The Gang of Five
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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 120313


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Soren was scurrying from place to place. Normally, as a Sky Farms mechanic, he'd be called to inspect and maintain nearly every piece of equipment in the vertical farm. Occasionally, he'd need to fix an augment that got damaged.

But what happened now was way out of his league. Tarps were laid out onto the soft soil where other workers carefully laid out the bodies of numerous Augments. From what the Human could see, most of them appeared to be tree-workers or high-climbers with specialized climbing augments like electrostatic pads on their hands and feet. And apparently, the augments had suddenly failed, causing them to plummet to the ground.

Soren examined the arm of one of the high-climbers; it bore the logo of the an Eagle with outstretched wings and the company name: Brennan Synthetics. He frowned; he had never heard of this company before. Were they a recent start-up?

"Soren!" the foreman exclaimed as he stumbled upon the scene. "What the fuck happened here?"

Soren shook his head. "I dunno, I'm trying to found that out myself. Ambulances are on their way."

"Look, I don't want this happening again. Find out why the hell six of my workers just fell out of the sky! You're authorized to look at their any of their health records pertaining to their augments." The foreman walked away towards the lift tube in the corner that would carry him to another growing level.

The Human swore and kicked a clod of dirt with his boot and headed to the lift tube in the corner that would take him to the administrative levels.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily tugged at her fishnet stockings, which were again riding up her thighs. She almost certainly was not working the look adequately enough, but the thrift store didn't have a great selection of sexy lingerie and pantyhose. Oh well. Looking hopelessly out of one's league was probably a plus when dealing with someone who murders their hookers.

Her heart skipped a beat when an unmarked car drove slowly past her and rolled to a stop. The driver was the only occupant. "Your rates?" she asked, rolling her window down and looking disinterestedly over her sunglasses. She was a mousy woman, very small for her age, with blonde hair and pale skin. Lily didn't get many female serial killers, and part of her was intrigued. I wonder if I can wrangle some sort of a motive or backstory out of her before Emi has to--

The woman suddenly jolted as her driver-side window was shattered by a rock. Seconds later a heavy tranq dart stabbed her in the neck and with nary another word the woman slid down in an unconscious stupor.

"Emi, what the hell‽" shouted Lily as her confidante darted out of the bushes and frisked their target. "We didn't even get any evidence! She hadn't even hired me yet!"

"Screw evidence, she's obviously guilty.  There aren't any license plates and the back windows are hand-tinted." Emilena dialed 911 on the woman's phone and threw it in the backseat. "The cops will figure it out. Something much more important just happened according to the national news, and we need to check it out right now."


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rose entered the apartment, her face red. a number of staff at the theater, who had augments on their bodies, had suddenly died during a rehearsal, and the shocked director had sent everyone home as a precaution.  rose took a seat down on the couch and began to sob openly. marita.. something terrible happened at the theater today..' she began, her voice halting.. ' augmented people having their augment fail and kill them? marita said from her computer ' its happening all over the city. swimmers, car drivers, actors, theres now almost 100 cases being reported, and likely more to come. whoever made those augment parts , well they arent going to be in business too much longer. the lawsuits will see to that...
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Axel jerked awake, his horrified gasp cutting through the apartment’s silence. He sat bolt upright, eyes darting around as he struggled to remember where he was, the images churned up by his mind refusing to leave, sticking like leeches. When it eventually dawned that what he’d been experiencing was yet another nightmare, the construct of memories he’d tried and failed to repress, he sank back against the wall with a thin whimper, pressing his hands against his face, his fingers threading through his greasy hair and wrapping the strands painfully.

Fur drenched in sweat, the rat sat motionless for a minute, gasping for air, his breaths quick and ragged. When he felt like he could bear to move again, Axel let out a trembling breath. “Alright… okay…” Letting his hands fall from his face, he kicked the sheets from his legs, tangled and twisted from his thrashing during the night and staggered out of bed, blinking from the daylight leaking into the apartment. Leaning down and tapping a button on his phone, Axel blinked when he saw the time flash up on the screen. 11:53. Normally the nightmares would have woken him up hours before. Shaking his head, he crossed the room and pushed the switch for the TV, desperate to try and clear his mind, his body feeling chilled.

The TV screen flickered to life. Staring out at Axel was the face of a reporter he vaguely recognised, Martin Schul or School, or something else beginning with an S. In the top left hand corner of the screen, a golden SD was rotating slowly, the symbol for Seryat Daily, the city’s most popular news station. The beefy man was standing just to the side of a large group of people clustering outside a building, a concerned look plastered to his wide face.

“… and it’s been 4 hours since the 78th victim of these string of mysterious deaths has been confirmed.”

 Leaving the reporter’s gravelly voice to fill the apartment, Axel turned away and bent down to yank open the fridge. He leaned in and started to pick up the old milk container, recoiling when he caught a sharp smell escaping from the top.

“… So far, the only information that the Seryat police department has been able to release is that all of these deaths have involved some kind of malfunction within the augmentations produced by Brennan Synthetics.”

Axel froze, then slowly turned around to look at the screen.

“Police haven’t released whether they have been able to deduce if there is a pattern to these sudden and tragic deaths, with their widespread and apparently random nature. In addition, experts still have not been able to deduce what has actually gone so terribly wrong in the augmentations of these poor individuals.” Martin indicated behind him, and Axel now saw that the group of people he’d seen were standing outside a hospital. “Officials are encouraging those with Brennan Synthetic augmentations to report as soon as possible to their local hospital for an examination of their circuitry, although they are also reassuring the public that there is no need for panic – they are confident the cause will be identified and dealt with shortly.”

Feeling weak in the legs, Axel held onto the fridge for support. This was feeling too close to what had happened before. Much too close.

“… But what is far from certain is the fate of the company responsible for these augmentations. 6 years ago, Brennan Synthetics emerged as a company capable of producing cheaper, more affordable augmentations, giving many more people access to this technology. Whether the company can recover from this tragedy has yet to be seen – as does the fate of the company’s owner, Richard Brennan, who has yet to release a statement.” Martin turned to look behind him at the small crowd, then turned his concerned expression back to the camera. “We can only hope this situation is resolved as quickly as possible. This is Martin Schuul, reporting for –“ Martin trailed off, looking at something off camera, his eyes widening.

BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM. A rattle of gunfire, and Martin was thrown backwards, dark red droplets spattering the camera screen. Axel jerked back, knocking the carton of milk on the floor. Onscreen, the camera had been dropped to the sidewalk, the lightly twitching foot of Martin Schuul obscuring most of the view. Just past the heel, Axel could see the crowd of people outside the hospital had scattering, terrified civilians running for their lives. The rattle of gunfire continued, getting louder, and every now and then someone in the distance was thrown to the floor. Suddenly, the camera was snatched from the floor, heavy breathing drowning out the sound of distant screaming. The image shook as the camera was turned, as suddenly another figure stared out. The face was covered by a burlap sack. On the forehead, a large cracked gear emblem was painted on in red. From two small eye holes, eyes glinted.

This is just the start!” The figure screamed into the camera. “The work of the Purifiers has only just begun! By the time the Purifiers have finished, the augmented scum of Seryat will be on their knees, and-” He paused as the faint sound of police sirens started to emerge. He looked around off camera quickly, almost desperately, then turned back to the screen. “- and what was started in Lanthae will continue. Fear the Purifiers!” The camera suddenly went dead.

Axel’s legs buckled, his head growing faint, and he sagged to the floor, feeling as though he couldn't breath.


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Soren massaged his temples as he examined all the personnel files. He was inside Sky Farms's personnel records room. Several terminals, their LCD screens an inert grey were lined up against the wall. A digital clock was above the terminals but the Human paid it no heed.

He looked down at his tablet and brought up the web pages he had saved: namely a Wikipedia article on Brennan Synthetics and said company's "About Us" page. He had learned that Brennan Synthetics started out as a high-end augment manufacturer.

"That explains why I haven't seen their stuff before, he mused.

As he continued reading, he noticed that just recently, they had rolled out an affordable but yet high-quality line of augments that they had called Aquila.

The Human then looked at the deceased workers' records. None of them had any neurological problems and the recent examinations of the neurolinks to their augments all showed that they were perfectly functional. In addition, all of their augments were less than a year old.

What could have caused six Augments, all in perfect health and with high-quality implants to suddenly plummet to their deaths?

Soren then noticed something interesting when he looked more closely at the type of augment the workers had gotten.

All of them were from Brennan Synthetics. And all of them were from the Aquila line.

A chime emanated from his tablet. He brought up the messaging application and was confronted with a new text from Uziel:

Amigo, watch the news! Crazy shit's happening!

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Heeeeyyy, how's the talent?" Bailey smiled warmly, swinging into the hospital room without bothering to check himself with the receptionist first.

The fucsia-furred teenager smiled from her cot. "The hell have you been? I was halfway convinced you'd dropped me for being too much trouble." Her eyes glanced at a tantalizing rectangular bulge in his coat pocket.

"God, I wish," Bailey grumbled, throwing her the pack of smokeless smokes before she asked. "Putting out legal fires. Some assholes are suing for eye damages from your little private Vela incident."

"Mmmm." Flora lit up a fag, checking the hallway to make sure no hospital personnel. "We're claiming self-defense, right?"

"Nah, we're settling. It's cheaper." Bailey lit his own cigarette. "How they treating you? I got you the best."

Flora groaned. "Listen, Nigel, you gotta get me out of here. it's been two weeks, I'm healed and I'm fucking bursting with ideas. They don't even allow synthesizers in here, supposedly it screws with the equipment."

Nigel cut her off. "Flo, you got shot. Twice." The two hid their cigarettes as a nurse walked by the room. "Gimme a little more than a fortnight, kay?" he continued.

Flora tried to jump out of the bed, but a network of diodes and an IV drip stopped her. "Goddammit, I'm fine! Look at me!" She angrily pushed the heart rate monitor hanging over her chest and it didn't budge. "I could run a decathlon! Don't make me take my gown off, I'll show you, there's not even a scar!"

"Oh yeah?" Nigel cocked an eyebrow and smiled. "Show me. Gimme a good shot of the backside in there too, you know I'm a butt guy."

Flora stuck her tongue out at him. "If you're gonna trap me here, at least get me a laptop with ethernet. Tablet hasn't had wireless for two weeks cause of their goddamn special snowflake equipment. I need to look shit up, talk to people." The teenager motioned in frustration at the pristine but soulless environment surrounding her cot.

"I'll do the next best thing and answer any questions you may have." Bailey declined silently when Flora motioned for another cigarette. "Press is great, before you ask. You're everywhere."

"I wanna know about the guy who tried to kill me." Flora folded her arms. "He shouted something, but I was too busy preparing to join the Black Parade to notice. What was his beef?"

Nigel sighed. "He said 'sic semper machinis'. He was one of those anti-Augment nutters."

Flora's eyes widened. "Jesus Christ. They just got a lot less funny."

(OOC: Splitting this conversation into two posts because of length. For now, two-week tie skip is a go, let's start rolling towards everyone uniting and the actual plot moving forward.)


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Uziel noticed that in the two weeks after the televised live shooting of an SD news reporter, Soren had gotten much more paranoid. In fact, the Human routinely took his rifle with him everywhere. Hell, he had even seen him go to the bathroom with his rifle slung across his back and his pistol at his belt.

The doorbell rang as the trio were sitting down to a lunch of Soren's breaded catfish and rice pilaf. Soren put down his utensils and got. He reached down and unholstered his pistol.

Peering through the peephole, he saw another Latino man. He opened the door a little bit.

"Hello, is Senor Bautista home?" the man replied in heavily accented English.

"Uziel!" Soren shouted. "Someone wants to see you!"


Anne lay back in her motel bed. The room was musty with the scent of marijuana and years of service. The mare was clad in a filthy t-shirt and some jeans. A corner of the room had all sorts of electronic gizmos that she had picked off the street or stolen.

A mini-fridge filled with all sorts of junk food was next to the bathroom.

She got up when there was a single loud knock, a pause and then two quiet and quick knocks in succession. Peering through the peep hole, she spotted a Dhole. He held up a tablet to the peephole.

The mare grabbed the item the Dhole wanted: a signal spoofer that allowed one to capture wireless information transfer by pretending to be a relay point.

The credit chit was slid under the door and she opened the door just enough to pass the package through.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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For what seemed like the hundredth time, Axel peered out of his apartment window, his eyes wide, the corner of his mouth twitching. Purifiers... purifiers... The words repeated, over and over in his head, and memories of the things they'd been responsible for, the things he'd had to live through because of them, kept flashing through his mind like a broken record. Every time he looked out the window, he almost expected to see an army of them, coming straight for him.

Gritting his teeth, Axel stepped away and turned to look at the small table by his bed. On top of it sat his cell phone. Walking over, the rat hesitated, picked it up, then scrolled through the list of contacts slowing down as he began to pass through their names. Marita, Marie, Soren... For a moment, his thumb hovered over the call button - but with a hiss of anger, he flipped the phone shut instead. To try to contact them about this would be almost like allowing himself to get swallowed back up into that world again - and he wasn't sure he would be able to do that. Tears welling in his eyes, Axel threw the phone angrily onto his bed.


The sound of tyres squealing disturbed the almost total silence surrounding the old, dilapidated warehouse district. An unremarkable black car came screeching around the corner and stopped before one of the large, empty structures, abandoned years ago. Another car, silver and similarly plain, was already parked in front, apparently empty.

For a moment nobody got out of the black car. Then a lone figure, a man, his hair ruffled and clothes disheveled, climbed from the vehicle and stared around with wary eyes. Blinking, he approached the other car quickly. "Hello?" he called out, his voice strained, tense.

The metal door to the empty building suddenly screeched open, and the man jumped. His hands clenched into fists when he saw a small, young looking asian woman walk out. Shoulder-length black hair framed her amiable expression as she approached the man.

"I did it!" the man growled, staring at her with hatred.

She nodded, her expression unchanged. "I saw. And you got rid of the evidence like you were told? The weapons? The clothes? Your getaway car?" Her voice was light, pleasant to listen to.

"Yes! Yes, I... I did everything like you told me to..." The man seemed to sag, pressing his hands against the sides of his head. "Oh jesus... all those people... I, I killed..." Suddenly, he straightened, glaring at the woman, tears streaming down his face. "Where? Where is she?! I did everything you wanted, now where's my wife?!"

The woman tilted her head, seeming to consider, then smiled brightly. "You're right, it's a fair deal. Here." Reaching into her pocket, she took out a set of keys and threw them to him, indicating the silver car. "She's in the trunk."

Catching the keys, the man rushed over to the vehicle, fiddling with them. He managed to jam them into the lock. He twisted the key, yanked open the trunk's hood... and moaned when he saw the female body stuffed inside, bound and gagged, a bullet hole through her temple. "Oh god, no... no, Lisa..." The man started to spin around. "You bit-"

The bullet, fired from a silenced handgun, entered the back of his skull before he could finish. Collapsing forward, his body fell into the trunk, his legs still dangling outside.  Sighing, the young Asian woman holstered her gun, the cheerful expression gone from her face. Things were going well... but there was still more to do. Stepping forwards, she unceremoniously grabbed the man's legs and dropped the rest of him into the trunk, then walked around to the passenger seat to get the can of gasoline.


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marita was watching television when the phone rang. She got to her feet, and went over to the phone to answer it. and  an unfamilar voice reached her ears. '  whoever you are.. i've got a deal for you, one that is lucrative, enough to set you up for life.. now take down what i';m going to tell you.. oh.. and all this must be kept VERY quiet. if this gets out, you get nothing, indeed, I'll see to it you'll lose whatever you already have.. Noe tarting writing this down.." Marita fished around for a pen and paper, and began to write...
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Flora fell back onto her pillow. Due to her unusual appearance she'd been hounded with claims of being an Augment from the very beginning of her musical career, but she'd always felt that gossip was just a normal thing celebrities had to deal with. She'd never thought that gossip would get her murdered. "Fucking hell, they're sending assassins? what are we supposed to tell them? Are they gonna send more?"

"Who knows what these nutjobs are gonna do?" Nigel shrugged. "For a group that releases so many threats and promises, you think they'd be a little more specific with the details. And dates."

"This isn't funny Nigel!" snapped Flora, throwing her cig butt at him. "I released doctor-certified full body scans, I've put myself through some demeaning crap to kill that damn rumor, and now Gear Nazis are gonna assassinate me anyway. I wanted to be the next John Lennon, but not like that!"

"Well," Bailey started "you're decently safe while you're in here, so maybe we can finally see eye to eye on your rehabili--"

"--How about police protection?" she interrupted. "Witness protection, or whatever protection you get when you did nothing wrong but crazed maniacs want you dead anyway!"

"No no no no no..." Nigel lowered his voice. "Trust me, I got it covered, and you are not doing anything involving the cops. They're tied in with all the wrong people, and they're corrupt as shit, you'd be better moving to Argentina and living with actual Nazis."

Flora folded her arms. "That better not be your brilliant plan."

"There aren't a lotta people we can trust, but I know a gal." Nigel pulled a photo card from his wallet. "She used to be show business, like you. Little raunchier than you though. Basically got paid to do what you were doing every minute you weren't on stage."

Flora betrayed a small smile. "Don't act like you wouldn't if you were me." She took the photo. "Oh god, gross. A dog? I hate dogs, with their drool-covered hanging lips. Kissing them feels like fellating a wet baseball glove."

"Yeah? well pucker up because you're going to be living undercover with her." Nigel held up his hand for silence before she could protest. "And her two girlfriends. She's a flaming dyke."

"Wow..." Flora raised an eyebrow. "Way to be politically correct. Also no. I'm not putting my career on hold, not when I've only got a few months before I turn eighteen. From what I've seen, eighteen's about when a celebrity's life starts going downhill."

"Well, lucky you, cause we got some groups that would love to help you miss that milestone!" Nigel threw his hands up. "This isn't a vote Flo! It's not even for that long, just until things cool down. You haven't seen, it's like the fall of Troy out there. Even in this hospital DJ Xyler's become a target, which is why for a little bit you need to not be DJ Xyler."

Flora rolled her eyes. "Right. I'll be some other pink-furred she-folf with a dick."

"We got some advanced technology to fix that, it's called dye and pants!" Nigel snapped. "I'm trying to save your goddamn life here, and there's not a lot of options when you can't even say for sure the government themselves ain't in on it!" He dropped to his knees and started doing pushups like he did only when extremely argumentative. "Throw me a bone here, all right?"

Flora mulled it over. "All right. On one condition. I'm out of this hospital by tomorrow."


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Uziel approached the Latino man as Soren backed away. He holstered his pistol seeing as Uziel knew this visitor.

"Amigo!" Uziel exclaimed. "How are you?"

The man's face fell. "Oh, bad news, I'm afraid. Hostage situation at the farm. I escaped by hiding in a drone barge."

"Dios mio," Uziel muttered. He pointed his prosthetic arm at the TV and it immediately came to life.

On the corner of the TV was a golden SD and below that were the words "live drone footage". At the bottom was a headline that read Siege at Sky Farms Greenhouse! The ticker scrolling by at the bottom mentioned that hostage negotiators were on the scene and that the terrorists had not issued any demands yet.

Soren immediately felt very lucky that his boss had given him three weeks off with pay to investigate the failures of the augments and the death of the workers and prepare a report on this whole debacle.

At the same time, keeping in mind that Axel was probably a target, he excused himself and went to his room, shutting the door behind him.

He looked at his smartphone, still hooked up to the charger. He knew Axel wanted nothing to do with the Purifiers or that whole clusterfuck in Lanthae. At the same time, he was Axel's friend and he'd feel like shit if he didn't see if Axel was okay.

After debating for a bit, he picked up the phone and dialed Axel.

Please pick up, he thought at he stole glances through the window in his room.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel stared down at his cell phone as it lay silent and dejected on his bed. He made for it again, then jerked away, swearing under his breath.

"Alright, just gotta... just..." He mumbled almost unintelligibly to himself. His speech jerked to a halt and his eyes darted across the room to his door as footsteps slowly approached, clunking on the bare floorboards. They got louder... a shadow sneaking its way under the door as someone stood on the other side... then passed, their footsteps growing quieter. Axel breathed a small sigh of relief.

The cell phone rang. Axel gasped as the sound send a jolt of shock through him, the ring tone tearing through the apartment's silence. Gathering himself, he peered over at the screen and swallowed when he saw who was calling, his throat clicking. He took a breath, leaned over and snatched it up, hitting the answer button.

"Soren." Axel closed his eyes, grinding a knuckle on his temple. "So I guess you've been keeping up with the news." Bitterness saturated his voice - he knew what this was about.


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Marita jotted down a number of notes as the caller went on and on' you'll have to come up with a name to use for her . whatever works for you. it can be a name from old movies, the name of the former pet, I dont give a crap just as long as shes safe. you keep her safe you'll get all the creds you could ever want. you harm her, and you'll be found, bound gagged and bullets in your head, capiche?
  the twin jaguars Lourve  and Bastile looked  over the pieces of paper in front of them, then . nervously at the person across the table from them. they had asked around town for work after being dumped so unceremoniously by Bailey. However, to their intense chagrin,  Bailey had more or less blackballed them from any agency they knew.  so they had been forced to give up any thought of standup and switch to something else. it was Bastile that had suggested acting, and so here they were- at Hongs Theater. Mr Hong, the theater manager looked at their resumes. ' he was a large greying bison, who spoke with a trained dicton. ' well, ladies, it seems you have some stage experience, and we do have some openings. you will start as understudies for plays, and earn the starting salary for beginning actors. which is on the contracts you have in front of you. we dont like tardiness here, we expect you to be here on time. if theres an emergency or you get caught in traffic thats one thing, but skipping work is a fireable offense. understood.
 yes sir Lourve spoke up quickly. " thank you for letting us have a chance ..' Hong held up a paw. 'dont make me regret it ladies. Understood?' Yes Mr Hong Bastille said. ' your costumes will be hanging up in the dressing room. welcome to the theater' Hong said, as he wrote his name at the bottom of the papers - the girls contracts- and had the girls sign them.
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"All right doc," Emilena checked the safety on her SMG one more time. "Are you ready?"

"They're gonna kill me", Dr. Lee mumbled, looking through the barred cellar window of her clinic at the smoky alleyway. "They're all gonna kill me..."

"Yes they are. But it won't be you." Emilena spared a glance at Lily, who was barely recognizeable through a thick layer of makeup, padded suit, and subdued wig. "You sure you'll be able to keep the wig on long enough to get torn to shreds?"

Lily nodded blankly. Dr. Lee shuddered as she gripped her doctor bag.

Emilena glanced at it. "Uh, doc? You're leaving that behind."

"Oh-oh yeah..." Dr. Lee placed it back on the operating table.

"Now, a crash course in role-playing." Emilena pushed on Dr. Lee's nape. "Slouch. You're not a professional anymore. You're an average civilian. Keep your eyes to yourself. What are you going say to someone if they talk to you first?"

Dr. Lee shook her head, unsure. Emilena pushed her. "Hey, bitch." she snarled, "Don't bump me. What the hell are you looking at?"

"Sorry, terribly sorry," Dr. Lee stammered, stepping backwards and tightening her coat.

"Wrong." Emilena handed her a knife. "You don't say anything. If you do, it's got contractions and pauses full of 'uhhhh's and the word 'good' in place of 'well'. You're uneducated, you're unremarkable, and if you're lucky, we can get you that way for reals." She undid the latch on the cellar door and peeked into the alleyway. "See you Lily."

Lily stared blankly back. Dr. Lee looked at her a bit worried. " she all right?"

"She's fine," Emilena assured her. "She's a savant. Her specialty is escape artistry." In actuality, they'd stapled the wig to her head, and while the wounds instantly healed, the staples were still causing moderate brain damage. "She'll escape later tonight and meet up with me. Don't worry about it."


At Rose's place, the clock was just striking 1pm. This was the scheduled time the phone contact had stated the actress in question would be arriving at the apartment.

A large-breasted monitor lizard walked up to the door and knocked impatiently.


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Rose was one to answer the door ' ah do come in ' she said quietly to the lizard. We've been expecting you' she said with a smile.' just have aseat by the counter' she added , closing the door behind her as the guest entered.
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"Me?" the monitor lizard asked with a distinctly male voice. "I'm not the actress. Why would you--?"

"It's the boobs, Nigel," Flora pointed out, entering the house behind him. She observed the dingy apartment with a bored expression.

"Don't call them that!" Nigel covered his rack instinctively. "Is it my fault bras are perfect for holding heat packs?"

Flora focused on Marita. "Hey, you must be the washout. Or you," she realized, looking at Rose. "I can never tell dogs apart. Either way, where my room?"

"How could someone think I'm a chick?" Nigel continued indignantly. "Look at the length of my tail! Look at my coloration!"


Emilena led the way into the alleyway. Her SMG was safely tucked into her jacket; its small concealable frame offered both quick deployment and a high immediate output of fire. They'd been unable to find any evidence of surveillance equipment on the cellar door, unlike the transparently bugged front entrance, but that didn't mean Emilena was going to get complacent. From this moment on, she had to assume they were being followed.

Their objective was the docks, where Emilena already had a dingy ready. Steering her jittery companion as casually as she could, Emilena led the way down dark empty streets. There wouldn't be many people out this late at night, but anyone who was needed to be considered a threat.

She bit her lip in frustration when she noticed the shops facing the docks was open and filled with bright lights and people. Of course there'd be a party or something tonight... Ignoring it, she motioned for Dr. Lee to follow her in slinking along the boardwalk strafing the beach. There were sailors on the dock. Emilena realized a ship had come in this evening and was moored on the pier. Suddenly realizing what this might mean for her tiny boat, she doubled the pace and waded waist-deep into the surf, following the dock. Her worst fears were confirmed when she saw the splintered remains of her escape plastered against the cargo ship's hold.

"Where's our boat?" whispered Dr. Lee in a panic when Emilena returned empty-handed.

"We've got a bit of a problem," Emilena admitted.

"What? What now then?" Dr. Lee's voice became strained and high-pitched. "You've got a plan B right? Why wouldn't you have a plan B‽"

"Keep your voice down!" hissed Emilena.

"Oy!" shouted a deep voice from the pier. "Who's down there?"

"Don't run!" Emilena warned Dr. Lee, fur standing on end. "Let me do the talking!"

Three sailors approached them. Only one of them was small enough that Emilena felt comfortable taking him in a fair fight.

"Goin' for a midnight stroll on the beach, eh?" chuckled the first one, clearly intoxicated. "I don't blame yah! Isn't solid ground just wonderful?"

"Er, yes," Emilena agreed. She made to continue said stroll, but Dr. Lee was rooted fearfully to the spot.

"You two interested in joining us for a drink?" offered the second in a slight Scottish accent. "We're only in town this evening, we'd hate to turn down some fairer company."

"No thanks," Emilena said hastily, tugging Dr. Lee's arm, but her companion resisted.

"You're going back out to sea in the morning?" asked Dr. Lee. "Can you take me with you?"

Emilena felt a cold flash and she quickly tugged harder, but the doctor wrenched her arm free and ran to the sailors. The sailor seemed a bit surprised. "I...uh...might have to get that cleared with the cap'n, but..."

"I'll bunk with any one of you!" Dr. Lee pleaded. "Just get me out of the city!" Emilena took two steps forward, and Dr. Lee positioned herself behind the sailors. "And keep her away from me!" she wailed.

Emilena's mind spun as she debated what to do. Others were approaching due to the noise the doctor was making, and she was rapidly running out of options for ending this situation inconspicuously.


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its the size of your rack ' Marie replied.' sorry, we thought you were the female. our mistake." she turned to Flora " so you're DJ huh. Rose has a big poster of you in her room, from the time you dropped your first album. Given the uh, circumstances we won't make too much of a big deal,  because well you're incognito.. we've.. er picked out a cover  name .what is it, Marita?
 its Shirley.' Marita said.' I prefer to think of it as the line from Airplane! but you can say its a nod to Shirley Temple. either way works for me." She turned to Nigel." now from our conversation, I take it you will be paying us a large sum of creds, payable weekly, as long as she remains safe. Given her fame and notoriety, not to mention the Purifiers fanaticism, hiding her will not be easy, although we will of course do our utmost to keep her safe. part of that, of course relies on her, she cant be too conspicuous- so that means.. no parties DJ.. under ANY circumstances. You're too well known, and the whole point of something like this is to try and keep things quiet. Your room will be upstairs, to the left. tell us what sort of stuff you want, as far as clothes- within reason- and music- again within reason, and we'll get it for you. after akl, we are your hosts, and we have to be hospitable..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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(Seryet City)

A wave of relief washed over the Human as he heard Axel. "Yeah, I saw and heard everything. I was just checking to see if you were okay."



Aaron Geasbrecht sat down on an idling drone barge to eat his lunch. The sun shone bright and the air was hot and dry in this desert town. Behind him were the murky green lakes of the algal farms that produced the oil that society depended on.

"So ya saw what happened in Seryet City?" his coworker asked. The lean Scarlet Macaw came bearing a takeout container containing a nut and bean burger with fries. He leaned against one of drums containing raw algal oil and opened his lunch.

Aaron drained his bottle of water and threw it towards the pump shack where it bounced off the wall and landed in the trashcan. "Yeah. And I kind of don't give a shit."

Of course, he cheered on the inside.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I'm fine. Fingers crossed they don't get bored of just one aug company, huh?" His tone was harsher than he'd intended. He sighed. "Thanks, Soren. Really. But I... I can't deal with it right now, I'm... I'm in the middle of something." Axel paused. "I need to go. But... be careful Soren. Where you work isn't exactly one of their favourite places. And if they remember you..." He shuddered. "Just watch yourself."

He hung up, slipped his phone into his pocket then looked around his apartment listlessly. Yeah... in the middle of something. Right. Axel made to turn on the TV, then stopped. He'd been locked up inside for 2 days. Axel could almost feel himself slipping back to how he'd been months ago. A hermit, almost never leaving the apparent safety of his home.

"Can't... not again, not..." he muttered to himself. He needed air, needed to get away from this. Axel could feel that parched feeling returning to his throat, a familiar dryness, and he knew where he'd go. Across town was a dusty, cramped and dark bar where the drinks tasted like crap, but more importantly, were strong and cheap. Not so long ago, Axel had become almost something of a regular at Ned's Bar. It had been an easy and effective solution to the almost constant need to forget, and right now that need was back with a vengeance.

Forcing down the sting of fear, of dread he felt at going out, where anyone could get close to him, Axel pulled on his grease-stained hooded top and left, ignoring his thundering heartbeat.

40 minutes later, Axel stopped in front of a grimy looking establishment, his hood pulled up to keep the cold at bay. Ned's Bar was written on a flimsy looking sign above the scratched wooden door. Ned himself wasn't in charge - at least not anymore. He'd mysteriously vanished a week before the new ownership took over, and hadn't been seen since. The windows were dark, preventing anyone outside from getting a good look inside - although, as Axel took a quick look up and down the practically deserted street, there wasn't much danger of that. The neighbourhood wasn't exactly known for being friendly. The rat still couldn't shake the feeling of being followed though. Nothing... it's nothing...

Bunching his jaw, his left hand compulsively clenching into a fist, Axel took a breath and pushed open the door.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Oh great, they're fans... Flora sighed. "That's great, awesome. An Airplane reference. The height of comedy." She glanced at Bailey. "You sorting out the details and I can go to bed, or are you busy griping over mammalian stereotypes?"

Nigel was still grumbling quietly to himself. "She's got her own clothes, she don't need clothes. Make sure she keeps taking baths with this," he tossed Rose a bottle of black dye. "Best case scenario, she never leaves the house and this all blows over real simple like. Here's half now." He counted out a huge stack of bills.

Flora was already heading to her room. The second she was out of earshot of the others, her phone was out and she was calling Daryl, the closest groupie living in Seryet who was into frot and alcohol.

"Nice try, buttercup," Nigel's dry voice greeted her instead of a dial tone. "I pulled your phone plan. Keep it indoors, airplane mode. Just try not to get the dogs pregnant."

Flora's fur bristled. You son of a bitch. We'll see about that... Flopping on the bed in her new room, she surfed her settings and installed apps with increasing frustration. She didn't even notice the decor.


" 'Ey now, what she talking about?" the polite sailor said in a low voice. The others spread out to form a protective wall between Emilena and Dr. Lee.

Emilena instinctively took a step back. "I don't know. Rachel, the hell are you talking about?"

Dr. Lee grasped the sailor's hand, lip quivering. "She's got a gun and she was forcing me to walk with her. I think she was going to drown me in the ocean. I don't know what she wanted!"

"What?" Emilena noticed the small crowd had reached earshot. "Look, that's all bullshit. But you want her? Fine, take her!"

"You're not going anywhere!" threatened the drunk sailor. "What were you going to do to her?"

"How about you ask her why she wants to get on your goddamn boat?" Emilena threw her hands up in the air. "I'm out. Deal with her yourself."

"Hey!" interrupted someone from the small crowd. "It's that woman from the news!" He whipped out his smartphone and brought up a website. Emilena was already marching down the beach, figuring that Dr. Lee could solve her own problems, when others spread out to cut off her escape.  "Oh my god!" exclaimed another, reading the article from the former's phone. "She helped kill all those Augments?"

"Yeah!" confirmed the first. "And she was part of the same thing in Lanthae too!"

At that moment, Emilena realized they were talking about her. "Wait, what did it say?" She saw the flash of a concealed pistol out of the corner of her eye, but she was quicker on the draw and fired a salvo of warning rounds into the air. Even with the silencer it sent half the crowd dropping to the ground in fright. Something heavy crashed into the side of her head; the drunk sailor had bum-rushed her. Deflecting his swipe with the butt of her SMG, Emilena sliced his stomach open with a fluid backhand draw of her knife.

An unsilenced shot rang out, and with a stagger Emilena realized she'd been shot in the wrist. Her SMG clattered out of her grasp as the muscles in her hand stopped working, and in seconds her mind shifted from fight to flight. Using a retaliatory shove from the sailor for momentum, she went sprinting for the surf and dove face-first into the waves.