The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424718


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we are here, sir, to learn the ways of magic on this world, and to build connections between Pottermore and our homeworlds. Getting involved in war is  not what we are here for. ' Spyro said. ' ' of course, master dragon ' said a witch from the corner' but know that the circumstances are such that that decision will be made for you- ALL of you- sooner than you would like. we simply are offering an alternative. WHY should Muggles not know that wizards and witches exist among them? yes there are certain muggle leaders who know,like the Muggle prime minister, but thats a handful out of millions.;' ' because there would be panic ' Agumina replied ' humans fear that which is different, and that includes magickind. " i have burn ointment on my tail from a witch who thought I  was a monster and she hit me with a fireball. now multiply that by millions and you see the problem.' ' Fudge cannot be reasoned with. " said a wizard with a long flowing  grey beard/ "  he fears greatly those with power, and those without- well, he shows no mercy to those who  ' step out of line'.  Captain carson has had first hand experience,  indeed,  most of you have experiemce , of that. " we are here to capture a dark wizard named Chong.' emanu said ' then we can perhaps help with that. a favor for a favor though, in our circumstances we cant do anything for free. " agumon looked around the room, there was maybe 10-12  of the Anti- Secrecy around them, or slightly more than carson and  her group " what sot of favor would we be doing in exchange?' agumon asked. ' we will let you know in due time.  we will have to consider what task would you  be best suited to perform ? "
 Ratchet and his group reached the surface and landed in a  mucky section of the swamp " Where do we go now>;' angela aked briefly saetting down the chest she had been carrying to catch her breath.
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Captain Carson scowled. She was absolutely not interested in getting her crew involved in an insurgency. "I will need to speak to my superior about this," she said.

The grey bearded wizard nodded. "I see. Do keep what we said in mind earlier. You may no longer have the luxury of ignoring Fudge and the day that comes is getting closer. Already, he's turned Esbenshire into a virtual police state and our sources say that his Aurors are casting Memory Charms on the Muggle residents with wild abandon."

The wizard then nodded. "Now then, I recommend you return to your classes. The message to the next meeting will be delivered by House Elf. Good day."

Captain Carson nodded as she motioned to the rest of the others and she made her way up to the winding staircase. Eventually, the billywig statute moved aside and she exited with her group.



"We need to go back to the town and alert the rest of your group," Kire said. "There should be a pylon somewhere that links to a teleportation system that lets me travel to all the various biomes." He looked around. All he could see were swampy environs of the jungle long with the towering trees and vines. He the narrowed his eyes as he saw a mahogany tree off in the distance that towered above the others. "There!" he said. "That's where the pylon's located."

He then heard an odd mix of a chirp and buzz and saw what looked to be enormous, two-legged blue beetles approaching. "Derplings! Go! Go! Go!" The wings emerged from his armor as he rocketed into the sky at speeds that seemed only attainable by aircraft.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank looked over the menu "I'll have a double hamburger with cheese and a basket of fries." Frank said after a while.

"I think I'll try the schnitzel and a bowl of soup." Freidrich said after looking at the menu. "It's been too long since I had a hot meal."


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stripetail heard his walkie talkie crackle to life ' deimos! What have you found?' he asked as tiger vanished from view after finishing their meeting.'Let me know if I need to pull you out." he  said into the walkie talkie as he walked around the room
 ratchet activated his hoverboots and shot off after Kire, while Angela Sasha and Rivet tried to keep up ' Those things are huge ' Rattchet swore ' glancing over his shoulder at the giant beetle-like things that were now chasing them- they were faster than they looked. " We cant lose Kire, hurry up!' Angela panted.
 Kiara was checking her fan mail with Sima, both lionesses giggling at some of the funny pictures and comments ' you have 760 new messages?' Sima giggled ' Thats a slow day ' Kiara said with a grin ' Got a invite here from a Jabba, says hes an admirer of mine. Get a lot of those notes though, so I dont answer all of them. Not enough time,"
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 09:41:52 PM by Nick22 »
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"You said you have a show planned for your boyfriends," Sima told Kiara as the two of them and Abu made their way back to Kovu's hotel room/temporary kingdom, "What will that entail?"

Abu already had an idea as Kiara pinged 3 particular numbers on her phone.  "She'll tell you," the pachyderm grinned.


Oliver wrote down a list. "Let's go eat at all of these places, mom, I'm REALLY hungry," the young demi-god cat grinned, licking his lips. Truth be told, since she was surronded by so many friends who ate lots of food, Arlene was feeling more and more like the odd one out.

"What do you say? As a god, I'll get food for free," Oliver offered Arlene.


Tiger had brought Kitty to a burger joint. "First thing's first, I want you to rub my belly and feed my burgers at the same time, you'll like snuggling against me."


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Junior wagged his tail at Wendy’s command to sit down and threw a bob-omb at a bunch of cop cars that had clustered off to the right of the road to avoid hitting a pedestrian.
“Hey, someone’s gotta keep the cops off our backs!” he said with the same kind of cheeky intractable grin that had won him his first date with Diddy.
Even in the midst of their chase, and him rapidly regretting ever letting Junior talk him into this, Diddy couldn't help but feel a small flutter at seeing it. Just a small one, though: the greater part of him was too busy worrying about what would happen if the car suddenly crashed. The kong looked over his shoulder and received a very stern ‘I’m disappointed in you’ look from the bound and gagged princess that made him wince.
Junior caught the look and laughed.
“Don’t sweat it, Dids, you get used to that look after awhile.” He sat down, buckling up tight once he saw that Wendy was hovering her finger over ‘The Button.’
“The Button, the Button, the Button, the Button!!” Junior cheered.


Far from the commotion elsewhere in the city, Usso Evin carefully leafed through the stationary in the little store on Yoshi avenue. Everything there was significantly more expensive than the normal bulk white and brown stationary he’d used at home and in the military, and for that reason he found the task quite relaxing. This city was a place where conflict was far enough away that they didn’t have to worry about food shortages, air raids, town squares being gunned down by mobile suits, mass executions, orbital bombardment, or the long privations of a costly peace. They had time here for such frivolous things as envelopes with cats or bunny rabbits on it. They had the money here to spend on such niceties instead of squirreling every bit away that they could for food.

His newtype senses told him something was off in the store. He had his old emergency service pistol at  his hip, but he was frankly a lousy shot outside of his Gundam and knew that if the person he now sensed was watching him from the corner of the store wanted to attack him, he would be better off running.

He waited, tense, sweat on his brow as he hurriedly took the stationary he’d selected over to the counter to pay. He tried very hard not to look behind him, his hands fumbling as they brought out the money. He just needed to pay and get out.

The man behind him put a hand on his shoulder.


As the man in the corner kept crying, Defago carefully used one of his long claws to wipe away a trickle of blood hanging on his polar coat. It immediately froze solid, and he tapped it against his metal mask where it flaked away to the ground.

“I don’t know why Chong hasn’t taken an interest in us before, but he certainly has now. This is a list of names,” Joshua said, his eyes world-weary now that there was no longer a prey item before them. He and Defago continued to ignore the man crying on the ground.
“Targets. You and I are both on here.”
“Targets to what?” Defago asked. “Assassination? Spying? Recruitment? Kidnapping?”
“For us, it says ‘monitor’. That makes sense. If they had wanted to capture, kill, or sway people of our capability away from the cause, they would have sent someone less disposable than this poor soul.” Joshua tapped his boot gently against the crumpled up trailer, who cringed and wept harder.
“It has other orders on here for other people as well, ten names in total,” Joshua said, carefully folding the orders and putting them in a pouch on his SLCPD flak jacket. He turned his blue eyes to meet the yellow light emanating from the eye sockets Defago’s mask. “Stripetail needs to be alerted to this.”
“Oh, for sure, for sure,” Defago agreed, nodding. “Boss Stripetail’d definitely want to know about targets ‘n such. But how do we find ‘im? You and me have been out of contact range for awhile now pour être honnête.”

“We can get you in contact, si tu veux,” came a voice from down the alley, as a pair of footsteps approached. From out of the glare of the night lit lamps, the figures of two special agents came into view. “Nous avons un moyen d’entrer en contact avec lui.”
“Boss G!” Defago crowed in greeting as he and Thomas Rogan came into the alleyway. “I keep forgetting yer a New Orleans man, showin’ off some ‘o that Cajun French.”
The man on the ground looked up, eyes red and streaked with panicked tears. The agents, like the Wendigo and the burned man, paid him no mind.
Joshua’s blue eyes flickered plaintively between the two agents.
“You gentlemen were rather timely in finding us,” Joshua said with calm accusation. “I hope you haven’t been tracking us without our knowledge.”
Rogan stuck his hands into the pockets of his long brown coat.
“Not you, but Defago here, yes,” Rogan said. Defago frowned.
“Really? When did you boys manage to do that? I caught the tracker in that ice cube.” He didn’t ask why the agents bugged him, since it was his fault their super secret serum fell into Chong’s hands in the first place.
“Trade secret,” Rogan said with an insincere smile.
The man on the ground coughed. “Y… your too… late…”
The eyes of four men who could have killed him in an instant suddenly regarded the weeping spy on the ground. “Too late for me, too…”
“If there’s more you can tell us, you should do so,” Joshua said, his combat boots crunching glass on the street as he walked forward. “It’s never too late to start to atone for the things you’ve done. Believe me.”
The broken spy hacked out a disbelieving laugh.
“We can keep you safe,” Joshua said as he produced his pistol. “The four of us have survived worse than what Chong could send after you.”
“You don’t know anything if you believe that,” the man gasped through his injured throat. “You don’t know what he’s like. He won’t just kill me if he finds out I failed…” He suddenly reached for something in his clothes and brought it to his mouth.
“Wait, don’t!” G cried, but it was too late. The man swallowed the object he had pulled out of his pocket, shuddered briefly, then lay completely still.
Rogan swore, while Joshua muttered something that sounded like a prayer. The man in the iron mask sighed.
“Looks like we need to get in contact with the boss sooner rather’n later,” Defago said.
“Right,” Rogan sighed, pulling out an AMS PDA device. “He’s a busy man… uh, squirrel. I’ll send him a request for a meeting, and he should be able to get back to us once he’s available.”
G looked over to the body of the dead spy. “What are we going to do about him? We should check him for any other materials he might have on Chong.”
“I’ll check him,” Joshua said. His voice sounded regretful. “After that, I’ll see that his remains are put to rest. Everyone deserves a proper burial.”
« Last Edit: February 07, 2024, 02:27:35 AM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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pauline Peach and Tiara struggled againmst theor gags, and on the cause of Peachh and Pauline their bonds. ' wendy hit the button and the car shot forward , swiftly reaching hundreds of miles an hourm leaving burning car marks in theor wake 'wendy spoke into a comunicator " flurrie ; get a portal open in Birdo Avenue . we'll be thee in 10 seconds. ' have the reception bvehicle ready. oh and be sure to have the Delfino spiced tea be piping hot . the princess likes her tea fresh and hot. ' Wendy said. ' Already  prepared. ' Paulines eyes widening as wendy steered the car towards a brick wall on birdo avenue, as they  rapidly approached what seemed like a solid wall- and which would have killed all of them on impact- seatbelts or not- a blue portal appeard and pulled the car into it before vanishing ' stars flashed in the transitory poetal before anpother portak popped up and  wendy sped through it ending up in a large garage .  wendy pulled the car to a stop, white hot smoke poured out of the rocket boosters as  Wendy  unbeckled and gpot out of tyhe car.  she grabbed Peach,  and pauline and threw both of them over her should ' welcome to the temporary casa de bowser ' Wendy smirked cheerfully as a door opened and Dixie kiong appeard holding a tray full of snacks .' welcome. hope you lot are hungry '  she began and as Wendy sat down the three prisoners in chairs and ungagged them; "how dare you kindnap me ! i'm the mayor!' pauline proteted. ' this is the 7th kidnapping in the last 3 weeks ' Peach said,  put out. ' ' only 7?  Junior, you're slacking' Wendu shot Junior a smirk ' Wait until my brothe hears abut this ' Tiara p said ' last I checkjed Tiara, your big brioter is working with the mustache man, in Glitzville.  fighting rawk Hawk.. again. the bird has a big mouth ' wendy said. ' I expected behavior like this  from the koopalings but why are you helping them Diddy and Dixie?' Peach asked ' You know donkey Kong will not be pleased AT ALL when i inform him about this."
 Agumina Gabuna Emanu and the others returned to their studies, listening to Hsgrid talk about the various beats and monsters on Pottermore. The Half giant was particularly fond of enormous spiders. which creeped out pretty much everyone.. except harry Ron and Hermoine.
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(RIMCS Spire of Winter - Winterville)

"Excellent! I recommend our catfish schnitzel!" the waiter said, taking down the orders. "It's similar to the classic schnitzel but we use catfish and Mawashiian panko."

Another waiter refilled their glasses of water.



"We've stumbled upon Chong's mining operation on this planet," Deimos replied. "We got chased by the guards, but we escaped."

Mr. Bigmouth then pulled the repulsorsled onto a very worn dirt road and followed it.


As Kire was flying, he held out a tome in his hand and soon, several shimmering discs of water flew out of them and made a beeline towards the derplings. The discs ripped into the derplings and quickly reduced them to bits of meat. Had Ratchet, Angela, Sasha and Rivet seen Amaria in action at the Dreadzone, they would have recognized the spell as razorblade typhoon.

Thankfully, once they had gained altitude, the derplings could no longer reach them.



Captain Carson was back inside the Ravenclaw commons room. She was using a self-writing quill to write a letter to Stripetail regarding her encounter with the anti-Pinkstone cell she had encountered. As the information was sensitive, she had hung up some curtains around the desk set in a corner of the room to prevent eavesdroppers.

Once that was done, she sealed it with a drop of hot wax and moved aside the curtains. She then headed out of the common room and up to the owlery to have the message delivered to Stripetail.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"The catfish schnitzel sounds interesting. I'll give it a try." Friedrich said taking a sip from his water.

Frank also took a drink from his water.  "Certainly has been an interesting day hasn't it?"

 "Tell me about it. we've been taken from our respective worlds to some kind of sci fi world. Even stranger for you eh?"

Frank nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah not only do i discover animal/human hybrids exist in some universes. But there are ways to travel between worlds as well. Might make for a good book if I ever get back to my world."


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find out all you can about it and disrupt it. Chongs not mining for diamonds or gold, thats for sure. Knowing him. its likely some material that either goes into weapons or has magical enhancing pproperties, or possibly both. thanks to Dreadzone Chong has bolts to burn, and the cosmos is full of those who will  do anything for a large payday.' Stripetail said into the communicator ' try and get  recon frm the air if possible."
  rivet whooped as kire made shprt work of their pursuers. ' Thanks Kire! Lunch is on me, when we stop for lunch next,' ' we should head back to the Spire and inform the rest of the team what we found. we should also analyse the weapons  we found. couldnt hurt to add to my collection of  weapons that wreck havoc." Ratchet said " and  also cause untold billions of bolts in damage ' Sasha said. You're lucky on two fronts ratchet. One that you are a famous hero. and 2 that we dont bill you for damages. " Ratchet made a face.
 the four dragonesses finished their limbo game. and cynder and Du;cy had beaten Dixie and luca soundly. to be more accurate, Cynder had carried her team to victory. ' Lunch ison you and Luca next time ' Cynder laughed as  they headed downstairs towards the chaparone room was '  Spyro and the others were checking out that Pinkstone lead ' Warfang said. ' See if they found anythong.
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Captain Carson made her way to the owlery and tied the letter to one of the school owls. She told the owl to give it to Stripetail and to not let anyone else take it. She sighed; this was a very insecure manner to send a letter but her usual encrypted messaging systems were not available. Hopefully, the owls could avoid anyone trying to intercept the letters.

The message delivered, she exited the owlery and returned to the Ravenclaw common area to determine the next lesson plan. She had already covered history of Muggle wandmaking and wand materials.



Kire landed in front of the enormous tree. Aside from its sheer size, there was nothing odd about the tree, save for a door at the base of the tree. The solar knight opened the door. "After you," he said, allowing his traveling companions to enter first.


Mr. Bigmouth pulled the sled into town and parked it near the Daybloom Inn.

Deimos then spoke up. "Looks like we got a new mission from The Seer himself," he said, putting his radio away.

"What is it?"

Deimos pointed a clawed finger to the inn. "Well discuss it in the banquet hall." He the entered the inn.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Ratchet sasha and the others entered the tee and started walking up the steps heading up. ' glad to be out of there' Ange;a said,
 stripetail was writing at his desk  ewhen there was a lous  hoot at the window. a large owl carried a note in its claws and was tapping at the window with its beak to be let in. stripetail went over and un;atched the window to let the bird inside ' the large  owl lande on the desk and set dow n a letter stripetail festured and created a large cake of the owl feed the castle staff fed the delivery owls. the owl hooted happily and took the cake in its beak and flew with it out the window , headinh back to its perch.
 stripetail opened the letter and immediately saw it was from Captain Carson.
 sky;ands and Cinder finished their dance and returned to their studies with Ruskin Groith and Roke, who was grumbling about the Eye Regrow someone had given him ' Wjy wouuld i take stuff that i dobnt know what it does ' the  one eyed dragon complained, ';' because its supposed to replace lost eyes,' Ruskin said. " the instriuctions say to pit it in the eyeesockets and put i n 3 drops evey 4 hours  the eye should regrow within 2 to 3 days.'
  Kovu stood up as Bentley finished the meeting,' Remember Kovu, your job is to fet us inside and then give us tome to research'  Sly said.  '  we will spread out and cover all 4 wings you will take the wEst Wing. I will cover the North, Bentley the East and Carmelita the South. "
 Vitani and Eris started patrolling their section of the castle- which was the western side of the gryfinndor wing ' paintings of fornmer headmasters and headmistresses filled the walls and the portraits talkeed to Eris as she passed, complimenting her on the armor she wore.
 sima  helped kiara decide what outfit she was going to wearing for her ; audience of 3' show that night. ' something seducxtoive, but not revealing, exciting, but not bare all. and of course, something that highlights your ahem. best feature ' Sima said.

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Kiara continued. Checking her phone, tweaking her profile and putting a cap on those classed as’ boyfriends “  Trying to limit it to 25” the Pridelands princess said as she looked at some old photos of her in a Scarred One outfit.
Zoai went over to the “ new devotee” section and began picking out things for Flash.” You need to wear these blue robes until you are officially admitted.” Zoai said.” So I have to describe Paradise, right?” Well the location is just an aspect of Ozai, it’s more than just a location or feeling. The boook goes into a bit more detail, but describing Ozai is.. complex. “ Zoai said.” Why don’t we just ask the seer? He knows Ozai better than anyone, right?” Yes, but the Seer is hard to get ahold of at the best of times.  So short of getting his perspective on the Great Ozai, we have to approximate things.”
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The 3 lionesses who had agreed to be part of Kovu's throne were off to the side of the room. "We're just waiting for his return," they explained, eager to assist him in anyway Kovu wanted from them.

"That's the spirit," Sima smiled, encouragingly. "I'm sure Xiro, John, and Bagheera must be excited for tonight."


"As members of the Paradise sect, we believe Ozai is an angel from the heavens who blessed all of Mawashi," Mawa explained. "We're kind of the inverse of Underking, in that regard. We're about to celebrate a holiday at our shrine, you and your friends could attend."

"There's room for all," Zoai nodded to Flash.


"Say, Panty told me I have a demi-god discount, why don't we make use of that?" Oliver suggested to Arlene. "I'm really hungry. Like, REALLY."


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The interior of the giant mahagony tree was hollow and ringed with stairs that looked like they were part of the tree itself. Hanging lights that looked like fruits dangled from the stairs.

Of course since the tree was pretty much vertical and there was a hollow shaft in the middle, Kire simply chose to fly up to the top of tree instead of taking the stairs. Thanks to his high flight speed, he reached the top landing in only a few seconds. He then walked up the last staircase and found himself inside a sizable room. The floor of the room was grass and lighting was provided by several of the same wooden lights that lit up the stairwell. Flowers and shrubs grew out of the grass. A shimmer dark green crystal floating above a plinth made of  a variety of lush plants was the centerpiece of the room.

"Ah, Kire, what brings you here?"

Kire turned to see the speaker, a young woman dressed in nothing but some leaves and vines. "We just arrived in the jungle after an underground expedition, Chryseis," he replied.



The letter that Stripetail had received had its wax seal still intact by the time Stripetail opened and read it.

I had received a note from what appears to be a Pinkstone aligned operative at around lunchtime. As my lessons were done for the day, I took a group of volunteers to the location mentioned in the note. Upon entering the location, I encountered what seems to be a cell of anti-Ministry insurgents calling themselves the "Society for the Abolishment of the Statute of Secrecy". They offered to assist us in capturing Chong but they also stated that we would need to reciprocate. I would like to discuss this turn of events with our group further. However, due to the sensitive nature of this discussion, this must occur in person."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail finished reading the letter., then contacted Tarrax” Tarrax, find Captain Carson and bring her to my classroom. We have some important issues to discuss.” The insurgents, Master?” Tarrax replied.” Yes, they made some of our group an offer. We are in a bind old friend. Chong is out there planning havoc- or worse- and Fudge is more interested in suppressing magicfolk who want to be open about their abilities with nonmagics. And he would not hesitate to go after us if we openly side against him.” I will fetch the captain.  She should  be up there in around 20 minutes or so.” Thank you Tarrax. “ stripetail said and the communicator went dark. It was encrypted so that their conversations couldn’t be snopped on, and the castle was enchanted to prevent outside monitoring
Kovu buckled himself in as Bentley began operating the plane that the 4 of them weee in.” Hold on to your stomachs “ Sly said as he looked at a readout of Clockwerks place.”
« Last Edit: March 06, 2024, 02:18:28 AM by Nick22 »
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Captain Carson had been informed of the meeting by Tarrax. As it was, she was in the middle of putting the finishing touches on tomorrow's lesson plan. It was nothing major, just a simple ambient magic converter. While large ones could provide as much power as trailer-towed generator unit, the small one that the students were making had roughly the same output as a battery, being enough to power a small light bulb.

Putting the materials aside, she followed Tarrax to Stripetail's classroom and knocked on the door.

"Lord Stripetail," she said. "It is Captain Carson. I have for the meeting."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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come in captain ' Stripetail said  opening the door with a gesture,"we have a lot to discuss and not much time,' he frowned as he glanced at the note she had sent.' Your opinion on this situation, Captain?" he said as he enlarged the fire in the fireplace .'
 Gabuna was waiting for Dixie as she reached the chaperones room ' they are out of coffee.' she jerked her thumbclaw at the door/' ' they have stuff called butterbeer, which sounds nasty. and Agumina is trying to make  soda. or  at the very least juice. its well its not going well. it tastes well, like soda that has no taste ..' like when the dispenser runs out of syrup?' yeah exactly .' just use our rings ' Dixie said' observe ' she pointed her ring at a bottle of butterbeer ' diet coke ' she intone and the the butterbeer changed in a instant to the det soda. dixie poured some into a cup and took a sip.'  fresh and cold ' she breathed . both Gabuna and agumina quickly poured themselved some of the soda.' classes going well, girls? Dixie asked both ' its kinda like Digimon Academy ' Agumina said.' the charms teacher is nice. actually just about all of them are.' Save for Professor Snape, he docked Roke Riskin and Cinder points for being 2 minutes late to class>'  Gabuna said
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 11:14:54 AM by Nick22 »
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Captain Carson closed the door and took a seat. "I admit that this places us in a very precarious situation," she said. "While any help against Chong is appreciated, I have grave concerns about what they will ask in turn. As the Pinkstone groups are known to be violent, there is a high likelihood that they will ask that we attack a Ministry of Magic held asset or at the very least, provide them with materiel. For obvious reasons, I do not wish to get myself or my crew involved in an insurgency.

"However, if we decline their help, it's extremely unlikely they will target us. But then that leaves us with the problem of the Ministry of Magic and Prime Minister Fudge. We already know that they are extremely hostile to Muggles who witness magic and Magicfolk who perform magic in front of Muggles.

"As we all know, Chong is best countered with a combination of magic and technology, which is anathema to the current Pottermore government. If we continue on our current methods of pursuing Chong, it is almost certain that we will likely be spending the majority of the time reversing Memory Charms and otherwise cleaning up after government meddling with our efforts; obviously, this will help Chong." Captain Carson then sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Thankfully, it's very unlikely for Chong to get support from the Pottermore government; indeed, he may already have run afoul of them. But the third option is that we restrict the pursuit of Chong to using magical methods. While this avoids issues with the Pottermore government, we would be greatly handicapping ourselves. Which is something we can ill-afford due to his massive head start."

Captain Carson then held a hand to her forehead and sighed. "And unfortunately, as unpleasant as it sounds, we're going to have to ally with the Pinkstone insurgents. We need all the help we can get to stop Chong and we can't spend our time cleaning up after government meddling. That and if we do 'clean up' after them, they'll likely see us as enemies anyways. That said, I'd prefer that we restrict the aid to them in the form of valuables and gems that can be traded for money or materiel and not be linked to us. That way, we can get the support of the Pinkstone insurgents and not have the Pottermore government after us. At least for a bit. We'll probably have to 'clean up' after their meddling and once word of that gets out, they'll be against us."

"Furthermore, there is this." She then took a copy of The Daily Prophet out of a pocket of her robe and placed it on the table. The headline blared from the front page: "Obliviations Up. Visiting Wizards To Blame?" The picture underneath the headline was a grainy moving image of Chong.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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stripetail stared at the image on the paper ' the article was written by Rita Sketter. Gossip monger, whose relationship with the truth and fact is. to put it delicately, tenuous.  don't expect good press from  her.  shes not as bad as the Dreadzone announcers but thats not saying much>
 Stripetail sighed. ' we will have to do a very delicate balancing act. if Fudge suspects we are helping the pinkstone faction, he will go after us, and hard. so nothing that can be traced to us. we will have to see what , if anything Dumbledore can do to help us. Fudge will leave us be as long as we stay at hogwarts and behave as visiting schools. but that makes hogwarts , for all intents, a prison. A magnificent. scenic prison. but a prison nonetheless. we need to be able to move around."
flash and mona were trying on mawashiis for theor sumo match with ozai. ' i need one that fits ' Mona said as she looked at herself in the mirrior. ' i'll go get you some hat are a bit bigger " Mawa said as he went into the c;lothing section.
 arlene and Oliver wre having lunch in Winterville. Oliver had a bottomless basket of fries and Arlene had some chicken strips, ' good thing you have a demi- god card; arlene chuckled' and you have credit, i need to ask Dixie for a bump in my allowance she gives me., You are outgrowing your clothes. that hunger of yours has already eaten 5 baskets of fries." Arlene chuckled as she watched him wolf down more fries.
  Kiaea contacted her brother ' brother i'll need the double secure security setting for my video chat with Xiro and the boys.' She called her big brother. " i'm thinking 45 minutes to a hour.'  one on one call sis, or akl 3 at once?' Kopa asked ' All 3. also did you get the Cub agreement proposals from John and Xiro?'' I'm reviewing them right now. Theres 45 pages of potential names.' Kopa said' Yeah I'm going to narrow that down further. like to 25 or so." Kiara said. as she turned on the securely encrypted videao. three images , of Bagheera, Xiro and John soon filld with the three males. " Just a few more minutes boys ; Kiara grinned . I have to get on something .. more appropriate."
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