hadn’t anticipated at all. She managed to speak only a few words before the inevitable happened.

“Chomper, stay still! I can’t…” She started but Chomper’s movements threw her off-balance, causing her to swing slightly to her left. In a normal situation, she would have been able to correct her posture without any major issues but in this narrow tunnel, only a slight swing caused her to hit the wall in a violent force… sending both her and the young sharptooth flying into the rocky ground, cutting their escape short.

The sounds of the accident in front of him caused Detras’ heart sink horribly. He had trusted his mate to bring herself and Chomper to safety but it was more than clear that something had gone horribly wrong. The fastrunner’s voice was an urgent and fearful one as he called into the darkness.

“What was that, dear!? Pearl, answer to me!” He yelled, trying to keep his nerves in control as he listened to the sounds of the sharpteeth behind him. He had created some distance between himself and them, using his knowledge of this network of tunnels to his advantage. Even then, that gave him only a bit of time to think about what to do and the sight that appeared in front of him didn’t help in the least. Pearl was lying in the ground, holding her leg in apparent pain, with Chomper lying next to her, his sides filled with wounds from the fall. Pearl looked at her mate pleadingly, her voice a forced one as she spoke.

“Detras… dear, I cannot run with this leg. Please, do what you have to do!” She said, those words chilling Chomper’s heart for a few seconds as the boy had already expected her to mean that Detras should leave her to die. However, Detras knew better and he wasted no time, knowing that his mate’s life was on the line here. He ran a bit further away from her, hitting against the tunnel’s wall with all his might. He could already see his chasers’ eyes glimmering in the darkness. It would only be a few seconds until they’d reach him and it’d be all too late at that point…

Detras felt his heart beating wickedly in his chest as he looked at the predators approaching him with a scary speed. He only had one chance to make this work or her mate would die here and now… However, it wasn’t long before he felt the tunnel’s wall starting to tremble heavily, causing a smile to appear on his face. It grew only wider as rocks started to fall from the cavern’s roof, causing the tunnel to collapse entirely.

This was one of the wonders of the caverns below the Hanging Rock: their walls were beyond weak and there were many spots were they could be made to collapse utterly in situations like these. The fastrunner leaned against the fresh pile of rocks, hearing the curses of the sharpteeth on the other side. However, it would all be for nothing as this tunnel could hardly be ever opened again. That thought made Detras nearly collapse into the ground in relief but he also knew that losing one of the possible escape routes would be a huge problem in the future. After thinking about the situation for a moment, he spoke to his mate.

“Thank… thank the ancestors that worked! But… what about your leg? Don’t… don’t tell me it’s…” He said, the weight of the situation again falling on him. He walked closely towards the fallen female, knowing full well what would happen if Pearl’s leg was broken.

Chomper, on the other hand, would have just wanted to sink into the solid rock, cringing heavily at the mess he had made. It wouldn’t be long before Detras learned that his mate was hurt because of him and he knew his actions had only made everything far worse. The sharptooth’s spirits were slightly lifted when Pearl rose to her feet carefully, a slight smile rising to her face.

“No, it isn’t broken my love. But I still won’t be able to run in a few days.” She said, causing the male to narrow his eyes for a moment. Of course he was beyond happy that the worst hadn’t come to pass but… it would still be dangerous for his mate to stay still for a few days. However, he was going to stay by her side no matter what and make sure she’d make a full recovery. However, there was another thing that he had to know.

“Don’t worry about any of that, Pearl. I… I just want to know… what happened?” He asked, the implications clear. He glanced suspiciously at Chomper who clearly wanted nothing more than to just escape the fastrunner’s judging eyes. Pearl cringed as she put more weight on her leg, the pain making her yelp weakly. She took a few weak breaths to calm down before giving her answer,  knowing that her mate would be far from happy with it.

“E… everything was going well at first. I fell because Chomper had to twitch and turn too quickly which made me lose balance. I had expected even a sharptooth like him to understand that doing such a thing was an absolutely terrible thing to do.” She said in clear annoyance, causing Chomper’s head to start to droop towards the ground. The young carnivore knew that this was all his fault and there was no other way around it. The boy’s voice was beyond meek as he gave his answer.

“I’m… I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.” That was all he managed to say, turning his eyes as far away from the omnivores as he simply could. Detras cringed deeply as he heard those words and his voice dipped with bitterness as he spoke to his quest.

“Well, from now on, do nothing if you don’t know how to act! You nearly killed my mate and forced me to ruin one of our escape paths for good! And to make things even worse, we can’t go back to Hanging Rock in a few days because those cursed sharpteeth might be waiting for us! Are you happy now? Chomper, answer to me!” He said in a hateful voice, no longer able to hide any of his vitriol towards the sharptooth. Tears started to fall from the younger male’s eyes as he heard those words, no one ever speaking to him like that before. His words were barely intelligible as he spoke.

“I didn’t mean for any of it to happen! I only wanted to see if we were losing them, mr. Fastrunner! I couldn’t know you could be felled that easily! I’ve never spoken to any of your kind before I arrived here! I’m sorry that happened but I didn’t mean any of this!” He cried, his frustration at his life more apparent by the second. Detras would have wanted nothing more than to slap the arrogant brat on his cheek but he restrained himself as he remembered that he’d still have to avoid hurting Chomper even by accident. He merely
brought his fingers to his forehead and shook his head weakly while sighing.

“Just don’t do that again, Chomper. Let’s go, dear. I’ll help you move to some place safer. The sharpteeth will find this cave sooner or later.” He said, knowing full well it to be true. It would take a lot of time but no predator would give up a free meal if there was even a chance of still catching it. Pearl knew that the coming minutes would be painful but she had no choice but to ignore her pain and move forward.

“V… very well, dear. Just… try to be gentle.” She said when the male took her hand and slowly helped her take one step… and then another. Chomper looked at them, his eyes still filled with tears as he started to follow his reluctant benefactors.

“Where are mommy and daddy, Ruby? They’ve been there for a long time!” Arial said as she and her siblings looked at the cave’s mouth, each of their nerves starting to get stretched further and further. They knew full well that the situation was dangerous but at the same time, they still wanted to see their parents as invincible. Especially Orchid and Arial were young enough to truly think so but Ruby knew it was not true. Even if she prayed otherwise, she knew that there was a possibility that her parents might not make it. Her voice was a pained one as she gave her answer.

“Indeed they have, Arial. But I’m sure they’ll make it, make it they will.” She said even if the lack of optimism in her voice was deafening. At this point, she didn’t even care what had happened to Chomper as she still didn’t approve of his antics in the least. Orchid was just about to ask something but before he could open his mouth, the trio heard a relieved cry from the cave.

“Thank the Bright Circle you’re alright, children. Your mother had an accident but otherwise we’re okay.” Detras said just before he appeared from the darkness to excited cheers of his children. Ruby yelped in happiness as she ran towards her parents but as she saw Pearl, her enthusiasm died somewhat.

“Wh… what happened to you, mommy? Are you okay?” She asked as she saw the older female limping forward in clear pain. She stopped for a brief moment to catch her breath and speak to her daughter.

“I’m fine, Ruby, especially after I’ll be able to rest for a few days. My leg got hurt due to our guest.” She said while nodding at Chomper’s direction. The sharptooth tried to look as small as possible as Ruby’s usually friendly face turned into a disapproving frown. She was far from happy to see her mother like this, especially because of the one who clearly saw himself as the one who had been wronged. The fastrunner merely snorted as she turned at her father.

“Mommy can’t get back home like this, daddy.” I think we’ll have to go our other hideout, to our other hideout we have to go!” She said, knowing this area as well as her father did. Detras nodded at those words, looking at the dark skies in slight worry. He hated to have his mate in this condition on the open as even if their initial chasers were still far away, there was zero reasons to expect they were the only sharpteeth in this region. They had to get to safety without any further delays.

“You are completely right, Ruby. Let’s get on the move now before anything worse will happen. You too, Chomper.” He said, trying his best to hide his loathing towards him. Chomper had no illusions about his situation but he did as he was told. There was nothing else he could do anyway.

The seconds were turning into hours as Chomper merely stared at the night sky. The fastrunners’ “hideout” was nothing but a small rocky area in the middle of two hills not far from the Hanging Rock. He knew it would be more than fitting for the fastrunners as a temporary refuge as there were many flowers growing near its entrances, much like in the bush he had used hidden his friends in back in his old island. That fact didn’t make him feel any better, though.

The boy glanced at the sleeping forms of Ruby, Orchid and Arial not far away from him, his face turning into a frown as he thought about it all. He had very nearly robbed their mother from them as well as their home and even the other children seemed to be becoming more hostile to him. Of course he understood why but it only made him feel more and more hated in his new family. Moreover, regret and self-pity gnawed at his heart. It seemed like he was capable of doing absolutely nothing right and that everything he did would make his hosts’ lives more miserable and as a consequence, his own as well.

As more and more moments slipped by, the sharptooth started to notice that he simply would not be able to fall asleep. Far too many things bothered his mind and even if he was dead tired, it wasn’t enough to send him to the land of sleep stories. Suddenly, the boy heard something faint in the distance. It sounded like… like some sort of speech and even now, he recognized the voices belonging to Detras and Pearl.

Before he noticed it, the sharptooth had risen to a sitting position. Had the fastbiters returned? Were there any news about Pearl’s condition? Chomper simply had to know and carefully, he started to walk towards the voices. He made sure to move as silently as he could as he had found himself underestimating the omnivores’ senses in the past. He knew they were weaker than his own but Ruby and his family had surprised him before.

Slowly, the voices grew louder and he could slowly start recognizing some words. The duo were in a small pass leading to the lower reaches of this hilly area, just far enough to keep the children from hearing what they were speaking of. Chomper put his back against the wall next to him, trying to prevent his scent from reaching the two fastrunners. The boy’s face turned into a frown as he started to listen to the duo’s conversation.

“It’s okay, dear, as I said! I’m sure I’ll be up and running in only a few days!” Pearl said in an almost annoyed voice. Chomper was happy to hear that but the sigh that followed from Detras dampened his spirits again.

“It’s not fine. We need both of us capable of running if there are some cursed fastbiters out there looking for us! I’ll be more than happy to get us food during that time but I cannot defend all of you if they return.” He said, causing his mate to stay silent for a few seconds. It was clear she was far from happy with the situation either but she tried to stay calm.

“I know, my love, and you have to leave should that ever happen. Just keep the children and Chomper safe. At least Dein and Terri will then make those bastards pay.” She said, knowing full well what the reality was. Chomper was happy to hear that he still enjoyed the omnivores’ protection. Yet, all of that changed very quickly when Detras spoke next.

“Keep Chomper safe? How can I keep that moron safe when he can’t even follow the simplest of solutions?” The hate within Detras’ voice was more than clear and it his Chomper even more severely than he had expected. At least thus far the others had tried to show some understanding towards him but now, Detras’ face was just a mask of disdain and outrage. Pearl’s answer hardly improved the poor sharptooth’s situation any.

“Of course that brat is one of the worst burdens anyone can have but remember his parents. We need their help also in the future.” She said with a clearly saddened voice. It was very clear that she had very little more patience towards the blue sharptooth which made Chomper fall into a sitting position. His misery only deepened when Detras answered his mate.

“Indeed, about that! I will make sure to tell Dein that if he doesn’t change his ways, that weakling won’t make it even to the Time of Great Growing. Chomper is the very epitome of uselessness and someone who will never achieve anything on his own! If it were up to me, I’d kick him out of our home in an instant after he did this to you.” The male said, meaning every last of those words. Pearl couldn’t really disagree with those words and she hardly sounded any more positive than her mate.

“So would I, Detras, so would I. But you know we cannot do that. We have to bear with him no matter how difficult it will be. But if he were just gone the next morning, I’d only be happy about it.”

Those words hurt Chomper terribly, the boy’s eyes staring into nothingness as the two fastrunners’ conversation continued. Th… they really wanted him gone? They thought he was an absolutely hopeless loser who would be able to survive on his own? Tears of hurt started to flow down his cheeks as he thought about it all. He had never considered himself anyone excessively skilled or gifted predator but neither had he ever expected to hear such words from anyone.

But even then… what they said was true. He had only made everything worse ever since arriving with the fastrunners so it only made sense they’d only disdain him. However, it was Pearl’s last words that continued to ring within his ears. “But if he were just gone the next morning, I’d only be happy about it.”

Well, so would he! It would be the best thing he could do to everyone if he just left the fastrunners alone and headed to search for his parents. That way he could also prove that he wasn’t utterly useless and that he at least would know how to track. With a determined expression, the young sharptooth headed for another exit from the small hideout, more than ready to leave the memory of this place behind for good.

“Where’s Chomper? Has any of you seen him?” Detras’ panicked voice rang through the tiny plain, causing Ruby’s eyes to flash open in an instant. She turned to look at her father, seeing the distressed and fearful expression on his face. The girl wasted no time giving the only answer she could.

“I don’t think so, think so I don’t! Is he missing?” The younger fastrunner asked, her siblings also waking up quickly. Detras seemed far from content with that answer and his voice neared despair as he answered to her daughter.

“We haven’t seen him anywhere this morning! It seems like’s just disappeared utterly! Because of the flowers we can’t even catch his scent anywhere!” He cried, causing Ruby’s mood to crash completely. She was far from happy with the sharptooth’s antics on the preceding night but she knew very well what his presence meant for her whole family. Her voice grew alarmed as she asked her father.

“When did you last saw him? Are there any hints where he might have gone? She asked, praying deeply that there would be some ray of light to all of this. However, Detras’ reaction hardly have her any extra hope.

“No, there isn’t. We haven’t seen him since we arrived here last evening. But we have to find him or we’ll all be lost! Dein and Terri will have our heads for this!” Detras yelled, already seeing Chomper being torn to pieces by other sharpteeth in his mind’s eye. He was growing increasingly panicked but it all and Ruby couldn’t blame him at all.

“It cannot be the fastbiters as we would have noticed them while they got here! He must have left on his own!” She said, causing the male to take a more thoughtful expression. Slowly, he started to calm down but it was clear that the situation had taken a horrible toll on him. His voice was a silent one as he commented on the girl’s observations.

“Hmm… you’re right. No sharptooth will ever be able to sneak on my family and get away with it! I don’t even want to know what made that brat run away like this but I’m sure he headed after his parents. That unthankful idiot always wanted to stay with them instead of giving us a chance. I don’t want to move one finger to save him but sadly, it isn’t an option.” He said while gritting his teeth. He had no wish at all to save Chomper but the price of doing otherwise was simply too great. Detras felt even worse due to the fact that his mate was unable to help him in any way which meant that everything was falling on him. How could he search for Chomper and defend his mate and children at the same time? He didn’t notice the thoughtful look on Ruby’s face until she opened her mouth.

“Do you have any idea where his parents might be?” She asked, causing Detras to take a deep sigh. It was clear the answer was not making him any happier.

“If they’re trying to take out Red Claw, they probably went south from here, to the lands near the Great Valley. But it’s a long way and we have no way of telling which way Chomper took to that direction. It might be days before I found him and even if I did, that brat would likely just try to send me away. I have no wish to carry him all the way back here with force only for him to escape again.” He said, cursing his options. He couldn’t force anyone to stay here against his or her will and he had no idea how to reason with the stubborn sharptooth.

That answer made Ruby frown slightly. Her father’s words weren’t wrong in the least as she knew very well that he and Chomper weren’t on good terms in the least. She hated the idea that was starting to form in her mind but the more she thought about it, the more sense it seemed to make. She gulped slightly as she spoke but didn’t hesitate to say it.

“Umm, daddy… maybe I should go look for him.” She said, causing Detras’ eyes to flash in clear shock. His voice rose immediately and he stuttered in clear shock.

“W… what? Absolutely no, Ruby! What brought such a thing into your mind!?” He asked in utter disbelief. Ruby, on the other hand, cleared her throat as she started to explain herself.

“Daddy, I know what you think but mommy, Arial and Orchid need you here to protect them and get them food. Besides, as you said, Chomper might not listen to you and your quest could fail because of that. I don’t know if he likes me either but I still have a better chance. I hope.” She added as an afterthought, causing Detras to rub the corner of his eye in clear fear and worry. His voice wavered as he gave his answer.

“Ruby, you have to understand those fastbiters are still out there and you simply are not ready to face them on your own. And besides, you are never going to find Ch…” He started to say but at that point, Ruby decided to interrupt him. Her voice carried no malice or disrespect but she knew she was right. This was something she had to do and her father had to see it as well.

“Then when will I be ready, daddy? You hardly trained me for all these seasons just to do nothing and this would be the time for me to prove that all those lessons weren’t for nothing. Please, give me this chance to prove that!” She said pleadingly, not wanting to push her father more than absolutely possible. The girl knew that she was asking a huge show of trust from the male but she had great trust he would understand that this would be the best way to move forward.

Detras, on the other hand, could only stare at his daughter in clear confusion. Of course Ruby was right but… she had never done something like this before! It seemed to be a mere moment since she had been as young as her siblings were now, someone who could hardly be left alone for even a moment. He could already see Ruby being torn to pieces and all he’d find would be some bloody remains of her plumage… he was already on the verge of declining her request once and for all but… he couldn’t.

After all, what were his options? He couldn’t possibly leave the rest of his family here alone and as Ruby said, she was the only one that could find Chomper besides her father. And the more he thought about it, Detras had to admit that he hadn’t been utterly helpless at her age either. With a pained look on his face, he knelt in front of Ruby and put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her eyes with a grave expression.

“Ruby, look at me. Do you have any idea what you are planning to do? Do you realize just what can happen out there? Do you know how I, your mother, brother and sister would feel if you didn’t return to us? I want to believe you are ready but I ask you directly, do you think you will succeed yourself?” He said while looking right at Ruby’s eyes, his eyes radiating nothing but worry and genuine curiosity.

Her father’s gesture caused Ruby’s heart to skip a beat. Of course she had gone through this herself but it felt far different when her beloved father asked her that question. In her heart, she could already see Detras’ face turning into a mask of sorrow and self-loathing should he learn of her death. She nearly burst into tears but suddenly, her expression became firmer and she took a deep breath before she gave her answer.

“Don’t you remember what you told me, daddy? You’ve always said that in times of danger, every one of us have to work for the common good. You’ve done so very much for all of us and it’s time for me to do so as well and right now, that is all I can do! I am ready for this, ready for this I am!” She said with a firm look, clearly meaning every words she said. She had made her decision, now all she could do was hope that her father accepted it.

The older fastrunner continued to look at her daughter for many more seconds. He hated having this talk with her right now but something within her confidence gave him hope that she knew what she was doing. Intense concern and pride filled him as he suddenly embraced Ruby wholeheartedly, his voice wavering deeply as he spoke to her.

“Just promise me to be careful, Ruby. Please, don’t do something careless and I’m sure you’ll be more than ready.” He said, his heart beating wickedly in his chest. Ruby was astonished by the gesture at first but it wasn’t long before she calmed down and returned her father’s gesture. Her voice was beyond soft as she gave her answer.

“I promise, daddy. But I have to get going as Chomper gets further away every second I spend here!” She said, earning a nod from the older omnivore. Detras released him slowly and spoke to her in deep approval.

“Indeed he does. Don’t waste more time and I’ll make sure all’s well when you and Chomper return!” He yelled, causing the girl to turn around. She turned to look at the southern entrance to the fastrunners’ temporary shelter and sprinted towards it as fast as she could.

Chomper’s already low spirits continued to grow ever worse as he continued his lonely march forward. The Bright Circle was high in the sky and the pleasant warmth of the last night had turned into oppressive heat. He was feeling horrible and even worse, he had very little idea where he even was going. He knew his parents had gone to fight Red Claw but they had never truly told him where his territory was. And he had no way to catch his parents’ scent this long after their departure.

Even then, the young sharptooth wasn’t willing to give up. He had been taught to track in his old island even if it had never been his forte. But sooner or later, he would find his parents’ scent again and after that, it’d be only a matter of time until he’d be able to reunite with them. At the very least he didn’t have the hostile fastrunners on his heels at every last second of his waking time and that alone was something that made breathing at least a bit easier.

However, it was more difficult to get out of the mountains surrounding the Hanging Rock than he had expected. The terrain was a complete maze and he had really no idea which path to take. His parents had most likely taken some wide and direct path towards the south but finding one was turning out to be a real challenge. Chomper increased his pace as he moved to explore the next pass near to him, frowning as he noticed how narrow it was. His parents would have never been able to fit there but even then, what better options did he have? He could as well take a look and hope that he’d find something of value out there.

The only things Chomper heard were his own footsteps. the atmosphere was getting ghastly for him and the echoes in the surrounding walls made shivers creep down the boy’s spine. The situation was slowly turning into a somewhat threatening one and Chomper sprinted forward to get out of this place as soon as possible. He wanted nothing more than to get out of this wasteland and again see the faces of his parents. The sharptooth panted heavily as he approached the opening of the pass, hoping that he’d finally see something of interest out there. However, the only thing that greeted him was a loud cry from his right.

“There he is! Don’t let that brat escape!” A rough male voice cried and before Chomper could even react to that call, he felt his arms being grabbed firmly, robbing him of any of his chances of escaping. His eyes flashed open as he stared at his captors, noticing that it was the very same trio that had tried to get him on the previous day. Realizing that any further resistance was futile, he simply inhaled in fear and whispered in a fearful voice.

“W… what will you do to me?” That was all he could say, surprised they hadn’t just finished him immediately. He was of course glad about that but even then, a very worrying feeling stirred within his chest. One of his captors then knelt to his level and answered in the most venomous voice imaginable.

“Now, Chomper, understand a few things. You will stay silent no matter happens and maybe we won’t hurt you. Try to escape and I promise you that you will regret the day you hatched. Now, follow us and do as we say. Did I make myself clear?” He said, almost provoking a prompt answer from Chomper before he remembered the first point. He merely nodded awkwardly, earning a slight smile from the fastbiter. The young carnivore had no idea what kind of mess he had got himself to but he knew that the coming hours or days could well be his last ones.

Ruby snorted as she smelled at the ground, again noticing that she couldn’t find Chomper’s trail anywhere nearby. She cursed the fact that the flowers around her family’s hideout  made tracking anywhere near it almost impossible. Because of them, she had a far larger area to probe than in a normal situation but she simply couldn’t afford even thinking of giving up. If she did so, she would just have wasted precious time her father could have used to find the young sharptooth. An uncomfortable feeling was starting to form within Ruby’s stomach as she thought about her situation.

A deep sigh escaped Ruby’s mouth as she looked around herself. There were so many directions he could have gone to and she could only start guessing which one it was. However, she realized that it would be impossible to investigate this entire area and she brought her fingers to her chin as she started to think about where Chomper could have went. After all, the world had to look different from a sharptooth’s perspective.

The first thing that jumped to her mind were the boy’s much shorter legs that made moving much slower for him. The omnivore looked at the countless openings around her, realizing that while they were relatively close for her, it’d take Chomper much longer to reach. It was unlikely he’d want to walk any more than necessary in this heat and with a determined look, Ruby turned to look at the closest opening southward. She couldn’t smell the carnivore’s scent anywhere but maybe she would if she risked it and run a bit further away from home.

The female felt her heart starting to beat harder in her chest as she thought about her situation. She did her best to stay silent and listen to any signs from possible predators but even then, she knew she was in clear danger. It was very possible for a group of sharpteeth to surround her in this kind of a hurry and at that point, none of her kind’s tricks would help. Even then, she tried to keep her focus on the task at hand and after a few minutes of sprinting, the fastrunner stopped to smell at the ground.

At first, she thought she would be disappointed again but after a few seconds, her sniffer sensed something that made her eyes grow wide. Her guess had been correct! This was the direction the young predator had went! Her eyes grew wide with newfound hope as she realized that she had almost done it! All she had to do anymore was to follow this trail and convince Chomper to come with her! With a careful smile, the omnivore ran forward faster than ever, knowing that the faster she found Chomper, the faster she’d be back home relieving her father’s obvious worries.

Now that she had his scent, the maze turned into a near-linear path for the omnivore. She knew just where the boy had went and of course, the closer she got to him, the stronger the trail became. However, before long it was joined by three other scents and it didn’t take long for her to recognize them. They belonged to the same fastbiters that had attacked her and her family last night! The girl shook her head in clear distress, knowing just what this meant.

“Oh, Chomper, why did you have to do this? I will do my best to help you but I don’t know what’ll happen if my best isn’t good enough.”

His steps were beyond forced and nervous as Chomper walked between his three captors. They had walked in complete silence for nearly an hour at this point and he had absolutely no idea where they were going. They were taking him towards the east and he had no idea what was out there. At least the ground had started to turn from rocky to a softer type which made walking a bit easer but that was only a slight relief. The continuing uncertainty and silence was seriously getting on his nerves, especially as his mental state was far from the best either.

The young sharptooth looked at his companions, frowning as he saw the expectant looks on their faces. They clearly thought that this trip would help them in some profound way. All explanations to that optimism made the boy cringe and deep down, he was starting to believe this could be his very last day. After all, who would save him from this mess? His parents were likely nowhere nearby and the fastrunners had hardly bothered to even look for him. They had always hated him after all so he had only himself to trust on right now. Little did he knew that he was being watched right now.

Her breaths grew tenser as Ruby looked at the four sharpteeth not far in front of herself. She was using the vegetation to her advantage and the wind was blowing in the perfect direction for her. She knew her color was far from the optimal one for camouflage purposes but that was something she couldn’t help now. All she could do was try to get Chomper and head away from here before the hostile carnivores could hurt her or Chomper.

But it was easier said than done. She had to start this effort alone and it was far from sure whether Chomper would be able to help at all. One wrong move and she’d serve as the trio’s feast tonight. The plus was that if everything went well, this entire task would take only a few seconds but as usual, Chomper could ruin it by hesitating or by being unable to do as he was told. But that was something that she had to live with and besides, there was no reason to waste any more time on thinking about everything that could go wrong. Every step she took would be another step she’d have to take on the return journey.

Practically speaking, alarming the sharpteeth and forcing their attention away from Chomper was the safest route to take. That would buy her a few seconds to get Chomper and then try to disappear into the distance before the sharpteeth even realized what was going on. The problem was that she had no idea how to do it and how to get Chomper way from here quickly enough. The fastrunner looked at the scene around her, noticing that there were very few trees around here which took one opportunity away from her.
With a deep sigh, Ruby had to admit that there was only one way to deal a blow to her opponents’ courage and that was to make a move against them herself. Maybe, just maybe, if she could ambush one of them, Chomper could try to take another one of them out, giving them a real chance to make it out of here. After all, Chomper was still a sharptooth and he could be helpful in attacking the fastbiters to win his own freedom.

The female knew it was an extremely risky plan but there were no possible tools to help her cause mayhem among the trio and sometimes even her kind had to dirty their claws. Knowing that it was all or nothing at this point, Ruby took a deep breath as she moved ever closer to the predators. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, picturing the coming minute in her mind before she finally rose to her full height and charged at the three fastrunners. It was but a few seconds before she jumped at the closest sharptooth, tackling her into the ground in a violent force.

The thud caused by that attack made Chomper’s heart skip a beat and he wasted no time turning towards that scene, his eyes growing wide as he saw the sight in front of him. He had never expected Ruby of all dinosaurs to come after him and he couldn’t help but feel a small burst of warmth filling his heart. However, before he could speak, Ruby snapped at him in a sharp voice.

“Chomper, take another one of them out! I’ll help you but please, act quickly!” She yelled, hitting her own opponent in the head as strongly as she simply could. The female
fastbiter let out a pained groan, signaling to Ruby that she wouldn’t be able to chase her and Chomper at least in a while.

Ruby’s order caused Chomper’s mouth to turn into a slight smile. While he didn’t love fighting or bloodshed, his blood still cried for him to defend himself against those who had tried to harm him. With a prompt jump, he leaped towards a nearby male but to the younger carnivore’s unfortunate, his opponent had had time to prepare for his attack. He dodged Chomper’s attack and instead hit at his side, sending him into the ground. He moved closer to Chomper, preparing to finish the job.

“I think we made it clear that we wouldn’t tolerate any such follies, Chomper. While our boss would prefer to have you alive, he’ll accept you as dead as well.” He said, preparing to strike at the poor predator. Chomper, on the other hand, was far more spirited than he could remember in a long time. Something within his abduction and Ruby’s arrival made him more than willing to give his all to beating these cowards.

The boy rose back to his feet and moved to his left, immediately biting at other carnivore’s hand, feeling blood trickling down his snout. The fastbiter cried in pain at that development but he wouldn’t have lived for this long if he had allowed such a thing to render him incapable of continuing the fight. He cringed and kicked right at Chomper’s belly, causing him to again fall into the ground. However, doing so also caused Chomper’s teeth tear his entire arm open all the way into the bone which made the older predator to scream again agony, making him unable to finish the job before the two-footer managed to regain his footing.

He wasted no time running back towards his foe and striking him in his abdomen, causing new wounds to appear. The fastbiter was still reeling from the sickening wound in his arm and before he could do anything else, he felt another massive blow in his back. Ruby charged against him with all his might, sending the sharptooth into the ground with a violent force. The girl panted a few times before crying to her companion.

“Let’s go, Chomper! Two of them are knocked out, now’s our chance!” She cried, not making the mistake of running away immediately after speaking those words. Chomper’s eyes widened as he looked at the fastrunner, more than willing to ask her the few obvious questions but he realized there was no time for that. He did as told while saying the only thing he could in this situation.

“Thanks for coming to save me, Ruby! Let’s get away from here!” He cried, running with all his might towards the grassy plain not far from him. He looked at the surviving fastbiter nervously, knowing full well that he could turn out to be a danger in the minutes to come. Even if he was alone, a sharptooth still couldn’t give up without a fight. Besides, he was a much faster runner than Chomper was which would make it difficult for the latter to make distance between himself and his chaser.

Ruby knew this as well but even then, her spirits were much better than only a few minutes earlier. She and Chomper had at least momentarily taken out two of the fastbiters and she had no doubts the third one could be handled as well. It wasn’t long before she and Chomper disappeared into the tall grass, immediately followed by the hostile carnivore. A slight smile rose to Ruby’s smile as she saw a large stone in front of herself, realizing just what she’d have to do. She turned at Chomper and spoke to him deviously.

“What do you say, Chomper? Would you be able to help me handle this sharptooth as well?” She knew perfectly well that to be a rhetorical question. Chomper had no options but to help her in any case right now and she wasted no time throwing the stone at the fastbiters with all her might. It landed right between his eyes, the impact stunning him for a brief moment. The duo used it to jump towards him simultaneously, determined to make this brief opening count. The older sharptooth was astonished by this turn of events but he wasn’t helpless by all means. Determining that the omnivore was a larger threat due to her age and size, he kicked at Ruby as she approached him, the female only barely able to dodge its full impact.

However, she still wasn’t completely successful in evading the hit. Ruby cringed deeply as she felt the beast’s claws hit her left thigh, that moment seemingly lasting for hours as she felt the wound growing larger bit by bit. With a pained look, she noticed that her own blood was dripping into the ground with a steady stream, causing the young omnivore to grow numb for a few moments.

That sight made Chomper’s eyes grow wide, something within it making him feel beyond furious. Ruby had come all this way to risk her life to help him and this was her prize? Suddenly, Chomper was no longer feeling helpless or lost. Ruby had done this all to help him and that knowledge made him more determined than in ages. He would pay back Ruby’s kindness and he wouldn’t allow her to be hurt any further.

The sharptooth jumped towards the fastrunner before he could recover his posture after the last hit. He bit him in the shoulder while scratching the carnivore’s leg with his claws. His heart beat with righteous fury as he dug ever deeper into the other carnivore’s flesh, a predator’s instincts filling him for the first time in ages. Right now, he was no longer the Chomper most had known but a predator going for the throat of his enemy. His size and youth were the only things preventing him from doing just that.

Ruby looked at that sight with wide eyes. She had fully expected Chomper to be a completely useless weakling like her parents had implicated but here he was, completely proving himself to be both a faithful friend and a trustworthy ally. While she couldn’t help but feel slightly unsettled by Chomper’s sudden brutality, she knew he was doing this because of her. He could have just used this skirmish as an opportunity to leave her fight off the sharptooth while he ran off but he had decided to stay here and fight for her. However, she still didn’t want Chomper to slaughter his opponent and she cried at him in a mixture of uncertainty and eagerness.

“Chomper, let him be! He’s far too badly hurt to keep up with us! Now, we have to go before the others recover and find us! Chomper, please!”

Those words hardly registered within the young sharptooth’s mind at first. He was far too keenly invested in avenging Ruby’s injury to care about anything else right now. However, she wasn’t completely successful in ignoring her and she continued to plead him to give up, his more rational mind slowly started to fight back against the bloodthirst. Most of the grief she had caused Ruby and her family was namely because of his inability to listen to reason and even if it was beyond difficult for him, Chomper suddenly disengaged from the melee and turned at Ruby.

“Lead the way! You know much more about hiding than I do, Ruby.” She said, his last word even holding some affinity towards the girl. It wasn’t lost on the omnivore and her spirits continued to improve as she started to create more and more distance between herself and the last fastbiter. Indeed she knew how to get away from her chasers as her sniffer caught the scent of something that made her spirits improve immediately. She looked at Chomper quickly before speaking to him in a spirited voice.

“There’s a water path not far from us! We have to use it to wash away our scent because if they don’t have our scent, they can no longer follow us!” She said, knowing full well that the situation was turning to her and her companion’s advantage. However, she couldn’t help but regret the wound in her leg as it prevented her from running as fast as normally. But to her surprise, it seemed as if Chomper still struggled to keep up with her which brought a new thought to her mind.

How different would the world seem if this was her maximum speed all the time? The omnivore was beyond thankful that the three fastbiters weren’t in their best condition either but she could already feel the terror of being unable to escape from a sharptooth only because her legs didn’t carry her fast enough. Of course Chomper’s kind had its own ways to deal with threats but Ruby couldn’t help but cringe at the thought of what her companion had to be going through while trying to do as her parents told him. The difference between their and Chomper’s speed was astounding and one that Ruby knew she’d keep in mind even after she managed to get back to the Hanging Rock. However, those thoughts were soon cut short as the water path appeared in front of her. She didn’t waste time saying her command to the sharptooth.

“Let’s swim right! Let’s not waste any more time!” She said but Chomper’s eyes widened as he heard those words. His voice trembled as he spoke.

“But… that’ll only take us closer to the fastbiters! Let’s go the other way, Ruby!” He said, convinced that the wound was preventing Ruby from thinking straight. However, the girl’s answer was as prompt as it was decisive.

“And that’s why they think we’d go left, Chomper! They’ll head the wrong way and once they realize their mistake, it’ll be far too late for them to ever find us again! Now, come with me!” She said, that explanation causing Chomper’s worries to dissipate to a large degree. Ruby’s plan suddenly made more sense and he wasted no time running into the water right after the omnivore. The water path was rather narrow but it was just wide enough to wash away the duo’s scent once and for all. Ruby knew that just as well and she spoke to her companion in a kind voice.

“Try to keep your head as low as you can so that they won’t see us even if they find the water path in time. We will survive from this, you’ll see.” She said as she continued to swim as fast as she simply could. The seconds passed on slowly and bit by bit, the two young dinosaurs managed to get ever further away from the spot they had entered the river in. Ruby took a deep breath as she determined that she and Chomper were now far enough from danger and she then spoke to the sharptooth.

“We’re far enough from the fastbiters now, Chomper. Let’s get away from here.” She said as she headed towards the shore, allowing herself a deep breath of relief as she looked at the sky. She had done it! She had found and saved the young sharptooth and she had survived that quest as well! She hadn’t betrayed her father’s trust and with any luck, she could get back home before the Night Circle rose into the sky. She turned to look at her companion and spoke to him in a soft voice.

“Chomper… thank you so much for what you did out there! If you hadn’t attacked that sharptooth, I… I wouldn’t be here, here I wouldn’t be!” She said, knowing it to be true. The sharptooth had nearly slaughtered her and it had only been the young carnivore’s quick actions that had saved her.

The boy, on the other hand, couldn’t hide his surprise at those words at first. It even took a long time for him to realize what she meant as it had been Ruby who had helped him so many times. The girl’s genuine humbleness and warmness caused Chomper’s face to turn into a wide smile and he crossed his arms behind his back as he silently gave his answer.

“D… don’t worry about that, Ruby. I just acted even if I hadn’t meant to. It was you who saved me from those fastbiters and… it was my fault any of this happened. I’m so sorry about everything. I hurt your mommy that badly and still you risk your life for me.” He said, almost hoping that he could simply disappear from the female’s eyes for good. The things he had done made him beyond sickened but Ruby’s next gesture caused him to grow more than puzzled. She knelt in front of him and grabbed his arms while looking at him with keen eyes.

“Chomper, listen to me. It is true that you did a terrible thing for mommy and it hurt daddy really much. I would be lying if I said I was happy to come after you and if I were completely honest, I hated the idea of having to do all of this because of you.” She said, those words causing Chomper’s heart to drop immediately. Had Ruby come here to simply make him feel worse again? However, something within the female’s voice told him to listen to her until she finished.

“However, I see some sides of you in this fight and escape that I hadn’t seen before. You looked only like a confused hatchling when we first met and if completely honest, I didn’t really like you. I didn’t like how daddy and mommy spoke about you but neither did I disagree with them, especially as you sent me away when I tried to help.” She said, crossing her arms as she stopped to hold  a brief pause. Chomper looked at her in clear shame, able to only form a few words in his defense.

“I’m sorry, Ruby. I should have listened to you.” He said, trying to avoid the fastrunner’s gaze. Ruby’s expression, however, softened slightly as she heard those words. She cocked her head slightly as she continued, hoping that this talk would have a satisfactory conclusion,

“Yes you should have. You shouldn’t have done anything you did yesterday but what’s done is done. But as I said, I saw a new part of you today, a new part of you I saw! You can be a good friend when you can and please, don’t keep me and my family away from you! Neither of us has a choice but to live together and at least I am willing to be your friend if you just let me.” She said, the duo’s eyes again meeting as Chomper considered those words. He could hardly believe those words as he had already thought that the fastrunner hated him. The boy stuttered as he tried to give his answer.

“Are… are you serious, Ruby? Even after forcing you through this entire chase?” He asked, hardly able to form words at this point. Ruby glanced at the sky for a brief moment, thinking about how unlike any other sharptooth she had seen Chomper was. There wasn’t a hint of arrogance or hostility within him and she started to like that more and more with every second. There wasn’t any sign of hesitation or insincerity as the omnivore gave her answer.

“Yes, that was very stupid of you but look at it this way: if you hadn’t ran away, you would never have had a chance to prove yourself to me or myself to you. It is a very stupid reasoning, I know, but even a stupid reasoning can be the right one in retrospect. After all, we learned so much about each other today. So was it worth it? Of course!” She said with a wide smile, knowing that deep inside the male agreed with her.

And indeed, he could only stare at the female with a blank expression, not really able to deny her words. Even then, he was astonished that his companions was able to act like this even after everything that had come to pass. It was becoming more and more clear that the omnivore was a very special dinosaur in many ways and the smile that appeared on his face sneakily mirrored the array of emotions that streamed into Chomper’s heart as he gave his answer.

“I… I think you’re right, Ruby. Things could have gone differently but here we are. And of course I accept your friendship… if you truly want it.” He said meekly, causing Ruby’s smile to only widen. She was just about to say something in response but she suddenly s topped as she sniffed at the air. She blinked once before whispering to her companion.

“The fastbiters are at the river, Chomper. Let’s get out of here before they get even a chance to find us.” She said to which the boy merely gulped and nodded. After all, they still had a long way ahead of themselves if they wanted to get to the Hanging Rock today.

The fastbiter’s face turned into an ever deeper frown as he looked around himself, cursing as he realized that Chomper and her helper’s scent just stopped hear once and for all. He shook his head as he heard his two companions approached him, knowing just what this failure meant. Every part of his body still ached from the beating the younger sharptooth
had given him and the first question from one of his companions hardly improved his mood any.

“I can’t believe you let them away, Keeneye! You should at least have stayed near them so they wouldn’t have been able to lose us!” The female said to which the other sharptooth growled threateningly, revealing his teeth towards the other fastbiter. His voice was beyond enraged as he gave his answer.

“You didn’t do any better, you fool! But stop whining and get to work! We have to find that brat or Stealth will show us just what happens to losers like us! Don’t waste any more time!” He yelled and the two others did as they were told. After all, they knew that even if their master wasn’t known to be as cruel as the other sharpteeth, the sailback still would make them regret their failure many times over. Sadly for them, the duo he was after was already long gone.

“She’s been gone for a long while, dear. You shouldn’t have let her go.” Pearl said in a tensed voice, still socked to hear that the male had allowed their daughter to go after Chomper alone. The day had been beyond tense as the wounded female was far from sure on how to respond to that development. Detras looked at her with a tortured look, leaning against the rocky wall in clear anxiety. His breaths were beyond forced as he looked at the late evening’s sky. Ruby had been gone the whole day and the more time passed, the more sickening his thoughts became. His voice trembled in fear as he answered.

“I know, Pearl. I don’t know what I was thinking but it seemed like the only way at that time. I’ll go look for her if she doesn’t return by morning.” He said with a worried voice. He had made many decisions he regretted in his life but this was certainly becoming one of the worst ones. What in earth could her poor daughter do to stop a trio of fastbiters? He had practically sent Ruby to her death! How in earth could he move on from her loss? How could he ever even start the process of forgiving himself?

Seeing her mate’s increasing mental anguish made Pearl’s own fury at Detras’ decision die down a bit. Even if she couldn’t even start understanding the male’s reasoning, she knew he had done it only for the benefit of his family. And in a way, the situation was her fault as well. If she hadn’t fallen back in the cave, Detras wouldn’t have had to make such decisions in the first place. She took Detras’ arm and tried to prevent the situation from turning from bad to worse.

“Dear, we don’t know how Ruby is doing now. It is possible she might not even find the fastbiters and that she returns to us alive even if she failed. She is more clever and resourceful than we give her credit for.” She said, believing every last one of her own words even if she still was far from certain whether it’d be enough. However, those words were far from enough to calm Detras down.

“And then what? Dein and Terri will be on our heels and that means Ruby’s end soon enough as well! I’ve doomed us all, Pearl.” He said in a morbid voice, willing to hurt himself for his utter idiocy. It was only his mate’s presence that kept him somewhat calm but even then, he knew he was right. If Chomper didn’t survive, there was little hope for the fastrunners either. Pearl sighed deeply before starting to speak.

“My love, calm down. Let’s try to live a moment at a time. We don’t know anything about how things will turn out.” She said, causing the other omnivore to sigh deeply and look at the ground. Detras’ expression communicated nothing but self-loathing and fear as he spoke, the entire last day feeling like a bad sleep story for him.

“That’s all we can do. But I can’t help but see her already lying half-dead somewhere out there, crying for us to help her…

“Um… hi, mommy and daddy. I’m sorry I took so long, sorry I am.”
Those words spoken by an unusually meek voice nearly made Detras’ heart stop. He could hardly move his finger but somehow his head turned towards the direction of her daughter. Here she was, alive and with all her limbs intact… and Chomper was with her! Detras could hardly even start to control his actions as he rushed towards her, closing her in his embrace. Tears of joy flowed down his cheeks as he spoke to the girl.

”It really is you, Ruby! I had already feared that I’d never see you again! You never cease to surprise me!” He said as the tension of the last discussion wore off. Ruby welcomed her father’s appreciation but her next words weren’t quite what Detras had expected.

“Daddy, I can’t breathe! I’m okay, really!” She said, slowly prompting the male to release her. Pearl slowly limped towards her daughter, trembling as she also embraced her softly. Her voice wavered with emotion as she spoke to the younger omnivore.

“Somehow I knew you’d return to us, Ruby. Thank you for proving our worries wrong.” She said as Ruby looked at her parents with wide eyes. Chomper looked at them awkwardly, deciding it’d be a good idea to be silent for a while longer. Ruby took a slight sigh as she gave her answer.

“It was a long day but Chomper is back with us again, again with us he is! And we lost the fastbiters far away from here. I don’t think they’ll be able to find the Hanging Rock again.” She said, knowing that the carnivores had always had a hard time solving the labyrinth of passes and tunnels that surrounded her home. It was now as safe as ever. Detras nodded at her with an approving nod before turning at the other returning dinosaur.

“You truly were more ready than I had dared to hope. I’m very proud of you, Ruby. As for you, Chomper, I…” He started but before he got further, Ruby cut him short. She and Chomper knew this talk was inevitably coming and she didn’t hesitate to give her answer.

“Daddy, stop. I know what you’re thinking but let me speak a few words in his defense. We all know what Chomper did and he is very sorry about that. But he showed to me that he isn’t nearly as weak or untrustworthy as we thought. I’m sure we can all live together if we just forget what happened and move on. Chomper, apologize for what you did.” She said, knowing that only Chomper himself could speak on his own behalf. The sharptooth cleared his throat as he stepped forward, trying to look as normal as possible.

“Hi again, Mr. and Ms. Fastrunner. I indeed am sorry for all the things I caused you and you have all the right to hate me. But I’d be very happy if you gave me another chance. Ruby’s efforts to save me from the fastbiters showed me she really wanted to help me and in our journey back, I really learned to think of her as… as a friend. I’d like to stay here with her but please, don’t think of me as an outsider. I really want prove to you that I’m not the sharptooth you think I am.” He said while crossing his fingers, looking longingly at Detras’ eyes.

The duo’s heartfelt eyes caused the male fastrunner’s eyes to narrow as he thought about what he had heard. He had very little affinity for the boy after what he had done and even now, he would have wanted to banish him from his home for good. However, Ruby’s expression didn’t even flinch as she heard Chomper’s words which made Detras more than puzzled. It seemed that the two really liked each other’s company and that Ruby didn’t find the sharptooth’s words exaggerated in any way. And truth be told, he’d be beyond stupid to start fighting with Chomper over that as it’d make guarding him much more difficult. Detras knelt in front of him and spoke to him calmly but firmly.

“I would more than welcome that, Chomper. But that requires something from you as well. Promise me that from now on, you will do as we say and never run away from here again. In return, we will make sure to regard you as one of us for as long as you stay here. We both made mistakes in the past but I’m more than willing to move on. As I think we all are.” Detras said as she glanced at his mate and Orchid and Arial’s sleeping forms in the distance. Chomper’s eyes widened in happiness as he spoke to the older dinosaur.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Fastrunner! I am sure I won’t let you down again. And Ruby, thanks for coming for me. I was such an idiot.” He said to which Ruby merely smiled widely.
Her voice was beyond soft as she gave her answer.

“We all make mistakes, Chomper, but without that misadventure of sorts but this one had a happy ending. So when it comes to mistakes, your was one of the better ones.” She said with a chuckle, causing Chomper to also smile. Detras looked at the two young dinosaurs, feeling for the first time since Chomper’s arrival that there might be a bright future for his family after all.

And here’s my entry for the April prompt. As you may have noticed, I’ve had bit of a hiatus in the past months and I apologize for that. Those months have been harsh for me as they’ve been filled with anxiety and other mental issues but I finally feel well enough to write again even if not as much as before. I truly hope this fic is at least close to the quality you’ve come to expect. However, my future works are far from clear right now. I left the Discord server nor do I have plans to be active here on the forum either so this will be my last prompt for the foreseeable future. That being said, I hope you’ll like this offering.

LBT Fanfiction / A Glider's Long Day
« on: February 03, 2020, 04:47:38 AM »
A Glider’s Long Day

The young glider shivered slightly as the sky water continued to pour all over him. He was already beyond wet but it seemed like the water wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. That fact made Guido more disappointed than he had expected as only last evening he had thought he’d finally be able to go with his parents to see the supposedly beautiful lake in the mountains not far from his home. He had wanted nothing more than to see it today but he already knew the answer to his question as he asked his mother nervously.

“Uhh… I think this weather implies… hehe, that we’re going nowhere, am I right?” He asked, the disappointment more than clear in his voice. His parents were only waking up from their sleep and the boy saw the rather resigned looks on his parents’ faces. The female narrowed her eyes as she rose to a sitting position, the weather immediately confirming her answer.

“I’m sorry, Guido, but we don’t have a choice. Trying to make such a journey now would be too dangerous. The waters will be flowing down from the mountains more quickly than you can imagine and there is a chance we wouldn’t be able to find safety from them before we’re forced to land. It would be difficult even for a flyer.” She answered gently, hating to see the disappointment on her son’s face. She knew just how badly he had waited for a chance to see more places and to widen his little world but time and time again, either the weather or a sharptooth had delayed the family’s efforts. Guido sighed deeply as he shook his head, not really knowing what to say.

“B… cannot we fly long enough? It shouldn’t be that difficult to glide from one hill to another, mom!” He said but almost immediately, he was answered by his father whose expression was rather soft and understanding. He wanted to make the boy happy as badly as his mate did but that didn’t change the facts in any way. His voice was clearly bothered as he spoke even if he tried to sound as comforting as he simply could.

“We don’t want to take any risks. Yes, we might succeed but what if the winds take you away and we’re not quick enough to save you? What if that wind takes you far away from
us right into a sharptooth’s mouth?” He asked, knowing that Guido would see reason. He was a clever child even if his nervousness and awkward expressions made him a bit worried about his future. The younger glider sighed deeply as he crossed his arms, not really able to argue with that point. He had seen enough sharpteeth in his life to know that that wasn’t a threat to be overlooked. Before him lied another boring day of doing nothing but lying around and searching for food with his parents. His head drooped towards the ground and he crossed his arms as he gave his answer.

“I… I guess. I just wish it wasn’t like this every single day. Mom and dads, it’s so unimaginably boring out here!” He said in a loud voice, the frustration clearly apparent in his voice. His mother looked at him sadly and she bowed to his level as she gave him a comforting look.

“I know, my son. I know. But we’ll go when it’s safe for all of us. I promise.” She said, meaning every word she said. She looked at the weeping skies sadly, hoping that it would pass sooner rather than later. Guido looked at her with a slight smile, not really having anything more to say. His voice was silent one as he gave his answer.

“I… I guess so. I just cannot really wait to finally get there.” He said but almost immediately, he heard a voice that made his eyes grow wide.

“Hey, Guido! I don’t know what you’re up to but there’s no reason to be like that this morning! After all, there’s a lot we can do!” A female asked said, causing Guido to look at her in clear surprise. His mouth turned into a careful smile as he spoke to the newcomer, welcoming her and her friends’ arrival wholeheartedly.

“H… hi, Brighthue, Ikal and Dalia! It’s so good to see you here! Did something special bring you here?” He said with a nervous voice, causing Brighthue to smirk in slight amusement. She glanced at her friends and her voice was more than determined as she gave her answer.

“Well, do we need a real reason for that? We just thought this would be a good day to ask you to have some fun.” She said, causing clear cheer to rise within Guido’s chest. He had seen those three gliders only twice before and while they had done many things he hadn’t been fond of, like doing far too brave tricks while gliding, those days had still been a very welcome change from his normal days. He stuttered heavily as he gave his answer.

“Oh, that’s great. I’m more than happy to join you as… as I don’t have anything else to do. Do you have anything special in mind?” He asked, wondering what waited for him this time. However, it wasn’t Brighthue who gave the answer but the other boy on her right side.

“Not yet but I promise you it will be great. Come on now, Guido!” He said, causing the greenish glider to turn at his parents and speak to them eagerly.

“See ya later, mom and dad! I’ll be back before the dark!” He said but before he turned back towards his friends, a gesture from his father caused him to stop for a brief moment. H cleared his throat as he put his hands on the other glider’s shoulders and whispered to him silently.

“I know you want company, Guido, but I have a bad feeling about those three. Are you sure you have to go with them?” He asked, causing Guido to frown deeply. The younger male looked at his father oddly and his voice shuddered slightly as he asked the obvious question.

“Wh… what do you mean? I mean, they’re quite okay.” He said, hoping his new friends wouldn’t think of him too badly due to this delay. However, his father looked at Guido in clear worry but he sighed just before he spoke again.

“That might be true and I’m not telling you to stay here. Just keep my words in mind and remember everything we’ve taught you and if something they want to do goes against them, then decline immediately. Are we clear?” He said but immediately afterwards, the other girl named Dalia cried in clear boredom at the other young glider.

“Well, are you coming? We have better things to do than wait the whole day!” She yelled to which Guido answered promptly before speaking to his father.

“Yes, I won’t keep you waiting for much longer! And dad, I’ll remember. As I said, see ya, um, later.” Guido said before joining the three other gliders. His father looked after him in clear worry but he knew better than to deny his son from joining them. He could only hope that his fears were misplaced as he watched at his only child disappearing into the distance.

“What did your dad tell you, Guido? Something boring, most likely.” Ikal asked, causing Guido to look at him with an unsure look. He wasn’t going to reveal the truth and besides, he wanted to get into more interesting topics.

“Yeah, pretty much. He just told me to be careful but… but that goes without saying. Anyway, how have you been doing?” He asked, still wondering just what kinds of lives the trio actually had. They had never really answered his questions which bothered Guido slightly but he had never wanted to push that issue. It wasn’t long before Brighthue deadpanned the answer, still clearly unwilling to indulge the boy’s curiosity.

“Pretty much the same way as always, Guido. But none of that is important right now. What have you learned with your family thus far? I mean, in terms of gliding and stuff?” She asked, something within her tone unnerving the boy a bit. He stuttered slightly as he tried to give a clear answer.

“I… I’m not sure. The standard stuff, I’d say.” He said, really wondering what the girl was getting at. Dalia looked at the boy for a few seconds before continuing from where the other girl had stopped.

“But apparently they weren’t going to let you do anything on a day like this? A true glider is able to fly in any weather and this isn’t an exception!” She said, making the male to grow ever more nervous. He really wanted to know what the others were willing to say.

“B… but they always say that I have to know when it’s safe and when it’s not! They always tell me that there is no reason to take any more risks than necessary!” He said, knowing that he was speaking the truth. Brighthue moved closer to him, her expression darkening slightly as she prepared to give her answer.

“But what if that risk is something you have to take to escape some danger? Are your parents that much scaredy-eggs that they deny you the chance to learn something actually useful?” She asked, making Guido to gulp as he listened to those words. In one way, he understood her point but… he also couldn’t ignore his father’s words only a while earlier. He didn’t want to upset him but… neither did he want to sound any worse than his companions.

“They… they just want what’s best for me. Why would they do something bad?” He asked, not really knowing what to expect. Brighthue narrowed her eyes and approached the boy slowly, clearly more than willing to get this conversation really rolling.

“How am I supposed to know? Maybe they don’t think you are able to do anything that requires true skill? Something that not any glider is able to do.” She said, causing Guido’s nervousness to grow ever more profound. He raised his finger into the air as he tried to give some kind of a coherent answer.

“Th… that’s not true! They know I can do whatever I want… uhh, at least I think so. Now that I think of it, I never asked them.” He said while quickly turning to look behind himself in growing doubt. Yet, he wasn’t given much chance to reflect on what he had heard before Dalia moved forward and poked him slightly even if Guido could tell that it wasn’t a friendly gesture.

“Well, do you want to prove them wrong? Because we’d certainly want to see that!” She said, earning affirming nods from her two other friends. Guido looked at the trio, more than willing to prove his worth to them… before his rational side finally managed to break out.

“I… I cannot do that! Dad forced me to promise that I’d do nothing that they wouldn’t want me to do and that’s a promise I’d want to keep!” He said, trusting his parents more than this trio. However, what happened next was something he hadn’t expected, much less wanted to hear. The three other gliders approached him and started to chant in unison one single word.

“Scaredy-egg! Scaredy-egg!” They went on, causing Guido to cover towards the ground in shame and fear, seriously distressed at what was happening. At this point, he knew he had only two options: either he’d agree to the trio’s demand or he’d leave them and return home and forget all about them. The boy knew inside that the latter option was the correct one but… but even then, he wanted to keep the idea of having new friends alive. And he certainly wasn’t a scaredy-egg! In a prompt burst of fear and determination, he spoke at his companions in a silent voice.

“Okay… okay then. Tell me what I need to do and I’ll do my best. Promise.” He said while trying to calm the situation down. A slight smile rose to Brighthue’s face as she turned around and waved the male to follow.

“I’m glad to hear that, Guido! Now, follow me and I’ll show just what you need to do.” She said, immediately being followed by her two companions. Guido tried to gesture his discontent but that gesture died down before he could form one word. With a nervous sigh, the boy followed his companions towards a streak of hills to their north, hoping he hadn’t just made a serious mistake.

After a walk that seemed to last for hours to Guido, the four gliders stopped on a low cliff overlooking a smaller plateau below them. The sky water beat mercilessly at them and Guido was more than shivering as he tried to fight against the beating wind. His voice trembled as he demanded to know just what he had agreed to.

“What… what are we doing out here? Just tell me so that I can get along with it.” He said, looking almost pleadingly at the others. Ikal looked at him with a sharp smile as he walked near the edge of the cliff and nodded downwards towards the ground, clearly gesturing Guido to look down there. The greenish boy gulped in growing fear but did as he was told. He nearly yelped in fear as he saw a distant form lying not far below him, surrounded by three smaller dinosaurs. Guido immediately backtracked from the edge, bringing his hands to his face as he whispered his answer.

“Th… they are sharpteeth! We have to get away from here, now!” He said while he prepared to obey his own command but Ikal’s words froze him still. He looked at the other male threateningly, clearly ordering him to stay still.

“You will use your skills and jump right on that fastbiter’s back and do your best to stay on her back as long as you simply can. She always sleeps this time of the day with her hatchlings so we knew just how we’d have to test you. After you can last no longer, you will glide to safety and we’ll meet again somewhere out there. If you can do this, we’ll accept you as one of us.” He said, his expression radiating nothing but honesty and decisiveness. Guido’s expression turned ever more fearful as he backtracked again, struggling to form any coherent words as he spoke to the others.

“You can’t mean…. Oh, I do get it. A nice job, guys, but it’s getting a bit old. What do you say if we just leave and… umm, forget about this?” He said, trying to form some kind of smile which failed pitifully. Dalia rolled her eyes as she gave her answer.

“I had expected you to already realize that this isn’t a joke. Now, get down there and prove you’re not the loser your parents think you are!” She said and those words shattered any illusions the male had had about his companions’ honesty. However, he also knew that doing as they wanted would be utterly crazy and before he even thought about it, he turned around and started to walk away from the others.  His voice was more than sickened as he spoke.

“Never! I won’t risk my life for nothing! Keep y…” He started but he was interrupted by Brighthue who grabbed his arms and turned him around. She looked directly at his eyes and this time her voice dipped with threat as she addressed him.

“We came all the way here to keep you this chance, Guido. Do you really want to let us down like this?” She asked as Ikal and Dalia approached the duo, their gestures confirming to Guido just what were his options. Either he’d do as they told or they’d beat him up good… at the very least. A few tears flowed down his cheeks as he realized just where his naivety had taken him. These weren’t his friends and they were up to no good no matter how he looked at it. Why hadn’t he listened to his father and simply ignored these trio this morning?

However, Guido knew more than well that thinking about his mistake would get him nowhere right now. He gulped as he thought about whether to agree to the ultimatum or not. Would he want to return home bloodied and miserable or would he risk ending his life in the sharptooth’s claws? Would he take the risk to survive unharmed or would he take a certain beating? At first he thought he’d take the latter option but some voice deep within him called for him to prove the trio’s bullying wrong and show that he was more than capable to look after himself. Almost instinctually, the boy said the words that would probably seal his fate.

“Um, okay. I’ll do it.” He said to Brighthue’s clear amusement. She finally released Guido’s arm and the two other children stopped still, signaling that the threat was over for now. The girl then nodded towards the cliff and spoke in a carefree way.

“Well, in that case you better start. There’s no reason waste any more time, is there?” She said, again making the boy feel beyond miserable. For a fleeting second, he wondered whether he should take a run for it but he had to admit he’d never be able to outrun the trio. Inside, he knew that his choice was made and with a heavy heart, he walked towards the edge and looked at his task. The fastrunner’s back was relatively open and it wouldn’t be difficult to hit it. However, he knew more than well just how fast and merciless fastbiters truly were and that fact alone made his heart run cold.

However, he couldn’t turn back now. He had to do this to escape this situation without serious repercussions. Guido knew he’d never want to see that trio again but for now, he was forced to do their bidding. Apparently they thought that this somehow would make him a better glider, a thought that made him feel a bit sad for them, but that wouldn’t really help him right now. For a fleeting moment, the boy closed his eyes and spoke in his mind to those who he had already wronged.

Mom, dad… I’m sorry for not listening to you. I just hope I’ll get a chance to make it up to you one day.

Those were his last thoughts before he leapt over the edge and spread his wings, looking at the still-sleeping predator with fear-filled eyes. He knew the hatchlings made her even more dangerous but that was likely what his companions had counted on. He could hear some half-hearted cheers behind him but he gave them no heed. The only thing he wanted right now was to get this debacle over with. He tried to slow down his plunge to his very best ability and second by second, the carnivore’s back grew ever clearer from the sky water. Just before the impact, the glider gulped deeply, praying he’d see the evening.

To absolutely no one’s surprise, the moment he touched the sharptooth’s scales, she twitched heavily as she tried to repel anyone who would threaten either her or her children. The predator was clearly more than surprised by the fact that she hadn’t been assaulted by any of the kinds that could actually threaten her but that didn’t change much. She’d get the pitiful pipsqueak who had dared to attack her like this and nobody would stand between her and that goal!

Guido, on the other hand, was shuddering in fear as the sharptooth’s left eye managed to get a good sight of him. Remembering Btighthue’s words, Guido jumped towards her neck and tried to get as good a grip as he only could. Realizing just how difficult it was to get rid of the arrogant brat with her claws. the fastbiter ran towards the nearby wall of rock, trying to crush her tormentor but just before the impact, Guido managed to throw himself away from the harm’s way.

However, that wasn’t the end of his worries. The carnivore let out a powerful growl as she prepared to hit the wall again in an effort to finally get the glider but Guido managed to get from her back just before the hit. Knowing that he’d have to get back to her back in order to keep the vheers of his companions coming, he immediately plunged back towards the sharptooth but… she was faster than he had expected.

She moved away from his path and before Guido realized it, he had hit the ground with the sharptooth suddenly towering over him. The boy stared at her revealed teeth in fear and as soon as his mind registered what he was looking at, he let out a powerful scream.

“Brighthue, Ikal, Dalia, come to help! NOW!” He cried but the only thing he heard from the trio was Brighthue’s distressed call to her friends.

“Let’s get out of here, guys! I wouldn’t want to be around here once they realize what happened to him!” She cried and almost immediately, the trio was gone. Guido shuddered in fear as he realized the full extent of the situation, not really able to believe just what was happening. Here he was, looking death itself in the eyes while those he had regarded as potential friends had left him to face his fate alone. For a moment, he had been ready to give up but… but he couldn’t.

He simply wouldn’t allow himself to die because of his inability to listen to his parents and they didn’t deserve to hear that he had died like this! The boy’s eyes flashed open and in a blink of an eye, he rolled away from the way of the predator’s claws. He panted as he looked at them sinking into the spot he had lied only a few seconds earlier. Knowing he had no time to waste, he ran  towards the high cliff not far in front of him, knowing it was his only way of escaping this horrific situation. However, the sharptooth wasn’t about to just let him run away and she immediately leapt towards the glider, more than ready to cut his pathetic attempt to escape short.

Guido almost thought his heart would break out of his chest as he felt the larger dinosaur’s breath in his neck, doing his best to get away from this monstrous situation as soon as possible but just in time, he realized he simply couldn’t get away was enough. He quickly turned around, just in time to see the predator’s mouth open before him. For a moment, he felt he was looking into the maw of death itself but even then, he knew better than to freeze still. The boy jumped into the air, just high enough to be able to jump above his foe’s mouth after which he concentrated all his strength to kick his way to safety.

The boy’s eyes widened as he flew through the air on his back, praying within his mind that he wouldn’t drop into the rocky ground and that he had kicked hard enough to get past the cliff and into the gaping nothingness. Seconds passed very slowly as Guido prepared for a heavy impact against the ground but… it never came. Instead, he continued falling and as he opened his eyes, he saw the sharptooth look at him in annoyance not far above him. He had made it! He had managed to escape from that certain death!
However, it didn’t take long until the next step of his plan again became clear to him. His ever-increasing speed almost caused the glider to panic but by calming his nerves, Guido rolled around and spread his wings, looking with growing fear at the approaching ground beneath him. He yelled in frustration as he searched for the right currents of air in the middle of the sky water.

“Get up now, Guido! You have to get up!” He cheered for himself and it didn’t take long before he finally felt his momentum changing from falling into gliding. His plunge slowly stopped and Guido let out a deep sigh as he realized that once again, he had escaped from a looming death. Now, all he had to do was…

“Aaahhh!” The young dinosaur suddenly yelped as he felt as if some giant hand had suddenly grabbed him and thrown him into a distance as the winds took him by complete surprise. He yelled in pain as he felt himself hitting the mossy ground, the vegetation making the landing softer than could have been expected. However, Guido could feel his consciousness failing for a few seconds before he raised his head up from the ground, trying to remember just where he was and as he did so, he felt beyond miserable.

Here he was, lying in some forest alone without a real idea which way home was. In this moment, he understood perfectly just why his parents had done their best to avoid flying in a storm like this and with every passing second, he missed his parents more and more. He was alone with no one to turn to and he was supposed to find his way back alone… only because he had been unable to listen to his father’s advice! In a moment of outburst, the boy turned towards a nearby tree and hit his head against it violently, hating himself more and more by the second.

He brought his hand to his head and cringed as the pain spread everywhere within his body, the reality slowly beginning to kick in again. With fearful moves, the glider turned to face the distance, knowing he had to somehow figure how to me forward. The cliff where he had faced the sharptooth was still above him and he and the others had climbed to it from the direction that was to his right now. But they had taken many turns before they had even started the climb and the boy felt his head starting to ache as he thought about what to do. Even if he knew it was a terrible risk, he decided to cry into the skies the only thing that could offer him an easy way out of this situation.

“Mom! dad! Please, tell me you hear me! Just come get me out of here!” He yelled but to absolutely no one’s surprise, nobody answered to him. Even worse, the boy knew that that cry could very well have alerted sharpteeth to him and he knew he had to move quickly to escape possible danger. Knowing that even this wind alone could carry him, Guido spread his wings and took to the air, whimpering inside as he looked at the ever-thickening sky water.

However, it didn’t take long until the glider’s troubles started. The winds almost felt like they were about to tear him apart but somehow, he still managed to keep his course at least to some degree. He tried to keep his eyes open against the beating winds and even more difficultly, the boy tried to stay rather close to the ground in order not to miss any possible landmarks far below him. But even now, it was a struggle to see anything in this horrific weather and but bit by bit, the glider’s spirit started to break under the sickening circumstances. After many minutes, the strain that finally broke his resistance finally arrived.

It was a powerful gust of wind that took him completely by surprise. Guido’s eyes widened in fear as he felt himself losing every last bit of control he had had over his movements and to his utter shock, his speed only increased second by second. Guido felt as if his heart was going to explode at any second as he tried to draw breath. At this point, he no longer had any idea where he even was and he felt himself being pulled ever further and further away from home. Even if he wanted to believe otherwise, he was growing ever more confident that he wouldn’t be seeing his parents ever again, a thought that made him beyond appalled by his own mistakes.

However, the glider knew he had to prevent himself from falling into utter despair just yet. He was still alive and he knew just how badly he was missed back home… and how badly he wanted to survive this ordeal himself. Guido gritted his teeth as he tried to do his all to prevent the very worst from happening.

Minutes passed on ever so slowly and bit by bit, the sky water seemed to stop and the visibility around him slowly starting to improve. He was still far too high to see anything but to his slight optimism, he no longer seemed to fly in utter darkness. Yet, that optimism was quickly turned to further peril as the boy suddenly realized he was being pulled downwards towards the ground. He cringed deeply as he saw a range of mountains appearing far below him, making him panic as he saw their sharp peaks waiting for him like the sharptooth’s mouth he had witnessed only a while earlier. In his growing desperation, Guido closed his eyes and spoke silently to himself.

“If only I could just… if only I could just return to the morning and see that none of this ever happened! I wish I had never met those three! I just wish I had spent all my life safe from them, safe from cursed gliders that only…” He started but before Guido could twitch a finger, he saw a large branch heading towards him and just like that, it hit his head, making the poor boy’s world turn black within one second. However, unknown to him, the still-powerful winds continued to take his unconscious body a bit further… until it dropped him into the grassy ground, his body rolling a few times before coming to a complete halt.

“Wh… what happened? Oh… my head…” His own words were the first thing Guido heard as he slowly started to wake up from the impact. He blinked a few times as he rose to a sitting position, his vision returning only after a short moment. What he saw was a high wall of grass all around him, surrounded by looming mountains in all directions. The glider felt his head hurting horribly and he could feel a very noticeable swelling at the spot where the branch had hit him. However, he couldn’t remember just what had happened to his head… or why.

For a few moments, the boy couldn’t do anything but stare forward, that feeling beyond haunting to him. Wh… where was he? Who was he? The glider’s mind was beyond blank at this point and he felt his breaths grow more and more alarmed as he looked around himself. Was this place his home? To his own extreme shock, none of this seemed familiar in the least but considering he could hardly remember his name, that was close to the least of his worries.

For a moment, the glider felt as if he was going to panic. He had seen much in his/her life, but nothing had prepared him for this: to wake up in an alien place with no one to turn to nor even a faintest idea how he had got there. That fact alone made him shudder in fear but it simply couldn’t be helped at this point. He had to move on from this point on, no matter what. After a few seconds, however, one realization appeared to his mind that made his breaths grow a tiny, fleeting bit better.

He had no idea how he remembered it but his name was Guido! So he had to be someone after all! It was all so very unclear but even then… he had a name! Maybe if someone could tell him a bit more about this place, he’d be able to…


The glider’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he heard a loud sound of impact on his left side. He immediately turned to look at that direction with wide eyes but as he saw the sight before him, he relaxed immediately. In front of him lied a flyer about his age and he was clearly more than shaken by his fall but otherwise he seemed to be unhurt. The glider cleared his throat as he moved to the other boy’s side and asked him nervously.

“Uhh… I don’t know how to ask this but… where are we?” He asked as he grabbed the flyer’s hand to help him up but to his utter shock, he was visibly shocked by his gesture and before the greenish male could say anything else, the flyer jumped into the bushes next to him with clearly fearful eyes. Guido was left looking after him dumbstruck, not having expected such a reaction from the other dinosaur. However, that didn’t discourage him as after all, it was clear he hadn’t meant any harm. Slowly, he started to move after the flyer, hoping he hadn’t escaped too far.

However, when he finally managed to get through the thick bushes, the sight that met him was one that he hadn’t expected. Yes, there was the flyer still looking at him with horror but around him, there also was a longneck, a swimmer, a spiketail and a threehorn. And towering over them was an even larger group of grown-ups, all of them staring at him with deep interest and slight concern. In this most awkward of situations, the glider could only speak the first words that came to his mind.

“Sorry, did I scare you? I have that effect on folks sometimes.”

Here’s my response to Gang of Five’s January prompt. It turned out to be shorter than I had expected and it’s far from my most ambitious works. I’ve had pretty rough two weeks and I’m sorry if that can be seen in this story. Still, I’ll try to get the next short story out somewhere later this month so see all of you with that story.

LBT Fanfiction / Of Hubris and Submission
« on: August 13, 2019, 02:47:26 PM »
Of Hubris and Submission

The wind howled in the flyer’s ears as he eyed at the two passes in front of himself. From what he could tell, one of them headed right into the direction that he wanted but it would likely expose him and his herd to a greater danger than the other path that seemed to lead to the wider plains where his followers could more easily defend themselves. A slight frown rose to his face as he thought about his situation, still cursing the fact that his sister wasn’t here beside him where she was supposed to be.

A darker look rose to Pterano’s eyes as he thought of Volant’s decision. How had she dared to question his abilities like that? During the four days that had passed since his and his followers’ departure from the larger herd, not one of his followers had ended up as a sharptooth’s meal and all things considered, he was more than happy with himself thus far. But deep down, he wanted to show his sister the full extent of his abilities by reaching the Great Valley before her and the others.

Deep down, he was more than hurt by the fact that he had been forced to embark on this path alone. He already missed spending time with his nephews and nieces, telling them ever more of this wondrous world of the flyers… but no, they were with Volant now. All except poor Petrie… The flyer’s heart fell as he thought of the boy whose flight had ended so very early in his life. He continued to dwell in his doubts and inner fears, forgetting completely that he wasn’t alone at all.

“Mom, when are we going to move on? I’m too hungry to wait here for any longer!” A weak voice asked, causing the older threehorn’s face to drop slightly. Swiftcharge turned at her daughter, more than willing to see the endless whining and begging stop as soon as possible. Her voice was nearly a hostile one as she addressed the girl.

“We will move on once he decides the best way forward, Nila. Not any sooner.” She said, her expression silencing the child immediately. However, it wasn’t long before she heard another voice speak to her, one that made her mood fall even further.

“We don’t want to wait for any longer! Mom, we haven’t eaten anything since…” He started but this time, the older threehorn cut him short. She wasn’t willing to listen to such weakness any longer and she made it more than clear as she spoke to the boy.

“Neither have I, Aren, but I’m not here complaining about things I can’t change all the time! A threehorn can get through any hardship and a real threehorn does so without endless whining. Our kind is always supposed to be the pillar of sanity and strength, no matter what! Your father knew it as well as I do and you’d do well to remember it as well! We’ve been safer with Pterano than any time before and that’s something to be grateful for!” She said, her face falling as she thought of her mate.

She still loved him greatly but for some reason, he had declined to join her in Pterano’s herd. he had claimed that their kind didn’t need the guidance of a barkbrain, a thought that
made the female more than enraged. A threehorn had to do whatever they had to in order to keep their loved ones and those who depended on them safe and that’s what Swiftcharge had decided to do. If Topps was too stubborn to listen to the wisdoms of their own kind, then so be it!

His approach annoyed her even more considering that he had seemed almost indifferent to Cera’s disappearance. Even after they had lost one of their own children, he had declined to listen to the one dinosaur who could keep their family safe! Inside, she felt deep appreciation for Pterano for her efforts to safeguard his followers from the sharptooth threat after the disastrous attack during the Great Earthshake. With any luck, he could lead them to the Valley while preventing any further tragedies on the way. However, her thoughts were cut short by her third remaining child.

“But mom, can’t you even ask him what’s wrong? Even if it is up to us to keep the other kinds in line, we still don’t want to waste any more time here than we have to!” Struggle said, causing Swiftcharge to sigh deeply. She was just about to rebuke the child’s request when a spiketail near the threehorn family joined the conversation.

“Indeed. If you won’t do it, I will! Pterano seems more confused and more fearful by the day and I don’t like it in the least!” He said in a tense voice, causing the female to look at her oddly. After a moment, she sighed slightly and spoke to him in a resigned voice.

“Very well. However, we shouldn’t push him too much as our survival depends on him, after all.” She said as she started to approach the flyer, hoping to get this conversation over with without any delays.

A slight concern rose in Pterano’s chest as he looked at the pass leading to the plains, slowly starting to think that to be the best way to go. He knew that it would endanger a lot but on the other hand, he knew his followers wanted to get out of this mess as quickly as possible. But even then, the flyer was conflicted…

“Pterano! What’s taking so long? We should get on the move!” He heard a familiar voice say and he rolled his eyes in annoyance as he turned to look at Swiftcharge, knowing he couldn’t get rid of her without explaining himself. There were times when he was less than happy about her presence but on the other hand, she was a priceless help in defending his herd and because of that, he appreciated her more than he had usually shown. Knowing her to be a trustworthy dinosaur, the male suddenly leapt towards her and spoke to the female in an arrogant voice.

“There are some situations where I have to weigh on how to move forward. I’m sure even someone…” He said, soon realizing his mistake. The threehorn snorted at him in annoyance, answering in a heavy voice.

“Don’t treat me like an idiot, flyer! You are not the only one with a brain here! I’m more than willing to follow you as long as you keep us safe but that attitude of yours is something you should fix now rather than later.” She said, knowing Pterano wouldn’t want to argue in front of the herd. The flyer knew very well that any further fuss would very likely hurt his authority and he then spoke to the larger dinosaur in a more silent but just as pompous voice.

“I will change my ways only when I see fit, threehorn. As for our best way to move forward, we have to reach the Valley without any more delays. And I know just the way no one else could guide us through!” He said but something within his words made Swiftcharge more concerned than he had expected. The female looked at him with an odd look, somehow guessing just what Pterano had been thinking about.

“Whatever you’re about to do, Pterano, focus on keeping us safe from the sharpteeth. I and my family can take the hunger for a bit longer but if any of us will meet their end in a sharptooth attack, I will make sure you will regret the day you hatched. I promise you this much.” She said, meaning every word she said. Inside, she wanted to believe she had made the right choice when she had joined the flyer’s herd and she hoped Pterano would listen to her warning.

The flyer looked at the threehorn in the eyes for a moment, something within her face causing Pterano’s bravado to fail. He saw no hate in Swiftcharge’s eyes but rather fear. The exact same kind of fear and sorrow Pterano felt in his own heart as well. Even if Petrie hadn’t been his son, he still wanted to believe his loss had been somewhat comparable to that of Swiftcharge’s and inside, the flyer realized just how the threehorn felt. Hesitantly, he gave the larger dinosaur a careful smile as he turned at the others and spoke to them in a cheerful and encouraging voice.

“I’ve made my decision! We will go right to the wide plains closer to the Great Divide as that will allow us to guard ourselves from the sharpteeth far better than in those passes! We will make it to the Great Valley together, that much I promise you my faithful followers! Now, follow me to our paradise!” He cried as he took into the air to lead the others as he had done for days already. The others looked at him in relief, more than thankful for being able to move on after the pause. Swiftcharge slowly moved towards her children and spoke to them in a harsh but encouraging voice.

“Let’s get on the move, all of you. We still have a long distance to cover before the evening if we ever wish to leave this blasted place behind.” She said, following the rest of the herd. The three children looked at their mother with bothered and concerned looks but knew better than to start arguing with her. The trio gave a collective sigh, each of them still regretting it greatly that Cera wasn’t here with them. They could only pray in their minds that they wouldn’t join their sister anytime soon.

A slight smile rose to his face as Pterano felt the wind wheezing around his beak in the early morning’s light. He looked at the Bright Circle briefly before looking keenly at the horizon to see a trace of any kind of movement. If a sharptooth appeared anywhere near his herd, he’d know of it minutes before they were near enough for a real assault. The flyer also glanced at the five other dinosaurs keeping an eye at the immediate surroundings of the waking group of dinosaurs in the case their leader somehow missed the potential attacker.

The small, dead forest near the herd bothered the flyer somewhat as it offered  potential hiding spot for a daring fastbiter but in the end, it didn’t make the male too bothered. The other guards had kept an eye in that direction for the entire night and really, no sharptooth would be able to attack the herd that way.

Even then, the barren horizon dampened the flyer’s mood somewhat. It seemed just as dry and inhospitable as the lands his herd had went through and there wasn’t a real change in the horizon. Still, Pterano was more than happy with himself thus far as he had managed to keep his followers safe and they were covering a good distance every day. At this rate, no one would have to go through Tuulen or Petrie’s fate before reaching the Valley and if he managed doing just that, he knew his demand to rule the herd would be vindicated. He’d be celebrated and even his sister would have to acknowledge…

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud cry from the distance. He immediately realized it was an emergency call and inside, the flyer cursed deeply. He knew this was a bad thing but he wasted no time heading towards the direction of the call. He was the leader and it was his charge to protect those that followed him to his best ability. Hopefully it just wasn’t something that would weaken his position in the herd…

It wasn’t long before Pterano noticed a small group of his followers gathering near the edge of the dead forest, their body language causing the flyer’s heart to skip a beat. Some seemed desperate, some were clearly trying to do something but… what exactly? He landed behind his followers and spoke to them in an authoritative tone.

“Let me pass, all of you! I have to see what has happened so don’t…” He said but as he saw what was the problem, he froze in his place. Before him lied two young swimmers, their bodies torn to a countless pieces and their father kneeling by their side, sobbing inconsolably. That second seemed to stretch on forever and that sight was something he’d never forget. Especially the other child’s horrified stare on her ruined face seemed to accuse the flyer directly for what had happened. Both of them were dismembered sickeningly,
nearly making Pterano want to vomit. He then spat in a weak voice the obvious question.

“W… what happened here? I mean… how did it happen?” He asked, not even trying to keep up his appearances on this moment. Yes, he had seen a lot of death in his life but this was different. Those… those two children had been his to protect and here they were, lying in pieces in the ground. This moment of shock was suddenly ended when a hollowhorn next to Pterano spoke to him in a mocking and outraged voice.

“Isn’t it clear, oh “great leader”?! They were gutted by sharpteeth YOU failed to spot in time!” He spat into the ground, earning the grief-stricken father’s hate-filled gaze immediately afterwards. He looked at the flyer for a moment before speaking to him heavily.

“And we trusted that you would keep us safe, Pterano! But now my babies are gone because I ever trusted you, bastard!” He cried, clearly at a loss of what to do now. For the briefest of moments, the smaller dinosaur was at a loss of what to say until he heard a voice behind him that made him breath at least a bit more easily.

“Calm down for a moment, all of you! Why are their remains here and not where we slept?” Swiftcharge asked, the implications within her words clear to everyone. Every dinosaur present looked at the female sternly before the swimmer snapped at her in clear rage.

“What are you saying, hornface? That it doesn’t matter that my children are…” His voice died down as he couldn’t finish his sentence. It was just too monstrous to say out loud. The threehorn, however, walked towards the swimmer until her horns nearly poked at his face before starting to speak harshly, even excessively so.

“I am saying that it’s more than likely that your children ran away from the herd and at that point, it is no longer our job to guard them. I was also guarding all of you the entire night and I certainly am not going to take the blame for you not being able to take care of your own offspring!” She yelled, knowing full well that her words wouldn’t be well-received. And indeed, the swimmer’s expression turned from astonished to shocked before finally showing signs of outrage. His voice trembled in hate as he answered the female.

“H… how dare you? HOW CAN YOU CLAIM THIS IS MY DOING? IT WAS YOUR JOB TO KEEP THEM SAFE AND NOW YOU BLAME THEM AND ME FOR ALL OF THIS? I ALWAYS KNEW THREEHORNS ARE MONSTERS BUT…´” At this point, Swiftcharge had had enough. She grunted in annoyance before taking another step forward and hitting the male into the ground and speaking to him threateningly.

“And I always knew bigmouths are nothing but weaklings who start to whine about everything even if they aren’t able to even carry their own weight in a herd! I’ve lost a child as well and I know damn well it was because of my and my mate’s own mistakes that we have to learn about! I miss Cera so very much but have you heard me going around the herd blaming every other dinosaur for it? Have you?” She asked in a more restrained voice, a few others around her moving to contain her should the situation escalate further. The swimmer seemed to be willing to answer to the threehorn with an even more hostile tone but before he had the chance, a flyer whose presence they had already forgotten joined the conversation.

“Stop, both of you! We have to move on as quickly as we can and it won’t help anyone but the sharpteeth if we spend our strength fighting each other! Current, I am more than sorry about what happened but Swiftcharge has a point. We only guard the herd and we simply are not able to keep an eye on adventurous younglings in the dark of the night. So, remember everyone, tell your children to never, ever leave the safety of this herd so that we’ll never again have to see thins kind of a tragedy!” He cried, hoping he’d be able to save his face at least somewhat after his earlier inability to respond to this unexpected loss.

Swiftcharge looked at the flyer grimly, knowing that despite her intervention, Pterano had undermined his reputation and authority greatly. Deep inside, her own respect towards the flyer was starting to fail as she had seen behind his pompous and inspiring façade. Behind it was only an unsure and weak flyer but even now, the threehorn wanted to believe that façade would be enough. Current looked at his leader with a despising look, not willing to believe that the flyer had practically sided with the threehorn. Even then, he knew he couldn’t argue him in front of the herd so he simply turned his face away from him.

Inside, Pterano could tell that no one among the herd seemed particularly impressed by his words but even then, none of them seemed to challenge his authority at least for now. Even he knew that his earlier failure at act as the voice of reason and stability within the herd had taken a serious hit but even then, the only thing he could do now was to move on and hope he could make his followers forget about all of that. He then waved at his herd as he rose to his wings.

“But now, follow me! We have to get on the move if we ever wish to reach the Valley!” He cried and each one of the dinosaurs did as they were told, knowing they had no real options. Even then, they could feel that this journey would be even more difficult than they had initially expected.

“When will this endless walking end? I can hardly take another step!” Nila said in a fatigued voice, clearly more than distressed by her situation. The Bright Circle was casting its heat on her back and inside, she felt only a gaping hole in her stomach that cried out to be filled. Her vision was starting to grow dimmer but even then, she took a step after step forward, knowing what the alternative would be. It wasn’t long before Struggle answered to her, the other girl’s voice much harsher.

“Hush, Nila! Haven’t you listened to anything that mom has said? We are threehorns and we can go through any hardship so shut up!” She said, not willing to listen to anything her sister had to say. She had always been more than annoyed by Nila as she had easily been the weakest one of her siblings and she seemed completely oblivious to her charge as a threehorn.

Of all of her siblings, she missed Cera the most. She had always been closest with her now-dead sister as they had always shared their parents’ outlook on life as well as their inner and outer strength. If Cera was still here, this march would be far easier as at least in that case, the two could encourage each other forward instead of being forced to help the weaker ones forward, However, Nila didn’t seem like she was even listening to Struggle’s words.

“I don’t know how long I can go on… I’m so thirsty and tired… I don’t think we’ll ever reach the Valley…” She said, even her hope starting to fail her slowly but surely. However, it wasn’t Struggle who answered that comment this time but Aren.

“Struggle’s right, Nila! We others aren’t having it any easier and we don’t need you making it just worse! You are still here unlike Cera so be grateful that you at least still have a chance to make it through all of this! All of us are doing our very best and so should you!” He said, exchanging approving glances with Struggle. Even if he didn’t always agree with her rather harsh opinions and words, she was still someone he could look up to and he had always been on rather good terms with his older sister. Even then, he had been slightly upset that Cera and Struggle had most often simply spent time with each other, leaving him out of their games far too often for his taste. Struggle took a brief sigh to calm down before her eyes widened at a sight that opened on her left side.

“Now, look at that… That’s quite a sight, isn’t it brother?” She asked as she looked at the massive cliff that appeared to her next left side. It seemed as if someone had cut the world in two as the plain suddenly gave way to a massive drop where one could hardly even see the ground under the cliff. However, there were still some mountains that could be seen in the distance which confirmed to the child that this was in no way some edge of the world from a children’s story. Aren nodded to her before answering in an awed voice.

“Now that’s something you don’t see every day. I…” He started but before he could finish, his mother spoke to the children harshly, willing to get her point through as quickly as possible.

“Stay far from the edge, all of you. I don’t want to see any accidents or dangerous games, understood?” She asked, more than knowing what the younger threehorns had spoken about. She knew Nila was growing extremely weak and inside, she was seriously starting to fear whether she was correct about herself. It seemed like any step could be her last and inside, the female wasn’t nearly as sad as one would think. It was the way of the world and if a threehorn couldn’t avoid becoming a burden to the ones around them, then the Circle of Life would cast its judgement soon enough. As a mother, she regretted all of that greatly but that’s just how things were. She was suddenly woken up from her glum thoughts as she heard a loud voice cry from far in front of her.

“Get moving, Current! You can’t stay here alone! You have to come with us!” A male cried to which the swimmer’s familiar voice answered to him in a broken tone.

“I don’t have to anywhere if I don’t want to! Without my children, I have nowhere to go and I’m too hungry to take another step! Actually, I made it this far only because of the kids!” He cried with  a clearly deranged voice, the horror of his reality slowly clouding all of his rational thoughts. The threehorn sighed deeply as she started to approach the scene, her own nerves starting to get stretched as well. She’d show him just what she thought about the weak links among the herd but before she even got close to that scene, one of the spiketails spoke in annoyance.

“Show him just what we think of weaklings like him! Soon, he’ll gladly move forward and stop wasting our time!” The female cried but at this point, Swiftcharge saw the swimmer for the first time since the morning. Her eyes widened as she saw him approaching the edge of the cliff with a horrified look on his face. He then turned at the others and his tone grew ever more insane as he spoke.

“Stay away from me, all of you! This entire search has cursed all of us! All we’ll find out here is certain death!” He cried, those words earning dismayed looks from the others. Each of them knew that the swimmer’s words could very well be true which made them all the more hurtful to the others. None of them really cared about the swimmer as they held the respect of few other kinds but all of them hated to see any member of the herd act like this.Swiftcharge couldn’t help but wonder where exactly Pterano was in a moment like this but she suddenly cried to Current in a threatening voice.

“And yours will be guaranteed if you ever resign to your own weakness! The only way you can show to your children and to all of us is to join the group and to find the Valley! You are the only one who can keep their and your mate’s memory alive!” She yelled, hoping that she could somehow snap the distressed dinosaur awake from his insanity. However, his next words bothered the threehorn even more than she could have expected.

“You mean the memory of those who perished on these cursed plains because of the cruelty of this word? Oh no, I don’t think so! This search was a folly from the beginning and I will not continue it alone! Mark my words, everyone, you will pray that you had the same decision as I before the end!” he yelled and at this point, even the leader himself made his presence known. He flew just above the swimmer and addressed him in a voice that sounded even like a begging one.

“Please, my friend, don’t do this! I promise you we will reach the Valley in a day or two and on that day, you’ll regret even thinking of ending it all! You have my, Pterano’s, word ab…” He started but before he got any further, the swimmer interrupted him once and for all. His cry drowned the flyer’s words as he prepared to do what he had threatened to do.

“Oh, no, no, you will never find anything in this cruel, horrifying world! Farewell, all of you. I will eagerly wait to meet all of you again soon enough!” He yelled before he suddenly leapt into the air. Swiftcharge ran to look at the scene but there was nothing she could do anymore. She cringed as she looked at the male disappearing into the depths, accompanied by cries of horror and sorrow. Just before Current hit the distant ground, the threehorn tore her eyes away from him. She could tell the moment of the smaller dinosaur’s demise from the collective gasp among the rest of the herd, something that didn’t exactly improve her mood any. Her voice was an angered one as she spoke to the others.

“Let’s move on. That coward doesn’t deserve even our pity.” She said sharply, hoping to hear no objections. If there was one thing she hated, it was those who left those around them to trouble while themselves escaping from it and that included those who killed themselves. That was against the threehorn ways and to her personal philosophy as well. Pterano frowned deeply at those words but decided against arguing with the threehorn. He sighed slightly as he spoke to the others.

“Swiftcharge is right. May he find peace but we others still have our own lives to live. Come, everyone. We will prove that Current was wrong all along and when we’ll reach the Valley, maybe he’ll know his mistake from the Great Beyond. Let’s go.” He spoke with a bothered voice, casting one final look into the lower plain below himself. He couldn’t help but regret what had happened but even then, it wasn’t his fault. He had his own role and by the Great Flyers of old, he’d see it to the end regardless of what weaklings like the swimmer would say!

Even then, he could very well see that this loss hardly made his job any easier. Even if his herd didn’t want to admit it, seeing one of their companions to take his own life was something that dampened their mood greatly. Pterano could only hope that he’d soon find something that would help restore the herd’s hope or it would be more than likely that
his grip over his followers would soon completely fail. He cringed deeply as he took to the skies, knowing that his journey had very likely taken an irrevocable turn for the worse.

Three days had come and gone and even the usually steadfast and optimistic Pterano couldn’t help but feel fatigue creep into each part of his body. It felt like even flying was starting to get too tiring for him and he couldn’t even say how he could flap his wings anymore. His entire body ached with hunger and thirst and he started to curse his own situation as well. The tole of a leader was slowly starting to lose its shine for the flyer but even then, deep down he remembered just why he had taken up that role and why he’d see it to the end. Even now, the thought of his triumphant arrival to the Valley made his heart swell as did the thought of Tuulen and Petrie smiling to him from the next world on his moment of success.

Even then, he couldn’t help but feel bothered by the fact that he had thus far seen none of the famed landmarks leading to the Great Valley. There was not one trace of the Rock that Looks Like a Longneck nor of the Mountains that Burn. Of course, there had to be multiple paths to their destination and he knew that the greatest flyers had always forged their own path, not caring about the words or advice of others. Still, it would have encouraged him if he knew he was going the right way but even then, he was following the Bright Circle wherever it fell. Sooner or later, he’d be able to quell his thirst and hunger and prove he had been right all along!

However, he knew very well that not all within his herd saw it the same way. The last three days had taken a heavy toll on them and he could very well see that many of his followers resembled walking skeletons more than actual dinosaurs. Even worse, he had started to hear some of them starting to question his very leadership which was something that made him sick in his stomach. Sooner or later, they’d reach a breaking point and on that moment, only the Bright Circle knew what would happen. And that moment would come far sooner than the flyer had feared in his worst sleep stories.

“Mom, please help me… I can’t take another step…” A pleading voice spoke and those words were followed by an immediate thud. Swiftcharge’s heart dropped immediately as she heard those words, knowing very well who had spoken them. She turned around and her eyes met the very sight she had expected. Nila was lying in the ground, completely unmoving save for a weak breathing that seemed so fragile that it might end at any moment. However, the older threehorn’s voice wasn’t just yet as mournful as even she herself
had expected.

“Dear, you can still go on. You aren’t like those others who have fallen behind. Just think of what your father will say when he’ll see you again.” She said, hoping her encouragement wouldn’t fall on deaf ears. There had been five dinosaurs by now whose journey had ended and she knew very well that she was growing weaker herself by the second. However, to see her daughter like this… her old philosophy about the Circle of Life was starting to slowly break down. It wasn’t long until the girl answered and Swiftcharge knew immediately that this wasn’t the same kind of situation like the previous ones. Her daughter’s strength was really spent for good, a thought that made her blood run cold.

“No, I cannot, mom. I can’t even rise up anymore. Just say hello… to daddy for me.” She said, her eyes closing slowly. Her mother could still see that she was alive but she wouldn’t be for much longer at this pace. She looked at the child in horror, her motherly instincts starting to wake up slowly. She had already lost one child and she simply wouldn’t lose another one like this! She suddenly turned at the others and cried at them in shock.

“Everyone, stop! I need help for my daughter!” She cried, her pride telling her to avoid asking for help from the other kinds but this time, her feelings beat the wisdoms of her kind. Inside, she knew she wouldn’t be able to carry anyone for a long time in her current condition and she was far from sure what she wanted the others to do either. And the other dinosaurs’ answer was just what the rational part of the female’s mind had expected. One flyer flew past her and simply snapped in an annoyed voice.

“Your problem, threehorn. It was you who had told us others to mind our own business so I’d advise you to live by your own rules, Swiftcharge!” He said, causing the threehorn’s world to stop completely. Yes, she had said that but never had she thought that she’d be in the same situation herself. Suddenly, her composure started to break and tears started to drop into the dry ground as she looked at her daughter’s unmoving body and listened to the sobs of her two other children. This simply couldn’t go on for any longer.

Suddenly, Swiftcharge remembered her last conversation with her mate, only now realizing what kind of fool she had been. Had she just listened to him, she would be with him and not in this hellish wasteland looking at her own starving child. How could she have believed Pterano back then to solve all of her problems? The female’s eyes narrowed considerably as she thought of the flyer. Here he was acting as if he knew the answers to everything even if thus far he had shown absolutely no evidence of any secret knowledge or even of any kinds of leadership skills.

In this moment of defeat and horror, the threehorn’s entire bitterness was targeted at the flyer. Without him, everything could be well or at the very least, they couldn’t be any worse. He had lead her and the others to this horrifying place and she could very well see that the others’ strength was getting spent as well. It was at this point that Current’s last words returned to her mind. In one way, she already regretted having to go through this ordeal when the swimmer had escaped all of the problems of this world.

As Swiftcharge looked at the eyes of her two standing children, she realized this couldn’t continue. At this pace, all of her children would die and it would all be because her own stupid, sickening dec… No, it wasn’t her own fault. It was Pterano who had got her to join this doomed quest and if she wanted to have any chance to make the others see the truth and to take their fates back to their own hands, she’d have to make them see just how pathetic Pterano just was. In order for her to rise, he had to first fall as the leader of this herd. She suddenly let out a loud cry on which she called the flyer to her.

That screech made Pterano’s heart jump to his throat. He knew that Nila was growing weaker but even then, he had hoped to avoid any kind of clash with the threehorn. Not only had she been an important dinosaur in keeping the herd safe, she had also been his staunch supporter only a short time ago. Even then, he had no choice but to check what was wrong with her or else his reputation would be undermined even further. he took a brief sigh as he headed towards the female, knowing full well that everyone stared at him in a mix of anger and curiosity.

The flyer’s mood fell immediately as he saw Nila lying on the ground, immediately realizing that his worst dreams were being realized. He knew full well that Swiftcharge would speak for many members of his herd who were on the verge of losing a loved one to exhaustion and hunger. His voice was a firm one, knowing he couldn’t seem weak during this conversation.

“I’m sorry about your daughter but there is nothing we can do for her now. We all know that we have to reach the Valley or share the same fate.” He said, knowing full well he was right. He shuddered inside as he looked the female in her eyes, seeing the rising anger within her eyes. He could only hope that he could withstand whatever was to come. Swiftcharge stepped forward towards her leader and spoke to him in a cold voice that dipped with hate and disgust.

“We all know that it was you who led us here, Pterano! All of our hardships have been because of you!” She yelled, looking closely at the dinosaur around her. Even now, she knew that she couldn’t head out alone with her children as that would mean certain death. Now, she had to either overthrow Pterano or follow him against her will. The flyer looked at the threehorn in a stern look, genuine outrage starting to rise within him.

“You dare? You should be honored to be able to follow me, Pterano, on this momentous journey instead of being led by those who lack vision! The others are very likely to have perished already!” He yelled, knowing his position was on the line now. If he did everything right, it would be much more unlikely that any others would question his leadership either. However, he was far from prepared to the larger dinosaur’s next attack. She didn’t care that her children were visibly terrified by what was happening but right now, making the others to see truth about Pterano was the most important thing for her.

“No matter what, they can’t be doing any worse than we are! About your vision, Pterano, I really doubt you even know which way we’re going any better than we others do! If you know anything more than we do, tell it now!” She said, really wondering what kind of an answer she’d receive. The flyer gulped as he looked at the expression of those around him, seeing very well that he couldn’t get out of this situation in any way. He took a firmer look and crossed his hands as he gave his answer.

“I know the same stories as the rest of you but I’ve managed to find further hints about the Valley’s location from the old, treasured tales of the flyers. The Rock that Looks Like a Longneck is roughly where the others are going but according to one of our legends, the promised sanctuary is further north than the others seem to believe. I will show you the way and at that point, you will learn not question our kind’s wisdom.” He said but immediately, the threehorn rebuked. Pterano knew very well that his answer was an improvised one as inside, he knew the way to the Valley only as well as the others.

“Oh? Then why didn’t you tell of that to the others? Am I to understand that you sent my mate to certain death because you were too proud to even mention you knew all of this? Am I?” She asked, causing Pterano to frown even further. He looked nervously around himself but his courage wasn’t failing him just yet. He soon regained his composure as he spoke again, more than annoyed by this conversation.

“Of course not. Do you really think I’d rid anyone of that paradise willingly? I only thought about these things once we left the others! I would have gladly told them but I hadn’t managed to put all the pieces together back then!” He said but at that point, Swiftcharge’s eyes flashed triumphantly. There it was, the opening she could use to attack the flyer and perhaps prove his real motives to the others. She grunted deeply as she spoke to the flyer.

“So, you are admitting that you didn’t know the way when we left the others? You admit that all along, you told us to follow you even if you knew nothing? Did my daughter follow you all this time simply because you lied to us?” She asked with a trembling rage, seeing that some of the other herd members’ faces were tightening as well. Pterano realized his mistake as well but by the Bright Circle, he wouldn’t fail here! He had been born for this role and no threehorn would take that away from him! His voice was beyond toxic as he spoke.

“The main thing I promised was safety and I’ve kept my word! I’m flabbergasted that you dare accuse me of wrongdoing even if I’ve worked tirelessly to find out the best path forward for you and the others! I haven’t failed any of the pledges I made when you decided to follow me!” He said, his own rage overshadowing any of his internal doubts or worries. However, his heart fell completely as he heard another dinosaur speak to him.

“Save for the one that you alone knew the way! And to be honest, I couldn’t care less about you and your kind’s children’s stories. They are most likely pure lies after all!” The hollowhorn cried, causing the others to start gossiping as well. The flyer froze in his place for a brief moment, not willing to hear he had just heard those words of arrogance. He stuttered as he started to speak, those words having insulted him personally.

“They are the greatest source of wisdom of all. If… if you are suggesting they’re all wrong, I…” He started but before he got any further, a third dinosaur yelled in growing anger.

“The flyers are nothing but cowards! I bet Pterano would abandon us the moment we no longer will be of any use to him! I’m not willing to give my life to such a leader!” He cried, telling Pterano that things were approaching a critical point. More and more dinosaurs started to speak of treacherous deeds and the flyer knew but one way to stop it completely. He suddenly rose to his wings and cried in a loud, commanding voice.

“Those who wish to follow me to the Valley, tell so immediately! Move closer to me so that we may show these upstarts their rightful place! Know that the lives of your loved ones depend on you making the right choice! In the name of the noble flyers of the past, I promise to you that what I said is true! Show your loyalty to me and I will bring you salvation!” He cried, looking at the dinosaurs below him. He cringed inside a he didn’t see any of them budging for a few seconds, knowing that the chance of him succeeding in
making his case were deteriorating by the second.

That fact, of course, wasn’t lost on Swiftcharge either. She looked at the dinosaurs around her, looking in growing hope as none of them seemed ready to cast their hopes on the flyer. It wasn’t long, however, before one grumpy clubtail spat into the ground and spoke to Swiftcharge.

“Bah! I’d follow any fool rather than you or your mate, Swiftcharge! You’ve never brought anything but trouble with you!” She yelled as she walked near Pterano. The threehorn cringed at the other female in clear despise but there was nothing she could do about her. However, her spirits fell further as another swimmer spoke in a worried voice.

“I agree. At least Pterano has given us something to believe in unlike you and your kind, threehorn. I have no wish to live under your tyranny!” He snapped and joined the two dinosaurs. Swiftcharge looked in astonishment and growing outrage as she looked at more and more dinosaurs joining the flyer’s followers, knowing that her gamble was on the verge of failing completely.

This fact wasn’t lost on Pterano either. He smiled widely as he looked at more and more affirming their loyalty, having a hard time keeping a smile creeping to his face as he saw another dinosaur heading towards him… until finally nearly two-thirds of the herd stood around him. At that point, he couldn’t hide his triumph and he suddenly called sneeringly at the threehorn.

“Well, Swiftcharge, it seems you didn’t know my herd as well as you thought! Are you willing to give up your idiotic attempt to guide us all to oblivion or do you really wish to have a battle? It is up to you now.” He said, knowing that his rival had but one option at this point. He knew full well she wouldn’t start a full-fledged bloodbath here and her eventual surrender would only improve his position within the herd. Her sister would certainly be sorry she ever questioned his ability to rule the herd once everyone would tell her of his

The threehorn looked before herself in shock, not having expected it to end like this. She could feel similar sentiments among those who still stood by her but… but it mattered little now. What mattered was that her effort to wrestle the herd away from Pterano had ended in a failure and that meant that she’d have to march on following him until her children and she herself would fall into the ground, never to rise again. She couldn’t believe most of the herd still trusted Pterano, a testament to the utter stupidity of the lesser kinds. She only regretted for having to suffer for the mistakes of others. Her voice was a sickened one as she spoke but fighting would help no one at this point. She looked into the ground, cursing the day when she had joined Pterano.

“I have no choice but to give up, Pterano. Lead us forward.” She said, this situation making her more hopeless than she had thought. Not only was her family going to die but she had also been forced to submit before a flyer! At this point, she understood Current’s farewell completely. Pterano looked at the threehorn for a while before finally acknowledging her words.

“Very well. I am not going to punish you for your effort as I know full well how it feels to lose your child or someone you see as such. But from now on, I don’t want to see more uprisings like this one as we already missed precious time and energy we should have used to reach the Valley. Follow me and remember we’re all in this together.” However, before Pterano could even start moving, another flyer approached him. The orange-brown flyer immediately recognized him as one of his followers and he could see deep excitement on
his face. Pterano frowned slightly as the other male seemed to ignore him completely but his mood improved as she started to speak.

“Marvelous news, everyone! I found a pass full of green food only a short distance in front of us! That’ll refresh us perfectly before we move forward!” He exclaimed with a wide smile as he looked at his companions. Swiftcharge couldn’t absolutely believe her ears as she heard those words, merely the suggestion that such a moment of salvation and happiness was at hand. She looked at the two flyers with wide eyes as Pterano asked the other male the obvious question.

“Where? Are you sure you’re not lying to us?” He asked, doubt creeping to his heart as well. The younger flyer shook his head quickly before waving to everyone to follow him.

“Follow me and I’ll show you the way! Come now, many of us are getting very weak!” He said, those words immediately causing a deep frown to appear on Swiftcharge’s face. Of course she was happy to hear that but… but what about Nila? Her heart ached as she looked at her now-unconscious daughter lying in the ground. She couldn’t leave her lying around here all alone even for a short while! It would hardly take a minute before sharpteeth would attack her and tear her small body to pieces!

Even then, the female knew she was out of options. She would either stay here to protect the child while others would bring food, if they would at all, and risk falling to the predators’ assault in her current weak state along with her other children. Even then, a slight relief rose to her face as she suddenly realized the obvious solution. If the flyer spoke the truth, then there was a chance she could carry Nila to this oasis and hope she could still recover from her weakness! Hope arose within her chest as she followed the herd and spoke to her children warmly as they got on the move. She gently raised the girl from the ground and put her on her back, content by the fact that she still breathed.

“Let’s hope the flyer was right. This journey might end up well after all!” She said, not able to foresee just yet how wrong she could possibly be.

“There is the opening, everyone! Soon, we can all eat our fill!” the flyer called as Pterano saw a distant tunnel opening far in the distance. He let out a deep breath of relief as he thought about it all. Only an hour ago, she was at a risk of being overthrown from his position as the leader and soon, he would be celebrated as the one who led the herd to this oasis in the middle of a wasteland! Maybe it wasn’t the Great Valley but it would spare his followers from some suffering in the days to come. He turned at the younger flyer and spoke to him happily.

“Good job. I promise you that I’ll let everyone know of your deed when our journey will finally reach its end.” He said, causing the other flyer to look away from him with a slight blush as he hadn’t expected to earn Pterano’s respect. He stuttered slightly as he answered, more than grateful about his leader’s words.

“I… I only did my duty, my leader. I wanted to help everyone in the only way I could.” He said but Pterano no longer listened to him. He started to hear distant roar in the horizon and soon enough, he realized it was being caused by falling waters. That in itself only confirmed that there had to be green food out there but… the flyer wasn’t a fool. It was certain that large bodies of water lured all kinds of dinosaurs near it, including sharpteeth.

Suddenly, Pterano felt cold shivers going through his spine. He couldn’t help but feel that he was making a grave mistake by going in there but even then, he didn’t have a chance. Either he would quell his herd’s hunger and thirst or he could tell them to turn around, a proposition which would hardly be well received by his followers. In the end, if he denied them this oasis, he knew very well that they would be as good as dead anyway. The flyer took a deep breath as he turned at the other flyer and spoke to him with a bothered voice.

“Of course, that is all any of us can ask from you.” He said, the change of tone in his voice not lost on the other flyer. However, he decided against asking what was wrong with him, instead focusing on what was to come. Soon enough, everything would seem much better again.

Pterano, however, looked in front of himself tightly as he saw a narrow pass opening in the mountainside in front of himself. That was apparently the only way to the falling waters and the green food which made Pterano even more fearful. In a place like that, his herd would have a hard time defending themselves against any threat. He turned at his followers and spoke to them in a stoic voice.

“Follow me and keep an eye on your surroundings! We don’t know whether there are other dinosaurs here besides us so don’t forget to hold up your defenses!” He said, earning many worried looks among the herd. Each of them knew about this threat of course but each of them also knew they’d have to get food, now.

However, those words didn’t make much of an impact on Swiftcharge. The threehorn had already lost her honor and self-respect so she couldn’t care less about herself. All of her thoughts were centered on her daughter, praying she could still stop her from joining her dear Cera in the Great Beyond. She looked eagerly as the pass grew closer, praying the worst of her family’s hardships were now things of the past. Her heart started to beat even more rapidly as she saw the pass opened in front of her and she felt it hide her from the scorching heat of the Bright Circle. She could see the pass already widening at the other end so it wouldn’t be long now until she could save Nila and her other children as well…

Even Pterano couldn’t hide his astonishment of what he saw as the brief shade gave way to the bright daylight. The sight that greeted him was one he hadn’t even dared to dream of after the other flyer’s story. There were various falling waters around him and even better, there was more green food than all of the members of his herd could ever eat! The flyer looked in shock down from a nearby cliff, seeing that there was an entire Valley of green below him, more than enough to feed all of his followers for many, many seasons! He looked at the scene of extraordinary beauty around himself, realizing that this was the culmination of his life’s work. Even if this wasn’t the Great Valley itself, it would still be more than enough for his hungry herd. With a wide smile, he turned to look at the other dinosaurs who were seeing the same wonder as he had, not able to believe their eyes. Pterano wasted no time speaking to them in the most pompous voice he could muster.

“Wasn’t this what I promised you? The day you cast your fates with me, you made the decision that saved you and your loved ones from certain death! The journey was a difficult and difficult one but now, we’re safe! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hurt by the mistrust you showed towards me earlier but that matters little! We’re saved now and it was all thanks to me!” He announced, looking as important as he simply could. The other flyer frowned slightly at those words but he nor any other member of the herd could claim otherwise. Without Pterano’s lead, they would have never found this place and now, they had to give him the respect he deserved.

Even Swiftcharge was beyond bewildered by this turn of events. Even if she had only an hour earlier tried to depose Pterano and even if her kind wasn’t known for resigning any argument, she now realized just what a fool she had been to actually oppose Pterano. Not only had she shamed herself but she had actually… she had actually nearly doomed her children to certain death. She frowned deeply as she stepped forward to speak to the male.

“Pterano… I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I see now that… that I was wrong.” She said, earning many gasps from those around her. None of them had ever heard such words from a threehorn before and they knew they were unlikely to hear them ever again either. Pterano was similarly shocked by it all and he was for a moment at a loss of what to say. However, he never got a chance to give that answer. The very moment he was preparing to accept the larger dinosaur’s apology, a loud rumble could be heard behind the herd.

The flyer frowned as he looked at the source of the noise, his initial confusion suddenly turning into fear. The pass he and the others had used to enter this valley was quickly getting blocked my massive boulders dropping from the hills surrounding them and even worse, there were sharpteeth running down the hills after blocking their prey’s escape path! The flyer looked in horror as all of the hillsides around him suddenly filled with fastbiters, knowing that his worst fears had just been realized. So, this entire oasis was nothing but a trap after all. For a moment, he nearly froze still, not able to do anything but wait for the end.

However, he soon found his courage and took a decisive expression. No, he wouldn’t allow these cursed beasts to steal his moment of triumph! He’s beat them back and show what happened to those who tried to steal his hard-earned victory from him! He suddenly cried with all his might, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

“Form a ring around the children, immediately! We have no time to linger!” He yelled, at first content to see everyone doing as he had told. Yet, it soon became clear that there wasn’t nearly enough time for them to prepare for the fight. The flyer cringed deeply as the carnivores swarmed towards one of the clubtails, tearing him to pieces in a matter of seconds and throwing the rest of his fatigue and hunger-weakened herd into disarray.

The situation was the most ghastly for Swiftcharge as she saw the world around her turn into a chaos. She knew she’d beat a dozen of these bastards in her normal condition but right now, she could hardly stand, let alone fight! She suddenly turned at Aren and Struggle and spoke to them in an alarmed voice.

“Stay close to me, both of you! We have to stay together or we’re lost!” She yelled before she suddenly noticed one of the fastbiters leaping towards her from a cliff near her but she was just quick enough to show the beast the depth of its mistake. She bowed her head quickly and smiled in satisfaction as the sharptooth got impaled within her right horn. Cringing in disgust, she threw the bleeding corpse away from the horn but it was at this point that she heard a horrified cry from just behind her.

“Mom, help me! I can’t… AAAH!” Swiftcharge’s eyes widened as she heard that yell, knowing immediately whom it belonged to. She turned to look at the source of the cry and her heart skipped a beat as she saw what was happening. A pair of fastbiters were circling around her children while Struggle was defending them both in her usual, brave manner. However, her defense was quickly failing as one of the beasts managed to trip her into the ground and draw a long, deep wound into the girl’s back.  It wouldn’t be long now until she’d fall under the onslaught.

If the older threehorn didn’t have a say in it all, of course. Swiftcharge wasted no time demonstrating that her name fit her more than well. Before one of the carnivores could even realize what was happening, she was being trampled under the furious mother’s feet, her body broken into mere bloody ooze. However, all of that still took precious time… too much of it in fact. The other fastbiters looked at the demise of his companion in horror but even then, then, the younger threehorn was in his mercy.

Struggle had tried to regain her footing but before she managed to do so, she realized it was too late for her. She screamed in a loud voice as she looked at the sharptooth quickly bowing towards her, his eyes burning with pure bloodthirstiness. The young girl could do nothing but watch as the beast’s claws dug into her flesh, streams of blood spraying to her face as her consciousness started to fail. Struggle could form a single thought as her life started to escape from her broken body.

Hang in there, Cera. I’m coming with you.

The truth was quickly starting to dawn on Pterano as he followed the raging battle. His herd was too tightly drawn into the melee with the predators to give his orders any heed, leaving him as a helpless spectator to this horrifying fight. Inside, he knew very well that his followers were in no condition to fight and he could see it with his own eyes as well. The clubtails and threehorns who would usually trample a large host of fastbiters alone were quickly forced to merely fight a losing battle as they tried to defend themselves from the inevitable.

Yet, even now hope lingered within the flyer’s heart. Maybe, just maybe, newfound strength and courage would rise within his herd which would save them from this looming defeat. He narrowed his eyes as he looked into the ground, hoping the tide of the battle would still turn.

The world seemed to fall apart around Swiftcharge as she looked at her daughter’s blood streaming away from her body. She had loved Struggle perhaps more than any of her other children, aside from Cera, as they had been the proudest, the strongest of her offspring. To see her fall nearly broke her spirit, knowing that no matter what happened from now on, this loss could never be reversed. Struggle was gone and nothing could undo that monstrous fact. The horrified cry of her son filled her ears but at that point, she only cared about the fastbiter in front of her.

Her eyes turned red with rage as she decimated the cursed sharptooth in a more brutal manner than she had ever fought before. The smaller dinosaur tried to fight back but the threehorn’s assault was far too powerful for him. For a while, she was about to continue her rampage but her plans were interrupted by Aren’s loud call.

“Mom, look out! Now!” He yelled and immediately, the female could see another attacker trying to jump at her, however, this time she only had time to dodge the attack but as she did so, she realized her terrible mistake. Nila had still lied on her back and the quick, prompt movement caused her to fall from her mother’s back. The child quickly dropped into the ground, causing her mother to gasp in shock. The unconscious girl would be in the predators’ mercy in the ground but before she could do anything about it, Aren decided to act in order to prevent the last one of his siblings move into the next world. However, the next thing he heard was his mother’s call as she realized just what her son was doing.

“Aren, don’t do it! Get out of there!” She yelled as she saw another sharptooth running towards the boy. Aren had never expected another attack that quickly and due to his youth and inexperience, he hadn’t even thought of all the risks he could face by doing the right thing and saving his precious sister. However, before he could even react, he felt the beast’s jaws closing around himself, the following pain lasting only a few seconds before everything went dark for Aren and soon enough, for his sister as well.

That bloodbath wasn’t lost on Pterano and he couldn’t help but feel heartbroken when he heard Swiftcharge’s mournful cry. The flyer realized that his dream was swiftly dying and that his followers would pay the price for it. Though, maybe there was something else going on in the battle that could give him at least some hope that there could still be a happy ending to this all…

However, almost immediately his eyes were locked on a lone hollowhorn who was doing his very best trying to prevent himself from falling into the green forest below the battleground. He was hanging from the edge of the cliff but even then Pterano knew he didn’t have the strength to pull himself up from the certain death. For a brief moment, the poor dinosaur locked eyes with his leader, pleading for his help. However, Pterano could only give him his most sympathetic expression possible, knowing that the other dinosaur was beyond saving at this point.

The duo’s gazes parted when the hollowhorn finally let out a loud screech as his grip failed, plunging him into the abyss. His drop seemed to last forever within Pterano’s eyes and his desperate dirge would return to haunt the flyer for many nights to come. When the hollowhorn finally disappeared from the flyer’s sight, everything went blank within the latter’s mind. Like his grandiose hopes of leading his own herd to the Valley, so was the hollowhorn gone, all because of his mistakes.

The situation was even more surreal for Swiftcharge. The mother looked in horror at the remains of her three children that lied mutilated in the ground while the battle still raged around her. All the days they had spent together, all that they had done to each other, all the memories… all of them had led them here, only to be flushed away by the cruel hand of fate. Just like Cera, they were gone, robbed from her forever. She wept inconsolably as she was surrounded by the remains of the three most precious dinosaurs to her that had remained in this world.

At that moment, it felt like everything was over in the female’s eyes. There was no reason to go on anymore and she could just as well allow the fastbiters to reunite her with her children… and maybe her mate would be there as well. However, it was at that point that she noticed the dinosaur whose sight made the threehorn’s blood boil without an end. Pterano had led her here and he had forced her to bow before himself only briefly before he’d lead her entire family to their doom! Even if she died today, she would take that cursed bastard with her! She snorted deeply as she started advancing on the high rock Pterano was standing on, knowing just what she’d have to do.

The flyer had unconsciously brought his hands to his face, slowly realizing that it was all over. Over half of his herd had been slaughtered and within a few minutes, all of the remaining dinosaurs here would be sharpteeth. Now, the only thing that remained to be decided was whether he’d join the fight and face his end alongside those he had betrayed or whether he’d fly away, preserving the most important thing: his very life.

However, before he could even start thinking about what to do, he felt a sickening impact just below his legs and it didn’t take long until he realized that the very stone he had stood upon was broken. The next few seconds were a complete mess for Pterano but the next thing he noticed where he was, he was staring right at Swiftcharge’s face, a sight that horrified and saddened him beyond measure. There was a murderous look on her face but it was accompanied by an endless stream of tears and an inconsolable look of betrayal. The flyer’s eyes widened in horror as the threehorn started to speak to her.

“When you reach the next world, stay far away from my children when you see them or I’ll make sure your eternity will be that of suffering and pain, bastard! This is for Struggle, Aren and Nila you sorry excuse of a beakb…” She started but her brief second of rage were what saved Pterano from being trampled to nothingness. Seeing that their chance to take out the ferocious threehorn, three fastbiters suddenly leapt at the female, immediately tearing into her neck with a ferocity seldom seen from their kind.

Swiftcharge yelled in pain as she realized that these were her last moments in this world. She would die here and now, along with her children. Not that she particularly regretted it anymore. however, she suddenly realized that her time was running out and she tried to finish the flyer off before her life was snuffed out for good. However, she felt her consciousness dimming quicker than she had expected and her strength went along with it. She let out one last sigh before her heart beat for the last time. She headed to the reaches of the Great Beyond, more than eager to meet Cera and her three other children again.

Pterano, on the other hand, looked in shock as the threehorn’s blood streamed upon him. Yet, even worse than that was the sight of the dying threehorn’s body falling down towards him. If he couldn’t drag himself from under it, Swiftcharge would get his revenge even in death. Pterano quickly turned around and jumped to safety with all his might. As he lied in the ground after his landing, he heard a loud thud behind himself.

As he carefully turned to look at the direction, he noticed that the larger dinosaur’s head lied only inches from his feet, making Pterano cringe deeply as he realized what would have happened had his jump been just a bit shorter. He couldn’t help but feel sad for his rival at this point even if she had tried to crush him to a thousand pieces. After all, he had taken everything from her. The threehorn had been right: all of this had been his fault. Pterano looked at the battle and everywhere he turned his head, he saw another one of those who had trusted him fall into the ground. Falling with them would be the only right thing that he could do but even then, some primal thought deep within his mind warned him again doing anything rash like that.

He was still Pterano, the most fearless flyer in existence and even after this setback, he couldn’t deprive the world from his vision! With a sickened look, he rose to his wings, willing to get safe from the fastbiters as soon as possible. He looked at the battle for a brief moment, seeing the last vestiges of his herd being slaughtered. This was a true disaster but how could he have known that it would end like this? After all, he had wanted to avoid coming to this Valley but he knew his herd wouldn’t have accepted such a decision! Even if the male’s rationality fought against that conclusion, one single thought lingered within his mind: none of this was his fault. Knowing there was nothing here for him anymore, he turned around and fled the scene. A few dinosaurs were appalled to see their leader leave them to die like this but luckily for Pterano, none of them would be able
to tell the truth to the others.

Pterano’s mind was paralyzed from the horrors he had just seen, feelings of guilt, denial and sorrow filling his thoughts. He was nothing but a cowardly monster who had led dozens of those who had trusted him to their deaths. Yet, he was also a victim of pure bad luck who had just tried to give the others a better life. But only one thing was true without the slightest of doubts: his herd was no more, their bodies most likely filling the bellies of the fastbiter herd right now. There was only one thing he could do at this point: to try to find the others and hope they’d find the Valley in time. He just dreaded the obvious meeting he’d had to go through soon enough: for the first time in his life, he’d have to admit he was wrong.

The day had turned to night as the lonely flyer fluttered over the battered, dead reaches of the Mysterious Beyond. During all of those hours, he saw absolutely no life below him save for a few, lonely ground fuzzies. Inside, a terrifying thought rose to his mind. What if his sister and her entire herd had met the sane fate as his own? While such a scenario would give him some relief from his horrible mistake, he would never hope such an end for his dear sister nor to his nephews and nieces. He would never forget the horror and pain in Swiftcharge’s face as she had lost all of her children. The pure hate and disbelief within her eyes… Pterano shuddered as he even thought about all of it. He’d never want to see that expression as long as he lived.

Even the sky took a condemning quality to it in the distressed flyer’s mind. it seemed that every sky puffy and breath of wind was a soul of one of those whom he had led to their doom. While before he had only seen Tuulen and Petrie haunt him and remind him of his failures, now he had dozens of others joining the chorus of contempt and bitterness? Where would all of this end? However, there still lingered one ember of Pterano’s old bravado within his heart, one that told him that there was only one thing that could redeem him: to one day give an even greater gift to those who still remained in this world. Yet, that would have to be left for seasons to come as right now, Pterano only wanted to find his sister, knowing she’d owe it to her to tell just what happened to his herd.

The shadows of the evening were already growing long by the time the flyer found what he was looking for. A sting of guilt arose within him as he saw the massive forms of the two longnecks, the many flyers… as well as that of Mr. Threehorn. If the Bright circle had any mercy left for him, Pterano prayed that he could avoid him at least for tonight. He had no heart to tell him of the monstrous truth, at least not yet. His mind grew ever heavier as he saw a dead tree housing a family of flyers, telling Pterano that his journey was nearing its end. Now, he’d only have to tell Volant about all of it…

“Momma, How much further do we have to go? We’ve flown for many seasons and yet, we’re no closer to anywhere!” one of the boys exclaimed as he spoke to his mother, his eyes half-closed as he spoke. However, it wasn’t long until one of his sisters frowned and looked at the boy with a slight frown.

“That isn’t true! Did you already forget that momma said she saw the rock that looks like a longneck yesterday? We’re getting ever closer!” She said, earning a tired nod from Volant. The older flyer looked around herself with a sad look, hoping she wouldn’t have to listen to that whining for much longer. Yes, she loved her children without an end but without Pterano, trying to keep them calm had become much harder. Only now did she realize just how much the children had loved his stories and his never-ending optimism.

Yes, she was bitter for what he had done but at this point, she wasn’t petty enough to accuse him about that. The only thing he wanted anymore was to reach the Valley and knowing they they had passed the first landmark on the way there heartened her greatly. However, this entire journey had taken a dark turn in her mind after the loss of Petrie. Every morning, she’d wake up expecting to see a child that would never return to her. It hit her like a falling rock every time and she couldn’t help but believe she had failed her son’s trust by not being able to save from his grisly fate. After that day, everything had seemed like a bad sleep story, especially as she had been forced to face the stark reality alone. Her voice was a sad one as she answered her daughter.

“Yes, you’re right about that. Even then, I cannot say how much further we have to go. I… I just don’t know.” She said, not even looking at her children as she spoke. The younger flyer had of course noticed this change within their mother, each of them regretting to see their once encouraging parent drifting ever deeper into the depths of depression. The boy stepped forward carefully, cocking his head slightly as he spoke.

“But… what if uncle Pterano returned to us and told he had already found the Valley? And what if he had also found Petrie on the way?” He asked, his young mind unable to understand the concept of death just yet. Volant sniffed deeply as she heard those words, nearly snapping at the younger flyer in anger and only barely able to contain her anger.

“I don’t know about Pterano but please, stop asking about Petrie. He… isn’t going to return, just understand that much.” She said while shedding one, single tear. She turned to look at the rest of the herds, each of them feeling as if their cause was becoming more worthless by the day. Most of them had lost at least one child and those were some losses not even a true paradise could undo. She took a deep sigh as she heard a loud thud from a nearby branch, followed by a loud cry from her children.

“Uncle Pterano! We’re so glad you’re here again!” They cried as the male embraced them, albeit only half-heartedly. Volant’s heart skipped a beat as she looked at him, not able to believe her eyes. Her brother had actually returned but… why? What had happened? Inside, a deep worry arose inside Volant as she started to think of the implications. Even if she was somewhat relieved to see him back, worries and uncertainty about the situation drowned those sentiments completely. They were further strengthened as Pterano whispered to the female while slowly disengaging from his nephews’ and nieces’ collective embrace.

“C… could we talk about this alone, sister?” He merely said, earning a shocked look from the children. Volant could see the horror and guilt within her brother’s eyes and she took a deep breath as she addressed the younger flyers.

“You heard your uncle. I have some things I have to talk about with him.” She said, her deep frown killing any objections immediately. Pterano gulped deeply but he and his only sibling wasted no time flying to the next tree, making sure to be able to oversee while having this most important of conversations. Volant tried to calm down before asking the obvious question.

“Well, don’t waste any more time and tell me what happened to the others, oh great leader!” She snapped harshly while putting her hands to her hips. That was the most important question and it was quite clear at this point that he hadn’t led them to the Valley and returned to the others. She looked with a demanding look at her brother whose mind was a complete mess.

What could he even tell his sister? Pterano couldn’t even begin to imagine a loathing look of despise on his sister’s face as she had been one dinosaur who had never treated him like an outsider or as a nuisance. He knew the truth wouldn’t be received well but even then, she’d see through him immediately if he started lying. A great pressure was building within his chest as he prepared to speak, some of the things he were going to say being too monstrous for himself to hear.

“I… it wasn’t my fault, I swear, Volant! None of it was!” He said, those being the only words he could say. That answer only deepened the female’s concerns but even then, she wasn’t going to see her brother starting to slither in misery before her. She slapped him with a loud force before asking in a colder and more threatening voice.

“What wasn’t your fault? Tell the truth and the whole truth only!” She said, staring into the male’s eyes. Pterano’s heart raced as she tried to come up with an answer that would do justice to both the fallen and himself. However, he couldn’t bring himself to twist the truth and he spat his answer out in disgust.

“The others… they are gone. We were ambushed by a large group of sharpteeth in a small valley. It was horrible… most were torn apart before my eyes while a few others dropped to their deaths from a nearby cliff.” He said, those words stopping Volant’s world completely. She had feared as much but hearing those words from her brother’s mouth was a horrifying moment for the flyer. Inside, outrage was building inside the female at the thought of his brother leaving her to tend to the children alone while pursuing his own insane dreams which only ended up killing everyone who had cast their lot with his brother. Not only that, she knew many of the other herds would also scorn at her as well for her brother’s deeds. Volant cringed deeply at those words, shock apparent in her voice.

“Did everyone share those fates? Are you sure about that?” She asked, her voice trembling as she tried to contain the anger building inside her for a while longer. Pterano looked at her with a guilty look but this time, he didn’t hesitate with his answer.

“I am, sister. Not one of them escaped save for me.” He said, having seen even the few flyers falling prey to the fastbiters’ onslaught. He couldn’t help but feel guilt for having escaped but at the very least, their story would now be known to their loved ones. Volant turned to look at the rest of the herds, already wondering how these news would be received. Her breaths grew heavier by the second as she started to speak to the male.

“Pterano… do you have any idea about what you’ve done? Because of you, one-third of our herd is dead and now, the others deserve to learn the truth before long! And even worse, you shamed Tuulen and Petrie’s memory by using them to forge your doomed effort! CAN YOU EVIN BEGIN TO UNDERSTRAND WHAT YOU’VE DONE?!” She asked again, her despair and anger building more by the second. Pterano looked at her with a sad look, for the first time in his life finding no words to defend himself. Even then, he had to say something even if that answer turned out to be even more pitiful than he had expected.

“I couldn’t know it would go that way… Things just went the way I hadn’t foreseen…” He said, knowing those words wouldn’t win him any more sympathies. However, Volant wasn’t
done with her answer, her hate only growing by the second.

“And all for what? My children would have deserved to have you here alongside them all this time as would have I. Only in the past days had I even began to realize that I needed you after all but you were too busy leading our friends to their ends! And even worse, you threw away your entire future with that small mistake of yours!” She raged, knowing the others would never accept Pterano’s return. And to be completely truthful, neither would she for a long, long time. The male was just about to answer when the duo heard a cry from below them.

“Who are you raging at, beakbrain? We others are trying to sleep and… Pterano? Is it you?” The flyers’ hearts froze as they heard a clubtail’s call from below them. Even Volant was extremely alarmed by those words as even now, he would have preferred to keep her brother’s presence a secret. However, before either of them could speak, another voice further away from the two cried loudly.

“You heard that? Pterano has returned!” And after those words, there seemed to be movement everywhere. Each and every herd had had a loved one or a friend in Pterano’s group and even if all of them were nervous after hearing only the flyer had returned, they knew they had to hear what he had to say. Volant crossed her arms and took a deep breath before glancing at her brother. After all, it was he who would be under fire shortly, not her. She spoke with a cold voice as more and more dinosaurs gathered around them.

“Sort your own mess, Pterano. If you think I’ll defend you for anything that you’ve done, you’re terribly mistaken.” She said as the male gulped deeply. He had no idea how all of this would go. However, he was far from confident as Mr. Threehorn’s voice reached his ears first.

“Tell immediately where you left my mate and children or you’ll be sorry, beakhead!” He cried, followed immediately by Ura’s loud call to the flyer.

“How about Current? If he’s in trouble, you won’t get away with it!” She cried even if Current had only been a close, long-time friend of hers. Volant nodded at her brother angrily, taking a few steps away from him as she thought about the storm that was about to rise in a matter of seconds. The male flyer felt as if his heart was about to escape his chest but after a moment, he calmed down and decided that there was no reason to delay the inevitable. His voice wavered horribly but he stayed far calmer than even he had expected.

“To my utmost sorrow, I have to announce that our journey was a failure. All of the others… they’re dead. I’m the only survivor.” He said, complete silence following those words. Countless stunned looks stared right at the flyer, the latter seeing in slow-motion as the truth started to dawn upon the others. He knew that soon, so very soon, the silence would end as quickly as it had descended. He looked with a mournful expression as tears started falling from the gathered dinosaurs’ eyes.

However, it was Mr. Threehorn who spoke first. Everyone moved away from him as he stepped forward, his voice rife with hate and shock.

“You have the nerve to tell me that my entire family is gone, Pterano?! Then, tell me why you’re here and not dead along with them!” He yelled, that question first forming within his mind. His heart was slowly breaking to a thousand pieces but even now, his pride as a threehorn demanded to hear what the flyer had to say. His mere presence here was an insult to the fallen so he’d better have a good explanation. However, after a moment, Pterano offered something that hardly helped his cause.

“I should be but… there wasn’t really a reason for any of it. Besides, I wanted to tell you about what happened.” He said, not even trying to come up with a lie. However, those words made the larger dinosaur only tremble in hate as he tried to register what he had just heard.

“There wasn’t a reason for you to die? Not after you led my mate and my children to their deaths… Pterano, if you have even a flicker of honor within you, come here and I’ll give you the best death you can have! A much better one than a cowardly bastard like you would ever deserve!” He yelled, tears falling as he thought about it all. He had lost everything… first Cera and now the rest of his family as well… The sickening situation made his blood boil as much as it made his heart fall apart. It wasn’t helped by a familiar voice speaking to him from his right.

“Now, Mr. Threehorn, let’s be reasonable. Let’s hear everything he has to tell and then we’ll decide what to…” An elderly voice asked but the threehorn wasn’t about to let him finish. He quickly turned at the other dinosaur and shouted in outrage.

“Reasonable? I’d want to see you be reasonable if even your mate was taken away by this filth, longneck! This evening, we all have to go through Cera and your boy’s loss again because of him! And I certainly am not going to listen any more to his pathetic lies! Now, let’s force him into ground to help him do the right thing for once!” He cried, seriously ready for that option. Many others around the threehorn seemed to either completely agree with him or at least give their silent approval. At this point, even Ura wasn’t prepared to object as she thought about the horrors the others had most likely be gone through. It pained her deeply but for now, she’d step aside and hope that justice would be delivered soon enough.

Volant’s eyes opened in shock as more and more rocks started flying towards her brother, not having expected the others go to these lengths to punish him. Deep down, she felt that not even her brother deserved to be treated like this and certainly, she wouldn’t allow this enraged mob trample over him. She knew there was nothing for him here anymore as the others would not forgive him in a long, long time. She suddenly turned at the male and spoke to him in a much softer voice already.

“Get out of here, brother, before it’ll be too late! Even you don’t deserve all of this.” She said, causing the other flyer to look at her sadly, cringing as one larger rock hit his head. His entire body ached as more and more rocks hit and he wasted no time doing as the female had told him. This was far from a warm goodbye but it was the only one available to them now.

“Very well, Volant. But I promise you this isn’t the last time we’ll meet. The others will calm down in time and on that day, I’ll redeem myself. Farewell.” He said as he headed towards the skies, a few other flyers trying to stop him but soon realizing they wouldn’t be able to catch him even if they tried. Pterano listened to the screams below him, hoping that Volant wouldn’t get in too much trouble for allowing him to escape like this.

He took a deep breath as he looked at the wide wastes before him, the guilt lingering deep within him. He had failed today but it only forced him to try to make the world a better place some other day. He would one day rejoin the others and make up for all of his failures. This was the low point of his life but like the flyers of old, he would prove that he would rise above all of that. A storm of guilt, shock and hope lingered within the flyer’s mind as he prepared to embark on a journey of healing and redemption some time in the seasons to come.

This was my response to the August prompt and it’s also the last one before December so now, I have several months to devote to Separate Ways alone. I’d also like to note that I used the dialogue prompt so the month’s theme, Greatness, isn’t really a part of this story. As you may have noticed, this fic was mostly a retelling of Pterano’s backstory presented in the seventh film. I also wanted this to be some kind of sequel to One Fallen, Two Torn Apart and I utilize the events and motives established in that fic to reflect that.

The story has many differences to the one we saw in the film but the reason for that is that none of the ones who told about Pterano's journey to the kids were there to witness the events for themselves and as for the latter parts, it’s conceivable they wanted to hide their rash actions from their children. That being said, I hope you liked this story and hopefully, Separate Ways’ next chapter will be out soon enough.

LBT Fanfiction / The Birth of Something Beautiful
« on: July 29, 2019, 03:01:05 PM »
The Birth of Something Beautiful

”And that was when I saw it. A completely green tree star hanging all alone in the canopy of those dead trees and… and mother gave it to me. It was one of the most wondrous things I had seen in ages during our journey in that wasteland, wondrous enough that I decided even against eating it. It was for long my last memory of her… until the sharptooth crushed it a long time later. But the moment I received it was one of my most precious memories, especially about my mother.” Littlefoot said with a slightly gloomy voice as he looked at the towering form of his father. The duo were lying in the ground, remembering the certain someone both of them missed greatly. Bron looked at his son with a long face, not waiting for long to give his answer.

“All of that sounds so much like her. Your mother was one longneck who always found something good or beautiful in even the most difficult of situations.” He said, his eyes returning to days long since past. A slight smile rose to his face even if he regretted it deeply he hadn’t been there for his family when they had most needed him. The younger longneck looked at his father for a short moment before giving his answer to Bron’s words.

“She indeed did. I was very young back then but still it felt like nothing bad could happen when she was near me. That the Great Valley would magically appear behind every gorge or plain… Of course it wasn’t true but at least she kept my hopes alive.” He said, not able to hide his sadness as he thought about those days. Even now, hardly a day had passed how very wrong her death had been.

One moment, everything had been just fine, she had stood there besides him and encouraged him forward and then… and then, she had been nothing but a dead pile of flesh on a cliff overlooking the gorge left by the Great Earthshake. That feeling caused his face to fall towards the ground and a feeling of deep emptiness take hold of his heart. Bron looked at the boy in the light of the late evening, feeling the warm wind blow against his massive form. He regretted having to prevent Shorty from attending this meeting but really, this wasn’t his business. His voice was low as he answered to Littlefoot.

“And that was all she most likely wanted, Littlefoot. And she succeeded in guiding you here after all.” He said, already having heard of her appearances to Littlefoot since her passing. He had a hard time believing them but if Littlefoot really believed in those claims, who was he to tell he was wrong? After a while, the younger longneck spoke to his father again.

"I guess so too. But dad… I’ve been wondering about one thing. You’ve never told me about your own past with mother. You’ve never told what kind of life you lived or when or when you even met. I… I know nothing about any of that.” He said, looking curiously at his father. Bron looked at the boy in slight surprise, not having expected to hear such a question. He stuttered somewhat as he tried to find some kind of an answer.

“I… I… never thought about that. Maybe I thought… that it wasn’t important, that you weren’t interested.” He said but almost immediately, he realized just how stupid that answer actually was. And indeed, Littlefoot was far from happy with those words.

“Not interested? Of course I’m interested in that, dad! After all, you are my parents and it’s odd I know nothing about either of you! Even my friends do know a lot about their folks even if many of those stories are quite horrible.” He said, his voice dropping again suddenly as he thought about especially Cera and Petrie’s family history. Bron looked at his son with a bothered look, really struggling to find a good answer to that remark. After a brief moment, he finally started to speak again.

“Not many dinosaurs have been lucky enough to have survived without many, painful losses. But Littlefoot… I can tell you about me and your mother if you really want to. I guess I owe to Tranquil at least that much.” He said while looking towards the sky, his mind already preparing for a return to his long-gone youth. Littlefoot’s eyes widened in expectation as he looked at his father, more than interested to hear his story. The boy was still slightly taken aback by Bron’s mention of his mother’s real name as he had never heard it before but even then, he had already heard it many times before. He then spoke to Bron in a happy voice that dipped with expectation.

“Then tell about your past home and how you met mother! I’ve always wondered what kind of place could have been our common home if the green food hadn’t started to die like it did.” He said, looking at the older male in deep interest. Bron looked at him for a long time, wondering just how he should start his story. He then looked at his son and took a deep breath as he gazed at the distant Roaring Falls.

“Littlefoot… the truth is that I used to be a Farwalker in my youth as well so maybe it was just my destiny to be one later on as well. My herd travelled far and wide and we went through many adventures back then. I was living with my own mother and brother during those days and I loved both of them greatly. However, as I entered the Time of Great Growing, I slowly realized that I yearned for something more than just endless wandering around the Mysterious Beyond. And before I knew it, I was given the opportunity of my life I had secretly looked for…

The young longneck looked around himself in awe, not having expected this place called the Emerald Grove to look this grand. Sure, he had seen many beautiful places in his life and he could still remember the endless, green plains of his childhood but the dramatic mountains surrounding this place as well as the lush vegetation all around him made him smile more deeply than he would have expected. And to be honest, he had waited for this for so long as it seemed like the steppes of the Mysterious Beyond were growing dryer by the day. Bron smiled as he looked at his brother as he stopped in the middle of a deep gorge in the middle of this small sanctuary in a dying land.

“I can’t believe this place is still this green, Beros! I was slowly starting to believe we’d never see a place this full of green food again!” He said, panting slightly as the weeks of endless wandering finally reached their end. The other boy nodded at Bron and agreed to his statement without any delay.

“Me neither. It’s almost scary how fast the green food is dying everywhere… but there’s no use worrying of that now. The Grove is every bit as beautiful as mother promised to us.” He said as he looked at the massive female accompanying the herd’s leader in reporting of the herd’s arrival to the permanent inhabitants of this small but beautiful land. Bron glanced at a wide river next to himself, happy to see that he wouldn’t have to worry about thirst during his time here. He then turned back at his brother and spoke to him in approval.

“It seems like they have no real objections to us getting in. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind at all if we stayed here for a short while longer, at least long enough that wandering out there no longer means going for days without end without any kind of food!” He said, a longing look forming on his face. Beros, however, frowned at the other boy’s comment, clearly disappointed by his brother’s words.

“Just drop such thoughts already, Bron! Our family has always been one of Farwalkers and believe me, it wouldn’t be interesting in the least to spend your whole life in just one place. And really, there is still enough food out there to sustain us for many seasons so just cut the whining.” He said in a voice that didn’t carry a hint of malice or anger but rather slight frustration. Bron, however, wasn’t completely fond of his only sibling’s attitude as he made it seem like he thought he knew everything. Bron loved him deeply but the thing was that there were time when started to get on his nerves. He sighed deeply as he looked at the grown-ups talking about some things and praying it wouldn’t be long until he could get to properly recovering from the long journey.

A curious looked formed on the juvenile longneck’s face as she stared at the large herd gathering below her. She was sitting on a large cliff overlooking the wide clearing and she investigated the newcomers with a curious look. These days there seemed to be less Farwalkers every day and the reason wasn’t lost on her. Ever since the arrival of that other group of newcomers, there plains around the grove had turned grey and barren and she had heard that surviving out there was getting more and more difficult by the day.

And she could very well see it. Most of the Farwalkers were beyond skinny, nearly mere shadows of the longnecks of the Grove who were mostly plump and well-fed. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for them but she also admired their courage to traverse the endless and hostile reaches of the world. Without them, it was most likely that the small sanctuaries of the leaf eaters like her precious Emerald Grove would turn into their own little worlds who knew nothing about what was going on outside them. Then again, Tranquil had absolutely no wish to join them as long as she could just stay here in peace.

She could see her own herd reacting the same way she was: with deep curiosity. She looked at the newcomers, her gaze stopping for a moment at two youthful males not far from her who looked more than happy now that this leg of their journey was below them. She could only wonder what kind of stories they and other Farwalkers like them gad to tell…
Suddenly, Tranquil’s eyes widened in shock as she realized that the ground was starting to give up under her feet. She yelped in alarm as she headed towards the ground with a host of many small rocks…

Bron breathed more calmly by the second as he looked at the increasingly friendly expressions on his herd leaders’ faces. It was clear at this point that he and the others wouldn’t be told to turn on their heels and head back to the hostile wastelands behind them. He could already start to imagine the feeling of being able to sleep in peace from the
sharpteeth for a few nights and to not feel like his stomach was burning due to h…


The boy’s heart sank as he felt the loud crash not far behind him. It sounded like sky fire but the shaking of the ground itself told the male that wasn’t the case. He turned to look at the direction of the sound and he frowned in shock as he looked at the pile of rocks and a juvenile female lying among them. However, before he could even react to the sight, Beros snapped at him in alarm.

“Don’t waste time, Bron, and let’s go help her! She might be hurt!” He said but before he could finish, Bron was well on his way. For as long as he could remember, he wasn’t one to allow others to suffer around him if he simply could avoid it. He panted in worry as he stopped by the female’s side and asked her urgently.

“Are you alright? That was a really nasty drop!” He asked, immediately able to see that she wasn’t seriously hurt. She was groaning in clear pain but she moved and acted normally which made the boy breath much more easily. Beros stopped beside him to wait for the incoming answer. Tranquil looked around herself, clearly shocked by the accident. Her voice was a worried one but otherwise, there was nothing wrong with it.

“Ouch… that really hurt. Cursed cliff… of course it had to break under me.” She said as she looked at her body which was covered in painful but mostly harmless cuts and scratches. The two males looked at her but this time, it was Beros who spoke first.

“I’m glad to hear that. It could have been far worse but it seems you had a lot of luck with you.” He said, his friendliness also registering within Bron’s mind. He seemed genuinely concerned about the female and… and to be completely honest, the boy started to see why. The girl’s greyish-purple skin and her eyes suddenly made his breath grow more forced and her hurt but self-confident movements told Bron that this longneck was a far more interesting one than any he had met before. He looked at her in silence as she finally gave her answer.

“I guess so. But I’m sure you’ve had far more crappy injuries on your journeys than my few scratches. Where did you come from?” She asked, clearly willing to move on from herself. She cringed in pain but she already knew it was nothing serious and she didn’t want the two males to look down upon her. Bron gulped as he heard those words, the odd feeling within him growing by the second. He had never felt this way around another dinosaur but even then, a thought from deep inside him told what it was: the beginnings of a crush he had seen many members of his herd to go through. He moved closer to the girl and spoke to her in a warm voice.

“We came from the plains to our west beyond which there were a few places still green. However, I am just happy to be here for now. My name is Bron.” He said, trying to fight against blushing. He couldn’t help but be amazed at the sudden appearance of those feelings but maybe this was an answer to his increasing annoyance with the life of a Farwalker. Tranquil looked at him with a neutral look before speaking to him in a soft voice.

“Nice to meet you, Bron. My name is Tranquil and I’m glad you like it here in the Emerald Grove. I’ve heard other Farwalkers also compliment its beauty.” She said as she looked at the high mountains reaching towards the sky. The two boys looked friendly and kind enough towards her despite the female’s unusual entrance. Yes, she’d gladly enjoy the duo’s company while they’d stay out here. Beros looked at the girl as he answered to her in a similar tone as his brother.

“And why wouldn’t they? I really doubt the places we’ve visited thus far are even close to this place’s grandeur. Also, my name is Beros. Do you have any siblings?” He asked, causing Bron to look at his brother oddly. He didn’t sound like himself at all and the gleam within his eyes made him increasingly bothered. The boy was surprised as he saw a hint of sadness flash within Tranquil’s eye as he heard those words but he was too fixated on the discussion to pay that much heed. The girl waited for a few moments before she gave her answer.

“Why yes, I do. I have two brothers and one sister. But if you’d excuse me, I’d prefer to go home for now. I’ll see you two later!” She said with a bothered look, causing Bron’s heart to drop suddenly. The sudden change in the mood of the girl was really profound and he couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with her. He started to speak in a soft and compassionate voice but before he could finish, his brother interrupted Bron abruptly.

“Very well, Tranquil. I hope you have a good day and…”

“I hope so too but would you perhaps like to meet me a bit later? In the evening perhaps?” He asked, freezing Bron’s world completely. His brother was interested in Tranquil after all and… and it had been he who had first asked her out! The brownish longneck stared before himself in shock, dreading to hear Tranquil’s answer. If Beros was able to make a good impression on her… the boy started to pant slightly as he thought about all of the implications.

The female, on the other hand, frowned slightly at those words. It was clear she wasn’t completely happy with the question but after a moment, her expression softened slightly. Her voice was still a silent one but it wasn’t nearly as sad as it had previously been. In the end, she was somewhat interested to learn to know Beros a bit better.

“I see no harm in that. See you later, Beros!” She said, leaving Bron to look after her wit a longing gaze. The world seemed to disappear around him as he thought about all of it. Had he just missed the chance of his life time? Would the evening’s meeting be successful and his brother and Tranquil would really find each other? Or would he receive another chance in the future? Those questions swirled within his mind as he thought about how to continue from now on. However, those thoughts were soon interrupted by the other boy’s casual remark.

“Well, it seems like the others are already heading deeper into the grove, Bron. There’s no reason for us to waste time here.” He said in a friendly way, seemingly oblivious to his sibling’s inner turmoil. Bron glanced at him briefly, seriously wondering whether Beros was simply teasing him or if he hadn’t paid any attention to him. Even then, his voice was cold as he gave his answer.

“Nope, there isn’t, Beros. No reason at all.” He said as he started to approach his mother, causing his brother to give him a confused and slightly annoyed glance. He soon followed the other longneck, more than ready for the evening’s meeting.

Littlefoot looked into the distance with a thoughtful look. He hadn’t expected to hear such a story but even then, he had had absolutely no idea what to expect from the start. To hear about his parents’ youth… something about it felt so strange. To him, they had always been some kinds of beacons of wisdom and comfort that it seemed odd they had once been young. But even then, there was one thought that bothered him most of all.

“Well… did you find out what was wrong with, mother? Because I have some kind of feeling that wasn’t the only time you two met.” He said, the outcome of the story more than obvious to him. He hated to hear that his mother had some inner sorrows but even then, it was clear she had got over them later on. Bron smiled at his son’s remark, not really surprised by the question. He took a brief sigh before he answered to the younger male.

“I did, Littlefoot. She had similar sorrows as the rest of all dinosaurs but I’ll tell of that later on.” He said, looking at his son for a while. Littlefoot was clearly more than eager to present more questions and he was clearly struggling to decide what to ask first. Soon, he cocked his head and broke the silence again.

“Alright. But I wonder… you never told to me you had a brother, either. That’s more than a little weird, dad.” He said, having expected to hear of Beros already before now. Inside, he was getting a chilling feeling as the first, obvious reason for his absence rose to his mind. Bron’s expression took a faraway look to it as he stared into the far distance. However, as he noticed the concerned look in his son’s eyes, he gave him an approving look.

“As far as I know, he isn’t dead, Littlefoot, so don’t worry. It’s just that we haven’t met each other in a long while because we decided to walk different paths in our lives because… well, you’ll learn of that soon.” He said, causing the boy to breath a bit easier. Even if he had never met this Beros, he would still have hated to hear of another part of his family that had headed to the Great Beyond before their time. However, he still couldn’t hold back his flood of questions.

“I’ll look forward to it! But… where was this Emerald Grove? How did you get to know mother better? Wh… what happened next?” He asked with an excited voice, one that made Bron’s lips turn slightly upwards. He looked his son in the eyes before continuing to speak again.

“You’ll get all the answers in time, son. I promise it.” He said, causing Littlefoot’s eagerness to turn into a silent respect as he prepared to hear more of his father’s story. Bron looked at the sky as he started to speak again.

“In any case, that evening I was quite worried about it all as I waited for Beros’ return in our temporary sleeping place…

A deep frown could be seen on Bron’s face as he looked at a small group of hills in the distance. Somewhere out there was his brother spending the evening with tranquil while he was forced to sit here and wonder just how all of it was turning out. He absolutely despised his situation and it took all of his willpower not to start kicking rocks or crying to the skies. However, his mood wasn’t lost on one particular dinosaur whose voice soon reached the boy’s ears.

“You can tell me what’s wrong, Bron. I thought you would be overjoyed to finally have a real rest but I can clearly see you’re not alright. You don’t have to hide anything from me.” She said, causing Bron to sigh deeply. His mother had no idea where Beros really was and he was in no mood to tell her any of it. Of course he appreciated her concern but this was something he’d have to get through by himself.

“It’s okay, mom. You don’t have to worry about me.” He said while cringing his teeth together. He hated the fact that he was having these feelings towards his brother as he loved Beros as well but… he simply hated how he had came between him and Tranquil. Why hadn’t he simply stepped aside and allow him to have this evening alone with her? Bron’s mood fell by the minute and it wasn’t helped by the older longneck’s next words.

“You are clearly not okay, Bron. Everything was well when we got here but after that, it seems like you had just given away all of your tree stars. Is it because of your brother’s absence?” She asked, just thinking how badly her son had wanted to reach the Glade. To her, Bron’s worries were a true enigma and she wanted nothing more than to make the boy feel better. However, she was taken aback as Bron turned around and shouted at her with a loud voice.

“Not everything is about him, mom! We don’t have to talk of him even when he’s not here, do we!? He asked, suddenly starting to feel beyond miserable as he saw the shock and hurt within the female’s eyes. He immediately knew that he had done wrong as the older dinosaur spoke to him sternly.

“I don’t know what’s the problem with you, Bron, but that isn’t how you speak to me! I thought I had taught you at least that much!” She said, looking at the male with a deep frown. Bron’s gaze fell and he let out a deep sigh and he shook his head sadly as he answered.

“I know, mom, and I’m sorry. But anyway, I’m as fine as I could be. Just leave me alone for today, please.” He said, causing the female to look him deep in the eyes. She could see clearly that there was something that deeply bothered her son but it was also clear that he didn’t want her help. That bothered her greatly even if she knew that was an unavoidable fact of life when your children reached the Time of Great Growing. She shook her head in clear loss as she spoke to the boy again.

“Do what you want then, Bron. I don’t know what to do with you.” She said as she turned around, clearly upset by all of it. The boy looked after her with a clearly saddened look as he didn’t want to anger his mother like this. His burst of anger had come out of nowhere but something had snapped within him as he heard about his brother and he couldn’t deny that he cared about him and Tranquil far more than about his mother right now.

Minutes passed slowly and once in a while, Bron glanced at his mother’s massive form in the distance, observing as she slowly fell to sleep. Deep down, he knew he wouldn’t be able to fall to sleep like this. He knew he’d have to see just how Beros and Tranquil’s meeting had gone or he’d never find peace on this night. He realized very well just how pathetic his thoughts were: here he was going to stalk on his brother and the one he loved and hope their plans would fall apart. But even then, right now he didn’t care.

After enough time had passed, Bron rose to his feet and headed to the direction the two lovebirds had earlier headed, hoping he’d find them soon enough. With any luck, his mother wouldn’t even notice his absence which made the boy breath a bit more easily. He cowered as he walked forward, knowing very well that some other dinosaur would spot him but on the other hand, his nightly walk was none of their business.

If the situation had been even a bit different, Bron wouldn’t have been able to ignore the beauty around him. The light of the Night Circle cast the woodland with its ghastly light and reflecting itself in the tiny streams flowing on the mountains around central plain of the Emerald Grove. The place was indeed worthy of its name as a poetic dinosaur would indeed have been able to see it as a shining emerald in the middle of the slowly dying world. However, Bron only saw Tranquil within his mind’s eye, praying he wouldn’t have his dreams crushed like this.

It wasn’t long until the juvenile longneck saw the edge of the forest but at first, he wasn’t really paying it much heed. He was preparing to storm out into the open but soon enough, he stopped in his tracks. He saw movement in the hills not far from him and he immediately crouched into the ground. His heart started to pound harder by the minute as he noticed that his initial guess had been correct. Beros was heading back to his family’s sleeping place alone, meaning that his date with Tranquil had already come to its end. He let out a sigh of relief at that thought but otherwise, he stayed still and watched as his brother walked past him, not noticing the other male hiding under the lush bushes of the forest.

Bron counted the seconds as Beros disappeared into the woodland himself and after noticing that he was gone, the boy suddenly walked out of the cover of forest, wondering just what had happened between his brother and the female but in the end, he realized he wouldn’t be able to find it out today. At the very least Beros hadn’t seemed like he beyond joyful but that would be a question best left for tomorrow. The boy let out a deep yawn as he realized that he still had a chance in this game of love. However, when he turned around, he heard a voice that caused his heart nearly jump to his throat.

“Bron? What are you doing here? It’s already very late!” A feminine voice asked, causing Bron’s neck to turn at its direction slowly and with very forced moments. He could only barely calm his mind as he saw Tranquil walking towards him in the darkness. He stuttered slightly as he answered to her, praying he wouldn’t say anything too stupid.

“I… I was just having a stroll alone. It isn’t often one can have those in the Mysterious Beyond.” He said, trying to give the girl a slight smile. Tranquil looked at him oddly, his composure not really convincing anyone of his honesty. She could see immediately that he wasn’t speaking the truth but for some reason, that fact didn’t make her upset in the least. She stopped close to the male before speaking to him.

“I can believe that. Do you like it here?” She asked, willing to see if the other young longneck would reveal more of his cards. Bron felt more than sick for being interrogated like this but he had no option but to get through this meeting somewhat smoothly.

“Of course I do. As I said, this place is simply wondrous! But… did you like my brother? I mean… did the meeting go well?” He asked, causing Tranquil’s eyes to narrow slightly. Bron couldn’t determine the reason for that quite yet but he was more than interested about what kind of answer he’d receive. Tranquil inhaled deeply before giving her answer.

“In many ways I did. Beros was quite fun and it was nice to have someone to talk to. I’m not sure about him yet, though…” She said, causing Bron’s heart to swell deeply. Tranquil seemed to be hesitating deeply about something which had to be whether or not to meet the male again. Bron looked at her oddly before asking the next question, knowing he’d have to word it very carefully.

“Wh… what do you mean by that? Did he do something wrong?” He asked, really wondering what the female would say next. However, when she did answer, Bron saw the same hint of sorrow and sadness within the girl as before that made his own face fall steeply.

“No, it’s nothing like that. Sometimes it just felt like… well, it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter.” She said, her mood turning from happy to nearly broken a matter of seconds. Bron hated to see her like this and he took a brief sigh before he finally asked about the issue that had bothered him the whole day. Maybe, just maybe, there would be something he could do to help her with whatever was bothering her.

“Wh… what’s wrong, Tranquil? I already saw you like this earlier in the day and again now. Wh… why did you get so sad?” He asked, hoping he’d receive a clear and straight answer. Tranquil cringed her teeth for a brief moment before speaking to the boy again. She regretted the fact that she couldn’t hide her own emotions any better but on the other hand, she was happy someone asked her about her feelings.

“Y… you’re not interested in that, Bron. I’m quite sure of it.” She said, trying to get past this conversation as soon as she could but the other male wasn’t willing to give up just yet.

“I really am, Tranquil! I wouldn’t have asked otherwise. Please, if there’s anything I can do to help, let me do it!” He said in an urgent voice, taking an almost pleading look. He hoped that the girl wouldn’t turn him away but if that would be her wish, he would have no option but to accept it. The girl looked at the male for many long seconds, clearly torn on whether or not to tell him of her feelings but after a while, she shook her head and sighed very deeply. Tranquil looked Bron in the eyes as she soon gave her answer.

“Bron… I’m not stupid. I know what most longnecks of our age want more than anything: to find a mate with whom they can spend the rest of their lives. I could see that Beros wants it as well and… and deep down, I’m no different. However, I can’t help but feel disgusted by it all. You see… I already had someone in my life with whom I would have shared everything but… he left this world far too early.” She said as she allowed a single tear flow down her cheek. Bron moved to stop it and the girl didn’t move a muscle to stop him from doing so. She stood practically motionless, a look of deep sadness lingering within the bottom of her eyes. The boy looked at her with an understanding look, regretting deeply that not even she hadn’t been able to avoid the pain of loss. His voice was barely a whisper as he tried to comfort the grief-stricken girl.

“I’m so sorry, Tranquil. What happened to him? He asked the obvious question, praying it wouldn’t upset her further. The female’s gaze fell further but her breaths grew calmer, implying that she was increasingly ready to tell the boy everything he wanted to know.

“Well… it wasn’t a long time ago when we were exploring the upper reaches of the mountains surrounding the Grove as we had often done. We both wanted to know just what lied up there and those trips were also a great way for us to spend a lot of time together. We weren’t too worried because no sharpteeth would be able to follow us through those narrow passes and deep gorges. We hardly could do it ourselves but somehow we managed. Yet… yet…” She started to weep more by the second and Bron could very well see that this conversation upset her greatly. He moved to hold her in a steady position and his whispered to her ear gently.

“It’s alright, Tranquil. You don’t have to tell me if…” He started but the girl wouldn’t allow her to finish she cast him aside and forced herself to calm down before she spoke again.

“No, it’s completely alright. I owe it to Strongtail to tell the truth about what happened to him. We were slowly approaching one of the peaks after spending weeks to finding the best routes there from here and… and that was when our mistake was finally shown to us. We never thought that… that a large herd of sharpteeth flyers would attack us out there.
If we had only thought… thought about them before heading out there, he’d… he’d still be…” She sobbed as she thought about all of it. One moment he had been a living and breathing dinosaur and only a few seconds later, he was only a cooling pile of flesh… Tranquil cast the tears from her eyes as she heard Bron speak to her in clear confusion.

“But… how could a flyer ever hurt our kind? Sure, they can cause some nasty wounds but… but aren’t they too small to kill a longneck of our age?” He asked, thinking about the times the dinosaurs of his herd had told him how such cowards waited for a chance to attack a young hatchling or a sick, elderly longneck because they were unable to prey anyone else. However, when Tranquil finally spoke again, she was clearly not too impressed with his analysis.

“That is complete crap, Bron. Remember that we were on narrow cliffs surrounded by steep drops to most directions. We could hardly fight back and even then, there were dozens of them. Even I nearly died because of the wounds they dealt to me and I only survived because… because he stayed behind and took the most of their attacks. Poor Strongtail… The last time I saw him he was but a battered husk of a longneck who was already covered in his own blood…” She said with teary eyes, those memories clearly hurting her deeply.
A look of horror could be seen within her eyes and Bron’s blood ran cold as he thought about all of it.

It was very conceivable that Tranquil wouldn’t wish to find another mate so soon after such a disaster and he gave a brief breath as he relaxed after hearing the sickening tale. He hated the fact that he had absolutely nothing he could do to really cheer her up and the things he could say were beyond generic. Yet, he could only hope that would be enough.

“I’m so very sorry to hear that, Tranquil. Far too often our common journeys are cut short by the Circle of Life but… if we stay in the past, we won’t have a future. I’m sure Strongtail would only want you to be happy. When did all of this happen?” He said, praying that he had said the right words. Tranquil looked at him sadly and after a few moments of sorting you her own thoughts, he gave his answer.

“About two cycles of the Night Circle ago. I’ve tried to get over it but when I met you and your brother, I could immediately see that you liked me and… and deep down, I felt the same but it was at that point that those memories returned to me. it was because I feared I would completely break down that I wanted to get out of that situation. And I know I’m not honoring his sacrifice fully but… but it’s just so difficult to accept that he’ll never return to me. And that he’d somehow be angry at me for getting another potential mate… Those are just some thoughts that have been swirling in my mind.” She said, causing Bron to narrow his eyes steeply. Those words caused him to feel even worse for the other longneck and his words reflected them perfectly.

“I’m so very sorry about all of that. I’ve seen many others lose a loved one in my herd but luckily, I have been spared from that. But Tranquil, if you ever need someone to listen, I will be there. I promise you that.” He said, causing the female to look right at his eyes with unreadable expression. It was clear that she was torn on how to respond to him and her expression was a highly conflicted one. However, deep inside she started to feel a warm feeling spreading. Something within the boy’s presence calmed her greatly and slowly, she
started to even smile.

“Thank you for that, Bron. But I think it’s time for me to go to sleep. At this rate, we’ll banter here until the morning.” She said with a forced smile, causing Bron to look at her with deep appreciation. He then took a step towards her and spoke to the girl with a comforting voice.

“Yep, I agree. But would you like to meet again tomorrow? We could just…” He started but soon enough, Tranquil cut him short with a sharp voice.

“Not tomorrow at least. We’ll go watch the sight of the Night Circle turning blood red tomorrow evening and I’d like to rest well before that.” She said, causing the male to freeze momentarily. His cheerfulness died down immediately and he took even a downtrodden expression as he spoke to the other young longneck.

“Oh… okay. See you some other time, then.” He said as he turned around, hoping this wouldn’t be the last time he’d meet Tranquil before he’d have to leave the Grove for good.
The girl looked after the boy with a faraway look, one that Bron would have greatly approved had he seen it. Deep down, tranquil started to realize that while Beros had been a fun and interesting companion, Bron had understood her far better and that meant the whole world to her. She gave a faraway sigh as she turned around, preparing for sleep. The next
few days would very likely be the most important ones in her life.

Bron cringed deeply as he moved through the darkness, his momentarily great mood evaporating greatly. His brother still had the upper hand in the fight for Tranquil’s heart and that in turn made Bron feel beyond sick. He gulped as he thought of the various ways he could take the initiative like giving Tranquil some gift or presenting his feelings to her in some other way…

“Bron, stay there. We have to talk.” Those words made Bron’s blood run cold and he quickly turned to look at the direction of the sound. The last bits of his good mood died down as he saw Beros approaching him with a clearly bothered look and one that immediately told the tone of the coming talk to Bron. The latter took a slightly confrontational pose as he saw his brother stop not far in front of him.

“About what, Beros?” He merely said, his mind quickly putting the pieces together. Somehow his brother had seen what had happened and that hardly meant anything good for him. Still, he wouldn’t bow before the other boy, no matter what. The slightly larger longneck looked Bron for a long time before speaking.

“I’m quite sure you know what I’m talking about, brother. When I saw that you weren’t out there with mother, I of course tried to come search for you and it wasn’t long until I saw you with her.” He said matter of factly, not yet revealing his real aims. Bron snorted briefly before speaking in a mocking tone.

“And what if you did, Beros? You don’t own her nor me and I have the right to speak with anyone I want without hearing you whine about it!” He nearly cried, not willing to even argue about this issue. Either his brother would accept that he wouldn’t receive everything he wanted in this world or he’d learn it the hard way. Deep down, Bron still loved his brother but for the first time in his life, he was ready to defend himself against anyone who would take what he loved away from him. The other male’s expression fell quickly and this time he started to approach Bron again but the latter didn’t take one step back.

“Bron, let me make a few things clear for you. I’ve always loved you deeply and I’d never, ever want to hurt you in any way. However, Tranquil agreed to meet me first and I’m sure she did it because she has already chosen me. So, stay out of my business or you’ll be sorry before too long. Understood?” He asked with a stern voice but Bron wouldn’t blink in the least. His voice was beyond cold as he gave his answer.

“Over my dead body, Beros. I will defend myself against any of your tricks or threats.” He said slowly, the duo’s eyes locked in this fateful moment. Neither of them wanted a fight but neither could they back down like this. However, it wasn’t long until Beros got enough of all of this and he spat on his brother’s foot in disgust as he spoke.

“I’m not in the mood to play with you right now. But mark my words, Bron. Give up on this folly now or regret it later. Good night, brother.” He said as he turned his back on the other male and started to head back towards his sleeping place, leaving Bron to look after him with an expression that was a mix between outrage and despair. Was there still a way for him to win Tranquil’s heart without burning his relationship with his only sibling? Even if Bron knew what he’d do in the next days, he still couldn’t help but feel more miserable than in ages.

“I’m… I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, dad. It was already bad enough to me to fight Shorty those few times but to think that Beros threatened you like that…” Littlefoot said with a deep frown as he thought about it all. Yes, he had heard that sometimes males may act terribly over their love but never before had he really given any thought to that. Bron looked at him with a faraway look as he gave his answer.

“Yes, it was a terrible moment and one I still haven’t completely forgiven that to him. While I was also very angry at the moment, I would never have gone to threaten him over that. Littlefoot, should you ever find yourself in a similar spot, remember to always allow the girl to decide her future mate as that is the only fair and peaceful way to solve these kinds of problems.” He said glumly, looking his son in the eyes. He had seen more than enough bloodshed over love during his life so he wanted nothing less than to see the boy descend to that level of savagery. Littlefoot thought about it for a few seconds before frowning deeply.

“Dad… I think I have some feelings towards Ali, a member of one Farwalker herd and it’s true that seeing her like some other longneck more would really hurt me but… but her happiness is the most important thing for me. If I won’t be good enough, it’ll be my fault, not hers.” He said, a deep longing filling his heart as he thought of his old friend. Where could Ali be these days and could it be that she was thinking of him in the same way? A slight smile rose to Littlefoot’s face as he thought about her, not able to deny that his
father’s story brought her vividly to his mind. Bron nodded at the child approvingly, having expected nothing less from him.

“That’s good, Littlefoot. I can’t stand anyone causing discord and violence in my own herd over something like this. It isn’t worth it for anyone.” He said, willing to make this point as clear as possible. However, Littlefoot’s mind had already moved on to other, more somber matters.

“I never knew mother had gone through such a loss of her own. I… I don’t know what to think of it.” He said, not able to avoid pondering about the obvious implications. Had she thought of his fate and what kind of the pain she had went through herself after she had realized that it would be her last day? Inside, he knew he had done all she had simply to protect him but maybe… just maybe she had known just how badly her loss would hurt him. Bron nodded wearily, knowing just what Littlefoot meant.

“It really hurt her greatly. I could see that it had left a great mark upon her but I don’t think we talked about it anymore save for a few times. I’m certain she had long since accepted the obvious but wounds like those will never truly heal. But your mother was one dinosaur who was able to forge a way forward no matter the cost to herself. He demonstrated just that to you.” He said, more than proud of his old mate. She had been one of the strongest longnecks he had ever known and inside, he was more than grateful that her courage had lasted until the very end. Littlefoot took a greatly bothered look as he thought about all of it.

“She indeed did. But the more I listen to you, the more I realize just how right I was when I asked you about her. I knew nothing about mother. In a way… she was like a complete stranger to me.” He said, knowing inside that those words were but a folly. Even then, he hadn’t even known her real name nor anything of her past. But even then, Bron’s next words made his heart jump immediately.

“Littlefoot, you knew her better than anyone. Nobody else knew just the depth of her love and her hope and I can honestly tell you that those were her very best and most profound qualities. Tranquil was truly a great longneck.” He said with a heavy voice, his own longing for her growing by the second. Inside he cursed that his failed journey had robbed him of so many seasons to spend with her but as he thought of Shorty and his herd, he knew that those sentiments were far from true as well.

The younger male, on the other hand, shuddered as he thought about all of it. The way she had taught him all he needed to know and the feeling of love she had given him… they suddenly made the boy realize something. Yes, he had indeed known just what lied deep within her heart and that was the part that mattered. Everything else was just details that made him appreciate her even more but inside, Littlefoot realized he already knew the truth about her, a thought that made a wide smile appear on his face. He then answered to his father in a warm voice.

"You know what, dad? You are completely right. She was the best dinosaur I’ve ever known and I’m beyond happy that I got to know her for as long as I did.” He said, his heart swelling greatly as pride filled his thoughts. He couldn’t have been prouder about his mother nor more grateful to her, not just because of her sacrifice but also about everything that had happened before that. Bron looked at him in approval, deciding that now would be the right time to continue his story.

“I agree with all those words, son. I really do. In any case, my next day was far from the most exciting one or at least it was until Beros and Tranquil’s meeting. I wasn’t there with them but your mother told me everything about it…

An expectant look could be seen on Tranquil’s face as she looked at the darkening sky, more than eager to see just what would happen soon enough. Beros claimed that the Night Circle would turn blood red and cast its surroundings in a similar hue. The duo lied on a large rock on one of the hills five minutes’ walk from the central plain of the Emerald Grove, looking at the Night Circle shining its pale light over the land. Tranquil’s heart was filled with a flurry of differing emotions as she looked at the sky, listening to the boy’s words.

“I’m certain you’ll love it, Tranquil. The Night Circle will turn into a glorious hue of red, a sight that we don’t see every day. Our herd has been talking about it for a few days by now. I’m not sure how it works but some elders in our herd can predict it by looking at both the Night and Bright Circle’s movements.” He said dreamily, more than happy to share this moment with the girl. His previous fight with his brother was far away from his mind right now, entirely dedicated to enjoy this moment of peace with his crush. Tranquil looked at him oddly before speaking to him in a genuinely excited voice.

“I’ve heard of such things as well but not many in our herd have given it much thought. I’ll be more than happy to see just how it’ll look in my own eyes.” She said, causing Beros to glance at her briefly. The boy truly enjoyed her company but a certain thing shadowed his thoughts. he knew his herd would be on the move soon enough and he wasn’t ready to part ways with them just yet. So those facts left him with only one question, one he had to present right now.

“Tranquil… I have one question for you.” he said in a serious voice, causing tranquil to look at him oddly. There was something in his voice she didn’t like in the least but even then, she wouldn’t simply cast that question away.

“What is it, Beros? Ask me anything you want.” She said, locking eyes with the male. The latter gulped slightly but kept his expression steady. His voice seemed to belong to someone else as he finally presented his question to the girl.

“Well… you certainly know that we Farwalkers are moving forward tomorrow or the day after and I’ll go on with them, no matter what. But… I wouldn’t want to lose you when we finally leave. I ask of you Tranquil… would you want to come with me? I’d be beyond happy to have you on my side on all the adventures we’ll go through in the seasons to come and I’m sure you’d love it as well.” He said with the sweetest smile he could give her. He meant every last word he said and the feelings within his heart were genuine and he prayed with his every cell that he’d receive a positive answer.

That question seemed to stop Tranquil’s world completely. At first, she prepared to agree without any hesitation but almost immediately she realized the full implications of those words. She felt extremely warmly towards Beros but… she had just met him yesterday. And her parents and siblings… was she prepared to part from them just yet? Suddenly, she started to think of all that she’d lose probably for good and those thoughts made her shiver slightly.

And then there was another thought that rose to her mind. Even if she accepted, she’d give her agreement to Beros alone, leaving Bron completely alone at that point. And… at least judging by their first meeting, Bron had been a really sweet longneck and… and even if the girl didn’t want to acknowledge it just yet, his willingness to understand her inner feelings meant her more than she had initially thought.

The male looked at her with a bothered look, not having wanted to see her hesitate this much. It was more than clear that something bothered her very deeply but for now, he only wanted her answer. He put his foot on hers and whispered to her silently.

“What’s wrong, Tranquil? I promise that I’ll protect you from all who would do you harm.” He said, those words hardly registering within the girl’s mind. Even now, he was thinking about himself but on the other hand, who was she to judge him in a moment like this? She turned to look at him and just as she was about to giver her answer, she turned to look at the Night Circle and yelped to her companion in excitement.

“Look, Beros, it’s happening! The Night Circle is changing its color!” She yelled and indeed, its familiar white hue was giving way to a hue of pink which was more than an unnatural sight for any dinosaur who hadn’t seen it before. The night was almost completely dark and the increasingly red ball in the sky created more than an eerie sight. Tranquil looked at it in clear enchantment, not having really known what to expect.

The boy, on the other hand, suddenly lost most of his interest on the unusual phenomenon. He knew Tranquil had just used it as an escape path from his question which was in a way understandable but something that upset him clearly. He couldn’t just demand the answer from as that would only make him look like a complete jerk. For now, he had to simply accept his situation and hope that he’d het a new chance before long.

“An amazing sight, isn’t it? I’ve only seen it once before myself and it may take many, many Cold Times before we’ll have another chance to see it. Many other kinds believe it is an ill omen but ours most often just accept it for it is.” He said, trying to keep his increasing worries at bay. He had to keep his calm if he wanted to have another shot in winning the girl’s heart. Tranquil looked at the sky with wide eyes, asking the obvious question haunting his mind.

“I wonder why it does that. There has to be some explanation for it.” She said, not willing to even guess if her companion knew the answer. Beros shrugged slightly as he heard those words before giving his answer.

“Nobody knows. It most likely has something to do with the movements of the Bright and Night Circles but other than that, we don’t know.” He said, causing Tranquil to frown deeply. She was slightly disappointed with the answer but decided against pushing it further. Seconds turned into minutes as the blood red Night Circle shone over the world, the sky reflecting its gruesome hue. However, the color started to slowly fade away, growing weaker ever so slowly. Tranquil looked at the sight in slight disappointment, looking at the sky sadly as it turned back to its natural blackness. Beros took a brief sigh as he voiced the obvious.

“That was that, Tranquil. Weren’t you happy we were here to see it?” He asked, hoping he’d receive a somewhat positive reaction from the female. Tranquil looked at him with a deep smile and after a moment, gave her answer. Yes, she had enjoyed the display very much and something within Beros’ presence made her feel happier than she had felt in ages.

“I certainly did. Beros, about your earlier question… Yes, I think I….” She started to speak but before she could even get to the most important part, her eyes flashed open as she felt the ground starting to tremble below her. Immediately, her gaze turned towards the peaks around her and her heart started to grow cold as she realized what was happening. Immediately, she rose to her legs and cried at the male.

“It’s an earthshake, Beros! Let’s get away from here before rocks start to falling on us from the upper reaches!” She cried, immediately heading towards the path to the central plain of the Grove. Earthshakes were far from rare in these lands and Tranquil knew very well what could happen to a careless traveler in these hills during one. Beros cursed deeply at his luck, knowing very well that the answer he had been waiting for had been only a few seconds away from leaving the female’s mouth but this cursed Earthshake had robbed him of his chance to finally get rid of one of the biggest challenges of the life of a longneck. He spat his curses before following Tranquil, seeing very well that her alarm wasn’t a joke.

The girl, on the other hand, gasped in shock as she looked at the rocks starting to fall everywhere around her, knowing that even one of them would be enough to crush her body completely. With every second, larger stones started to roll on the path but even then, Tranquil had to pray she wasn’t too late.

However, it didn’t take long for her to realize she was asking for too much. She stopped in her tracks as she saw a massive boulder break off from the mountainside, dropping straight towards the spot only a bit in front of her. The girl took a few steps back in fear as he boulder hit the path which was at that point overlooking a misty wasteland on the Glade’s eastern side.

Tranquil cringed as the boulder obliterated a large section of the path and another, even greater shock registered on her face as she felt the ground below her starting to break because of the rock’s impact. She tried to jump to safety but it was already too late. She screamed in fear as she found herself dropping into the abyss, a mass of rocks hitting her body with nasty force. Her cry voiced the very fear that these could be her last moments in this world.

Bron, on the other hand, felt beyond miserable. He lied in the ground, listening to the conversation of the herd’s elders. First, he was forced to just waste time here instead of spending it with Tranquil and now, he was hearing even more bad news. His expression turned into a disgusted one as he heard one elderly female answer to the other adults around her.

“I’m glad all of you agree. We have to take a look on how the regions to our south have been affected by the Great Dying and because of that, we cannot stay here for much longer. I propose that we’ll be in our way when the Bright Circle reaches its zenith tomorrow. Are we in agreement?” She asked but before long, a younger male asked her with a serious voice.

“I agree with you on most of what you said but we can’t simply head out there without knowing exactly where we’ll be going. We’ve all seen that the plains around us are dying and if we won’t reach any green place like this within a few weeks, the food won’t be the only thing that’s going to die!” He said, those words causing many concerned looks among his companions. Each of them knew he was right as the life of a Farwalker had become extremely dangerous and tasking as of late.

However, none of that mattered to Bron. His thoughts were fixed around Tranquil and the fact that at this rate, he’d have to say his goodbyes to her tomorrow morning, a thought which made him beyond miserable. He had no idea what to think in a situation like this but at least his emotions were telling him to reject that scenario.

But how exactly? He couldn’t meet the girl today and in the morning, Beros had most likely already conquered her heart. The boy sniffed slightly as he thought about it. Maybe he had been too weak and hesitant to even earn someone like Tranquil. Maybe it would be his part in life to grow old alone like any male as pathetic as him would be doomed to do.
Suddenly, his eyes flashed open as he heard a loud rumbled followed by a distant cry from among the mountains. Even if the voice was barely audible from that far away, he knew just whom it belonged to. It was Tranquil and she was clearly in trouble! Even before he could start to think rationally, he had risen to his feet and cried at the adults.

“It’s tranquil, one of the children of our host herd! We’ve got to help her if she’s in trouble!” He cried before turning around and running towards the sound of the call. He could hear his mother’s voice echoing behind him but the boy didn’t even listen to them. The only thing he cared about right now was saving the girl he loved, no matter the cost.

Every part of her body ached as Tranquil opened her eyes. She immediately realized that she was lying in some kind of body of water, even before she opened her eyes. She let out an alarmed gasp as she finally forced her eyes open and the sight was every bit as hopeless as he had thought. She could see dark water and sky everywhere around her, their monotony only broken by a few threes in the distance. However, the girl also soon realized that it wasn’t a lake she was lying in but rather a bog. As she realized that, she spat the disgusting tasting mud from her mouth as she heard a familiar voice call to her.

“Tranquil! Can you hear me? Please, tell me you’re alright!” Beros’ alarmed cry cried to her and the female couldn’t help but cringe as she turned to look upwards and call to the boy.

“I… ouch, I’m as well as one would be after that drop! But I have to get out of here soon or else…” She started but the words died down in her mouth as she realized just where she was. This marsh was only a short way away from the Grove but it was like a whole different world. This place was highly feared by her herd for very good reasons, ones that manifested themselves to her soon enough. A look of horror could be seen within her eyes as she started to see quick movement within this realm of shadows. And it was at that moment that she let out a loud screech.

As she heard that another call, Bron started to feel even more horrified. Only a dinosaur who was certain that death was approaching her would let out such a voice and he only doubled his efforts to run as fast as he only could. And soon enough, his efforts were awarded by the sight of his brother who was quickly running towards him. Bron wasted no time demanding the obvious question from his brother.

“Where is she? And don’t you dare any kinds of games this time, brother!” He cried and to his slight relief, he could see no trace of despise or threat within the other boy’s gaze. Beros panted deeply as he gave his answer to his only sibling.

“D… down there, Bron! She’s surrounded by bellydraggers and… and I can see no way to reach her! We’ve got to find some path that…” He spoke but he was soon interrupted by his brother. Bron couldn’t believe the other longneck’s failure to act in a moment like this and he didn’t hesitate one moment before he gave his stern answer.

“Screw any paths! She needs our help now!” He cried and without any hesitation, jumped over the edge of the cliff but tried to slow his fall by getting some kind of footing in e small cracks within the hillside. Beros looked at his brother and at first, he was about to tell him to get out there and start being somewhat reasonable. However, his heart told him that his brother was right this time. Tranquil’s life could literally depend on a few precious seconds and his own fears mattered nothing when the life of her love was being threatened. He immediately followed Bron’s example and headed into the heat of the fight that he knew could very well result in his demise.

A look of horror was painted on Tranquil’s eyes as she looked at the three predators quickly surrounding her, their gleaming eyes yearning for her death. She tried to look for any ways to get out of this nightmare but the darkness and her lack of time prevented her from trying to figure out any of kind of escape. She covered in fear as first of the bellydraggers leaped towards her and with a quick move, she managed to dodge the attack. However, just when she thought she had saved herself, she saw the gaping maw of another bellydragger opening in front of her. Even if she wasn’t a child anymore, she was still just small enough to be taken out by a trio of the massive bellydraggers.

For a fleeting moment, she thought her days were numbered as the beast’s maw got closer and closer to her. However, just when it was about head for her neck, something happened that she hadn’t been able to foresee. The carnivore suddenly let out a loud screech as it was sent flying to its side. Tranquil looked in surprise as she saw both Bron and Beros stand in front of her, the former speaking to her urgently.

“Follow us, now! We’ve got to get out of here!” He cried and he wasted no time turning around to head somewhere that was at least a little further away from the beasts. However, the girl’s question caused him to frown deeply.

“But… we can’t get out from here! At least I haven’t heard of any way to escape from this marsh! Our herd has always tried to stay as far away from here as possible!” She cried to which Bron simply cringed deeply. His heart was beating wickedly as he tried to think about what to do. It was true that the wall seemed to be quite steep anywhere which left him with only one chance. He knew it’d be a long shot but at least the earthshake had already ended.

“In that case, let’s try to climb back up! It’s our only chance!” He cried as he looked at the large cracks in the wall. He knew very well that the bellydraggers wouldn’t be able to even attempt such a climb and even for a longneck, he knew it would be a herculean effort. Beros looked at him in shock and cried in clear disbelief.

“You can’t be serious, Bron! We’ll never b…” He spoke but this time, Bron didn’t want to hear whining.

“We have no options so we have to at least try!” He yelled as he took a good footing in the lowest crack, immediately aiming for the upper one. Tranquil looked at the boy in clear concern, not having the slightest confidence that his plan would work. However, she could understand his point perfectly well and she headed after him, hoping that survival wouldn’t turn out to be a mere fool’s hope.

The three bellydraggers, however, were far from ready to see their prey escape like this. The trio looked at each other while smiling deeply. They then surrounded the hill under the longnecks and started to batter the mountainside heavily. They knew that together, they’d have a very good shot at ending the leafeaters’ escape once and for all. The wall started to shudder worryingly as their bodies hit into the rock again and again and Bron’s expression turned into a fearful one as he realized that his grip on the wall was starting to slip. Beros saw it and with a horrified voice, he spoke to his brother.

“Bron, look out! You’re about to drop!” He cried but before Bron could answer, the worst-case scenario happened. With a loud cry, the male felt his grip finally fail completely and he could only look in fear as he started to drop back into the ground… and into the bellydraggers’ gaping mouths. He was already saying his last prayers, more than sickened that this would be his end.

He had already hoped that he’d be able to grow old with Tranquil and to have many children with her but… but no, he’d die here, no one mourning him soon enough. Well, at least his brother and Tranquil would live happy lives themselves and maybe she’d remember him one day for saving her from certain death. A single tear escaped from Bron’s right eye as he headed back to the deep.

However, one certain dinosaur wasn’t about to allow that to happen. Tranquil could see Bron’s drop in complete slow-motion, each second of his plunge seeming to stretch forever. This was a dinosaur who had come to her help as soon as he had heard her call even if she had only rejected his wishes to even meet her. The one who had tried to understand her even if she had tried to push him away… Suddenly, a look of determination rose on the girl’s face as she cried to the other longneck.

“Bron, don’t give up! Hold on for a little longer!” She yelled as she suddenly turned around and jumped towards one of the bellydraggers, deciding she simply couldn’t let this happen. Bron had shown nothing but kindness towards her ever since they had met and Tranquil could never again see herself as even a decent dinosaur if she let him to die here.
Bron on the other hand couldn’t believe those words. Tranquil simply couldn’t risk her life because of him, not after she had practically escaped from death’s jaws! He was just about to answer her when he realized there was no time for that. He suddenly kicked at the wall to prevent himself from falling into the beast’s gaping maw. He cringed as the creature’s teeth dug into the bottom of his foot but he still kept his attention on what he was dong. The boy landed into the water heavily, seeing two of the bellydraggers preparing to finish him off for good.

However, that didn’t come to pass as Tranquil suddenly stepped on one beast’s head, shutting its mouth with her foot. She then hit the other one with her tail, wailing in pain as the third one used the opening to tear into her left side. She cursed as she hit it with her tail, blood pouring into the dark waters. However, she then spoke to Bron urgently, her voice leaving no room for any kind of disagreement.

“Rise up, Bron, so we may get out of here! Follow me!” She yelled as the three beasts recovered from their initial shock. The boy looked at the other longneck in shock, not believing she had actually come back here to save him from his ghastly fate. However, there was one thing that hanged in his mind greatly.

“Thanks for that, Tranquil but you shouldn’t have come here! We can’t climb the wall all the way up as those bastards would just do the same trick over and over again!” He yelled, that fact causing his gratitude to turn into horror. Tranquil glanced at him briefly as she ran, calling to him angrily.

“Well, then we’ll have to find another way! I’m not leaving you here and that’s final!” She yelled and even if Bron hoped it wouldn’t come to this, he was still slightly happy that the girl cared for him this deeply. That knowledge alone caused him to smile wider than he could remember in a long time.

Beros panted heavily as he looked at the display below him. He had just reached the top of the wall after a long climb but he felt far from victorious. He wanted nothing more than to help Tranquil survive the encounter but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn’t come up with a way to get her up from there in time. He was more than annoyed by his brother’s appearance but even then, the male realized fully just how pathetic it would be for him to be jealous towards his brother in a moment like this.

And none of that mattered if Tranquil met her end on this day. His expression was a mask of fear and he felt his mind breaking in two… until he saw something that made his hopes rise slightly. A huge boulder just against the wall and with any luck, he should be able to… Suddenly, a look of hope rose to the boy’s face as he called to the duo below him.

“Tranquil, Bron, there’s a large boulder not far in front of you! Climb on it and I’ll throw a large pile of vines to you!” He cried as he ran towards a nearby tree to get them. However, he could hear loud footsteps in the distance, telling him that he wasn’t the only one willing to save the two juvenile longnecks.

Those words caused Bron’s eyes to narrow slightly as he simply couldn’t decided whether or not to believe anything his brother said. He hated being forced to think like this but after yesterday, he simply wasn’t able to trust him like he used to. However, it wasn’t long before he saw the boulder Beros had spoken of. A look of slight relief rose to his face as he headed towards it, praying that salvation wouldn’t be an empty hope after everything he and Tranquil had gone through.

Tranquil cringed as she jumped on the side of that massive rock, realizing that even it was a bit too slippery to climb easily. However, after a while of struggles, she was finally forced herself on top of it, helping the boy immediately afterwards. She lowered her tail for him and Bron wasted no time accepting the aid he was given. One of the bellydraggers then attempted to attack him but he managed to force himself away from its range just in time. The two looked at each other in approval for a fleeting moment before Bron cried to his brother.

“Beros, throw us the cursed vines! We can’t last here for much longer!” He cried, praying that his brother wouldn’t fail him now. However, it wasn’t long before the duo saw a pair of vines dropping towards them from the above. However, they were far from as strong as Bron had hoped and he immediately yelled to his brother in fear.

“Is that all you got? This won’t be strong enough to carry us!” He yelled, knowing that was the case. However, the other boy’s answer made him feel beyond miserable.

“That’s all there is here! Don’t waste any more time there!” He yelled as he looked at the bellydraggers climbing to the boulder, knowing his brother and crush didn’t have a choice but to leave that place now. Bron then looked at the girl, exchanging encouraging glances with each other. If this was the end from either of them, they’d know that they had at least done everything in their power to safe each other. The duo looked at the attacking bellydraggers in fear, knowing their time was up. Bron took a deep breath as he grabbed at the vine, praying he was wrong about it being able to carry his weight.

After a few seconds, his heart was starting to feel a bit more hopeful as the vine was still intact and he was already his tail’s length above the bellydraggers. They looked at the longnecks in clear annoyance, more than outraged that their meal had just escaped. However, there was still a chance that one of them would fall to them and at that moment, they’d finally have their reward.

Tranquil shuddered as she pulled her upwards, more than horrified by the situation she now found herself in. She could hardly believe that her very life depended on that one narrow vine and if she’d ever hear a snap, she ‘d know it’s all over. The edge of the cliff grew ever closer but just as she had dared to hope she’d reach safety, Beros cried to the duo in horror.

“They’re weakening by the second! Bron, Tranquil swing yourselves towards the wall or you’ll fall!” He yelled in fear, causing the two other longnecks’ hearts jump to their throats. Yes, it was still possible they could climb the rest of the way but to their horror, that particular spot was largely devoid of any cracks or spots where they could receive a decent footing. However, Bron managed to find one and to his slight delight, he could still see the female by his side. However, the way upwards seemed far too difficult for them to even try it. Any attempt to get higher would most likely result in them simply falling into the ground… with lethal consequences.

Bron looked at Tranquil, able to see very well that her strength was being depleted also. They couldn’t hang there for much longer but if they had no choice but to get upwards anymore… Bron looked at the girl and spoke to her with a sickened voice.

“I… I guess this is it. We can’t stay l…” He started but his voice was suddenly overwhelmed by a loud bellow from above them.

“Kids, grab our tails and we’ll pull you up from there! Bron, hold on for a bit longer!” The boy’s eyes widened as he looked at the cliff above him, not able to believe his luck. He had never expected to see that his mother had followed him out here but apparently his quick departure had raised many questions within her. He quickly cried back at her, affirming that he understood the situation.

“Very well, mom, but please hurry! We can’t last much longer!” He cried, for the first time in ages lamenting his quickly expanding size.  A few seasons ago climbing had been much easier but even then, that was one of the downsides of his kind. He looked in expectation as he saw the massive tail quickly dropping ever closer to him and as it reached his height, he took a deep breath as he grabbed it, seeing that Tranquil did the same with his own father.

The boy looked in fear at the three bellydraggers far below him which were clearly seething with anger, finally realizing that their meal was finally out of their grasp for good. They turned around furiously, heading back to the marsh, hoping that they’d never have to go through a disappointment like this again.

Bron nearly collapsed into the ground as he finally felt solid ground below him. The sensation felt sweet beyond words after that horrifying climb and one that he had for a moment thought he’d never feel again. He slowly turned at his mother and spoke to her in clear shock.

“Thanks a lot, mom. I had already thought that… that we wouldn’t make it.” He said, looking at the older longneck in deep relief. However, it wasn’t she who answered but rather Tranquil’s father whose voice was beyond stern as he spoke to Bron and Beros.

“It has hardly been a day since you came to the Valley and already you nearly sent my daughter into the Great Beyond! What is the meaning of this?” He asked, trying to tone his anger down slightly for his daughter’s sake. He had seen just how happy the girl had been when she had spoken of the Farwalker boy but he wouldn’t allow this to happen again. Beros gulped slightly but he didn’t run from his responsibility in a moment like this.

“I… it was all because of me. I wanted to show her the red Night Circle but… but things got out of my control.” He merely said, the rest of his words dying within his mouth. Tranquil looked at her oddly but decided that those words wouldn’t sit well with his father. She suddenly stepped forward and spoke to the older male.

“He means that there was a big Earthshake which broke the path a bit further in that direction! It wasn’t his fault that all of this happened, it was just bad luck, daddy! He and especially Bron did their all to save me even if that meant they’d get hurt instead!” She said, the scene turning into more of a mess by the second. Bron and Beros’ mother suddenly turned at her children and looked at each of them angrily.

“And neither of you told me about any of this! Do you have any idea just what I would have done if I lost both of you without even knowing what happened to you!? Do you, Bron and Beros?!” She cried in a shocked voice, not able to believe the duo had actually just done what they had. However, this time it was Bron who stepped forward to explain.

“I’m so sorry, mom. The thing just is that… both of us wanted to win Tranquil’s heart and… we didn’t want anyone else to know of it. It was already a bad enough mess without you getting involved.” He said, his heart aching as he spoke those words. At this point, it was likely that his last chance of winning the girl’s love had died so he might just as well take any punishment the older female would give him. She looked at the duo with a suspicious look and she also sniffed deeply before giving her answer.

“I’ve had to look at idiotic males fighting each other for some girl’s love my entire life but I had at least hoped that my own sons would be above such disgusting behavior. I… I’m more th…” she started but at that point, Tranquil decided to step forward. She was far from happy with the older dinosaur’s words and right now, she had made her choice. She felt more resolute inside than she had felt in ages and the two brothers’ presence made her more than happy. Tranquil looked at Bron’s mother’s eyes and spoke softly.

“WIth all due respect, I have to disagree with you. I never saw them fight each other because of me and they even worked together to save me. And besides, their efforts weren’t for nothing.” She said, knowing she wouldn’t be able to step back anymore. She had revealed her feelings in front of everyone and she’d stand proud through this meeting, no matter what.

Bron’s heart dropped as he heard those words. D… did Tranquil actually mean that? Was she still ready to accept either his or his brother’s bid to be her future mate? Bron didn’t even notice he was shaking as he thought of the possibility. Seconds seemed to stretch on forever as all dinosaurs present waited for someone to say something, anything. Tranquil’s father’s eyes were wide open as he stuttered the only words he could form at this point.

“Wh… what do you m… mean? Are… are you really saying that…” He said, the implications of those words not lost on him. However, he was glad the girl decided to save him from this most awkward of situations by answering his question.

“Yes, I am. Bron and Beros, I’m beyond thankful to both of you for helping me and I really like both of you very much. Beros, thank you for taking me to see the red Night Circle and for your willingness to meet me so many times. You truly are a great longneck and one anyone would be happy to spend their lives with.” She spoke, everyone present listening in complete silence. However, at that point it was obvious to everyone what the female was about to say next. Bron’s heart raced wildly in his chest as she turned to look at him with a warm smile. Her words were like the sweetest sounds of the early Warm Time’s wind to him as he listened to what he said.

“But Bron always understood me better and he never overlooked my wishes over his own. You risked everything to help me and you were there to comfort me when I told of Strongtail. Bron, I will be happy to be your mate if you only accept me.” She said, causing the boy to shudder deeply. He tried to speak but not one sound seemed to be able to his lips. Slowly, he started to move forward towards the other longneck and as the two embraced deeply, he spoke to her in a wavering voice.

“Thank you so much, Tranquil. I love you.” He spoke as the others looked at the sight.
Beros stared at the two with wide eyes, his entire world starting to break around him. H… how dare she? He had done far more to her than his brother! Any sane dinosaur would have chosen him! It shouldn’t even be a question! At first, he nearly started to rush at his brother and to claim what was his and to show Bron that he had meant what he had said
last night. Rage boiled within his mind… until it died down completely.

Who would that earn him? He’d just earn both Tranquil’s and his mother’s eternal wrath and disdain and besides, it wasn’t Bron’s fault. It was his own. Slowly, he realized that he had only cared about himself all along and that he had never cared about anything the girl had said. He was truly a pathetic loser, one who was supposed to spend his life alone and forgotten. At the very least his brother would be able to keep Tranquil happy far better than him. With beaten and resigned movements, Beros turned around and moved away from the others, weeping inconsolably as the depth of his failure registered in his mind.

However, his brother’s emotions were a complete contrast to his. Bron felt like he wasn’t even in the same world anymore, as if he had moved to land of eternal happiness and joy. As his body leaned against Tranquil’s, all of his worries seemed to pass away and he could very well feel similar sentiments forming within the girl’s mind as well. He didn’t care about the two other longnecks around them, his moment of endless happiness drowning all of his other thoughts. He didn’t even think of his brother and his triumph over her, only
about the one he loved. That moment was soon interrupted as his mother asked him in a wavering voice.

“B… but we already decided we’d get on the move by tomorrow! We can’t stay here for any longer.” She spoke, her mind filling with deep fears about what kind of an answer she’d receive. Tranquil was just about to speak when Bron cleared his throat and turned at the two adults with a wavering voice.

“Mom, I’m so sorry but… it’s time for me to start my own life. Tranquil’s father, I’d like to ask you to allow me to stay here with your daughter.” He asked, not knowing what kind of an answer he’d receive from either of them. Their eyes as well as Tranquil’s were locked upon the boy who prayed that he wouldn’t have to argue about any of this anymore. He loved Tranquil and he knew she’d stand with him as well. The girl looked at him in shock, never having expected to hear those words. Of course, she’d be happier if he were here but the tension hung in the air as Bron’s mother and his father prepared to give their answers. After a moment, the older female asked her son with a grave voice, clearly hurt by all of this.

“Bron, my boy… Do you have any idea how those words make me feel? Only half an hour ago, everything was well but now, you are asking me to leave us, forever? How can you do this?” She asked, a hint of anger apparent in her voice. It seemed like she was on the verge of tears, the sudden escalation of things more than sickening her. However, her son’s answer calmed things down greatly. His voice was equally saddened as hers but even then, he knew he was making the right decision.

“I know, mom. I should have told you about all of this earlier and I don’t pretend to justify any of that. But… our elders have also told us many times that when you see something of great value in your life, you have to pursue it without any hesitation. And that’s what I’ve decided to do today. I’m sorry about it but I promise you that we’ll see each other again. Please, mom, I hope you understand.” He said as he looked at the older female in the eyes. At first, she was about to rebuke him again but on the other hand, she couldn’t have been prouder of him.

No matter how badly she would have wanted to convince herself otherwise, Bron was no longer a child and deep down, she understood it was his time to decide just what he wanted from life. Even if it hurt her greatly, she realized that it was time for their ways to part. If Bron seriously loved this girl, all she could do was to hope he’d be happy with her and that their relationship would be a lasting one. She lowered her neck to the boy’s level, speaking to her softly.

“Very well, Bron. I understand. I just hope you know what you’re doing.” She said with a teary voice. The situation felt so very unreal but he was old enough to make these decisions for himself. He then nodded at the female, his heart swelling in happiness.

“I do, mom. Thank you for understanding but at least we’ll still have a chance to say goodbye in the morning.” He said, not noticing Tranquil looking him with an excited look. She couldn’t believe her luck but there was one last thing that made her somewhat worried. With a careful look, she turned at her father and asked him with a soft voice.

“Certainly he can stay, dad? Please?” She asked, not really believing he’d decline her plea. Sure, few longnecks had moved to the Grove lately but she had never heard that her home was closed to any outsiders. The older longneck looked at her with a worried look, clearly torn about her question but as he stared at his daughter’s gleaming eyes, he realized there was no way he could refuse. He rolled his eyes briefly before finally giving a sigh of resignation.

“I have to ask the others, Tranquil, but I doubt any of them will say no.” He said, meaning what he said. Tranquil’s face turned immediately into the widest possible smile as she yelped her thanks to the older male before turning back towards Bron and running towards him as quickly as she could. The two then nuzzled each other, knowing that the time of yearning and longing was over and more than sure that they’d be together for as long as they lived, through calm and storm. This was the best day of both of their lives and one that they would never forget.

The night wind started to get colder by the minute and Littlefoot didn’t even realize that he was slightly shuddering. The Valley was completely still, not a breath of wind to be felt under the brilliant, pitch black sky. The boy was simultaneously moved and saddened by that tale, thinking solemnly at what would happen in the coming Cold Times for his parents after the tale’s conclusion. However, his thoughts were suddenly snapped short as he saw the surprisingly sad look on his father’s face. She asked him softly while cocking his head.

“Umm… dad? What’s wrong?” He asked, already guessing what made the older male feel so miserable. And indeed, Bron looked at the sky while shaking his head in clear sorrow.

“I wasn’t worthy of my own words, son. I wasn’t there with her until the end. I can’t help but feel that I wasn’t worthy of the love she always gave me.” He said, such words making Littlefoot more surprised than he had felt in a long while. He had never seen his father question himself and the boy had always seen him as an eternally resolute and encouraging leader. What he saw before himself was a far cry from that, a testament to how badly his mate’s loss still hurt him. However, Littlefoot wasn’t about to let him dwell in such thoughts.

“You truly were, dad. We all did just as she would have wanted and I’m sure she would have wanted it no other way. At least not after seeing all the good you’ve done to your herd. It was a great story, dad. Thanks for telling me at least a bit more about mother.” He said with an emotional voice, treasuring each of his father’s words deeply. He had always yearned to hear something like this and he couldn’t help but feel happy that his parents had been able to share their lives after those events. Bron lowered his gaze at hi son, speaking to him silently.

“Yes, that’s what I’d want to believe. But on the following day, my herd indeed left the Grove and even if Beros would have wanted to avoid meeting me, we still agreed to end our rivalry right there. I’ve only met either of them once since then and while my mother has already most likely passed away, I wouldn’t mind meeting my brother after all these seasons. I lived in the Grove for a long, long time happily with your mother until the Great Dying finally reached it as well and after that… Well, you can guess that part.” He said, concluding his story with a heavy voice. Littlefoot could only look at him with a silent respect as he spoke to the older longneck.

“Gee. leaving your family like that must have been tough. I don’t know what it would f…” He started before realizing the obvious parallel in his own life. He suddenly felt very awkward as he looked at his father, suddenly realizing he had made the different decision than he had after their original reunion. Suddenly, the boy started to wonder whether Bron had thought of any of it back in the day but almost immediately, he relaxed. Returning to the Valley had been his choice and one he hadn’t regretted for one day. And indeed, Bron nearly chuckled as he answered.

“Don’t worry about that, Littlefoot. I don’t know if I did the right thing but I do know that the love of your life is a better reason to abandon all you’ve known than an old longneck like myself. I understand completely.” He said, relaxing the atmosphere between the father and son considerably. However, there was no more thing that lingered within Littlefoot’s mind.

“If you say so. But dad… there’s one thing that I’ve been wondering. Have you ever had the feeling that whenever you think of mother, one of the tiny lights in the sky seems to twinkle right back at you?” He asked, wondering just what kind of an answer he’d receive. He had never told about it to anyone before and even now, he hesitated about it greatly. Bron looked at Littlefoot oddly, clearly pondering what kind of answer he should give. He frowned deeply as he spoke to the child, a little disturbed by what he had said.

“No, I haven’t. Nor have I heard of such a thing in my life. But I believe you if you claim such a thing as you were the most precious thing to her. She was such a kind and powerful soul that I wouldn’t be surprised if she looked over us even more than most of our other passed loved ones. I don’t know what to say but if you speak the truth, know that you are still guarded by the best dinosaur either of us have ever known.” He said, Littlefoot’s words giving him courage. He couldn’t say if what he told was true or if it was a child’s wishful thinking but it was something he wanted to believe at least.

Those words made the younger dinosaur smile deeply as he looked at the sky, the familiar twinkle immediately reaching his sight. Whether it was really his mother looking at him or his imagination, he really didn’t care. As long as he was able to feel her presence in his heart, he would be content with his place in the world. Littlefoot thought about all he had heard for a brief moment before starting to yawn deeply. The older male looked at him kindly as the boy started to speak.

“Thanks for the story, dad, but I think it’s really time for me to go to sleep. It’s awfully late.” He said as he rose to his feet, a gesture soon replicated by his father. Bron looked at the boy happily while he spoke to him.

“Thanks to yourself for listening to me for this long, son. I might even tell you more in the two days we’ll still stay in the Valley, if you want to.” He said, earning an eager expression from the boy. He managed to hide his fatigue for a while longer as he turned around to has towards his family’s sleeping spot.

“I’ll look forward to it, dad! But bye for tonight. thanks again for everything!” He yelled as he headed into the plains of the dark Valley. Inside, he was beyond glad by the tale he had just heard as for the first time, he knew something about his dear mother’s younger days. But equally as strongly, he felt curiosity and expectation within his heart as he thought of the story’s conclusion, only able to wonder just what his parents had felt in that most beautiful of moments. And deep inside, he started to wonder if he’d ever be able to share such happiness with Ali in the seasons to come or would Beros’ fate be his? He gulped in fear as he thought about that but for now, he decided to ignore those worries.
What really mattered was that in the next few days, he’d be able to share more similar evenings with his father and to bask in the happiness he felt with his presence. And indeed, the boy couldn’t deny that he was more than expected to find out just what kind of feelings he’d find once he and Ali got a bit older. But for this evening at least, he’d dwell in the happy memories of his mother and the careful excitement for the first time he’d truly find love in his life.

And so concludes my July prompt. I must admit that I was far from excited to do another romantic fic  but when all was said and done, I’m quite happy with this story. It took a long time to write but it was also delayed because of me being a bit busy and due to a personal tragedy. Anyway, I hope you liked this “short” story which got a bit longer than initially planned and see you again with my next short story. I doubt I’ll do another chapter for Separate Ways before the next prompt and I ask for your patience on that story. As a reminder to everyone, I use the setting and the name for Littlefoot's mother that I introduced in The Promise for a Better Future.

LBT Fanfiction / A Lingering Mystery
« on: June 24, 2019, 02:51:08 PM »
A Lingering Mystery

”In the name of the noble flyers who ruled the world so long ago, I beseech you great stone, bestow upon me your gifts!” The tension hung in the air as Littlefoot looked at the odd show in front of himself. Did Pterano actually believe himself in what he was doing? Did he actually believe he would receive some magical powers from the Stone of Cold Fire? Inside, he was curious himself to see if the Stone whose fall he had witnessed was indeed something special as he had wanted to initially believe.

Seconds passed on slowly as the longneck glanced at his friends briefly. It was clear they were just as eager, or afraid, of what would happen. Even Cera, who hadn’t wanted to believe in his story at first, seemed worried about what would happen after their long journey to the summit of the Threehorn Peak. Everything would depend on the next few seconds…

Just as Littlefoot was starting to believe that nothing of interest would happen, his eyes widened in surprise. First, the flyer’s finger started to glow with a weak blue light which quickly began to spread into the orange-brown dinosaur’s arm. The boy stared in shock and fear as he saw Pterano starting to grow before his eyes, taking a malevolent expression as he turned towards his two pawns and the five children in front of himself.

“It’s working! I can feel the power of the Stone flowing through me! This is exactly the power I came here to look for! Dear nephew, tell your friends everything is well now! Together, we’ll make the Great Valley the paradise it’s meant to be!” He cried but before the younger flyer could answer in any way, Cera spoke to him in anger.

“We don’t need your help, beakbrain! Even now, the Valley is better off without you to mess things up!” It was clear that the male was far from happy to hear those words and he glanced at Petrie askingly, clearly not willing to hear any objections from him. Petrie stared at him for a few seconds before he gulped, knowing there was only one right thing to do.

“Uncle… Cera right. You don’t need to make things any worse than they already be.” He said, those words paining him deeply. Pterano looked at him for a few seconds, bringing his hand to his forehead and shaking his head briefly.

“After all I’ve done, even my nephew still doesn’t believe that all I’ve ever wanted was for the greater good! Very well, if this is how you want to become a part of my Valley, then so be it! I can easily change your mind with my powers...” He said as he walked towards the younger dinosaurs, his hand starting to glow again with unnatural light as the flyer grew ever larger before Littlefoot’s eyes. Almost immediately, he turned around and cried to his friends.

“Follow me, quickly! We have to get out of here as quickly as possible!” He yelled as he noticed a major force of cold lightning hit a stone besides himself. The boy closed his eyes, hoping he’d get away from here before the flyer’s strength would turn him into a mindless servant…

However, before he got practically any further, another most unusual sight filled his vision. Even if his eyes were closed, he suddenly saw endless hues of the sky colors dancing before him. It was as if he was swimming in a sea of those colors until he heard a question that made his face turn into a deep frown.

“Aren’t you interested in having a real chance at escaping, longneck? We’ll give you a ride you won’t easily forget…” The female voice said and as Littlefoot opened his eyes, his heart nearly stopped for a moment. He was now standing on the Stone of Cold Fire itself even if it was much larger than it had been before. The longneck was only starting to process what was happening when he heard Ducky call to him in alarm.

“What are you waiting for, Littlefoot? We have to get away from Petrie’s uncle, we do!” She cried  as she passed the longneck while riding on her brother’s back. Littlefoot looked at her in shock before seeing a dark shadow being painted in the rock under himself. As the boy looked to the skies, his confusion only worsened. Pterano was now almost big enough to block the entire sky and his body seemed to be burning with the blue fire. His voice was like sky fire as he yelled to the younger dinosaurs.

“You have no chance of escaping from me! In time, I will catch you all and then together, we’ll force the others to bow to my will!” He cried as he grew ever closer to the hapless longneck. Littlefoot could fear tears forming in his eyes as he tried to run ever faster in the small rock that was flying through the endless blackness. The lesser lights gleamed everywhere around him but that mattered little as he was like  a prisoner tied to the stone for now. But just as he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he suddenly saw another chilling sight in front of him.

It seemed like a massive sharptooth completely made up of the lesser lights appeared in front of the five young dinosaurs, roaring right at them in an otherworldly voice. Littlefoot stared at that sight in disbelief and fear and as it slowly opened its mouth to swallow the entire flying stone whole, Littlefoot screamed loudly.

“Jump off the rock and don’t waste more time!” He yelled, not even thinking about the implications of that order. The others seemed to hesitate for a moment but one by one, they did as was told. However, only when the longneck realized he was falling into nothingness did he realize his folly. Suddenly, he felt a hopeless cry leave his mouth as he yelled to a certain duo of dinosaurs.

“I know you are watching somewhere, rainbowfaces! Why can’t you help us in our time of need?” He yelled but just as he had finished that sentence, his vision was again filled by the insane colors but this time, they were accompanied by mocking voices that haunted him deeply.

“Life is full of little mysteries, Isn’t it?”

“There is more to the Circle of Life than you can possibly imagine.”

“Now, that would be telling, wouldn’t it?”

Sentences like these seemed to swirl within the longneck’s mind without an end until they seemed to become one with his thoughts. Deep down, he wanted to get rid of the voices and he let out a loud cry that he hoped would drown those sickening, mocking cries…

“Ouch! What hit me?” Littlefoot asked as his eyes suddenly flashed open. He briefly looked at his leg that was bleeding slightly. The boy sighed slightly as he looked at the nearby stone, deciding he had likely hit it in his sleep stories by accident. The longneck only stared forward as he tried to calm down his racing heart that almost felt like it was going to fail at any second. However, slowly and surely his body relaxed from the bad sleep story as his mind returned completely to the waking world.

A slight sigh escaped his mouth as he glanced around himself, seeing his grandparents sleeping calmly. At the very least he hadn’t let out any scream that would have woken them up this time. That was a relief at least but even then, Littlefoot couldn’t feel any calmer about everything. He had woken up to a similar sleep story every night since the conclusion of his latest adventure and the reason to that was clear: the mystery behind the rainbowfaces.

The longneck raised his gaze to the skies, thinking about that duo’s departure. They had literally vanished behind his back, accompanied by some odd voice that was very unlike anything he had heard before. And if that wasn’t enough, right after that point he had seen an odd flying stone that had moved upwards rather than towards the ground. A thing like that shouldn’t be possible but certainly not even the rainbowfaces could do something like that… could they?

Slowly and silently, the boy rose to his feet and looked upwards, deciding to ignore his doubts for a moment. Something told him that the rainbowfaces had somehow used that stone to leave the Valley because… there was no other options! They had always been unbelievably quick in moving and after everything they had told, the longneck wouldn’t have been surprised if they could actually fly in the skies!

The night was a clear one, just like it had been when the supposed Stone of Cold Fire had fallen. The Valley was entirely silent with only a few sounds of the crawlers and a few dinosaurs to be heard. However, the calm around the child was a far cry from the storm within his mind as he tried to make sense of it all.

He had met them three times and each time, they had only created more questions without providing him with any answers! Littlefoot had always been a curious soul and he had always wanted to know at least the basics of everything he had seen or learned. But now… now he had nothing he could do. He wanted to know who the mysterious duo had actually been, how they knew what they did and was he right about their departure… but that was impossible. He snorted mockingly as he looked at his own reflection from a small pond.

“Thinking about everything we still have to know being part of the fun… Yeah, good going, Littlefoot! As if I can even think about something I don’t know!” He growled at his reflection, more than a bit frustrated by it all. The rainbowfaces had simply left him without explaining what was happening which was something the boy was less than happy about.

The longneck tore his gaze away from the pond as he turned towards his sleeping spot. It was too late to ponder about stuff like that at this point anyway. His moment to learn the truth had come and one and he couldn’t help but feel unusual anger… anger towards himself for allowing that mysterious duo leave like that. Littlefoot snorted deeply as he laid back at the ground, trying to force his thoughts away from that evening three days ago. However, that turned out be a far more difficult chore and soon enough, he found himself simply rolling around, the sweet curtain of sleep stories eluding him for many more hours…

“It’s time to wake up, Littlefoot! The Bright Circle rose to the sky ages ago and I, for one, am more than ready to get to the playing part!” A commanding voice suddenly shattered the longneck’s slumber even if it took real effort for him to even open his eyes. It felt like he had fallen asleep only a minute ago and every part of his body ached with fatigue. His voice was a weak one as he tried to answer.

“W… what? But… Cera, it must still be early morning!” He said but as he glanced above himself, he could see the Bright Circle looming nearly at its zenith. That realization was followed by a deep groan as he realized that his last hope had just died but before he could rise up, Ducky approached him with a worried look.

“Are you sure you aren’t sick, Littlefoot? It is not like you to sleep this long, it is not.” She said, followed by Petrie’s affirmative comment.

“Ducky right, usually you one of the first ones to wake up.” Those words hardly resonated well within Littlefoot’s mind and it took some real effort for him to give his answer. The boy’s mind was still in the same issues they had been the previous night and deep down, the longneck knew they weren’t going to go away.

The thought of more nights like this one chilled him greatly and he knew that if he ever wanted to sleep peacefully again, he’d have to search at least some help that could even start to calm his racing mind. In a way, he wanted to tell about his last meeting with the rainbowfaces to his friends but in the end, that would help little and at most, if would make Petrie even more miserable than he already was after Pterano’s exile. And inside, the longneck was still bothered by his initial lighthearted reaction to the rainbowfaces’ departure. Littlefoot’s voice was bothered and heavy as he finally answered.

“I’m okay guys, don’t worry but… I’ve been very tired since our trip to the Threehorn Peak. I’d want to rest this day if that is okay to all of you.” He said, frowning deeply as he saw Cera’s clearly unbelieving expression. The threehorn walked closer to him and spoke questioningly.

“You can tell us just what is wrong, Littlefoot. I can see there’s something that bothers you really badly.” She said, causing the longneck to frown even more. He would have wanted to tell of his worries but he didn’t want to bring his concerns on his friends right now if he could avoid it. Besides, he already knew who he’d want to ask about the many issues circling within his mind: Mr. Thicknose. He forced a happier look to his face as he spoke to the threehorn.

“No, it’s alright Cera. I just need a bit more rest.” He said, earning a highly unimpressed look from the girl. However, she found no real way to push her issue any further and she gave a resigned sigh as she spoke to her friend.

“Well, if that is what you really feel, Littlefoot, then be alone for today! Let us others play at the very least!” She said as she waved her friends to follow her. They looked at her hesitantly but seeing the longneck’s encouraging smile, they said their farewell and followed the threehorn. Littlefoot looked after them with a rather gloomy look as he hated to lie to his friends but he wanted to get over the questions that plagued his mind. With a hopeful look, he turned around and headed towards the spot where he’d most likely find the wisest dinosaur in all of the Valley.

As he walked through the rolling plains, the young longneck was forced to narrow his eyes to shield them from the endless gleam of the Bright Circle. The day was an extremely hot one but that hardly bothered Littlefoot right now. The only thing he cared about was to hear what Mr. Thicknose knew about the rainbowfaces and all the things they had spoken about. He wasn’t often eager to speak to him as the older dinosaur often felt very distant and even grumpy but in times like these, he’d very gladly seek his help. The boy’s mood improved as he saw older male resting in the very spot he had expected to find him. Littlefoot walked close to him, able to tell that the other dinosaur didn’t notice his approach.

“Uh… Mr. Thicknose? May I bother you a moment?” He asked, grinning slightly as he saw the other leafeater twitch noticeably as he heard that voice. He was bathing in the warmth of the Bright Circle as he often did these days as there was little left of the excitement and energy of his youth. His voice was extremely surprised and even slightly happy as he spoke to the longneck, always glad to hear that someone wanted his help. As far as he was concerned, his guidance was used far too seldom.

“Oh, it’s you, Littlefoot! Why, of course you may ask me anything you want!” He said, clearly curious to hear what the longneck wanted to ask. The two hadn’t spoken too often and thus far, he hadn’t really been sure what to think of him. Littlefoot cocked his head slightly, gulping deeply as he prepared to ask his question.

“Umm… well, I’d like to ask you what lies above us?” He asked, the thought of the flying rocks and the rainbowfaces’ departure filling his mind. The older dinosaur looked at the longneck for a long time before giving his answer.

“Why, there are only the sky puffies and some mountains as well as a few flyers above us! Surely you know that much as well!” He said, eager to hear what the longneck was getting at. Littlefoot frowned at that answer, taking a step or two closer at the other male.

“Of course but… there is also the Bright and Night Circles out there as well as the lesser lights! Where are they? Why can’t the flyers reach them?” He asked, those questions bothering him greatly. The older dinosaur looked at him for a moment before giving his answer in a weary voice.

“They… they just are there and no flyer has just not been able to reach them! I hope that this isn’t about that stupid stone again, Littlefoot.” He asked dryly, remembering Littlefoot’s initial story to the Valley. The latter cringed deeply and covered slightly, confirming Thicknose’s doubts. However, he wasn’t about to give up just yet.

“No… not really. We found that the Stone was nothing special but… the rainbowfaces were.” He said, causing the larger dinosaur to shake his head in annoyance. He bowed towards the longneck and spoke in the tone the boy had learned to heartily dislike.

“There was nothing special about them, Littlefoot! They were just some odd fools who tried…” He spoke but before he could finish, Littlefoot cut him short and spoke in a nearly desperate voice.

“No, you don’t understand, Mr. Thicknose! They knew things no one else does, they got to the Threehorn Peak impossibly quickly and… and they disappeared right next to me! Please, I swear I’m telling the truth!” He said in an almost pleading voice but the other dinosaur’s earlier curiosity had turned into deep suspicion and even disappointment. He spoke to the longneck in a voice that didn’t even attempt his displeasure.

“Well, Littlefoot, if they really were so smart, what did they know that I don’t?” He asked, not expecting to hear any real answer. The boy looked more than bothered as he thought about everything he had heard from those two. After a moment, he finally found something to say that wouldn’t sound utterly stupid.

“Well… you heard yourself what they said about what is beyond the Mysterious Beyond. But other than that, they got the idea to put us on a rock inside a deep hole on the Threehorn Peak, knowing the smoke would send us flying all the way to the summit! And… and they also got us a pile of food even if there would have been none of it nearby!” He spoke, causing the other dinosaur to shake his head even further. It didn’t take long until he gave his answer.

“What they told first was utter nonsense and after a moment of thinking, anyone who knows something would have realized the pressure inside any smoking mountain like the Threehorn Peak. And getting you food hardly makes you anything special.” inside, he knew he was lying as the longneck’s words about the Threehorn Peak impressed him deeply. Yes, he knew how it was possible but truth be told, he would never have realize to do so himself. Littlefoot could hardly hide his deep disappointment as he stepped forward.

“B… but when they left me, I heard an odd, buzzing voice and the next thing I saw… was a gleaming flying rock that raced ever higher to the sky! They must have somehow gone to the sky using that rock!” He sputtered, hoping that he’d somehow raise the larger male’s interest. However, those words were clearly too much for Mr. Thicknose.

“Are you wasting my time on purpose or out of your mind? You know no dinosaur can simply move from one place to another in the blink of an eye and flying rocks don’t fly upwards! I thought you would have learned something about your stupid story about the Stone of Cold Fire but it seems like I was wrong!” He spoke, causing Littlefoot’s head to fall steeply. He hadn’t thought his questions would be this badly received but he decided to try one, final time.

“B… but I saw all of it. Kind Mr. Thicknose, they were different from any dinosaurs we…” He spoke but before he could finish, the other dinosaur decided to end the fruitless conversation.

“I hope I don’t offend you, Littlefoot, but I’ve seldom heard such trash! Be on your way now and have at least a bit more believable questions when you come see me next time.” He said while turning around, leaving the longneck to stare after him with mournful, sad eyes. He let out a deep sigh as he answered silently.

“Well, thanks for nothing, Mr, Thicknose.” He said while starting to head towards some place where he could gather his thoughts. His steps were heavy and slow as he tried to come to terms with the cold reception he had received. At this pace, he’d only prove himself right in that he’d never again get a chance to learn what really was up there and… and whether those two were normal dinosaurs at all. He was just about to head to a nearby forest to gather his thoughts as he felt his heart jump to his throat.

A dinosaur whose face and back gleamed with the hues of sky colors flashed before him, running towards the Roaring Falls. Suddenly, Littlefoot’s face turned into a smile as he remembered that the Valley had a few rainbowfaces of its own! They had never acted as oddly as those two, true, but perhaps everyone of their kind shared some hidden knowledge? At least there would be no harm done if he asked the female rainbowface a few questions. He yelped after her briefly, hoping that he’d learn at least something about this discussion.

“Hey, you! Do you have a moment to spare?” He asked, smiling as the two-legged dinosaur stopped and looked at the boy with an uncertain expression. Her voice was a rather high one as she spoke.

“The name’s Glowback, Littlefoot, was it? What do you want?” She asked, causing the boy to suddenly frown somewhat. Only now did he realize just how ridiculous asking something like “Do you know secretly how to fly without wings?” would sound but now that he was here, he might just as well at least try to satisfy his curiosity. He gulped deeply as he looked at the rainbowface, asking her the only question he could.

“Well… I was wondering about those two rainbowfaces that visited us those few days ago… I’d like to ask whether you know somet… umm, I mean if you had some answers to what they said?” He asked extremely awkwardly, causing the other dinosaur to frown deeply. She looked at the boy with a bothered look, not too amused by the question either.

“Just because I’m a rainbowface? Littlefoot, I thought you’d know better than thinking that members of some kind are all the same by now. I am not any crazy mumbling fool who goes around, trying to lie to the others, trying to earn their respect!” She said, causing Littlefoot to sigh again with a clearly bothered expression. He then looked at the larger dinosaur in disappointment, silently speaking up his mind.

“So you know nothing about what is beyond the Mysterious Beyond or that kind of stuff?” He asked, causing the female to snort deeply. She put her hands on her hips and snapped at the longneck in slight annoyance.

“Those were lies, all of them! You are far too clever to believe such tales! Now, leave me alone if you have nothing better to talk about!” She said as she looked at the moody boy. Littlefoot cocked his head slightly while talking in a low, clearly disappointed voice.

“No, that was all, Glowback. Thanks for your time anyway.” He said, rolling his eyes slightly as he left the dumbstruck female behind him. At that point, the longneck had no idea about what to do.. except that he wouldn’t hear anything new from the other residents of the Valley. The best idea right now would be simply to spend a few minutes in peace and try to calm down...

Suddenly, the longneck’s eyes were fixed on a small, lonely hill overlooking the Sinking Sand. Maybe being closer to the sky would tell him something about what was up there? Inside, Littlefoot knew that such thoughts were completely irrational and dumb but at the very least, that would be a perfect time to spend some time alone. With a hopeful run, the longneck headed towards the rock, not really having better ideas about what to do.

It took far longer for Littlefoot to climb the rock than he had expected, piles of stone threatening to collapse under him, sending him back into the ground and resulting in a possibly dangerous injury. However, slowly the boy got higher and higher until he finally was able to collapse on his belly onto the rock, looking at the Great Valley below him. The Bright Circle still shone hotly even if the day was slowly starting to turn into an evening. Yes, this place would be a good place to try to calm down and hopefully even realize something.

Slowly and carefully, Littlefoot raised his gaze towards the skies, forced to admit once again that whatever was up there was simply out of his reach for good. During all of his previous adventures, he had always been able to find whatever was behind the problems he had faced but now, it seemed like everything would remain an eternal mystery for him. He’d never meet the rainbowfaces again and he’d never find anyone who could tell him the things those two had known.

No matter how much he tried to tell himself it was okay, he couldn’t help but feel miserable by this feeling of helplessness. Even with a mysterious thing like the Saurus Rock, he had fixed it in the end and never before had he faced a thing he wouldn’t be able to prevail over. That fact alone made his mood fall fur…

“This simply doesn’t do, Littlefoot! You can’t claim you are okay while moving from one place to another to look like we had just been eaten by a sharptooth!” He heard a familiar voice that made him jump to his feet almost defensively. His eyes widened as he saw Cera and the others walk towards him with clearly worried looks. The longneck cringed deeply as he looked at them, not willing to see this day get any more difficult.

“Cera? Guys? How… how did you even get here? It took me ages to climb up here!” He asked, not able to believe they would have climbed the entire way up here without him noticing. However, his expression turned into an even more confused one as Ducky started to suddenly laugh.

“We didn’t climb here, no, no, no! We walk all the way because the Secret Caverns spread to this cliff as well, silly!” The swimmer grinned as she pointed towards a small opening not far from the group. The longneck’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment as he realized that he, too, should have known about that way. He tried to calm down as he answered.

“I… umm… well, of course you did. I’m just not feeling like myself today.” He said, those words surprising absolutely no one. However, Petrie’s words were hardly the one that got closest to the longneck’s concerns.

“Petrie understand that well! No one can be themselves after uncle Pterano cast away into the Mysterious Beyond, all alone! Petrie understand Littlefoot perfectly!” He spoke but before Littlefoot could react in any way, Cera glanced at him murderously.

“Come on, Petrie! None of us others is going to miss him in a long, long while. So, Littlefoot, stop wasting our time and tell us what bothers you! Is it something about the Stone of Cold Fire? Don’t tell me you’re upset that it exploded!” She said, causing the boy’s eyes to flash open in slight surprise. He hadn’t expected to hear such words from the threehorn and it took a brief moment for him to gather his thoughts. There was no reason tide his true worries any longer: in the end, he should have told them about his thoughts already in the morning.

“What? No, no, no, that’s not what I was thinking. Nor Pterano. It… it is the rainbowfaces I’ve been thinking of.” He said, causing the others to glance at each other with confused looks. It was clear none of the others realized just what was in the longneck’s mind and Petrie’s oblivious comment summed up all of the four dinosaurs’ sentiments completely.

“W… why you think of them? They help us a few times but now they gone, along with their herd.” He said, not exactly able to think what to expect. Cera quickly continued from the flyer’s surprised words and her voice was almost stern as she spoke.

“Indeed and in the end, they were nothing interesting, Littlefoot! They knew a lot of stuff but it’s probably something many dinosaurs in the Valley know too! At least they knew nothing someone like Mr. Thicknose doesn’t know about!” She said, causing Littlefoot to roll his eyes. At that point, he decided to take control of the conversation and snap at the his two friends.

“In fact, I asked about these things from Mr. Thicknose and he knew absolutely nothing about them! Now, there’s this final meeting I had with with them that you didn’t see.” He asked, causing the others to glance at each other questioningly. They hadn’t know about such a meeting at all even if Ducky had an immediate idea about when it must have occurred.

“Littlefoot… did that happen just before we found you staring into the sky as the herd left? You seemed really strange back then, you did!” She said while recalling at that night. Spike grunted audibly to affirm his sister’s comments and Littlefoot’s face softened as he heard those words. It was clear his friends would see through him in a matter of moments and that was one thing he loved so much about them. The longneck gave the swimmer a smile as he answered to her.

“Exactly back then, Ducky. You are completely right.” He said, willing to hear the obvious answer before continuing. And indeed, it wasn’t long before Petrie spoke to him again.

“B… but you no tell us what you see back then, Littlefoot! What make you change your mind now?” He asked, causing Littlefoot’s face to fall slightly. It took several seconds before he found the right words to answer that question. And when he finally did, the longneck’s voice was even surprisingly regretful.

“I’m sorry I ever did that, Petrie. Back then, I thought of it all as just another mystery that would have an eventual answer. And while it is fun to have to have some mysteries in life, I… I’m just sad I’ll never get to learn them!” He said, thinking about how to voice his thoughts as well as possible. At that point, Cera took the spotlight and walked closer to the longneck.

“There is nothing mysterious about them, Littlefoot! They were likely just making stuff up from the beginning and they just knew a faster way to the Threehorn Peak than we did! The Stone was just a lie and so was likely everything else about their stories!” The girl exclaimed, not really understanding the fuss Littlefoot was making about this issue. She grew increasingly annoyed as Littlefoot took a weird smile as he prepared to answer that question.

“You might be right, Cera, if I hadn’t seen what I saw. That evening, they rose to the sky right in front of me, heading to some place with another flying rock.” He said calmly, not seeing any value in getting to the details once again. In his mind, that was what had happened and that was the version he would give to those around him.

The silence after the other dinosaurs heard those words was deafening. They all stared at the longneck with astonished looks, none of them really expecting this kind of an answer. After a moment, Cera spoke again before being interrupted by Ducky.

“Rose to the sky? Are you cr…”

“But… that is not possible, it isn’t! We can climb towards the sky but none of us, not even Petrie, can just rise there! Also, the rainbowfaces were not flyers!” The swimmer spoke earning a puzzled look from the longneck. He looked at each of his friends in the eyes, wiling to show them just how serious he was about his story. Still, he knew he owed the others at least some answers and he did so without any major waiting.

“I know all of that, Ducky. But… I was there when it happened. I couldn’t believe it otherwise myself but I can’t question what I saw and hear.” He said, eager to hear just what the others would make of his story. He looked one by one at the other young dinosaurs, happy he had at least got his message through. At the very least, they now believed that he believed his own words. After a few moments, Petrie spoke carefully, clearly nervous of what the others would make of his next words.

“Well, they know a lot and they weird all along but… they not flyers, Littlefoot! They can not fly!” He said, hoping to hear some clarification from the longneck. Littlefoot rolled his eyes slightly before answering, having expected to hear such a question from the smaller boy.

“They didn’t fly like you, Petrie. They just… seemed to use a beam of light and then I saw the stone flying towards the sky. I can’t say how they did that but that’s what happened.” He said, a haunted look within his eyes. Ducky brought a finger to her chin, clearly deep in thought. After a moment, the swimmer spoke with a bothered voice, clearly unsure about what to say.

“I don’t know if that matters in any way but they seemed like they were just guiding us to do whatever they wanted. Back in the Valley, it seemed like they wanted us to see things the way they did even if it did not make any sense to us. One thing that I especially remember was when they told that we can set our gaze beyond the sky… or even higher? That didn’t make any sense, it didn’t.” The swimmer said, shaking her head in clear loss. Suddenly, everyone else turned to look at her oddly, as if she had just said something shocking. After a moment, the girl asked the others with an almost worried look.

“Uh… did I say something wrong?” She simply asked before Littlefoot broke the silence. His mood was almost more lighthearted than before even if his voice still held the bitter curiosity.

“No, it’s just that… I asked Mr. Thicknose about what is over the sky and… even he knew nothing of it. After all of this, it feels almost as if… as if the rainbowfaces know it very well. As if… they might even live there.” He finally voiced the deepest suspicion within his mind, one that he hadn’t even admitted to himself. It earned immediate rebuke but not from the one he had expected.

“That impossible, Littlefoot! Petrie know there nothing up there and no flyer has ever got higher than the sky! Do not be silly!” He said but suddenly, Littlefoot stood up and walked towards the flyers with a familiar twinkle in his eye.

“I’m not, Petrie! Just think of it: they knew of the Stone, this Beyond the Mysterious Beyond seems to be whatever is up there and they went there in the end! There is no other possibility!” He said, causing Petrie to cover slightly under the bigger dinosaur’s eager words. Cera frowned at him but there was no trace of any kind of outrage or doubt within her eyes. Suddenly, her face softened slightly as she finally spoke to the longneck.

“If no one else knows what’s up there, do you really think we’re the only ones who even got close to that truth, Littlefoot? If even Mr. Thicknose didn’t know of it, I have a hard time believing the rainbowfaces did either.” She said but almost promptly, the longneck walked closer to her, asking her with an excited voice.

“Do you have other ideas, Cera? Think about it all for a moment and listen to what your heart says about it all. There is only one possibility.” He asked, causing Cera to look at him with a torn look before sighing in resignation. But before she could answer, Ducky started to speak.

“But… even if all of that is true, why does it matter to us? They are up there and we are here.” She asked, that question causing Littlefoot to frown deeply. He looked at the swimmer for a few seconds before asking her with a bothered tone.

“It just that… nobody knows of that and we could have learned more than any of our kinds before! And we have always wanted to learn more about the things around us… haven’t we?” The longneck asked as he earned mixed looks from his friends. Cera looked especially unsure about what to answer and when she did, her voice was more conciliatory as the boy had expected.

“We’ve done that too, Littlefoot, but most often we went out there to make things right again. I, for one, am happy now that the peace is again restored to the Valley.” She asked, the longneck’s story having made a less profound impression on her than she had expected even herself. Petrie looked at the bigger male with a slightly more sympathetic look but which still told the longneck that he wouldn’t completely agree with the next remark.

“Besides, we know far more than many grown-ups in the Valley! Petrie often wonder what beyond all the places we go to but… after all, the Valley will always be the best place for us. You say it yourself: it fun to think what we not know but Petrie believe we never able to even know everything that happen out here!” He said, earning empathetic nods from the others. Littlefoot turned to look to the skies with a bothered look, not having expected his friends to be so accepting of the reality. He took a deep sigh as he prepared speak out his mind.

“Of course that is right but if we really wanted, we could find out what lies beyond the Land of Mists, for example. But… we have no way of going above the sky. We’ll never have the chance to see it for ourselves.” He said, his earlier determination slowly starting to break. However, his heart grew lighter by the second as he saw Cera walking towards him.

“Littlefoot… that was also the case with Elsie and the Big Water. Not even Ducky could follow her down there and that is another world that is forever closed to us. But you know what? I’m fine with that as I am a threehorn and not a swimmer or a rainbowface and neither would I want to be! The way I see it, it’s best for all of us to accept our place in the Valley and be happy with what he have out here. It’s more than enough for me at least.” She said, surprising even herself with how well thought-out those words sounded. Littlefoot looked at her with an unsure look but Ducky continued from the threehorn’s words before he could speak.

“She is right! And besides, we might well have a chance to visit those places one day if we keep having these adventures, Littlefoot! If we ever will be able to do just that, I will go with you, I will! We’ve already seen so many unbelievable things and the last one might just have been the oddest we’ve come across! To be honest, I look forward to seeing what our future will bring!” The swimmer said in a cheerful voice that finally managed to break the longneck’s self-imposed mental turmoil. Suddenly, he realized many things at once.

His place was still in the Valley and it was here that he’d build a life for himself in the seasons to come. Of course he’d continue his efforts to learn more about the things around him but that wouldn’t prevent him from enjoying the things he had right now. He had been right after all on that night: wondering about the things he didn’t know was part of the fun but only a part of it: there were more important things in life than that. And besides, Ducky was also correct: it wasn’t impossible he’d meet the rainbowfaces again one day and that thought made him breath more easily than in days. He couldn’t help but feel he had learned an important lesson today about separating his wish for sating his own curiosity and living his own life. The longneck sat down while looking at the threehorn and the swimmer warmly.

“You two are right. Nobody can know everything and at least we know more about something than even Mr. Thicknose! We’ll see if we’re meant to ever learn more but at least for now, we’re having too good a day to be wasted on thinking about things like these! I’m sorry for acting like I did for the past few days. You would have deserved far better.” He
said, earning a slight chuckle from Petrie.

“It alright, Littlefoot! Petrie has been thinking a lot about uncle as well but he return in time! For now, we have everything we need! Our home and each other!” He said, earning deep nods from everyone around him. Suddenly, the day seemed much brighter for Littlefoot and he turned towards the Secret Caverns and cried to his friends!

“I couldn’t have said it better, Petrie, but follow me! Let’s get to finally doing something fun for a change!” He cried as he started to run, taking one last glance at the sky above him. His endless yearning to find what was above it had subsided for now but it was still ready to wake up the day he could embark on another adventure of learning and friendship.

This is my entry for Gang of Five’s June prompt. It is nothing too ambitious but I’ve long wanted to do a story that in some way utilized the rainbowfaces but not quite in the way they’re usually seen in fanfiction. I quite liked the premise of this story and I hope this was a good read for you as well! I look forward to your thoughts and see you with the next chapter of Separate Ways.

LBT Fanfiction / A Father's Hope, A Son's Failure
« on: May 21, 2019, 09:40:54 AM »
A Father’s Hope, A Son’s Failure

Grey sky puffies hung heavily over the rolling meadows which were nestled high in the mountains overlooking the surrounding plains. A wide lake glimmered in the middle of those lands but none of that mattered to a certain youthful flyer whose gaze was only fixed upon one mountain rising directly before him or rather a cave inside it. He had flown for hours on end after receiving the message he had feared for so long.

He had long known that his father’s life was approaching its end but it had always seemed like he would be able to last at least another day. However, today it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to escape that fate for any longer and the young male knew he had to be on his side on that moment.

He panted heavily as he landed on a small ledge at the mouth of a small cave where he was greeted by an old flyer whom he had grown to respect and even like over the seasons.
The younger dinosaur wasted no time turning at her and asking in a worried voice.

“H… how is my father, Brighttail? Is he still alive?” He asked, praying he wasn’t too late. The female flyer looked at the other dinosaur for a few seconds before nodding at him glumly.

“He is but he is growing weaker by the second, Liras. The word that this will be Olres’ last day has already spread far and wide and it is heartening so many have gathered here today.” She asked, waving at the scene below the duo. Liras frowned slightly as he looked below himself, only to see hundreds of dinosaurs of all kinds gathered here to bid their savior to his last journey. Liras gasped at that sight but before he could answer, Brighttail spoke to him softly.

“But for now, go see him. He doesn’t have much time left.” She said to which the male only nodded briefly before doing as he was told. He had visited his father countless times during his illness and he knew exactly where he would be. He walked for a short while before he noticed a pile of leaves that were carried inside to make the great leader’s last days as comfortable as possible. However, Olres wanted to show no signs of weakness even now and he had managed to stay in a sitting position, albeit with the help of a few stones around him. Liras asked his father meekly as he stopped before him.

“H… how are you, father? Is… is there something I can do for you?” Were the only things he could say right now. He had been told to come here as quickly as possible and that told him very clearly that there was something important Olres wanted to tell him besides just last goodbyes. Liras had clear idea what that was but truth be told, he didn’t quite look forward to that if it were true. Olres’ eyes opened slowly and he managed to hide his pain masterfully as he spoke.

“Thank you for coming here this quickly, my son. I… I indeed want to tell you something before… before I’ll join my old friends so listen carefully.” He said, causing a worried glance to appear to Liras’ face. This situation was one he had feared for so long and to finally see his beloved father to pass away before his very eyes. That situation was already nightmarish enough without any extra surprises.

“I just wish I could do something more, Olres. There must be some way for you to live at least a while longer. I… I don’t want to lose you.” He said, trying to hold back his emotions. He fought back against his tears and he knew very well that they would flow before this meeting was over. Olres smiled slightly as he forced himself into a slightly more
comfortable position.

“My time has come, Liras, there is no helping that. Trust me, I don’t want to pass on either but I have to ask you to take my place… and my duty.” He asked, causing the younger flyer to take an odd look. Of course, he had always known that he’d have to one day assume his place as the herd’s leader after Olres but what was this duty he was talking about? He cocked his head sadly, hating to see the withering, fatigued face of his dear father.

“What do you mean by that?” He merely said, feeling his words getting stuck in his throat. Olres leaned slightly forward and gestured Liras to approach him. The latter did as he was told, dreading to learn what his father was going to say. Liras was a highly hedonistic and unambitious flyer and he had a bad feeling that whatever he’d hear would make maintaining those traits that much more difficult. Still, he respected his father and his deeds enough not to question whatever he was going to hear.

“I have never told of it to anyone, my son, but I have carried one duty for dozens of Cold Times now. You know everything about the great war and what happened during it but I have always maintained that my part in it was simply because of my own wisdom and strength. Alas, that is not true.” He said, suddenly cringing as another wave of pain washed over him. Liras moved to help the older flyer but Olres simply cast him away. Liras knew better than to question his father and simply decided to allow him to continue.

“I know you will have a hard time believing it, my son, but my knowledge and determination were not from this world. They… they were granted to be by… by my old comrades as well as my enemies who fell on that day, on that wide plain in the middle of the Land of the Dancing Waters.” He said, taking a deep breath as he allowed his body to relax a bit more. Liras frowned deeply at those words, starting to shake his head as he looked at his father in clear pity. So, it really seemed like his mind was also growing fainter as his end neared. Liras walked closer to his father and spoke to him softly.

“It is alright, dad. Just try to relax and then we can…” He spoke with saddened eyes but before he got any further, Olres suddenly cast him away and spoke in a surprisingly robust voice considering his condition.

“I’m serious, brat! I remember it as clearly as yesterday! The ones who died in that great battle were there and they told me that… that I was worthy of making sure nothing like it would happen. They gave me all their wisdom and I was able to prevent the end of our kind as well as the death of countless other dinosaurs. Look at me, Liras!” He said, forcing the younger flyer to look at him even if he looked ready to weep as he looked at the increasingly forced breathing of his father. Even Olres’ eyes started to fade away but even then, his voice was sharp as he started to speak to his only descendant.

“That is the duty I have to pass on you! The fallen made me promise to pass the charge of using their guidance to my own children in order to make sure nothing like that hell will never happen again! It is required of you to keep this as a secret you will only pass to your own child far in the future but if need be, you must not hesitate to ask for their help! My son, our kind is still on the brink extinction and it could easily be wiped out if the groundwalkers would band together. There are some who would tell you to take back what once was ours but I ask of you, do all in your power to keep the peace and secure a future for us… for all the flyers!” The old flyer spoke in a pleading voice, staring right at Liras with a completely serious expression.

The younger male, however, was left wordless as he heard his father’s request. He simply couldn’t believe what he had just heard but… it was clear that Olres’ mind was still sharp and that he wasn’t lying. Liras trusted his father without an end and decided against pushing back against his tale. As for the rest of his plead, he realized immediately that he’d keep that part as he was far too lazy to even dream of leading his herd to any kind of war. Liras let his head fall slightly as he took his father’s hand and looked him back in the eyes as he spoke.

“I promise you, father. Trust in me: I will never allow our kind to descend to that level as long as I live. And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I’m just…“ He was about to start when he suddenly noticed Olres starting to cough weakly, gasping for air. Liras rushed to his side, trying to help him take another breath but he then noticed the older flyer merely give him an encouraging nod. Liras finally felt a warm tear flowing down his cheek as he felt his father’s breaths growing fainter by the second. He started to sob deeply and in this terrible moment, he whispered to the older flyer’s ear.

“Thank you for everything you did, dad. I love you.” He said as he noticed Olres closing his eyes slowly, letting out one, long breath before turning completely still. Liras fell to his knees, starting to cry next to the dead flyer, not able to believe this dreaded day had finally arrived. To most, Olres was a name that raised hope and faith in the future but to Liras, he was just… his father. All the memories of their times together, all of the lessons he taught him… the young male felt tears flowing down his cheeks as he looked at the content smile that had been Olres’ very last expression in this world.

Minutes passed on slowly as Liras slowly started to accept the inevitable. His father was gone and with his passing, he was now the leader of the herd… and apparently some kind of guardian of Olres’ secret. Liras knew he had been trained for this day all his life but that didn’t make things any easier. Yet, he knew what his charge was now. He’d have to inform of his father’s death… and assume his rightful place. Trying to force back his tears, Liras walked back to the mouth of the cave where he was again greeted by the elderly Brighttail, Olres’ old friend and a deputy of the herd. She looked glumly at Liras and stated the obvious fact she could read from Liras’ face.

“I can see his life has ended, Liras. Am I correct?” She asked, looking as the younger flyer took a deep breath and nodded at her. Liras gulped deeply, not really even wanting to do the next part but for now, he accepted it as something he knew he had to do for his father’s sake. The youthful flyer walked to the edge of a nearby cliff and glanced at the members of his herd as well as to the lone members of other kinds who had been sent to honor the great flyer’s passing. Yet, Liras’ face was a tired and lifeless one as he spoke, equally bothered by his sorrow as well as his pure distaste at holding any kinds of speeches.

“To my utmost sorrow, I have to tell you the horrible truth. Only a short while ago Olres passed into the Great Beyond. I was there by his side and he died as he lived: even in his last moments, he asked me to make sure our kinds will forever more stay in peace with each other. I intend to fulfill his simple request as a small payment for everything he did for us as the leader of my father’s old herd and as his successor. I thank you all for gathering here and I will give him the farewell he deserves this evening. That is all I have to say now.” He spoke dully but even then, he could hear nothing but cheers for his new position and manifestations of great sorrow.

Liras, however, turned around and took a deep sigh, already cursing his new position with all his heart. He’d fulfill his duty but even then, his expression told Brighttail that he prayed deeply this part would never have been his. He slowly walked away to a silent spot, hoping to gather the courage to recover from his great loss and to face the future that inevitably waited for him.

A slight smile formed to the flyer’s face as he gulped down another large berry and felt the rays of the Bright Circle fall upon his body. Liras looked at the wide plains before him with a content look, not willing to ask for anything more than his daily dose of good food, bathing and pretty females. During his leaders as the leader of his herd, the flyer had grown very fat and he knew there were many ugly rumors about him among his followers. However, he knew his authority wouldn’t be questioned due to the name of his father and that fact provided him with the peace of mind he wanted. Liras slowly brought another berry to his beak but before he could swallow it, he heard a sweet voice speak to him.

“Do you have a brief moment, daddy?” Was the simple question to which Liras sighed slightly but even then, the smile on his face never left. He turned to look at the young girl whose large eyes seemed to stare right into his soul. The older dinosaur spoke to his daughter in a soft but determined voice.

“If you’re willing to wait a while, I guess. But not just yet.” He said simply, not willing to rise from this comfortable spot for nearly any price. However, the younger dinosaur was far from content with the answer and she moved closer to Liras and this time, her voice was far more annoyed.

“That’s what you say every time but then something else happens and you’ll forget everything about me, Terin and Highsoar! It has been ages since you’ve taught us anything or even played with us!” She cried, causing the male to rise to a sitting position with a slight frown, forced to admit his daughter wasn’t wrong. He loved his children deeply but… but there were times when he’d simply hope some other member of the herd could watch over them a bit more. However, he had promised this much to his late mate and if there was one thing Liras was, he was an honest and loyal flyer. He glanced at the sky before he gave his answer.

“I’m afraid you are right, Valia. There’s just so much work… but I guess I can spare a while to you and the others, if that’s what you really want.” He said while speaking to the girl. A surprised smile rose to Valia’s face, not having expected his father to actually accept her request. Her eyes widened as she gave her answer, already turning to head towards her siblings.

“Thank you so much, daddy! Come, foll…”

“Liras, we have something you have to hear without any delays! It is beyond urgent!” A female voice, which belonged to a flyer called Amber, cried as she landed in front of Liras, accompanied by Brighttail and a third deputy called Pari. The fat flyer looked at the newcomer dryly, rolling his eyes as he looked at her.

“Well, what is it now, Amber? I hope you’re not wasting my time.” He said but before the female could answer, Valia cried to her father in an enraged voice.

“B… but you promised, daddy! You can’t just…” She cried but before she got any further, Liras snapped at her, clearly not willing to hear the rest of his daughter’s objection.

“And I won’t break my word, Valia! I promise you that I will deal with this interruption soon enough so just wait here. I’ll be back before you know it.” He said while giving the younger flyer a quick wink. The girl was clearly unimpressed by her father’s words but even then, she was happy that he hadn’t completely forgotten his promise. The three deputies looked at Liras in clear displeasure but they knew their chances of changing his behavior were beyond low. They turned around to head for a quieter place and Liras wasted no time following them.

Heavy panting accompanied the highest-ranking dinosaur’s landing as his heavy bulk was making flying increasingly difficult for him. Still, Liras decided against giving that any thought as the only thing he wanted right now was to simply get over this meeting as quickly as possible. He took a stern expression as he asked Amber sharply.

“Well, what is it? I expect it to be something of more importance than what you usually tell me.” He said, frowning deeply as he looked at the smaller female. She had long despised Liras’ attitude towards leading but even then, she knew he was her only chance of wielding at least some power within the herd. Knowing that, Amber wasted no time giving her answer as respectfully as possible.

“I’m sure it is, honored leader. Not far to the south, large herds of spiketails and threehorns have engaged in a violent battle over a fertile plain and it seems like it’ll be an extremely bloody struggle. Liras, I beg you, order your herd once the battle is over and finish what remains of those cursed landwalkers and take back what once was ours! We can still reclaim our place in this world if we just take the right opportunities!” She spoke, looking Liras in the eyes all the while. The male’s face darkened as he heard those words but before he could answer, Brighttail snapped at the other female.

“Just forget it, Amber! Liras, please don’t listen to her. This isn’t what your father would have wanted. Honor his memory and prevent as much of this bloodshed as you simply can and those herds will be forever allied to ours! Olres showed us the right path and we have to follow it as closely as we simply can!” She spoke, causing Amber to give her a beyond annoyed look. She snapped back at the older female toxically, having long hoped that she’d finally head to the Great Beyond.

“Olres’ path would only lead us to grow old and die in these pitiful lands whereas the entire world is our birthright! We have to…” She started but Pari cut her short in a low and even mournful voice.

“You know that is simply not possible, Amber. We have no choice but to stay here and hope that one day our children will be far more numerous than they are today. Liras, I have to agree with Brighttail on this issue.” He spoke, causing Liras to roll his eyes. He had already heard enough and this meeting had ended up right as he had expected.

“All three of you should know very well by now how I’ll answer! Amber, propose more bloodshed one more time and I’ll relieve you of your duties for good. We’ll never regain what we lost and even if we could do it, I wouldn’t risk the future of our very kind for such a folly. Brighttail and Pari, you should also learn that we do not exist to solve some pathetic landwalkers’ problems and possibly be drawn to their stupid feuds in the process! We are not going to act in any way when it comes to that conflict!” He cried, earning appalled but unsurprised gazes from his deputies. It was clear none of them were content with the answer but only Brighttail was confident enough to speak against her leader.

“But we can’t pass this opportunity! Liras, if you are even nhalf the leader your father was…” She started but the male wouldn’t let her finish. His voice was frigid as he gave his answer, regretting he even needed his deputies’ help in securing his rule.

“Don’t tell me about how my father would have led! He might have had his role in our history but I am simply willing to secure our safety in the best way I can! Olres entrusted me with this burden, not you! Is that clear?” He asked, looking at the elderly female in the eyes. Brighttail knew very well that the only reason Liras did nothing regarding this issue was his own laziness and lack of ambition but she also knew there was nothing she could do to change his mind. The old female bowed, barely able to hide her disgust and disappointment about what Olres’ once-celebrated son had become.

“Very well, my leader. We will do as you say.” She said, each of the deputies radiating disappointment and annoyance about this meeting. Liras, however, smiled slightly, more than glad he could now keep his promise to his daughter. Maybe this day wouldn’t be utterly wasted after all.

The wind whistled within the flyer’s ears as he prepared to land onto the familiar plains below him. He was more than glad to be back as he absolutely hated these kinds of meetings with other herd leaders who wanted to meet him simply to say that their relationship with Olres’ heir is strong enough. Not only did Liras find them boring, he couldn’t stand the clear hypocrisy of his peers. None of them wanted to achieve anything concrete in addition to consolidating their position in the eyes of their followers. Even then, that meeting was now done and he’d gladly spend the rest of the day quietly without further interruptions…

“Dad, at last you’re here! We’ve waited for you for hours!” Liras’ eyes widened as he heard the young boy’s voice. Of all the things he had wanted to hear on this moment, the alarmed voice of hi son was one of the last ones. He landed besides the younger flyer and answered him urgently.

“What is it, Terin? What’s wrong?” He asked, waving his companions to leave the scene. The boy looked pleadingly at his father and spoke to him in clear alarm and sorrow.

“It… it is Valia, daddy! She has got really sick since the morning!” He said, causing his father to kneel to Terin’s height and placing his hands on his shoulders.

“What happened? Where is she?” He asked, staring deep into the child’s eyes. Terin gulped as he spoke, even tears starting to slowly form in his eyes.

“I don’t know why but as we woke up, she started to vomit heavily and she is too weak to do anything! Let’s not waste any more time!” He cried, the older flyer doing immediately as he was told. Suddenly, everything felt so very empty as he could very well see just how horrified Terin actually was. If anything happened to Valia… no, he’d have to believe that she’d be well in the end. He counted seconds as he noticed his son slowly starting to land near the family’s sleeping spot. The fat flyer’s eyes widened as he saw the small form lying on a rock, clearly in agony over whatever was wrong with her. Liras wasted no time heading to her side, raising her hand with his hand.

“I’m here, dear. How are you feeling? Please, answer me!” He pleaded as he felt that the girl’s forehead felt like it was burning. He could immediately see that she was extremely weak but he was heartened as he saw her slowly opening her eyes. That moment brought great relief to the older flyer even if Valia’s voice was beyond meek.

“Daddy… is it you? I… I’m just f…” She said before her voice failed completely and she fell back to her old position. Liras’ heart skipped a beat but noticed immediately that she was still alive. He was just about to call for help when he saw a familiar flyer approach him from beyond. The leader had seldom needed the healer’s help but it seemed like he had already taken a look at the sick girl. The old dinosaur’s wrinkled face was beyond grave as he addressed the heavier male.

“Your sons already asked me before and I’ve already done everything I could.” He said extremely oddly but those words only served to annoy Liras further. He immediately addressed the old flyer and demanded him in a threatening voice.

“And? Don’t test my patience and just tell me how long it’ll take for her to recover and what we can do to shorten that time!” He said, not willing to believe what he’d just heard. The healer looked at Liras with his nearly-blind eyes and he coughed briefly before he answered the higher-ranked flyer.

“That is something I’m afraid I can’t tell you, my leader. Her illness is a very dangerous one and I must admit I’m not sure how to fight against it.” He said, causing Liras’ heart to drop immediately. Was the old fool trying to fool him? He had been long-respected within the herd but here he was, telling that he wouldn’t be able to help this one time his help was actually needed? Liras walked closer to the other flyer and revealed his teeth in clear threat.

“Nonsense! No one here knows more about helping others than you do! Now, get to work or I’ll banish you from our herd this very moment!” He cried but the older flyer merely sighed deeply as he gave his answer.

“Do it if you have to, Liras, but you have to understand that even I have limitations to what can I do. Valia’s fever might very well go away by itself but every moment things stay like this, it’ll become more and more likely she won’t be able to recover. I’m sorry, honored leader, but that is the whole truth.” He said, making liras’ previously confrontational expression turn into resignation. Of course he knew that the other dinosaur didn’t have a real reason to lie to him but… he simply wasn’t willing to accept the truth just yet. He quickly snarled at the healer before turning back to look at his daughter whose breathing seemed to be becoming more and more difficult by the second.

“Be on your way, then, and make sure to stay away from my path for a long while! Go, now!” Liras looked as the healer nodded sadly and did as he was told. The former ignored his departure, instead kneeling by Valia’s side, praying deep within his mind as the seconds passed slowly.

I’ll do my all to make sure you’ll be okay, Valia. I promise this to you.

However, things didn’t seem to be getting any better by the time the Bright Circle rose on the following day. Liras had stayed by his daughter’s side the whole time, his two sons sleeping a little further away from their sister. To make things even worse, Valia was showing no signs that her fever was growing weaker, if anything, it had grown worse. Inside, Liras had already started to give up hope, the old healer’s words haunting his thoughts without an end. Valia’s sickness had come like a sky fire out of the blue and in less than a day, it had brought the little girl to the brink of her last fight.

Another tear fell from the obese flyer’s eyes as he looked at the hapless sight, not willing to accept that this was really happening. His three children were the old things that still remained of his dear mate who had been surprised by a sharptooth on the previous Cold Time. He had ledged to protect their children after that tragedy but now, it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to keep even that promise. Liras started to weep deeply as he bowed towards the girl, speaking to her in a trembling voice.

“Valia, I’d do absolutely anything to make you feel even a little bit better… and to make sure you’ll get through this. Absolutely anything…” He sobbed, regretting that he didn’t receive even the slightest sign from the girl that she had even noticed his presence. At this pace, the final farewell would come all too soon, not even two seasons after the departure of his mate. The flyer’s beak fell deeper by the second… before his eyes suddenly flashed open.

There was something he could do after all! His father’s secret was still his to guard and if the spirits had been able to teach so much to Olres, then they certainly could tell him how he could save his beloved daughter! Hope suddenly seemed to surge into Liras’ heart as he thought about his last meeting with this father. He knew just where to look for that help and at this moment, the flyer didn’t even consider questioning Olres’ story. He suddenly flew a bit further downhill from his daughter and called one certain flyer to attend him. it wasn’t long until he saw Brighttail’s familiar form approached him, the previous disappointment still evident in her voice. The female’s voice was heavy as he addressed her leader.

“What is it this time, Liras? Ask and I will do my best to make things so.” Her face revealed no excitement at whatever was coming but when Liras finally gave his answer, the older flyer’s eyes widened immediately.

“Brighttail, you have been my and my father’s most loyal servant for as long as I can remember and I’m willing to reward it with a special honor. I’m leaving the herd for a day or two and I am appointing you to safeguard it in my stead.” He said dryly, willing to start his journey as quickly as possible. It would take him at least one day and night to reach the Land of the Dancing Waters and he wanted to waste as little time as possible. Brighttail jaw dropped as she tried to stutter some kind of answer.

“B… but the herd needs Olres’ heir to lead them! You can’t just leave like t…” She started but before she could any further, Liras stepped forward and snapped at the female in a voice that confirmed he wanted to hear no further objections.

“Right now, someone another needs me far more than this herd. Accept my charge or I’ll pass it to another of my deputies.” He said simply, knowing that Brighttail wouldn’t be able to decline that request. She tried to say something but after a few seconds, she sighed in resignation before giving her answer.

“Very well, my leader. I’ll do it. But at the very least, tell me where you are heading to! We deserve to know at least that much!” She asked, not liking this in the least. She had little confidence within the male and these kinds of decisions only reinforced that impression. The fat flyer, however, just turned around and gave a short and ambiguous answer.

“It is something I cannot tell you, Brighttail. May the Bright Circle smile upon you in my absence.” He said before taking off, only the elderly female’s worried eyes on his back. All her life, Brighttail had tried to help Liras on his journey and she even genuinely cared for him but slowly, she was accepting the fact that he could never be the leader the herd deserved. She shook her head before heading to inform the rest of the flyers about what had just come to pass.

The dawn was a rather cold one even if there was not even the slightest hint of a breeze in the air. To Liras, it seemed like all the air in the world was standing still as he looked at the wide forests below him. He hadn’t stopped to rest for a moment since his departure from his herd and he panted deeply, cursing that he was forced to carry his heavy belly the entire time on this long flight. However, to his relief, he knew he had already arrived in the Land of the Dancing Waters as he looked at the wide rivers below him. Far in the distance, a heavy rumble of the falling waters could be heard, causing a slight smile to appear on the flyer’s face. He had heard so many stories about this place from his father that he knew just where he was heading to. Great relief flowed through his body as he turned his wings downward, able to simply glide the rest of the way to his destination.

A slight frown appeared on the male’s face as his feet touched the ground as he could see nothing but ordinary forest everywhere around him. He wasn’t sure about what he had expected to see but this was rather underwhelming. Even then, Olres had mentioned that the battle had been waged near those two falling waters as this place had been on the path leading to the last strongholds of the flyers on the nearby mountains. This was the right place but… where were the spirits Olres had spoken of? Right now, this didn’t seem unlike any other woodland he had seen before and that made the flyer’s earlier optimism take a serious blow.

However, that momentary discouragement didn’t last long. After all, what would prevent any dinosaur from walking here and reveal his father’s secret if everybody knew of it? There had to be a reason Olres had entrusted him with this secret and made it his duty to wield this secret with wisdom. A slight grin rose to the flyer’s face as he turned his gaze slightly upward and called into the dark dawn.

“If anyone hears my words, know that I am Liras, the son and heir of the mighty Olres! If that means anything to you, reveal yourselves to me at once!” The flyer wasn’t sure what to expect but he couldn’t deny his disappointment as he received no signs that he was doing anything else but shouting by himself in the middle of nowhere. If the situation was any less serious, he would have most likely just turned on his heels and forgotten about this pitiful trip. However, his daughter’s life was at the balance and he simply couldn’t leave this place just yet. He shouted again, his voice louder than before.

“My father passed the duty of guarding this place to me during his dying breath and I am more than willing to use your, the respected dead’s, power to keep order and balance in our world. I ask you to hear my request now!” He said, looking for any movement around himself. He only prayed his calls wouldn’t lure any sharpteeth towards him but this was a risk he was willing to take. Liras’ courage was already starting to fade as he heard a whisper which already resembled a breath of the wind in his ear.

“Olres will be missed forever as there will never again be other flyer like him. It remains to be seen if you are even worthy of calling yourself his son…” Liras frowned deeply at those words, slowly noticing light spots of light around himself. His heart started to beat faster and faster as he looked at that unnatural sight but he stood his ground without his expression giving a glimpse of any kind of fear and hesitation. He gave his answer in a steady voice, knowing he wasn’t in any kind of danger as his father would have mentioned it before his death.

“I cannot say if I’m worthy of that honor and right now, I don’t care. All I care about is saving my little daughter, Valia, who is in the danger of succumbing to a vicious disease. I came here to ask you to tell me how to save here as my father told me you hold tremendous wisdom about practically every question a flyer will face it in their lives.” He said, holding his breath as he waited for an answer. Everything would depend on it even if Liras tried to close the possibility of the spirits declining his request away from his mind. He looked with concern as the lights started to gather around him but even then, he was ready to face whatever was to come. The next voice he heard was a low female one but he couldn’t say from which direction it was coming.

“You want us to save your daughter? Certainly, your father told we helped him only to end that endless bloodshed that threatened to exterminate the flyer kind as a whole? The bloodshed that had already killed tens of thousands of other dinosaurs? What makes you think we are going to solve your petty personal problems?” She asked, making Liras’ heart drop immediately. Yes, he knew his request was different than his father’s had been but the male wasn’t going to listen anyone calling his request “petty”. His voice trembled as he gave his answer, hoping he could get his message through as soon as possible.

“I am aware of that, yes. However, my kind isn’t in conflict right now and I have no need for those kinds of requests. It is because of that that my request is humbler but in any case, I ask you to fulfill it, in the name of my father and everything good in this world.” He said, his confidence starting to slowly fail. The situation didn’t feel all that promising and he wasn’t receiving any signs that his journey would be a success. That impression was only reinforced by the reaction his words received. Another one of the lights approached the flyer and spoke in a dry voice.

“In the name of your father? We gave your father the permission to pass the word forward but the reason we helped him was that he was a flyer whose heart held not one trace of malice, or treachery towards another dinosaur and he was willing to strive for a common goal without tiring. The same cannot be said of you.” He said, causing Liras’ frown to only deepen. The long flyer looked around himself in annoyance not liking what he had just heard. He cleared his throat and answered without any hesitation.

“My past deeds are none of your business and even if it were, you’d still be mistaken. I’ve dedicated all my life to keeping my herd safe and allow the flyers as a whole recover from what my father was forced to go through! I’ve fulfilled the duty he gave me and I’m proud of what I have accomplished!” He bellowed, hoping to end this discussion before it got any further. Inside, not even the fat flyer himself believed his own words but he didn’t care about it in the least. Yet, he’d soon regret that outburst dearly as another of the lights joined its companions.

“All you’ve accomplished has been to turn yourself into an obese bellydragger and there is nothing worthy of your father’s pride in your “accomplishments”! You have kept the peace but in the process, you’ve abandoned the other kinds to their fates! You allowed the spiketails and threehorns devastate each other those few cycles of the Night Circle ago even if you would have had the power to stop it! Your father would have acted as would have any flyer worthy of our help!” The voice cried, finally causing Liras’ sentiment darken completely. Inside, he knew that was true. He had refused to act simply because he didn’t want to force himself to commit to such an ordeal. The male’s composure started to fail and his jaw shook slightly as he bowed before the lingering spirits and spoke to them in a slow, pleading voice.

“You are right. I haven’t failed my duty but neither have I been even close to being the leader Olres was. But please, do not punish my daughter for it. She hasn’t done any of the mistakes I have. I pray you to help me this one time.” He spoke as he looked at the circling lights around himself which seemed to stop still. Only now he realized that there were hundreds, even thousands of those lights around himself, confirming his father’s words without a doubt. These were the victims of the great battle, willing to help those who would genuinely want to make the world even a slightly better place in order to make sure nothing like that war would come to pass ever again.

Seconds passed slowly and Liras slowly closed and opened his eyes as he waited for the answer. Inside, a clear fear started to rise within him that his request would be rejected but that didn’t make the eventual confirmation any easier. It wasn’t long before another female voice spoke to Liras in an apologetic but determined tone.

“Liras, this meeting as good as over. Even if we could trust you that you won’t use any knowledge we would give you unwisely, you simply are not worthy of our help. Besides, there are some things in life that you simply have to accept. Leave and return on the day you are worthy of our pride.” The voice said, making the entire world freeze around Liras. It… it simply couldn’t end like this! There was no way he could give up his quest because a few self-centered spirits wouldn’t help him even if they had all the power to do so! Something seemed to give in within Liras as he suddenly stepped forward and yelled in loud, thundering voice.

“Olres gave me the charge of using your power wisely and by the Bright Circle, that is exactly what I am planning to do! I order you to help me as the guardian of this forest and the safekeeper of this world! Now, stop this nons…” He started but as he shouted, the lights started to disappear one by one until the male was left bellowing back into the air. It wasn’t long until Liras realized his folly and before he could even think of what had happened, he felt tears starting to flow down his cheeks. His only hope had just betrayed him and here he was, left only with the option of returning to witness his daughter’s death. Desperate wails rang through the woodland as Liras fell to his knees, sobbing inconsolably.

Within a few hours, the skies answered to the usually-smug flyer’s sorrow. One drop of sky water followed another until the entire land was buried under a curtain of heavy sky puffies. One couldn’t even see the canopy of the trees from the ground as the water battered the forest but right now, Liras didn’t even truly scare he could only stare at a wide fast water, looking at his own reflection in disgust and regret. He hadn’t even noticed the passing of the time, his mind only dwelling in the memories of his times with his daughter.

Right now, he would have given anything if he could have changed even one of the times he had declined to spend time with his children in order to simply indulge his own sedentary lifestyle. Inside, he knew that Olres would shake his hand in disappointment if he saw his son right now but the only thing Liras wanted only to save his sole daughter from her fate but… but there was nothing he could do about it anymore.

Not the best healers of his herd could do anything to help her and even his last resort had failed him. A hateful grin appeared on his broken face as he thought about the recent
meeting, outrage building inside his mind. It was true that he himself wasn’t worthy of anybody’s help but Valia certainly was! In this moment, Liras cursed bitterly as he thought about his “duty”, all of it only making him feel more miserable. He had been the guardian of this secret but even it had turned its back at him! They had themselves said he wasn’t worthy of his father’s position which certainly wasn’t something that made Liras feel any better.

Inside, a small voice told the obese flyer that this simply wasn’t the end. There was still time to accept the spirits’ words and to become the flyer his flyer had always wanted. However, that voice was seriously challenged by his bitterness against everything that had happened. He had been given this charge he had never wanted after which his daughter was being taken away from him by some cruel twist of fate and now he was being told it was his fault he couldn’t save her? Liras spat in the middle of his own reflection that was already being obstructed by the sky water. This was just complete crap and no matter what, he wouldn’t accept the blame for the spirits’ ref…

Suddenly, the entire sky was lighted by a massive bolt of sky fire that hit the forest on the other side of the fast water. The following sound made the dinosaur’s blood run cold but even then, he couldn’t care about it in the least. Soon enough, he’d have to start his journey back and simply accept that which he simply couldn’t accept. For a brief moment, Liras even thought that drowning himself into the river would be a better alternative… unless he realized the growing blazes caused by the sky fires in the nearby areas. The flames reflected from Liras’ eyes as another idea suddenly formed within his mind.

With any luck, he would be able to find some long branch that was only partly burning and bring it back to the spirits part of the forest and demand them to pass their knowledge on him if they wished to save their home. A clear grin rose to Liras’ face as he thought about his upcoming triumph before he suddenly remembered his father’s words again. He was the protector of this forest, one that was supposed to wield this gift for the good of his herd and for the good of his kind. His request had already been rejected and inside, the flyer knew his father would never have accepted his plan. And sure enough, an unmistakable sting of guilt arose within him, pleading not to take this radical step from which there would be no return.

Even then, Liras knew his decision had already been made as he thought about the pitiful form of his sick daughter. He would leave no stone unturned in his effort to save her and no ghost or even his father would stand in the way of a goal this righteous!  A determination very seldom seen within the slothful leader radiated everywhere around him as he took off towards the burning forest, a failure not even appearing as a real possibility within his mind.

The temperature rose tremendously the closer Liras got to the flames and he realized that he’d have to be beyond careful if he wanted to avoid burning his lungs from the many clouds of smoke everywhere around him. The flyer’s breaths grew increasingly painful and Liras knew he’d have to get away from here before…

Suddenly, one detail within the corner of his eye caused the flyer to dash to his left with all his might. Liras could even feel the fire touching his feet as he dodged the falling branch that nearly took him down below it. The flyer panted deeply as he tried to catch his breath, seldom forced to stress his body like this. He looked at the fallen branch, more than thankful he had managed to avoid getting hit by it but it didn’t take long before he realized that it was just what he was looking for. Only a small part of its base was burning and it’d take many minutes until it would be entirely consumed. Liras took a deep breath as he approached the branch, hoping he’d be able to carry its weight for this distance.

At first, it felt like he wouldn’t be able to lift his burden off the ground and he nearly gave up that effort in growing frustration. However, he also realized that the branch was growing lighter by the moment and soon enough, he finally managed to take off, sweat already dripping down his cheeks. Being forced to carry both his own and the branch’s weight was almost too much for his wings but somehow, he found the courage to carry on as he thought about everything that was at stake here. He’d force those damned ghosts to cooperate with him and in the process, take the position that had always been his birthright!

Liras cringed deeply as he flew over the river, his eyes fixed on his goal that was growing closer by the second. Soon enough, he’d be able to get rid of his burden and his family would stay together for many more seasons… the tubby flyer could already feel the flames starting to burn his feet as he dropped the branch to the foot of one of the larger trees, more than pleased by the fact that the sky water was growing weaker by the moment. Liras prayed deeply as he looked at the branch, praying the fire would spread to the nearby tree after which his plan would be a guaranteed success.

For a moment, it seemed the fire would simply die out as it grew weaker by the second. Liras was already preparing for another failure… before a few sparks could be seen in the tree, followed by increasingly thick smokes… and finally small flames. The fire was reflected by Liras’ eyes as he crossed his hands, an unbelieving grin forming on his face. He had done it! Soon enough, this entire woodland would drown in fire and at that point, the spirits would be in his mercy! In this moment, Liras truly believed his father had been capable of practically anything and he wasn’t in any way concerned about his ability to stop the fire in the coming minutes.

The flyer took a few steps back as the flames spread to other trees, also engulfing the green ground easily. Liras rose to his wings and cried with a clear triumph in his voice.

“If you do not want to help me willingly, you won’t leave me with any choice! Now, help me to douse these flames and tell me how to save my daughter! This is your last chance!” He cried, looking as more and more of the forest caught fire. At first, there was nothing unusual to be seen but this time, he wasn’t taken aback by that fact in the least. However, when the inevitable happened, none of it went the way flyer had expected.

One by one, the lights reappeared from the burning forest but Liras couldn’t help but realize that some of them were vanishing into then air alongside with the trees, one detail making him more than a bit disturbed. Were the ghosts somehow connected to the forest itself or was that just some odd coincidence? Even then, he wasn’t given much time to ponder such things before the lights surrounded him completely. This time, it felt like he was hearing the despising words of thousands of dinosaurs at once but he didn’t take one step back. It felt like his entire body had frozen still as he heard the answer.

“We already knew you were an embarrassment to your father but you’re doing everything in your power to ruin his name as well as well as that of all flyers! We will never bow to any of your demands and now, you will pay the price for your deed!” The voices cried but even then, Liras didn’t feel even the slightest hesitation, instead looking at the swirling lights with a defiant expression.

“I don’t care what you think but you have no choice but to help me! Your other option is to burn to the ground alongside with your home!” He cried, willing to see his gamble to the end. However, when he received his next answer, he finally realized he had failed.

“Most of us will survive this but we will make sure no flyer like you will ever again cause an outrage like this! In order to save your father from even more shame, we will relieve you of your “duty” and put you back to your rightful place in this world! Get out of these lands you bastard!” Liras suddenly felt his entire world starting to spin and his consciousness to fail as the lights started to engulf his entire vision…

The first thing that greeted the flyer’s returning consciousness was the repulsive taste of mud which was flowing into his beak. Liras could hardly even tell whether he was awake or not as he started to move his fingers and hands. The day had already ended and Liras could see darkness swiftly falling upon the land. He was mostly submerged by the wet soil and he shivered in disgust as he noticed large ground crawlers running on his wings and his back.

However, that sensation wasn’t even close to being the worst thing in the once-proud leader’s mind. His felt completely empty and he couldn’t even really say why he was here or what he was doing. Yes, Valia had fallen sick and he had tried to help her by… by trying to find that something which had given Olres the power he had needed in his own struggles!

For a short while, Liras tried to again rise to his wings until the rest of what had happened fell upon him. He had failed and… and now he couldn’t remember even distantly where all of that had happened. That part of his memory had been completely wiped away, replaced by an endless sense of failure. Even now, Liras realized that whatever had happened had been something sickening but even worse were the implications.

Now, he had no way to save his daughter and even worse, Olres’ words returned to haunt his thoughts. It had been up to him to safeguard his father’s secret but now… now he just knew he had failed that promise for good. If another one would one day come, he’d be powerless to stop it and in the process, he had robbed his kind from one of its most potent defenses. Liras started to sob as he allowed his head drop back into the mud as the full implications of his failure filled his mind. He wasn’t worthy of his position, worthy of his children, hardly even worthy of living.

But even then… Liras knew his herd deserved to know what had happened to the one they had been taught to see as their savior one day. Olres’ memory was too important for them for him to just throw it away for good or at least without any kind of final goodbye. And if he were to be accepted back by his children and his herd, he’d just might well attempt to one day repay his debt to those he had harmed and failed and to strive to be the flyer he had been supposed to be. With his mind full of regret, Liras rose to his wings to confront whatever was waiting for him.

The following day was already growing old before Liras could see the familiar hills rising far within the distance. His fatigue was even worse than before but this time, he didn’t care. The flyer’s heart was heavy with the knowledge of what would await him as he had barely been able to accept his mate’s passing. Inside, he wasn’t even sure whether he could face the reality anymore but he owed it to everyone, including his father who charge he had pitifully betrayed.

His heart froze as his feet touched the soft grass as his gaze focused on the small form not far for him. He could already see that his daughter’s life had ended not a long time ago. Liras could feel tears falling down his cheeks as he walked besides the poor flyer, kneeling by her side and weeping silently. He had already accepted what would await him out here
but even then, it didn’t make looking at her closed eyes any easier. The flyer could only weep bitterly as he spoke silently.

“Goodbye, my daughter. I did what I could… I’m just so sorry…”
He stood still for many more seconds, not even noticing two young flyers approaching him from behind. The duo stopped by their father’s side and asked him with teary eyes.

“Where were you all this time, daddy? She… she’s gone! Valia’s gone!” The two voices cried simultaneously, immediately confirming Liras’ fears. The male took a deep breath as his heart broke in two and he embraced his two sons.

“I know, Terin. I know, Highsoar. I did my all… I’m so sorry.” Was all he could say as his eyes landed on the small flyer not far from him. He could see the truth with his own eyes. He had already been forced to accept the inevitable… but the sorrow of his children was something he could hardly bear. Highsoar looked his father in the eyes, crying to him with all his might.

“Why weren’t you here, daddy? You could have saved her if you hadn’t ran away!” He cried, causing Liras to sniff his sobs away for a moment. The younger flyer’s childish comment mixed with the sick reality… Liras nearly lost his entire composure as he struggled to answer.

“Sometimes you simply can’t change some things, my son. This was one of those times.” He simply said before he saw another flyer landing beside him. She wasn’t someone Liras wanted to meet right now but he knew better than to drive her away. Brighttail looked at her leader with worried eyes and spoke to him carefully.

“Thank goodness you’re back, my honored leader! I know my timing is far from optimal but I just wanted to tell you that the herd is yours to lead once again. Shall I take my leave or do you wish something of me?” She asked, already preparing to take off. At first, Liras was preparing to accept her request but then one thing rose to his mind. He didn’t break his embrace with his remaining children as he answered to the elderly dinosaur.

“Tell the others that from now on, I will make sure to lead for the good of our herd… for every last of us.” He said as he nodded sadly at his children. The two boys glanced at Liras with an unsure look but Brighttail gave the male a brief smile. She had learned during her long life that sometimes a personal tragedy would lead to a great change within a dinosaur and it seemed like whatever had happened during Liras’ absence, she felt a wave of hope washing over her that she hadn’t experienced in countless seasons. She nodded at Liras in approval before she spread her wings.

“I will, honored Liras. With pleasure.” She said before taking off and within a few seconds, disappeared into the darkening evening.

And thus concludes my Gang of Five May prompt response. It is a fic that I hope tells a bit more about Separate Ways’ backstory as I felt the Land of the Dancing Waters needed some more explaining before appearing in my main story. I’d like to hear some thoughts whether the main premise behind that land worked in the least as it will also have a great role in the Separate Ways soon enough. That being said, I also hope you liked this story and see you with my next chapter.

LBT Fanfiction / The Haunting Shadow
« on: March 18, 2019, 04:12:09 PM »
The Haunting Shadow

A slight shiver ran down the threehorn’s spine as she slowly pushed the massive boulder up the dark mound. Most other dinosaurs would never have even dared to even think of moving such a rock but the orange female reveled in the fact that she had grown even more powerful than most other members of her kind. A slight smirk could be seen on her face even if every muscle within her body trembled heavily as she advanced ever so slowly, one inch at a time. Amidst her herculean endeavor, she heard a panting voice not far before her.

“Do you need help, Cera? That boulder’s the last one we need to secure the dam.” He said as he looked at the rock he had just pushed into its place. Even for a longneck, moving those giants to bloc the threatening rising waters was a true ordeal. However, he wasn’t in the least surprised to hear his old friend’s answer.

“No need for that, Littlefoot. I’ll be damned on the day I can no longer do what… what the threehorns do best! At least close to the best anyway.” She said while winking at the larger dinosaur confidently. Once, Littlefoot would have severely wondered whether to trust the female’s judgement but those days had long passed. These days, he’d trust his life on Cera’ decisions because as seasons had slowly passed, she had slowly learned more and more about responsibility and listening to others. And the longneck was more than honored to share his position as one of the most respected dinosaurs in the Valley with his first and probably closest friend.

“Alright. Just don’t overdo it.” He said while watching the threehorn move closer to the last spot where the water streamed towards the lower reaches of the Great Valley. He saw that Cera knew what she was doing so he decided to check again at the skies above him. The skywater had stopped a long time ago but this heavy, even unnatural gloom and darkness seemed to linger over the Valley, casting its shadow over the dinosaurs of the lands below. It wasn’t even late afternoon yet but the Bright Circle was nowhere to be seen, blocked by an impenetrable wall of the sky puffies, causing the day to be hardly any less dark than the night. Considering that it was supposed to be the early Warm Time, Littlefoot couldn’t help but feel worried. He was suddenly awakened from his thoughts when he suddenly heard Cera speak to him in an unsure, even worried voice.

“What’s the problem with you? Don’t you listen when I speak to you? The dam is now complete.” She said, causing the longneck to shake his head as she looked at the threehorn. He was more than confused by her words but he could see that his friend had spoken the truth. The boulder was in its place and the flooding had practically ended. He quickly gave the smaller dinosaur a brief smile as he tried to explain himself.

“W… well done, Cera! We should be fine from now on. But you know, I’m really worried about this never-ending shade. There shouldn’t even be a whole lot skywater in the early Warm Time. At least… there hasn’t been before.” He said, causing Cera to take a small sigh.

The threehorn looked around herself and she knew exactly what Littlefoot meant. She couldn’t deny the truth of his words and inside, she was just as concerned as he was. Her father would have likely just cast it aside as a normal variation of weather but indeed, this felt odd, even scary. Not only did she struggle to see any of Littlefoot’s features in the middle of a day but it was far too chilly for this season. This simply wasn’t supposed to be and her voice was even scared as she answered.

“You’re right, Littlefoot. B… but this isn’t even the worst thing. Petrie and the others have told me that some of the forests outside have grown darker and more odd than before… they couldn’t quite explain it. But also, the marshes have also seemed to be growing in the past weeks. I just hope this isn’t the same what happened to Ali’s old home.” She cringed deeply, not caring too much about whether or not the longneck saw her concern. The greyish-brown male frowned even more as he heard those words, not having heard about that before.

“I don’t know about that. After all, the skywater has ended now whereas Ali said it never stopped in the Land of Mists. But what you said certainly sounds more than odd. I wonder why Petrie never told me ab…” He said when he suddenly heard something that made his eyes widen in fear. It was a loud, long scream from somewhere far away, from somewhere over the mountains surrounding the Valley. He and Cera immediately moved to guard each other’s backs when the threehorn spoke to him in shock.

“What was that? It certainly didn’t sound like a sharptooth!” She asked as her eyes scoured the dark moors and rolling hills. Even if she still hated to admit, she couldn’t deny that even the Great Valley was starting to feel scary and threatening, something she had never expected to see. Littlefoot gulped as he looked at the dark branches hitting each other around him. His voice trembled slightly as he spoke, something that was rarely herd from him these days.

“I… I don’t think it sounded like a dinosaur at all… or anything we’ve heard before.” He said, his old curiosity trying to struggle with his worry and fear for dominance. He had always wanted to learn as much as he could about other kinds but this voice… it sounded like something he certainly didn’t want to ever meet. Cera, on the other hand, had no such conflicts and slowly but surely, she regained her confidence and spoke to Littlefoot in a voice that sounded more like her ordinary comments.

“Well, as long as it stays out there where it is, I couldn’t care less. But come on. We have to tell the others that at least around here, any threat of the Rising Waters has been stopped. We’ve done our work for today. I just hope Lighthide has done his as well.” She said, knowing full well that she and her friends had only chosen one of the many tasks that had to be done in order to ensure the Valley’s safety in a time like this. Littlefoot frowned slightly as he heard those words, not really disagreeing with the threehorn. It was just… this situation reminded him of his first meeting with Mo and back then, he had listened to his heart and things had ended well enough. But now, it was true he had more responsibilities to not doing anything reckless and with a neutral voice, he answered his friend.

“Let’s do just that. Hopefully the others have done their part as well.” He said as he started to walk beside the threehorn towards the central parts of the Valley, still believing that the events started today would have a happy ending.

The night was already falling before the last denizens of the Valley were finishing their tasks, many of the dams not able to stand the pressure of the water or the winds blowing more debris from the Mysterious Beyond into the Valley. Inside, Cera didn’t mind all of that as it had been days before she had had a moment’s rest and she welcomed this brief respite greatly. Many had asked her for help on all kinds of things but now, to her delight, she found herself in peace for a change. Even then, she couldn’t deny that her mind was bothered by the gloom that had descended upon the Valley and especially the monstrous cry she had heard.

Her eyes narrowed as she thought of that sound, some part of her mind telling her to fear it even more than her conscious mind did. It sounded like a high wheeze but not even a sick hollowhorn could make such a sound. Of course, there were countless types of dinosaurs out there but as Littlefoot had said, the voice hadn’t even sounded even distantly like any kind she had ever seen and as she thought about the past, she knew she had seen far more different kinds than the vast majority within the Valley. She tried to push her worries to the back of her mind when she finally saw something that caught her attention. It was another threehorn, a male, who was heading towards her with a slow, clearly tired pace. Cera’s mood brightened immediately and she rose to her feet as she prepared to greet her mate.

“So you finally managed to clear everything around the Sinking Sand! I must say, I was already starting to give up on seeing you for a few days, Lighthide!” She said with a slight smirk as she looked at the light-yellow dinosaur walk towards her. She felt newfound warmth grow within her heart at the mere sight of him and it was only with a struggle that she could wait for him to reach her without running towards him.

“Says someone who picked a task that you know you can complete is only a few moments, especially with a longneck on your side! Clearly, you don’t know just how full of trash those hills were? Do you?” He said with a grin, his voice filled with mock offense. Cera smiled at him as she poked at his side as she answered his comment.

“You may drop the act already! It may have taken time but it was an easier task than mine! Anyway, did you have any surprising troubles?” Cera’s tone suddenly relaxed a bit as she looked at the other threehorn. Se loved bantering with him greatly but she also knew that she was one of the threehorns many others looked up to so she would have to know all she could about what was happening in the Valley. The male looked at her with a weary look as he answered.

“Apart from that cursed wind that brought more and more crap from the Mysterious Beyond, no. Unless you count the weather, of course. Why do you ask?” He asked, more than a little puzzled by his mate’s answer. Cera looked at him oddly, knowing better than to lie to him.

“Well… When I and Littlefoot were finishing the dam, we heard a strange noise ringing over the mountains. I’m still terrified by it and you know that isn’t too common.” She said, looking in worry around herself. Lighthide’s expression grew slightly puzzled as he could see that something worried the female greatly. He knew that Cera was no longer as worried of showing her emotions to others as some of their kind but she still tended to be willing to hide her worst fears from those around her. The yellowish dinosaur walked towards her and spoke to her comfortingly.

“There are still things for us to see in this world but if any of them is going to threaten you, Cera, we’ll fight them off together. That is a promise.” He said as he smiled warmly at the other threehorn. Cera knew well that his words didn’t prevent anything bad from happening but even then, she had absolutely no doubts that he would keep that promise. Ever since she had found her future mate one bright day six Cold Times, the two had never lied or kept any secrets from each other. She returned Lighthide’s smile as she answered his words.

“Of that, I am more than certain, my love. Even if you hadn’t even said it to me.” She said as she bowed her head towards the male who happily returned the gesture. The duo’s heads touched slightly as they nuzzled each other’s snouts. Cera felt her earlier fears disappear as she felt the closeness of the dinosaur she loved the most in the entire world. It was as if the darkness of the world started to disappear around them, a bubble of eternal light separating them from the darkness. At least, under a pained and horrified cry of pain rang over the Valley.

“For the Bright Circle’s sake, someone come help me! Please!” That cry immediately opened Cera’s eyes wide as she realized who the speaker was. She looked at the male briefly before she headed towards the call.

“That’s Ducky! And she’s in trouble!” Quickly now, follow me!” She cried as she ran with all her might, dark thoughts starting to form within her mind.

Cera cursed deeply as she saw that she wasn’t nearly the first one to reach the swimmer. She felt her heart beat within her chest as she saw just how worried, even nauseous some of the dinosaurs were as they stood around the injured female. Cera felt herself starting to subconsciously slow her pace as she drew closer to the swimmer but she forced herself to move forward despite fearing what she’d see.

And indeed, the sight was something out from the threehorn’s worst sleep stories. Ducky was lying in the ground, her body full of sickening wounds but even then, the swimmer was clearly still alive even if her consciousness had clearly faded. She could see a few dinosaurs help cover her wounds but Cera was far from sure about whether she’d live through this. She quickly turned at Petrie who was standing not far from her, asking him sternly.

“What happened out here? Will she live? Who did this?” The words left her mouth as if by themselves, causing the flyer to look at her in fear. His voice was far more afraid than that of Cera but he was far calmer than he would have during days long past.

“We no know, Cera. Nobody can say if Ducky survive but what me do know is that no one in the Valley do this. Just look at her wounds.” He said, causing Cera to frown deeply. She hadn’t wanted to pay them any extra attention but she did as told. It wasn’t long before she realized just what the flyer had meant. The wounds didn’t seem to be made by claws or teeth, being clearly far wider and even more torn than any dinosaur could have caused. Instead, they seemed like something massive hits by a stone could have caused… or even a tree’s branch…

Cera blinked heavily as she forced her gaze up from the swimmer, only now realizing that the forest she was standing in was only a few longneck lengths away from one of the Valley’s openings into the Mysterious Beyond and it took her only a few seconds to realize what direction that opening was facing. The exact direction that terrifying screech had come from. She shivered visibly as she heard familiar, heavy steps behind her. she didn’t think for a second before she turned to look at Littlefoot and snapped at him with an outraged voice.

“So you were finally able to arrive, Littlefoot? Anyway, this must not continue! Whatever creature attacked Ducky, we must not allow it to strike ever again! We have to call everyone to decide what we should do!” She cried, knowing that her case was more than strong enough. The longneck’s reaction wasn’t unlike the threehorn’s but before he answered his friend, he frowned while saying his prayers to the swimmer in his mind and asked the other dinosaurs around him.

“D… did anyone see what happened? Or at least hear something she said before she passed out?” He asked, all of the relevant questions about Ducky’s health flashing before his mind. Cera clearly wasn’t acting as if Ducky was dying and the overall atmosphere of anxiety told him everything he wanted to know. Even then, he was appalled by Ducky’s wounds and his eyes widened as he looked at them. He then heard one of the other flyers speak to the longneck in a fearful voice.

“S… she said that… that the forest itself attacked her. She was beyond horrified but… but it must have been nothing than some sick jabbering.” The male flyer said, causing Littlefoot too look at him with a confused look. His words sounded unbelievable but… if Ducky had really said them, then he’d have to take them seriously. Almost immediately, Cera snapped at the flyer inquisitively.

“Is that all? She must have said something else as well!” The threehorn said, causing the flyer to shake his head.

“She did but those words were too vague and unclear to understand. But me was the only one to reach her before she passed out.” he said, knowing that some of the others might question his words but even then, he knew they were genuine. Cera immediately remembered her earlier observation of the wounds looking like they were made by some massive branch and that thought washed over her like a wave of disgust. She then turned at Littlefoot and spoke to him sharply.

“As I said, we have to call the others to speak about this! This must not happen to anyone again and to ensure that, we must find who… whatever did this!” She said, causing the longneck to finally look at her with a confused look. He looked at the starry sky for a few seconds before he finally took a brief sigh and answered his old friend.

“I agree. Our Valley has always been a place where all of us should feel safe and I will not watch my friends getting attacked like this! But we have to wait until the morning, Cera. It would difficult to gather everyone in this hour.” He said, knowing that only a fraction of the Valley’s dinosaurs had been alerted by Ducky’s call and it would be a long process to try to alert the rest of them. However, the threehorn didn’t seem to be completely satisfied by the male’s answer.

“But we cannot do that! The attacker is still out there and we cannot give it a chance to attack us again! You know it as well as I do… and I want that bastard to pay for hurting Ducky as soon as possible.” She said with a softer voice, causing the longneck to return that expression. Littlefoot bowed towards his oldest friend and spoke to her with an encouraging voice.

“So do I, Cera. And don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of all this. But indeed, we have to keep an eye on this opening until then. Petrie, could you and your siblings make sure that nobody enters the Valley undetected for tonight?” He asked, knowing the flyer wouldn’t refuse his request. And indeed, Petrie nodded to him eagerly.

“Of course we can! Be at ease, Littlefoot, we’ll tell if we see something bad.” He said, causing Littlefoot to quickly glance at Cera who frowned slightly but gave a brief look of agreement. She then spoke to him briefly before turning around to leave.

“Very well but we’ll see again in the morning. Lighthide, let’s go home.” She said, hearing the male starting to walk after her. Her mind cried out for vengeance for whatever creature had done that to Ducky and it would regret its deeds before the end. Cera’s earlier fear had turned into determination, a feeling that hadn’t made itself known with this intensity since the days of her childhood.

“Now that all of you know what has happened, I hope none of you disagree that this threat to our Valley cannot be ignored! To our utmost relief, Ducky will survive but who knows which one of us will be attacked next by this unseen killer? We have never allowed anyone to be threatened in the Valley and I for one am not going to give up on that principle now!” Cera cried, looking at the concerned and hesitating faces of the dinosaurs around her. The morning sky was even darker and more eerie than on the day before and in many ways, it felt like the morning wasn’t starting at all. The threehorn’s eyes flinched as she heard a comment from another dinosaur she had never expected to treat as her equal a long time ago.

“Certainly we could take one stupid sharptooth out before all this fuss? I mean, we have fought dozens of them before, haven’t we?” Hyp asked, a slight hesitation starting to rise to his face as he looked at the threehorn’s stern eyes. He had grown to respect Cera greatly and suddenly he felt like an idiot for bringing such a question up to her. The threehorn rolled her eyes and it was actually Lighthide who answered the question.

“As most of us know, this was not a sharptooth and it was exactly this monster’s strangeness we even called you here. Some have even speculated that it is this exact creature who has turned our Warm Time into this gloom and it is another reason for us to move against it as you most likely agree. Petrie, did anything strange happen during the night?” He asked dryly, not keen to answer any basic questions right now. The flyer landed before the two threehorns and looked around himself with a clearly fearful look. He hadn’t made any alerting sounds during the night but even then, it was clear something was bothering the smaller dinosaur.

“Well… me and me brothers and sisters see nothing clear but there were scary shadows moving here and there, as if waiting for us to land so it would get us. Petrie not tell of it because we not see it coming closer to the Valley… but something bad out there, Petrie sure of it.” He said, immediately causing concerned banter break out among the gathered dinosaurs. It was clear that the flyer’s words made them more than horrified but even then, the old elders of the Valley knew perfectly that such antics would solve nothing in a time like this.

“Now, now, calm down everyone! We don’t know what to do just yet but we do know that simply fighting out here won’t advance our safety. It never did before, as all of us know.” Grandpa Longneck said with a low and forced voice, his age really starting to catch up with him. He and his mate were the most ancient dinosaurs in the Valley these days and even if they had long since given up on their positions, they were still respected and their advice was still more than valued whenever they chose to give it. His words were soon followed by another old voice that was more than familiar to Cera.

“Indeed! If I were still able, I’d show each of you what happens when you lose focus on what is really important! Silence!” Mr. Threehorn cried, earning an appreciating glance from Cera. Even after their many disagreements, she was still more than happy to have him by her side for as long as he still could remain in this world. She winked at him and spoke in a soft voice before continuing from his words.

“Thanks, dad. But as for you others, I cannot help but say to you that we have to take this villain out and we don’t even know how powerful our enemy is. However, I am more than ready to face it and show what happens when you mess up with a threehorn or her friends!” She cried but before she even had finished, one hollowhorn cried at her in an annoyed voice.

“Bah! I’ve had enough of threehorns crying about attacking others too easily! With good luck this will turn out to be another chase for the tinysauryses and we all know how that ended!” The voice cried, widening Cera’s eyes, reminding the dinosaur that the situation indeed seemed similar. However, there was one key difference and the hollowhorn’s ignoring of that one detail made her see red. However, before she had the to speak, Littlefoot answered to the smaller dinosaur.

“In many ways, I would agree but unlike on that day, this mysterious attacker hurt one of us, something the tinysauruses never did. And for that, it would be unreasonable to assume that this creature is up to any good.” He said, knowing just how much he had started to sound like his grandparents in meetings like these. However, he was in no ways ashamed by that as he knew more than anyone else how much their guidance had helped the Valley in the past. But even then, he was still more than determined to retain his old, more curious and understanding attitude while dealing with these kinds of issues. He looked in approval as Lighthide spoke next.

“He speaks the truth and we cannot waste more time here. I am going alongside Cera to see that we can sleep our nights in safety again.” He said, feeling Cera nuzzle at his cheek while speaking to him warmly.

“I’d have it no other way, my love. I knew we’ll do this together.” She said, causing Littlefoot to smile warmly. He was fond of Lighthide himself and he was in many ways the perfect mate for Cera. He was as strong-willed as she was but he lacked the empty, pompous bravado of many other males of his kind. The two had been rather young when they first met but even then, the longneck himself was a little envious to Cera for finding a mate far earlier than he did. He still harbored hopes of one day being able to stay with Ali for good but for now, that hadn’t been possible. However, those thoughts were far away from her mind as he spoke to the two threehorns.

“And of course, I couldn’t even dream of letting you leave without me. Who knows when you’ll need someone to knock some sense into you.” He said but frowned as he saw Cera cringe at him slightly. After a few seconds, the threehorn finally managed to voice her concerns to the longneck.

“Littlefoot… don’t get me wrong but I’m not sure you’d be of much help. That place is heavily forested and… well, longnecks can’t move there too well. And even worse, judging by Ducky’s wounds, that creature is far smaller than you.” She said, getting slightly more optimistic as she didn’t see a trace of offense on the male’s face. Soon, he even gave a slight breath as he conceded that point.

“Well, you might be right, Cera, as much as I hate to admit it. But you two can’t head out there alone. You’ll need more help.” He said, knowing he was right. Two threehorns alone wouldn’t be enough to face whatever was out there and the duo knew it as well. However, it wasn’t long before they heard a familiar grunt as Spike started to walk towards the two
in a determined look. Cera looked at him in approval as he stopped at her side.

“You are more than welcome to join us, Spike. it’s good to have you.” She said without a trace of irony or dishonesty within her voice. She wanted to only have dinosaurs she knew she could trust beside her in a fight like this and she’d trust her life to Spike in a heartbeat. Besides, his kind was one of the most powerful ones after her own and she had no doubt her old friend would prove to be of much use today. She smiled as Spike gave her a warm and encouraging look as he stopped beside the slightly smaller dinosaur. However, the next voice widened Cera’s voice immediately as that was one she had not expected to hear.

“You’re not going anywhere without me, sis! But of course you knew it all along!” The threehorn turned to look at the speaker and she frowned as she saw her eyes confirm what she already knew. She saw the pink form of her younger sister run towards her and that was something she hadn’t really wanted to see. She wasn’t quite yet an adult and inside, Cera couldn’t help but see her as the small, adorable hatching she had been so very long ago. The older threehorn took a slightly awkward look as she tried to give some kind of answer to the other dinosaur.

“Tricia… I’m sure you’d be of help but maybe… maybe this isn’t something you should do.” She said, knowing her words would mostly just insult the younger female as Tricia had grown to be rather touchy and easily annoyed young threehorn. Cera cared for her greatly even if she very seldom approved of her sister’s antics. Tricia looked at her older sibling in clear disappointment before gathering herself again.

“Aww, don’t start again, Cera! I know the only reason you’re acting like that is that you believe I’m not good enough for anything! And really, that’s starting to piss me off!” She said, causing both Spike and Lighthide move slightly farther away from the siblings, knowing this wasn’t their business. Cera sighed deeply before answering to her sister.

“You know it’s not something like that! But you saw Ducky’s injuries and even I don’t know if I’ll be able to stay safe out there! And… and you’re still growing and you have time to get stronger.” She said, trying to reason with the younger dinosaur more than eager to prove herself in either her own or her sister’s eyes. However, Tricia wasn’t about to give up just yet.

“You say that every time and I’m not getting much bigger anymore! And I’ve nearly bested you many times before as you very well know!” She said, not raising Cera’s mood any. She finally took a rather sharp snort and a more forceful voice as she spoke again.

“Trying to rush me down without a clear strategy isn’t “nearly winning”, Tricia! I’m doing this for your own s…” She started before she was soon interrupted by a new speaker, from whom she would have expected those words the very least. The voice was an aged one but even then, Cera could not have had more respect for the speaker.

“Do as your heart tells you, Tricia. A threehorn of your age is more than ready to make her own decisions.” Cera turned to look at her stepmother in shock, not having even thought of her getting involved in this discussion. She tried to stutter some kind of answer but she couldn’t even begin to realize how very awkward her situation was with all the other dinosaurs looking at her expectantly. Tricia grinned mischievously as she approached the older threehorn and spoke to her cheekily.

“Well, Cera? I did not need her support but it’s nice that she at least trusts me this much.” She said, looking in satisfaction as Cera’s expression softened slightly before growing more annoyed again. She quickly snapped at her sister in a silent voice.

“Well, come along then! But if anything happens to you, then don’t blame me! Petrie, we need you to scout before us and report if there’s anything we need to know!” She cried but to her slight relief, the flyer at least wasn’t bound on making her life any more difficult than it already was. He flew towards the forming group before nodding at his old friend in agreement.

“Petrie will help you even if me have a really bad feeling about all this. Please, say we will be okay.” He said meekly to Cera’s slight amusement. She quickly nodded at her group before speaking to the smaller dinosaur happily.

“Are you kidding, Petrie? Three threehorns and a spiketail can take out any sharptooth so we will be fine with whatever is out there!” She said, earning nods from everyone around them. Littlefoot smiled at the five dinosaurs, regretting he couldn’t accompany them as far as he would have wanted. Still, he cast those thoughts aside and spoke softly at his oldest friend.

“I’m sure of it, Cera. I trust you will keep us all safe. I wish all of you the best of luck and I’m sure Ducky will be more than thankful to you when you return.” He said as the shorter dinosaur returned his approving look. She then quickly looked at her companions and snapped at them quickly.

“Thanks for those words, Littlefoot. We’ll leave within half an hour. And Lighthide… I’d like to talk to you before we go.” She said more silently at her mate who frowned slightly at the female but he didn’t question her motives. The other dinosaurs looked at Cera in surprise but none of them asked her anything. A dark look rose to Cera’s face as she turned around to enjoy this last reprieve before whatever fight was coming.

“What was that about, my love? I mean, I know we’re all nervous but… but we cannot fail! You know we cannot!” Lighthide asked with a puzzled look on his face, not really knowing what to make of his mate’s behavior. Cera knew his question was more than obvious but inside, she felt a feeling as if something was literally gnawing at her intestines. She didn’t hide this feeling from the other dinosaur as she spoke.

“At least we shouldn’t. But Lighthide… I’ve gotten into trouble because of my pride too many times to be willing to do so again. Something makes me sick about this and I don’t say it lightly. I… I just feel that we’re facing something we cannot beat.” She said in a low voice, knowing that a younger version of herself would never have admitted it but those days were long past. Cera had since learned that while her kind indeed was one of the most fierce and powerful ones, there were still countless things they couldn’t face and live through. And for some reason, she felt this could very well be one of those cases.

The male could see that his mate was serious about her words and he had grown to respect her judgement greatly. However, he also knew the two couldn’t back down from this mission anymore and even after Cera’s words, he was more than willing to believe today wouldn’t end in a disaster. He slowly raised one of his feet and touched Cera’s chin with it and spoke soothingly.

“You’ve really changed, Cera. When we first met, you still did your all to prove to me you knew everything and that you didn’t need help from anyone. I’m happy to see that those days are over but even if the Valley looks up to you now, it would still be good if you retained some more of your old confidence. I’ve lived long enough outside the Valley to see that appearances are almost as important as strength in fights and, as you well know, trying to get others to follow you.” He said, more than happy with the fact he had to say them at all as with many other threehorns, they would never even admit their weakness to anyone and would instead head into whatever danger simply to save their face with the others. Cera looked at the male with a confused look and her voice wavered as she spoke.

“Of course I know that, Lighthide! That’s what my father has told me all my life! But that is exactly what I’ve tried to cast away in order to get the others to really trust me!” She said with a loud voice, slightly annoyed as not once muscle twitched in the other threehorn’s face. He waited for a few seconds before he gave his answer in a soft voice.

“And that’s what all of us should do. But the thing is, most of the time we cannot know what’s waiting for us and in those times, we have no choice but to take the leap of faith. I could see just how badly you tried to prevent Tricia from joining us and I could very well see that you’re afraid of losing her. I’d never want to lose you either, my love, for a mission like this… but you know the answer to this problem, don’t you?” He asked, willing to let Cera find the answer to her inner turmoil herself.

The female raised her eyes towards the dark skies, knowing that she could no longer argue with her mate’s point. She had seen enough death and sorrow in her life to know it was simply a part of the Circle of Life but still… she had everything she had ever wanted and that was something she didn’t want to lose. But… if she didn’t stand up to defend it, all her dreams and joy would fade away for good and in the end, she would know she had never deserved them in the first place. She looked at her strong forelegs and caught a brief glimpse of her horns before taking a more decisive and firmer look as she spoke to her mate.

“I certainly do. Regardless of whether either of us wants it, we still have important roles in this Valley and if a threehorn cannot stand up to these threats, no one else will! Thank you for reminding me about that, dear. I really needed it.” She said as she smiled at the male warmly. Lighthide returned that joyful smile before answering simply.

“Of course. That’s one of the reasons why we’re here. To encourage each other when we need it most.” That moment seemed like a precious flicker of light in the seemingly endless gloom and Cera felt the warmth fight back the cold inside her. Somehow, Lighthide always managed to cheer her up and remind her of whom she really was. Despite her current position, she was still Cera and she would never run away from any danger or challenge if she could defend those dearest to her. She was just about to answer to her beloved mate
before she heard a familiar call from far above herself.

“Well, are you coming or not? Petrie not sure how far the others want to wait for you two!” The flyer cried with teasing smile that he knew would get the larger dinosaurs to move immediately. Cera exhaled in annoyance as she snapped at the male.

“Alright, we’re coming, Petrie! Even if we haven’t taken any longer than we had agreed!” She cried, looking as the flyer turned around to head towards the spot where was attacked. The threehorns exchanged brief worried glances even if both of them knew they’d be able to do this. No regrets lingered in their eyes as they prepared for what was to come.

A deep frown formed on Cera’s face as she looked at the sight around her. The lands north of the Valley had for a long time been covered by dark woods that were dotted with small bogs but today, all of that had changed completely and not for the better. As she looked before herself, many shivers crept up her spine as she looked at the gloom before herself.

It was as if the last lights penetrating the canopy had been sucked away and nearly the only thing she could see were the faint glimmers on the surface on the surface of the dark, unmoving waters that now covered much of the ground. The dark silhouettes of the trees towered over the new marsh and the faint but cold wind battered Cera’s right side. She had no idea what she had expected but this… this was even more weird than what she had thought to see in her worst sleep stories.

“H… how is this possible? I… was here only a few cycles of the Night Circle ago and… back then, everything seemed completely normal! Places do not simply change like this this fast!” She exclaimed, earning unknowing looks from her companions. Yes, there had been a lot of skywater but the previous Days of the Rising Waters had never had this great an effect. Besides, even if Cera didn’t want to admit it even to herself, the forest seemed far larger than it had before. Lighthide spoke to her mate in clear anxiety.

“I don’t like this in the least. We don’t even see what will attack us! It isn’t difficult to believe that the forest itself could attack us as Ducky said!” He said with a frown, earning a look of agreement from Cera. She was just about to speak as she heard the voice she had hoped not to hear again after her return into the Valley.

“Aw, come on!” At this rate, we’re going to attack each other’s tails if we don’t calm down!” She said, clearly disapproving the attitude of the older threehorns. Cera took a brief sigh as she answered even if she didn’t look at her sister in order not to give any attacker a chance to strike.

“I’d gladly tear your tail into pieces, Tricia, if that prevents any of us from being killed by any unknown freak! If you don’t have anything to say but to imply that we’re not in a real danger, then stay silent!” The older threehorn snapped, causing a deep look of disapproval form on her sister’s face. Tircia’s voice was even more hostile as she spoke.

“You’re getting far too bossy, Cera! Of course I’ll take care but by the ancestors, nobody is going to attack three threehorns and a spiketail! Dad always said that even one threehorn can stand his ground against any sharptooth!” She cried, finally causing Cera to stop and sigh deeply. She turned at her mate and whispered to him softly.

“Guard us for a moment, Lighthide. I have some words for my dear sister.” She said unusually warmly. Lighthide looked at her in worry but decided against questioning her. The female then turned at her sister, her seemingly calm face causing Tricia to take a few steps back in worry. Cera then cleared her throat before starting to speak in a completely kind and soft voice which nonetheless started to turn into a more vitriolic one over time.

“Tricia, there are a few things I’d like to discuss with you. Regardless of how he may act, daddy is not always right. In fact, he led himself and me into the heart of a forest fire that nearly killed both of us. Also, he has had his share of completely crappy ideas that I’ve hated most of my life. However, I am not going to blame you for listening to him. But I am blaming you for forcing yourself to accompany us and even after everything I told you back in the Valley, you still act you know everything simply because of some things daddy said. I hate to break it to you but threehorns can not beat any dinosaur and with an attitude like that, you would have already been eaten if you had lived in the Mysterious Beyond! So, Tricia, BE SILENT IF YOU REALLY HAVE NOTHING CLEVER TO SAY!” Cera cried, completely livid at her sister. If it had been up to her, the younger threehorn wouldn’t even be here and she was only confirming her worst doubts about the younger threehorn’s presence.

Tricia looked at her sister with wide eyes, not expecting her to act like this. Yes, she had been pessimistic about her before but she had never expected Cera to harbor this much resentment towards her little sister. However, she wasn’t taken aback by the older dinosaur’s rant and she wasted no time giving her equally hostile answer.

“Just listen to yourself, Cera! All you’ve ever done is to try to hold me back and tell I’m not even able to stand my ground against a cursed ground fuzzy! It is you who should stand back and stay silent while we others do something that might help us get through this mission! I, for one, am growing…” Suddenly, a low screech rang through the forest, causing all of the gathered dinosaurs to form a defensive ring. Her argument with the younger threehorn vanished from Cera’s mind immediately as she realized that the voice was the very same she had heard the precious day. A clear look of fear rose to her face as she looked around herself. Immediately, mist started to engulf the forest in its embrace, giving the seemingly never-ending darkness a grey hue. Cera shivered as she looked at the mist grow ever thicker before she suddenly jumped slightly forward and hit the nothingness before her. Lighthide immediately asked his mate in worry.

“What is it, Cera? Why did you do that?” He asked, seeing as Cera looked around herself with a clearly confused look. The female stayed silent for a few moments longer before she finally answered.

“I thought I saw movement but… it seems I saw wrong. But it is here, everyone. I know it. Petrie, can you see anything else?” She said as she joined her companions, every form of the mist taking a menacing form in the eyes of the still-young threehorn. The flyer looked at the larger dinosaur in worry but didn’t hesitate a moment when he gave his answer.

“Nope. Me can only see more and more of this mist but Petrie cannot get any lower or it can attack Petrie! But me try to make sure nothing attack you before you know of it!” He said, knowing just how sickening the situation was to his friends and companions. Cera cursed silently as she turned at the other dinosaurs and hissed to them in anger.

“Well, let’s not waste any more time! Follow me and let’s get this done!” She said as she headed forward, feeling as her legs sank ever deeper into the stinking waters of the new marsh. She knew that this situation was the horror of any leafeater as here she was, slowed down by the water while at the same time not able to see a trace of the possible attackers. Suddenly, she realized just how silent her surroundings had suddenly grown and she couldn’t hear absolutely anything aside from her and her companions’ footsteps. She knew just how unnatural that was but she didn’t want to think about that just yet. All she had to do was to…

“Cera! Where in earth did you disappear? First, you were there and then… Aaah!” She heard Tricia call before she heard her distressed and pained cry. Immediately, Cera turned to run towards the sound, not able to understand just how she had lost the three other dinosaurs. After all, she had heard them walking right after here and now they were so very far from her… just what was happening?

“Tricia? Lighthide? Tell me you are alright!” She called, praying she’d receive a quick answer and to her relief, it was only a few seconds before she heard her mate’s call.

“We’re alright, Cera! That… monster already left us!” Lighthide called, causing Cera to frown even more than before. What creature was the male talking about? She exhaled again deeply and she took a stern look as she spoke slowly and clearly.

“Very well. Whatever you bastard are, step forward now! I’ve had enough of your hide and seek games! Face me and then I’ll show you your place!” She said, not really knowing whether she expected anything to happen as she stared into the darkness, not really believing her enemy to be that eager to cooperate with her. However, her eyes widened as she heard the now-familiar voice again… right before her. And after a few seconds, she saw a shadow appear in front of her and the sight that followed was something she had never even seen in her worst sleep stories.

The first thing she saw was the creature’s head which resembled that of a sharptooth’s by its shape and form but one detail shattered each and every previous thought in the threehorn’s mind. That monster’s head was merely a naked skull which was somehow twisted into a wicked smile. Cera stared into her foe’s empty sockets in terror, completely ignoring the mighty antlers that were sticking out from the creature’s head. It raised its branch-like claws at the female, preparing to give her the treatment she had given all those that had trespassed in its forests.

Cera, on the other hand, was frozen in place, not able to move even one toe of her hindlegs. She could only stare at the monster’s hellish face, before which loomed three trees that seemed to be growing ever taller while the threehorn felt like she was shrinking. Th… this simply wasn’t possible! Dead dinosaurs simply didn’t return to life and she couldn’t come up with any other explanation for her foe’s head. Absentmindedly, she realized that the creature had relatively normal-looking skin covering the rest of its body but that was a minor detail when compared to the horrifying sight of its head. The monster was on the verge of crushing its for good… before Cera finally forced herself awake! She wasn’t a weakling who’d go down without a fight, damnit! Her friends, mate and the Valley depended on her and she’d give her all to take this abomination down.

“Not one step closer fiend! Lighthide, Tricia, join me, now!” She cried, hearing some answers from her companions even if she couldn’t hear their words. Not willing to give any more openings to her enemy, Cera suddenly charged towards the monster, willing to take it out… but just as she was about to collide with it, the monsters seemed to disappear into thin air.

“Wh… what in the name of all th…” She started to ask in fear but before she could finish, she felt a stinging pain a sickening blow to her left side. She immediately turned to face the direction the hit had come from on and found that she was facing her enemy again. This time, the threehorn got a better look at her foe’s body and it was something that didn’t make her any calmer. It had a line of something like spikes as if a spiketail but in their stead, there seemed to grow only more pieces of wood, moss and some other kind of growth. Its hand seemed to turn into tree’s branches as they got closer to its hands and just as sickeningly, Cera suddenly realized that it seemed like the creature’s entire body seemed to be rotting which only deepened her shock. She prepared for her next attack as she heard her companions approach her which prompted her to postpone her plans in order to share her findings with the three other dinosaurs.

“It can disappear into the air and appear elsewhere afterwards! How can we even fight it?!” Cera cried in near-desperation, seeing that none of her companions were any more hopeful after this fight. Spike tried to say something but in the heat of the battle, none of the threehorns could understand his grunts. Tricia looked at her sister and cried in a loud voice.

“No matter what, we don’t have any time to think about that! Let’s try to get that… that monster in a bad enough situation so that it can no longer do its tricks! Come on, time is off the essence!” She cried, preparing for a charge on her enemy. However, the creature didn’t signal any preparation for her or the other dinosaurs’ attack, instead burying its hands into the ground while grinning deeply. Cera knew that this was most likely not a good sign for her or her companions but what followed was something even she hadn’t expected. She suddenly felt vines sticking out from the water which immediately tied themselves around the threehorn, pulling her into the ground instantly. Simply a horrified gasp escaped Cera’s mouth as she hit the bottom of the marsh, the water forcing its way into her nostrils and mouth. She looked in horror as more and more of the moss-like vines gathered around her head. It wouldn’t take long now before she’d drown into this embarrassingly shallow water and her sister and mate would likely follow her soon enough…

Suddenly, the threehorn felt the vines around herself snapping quickly and without any further hesitation, she forced her way towards the surface, counting the seconds before she could breathe again. When she finally felt the sweet air fill her lungs, she also saw the ghastly dinosaur before her glancing at her in apparent surprise but it was clear that it was nowhere nearly defeated. Cera looked at Lighthide, who was standing beside her, and asked him while gasping for more air.

“Was… was it you who cut those cursed vines?” She asked to which the male only nodded quickly. Lighthide then cried at his mate while turning his gaze on their foe.

“Yes it was but now, let’s continue the attack before that monster will be able to do any more of its tricks!” He cried, wasting no times following his own orders. Cera could see Spike and Tricia not far from her, the two already bringing the fight to the woodland spirit. It glanced at its foes briefly before it finally stepped towards the spiketail and dodged his powerful charge rather easily. It then attempted to open a gaping wound on his flank but before it could do anything like that, Spike turned at the creature and tackled it to the ground. The unknown dinosaur screeched as Spike fell upon its legs, his weight most likely being able to crush the limbs of any known species. The skull-headed monstrosity, however, hit right at the spiketail’s back, cringing as the blood flowed on its lower body.

However, Spike wasn’t about to give up his hard-won advantage but his position wasn’t necessarily as strong as he had expected. Suddenly, he saw three rather small fastbiters ran right towards him and before he had the time to come up with any real plan, he rose back to his feet as he knew he would have been torn to pieces by the newcomers if he had put all his efforts on trying to take out their master. The treelike dinosaur slowly regained its footing and while pain emanated from its face, it was clear that the injuries caused by Spike weren’t quite enough to seriously hamper its movement.

Tricia had seen all of this of course and she cursed deeply as she was unable to help Spike in time. However, she would be damned if she’d let these petty beasts hamper her and her companions’ efforts to keep the Valley safe. She ran towards the three fastbiters and cried loudly as she took the first one of them out with one, powerful blow. She then proceeded to face another one as she heard an alarmed cry from Petrie.

“Tricia, look out! Bellydraggers are approaching!” He cried and the threehorn knew perfectly that bellydraggers were a foe to be reckoned with. However, she couldn’t quite fight against them right now as long as she had the small predators attempting to attack her with all their might. She yelped with a loud voice, hoping that someone would do as she asked.

“Cera, Lighthide, take those bastards out! I’m in a bit of hurry!” She cried as she dodged another attack from the sharpteeth. Her little sister’s call, however, made Cera frown deeply as this was the kind of situation she had dreaded all along. She looked at her foe who was standing not far from her and her mate and she knew she had the perfect chance to take the fight to it and try to take it out once and for all. On the other hand, she wanted nothing more than to turn out and help her sister in fending off the predators. She couldn’t just leave Tricia out there as there was a real chance she’d fall before she could next help but…

The threehorn sighed as she looked at the horrifying beast before her, knowing what her duty was. She had come here in order to safeguard the Valley from whatever creature had attacked Ducky and now that she had found out just how dangerous it was, she knew she had to take this opportunity to decide this fight once and for all. If she wavered now, her enemy could be able to take back the initiative of the fight which meant that in the end, all of her companions could meet their ends here. Tricia had so badly wanted a chance to prove her worth and no matter how much Cera hated that thought, this was the perfect chance for her to prove it.

“Tricia, You’ll have to hold them off for a few minutes while we will end this!” She cried, hearing that Tricia cried something with a shocked voice but Cera didn’t even want to hear it. Her heart was already heavy enough without having to listen more of her sister’s futile calls for help. She quickly turned at Spike and Lighthide and snapped at them in anger.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Attack and make sure the bastard won’t be able to surprise you with its disappearing tricks!” She yelled, more than outraged at the whole situation. She didn’t want to be forced to go through this but she wasn’t really being given a choice. The two males nodded at their companion, knowing the situation as well as she did.

The mysterious spirit looked at its three foes expectantly, facing the three charging dinosaurs almost unnaturally calmly. Just as the three were about to hit it, it seemed like the mist was again swallowing the monstrous sight amongst itself but this time none of the three attackers were taken aback by it. Lighthide glanced around himself in fear, knowing that their foe wouldn’t be too far away from him. He didn’t hesitate fir a second when he saw some movement in the corner of his eyes and he smiled in relief when he felt his tail touch the treelike skin of his unnatural enemy. A loud splash could be heard as the latter fell into the water but even now, the creature wasn’t showing any signs of being overpowered. It again dug its hands into the ground and again, vines appeared from the trees and ground that prevented the male threehorn from giving the final blow to the aberration.

However, that wasn’t needed as Cera quickly charged towards it and hit the middle of its body with her horn with a terrifying force. The creature was thrown a long way further into the water, rolling for a few time before it finally stopped still. Such a hit would have killed most dinosaurs, especially those only marginally larger than the threehorn but even then, signs of life could be seen within the monster. Without even a flicker of mercy, Cera cried to her companions.

“Now, finish it! We have the upper hand!” She yelled as she, Spike and Lighthide ran towards their enemy as fast as they simply could, knowing the battle was over. The creature, on the other hand, looked around itself tiredly before it made the obvious judgement. It chuckled slightly, again becoming one with the mist in order to save itself from the incoming slaughter. Cera frowned at this even if she wasn’t particularly surprised by it. She and the two other dinosaurs looked around them, preparing to attack their enemy again once it eventually came to their reach. However, seconds passed and nothing but the endless white mist could be seen around them. Cera was growing more than frustrated by that fact and she cried in a loud voice.

“Come face your defeat like a threehorn, coward! You won’t get away from us!” She cried as she tried to see something, anything of worth around herself. Again, moments passed and nothing happened. However, she was torn quickly awake from her thoughts as she heard a cry she had hoped she’d never hear. It was the horrified call of her little sister but Cera couldn’t hear any clear words in her cry of alarm. However, she would never forgive herself if she left something undone that could help her only sibling in her time of need.

“We have to help her!  Don’t waste any more time!”

The world around the threehorn had turned into a complete nightmare in only a few seconds. One moment, she was standing her ground while attempting to crush the two bellydraggers and she had even been surprised by her own success in turning the battle into her advantage. However, once the horrifying monstrosity suddenly appeared in the mist before her, it was in effect all over. Tricia suddenly felt herself being dragged into the ground by the vines that had already risen against her sister but this time, there was nowhere by her side to save her.

Yet, even in horrifying moment, Tricia wasn’t ready to give up. She concentrated all of her strength in trying to break free from her enemy’s grip and her muscles trembled heavily as she tried to force herself free. However, her foe’s gaze was unfazed as more and more growth forced the threehorn into the ground. After a struggle that lasted for nearly a minute, the female finally realized that her efforts were for nothing. She fell on her belly, all strength drained from her body. From the corner of her eyes, she saw her foe drawing slowly closer to her, taking a look that bordered something of… approval? The young threehorn looked at the sight in fear, knowing she was completely in the spirit’s mercy. From somewhere so very far away, she heard the sounds of her companions approaching her with all the speed they could muster.

The sight before Cera made her feel sicker than she could remember being in a long, long time. It seemed like an additional curtain of mist was gathering around the spot where her sister was lying, as if engulfing that particular spot in its embrace. She wouldn’t allow this to happen! She would save her from the monster’s grip, she would kill that bastard and return home with her sister and everything would be good again! Suddenly, the ghastly form appeared before the threehorn but this time, Cera wasn’t going to give it any heed. She was preparing to simply ram it down it down and do anything in her power to simply save Tricia from this fate.

However, those hopes were dashed as a new row of trees rose between Cera and the monster, finally stopping the massive dinosaur’s charge. She was just about to force her way through any of the bastard’s tricks but she was simply too perplexed as the creature suddenly rose to the air, starting to float back towards the spot it had left Tricia in, giving Cera an encouraging, even a friendly nod. Something told Cera that the monster had just offered her some kind of peace for the fight she had fought… but she wouldn’t let this happen! She simply wouldn’t!

With all the remaining strength she had left, Cera started to tear through the trees, quickly joined by Spike and Lighthide in her efforts. Together, they WOULD get through this… they would make everything right… After surprisingly brief efforts, they finally broke through the newly-formed trees… just in time to see a pale light forming around the sphere of mist and before any of them could react in any way, one brief flash of light illuminated the forest… and immediately afterwards, it was all over. The creature was gone and along with it, also Tricia. The fact that for the first time in weeks the wall of clouds started to break was completely lost to Cera who was left staring forward… at the spot where her sister was supposed to be.

“Tricia! TRICIA! ANSWER ME IF YOU CAN! PLEASE, TELL ME YOU’RE HERE SOMEWHERE!” She cried at the top of her lungs as she looked around herself while the light of the early Warm Time started to force its way through the mists. The threehorn felt her breathing grow quicker and quicker as she realized her sister was nowhere to be seen. Even if she didn’t quite realize it, all the memories from Tricia’s birth and the duo’s many games as children to their unfortunate competition as young adults.

Suddenly, she felt like a child again, teaching her baby sister to talk, walk and in her older days, also to fight. She had watched her grow and she had spent countless happy days playing with her during her life. She simply had to be here somewhere! Some cursed freak simply couldn’t do this to her! If that coward was going to escape, then at least it had absolutely no right or reason to take Tricia from her! Suddenly, the threehorn started to tremble and pant as she thought about what had just happened. Tricia was still most likely alive and she would find her, no matter what. Her voice was a mix between a pained wail and an enraged roar when she next spoke.

“I will find that monster and I will make it pay for what it did! I swear this in the name of all the threehorns who ever lived and you are going to help me with that!” She suddenly yelled in a nearly manic manner but despite her clearly irrational state of mind, Lighthide did what any caring mate would have done. His eyes were moist but his voice was strong
as he spoke.

“Cera… I am so sorry for what happened. I’d give my life if I could to bring her back but… this was the way it was supposed to go. We faced something we never should have and we survived. What I’m trying to say is that… our courage was acknowledged and even if we tried, we’d never be able to beat that creature because what it did in the end meant was that it was only playing with us all the time. And… and the Valley is safe again, thank the Bright Circle.” He said as he looked at the quickly clearing sky. Cera could only stare at the male in disbelief, not able to believe what she was hearing. Was her love actually telling her to abandon Tricia for good because of simple fear? Her voice trembled as she spoke again.

“How can you say that? Tricia is my sister and I won’t stand simply taking what some spirit or whatever that bastard is gives me! What if it comes next and takes me? Would you simply shrug it off and think all is well?” She asked, causing the male to frown deeply. He hated to hear such accusations but he decided against pushing his distressed mate any further.

“I wouldn’t but on the other hand, the monster has already left us and something tells me it’s not coming back. I’m sure of it.” He said, thinking of his enemy’s gestures right before it disappeared for good. It felt like the apparition was trying to bid farewell to the four dinosaurs while leaving as the ultimate victor of the confrontation.

Cera’s panting grew slowly weaker as she thought about his mate’s words. It was true that the world was returning to what it was supposed to be in this season and any traces of the monster’s influence seemed to be fading away. However, inside Cera knew her chances of ever finding her sister was close to zero as she had no idea where the creature had left for while disappearing. And most likely, it wasn’t willing to let anyone follow it if it didn’t want to. But… if Tricia was still alive, Cera couldn’t help but dread what she was going through right now. And if she wasn’t… she felt a few tears fall down her cheek as she heard a relieved call from Petrie.

“There you are! Petrie tried to look for you after the mist prevented me from seeing you any longer! Did you beat it?” He asked optimistically, of course noticing the implications of the disappearing mist. Cera glanced at the flyer mournfully and she fought back at her tears as she answered her old friend.

“The threat is gone… but so is Tricia. I should have just stood my ground and tell Tria to be silent. It’s all my fault.” She said darkly before turning at Lighthide again.

“It’s true that we might not be able to find her but… but if she still lives, she might one day return to us. Though… Mr. Thicknose has told many stories of monsters in the woods that take dinosaurs with them who are never seen again.” Those tales suddenly returned to her mind and inside, she knew she’d never see her sister in this life. The male then spoke silently to his mate before turning back towards The Valley.

“I’ve heard of them too but we can still hope. Cera, let’s go. The best we can do for her is to make sure our lives will be worth living.” He said, causing Cera to sniff again while she tried to fight against letting her emotions flow free just yet. She’d have many nights to cry but for now, she’d have to tell of this victory to the Valley, even if that triumph felt more empty and crushing than anything she had ever felt before in her life before. The four dinosaurs slowly then left the forest of horror, each of them shivering at the thought that they’d faced something that no dinosaur before had fought and lived to tell of it.

And this is my entry to the March prompt. It is a slightly different one due to the Gang being adults here but is also a return to somewhat more horror-leaning stories. I really like them but there seems to be a serious underrepresentation of them in this fandom so here you go. Some of you might recognize the monster as being inspired by the leshen in the Witcher series which in turn are inspired by the leshy, a mythical character in the Slavic folklore. I hope you like the way I utilized this creepiest of creatures as well as this story as a whole and see you again with another chapter of Separate Ways.

LBT Fanfiction / A Lovely Deal
« on: February 16, 2019, 02:53:30 PM »
A Lovely Deal

A worried look rose to the sharptooth’s face as he looked behind himself, cursing that his journey had turned into this damned mess. He had feared from the very beginning he might be trespassing some other predator’s territory but he had still hoped to pass through these lands undetected. Yes, he knew that he wouldn’t have stood by either if some potential competitor had invaded his old territory either but those thoughts were buried beneath the urgency of the moment.


Again, that haunting sound could be heard from the distance, telling the young sailback that he didn’t have any opportunity to linger here any further. The larger predators had caught his scent from an unbelievably faraway distance and being forced to flee from his chasers made Sprinter more enraged than what he had expected. He was a sharptooth, for the ancestors’ sake, but he knew more than well that he could never stand against two two-footers, no matter how hard he tried. Not only were they much longer than he was but much more powerful and ferocious as well. Sprinter knew he had to find shelter from these green plains soon enough or his journey would end far faster than he would have wanted.

The predator’s eyes explored the lands before him, looking for the place direction to flee towards. The landscape sloped just enough to block his line of sight towards the distant horizon, making his attempts to escape to safety that much more difficult. The carnivore knew he didn’t have a chance to even think of stopping to take a short breather as judging from his chasers’ cries, they couldn’t be more than five minutes behind him. Soon enough, they’d reach him and at that point it would be all over for him…

The sharptooth suddenly jumped to his left as he heard a violent rumbling voice near him. He immediately ran further away from his previous spot as he saw a massive pile of rocks collapsing from a rather high hill next to him. For a moment, he felt like he wouldn’t be able to escape the rockslide and he already took the last leap forward, already expecting himself to be buried under the rocks for good. However, seconds passed and he still felt nothing but the soft grass of the early Warm Time below him. Carefully, the sharptooth turned to look behind him and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw that the slide had stopped only a few inches from his hindlegs. He had made it! He had managed to escape from even th…

“Detras, it’s your turn now!” A female voice cried and before the predator got a chance to even think about the meaning of those words, he felt a terrifying smell invade his nostrils, one that nearly made him vomit immediately. He turned to look back forward and saw a light-blue male fastrunner run away from him, having thrown a handful of wet stinkweed over him! Almost immediately, Sprinter realized the implications of the cowardly halftooth. Apparently these pitiful fastrunners were in alliance with his chasers and they had just marked him for certain death! This horrifying smell wouldn’t leave him in days, at least now without water and there was none of it to be seen anywhere nearby.

Sprinter cursed as he looked at the fleeing coward, wanting nothing more than to head after him and finish him off for good but he heard another roar behind him and knew he had no time to try to catch the cursed halftooth, no matter how much he would have wanted. The sailback took a deep sigh as he rose back to his feet and headed forward, hoping to find something, anything that could save him from this pitiful fate.

Minutes passed as the sharptooth felt his heart beat desperately in his chest, not allowing him to forget that everything was at stake here. Once in a while, he looked over his shoulder to see if the predators were getting close enough for him to see them behind him and time and time again, he could sigh in ease as he didn’t see a sign of them. However, as he again wanted to check if his luck would last at least for a while longer, he saw the two menacing finally in the far distance. So, his time was really starting to run out. He was already preparing to say his final prayers as he turned to look forward, not expecting to see anything of worth. But his eyes widened in shock as he saw the sight he had waited for for so long.

A few trees rose from the ground in the distance and as more seconds flew by, Sprinter could see that those few trees were only the first signs of a massive forest before him, larger than any he had seen in his life before. Unconsciously, his legs started to pick up the pace even faster as the promise of salvation seemed to appear before him. He looked before himself frantically, frowning at the agonizingly slow pace with which the forest was drawing closer.

And even if his mind tried to ignore the horrifying reality, he started to hear the footsteps of the predators starting to reach his ears, causing him o slowly pray that he could still live through this nightmare. He cursed deep down that the larger sharpteeth were faster than he was but with the stinkweed all over him, it wouldn’t matter anyway, most likely. Still, his primal instincts denied him the thought of giving up in this grand struggle for life, so precious yet so fragile.

A frantic look rose to his mind as the trees started to rise all around him, the male knowing he was still in grave danger. Sprinter swallowed as he tried to look for a new way forward but everywhere he looked, only more trees met his gaze. He frowned as he continued running forward, hoping he’d be able to find something, anything that would save him from the ghastly fate that was growing ever closer to him. Suddenly, he saw that the ground before him turned into a steep slope downwards and without looking what lay before him, Sprinter jumped forward… only to find himself crashing into another dinosaur before falling into the ground, his whole world darkening for a moment. Immediately afterwards, he heard an astonished and angered cry.

“What in the name of the Bright Circle are you doing, you moron? Get your stinking ass away from me or you’ll be sorry soon enough!” An agitated voice cried and slowly, Sprinter’s sight started to return and almost immediately afterwards, he realized he was lying on another dinosaur of his kind and a female one at that. He let out a brief curse before he rose back to his feet and answered to the female in a voice that seemed to compromise none of his pride.

“If you weren’t wandering around here without preparing for all possibilities, you would have deserved anything that came our way! So stay out of my business!” He said with a hissing voice, knowing that he had no time to argue with the slightly shorter sailback. The female frowned at him and waved him off with a sharp gesture that communicated nothing but disgust at the male.

“I’ll do so gladly! But you better stay out of my territory or I’ll make sure you won’t get away with this little the next time!” She said as she turned around, preparing to leave. Sprinter was just about to do the same when one detail in the other sharptooth’s answer rose to his mind? This was her territory? That meant that she should know this forest more than well and if that were true… At first, Sprinter tried to swallow those thoughts and move on by his own but he knew he had no options if he wanted to live through this terrifying chase. If he fell here, he’d have no pride to protect, anyway. With forced movements, he turned back at the other sailback and snapped at her with an even hostile voice.

“If this is your territory, then tell me where I can find a river, lake, anything to wash this cursed scent away from me! There are two two-footers after me so hurry up!” He said impatiently, hoping with every part of his mind that the female wouldn’t waste any precious time. At first the latter seemed to only look him oddly and for a brief moment, it seemed like she was about to run away and save herself from meeting the larger sharpteeth. However, after a few seconds, a weak smile crept to her face as she looked at the other sailback.

“Is that so? And is there any reason why I should help you and risk their wrath? I have enough problems without having two-footers as my enemies simply because of saving you.” She said, her playful look infuriating Sprinter without an end. He was already preparing to run away on his own but even then, he knew he needed her help. The male took a quick step forward and hissed in anger.

“I have no time to play your stupid games! Just name your price and be done with it! They’re coming and if you waste any more time, they’ll count you as my ally or something and it won’t end well for you either!” He spoke, narrowing his eyes in anger. The female gave him a quick snort and spoke in a more serious if just as unfriendly tone.

“Very well. I’ll help you escape but in exchange, you’ll hunt for me for the next cycle of the Night Circle! And I’d caution you against trying to flee during that time as I have many allies around here.” She said, looking at Sprinter closely. At first, the male nearly declined the offer as a cycle of the Night Circle was a far too long time for him to waste here, only to bring food to this insufferable female! He would be able to move on and claim his own territory in a far less time and there was absolutely no way he’d stay here even for a d…


Immediately, Sprinter was returned into the real world and he still couldn’t ignore the help he so desperately needed. He cringed deeply as he finally answered to the other sailback in the only way possible.

“Alright! Lead the way and don’t waste any more time! We’re in enough danger already!” He cried and the female merely nodded in approval as she turned around and headed to her left uphill towards a small clearing in the middle of the forest. At first, Sprinter was about to interrupt his companion and ask whether she was only playing fool with him. In the way he saw it, rivers seldom lied in the higher slopes of any land but even then, he knew he’d have to simply trust the slightly shorter sharptooth as even if he didn’t want to admit it, she was his only hope at this point.

The shine of the noon’s rays almost blinded him as he ran uphill, something that hardly improved his mood right now. He was running out of breath after his long escape from the larger sharpteeth but if fate would smile on him, he would be able to rest soon enough. And if he wouldn’t, he’d make the female regret her betrayal before the end. He quickly glanced after himself, only to see movement between a few distant trees and he immediately decided he didn’t want to see anything more. However, after a few seconds he heard the words he had waited for a long time.

“There’s the westernmost of this woodland’s rivers! Get in there, quickly!” She whispered to him, knowing that she and her companion was really running out of time. Sprinter didn’t even dare to answer as he ran into the water, rubbing himself in an effort to wash the horrible scent from himself as quickly as possible. The female looked behind herself, counting the seconds her companion had left before the two would have to move on. She could see the larger sharpteeth drawing ever closer and when they were the length of four longneck away from her, she cried to the male in alarm.

“We have to get away from this place! Now, follow me!” She cried and Sprinter wasted no time doing as told. He only hoped he had washed enough of the scent away that the two-footers wouldn’t be able to track him down anymore. The female felt fear growing within her mind but the salvation was so very close… She eyed around herself frantically and after a short while, she called to the male beside her.

“Quickly, come here! We have to hurry!” She cried as she headed into a nearby bush, knowing that the two-footers were only a couple of seconds behind the sailbacks. Sprinter looked at his companion in horror but he knew he had only one hope left. He looked at the thick vegetation all around him… until he felt a terrible smell fill his nostrils even if the smell wasn’t quite as horrifying as that of the stinkweed. It was at that moment that the shorter predator spoke again, this time even more sharply than before.

“Into the ground, now! Let us crouch away from here but silently!” She said as she followed her own orders. At first, Sprinter was about to question the wisdom of her words but as he heard the two-footers’ steps growing more hesitating, he realized that his companion’s plan seemed to be working. He cringed as the spot where he had been only a few seconds ago was penetrated by the beasts’ claws but now, he was already being hidden by the sheltering grass. After a few seconds, he saw the other sailback wave him to finally stop completely, apparently in order to avoid their chasers from even being able to hear them.

Sprinter felt his own fears gather in his head as he listened to the steps of the sharpteeth who seemed to be tearing the entire grassland to pieces and the two sailbacks prayed that they simply weren’t willing to tear the enormous area into nothingness. After a few seconds, she realized the risk was simply too great and she again whispered to the male.

“They’re heading away from us. Let’s get away from here!” She said as she made her way right in the opposite direction of where her chasers were going towards. Sprinter wasted no time doing as he was told but to his utter relief, he couldn’t hear the footsteps of his chasers following her anymore. After a minute of running, he finally realized something he had prayed for for so long. He had lost the two sharpteeth and… and he was alive! It was something he hadn’t even dared to hope for in the darkest moments. He panted as he finally stopped behind the female and spoke to her slowly.

“W… we made it! We really made it!” He said as he looked at the canopy of the trees, seeing the small flickers of daylight breaking into the ground. The female slowly looked at the male and answered in a firm and self-confident voice.

“Dein and Terri have been a curse to everyone in these lands and I’m happy to deny them any prey. It’s not like they weren’t yearning for my blood already, anyway.” She said as she looked at the male, spitting into the ground before her. Deep down, she also wasn’t willing to allow any of her kind being butchered if she could only help it but she wouldn’t ever allow that sentiment hinder her ability to stand her own ground in the circle of life. Sprinter narrowed his eyes as he felt one more shiver creep up his spine.

“I can imagine. It’s one thing to protect your own territory but to head after every stranger who simply happens to trespass there… those cursed two-footers are more despicable than a bunch of helpless longneck hatchlings!” Sprinter spoke, cursing the fact that his kind had very little to do against the larger and much ferocious predators. The female crossed her arms and smirked slightly as she answered.

“Or perhaps they saw you as an easy prey. Considering how you fared without me, I cannot blame them.” She said with an ironic smile, causing Sprinter’s face to fall further. He wasn’t in the mood to take the bait and he merely answered silently.

“Very funny. I’ll force you to take back those words in due time.” He said, not liking the other sharptooth’s tone in the least. The latter frowned at his words but didn’t react to them in any direct way. She merely snorted as she spoke.

“That is, if you’ll still have the will for that after one cycle of the Night Circle has passed. But before that, I’d advise you against breaking your word. And considering that I nearly died helping you, I want my first meal now!” She said with a surprisingly serious face, causing Sprinter to stare at her with a hostile, even bitter expression. However, he was a sharptooth of his word and even then, he knew he needed at least some sense of safety here in order to investigate this forest and its surrounding lands. He had come from the western wastes to escape a bitter drought and he had no allies, no friends nor any idea where he was so in the end, his pact with the female wasn’t as bad as he had originally feared. He sighed as he answered, still having his misgivings about practically serving another member of his own kind.

“As you wish. After all, that was our pact.” He said with a resigned look as he prepared to turn around, just thinking of how difficult it would be to hunt food for both himself and the female but in the end, that couldn’t be helped. He was just about to sprint into the woods to search for prey before he suddenly heard his companion speak one last time.
“Oh, there’s one more thing you should know. If anyone questions why you’re doing here, tell them you have a deal with Whiteclaw.” She said as she looked at the male stop for a moment. The male then answered to her in the most obvious way possible.

“I will. Also, my name is Sprinter. I’ll be back soon enough.”

Sprinter looked at her for a short moment and nodded wearily before he disappeared into the foliage of bushes and branches.

She took a deep breath as she smelled at the warm wind of the afternoon, a strange feeling making itself known in her stomach. As long as she could remember, she had never had the luxury to simply stop still for a moment and to revel in her situation of relative safety. Most of the time, she was forced to either hunt herself or fight against some invader but the two-footers had already left and for the former part, well, that wasn’t up to her this time. She couldn’t help but smile as she thought about her situation, never before the Woodland of Plenty living up to its name to this very extent.

Yes, the male’s appearance had been a wondrous gift to her and one that she had gladly accepted. Not only had he made her next weeks much easier but the truth also was, thee were times when she had felt lonelier than she wanted to be. She knew her kind seldom met each other, much less appreciated those meetings but Sprinter’s practical and firm approach to life had made her respect the male slightly. Yet, he hadn’t been able to avoid being pushed to the brink of death by the larger sharpteeth and she wouldn’t give him an easy way out of the fair deal the two had made. She had done her part, not it was his turn to do his. She leaned against a nearby tree to think about her luck as she heard a familiar voice coming not far from her right.

“This better be good enough for you, Whiteclaw. Because I am not going to listen to you whining about my catch.” He said as he dropped a still-warm carcass of a juvenile domehead into the ground before the female. Whiteclaw looked at the dead dinosaur with a slight frown, not expecting the male to be this swift in his hunt. She rose to her legs with slow movements and walked in front of Sprinter as she seemed to inspect her next meal. After a few seconds, she finally addressed the other sharptooth in a consciously unsure look.

“I know the domeheads around here aren’t too difficult to catch, especially the younger ones. In any case, I don’t think I have any reason to decline this offering.” She said, causing Sprinter to cross his arms in clear annoyance. He had already had enough of the other sailback for today and he snapped a sharp and annoyed response.

“How shocking you weren’t going to boss me around any further. See you at some point but hopefully not anytime soon. I’m done for today.” He said, cursing the way his journey had turned out. This certainly wasn’t something he had envisioned in the morning but at the very least, he was still alive. However, just as during their previous meeting, the larger sharptooth’s departure was interrupted by Whiteclaw.

“Do as you please but you may stay in my territory while you are here. We don’t want you to cause another scene, now do we?” She asked with a cheeky grin, causing Sprinter’s eyes to widen slightly. He hadn’t expected to hear those words as it was extremely rare for a sharptooth to allow someone who isn’t a member of their family to sleep on one’s territory which meant at least that Whiteclaw didn’t see him as some kind of a threat. He slowly turned back at the female and spoke to her silently.

“You have my gratitude for that even if it is more than fair.” Those were the only words he spoke and they were rather well received by the female. Sprinter then turned around, wondering why it was that he simply couldn’t feel any bitterness at the female even after she had put him through such a humiliating deal. In fact, he could even feel a slight smile creep to his face as he walked into the forest.

Heavy drops of sky water bashed the canopy of the trees mercilessly, the howling wind ringing eerily among the woods. The morning was still young and the Bright Circle was only starting to climb to the sky but the streams of water in the ground slowly tore Sprinter awake from his slumber. He coughed slightly as the cool wind and water bashed his body, the sudden coldness being the first thing he noticed as his mind started to return from the realm of sleep stories. He looked around himself, seeing that the entire woodland seemed to be filled with slight mist, a new sight for the former denizen of the dry wastes.

It didn’t take long before Sprinter rose up and headed to make sure there wasn’t danger anywhere nearby, just in case. The wind showed signs of easing but the sky water didn’t seem to grow any weaker. Sprinter had never seen the falling water form streams like these, thinking glumly how the dry plains had bloomed after even a few drops of water and how much he and his brother had loved that sight. The sailback stopped for a moment as the memory of his family returned to his mind. He missed them greatly as his youth had been a rather quiet and happy one, even unusually so for one of his kind.

The predator’s mouth turned into a slight smile despite the grey cloud that seemed to hang over the entire world this day. He would have gladly stayed with them for a while longer but even then, he was a sharptooth and the call of adulthood and freedom was also a strong one for him. When the time of seemingly never-ending dryness came, both he and his brother, called Greysnout, knew that the time to leave the nest had finally come. And despite the challenges that had come his way, Sprinter was happy it was now his life and his choices that would decide what kind of future waited for him.

He frowned slightly as he turned to look to his right, the direction where Whiteclaw’s nest lied in. He still hated serving her like this but during the five days that had passed since his arrival, he had come to somewhat appreciate her presence, no matter how badly he despised the way the two had initially met. Despite that, she treated him like her equal and her rather serious yet kind demeanor had made him happier than he had expected more than once. Inside, Sprinter knew their ways would part, maybe for good, within a few weeks but until then, he’d do his best to repay his debt in full. A slight sigh escaped his mouth as he started to head towards her nest, hoping the sky water would end before it would engulf this entire woodland under itself.

Sprinter looked as the silhouette of the large, unusually long tree appeared before him, marking the spot where the female slept most often. However, as he came ever closer to it, he realized that Whiteclaw was nowhere to be seen. He frowned deeply at that realization, wondering where she had went this early in the morning. Inside, he couldn’t care less, though. The longer she was missing, the more time he would have before he’d have to listen to her demands about anything. He was just about to turn around and go explore the seemingly fertile northern areas of the woodland when he suddenly heard something that caught his attention.

“Is there anyone out there? Come help me out of here, now!” Sprinter’s eyes widened as he heard that call, recognizing Whiteclaw’s voice immediately. Her voice sounded rather urgent and alarmed and the male sailback knew immediately her call for help wasn’t a prank. He immediately headed towards the direction of the sound, deeply wondering what
he’d find.

The sharptooth cringed deeply as she took one step after another backwards, looking at the growing river before herself, full well knowing that it was only a few meters after which her back would touch the wall of stone behind her. The stream was growing wider by the second and with a disgusted thought, she wondered what would happen after the rushing river would take her along with it. She could swim but that would be of no help if she was slammed against some pile of stones and knocked unconscious. The female gulped as she realized she was in very real danger right now.

“Anyone, help me! I won’t last long!” She cried as she felt the edge of the river already touch her toes before taking another step backwards to buy herself more time. The sky water wasn’t about to stop anytime soon which meant that this rising water would only get from bad to worse as more time passed. She cursed herself from coming here on a day like this but the river had risen far quicker than she could ever have expected. The predator had absolutely no idea who would even want to save her and inside, she was already preparing for the inevitable.

“Whiteclaw! Is that you?” She heard a male voice call and she immediately looked at the call’s direction, seeing a sharptooth’s vague form looking at her from a nearby cliff, the sky water obstructing his features but his identity still wasn’t a secret to the female.

“What do you think, Sprinter? Get me out of here before the river takes me along with it!” She cried, causing the male to bring his left hand under his chin. Now that he thought about it, this was a good chance for him to get rid of his debt and of a possible rival for good and no one would ever even know about it. For a moment, Sprinter thought of the territory he could claim as his own after the female’s passing and she slowly smirked as he thought about what kind of luck he was having right now. He was just about to turn around and leave the other sharptooth to face her inevitable face when he suddenly stopped and cringed deeply.

Something deep within him rebelled against the logical course of action, some part he had tried to bury under his sense of pride and bitterness. No matter how he tried to tell himself otherwise, he didn’t want to see Whiteclaw die here and now as despite her demand, she had never treated him unfairly or in a hostile way nor had she ever tried to make him her servant or anything like that. And even deeper was one feeling that Sprinter shad felt for a few days by now but today seemed to radiate through his entire body.
Something that cried out against his plan to leave the female to die here, alone and forgotten. And a truly dependable ally could be of great help to him in the seasons to come, the rational part of the sharptooth’s mind reminded him. For a few seconds, Sprinter seemed to stand still and he was only awakened by a loud call from the alarmed female.

“Sprinter, don’t waste any more time! Please, I need your help!” She called and the words she used seemed to tell Sprinter the honesty and pureness in her call for help and it didn’t take long before he finally snapped out of his thoughts. He then called to the other sharpteeth as he started looking around himself.

“I’ll try to look for something! Hold on for a few moments longer!” He called as he ra into the woods, trying to find something that would help in this hour of need. At first, he could only see more sky water that seemed to be falling by the minute but after a short while, he saw something that caught his attention. A long vine was hanging from a nearby tree, one that could possible help him save Whiteclaw from her fate. He immediately jumped towards the vine and with one, strong blow he tore it from the tree. He smiled slightly as he looked at it falling to his arms and soon enough, he turned around and headed back towards the female.

A deep frown formed on Whiteclaw’s face as she tried to fight against the fast water that was quickly drowning her feet under itself. It wouldn’t be long now until it would take her with it and at that point, things would get really dangerous. She looked pleadingly at the edge of the nearby cliff, wondering whether Sprinter would return at all. She knew very well why he would want to get rid of her and inside, she really wondered if that would be her end. Inside, she cringed at the fact that she would most likely let Sprinter die if the situation was an opposite one and just claim the territory for herself. It was how most sharpteeth would face this choice and panic started to rise within her as she prepared to face head on her final journey.

She looked in disgust at the rising waters, not having expected today to turn out like this. She had hoped to die of old age after many more Cold Times but then some cursed twist of fate brought this tragedy upon her. After a few more moments of struggling to climb up the cliff, she finally relaxed completely, preparing to face her inevitable fate. She closed her eyes slowly and wished that all of it were over… before she felt something touch her shoulders. Before she could turn around, she heard Sprinter call to her.

“I was just in time! Now, get up before I’ll change my mind!” He called with a slight grin, not seeing any value in even trying to hide what had flashed within his mind as it wouldn’t come as any surprise to any predator. Whiteclaw looked at the vine, cringing as she wondered whether it could support her weight but in the end, she knew she had absolutely no choice. She narrowed her eyes as she grabbed the thick vine and started to climb upwards, praying that she wouldn’t find herself collapsing into the raging river.

Sprinter looked at the female in worry, cringing as he tried to keep the vine from slipping from his hands and dooming Whiteclaw once and for all. He panted deeply as he felt the muscles in his arms aching but he knew more than well the stakes. He counted the passing seconds, knowing it wouldn’t be too much longer before she’d see the other sailback appear before her. He looked at the darkened skies, trying to draw his attention away from his aching arms and hoping this ordeal would be over once and for all. Slowly, he lowered his gaze back towards the cliff… and nearly dropped the vine as he saw the top of the female’s head appear before him. He quickly moved closer to her and spoke to her urgently.

“Now, take my hand!” He said and the other sailback wasted no time doing as told. Whiteclaw felt every part of her body tremble as she felt herself being battered by the cold wind, the threat of immediate death still lingering over her. However, most of her worries were swept away as she felt the male’s hand meet hers, her fears starting to drift away immediately after seeing Sprinter’s eyes. She thanked the Bright Circle and the lesser lights from the bottom of her heart as she felt her body being pulled to the dry ground, her belly touching the soft grass as she forced herself further from the cliff. Sprinter asked her in worry as he looked at her.

“Are you alright, Whiteclaw? That was quite a mess you got yourself in!” He asked as he saw the female look at him in utter relief. His concern was more than clear to the female who waited for a few more seconds before she rose to her knees and answered the male’s question.

“Y… yes, I got out of there just in time. Th… thank you, Sprinter.” She said simply, giving him a brief smile. Sprinter suddenly felt more awkward than he had in a long, long time and for a moment, he felt like he wouldn’t be able to form any kind of coherent answer. Finally, he found something to say but he immediately knew it wasn’t the most natural way of moving forward.

“I guess this means you’re ready to cut our deal by two weeks, yes?” He asked, causing Whiteclaw to take a more sympathetic look as she looked at the sharpteeth. She couldn’t help but like him and his clear anxiety made her smile even deeper. Her voice was rather soft as she answered.

“Usually, that should be asked before you ask someone as afterwards, they seldom have reason to accept such proposals. But this time, I’m ready to do that, Sprinter. After all, without you I would most likely be dead by now.” She said with a slight chuckle, causing Sprinter to frown even deeper. He looked at her with slight embarrassment for a moment before clearing his throat rather loudly. He just wanted for this meeting to end as for some reason, he could only feel deep unease by Whiteclaw’s side. He looked at the female oddly as he turned around, clearly preparing to leave.

“Uhh… thanks for that, I guess. But I should… umm, go for now. See you later!” He said, cursing himself as he headed off. Whiteclaw momentarily raised her hand as she saw the male heading off before she took a brief sigh and turned around with a resigned look and headed in the opposite direction of where the male had disappeared.

The sky water fell for two days without an end but it did end, eventually, making way for many more days of the shine of the Bright Circle. In many ways, that seemed to reflect Sprinter’s mood as he spent the days exploring the land and meeting Whiteclaw’s allies one by one. Those were happy days for him and he could see Whiteclaw also looking happier than she had when he had first met her. Yet, there was one, single thought lingering within his mind as he thought about one particular day to come… one that seemed to
be coming far too quickly for both of the sailbacks…

Whiteclaw’s expression darkened starkly as she looked at the male before her. She knew just what his business with her was and she simply couldn’t force even the slightest of smiles on her face as she observed the male’s rather stoic face. Sprinter’s voice was moody and low as he spoke but it still held his former decisiveness.

“It has been two weeks since I came here and considering our deal after I saved your ass, I consider my debt repaid in full.” He said, the tone of happiness and relief that could have been expected completely absent from his voice. The female glanced at him for a while before she walked closer to him, speaking to him as naturally as she could.

“So you have. You are now free to do however you please, Sprinter.” She said, looking at him sadly. If even a modicum of her usual vigilance had survived her horrifying anxiety, she would have seen that he felt exactly the same way she did. Sprinter nodded at her briefly, trying to find any words to say. He would have wanted nothing more but to tell everything he had to say to the female but on the other hand, his mind screamed against trying to portray anything that could have been interpreted as weakness to the female.

“Indeed. And umm, well I guess it’s time for me to go. After all, that was my plan all along. Thank you for your hospitality but I cannot linger here any longer. It is your territory after all.” He said, preparing for the possible answer. However, before Whiteclaw could even think about any possible answer, she felt a certain set of words escape her mouth that had come from somewhere deep within her.

“There’s no need to. You can stay here as you want to. Actually, umm…” She started to stutter as she looked at the male who looked at her with glassed eyes. Whiteclaw tried to find something that could make up for her unthought words but she simply couldn’t form another word. Sprinter, on the other hand, tried to make some, any sense of the female’s comments but no matter how he looked at it, he knew there were only a few possible explanations for Whiteclaw’s words. Only one’s family, their trusted allies or… or a mate could be allowed to stay on one’s territory and only the last one of those possibilities made any sense in this situation. Sprinter took a few steps back before he spoke in a wary, even fearful voice.

“A… are you sure? I… I mean, do you mean it?” He asked, looking at Whiteclaw’s face in expectation. The female, on the other hand, frowned deeply, knowing full well what Sprinter meant with those words. So, her proposition was out in the open and there was no way to take it back anymore. Of course, she could cast it aside with some kind of lie but her heart told her to finally speak up her mind. She sighed deeply as she looked at the male in the eyes and started to speak.

“Sprinter… I’ve met many sharpteeth in my life but thus far, most of them have only wanted to try to show everyone around them just how ferocious and strong they truly were. But you… ever since you arrived here, I could see you were different. You never wanted to prove to be better than anyone else and unlike them, you showed your loyalty by saving me when you had absolutely no reason to do so and that is exactly why… why I’d like to ask you…” She took a brief moment to gather her courage as she prepared for her final admission. Sprinter looked at her unmoving, knowing full well what was coming. He felt his heart beat furiously within his chest as he heard the female starting to speak again.

“I’d like to ask you, do you wish to become my mate?” She finally said, her vision seemingly starting to spin as the emotion of the moment washed over her as she had finally managed to say to words she had wanted to say for days. Now, all she could do was to hope she hadn’t estimated her situation wrong and that Sprinter truly saw things the way she thought he did.

The male took a few moments to allow the impact of those words sink into his mind. All the feelings he had tried to escape from or throw aside returned to his mind as he looked into the female’s deep green eyes and her sweet smile that seemed more beautiful to him now than anything he had seen before. This was exactly what he had wanted to hear in his dreams and in this moment, he cursed himself for nearly walking away from Whiteclaw without ever voicing his own feelings in any way. Had it been up to him, he would have headed off and, and… those thoughts felt like a bad dream as he looked at Whiteclaw and started to speak.

“I don’t know at which point I realized it but very quickly after I met you, I in a way dreaded this day when I should leave this place for good. There was something within you that
I couldn’t help but adore but I was just too shy to tell you anything about that and I am more than sorry about that. But as for your own question… yes, I really do wish to be your mate. It would be my honor.” He said with a wide smile which was very quickly returned by the female. The two locked eyes tightly before slowly taking each other’s hands and heading to adore their newfound feelings. Neither of them would have traded this day for anything else and neither did they ever regret this decision made on this beautiful day.

This is my response to the February prompt. Now, I admit I may be up an explanation about who the characters are as I doubt most would remember them. They are Stealth’s parents from Farewell to a Changing Land, one fic I did nearly two years ago. This story will be loosely tied to Separate Ways soon enough and already, I wanted to show that Chomper’s parents have had a long feud with the sailback family which might somewhat explain what happened in the last chapter of my main tale. On a rather more negative note, I’ve been forced to decrease my writing pace considerably due to developments in my real life. Anyway, tell me what you think of this one and see you with the next chapter of Separate Ways! :DD

LBT Fanfiction / One Dangerous Mistake
« on: January 07, 2019, 09:28:52 AM »
One Dangerous Mistake

”Hah! You have to hit much better if you ever wish to beat me, Chomper!” The threehorn cried as she hit the massive acorn kicked towards her by the young sharptooth who grinned as he saw Cera in return send the “ball” towards Ruby. Yet, despite her eager words, the threehorn wasn’t nearly as happy inside. The burning temperature that had apparently made the Great Valley its home was more than enough to make any dinosaur fume rather literally inside and she could see the unusual amount of gasping and tortured looks within the eyes of her friends. Thus far, there was no shortage of water within the Valley but it remained a risk as long as this madness continued.

“Neither will that help you win this round, Cera, help you it won’t!” Ruby cried as she hit the acorn with her own tail. Yet, Cera barely even heard it as she dwelled within her thoughts. In truth, the real reason for her melancholy was the mysterious illness that was haunting her father that simply didn’t seem to go away. He was nowhere near to the point that the girl would have to fear for the worst but she couldn’t help but worry about her beloved father. Still, she tried to keep those thoughts at bay as long as she stayed with her friends who, as usual, provided her with some much-needed relief from her worries.

“Don’t get complacent just yet, Ruby! Try to hit this!” Littlefoot cried as he quickly returned the acorn towards the fastrunner who was taken aback at first. Yet, with a quick move, she jumped towards it and managed to hit the acorn forward with a hit with her hips. She then smiled towards the longneck smugly before Cera noticed that the ball was approaching her quickly. She managed to hit it with relative ease, sending it far to her left. She turned to look to that direction and exclaimed in a high voice.

“Try to save that, Sp… Spike?” She was quickly forced to cut the sentence short as she noticed the acorn fall into the ground not far from her, the spiketail nowhere to be seen. Ducky frowned somewhat as she noticed this change even if she didn’t seem too upset by it. She spread her arms and even chuckled slightly as she moved towards the spot where Spike had just abandoned.

“If I had to guess, my brother thought it would be time for a little pause, yep, yep, yep! In fact, I have a good idea just where he went!” She said as she pointed towards a noticeable line of high grass that had been stomped down recently. Littlefoot moved to the side of the swimmer and joined in her display of amusement.

“I guess you’re right, Ducky! And maybe he’s right, we’ve already played ever since the Bright Circle rose to the sky. Maybe we could indeed take a little snack and rest for a while.” He said as he took a deep breath as he realized again just how terrifying the heat actually was. Cera had nothing against the idea but she didn’t hide her displeasure at the spiketail’s whim.

“But he could tell us of his great ideas before he simply storms off and spoils our games! I don’t like that in the least!” She said in clear annoyance, remembering the countless
number of times when Spike had just left, leaving her and her friends with the often difficult task of locating him. Ducky turned at Cera and spoke with a voice that mirrored her displeasure with the threehorn.

“You know he doesn’t mean ill with that, Cera! And my brother has helped us more often with those antics than I can remember, he has, he has.” She said, earning a slight snort from Cera who moved towards the swimmer with rather weary steps. She wasn’t in a mood to argue about that and she merely rolled her eyes as she answered the swimmer.

“Very well, Ducky. Just lead us forward to him so that we can one day get to doing something interesting.” She said rather sarcastically but Ducky didn’t seem to mind that tone at all. She merely nodded at the larger dinosaur before speaking to the rest of her friends.

“Well, let’s go! He can’t be far away!”

The most silent of steps could be heard in the thick forest as the tiny threehorn walked forward in the same carefree attitude any child of her age would possess. She smiled slightly at the thought of being able to flee the oppressing atmosphere in her family even if she couldn’t quite understand why her father couldn’t play with her and why her mother was that sad about something. All she knew was that Cera had decided not to resign to the same gloom as the rest of her family and she could also count on Cera’s ability to cheer her up and entertain her, no matter what. Inside, Tricia knew her mother had told her not to wander away on her own but on a day like this, she simply didn’t want to stay with them. She’d much rather spend it with Cera who never gave up to pure gloom.

The young threehorn walked forward without the least of worries in her mind as she suddenly saw something that made her young mind race with excitement. The form of a green spiketail appeared on a cliff near to her, the other dinosaur slowly starting to climb on a log that stuck out of the wall of stone like a horn on her sister’s face. Tricia turned at the larger dinosaur in excitement, making the obvious conclusion. If Spike was here, neither could Cera be too much further away! She started to walk towards Spike, hoping to catch his attention with her excited cries.

However, in a moment like this, nothing caught Spike’s attention like the sight of three large, deep green leaves at the top of the fallen tree. The boy licked his lips as he rose to the dead log, more than eager to reach for the seemingly last fresh green food in all of the Great Valley. The thoughts of continuing the game with his friends had died the moment he had smelled them from among all the drying trees of the Valley. In the midst of his determination, Tricia’s cries were drowned under his own eagerness to reach for the leaves and slowly, Spike started to pull himself forward them, ignoring the sight of the baby threehorn below him.

Cera frowned slightly as she tried to prevent the tall grass from getting glued to her sweaty body, starting to lament Spike’s disappearance more and more by the second. At least he could have chosen some other place to go to than this! Once she’d find Spike, she would make it more than clear to him just how much she despised these whims of his and how tired he was of suddenly noticing that he had ruined whatever she and the rest of her friends were doing. Seconds passed slowly as the small group of dinosaurs walked forward, each of them hoping they’d get out of the tall grass soon enough. To each of their relief, it wasn’t long until Ducky, who was walking before the rest of her friends, cried in a happy voice. The grass ended only right before the cliff overlooking the forest which was only one of the many odd sights of the Great Valley.

“There he is! Spike, you made all of us worried-ed again, you did!” The swimmer cried as Spike quickly turned to look at his sister and grinned with a wide smile. He knew that his friends would follow him soon enough but that hadn’t prevented him from getting a head start to get something he knew each of them also yearned for. Cera’s frown only deepened as she saw the spiketail pulling himself further up the frail long simply because of those leaves even if she knew there were few things that were more Spike-like than that. She walked towards the boy as she growled in a voice that only emphasized her displeasure.

“Can’t you keep your hunger at bay at least until we finish our games, Spike? Though, I guess this wasn’t your worst timing but…” She started as she suddenly heard a voice that made her eyes widen immediately. She hadn’t expected to hear her little sister’s squeak out here, especially considering how very strict Tria had been about it after her daughter’s near-drowning on the not-so-distant Day of the Flyers. She quickly ran to the edge of the cliff and called to her younger sibling in a friendly voice.

“What is it, Tricia? Why aren’t you with mom or dad? I know Tria must be concerned already!” She cried, not sounding too shocked about her sister’s adventures herself. She had gotten into too many dangers herself to preach anyone about staying safe. Tricia looked at her sister with an eager expression and she even rose to stand on two legs as she answered to Cera in her still unintelligible way. However, Cera could read her gestures well enough to know roughly what she meant. An amused smile rose to her face as she realized what Tricia meant but her tone left little disagreement as the older sister answered.

“Nuh-uh, I doubt you can stay with us all day. I understand you might not like it with mom and dad but still, they’re the ones who will look after you. But don’t worry: I’ll play with you in the evening if you want to.” She said, giving her little sister an encouraging smile even if Tricia didn’t seem to appreciate it as much as her sister would have wanted. The younger threehorn frowned and let out a saddened squeak, earning a slightly mournful look from Cera. She was just about to speak as Petrie suddenly cut her short.

“But she can stay with us if she want to! Petrie doesn’t mind!”

None of that discussion reached Spike’s mind who struggled to reach ever closer to the leaves, knowing he’d have nothing to add to the discussion anyway. He merely took a brief sigh as he reached further, noticing neither the young threehorn that was slowly moving straight below him nor the squeaking of the log that seemed to grow stronger by the second…

“He’s right, Cera! It doesn’t matter if she’ll join us for a while!” Littlefoot said, trying to break this unexpected impasse. Cera cast a slightly bothered look at the longneck as she knew just how little Tricia could do with her and her friends. Littlefoot saw her hesitation before he turned at Spike, hoping he’d get over his sudden hunger as soon as possible. However, it wasn’t long before he heard a voice that made his blood run cold. His eyes widened as he noticed a slight crack appearing on the dead tree Spike lied upon and after that, he wasted no time crying to his friend.

“Spike, get out of there, now! There’s no time to waste!

The other boy, however, was far too fixated on his prize. Only an inch or two and he’d finally reach the last green leaves of the Valley… He paid no heed to the longneck’s call as he forced himself ever further. At first, Cera was slightly annoyed by Littlefoot’s cry but when she suddenly realized what he meant, she gasped in fear. Her little sister was sitting in expectation right below Spike and that would mean…

“Tricia, look out! You’re in a terrible danger! Spike, come back this instant!” She cried with all her might but what happened next seemed to stretch on for eternity in the eyes of everyone present. Spike slowly turned to look what was the matter with his friend but before he saw their faces, he suddenly felt the log snap into half right below him! The spiketail tried to hop away from it but it was already too late. He was cast into the gaping abyss all too quickly.

Tricia, on the other hand, was far too young to understand the full urgency of her sister’s words and the pace with which she rose top her feet was far from quick enough. It was only when the shadow started to fall upon her that she realized what was happening. She let out a quick squeak as she shot forward with all her might… but even then, it was all too late. She managed to avoid the most nightmarish outcome but despite her best efforts, Spike’s heavy bulk dropped right on top off her tail, back and hindlegs. The young girl let out a cry of pure horror and pain as she fell and hit her head into the ground, the impact and the pain making her black out.

That second seemed to freeze the time around Cera, the threehorn looking in horror as the form of her sister disappeared behind that of the spiketail, followed by the cry of pain afterwards. Her entire body seemed to freeze still, not able to move to any direction. She could only stare at the sight of Spike slowly regaining his footing… until she suddenly let out a horrifying cry into the sky.

“Tricia, are you alright! Please, answer me, little sister!” She cried as she jumped down the cliff, not caring in the least about any pains to herself. All she cared about was to see that Tricia was alright. The threehorn’s eyes flinched in slight agony as she hit the ground but just as she was about to reach Spike and her sibling, another roar rang through the forest.

“Tricia, what’s wrong? Where are…” Cera already covered in fear as she saw her step mother storm through the woods towards the cry of her daughter. She could already see that Tria had heard the full urgency of the baby threehorn’s cry. As she stopped in front of Spike, she cast a terrified look at the sight before her. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Tricia before her, the blood staining the ground and the unnatural positions of her legs making her feel sicker than she could remember ever feeling before. How… how could things like this happen to someone like her sweet daughter? She hardly saw Spike’s completely beaten look as she approached the younger threehorn quickly, speaking in disbelief and shock.

“Wh… what have you done to her? D… don’t be afraid anymore, Tricia. Mommy will take care of you from now on.” She said as she raised the unconscious child with her horns into the air, fearing dreading the situation where her injuries wouldn’t heal fully. Cera frowned in fear as she saw Tricia’s wounds and with regretting look, she approached her stepmother and spoke to her silently.

“Tria… it was all an accident. I’m sorry…” Was all she could say before the older threehorn cut her short and spoke to her in anger.

“As you should be, Cera! You failed to stop this from happening! We will make things clear soon enough! With all of you!” She said as she prepared to storm towards her nest. She was slowed down only as Ducky approached her after Spike had moaned his apologies to his sister.

“Please, don’t accuse Cera of this. It was all because of my brother. He wishes to apologize for everything, he does.” The swimmer spoke, nearing tearing up as she spoke. Her spirits were further dampened as the threehorn merely snorted before leaving the seven children alone in the suddenly-dark forest. Each of them looked at the direction Tria had left to, the feeling of dread tangible in the air. They had all seen Tricia’s injuries but also the thought that they had hurt the young threehorn, who had never done anything bad to anyone, was a crushing one. Each of them prayed for her quick recovery but none more so than Cera.

The sight of Tricia’s seemingly hurt legs haunted the threehorn without an end, knowing just how dangerous they could be. Here in the Valley, she wouldn’t starve but… what if there was more wrong within her? Would the bleeding stop anytime soon? Would her little sister recover and how would Tria and her father take this accident? Would they blame her friends for it, with more than sickening consequences? She suddenly felt her legs starting to tremble as her breaths quickened. She heard a seemingly distant voice that nonetheless hardly registered within her mind.

“I’m sure it’ll be just fine, Cera! There’s no reason to be this afraid!” Littlefoot said as he looked at the threehorn’s trembling and glassed eyes. Cera, however, didn’t answer him. Instead, her eyes were locked on Spike who seemed to be willing to simply sink into the ground for good and his sister who seemed to be torn between consoling her brother and Cera. The latter, however, couldn’t help but feel the flurry of new, dark thoughts flooding into his mind.

This was the sole culprit for this tragedy! This dinosaur had ignored each and every order to stop his brainless, dangerous quest… for what? A few, pitiful leaves! Inside, Cera knew this wasn’t the first time the spiketail had done something like this, the time when his deeds nearly fed her and her friends to the swimming sharptooth! And the time when this idiot had literally eaten the vine all of the seven friends had stood on, plunging all of them into the abyss! She remembered how easily she had forgiven him back then but in those cases, she and the rest of her friends had been the only victims of his folly. This time, however, he had really hurt and injured her precious little sister which was something much more difficult for her to accept. She stuttered deeply as she finally managed to speak to her friend who seemed to crumble under her words.

“Let me make a few things very clear to you, Spike. When I, Littlefoot, or any other tells you to stop your stupid search for food, YOU DAMN BETTER START LISTENING YOU IDIOTIC PIECE OF DUNG!” She cried on the top of her lungs, causing Spike to dump his head into the ground and to shudder in fear. Everyone who saw that scene took a step back, each of them noticing that even Cera had seldom been this mad. And even if most of them were far from supportive of her more than harsh words, they knew her fury was more than justified. Ruby frowned deeply as she moved a bit closer to the threehorn and started to speak silently.

“Cera… what is done is done. It doesn’t help to take it further.” She said merely, earning a sympathetic nod from Ducky. The swimmer then moved between the threehorn and the spiketail and continued to speak to her friend.

“Ruby’s right. My brother already told how very, very sorry he is. I will speak to him more at home. I promise it, Cera.” She said even surprisingly seriously, knowing how very badly her brother had hurt the threehorn. The latter frowned deeply as she snorted at the swimmer, showing little signs of calming down.

“Oh, he’s sorry, is he? Is he the one whose entire backside was probably crushed because of his mere hunger? Is he the one who will hear from this for many cycles of the Night Circle? Is he the one who nearly lost a sibling altogether?” Cera cried in a bitter voice, causing even more concerned, even fearful looks in the dinosaurs surrounding the trio. Ducky’s face turned into a more fearful one but she still wasn’t about to give up before the threehorn’s fury.

“As I said, we’re both sorry, Cera. I’m sure even Spike would undo what happened if he simply could.” She said, hoping to calm the situation down somewhat. However, her empty words meant nothing to Cera who already dreaded what would wait her at home. No, she simply couldn’t let this issue be. Not yet. Suddenly, she leaped forward, and pushed Ducky to her right side with a violent force, causing her to fly to her back into the ground, looking as Cera prepared to hit Spike with her horns. The former looked in fear as he had never seen the girl this furious about anything. Before any of the six dinosaurs could act, another shout of pain could be heard as Spike hit the tree behind him with a force that would have made anyone sick. Cera prepared for another charge as she murmured in a low, hateful voice.

“That was only about the times you nearly killed me with your stupidity. Now, here comes a little payback for Tricia…” She said before a new voice called to her.

“You don’t have to do this, Cera!  Please, just let it be!” Chomper cried as he moved just in front of the threehorn, not willing to see any kind of violence between his dear friends. The female narrowed her eyes as she spoke to the sharptooth.

“Get lost, Chomper. You have nothing to…” She spoke before Ducky cut her short, her voice much more threatening and condemning than before.

“I don’t care what he’s done but you don’t have a right to hit my brother like that, Cera! Stop that, immediately!” She said, looking at Cera with eyes that would have bothered her without an end in normal circumstances. However, the threehorn wasn’t about to give up this easily.

“I won’t! All of this will happen over and over again if I won’t give him a proper lesson now! And he will get far more of them if Tricia doesn’t recover!” She cried as she again prepared to attack. However, this time it was Littlefoot who denied her plans.

“Stop right there! What he did was wrong but we simply don’t make things better by beating up each other! Haven’t you learned that even after all these seasons?” He asked with a belligerent look, causing Cera’s expression to fall even further. Her voice wavered as she spoke.

“You speak to me about learning? After he nearly killed us all more times than I can remember?” Cera cried right at Littlefoot whose expression turned darker by the moment. However, it was Ducky who answered to the threehorn with a voice whose outrage nearly rivalled that of the threehorn. She simply couldn’t believe Cera was taking it far enough to actually attack Spike like this. She could understand her anger but in no world would she simply stand by while looking at her beloved brother getting attacked like this.

“Yes, we do! It was always an accident with my brother but you are hurting him while meaning it and that’s something I’m not going to accept. Apologize to him, now!” She cried as she looked at Cera’s face that showed no signs of giving up. However, before the threehorn managed to give it any real thought, she heard a brief stream of words pouring from her mouth, ones that stunned the girl herself completely.

“In this moment, the only thing I’ll apologize for is that I wasn’t stronger the day we found him for the first time!” She spoke, the implications of those words registering within her mind only once she had already spoken them. It was on this moment that the feeling of guilt hit her for the first time. She had just claimed she would have wanted Spike to die alone in his infancy, never joining her and her friends in their journey to the Valley. Even now, that wasn’t what she would have wanted and it was only with great efforts that she managed to avoid dropping her composure as the wide eyes of her friends stared at her.

Ducky felt her breaths growing ever quicker as she looked at the threehorn, not in her worst dreams expecting her supposed friend say something like this. She had already wanted to hope that… that Cera had already disappeared but here she was again before her, spitting her poison everywhere. This was the streak: she suddenly walked towards Cera and cried to her at the top of her lungs.

“Now you did it, Cera, you did! Nobody speaks to my brother like that! GO AWAY! GET LOST, NOW!” She cried, not caring about what her friends said. Cera, on the other hand, tried to keep calm but that was far from easy as her gaze drifted from one of her friends to the next, each of them mirroring Ducky’s disbelieving fury. Inside, Cera already understood her mistake but as so many times before, her pride forced her to retain her position. Yet, she knew this was a situation where there was no victory. She suddenly snorted deeply before turning around and speaking mockingly.

“Very well, I will! It’s of much more use to see if there’s anything I can do to help my sister, anyway!” She said, not looking before her even after Littlefoot cried one more time behind her.

“And don’t come back before you realize your mistake, Cera! None of us deserved that!” Cera’s face fell at those words but it was of no concern anymore as her friends wouldn’t see it anyway. With firm steps, the young threehorn left the clearing, leaving six extremely hurt and angry dinosaurs behind her.

“Oh, Tricia, try to wake up! You must wake to mommy!” Tria said as she laid her daughter to the ground beside her nest, a look of fear on her face. The threehorn still couldn’t believe any of this could happen. To think anything bad could befall on her sweet daughter… tears swelled in her eyes as she looked at Tricia as she looked at her injured legs and tail. Slowly, she lowered her head and nuzzled her child, hoping this nightmare would pass soon. She closed her eyes as she thought about her times together with her daughter…
just as she heard a weak voice speak to her.

“M… mommy? Tr… ahh!” She cried as the pain again returned to the young threeehorn’s mind. Tria’s eyes widened in mixture of relief and concern, not expecting her daughter to wake up this quickly. She then spoke to her soothingly, trying to calm her injured child down before worse happened. She quickly managed to halt Tricia’s pained struggles just enough so she could cover her wounds with a small pile of leaves. Even then, there was no way around it: Tricia’s hindlegs seemed to be seriously sprained but thankfully, they didn’t seem to be really broken. Still, she was more than mournful this had to happen… all because of a stupid accident. Her moment of mourning was interrupted as she heard an alarmed voice behind her.

“Tria, what’s the matter? Is… is Tricia seriously hurt? I mean, I know she is but… but…” Tria sighed as he heard Cera’s voice behind her, more than slightly relieved to hear her stepdaughter join her in this dark moment. Her mate was resting in a nearby woods and she didn’t want to wake him up to more fears and concerns. She slowly turned at Cera, her voice more stable than even she had expected.

“She’ll recover, thank goodness. Though it is not because of you or your friends. I’m completely appalled that you let this happen, Cera.” She said, her face falling as her mind returned to what had caused all of this. She wasn’t sure who to blame but from what she had seen, the immediate culprit was clear and there had to be at least some way Cera could have prevented this from happening. The younger threehorn stopped right before her sister, finally able to calm down slightly as she saw her pained but conscious face. She again frowned deeply as she saw her hindlegs but her mother was right: they weren’t ruined for good. She then glanced at her mother, trying to sort out her thoughts as she spoke.

“I’m so sorry. I… I should have known far better from the beginning. I could have kept a closer eye on Spike but… but I only made things far, far worse. But I’m so happy to see Tricia getting better. That is the most important thing. Hey, Tricia! Please forgive me for what happened.” She said as she drew her head closer to the hatchling, her heart melting as the child managed to even give her a brief, if forced smile. It was clear she wasn’t blaming Cera for anything but that hardly helped the light-yellow threehorn’s mental discord in any way. Tria was also heartened by this small gesture and she wasted no time speaking to Cera in a slightly friendlier voice.

“It truly is. Cera… I don’t know what I would have done if the worst had happened but now, promise me to make sure nothing like this happens ever again! I’m not asking you to leave your friends but I don’t want you to ever again cause any harm to us or anyone else in the Valley! If you do this for me, I’ll promise to call this an accident to your father.” She said, the implications of her words clear. Cera dreaded just what her father would do if he learned of Spike’s part in all of this, especially considering his earlier thoughts about her friends. She took a slight smile as she looked at Tria before speaking to her softly.

“I promise, Tria. That’s all I want as well. Thanks for not telling daddy about this.” She said simply, her feelings still not completely sorted out. Her heart ached as she looked at Tricia’s pain and indeed, she knew she had had a point in her argument but… she knew she had blown her case with her attack. She turned to look at the direction of the forest she had left her friends in, already cursing her behavior earlier. She had just been so very concerned and fearful earlier but now… now she realized just how wrong she had done. She hardly heard as she heard her stepmother’s answer.

“Of course. I know you don’t mean ill even if sometimes I cannot approve of everything you kids do. I’ve heard your father doesn’t always see things the same way.” She said as she encouraged Tricia to fall to sleep. Cera looked at her mother in approval before answering to her again. She prayed that this would indeed stay as a secret but even then, there was something she had to urgently do. She then cleared her throat before speaking to the older threehorn again.

“Thanks, mommy. But… I still have some things to do. Do you think you and Tricia will be fine alone for a bit longer?” She asked, heartened by Tricia falling asleep instead of crying in pain. Tria didn’t even want to know what had happened between Cera and her friends but she could see her business was quite urgent. She took a slight sigh before answering, her shock starting to wear off slightly.

“Go ahead, Cera, but remember what I said. Your father won’t accept another disaster like this… and I doubt I will either.” She said while looking Cera in the eyes. The latter gulped deeply before answering to Tria in a voice that sounded like a compromise between fear and relief.

“I will. See ya later!” She said before turning around, hearing the heart beat within her chest. She had already decided to apologize to the swimmer. However, as she now faced this task, she realized just how antithetical it was for her family and to her personality. She knew she had wronged the spiketail and his sister too severely but never before had she actually admitted her mistake directly. Back when she had heard those words, Cera had thought this was a matter of life and death even if those thoughts had been corrected later on.

She gulped as she sat down, thinking of her options. She could also try to wait until the worst hurt of her attacks would wear off but it would take at least days and for the first time in her life, the guilt seemed to overwhelm her completely. Every time she had argued or fought before, one of her friends had been the aggressor or she had had some other motive, like the hunger and despair not long before her and her friends’ arrival into the Valley. But now… now she was but a moron who had attacked Spike physically while also wishing for his literal death.

Cera spat into the ground in disgust, wanting to simply wish the last hour to some sick oblivion where it belonged to. Even if she would have wanted to simply forget it all, she couldn’t. She’d have to speak to Ducky and Spike about this and try to make things better without completely sacrificing her pride as she was still bound to guard it to the very end. She slowly rose to her legs and exhaled aggressively. She would apologize for what she had done and Ducky better accept it once she’d find it in herself to admit she’d been wrong! With firm and annoyed steps, Cera started to walk towards the swimmers’ nest, knowing the two would no longer be willing to play for any longer after that debacle.

“Cheer up, Spike. None of us really mean something like that, nope, nope, nope. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I’ll make sure she’ll never do something like that again.” The swimmer said softly to Spike who looked towards the sky, taking a deep breath while seemingly ignoring his sister’s words. He was far too deeply burdened by his thoughts, knowing full well it had all been his fault. If Cera’s sister wouldn’t survive then… then everything she said would be true. The spiketail gave out a pained groan whose meaning Ducky could decipher without much effort. She then moved beside the larger dinosaur and laid her hand on his cheek.

“Don’t say that. I know all of the others like you very much but if that bothers you that much, it is easy for you to make it better, Spiky! I know you like to eat but there are times where you could just try to force yourself to let it be. And really, I must agree that all of us would do much better if you could find a place to be yourself and where to try to act a bit more like… like, well it does not matter.” She said, realizing she couldn’t find a word that Spike couldn’t misinterpret in this mental state. He frowned deeply at those words, knowing Ducky was right but it still hurt him that he had suddenly caused this much sorrow and pain to those around him by being… well, simply him. Ducky could see this as well and the girl could do little more than to be there to comfort her brother in his hour of need. However, it was in this moment that she suddenly saw something that caused her face fall immediately.

Cera’s form could be seen downhill from the forested glade the two had been hiding in. None of them had wanted to even see their siblings in this sickening time. Ducky frowned deeply as she looked at the threehorn, noticing she was heading right towards the swimmers’ nest. At first, she merely wanted to waive that fact away as a coincidence, not willing to have anything to do with her right now. She could do quite well on her own if she only wanted death and misery to those who cared for her” That would suit her just well!
However, it was the next realization that made the swimmer’s eyes widen slightly. There wasn’t a trace of anger or bitterness on her face. She looked almost like… regretful? As she looked further at the other girl, she could see how forced and insecure her walking was and how every part of her being seemed to be full of sadness and willingness to make things better. At first, Ducky wanted to simply tear her eyes away from her old friend and to simply keep up her grudge with the larger dinosaur. But the more she tried… she couldn’t.

The swimmer suddenly found herself locking eyes with Spike whose gaze resonated nothing but pleading and anxiety at the swimmer, clearly wanting nothing more than for this horrifying situation to end. Inside, Ducky shared that sentiment completely. Of all the dinosaurs, there was none who wanted to live in peace and agreement than Ducky, even after the sickening things Cera had said. If she had anything of worth to say, she would hear them. She took a deep sigh before she moved to the edge of the steep slope and cried to Cera in a voice that still resembled her earlier, hateful one closely.

“I can’t remember seeing you take walks like these in ages, Cera. I guess Tricia is rather well if you are here, I do.” She said, her voice far dryer than she could ever remember before. Cera seemed to freeze still, not expecting to meet the swimmer and the spiketail here. For a few fleeting moment, Ducky could see Cera’s true feelings on her face before she took her more familiar mask of pride.

“She is far from well as you most likely guess, Ducky. Her legs are in a terrible condition but they seem to heal in time. Though your brother didn’t help.” She said, not willing to sugarcoat her still lingering bitterness towards the spiketail. Even if she wanted to apologize, she wouldn’t plead before Ducky, especially as she knew she was right in many things. Ducky looked at Spike briefly, disappointed by Cera’s answer. She then crossed her arms before answering. Inside, she was more than happy to hear Tricia had survived without any irremediable injuries but she would hide that from Cera for now.

“I already said everything I have to say, Cera. I know Spiky did wrong but you did much, much worser.” She said simply, knowing that her cause was a righteous one. Cera’s face fell as she looked at the swimmer, forcing her gaze away from the two siblings for a brief moment. Yes, she knew that as well but did she have the courage to admit it? Inside, she knew Spike had hurt Tricia far more than she had Spike but inside, she couldn’t deny that the two couldn’t compared as the spiketail’s mistake had been an accident. The threehorn swallowed deeply as she looked back at Ducky and said in a wavering voice.

“I… I know. Perhaps… perhaps I shouldn’t have taken it that far.” She said as she turned back at the swimmer. Ducky’s eyes widened immediately as she knew more than well how rare it was to hear any kind of apology from Cera’s mouth. Even Spike looked surprised by her admission but Ducky wasn’t quite ready to let her friend off the hook just yet.

“You shouldn’t have, Cera, nope, nope, nope. But still you did.” She said, taking care that her voice wouldn’t be interpreted as too accusing or offensive. She just wanted to see that Cera would for once take the responsibility for what she had done. The threehorn snorted in slight annoyance as she had hoped that the swimmer wouldn’t take this issue that far. Inside, she prayed her nerves wouldn’t be stretched too far in this interrogation.

“I did and for a good reason! Ducky, I know I shouldn’t have attacked him directly but just think how you would feel if someone nearly crushed Spike before your eyes because of… well, it doesn’t matter. But please, don’t attempt to say that I have no business to be angry! And I don’t think you the right to do that either!” She countered, also hoping Ducky wouldn’t be offended by her words. However, the swimmer simply couldn’t claim any kind of moral high ground after she had practically chased Spike from the Valley during their first Cold Time.

At first, Ducky felt like her efforts to restrain her anger would fail but just as quickly, her pride and sense of righteousness died as the memories of that day returned to her mind. Inside, she couldn’t help but agree that in many ways, she had hurt Spike, and herself, in more ways than Cera had, for far worse reasons. She looked at Spike with a saddened look before whispering her thoughts to him again, the reopened wounds not letting her to simply cast this issue aside.

“I am so, so sorry for that Spike. It’s good that you have forgiven me, though. Thanks for it.” She said before earning an affirmative nod from the larger dinosaur. The swimmer answered him with a warm, loving smile as she knew that Spike had still enjoyed many aspects of that journey. But even if he had forgiven her sister for that mistake, it would still take far more time before the swimmer could do the same. But more importantly for now, she could see within the spiketail’s eyes that he was more than ready to forgive Cera as well. It took a few seconds before Ducky gathered enough courage to answer the threehorn.

“I certainly do not, Cera. Thank you for reminding me about it.” She said simply, not finding the courage to speak for her brother after this wave of guilt had sank all of her earlier bravado behind it. Cera frowned somewhat at this more than odd answer but she could without any difficulty see the change within Ducky’s voice. She hesitated for a moment before she called back to the swimmer, hoping she hadn’t misinterpreted the meaning of her words.

“So… will you tell him to stop disappearing on his own and to make sure nothing like this ever happens again? That is all I ask from either of you.” She said, knowing the die was cast. She prayed from the bottom of her heart that the swimmer would agree as she didn’t know what would happen if she decided to decline. However, before Ducky could even think of an answer, she felt herself being felled to the ground by her brother’s push and an agreeing groan. The swimmer giggled at that sensation before crying to the spiketail in a laughing voice. He was more than ready to take this step as neither did he ever want to hurt someone like this again. He only prayed he could keep that promise even if his mind was fixed around that promise.

“Spike, let me go! I cannot answer Cera if you don’t let me! Please!” She cried as time and time again, she felt her brother’s nuzzle over her. However, it didn’t completely wash away her still-lingering guilt about this whole situation. it didn’t take long before the spiketail finally released the swimmer who then rose to her feet and called to Cera before starting to approach her quickly.

“I think he can do that, Cera, I do. I’m so sorry about what happened to your sister and I know Spike is too. Aren’t you, Spike?” She asked, willing to show to Cera that her brother was more than serious. It didn’t take long until he nodded and groaned at Cera happily, causing the threehorn’s gloom and anger finally drift into the past. She quickly started to walk towards the duo as well, eager to put the final seal to this short time of discord between them. It didn’t take long before she felt the swimmer hug her leg and in return, she nuzzled her head with her horn, Spike replicating the gesture to the threehorn. That moment seemed to drag on forever before Ducky finally broke the silence.

“I feel so much better already! We shouldn’t fight with each other, no, nope, nope!” She exclaimed to Cera who smiled at the two siblings widely, feeling as if a massive boulder had been lifted from her shoulders. She then looked at Ducky and spoke to her in a relieved voice.

“On that you’re completely right, Ducky. Come on, let’s see if the others are still out there to tell that we’re good again!” She said, hearing the sounds of agreement from her two companions. She inhaled deeply, thanking her luck that today had turned out fine in the end. Ys, she would have to follow Tricia’s recovery for many weeks but she’d do that with pleasure, knowing she’d be fine again. And hopefully, she and Spike had both learned something today, something that would help them both in the long run. But for now, nothing could break the threehorn’s piece of mind under the warmth of the late afternoon’s sky.

And here’s my entry for the January prompt. It is kind of an oddity for me as it it’s my first Gang-centered story taking place in the Valley in nearly two years. Yet, I’m not sure if it quite on the level of some other of my fics but I simply wanted to do something a bit closer to the more traditional setting of LBT. Let me know if it is any good and if you want me to do more short stories centered around the main characters. But now, I’ll get to working for the next chapter of Separate Ways. It’s already been far too long since the last chapter.

LBT Fanfiction / One Fallen, Two Torn Apart
« on: December 29, 2018, 03:21:28 PM »
One Fallen, Two Torn Apart

A slight frown appeared on the flyer’s face as his eyes sought at a certain tiny, dead forest somewhere far below him. His efforts to search some food for his mate had been completely for nothing, not even a flicker of green to be found in this endless monotony of gloom and darkness. It had been weeks since he had eaten properly himself but that mattered little to Tuulen right now. All that mattered was to try to help his beloved mate and the soon-to-hatch children survive through these hellish times. The flyer coughed slightly as he breathed at yet another patch of ash falling from the fire mountains far in the distance. Yes, things seemed bleaker by the day and inside, the deep-brown flyer couldn’t help but feel his concerns for his family’s future grow every day. If things continued like this, there was no telling…

“Returning empty-handed again, Tuulen? It seems like you have a lot to learn in finding green food!” The male flyer’s eyes widened slightly as he heard the familiar voice. Hope and slight embarrassment filled him as he turned at the speaker, the sight of the lighter-colored dinosaur who was quickly diving lower to the ground in order to join the other male.

“Anywhere I looked, all that had once been there was gone. But I see that you were again luckier than me, Pterano. Thanks for your help, again.” He said, not able to hide his relief as he saw the small pile of withered green that Pterano carried with his legs. Even if he would have wanted to find it himself, the most important thing was that Volant wouldn’t have to starve while guarding the nest. The other male grinned slightly at him as he nodded towards the small forest that appeared far in the horizon, implicating that their destination was growing close.

“How many times have I told you that you have to search for water, no matter how long it takes, my dear Tuulen? Though, you have done more than your fair part in keeping my sister safe and for that, you have my thanks as well.” He said, turning his gaze back forward, a slight smile of happiness in his eyes. The other flyer glanced at him, relaxing somewhat as he heard those words of gratitude. Even if he had been somewhat suspicious of his mate’s brother joining them in the way to the Great Valley, he had grown to like the other flyer during these months of hardship. He was more than a little pompous and even arrogant but he meant well and he was an invaluable help in helping both him and Volant move forward on this march of misery. He then looked at the gathered herds of dinosaurs below him, regretting that he and his mate were forced to join these landwalkers but it was true that there was safety in numbers. He snorted slightly as he prepared to land on the tree he knew Volant was waiting for him as he answered to Pterano one more time.

“I’ll do my all to help her reach the Valley. You know that, Pterano.” He said simply, hoping in his heart that he’d see it one day as well but he couldn’t help but wonder if he and his companions were in truth only chasing a rumor, a myth. But all of those thoughts disappeared from his mind as his feet touched the cold stone cliff and a rather low but clearly female voice spoke to him.

“Thank goodness you’re back! I was already starting to worry if something had happened!” Volant spoke to Tuulen who panted slightly as he tried to catch his breath after the long flight. His eyes immediately turned towards the group of eggs next to her mate but he still asked the same question he had presented many times before.

“We’re both safe, thanks to the Bright Circle. Has anything happened here? How are the little ones?” He asked urgently, each day surprised by the amount of fears that had gathered in his mind during those long hours he was forced to stay apart from his mate and children. Volant took a somewhat tense look but there was nothing there filled the male with alarm.

“If I heard right, there was another egg stealer that tried to sneak upon the swimmers but that bastard was apparently crushed before he could do anything. We’ve been safe here but… I’m just so worried that one of them or some cursed sharptooth flyer will try to steal one of our eggs. If one of them dare show their faces here, I’ll… I’ll…” Volant tried to look confrontational but she succeeded only in underlining her own fearful thoughts. Tuulen frowned slightly as he prepared to answer but it was then that Pterano landed beside him and joined the conversation in the direct way he often did.

“Here you go, sister. It wasn’t easy to find but it’s at least something.” He said simply, not willing to bring his part in finding them up as he knew more than well what was at stake.  Not even a flyer like him was arrogant enough to make himself seem more important like he was on a time like this. Volant gave him a brief smile as she took the pile of green food from her brother’s hands and answered to him warmly.

“Thank you, Pterano. At least we should now be alright for a little bit…” She was suddenly cut short as a massive bolt of sky fire suddenly illuminated the entire scene, soon to be followed by the familiar rumble. Almost immediately afterwards, sky water started to fall with an unusually violent force as another flash of sky fire lighted the sky. Volant frowned as she looked at the skies, the incoming storm somehow managing to escape her notice. However, it took only a second for her to remember her charge and without another thought, she turned around as she cried to the two males.

“Help me make a better shelter for the eggs! We cannot afford to risk one of them getting washed into the ground by the sky water!” She cried as she started to gather rocks around the eggs, knowing the dangers that this weather might pose. She had already secured the nest masterfully but there was absolutely no chance she’d take even the slightest of chances. It wasn’t long before the three flyers nodded to each other, knowing that the eggs were safe, no matter what. Tuulen gave his mate a smile as he raised the last rock to safeguard the eggs.

“That was that. Don’t worry dear, they’re safe from an…”


He started before he was interrupted by sound that made his heart skip a beat. He could hardly move his head towards the eggs, his mind racing at the implications of what he might see soon enough. Even if that moment felt like an eternity to the flyer, to an outsider it would have seemed like Tuulen nearly fell as he forced himself to turn towards the eggs… only to see a widening crack form at one of them. He was completely taken aback by the development and it was Volant that spoke first.

“Tuulen! I… it’s happening!” She only cried as she brought her hands to her chin as the egg started to shudder more and more by the second. The two mates moved closer to each other in order to welcome their first child into the world together. The expectation was more than tangible in the air as Pterano cast a warm smile towards the two fresh parents as he slowly fled further away from them. He would relish witnessing this moment but he knew more than well that this wasn’t his day: it was that of his sister and her mate.

Volant’s eyes were nearly glassed as she saw a tiny beak suddenly appearing from the shell, soon to be followed by a small hand. After that moment, it took only a tiny effort for the hatchling to break the already-weakened egg and after another blow, it collapsed into pieces. A deep smile appeared on the female’s head as she looked at the newborn boy who looked around himself in confusion and distress. She bowed towards her and spoke to her child in a warm voice.

“Hello there, Gust! Come here. I don’t mean ill to you.” She cooed softly as she nuzzled the hatchling softly, soon to be followed by her mate. The newborn flyer seemed frightened at first but soon his expression softened as well. Tuulen spoke to his child with a similar tone as he looked at the tiny flyer into the eyes.

“Aww, you are even more adorable than I expected. Say hello to your mommy and daddy.” He said as the hatchling looked at the two, only giving a brief squeak in answer. Volant and Tuulen chuckled as they closed beaks, giving each other a long snuzzle that both of them would last forever. However, both of them disengaged from it at the very same moment as they heard another cracking sound… followed by yet another. Volant’s eyes widened in shock as more and more of her ten eggs started to shudder and squeak under increasing pressure. Volant could only stutter in wonder as she saw two more of her children break their way out of their shelters, joining their brother.

It didn’t take too long until each of the children save for one had managed to escape their former prisons. Tuulen was more than overjoyed by the occasion… but the single remaining egg weighed his heart in a moment that would otherwise have been the most joyous in his life. He knew more than well what an unhatching egg usually meant: that the baby inside had succumbed to one of the countless dangers that waited for each and every dinosaur even before they could even see the light of the day for even the first, pitiful time. Tuulen sighed slightly as he tried to take his eyes away from the failed egg, already dreading the job of getting disposed of it soon enough. This was a time for celebration and he wouldn’t waste his children’s first moments simply to mourn something that wasn’t their fault. He was just about to turn at the newborn flyers… when he suddenly saw that top of the remaining egg fly off with a greater force than the others.

“Look, dear! The last one will hatch after all!” He cried as he suddenly moved towards the other egg, expecting the rest of the shell breaking down at any moment. That sight also cast away the lingering sorrow that had forced its way into Volant’s heart. However, what happened next was something that neither one of the two flyers had expected: they saw the tiny beak peek out of the egg but it was as if the hatchling consciously tried not to damage its home any more. That sight made Volant more than amused as she landed next to the last egg and looked at the hatchling but when she moved closer to him, the baby flyer cowered deeper into its egg in order to hide from the menacing form, starting to shudder heavily. The female looked somewhat concerned by that and she took a more serious but still warm tone as she spoke to the boy.

“I’m not going to harm you. It is completely safe to come out. Now, come on.” She said encouragingly, frowning deeply as her son seemed to hesitate even after her words. Tuulen also moved beside her, trying to brake the ice between the parents and the tiny flyer. However, seeing the two massive forms gather around himself, the hatchling quickly felled his egg to its side and tried to creep away from his parents. That sight hurt Volant slightly as she hated the thought that her child would fear her but she knew better than to attempt to force him to accept her. That would hardly end well for either of them. Instead, she warmly cooed to him ago, offering her hand as she spoke.

“It’s alright. Come to see your mommy and your brothers and sisters. There’s far too much to celebrate to act like that, now isn’t there?” She said, slowly approaching the child, ready to close him in her embrace and slowly but surely, it started to look like she was going to be successful. The newborn brown flyer started to be on the verge of calming down and his eyes started to even have a longing hint to them. Volant’s heart started to swell as she saw her son starting to force his way towards her… but at that very moment, another massive flash of lighting penetrated the sky, causing the hatchling to jump in horror backwards… just far enough for him to feel the solid rock below him starting to collapse, weakened by the endless battering of skywater. The boy let out an alarmed squeak as it felt the ground disappear from within him, casting the child into the seemingly endless abyss. Volant cried horrifyingly as she immediately jumped on her wings.

“No! Someone, save him, now!” She shouted, dreading that she’d never again see the last of her children, a thought that already made her panic uncontrollably. However, just as she was about to dive over the rocky cliff, she saw something that made her calm down immediately. The sight of her brother appeared before her, an alarmed but happy sight on the male’s face.

“I thought he was going a bit too close to the cliff… and well, I happened to be close enough to save him because of that. Here he is, Volant.” Pterano said as he carefully dropped the tiny form in his right leg into the ground. Volant and Tuulen wasted to time embracing the hatchling, the former being the first to speak.

“Never do something like that again! We nearly lost you but… the most important thing is that we didn’t.  Thank you, Pterano.” He said to the male who merely nodded in approval. The boy was still more than horrified but now, he seemed to more than welcome his parents’ company. Tuulen gave him a brief nuzzle as she tenderly asked his mate.

“We had an unbelievable luck, Volant. All of our children were able to hatch, even if this one left us with a lot of worrying. What should we call him?” Tuulen asked, knowing more than well that the two had thought of countless names during their weeks of waiting but he felt like this hatchling would have the most promise in the future. Volant took a deep breath to calm herself before she raised her eyes at the raging skies, her face looking illuminated by the still-continuing skyfire. After a moment, she returned to look at the hatchling who finally seemed to give his first, careful smile. Volant returned it immediately and the next words she spoke came as if she hadn’t even said them at all.

“I’ll call this one Petrie. I think it fits him well, don’t you think?” She said, earning a nod of approval from her mate. Tuulen again nuzzled his mate briefly before speaking to his son briefly.

“Then it’ll be so. Petrie, I’ll look forward to seeing what you’ll become one day.” He said, smiling as the battering of the rain started to slowly ease. Even then, the two flyers knew this day was but major test for them and their children in this long journey of faith. Yes, neither one of them would never forget the first day of their children but inside, both of them knew it’d be a miracle if they all made it together to the Valley. But Volant was encouraged by this small miracle before her and it shouldn’t be impossible for more of them to be waiting just outside the corner.

The dawning day was a hazy and a rather cold one with slight mist covering the entire land under it. A cool wind blew through the dead landscape, battering the unsheltered dinosaurs as if it consciously wanted them harm. Yet, even this was a welcome break from the ash-filled, hot weather that had often been the companion of the flyer family. None of this was lost to Volant whose first reaction to the new day was the constant shuddering she felt as she escaped from the realm of the sleep stories. Her first thought was the very same as it had been in the past four days: to make sure that nothing had happened to her beautiful children. She could hardly draw breath as she looked at the baby flyers sleeping beside her but her fears eased as she noticed that each one of them was safe and sound.

Even then, that relaxation was only temporary as all of the memories of the past days returned to her mind. Out here, she simply couldn’t afford to think for a moment that things were well if she wanted that her children to be able to see tomorrow. However, after a few seconds she noticed something that caught her attention. Where was Tuulen? It wasn’t rare that her mate woke up before her but it still filled her with slight fear. Slowly, she rose to her feet, making sure not to wake any of the hatchlings up. At first, the mist prevented her from seeing much past her beak but soon, she saw the familiar form a bit further away in the distance. She frowned somewhat as she called to him.

“Tuulen, come here! What in earth are you doing out here?” She called, full well knowing she couldn’t leave her children unprotected. The male wasted no time doing as told and it was mere seconds until he landed in front of her mate. Tuulen frowned as he looked into the hazy horizon while addressing his mate in a careful voice.

“I was just trying to sort out my thoughts, dear. I woke up a long time ago after Fairwind had wet her nest and well, I changed the grass she lied on as I had to.” He said simply, something clearly bothering him clearly. It was obvious that it wasn’t that incident that lingered within his mind but even then, Volant was somewhat saddened to see her mate act like this. He was a father now and he couldn’t let his own worries darken all of his days. Volant moved closer to him and addressed the male in a silent voice.

“Well, you have my thanks for that. But, Tuulen, listen to me. I know the times are difficult but we cannot act all the time like this day is our last. The kids know if something is wrong as well as we do and I don’t want our worries darken their first days as well. Besides, you simply cannot give such an answer when I ask what’s bothering you. I can see that there’s something wrong and especially on days like these, we have to be honest with each other.” She said softly but firmly, willing to get her mate to open up. She was more than grateful for Tuulen’s concern for his family and for his help in tending to the hatchlings’ needs but he let his own fears overwhelm him more of often than necessary. The larger flyer’s face fell for a short moment but almost immediately afterwards, he relaxed again.

“It is the swimmers, dear. I heard earlier today that the sharpteeth are growing bolder than ever in their efforts to have our children as easy meals. U… Ura told me that she has already lost three of her children to those bastards. And the longnecks nearly lost their only baby to an egg stealer. I don’t know about the other herds but I’d be astonished if they were without any losses.” He said, letting his mate to form some kind of meaning to those words within her mind. Volant’s face turned into a frown, knowing that those bastards were on the move but she hadn’t really heard about the swimmers. He then nodded at her mate as she gave her answer.

“That doesn’t come as a surprise but that is exactly the reason why we cannot let fear take over our minds. The sharpteeth will use any opening they’ll have and to prevent them from forming, we three have to do our all. And besides, we’re lucky as flyers as only some of the sharpteeth can even reach our nest. I’m happy you watch over the situation but please, stop wandering away on your own. It puts you in danger as well and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I need you to get through all of this.” She said as she joined hands with the male. Tuulen would have wanted to simply throw away his gloom but there was still something that prevented him from completely calming down. However, he was more than willing to help his mate by at least trying to act more responsibly. He sighed as he spoke to Volant.

“The same, my love. But… it’s just… damn, what am I even complaining about? All of us are in the very same situation. And if those pitiful landwalkers can handle it, then can we.” He said with a smile, not able to escape his thankfulness for being able to escape at least some problems the other kinds simply couldn’t. Volant smiled at her mate’s words as she spoke, also knowing how blessed her and her children’s luck was.

“Indeed, dear. We’ll just have to make sure we will never be surprised by the sharpteeth and we’ll be fine. But even then, we only have a cycle of a Night Circle until we’ll have to get moving. This place simply cannot sustain us longer than that. That is what I worry about the most.” The female said, knowing that the day of departure would come far sooner than she expected. Also, she knew that the hatchlings would never fly by then which meant long days of carrying them on her back along with the two males, a thought that made her cringe already. She was taken aback as Tuulen chuckled at that comment.

“Well, that is a problem best left for that time. After all, that is still a worry of the future.” He said with a wide smile, realizing just how quickly the tables had turned between the two flyers. Volant looked at him with a surprise but after a while, she joined her mate’s laughter and shortly after, answered him.

“I guess so, Tuulen. I guess so.” She said as she turned to look at her children that were slowly waking up. Yes, this would be a day filled with work and dangers but the female knew that there would be anything she couldn’t get over. Not as long as she had her mate with her.

The day aged slowly as the haze seemed to only grow denser by the minute. There were very few sounds to be heard and in many ways, each of the flyers could have been forgiven for thinking that their nest was floating in white nothingness. That in itself wasn’t a reason of worry to any of the three adults but they knew that it would force them to keep an even keener eye at their surroundings. Pterano was thinking with a smile at her sister’s hatchlings, still determined to give the parents more space with them. However, there was something he didn’t like in the least. The day had been far too calm and for some reason, he felt a slight unease rise within him. Completely unexpected to the two other flyers, he finally spoke to Volant and Tuulen.

“We have to take a brief look around us. The chance that some cursed baby killer would use this mist to their advantage is simply too great.” He said glumly, knowing he had a point. In many ways, he hated being forced to rely on his sister like this as he loved the freedom he had maintained all his life… thus far. When he had heard of the Valley, he knew that his best option had been to join up with Volant and her mate on this journey but there were times when he felt like the two didn’t consider all the things that had to be considered while making decisions, unlike him. Tuulen frowned slightly as he answered, walking closer to the lighter-colored male.

“Are you sure, Pterano? I mean, the weather is rather ghastly but it also makes things harde…” He started but he wasn’t allowed to finish the sentence when Pterano cut him short.

“It makes the work of the sharpteeth much easier, my dear Tuulen. I’ve seen in my life that they are much better in planning than you might think. They might very well use this mist to attack us.” He said firmly, leaving little room for disagreement. Volant frowned somewhat but any thought of incoming threats made chills creep down her spine. But even then, she wasn’t completely convinced of her brother’s idea and she answered to him immediately.

“That might be, brother, but we also have to remember that it makes things more difficult here and besides, you might get surprised yourself out there! The risks are simply too great!” She said with a pleading voice, dreading the prospect of being forced to guard the hatchlings alone while the others were going Bright Circle knows where. Tuulen frowned as he looked at his mate, knowing full well that her argument was valid. However, he also trusted Pterano and inside, he had already made up his mind. He lowered his hand on Volant’s shoulder and spoke to her softly.

“I promise you we will be back shortly. I pray we will be safe but we all know we have to first make sure the children aren’t falling under any harm.” He said slowly, earning an ever deeper look of concern from his mate. The female was nowhere as confident of the plan as her mate but even then, she couldn’t find no real reason to try to deny the two from doing what they felt was right. She sighed slightly as she looked at the two males.

“Very well. But make sure to return as soon as you can.” She said simply and immediately, Pterano gave her a brief smile before he spoke to his sister.

“Oh, you may trust us, Volant. We wouldn’t give any sharptooth the joy of besting either of us.” He said with a smirk which however didn’t make Volant any more relaxed. However, she nodded to the two as a matter of understanding. Tuulen took a brief breath before he spoke his last words before taking off.

“Very well. We will meet again soon enough. I promise it.” He said and only a few seconds later, he was gone. Volant looked after the two for a moment until she suddenly heard a cry from behind her. A more hopeful look rose to her face as she turned around, knowing she’d do her best to look after the children until her mate and brother would return to her.

Tuulen looked around himself, noticing that the mist was slowly starting to grow weaker. It still made flying a rather risky affair, though, and he forced himself to move at a speed which only barely allowed him to retain his altitude. He was barely flying at the height of a longneck’s back as that was his own chance if he wanted to spot any possible threats in the ground. He knew Pterano was not far to his left, investigating the land as well. There was no reason to move too far from their nest as any menacing group of sharpteeth or egg stealers would likely already be at a striking distance from the nest.

As he looked at the dead ground below him, the look in Volant’s gaze returned to his mind. He truly regretted not being there with her now as he also wanted nothing more than to stay beside his children as much as possible. Still, he knew that this was his part as a flyer. Most males weren’t even supposed to stick with their mates, instead moving to look for other females in order to father as many children as possible. Many had frowned at his decision to stay with Volant for good but there was no other place he wanted to be and he knew Volant felt the same way. Even now, he had looked after the hatchlings far more than any other flyer male he had met in his life.

Many thoughts swirled within his mind as he moved past the nests of the other herds, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. The moist, cool air made his back shiver as he saw skeletons of fallen threehorns through the ghastly mist even if he already knew they were there. Minutes passed without him seeing anything but shadows about his travelling companions and inside, Tuulen knew he was already getting too far from the nest. Any sharptooth he’d meet here would be of no threat to him or his family. Suddenly, he let out a loud shriek to Pterano, ordering him to turn back as well.

However, this time the two would also scour the surroundings of the cliff that was their nest, knowing that it would also be a potential place for the villains to strike. However, Tuulen started to slowly relax as he knew that the most pressing fears of an attack had now passed. He knew Pterano had been right with his fears but his long, solitary life had probably made him more fearful than necess…

Suddenly, he saw something that made his blood run cold. That sight was very vague and surely, certainly it couldn’t be… but it was. The male frowned deeply as he saw a group of four fastbiters heading towards his nest with a quick pace. At first, he prayed they were soon turning away from that path and head towards some other herd but those thoughts were quickly dashed. They were moving forward with deadly decisiveness, leaving little room for uncertainty about their destination. Tuulen felt a grip of fear take over his mind as he looked at them, realizing there couldn’t be more than a few minutes until they’d reach Volant and the children. He had to act now but a few worries rose to his mind.

He couldn’t take four of them out by himself and even worse, he couldn’t call Pterano without alerting the bastards of his presence. Furthermore, there could be other sharpteeth sneaking nearby in cases like these. But even then, he didn’t have a choice. No one else would take out this threat but him and this is exactly what he had come out here to do. The flyer took a deep breath as he prepared to strike, ignoring all the thoughts that reminded him of everything that could go wrong in the next few seconds.

Concentrating all his power into the coming dive, Tuulen plunged himself downwards, willing to seize this advantage to his best ability. It was only less than a second before the hit that first of the sharpteeth turned around, alarmed by the whizzing sound of the attacking flyer. A massive thud could be heard as the male collided with the first of the juvenile sharpteeth, sending her rolling into the ground. As Tuulen moved to attack her throat, he called to his companion with all his might.

“Pterano, come help me, now!”

That call also reached the ears of someone Tuulen had hoped it wouldn’t. Volant was just feeding the small pile of green food to the hatchlings when she heard her mate’s cry which immediately froze her in her place. So, something had indeed gone wrong and… and that could only mean that there was someone threatening her children! She turned around, thinking of helping Tuulen in whatever threat he was dealing with. However, as she heard the alarmed chirping of her children, she realized that simply wasn’t possible. If she threw away all of her caution, anyone could just come and kill all of her beautiful babies. Remembering her charge, she crossed her arms and spoke to the cool wind.

“Please, be alright, Tuulen. Please come back to me as soon as you can.”

That sound immediately woke Pterano from his growing sense of safety which he had tried to lull himself into. He could hear the fear and urgency within Tuulen’s voice and he wasted no time heading towards the voice. He knew that time was off the essence and he already dreaded what he would meet when he reached the other male. But in the end, this only meant his instinct had again been correct and without him, the sharpteeth would have attacked the nest without any difficulty. That thought brought more than a little solace to the flyer but for now, it was drowned under the fear of the situation.

Even if the mist was starting to break up at an ever increasing speed, it still took a short time before the light-brown male caught the sight of his sister’s mate and the sight hardly was the one he had hoped to see. He was just trying to rise to his wings while standing over the corpse of a dead fastbiter. Pterano was impressed by Tuulen’s fierce attack but before he could reflect any more of the situation, he noticed something that alarmed him without an end. A slightly older fastbiter leapt out of a nearby bush, heading straight towards the darker-colored male!

Pterano could easily see that Tuulen would never be able to escape from the beast’s claws and it was also clear that the predator had been on the watch, waiting for a situation like this. However, Pterano wasn’t about to let that happen. Not only was he afraid of his sister’s reaction but he also respected, even liked Tuulen greatly. He gathered all the speed he could in order to tackle the carnivore to his side… just inches separating the beast’s teeth from Tuulen’s wings. The latter took a deep breather, already having counted himself as a certain goner. He then cried to Pterano who also made sure to disengage from his hopeless melee with the fastbiter.

“Th… thanks, Pterano! I already thought it was all over for me.” He said even if he knew the fight was far from over. However, just as Pterano thought he, too, was safe, he felt a searing pain within his right thigh but to his relief, the sensation of being pulled back to the earth didn’t follow the initial rush of pain. In other words, he was still alive and he’d receive another chance to help his sister’s mate.

Tuulen, on the other hand, knew that his work was far from done. The sharpteeth gritted their teeth at him but they still wouldn’t give up their quest to attack Volant and the children. And now that their presence was known to the fastbiters, he knew he had but one choice left. He quickly let out a wicked cry, knowing that even the other herds would hear it. Even if he despised the thought of being to forced to rely on the other kinds for help, the flyer knew that their fight against the sharpteeth was a common cause for all of the leafeaters. The sharpteeth realized that their situation was growing dangerous and each of them sprinted towards the flyers’ nest. Tuulen frowned in alarm, knowing that the situation was a difficult one but it appeared that once again, he would have to do his all to at least delay the fastbiters.

“Pterano, aid me again! With any luck, we’ll receive aid soon enough!” He cried as he started to circle around the predators, trying to find any chance to strike. To the male’s despair, he couldn’t seem to find one which meant that he had but one choice. With a deep sigh, he plunged closer to the predators, preparing to do his all In order to foil their plan. A fear of pure determination was glassed on his eyes as he face one of the fastbiters, knowing that his attack could turn out to be a terrible mistake. Yet, he simply didn’t have a choice at this point.

That sight alarmed Pterano far more than most things he had seen in his life. Was Tuulen completely insane? He simply couldn’t… Ugh, what could he himself do in a situation like this? Pterano had learned in his life and simply sacrificing oneself without a good reason was never an answer even if he had to respect the other male’s courage. He took a forced sigh as he headed after the lighter-colored flyer, knowing he could never again face his sister if he let her mate fall without helping him.

The fastbiter did its best to force the flyer further away from him, knowing he’d have to keep up with his companions or his hopes of living through this hunt would be pitiful at best. The flyers realized this and Tuulen knew he had to do something more in order to buy more time. After a few seconds, an idea rose into his mind as he remembered some of the characteristics of a cliff close to his family’s nest. He immediately took more speed in an attempt to gain at least some distance between himself and the fastbiters. Pterano was taken aback by the other male’s sudden change of mind but he wasted no time following him wherever he was heading to.

Tuulen frowned deeply as he saw the pile of loose rocks lying on the mountainside, smiling as he looked at the narrow passage to his nest. As he saw Pterano approach him, the flyer cried to him in a loud voice.

“Quickly, help me throw these rocks down and the sharpteeth will be delayed slightly!” He cried as he started to push against the smallest rocks, knowing he had but a few seconds before the sharpteeth would reach the pass. He started to frown in fear as he couldn’t seem to get even any of he boulders start rolling down the hill. Pterano, however, wasn’t about to give up and he immediately headed towards a larger rock, knowing it would do the trick far more easily. He cried to the other male as he hit against the rock, ignoring the pain of the collision completely. At the same time, he cried to the other male.

“Get out of the way, Tuulen! Here it comes!” He cried as the mountainside started to collapse into the small pass. The darker-colored male looked at the sight in surprise as he jumped to his wings quickly, looking in astonishment as the small pass was blocked by the rocks in a matter of seconds. An instant smile rose to his face as he saw the sharpteeth stopping immediately, realizing the situation immediately. However, before any of them got a chance to think what to do next, a loud roar could be heard from behind them.

“You should have just stayed away, you despicable child killers! I’ll make sure you’ll never get another chance to come prey upon us!” Tuulen looked in relief as he saw a large, female threehorn rush towards the fastbiters with an astonishing speed. The sharpteeth realized immediately that they couldn’t stand against this foe and instinctively, tried to the other direction to make good of the name of their kind. However, the male flyer realized immediately that he simply couldn’t allow that idea to pass. He called to his companion as he moved to cut the predators’ flight.

“Pterano, come help me! We must not let them escape!” He cried as he dashed to block the fastbiters’s way, hoping that they were too panicked by the threehorn’s appearance to attack him with their full ferocity. Pterano gulped deeply as he did as told, regretting that this day had turned out to be this dangerous. Still, he’d see it through, no matter the

The sharpteeth looked in fear as the two flyers landed in front of them even if they knew that in usual circumstances, they’d be goners in less than a minute. Now, however, they didn’t have any time to spare before their chaser would crush them all and so they tried to bypass the leafeaters completely. However, they were not about to let that happen and without any regard for their safety, they tackled two of the predators into the ground, ignoring the deep wounds the alarmed beasts managed to tear into their sides as both of them fell to the ground. Tuulen was just about to flee to safety from the fastbiters’ claws… when he heard a horrible thud merely inches from his head. When he opened his eyes, he only saw the crushed remains of the two fastbiters’ chest, obliterated by the mere weight of the threehorn’s stomp.

The sounds of the fight made Volant feel more miserable by the second as she knew full well just how much was at stake. She could tell that her mate and her brother were giving their all to keep her and the children safe but her inability to help them was more than torturing to the young mother. She wanted nothing more than to go help her companions but for much of the battle, she wasn’t even able to see what was happening so very near. However, as time passed, the mist started to dissipate just in time for her to see the collapse of the low pass between her and the sharpteeth.

At first, she had been more than relieved by that sight and Stronghorn’s arrival had more than turned the tables on the villains. She crossed her arms to look at that sight, already forcing her to accept that things had turned out the very best way. The predators were being chased away, her children and companions were safe… until she saw something that dashed her raising hopes immediately.

She suddenly saw a massive sharptooth flyer circling the sky around the scene of the battle, clearly searching for something to eat. At first, Volant wanted to cast the creature aside as they often attacked smaller dinosaurs or corpses unless they were extremely desperate, but after a moment, she could see it was looking straight at the fighting flyers! Just as Tuulen and Pterano had forced the fastbiters to the ground, Volant felt stomach drop immediately. The flyer quickly started to dive towards the fighting dinosaurs with a terrifying speed.

What happened next seemed to pass in a tiny flicker of a second in Volant’s mind. She knew the males wouldn’t hear her cries out there and the urgent fight would prevent them from seeing anything that happened around them. And without her help… Volant’s heart jumped into her throat as all of her thoughts were wiped away by the sight that was transpiring before her eyes. Not even the cries of her children reached her ears as she headed to save her mate at any cost. She looked at the sharptooth flyer approach Tuulen quickly, so agonizingly quickly… and all that she could do was to cry with all her might.

“Tuulen, for the Bright Circle’s sake,  watch out, now!”

The distant voice of his mate made Tuulen turn his gaze towards her but the threehorn’s intrusion had robbed him of the precious seconds he would have needed to safeguard his own back. Pterano managed to lock his gaze on the other male… just in time to see the massive predator sink its claws into his sister’s mate, snapping his neck with one, quick bite. Tuulen himself had just time to glance at the dinosaur who would be his demise. He barely even felt pain as the predator flushed out his life… but not before he saw the alarmed look of his mate. Suddenly, a wave of melancholy and hope flushed over him as one, final thought invaded his fading mind.

Be well, my love. And all my children… I hope you have a good life. You’ll never know how much I would have liked to stay with you longer.

Before he or anyone else could do anything, the sharptooth headed back towards the skies with the lifeless remains of the flyer who had only a few days earlier celebrated becoming a new father. A flyer who had shared this journey of faith and despair with his companions. The flyer who would never again rise to his wings or meet his children. Volant nearly collapsed into the ground and only instinctively, she managed to avoid dropping into the ground. Her mate… her beloved mate… this simply couldn’t happen… it just couldn’t! However, this wasn’t nearly the last shock as she heard another cry meet her ears.

“Turn back now, Volant, damnit! For goodness’ sake, go save the children!” Pterano cried as he immediately as he looked in outrage at Volant. He was overwhelmed by the loss of Tuulen but even now, he was beyond appalled by his sister’s actions. Only with forced movements, Volant managed to turn around, not willing to see what her brother had meant. The sight that greeted her was one from her worst nightmares. A pair of smaller sharptooth flyers had just landed around her nest, the frightened chirping of her children piercing the air. Volant’s eyes widened at that sight and she let out a screech like which only few dinosaurs had ever heard. Tears already started falling from her eyes as her mind raced horrifyingly and she flapped her wings like never before. How could she have done this? This was just what she had pledged to avoid to herself ever since the hatching of her children and she had ruined everything within a matter of seconds. She cried before her in a vague attempt to calm herself down.

“Hang only a moment longer! I’m coming!”

The small hatchlings were completely helpless against the predators, each of them able to only follow in horror as they saw the first of their siblings torn to pieces before her eyes. Some of them were frozen in their place whereas others attempted to miserably flee. One of them, the one his mother had named Petrie, tried his best to get further away from the massive monsters threatening everything he had ever known. Where was momma? Where was daddy? Where were those who were the only sources of comfort in this odd, wide world? The tiny flyer shuddered inconsolably as he looked at the bloody display before him, not able to make any sense of it. The only thing he knew was that he was threatened by a force like nothing he had ever known and some instinct within him cried him to flee, no matter how weak it still was within the young hatchling.

However, that moment was a short one and even if the sharpteeth did their best, they knew their window of opportunity was closing quickly. They quickly stepped forward and tore two other hatchlings’ bodies open and swallowed most of their torsos before quickly heading out into the open skies, making sure to leave quickly enough in order to not leave any chance for the devastated mother to follow them into the still-lingering mist. They knew that even now, there was no reason to take any risks that would ruin their thus far successful hunt and they couldn’t care in the least about what kind of pain they were leaving behind them.

The female felt a choking grip around her throat as she landed beside her nest, choking bitter tears inside as she looked at the broken bodies of her three children. The sight of their unseeing eyes on their ruined faces would haunt her forever as would their ruined, half-eaten bodies that were lying in sickening positions, each of them crying for their mommy in Volant’s eyes. The only thing that prevented her from completely succumbing to her inner pain were the frightened voices of her surviving children. Her walking was forced and unnatural and her voice was anything but reassuring as she closed the living hatchlings into her embrace, attempting to stay strong for their sake.

“It’s alright children, it all over now. Please stop crying…” She spoke before breaking into consolable tears, knowing that the three corpses lied just before her, and that they were dead because of her. Her presence seemed to calm the children somewhat but it was clear they understood at least something about what had happened. Even in her collapsed mental state, she heard a silent sound as her brother landed behind her. She had absolutely no strength left to open her beak but to her relief, it was the male who spoke first.

“I’m so very sorry, Volant, for everything. Should I… I take the children away?” He asked in an equally mournful voice, tears falling from his eyes as well. That moment felt unreal for both of the siblings: both of them felt like their hearts were screaming to allow to burst their pain out but Volant managed to still retain part of her composure in order to help her children begin to calm down and Pterano wanted nothing less than to bring more pain to the hapless mother. Volant twitched noticeably as she heard those words, still not willing to accept their cause as anything more than a bad dream that would wear away soon. However, she soon turned at the male, lingering tears filling her eyes as she nodded at him, knowing she wouldn’t have the courage to do that. Pterano walked closer to her before asking her another question with an even more silent voice than before.

“When I return, I… I can look after them. I know you…” He said but he was immediately rebuked by his sister. Volant waved her hand dismissively, taking several more seconds before she could form any words.

“No, I… They need me. Leave us be, brother.” She said, not able to think anything else but her own guilt. Pterano would have wanted to press his point further but decided against it. He merely gave the female a sad nod of approval as he raised the three dead children from the ground and headed down from the nest, knowing that her sister needed some time to sort out her thoughts… as did he.

An appalled look rose to Pterano’s face as he lowered the children into the ground. Finally, the gates of his own emotions were opened as he no longer had to keep a brave face up for anyone. This wasn’t how any of it was supposed to go! The flyer leaned against a nearby tree, letting himself fall to a sitting position as he buried his face in his hands. This wasn’t the grand journey to the paradise he had thought it would be. Now, his trusted companion was gone and the dead bodies beside him disturbed him even deeper. He had seldom been as inconsolable as when he spoke to the remains of the children who would never see another day.

“Rest well, children. I’m so sorry I couldn’t help any of you. Uncle Pterano wasn’t strong to do what I had to. Just… forgive me!” He wailed, some part in his mind pointing towards the obvious fact that what had happened was his sister’s fault, not his. If she hadn’t left the hatchlings, these poor flyers wouldn’t lie beside him lifeless! Yet, even then, he couldn’t even bring himself to put the blame to Volant as even he had been in love long ago… and he knew that no dinosaur would just stay still while watching their mate being slaughtered before their eyes.

It would have been shocking to any observer to see the usually so-proud flyer in his condition but even now, Pterano wasn’t one to give up. He would miss Tuulen greatly but now, the most important question was to how to move forward. Inside, he took great pride that it had been idea to search the nest’s surroundings that had prevented an even worse disaster. In fact… so very often, it had been him who had helped the two other flyers in so many different things, from searching for food to handling their relationship with the other kinds. That feeling of self-confidence swept away some of the worst sorrow within the male’s mind even if he still knew that the most horrifying task lay before him.

With a heavy sigh, he raised the three children with his legs and headed towards a nearby hilltop. There, they would have the easiest time embarking on their final journey to the Great Beyond and the light-brown flyer knew that was all the closure he or anyone other could get in this sickening situation. He cringed as the breeze rose suddenly but that mattered little as he lowered the corpses to the wind-beaten hill, raising his gaze towards the still-grey heights. He looked at the sight for a few moments before he whispered to whatever would be up there listening to his final lament.

“Have a good flight, children. And Tuulen… please look after them.”

Her heavy panting started to slowly ease as she saw the worst panic disappear from the eyes of her children. Inside, Volant’s entire body ached with her mental anguish and even now, being forced to stay strong for the hatchlings made her more than sick. She would have just wanted to jump from the cliff and escape the pain of this world but she simply couldn’t do that not now. She trembled noticeably as for the first time since the accident, a certain name rose to her mind.

Tuulen, where are you when I need you? Please, come back to me! Please…

She fell to her knees as she thought of their first encounter on a range of mountains far to the south on a time of mating of the flyers. Not once had she regretted her choice and Tuulen had been all she could have asked for… This simply couldn’t be true! He had to be alive! And even worse, she couldn’t bear to turn around now to see the bloody and gory stains behind her even if her brother had done her a great service, one that no parent, or an uncle, should be forced to do in their lives. She thanked her luck that the children were far too young to really understand the full weight of everything that they had seen… but, all of those slightly hopeful thoughts were washed away as the female realized what would follow.

This had all been her fault… all of it! She could have just forced Tuulen not to go and at the very least, she could never atone for leaving the children to die! What in the name of the Bright Circle had she thought she was doing? Volant knew she didn’t deserve to live after what she had done but she simply couldn’t force herself to live her adorable babies all alone in this world. Inside her, only a tiny flicker of hope flickered: the hope of one day being able to watch her children grow safe in the Great Valley. She and Tuulen had sworn to do their all to continue their line and to give their ancestors some reason for pride.

Volant had never been one to see her family as some kind of responsibility but now, as she looked at the faces of the children whose lives she had brought into danger, she could see no greater purpose than to safeguard their future. It had to be some kind of charge brought to her by the Bright Circle or the lesser stars of the sky, even if she had already failed some of her hatchlings miserably. Volant raised her teary eyes at the sky, praying for some kind of hints about how to move forward. Even now, the Great Valley was her only hope for salvation but how could she even hope to reach it without her beloved mate? How could she continue to live, knowing that the blood of her babies was in her hands? Minutes passed slowly as the evening grew darker, soon to hide the battered family under its cover. All sense of time was lost to the female until she suddenly a silent voice behind her.

“It is done, Volant. The children are on their way to a better place now.” Pterano said, not really expecting his sister question his long absence in any way. He had needed more time to gather his thoughts and courage to have this discussion he needed both of them needed to have. Without Tuulen, nothing would ever be the same again and both of the flyers knew it more than well. At first, Pterano thought his sister wasn’t going to answer him but after many moments, she finally turned her gaze at the male and spoke in forced, teary gasps. Her initial success in suppressing her emotions started to finally break as the children fell to sleep one by one.

“Brother… Pterano, I know it’s all my fault. Don’t make things any worse.” She said, her mind dwelling over and over again in the very moment she leaped from the nest to save her mate. She knew that second would return countless times into her nightmares. Pterano’s eyes widened at first until he realized just how his sister saw his presence. After forcing himself to calm down, he took a sigh as he approached the female.

“You know I wouldn’t do that, dear sister. I know you understand just what happened.” He said simply, willing to help his little sister face the reality in the eyes. He knew just how important it was not to try to sugarcoat facts in the Mysterious Beyond even if his words made Volant’s sobs even worse. He stopped beside his sister before speaking to her again. This time his face let out more of his true emotions as he raise his gaze at the grace of the night sky.

“Tuulen was a great flyer. I never knew him as well as you do but I could see how much you trusted each other and how he gave his all to keep us safe. I’m happy you could call him your mate.” He said, a faraway glimmer deep within his eyes. Volant finally looked at the spot where he had fallen, grateful that it was no covered by impenetrable darkness. She fought to take another breath in her moment of despair, saying the only thing she could to his brother.

“I… I loved him more than anything else! He… he was beside me all these seasons… If only I could have said how much I cared for him…” She wailed, looking at Pterano in despair. The latter took a sigh as he turned towards Volant and put a hand on her shoulder.

“I know, sister. I know. All of us would have deserved as much but sometimes, that is just not possible. We all know how the Circle of Life works in unpredictable ways. We all knew how unlikely it was that we all would reach the Great Valley together. Didn’t we?” He said gently, thinking of the days their precious Hanging Heights were wiped of each and all green food. Every flyer there had thought that it would be the end for all of them but… cycles of the Night Circle had passed and yet all three of them persevered. However, the female’s next words were ones that Pterano had never expected to hear.

“And we would have if you hadn’t forced himself to follow you on that stupid quest! Without your idea he would still be with me! As would the children!” Volant cried, her expression suddenly turning into an accusing one. Pterano’s eyes widened as he tried to understand the full depth of Volant’s accusation. Inside, he wasn’t completely taken aback by it as he hadn’t expected Volant to face the truth that easily. But that didn’t prevent her words from hurting him as he, too, had lost a trusted friend as well as nephews and nieces.  He frowned deeply and raised his voice as he stepped forward to confront his sister.

“I can’t even tell how you must feel, sister, but I won’t accept your unjust accusations! You know as well as I do that without my warning, those bastards would have sneaked upon us uncontested and probably even kill us all before we could raise a finger! Is that what you would have wanted?” He asked, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Volant’s expression first turn into a confrontation one. However, what happened next melted Pterano’s heart completely. He could see slowly but surely as Volant faced the truth, all of her earlier efforts to deny it collapsed slowly but surely. After a short moment, Volant collapsed against her brother, trying to form any words in her moment of total helplessness.

“They… they’re gone! Pterano, what can we do? We can’t go on without him but… we cannot stay here! We… we’re doomed…” She said as she cried against the male’s chest. Pterano couldn’t help but feel his own horror rise as well. He fought to keep himself calm in order to make some sense of it all and with herculean efforts, he managed to voice his thoughts. His voice shuddered horribly as he spoke to the female.

“No, we’re not, sister. Not as long as you remember why we go on.” He said, hoping to help his sister to begin her road to recovery. At first, his words had no effect on the bluish flyer but soon, she managed to give some kind of an answer.

“You know I’d die in order to save even one of my babies as well as I do! But that didn’t help Tuulen and it won’t help me!” She cried as she looked her brother in the eyes. Pterano forced himself to calm down enough to give his answer. His loss wasn’t as severe as his sister’s and he saw this moment as some kind of responsibility for her little sister.

“It can if you give your all for them. You know that the Night Circle and the lesser lights are looking over us even now. Even Tuulen might still help you one day when you least expect it. Our lives are full of losses but I’ve seen many wondrous things as well. Just try to see them no matter how difficult that may be. Remember some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.” He said, trying to raise some courage within his sister. In some way, he took courage from the fact that he seemed able to help Volant like this… like he had helped her mate as well. Even if he tried to push that thought to the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but feel his decisions and deeds had been correct far more often than those of any other dinosaur he knew. Maybe time would come when he’d be able to use those skills to the benefit of even more dinosaurs… part of him even seemed to know it.

Volant took a deep breath as she disengaged from her brother’s embrace, looking above her with a longing gaze. She knew Pterano spoke those words simply in order to cheer her up but even then, what choice did she have? Deep down, she knew she wouldn’t let down her children and in that case, she had only one choice: to reach the Great Valley. And on that journey… even the traditional beliefs could be better than the endless despair and sorrow that she knew she’d dwell in forever. She looked at her brother mournfully, knowing that this was a day whose shadow would linger over her forever.

“I doubt there are any of those on the way but maybe, just maybe, you might be right, brother. I just wonder if we still have what it takes.” She said, taking each breath as slowly as she simply could. Pterano let himself to also calm down a bit as he gave his answer.

“I promise you we do. I won’t let anything like this happen ever again.” He said as the brother and sister gave each other an understanding nod in the late evening which slowly turning into full-fledged night. The lesser lights were reflected within Volant’s eyes as he looked at a new star she could swear she’d never seen before.

Let that be true. Farewell, my love. May we meet again one day.

“And then what happened, uncle Pterano? Did the sharpteeth get what they deserve?” The young boy asked in excitement as he looked at the older flyer who was completely drawn into his storytelling. Petrie enjoyed these moments without an end as his uncle really seemed to live a life of adventure and excitement. He could see that all of his siblings were just as drawn into the tale as each of them greatly savored these moments their uncle was with them and not dealing with the other kinds. Pterano’s eyes widened slightly as he heard his nephew’s words, not wasting any time in answering to the young boy.

“But of course, my dear nephew! It was with my help they ever knew of the sharpteeth and were able to stop them before those villains got the chance to even get a close to the spiketails. Trying to keep them alive has helped us as well even if, between all of us, all of them are more than a little bit slow-witted and slow to learn how to best defend themselves. But please, don’t tell that to the threehorns.” He said with a slight chuckle, proud of his work in making the other herds trust his guidance in slaughtering each and any sharpteeth that got even a step too close to the herd. He was more than amazed that since that horrible day five Cold Times ago, no more tragedies had come to pass and he didn’t hide the fact that he found himself worthy of most of the thanks about that fact. His moment of self-love was soon interrupted by one of the girls.

“But momma has told us that not all sharpteeth are those pitiful fastbiters! She has told that there are also many large and much scarier ones out there! Have you ever seen of any them?” She cried, causing some of her siblings to shudder at mere thought of those massive monsters. Even Pterano frowned at the mention of the two footers but before that, he knew it was his duty to rebuke the child’s earlier comment.

“I have but so that any of you won’t have any stupid thoughts, there is nothing pitiful about the fastbiters either! A flyer who thinks that won’t live long because if you give them even a small opening, they will tear you to the ground and before you know it, you are torn to pieces that will find themselves in their bellies within a few seconds! Is that clear?” He said with a surprisingly threatening voice, causing some of the younger flyers to cover in fear. Pterano knew this wasn’t the kind of stuff Volant would want him to tell the children but he couldn’t afford them to underestimate any sharptooth. Seeing that his message appeared to have reached the kids, he relaxed slightly before he continued speaking.

“That is right, my nephews and nieces. They will not hesitate to do just that. As for the larger, two footer sharpteeth, stay as far away from them as you simply can. There is something our kind can do against the fastbiters but against a two footer, consider it as a kind of storm that kills anything in its path. Those are some of the most horrifying dinosaurs there are but as in many different things, our kind is blessed. Unlike those poor foolish landwalkers, we can see a two footer far, far away. And I tell you, use that gift and you’ll survive for far longer.” He said, earning worried looks from the children. Their mother had never gone this far too make them scared of the sharpteeth but then again, their uncle was often much more straight than she was. Petrie looked at Pterano in expectation as he presented his next question.

“But certainly you can still stand against them, uncle! You’ve told you can do anything!” He said, earning a slight look of hesitation from the older flyer. Pterano knew he might have given some answers in the past that might not have been completely true but when it came to these things, he wouldn’t lie to the children about things that might one day be questions of life and death.

“Well, Petrie, that is a question that…”

“That will have to wait for another day! The other herds are already on the move and we have to make sure not to fall behind!” Volant’s sudden voice broke the silence and Pterano’s face fell as he realized his moment of rest was now over. He enjoyed telling his tales to the children without an end and he could easily see that they felt the same way. Still, he regretted these moments had to be so brief but even now, there little time so waste during this endless march of death and hope. He took a brief smile as he heard the collective “Awww” from the children but even then, he knew his sister was right.

“Listen to your mother, kids. You know that we have to stay with the others for our own safety. Now, let’s go!” He said while saw most of the children took a deep breath before they rose to their wings. However, a lone figure was left standing to the lifeless ground, taking the same old look of embarrassment and pleading as he looked at his mother. Volant’s face fell as she walked next to Petrie and spoke to him in a heartfelt, even pleading voice.

“Petrie… you know this simply cannot continue. You know I nor your uncle cannot carry you forever. Your brothers and siblings learned to fly already before the last Cold Time.” She said, not a flicker of accusation in her voice. However, her son looked even more desperate than he had before and his voice was a far cry from the one he just used to address his uncle.

“Petrie know that… but… it just too difficult! Me simply fall to the ground each time me try and me no want that!” He said, knowing of his precarious situation within his family. However, something in his mother’s tone told him that today’s speech wasn’t similar to the previous ones. His mood only grew darker as he heard his uncle’s voice speak to him.

“She’s right, Petrie. You have to do this soon or we won’t be able to protect you. I wish it weren’t so but I am only telling you the truth, nephew.” He said glumly, earning a look of even surprising anger from the boy. Volant was slightly surprised by her brother’s words as she had wished that there would never be need for such threats within her family. Pterano looked in shock as Petrie snapped back at him immediately.

“Petrie know all of that and it doesn’t help that you tell things like that! Things already bad…” He said but before he could finish, a sudden cry from one of his siblings interrupted the conversation.

“Just snap out of it, Petrie! We have a long enough flight before you whining about everything!” One of the girls cried, causing Volant to cringe deeply. She knew that there was some bad blood forming between Petrie and his siblings but she also could see why the other children were frustrated with their brother. She crossed her arms as she spoke to her son pleadingly.

“I’ll carry just this time but listen to me, Petrie. We’ll wake up tomorrow before the Bright Circle rises to the sky and we won’t stop until you learn to fly or at the very least glide. Hop on, my son.” She said as she saw a deep sigh from Petrie before he took a firm hold of his mother’s shoulders. He couldn’t help but feel humiliated for being forced to resort to this but he simply didn’t have a choice. Volant only prayed she could do what she had promised. She exchanged glances with her brother before they took off, managing to hide her look of slight resentment towards the male.

She was far from content with her brother’s actions in the past days even if she had thus far hidden her sentiments from her brothers. Yes, Pterano had been an invaluable help in the times following Tuulen’s passing but… it even seemed like the male thought it was up to him to tell her and the children what to do even if he himself spent more than his fair share of time with the other herds. Volant loved him with any reservations but it seemed that some kind of ambition grew ever stronger within Pterano by the day. Even then, she’d see this day to the end as her poor son needed more of her help than her brother needed rebuke of his surprising sentiments. Volant took a brief sigh as she looked into the horizon, praying the Valley wouldn’t be too far away anymore.

“There were a few bellydraggers around that small river we passed a few hours ago but otherwise, this land seemed completely free of any sharpteeth. You may all be at peace.” Pterano said as he glanced at the three longnecks before him. Usually, he disliked talking to them as for some reason, they seemed far more hostile towards him as some of the other herds but even they had accepted his help in telling of any sharpteeth and slowly but surely, it seemed like the massive dinosaurs seemed to understand just how valuable an ally he really was. The foremost of the three longnecks took a slightly more relaxed look as she answered, looking longingly towards the setting Bright Circle.

“That’s at least a slight relief. Thank you for your help, Pterano. My Littlefoot seems to have had just enough excitement already for today.” She with a slight laugh as she quickly glanced at the tiny form sleeping on her back peacefully. Pterano took a slightly forced smile as he glanced at the boy before addressing the female again.

“I think most young ones have, Tranquil. In any case, don’t let down your guard for a moment. I couldn’t see those villains but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any here. In the end, our survival is up to each of us.” He said, more than happy with the slight network of safety he had managed to create between the herds. It had successfully repelled many of the sharpteeth, making Pterano feel a bit easier. He had managed to end further tragedies after the one so very, very long ago and in doing so, he had again proven his capability as a leader. In fact, he was a leader, at least after all he had done to form at least a modicum of cooperation between the herds. Maybe, he would soon get a chance to prove his worth to everyone.

Inside, however, the flyer’s confidence turned into fear very quickly. He had never been able to accept his inability to save his sister’s mate on that day and he knew he’d do his everything to prevent history from repeating itself. Not only had he managed to forge something new in these horrifying days but he had also successfully been able push his self-blame away, something which was more than precious to him. The longneck looked at him and nodded approvingly, knowing she’d never put her complete trust on any flyer on issues that had any importance for her or her son’s safety. She then turned away from the flyer before giving him her last answer of the day.

“That goes without saying, flyer. Stay well.” She said somewhat coldly, causing Pterano to frown deeply. He was slightly annoyed by the longneck’s antics but in the end, that was nothing new to him. She and her kind were always so self-confident but at some point, they’d always see just how invaluable he was to them and all of the herds!

The flyer took a brief breath to calm himself down before he took off from the ground, knowing it was time for him to return to his sister after another day of flying and scouting for any sharpteeth. He was more than weary but he only relished that sensation as some kind of proof that he was doing the right thing. It wasn’t many minutes until he landed near Volant’s nest only to see she and the children were already asleep. Noticing this, Pterano looked at a distant hill before turning his gaze at the skies.

It was often on nights like these that Pterano often seemed to reflect on his efforts. Nobody could deny the help he had provided many of the families after their horrible losses at the claws of the predators, including his own. He only prayed that those deeds could one day provide him with some kind of absolution from his inability to stop Volant on that distant day. If he one day could lead the herds and the Valley, he could for the first time prevent any further losses to the sharpteeth and on that day, certainly he could forgive himself of his former failures. A look of longing could be seen within Pterano’s eyes as he felt a warm sensation within his chest: yes, this was his place in the world, his destiny, and he would see it through. A hopeful thought rose within his mind as he looked at the lesser lights, knowing he had their favor for the rest of his days.

However, unlike the other male had initially thought, not all of the children were asleep in this hour. Thinking of the coming day, Petrie couldn’t banish the endless nightmares swirling within his mind. He had managed to fall asleep once but it was only minutes until he found himself falling helplessly towards the ground, waking up only seconds before his frail body would be crushed into pieces. He had already felt miserable before but after that sleep story, he simply couldn’t force himself to rest anymore. He frowned deeply as he rose up in order to take a brief walk.

What in earth be wrong with Petrie? Why can all me brothers and sisters fly but me not? Petrie have wings just like them and me not different from them in any other way!
He thought as he brought his hand to his right wing, not able to understand what he did wrong. If his mother was right, he simply had to get the air below them as in that situation, he would fly as if he wasn’t actually even trying to do that. But each time he tried anything, he couldn’t seem to wind any breeze to hold him up with obvious results.

However, his mother and uncle’s ultimatum today had hit him even more than she probably had realized. Petrie frowned deeply as he thought about his uncle’s words: if he couldn’t fly, they couldn’t protect him anymore. But… they couldn’t mean that! They just couldn’t! But… if actually were true, could they actually abandon him at some point? His thoughts grew ever more fearful as he saw the shadow of a large male flyer in the horizon that couldn’t belong to anyone else but uncle Pterano.

Inside, Petrie would have wanted to just go seek guidance from him but then he remembered that he agreed with his mother and there was no way around it: this was a challenge he’d have to get over himself. He gulped as he looked at a small branch close to the ground, figuring he could try to practice a bit by himself. He grabbed at the sides of the tree and forcefully, tore himself upwards towards the branch. His eyes turned into a look of horror as he looked towards the ground, hoping that this try wouldn’t end the same way as all of the previous ones. He smelled at the wind, trying to figure where the best breeze would blow and he already spread his wings into what he thought was the best position for him to stay in the air. He took a deep sigh… until he heard a voice that made his blood run cold.


“Ahh! Sharptooth!” He cried as he suddenly collapsed around the branch, shivering greatly. That sound was far louder and malevolent than any he had ever heard thus far in his entire life, the threat clear to anyone. Even in his panicked mind, the boy realized the voice had come from rather far away but close enough that the beast was attacking some family of the massive herd. Even now, some poor soul was forced to confront that beast of legend, one that Petrie had still hoped to be nothing more than some scary story his mother had come up with. However… there it was, somewhere in this very forest!

Immediately, Petrie dropped from the branch, ready to go to his uncle for any guidance on how to act in this situation. The young flyer had run this fast very seldom in his life and his pace only seemed to grow faster as form of the older male appeared closer and closer by the second. However, what came next froze him in his place completely. Many pillars of smoke suddenly fought their way away from the earth around him, engulfing him in their burning symphony. In this moment, he could only cry from the bottom of his heart.

“Uncle Pterano! Help me!”

That sound had stunned Pterano more than nearly any thing he could remember. A two footer… here? H… how could that be true? He had made sure that at least those massive monstrosities weren’t supposed to be anywhere nearby! And if that actually were true… he’d have to go see that everything went the best they ever could. However, those thoughts were completely interrupted as he suddenly heard the violent rumbling everywhere around him, not able to believe what was happening. An attack of a sharptooth and an earthshake on the same day? He gulped as he rose to his wings, the sound swallowing Petrie’s voice completely. He’d have to join his sister and make sure nothing worse would happen.

The sight of his uncle departing made the boy more panicked than he already was. He had never been forced to fend off himself in times of danger and that fact hardly helped him in this dangerous moment. However, it were his instincts that told him to jump through one of the pillars of smoke and to ignore the momentary pain they caused. Even now, he had to find his mother and uncle if he wanted to escape from here alive. He headed after his uncle, again lamenting ow pitiful his speed was compared to that of his family.

None of the developments within the herd were lost to Volant who immediately feared the worst. She had been torn wake from her uneasy sleep in a way few flyers would have wanted. However, she was happy that the best was nowhere near her but she looked in horror at the quickly spreading divides that were quickly moving through the landscape… even towards her and her children! She quickly turned to them and started to speak.

“This doesn’t look good at all children! Prepare to rise to you…” She started but she was cut short as her eyes widened almost unnaturally as she saw the empty spot within her nest, knowing full well to whom it belonged to. She wasted no time looking around her utterly devastated, crying in an alarmed voice.

“Petrie, where are you!? Come here if you hear me!” She cried but the Night Circle’s light revealed no trace of her poor, beloved son. At first, she was at a loss of what to do but it wasn’t long before her brother appeared into her line of sight. She didn’t know whether he had anything to say and frankly, she didn’t care at all. She immediately flew towards her and gave him a firm and clear command.

“Take the kids to safety, Pterano! Petrie is missing and I have to find him before it’s too late!” She cried as she flew with all her might. Pterano looked at her in surprise and tried to ask her a question.

“He… he is? Allow me to…” He started but Volant cried back, her voice even more hostile than before.

“Do as I told you! I’ll do this alone!” She cried, hoping she was right. Her heart ached as she thought about the situation, her mind racing in order to try to come up with some explanation where that poor boy was. He often slept less peacefully than his siblings so it wasn’t inconceivable that he would have wandered somewhere to calm down… especially on a night like this. A sting of guilt arose within the flyer as she realized that Petrie’s disappearance could very well be her fault. Another roar penetrated the land, this one even more furious than the last, making the female even more fearful than before. She wouldn’t let Petrie join his three poor siblings. She simply wouldn’t.

That scene was like one out of a nightmare for Petrie. He ran as fast as he could but he kept on tripping on some roots that were sticking of the ground, knowing a murderous beast was somewhere behind him. It seemed like the forest just went on and even then, would his family still be out there for him? Or… or had they finally decided they had had enough of a weakling like him and left him to defend himself? No, he simply wouldn’t believe that just yet. They had to be there searching for…

“Petrie, where are you? Oh Petrie, answer me!” The flyer heard his mother call, raising the young male’s spirits greatly. He tried to jump up and down to draw her attention as he answered her call.

“Petrie here, momma! Please, come before the sharptooth will get me!”

That voice made the female twitch as she turned to look at the forest below her. Where was he? The voice hadn’t come from far away so he had to be just below her. She immediately asked for his whereabouts and when she heard his call again, she immediately plunged towards the ground, finally seeing the tiny form all alone in the dark night. Seconds seemed to pass by so very agonizingly slowly but moment after moment, Petrie’s form grew closer. She panted urgently as she landed beside Petrie and spoke to him in an alarmed voice.

“Hop on, Petrie! We don’t have much time!” She cried as the boy gave her a warm smile and prepared to climb to her back. His voice was beyond happy as he spoke to the older dinosaur.

“Sure thing, momma! Let’s get away from h…” He started before a slight crack suddenly opened in the ground, another breath of smoke blowing Volant to her back. She screeched in fear as she felt Petrie lose his grip from her back before being blown back into  towards the increasingly violent ground. Volant’s eyes widened with fear as the crack suddenly widened even further, spitting even more of its burning cover into the air. Petrie looked in shock as her mother disappeared behind the wall of smoke, trembling even more than the raging ground around him. He wasted no time rising back to his feet and crying towards the direction her mother had been only a few moments earlier.

“Momma, please come get me! This place getting far too dangerous!” He cried but before anything more could happen, something happened that would haunt Petrie for a long, long time. He suddenly felt a massive branch hit his head while more of the ash in the air started falling above him. He hovered for a few seconds before his consciousness failed him, leaving the boy to lie in an ever-growing pile of ash fallen branches. His beak was just left sticking out of the pile, preventing him from suffocating but making spotting him a more than tricky job even in daylight.

The sudden eruption of the smoke made Volant’s world collapse momentarily as she looked at the wall that seemed to have swallowed her son completely. She gasped in despair as she rose to her wings and attempted to head towards the spot where she had last heard his voice. Second after second passed but only the ever-worsening spits of the burning smoke made her search more desperate. She cried with all her might as she tried to see a sign of her beloved child.

“Where are you, Petrie? Please, cry with your might!” She cried as she circled ever lower to the ground but no matter how she tried to investigate the area below her, the darkness and black smoke blocked much of her line of sight. She whimpered in fear as she heard no response, her mind not willing to accept the most likely outcome. All these seasons, she had struggled without her mate believing that one day, the fate, the ancestors, or some force would reward her with the paradise she had searched for for so long. Her already-stretched mind simply would not accept such an outcome!

Volant frowned deeply as she dived towards the ground even if she knew such an endeavor was more than risky but she would take any risk in this horrifying situation. She landed to the ground, looking around herself urgently, her eyes widening with fear as she looked at the ever-growing chasm that seemed to grow ever more horrifying by the second. She again cried for her son, praying that she would again hear his innocent voice while she started to run around that area, trying to find any sign of Petrie. And indeed, a new sound reached her ears but not in the form she had hoped for.

The sharptooth’s cry rang over the forest once again but that sounded like a desperate cry of horror more than any threat. That horrible wail again divided the female’s attention and it was only a matter of seconds that she managed to avoid being hit by a falling tree which seemed to crush anything that was still standing around Volant to nothing. After that, another barrage of smoke was released from the hellish chasms around the flyer, finally causing Volant to again rise to her wings. She looked at the scene once more, the flaming smoke and crushed soil reflecting from her eyes. If Petrie hadn’t managed to answer and he was in the hotspot of this cataclysm… tears started falling from Volant’s eyes as she spoke slightly.

“Please forgive me, Petrie. I… I did my best but it… it just wasn’t enough.” She said as she turned around, leaving the tiny form of his son lying in the pile of ash, the young flyer left to fight for each breath and when the day would dawn, the boy would face a situation which would change his life forever.

The flyer’s eyes widened in shock as he looked at the enormous gorge before him, not ever expecting to witness anything like this. It seemed like the entire world had been torn in two like the earth and the sky. He could see that the children were at least as shocked as he was and there were many more gasping families all around them. Nearly all of the herds were slowly gathering together, not one of them willing to face this catastrophe alone. And most of them were not in better situation than the flyers were. Pterano frowned in concern as he looked at the direction she had parted ways with his sister, praying that she’d bring his nephew back here safely. His thoughts were interrupted as an elderly male voice called behind him.

“Thank goodness so many of you are safe! Have any of you seen Tranquil? We haven’t seen her since the sharptooth fell down there and we can’t find her or Littlefoot anywhere!” He cried but Pterano didn’t even think of answering the longneck. Thankfully, it was a female threehorn voice that answered the longneck even if it was in a way that made even the flyer cringe.

“None of us care about your problems in the least, longneck, as long as Cera is also out there!” She cried, causing the longneck to answer in a somewhat agitated voice. Pterano’s eyes were locked on another herd of threehorns slowly being pulled into the abyss by the collapsing round, their cries haunting the light-brown flyer greatly. He slowly pulled his wing before the children, speaking to them as gently as he could.

“Don’t look, children. That sight would only return in your sleep stories.” He said, feeling his heart beat terribly in his chest. So many were already lost today… hopefully, none of his family would have to join those poor fools that were falling into the gorge, none of them never to be seen again… Suddenly, his eyes caught the sight of something that made him snap out of his melancholy. It was Volant but… Petrie was nowhere to be seen! As she grew closer, Pterano could see the look of sorrow on her face, confirming everything to the male. So, this day of tragedy indeed would also touch the flyer family in the most horrifying way possible. As Volant landed, Pterano gave her an understanding look as he confirmed the inevitable.

“So you weren’t in time to save him?” He whispered, earning a broken nod from his sister. Volant looked at the other dinosaurs mournfully before answering her brother.

“I failed him… just like I did the other three.” Was all she could say, the look in her eyes finally making something snap within Pterano’s mind. Despite his best efforts, something like this had happened and like back then, it was all due to the bad choices of others! If Petrie hadn’t wandered away, if Volant had been quicker and if the herds had chosen their sleeping places more carefully, all would be well. He gritted his teeth together as he spoke to Volant one more time.

“Then, all I have to do is to make sure that won’t happen again.” He said simply before rising to his wings, looking in anger at the longneck and threehorn whose fight seemed to be spreading across the herds. However, at this point he saw nothing of it, all of his concentration being put into his next words. He stopped above the two and his voice rang through the herds as he started to speak.

“All of my respected companions! As all of us know, we have been on this journey for six Cold Times and during that time, all we have received for it has been death and suffering. Our world has been a place of danger before but just think of all the times the sharpteeth have attacked us before! Think of this day! Did any of it have to come to pass? Most of it could have been avoided if we hadn’t tried to only protect our own families! What if we had worked together from the very beginning, for our common good?” He cried, his mind darkening as he looked at the outraged faces of some of the dinosaurs. Yes, he knew not all would approve of his words but right now, he didn’t care of any of it. He knew he was a born leader and only he would be able to see this charge through. He frowned deeply as one of the spiketails cried to him in annoyance.

“Get lost, flyer! In case you didn’t notice, we have far more important things to think than your senseless ramblings!” He cried, causing Pterano to fly closer to him and answering him in an annoyed voice.

“In case you didn’t notice, we are all in the same situation and if you think you are somehow special, then you are terribly mistaken! And with a mindset like that, we are bound to face a tragedy after another until there are none of us left! You might not remember but my sister has lost her mate and four of her children and I want to do my all to ensure that will never happen again! That’s a promise I’ve made her many times.” He said, lowering his voice as he looked at the spiketail grit his teeth towards the smaller dinosaur.
Volant, on the other hand, stared her brother in shock. Yes, she had noticed Pterano grow more confident and self-centered by the day but to think he’d try to elevate himself to being the leader of the herds… and with her and her sons and daughters’ expense! The flyer felt her hands to turn into fists as anger built inside her towards her brother, the female being able to accept this move from him. He would hear about this very, very soon.

For a moment, the scene was silent before the female threehorn moved towards him with teary eyes. Pterano was even taken aback by the change in her composure, knowing her mostly as a near mirror of her mate, always more than ready to defend her pride and that of her family. Now, however, her voice was broken with sorrow as she spoke to the flyer.

“Then what is it that you are proposing? How would you strive to keep our children safe?” She asked, disturbing the flyer with her calm voice. However, Pterano didn’t allow that to bother him for much longer before he gave his answer.

“I have helped all of you to keep the sharpteeth for as long as I can remember. We have had much successes and I promise, I’d do much better if more would help me in return. For many seasons, we have followed the Bright Circle without any deeper thought and we still haven’t even reached the stone that looks like a longneck! I say we take a new course close to our original one but from now on, we work as one. I ask all of you, follow me and I promise you, I’ll lead you into the Valley without one more tragedy!” He cried, knowing that the die was now cast. Either his words would be met with applause or jeers but at least he had now offered these dinosaurs a better future. He could only hope that they would be smart enough to take this chance. He looked at the female longneck who was slowly walking towards him, more than interested in what he’d hear.

“I hate to admit it but the flyer is right. Much of the losses we’ve went through are simply due to our inability to look after each other. I assure you, I have no more wish to work with you than any of you but still, I cannot help but agree that my grandson could still be alive if we had looked after each other in our time of need. If you wish to do the same, I propose that we work more closely together from now on.” She started, earning a wide smile from Pterano. However, when the elderly longneck saw that, she took a darker expression and spoke to the male.

“However, if you believe there’s any reason for us to follow you, you are badly mistaken. I respect your work, Pterano, but you have shown none of the qualities of a leader. And I cannot say I’m too happy with even your help as you didn’t even spot the sharptooth that took my daughter and grandson’s life. I cannot blame you for that but neither does that make you any worthier of our trust.” The longneck said bitterly, earning many nods of approval from the other dinosaurs. Some of them were disturbed by the larger dinosaur’s first proposition but surprisingly many were confused about what to believe. Pterano himself was devastated by those words and he tried to give some kind of answer.

“B… but… I said I cannot see everything! If there had been anything…” He started before being silenced by one of the spiketails.

“Just save it, Pterano. You aren’t capable of leading any of us! But longneck… I think you are more right than you might even realize. We… we need to work together if we are to get out of here alive!” He said in a serious voice, causing Pterano to try to give his answer but before he could even attempt to speak, another cry drowned the flyer’s voice below it.

“What crap! I ain’t joining with some cursed flatheads or spiketails that would only keep me down! We will be continuing like we’ve gone thus far!”

“But we cannot! Didn’t you hear just what they said?” Another voice cried, each of them making Pterano’s attempts more difficult. After a few more tries, his face fell completely and he took a deep sigh before turning back. Perhaps those idiots didn’t realize his worth just yet but they would soon enough. And then the next disaster would strike, he would be ready… and he would point out just why he was they key to all the herds’ survival. Only a short time of waiting and then, he’d lead the others to paradise! The flyer nearly smiled as he landed near Volant, speaking to her contently.

“What a shame it is that the others don’t have true vision! But they will soon have, sis…” He spoke before he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right cheek. His eyes widened immediately as the agony spread across his head as he looked at Volant whose angry face immediately returned the male to reality.

“Be ashamed of yourself, Pterano! Petrie’s body must still be warm and you are already trying to benefit from your nephew’s death! What is wrong with you, brother? Why are you doing this?” She said, her voice a mix between hurt and anger. Her eyes were moist as she crossed her hands, not knowing how this speech would end or whether she could ever forgive Pterano of his unbelievably greed and insensitiveness. The male stuttered severely, trying to find anything to say.

“B… but… I did all of this to you and Petrie’s sake! I should have led us all from the start! That way, Tuulen and the poor children would still be alive! I only want to ensure that no one else has to die!” He said in a stunned voice, not expecting anything like this from his sister. He had expected her to understand, even support him but this was something he had never anticipated. However, his words only made Volant more frustrated.

“Led us all from the start?” Do you even hear yourself, Pterano? Even now, you have spent too much time with those weaklings, time you could have spent helping me and getting to know the kids better! It isn’t Tuulen’s fault they have never had a father but it is your fault they don’t even have a real uncle!” She cried, knowing she was being even too harsh on her brother but this wasn’t the first time she had voiced her displeasure at Pterano’s unwillingness to assume a larger role in the family. The male, on the other hand, gasped deeply as he took a few steps, backwards, not willing to understand what he was hearing. Was Volant actually claiming what he thought she was? He lowered his head on his sister’s level and nearly growled at her.

“You dare claim I’ve left you alone with the children? I’ve done my all to them in more ways than anyone else and yet you dare accuse me of not caring about you enough?” He said, not willing to listen to such crap from anyone, not even his “dear” sister. Volant frowned even deeper as she answered, not wanting a fight in the least but she simply had to do this for the sake of her family.

“Yes, I do! You seem to believe that any of these landwalkers care about any of us and even a hatchling knows what kind of trash that is! We can only help ourselves but I also like to think that either those who came before us or the Bright Circle itself wishes to see us reach the Valley! The world works in many mysterious ways but at least they wish to help us, unlike your so-called allies!” She shouted, happy that the other sounds drowned hers to anyone else but her brother. The male gave an annoyed snort as he spoke, willing to show his disdain for his sister’s words.

“Those who came before?” Good sister, at least my ideas have some real impact to our survival, unlike some hollow beliefs! They might help us in our times of need, I admit, but you cannot simply put your survival on the basis of mere guesses!” He said, his expression turning even to a mocking one. Volant looked at him in growing outrage as she spoke.

“At least it has allowed me to focus on helping the children whereas you have mostly just bragged about your so-called deeds! Just admit it, Pterano. you are not a leader of any herd but my brother and as such, a part of our family! Please, drop your ambitions from our sake!” Volant begged, her rage turning into near-pleading. She didn’t want to lose Pterano but she wanted to make him see reason. The male looked at her frustration as a new call reached his ears.

“Then it’s settled! From now on, we go on as one herd and we’ll make all our decisions together! This way, we will make sure that all our knowledge will be put to good use! Come my friends, we still have a long way to go! But first, we have to search for any more survivors that… that still might be alive out there.” The elderly female longneck said in a heavy but uplifting voice. She still harbored hopes to see her daughter alive out there even if she knew just how horrifying her wounds had been.

Those words suddenly changed everything within Pterano’s mind. So, that was how it would be. He knew that working together would only end in more mistakes which would really open a new opportunity to him. There was no reason to keep arguing with Volant when he would soon be able to show her his full abilities and the salvation he would bring. When he would show just what he would achieve, she would finally throw away her beliefs and join him at last! Pterano already saw all of this in his heart as he sneered silently at his sister.

“Very well, sister. I see what you mean. Please forgive me for my mistakes and we can go on together, all of us.” He said while looking at the children. His words would have seemed half-hearted to a blind bellydragger but even if Volant didn’t feel confident at all about her brother’s words, she knew there was absolutely no way she could keep the conversation going and get any more concessions from him. For better or worse, the siblings at least seemingly had found some common ground.

“I do, Pterano. But please, don’t force me to take this issue up ever again.” She said, her anger slowly turning to sorrow again as she remembered what had made this moment so much more painful than the last ones. She would have wanted to go search for Petrie again but even now, she knew it would achieve little. Pterano, on the other hand, crossed his arms as he looked at his sister, the knowledge of Petrie’s loss also returning into his mind. But even more, another thought flowed within him. He would play Volant’s little game for a little longer to buy himself another opportunity to take control of the herd. Those dreams gleamed within the male’s eyes as he followed his sister to the first meeting of the herds.

And indeed, it didn’t take long for that another opportunity to arise. The Bright Circle rose and fell beyond the horizon three times and no matter how the dinosaurs tried to find any signs of the rock that looked like a longneck or the Mountains that Burn, they were nowhere to be seen. Even worse were the scenes that followed when the true losses of the Great Earthshake made themselves known to the herd. Not one eye had been dry on that day but for many, that confirmation had only been what they had expected from the very beginning.

But the real shock was that the next days had not seen a major improvement for the herd. The sharpteeth suddenly seemed much more aggressive and daring than before and Stronghorn and her children had only been some of the casualties of those days of horror and regret. Yet, the herd persevered one challenge after another even if voices of dissent grew stronger by the day. Only to boil over when the group of dinosaurs found themselves in a large pass whose opposing mouth had been completely blocked by a massive pile of rocks that had collapsed from the nearby mountainside. Mr. Threehorn stepped forward and looked at the rest of the herd accusingly.

“I said we should have stayed far from this place in the first place! I’m here only because I am bound to idiots like you!” He said, the thought of walking all the way back with his ever-deepening hunger and the still-aching pain over the loss of his mate weighing in his mind heavily. He frowned even deeper as Ura stepped forward and answered to him in anger.

“Don’t blame us, you stupid hornface! We have to follow the Bright Circle and this was the closest we could to get doing that! We couldn’t know the pass was blocked!
A deep sigh escaped Volant’s beak as she sat down on a small rock to follow yet another fight between the families. It had already happened so many times before she couldn’t even bring herself to complain as the horrible sensation of hungered grew stronger in hers and the bellies of her children. She did her best to ignore it even her vision was getting blurred from that weakness. She tiredly exclaimed at the kids, trying to stay as calm as possible.

“Sit down, kids. It seems we’ll take a brief pause here.” She said, looking at the strengthening discord before her. She listened wearily as her children started to complain as they so often did.

“Again? We should just leave them and reach the Valley ourselves, momma!”

"Can those stupid landwalkers do nothing but fight?"

“Momma! I’m hungry!”

Pterano looked before him in rising interest, realizing that the discontent in the herd’s actions had never been higher than now. He sat beside the young flyers and quickly answered to them while starting to form new plans in his mind.

“Just stay still, kids. Complaining won’t get us out of here any faster.” He said while glancing at Volant nod at him in slight approval. She then looked at her children and affirmed her brother’s words.

“Your uncle is right. We don’t have a say on who we’re travelling with but I promise that you’ll get all the food we’ll find. Just be patient.” She said, knowing how very little weight her words held. Still that was the best she could now so that was what her children would have to be content with. There was a bit more silent whining but eventually it died down. A look of interest rose to Pterano’s mind as he heard a new call that escalated the situation considerably.

“You couldn’t find your way out of a cave even if there were more openings out of there than I have spikes! Just admit it, longneck, you don’t know anything that is of worth to anyone!” A spiketail cried, causing a terrible uproar among the gathered dinosaurs. It was clear that none of them wanted to give any power to the other herds and it was that fact that made him tap his fingers together in excitement. Now was his time. Now was the time for him to make his move or bid farewell to his destiny forever. He suddenly rose to his feet before glancing at Volant with a deep smile.

“I’m sorry but I have more things to do, sister. Things that will be to all of our good, whether or not you believe it.” He said before quickly dashing into the air, opening Volant’s eyes wide. She stuttered horribly as the male started to flap his wings, the outrage making her mind boil.

“B… but… Pterano, come back! You promised me that… Please, just give it up…. arrgh, just go if you really want to so badly for all I care!” She cried as she kicked a nearby stone, cringing at the pain. She looked at her brother’s form that was so quickly growing more distant. Volant hit a nearby rock with her hand, cursing it all. She had done her all to show her brother what was truly important and he had apparently decided to ignore the point completely. Now, all she could do was to watch him get completely crushed again, only to have the same old conversation with him.

“That’s the last time I’ll take any orders from you, swimmer! It would be best for all of us if you just left and never bothered us again with your crap!” One voice called as Pterano landed on a cliff above the herd, clearing his throat to make the absolute strongest impression he could.

“Now, if I could have your attention, I told all of you this day would come! That we’d find ourselves under threat again, all of us starving because together we are incapable of finding food! Did I not tell that all?” He cried, crossing his hands in a display of authority and decisiveness. The fighting seemed to stop momentarily as Mr. Threehorn sighed and cried to him back.

“Can you not simply take the hint, flyer? None of us needs, even less wants, your help so just get lost!” He cried, preparing to continuing his fight against the others. Pterano snorted briefly as he ignored the threehorn’s words and continued to speak.

“Just look where you are now! On the verge of a large fight that will solve nothing! Is this how you want to spend the rest of your days or how you want your children to take their first steps in life? I may only be an uncle but I know my family deserves better than this!” He cried, hoping deeply that his words would find some fertile soil this time. It didn’t take long before a certain hollowhorn turned at the flyer in a weary look before giving his answer.

“Everyone, he is right. This isn’t how our unity was supposed to work. He has done nothing but good for all of us in the past season and today has shown me he deserved a chance to continue proving his words right.” He said, completely fatigued by the never-ending discord between the herds. It didn’t take long before one of the other gave her support for the hollowhorn’s words.

“As much as I hate to trust a beakface, nothing he will do can be any worse than this! At the very least he could have investigated that this pass was a dead end instead on insisting on exploring it like a moron!” She snarled towards the longnecks who returned her hostile look.

“Don’t you think you’re being unreasonable? At least our common decisions make us responsible for our own act…”

“If you ever took any responsibility for your bossy and misguided attitude, you’d never speak to us again, longneck!” A clubtail cried, rousing many cries of support and outrage. Pterano frowned as he saw this, knowing he’d have to keep the focus on himself. He cried again, willing to widen his appeal among the gathered dinosaurs.

“Now, I must agree that the longneck has taken a far too big part of the discussions of the herd but he has even had some good points on some occasions for all of us. However, he and his mate have also made countless mistakes that many of has have been forced to pay for. I cannot thank you enough for putting your trust on old Pterano, you two. As for you others, if you wish to get away from this sickening, never-ending wandering, now is your chance to decide!” He cried, looking in excitement as a few other dinosaurs stepped to the sides of the hollowhorn and spiketail, ready to give their new leader a chance he so very much had asked for.

As seconds passed, more and more of the families stepped forward, earning many looks of surprise and astonishment from the others. Even Pterano stared at his success in disbelief, not expecting this many dinosaurs to follow him. But even through this all, he kept his expression unmoving as he followed the events, knowing that appearances meant everything on times like these.

None of this was lost to Volant of course and her surprise was even more profound than many of the others’. How could those fools follow her brother without him showing any idea how he would reach the Valley any faster? Were they truly that desperate? The female’s breaths grew heavier as she looked at Pterano, knowing she couldn’t follow her only remaining sibling on this journey. She knew the stories of the Valley’s supposed location as well as the others and she would only follow her own intuition instead of serving anyone, even Pterano, mindlessly. She owed that much to her fallen mate and children. She looked carefully as Ura cried to the defectors after the movement between the groups had stopped.

“You know as well as we do that he doesn’t know anything more about the Valley’s location than we do! You will only doom yourselves by following him!” She cried almost with a plead, earning an annoyed answer from one of the thicknoses.

“Anything is better than being forced to fight with you and the other morons all day! Keep your crappy herd and perish for all I care!” He cried in bitterness, earning a look of pride from Pterano. The flyer’s triumph, however, was far from complete and he widened his eyes as he turned at Volant, calling to her happily.

“Your place is on my side, sister! Join us and we can be on…” He started but before he could even finish his sentence, he was cut short. He was severely taken aback as Volant spoke in a mournful but firm voice.

“I won’t, Pterano. I told you not to do this and I owe it to my dear Tuulen and to the Bright Circle to give my very best shot at reaching the Valley and… following you isn’t that way. I’d say I’m sorry for saying this unless I didn’t know I would be lying.” Volant said, her words earning a look of surprise and shock from Pterano. He knew of Volant’s earlier hesitation but he had expected her to join him once she’d see his success. To hear her still attack him… and before the others made his blood boil as he was beyond disgusted she’d risk the life of her children simply because of her pride. Yet, if fate would be merciful, maybe she would receive another chance to join him before it would be too late. He frowned somewhat as he answered bitterly to his sister before addressing his new followers.

“So be it, my “beloved” sister. As for those of you who made the right decision, let’s get going! I promise that before the day turns to night, none of us will be hungry and it will only be a little more until the Valley opens before us! Onwards, my friends! Our salvation awaits!” He cried as he listened to the shouts of cheer from his followers. He rose to his wings as he moved to the head of his herd, ready to lead them to their, and his, destiny. This would be his hour of triumph, this would be his apology to Tuulen and Petrie… and indeed, it would be his answer to his sister’s arrogance and complacency. A wide smile radiated on his face as he headed to his new adventures, knowing he’d return from them victorious.

Volant, on the other hand, looked at the departing form of his brother with glassed eyes, left to wonder whether she had only added another disaster to her long list of failures. Something within his brother’s voice had told her that he truly believed in himself and maybe, just maybe, she had been wrong to doubt him. Even then, what was done was done, and in the eyes of all that was good in this world, she’d have to persevere. She took a brief sigh as she glanced at her children and spoke to them softly.

“Let’s go children. We still have a long way to go.”

This is my response to Gang of Five’s December prompt. I know it’s extremely long for a short story but in all honesty, there was just so much to go through. The further I got with this story, the more I started to wonder why it hasn’t already been made before. There has been one portrayal of Petrie’s hatching (I still felt like I had to include that scene in this fic though) but the fate of his father and Volant/Pterano relationship before the seventh film have been completely overlooked. Even then, I truly hope I made some justice to those premises with this story! I think I’ll do the January prompt right away so there will be a little more waiting before we’ll see the next chapter on Separate Ways. But even then, I really hope you liked this one! I certainly enjoyed writing it!

LBT Fanfiction / The Reluctant Goodbye
« on: August 16, 2018, 02:46:24 PM »
The Reluctant Goodbye

Desperate sobs escaped from the young sharptooth’s lips as he struggled to run as fast as his legs could only carry him. He could see the fastbiter gaining on him by the second and no matter how bad he tried to lose his chaser, Chomper knew it was only a matter of time before he’d lose the most important struggle of his life. As a final effort to wait for a miracle, he turned towards a narrow, shaded gorge to his left, hoping it would somehow save him from this most grisly of fates.

However, those hopes soon turned into a complete disappointment as he saw a massive shade before him in the distance, the boy knowing it could be little else than another wall that would finally cut his chase for good. But even now, he’d strive to exhaust the last of his hopes and he ran all the way until the vertical cliff prevented him from taking another step. With a horrified gasp, Chomper turned around and saw that the fastbiter would reach him within a few, fleeting seconds, soon to sink his claws into his chest and throat. With a horrified whimper, Chomper raised his hands to cover his eyes, not willing to see the last moments of his short life. The sharptooth shuddered terribly, hoping this would be all over soon.

Mommy… daddy… Why couldn’t I stay just where you told me to? I… I only wanted to see if I could help you and now… now…

Any moment, he expected the final searing pain to engulf him but just as he expected the fastbiter to reach him, he heard a sickening crunch on his left instead. Immediately, he opened his eyes and he was immediately gasped in shock at the sight. The fastbiter lied before him, his body completely crushed by a powerful hit against the cliff. Before he could even begin to contemplate what had just happened, he heard a voice speak to him, a voice he had already feared he would never hear again.

“Are… are you alright, Chomper? Thank goodness I could get here in time…” A male voice said in clear relief. Chomper’s horror started to slowly wear off as he saw the fastbiter would never rise from his resting place again. He took a deep smile and walked towards the other sharptooth, the joy of the moment glittering in his eyes.

“I am, daddy. I already thought I wouldn’t make it… I’m sorry I caused so much trouble again.” The young sharptooth said, remembering full well this whole incident had been his fault. Dein crossed his arms as he answered as he prepared to address his son for his carelessness.

“As you should. Don’t you realize that none of us can afford to make mistakes until that cursed Red Claw has finally been wiped away from these lands? He and his minions won’t rest until we and all who stand against him are dead!” The older male said, his normal, more decisive expression returning quickly. Chomper’s face fell slightly as he hated that he had brought his parents so much worry in the past weeks. Maybe his parents didn’t need his help after…

“Dein, is Chomper with you? Please tell me he is!” Another voice suddenly called from the opening of the gorge. The gorge’s shadows hid the younger sharptooth completely from the female but his call soon calmed his mother down.

“I’m okay, thanks to daddy! He got rid of the fastbiter like he was nothing more than a crawler!” He cried happily as Terri walked closer to her mate and son. She soon stopped besides the larger male who answered to Chomper’s compliment.

“I got him at the last possible moment, dear. I don’t want to think about what would have happened if I had been only a few seconds later.” The dark-green sharptooth said as the sight of his son filled his vision. He continued to speak to the child after a brief pause.

“Chomper, this isn’t the first time we’ve had to save you from those damned fastbiters. It isn’t really your fault but we cannot always be there to protect you if Red Claw continues to order these attacks.” He said, something in his voice causing deep worry within the young predator. He had been in trouble before, true, but never before had his parents told him that they wouldn’t save him from all the dangers of the world. What could his father mean with his words? Terri took a brief breath as she glanced at her mate, realizing full well what he was speaking about. Chomper stared eyes wide as she whispered something to Dein who responded in kind. The young sharptooth looked at his parents, feeling sick inside by their worried and saddened looks. He could tell already that his parents had discussed whatever they were speaking of now before. After a short while, he could wait no longer and interrupted the duo’s conversation.

“But… but you’ve always protected me from whatever has attacked us before. Please, tell me what you meant with that, daddy.” Chomper said, cocking his head in slight fear. His parents turned immediately to look at their son and their grave expressions bothered Chomper greatly. Soon, Dein took one step forward and bowed towards his only son.

“Chomper… we’ll tell you all about this back at our sleeping spot. It’ll be much more comfortable out there than in this dark gorge.” He said as he tried to come up with additional ways to make this announcement easier for the whole family. Chomper frowned before answering to his father.

“Oh… okay. I guess so.” He said before heading after his parents, noticing how both of them did their best to remember this exact place as it wasn’t every day that Red Claw’s minions offered themselves this readily as dinner. The fastbiter would make a fine meal once this issue was dealt with.

The rumbling of water could be heard in the distance as the sight of the small thicket came to Chomper’s view. A small waterfall could be far to his left and the roaring river allowed this small oasis of green to thrive in the middle of the wastes of the Mysterious Beyond. During their weeks here, Chomper had learned to love it almost as much as his old island. A wave of homesickness waved over him as he thought about his original home but it couldn’t be helped that food had slowly ran scarce out there for three sharpteeth. At first, he had been fearful to live in the outside world but this place had enabled him to accept the loss of his first home.

Chomper’s eyes followed fearfully as his parents cleared their way through the small forest to stop on a small, drier clearing just by the river which the predators had used as their sleeping place ever since their arrival here. It was largely sheltered from potential threats as the thicket blocked the wind from carrying their scent any further to that direction. Dein and Terri stopped just before their feet touched the raging waters, knowing that the time for explaining the situation had come. Terri cleared her throat, doing her best to sound firm in the face of what was to come as she knew this was the only way to move forward. She exchanged a brief glance with her mate before she began to speak.

“Chomper… we have made an extremely important decision for all of us. Today’s attack proved Red Claw’s threat has far too big as even we barely could hold back even his minions. It was a true miracle that you lived through all it and neither I nor your father are ready to hope for a miracle every time that bastard or his pathetic allies attempt to wipe out his competitors.” Terri’s voice dipped with rage at the other sharptooth, barely able to wait until she could get rid of him once and for all. Ever since the small family’s departure from the island, that bastard had tried to force her and her mate to bow to him like many other sharpteeth had done but the two would never cede their pride and territories to some upstart. Sadly, there were few potential allies who weren’t afraid of the ferocious sharptooth. In fact, only one group of fastrunners had proven to be trustworthy thus far. Chomper’s mind raced as he tried to explain to himself what he was hearing.

“B… but what can we do about it? I mean… I can’t just disappear when the bad sharpteeth come here, can I?” He stuttered, not willing to comprehend what his parents implied. Ever since his departure from the Valley, the three had been together so why couldn’t his parents keep him safe now? Terri took a brief smile at her son’s innocent question and wasted no time answering in a voice that was unusually kind for the massive beast.

“Of course you cannot, Chomper. But you can be somewhere where you’ll never have to face those cowards again.” She said, allowing her mate to continue explaining the situation for Chomper.

“We cannot hold anything back if we’re going to take Red Claw down eventually and for that, we need more allies. We cannot look after you if we’re going to give our all to win this struggle and because of that, Detras’ family will look after you while we’re gone.” He said, finally revealing his plan. Chomper’s eyes opened wide as he heard those words, his breathing growing more intense as he took a few steps back. Was his father serious? Was he really going to send him away? But… but they were a family, weren’t they? How could he even consider giving him away to some moron called Detras?

“B…but they cannot do that! You have looked after me all my life and can’t just leave me with some unknown jerk I’ve never heard about! You cannot!” Chomper cried, not willing to believe what he was hearing. Unconsciously, he began to take a few steps back as if to run away from the inevitable even if he knew it was all for nothing. Dein frowned as he saw his son’s hesitancy but he tried one last time to reason with him.

“We’ll make sure you’ll be safe with them, Chomper! You know this is the only…” He said before his son interrupted him with another shocked wail.

“It isn’t the only way! I’ll be much safer with you than anyone else! I’m not going to…” Chomper started to say before Terri finally decided she had had enough. She regretted seeing her only child like this but as far too often in the past, Chomper acted too fearfully and didn’t show the courage that was expected from him. The female would have wanted to conclude this speech otherwise but there was no other way. Now was one of those moments when she’d have to draw the line for Chomper’s disobedience.

“That’s enough, Chomper! It’s high time you realized that all our lives, we have always done the best thing for you but too many times, whether we tried to teach you to hunt or fight, you have stood against us or accused us for trying to make you learn how to be a sharptooth! In times like these, each of us has to do what he has to in order to survive and we’re going to risk our lives to make sure we can live without fear from that cursed Red Claw! And if we’re doing that, I’m not going to listen to any whining about you staying with some fastrunners for a while! You’re going there and that is final! Is that clear?” Terri finished with a clear growl, almost forcing Chomper against a nearby tree with her snout. The image of Chomper’s horrified face were mirrored within his mother’s eyes but Terri knew she couldn’t let her own emotions stop her from showing Chomper what was right. Later in his life, his son would be forced to show his own strength and decisiveness against any competitors and if he didn’t begin to learn those qualities soon, he wouldn’t survive for long in the cruel world of the sharpteeth.

Chomper himself stood completely still, his forced breathing being the only movement in his body. Never before had his mother spoken to him like this, accusing him of practically being a burden on his parents. The enraged look in the older sharptooth’s eyes horrified the boy without an end but the heartfelt concern that he could also sense made him realize Terri wasn’t completely wrong. Chomper slowly forced his gaze to the ground as he no longer could look the dinosaurs who had done so much for him in the eyes. His first hunt had been something his parents had practically forced him through even if he had later accepted that it was to simply become part of his, a sharptooth’s, life. When they had tried to teach him to meet another sharptooth of his age and to forge at least some bond of respect with him, he had forgotten all their advice and in the end, he had humiliated himself and his family with his cowardice. A few tears appeared on Chomper’s face as he realized how many times he had made his whole family’s life harder because of his own weaknesses and hesitancies to be what he had to be.

Maybe… maybe they want to sent me away so they never have to see me fail them… Do… do they really hate me that badly?

Chomper’s thoughts briefly took a darker turn but those sentiments were soon wiped away as he looked at his parents again. Their stern faces and revealed teeth would have horrified any leaf eater beyond any comprehension but Chomper had learned to see beyond that. There was no disdain in their eyes, only compassion and worry hidden deep behind the murderous face of a predator. Something inside Chomper changed that moment even if his voice wavered on the verge of tears as he finally gave the only answer he could in a situation like this.

“It… it is, mommy. If you save us from the Red Claw, I have to do what I can to help you. No matter how much it hurts.” He whispered the last sentence as he crossed his arms in resignation. His heart wasn’t completely in his words but both of his parents were seemingly relieved by their son’s acceptance of the inevitable. Dein moved beside his mate and then addressed his son, the earlier anger suddenly disappearing from his tone.

“As must every sharptooth. I’m proud that you are willing to take this step. Even if your mother helped quite a bit.” The older male smirked a bit to which his mate cast a quick smile. Terri herself was glad her trick had worked but she hated to see Chomper this beaten, acting like this day would be his last. She’d have to make the final moment of parting as easy as possible but for now, she’d stay firm and to make Chomper fully and finally accept that he’d soon have to live without his parents’ guidance. She took a softer tone which still retained her earlier decisiveness as she spoke.

“Detras and his family live in a place called Hanging Rock which is about two days’ journey from here. We have to start our journey there immediately if we want to be safe from Red Claw’s tricks. The less time we give him to come up with his next plot, the better.” She said, earning a somewhat alarmed look from Chomper which nevertheless died down almost instantly. If he had to give up his second home and only family, it mattered little whether he’d do it now or tomorrow. He took one, mournful sigh as he raised his head to face his parents.

“Very well. I guess this as good time as any. I never felt as home as there as I did in our island, anyway.” He said, trying to tell himself that he wasn’t forced to give up anything of worth. His parents exchanged one glance before heading off. Chomper followed them as bravely as he could but he still turned to take one, last look at the small oasis of green which he had learned to call his home on some of the most difficult times of his life.

The night’s shadows had fallen hours ago but that mattered little for Dein as his eyes penetrated the darkness which would have rendered a leaf eater practically blind. Even then, the numerous stones and cracks in the ground forced the sharptooth to slow down a bit as he headed towards one of the paths leading into the maze of hills surrounding the majestic Hanging Rock. Dein smirked as he thought how easily the journey here had gone in the end as he had certainly feared that Red Claw could attack him and his family before they’d reach the Hanging Rock. He would have wanted to get Chomper safe before the night but the boy had been completely exhausted after the two days’ long walks and besides, the fastrunners wouldn’t probably have taken kindly to the sharpteeth simply marching to their territory. In the end, Dein had known that it would be his job to get Detras to agree with his proposal, no matter what.

After a short while, the path got a bit easier to tread and to his relief, the shadow of Hanging Rock rose before his eyes. Almost instantly, he released a low, commanding roar which lacked any kind of threat. He knew his ally would hear it and no fastrunner would ever dare to ignore a sharptooth’s call. He knew Detras would be unlikely to approve of his proposition but a slight smile rose to Dein’s face as he thought about how very little there was that Detras could do to deny him. Such was the role of a halftooth who wished to survive in this world.

It wasn’t long before Dein’s eyes caught the image of a small dinosaur running down the path to the top of the Hanging Rock and the light-blue plumage and high crest confirmed the newcomer’s identity almost immediately. Dein waited patiently until the omnivore stopped before him, panting slightly. A slightly concerned look could be read from Detras’ face as he spoke to his ally.

“What are you doing here at this time, Dein? You woke up my whole family!” He said, trying to put on a rather brave face as usual. He was deeply bothered by Dein’s arrival as while the sharptooth thus far had been true to his word, he was also extremely arrogant and he seemed to think like he was simply the sharptooth’s to command which was something Detras heartily disliked. When Dein spoke, however, Detras’ fears only grew worse.

“I wouldn’t care less about that, Detras. Not after everything Red Claw have put me, Terri and Chomper through!” He said matter-of-factly, willing to signal to the fastrunner that his woes were of very little importance. Detras cringed slightly at his worries only grew worse by the second. If there had been any new developments concerning the sharptooth, it would very easily be a danger for Detras himself too. He cocked his head as he answered, willing to get to the bottom of what Dein wanted.

“He truly seems to have gotten far more arrogant lately as his minions have even attempted to attack us in the Hanging Rock. But what does that  have to do with me or my family?” Detras said while he started to unconsciously stomp on the ground. It was clear he was extremely uncomfortable with his situation but he managed to keep the rest of his composure sufficiently calm. Dein frowned at Detras’ antics but decided to simply voice his proposition to his son’s soon-to-be caretaker.

“Right to the point as always, aren’t we, Detras? Well, I and mate are about to take the fight to Red Claw to stop his ambitions once and for all. But we cannot do that while we are concentrating on keeping Chomper safe. Red Claws’s minions almost got him a few days today and next time, they might just be able to murder a defenseless hatchling like him if they feel brave enough.” Dein gritted his teeth in rage before he finished his answer.

“I want you and your family to keep Chomper safe until that bastard is dead once and for all.” The sharptooth finally revealed his plan which immediately caused Detras’ eyes to open wide. How could the predator even suggest such a thing?  Did he really think the fastrunners didn’t have better things to do than to oversee and get food for some sharptooth who would probably turn to be a threat for his hosts? And not to even mention the charge Dein was forcing on him… He knew full well what would happen if he failed to protect the boy from dangers in an increasingly dangerous environment. He snapped back at the larger dinosaur without even thinking as he knew already that Dein’s proposition would be a catastrophe for his family.

“Absolutely not, Dein! As I said, our own situation in the Hanging Rock is getting dangerous too with fastbiters already trying to find a way to the Hanging Rock! And it is hard enough to feed my own children! Chomper cannot stay here and that’s it!” Detras forced his voice to stay at a reasonably silent level but his mind screeched against the sharptooth’s proposition. Sure, he had been of great help against Red Claw’s minions before but he simply couldn’t come here to force him to look for a sharptooth as his own child! Dein growled at his answer immediately and lowered his head to look Detras in the eyes while he slowly took a step forward to force Detras backwards as he spoke.

“You dare to tell me you’re declining my request? Do you really think a cursed fastrunner like you has any right to stand against me after all we’ve done to save your sorry snouts from getting ripped apart by those more powerful than you? DO YOU?” Dein cried as he forced Detras against one of the numerous walls surrounding the Hanging Rock, making sure all the time the omnivore wouldn’t be able to escape even if he tried. Detras felt the cold grip of fear taking control of his heart as he looked at the sharptooth’s enraged eyes. In this moment, he hoped he had never met the larger dinosaur in his life but that couldn’t be helped now. The fastrunner nearly lost his courage as he looked at the sharptooth’s fuming eyes and revealed teeth but still, he managed to pull himself together and answer in an almost normal-sounding voice.

“This… this isn’t what we agreed on when we decided to unite our forces against Red Claw! For the sake of my family… I cannot take this charge! Please, Dein… listen to me this once!” Detras cried almost pleadingly as he tried to save the situation somehow. Yet, he knew his situation was desperate when Dein suddenly raised two of his claws and locked them around the omnivore’s neck, pinning him against the wall in a horrifying show of brute power. Dein seemed to disregard the other male’s words completely as he gave his answer.

“Perhaps I didn’t make it simple enough for you, halftooth. You will take care of Chomper until we return and if anything happens to him, or if he even has major complains when we return… you know what that’ll mean, don’t you Detras? In return, we won’t ask any more favors from you until you’ve seen this one to the end. Are we clear?” Dein said with a completely still face, waiting until Detras nearly choked between his claws before finally releasing the omnivore and allowing him to give his answer. The fastrunner fell to his knees at first, gasping for air for a few times before finally rising to his feet again. He could see that Dein was ready to go through his threats easily and that left him with very little choice. Still rubbing his aching throat, Detras finally gave his extremely reluctant and silent answer.

“We are, Dein. When will Chomper arrive here?” Detras said, willing to repay the sharptooth’s harsh antics in full but he knew more than well that he was in no position to stand against a two-footer alone and thus, he had to simply bow down before his “ally” if he didn’t want his children to grow up without their father. Dein answered soon with a far less commanding voice which even now didn’t leave any room for disagreement.

“We will bring him here when the Bright Circle rises to the sky. Wait for us in this place at that time and we will keep our part of this bargain. With any luck, we both can live without fear soon enough.” Dein said but his words hardly had the desired effect. Detras nearly hit back at his last sentence but decided against it at the last possible moment.

Maybe you will but we will never be safe as long as the damned sharpteeth act like they rule the world!

Detras’s mind fumed but he managed to keep his face rather natural. After a moment, he answered to his counterpart.

“Very well. We’ll be ready by then. May the Mighty Winds guide you on your coming quest.” Detras said, earning a brief nod of approval from Dein.

“You too, Detras. I’ll meet you again soon.” Dein said as he turned around, pleased that he had managed to get this meeting done this quickly. He had known from the beginning that Detras really couldn’t decline his request but he could have tried to argue about it further. Yet, it was clear that it would have led to nothing and that reminded the sharptooth the omnivore was no fool. Well, that meeting was now done but there was another thing that needed to be taken care of before the light of dawn…

Fearful gasps were the first things that Chomper heard as he woke up from his horrifying nightmare. As in the nights before, the fastbiters had surrounded him against a high cliff and just before they’d slice his throat open, the dead forms of his parents came to his sight, their spirits seemingly helping the attackers to end his life. That sleep story had now haunted him for the third time and every time it seemed to only grow longer and more vivid.

The boy raised his eyes at the Lesser Lights of the sky, remembering that today was the day when he’d part ways with his parents, perhaps for good. Why did this sickening thing have to happen? Ever since the departure from his beloved glade, his parents had seemed more distant and all the shadows of the world had seemed to grow longer by the day. In his sleep, he was haunted by his mind’s hidden horrors and awake, all his moments seemed to be spent on worrying and thinking about the happy days that would soon come to an end. He was already on the verge of tears when he heard a familiar voice near him.

“Awake already, are you Chomper. You sleep usually until much later.” The boy turned his head to look at his mother who was just waking up herself. Chomper looked at her glumly and took a deep sigh before he answered.

“How can I sleep when this will be our last day we’re together? I’ve tried to sleep but every time that same bad sleep story returns.” Chomper said in utter sadness, his beaten composure making him look miserable than he had been in ages. The older dinosaur looked at her son, compassion and concern overflowing from her eyes. Terri quickly rose to her feet and walked towards Chomper. She bowed deeply towards her son and nuzzled his cheek gently as she gave her answer.

“This won’t be the goodbye, my son. This day will only mark another day on your journey to becoming the sharptooth you need to be and I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from Detras’ family. Just give them an honest chance and I know you’ll do more than well even without us.” Terri said as she felt Chomper’s initial fears beginning to dissipate with his mother’s loving gesture. For the first time in days, a slight smile rose to the young predator’s mind as the memories of all his and his mother’s times together returned to his mind. She had nuzzled him countless times like this when he was just a hatchling but now, he welcomed his mother’s presence wholeheartedly. The boy waited until his mother finally pulled her snout away before answering.

“I hope so but… I know nothing of them! I’ve only got to know you and my old friends well and I don’t know anything of fastrunners! How… how can I do this?” He asked sadly to which the female could only answer one thing before changing the subject to a more pleasant one as she saw another familiar sharptooth arriving from a nearby woods.

“If you could stay friends with those leaf eaters, you’ll do just fine with a couple of fastrunners. I know it, Chomper. But now, I think your father has something I think you’ll like with him.” Terri said as she took a deep smile and nodded to the direction where Dein was coming from. At first, Chomper looked askingly at his mother but then attempted to turn his head to look at his father but just as he was turning around, he heard something fall to the ground just behind him. The young sharptooth jumped suddenly in shock from the sudden voice but soon calmed down when he saw what it was. It was the corpse of a young bellydragger, its ribcage completely crushed by a predator’s claws. Most dinosaurs would have found such a sight horrifying but Chomper’s face started to turn into a deep smile as his eyes turned to look at his father who towered over his kill.

“Is… is this for me, daddy? H…how?” He stuttered as he looked at the bellydragger, knowing just how difficult and dangerous they were to catch. The family had once found one recently deceased bellydragger on their original journey to the island and ever since then, Chomper had half-jokingly yearned to taste another one of these creatures whose taste the boy simply loved back then. Dein chuckled slightly as he covered a long bite on his side.

“It was far from easy and it took me hours to track and beat this one. But you deserve this much on a day like this. Eat as much as you want, Chomper, it’s all for you. But remember that there is still a short walk to the Hanging Rock later on.” He smirked as he saw Chomper practically attack into the creature’s abdomen and consuming whatever met his snout. It was only after a moment before he raised his head from the corpse to talk to his father.

“You’re the best, daddy! This is just as great as I remember! Thank you so much!” He cried as he prepared to take another bite from the bellydragger before he felt his mother’s claws carefully close around his snout and turn his blood-stained face to look at her.

“We both wished to make this day as easy as possible for you, my son. We just wanted to get you this bellydragger to show you just how much you mean to us. There is so much we would like to tell and teach you and you can bet that we wait just as eagerly our reunion as you do. You have my word of it.” She said while giving a long smile to Chomper while releasing his face slowly. Chomper seemed to be completely at a loss of words, not expecting his parents to speak to him like this. Not after the long days of silent wandering and the oppressive atmosphere hanging above the small family. But to see that feeling of loneliness and gloom drift away like this… Chomper could barely contain himself. He ran towards his mother, nearly tripping on a small rock in the ground as he couldn’t bring himself to bother about such things. A warm flame seemed to swell inside the young sharptooth as he looked at his mother.

“Thanks a lot, mommy. But I… I thought you saw me as a burden that had to be sent away. I… I guess I was wrong.” Chomper said as he crossed his arms behind his back as he heard his father bow towards him and whisper to his only son.

“You could never be a burden to us, Chomper. Never. No sharptooth your age could keep his ground against any adult fastbiter but one day, I promise to you that you’ll be able to beat a dozen of them on your own. As your mother said, we would have wanted to guide you on your path for many more seasons but think it this way: every day we live under the Bright Circle is a new opportunity that makes it possible for us to learn more about the world and to survive in it. Few of our kind have ever lived among the fastrunners and I advise you to use this time to learn more about your future allies and about their wisdoms.” Dein said before nodding to his mate. Terri stood to her mate’s side as she continued from her mate had left off.

“If you use that time wisely, it’ll be a great advantage to you in the Cold Times to come to know the omnivores better than any other sharptooth. You’ve already done that with the leaf eaters and I know you’ll do it again, Chomper. In due time, I’ll know you’ll make us all proud. Let us all do our best to make the dawn of that beautiful morning arrive as soon as possible. But until that day, know that you are the best child either of us could have hoped for.” Terri said as she exchanged glances with her mate. Chomper’s breathed deeply as he thought about those words, his parents never before speaking so highly of him. To hear them so genuinely and truthfully speak to him… Chomper coccid his head as a single
tear fell from the corner of his eye as he answered to his parents.

“I…I love you, mommy and daddy. Thank you so much for all you’ve done! I will miss both you so much.” He cried as both of the older sharpteeth moved to nuzzle him, hoping that this most happy of moments would never end. All his former grievances were swept away by the warmth of his parents’ love and the realization that it was he, nobody else, who would decided just how he would embrace his temporary home. Those thoughts were reinforced by both of his parents’ simultaneous answer.

“So will we, Chomper. So will we.”

The Bright Circle’s first light could be seen rising over the horizon far behind the western mountains as the small family of sharpteeth walked towards the Hanging Rock. Chomper smiled inwardly as he felt the newborn day’s welcoming light warm his back even if he didn’t need it to help him move forward. Chomper was completely overtaken by his emotions which only seemed to swell as he walked beside his beloved parents. The morning’s fears were swiped away and the young sharptooth was more than ready for any new challenges. He looked approvingly at his parents and knew that he owed them at least enough to give his all to finding his own path forward in life.

The young investigated his surroundings carefully, knowing that these cliffs and winding pathways would be his home for many seasons to come. He had never seen such a confusing area before but the sharptooth found the rugged, dry hills even beautiful despite their seemingly barren nature. Maybe there really were many things to be learned in this strange pl…

“Greetings, Detras! I’m glad you were here as agreed!” Chomper suddenly turned to look at his father and then in the direction he was looking at. Far in the distance, five fast runners stood clearly waiting for something, two of them being adults and three rather young children. A curious look rose to Chomper’s face as he thought about the last part: would the trio of kids be very different from him?

Detras, on the on the hand, was deep in very different thoughts than Chomper. Even after their discussion at night, Dein dared to greet him as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened? It took him all his willpower to stay calm but it helped him somewhat that at least his mate seemed to have an inkling about what had happened. He had ordered his family to stay inside the Hanging Rock during the meeting just in case something bad happened and they knew nothing for certain what had happened between him and Dein. Detras frowned deeply as he knew that Dein almost certainly wanted things to stay that way and the fact was that any sensible omnivore feared a sharptooth more than hated him. Detras took a deep sigh to calm himself down as he answered.

“Of course we did, Dein. Our kind prides itself with our loyalty towards our friends.” Friends, what a damn joke! Detras fought to keep his true thoughts at bay at least until the older sharpteeth were gone. He eyed Chomper seemingly in interest, not having actually met the boy ever before. He seemed surprisingly curious about his surroundings and he could sense no hostility within the young sharptooth. That realization made him at least a bit more relaxed. However, that moment was soon ended by Terri’s comment.

“Very well. We would prefer to get this over with briefly as every second we waste here, Red Claw has a chance to grow more dangerous. Chomper…” She ended, nodding at her son to make his move. The younger predator gulped somewhat, the fear returning to him when the moment of separation was at hand. For a fleeting moment, he even thought about declining to go over this but again, the trust his parents had put on him returned to his mind. He had no right to make things any harder for them or to humiliate them in front of his family’s only allies. Chomper frowned somewhat but he forced his legs to carry him forward, even if his heart told him otherwise. He stopped just in front of Detras while looking at his family as well. The two youngest fastrunners seemed to fear him which surprised the boy somewhat but he decided against letting that bother him yet. He took the most genuine smile he could and spoke to his new, temporary family.

“Uhh… Greetings, Mr. Fastrunner and the others! I’m happy to meet all of you!” Chomper suddenly realized himself how very awkward he must have sounded but it couldn’t be helped right now. He simply hoped that this moment would pass soon enough as the final goodbyes with his parents were still to be said. However, those thoughts were soon interrupted as he heard some silent laugh near him. He quickly moved to look at the source and noticed that it was the oldest of the three fastrunner children! However, Chomper soon noticed the adult female cast a murdering glance at her daughter and her chuckles ended immediately. Detras frowned somewhat but answered to Chomper as if nothing had happened.

“Simply call me Detras, Chomper. And I’m happy to finally meet you too for the first time. Your parents have already told me a lot about you. But I guess all of us should also introduce ourselves.” Detras nodded to his mate who stepped forward to speak to the sharptooth.

“Greetings, Chomper. My name is Pearl.” She said simply, trying to hide her inner fears away to the best of her ability. Chomper nodded at her briefly before turning at the younger female to Pearl’s left, the same one who had laughed at him a minute earlier.

“My name is Ruby and I’m really happy to meet you Chomper, really happy am I to meet you! But you should try to introduce yourself more naturally.” She said with a smile which Chomper couldn’t help but to return immediately. He answered to the fastrunner after a brief moment, estimating her to be six or even seven Cold Times older than he was.

“I’ll do my best, Ruby. But it’s great to meet you, too.” He said before he was cut short by the two young omnivores who still seemed more than wary of him.

“My… my name is Arial.” She stuttered slightly before fleeing further behind her brother’s back who didn’t seem any more confident than she was. The young male frowned at his sister before taking a step forward to speak to the newcomer.

“And I’m Orchid. I… uhh, hi!” He said before turning around to join his sister as quickly as possible. Chomper’s face fell at their reaction but in the end, he couldn’t blame them. The duo were even younger than the sharptooth was and their apparent fear made Chomper feel more than uncomfortable. He had tried to introduce himself as naturally as possible but apparently it would take far more work to ever shed the fastrunners’ fears completely. Suddenly, he heard his father starting to take a few steps forward to address the halfteeth in a voice that resembled a mix of respect and threat. The three younger fastrunners sought quickly cover but Detras and Pearl stood still, knowing that there was nothing to fear from the sharpteeth right now.

“Now that that’s done with, I advise you to remember your charge night and day. If you complete this task well enough, you’ll get our eternal protection and gratitude. But should you fail in any way… well, I don’t need to tell you about it. We know you two are cunning and clever enough to keep Chomper safe. You have our complete trust.” Dein spoke to the two adults whose eyes widened clearly after his last words. They knew the sharpteeth had put a lot of faith in them which was no small feat to be earned from a predator. Somewhere within the back of his mind, Detras started to even harbor hopeful thoughts of a safe and happy future for all members of his family. He bowed to Dein deeply as he answered.

“Thank you, Dein. We understand completely and we’ll do our best to earn this honor you have put upon our family. No matter what, each of us will defend Chomper with our life. You may put all your thoughts into getting rid of that monster.” He said, earning a quick nod from both Dein and Terri. The latter then bowed towards Chomper to speak her last words. It wouldn’t do to show too much softness in front of the fastrunners, though, so she kept her words brief.

“Well, Chomper, stay safe. We will see each other sooner than any of us even realize it. Trust me.” She said while putting a slight smile to her distraught son. The young blue-colored predator quickly walked towards her to give his answer, his face clearly holding back his tears as he answered.

“I know, mommy. But make sure that Red Claw won’t hurt either one of you.” He said briefly, his voice wavering clearly. Dein moved besides him and spoke to his son silently.

“We will do our best to prevent it. But we must be on our way now, Chomper. Remember the things we told you and it’ll go just fine. Farewell for now, my son.” He said while rising to his full height again. Chomper closed his eyes again before saying his final words to his parents before they’d be on our way.

“Daddy… mommy… Have a safe journey.” Those words were all he managed to form before his mind was completely by the fresh tears started to flow from the boy’s eyes into the dry earth. Only now did he realize how much this moment would actually hurt and when he raised his gaze from the ground, he saw his parents give their final nod of gratitude and agreement. After that, they turned around and headed towards the main pass out of the Hanging Rock. As he looked at his parents receding backs, he could feel his tears starting to drop to the ground, wondering if he’d ever see them again. Suddenly, he felt so very alone and no matter what he did, he felt like he couldn’t take one step to any direction, all his power spent on weathering the horrifying sorrow.

After a long while which felt like an eternity to the grief-stricken boy, he heard a somewhat worried voice behind himself, finally releasing at least a part of Chomper’s mind from its self-built prison.

“It’ll pass eventually, Chomper. It always does. But wouldn’t you want to get to know the Hanging Rock and us better, now that you have the chance?” Pearl asked, not willing to see even a sharptooth in such a state. Chomper took a deep breath as he prepared to turn around, suddenly remembering his parents’ words. He couldn’t come even close to hiding his pain but at least he could try to move forward with his life as his parents had wanted him to. He waited for many seconds before he finally turned around to face the fastrunner.

“They will come back one day, won’t they?” Was all he managed to say with teary eyes. Pearl returned the mournful look but she tried to mix it with a flicker of hope. After a few seconds, she spoke to the sharptooth.

“They most certainly will, Chomper. They love you far too much to make this the last time you meet.” She said, expecting some kind of look of resignation from Chomper but instead, another voice joined the conversation.

“Besides, there are too many things to do here to even think about such things, Chomper. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time with us, sure of it I am.”  Ruby said cheerfully, moving closer to Chomper than her mother had, smiling understandingly. Chomper frowned at the fastrunner at first but as he looked at her, there was something that… encouraged the young sharptooth. She didn’t seem like she was doing this merely because she had to but because she wanted to. Her antics created some comfort deep within Chomper and with a brief breath, he gave his answer.

“I hope so, Ruby. But it won’t get any easier if we just stand here, does it?” He said, a slight hint of expectation apparent in his voice. It wasn’t much but it was a change from the utter sadness he had shown earlier. Detras stepped forward and cleared his throat and spoke to Chomper.

“Then I propose we show you right away all the places you need to know. Come on, everyone!” Detras said, earning a chorus of approvals from his family while Chomper nodded with some eagerness. But as the others headed off, Chomper took one, last longing look into the canyon before him. After a short moment, he took one last, longing sigh before following his new caretakers to the joys and hardships of their first day together.

This is my response to the August prompt challenge and it is also my year’s last short story. I’ve had quite a good time writing them and rest assured, I will continue doing them when the challenge resumes in early 2019. I’m quite fond of this one myself as I found the premise a rather interesting one from the beginning and it’s a bit different from the highly dramatic, even tragic tales I’ve written lately. As usual, I use rhombus’ names for the canon characters as I’ve done in Separate Ways also. I consider this fic as some backstory for that tale but it works just as well on its own too. I’ll eagerly wait to hear what you think of this story and see you again next time!

LBT Fanfiction / The Road’s End, The Friendship’s Rebirth
« on: July 12, 2018, 03:12:26 PM »
The Road’s End, The Friendship’s Rebirth

”Take that back!”



A flash of red rage flushed through the young longneck’s mind as he looked at the arrogant threehorn before him. How dare she insult him and his mother after all they had done to even help her live this long? Ever since his meeting with Ducky, Littlefoot had tried to be the calm and encouraging one among his friends and always help them through these dark days but the actions of the threehorn before him finally broke the line. Without really thinking about what he was doing, Littlefoot charged towards Cera and in a mere fraction of a second, the duo were rolling down a rocky hill into the chasm of dryness and gloom that had started the argument in the first place.

Almost immediately, the girl regained her composure and even in her shock about how the situation had escalated, she took the upper hand in the fight. She quickly grabbed the longneck by his chest and hit it towards the wall during their slide, causing the boy to already leave a red trail by the hillside as they quickly reached the bottom of the small gorge. Cera narrowed her eyes as she looked at Littlefoot catch his breath after his nasty injury but the burning rage in his eyes wasn’t abating in the least. He slowly started to speak as he restarted his assault towards his adversary.

“You’ll pay for that, Cera. You’ll pay for every harm you’ve brought us…” Littlefoot said as he ran towards the threehorn who immediately lowered her head to deter any direct assault from the softer-headed boy… but to her astonishment, that attack never came. Just before he was about to hit Cera with his charge, he quickly hit at a large rock with his tail which collided with Cera’s side with a violent force, causing the threehorn to give up his defense in shock for a moment. It bought the brownish longneck to begin his true assault to completely overwhelm his opponent and to finally make her pay for insulting his mother who had passed on to him the five dinosaurs’ only hope of ever surviving this hellish time of death and withering. He quickly turned Cera to her back and hissed to a him with a real threat.

“Take it back, Cera. Now.” His nose nearly touched that of Cera’s who looked at his adversary in equal disdain. Always, this stupid flathead had been there to play the hero and always attack anybody who had the never to question his line of reasoning. Not to even mention denying the sharptooth’s survival for so long and attacking her headlong for questioning his mother’s misguided words. No, she wouldn’t give up to this arrogant upstart. It was an anathema to all her father had taught her to be and a true threehorn wouldn’t surrender even in a bad situation such as this. Suddenly, she kicked upwards with both her legs, hitting at Littlefoot’s belly and sending him rolling to his side. She quickly rose up and decided to push her newfound advantage as far as she could.

“In your sleep stories, flathead! You or your stupid mother will never again tell me what to do!” She cried as she hit her opponent’s legs with her horns, only worsening his previous injuries. Cera nearly locked him in her grasp before Littlefoot regained his stance and stop Cera’s attack. With a quick move, he moved to face Cera and managed to stop her attack by stopping her head with his own. The longneck cringed in desperate pain as the girl’s crest and horns dug into his flesh, knowing full well this was a fight in which Cera would have a terrifying advance against him. For a brief moment, the boy thought about slowly backing down and simply conceding defeat…

No, that wasn’t an option. Not after all that had happened. His mother’s wisdom was all that was left of her and he simply couldn’t let her memory down like this. As Littlefoot looked at Petrie, Ducky and Spike’s terrified faces, he also remembered their fates were in his hands. He’d have to win this fight and prove that only he could lead them into the Great Valley. The longneck would have wanted to cry as he felt his warm blood flowing down his own face but he forgot all of that as every last of his muscles stiffened to their absolute limit. In a second of blind rage, Littlefoot started his push and Cera’s eyes widened in fear as the longneck started to push her back one step at a time. Cold shivers ran down her spine as she realized she was losing her balance and that her situation grew more dire by the second. Littlefoot grinned in triumph as Cera suddenly fell before him, completely awestruck by the boy’s sudden stroke of brute strength. Cera was beaten: all that remained was to put her back in line.

Cera, on the other hand, couldn’t comprehend what had happened. Had a flathead actually beaten her, a threehorn? The disbelief and shame were apparent in her mind but even through this complete humiliation, she wasn’t about to give an inch to the longneck, no matter what would come to pass. So she immediately returned her gaze to her normal one and screamed right at Littlefoot.

“You’re leading us the wrong way! You’ve done so the whole time!” She cried at the enraged longneck who seemed nothing short of murderous at this point. The girl’s outburst helped very little his mood and his voice was even sharper than before when Littlefoot gave his answer.

“My way, my mother’s way, is the only one that leads to the Valley. If any of us leave that path now, none of survives through all this, Cera.” Littlefoot said as the threehorn looked at him, her breathing intensifying by the minute. It was clear that the conflict was far from over just yet.

“So you say! Only a longneck would be stupid enough to follow the Bright Circle all day aimlessly! I’d find the right path in a few moments!” She cried, doing all in her power to turn this defeat into a victory. However, Littlefoot had finally reached a point the threehorn hadn’t foreseen. He seemed to be on the verge of beating the threehorn for good but refrained from that plan in the last possible moment. Instead, he raised his gaze and twitched his head aggressively as he answered.

“Then go, Cera. None of us ever wanted you with us anyway! All you’ve brought to us is arguing and stupid attacks at all of us! We’ll do far better without you!” He cried, not thinking in the least about the implications on the group as a whole. The two dinosaurs had all but forgotten the silent trio following the scene with horror in the distance. None of them were prepared for this display of brute force but it felt like each of their mouths were simply sealed in place. Ducky glazed at the scene, her eyes twitching with restrained tears whereas Petrie shuddered in fear, seeking support from Spike’s leg as they waited how this argument would end. None of them wanted to lose a friend but the tension between Littlefoot and Cera had been tangible for days. Ducky, Petrie and Spike could only follow this terrifying scene develop in front of their eyes, completely powerless to stop it.
Cera, on the other hand, was completely taken aback by Littlefoot’s outburst. Had he actually told her to get off after all she had done? After she had saved her friends from the sharptooth? Well, that would be just fine! If this insufferable longneck and his faithful followers were so intent on moving on, that was alright for her! She had only joined them in order for some company and protection from the sharptooth but if they were so willing to send her off, then let them! Cera’s tone softened considerably as she answered but the deep hate lingered in her voice.

“You wouldn’t survive a day without me! Don’t you realize you would have already gone to the sharptooth’s belly if it wasn’t for me?!” She cried but it did very little to appease the longneck. Littlefoot only lowered and slowed down his voice as he gave his last command.

“Get lost. Spread your filthy lies somewhere else.” He said while hitting the threehorn one last time with his tail, the situation infuriating him without end. Even if Cera’s words were inexcusable, his own use of violence also disgusted the boy bitterly. He had given all for his friends and now he was beating them up like rocks! It wasn’t fair but Cera had crossed the line a long time ago. If she forced him to do this, so be it. Cera slowly rose to her legs and hissed back at the longneck.

“Remember this when you and your sorry friends find yourselves in his shadow, Littlefoot! When I unite again with my family in the Valley, I’ll remember everything you threw away!” She said before finally turning away, raising her tail as a gesture of defiance. Her face retained its arrogance and no hint of regret could be seen in it. Her expression was a complete contrast to that of Littlefoot’s whose enraged look slowly wore off, revealing a static and desperate mask of sorrow which hid countless conflicting thoughts behind it.

Why did it have to go this way? I did my best to keep things good but… nothing was ever enough. Cera will never make it alone but there’s nothing more or anyone else could have done.

A silent sniff could be heard from the longneck’s nose as he fought to keep his sobs at bay. He had just sent Cera to her end and that thought was a completely crushing one for the young longneck. He would have wanted to simply break down but he’d have to stay strong before the rest of her friends. He’d have to keep them knowing only he could lead them forward and ensure…

“Cera! Don’t go! We need you!” The longneck’s thoughts were suddenly stopped as Petrie ran past him after Cera but there was indication that the threehorn had heard any of his cries. Ducky was on the flyer’s heels but both of them stopped immediately when Littlefoot spoke to them, his voice more serious than ever before.

“Don’t go, you two. She already made her own decision.” Ducky and Petrie looked at their friend, completely stunned by his words. First he had sent her away and now he claimed that it was her fault? Ducky moved closer to Littlefoot and spoke to him ever so softly, her voice dipping with concern and disbelief.

“Why did you sended her away? We always did everything together until now, we did, we did.” She said, clearly at the verge of tears. Petrie’s stunned eyes only reinforced the sense of fear and sorrow among the duo and for the first time since the fight, the cloud of outrage seemed to drift from the longneck’s mind at least to a degree.

“You heard what she said, Ducky. We couldn’t listen to her lies forever. I hoped things would end differently for her but… not this time. But come one, we have to move on! The Valley cannot be far away any more!” He spoke, willing to put this sickening issue behind him. He cast pleading looks at his three remaining friends and with equally terrified look, Petrie cast one last look at Cera’s quickly disappearing form. He took a brief sigh before deciding to follow Littlefoot to whatever direction he was planning to go. He was the only one to know the way to the Valley after all.

Silence reigned supreme for the next few hours as the four young dinosaurs forged their way forward, ever higher to the mountains overlooking the tiny gorge far below. The way up was perilous and it was by sheer determination that any of them could make the way upwards after days of the infernal hunger that had turned out to be the dinosaurs’ eternal companion during their whole lives. The loss of Cera certainly dampened each of their spirits but Littlefoot’s unselfish leadership and the knowledge that the valley had to be near them brought them the courage to move on.

However, Ducky felt the exhaustion make its way to her limbs at a terrifying rate. Even after all their time together, Littlefoot had never revealed how exactly he knew the way forward. Of course, tales of the Valley had caused her family to embark on the migration with the other herds but not once had ever mother or father even attempted to tell her anything of it. It was as if nobody knew anything about their mystic destination yet everybody was ready to risk everything to reaching it. None of that had ever made any sense to the swimmer but those thoughts had grown only more profound since the fateful fight between Cera and Littlefoot. With a careful voice, she spoke to the longneck who was walking not far in front of her.

“This isn’t right, Littlefoot, no, no, no! Why did you send Cera off like that even if she might have known the way to the Valley like you do? I mean, what is the Valley anyway? No one ever told me anything about it and I’m getting tired of all the fighting over it!” She spoke, holding back her emotions at the whole situation. Littlefoot turned to look at Ducky wearily, frowning as a pile of dust flew straight into his eyes. He had prayed that he wouldn’t have to explain himself any further but apparently the swimmer didn’t see things the same way. With a sigh, he gave his answer while trying to avoid this unsavory conversation from turning into any kind of an argument.

“So am I, Ducky. But you heard how she attacked my mother! I couldn’t let it go on like this but I never wanted to send her away, either. It all just… happened.” He answered, his voice dying completely as he said the last sentence, realizing that his actions had been far from what he had ever intended. However, the silence didn’t reign for long as Ducky pushed on with her point.

“I never heard what happened to your mom but… you said she knew the way to the Valley. But how did she know it when no one else ever said to really know the way there! It does not make any sense!” Ducky said while really wondering about how Littlefoot had obtained his knowledge of how to reach the Great Valley. This time Littlefoot stopped and he faced Ducky tightly as he gave his answer.

“Mother always spoke of following my heart but it never made sense for me either. I don’t know anything about the Valley but I know my mother was right when she ordered me to search for the rock that looks like a longneck and the Mountains that Burn. We are on the right way, Ducky. I may not know how the Valley looks or where it exactly is but I know it’s there.” He said, recalling at his last days with his mother and only barely able to hold back his tears. He knew very little of the Valley but his mother had said it to be there so it simply had to be. Her and his grandparents’ hopes rested upon him and he wouldn’t let them down, not now. However, Petrie decided to join the conversation which hardly raised the longneck’s mood any.

“But how? Petrie know your momma important to you but that still doesn’t mean be right about this! We gone very far and found nothing!” Petrie spoke in clear worry, his trust in the whole quest slowly starting to crumble. He could hardly take another step and his whole body was nearly paralyzed by the terrifying hunger. For a moment, Littlefoot’s eyes narrowed again in slight chagrin, a wave of anger flowing through him. However, he decided to give his answer.

“We’re getting closer, Petrie. My mother was the wisest dinosaur of them all and if she said something, it…” The longneck suddenly stopped his answer as his eyes caught the sight of something that stole his attention. Streams of pure fire were flying through the skies, one after another. They seemed to penetrate the cloudless heights with their brilliant glow and almost immediately, Littlefoot ran towards the nearest cliff to see what was going on. Behind it opened a round and deep lake but what really caught the boy’s attention were a series of mountains in the far distance which were releasing their flames almost continuously. An ominous aura of red was glowing around them which only confirmed the thing to Littlefoot he had wanted to confirm.

“The Mountains that Burn… it really is them… and it only proves we’re going the right way!” The longneck spoke excitedly, his friends immediately following him to witness the sight. However, neither of them were completely confident of the find. Littlefoot frowned heavily as Petrie crossed his arms and muttered his thoughts about the distant mountains.

“They look nice but… they mountains that spit fire, not mountains that burn.” The flyer said, immediately prompting another comment from Ducky.

“It could be only a nicer way of telling the same thing but then again, we’ve seen many Mountains that Burn already. I’m not sure if this is telling we’re going the right way, no, no, no.” She said with a slightly mournful way to which Littlefoot immediately responded. His tone was an extremely annoyed one and he turned around even before he opened his mouth.

“It does! Come along and you’ll see soon enough that the Valley is no longer far away!” He said, angered that both of the two seemed to completely dismiss his advice and instead try to find something to whine all the time. Well, their tone would be very different when they’d finally find the Valley…

Yet, that prediction never seemed to come true. The day turned into a night followed by another day and another night. What made things even worse was that the earth itself grew ever the more dryer and it seemed to crack under the feet of the four dinosaurs. No water was to be seen anywhere and the sprawling network of mountains and passes never seemed to give way to any easier terrain. Those mountains were completely devoid of any green food and the very thought of the Great Valley seemed to drift further and further away by the hour. Even Littlefoot had to admit that moving his limbs was becoming more of a struggle with every step he took but it was way worse with his friends. The lighthearted chatter and small acts of friendship had all but ended since Cera’s departure which made the situation all the more desperate.

A wheezing groan escaped from Ducky’s lips as she took a brief stop at a top of a small hill. The last rise had nearly spent all her strength and what prize had received for any of it? Only another panorama of the dry and burning hell that the world had turned into. How long could she go through this terrifying march, especially that Littlefoot didn’t seem to know any more than she did. The faces of her parents and siblings drifted through her eyes nearly continuously as it was they and the happier times her family were a proof that kept her going. Had they already reached the Valley? That possibility was a happy one for her but would she ever able to join them? She couldn’t wait for a chance to embr…


Suddenly, a distant voice washed over the small group like a Cold Time’s wind over a lonely flower on a frigid plain. Ducky would have wanted to simply run for her life but the voice was far too weak for the beast to be on her and her friends’ tail just yet. The four immediately ran under a nearby cliff, willing to hide themselves just long enough to avoid another dreadful encounter.

“Did any of you see him? The sharptooth is somewhere on the hill around us.” Littlefoot whispered as his eyes scoured the landscape around him. The mountains made it hard to get a good view of the surrounding lands as it allowed only glimpses of the many winding trails forming the maze this part of the Mysterious Beyond was.

“I didn’t, Littlefoot. Maybe the sharptooth is just passing b…”

“Get lower! Now!” Petrie hissed as the four friends immediately obeyed to the surprising cry. Littlefoot was about to question the other boy’s outburst when Ducky suddenly whispered.

“There he is.” And sure enough, after the following gaze, Littlefoot realized that the duo had been correct. The sharptooth looked like little more than a crawler that far below the small group but it was still undoubtedly him. And to the longneck’s worry, it was apparent that the predator was on a hunt but not on him or his friends. Even then, the situation was extremely oppressive and Spike’s fearful whimpers didn’t help any. Yet, now that they knew where the sharptooth was, they could try to escape from his grasp for good. With slow, careful movements, Littlefoot rose to his feet and spoke to the others.

“Come! We should get away from here before he needs an appetizer!” He said while glancing at the killer of his mother, the never-ending hate and hurt gleaming at the bottom of his eyes. That was the creature that had robbed his happy days from him and driven him to this fearful race against death and starvation and worst of all…

At that point, the sting in the young longneck’s heart forced him to simply move forward from his dark thoughts. For now all that mattered was to get out of here as fast as possible. He gritted his teeth as he ran down a narrow path which would likely lead as far away from the sharptooth as possible. It sloped steeply downwards and after some time, it would lead to a plain that was reasonably flat and would provide the small group enough time to lose their monstrous chaser for good.

However, it didn’t take long until the path quickly turned to the left, complicating the friends’ initial plan. They didn’t have any time to hesitate of course but even then, the horrifying fear in their minds grew worse every second they spent in this place. The sharptooth was a terrible enemy and just as easily, he could leap from the top of any of the surrounding rocks and end their desperate struggle once and for all…

To the four dinosaurs’ luck, after a short while, another path branched away from the larger one which apparently lead down from the mountains. Each of them were more than thankful for this slight fortune but just as they were about to head towards safety, another voice from the distance suddenly reached the small group’s ears. It sounded like a whisper but each of them immediately realized to whom it belonged. Petrie’s voice was completely dumbstruck as he started to speak.

“That funny! Me think me heard a voice just like Cera’s and…”

“It is Cera, Petrie! And if it’s Cera, then….” Even after the duo’s fight, the longneck would never have had hoped Cera to end up facing the sharptooth alone. And even worse, it was he who had sent her away! If anything happened to her, he’d never forgive himself for that most terrible of mistakes. At this point, he didn’t care to wait whether his friends were following him as he ran with all his might to save the situation and the first dinosaur he had ever thought of as a friend.

Desperate sobs and fatigued panting accompanied Cera’s frantic flight. All thoughts in her mind had merged into one flux of chaotic fears as once again, her life was forfeit due to this cursed monster. How could she have let this happen once again? She had used all the skills her father and mother had taught her, all the skills a threehorn would need to create a path forward for herself in this desolate world.

Yet, none of that had been enough. She had been found nonetheless and the realization that she had absolutely no idea of her destination had worsened her condition only further. But she wouldn’t give up before her final breath was done and…

And at that moment, Cera saw something that raised her spirits for a short moment. It was a small path leading a bit higher towards the hills which was too small for the sharptooth to climb! It would offer her a way to once again cheat the beast and prove that she was worthy of being called a threehorn! The sharptooth’s shadow was already above her but with some luck, she’d reach safety and prove that she didn’t need any self-righteous fools to accompany her!

With an expectant grin, she jumped to the first rocks, willing to win every last second in this race she could. She quickly reached for the cliff reaching upwards but all too soon, the threehorn realized she wasn’t quite quick enough. The sharptooth jumped right behind her and immediately blocked the girl’s attempt to escape from his grasp. Cera screamed as the predator sank his claws deep into Cera’s sides, causing countless deep wounds into the young dinosaur’s sides. At this moment, Cera knew it was all over.

However, another dinosaur present wasn’t yet ready to agree. Littlefoot could see Cera’s injuries but as long as she was alive, there was hope she’d make it through this. The longneck looked at the scene from the upper reaches of the hills and he knew only one way to save his friend from this nightmarish scene. He quickly ran down the trail and with all his might, he jumped against the sharptooth’s hand, prompting it to momentarily release Cera from its grasp. The threehorn looked in shock, both mental and physical, as her friend and adversary miraculously appeared to save her from apparently nowhere.

“Littlefoot! How…”

“Don’t ask anything! just go if you want to survive!” The longneck cried as he saw the sharptooth recovering from the initial shock. Immediately, Littlefoot followed Cera but he could already see the effects of her wounds on the threehorn. She was limping increasingly badly but she would escape from this situation… she would have to…
Just as the two were reaching the point beyond which the massive predator wouldn’t be able to follow them, Cera’s speed suddenly fell. Littlefoot would have wanted to do something but right now, her fate was now in Cera’s own hands.

The threehorn’s gaze was increasingly hasty but safety was so close, so very close. Surely, she’d reach it in a matter of moments… The heavy weariness and sickening feeling that spread across Cera’s body made what came next much easier. At first, it felt like a scratch on the back of her tale which then felt like something sank into her flesh. She could feel the pull backwards but oddly enough, her body didn’t seem to react to it in any way. There was no pain, no panic… but she was still pulled awake from her weariness as she realized what was happening. Littlefoot’s gaze as he looked at her was one she’d never forget as long as she lived but even now, the thirst for life present in every living being awoke from its slumber within the threehorn. With a desperate, violent pull she reached for the safety and after a short struggle, she felt the terrifying pressure leave her body. With a quick sprint, she reached for Littlefoot, overjoyed by her survival. At least until the pain finally shot through the numbness and shock that now was the threehorn’s world.

That was a sight which made Ducky scream as soon as she, Petrie and Spike reached the hapless scene. Each of them had been completely surprised by Littlefoot’s abrupt disappearance and they had had to search for the way Littlefoot had used during his frantic run and they had reached the fateful scene only now… only to see what had happened to one of the dinosaurs the three had called their friend.

There was very little left of Cera’s orange tail, most of it torn to pieces by the sharptooth’s vicious teeth. Only some disgusting pieces of bleeding meat hang from the bloody stump. In addition to that, her sides were completely covered by the marks of the sharptooth’s claws, blood flowing from them in an alarming rate. The predator itself was stuck on the lower slopes of the hills but it mattered little as it had already claimed a potential victim. Cera panted between her screams, only able to mutter a few words before her mind finally blacked out after her massive injuries.

“Why… why… did we have…. to fight like that? I… I’m….” She said before collapsing to the ground. Littlefoot looked at her with terrified eyes, not willing to believe what had come to pass. In a matter of seconds, Cera would be gone but not if he only could prevent it in some way! He turned to his friends and cried to them in alarm.

‘”We have to cover her wounds! Quickly now, search for some leaves to stop the bleeding!” Littlefoot cried, not thinking clearly in this moment of horror. He immediately started to search for something to help Cera but despite their shock and sorrow, Ducky and Petrie realized there was nothing they could do now. Ducky whispered to the longneck who was on the verge of losing the rest of his composure.

“There are no leaves around here, Littlefoot! There… there’s nothing we can cover her wounds with.” The swimmer said while walking closer to the threehorn whose condition was getting beyond grave. Littlefoot’s eyes widened as he heard those words, not willing to believe his ears. Was Ducky truly suggesting just abandoning Cera here? Was she insane? He immediately answered to the smaller dinosaur with an outraged voice.

“There’s something we can do, Ducky! You know Cera wouldn’t have given up on us!” Littlefoot knew how ridiculous his words sounded after the duo’s fight but again and again, Cera had sought him and his friends out and helped them against the sharptooth. However, it was Ducky’s next words that finally broke his courage.

“She would not have, no, no, no. But without any green food or something else, there’s nothing we can do but to… but to hope for the best.” Ducky tried to sniff back her tears, knowing that it would take a miracle to save Cera at this point. She had always reveled in making new friends but lately, her and her companions’ lives had turned into an ever worse nightmare. All her times with Cera and the others flowed before her eyes, slowly beginning to wonder if all their dreams would start to turn into false hopes.

Littlefoot looked at Ducky with an unmoving face, unconsciously hiding the storm in his mind from the gazes of others. His body fought for a chance to help Cera but slowly his mind was forced to accept the truth. His mother had taught him how to try to stop his own bleeding but none of that was possible in a dry, lifeless hellhole like this. And that meant only one thing… Littlefoot dragged his gaze from Ducky and looked at the cliffs, trying to salvage at least parts of his composure in this terrible moment.

“This… this is all my fault! I sent her away and… and if I hadn’t been so blind, all would be alright right now! Why did I have to ruin everything again!” He hit his paw against the cliff, looking at the form of the slowly departing sharptooth. He had never wanted to lose Cera but the knowledge that this time, the potential loss of the threehorn truly was his fault made him feel more miserable than ever since the aftermath of his first meeting with the cursed sharptooth. This time, it had been him who had sent Cera out there even if he had the choice of simply forgiving her transgressions. Petrie and Ducky exchanged brief glances as both of them would have wanted to comfort Littlefoot in his hour of need but on the other hand, both of them knew this indeed was his mistake and in the bottoms of their hearts, disdain for the longneck’s actions was starting to swell. Despite that, Petrie soon approached and spoke in a surprisingly serious voice for him.

“Cera not gone yet. Maybe we should look after her until she gets better.” He tried to cheer up the desperate longneck but Littlefoot’s answer was far from what he had expected. The longneck understood the full direness and his tone was even overtly toxic as he answered.

“We cannot do that, Petrie! Or did you already forget your hunger?” He snapped, knowing full well that even without Cera’s injury, his and his friends chance of survival had been a fleeting one at best. The Valley had to be out there but his and his friends had to reach it quickly if they ever wanted to reach the paradise they had dreamed of all their lives. However, the pleading looks of his friends told that they were more than willing to defend Cera as long as they were able but it was Spike’s next gesture that surprised the longneck the most. He walked to Cera’s side and licked her cheek quickly and then cast a pleading look at Littlefoot. The latter looked at him with a bothered look, the spiketail’s honesty and concerns touching the distraught boy deeply. The silence stretched on for a few moments until Littlefoot took a deep sigh and spoke to his friends.

“Very well. If you wish to make things even worse, it’s all fine for me! I like Cera as much as you do but we should move on. I’ll see all of you soon.” Suddenly, the longneck turned around and headed back towards the trail he and his friends had initially used to reach the cliff. He hated everything about himself and the situation this and for the first time in a long time, the longneck was completely lost. Silent sobs and shocked cries could be heard behind him as for the first time in his life, Littlefoot turned his back completely to the task bestowed to him by his beloved mother.

It didn’t take long for him to reach the highest parts of the mountains again. The boy had helplessly wandered the winding paths and trails in an effort to clear out his thoughts but anywhere he went, the sight of Cera leaving after the duo’s fight and her injury flowed through his mind. He had made a terrible mistake and the rest of his friends had received only unkept promises for following him after all his mistakes during their journey. He was a complete failure and a monster who didn’t even deserve to reach the Great Valley if he ever even received that chance.

The longneck collapsed over a flat stone in utter exhaustion and fear, his entire mind an endless pit of self-hate and regret. There his friends were looking after Cera while he was only lying here, doing nothing but only making things worse by the minute. Perhaps it would all be just better if he leapt down from the cliff and let his friends finally be free of him. Yes, that would solve so many different problems for everyone…


The boy twitched noticeably, completely taken aback by the sudden sound. It sounded as if a thousand rays of the Bright Circle fought their way through a seemingly never-ending curtain of sky puffies on a cold day. As if a happy memory fighting its way through from the realm of oblivion. Yet, that was a voice Littlefoot would know in a matter of seconds even if dozens of Cold Times would pass by. His face shot up in complete shock and he saw a massive cloud hanging over the red sky which took a familiar form. A form of a female longneck. Almost immediately, the voice repeated such as softly.


Yes, he was not mistaken this time. With ashamed and wavering movements, the longneck rose to his legs and with a slight stutter, spoke to the cloud.

“Mother... I - I tried to do what you told me, but it's just too hard. I'll never find the Great Valley.” Was all he managed to say and slowly, his head slowly dropping downwards from his complete shame. He didn’t know what he expected in this situation but he was overjoyed by even having a chance for this conversation. From the back of his brows, Littlefoot followed the cloud’s movement and for a short while, nothing happened. The longneck was already resigned to the fact that he didn’t deserve an answer but suddenly the cloud seemed to gesture him to look towards the setting Bright Circle.

After a moment of hesitation, he looked at the growing shadows that the mountains were painting upon the endless plains. There was nothing to be seen: no trace of the Valley or green food, absolutely nothing. Littlefoot sighed and shook his head at that sight, knowing it was unlikely he had the strength to even reach that horizon. Everything seemed beyond impossible at this point and slowly, he turned to look at the form of the longneck and whispered to it pleadingly.

“What do I have left to do? Please tell me, mother.” He asked while trying to fight back his feelings. To the longneck’s horror, after a few seconds, the cloud seemed to start drifting
further away from into the wide sky. He immediately rose up and cried towards it in a voice that sounded nearly panicked.

“Don’t go, mother! Don’t go!” He cried helplessly as the cloud seemed to slowly disintegrate between his eyes. Littlefoot continued his cries at the sight, knowing that even her mother had rejected him after his terrible deeds. That was, until he suddenly heard an ever so faint voice deep inside him.

“You know the way to the Valley, Littlefoot. And you know you have already walked it to the end.” Those words seemed to come from somewhere from the flux of his own thoughts and heart but they did little to ease his situation. He had already walked the way to the Valley? But how? This simply couldn’t be the Great Valley! This was some kind of hellish range of dried mountains in the middle of nowhere! Had his mother told him this completely senseless advice or was it another one of his own deluded thoughts caused by all these days of despair and fear? What the hell was he supposed to think about all this?

The longneck’s breathing grew more intense by the second as he thought about everything that had happened during past hour. Only now, he realized he had no idea how far away the Valley actually was or whether it truly existed at all. Whether it existed at all… those words made Littlefoot suddenly look pleadingly towards the skies but the cloud had completely vanished into the dark sky, not a trace of it to be seen. Had it been his mother’s voice he had heard, like he had not long after her death? If it were, then… then she couldn’t help him anymore. And in that case… in that case, what could he really trust in? Had her mother actually been wrong from the beginning? That was a thought that he had simply wanted to put away all his life but he didn’t know whether he could do that anymore. At the very least, did he have the right to…

“Littlefoot? You should not run away like that! You have acted very strange lately!” A voice suddenly drew Littlefoot from his thoughts. Petrie quickly jumped over a nearby rock, followed closely by an equally concerned Ducky. The longneck stared at them and immediately demanded in a surprisingly hostile voice which drew its force from Littlefoot’s very fears.

“What are you doing here? You were supposed to look after Cera!” He said, completely dumbstruck by his development. However, his concerns were quickly addressed by Ducky.

“Her wounds no longer bleeds as badly as before and she is still breathing. I think she will live through all this, yep, yep, yep! Spike will look after her for a while. But we came here because I and Petrie are very concerned about you, we are.” The swimmer said with a weak smile which nonetheless heartened Littlefoot to a degree. If Cera truly was doing as well as Ducky said, it truly would be a miracle in the middle of this endless gloom. However, the last part of her comment wasn’t one the boy felt comfortable answering just yet.

“That’s great news, Ducky! I knew Cera was strong but it seemed like an injury even she wouldn’t survive. I’m happy she keeps proving me wrong.” He simply said, hoping the two would leave their questioning for a while. He still had a lot to understand himself and if possible, he’d solve his problems himself. However, Ducky wasn’t about to let that issue pass this easily.

“You are proving us wrong, Littlefoot! Ever since you sent her away, you haven’t been yourself! It’s like you’ve been afraid all the time about what you are doing, you are! You have stuck to yourself and when we first met, you would not have ran away when one of us was hurt! We all know something’s wrong!” The swimmer finally revealed her true intention but to her surprise, no immediate rebuke could be seen from Littlefoot. In its stead, he turned to look at Ducky with sad eyes and took a long, bothered sigh. He no longer looked annoyed, only completely wearied by his mental fatigue. In the end, what could he win if he simply kept running away from the truth and continue lying to those who trusted in him? No, this was the time to break the silence and only pray that his friends would not be harsh on him.

“Ducky… Petrie… I’m happy you came to look for me. I could not have asked for better friends than you. But you are right that a certain thing has bothered me in the past days. Ever since I met you, I thought I was doing what was the best for all of us, that I truly knew the way to go. However, ever since I sent Cera away, and even a bit before that, I really started to understand what this journey would take from all of us. And… the truth is that I no longer know whether I’m doing anything right anymore.” He sighed briefly, taking a brief pause while investigating the duo’s expressions. Especially Petrie looked surprised and after a moment, he opened his beak.

“B… but you’ve always led Petrie forward! You know the way to the Valley and you always help us when you can, Littlefoot!” He said, using the longneck’s actual name this time instead of the usual flathead. Even if he had joked on his behalf, the flyer had come to trust Littlefoot from the beginning with all his heart. Seeing him like this bothered Petrie without end as Littlefoot had always done his very best to hide his sorrows from his friends. However, after his many weeks of lone wandering after he was separated from his family, Petrie welcomed anyone who claimed to know the way forward. He looked in worry as Littlefoot answered quickly and with a clear frown on his face.

“Thanks, Petrie. I always thought I knew the way to the Valley but we’ve already passed the rock that looks like a longneck and the Mountains that Burn and we’re still not there! All the way, I trusted that my mother was right about the Valley and that I only had to follow her words. But lately, I don’t even know if we’re on the right path. Or whether the Valley exists at all.” The longneck said under his breath, knowing that the die has been cast with his last admission. He looked as Ducky put her hands on her cheeks in shock and as Petrie jumped a few steps backwards in fear. The flyer dropped behind a smaller rock and looked from behind it, his words wavering slightly.

“Of course the Valley is real! Momma and me family always talk about it! Everybody talk about it! How can it not be out there!?” He asked, not even willing to think about the issue by himself just yet. That possibility left very few goop options for anyone so they simply couldn’t accept such a horrible chance. Ducky glanced at Petrie in similar sentiment and then spoke to Littlefoot.

“So did my family, Littlefoot. And your mother knew a whole lot about the Valley and where it is! But how could she know so much about something that isn’t really there? It does not make sense, it does not.” The swimmer said, causing Littlefoot to think about it for a moment. The magical moment of her telling that some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart returned to his mind and he still understood none of it. He would have wanted nothing more than to simply follow her words and prove them right but now he simply couldn’t. Instead, he answered in a way that would have been unthinkable for him only a few days earlier.

“I don’t know. Maybe she heard from it from some dinosaur who didn’t tell the truth or maybe the Valley was only an old story among the herds that has since turned into this same, dry hellscape, if it ever existed at all! In any case, she was wrong the whole time despite promising me that the Valley was there!” Littlefoot said as he suddenly hit a large rock with his foot, gritting his teeth as the results of that outburst of rage made themselves known. Both of the smaller dinosaurs stared at him dumbstruck before Ducky once again spoke in a voice that was barely louder than the weak breath of wind that flew over the desolate plains as if a wandering spirit trying to find solace before passing on.

“Littlefoot… What are you trying to tell us?” The swimmer’s words would have haunted the longneck without end if his own mental state wasn’t so badly bruised and ruined. Now, it was only another question that, despite its simplicity, forced him to tell the truth about his so-called leadership. He slowly rose to his feet as he spoke, preparing to leave the scene as soon as he could. The longneck was prepared to face the judgement of his too friends but he still didn’t want to dwell in this monstrous situation any longer than he had to.

“I’m trying to tell you that… that I don’t know what to do anymore. I cannot ask you to follow me anymore if I don’t even believe myself that I know the way. I’m glad you came this far with me but this is the end of the road for me. Even if I wanted, I couldn’t walk for more than a few hours before collapsing.” He said sadly to his companions while looking at the pale form of the Bright Circle which was soon preparing to set for this day. Petrie could only stare at the other boy, unable to handle all the implications of the longneck’s words. If the valley wasn’t real and he and his friends didn’t have the strength to reach it…

“But you have to walk for many more days, flathead! And if you don’t know the way, Cera does! She has always said so and Petrie believe her! Me cannot believe you took us this far and only now tell Petrie we went this way for nothing!” The flyer said angrily, earning a tired look from Littlefoot. He no longer cared about Cera’s claims but even then, she had never seemed to have a real explanation to her directions. The flyer’s last words upset him slightly but right now, he knew he deserved every attack and insult that was coming his way. Ducky’s initially worried look seemed equally unsure but her expression, too, darkened quickly as she realized what her friend had been up to.

“I never believed you’d do this, Littlefoot! You lied to us all the time and you even sent Cera away even if you didn’t know any better than she did! We all spent days heading nowhere and spent our last strength only because you didn’t tell us you were wrong! That was not nicely done, no, no, no!” The swimmer crossed her arms as she voiced her thoughts but she received no immediate answer. Littlefoot only looked at the two, his expression carrying only one message: a heartfelt “sorry”. However, it wasn’t enough for the two as Petrie whispered to Ducky.

“Let’s go see Cera. At least now we know she was right the whole time.” The swimmer nodded to Petrie’s words and shortly, the two turned back and headed towards the place they had left Cera and Spike. Littlefoot followed their departure and as long as they were out of sight, he buried his head in his paws and started to cry bitterly.

An impenetrable weakness and terrible pain were the only things that accompanied the threehorn as her mind slowly fought its way back from the world of sickly dreams. At first, she didn’t even realize who or where she was, the overwhelming pain stealing all of her attention. The rays of light slowly broke the horrifying dominance of pain in her senses and slowly, her eyes started to recognize stones and small crawlers in the ground. Finally, her last memories returned to her mind and almost immediately, she shot up to look at her tail but she quickly found that wasn’t her brightest idea.

She suddenly felt many jolts of pain firing in her sides, but before she could completely reopen her wounds, she suddenly felt a foot stepping on her chest which quickly stopped her struggles. She turned to look at the other dinosaur and she was beyond surprised to see it was Spike. The spiketail looked at her in clear worry and then looked at her tail, after which he shook his head sadly. His look haunted the threehorn greatly and it was only now that she realized that she was lying in a pool of dried blood and the mere amount of it made her want to scream immediately. However, her body was barely in a situation to move and almost immediately, she felt her head fall down in fatigue. After a few seconds of forced panting, she asked her companion weakly.

“Where are the others? Have they… moved on?” She asked, realizing that it was what any sensible dinosaur would have done. Her mind was too taxed to think what Spike was doing here in that case so that was merely a question she unknowingly skipped. To the threehorn’s relief, however, Spike shook his head and nodded towards the pass leading deeper into the mountains. Cera sighed slightly, only now realizing how pathetic she had to look to Spike. However, that thought vanished very quickly from her mind as she forced herself to look the current situation at the eyes. She was severely injured and humiliated in the middle of nowhere and she had only proven that she couldn’t survive alone. Littlefoot and those who had followed him had fared far better than she had and that was the thought that finally broke her composure. She was just about to continue her rest when she suddenly heard a familiar voice from near her.

“You’re awake, Cera, you, you are! I’m so glad for it!” Ducky cried as she spoke to her friend. Cera gasped in surprise and with a weary look, answered to the swimmer.

“I guess.  But I should not have been outrun by the sharptooth. Threehorns should be better at everything than those brainless monsters. And go on, tell me I shouldn’t have insulted Littlefoot in the first place. Make it all the more miserable.” Cera said, not finding anything she could defend her pride at this point. However, what she heard next drew her interest far more closely.

“But Littlefoot wrong all the time about the Valley!  He tell Petrie and Ducky he never really knew if the Valley is real or not! Luckily we have you, brave Cera!” Petrie smiled widely as he looked at the larger dinosaur, doing his best to avoid thinking about the last meeting and the disappointment towards Littlefoot. For a moment, an idea rose to Cera’s mind. What if she could beat the flathead after all and pay back the humiliation of driving her away? Maybe she would have her chance after all? She was just about to speak when another thought hit her like the most massive of boulders.

Littlefoot didn’t know where the Valley was? All this time, she had tried to show she alone knew the way but it had all been just to show that she knew everything better than the longneck. But if he didn’t know the way… then nobody did. For a while, Cera simply stared before her, making the two smaller dinosaurs increasingly worried. When Cera finally spoke, her voice was one nobody had ever heard from her. It was fearful and anxious but even now, Cera didn’t reveal all of her thoughts. She’d keep at least the appearance that she had once been a real rival to Littlefoot and that she actually cared for the others from the beginning.

“Even if I was in a condition to go anywhere, you saw what the sharptooth did to me! I cannot lead anyone anywhere and I never could.” She said while turning away from the duo. Ducky looked at her in utter shock, never expecting to hear such words from Cera. Immediately, she moved closer to Cera and nearly pleaded her to answer.

“But… but you have to help us! You always told us to follow you and…” The swimmer started but she wasn’t allowed to finish her words before Cera snapped back at her.

“I was an idiot back then! I never knew where to really go! I’m just as lost as the rest of you which makes things even worse!” The threehorn said sternly, the sudden realization that there was now absolutely no rescue from this terrifying hellscape and her acceptance of her own powerlessness weighing heavily upon the poor threehorn.
Petrie looked at the threehorn, slowly starting to realize what the conversations with Littlefoot and Cera meant. If nobody really knew where the Valley was, there was no way any of the five friends would reach it and if that was the case… Suddenly, a pressing fear took a grip within Petrie’s chest and he started to whimper silently.

“Then… we’ll never reach the Valley… oh, why does this have to happen to Petrie?!” The flyer whimpered while Ducky glanced at him in growing anger, her nerves slowly getting stretched to their very limits. She was far too overwhelmed by Littlefoot and Cera’s words to really know what to think. To think that all that had happened to her and her friends since they met had been for nothing and that at least two of her friends had cheated her this whole time was something even she couldn’t stomach. Suddenly, the outburst that had been building within the girl manifested itself in ways her friends hadn’t expected.

“But still you had to fight and argue with the rest of us whenever you could, Cera! If you never knew anything, you have really been just a whimpering burden to us this whole time! I… I… this is just too much! I’ve had enough of this, I have!” Ducky said before quickly turning around and running away from the scene. Cera looked after her wide-eyed and even if the situation weighed upon Petrie heavily too, he also left for his own, needing some time to think in this terrifying nightmare.

Mama… papa and my brothers and sisters… Why can’t all of you just be here instead of my “friends”? You must all be in the Valley already while I’m just here, hungry and alone. Why can’t I be with all of you?

The chaotic memories of the Great Earthshake tearing her away from her family and the earth splitting in half under her very eyes returned to her mind as she did her best to still remember the faces of her beloved family. To think that she might have seen them for the very last time back then was a monstrous thought. If her mother had been here, she’d know what to do as she always had. She had always been taught to trust other dinosaurs with all her heart and following Littlefoot had been very easy for the young swimmer. Until today, she had come to see this journey as a temporary horror, something that would pass quicker than she knew it but now she knew better. She was never going to reach the Valley or reunite with her family.

Ducky inhaled thankfully as a cold breath of wind greeted her face. The swimmer was sitting upon a small rock overlooking the wastelands beyond which the Bright Circle would soon be setting. The hunger was slowly consuming all of her senses and it had been a struggle to even reach this spot. The wind was a sweet reminder of the beauties of this ruined world but it did little to help her escape from her inevitable fate. Of course, this possibility wasn’t something she hadn’t known until now. During her young life, the swimmer had lost four siblings to the hardships of the journey but never before had she thought she’d join them like this.

She had come so far and it was a terrifying thought for her that in the end, reaching the Valley would be impossible. If she had only been a bit more careful, she would have been able to stay with her family from the beginning and none of this would have ever happened! However, that thought surprisingly to her brought another thought to her mind. Some part of her didn’t want to wish for everything that had happened after separation from her family to simply disappear. A small part of her wanted her to acknowledge that even after Littlefoot and Cera’s revelations, no part of their time had been for naught. But how couldn’t they be if it all had to end like this? However, it didn’t take long for her mind to answer that question.

Again she was playing with Littlefoot witch the cracks in the ground and earning her first laughter in days. Again she was helping Spike to hatch from his egg and witnessing his first steps in this world. And again she was climbing above all the piles of ash, she and her friends helping each other in the way even her family rarely had: knowing each of them had to make it and no one spared their efforts to each other. Even Cera, despite keeping her distance from the others, helped the others on without her usual brashness which on that had escaped her notice but now she realized its meaning. She had wanted the journey to succeed but in the end, everybody had made mistakes. Not least Ducky herself.
If she had only resigned to the role of following others without questioning her own helplessness, who was she to blame her two friends who had actually tried to make something good out of this gloom? Yet, none of that changed one fact: unless a miracle happened, she wouldn’t be in this world to watch the next setting of the Bright Circle. She’d never see her family again but even now, a slight flicker of hope flashed in the back of her mind. One that gave her the last bits of courage she needed to go through all this.

The longneck’s tears slowly run out, leaving Littlefoot to mourn his fate in complete silence. He had betrayed his only friends who had trusted in him and in process, he had doomed himself and the future of his herd as well. This was a fitting end for his life of failure, alone and starving in this dry and darkening mountain. He tried to again imagine riding on his mother’s back, knowing he was safe from all the dangers of the world: from hunger and from sharpteeth. Yet, no matter how much he tried to imagine it, that vision stayed only what it truly was: a hopeful glimpse of his lost happiness.

However, the words he had found in his heart still bothered him without end. Did it actually tell him that the Valley had been a mirage all this time? Despite everything, he wanted to think his mother had known better than to chase something that didn’t exist but if she never knew more about the Valley, she had to have only heard of it in rumors or something like that… or perhaps she knew it wasn’t there to begin with.

That thought made Littlefoot cringe. None of the other herds knew nothing more and it was most likely his family had only gone along with the others to even this small hope of survival. However, it had proven to be a false hope. The world was truly dying and no Great valley could escape that fact. Yet, he, too, realized another thing he hadn’t thought about. Maybe, just maybe, his chance to find new friends and to help them in the past days was far more than he could have asked in this life. For more than a few times, he had been happy with his new companions and he wanted to believe they felt the same way he did. Suddenly Littlefoot’s famished mind realized that his overwhelming sadness was slowly giving way to a brief smile to the longneck’s face. Yes, despite everything, his life had been one worth living. With herculean efforts and bittersweet thoughts, the longneck rose to his feet and slowly moved to search for the others, willing to make peace with them once and for all.

The flyer’s thoughts were not unlike those of his friends. Despite the unsavory revelations, he knew how lucky he had been to have a part in this journey at all. His body felt like each step could be its last but he wanted to simply make sure Littlefoot and Cera would forgive him for his and Ducky’s outbursts. He walked slowly towards Cera when he finally saw Littlefoot walking right towards him. At first he thought about whether he should hide from him to avoid any further drama but in the end, he knew he had only one option. With a meek voice, he suddenly moved before Littlefoot and asked him carefully.

“Petrie very sorry about what me said. Me know now you only did what you had to.” He said in a voice that the longneck heard only barely. Littlefoot took a brief pause before answering and when he did, he even gave a brief if weak smile to the flyer.

“You don’t need to apologize, Petrie. I didn’t do the right thing at all. I cannot ask you of this but, Petrie, could you forgive me for what I’ve done?” The longneck asked, looking hopefully at the flyer’s expectant eyes but before he could answer, he felt something that at first shocked him without an end. A warm touch suddenly hit his left cheek and when he turned to look at the newcomer, he realized it was Spike who had decided to greet him in his own way. The lick made the boy giggle slightly before he answered to the spiketail who had lightened the atmosphere in a matter of seconds.

“Thanks for that, Spike. I think Petrie and Ducky told you what we spoke about, didn’t they?” The longneck asked carefully but his fears were immediately washed away as the spiketail gave him another lick on his face. Even in this terrible moment, the slight relief made him giggle as he looked at Spike’s approving face. His melancholy lifted for the moment, he raised his left foot and waved at his companions eagerly.

“Well, come on. Let’s hope Cera and Ducky will be able to move on.” He said, the longneck’s mouth slowly turning into a frown again, the finality of this day gripping his heart with a merciless force.

A disgusted look rose to Cera’s face as she slowly pulled her body onward. Her sides hurt enormously but she was done lying in the middle of her own, dried blood. It was bad enough for all her dreams getting crushed like this but she wouldn’t accept lying helpless any longer, despite the pain it caused to her injured body. It was a small testament to her being a threehorn who was never supposed to give up or run in the face of danger. Those thoughts were over now but at least she could still uphold her dignity to some degree.
Forced gasps escaped from the girl’s dried lips as she fell down to the ground, looking with regret at what remained of her tail. The thought of it accompanying her all her remaining days was a haunting one but on the other hand, that wasn’t a long time if she didn’t find the Valley. Once again, the feeling of loss returned to her mind as she thought about her family she would never rejoin. All the siblings she would never play with again… Those thoughts made her slowly sob and silent whimpers escaped from her mouth as she cried.

“Goodbye, dad. I tried to be like you but… I wasn’t strong enough. And mum and the others… you don’t know how much I’d like to be with all of you!”
She bawled as she thought about the times when she had stupidly thought she could find her family just like that, without any problems. Her earlier pride had led her to this dark place from which there was no escape. All she could do was wait for…

“What is it Cera? Did you hurt yourself even worse?” A male voice called from behind her and sure enough, small trickles lied in the ground to mark the trail she had used when she dragged her way away from her original lying place. With a slow movement, she turned to face Littlefoot and to the latter’s shock, the primary expressions on her face were that of fatigue and surrender. Her voice wavered as she spoke.

“I didn’t but who cares even if I did? I mean, it doesn’t matter anymore. If we don’t reach the Valley, nothing matters anymore!” She said, trying to avoid accusing Littlefoot at this point. She didn’t have the right for that after all that had happened during the last days. She wouldn’t have wanted to concede this directly to the longneck but in her current condition, she simply didn’t have the strength to go on. Littlefoot’s expression darkened as he heard those words and cast a long glance towards the western horizon. After a moment, he answered sadly to the threehorn.

“We can’t go on anymore, Cera, it’s true. I had wanted to carry on my family’s hopes but it seems all we believed in was simply not true. I’d give anything to make things better than that but it’s impossible now, Cera.” He said, sadness creeping its way into every corner of his mind. Cera looked at him in disbelief and after a moment, she stuttered to him with an unsure voice.

“How can you be so calm, Littlefoot? We’re going to die and all that we did was for nothing! Don’t you realize that?” Cera suddenly cried, that knowledge quickly starting to overwhelm her. The thought that she’d never leave this place nearly drove her over the edge and only barely did she manage to calm herself even to some degree. After a short while, Ducky walked towards her and spoke to her softly.

“Of course we do, Cera, but not all we did was for nothing. I at least will ever forget the story of your meeting with the sharptooth or about the way you joined us those four night ago.” The swimmer said, willing to let Cera do her own conclusions. The swimmer was of course just as grief-stricken as the threehorn but her previous talk with her friends had made her accept the fate that was befalling upon her. The loss of her family was something she had prayed to avoid but without it, she would never have found her new friends. However, Cera didn’t look too convinced just yet and her answer sounded more like a growl than a normal answer.

“But it doesn’t matter if those memories won’t pass to others after us! Dad will never know what happened to me and… and even if he did, I would have wanted to get a chance to one day become like my parents. There were good times on our journey but they just weren’t worth all that we will lose.” She said, just thinking about all her coming Cold Times that would never come to pass. All the joys and sorrows and future glories… all of them were just swept away because of this cursed change which was killing the world ever so slowly. The others knew that her point was a correct one and Littlefoot had to fight back his own tears as he spoke again.

“It doesn’t, Cera. Simply the chance to live safely in the Valley with my grandparents would be something I’d do anything to experience. To simply see the faces of my last family is something I’ve dreamt nearly all the time. But you know what, Cera? We could have died just as well during the Great Earthshake or in the jaws of the sharptooth many times before. Many of us have already lost brothers or sisters during the past Cold Times. But we didn’t and because of that, we lived longer than many of our folks did. And if this is how it has to end, I’m so happy I’ll be able to share it with all of you.” The longneck spoke, looking at all his friends one by one. His voice wavered with emotion and all the other four dinosaurs returned his approving gaze. He had voiced all of their thoughts about why they had decided to forgive the longneck and the threehorn for their former antics.
Even Cera could only stare at Littlefoot in astonishment, not expecting him to speak like that after all that had happened. His honest and heartfelt words seemed to suddenly sweep her fears as she thought about what he had said. Together, the two had gone through many challenges and dangers and despite their disagreements on many issues, thy had created something that truly mattered. Even if nobody would know of those efforts in the coming weeks, it didn’t mean at all that the five friends’ efforts were for nothing. They had gone to their absolute limits to help each other and to find the legendary Valley which was far more than most of the poor souls in this withering, dying world could say. Cera could even smile slightly as she answered to Littlefoot, knowing she was lucky to have shared these times with her friends.

“You know, Littlefoot? So am I. In the end, things could have turned into something far worse. I’m sorry for the trouble I caused earlier and I am happy that you still consider me…. a friend.” She said while wondering herself how she was hearing herself say that. However, all of the others were just as overjoyed by the threehorn’s words as she was surprised by them and almost promptly, Littlefoot moved to nuzzle his friend after which he was followed by every one of his friends. Even through the last struggles, the five had wanted nothing more to finally share one moment of genuine friendship and even Cera, despite her injuries, slowly rose up and moved to embrace Spike and Littlefoot as the five friends decided to give each other this one, final gift.

That moment seemed to stretch on forever as for the first time in days, the hunger and fear gave way to the feeling of warmth and love. In this moment, each of them knew that while they would lose so much, they had gained something truly priceless in return. Slowly, they turned to look at the setting Bright Circle, knowing this was the last time they’d ever witness this miraculous sight. Despite that, there was no despair, no sorrow, only a thankful silence as the five friends finally let them embrace go and to catch their breath in the middle of the weakness caused by the hunger. Nearly wordlessly, each of the five dinosaurs fell down to the ground, panting in utter exhaustion. Unless a miracle happened, this place would be the one their journey would end in.

Hours passed slowly and the evening slowly turned into a night. Sky puffies slowly formed into the dark skies but the rising wind moved them quickly through the endless skies. The cool breath brought some relief to the young dinosaurs as it was a great, priceless change from the burning heat of the day. It was enough to wake Petrie from his weak slumber and the flyer breathed deeply at the sweet air. He yawned with great efforts as he turned to look into the surrounding plains, his fading mind regretting only one thing.

Petrie would have wanted to fly so badly in the sky like all me brothers and sisters! Momma always say it the greatest feeling in the world but… maybe Petrie wasn’t meant to do it at all.

He thought while glancing at his friends slowly. He smiled at the memory of Ducky comforting him about his inability to fly and cast a brief glance at the swimmer whose breaths seemed to be growing weaker by the minute. Of all his friends, he was the most grateful to Ducky for always being there for him to help in times of hardship and sorrow. The swimmer was his closest friend and he was more than happy that she was still by his side. However, the numbness that had taken control of the flyer’s body slowly spread into his consciousness and piece by piece, the flyer’s mind started to shut down due to the terrifying effect of hunger. Slowly, his breaths grew weaker and weaker… until they stopped altogether.

And so it continued. As the night grew older, the four remaining dinosaurs’ bodies continued to weaken even further and one by one, their spirits moved on from this mortal coil. Next was Cera whose wounds had already made her more fragile than the others. The threehorn and flyer’s passings were not unnoticed by Littlefoot, Ducky or Spike but each of them were now powerless to even express their feelings to each other. For them, it was like a vague dream that seemed so very unreal and changed into even more unclear visions as time passed. Even the hunger seemed to dissipate, replaced by pure numbness.

The night was nearing its end when it finally was Ducky and Spike’s time. The two were lying side by side as they had created a stronger bond than most of the others. In many ways, Ducky considered Spike her brother already and she was glad to be on his side right now. The duo’s hearts beat nearly in unison before they slowly stopped altogether. The scene had turned absolutely silent except for one, last dinosaur’s wheezing gasps. Littlefoot was finally woken up as the first rays of the Bright Circle met his eyes. It felt like something he had never felt before, its warming light comforting him in ways he had never before known. It was as if a fulfilled dream that came crashing down on the hapless longneck but as the sickly dream drifted away, he remembered where he was. With forced movements, He looked around him and was more than happy to see all his friends were still there, only waiting to awaken from their own slumber… except that they simply weren’t. Almost immediately, Littlefoot realized that none of them would be waking up.
However, that knowledge didn’t hit Littlefoot as hard as he thought. At first, his taxed mind could only stare at his friends as he felt his own time approaching quickly. He was shocked beyond measure by this development but his body was in no condition to bear his emotions anymore. Only a simple… it was not even a thought but rather a feeling rose to the longneck’s mind as the sight of the Bright Circle started to fade before him. The memories of all their times together were his only companion on this lonely journey as his breathing grew more and more forced. The last sensation Littlefoot felt in this world was his mother’s tail slowly embracing him and finally putting him to sleep like she had done so many times before.

And with a deep sigh, Littlefoot joined his beloved friends in the immortal reaches of the Great Beyond.

And this is my answer to the June prompt based on one of my co-participant’s prompt “What if the gang never reached the great valley? Write a story in which the gang of five do not reach the great valley. Is it going to be a tragic tale of failure, will our heroes still end up with a happy ending? It is all up to you! You may start the story at any time of the LBT 1 movie which also means you are completely free to choose at which point of the story things begin to deter from the original storyline" so this story is slightly AU. Even then, I hope I made promise to this idea! Now, I’ll concentrate on my main stories for this month. Anyway, I’ll look forward to hearing your comments about this fic and see you again with a heavily-delayed chapter on Petrie’s storyline in Separate Ways!

LBT Fanfiction / Generation upon Generation
« on: June 08, 2018, 10:29:22 AM »
Generation upon Generation

A slight rumble arose from the cliff as a powerful tail collided with a massive boulder swinging at its edge. Again and again, the spiketail hit the rock and after a short but tiring battle, the latter finally dropped into the nearly vertical abyss. The dinosaur panted for a few seconds, her expression apparently unmoved by her momentary success. As she looked down the cliff, however, she allowed herself the slightest of relieved thoughts. She had managed to complete her part of this most important of tasks: now the rest of it was up to Longsnout. He was a strong-willed but trustworthy domehead, in many ways as trusted her beloved mate. His voice could soon be heard from the mist-covered ground.
“Well done, Stelia! We can finish it from here!” The low voice of a young domehead called to the aging female. She wasted no time answering to him and she immediately started to head towards his location.

“As you two should! Rolling stones around for a minute or two is a joke compared to trying to push them all the way to this cliff!” She cried half-jokingly but her voice still held some displeasure at her being forced to do the hardest part of this the task of resealing the entrance into the Mysterious Beyond from the Hidden Canyon, the wall of stone slowly starting to crumble under the almighty tooth of time. And that wall wasn’t the only thing that had suffered lately even if few of those living in the Valley today even knew it. Stelia shook her head slightly as she reached the ground after a long and treacherous descent from the rocky hill.

The height of the Warm Time was approaching but still a sudden, cold breath of wind fought its way under the female’s hide, the humid mist around her only making her feel more miserable. Not since her early childhood had she seen a warm season had been worthy of its name, the Warm Times usually being little more than eternal covers of sky puffies and the rays of the Bright Circle did very little to help the gloom in any meaningful way. Stelia had heard that once, the Valley had been a lush, green paradise but all she could see around herself were slowly thinning rows trees carrying of pointy, hard leaves which far too often stung nastily when anyone tried to eat them. Yet, none of that was new to the old dinosaur and she only shrugged bitterly as she moved through the cold, misty landscape which had once been the mythical dream of every leaf eater. However, the slowly appearing form of her mate called Greyhide shook some part of her gloom.

“That should keep the sharpteeth at bay for some time! It’s in a much better condition now than in ages!” The male spiketail shouted as he tried to catch his breath. The imposing form of the stone wall was an impressive one indeed and it blocked this remote entrance into the Valley completely. No sharptooth could ever climb over those rocks in many cycles of the Bright Circle. Stelia spoke to her mate in approval as she moved to his side.

“Perhaps that’ll do for some time. I guess we should go tell the others that we made it.” She said with some approval but she barely managed to finish her words when Longsnout looked at her with some bitterness, the earlier triumphant tone all but vanished from his tone.

“If they even remember the Hidden Canyon in the middle of all their fighting! If it were up to them, any sharptooth could have just walked in from here in a few days once the wall would have collapsed!” The domehead snorted as he looked in the direction of the central parts of the Great Valley, the scene of the countless battles over food and territory which marked the Valley the three dinosaurs knew. Stelia looked at him for a few moments before she answered.

“Indeed. They could all just disappear from here for all I care but at least they don’t have to fight over a task we’ve already done! We have enough problems as it is already!” The light-blue colored female raised her voice slightly, the mere mental image of the threehorn, swimmer and flyer herds angering her immediately. The herd meetings had always been difficult but lately, they had become more and more complex and also increasingly violent. Her mate looked at her, his head drooping slightly in regret. However, his next remark was one that did little to ease the burden on the female’s mind.

“And things aren’t getting any better. I… I’ve heard that Neres has been getting far worse in the past days. I don’t think he’ll be staying with us for much longer.” He said while looking at the moist ground and the countless mosses growing on the many rocks lying in the ground. Stelia immediately turned her gaze at her mate and spoke to him in a demanding voice.

“Are you sure? What has happened?” The spiketail asked with clear shock. Even if Stelia cared little for most of the other Valley-dwellers, Neres was an old friend and one of the kindest and most practical of them, one of the only ones to earn her respect. And to think that he could soon be heading into the Great Beyond… Her eyes dipped with concern as her mate answered.

“Who knows? Neres is older than most so maybe his age is only catching up to him. It’s a real shame: his loss will be a great one to all of us.” Greyhide said with a sigh, turning to face the thick fog and light sky water that penetrated the heavy air once in a while. The two spiketails looked at each other for a short moment, both of them understanding each other perfectly. They simply couldn’t let the wisest dinosaur left in the Valley to head for his final journey alone. Stelia glanced at the domehead and spoke to him in an increasingly morbid voice.

“Go tell the Circle of our deeds while we take a look on Neres.” She said matter of factly, prompting a look of slight chagrin from the domehead. Even then, he barely knew the longneck and besides, he was on better terms with some of the Valley’s herds than the solitary spiketails. After a few seconds, he nodded and answered silently.

“Very well. We’ll see after you’ve given the longneck a proper goodbye.” He said silently. Stelia gave him a brief, satisfied nod before turning around to head towards the cave leading into the inner parts of the Great Valley. Even if both of the aging spiketails realized the implications of losing their respected friend, none of them could understand that one era in the Valley’s history would soon be upon us.

A weak, low groan escaped from the longneck’s lips as he slowly began to wake up from the fatigued slumber he found himself in more and more often with every passing day. With a weak movement, he raised his neck to look around himself but anywhere his eyes wandered, only more glum and lost grace greeted his eyes. Fearful and desperate dinosaurs fought fighting for the bitter green food and the continuing breeze in the time which used to be his home’s time for joy and happiness. Neres sighed while trying to keep his face from twisting into a grin of pain as a sudden bolt of pain suddenly hit his chest. After the sudden bolt of pain wore off, his mind drifted back into the merrier times, lamenting this horrible time which he had been forced to witness during his long, lonely life.

True, it was said that his ancestor and his friends had been faced with the darkest possible day to be born in, forced into a life of hardship in the first Cold Times of their lives. Yet, they and their families had a dream to chase, a dream that kept them going on. The dream that he was living now, a thought that created a bitter form of irony that truly made him wonder whether Littlefoot would have traded his lot in life with that of his last descendant? After all, what did he himself have? He was already born as the Valley’s last longneck and his love for his ancestral home had prevented him from ever having a mate, dooming him to witness the Valley’s descent into this cold nightmare alone during his long life. Even if the complete lack of strength infiltrated its way into every part of the ancient dinosaur’s body, a single tear fell into the grass as a testament to his many seasons which would soon come to an end. Neres was nearly falling asleep when he suddenly heard a voice from his left side.

“How do you feel, Neres? I heard ill news about you.” A feminine voice greeted his ears and with forced movements, the longneck turned to look at the two newcomers. His fading mind took a brief moment to recognize the spiketails even if he was more than happy about the temporary company he had received. Yet, there was no reason to hide the obvious from the two.

“You… you’re quite right about that. My time to head into the Great Beyond is fast approaching.” He said with a weak sigh, attempting to gain control of himself for this conversation. Greyhide stepped forward and his face took a more casual and normal look than his mate but his worry was very apparent in his voice too.

“All the entrances into the Valley have been finally resealed again. At least you don’t have to worry about the sharpteeth sneaking up on you anymore.” He said, attempting to prompt at least some slight relief in the dying longneck. Even if a brief look of appreciation did appear on the larger dinosaur’s face, no real joy or happiness could be seen in it. He waited for a moment before giving his answer.

“The sharpteeth have been the least of our problems in the past Cold Times, Greyhide. We all know that.” He answered oddly even if it was clear that everybody did indeed understand his words. Stelia frowned at Neres’ reaction, realizing that she should have expected such a comment from him. He had so often spoken against violence between the herds that many of the other families would most likely rejoice in the old giant’s passing. That thought only sickened the bluish female even if those thoughts were nothing new to her.

“However, the sharpteeth are one issue we can actually do something about. The swimmers were hesitant to even agree to that, claiming that some of us could plan to sabotage the wall in order to attack the other herds later once the sharptooth had ravaged them first!” She fumed, earning one, brief smile of melancholy from Neres. Such claims had become painstakingly common for the Valley lately. Even the longneck couldn’t even begin to understand why but there was one thing he had wanted to float for many Cold Times but he was far too old for it now. But there would be nothing to lose by telling it to the spiketails now, his last words of advice in this world.

“That sounds just like them. Why has our Valley come to this? It used to be a symbol of our ability to live together, the dream of those living in the reaches of the Mysterious Beyond! As I look at it now… I think I would have liked to spend my last times anywhere else.” The longneck said silently to the spiketails’ slight surprise. Neres had wanted to leave the Valley behind? Tales of anyone leaving the former oasis of tranquility were extremely rare and there were barely any in the past few generations. Stelia looked at Neres with a confused expression, willing to check if she had understood his point correctly.

“Somewhere else? Even now, The Valley offers us the most protection from the sharpteeth and no one knows if there is any place nearby where we could find green food! You know it as well as I do!” She said, turning to look towards the main entrance into the Valley. As the entire region had turned into a more hostile one, fewer and fewer dinosaurs had even tried to wander outside the protective walls. Of course, there were old stories about what lied outside the Valley but not even Neres had been alive when they had been made. The ancient longneck, with great effort, turned to look at the grey sky, trying to find the best way to answer to that important question.

“Well, we know there used to be many Valleys just like ours out there. I cannot believe they’d all be gone by now. There has to be some of them left even now and besides, there soon won’t be anything to stay for here. If the coming Warm Times get any colder, then… then the decreasing green food here will lead to a complete fight between the herds. The Valley will survive for a long time after any of us but living in it will get worse by the day. I’m sure of it.” He said, trying to sound as much of his old self even if he couldn’t shake the weakness out of it, no matter what he did. Those words took a great toll on him and his head fell quickly back into the ground. Greyhide glanced at his mate briefly before he answered to the longneck.

“And how is that different from what we’ve been through now? Things have been getting worse for ages and yet, we’ve made it through it all! We will defend our small territory near the Sinking Sand as long as we’ll be able to!” He said defiantly, knowing how eager some of the herds were to spread their territories at the expense of others. Stelia nodded to his statement but what came next surprised them both and not in a pleasant manner.

“Without a doubt you will. But even if it is too late for you, too… wouldn’t it have been better if Wideeye had been allowed to live somewhere where she wouldn’t have been forced to fear every second of her short life? Wouldn’t…”

“Don’t bring her up, Neres! You know we would have done anything for her if we were able to! Don’t you dare blame us for something you never had to go through yourself!” Stelia cried and moved closer to the longneck. Her only child’s loss was something no arrogant longneck would use to attack her at any point! Even now, the small spiketail haunted her dreams, taken away by her natural weakness and lack of food. It had been during one very dry spring and none of the other herds were willing to share any of their green food with her. The mere memory of those horrible days made the female furious which she managed to only barely hold back from bursting over. Neres’ expression, however, remained unchanged as his fatigue prevented him from reacting in any meaningful manner. However, his answer wavered somewhat as he answered.

“I’m sorry, Stelia. However, it is true that things would have been better anywhere outside this Valley for her. It’s too late but I would have liked to see one better place before it’s my time.” He only said, hoping to get his message across despite his miscalculated suggestion. The spiketails waited for a moment before answering, Stelia waving her head as she spoke.

“I would have done it for her sake but not for myself. You’ve always been a good friend, Neres, but leaving the Valley would probably be too dangerous even for us. At least for the time being, there’s no reason to embark on such a journey.” She simply said, earning a somewhat disappointed glance from the larger dinosaur. However, he knew better than to try to begin arguing and he simply decided to acknowledge what he’d just heard.

“I feared as much. In any case, thank you for visiting me. It means a lot for an old longneck like me.” He said, giving a brief but genuine smile to the duo. Greyhide returned that smile and answered to him quickly.

“Of course, Neres. The Valley will never be the same without you. You are still one of the best here.” He said glumly, knowing this could easily be the last time he’d speak with the old longneck. He listened to his mate speak with an equally respecting tone.

“Thank you for your guidance, Neres. You will be missed.” She said, looking at the dying longneck. However, she received no words of goodbye but rather words that caught her off guard.

“It’s rather funny, isn’t it, Stelia? Once I’m gone, you’ll be the last living descendant of the five who made our Valley what it used to be.” He said mysteriously, prompting a look of utter confusion from the female’s face. Only after a moment did she realize what he meant and even then, she didn’t understand why he had brought that up.

“What about that, Neres? Why would a bunch of children who lived hundreds of the Bright Circle’s cycles ago matter in this moment?” She asked with a frown, always somewhat skeptical why her father had deemed them that important. The story of their journey into the Valley as well as their lifelong contributions to the building of the united herd had been passed on in their families for countless generations but Stelia had never cared about her distant grandfather. Spike, despite his kindness and understanding, wasn’t a spiketail she had ever sought to be and even then, it was all just a tale from a lost, distant past. Neres took a slightly more encouraging look as he gave his answer.

“When you live as long as I do, you learn to realize the importance of events that helped shape the land we live in now. Cera, Petrie and Ducky’s families have disappeared ages ago and despite them only being a few dinosaurs, they in many ways paved way for the Valley to be what it once was. Even if we cannot relive our ancestors’ deeds, I’ve learned to take pride in Littlefoot’s life as the leader of our herds as well as his courage in the face of danger. I… I simply think their story is one worth preserving.” He said, looking with a nostalgic expression at the slightly clearing sky. His family had been vital in the birth of the Valley’s golden age and he was more than disgusted to see its and the whole family’s downfall. However, Stelia was far from confident about his words.

“Each family has their own stories about what happened before us but all that matters is what we are going to do now and in the coming days. Those five might have done well with their lot in life but we have much more urgent issues to think than about what may have happened before our grandparents’ grandparents had been born. I’m sorry, Neres, but I prefer to live in the current moment.” Stelia’s voice softened as he looked at Neres. The longneck’s face fell slightly but he wasn’t surprised by the female’s words. Despite her relative friendliness, Stelia had always been as headstrong as most in the Valley were these days. He couldn’t help but regret her hesitancy to listen but in the end, it mattered little these days. His ancestor’s legacy lied already in ruins and perhaps it would be better for him to only linger in the minds of those who still could appreciate his life as it was. Neres suddenly felt like a heavy burden was beginning to fall upon him and he slowly fell to the ground again. With forced movements, he spoke to the spiketails in a withering voice.

“Maybe it is for the best. I had hoped that most of the Valley’s knowledge would live on but I see it’s time for us all to start from the beginning once again.” He said, slowly passing out as he spoke. At first a wave of fear washed over the spiketails but the ancient longneck still breathed, albeit weakly. The two looked at him for a few moments, knowing each gasp could well be his last. However, Littlefoot’s last descendant lingered and soon enough, Greyhide whispered to his mate.

“Let’s go. We have to make sure that nothing worse has happened while we were gone.” He said, dreading to think all that could have went wrong with Longsnout as her told his news to the other herds. The two were just beginning to begin making their way back when they heard a loud, screaming voice from the direction of the Roaring Falls.

“So you simply couldn’t stay away from my territory, could you, filthy domehead? Your kind never seems to get enough of stealing from others…” The voice fell towards the end but despite that, the threat that was dipping from it was more than clear to the spiketails. Stelia glanced at her mate briefly before heading towards the voice’s direction. If the speaker was talking about Longsnout, he needed help and even in the case he wasn’t, another point of conflict seemed to be brewing in the once-tranquil lands. Without a word, the two headed towards the speaker and hoped that today wouldn’t become another bloodbath like so many times before.

The look on the swimmer’s face would have scared many other dinosaurs but Longsnout was too proud to pay heed to any of his words. It was clear that the slightly taller male was looking for a conflict but domeheads weren’t known for allowing himself to be blackmailed freely. Like anyone in his family, Longsnout was preparing to stand his ground, especially when this worthless moron had interrupted him from relaying the relieving news to the rest of the herds.

“I never moved close to your pitiful lake, Swiftstream! If someone took your green food, it must have been one of your countless children!” Longsnout answered in an equally angered voice. He knew he was at a disadvantage due to the fact that the swimmer had his mate and brother with him but there was simply no other way around it. These crises had only waited to happen all their lives and the equal loathing was more than tangible in the air.

“Keep your insults, Longsnout! You’d do better if you understood your place in the Valley and not act like you’re so much better than us. Or do you think I don’t recognize a liar when I see one?” The swimmer narrowed his eyes, taking a step forward. Longsnout refrained from returning that gesture but his answer was extremely unlikely to calm things down any.

“I don’t think you’d recognize a giant swimmer sneaking upon you in your lake, slow-witted weakling!” He rebuked, knowing full well what his words would cause. The swimmer’s face turned into an ever more enraged one but just as the two were about to go for each other’s throat, their looming conflict was avoided by the intrusion of another groups of dinosaurs.

“Stop it right there, you two! We simply cannot afford any new fights in these times!” A large threehorn called Eston, one of the most respected dinosaurs in the entire Valley, charged between the two combatants and before either of them could answer, another new voice could be heard behind them.

“Stand back, Longsnout! There’s nothing to be gained from this battle!” Stelia cried as she moved to face the threehorn, moving to help him in containing the brewing battle. The swimmer named Swiftstream wasted no time in voicing his anger at the duo’s actions.

“Have you gone far enough to protect thieves and liars? I saw the domehead move in my lands and what other business would they have there but to either steal what little green food we have?” He cried, looking at the threehorn and spiketail with a furious look. Longsnout wasted no time giving his rebuke.

“Because I wanted to tell the Valley that we actually closed the falling wall in the Hidden Canyon while you were too busy simply lying around in your pond, swimmer! You have no right to judge me!” He said with a low voice, prompting Stelia to join the conversation. She was by no means content with how the domehead was handling the conversation but she understood his frustration easily.

“He’s right. The Canyon is now safe and I’m sure Longsnout wouldn’t have wanted to steal anything from you. Just forget it, this time.” She said to the swimmer who returned an extremely annoyed look to her. It was clear they didn’t appreciate her interrupting their argument but the threehorn seemed no less outraged by the whole situation. A larger group of dinosaurs was slowly gathering around the combatants, all of them eager to see how this argument would go.

“It matters little where he was coming from! It’s been clear to many that the domehead has never held any respect for most of us and I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to forget he doesn’t own the whole Valley!” The threehorn said as the steady, falling sound of the Roaring Falls rumbled over the hills around him as it had for so long already. However, it did little to ease Longsnout’s anger about the situation and he quickly rebuked the threehorn’s claim.

“That’s because most of you aren’t worth respecting, threehorn! Your attempt to side with this moron certainly proves that I’ve been right all along!” His quick change of mind surprised even the two-footed dinosaur himself but it was becoming clear that his frustration of the other Valley-dwellers had been building inside him for countless Cold Times. His loathing dipped in his words which hardly won him any sympathies from those listening. The swimmer saw his opportunity and he decided to seize the chance to win his case once and for all.

“You heard him! Even if he hadn’t acted against me, he has never been a trustworthy member of the Valley! He has never fought against the dwindling amounts of green food, he has never realized that we are doing what we are to simply survive! He doesn’t deserve to be heard after all that he has done to hurt us in our times here together!” He said, finally breaking one dinosaur’s patience. Longsnout suddenly hit the swimmer in his chest, sending him flying into the ground with a violent force. Suddenly, the entire scene turned into a chaos as the threehorn and the spiketails attempted to take their positions around the swimmer and domeheads, both hoping for the relative calm to remain but prepare for a showdown. But it wasn’t long until those hopes were shattered as the swimmer’s mate and brother attempted to attack the arrogant domehead who had dared attack their leader.
However, Stelia and Greyhide refused to back down and with quick swings of their tails, the swimmers flew into the rocky ground, already bleeding heavily. However, that sight didn’t seem to buy them any more sympathies as some of the gathered dinosaurs moved to the spiketails’ side while some others moved to help the swimmers. Greyhide didn’t like in the least where this was going and he cried to the swimmers and their backers loudly.

“Just stand back and let it be! This issue isn’t worth escalating further!” He said, hoping that they would begin to see reason even if he knew his wish was extremely far-fetched. And indeed, the answer he received hardly raised his hopes any.

“You say it isn’t worth it only after you directly attack us, spiketail? Do you think us for a fool?” He said while beginning to move forward, clearly willing for a real battle. Stelia and Greyhide exchanged fearful glances, knowing that retreating shouldn’t be an option for them. However, the situation was becoming extremely threatening and many of the dinosaurs seemed to be completely prepared for a real battle. Greyhide had meant what he said, though, and he wasn’t about to let anyone die for this if it simply could be avoided. With an angered voice, he turned to Longsnout and spoke to him swiftly.

“Retreat from here! Maybe the others will back down if we do!” He said, hoping for his old friend to listen to reason. But not completely to the spiketail’s surprise, it wasn’t that simple.

“Retreat from that weakling? Was that a joke, Greyhide? He asked, the will to fight already circling in his veins. However, Stelia’s next answer hardly left room for any further arguing.

“Do as we say if you want to live! Now!” She said, her eyes gleaming with resolution. Longsnout looked at her for a few seconds before finally nodding and turning around in order to leave the scene of the confrontation. However, even that attempt failed miserably as some of the other Valley-dwellers noticed the cowardice brewing under their very eyes. The domehead hadn’t even realized what was happening until a small group of flyers suddenly swarmed around him, one of them crying into his ear.

“You would start a fight just to flee afterwards? This is how we treat cowards like you!” The female flyer cried and almost immediately, a terrifying scream followed that threat. One of the flyer’s claws caused a deep, violent wound across the domehead’s face. The larger dinosaur fell into the ground, pulling his hands to his left eye, a horrible pain penetrating his entire face. As soon as he was able to, he dropped his gaze into the ground to see a steady stream of blood dipping from the spot where his eye used to be. The domehead panted deeply, his growing shock only giving way to the fact that the flyers didn’t seem to be willing let up their assault. He immediately started to rush away from their attacks, hoping that they’d let up at some point. However, that bloody confrontation wasn’t lost on the spiketails either even if they could do little for their friend. They were already far too busy trying to contain the brewing fight. The fuss seemed to be on the verge of beginning to ease but it was clear that the situation was far from safe. Many dinosaurs had already been wounded in the initial skirmishes but none of their injuries seemed serious just yet. The threehorn seemed to be quite pleased with that development but he soon realized something which caught his attention.

“Where did the domehead go? He has to be brought into justice if we’re ever going to get over this!” He said, trying to at the same time build some common ground across the gathered herds but the answer he received hardly helped in that endeavor.

“He escaped for now, threehorn. I can see he would have hardly been treated fairly in this situation.” Stelia said glumly, trying to avoid a confrontational tone for now. Swiftstream looked at her in bewilderment, not willing to believe his ears.

“Escaped? And you let that all to happen?” He nearly shouted, prompting the large female look at him with a largely emotionless gaze. The swimmer didn’t deserve even that much but that restrain was meant to preserve the fragile peace. The sight of the flyer attacking Longsnout haunted her thoughts greatly, that attack meaning that the Valley had just descended into an even lower level of barbary.

“We did in order to prevent you from making any premature decisions. As we said, he most likely meant no ill but if you truly want to take this further, you will have your meeting tomorrow!” She raised her voice near the end, prompting many looks of confusion from the gathered dinosaurs. Why would she make such an announcement without the domehead even being present? Trying to find a consensus among the herds on different conflicts was far from rare but usually it had been one of the main combatants who’d call it to happen. Yet, there didn’t appear any major arguments against that idea as all of them knew that the spiketails respected Longsnout greatly. Eston frowned at that comment and quietly, asked the large male swimmer the obvious question.

“Is that acceptable to you, Swiftstream?” That simple question turned all gazes on the dark-yellow swimmer, wondering whether this momentary crisis could be resolved here and now. The swimmer looked at the spiketails, his eyes shuddering with hate at those untrustworthy villains but in the end, there was little they could do in the coming meeting for their friend. He could see nothing that could go wrong even if he let this issue be for now. He crossed his arms and slowly answered to the threehorn with an unreadable voice.

“It is. The insufferable domehead won’t get away with this.” He said, releasing the tense atmosphere in a matter of seconds. Almost immediately, the threat of open conflict seemed to dissipate completely and after a short pause, the threehorn spoke again.

“Very well. Tomorrow, when the Bright Circle touches the Threehorn Peak for the first time, all herds who can will gather here to decide what to make of Swiftstream’s accusations against Longsnout the domehead. But for now, this matter is settled. Get away from here and if I see any more arguments today, I’ll make sure you’ll regret it soon enough! Is that clear?” The threehorn cried, clearly meaning every word he said. There were a few murmurs of disagreement but none of them decided to question the threehorn’s words. Slowly but surely, the herds started to live the sight of the menacing scene.

Among them were two certain spiketails who exchanged understanding glances. It was clear for both of them that they would have to make a major decision on this day but only after they’d make sure that Longsnout was as alright as he simply could. Both of them knew that the brutal display they had seen today had changed far more than most of those present could have foreseen.

When the Bright Circle rose the next day, it rose over a very different Great Valley. The new dawn wasn’t covered by the same impenetrable mist as the previous one and the mountains surrounding the former sanctuary of the leaf eaters bathed in its blessed warmth, a remainder of the Valley’s ancient beauty and tranquility. Yet, the fair weather wasn’t the only thing that had changed overnight, at least for a certain longneck who had, with herculean efforts, survived through the long and cold night.

The two spiketails’ second visit to him last evening had both surprised and heartened the fading dinosaur as they had proved that not all hope had been drained from the Valley, at least not yet. All his long life, Neres had been a dinosaur that had always tried to see a way forward for those around him, hoping that they could one day see things the way he did. Most often, those efforts had ended in a failure but some of the younger dinosaurs had indeed listened to his words which was something the old longneck would forever be thankful about. A longing smile crept to his face as he reflected on what was to pass: in more ways than one, his life had been one of many losses and observing his family’s old dream collapse all around him. No matter how he reflected those things, Neres couldn’t help but regret how he had decided or forced to spend his long life: alone in a constant stream of slight but never-ending disappointments.

Yet, maybe not all was lost. The ancient, light grey dinosaur listened to the voices of the early morning, the old serenity of this miraculous place manifesting itself in ways he hadn’t seen in ages. Maybe, just maybe, one of the descendants of the five, long-gone dinosaurs could save at least part of the old herds from witnessing the last struggles of the Valley and if he had managed to help her make that decision, he would gladly join his ancestors of the past, able to claim that his life wasn’t wasted. Neres smiled as he looked at the Bright Circle slowly creeping behind the Threehorn Peak, momentarily causing the distinct rock formation overglow with golden light. Yes, the meeting was about to finally begin and with it, the die was cast concerning his legacy as well as the futures of the Valley’s residents. But as a sudden gust of pain suddenly flowed over the longneck, his head suddenly fell into the ground again and not long afterwards, he fell back into a weak sleep.

The painful aching didn’t seem to leave the domehead at peace, no matter how much he attempted to ignore it. However, the agony wasn’t the thing that bothered him the most but his ruined eye which would never recover. Longsnout looked around himself in hate as the sight of the other Valley-dwellers slowly filled his vision. And surely enough, he received nothing but equally hostile stares which confirmed what he had known ever since yesterday at the very least: the Valley had become only a mockery of what it should have been. Luckily, at least Stelia and Greyhide still knew what was truly important and he waited eagerly for a chance to stand by their chance in this meeting. He inhaled at the sweet air and looked at the unusually blue skies before he heard the threehorn’s words opening the gathering in the age-old Circle that ad served as the scene of every meeting in the Valley’s long history. None of them were surprised to see Eston in the center of it as the threehorn had often come to lead gatherings such as these.

“I’m glad to see that you made it here, Longsnout. You have a lot to answer for if you wish to clear your name in the eyes of all our herds.” He spoke simply, the revering silence only reinforcing the impression of unanimity among the gathered dinosaurs. The domehead crossed his arms, scratching the corner of his bad eye briefly before answering.

“I have already suffered far too much for a crime I didn’t commit but by all means, go on.” He said, his extremely cocky tone earning many surprised gasps within the gathered crowd. Even the threehorn seemed stunned for a moment but he then regained his composure and answered to the outrageous comment.

“That kind of attitude hardly helps you today, domehead. You already made a bad name for yourself yesterday by starting the fight and I’d advice you against making things worse. In any case, you are blamed for intruding in the swimmers’ territory, possibly to…” The threehorn was about to begin but before he could continue, Longsnout cleared his throat and interrupted the threehorn’s speech.

“Before we continue, I’d like to ask for an opportunity to speak.” He said calmly, annoying many of those around him. What could he probable be planning, acting like this? Everything he seemed to be doing was to make the others despise him even more which wasn’t something anyone usually strived to do in meetings like these. The threehorn frowned deeply but he knew he had no reason to decline that request.

“Very well. Speak but choose your words…” He again started but just as before, he didn’t get a chance to finish what he was about to say.

“But not for myself, fellow denizens of the Great Valley! I’m asking that Stelia may put forward one proposition of hers!” He said with an arrogant grin on his face. The male regretted he needed the spiketails’ help again but they were more widely respected among the herds and some others would listen to them more than they would listen him. And the domehead knew they’d need more help if their gambit was about to succeed. He looked as Stelia stepped forward, turning all the confused and angered gazes right at her. She waited for a short moment before starting to speak.

“Indeed, I’d like to put forward one proposal I came up with after consulting those who could help me in making it succeed. I propose that this whole meeting should be ended here and Longsnout released from this ridiculous claim!” She spoke in a serious, steady voice which immediately seemed to turn the meeting into a chaotic chorus of curses and unbelieving cries. Eston didn’t seem to even try to hold them back, rather he only asked slowly in a voice which dipped with coldness and disbelief.

“What is the meaning of this? Do you truly want to challenge the entire Valley and me with your nonsense, spikeface?” He asked, the entire scene seemingly stopping after one of the leading residents of the Valley issued an almost direct and very real threat to the female, such wordings used very rarely in large gatherings such as these. However, it seemed to hardly worry Stelia who soon continued from where she had left off.

“I never knew it was possible until I last evening visited Neres again. He was extremely weak and sick but even then, he shared one extremely interesting piece of information with me. One that only a handful of dinosaurs here know anymore.” She narrowed her eyes and looked at the large threehorn keenly.

“He has lived longer than any of us and he knows a lot about the Valley we others have forgotten long ago. Many things we should have asked him earlier. But for now, all that matters is that since time immemorial, the Valley has had to forgive anyone, who has not slain another denizen of the Valley, who is willing to leave our home forever, never to return!” The spiketail raised her voice and immediately an astonished silence reigned over the gathered crowd. All stared at the spiketail as if they had seen her for the first time until someone broke the silence and voiced everyone’s thoughts about her words.

“You’re insane! Only death waits outside the mountains surrounding the Valley! The domehead wouldn’t survive a day out there!” The dinosaur cried, earning many agreeing remarks from across the crowd. However, the brewing argument was soon ended as Greyhide stepped to her mate’s side.

“Then it’s a good thing he’ll have us with him! We know there are still lands lush and green out there and it’s up to us to only find them!” He cried, his comments only worsening the utter confusion among the gathered families. Most of them seemed to think of all this as little more than a bad joke, some of them even thinking of leaving this meeting once and for all. Those sentiments were momentarily stopped by an old flyer who landed near the spiketails, speaking to them in a voice that bothered between pity and disdain.

“That’s a lie, spiketail! Not even we flyers have found any green food outside the Valley no matter how far we’ve flown! A slow landwalker like you wouldn’t stand a chance!” She spoke, not able to stop a slight sneer from rising to her face. She had little love for the spiketails but even she wanted to give her warning about heading towards a certain death. Neither was Eston any more amused by this idea and he wasted no time attacking the spiketails further.

“No one has left the Valley at least since our grandparents were born, Stelia and Greyhide. To even speak of such things is completely ridiculous! Besides, the rule you are speaking of hasn’t been used since and there is no reason to begin resurrecting some dumb traditions that no one here even remembers! Knock it off and forget this ridiculous nonsense!” The threehorn said, revealing his teeth in an effort to intimidate the duo into seeing things his way. However, he looked in growing uncertainty as Stelia didn’t seem concerned in the least. And, surprisingly to all those present, no sounds of disagreement could be heard during her next words.

“Residents of the Great Valley, let me tell you something my parents and later Neres told to me. For as long as all of our tales go, our home has been an oasis of tranquility and peace in the middle of the Mysterious Beyond, the tales of our way of life and enchanted beauty spread far and wide. The sight of our lush forests and warm foothills were in the minds of every dinosaur no matter how far he or she lived from here! The Valley was a true miracle and a proof of what our ancestors were capable of!

Most importantly, the building of that miracle was up to five dinosaurs who all their lives tried to make us all work together and to the surprise of all those who lived back then, they succeeded! They did that by working together and doing what was best for us all but most importantly, they kept on having the courage to believe that the Valley that used to be was possible of creating! I know the memory of those five has been all but forgotten but the thought of the world they left behind is one we should never let pass into nothingness along with their descendants. After Neres’ death, I will be the last survivor of their families to remain beyond the ever-present veil of the Great Beyond.” She took a somber pause, preparing for what she was going to announce next. She knew all her words couldn’t return the Valley to that former paradise but, as she had always wanted to think, they could create a path forward if she placed them right. She took a deep breath before continuing to speak.

“But just look at the world around us today! It isn’t our fault that the Valley has become a cold and dark place or that the green food has become more and more scarce after every Cold Time! The Valley itself isn’t what it used to be, not nearly, but the most important change has been within ourselves! Where once we lived together in the Valley, never attacking each other and famed for our wish to live in peace, today we are nothing but a constantly fighting, violent and senseless group whose only wish is to make our already miserable situation even worse! You know this is the truth!” Stelia took a brief pause, fearing that her words could prompt a fierce rebuke and indeed, many outraged words flew at her direction. Knowing that she wouldn’t be allowed to speak like this for long and she quickly glanced at Longsnout to continue where she had left off. The domehead looked a bit worried by the tension building up but he knew this was his opportunity to make a difference. Pulling all his willpower together, the short male began to speak.

“But we all know that changing our ways in our increasingly harsh Valley won’t be easy or even possible. There simply is no green food for everyone in the future and we would constantly have to decided who would be forced to starve. It is for this reason that I and the spiketails have decided to say goodbye to the Valley and try to find a home somewhere out there. I know it is a great risk but even starving out there is a better option that to get killed here in the hands of those who should have been my friends!” Longsnout looked in chagrin as a few of his listened grinned mockingly at his last words but most stayed silent, mostly trying to come up with some opinion of what they had just heard. However, the silence was soon broken by Swiftstream who stepped out of the crowd to confront the three dinosaurs.

“Then go, cowards. Leave the Valley so we never again have to see your self-righteous faces again or listen to your nonsense! Our home will be a better place without you lying and plotting behind our backs!” The swimmer said while looking at the spiketails in a murdering glare. However, behind those burning embers a certain feeling of reprieve seemed to be flickering ever so faintly. Eston nodded to him approvingly and stepped to his side to speak to the three dinosaurs.

“Are you sure of this? If you leave like this, you will never be able to return again as was decided when my grandfather was a hatchling. Is this a path you are willing to take?” The threehorn asked surprisingly calmly, worrying the trio somewhat. However, Stelia wasted no time giving her answer to the male.

“It is not but we are given no choice. But that’s not all. Any of you who wish to join us are welcome to do so! After all, there’s safety numbers.” The spiketail offered, knowing that three dinosaurs would probably fall prey to the sharpteeth in a matter of mere hours. At first, it seemed like some within the crowd were contemplating whether to be amused or not by this desperate offer and some even began to laugh audibly. However, Swiftstream was far from happy with that comment and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

“You won’t find any more friends here, spiketail. Just go and leave us others be!” He cried, willing to get over this tiring argument. However, he could only look in growing outrage as Greyhide stepped forward and cried to the waiting dinosaurs.

“This is your chance to step forward or stay silent forever! You have this one chance to search for a better future with us!” He cried, for a moment beginning to think his words were falling on deaf ears. However, the entire scene seemed to freeze as a family of three rainbowfaces stepped forward, shattering the crowd’s consensus. But to everyone’s surprise, nobody did anything to stop their walk as they joined the spiketails. Stelia smiled to them, more than relieved that at least someone wanted to still listen to her words. She nodded to the smaller dinosaurs approvingly and spoke to them silently, almost with a whisper.

“Thank you, all. I’m truly happy to see you here with us.” She said simply as the rainbowfaces moved to her side. To her growing astonishment, as she turned her gaze back at the rest of the herds, her eyes caught the sight of five clubtails and two hollowhorns walking towards her, soon to stop by her side. The spiketail couldn’t believe her luck, feverishly waiting for more dinosaurs to join her. But no more seemed to be on their way, long seconds passing without any further movement. Finally, Eston broke the silence and spoke to the small group which had decided to take their chance in the wide and unforgiving world.

“Very well. You made your choice and for better or worse, there is no turning back. You have until the evening to leave us and remember that once you step into the Mysterious Beyond, you will never return into the Valley again. Is that clear?” He asked sternly, earning some worried glances from some of those who had joined Longsnout and his benefactors in their effort. Yet, no one seemed to regret their choice and after a short while, the domehead answered.

“It is, Eston. We knew it from the beginning.” He said simply, the weight of the moment finally starting to sink into his consciousness. All that he had ever known, every familiar hill and tree around him would soon be as well from another world, the scene of all his life thus far all but closed to him. Yet, that was a price he was willing to pay and not soon after, the flyer landed near him and addressed the families who were preparing to say farewell to the Great Valley.

“Then it is decided. I wish you luck even if I’d be lying if I’d say you will be missed here by many. As Eston said, you have until evening to leave and we will begin sharing your former territories to others immediately at the dawn and the swimmers will earn a good chunk of it for your deeds, Longsnout. I hope you’ll survive even one day out there before meeting any sharpteeth.” He grinned before taking off, effectively ending the entire meeting. Stelia looked behind him in slight chagrin but knew that he had spoken for most of the Valley with those words. Soon enough, the crowd started to slowly disperse, some outraged gossip being heard here and there. However, Stelia wasted no time before trying to raise the spirits of her new followers.

“Don’t worry about their words. Just try to rest and prepare as well as you can before our departure. Only the Bright Circle knows how long our march will be tomorrow.” She said as confidently as she only could, knowing that there was a real chance that she was only leading herself and those who followed her into an unnecessary death but each of them had chosen to follow her by their own free will. As they slowly started to disperse, she only whispered to her mate silently.

“The same goes for us, dear. This was never really our home. Our family came from somewhere out there and I’m really looking forward to seeing if we’ll get a chance to even see some of the places our old tales tell of like The Fire Mountain or even the Land of Mists.” She said, a slight smile rising to her face. Greyhide returned that smile and answered to her happily.

“So am I, Stelia. My ancestors were Farwalkers and I can already feel the call of the world in my ears. It’s time for us to see what’s out there. But for now, I feel like taking a small nap before we head out. I bet you’ll need one too.” He said calmly, knowing that the coming days would hardly offer much time to rest. His mate nodded in response and together, the two spiketails headed for their old nest one last time.

As the day grew older, a warm wind slowly rose to grasp the Valley in its grip. None of the dinosaurs could remember such a beautiful weather in many, many Warm Times but all of them knew it would probably only pave way for frigid days in the weeks to come. For those spending their last hours in the Valley, however, that moment of peace and tranquility was a reminder of what their home used to be and, with any luck, their future home could be. However, as the shadows of the evening slowly started to creep over the land, that small group of dinosaurs knew their time was up. The most important of events was upon them, one that would change their lives forever. Stelia looked at the slowly appearing form of the Night Circle far above her as she stood between the two mountains making up the most important entrance into the Valley.

She looked as those who had pledged to join her slowly gathered around her, all of them equally concerned as she was, knowing that it was completely possible that they were only heading towards their own deaths. Few others denizens of the Valley had decided to witness their departure which didn’t really bother that greatly. Yet, she couldn’t help but wonder how quickly things had gone to this. Only two days earlier, she had thought that she’d die in the Valley like everyone else did, not expecting to witness any further changes in her life. But here she was, preparing to lead a small group of dinosaurs into the unknown.

The spiketail frowned as she looked at the darkening sky, hoping things hadn’t come to this but as always, things didn’t go as planned. The ridiculous response Swiftstream’s accusations had received had pointed out the growing distrust in the Valley and after that and Longsnout’s terrible injury, nothing had been the same. For her dead daughter’s sake, she would have to provide at least some of those following her the chance to raise their own children in peace. After a brief sigh, she turned to the others and spoke slowly to them, a gust of wind greeting her face.

“It is time for us to go, my friends. I don’t know what awaits us out there but I’m sure we’ll make it through together. I just pray that all of us understands that our journey will not be an easy one. We may have to wander the world for the rest of our lives but is something I’m willing to accept.” She said, earning a small chorus of approving comments. After a moment, one of the rainbowfaces stepped forward and asked carefully.

“D… do you have any idea which way we should be going? The wasteland around the Valley is the same everywhere we look from the top of the Great Wall!” He asked, crossing his arms as he looked into the distant, dry horizon. It was clear that he had voiced the others’ most pressing question, one that they all had asked themselves many times. Greyhide took a step towards him and answered in as relieving voice as he could.

“There have been many rumors even if most of them are as old as tale itself. But if they are of any value, we should probably head towards the east where most of our ancestors came from. We later herd that many of them have been getting greener after those times. I at least yearn to see if those tales are true.” He said, thinking of the places where his distant grandparents had dwelled so very long ago. However, his thoughts were interrupted as one clubtails spoke abruptly, sounding almost angered by that answer.

“The east? Bah! It’s a large place where to look from, especially without any food!” She said, worrying Stelia somewhat. However, the female wasn’t about to cower know as she moved to speak to the clubtail soothingly.

“It is our best chance. There has to be green food out there as without leaf eaters, there wouldn’t be any sharpteeth. But I know we strong enough to hold them at bay. The walk will be long but I’m sure it’s the only right choice. Let’s go home.” She said, her silent voice provoking an extremely spirited response, confirming that the spiketail had placed her words correctly. The clubtail looked a bit unconvinced but she decided against arguing as the spiketails took their first steps into the dark expanse of the dry Mysterious Beyond. In this moment, she couldn’t help but divert her thoughts to the story of how her family had made their way into the Valley so long ago, walking these same lands on their way towards salvation. With a quick gesture, she commanded others to follow her into the endless wastes of the Mysterious Beyond.

Even if that scene was far from the reach of his gaze, Neres had still heard that the event he had so dearly hoped for had indeed come to pass. A small group of dinosaurs had once again taken their fate into their hands and with any luck, the memory of what the Valley used to be would live on. It was more than he had hoped for only a few days ago even if he would have given anything if he had been able to join Stelia and her companions on their journey. Yet, as the choking feeling once again returned to his consciousness, it was more than clear his part in the grand scheme of things was coming to a pass.

With one, final look towards the stars, Neres thought about all the efforts his ancestors had done for the Valley and how they’d judge his lonely, melancholic wandering in this world. However, as he heard Stelia’s voice call to her companions in the far distance, Neres’ last struggle started. A cough after cough, the longneck fought for air but his lungs were far too weak to win this struggle. His head turned towards the darkened sky, the last descendant of the leader of those five dinosaurs who had made the Valley the paradise it had been left the world, his mind at ease after a long life of sorrow and hope.

And thus concludes my entry for the May prompt! It’s (again) my longest short story thus far and at least I was quite happy with how it turned out. The distant future of the Valley felt like another fresh idea and one that suited this prompt idea quite well. However, I’d like to ask those who have read most of my short stories whether you like my diverse plot ideas or would you prefer some more traditional stuff in the months to come? Also, feel free to tell me what you thought of this fic as a whole and see you again with the next chapter of Under the Scarlet Banner!

LBT Fanfiction / The Perils of the Deep
« on: April 04, 2018, 03:07:57 PM »
The Perils of the Deep

The distant sounds of the buzzers could be heard over the gentle lapping of the river’s waves. The pale light of the Night Circle cast its silvery glow over that serene and harmonious sight as the wind waved the surrounding grass gently. The beautiful night and the beautiful moment with his friends prevented a young longneck from being able to drop the weary but wide smile from his face as he cast a quick glance behind himself, looking at his friends who one by one were returning to the realm of sleep stories. He was more than grateful to each of them for coming to share the lesson of loneliness’ futility in one of the most memorable evenings he could remember. He would join them soon himself but first he wanted to speak with his new friend for at least a while longer.

“I’ll have to go sleep soon too but thanks a lot for showing me something only a swimmer knows well, Mo! At least I now know there’s also life in places I didn’t know before.” Littlefoot said as the memory of the song he and his friends had shared circled in his mind. He had never seen star swimmers before and in many ways, they were far unlike any creatures he’d seen before. He simply marveled at the waters around him, only thinking about what else was living under the seemingly calm surface of the slowly-moving river. The bright-colored swimmer suddenly jumped into the air before diving into the depths, only to appear a few seconds later.

“Neither did Mo know a lot about land walkers before meeting you! None of my kind knows what it’s like or what lives on those hills far from the water! Swimmers can’t go there just like Littlefoot can’t go into Big Water! There could be new creatures to have fun with but Mo will never know.” The large swimmer said with a mockingly saddened expression. Littlefoot laughed at his antics, looking at the Smoking Mountains fuming in the distance. He had never thought of it before but it was true that they were something that Mo could never go to where he could. However, his mood fell somewhat as he realized that there was a clear downside to his own situation and that wasn’t something he hadn’t given a thought before.

“There sure are, Mo. The land continues far further than you can even imagine. I guess the more we try to learn about the world, the more we just realize how little we know about it. When we decided to sing to cheer ourselves up today, the song in fact was something we had sung before because Cera and Ducky feared about what monsters were living in the Big Water.” Littlefoot begun to chuckle as he thought how silly it must seem for Mo for someone to fear his home so but a lot had changed since then. The swimmer seemed exaggeratingly stunned by this revelation before he started to growl in a mock threat.

“It is so scary in the Big Water! You will be eaten even when you’re far away from the shore! Grrr!” He said as he swam quickly closer to the longneck. The latter begun to shudder heavily, as he struggled to hold back his laughter in order to avoid waking up his friends again. Mo also laughed as he thought about what his new friends had actually feared in the past. However, the larger dinosaur’s next question changed the entire course of the duo’s talk.

“That’s what we thought back then! But, Mo, I wonder when you spoke of the mountains, is the Big Water as deep as the Smoking Mountains are high? And what kinds of creatures live far under the surface? That’s something I and my friends can never find out for ourselves.” The longneck had hardly finished until Mo’s face fell completely, immediately turning into a serious, even fearful one as he turned to look into the direction of the Big Water. Littlefoot found his sudden change of behavior surprising, even worrying as the seemingly untiring swimmer began to stay still, a haunted look on his face. Littlefoot immediately spoke to him, willing to find out what was wrong.

“What is it? Did I say something wrong?” The boy asked, prompting the yellow-purple dinosaur to look at him with a bothered voice.

“It not you, Littlefoot, but… Mo’s kind never want to think about what lurk far below us. The deep parts of the Big Water are something not even my kin want to go to.” He said as he tried to fight back his own fear. It was clear that whatever was bothering Mo had unsettled him deeply in the past. The longneck gulped as he realized his mistake but he still wanted to know more about the issue. He’d probably never get another chance to know about the Big Water and he wanted to realize it now, no matter what he’d hear.

“Wh… why is that? Isn’t the whole Big Water the same everywhere? What is so bad about the deeper parts of it?” The boy asked, eager to learn ever more about the things he hadn’t heard of before. Mo looked extremely bothered but he could see the excitement in his friend’s eyes. This was a tale that he had dreaded for a long time but Littlefoot deserved to hear it if he really yearned it.

“Everything is wrong with it, Littlefoot! I can tell you about it but are you really sure you want to hear what Mo have to tell?” He asked, willing to make sure this was really something the longneck wanted to know. A small gust of wing created small waves on the water’s and made Littlefoot shiver a tiny bit as he heard his usually funny friend’s dead serious words and immediately, a certain sense of dread seemed to emanate from below the river’s surface but Littlefoot decided against surrendering to his own most likely irrational fears. With a resolute voice, he gave his answer.

“I do, Mo. I’ve seen a lot of places many wouldn’t want to go to but no longneck has ever heard about the Big Water before. Tell me what you know!” He tried to be encouraging to his aquatic friend and Mo took a deep breath before he began his story. He looked at his friends in the eyes as he did his best to remember how this particular legend of his kin went.

“Very well, Littlefoot. This is a story Mo heard when me a young swimmer as a warning why we should never dive into the distant depths before. All of this happened a long, long time ago when Mo’s kin was threatened by a big, burning cloud of smoke and hot water from a mountain beneath the waves of a distant part of the Big Water. We swimmers tried to escape that terrible place but just as it seemed everything was well, they reached the Great Water Path which is one of the places Mo’s kind want to always avoid at all costs! There were two swimmers, however, who had decided that they weren’t about to be stopped from trying to find a way through it…

The adolescent swimmer looked before himself in deep curiosity and slight worry as the powerful, swirling whirlwind of water engulfed the entire area before him in all directions. The young dinosaur looked at the rest of his water kin as they seemed to be deep in argument about which to do. The burning smoke of the terrifying fire mountain could be seen in the far horizon and even now, all of the swimmers knew they were far from safe. The lethal heat would reach them before the evening but Azurefin simply didn’t see any alternatives to the plan he had in mind. And he was more than happy that his sister seemed to agree with him on this.

“That arguing will go nowhere, Azurefin! Wol more than ready to go now!” He turned to look at the speaker who was an orange-colored, slightly larger swimmer. The two siblings had gone through much together and despite their relatively young age, both of them were respected swimmers within their herd and they were known as extremely capable and brave dinosaurs among the others. The blue-colored male turned to look at his sister who seemed just as impatient as he was even if both of them knew that it was very possible that neither of them would return from this journey.

“You’re right! I just want to escape from that cursed cloud of death but are you ready for this? I don’t know what is going to wait us in there but once we go into the quick flow of water, we cannot turn back. But if we survive, we’ll be more than heroes!” He tried to smile expectantly, a gesture which was returned by his sister. She looked at the tube-like formation of water which could be seen in the distance and it was the one which could help the two find their way through the dangerous flux of fighting and conflicting flows of water. The others were true afraid to enter those treacherous flows but the two siblings were more than ready for this challenge.

“It isn’t everyday when we can try to move through such challenging waters, Azurefin. But it could be fun!” She said with an expectant smile before she turned around and emitted a long, ear-screeching call to the rest of the herd of swimmers. They immediately stopped their seemingly never-ending arguments before they immediately headed for the interrupting swimmer. They immediately begun to circle around her, bombarding her with annoyed questions.  

“Why you interrupt the meeting? Things already bad enough, Wol!”

“Stop shouting! We don’t have much time!”

“If you don’t want to join the talk, then at least stay silent!”
Wol looked in growing annoyance as the other swimmers gathered round her and her brother, shouting at them without any real goal in mind. She had always hated the others’ never-ending banter and arguing. True, it was mostly playful jabber which usually ended in a consensus so she didn’t usually mind those arguments that much. However, she still didn’t want to listen to these accusations so she span around and raised her voice to catch the others’ attention.

“If you only listen, you’d already know that me and Azurefin are going to find a way for us all through that crazy whirlpool!” She declared with a slight smile as all of her kind were, despite the many dangers in their lives, fun-loving and optimistic dinosaurs. Even on this hour which potentially preceded her death, she wanted to keep her calm and happy composure. However, the others immediately flinched in fear and moved quickly deeper away from the duo, one of them beginning to stutter in clear astonishment and fear.

“B… but you cannot! None of us is strong or smart enough to brave that swirl! You’d be crazy to even try!” She declared, looking at the others and it was clear that all of them seemed to agree with her. The two hadn’t told the others of this plan yet and the rest of the herd had immediately dismissed that possibility as a complete folly. However, the two brave siblings seemed to be mostly amused by the others’ reaction. Wol answered to the others as she thought at their expressions when they’d return. Of course, even a bright-colored swimmer like her knew fear but when it came to trying new challenges, she and her brother were ready for nearly anything.

“Maybe but we think there is a way through the circling water path! There seem to be a small stream which heads into it safely and then we can try to force our way to the other side! It’ll be great!” She declared, already willing to get to work. However, she was momentarily taken aback when an older female approached her and spoke in an unusually serious voice to their kind.

“And that small stream can immediately crash you against a cliff and make you all flat and dead! Or a sharptooth who knows these waters can catch you before you even know it! I know young ones want to try to do everything to prove their worth but don’t do this! We still have time to go another way!” The speaker was a red-colored, elderly swimmer who clearly seemed worried for the duo’s safety. There was no one who could stop them from this endeavor but she still wanted to persuade them to abandon their insane plan. Azurefin felt a moment of doubt flicker into his consciousness as he thought about those words but before long, he knew the siblings’ decision had already been made. He moved closer to the older swimmer and spoke to her in a soft but still playful voice.

“Don’t worry! We’ll be back before you know it! There have been many places we thought we couldn’t swim in but it was always okay! We just have to get into the fast water and…” At this point, he was quickly interrupted by the elderly flyer whose seriousness silenced everyone else for a short while.

“Azurefin is too young to know it but the Great Water Path is one of the scariest places our kind has seen! It is filled with dangerous turns and treacherous side flows! Many have tried to swim through it but they haven’t returned from its swirling waters! You don’t have to join them!” She pleaded but at this point, Wol decided that she had already spoken enough. She quickly snapped back at the elder swimmer and ended the argument.

“Wol and Azurefin already made up their minds! We’ll leave very soon and then you’ll see there’s nothing to fear! You just wait!” She declared, earning a fearful but accepting nod from the older dinosaur. The other swimmers relaxed their composures somewhat when one of them quickly approached the two again.

“You two are very brave to try this! Because of that, we wait for you until the Bright Circle’s rays reach the deepest depths it can reach. After that, we will swim away without you if the others agree.” There was a chorus of cries from the gathered swimmers, all of them intrigued to find out whether the two were ready to go where no swimmer had gone before. The two siblings glanced at each other, knowing there was no turning back now. Yet, all that they felt was appreciation for each other’s presence on the hour of this ultimate challenge.

Many frowns appeared on Littlefoot’s face as he looked at the Night Circle’s rays casting its light on the calm river slowly flowing towards the Big Water. No matter how he tried to see it, Azurefin and Wol’s reasoning didn’t make any sense to him. They didn’t sound like stupid swimmers at all but he couldn’t come up with an explanation to their willingness to take a seemingly unnecessary risk. Noticing that Mo took a brief pause, the longneck momentarily rose from his lying position and asked his friend the question swirling in his mind.

“Thanks for telling me this but… there’s something I don’t quite get.” He said, earning a curious look from the swimmer.

“And what that, Littlefoot? Mo tell everything Mo know about this.” He asked, willing to hear what bothered his landwalker friend. Litllefoot tok a quick breath before opening his mouth.
“I… I just don’t realize what made the two insist on making their decision. After all, they had no reason to… I mean they didn’t need to take that risk. I can tell this story doesn’t have a happy ending so why did the two get themselves in that danger if they didn’t need to?” Littlefoot felt somewhat awkward at the thought but if they were anything like Mo, he could understand the rest of his kind acting strangely but not like this. The swimmer looked at the other dinosaur for a moment before he remembered longnecks didn’t think like his kind did.

“That because we often do what we think is the funkiest way to do things! Mo’s kind doesn’t think fear the most important thing and every now and then, we like to see what we are capable of! Still, swimmers no search for danger and Azurefin and Wol made a mistake because their kin feared the Great Water Path. But Mo still understand that they only wanted to help and earn the others’ appreciation while showing what they can do!” The bright-yellow swimmer declared as he jumped into the air once again, trying to put more emphasis on his words. Littlefoot raised his gaze to the skies and shook his head slightly with a weak smile in reaction to the swimmer’s antics before returning to look at his friend.

“I still don’t understand, Mo. We’ve always been told to stay as safe as we can and to never search for anything which could become dangerous. But I guess that’s just us landwalkers.” Littlefoot chuckled as he once again thought how different Mo’s kind’s view of life was to his own. He couldn’t understand how someone wouldn’t do his or her all to live as long life as they only could but then again, as the rainbowfaces had said, there was so much for him to learn about the world and other dinosaurs too, it seemed. Mo nodded deeply before he whispered his answer.

“Mo think so too as we swimmers want to live as fully as we can but we’d also like to grow old in time! But if Littlefoot want, Mo wish to continue the story!” He said in expectation, prompting the longneck to immediately realize ow badly he had interrupted his friend.

“Oh, please go on. I really look forward to hearing what happened, even if I fear I’m not going to like the ending.” He said, his mind wandering in the possible continuations for Mo’s tale. The haunted look returned to Mo’s eyes as he prepared to resume his tale.

“So, Azurefin and Wol waste no time preparing for their journey! The Bright Circle shine deepest in the water when it highest in the sky so the two have only more than… was it called an hoooour?.... to call the others. But neither of them have any fear when they see the mighty water path under the surface of that distant part of the Big Water…

The roaring sound hummed in her eyes as Wol looked into the circle-shaped fast water. She could already feel its pull but she still felt no remorse for her situation. She quickly looked behind herself and saw all of her family and friends looking at her in a mixture of pride and worry. But there was no time to waste as every second that passed made the siblings’ success ever more unlikely. She quickly turned around and addressed them for the very last time.

“We call water kin when we find the way through the Great Water Path! Wol promise!” She said as a chorus of encouraging words greeted her ears. Azurefin looked at her in expectation as he whispered to her silently.

“It time to go, sister. Let’s give it our all!” He said and the female answered to him with a smile. Both of them remembering the time they were given, the two took long breaths and quickly headed towards the swirling, fast-moving current of water. At first, it seemed like a gentle pull of a wave had grabbed them and guided them forward but after a moment, the pull only intensified and seemed to close them into a tunnel-like space. This was to be expected but it was at this point that both of the siblings realized there was no turning back anymore. The current had them in its grasp and it was far too powerful for them to even dream of escaping from its grip. Yet, that was of no concern to the two.

Azurefin’s teeth gritted together as he followed his sister, taking utmost care that he’d be able to fight against any surprising pulls that could catch him off-guard this quickly. Simply keeping his calm and trying to stay in course for now were the easiest part of the ordeal. At this point, they were only swimming in line, looking as the world around them turned into a raging flux of swirling water and bubbles.

His sister felt her heart pound in her chest in excitement as her speed only increased the deeper she got into the water path. The initial flow that pulled them inside slowly started to dissipate and gradually, she felt the sheltering tunnel around her disappear and the scene around her to turn into the mighty flurry of dancing streams, each of them only waiting to pull her and her brother down. But she wasn’t about to let that happen. All that she’s have o do was to swim to the other end of the water path and then search for a place to exit it. She quickly called to Azurefin who seemed somewhat battered by the intense pull of the current.

“It’s not that far, brother! Let’s just try to force our way out and that’ll be that! We can do this!” She cried as she slowly but surely pulled her way forward, the other side of the massive tunnel-like current, the great pressure of the water making her advance extremely forced. Every now and then, she shortly let the current take her further in order to gather more speed. For a few times, she thought she had heard her brother call to her but the humming, violent stream made any communication impossible. Here, it was every swimmer for themselves.

Yet, against all expectations, the other side of the current drew quickly closer and Azurefin stayed on her side the whole time. As she looked at the approaching edge of this hellish whirlwind, she begun to think why in earth other swimmers feared this place so. It would be only a few, short moments before she’d be able to get away from here and claim her reward. Only a few more bashes and…

One second Wol was pushing her way forward and the next another, treacherous current hit her like a boulder, completely catching both her and Azurefin off-guard. Her whole world seemed to turn upside down as the new fast water threw her everywhere like a small leaf in the wind. In a matter of mere moments, she had lost all control of her own movements, now only able to watch as her speed only increased as she was taken away by the current.

Neither was the other swimmer in any better situation. The male floundered in growing panic as he saw his sister to be in the same situation as him, on their way to some unknown place. However, the duo’s horrifying wait didn’t last long before something slowly appeared in the horizon. It was immediately clear that it was something massive and dark but it was even worse than they initially had expected. It was a terrifyingly high cliff beyond which lied an endless expanse of darkness. Another step into the endless abyss which lied far beyond the safe, hospitable waters of the Big Water. Azurefin’s eyes widened in fear as the current seemed to fly over the abyssal depths below but that wasn’t even the worst part of this whole disaster.

The smaller current which had grabbed the swimmers inside it wasn’t about to follow the tunnel of swirling water into the distant parts of the Big Water, rather it soon took its own course. It was like a small ray which shot out of the colossal submerged flow of water, one that seemed to be drawn away from it by some mysterious force. Immediately, the two were pulled away from the Great Water Path, only to be drawn into another smaller but just as violent stream which instantly headed downwards into the newly-opened dark. Only now, Azurefin realized the folly of their initial quest as it was told that the Great Water Path had countless of tricks which would surely surprise even the most vigilant of swimmers given the chance. Would he and his sister become the next victims of this terrible place? Or would they survive this and only make their quest that much more famous?

Regardless of what would happen later, the two swimmers knew they’d have to regain some sort of balance and control over their bodies. It took herculean efforts for the male to keep his calm as the welcoming cliff behind him grew ever more distant and his surroundings that much darker… and colder. He slowly managed to turn his face into the right direction and against the mighty pull of the underwater river, he begun to move his fins to see if he could someway affect his own movement. To his immense surprise, his tail’s movements managed to slightly change his direction, just enough for him to have some hope of attempting to guide his quick advance. Still, he looked in fear as the slowly disappearing form of his sister was still unable to regain her balance and the stream still silenced anything he would try to tell the female. Unless…

Azurefin suddenly put all of his efforts into moving to his sister’s side before they’d get too far from the surface. His efforts managed to increase his speed only marginally as his own efforts were nothing compared to the raw, brutal force of the world. Yet, he slowly caught up to his sister whose struggles seemed to be losing all of their focus. He quickly slapped her with his fin, catching her attention. Seeing that he had managed to gather himself, she immediately begun her own efforts to replicate his achievement. However, there was still one thing she forgot completely. To mind her surroundings.

“Wol! Look out!” He cried as he saw the stream slowly starting to move to a more stable position. Apparently, the two were reaching the bottom for now and… Suddenly, a sight that made his blood run cold met his eyes. Out of the darkness suddenly appeared a massive wall and it stood immediately on the duo’s path! He looked at the horrifying sight in fear, fully knowing that even if his sister managed to regain control of herself, there would be no escape. Except if…

“Get hold of yourself now, sister! We’re in for a ride!” He cried as he saw a darker part in the middle of the wall which could only mean that some kind of cave opened before them. Wol turned to look at the spot immediately and to her shock, she realized what her brother had meant. It would be only a few more seconds before she’d be crushed against the rock if she wouldn’t be able to gather herself. With one, mighty push, she pulled her body upwards as a final effort to enter the cave alongside her brother. She already expected to feel the unspeakable pain of her body being crushed to nothing by the sharp stones of the underwater mountain and to know that it would be the last time that awaited her in this world… but it never came.

To her immense surprise, Wol suddenly realized she had made it. Her one effort had sent her upwards, towards her brother who was likewise overjoyed by this development. At this point, neither of the two could see anything but they could here and feel each other’s location at all times. Even then, her momentary sense of safety was as fleeting as her li9fe in the case she had failed in her last ordeal. Judging by the way the water flowed around her, there were some kind of sharp obstacles on her way, ones that could finally end this folly of a mission for good. Knowing Azurefin was on her side, she’d give her all to make it true this journey.

The male was likewise glad to see that his headstrong sister was still alive but he realized that they were still far from safe. Completely blind in an unknown cave moved by the merciless fast water wasn’t one thing any swimmer would want to go through. He violently pulled to his left to escape a formation of sharp rocks, only to be forced to immediately be forced into another tunnel which led ever deeper into the unknown. Another sharp turn took extreme care and luck for the two swimmers to avoid clashing against each other and potentially losing their balance for the last time.

Their faces turned into masks of terrible horror, the two moved through the long cave flawlessly, only barely able to make their way through the narrow pathway. Yet, slowly Wol was able to feel the current beginning to weaken slightly but only when a wave of calmer water hit her fin did she realize why. The tunnel’s mouth was approaching quickly and the quickly weakening grip of the fast water could perhaps offer them a chance to escape this madness. Hoping at least the message would reach Azurefin, she cried to him with all her might.

“Brother, leave the current when we come out of the cave! It’s our chance to escape the fast water!” She cried and even if it was clear that Azurefin didn’t hear her words, he realized something was about to happen and when he noticed the same things his sister had, he knew what he had to do. However, the utter darkness caused additional worry to the two swimmers as there was no way to see that there were sharp rocks hanging from the mouth of the cave, positioned perfectly to open a massive, lethal wound to a poor fool who had already thought he had managed to survive the stream. However, both of the siblings realized them just in time to manage to pull their bodies downwards and after that force themselves to the left in order to escape this horrifying mess they had gotten themselves in.

Azurefin’s breath was completely spent as he realized he had managed to escape from the nightmarish current. The sense of freedom and the lack of all-encompassing pressure waas gone but soon he remembered something important. The fast water’s roar was still powerful but it no longer drowned every sound under its violent force.

“Wol, are you there? Say something if you’re okay!” The swimmer looked at the darkness around him, feeling increasingly worried how he and his sister were going to escape this place. However, a tiny bit of his fear was washed away as he heard a weak and shocked voice near him.

“I am, I am, brother. I wouldn’t want to go near any fast waters again for weeks after that!” Her voice sounded mostly dizzy after the terrifying ride but it was clear that she wasn’t hurt, at least seriously. Azurefin moved towards her voice, willing to make sure the two wouldn’t get separated in these abyssal depths. His voice wavered as he spoke, full well knowing that there was no way of telling what horrors lay around them, only waiting for the right moment to strike and end the swimmers’ struggles forever. He whispered to the female as he was quite confident they were as close to each other as normal.

“W… we in the deepest parts of the Big Water now! We have to get away from here before some creature notices we’re here!” He said, looking above himself in distinct longing. There wasn’t the slightest trace of light to be seen even above him which cast an extremely ghastly and terrifying feeling for the young dinosaur. As an additional curse of this place, he only know realized he was shuddering heavily from the cold, the frigid waters’ cold grip creeping its way deep into him. After a few seconds, he heard his sister answer to him.

“Maybe we should but don’t you realize what this means? We survived the Great Water Path and we even found a way through it!” She cried in slow realization, the eeriness of the depth not bothering her as heavily as her brother. Azurefin frowned at her words, however, and disbelief dipped from his words as he answered.

“And? The others won’t want to go through what we did and…” His answer was cut in short as Wol decided it wasn’t worth finishing.

“Of course not, silly, but we know in which direction it is and we cannot be too far from the others yet! There could be a way back under the Water Path we just don’t know yet!” She said, realizing the implications of their success. With a bit of patience and perseverance, they could still do this.

“And then again there might not be! Don’t you realize there could be a sharptooth just behind you right now? It could just swallow you and you’d never know it! Is it a risk we’re willing to take?” He asked, wanting to believe his sister’s words but fear was getting a grip of his heart. Wol snorted in answer as she began to make her way towards the direction where the Water Path most likely was.

“At least I am! Wol didn’t come this far to turn away now! I’ll do my all to see this to the…” Suddenly, her voice was buried under an unspeakable bellow which suddenly seemed to drown the whole area around it. The surrounding cliffs only made it ever louder and the sickening voice seemed to only become stronger the longer it lingered. Even the female swimmer felt sick as she looked at the direction of the voice but even she couldn’t see anything. She had heard the voices of massive swimming sharpteeth in her life but they were nothing when compared to the monstrosity which swam in these same waters. Yet, she wasn’t giving up yet. She merely whispered in a more restrained voice to
Azurefin who was utterly devastated by the voice.

“Let’s go. The longer we linger here, the more likely it is to find us.” She whispered, earning a quick nod from her brother. The two knew their very lives hung in the balance but the hope of glory pushed them forward in this scene of utter darkness.

Mo’s words made Littlefoot shiver as his mind’s eye imagined the endless darkness and coldness of those depths. The swimmer’s tale was even worse than something he had imagined the Big Water to be in his worst sleep stories. A place of eternal blackness and freeze which was home to the creatures Petrie and Ducky had once been so afraid of. He could only imagine what was to come in his friend’s tale.

The swimmer, on the other hand, had taken another short break to gather his thoughts and catch his breath. The first parts of his story were something he could imagine going through if he ever could return to his home again but it
was here where the tales of those distant depths began. He asked one, brief question from the longneck before he’d continue to recount this feared myth of his kin.

“You see, Littlefoot? The Big Water full of dangers if one doesn’t know how to avoid them! By the way, how much of this did you know before? Do landwalkers know anything about Mo’s home?” The swimmer asked, interested to hear if all he had told at this point was new to Littlefoot. The landwalker looked at the swimmer before looking a distant flying rock which momentarily lighted the night sky.

“Nothing really, Mo. In fact, I didn’t even know that it gets darker the deeper you go in those waters. We kinda knew there were massive swimmers down there but all of those are only tales of our own. Still, I’m more than happy I cannot go there as it sounds terrifying. No offense. B… but I’ve been wondering… what if you get even deeper than that? Is it even possible?” He said, momentarily shaking the feeling of fear from his shoulders. He was willing to hear the rest of the tale but the question about whether the two siblings had reached deepest of depths rose to his mind. To his surprise, Mo shook his head before the faraway look returned to his eyes.

“Mo will get to that later but nobody knows about that. Wol and Azurefin sure thought back then they were at the lowest point beneath the waves at this point but… well, Littlefoot will hear soon. They began their journey back to the rest of the swimmers but it wasn’t easy down there…”

Even swimming itself was slowly becoming a struggle as the waters around her felt increasingly heavy and the constant moving by the cliffside made the duo’s advance extremely slow. The Great Water Path was most likely far above the two which proved that Wol’s theory could indeed be correct. There could well be one small spot in the upper parts of the bottom that could go under the current safely. There was no way to tell how much time had passed since their departure as there was no trace of the Bright Circle to be seen but it was unlikely that more than half of the promised time had passed. At this pace, they could soon…


Instinctually, the swimmer shot up as the massive sound suddenly engulfed the whole area, followed by a hissing sound that seemed to stretch forever. The following sound resembled that of swimming belly slider but the voice preceding that changed everything. She quickly stopped to speak to her brother as the hissing didn’t seem to stop at all.

“Wh… what’s that? It come from below us!” She asked as Azurefin seemed to try at the surrounding water. Even if the female didn’t see, his face turned into a frown as he turned to look downwards.

“And it feels warmer than before. Could it be…” He asked himself as he moved quickly downwards, willing to see what lied below. All the while, his surroundings shed any remnants of the earlier cold. Suddenly he stopped as the water around him begun to smell pungent and bitter. He began to look around himself, realizing by the way the water behaved that the entire area around him would be filled with the same warmth which would have in any normal situation given him courage but now, his heart sank as he realized where he had smelled this reek before.

“Let’s get away from here quickly, Wol! They are smaller fire mountains than the ones that destroyed our home but we cannot know when they are going to spit their fire at us!” He cried as he headed towards the direction they had formerly been heading towards. Most often the fire mountains lurked in depths even the swimmers couldn’t find them but apparently this was one such place. Even if it wasn’t a lethal threat right now, Azurefin completely dreaded the mere thought of those monstrous things being this close to him.

Wol looked into the dark below her and decided there was nothing to be gained from lingering in this dangerous place. She headed after her brother before she suddenly noticed slight movement from somewhere before her. She suddenly stayed still, just in time to avoid being seen by this mysterious creature. She slowly continued to head after her brother before she whispered to him shortly.

“No, wait! What is that thing?” She said as the sight faded again into the blackness but slowly she moved towards the direction she had seen the small trace of life. However, the sounds that soon reached her ears froze her still. It was a sound of something being slowly dragged away, accompanied by a soft, gurgling voice which made the swimmer’s blood run cold. The smell that reached her nostrils reminded her from something but she couldn’t quite close her mind around what that something was. Maybe… yes, that’s right!

It was a similar smell to those small, many limbed creatures lying in the deeper waters which mostly waited for something to reach them and then close those limbs around them to catch the prey. If she remembered right, they were called Inkspewers due to their defense but all she had seen before had been far smaller. She could only follow in horror as the scent of the apparent of the creature’s next meal faded away. Realizing there was no way of knowing whether the creature was sated, she headed after her brother, attempting to shake the image of some swimmer like here being chewed to pieces by such monstrous creatures, never to rejoin her kin again. Knowing she wouldn’t be allowed to lose her focus for even a moment, she put all of her concentration into shielding the core of her mind from the horrors of this unknown world.

The minutes passed slowly as the two swimmers made their way through the pitch-black expanse of water, listening to the Great Water Path raging far above them. At this point, both of them only hoped to survive this most terrifying day of their lives. Occasionally, some terrifying roar or odd sight made the two search shelter within the many caves of the cliff but still, ever so slowly, the two approached the other end of the powerful current above them. The two had apparently found some kind of small underwater canyon moving below the Water Path which had apparently been hidden from many others because their fear of this place of nature’s wrath. Maybe, just maybe, they’d be able to make their way back home and tell the others that there was another chance to escape from the rage of the fire mountain. But all of that was unsure until the path through this abyss was finally found. Yet, as the moments slowly passed and the canyon started to open into the wide, seemingly endless expanse of water once again, the duo’s hopes began to really rise again.

“We almost there, Wol! It’s time for us to rise to the surface again and to tell the others that we found the way!” Azurefin spoke in great relief, willing to believe he had been through the worst on this quest. His sister’s expression told without a doubt that she was pondering about her brother’s proposition. It was true that they had already passed the massive current above them so there was no real reason for them to linger here any longer. She turned at her brother’s direction and answered to him in similar hopes.

“You’re right, brother. It shouldn’t take too long to reach…” Suddenly, the same voice the two hard earlier returned, the otherworldly cry immediately prompting the duo to quickly escape into the crevices of the cliff, praying that the unknown creature would just leave them in peace, whatever its intentions. The two looked into the complete, endless darkness, their blood roaring in their ears. However, it was nothing when compared to the sight of a distant, dark fin quickly passing by in the distance. Azurefin looked in horror at its mere size as it was something his kind had never seen before. The fin had only flashed in the distance but he had already seen enough. The creature had to be countless of times bigger than even the mightiest of swimming sharpteeth at the upper reaches of the Big Water and even the longnecks were nothing when compared to this monster. Azurefin would have wanted to close his eyes and imagine to be once again in his home, spending one of those endless happy days with his kin. However, he knew better than to escape the reality he had voluntarily got himself in. After a minute had passed, he quickly whispered to his sister who was just as panicked as he was.

 “Let’s go before that creature returns. I wouldn’t want to face it again.” He said as he slowly moved away from the tiny cave and with a terrifying feeling, began to head straight upwards. Wol concentrated all of her willpower into following him as the two prayed in their minds that nothing would stop their flight at this point. For the first time in their lives, the two felt completely hopeless hanging in this utter darkness without being able to do anything to defend themselves. There was no trace of that mysterious creature anywhere but it was more than clear that it didn’t mean it wasn’t lurking somewhere nearby. Yet, even in this moment, something caught Wol’s eye, something she hadn’t wanted to see.

“Look there, Azurefin. Tell me that it isn’t true.” In the middle of the darkness opened a wide cliff, one they hadn’t seen before. But it was the realization about what lied beyond it that shocked her greatly. There was no ground there, meaning it was yet another step into the depths of the Big Water which only pointed into one possibility: the two weren’t nearly even at the Big Water’s lowest floor and there was no way to tell what monstrosities lied down there. Maybe it was something she wasn’t even supposed to know but even her small moment of fear and wonder was one thing she couldn’t have afforded in this merciless place. The last thing she heard was a panicked gasp from her brother, but the following warning never reached her ears. He immediately tried to reach her but the shadow fell upon her far too quickly for him to be able to do anything to help her. Wol, for the briefest of moments, could feel a warm embrace around her before the massive jaws of the sharptooth cut her small, frail body into two before then closing the mouth that would her tomb forever.

Azurefin tried his all to get his dear sister out of the harm’s way but there was nothing he could do. Just as he was about to reach her, the row of teeth close and the male was left looking at the sight, completely in loss of what to do. Only a few, short seconds earlier, Wol had been here and just like that, it was all over. The realization came slowly to him and a flicker of unimaginable pain hit his heart. A few tears formed in his eyes as he looked into the monster’s face, devoid of any emotion or thought whatsoever. Even then, he knew he didn’t have time to linger here any longer as the grey-colored, flat-headed creature turned its attention at him, prompting the smaller swimmer to turn around and make his escape and carry on the fruits of his and his sister’s last day together. Everything felt like some kind of bad dream to Azurefin and no sensible thoughts rose to his mind before he felt a blow to his left side.

Three of the beast’s teeth sank into the swimmer’s underbelly but instinctually he moved he dashed away from the death’s embrace. His body twitched in endless pain but no matter what, he’d pass on the knowledge of this place to the others. He had never swam this quickly before in his life and knew that he’d never do so again either. At all times, he feared that his chaser would catch him and cut his escape for good. But it never came. Slowly but surely, careful flickers of light started to again smile on his face but it served only to reveal a tear-filled, broken swimmer who already begun to feel his body beginning to weaken.

Only a few minutes earlier, seeing the sweet rays of the Bright Circle again had been his greatest wish but now, it didn’t bring him any happiness. His sister was gone and so would he soon enough. He didn’t even want to watch at his wound but he could very well tell it was lethal. After a dash which seemed to last for an eternity, he finally landed on the same cliff near the Great Water Path where the treacherous current had swept them into the abyss only less than an hour ago. Azurefin panted heavily as he fell into the soft sand, the warmth of the water around him bringing him some relief in this dark hour. He then released the loudest call he could at this point, hoping it would reach his herd and enabling him to ensure the two swimmers’ search hadn’t been for nothing.

The following wait was filled with fleeting images of his life and friends he’d possibly never see again. Even the death of his beloved sister seemed nothing more like a dream at this point and deep down, he was relieved that the sharptooth’s hit would reunite him with her soon enough. In a way, the two had succeeded in traversing a place no swimmer like him had never before. Maybe, just maybe, that was something to be grateful for. He seemed to slowly be drifting away when he heard a shocked voice above him.

“Azurefin, you made it! B… but where’s Wol? Is… is she…?” The red-colored swimmer was the first one of the group of his fellow herd members who saw him but she couldn’t see what was wrong with the male. Azurefin’s gaze rose upwards and he was more than relieved to hear most of the herd arriving around him. Their happy yet concerned faces made him feel slightly better but his voice’s weakness surprised even the swimmer himself.

“Wol’s gone. A sharptooth got her down there and… and Azurefin too. My whole belly is sliced open.” He said as the others finally noticed the pools of blood around him which were quickly drawn away by the currents around him. The others gasped audibly, only now realizing he didn’t have much time left. One of them, the same older and purple-colored female who had warned him earlier, moved closer to him, willing to give Azurefin a chance to tell what he had to tell.

“What happened? Did you find the way through the Great Water Path?” Those were the obvious questions which Azurefin had of course expected. Slowly and with an increasingly forced voice, he slowly recounted his tale to the others whose gazes communicated disbelief and compassion to the young male. None of them could have imagined their home being surrounded by such a hellish place. It seemed like they were supposed to stay here, near the surface after all. Also, it seemed like their fear of the Great Water Path had always been correct. Just as he had finished his tale, one of the other swimmers asked one question to clarify Azurefin’s point.

“I’m so sorry, Azurefin, but at least you found the way through the current! You managed to do it after…” At this point, the injured swimmer glanced at the speaker in clear anger and disapproval. It hurt him to speak this quickly but he had already made up his mind about this. If anything, he and his sister had only found an answer to the question why no swimmer should venture back there, no matter what. This one warning would be the two siblings’ legacy.

“No we didn’t. I ask of you, go the way you were planning to go. Down in the depths wait only horrors and monstrous swimmers. We… you must never return there. Wol and I already paid for our mistakes. Please… don’t do the same.” After those words, the horribly maimed swimmer breathed deeply, moving his fin for the very last time before his head fell to the sandy ground, the latest victim of the mysterious depths under the calm surface of the Big Water.


LBT Fanfiction / One Bright Warm Time's Day
« on: March 11, 2018, 11:30:42 AM »
One Bright Warm Time’s Day

The wind flushed gently through the green hills of a small and green woodland as the morning slowly started to turn into a day. The heart of the Warm Time was slowly approaching and none of the flyers who inhabited this lush region would have traded the season for anything else. The weather wasn’t burningly hot but it certainly discouraged most from any extra work until the evening’s shadows started to grow longer. All but one single, young leader who wanted nothing more than to learn more from his mother’s and her parents’ times of leadership from someone who had seen them with his own eyes.

“… but you see, Lenel, that with each passing generation, your family’s followers have grown less numerous, no matter how much work your mother or her father put into their efforts. I have regretted seeing that slow process but it seems it has become some kind of a curse to your predecessors’ to being unable to stop this process.” The speaker was an old flyer whose eyes, despite his age, still had a vivid and sharp glimmer to them. He had been part of this small herd, which hardly numbered more than two dozen flyers these days, since he was but a child and during that time, he had come to serve as one of Lenel’s mother’s deputies and one of the most respected members of the dwindling herd. His listener, the group’s still-fresh leader, frowned at those words slightly even if they weren’t exactly new information to him.

“It’s a real shame, Telo. Mother wanted nothing but the best to his followers but her efforts simply weren’t enough due to her weakness in the face of danger. I just hope I can restore my family to the power it held during the revered Olres’ time. Nothing has seemed to gone well since then and I’m not going to be another leader who’ll simply watch as our great herd slowly disappears. Even if it means I’ll have to spend my life trying to find out what or who gave Olres the strength to do everything he did.” Lenel sighed as he looked outside of the cave’s mouth. Outside lied his followers who were more thankful to him for being able to avoid any major fights since his rise to power which brought Lenel hope he had been ready to take the mantle of a leader since his mother’s death only a few months ago.

However, there was only one dinosaur out there who was being able to take a part of his attention away from Telo’s tales. The mere thought of his beloved mate brought a smile to the young male’s face even if he knew Sireia was on a scouting mission alongside with three other of his followers. For a moment, he nearly forgot where he was and the old flyer’s answer even startled him slightly.

“I can see that you have other things on your mind than an ancient dinosaur’s twaddle. Even then, I’m happy for you Lenel for finding a mate you’re ready to share your burden with. Unfortunately, it was a blessing your mother never had.” Telo chuckled slightly as Lenel looked at him with some embarrassment. He was slightly startled for being that easy to read but he knew better than to deny the obvious fact. He stuttered slightly as he answered to the other male whose nostalgic smile had only widened.

“Y… yes, you’re right. Her presence here is more than I could have ever asked for. It’s been only a month but I already feel like it’s an eternity since we met. Her eyes, her wit and her smiling face… but that’s enough about that. I came to talk to you because I wanted to know more about Olres. So start speaking, old flyer.” Lenel suddenly regained his treasured matter-of-factly composure which quickly turned into a playful smirk. Telo chuckled slightly at the answer but he was more than happy to share his knowledge to anyone who was willing to listen.

“It’s good to see you’re still not forgetting your duties. However, there is something I think it’s time I told you. There indeed is something odd about the way your ancestor managed to overcome the Cold Time and win every challenge in his life without a scratch. There is a story that tells that Olres never left a certain land somewhere in the east and that he disappeared for weeks without a trace. It’s as if he had simply vanished into thin air during those days and when he returned, he was always a changed flyer.” The old flyer before he kept a small pause. This information, however, opened Lenel’s eyes wide and he took a few steps closer to the dark-grey dinosaur, completely stunned by these words.

“Where is this place? Please tell me!” The pale flyer said silently, stunned by the fact that Telo hadn’t told him these news before. Why would a faithful servant of his family hold him this crucial information? The atmosphere turned into a tangibly waiting one as the older flyer took a brief sigh before he answered.

“Who knows? Even this one piece of knowledge is extremely vague and I heard it from your grandfather myself. He, too, tried to search for it but without any success. I’d gladly share this secret with you if I only were able to. I’m sorry, Lenel, but I’m afraid this is a mystery you’ll have to solve yourself.” Those words hit Lenel with great power as that one, vague piece of knowledge would be the key to restoring his ancestor’s family to what it once was. He was about to answer to the older flyer when a flow of shadows started to dance in the cave illuminated by the bright morning’s rays. Lenel turned around and he almost jumped with joy when he saw Sireia’s form among the returning flyers. For the briefest of moments, he was torn between staying here or go meeting her but after a moment, his choice was clear. He turned back to Telo and spoke to him in an appreciating voice, his eyes burning with anticipation.

“Thank you for your time and tales, Telo. They really meant a lot to me. However, I must tend to my other duties now but I’ll see you again in the coming days.” Lenel said before trying to leave quickly enough for Telo to be unable to answer but his failure became clear soon enough.

“It’s best to tend to those issues when you’re still young, my honored leader. I hope you have a good day.” The old dinosaur said in a hearty voice which, after a moment of hesitation, also brought more relief to Lenel. The young flyer nodded to the other male in deep approval before he turned his gaze into the direction the scouts had seemed to land. His chest was filled with the warm feeling and his heart was beating with pure happiness as he slowly took off.

The young female looked around herself in excitement as she finished giving her report to one of her mate’s deputies. Usually Lenel was here to receive the scouts’ findings himself but he had apparently said he was “needed elsewhere”. Sireia smiled slightly as she knew full well where that “elsewhere” was. Lenel simply loved to hear about his family’s history from Telo and his whereabouts weren’t really a secret to anyone who knew him at least somewhat well.

Yet, Sireia wouldn’t have liked her mate better in any other way. Ever since the two had met at Nourin’s Ledge during some of the herds’ meeting, it had been clear that both of them had made the right choice. Despite his preoccupation with the herd, he had proven time and time again that his feelings towards her weren’t false. She listened in deep happiness when the deputy answered to her and her companions’ report.

“Very well. We have to keep an eye at those other herds in case they decide to do anything stupid. You five are released from any other missions for the rest of the day. Dismissed.” The five flyers looked at each other before going their own ways. However, Sireia knew this eventless pause would be a brief one as both she and Lenel treasured any times they could spend together. However, she didn’t have much time to contemplate the situation before a familiar form  appeared into the skies above her. Sireia’s heart begun to beat in her chest in expectation as Lenel carefully landed beside her. The female smiled at him as she broke the silence before it had actually started.

“We’re safe for now, dear. There were no hostile dinosaurs anywhere near us.” She said softly, making sure that these news were kept as low key as possible in this moment of closeness and love. She looked at Lenel approach her slowly and she immediately replicated the gesture. Just as the duo’s hands closed around each other, Lenel whispered silently.

“You did well, my love. Things feel even better when we know no one threatens us two. I would like nothing better than to keep it like this forever. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.” Lenel whispered, basking in the feeling of warmth her mate and the Bight Circle cast upon the two flyers. He meant every word and at that moment, the light-colored flyer felt like he truly would have wanted to never let go. Sireia’s eyes were locked into the distance as her mind worked in override to register the words she had just heard. She answered only a few seconds later.

“Likewise, I still miss my brother and friends but I’d never trade any of them to you, Lenel. This past month has been one, never-ending dream I’d never want to wake up from. But I can see that Telo told you something. What was it?” The female asked silently as the two slowly let off of each other, Lenel turning to look at his mate in the eyes directly. He had forgotten that meeting for a fleeting moment but even in this situation, his excitement was tangible.

“I guess I can’t keep any secrets from you, Sireia. He indeed told me something that may change everything for us. He told that Olres is told to have had some kind of place which granted him the strength to do what he did. He couldn’t say where it was but I know he wouldn’t tell me lies. Do you understand what this means?” Lenel asked, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. He knew full well that before him would be a journey of legend but that massive predicament slowly begun to spread doubts into his mind. Sireia looked at him for a moment, completely surprised by these news. Not because she was surprised by them but because she was stunned that Lenel seemed so excited about this issue. She chuckled slightly as she answered.

“Didn’t you know that? I was told that much when I was but a hatchling! But we were also told he lived far to the north where he saved all flyers of those lands from the wrath of the landwalkers. Olres is one of the most famous flyers to ever live so don’t be so surprised that we, too, have stories about him. I just never thought they’d be more accurate than those of his actual family.” Sireia nearly laughed to her mate’s astonishment. Lenel simply stared at her in utter shock before answering to her in disbelief.

“W…what? Do you actually mean there could be more knowledge of Olres’ secret somewhere, kept alive only by some small herds like yours?” The male said in disbelief, turning his gaze into the distant horizon. If what his mate said was true, then maybe there was a real chance he’d be able to find out the ancient secret his family had forgotten. Sireia bowed nearer to her mate and whispered in a silent voice.

“I do, my dear. I had just thought Telo was telling you some things I didn’t know.” She said while looking at Lenel’s confusion with amusement. The male’s mind was working hard to realize how much these news changed but he also understood that this opened him a way to finally begin reversing his herd’s slow decline. With an astonished voice, he answered to the female.

“In that case, we have to find out whatever we can about him! We must leave no stone unturned to find out what mysterious force helped my ancestor during those distant times. But if we’re going to do this, we’ll need…” At this point,
the light-colored flyer was, to his enormous surprise, interrupted by his mate who ended his sentence in an extremely confident voice. Sireia wasn’t oblivious to her mate’s hopes and ambitions and in more ways than just one, she had already learned to embrace his way of thinking when it came to these things.

“…we’ll need a larger herd to have enough respect to be able to search for this clues without challenges from the other flyers. It will be far from easy but we’ll make it, my love.” She said as the two flyers shared a silent moment to think about the best way to proceed. Lenel panted silently as he contemplated at the journey he had before himself and as the reality sank into his head on this bright Warm Time’s day, he slowly begun to feel his limbs grow heavy and fear beginning to fill his mind. After a moment, for the first time since taking his mother’s place in the herd, his voice wavered with uncertainty and even clear hesitation.

“I… I’d want nothing more but I don’t know if I’m ready for this. After all, I’ve only led this small herd for a few months and I’ve been more lucky with any potential challenges than I could ever hope for. But to begin forming a larger herd… I just don’t know yet.” Lenel could already see his possible followers falling under an attack of the sharpteeth or other flyers and the young male simply didn’t want to ruin everything with unneeded risks emanating from his own recklessness. Sireia felt somewhat surprised to see his mate’s reaction to the prospect of being able to finally fulfill his lifelong dream but it did nothing to make her question his judgement. At this point, a certain idea suddenly rose to her mind.

“There’s something I’d like to show you, Lenel. Maybe then you’ll see that this surely is something we’ll be able to do. Follow me, it’s not far!” Sireia laughed playfully as she rose to her wings and headed towards the realm of dancing winds above the duo. Lenel cocked his head in confusion at this turn of events but he wasted no time following his mate. He didn’t have the slightest of ideas what his mate had in her mind but he yearned to find out. It wasn’t long before he was flying on the female’s side, heading to this place she had been talking about.

It wasn’t many minutes until Sireia’s eyes finally caught the sight of the small mound she had seen in her earlier scouting mission. It was a rather high but narrow hill rising in the middle of sloping leas of this most beautiful of times among the changing seasons. The female hoped her mate would see the same open path to the future she had felt she had seen this enchanting place herself. She quickly started her plunge as she cried to the male, whose whole mind was still a complete mess, in encouragement.

“There it is! Let’s go!” The tan-colored flyer’s words brought even more hesitation to the male but he complied to her request without any requests. What could possible interest Sireia in this lonely, wind-swept hill near the edge of a larger and dryer plain? The two flyers landed gracefully and Lenel wasted no time asking the obvious question.

“What did you want to show me? This place doesn’t seem unlike many other hills we’ve seen.” Lenel asked softly but it was clear he wanted an answer. Sireia was slightly disappointed that Lenel hadn’t realized her point immediately but she was more than happy to emphasize her point too. She quickly turned to look at the opening plain before suddenly bowing towards the ground. Below her lied a large group of bright orange flowers, ones whose beauty was unmatched by most others either of the two had seen before. However, their meaning was initially lost on the pale flyer. She then begun to speak in puzzling voice to her mate.

“Do you see these flowers? They are constantly being preyed upon by us leaf eaters and the sky water often causes earthfalls upon them. Not to even mention that the winds and dry times cause them more problems all the time. Yet here they are, growing more beautiful every Warm Time that passes even if the Cold Time sweeps their glory away.” She rose up momentarily, seeing a deep frown on Lenel’s face. The male seemed to be deep in thought over his mate’s words and silence reigned between the two loving dinosaurs for a moment. The gentle wind swayed the deep green blades of grass under the cloudless sky and the whole scene was enough to let the warm emotion flow into the male’s mind. Yes, there was some sense in his mate’s parable but it still was only that, a parable. Lenel answered shortly, finally answering to Sireia’s heartfelt words.

“Our family has persevered for countless generations but maybe you’re right that we’re only living through our own Cold Time at the moment. But it just feels like too much to think I’ll be the one that makes things turn well again. These flowers have the spring to bring them back to life but I have only myself… and of course you, my dear. But is it enough?” The flyer asked, waving his head in an apparent loss of words. Sireia rose up from her crouching position and spoke to her mate, doing her best to help the male decided that question for himself.

“I don’t know. It will be a terrible gamble but I am ready for anything with you on my side. It is true that these flowers get more help than we do but it is up to you to decide whether you can do this. You have me and all of our herd by your side and they’ll help you whenever you need aid. Is that the spring we need to power our dreams?” The female asked as neutrally as she could, willing to show her support to the male while still giving him the full choice in this matter. Lenel breathed deeply as he struggled to come up with an answer. However, the calm, sweet environment as well as the thought of his happy herd and mate sometime in the future slowly crept into his mind and as he looked into her mate’s eyes, he knew his mind was made up. In the name of all who believed in him and all those who came before him, this was something he had to do.

“I think so, my love. Those flowers might be returned to life by the mere changing of seasons but our strength is being powered by our closeness each and every day. As long as you are on my side, I’ll be able to suffer any blows we will meet on this journey of our lives.”  Lenel said as he raised his gaze again at the female, his mental fuss finally beginning to ease slightly. He could go through a lot with his mate’s help and suddenly, the lovely day made it feel like Olres himself was watching over him on this day.

“Thank you for those words, Lenel. I’ll follow you. Thank you for being here for me. The moment I saw your commanding gaze and your strong wings back on the Ledge, I hoped you’d accept me as your mate. I never had the right to wish for this joy.” Sireia said as she sat down to the ground, facing into the far distance. Lenel joined her immediately and the two sat down to face the sea of hilly, green meadows glimmer in the blessed light of this glorious day. Lenel looked into the horizon as he answered to her mate’s compliment.

“Of course, Sireia. I never came there looking for a mate but my choice, too, was made the moment I saw you joining our meeting to honor the great Nourin on that starry, warm night. I’m glad I’ve been worthy of your trust thus far and I’ll never let go of my charge to you and your parents. My life has been one, happy dream since we joined together. Thank you for that.” Lenel sighed as he noticed a large buzzer flying above the endless lea. His life was perfect but the chance of being remembered as Olres’ equal when he was gone was still a dream worth following to the young male. Sireia knew more than well that her mate was genuine but she had one more thing she wanted to tell him.

“Mine too. I’d never exchange this for anything but… there was something during my scouting trip I know you’d like to know.” She said cryptically, prompting Lenel to look at her in interest.

“Hmm? And what’s that? I thought you found nothing interesting.” He asked with a sleepy look in his eyes. Sireia took a sigh as she inhaled the warm, sweet air of the Warm Time and shivered under the beautiful touch of the Bright Circle.

“The herd we spotted some distance away… I know it. It’s led by a headstrong and proud but reasonable flyer called Nira. Her herd has also grown less numerous lately and she had great struggles holding them together in the latest Cold Time. With any luck and right kind of persuasion, they might…” Sireia began but Lenel’s quick mind immediately recognized a great opportunity when he heard one. His eyes opened wide at those implications and he finished his mate’s sentence.

“… be willing to join forces with us! And when we are more numerous, some others might be willing to then join the safety of numbers! That’s marvelous news!” Lenel nearly cried at those news but he managed to keep his emotions at bay. At this point, everything in his life seemed to be falling into place and the future seemed nothing but bright. His breath nearly died in throat as he noticed Sireia look at him again. Her voice was sweeter than ever to her mate as she spoke.

“Exactly, dear. I’m more than willing to share this adventure together with you. It seems like we have a long journey ahead of ourselves. Just as I’ve hoped.” The female sighed as she and her mate slowly raised their hands on each other’s opposing shoulders and leaned towards each other. The grassy hill around the two beamed with life as another warm breath of the Warm Time’s wind met the two flyers’ noses. Lenel breathed the sweet air into his lungs for a long time before he finally sighed and whispered into the tan-colored dinosaur’s ear.

“This is far better than I could hope for. But what do you say if we start our quest only tomorrow? This lovely day is far too precious to waste on arguing with any grumpy old flyer. There’s only one who I want to share it with.” Lenel said with a wide smile and nodded at Sireia whose approving smile didn’t lose any in comparison to her overjoyed mate.

“Me too, my dear. Me too.” The two flyers’ beaks then met in a gentle, long nuzzle as a further act of affirmation of their common future which both of them knew would be filled with great glories and even more spectacular dreams.

And here's finally my entry to the February prompt challenge! It's a look into the pasts of two of my characters from Separate Ways. This ficlet takes place nearly twenty years before my main story and I hope I managed to make this brief look into Lenel and Sireia’s youth intriguing. Hopefully you enjoy this offering and tell me what you think of it!

LBT Fanfiction / The Promise For a Better Future
« on: January 04, 2018, 12:06:41 PM »
The Promise for a Better Future

The air felt increasingly cold around the longneck as she looked into the horizon beyond which her mate had disappeared not so long ago. His steps could still be seen in the dry ground but their endless journey into the distance only deepened Tranquil’s fears about her own situation. Bron was gone, chasing his own vision about where the Great Valley was located. Tranquil had told him that he was going astray but the male wouldn’t listen to him. Now, she was left alone with her aging parents but it wasn’t herself Tranquil was so concerned for.

In the past days, she had increasingly come to accept the fact that she indeed was pregnant. That fact alone brought immense joy upon the longneck but even then, she wasn’t sure whether she’d be able to take care of a child in this hellish time without her mate. Bron had hoped to see the baby’s hatching but the dying of the world around them seemed to grow quicker by the day. Bron had believed he could protect his family best by trying to see if the tales he had heard about the Valley would prove to be true.

The female longneck sighed as she looked at her parents who were standing behind her, looking at their daughter in concern. Tranquil knew they needed her to be strong at this time as they were getting too old to survive by themselves. Without Bron, she was forced to carry on their family’s legacy with pride and that thought only brought another, more confusing thought to her mind. She had once imagined becoming the leader of the herd. But not like this… not like this. Not with only her grandparents as her followers and certainly not on this most testing of times. Her mother slowly approached the younger longneck and spoke to her soothingly.

“It’s alright, Tranquil. We’ll see him again. But before that, we have to work together. It’s still a long way into the Great Valley and we have to continue our journey soon.” The elderly female said as Tranquil slowly turned to look at her, her mind growing increasingly fearful for her situation. Her eyes held a deeply conflicted expression as she turned to face her mother.

“I’m not sure if I’m ready for this, mother. What if he’s right? What if… what if it’s we who are going the wrong way? I owe it to my child to do my best but… I’m not sure what that is.” The longneck’s mind had been a flux even before her mate’s departure but after he was gone, she began to feel the hopelessness and decay of the land around her really starting to creep into her. However, those thoughts were momentarily interrupted by another, this one male, voice.

“We know the right way and I’m sure he’ll return once he realizes his mistake. It’s regrettable that he chose to leave us but that cannot be helped. We have to reach the others before it’s time for our grandchild’s birth.” A warm smile rose to the massive dinosaur’s face as he thought about the joy of seeing the baby’s hatching. An additional relief was that the herds would gather together for the duration of the birth of their children which would protect them from the sharpteeth for the duration of the earliest days of their lives. However, the younger dinosaur wasn’t nearly as optimistic as her father.

“B… but what if things only get worse? I… I don’t want to see my baby suffer all his or her life from hunger and thirst! And we can still be only heading to a wasteland and towards the mouths of the sharpteeth! I know it can’t be helped but I don’t want to see my child born into such a nightmare!” The terrifying images of her own and her unborn hatchling’s slow starvation burned in her eyes as she looked around herself. There were still some patches of green to eat here and there but there hadn’t been sky water for weeks and even the Bright Circle itself seemed to slowly be dimmed under a cover of hazy darkness. Indeed, it seemed like the whole world was collapsing around her at a time when she should act like a beacon of hope and trust to a young boy or girl. And she… she was far from sure whether she’d be able to carry on with this massive charge. Her mother, however, approached her slowly and put a comforting expression to her face.

“Don’t worry about that, my daughter. It’ll be alright. You’ll come to see that you’ll be able to do quite a bit when you have a young one who depends on you. I know it more than well, Tranquil. Things weren’t quite as bad when you were born but I was still forced to overcome my limits trying to protect you during your early childhood. You might remember that you weren’t exactly a stranger to dangers.” The elderly longneck chuckled as she looked at her daughter’s gloomy face which brightened slightly as she turned to look at her mother. The male looked at Tranquil with a similarly warm expression and continued to where his mate had left off.

“I still wonder whether you’ll disappear somewhere when we turn our backs on you. Besides, you can still relay the most important thing to our grandchild: the hope of the Great Valley’s existence.” He said, trying to make the soon-to-be mother recover her sight of the small herd’s entire situation. Tranquil forced her breaths to calm down but there was just so much that could go wrong, so horribly wrong.
She answered to her parents in a meek voice, growing ashamed by her own cowardice at the situation. She had most often been seen as a wise and calm longneck but those were the times when she had been responsible only of herself and her parents but this was something the female wasn’t prepared for: to actually ensure a happy childhood to her child. She already loved him or her greatly but that love only worsened her fears. What if she would be a terrible parent who could only bring pain and sorrow to her offspring?

“I know that but… we don’t really even know if it’s there and… and… I could live in safety within our beloved Emerald Grove where everything was peaceful before… before the fire mountain spit its wrath. B… but my child won’t have any of that and I’m not sure whether we’ll even make it to the Valley. It… it’s just not fair for him or her!” Tranquil said as she looked at her parents’ faces. The two looked at each other and nodded in resolution, deciding to tell something to their distressed daughter. It was the male who begun to speak first.

“Tranquil… The Grove was a wondrous place, it’s true, but we always knew we couldn’t stay there forever. The whole land around it had begun changing around it and when you were born, all of the surrounding plains were still lush and green. Do you still remember the time when the Farwalkers told us of the Valley for the first time? You were awfully young back then.” The male said, making the younger longneck fall into her thoughts. She could remember flashes of that meeting as it was always a great occasion when the Farwalkers visited their distant home. However, knowing that her memories were blurred and vague at the very best, she merely shook her head. Her mother took a sigh and begun to speak, prompting Tranquil to follow the traces within her memories to that distant, faraway day…

The young girl smiled in excitement as she jumped from one boulder to another in a small clearing in the upper hills of the Emerald Grove, balancing carefully as her legs struggled to find a good foothold on the massive boulders. The childish excitement of testing her limits with these games was apparent in her eyes as she looked at the next rock near her, preparing to take her next leap towards it. Slowly but surely, the rocks moved deeper towards a cliff overlooking the lower slopes of the small grove, opening into a potentially dangerous fall. However, that was part of the fun for the girl… or at least it would have been hadn’t her game been interrupted by a sudden call.

A low bellow could be heard ringing from the walls of the hills, at first scaring the longneck. Maybe a sharptooth had sneaked on her family or someone had hurt themselves? However, as the echo begun to die down, she realized that there was no sound of urgency or fear in the voice. It sounded more like a greeting but who was her family greeting? Suddenly, her lonely games disappeared from Tranquil’s mind and she quickly ran down the narrow, grassy ramp by the mighty mountains towards the opening of the grove near the increasingly dry plains around the small refuge of life.

The meeting was already in full swing as the small longneck reached the place where the lush meadow surrounded by the mountains suddenly turned into the open steppes which were covered only by tiny, stunted grass. However, the concerning sight quickly departed from the girl’s mind as she heard a call from her mother whose form could be seen in the distance.

“Hey, Tranquil, I was already wondering whether you’d show up at all, you little rascal! Come greet our guests, I believe you’ll find their stories quite interesting!” The older longneck said as the group of Farwalkers looked in amusement as Tranquil ran towards the small group of dinosaurs in excitement. The child loved to hear about the lands outside her home and it wasn’t everyday dinosaurs like these simply walked into her beloved Emerald Grove. The girl looked at the small herd of longnecks in deep interest and spoke to them as her mother ordered.

“Hi, everyone! Where did you come from? Who are you and where are you going next? How was your journey?” Tranquil knew her questions were overwhelming for the still-weary Farwalkers but her genuine excitement at their arrival seemed to amuse many of the wandering dinosaurs. Their expressions seemed a bit too worried and serious for the longneck and one, yellowish longneck was about to answer when her father cut him off, chuckling slightly at his daughter’s questions.

“That’s a bit too many questions for someone who has wandered for days to get here, don’t you think? I think we should let them rest and…” At this point, the longneck looked at the longneck with an expression that demanded silence from the larger dinosaur. He then answered the duo quickly afterwards.

“No, no, it’s alright. We are weary and tired, that’s true, but there is also something we need to tell all of you. To answer your questions, little lady, I’m afraid I cannot say our trip was an easy or pleasant one. The plains all the way from here to the Small Water were once covered with forests and dancing streams but they have grown increasingly thin. And as a result of the disappearing green food, the sharpteeth have grown more aggressive and dangerous than ever. We nearly lost two of our members to them the other day.” The longneck said with a cringing face, saddened by the sight of the girl’s terrified face. However, the concerning developments had begun many Cold Times ago and he knew the longnecks deserved to hear the truth. Tranquil, her parents and the small group of other longnecks all gasped as they heard those words. Had the change affected the whole region up to the Small Water? It was one of the largest lakes known to any dinosaur and it lied five days’ journey from the Grove. Shortly, one of the other longnecks asked in fear from the longneck.

“B… but surely it can’t get much worse than this, can it? I mean… at least a part of the green food must survive these dark times, don’t they? Our precious Grove is safe from this worrying trend but it’d be a shame if the rest of the world got swept away!” The longneck spoke in a haunted voice but the other dinosaur’s voice did little to calm her fears.

“None of us can say for sure but thus far huge parts of the land have been swept away by this cursed phenomenon. And to be sure, it is more than likely that this small grove will face the same fate if things don’t change soon. I’m sorry
but that’s a fact.” The longneck followed in an apologetic look as silent gossip begun between the residents of the small valley. Tranquil’s earlier excitement had turned soar as the tales of the Farwalkers took an unsavory turn. The distant lands she had often dreamt about were dying and the same would happen to her home? Tranquil turned to look in fear at the other longnecks when one of them rebuked to the Farwalker in anger.

“I don’t know what you’re up to but we won’t have a bunch of strangers spreading their lies among us! The world may be changing but there’s no use in coming to scare us with hasty predictions!” The dinosaur yelled, his gaze penetrating into the wanderer in agitation. The Farwalker returned the gesture but kept his voice low.

“We just tell you what we’ve seen in our journeys and there’s no reason to get angry because of it! I, too, would regret the Great Dying spreading here but there’s no telling what happens during the next Cold Time or the one after it! There are stories about entire herds being wiped out because they lingered in their homes for too long. This world once held many sanctuaries of great beauty and harmony but they are being wiped out with an astonishing speed! I’ve seen it myself.” The old longneck’s eyes held a clear look of loss as he remembered all the places he had been to and all the dinosaurs he had met. Tranquil’s mother looked at the longneck with a conflicted expression, trying to find something to say even now.

“Then what do you think we should do to prepare for this disaster? Join you? If you think we’ll just…” At this point, another of the Farwalkers stepped in and answered in a calmer voice to the female.

“Right now you have to do nothing but mind the changes around you. And when your home begins to die, seek out a distant land, one that has remained untouched all this time. We’ve heard it is a refuge for dinosaurs who wish to call one place their home. For us Farwalkers, however, adventure and exploration is the way we want to spend our lives.” The younger male said, looking at the residents of the Grove in slight apology. At this point, Tranquil’s eyes flashed wide open as this one promise of eternal seTranquilty seemed to resonate her greatly. She ran towards the Farwalkers and once again, spoke out everything that was swirling within her mind.

“What is that place and where is it? Have you ever seen it yourselves?” The girl asked carefully, willing to know everything the wandering dinosaurs knew. The herd’s leader looked at his followers and after exchanging a few words with them, he turned to look back at the small dinosaur.

“No, we’ve never seen the Great Valley by ourselves as, as my deputy said, don’t search for just one place to live in. We have heard whispers of it from several dinosaurs on our journeys but there’s one meeting I remember most clearly. Fifteen Cold Times ago in the far western lands, we met an ancient swimmer who claimed to have visited the Valley when he was but a hatchling. Back then the world was fair and bountiful which meant he didn’t have to stay in the Valley but he had later heard that despite the areas surrounding that place turned to dust, the land of waterfalls, grassy meadows and endless food has lived on. The swimmer was too old to return there but it was his legacy to offer this journey to anyone willing to undertake such a quest for life.

The swimmer seemed to have problems remembering exact details from the Valley but if I remember right, he told anyone who searches that beautiful land to follow the Bright Circle where it touches the ground. It’ll be a march of ultimate faith and it’ll take many Cold Times for you to reach it from here. However, it’ll be the only safe haven for your children and grandchildren in this fading world.” The longneck ended his tale on this note and after a few moments, a few of the denizens of the Grove seemed to begin chuckling audibly. A complete stranger coming to tell them to leave their ancestral end? The Farwalker had to be out of his mind! However, Tranquil’s father soon cast a glance that silenced those voices immediately and then turned to look at the wanderer again.

“We appreciate your message, my friends. However, our home is still perfectly fine and we cannot embark on such a march! Our children and elderly king wouldn’t stand a chance! I’m sorry but we cannot accept your offer.” He said, feeling a mixture of respect and puzzlement within him at these words. However, the wanderer’s next words were the once Tranquil would remember for the rest of her life.

“Suit yourselves but the time is running out. When your young ones reach adulthood, this grove will be a different place and if you still wish to disregard my words at that point, it’ll be too late. This world is a place of great happiness and plenty but to continue to revel in them, you have to think further than tomorrow. Remember that when this land’s time runs out.” All of the denizens of the Grove looked at each other in fear, not knowing what to make of the Farwalker’s words but there were three among the audience who took those words by heart. Even a fool’s hope would be better than to resign to despair and this Valley offered a perfect metaphor for that. Back then, they had hesitated without end but the fate forced their hands before long.

“Today might be a rough one but as the Farwalkers told, there is always tomorrow and it is for that day that we have to work for. We remember how you beamed with joy and life in those days and I’m sure our grandchild welcomes whatever life we will give him, as long as he or she can believe in a better future. Do you understand, dear?” The elderly dinosaur concluded her and her mate’s story. Their daughter’s face was beyond thoughtful as she relived those days of newfound threat and a promise for salvation. The pictures of her carefree games, endless adventures and the ever-present joy she could see around her during those times seemed to bring relief to the longneck and she slowly understood what she would have to do. Suddenly, the void left by her mate’s departure seemed to start to disappear as she realized the impact the Farwalkers’ courage and her still-unborn child’s smile had upon her. She had made it through a lot already and with her parents’ help, she felt like she could face the dark, long path that sill lied before her.

“Th… thank you both. For being for me already back then and for continuing to support me. If my son or daughter is going to be strong enough to make it through this, I’ll make sure to help in any way possible. Just like you two did with me.” Already, the happy memories invoked by her parents made her eager to finally meet her child but it would take many cycles of the Night Circle before the egg would hatch. The three longnecks nodded at each other, turning their gazes on the distant, empty horizon where the Bright Circle was setting swiftly. The elderly male spoke one last time before the small herd continued their trek.

“Of course, Tranquil. We’ll all ensure that the child’s childhood will be as happy as possible. But we have to move on. Somewhere behind those plains lie the Rock that Looks Like a Longneck and the Mountains that Burn and our destination. We have no time to waste.” And with those words, the three longnecks once again set their sights into their fabled prize, the distant, mythical land safe from all evil and hardships that seemed to envelop their entire lives these days. However, the journey itself would only bring additional tragedies as three longnecks would indeed reach the Valley after many Cold Times of marching but that group wouldn’t be the same one which had started this seemingly endless march towards life.

And here's my response to the January's prompt challenge!. It's a brief story (my shortest fic in fact) but I hope it still manages to shed some light to the premise! This is a simple tale about Littlefoot's mother's (called Tranquil in this story) doubts and fears about her coming motherhood as well as well as one, fateful, meeting from her own childhood. In any case, I hope you like this offering and any thoughts are welcome as usual! :yes

LBT Fanfiction / A Quest Among the Frozen Sky Stars
« on: December 08, 2017, 04:28:41 PM »
A Quest Among the Frozen Sky Stars

”Orchid and Arial, don’t you think it’s time for a little break? It’s getting cold in here!” The deep pink fast runner yelled as she looked at the two children continue their never-ending playing among the picturesque, snow-covered landscape around the Hanging Rock. Pearl was more than happy to see her children being able to make up for the low temperature and lack of food by coming up with ever-new ways to entertain themselves. Pearl and her mate found the Cold Time to be little more than a pointless hardship which was only growing more taxing every time another one arrived. However, seeing her son and daughter’s joy-filled faces also made it easier for her to face the once-again beginning fall of the frozen sky stars.

“Aww, why already mom? We were having such a great time!” Arial yelled as she raised another ball of white ground sparkles and turned to look at her mother. She looked somewhat disappointed but this was far from the first time she and her brother hadn’t been told to hold a pause. She turned to look at Orchid whose face likewise held the same look of chagrin that she had.

“Do we have to? This is much more fun when new sparkles are falling!” The boy called but he knew his mother would likely hold some bait for the two children to comply to her. He wasn’t disappointed.

“If you come now, you might just be in time to get some sweet bubbles and some warming water I and your dad have managed to get you! Or you can just stay here and we can eat them ourselves as well!” The fast runner’s face took a cheeky grin as she looked at the siblings’ reactions. Orchid’s face fell completely and took a rebellious look before he started to run towards her while Arial’s face was a mask of displeasure and alarm. Neither of the children wasted any time before they started to, somewhat slowly due to the presence of ice under the white sparkles, run towards the cliff under which their home was.

“No you don’t! We want some too!” “Don’t even think about! They’re ours!” The two children yelled over each other as they struggled against the slippery cliff but slowly and surely, they covered the ground and reached the top. Pearl looked extremely amused by the duo’s antics and spoke to them warmly.

“Alright, alright! There might just be some left for both of you!” The adult could hear childish cheers behind her as they approached the cave, only to be interrupted by Detras’ form as he appeared from the opening of the cave. He looked at his family in appreciation, looking with a playful smile as he spoke.

“You’re much better at persuading them than I am, dear. What do you think, should we keep our word to these two rascals?” Detras smiled as he looked at the duo’s changing expressions. He could see the rising rebellion in them and knew that he and his mate had pulled the prank long enough. With a quick pull, he grabbed a leaf on his side which was filled with sweet bubbles and one branch which had another leave under it, allowing it to preserve water better than a normal leaf would. Not many dinosaurs could create such a thing but Detras and Pearl were more experienced and imaginative than even most other fast runners were. The two children were seemingly delighted by this revelation and both of them had the restraint to thank their parents before they dug in. Even if they usually avoided mentioning it, all of the fast runners were hungry during this time of the year and this was a special occasion which wouldn’t come to repeat often.

“Thank you a lot, mom and dad! These are my favorites!” Arial said as she looked at both of her parents who were seemingly pleased with their efforts to brighten their children’s day.

“It’s awesome you managed to find these! I’m ravenous!” Orchid yelled simultaneously with his sister as the two dug into the surprisingly large pile of sweet bubbles, having eaten only a few dry leaves today. Pearl chuckled as she looked at the sight, speaking partly to herself.

“We were lucky to find these in a small pit which was abandoned by some ground fuzzy or tiny dinosaur and the coldness had prevented them completely from rotting. It was an extremely lucky situation and remember that it won’t repeat anytime soon! You will eat the next sweet bubbles only when the Bright Circle warms this land again and days return to the length they usually are. It won’t happen in at least until two cycles of the Night Circle have passed.” Pearl said while she looked at the outside and the steadily falling sky stars. She was stunned to hear the first thing that came to Orchid’s mind.

“Gee, I wish that was now. But in the middle of all this, I just wonder how Ruby is  doing? We haven’t seen her for a long time.” His expression turned into a slightly more serious one as he glanced at his parents. He often missed his older sister greatly and that one day when she had returned to Hanging Rock with her new friends had been a joyous one. However, that had been over a Cold Time ago and he had heard close to nothing about her whereabouts since that day. Orchid could see his father take a thoughtful expression, him being likewise interested about Ruby’s present situation. However, he knew his daughter and answered softly to the boy.

“There are many places in the Great Valley to hide from the cold, Orchid. I’d also like to hear about her but I’m sure she’s fine. Chomper’s parents have told that they are doing well against Red Claw and she has done good job with keeping Chomper safe. I’m sure she is safe with her friends right now.” Detras smiled nostalgically as she recalled the last time he had met Ruby but even to his own regret, she was old enough to begin looking after herself. He hadn’t told it to Orchid and Arial yet but he and his mate had begun to suspect that Ruby would start her own life somewhere else once Red Claw had fallen. But all of that would have to wait. The Cold Time was slowly beginning to turn towards the spring and this day was supposed to be a hopeful one. Detras listened with interest as his mate continued where had stopped.

“Don’t worry about Ruby. I’m sure she is doing better in the Great Valley than we do here. We’ll meet her again before you know it!” Pearl smiled as the cold bite of the wind suddenly entered the cave, making all of the omnivores shudder with cold. The temperature was still somewhat acceptable but the gusts were becoming unbearable. Arial’s teeth clanked against each other as she started to speak.

“At least she can’t be doing any worse! I love the Cold Time but the coldness is terrible! Isn’t there any way we could avoid it!?” The childish naivety was evident in the girl’s voice as she looked at the snowy mountain far in the distance. It was hard to believe that this place could be burningly hot in the Warm Time as the mounds of ground sparkles beamed with the terrifying chill. Pearl returned to her earlier composure as the wind eased a bit and answered with a more relaxed voice.

“There’s nothing we can do about it but don’t worry: we’ve survived this many times before and we’ll do so again. Does the water help at all? We tried to warm it between two leaves buried under a pile of tree fuzz.” She asked carefully, looking as the two children tried to it and soon enough, Arial answered.

“It works! It’s not as warm as normal but it warms very nicely! Thanks a lot, now we can continue our games! See you soon! Let’s go, Orchid!” The girl said as she licked the last drops from her lips. Orchid nodded to her proposition and Detras smiled at the two. Even in this season of hardship, it was encouraging to see the siblings being so spirited and joyful. He spoke to them in happiness as they moved to the entrance of the cave.

“Have fun but don’t go too far and be home before evening! Remember that the temperature can fall far faster than you’d believe at first!” Detras waved as the siblings nodded and ran back to their games. Pearl moved to her mate’s side and said with some melancholy.

“How I hope I could still be as joyful as they are. All I can do is to wait for the ground sparkles to go away.” It was clear that she meant her words even if she wasn’t exactly unhappy with her situation. Detras looked at the fast runner in sympathy and answered as he looked at the children starting to slide down a nearby hill.

“So do I but I don’t think we’d find ourselves that much to do. And to be honest, I don’t mind our part in this either. There’s something precious in these days when all of us are still together. All but Ruby of course.” Detras sighed but he quickly regained his confidence. Pearl echoed his sentiment and the two adults turned away and returned back to the cave.

The endless sliding down the hills, throwing ground sparkles at each other as well building different things of snow combined with Familiar games like Hide and Seek seemed to quickly send the Bright Circle falling towards the ground which was noticed by the siblings only when the wind was once again starting to bite their cheeks vigorously. Orchid panted as he raised his hands from the ground after falling to his knees after a vigorous sprint, starting to shudder noticeably. He was about to voice his concerns but his sister was first to break the silence.

“Are you beginning to bore already, Orchid? Well, no matter. I guess we should begin to get back home. It’s beginning to get rather chilly here.” A slight sigh could be heard in Arial’s voice but she knew it was for her and her brother’s best to call it a day. However, a certain idea had been brewing in Orchid’s mind ever since their departure from home a few hours earlier.

The warm water his parents had provided the siblings intrigued the boy greatly. He had never known things could be made that warm during the deepest Cold Time and a thought came to his mind. He had seen how deeply his family had wished for the cold to go away and something in this day and in his family’s actions brought genuine happiness to the child’s heart. He was willing to help his family by going to get a good mound of tree fuzz to give him and his family a chance to escape he Cold Time’s aching tooth to a certain degree. If it worked on the water, perhaps the fuzz could have other uses as well? But this was a thing he wanted to do alone: this would be his way to show his family how much he appreciated them.

“I’ll come soon, Arial. There’s one thing I want to do first.” Orchid hoped his sister wouldn’t have any additional questions but deep within, he knew his sister and nothing would be that easy with her.

“Where can you be going, Orchid?  Didn’t you hear what dad said?” The girl put her hands to her hips, her eyes glaring at the boy in an inquisitive way. Orchid took a step back, clearly trying to find something to answer. After a moment, he realized what could likely make her sister believe he wasn’t up to any sorts of mischief.

“Of course I did and I’ll go only for some time I… I’m going to take a look at the Looking Rock to see if anyone’s out there. I just want to see if anyone’s crazy enough to go wander out there!” The male said while tapping his fingertips together with some concern. He knew his sister found such observing extremely boring and her expression mirrored that sentiment completely.

“Again? there aren’t many more boring ways to waste time but do as you please! But I’ll tell mom and dad where you went. I hope they’re not going to be mad at you!” Arial took a cheeky grin, turning to return to the Hanging Rock. Orchid didn’t waste any time before heading for a small canyon leading to a narrow gorge. On a small cave near it was a large pile of tree fuzz from his and Arial’s earlier games and if he could even get part of it back home, it could be used to give his family  slightly warmer places to rest and sleep in. Something in his parents’ earlier surprise and in the gleaming, white land filled the young boy with an odd feeling, something that told him to try to make his family happy on this day. Orchid could feel his heart beating with joy in his chest as he carefully slid down the hill, remembering the dangers of the hidden hard water under the ground sparkles. After a few moments, his legs hit the steady ground and, with his tail swinging with joy, as he headed towards the gorge.

Something in the way the ground around him sparkled with apparent beauty only upped the boy’s enthusiasm about his journey. Yes, this would be a perfect day to do what little he could do to his family. The early night of the deep Cold Time was slowly setting on the land around Hanging Rock, making Orchid marvel at the absolute contrast between the pure, gleaming earth with the perfectly dark sky dotted with the twinkling little lights. It was as if they were smiling on him on this day.

However, Orchid couldn’t deny that the high drifts of the ground sparkles were slowing down his advance and the cold was slowly settling between the two walls of rock but the boy had little doubts he’s return home just in time. The fast runner tried to advance carefully in order to avoid sinking his legs into the drifts with each step and exhausting himself prematurely. He was only partly successful but still his advance came at a steady pace. Except that… a pile of ground sparkles had just stopped dropping from the cliffs above him!

With a swift, instinctual jump, Orchid dodged the large, dangerous pile of white and lied in the snow for a moment, panting in slowly retreating shock. Apparently he’d have to be even more careful than he had initially thought. Orchid waved the ground sparkles from his hands and head and with an even more careful, even concerned steps, he resumed his journey.

The sight opening after the gorge was a somewhat encouraging one for the young boy as there seemed to be far lower drifts than he had feared. The pile of ground fuzz wasn’t that far away and Orchid headed uphill towards the ridge which had served as his and Arial’s favorite playing spot when it had still been warm and it would have taken only a short while to reach it. It had opened tremendous views of the surrounding lands and it also contained countless great crevices to explore and places to hide in. Orchid reached the top rather quickly, hard water being nearly non-existent at this point.

And there it was: the cave where the tree fuzz lied in, waiting for the Bright Circle to melt them and prepare for the next Warm Time’s games. Orchid quickly ran towards it and to his utmost joy, he could see that his trip hadn’t been a futile one. The ground fuzz was completely frozen but they’d melt in time in the Hanging Rock. To the fast runner’s even growing relief, there also lied a large leaf on which he could take even more of it with him. A joyful yelp escaped Orchid’s lips and he started to sing silently as he piled the fuzz on the huge leaf, preparing to leave for the Hanging Rock to spend the eve of the Cold Time’s zenith with his family. It wasn’t long before the leaf was filled with the marvelously soft and warming tree fuzz and he could begin his return back home. A triumphant smile crept to his bluish cheeks, radiating with confidence as he stepped out of the cave. However, the darkness had definitely set in and the falling of the sky stars had resumed even if it was nothing to worry about at this point. Still, Orchid knew he’d have to begin making his way back home before it got too cold.

But before he began his journey back, he took a moment to look at the land around him, as if in a way to tell Arial he hadn’t lied about his intentions. The vast fields around the mountains surrounding the Hanging Rock gleamed with white as far as eye could see, almost completely still and calm. The only things that disturbed the sleeping land were some small ground fuzzies hunting for small buzzers or other things to eat but all of that was far too small for Orchid to see. For him, the sight around him could as well be a white version of the Big Water of which his parents had told him many stories about. The endless expanse of blue waters full of wondrous creatures and unknown lands seemed so enchanting to the young boy but he couldn’t question the beauty around him either which was completely lighted by the ever-watchful eye of the Night Circle. Orchid took a small sigh to acknowledge the world of magical beauty and great family he had been born in. But still, the cold begun to really creep under his skin and Orchid knew he had to start his way back.

However, the boy only continued his joyous humming as he headed towards the ramp which was the first obstacle he’d have to pass before he’d be back at Hanging Rock. But to his disaster, the boy didn’t remember in his happiness that he couldn’t let his attention get divided even for a moment. Suddenly, his right foot stepped upon a patch of hard water and tripped the limb before the fast runner could react to it. Orchid yelped in surprised fear but he managed to drop to his knees to stop any chance of injury and to prevent his load of tree fuzz spread across the ramp. After a few seconds of fear, the fast runner noticed to his relief that he had managed to avoid any serious disaster… until he heard something that brought chill of fear to his forehead. A loud rumble from his left roared with violently loud voice and Orchid had a sickening feeling that he knew what was happening. The boy quickly rose to his feet and headed to the bottom of the ramp and ran towards the gorge… only to see that it was buried under a huge mount of the white ground sparkles he had only a minute earlier as something that only helped his and sister’s games.

That sight, for the first time since his and Arial’s separation, filled Orchid with distinct worry. There were other ways back to the Hanging Rock of course but they’d be far longer ones and the chill of the night was setting in. Orchid
looked around himself, trying to come up with the best plan to proceed and the boy realized that he had to act quick or his position could grow extremely dangerous. After a moment, he remembered which was the second quickest way back but he didn’t like it in the least. There was a narrow strip of ground running adjacent to a high mountain which would lead to an opening near the Hanging Rock but Orchid knew that path would be violently beaten by the wind and there was no telling how much hidden hard water there could be. However, Orchid knew it was his best chance at this point and he simply cringed his teeth together, readying himself for the effort he had hoped to ever go through.
The boy continued his careful stepping in order to stay above the high, white drifts but he tried to speed up his steps to try to get faster back home. It wasn’t long before he found the opening to the long and treacherous path. The situation was even worse than he had expected and the fast runner could feel his leg sliding uncontrollably as he stepped on it. However, Orchid knew he had no choice on this matter and took a determined expression. The boy took a firm grip of the leaf and slowly but surely, he started to advance on the path. He put his back against the wall and moved with only tiny movements, looking in horror as the drop less than his own tail’s length grew ever more dreadful. Orchid closed his eyes and pushed his back ever more firmly against the rock, knowing there was no room for mistakes anymore. He was pulling the leaf and the tree fuzz along with him, still determined to see his original quest through.

However, those thoughts were swept away far quicker than Orchid had imagined. Suddenly, his hand slipped from the wall, sending the fast runner falling to the ground and once he had regained his sense of location, Orchid could see himself hanging from the cliff, only his sharp claws preventing him from falling to his fate. Orchid looked downward and gulped in fear, his limbs shivering with great horror. Oh no no, not like this! Think, Orchid! And indeed, he knew that this wouldn’t be the end unless he’d mess up big time here. The fast runner took a deep sigh and sank his claws deeper into the hard water on the cliff and with a herculean effort, the boy pulled himself back to the cliff. However, when he looked at the path going ever higher and ever narrower, Orchid knew there was no way he’d ever survive this climb. If he had been that close to falling already, he’d have to turn around and accept that this idea had been a dangerous folly from the beginning. With a disheartened sigh, Orchid started his descent to his starting point in the middle of the evening that was quickly growing ever colder.

The fast runner could feel it himself: his limbs were growing numb and ever more affected with stupor. Orchid realized he’d have to come up with something smart or he was in a real risk of freezing here. Arial had most likely already told their parents where he had gone but the collapsed gorge would complicate their efforts to find him greatly. What’s more, the exact place he had told to Arial about lied on the higher slopes of the surrounding hills and reaching them was close to impossible without using the paths opening on the other side of the gorge. Shouting wouldn’t work: his voice was likely already weakened by the coldness but how else could he signal his location? Orchid bit his lips in deep concern as he thought how badly his initially selfless mission had failed. The boy shook his head in disappointment but he knew there was no time to mourn the situation. his parents had always emphasized exhausting all possibilities to survive before giving up and was what Orchid planned to do.

And after a moment of thinking, it came to his mind. Even if he couldn’t make sure that his parents would spot him in the middle of the wide field-like cliff from stop the higher hills, he could try to get their attention by making a statue from the ground sparkles, one similar to what he and Arial had done many times. Even more preferably, it would cast a slight glow on the largest cliff which his parents would likely use on their upcoming search. After it was complete, the fast runner could begin searching for a safe place to wait for his family safe from the wind. Orchid’s earlier joyous mood had turned into an awkward and apologetic grin which held the guilt of breaking his parents’ orders in the first place. But he had just wanted to show his appreciation for them just this once… why did it have to go like this?

Those thoughts flowed in Orchid’s mind as a statue resembling one of the scaly swimmers of the Big Water was being born from his hands, a creature that Orchid had heard a lot about but never seen with his own eyes. He and Arial
had often dreamed of visiting that faraway place and Orchid knew his parents would know that no other dinosaur around here would create such a carving. However, the image of his sister also flowed through his eyes as he finished the swimmer’s tail which pointed towards the lights in the sky. The boy looked at his creation with a slight sense of pride as the swimmer looked even more lively than he had originally expected it to be. However, he had only a few moments to appreciate the fruits of his hard work.

Suddenly, a powerful gust flew over the cliff, leaving the carving intact but violently grabbing a small, already-loose rock in the wall nearby. One moment Orchid was looking at the swimmer, preparing to leave to search for other
options, the next he was left staring at the rock before him, the fast runner’s face covered with the white sparkles. After a few seconds of registering what had just happened, something snapped in Orchid’s mind. All he had wanted was to make his family happy and then all of this unbelievable bad luck happens all at once!

“Alright, I know when everything I do goes to waste! I don’t even care, this is a complete joke! I… I… aaargh!” Orchid yelled as he suddenly kicked the rock in rage but knew immediately it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. The boy held his foot in his hand and gritted his teeth together as he waited for the pain to subside. After it had lowered to normal levels, Orchid sighed and turned around, knowing that the unbelievable misfortune had robbed him of one of his best options and there was no time to try to make another sculpture of the white sparkles. The wind was rising and the chilling bite made his feathers completely useless, the plumes only swaying in the cold currents as the fast runner’s hands instinctually moved to cover his chest. Orchid knew that unless a miracle happened, his best option at this point was to search for a cave and simply hope that he’d last until the rising of the Bright Circle. He knew his parents knew this land as well as the Hanging Rock itself but even they couldn’t possibly tell exactly where he was.

As he begun to move, Orchid could feel his hand being held back by something he had already forgotten. He had still dragged the leaf covered with tree fuzz with him even if he hadn’t paid it any attention to them. However, now it was the time to leave them here. At this point, it would be a miracle if he’d ever see his family again and the rather heavy pile would just hold him back and spend his already exhausted strength without a good reason. With mournful, apologetic and disappointed gesture, the fast runner let the leaf’s stem and in deep shudder, headed for some shelter before he’d freeze.

Fortunately, the maze of small paths and winding mountain walls that were the surroundings of the Hanging Rock was filled with different tunnels and crevices and it wasn’t long before Orchid found something that raised his hopes slightly. In an apparent dead end of a remote path opened an extremely narrow tunnel that seemed to lead to a slightly warmer cave. At the very least, he’d be safe from the raging winds. Orchid forced his way between the two walls, thankful for being as skinny as he was. He had been right: the narrow pathway slowly widened into a small chamber but the utter darkness forced him to stop in it. Luckily, the shelter from the raw bite of the wind was the first thing Orchid had asked for.

The young boy sat down against the wall, not able to believe that this would be the way he’d spend the day of the Cold Time’s zenith, alone and only praying that he’d survive until the morning. Not to mention how badly his family had to be worried. They were most likely searching for him right now in the same chill he had escaped from but considering the vastness of the mountain range and the large gorge’s rendering useless meant that the chance that he’d find his family simply by wandering in the dark Cold Time’s night was simply too small for him to try it in this weather.

True, Orchid had heard of the occasion when Ruby had got lost in these same lands long ago and that there had been several things his parents had told him about how to act in situations like these. Unfortunately, reaching the Hanging Rock was too dangerous and the other options didn’t seem too simple either. For example, if he wasn’t able to return home, he’d have to leave some marks about his trail in case the others would find them later on. Orchid raised his head as he thought about any trail he’d be able to leave would get buried under the white sparkles in mere moments.

Orchid’s head dropped towards his chest as he realized the depth of his mistake of not listening to his parents from the very start. Even if he’d survive, he had ruined this important day as well as proven he wasn’t capable of looking out to himself or trusted anymore. Minutes passed as the fast runner’s shuddering slowly grew less intense even if the cold still crept into his very bones. However, something in the atmosphere was beginning to change. The air seemed slightly warmer and in some way, the darkness around him seemed to grow slightly less impenetrable. Suddenly, some faint shadows seemed to dance on the walls but it took some time before the hapless boy realized that something seemed off in this place. The dinosaur twitched considerably as some kind of hissing and unintelligible sound could be heard on his left side. The boy’s head turned towards the sound but he didn’t see anything. However, something in the air around him seemed to suddenly feel more inviting and with some hesitation, the boy rose to his feet and decided to head towards the tunnel and to see what was in there. Th earlier heartwarming feeling seemed to return to his limbs as the fast runner walked carefully into the deep cavern. The situation seemed extremely strange for the boy but he decided to answer his instincts’ call. It paid off as almost as soon as he had entered the tunnel, he could hear clearly the footsteps of another dinosaur before him.

The fast runner was extremely puzzled by this and he decided to see which kind of creature was hiding here. Orchid’s mind was rather calm as he knew that If the stranger was dangerous, he would have attacked him already. After a good while of running, the fast runner’s eyes saw something before him. It was a long tail of another dinosaur, barely visible in the dark tunnel but the boy’s sharp eyes could catch its sight. With a somewhat startled but also asking voice, Orchid called after this mysterious dinosaur.

“Who are you? Where are you going? Come back!” The tail disappeared into the darkness again and no answer could be heard from him or her. Orchid’s mind grew suddenly fearful and for a moment, he considered giving up the chase. However, the boy realized that this was a chance to get at least somewhere and this could be the best chance he had of rejoining his family. No matter who the stranger was, he at least gave Orchid some purpose in his moment of failure and fear. The many turns and twists in the tunnel slowed the fast runner’s advance as there were countless crossroads here and there but the voice of the dinosaur before him guided him forward. The voice didn’t grow any closer but neither could it escape from him.

After a time that felt like an eternity and that was quickly exhausting the boy’s strength, a bright light appeared before him. For a brief moment, in the middle of his own conflicted mind Orchid thought it was some kind of floating fire but soon enough, the fast runner found himself tripping on a small stone and as he hit the ground, Orchid arms were grabbing once again on the white ground sparkles. In deep astonishment, the boy raised his head from the ground, looking around himself. The light had been the cavern’s mouth and he was now on the higher ridges of the hills, actually not far from the other side of the collapsed gorge! An overjoyed yelp left Orchid’s mouth as he realized his luck. but even then, there remained one final question.

Where had his mysterious guide gone? He couldn’t have disappeared into thin air: Orchid remembered the distinctly reddish tail and the clear sound of his steps… With some worry, Orchid looked at the ground around himself and to his fear, he could see that there indeed were a few steps next to his position but they stopped right there! As if he had simply vanished… but such things just weren’t possible! The boy suddenly jumped up in fear but to his extreme puzzlement and joy, another surprise was waiting for him.

An enormous pile of tree fuzz stood near him, already lying on a leaf ready to be taken away. The pile was much bigger than his original had been and the fuzz seemed much less worn out. Orchid looked at them in awe, his mind overburdened by the things that had just come to pass. First he had wandered into the Cold Time’s night alone and just as he had thought he had ruined everything, a mysterious stranger leads him to safety and gifts him with more tree fuzz than he had ever hoped for in the first place. And then…

“Orchid! Thank goodness you’re alive and well! B… but how are you here?!” That voice seemed to finally melt the last vestiges of his earlier despair away. Orchid suddenly turned around and saw his mother and the rest of his family running towards him from a pass to his left. The boy’s lips turned into a miraculous smile as the unexpected sight filled his vision. o more thoughts, no more conscious emotions entered Orchid’s brain as he shouted as he cried in joy at the sight.

“Mom, dad, Arial! It’s great to see you again! For… for a moment I believed we wouldn’t… But boy am I glad to be wrong!” The fast runner cried as he entered his parents’ embrace. Both of them could feel that Orchid’s body had become dangerously cold but he’d get over it soon enough. Detras took a moment to bask in the moment’s glory before he asked the two obvious questions.

“You had us extremely worried, Orchid. Were you hurt? And why did you run away in the first place?” The older male asked with his face a mask of worry. Orchid, while still overjoyed by the intensity of moment, dropped his head in slight shame, knowing he’d be chastised for disobeying his parents this bluntly. The fast runner looked at his parents in a guilty gesture until he remembered that his journey hadn’t been all for nothing. He was about to answer but Arial was quicker.

“At least not to the Looking Rock, that’s for sure! Even Orchid couldn’t get lost in there!” The girl’s voice mixed clear mockery and playfulness which immediately melted Orchid’s shame away. The boy was overjoyed to hear his sister’s voice again and he pointed at the pile of tee fuzz the outsider had left to him.

“I’m alright, dad and… I’m sorry I disobeyed you and mum. I… I was just amazed by the warm water you gave me and Arial. I wanted to make you happy by getting some more tree fuzz to try to keep us all warm through the Cold Time at home. I… I lost the first ones I got but then I found even better ones. Those ones right there!” Orchid crossed his legs as he was overwhelmed by the emotion as he saw the surprised but warm expressions of his family who all seemed to be sympathetic to his cause even if there was something off in their looks. Orchid’s excitement was further dampened by his mother’s next words as she put her hand on her son’s shoulder.

“Orchid, we’re all thankful for your wish to make us happy but never put your safety before us. Your presence at our nest is a far more important thing than anything you’d be able to gather outside. Think what would have happened if we hadn’t found you: the Circle of Life is a precious thing and you and Arial are the next ones who have to pass it on. None of us know what we would do without you. Never do something like that again! As for your gift, Orchid, the tree fuzz didn’t work the way you think.” Pearl took an amused but respecting look as her mate continued from where she left off with a similarly chuckling tone.

“She’s right. It only kept the water safe from the wind while the warm rock deeper inside the Hanging Rock did the warming. That rock is just enough for us to do this once in a while but it gives us no better place to sleep if you were meaning that with the tree fuzz. But we can still use the pile you found to make our sleeping spots softer. Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to use them. As for your disobedience, Orchid, you will get punished soon enough for it. It seems you still don’t understand the wisdoms of staying safe and listening to your parents.” Detras said with a brief and calm voice, not willing to spoil this evening by seeking a conflict with his son. Orchid managed to start his protest which was soon interrupted by his mother.

“Aww, dad, not…”

“But not today. Today is a night when the Warm Time starts to slowly grow closer. Today’s not a day for such things. Come. let’s get your findings and head for home. You are completely frozen, Orchid.” The adult said warmly, willing to ease her son’s shame about the whole situation. The boy relaxed immediately, relieved to see that his parents weren’t about to punish him immediately. The fast runners moved towards the pile of tree fuzz and Orchid’s mind immediately returned to the odd encounter earlier. Where had the stranger disappeared and how could he have gathered a pile higher than his parents? The situation still spooked the boy slightly but he only voiced his concerns as he heard his sister ask in an unbelieving voice.

“You couldn’t have gathered all of these yourself, Orchid! Where did you get all of these, in this weather?” The girl’s voice reawakened the doubts in Orchid’s mind as he prepared to ask if his parents had any ideas about what had happened. His composure suddenly grew more careful, even fearful, as he turned to look at his sister and father.

“Uhh… I gathered a lot of that tree fuzz from the cave we stored them last Warm Time but… but I lost them. This pile wasn’t the one I had gathered. It… it was left to me by a stranger who led me to you through many tunnels. Actually… I would never have found you if it wasn’t for him! But… but he disappeared after he stepped out of the tunnel. I saw his tail in the tunnel but not more than that.” The boy’s voice seemed faraway and his parents exchanged worried looks as they contemplated their son’s words. They didn’t know what to make of his words but there was something his words seemed to awake within them. Detras frowned as he turned his gaze from her mate back to his son.

“Do you remember what color his tail was? Did you see what kind of dinosaur he was? We haven’t noticed anyone around here in days besides us.” The male’s voice was completely unreadable as he spoke which caught Orchid off-guard. He didn’t like answering when he was completely oblivious whether his parents approved of his answer or not. However, he decided that honesty was the best policy here and he gulped before answered.

“If… if I saw right in the darkness, his tail was deep red but I couldn’t see what kind of dinosaur it belonged to. But he left a few footsteps near the cave we came from.” Orchid pointed to the nearby spot and his parents looked at them
briefly before whispering a few thoughts before turning back to Orchid. The speaker was Pearl whose voice raised deep interest within Orchid’s mind.

“It’s impossible that a dinosaur would just vanish into thin air, Orchid. However, there have circled some stories around certain parts of the Mysterious Beyond that surprising, incredible things can happen on the very moment the Cold
Time reaches its peak. Some have told about unbelievable recoveries from dead-serious illnesses or merely the fulfillment of someone’s deepest wish. Curiously, some have also claimed to see a red-colored fast biter present wherever these things happen.” Detras’ voice sounded even haunted but it wasn’t fear as much as astonishment. Pearl finished his words with a similar cloud of worry and relief.

“We’ve never believed these things of course but they seem to occur too often to be simple coincidences. Nobody knows who this mysterious, red-colored fast biter is but I think we all agree we are deeply in his debt. I don’t know what we would have done if he hadn’t brought you back to us.” Pearl said as he nuzzled his on in ever-increasing emotional state. Arial looked at her parents with a confused look, unwilling to believe Orchid had gone through everything he had just claimed. However, even she couldn’t deny the wisdom in her father’s next words.

“But for now, I suppose we go back home and appreciate our luck in having each other on this day of returning hope. Come, let’s return to Hanging Rock and have a really great evening.” Detras said to Arial’s and Pearl’s joy but Orchid was left stunned for a moment. Had he just been a part of some odd story which wasn’t supposed to be true in the first place? Was… was the dinosaur he chased some kind of mythical manifestation of the Cold Time itself? However, those thoughts were soon interrupted as his mind returned to reality. Regardless of what he had just experienced, there was a long evening full of warmness with his family filled with happy times with his sister and parents, games and singing. That thought dominated his thoughts as he sprinted with his family towards home, the falling sky stars slowly hiding the fast runners under its tender curtain.

And here's my response to the December prompt challenge! It centers around Ruby's family, her brother in particular, some time after the fast runners' brief reunion in the TV series preparing to welcome the height of the Cold Time. I tried to make this offering feel Christmas-like while still staying true to LBT's boundaries (so no actual Christmas-stuff incoming!). This fic mixed the different prompt suggestions together, with elements from the second, the fourth (and even third if you want to see it that way! :lol ) options. Without further words, have a great time reading this and see you next time!

As some of you may know, the names used in this story were first used by rhombus in the Seven Hunters but he gave me the permission to use them here as well. My deepest thanks to him! :)

History Section / The Centennial of Finnish Declaration of Independence
« on: December 06, 2017, 12:06:26 PM »
It was on this day one hundred years ago that the Finnish senate declared the country’s independence from the fledgling Soviet Russia. Finland had been an autonomous Grand Duchy inside the Russian Empire ever since it was captured from Sweden during the Napoleonic wars in 1809. That time had usually been calm and the first real effort towards Finnish secession started around 1900 when tsar Nicholas II embarked on a spree of laws limiting Finnish autonomy and after many turbulent events (like the general strike of 1905 and the revolutionary parliamentary reform of 1907 as well as the Russian revolutions) and with the help of the First World War, the country found a chance to gain its independence. In the absence of a dominant political force in Russia, the senate led by Pehr Evind Svinhufvud (who would later serve as the third president from 1931 to 1937) declared Finland an independent republic on December 6th 1917. The search for recognition was a difficult one but on December 31st just before the dawn of the new year, Lenin recognized Finnish independence , a move which was soon followed by the rest of the international community.

Sadly, the newborn country descended into a short but brutal civil war which ended in the defeat of the socialists. However,  after it, Finland started a quick transformation from a backward, agrarian country into a wealthy, Nordic nation through social democratic reforms and the final national unification following the Winter War against the Soviet Union. I wished to make this occasion known to everyone here as this century has mostly been a huge success from a Finnish perspective. Despite the country's numerous problems (and there's a lot of them), I’m happy to live here and I truly hope we can look at the country’s history in the same manner after the next 100 years! :cheers

LBT Fanfiction / A Threehorn's Distress
« on: November 10, 2017, 10:39:59 AM »
A Threehorn’s Distress

Silent steps could be heard in the small thicket as the unsure threehorn slowly made his way towards the small glade nearby. A worried and awkward expression could be read from Rinen’s face as he looked around himself, trying to search for any kinds of movements or sounds around himself save from his only companion, another, slightly older boy by the name of Eril. No matter how tranquil their surroundings seemed at first glance, there was no way the young dinosaur could even hope to calm down at this time. Even if tomorrow would only mark the first of the many trainings for the eventual Test of Worthiness, Rinen dreaded what awaited him on the following day and he didn’t want to meet any other children his age today. Most of them would relish any chance they’d have to humiliate or tease him of his bleak prospects in the coming trainings and the Test itself.

The thick grassland slowly gave way for a small clearing in which sparkled a small but gleaming lake which was the reason for the young threehorn’s risky trip in the first place. His lips were parched from the seemingly endless trek which had ended only this very morning to let the young ones prepare for the following hardships. This small grassland served as a satisfactory point to begin introducing the children to harsher landscapes after their rather easy past Cold Times in a lush woodland far away. After their arrival, Rinen had waited for quite some time to quell his thirst as he had hoped to avoid meeting any of the other kids. With a long sigh, Rinen finally broke the silence and addressed his friend.

“Nobody’s here. Phew, that’s a relief. I wouldn’t have wanted to meet any of those idiots here.” The threehorn said, turning to look at his friend who was a slightly lighter color than he was.

The other boy’s green eyes looked at him in slight worry, knowing how precarious his friend’s position had grown to be. Eril wasn’t quite as shy or lonely as Rinen was but he had befriended with him a long time ago and the two had spent much of their childhoods together and they still enjoyed each other’s company. He answered to Rinen with a soft but firm voice.

“Most of them would be alright if you get to know them, Rinen. They are often annoying but they can be also quite fun sometimes. It shouldn’t be like this for you. You’ll never pass the Test if you fear everyone.” Eril tried to encourage his friend even if this was a kind of conversation they had had many times in the past. However, they only made Rinen feel guilty for his own weaknesses as he had tried to do what his friend had said, but all of his efforts had gone to waste. He remained one of the most overlooked and disdained boys in his herd and even some of the adults had said he’d never survive in this herd. Rinen took a pained expression as he answered.

“I know but what can I do?! I’ve tried to get to know them better and every time ends on the same way: I do something wrong or I’ll embarrass myself after a fail in the training! I’m doing my best, Eril, but I guess it just isn’t enough. But I just hope I’ll find some way to pass the Test. I have to.” The greyish male said to his friend as he started to drink from the pond. Eril looked at him in some sympathy even if he had also his own misgivings about Rinen’s approach to things. He was often quite lazy and no matter what he tried to tell himself, he’d always give up too easily whenever he met hardships. Also, his fat body helped things none in either getting friends or in the training fights. Eril appreciated Rinen as himself was but the other boy just couldn’t shake off the feeling that Rinen’s life would be easier if he’d just get over his own fears and self-fulfilling expectations.

“We’ll have a lot of training to do and I know we’ll get over it. But… Rinen… we must never give up in the coming weeks. Don’t me wrong but you’ve been rather quick to give up lately…” Eril didn’t want to say it as he knew the mess Rinen had got himself in and the other threehorn was about to answer when another voice joined the threatening discussion.

“There’s nothing wrong in giving up if you’re a fatty, good-for-nothing slob in the first place! You would do a favor to all of us if you just left now, Rinen!” A group of five threehorns entered the glade where the two were, a sadistic smile apparent on the centermost boy’s face. Rinen looked at them in cringing and alerted eyes but this wasn’t the first time he was in this situation. And no matter what I want, it’s not the last.

“Get lost, Jeriss! I don’t need you here today! If you want to fight, I’ll fight you tomorrow!” At this point, Rinen’s voice was filled with hate as he was past the point where he feared this jerk. At this point, he felt only hate against this threehorn for making his life a constant struggle. Not that it had any effect: his tormentor and most of his friends were far stronger than he was and with Eril’s help, he wouldn’t stand a chance against them. Even then, he had any choices at this point. Even if he could escape, he would have only another humiliation on his name. Jeriss raised his left brow and chuckled meanly as he answered.

"Why should I wait for tomorrow when I can teach you a lesson here and now? There’s no one here to save your lazy ass from us!” The threehorn walked closer to Rinen whose anxious movements communicated only loathing and fear. Eril looked at the two and against all hope, tried to dissuade the five boys from their planned attack.

“There’s no point in fighting here! Even if you beat Rinen, nobody sees it and even then, who wants this kind of victory? Five versus one? Really?” The light-colored threehorn said to Jeriss but it was one of the others who answered to Rinen’s friend. It was an almost black, large male whose eyes penetrated into Eril as he stood by Rinen’s side.
“Why are you defending him? At this rate, you’ll get as dumb and useless as he is! Do you really want to join him?” The dark threehorn smirked but it earned only another hate-filled expression from Eril. His voice creaked with held rage that seemed to only cause laughter among the five other boys.

“I’m here because he is a much funnier guy to be with than you and no one deserves to hear that kind of crap from you! I don’t know who you are trying to impress with this! As Rinen said, if you really want to prove you’re better than him, do it tomorrow!” Eril cried with rage, annoyed that he had to be this position in the first place. He knew this would make his own life harder but this had to stop. The Test would be tough enough without this. The dark threehorn moved closer to the two, speaking maliciously.

“You don’t deserve any favors, cowards. We’re not trying to impress anyone here but teach you some important things. And is Rinen too scared to speak for himself? That is even more pathetic than he usually is.” The threehorn looked at Rinen who, despite knowing the outcome, walked also towards the assembled dinosaurs. He growled briefly in a last effort to save the situation even if he knew how hard it would be.

“I’m not scared but I’m too disgusted to speak to any of you! You are as stupid, self-righteous and annoying as threehorn can get! Leave Eril out of this but don’t think I’m ready to give up. One way or another, I’ll pass the Test!” Rinen yelled as the five bullies surrounded him, chuckling at the other threehorn’s efforts to keep his head high in the face of this crushing situation. Eril continued to stand by his friend’s side, determined to defend the last traces of dignity he still had left. However, he knew all of those efforts would prove to be for naught as the five threehorn suddenly charged against the two.

Deep, desperate sobs were all that could be heard as Rinen forced his way towards the place which his family had chosen as their temporary home. Not only did his stabbed leg hurt tremendously but there were bruises and wounds everywhere in his body. The most serious one of them was the deep, bleeding cut in his right calf which made walking extremely painful. But the most crushing thing in Rinen’s mind was the thing that this had happened yet again and Eril had been forced to suffer with him. How many times would he continue to stand by his side at this rate? How long would anyone try to understand or stand up for him if he was capable of doing nothing and shame and beatings followed in his wake?

At this point, Rinen was completely lost in his despair as he collapsed to the ground, the tears falling to the green moss. He would never pass the Test, he would never prove the others’ doubts wrong. He would meet his end soon after his ultimate downfall. Failing the Test of Worthiness was the greatest dishonor a threehorn his age could ever get and a certain death sentence. There was just no way to avoid it: he’d never be able to keep up with the others during the treks and he’d never beat any of the other boys in a fight. There was nothing he could do right anymore: there had been a time when he had been a normal, strong threehorn that could stand up to the others but now he was nothing but the laughing stock of everyone. Slowly, Rinen’s eyes slowly rose from the moist ground but he was still too mentally taxed to take another step.

Slowly but surely, the young threehorn’s breath started to calm down even if his mind didn’t. Still, the choking feeling of worthlessness and betrayal slowly grew less intense and the tears turned into bitter sobs. With intermittent movements, Rinen turned his eyes at the woods around him, marveling at the starting spring’s signs around him. Those trees or the sweet smell of the air wouldn’t help him any but Rinen, as so often before in his short life, wanted to see them as some kind of relief or guide during troubled times.

Even then, they had never actually helped to in anything but in moments like these, Rinen wanted to believe there was more to the life than the constant beatings and humiliations. The most mysterious things of all were those tiny lights in the sky would appear only after nightfall. Rinen would often wish to ask them for help in the midst of his misery even if he had often been told a threehorn believes only in what they can see. At this point, even the boy himself didn’t know if he truly believed in them but he truly wanted to trust the unknown as a comfort to his own misery. The threehorn continued to recall the things that gave him some comfort in his life when suddenly, heavy footsteps could be heard in the forest. Rinen was startled at first but soon he could tell who the newcomer by the slow but determined pacing of his walking. The young threehorn’s head dropped as he prepared to the incoming, probably another heartbreaking conversation.

“Were you beaten again, Rinen? Who did this?” The voice was sharp and it bore little sympathy for Rinen as he looked at the boy’s injuries. The grayish threehorn tried to find some words to say and after a moment, he gathered enough strength to answer in a measly, mournful voice.

“Jeriss and his group, grandpa. I was going to drink when…” His words were interrupted by a stomp to the ground and a considerably angrier voice. The old threehorn pitied his grandson’s weakness and the fact that he was routinely humiliated by the others. Today’s event had helped none his concerns.

“How many times do we have to go through this, Rinen!? Can’t you realize that this cannot continue any longer! You are not only shaming yourself but me and your mother as well! Why cannot you get a hold of yourself? Tomorrow begins the most important part of your life!” The angry voice only deepened Rinen’s internal torture but he knew better than to let it show. Hiding any weakness was a quality each and every threehorn had learned at a young age and even if the older threehorn had already seen his lonely mourning, Rinen was still too proud to let such behavior continue when he had audience. His voice wavered but he still held a somewhat firm composure as he answered.

“I’ve tried to prepare for it but the others can’t leave me in peace! I’m really trying to get through the Test but everything’s just so hard. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused but I’ve tried to do my best!” Rinen’s voice fell near the end as did his grandfather’s anger slightly. Still, the old threehorn kept the pressure on Rinen’s end.

“I’ve looked at the way you’ve trained and I can say you never did your best. Most of the time you forget everything you’ve been told when the first setbacks arrive and that’s completely unacceptable! I’ve tried to teach you as well as I’ve been able to but it doesn’t seem to be enough. Rinen… I cannot do the Test for you. I’ve cared for you as my own son and there’s a lot of potential within you but you’ve lacked the backbone to see things to the end. That is why you get to trouble with the others and that is why you will fail the Test if you continue on this path.” The threehorn’s words’ finality chilled Rinen to the bone as he tried to find something to explain his point. However, it proved to be more difficult than he thought. it was the same thing Eril had said to him earlier but what could he do about it? He didn’t know what to do and the time was running out quickly.

“B… but I’ve tried to do what I can! I… I’ve heard I should try harder but I cannot go on with fighting if I stand no chance. No matter what I do, the others are always stronger or faster than I am… I remember what I should do but it’s of no use!” The younger threehorn did his best to hold his composure but the fact that all of his efforts were slowly going to waste weighed on his mood immensely. His grandfather’s face was a mask of firm strictness as he looked at his grandson. Rinen wasn’t the descendant he had wished for but something in the youth had grown on him during their time together. Whether it was his personality, his companionship or the simple knowledge that it was he who would continue his line, the elderly dinosaur wanted Rinen to succeed in the future. But the question was how?

“It’s because they put their hearts into the fighting and they know they can reach the end on our long marches. You’d be surprised to know how much the simple knowledge of being able to do something can do. Rinen, you are in a disadvantage due to your weight but that’s no reason to give up! You know it already but I’m afraid your fear will be your real problem. But let’s see it this way: you hate Jeriss, don’t you?” The old threehorn tried to reason, knowing that hate could often overshadow other emotions. It wasn’t long before the younger threehorn nodded.

“You have to try to forget the situation and to concentrate on your opponent. The fury of the moment is all you need to do well enough in the Test. Nobody asks for perfection but you need to show that you are on the same level as all the others. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Rinen’s grandfather asked, clearly willing to see that his words weren’t for naught. Rinen looked at him with a somewhat unsure expression but answered to him shortly.

“I guess so. But I don’t know if I can do that. Everyone’s here and that is the thing that scares me. How can I forget them if I’m jeered at all the time?” At this point, Rinen had steeped a bit too far with his words. This was how far his grandfather would listen but he wouldn’t hear any more worrying about things nobody can change.

“That’s enough! Rinen, you’re a threehorn and threehorns don’t care about that kind of nonsense! We are a proud family and we don’t have to slither in front of those brats! You can do it but to do that, you have to think like a threehorn, not like a damned swimmer! You were born for this and you can do this! This is a thing that isn’t up for a debate. Come, let’s go home.” The thundering voice once again made Rinen remember what was at stake here. The words were ones he had heard many times in the past but in the face of the coming ordeals they seemed to make more sense. With a spirited voice, the boy decided to do the only thing that could lighten the situation at least to some degree.

“In fact, I have an idea that could be of some help tomorrow. I’ll come home soon!” Despite his encouraging voice, there lurked deep concern but Rinen knew it wouldn’t help if let them out loud. With a slightly more relaxed nod, the elderly dinosaur headed towards the edge of the woods. No matter Eril’s setbacks in helping him, Rinen had one last idea on how to begin his last preparations for tomorrow.

Eril looked at his friend with a weary expression, still hurt by the beating he had received earlier due to his drive to stand by his friend. Even if he had resolved to put all of his efforts to be at his best tomorrow, he had decided to answer to Rinen’s request once more. This time the two were far from the rest of the herd so the chances of being found by the bullies was close to zero. However, Eril still didn’t know the reason for this meeting.

“What are we doing here, Rinen? We should be preparing for tomorrow!” Eril said while squinting his left eye that had been hurt in the fight. Rinen regretted being forced to call his friend here but he knew he had to put the new ideas he had received from his grandfather to use.

“I just wanted to try to hone my concentration one last time. Grandpa reminded me that all is lost if I fail here. I understand if you don’t want to do train but he gave me some ideas on how to do better. I’d like to spar with you a bit.” Eril raised an eyebrow at this request, both of the boys knowing that Rinen wouldn’t stand a chance. Not only was he a few Cold Times older but he was also stronger and more skilled than his younger friend was. Still, Rinen wanted to see if there was anything he could do even in a friendlier environment to see if he could do anything of worth in a fight.

“Are you sure, Rinen? Remember that if you truly wish this, I’m not going to hold back. I’m sorry but there’s no chance you’ll win.” The lighter-colored threehorn said, willing to believe Rinen had some reason for this request other than to only make his misery worse. The younger male shook his head and answered in an odd voice.

“I know but I wish to try anyway. We haven’t fought before.” Rinen said bluntly, prompting a sarcastic thought from Eril. There’s a good reason for that, Rinen. Well, if you’re sure.

“Alright, here we go!” The older boy said as he and Rinen charged against each other, both of them knowing the result of this clash. Still, Rinen was more determined than before to see this challenge through and perhaps even learn something from it. The first contact was a more violent one than he had expected but he managed to lock his head against that of Eril’s, earning a surprised look from the other threehorn. Still, the older threehorn recovered his resolve quickly and with a violent strength, started to push Rinen back and to begin the process of releasing his horns from the locked battle.

In the wake of this brute strength, Rinen realized he had to change his strategy or risk being mercilessly overpowered. No traces of friendship remained in Eril’s assault even if he made sure not to seriously wound his younger counterpart. Rinen’s brain was working on overdrive as he tried to find another weakness in Eril’s composure and after a moment, he saw something interesting. The slightly older dinosaur’s weight was completely put on his right foreleg as he used it to put all of his strength in forcing Rinen to back down. The latter knew his chances of ever using this knowledge to his advantage would be beyond difficult but no matter what, he wouldn’t give up this battle before all of his options would be extinguished.

With a desperate and highly risky movement, Rinen quickly pulled his head back and jumped to his right and tried to hit Eril’s leg with his horn and to trip him. His plan was only partly successful. Rinen managed to scratch a long if harmless wound to his leg and forcing him to move back in order to avoid his wounded leg failing under his weight. However, the rest of Rinen’s plan wasn’t quite as successful. He charged after Eril but to his astonishment, the older threehorn had managed to regain his composure far quicker than Rinen had expected.

Eril, on the other hand, was highly surprised by Rinen’s maneuver as he looked at his bleeding leg in slight shock. In an uncharacteristic show of perseverance, Rinen had stopped his attack and afterwards had taken a brave move to outmaneuver and attack him. He had expected this to be a one-sided spar which would only hurt Rinen even worse but the boy was pushing back with a clear plan. However, Eril could see that Rinen wasn’t used to being in an advantageous position. He clearly thought the older threehorn was completely beaten and accompanied by a sense of triumph, charged towards Eril’s exposed side. The older threehorn smiled in slight disappointment as he prepared for his comeback and to the end of the fight. The trap was set.

To his disaster, Rinen could see it far too late. His eyes widened in fear as Eril suddenly sprinted towards his friend and hit at his side before Rinen could turn or slow down. He felt stinging pain as he suddenly found himself lying in the rocky ground, his back hitting a large rock. Surprised gasps left his mouth as he looked at Eril’s friendly but mixed face looking at him. The older boy spoke in an unsure voice as Rinen examined his new wounds.

“Never do something like that, Rinen. I could have hurt you even worse if I had wanted to.” His words were careful as Rinen slowly rose back to his feet. He looked at his friend in embarrassment as he answered.

“’I’m sorry. I was just carried away as I thought I found an opening. It seems I was wrong In any case, it was a good fight.” Rinen affirmed awkwardly, disappointed by his failure at the most critical of situations. Still, the fact that he had ever even got that far was a surprise to the younger boy himself and to his great relief, Eril returned a careful smile.

“It was, Rinen. You put up a good challenge, better than I had expected. Want to do another round?” The older dinosaur said carefully, hoping that the defeat hadn’t broken Rinen’s spirit just yet. He was pleased to hear a positive answer from his friend as Rinen moved into an offensive position.

“You bet! I just have to do this or I could as well just leave the herd now! Let’s use all the time we have left!” The boy said, knowing that the younger threehorns were expected to return home before the night which was mercilessly approaching. Eril cringed a bit, knowing that his own family was likely worried by the injuries he had received earlier. Well, that mattered little at this point. He was alright and this was the first time Rinen had shown genuine wish to improve his skills in a long while. He would give all the help he could give him at this point.

It was only a long time of sweat and pain that the two friends finally stopped their sparring. The day was coming to its end and the time for training was over. Rinen panted in deep fatigue even if he was more than pleased by what the duo had managed to do with the little time they had. Eril, too, felt that the day’s work hadn’t gone for nothing. Somehow, Rinen seemed to have regained some of his usually absent composure but there was still work to do. Eril would certainly pass the Test but Rinen was still a big question mark. The former put on a neutral expression as he addressed his younger friend with a thoughtful voice.

“Well, that’s that. We have to go home now. I had a good time with this training.” The older dinosaur said tiredly, knowing that his time for mental preparation for the future had been greatly shortened. However, if it would help his friend, it was a disadvantage he was willing to take. Rinen, despite his more hopeful mood, slowly realized that this was it. He was now as ready as he’d get and this was the experience in his disposal in the coming training. As he answered, Rinen realized his voice was far more concerned than he had expected it to be.

“Thank you for helping me, Eril. I think I learned a lot today but… tomorrow’s the real deal. Good luck there.” The young male gulped as he thought about executing his fights as effectively as today surrounded by a mocking crowd and the judging eyes of the herd’s adults. Eril had taught him how to control his body and how to use his skills to his advantage but all would be for nothing if he let the others distract himself. Eril knew what was at stake but he knew letting Rinen handle his own feelings was the right policy here. The two friends had embarked on a log journey together and tomorrow would mark the beginning of their last leg to the end of childhood. Eril turned his back on Rinen and spoke to him in an encouraging voice.

“See you tomorrow, Rinen. Let’s give Jeriss and his friends a good show.” With those words, the older threehorn walked off, leaving Rinen look at the green grassland around himself, the crushing realization of the coming months’ importance penetrating its way through Rinen’s mind. Still, he couldn’t question the small warmth inside him, reinforced by his grandfather’s words and Eril’s selfless help. For the first time in a while, Rinen felt like the coming Test wouldn’t be completely hopeless and he had his family and friends to help him on this journey. The young threehorn’s troubled face slowly turned into a smile as a single thought flowed through his mind.

Even in our times of hardship there is still much to be grateful for.

With that thought, Rinen started his walk home. He would have to be at his very best on the morning.

“Rinen, it’s time to wake up! The Bright Circle will rise shortly!” The voice penetrated the boy’s dream as he heard his mother call to him in a sharp voice. The female walked to her son’s side whose mind was suddenly gripped by the significance of this day. Rinen was normally a rather heavy sleeper but this night had been marked by intermittent slumber and fearful images had chased him through his sleep stories. Because of this, it was just a few seconds before he rose to his feet.

“Why does it have to be today! I couldn’t even sleep well enough.” The younger dinosaur’s head turned to the southern fields where the training was supposed to begin following the breaking of the dawn. Rinen’s mother snorted at her son’s remark. She wasn’t any more approving of Rinen’s previous showings but she had often tried to keep a supporting face. Now, however, those times were over. Her son would have to face the inevitable like a true threehorn.

“Just shake it off, Rinen. This is what you’ve trained for your whole life. I don’t want Aina and Arin to have the same problems you have: just show them how you honor our family out there. That’s what your father would have wanted.” Rinen felt a flow of guilt wash over him as he was reminded of his father who had suffered the same fate too many threehorns do during their lives: losing a prestige battle with another male. It had happened three Cold Times ago and the memory of the news still chilled Rinen’s spine.

“I know, mom. Eril helped me a lot yesterday and I have to be ready no matter what. Wish me luck.” The boy said sheepishly, looking in worry at the horizon being cast deep red by the arriving morning. He would have to leave now if he wanted to be on time. The older threehorn looked at Rinen in a mix of sympathy and sterness but she knew this was a fearful day for her son. With a softer voice, she answered.

“There’s no luck here, Rinen. You have to use everything we’ve taught to you thus far. Go now. I know you can do it.” The female exchanged understanding glances with the younger threehorn as Rinen headed for the training grounds. As a final gesture before departure, he looked and smiled at his siblings with approval and envy. Arin would follow take the Test the next time while Aina wouldn’t have to bother herself with such affairs. He loved the two dearly but he regretted being forced to face his larger responsibilities alone while the two still had time to be children. With a sentimental twitch, Rinen turned his head forward. As his mother said, it was all up to him now. He wouldn’t her or Eril down.

“Welcome, young ones. This is the beginning of your most important time thus far. This is where you prove your right to be in our herd and that you can become a true threehorn soon enough. You have trained hard already, this is where you prove it wasn’t all for nothing!” The speaker was a strongly-built, middle-aged threehorn who was accompanied by a host of other males. Rinen was slightly relieved by the surprisingly calm atmosphere of the occasion and no one seemed to pay any heed to him at this point. It seemed that everybody understood what was at stake here. All the better for me. I’ll prove these idiots what I can do soon enough!

“But this is just the first step. From this day on, you will fight and walk more than you ever have before and you will eat only a fraction of the food and drink only a fraction of the water you have been used to. This is the only way how you can ever hope to survive the real test. The following Warm Time will be a hell for you but you have to accept that you have to be prepared for it at all times. And when that day arrives, it is up to you to ensure the survival of the herd and the others! That is why we will give no quarter to any of you! Is that clear?!” No answers could be heard among the young threehorns as the speaker suddenly raised his voice. It was clear that he meant what he said and even the more self-confident children stayed completely still. With a thundering bellow, the adult threehorn continued.

“Succeed and you will be accepted formally to the herd and you can stay with us as long as you wish. Fail and you will be either killed or banished into the barren wastes to die and all traces of your existence will be erased by the herd and your families! There will be no exceptions! We will guide you in the following passings of the Night Circle but we won’t offer any real help for you. Each of you is on your own. Today, we begin by forcing you to fight each other until the Bright Circle reaches its zenith after which we’ll make a trek, a kind which you’ve never seen before and you won’t eat before the evening! Now, fight! Push each other to your limits!” A groups of adult threehorns suddenly entered the groups of young ones and begun to force them into duos who’d start the fights. Rinen looked in concern as the sight around him became a mess but he followed the instructions closely.

After a moment, he found himself facing the same dark-colored threehorn he had seen standing by Jeriss’ side on the previous day, the same one who had called on Eril to leave his friend for him and his companions. Rinen cringed heavily at this development as this was one of the threehorns he loathed and feared the most. This one had been one of the ones who had pestered him for many seasons and there was nothing Rinen would have liked more than to give this jerk a good beating. However, the dark threehorn was far stronger than he was and from what he had seen, he was also quite difficult to surprise. It wasn’t long before he broke the silence.

“Do I really have to fight against you, Rinen? Is this a joke? Well, maybe the grownups saw how worthless you are and decided to get rid of you already! In any case, this should be fun.” Those words hit Rinen’s mind heavily but unlike before, they didn’t cause a wave of fear and despair. This time, all they did was to anger the lighter threehorn to the max. This had gone too far already: now was his chance to even begin the payback.

“Don’t count your hatchlings before they hatch, Verel. I’m not going to give you any quarter at this point.” Rinen’s voice resembled more like growling than speech and his voice surprised even Rinen himself. It was clear that Verel had caused deep bitterness within the young threehorn. Both of the combatants stared at each other in murdering glares when a loud call spread across the assembled crowd.

“Begin now! Remember what’s at stake!” Most of the other pairs begun immediately but Verel took his time to voice one last, toxic threat at his opponent.

“You, giving me quarter? I’ll make you swallow those words, fatso.” After those words, the two threehorns charged towards each other, Rinen doing his all to hit his opponent at the right spot to gain an early advantage. However, those hopes were crushed as Verel saw his plan and suddenly changed his direction. The darker threehorn hit the left side of Rinen’s neck frill, causing him to lose his balance. Verel quickly hit his opponent’s face with his tail, making him to completely fall to the ground.

The larger threehorn didn’t waste time attacking Rinen but the latter understood that this was an opportunity for Verel to strike a serious blow. With a quick, maneuver, Rinen all of his strength and jumped right at the charging male in the hopes of regaining his footing. The incoming hit was a powerful one and Rinen could feel his world turn dark for a moment. However, his plan had succeeded in that he hadn’t received any worse injuries. He panted for a moment before raising his head to his opponent’s level.

“You couldn’t even finish your attack, you stupid brute! You have to do better than that!” With those words, Rinen took the initiative but he knew better than to try to attack his opponent headlong. In the last moment, the lighter-colored threehorn jumped out of Verel’s way and turned around in a surprisingly agile manner and before Verel could even begin to turn around, Rinen’s horns hit his lower body and caused painful cuts to the area above his hindlegs.  Verel looked at his wounds in surprised shock, clearly stunned that Rinen had managed to wound him. His eyes turned reddish with rage as he spoke to the insufferable weakling in deep hate.

“You’ll regret this, Rinen! I’ll make sure the training time will be complete suffering for you!” The darker male pulled off sand with his forelegs before he jumped towards Rinen with a great force. The other boy dodged his assault and moved away from his path. Verel looked at him in annoyance as the two started to circle each other. The seconds passed by with great intensity as the combatants tried to find some, any weakness in their opponent. Even Verel wasn’t ready to attack headlong anymore as Rinen had shown capable of turning the tide.

Most of the other fight had ended already and they were given a chance to take a small break in order to wait for Rinen and Verel’s fight to conclude. The two were slowly drawing an audience around them, most of them surprised to see Rinen holding his ground against a threehorn who had been seen as a far more powerful dinosaur. Jeriss, who had beaten his own opponent with one, decisive attack, looked at Verel in a demanding expression as he yelled to him.

“Come on, Verel! Crush that pipsqueak, now! Stop wasting time!” His voice was angry but it was clearly targeted at the stronger threehorn as Jeriss slowly started to question his companion’s worth. Some boys begun to jeer at Rinen, others at Verel, but Eril and his brother, Gereth, followed the scene with varying levels of interest. Gereth had often questioned why his brother wasted time with Rinen and he was still far from convinced about the fight.

“This is ridiculous, Eril. Both of them seem to be fearing for their lives and they seem ready to be determined to circle each other for the rest of the day! As if we others didn’t have anything better to do.” The slightly younger threehorn asked, prompting Eril to look at him in slight amusement. Both brothers had also won their own fights, Gereth with great effort and pain, but he seemed to be ignoring it completely. Eril answered to his brother with a clear snort.

“They have exchanged many blows, brother. Both are clearly giving their all but I must say, it is a surprise Rinen has survived this long. It’s good that I agreed to help him yesterday after all.” Eril took a slightly prideful look at that knowledge which earned only an odd expression from Gereth. The duo’s eyes were soon drawn back into the fight which was heating up again.

In the next faceoff, Rinen managed to take the initiative and wound Verel’s foreleg just above his knee but the latter wasn’t about to accept defeat in this spar. During his next assault, he finally broke Rinen’s defense and caused a major wound to his chest. However, Rinen was far from beaten by this setback. The two threehorns continued to trade blows, the crowd’s reactions quickly heating up. After many minutes of mutual blows and tough fighting, both boys once again stood facing each other and panting in exhaustion. It was at this point that the adult threehorn decided to intervene, his thundering voice capturing both combatants’ attention immediately.

“We don’t have time to watch you two beating each other to your limits in your first fight! This fight ends in a tie! Now, begin the preparations for the next round!” At first, the two threehorns both felt that their moment of glory was robbed from them but as his adrenaline started to wear off, Rinen realized that this fight had only one real victor. He hadn’t only managed to hold his ground but he had also had a shot to win the fight. In the end, he had managed to stand as Verel’s equal in a public fight, in effect humiliating the other threehorn greatly.

Disbelief was tangible around the two combatants and for Rinen, it felt like a dreamlike breakthrough. He was still an outcast for most of the other boys but for now, he had proved that he was capable of standing on his own. Jeriss’ eyes bored into Rinen but the latter merely returned the hateful gaze. The struggle would continue but for now, Rinen felt like he’d be able to complete the Test. A prideful look accompanied Rinen as he joined the rest of the threehorns in anticipation of the next challenge. At this point, he was more than confident he’d be able to survive it. Still, Rinen knew he was far from safe waters. Even after his early success, a distinct worry for the future beat in the back of the young threehorn’s mind as he walked towards the next leg of the colossal road he'd have to complete if he wished to avoid the unsavory end.

Hi everyone, this is my entry for the November's prompt challenge. I liked the vagueness of the prompt and it provided a great chance to tell more about Rinen's (my roleplay character) backstory back when he still was a member of his original herd. I truly hope you enjoed this offering as I enjoyed fleshing out Rinen's personality! :) See you next time!

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