The Gang of Five
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Spirited Away

Nick22 · 410 · 66184


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Kovu and Nuka nodded and raced o the front doors.

"Welcome to the Grand Bathhouse," Kovu said politely to the various spirits and demons of all sizes and kinds who were beginning to pour in.


"May I eat these mortals if they slack off?" Baloo asked Vitani.


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well i suppose' vitani shrugged. ' they get one warning, after that well you're always hungry..' Kopa turned pale ' er how long are we supposed to work ' i told you, until the coal dust gets its senses back.." vitani said " now get to work!" she said turning and heading out...
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Kiara still couldn't grasp how dust would have a personality. But nevertheless, she began pouring the coal in.

"That's a good listener," Baloo chuckled.


Kovu was still at the door, greeting guests. "What was all that commotion?" he asked his sister, seeing her come by.


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"Hey, great looking place you have here." Jake said.

"the same as I remember." Jason said.

"and good food." Guilmon said.


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As Vitani walked out, Mitsuhide seemed to appear from the rafters, dropping to the floor in a small puff of coal dust.
"Well, well.  So you're the ones who caused all the ruckus, mmm?  Interesting..."
He said, looking over Kopa and Kiara...


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Alan ran back the way he came, however, as he was about to descend the stone eteps, he found himself tumbling into a deep pool of water where the small stream
 once was.

 Alan quickly went back up the stairs and looked across what had now become a massive sea. "How did this happen?! I could have sworn there was a stream flowing through here" he said aloud before feeling that sinking feeling, he looked down at his body only to find that it was, slowly but surely, fading away.

"You're not supposed to be here" said a feminine voice, Alan stood up to find himself face to face with an anthropomorphic vixen weaing a long, flowing dress and a pink shawl on her head, she looked as if she was in her late 20's.

Alan was on the verge of fleeing from her.

"Don't worry, little one. I'm here to help" the vixen said in that soothing voice of her's.

She plucked what looked like a berry from a pouch on her dress.

"Eat this, you have to eat our food or you'll disappear" she explained

Alan took the berry and ate it, he was soon back to normal.



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What do you want? Kopa demanded as he shoveled coal into the furnace "we're just trying to find a job..
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"Let's go and have a snack first." Jason said.

"mmmm, yea." Guilmon said, using his nose to where the food smell was coming from.  

"I am a bit hungry so why not." Jake said, deciding to go along with the other 2.  He did not know then but they did seem nice and 1 of them was a fellow dragon.


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"Who are you?" Kiara asked Mitsuhide, being sure not to slow her pace however.


"So what was all that ruckus Vitani?" Kovu asked.


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Some mortals snuck into the bathhouise i'm having them help baloo with the coal since the coal dust has been on strike for a few days. if Baloo thinks they're worth anything he'll send them up to mother. if not, Sneed gets a couple of snacks..' Vitani said..  "What did they look like " Nuka asked " they looked like Lion Cubs, a boy and a girl. The Boy calls himself Kopa, and the other is kiara.. of course, IF they see mother, those won't be thier names know how mother renames everyone' vitani shrugged. "We haven't seen other lion cubs in centuries Vitani! and you make it like its no big deal? Whats wrong with you" Nuka said. " Dont you want friends? " Nuka this is why you will never run the bathhouse, and why I will. Friendship is not something we can afford. we have jobs to do' vitani said.
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"So, who thinks they'll end up workers, who thinks they'll be bear chow?" Kovu asked his siblings between greeting spirits and demons.


"Pick up the pace, mortals......" Baloo ordered.


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Kopa hurried along shoving in cool as fast as he could. sweat dropped down his forehead and face from the heat.. this was hard work..
_ wildcat was setting up a tray of food for the spirits to munch on..
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In the bathhouse's cafe, a big owl, more specifically a consumption spirit appeared. His name was the Duke of Owls, and he was one of the biggest devourers of mortals and humans in the realm.

"Greetings Wildcat," the Duke waved his wing, "Got any captured prey for me?"


"Thank goodness I don't have a mane," Kiara told herself, which meant less heat was causing her to sweat.


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Right here in this basket actually " Wildcat replied bringing forth a basket filled with small creatures wildcat had grabbed..
- Frankly bro, i really don;t care much at all about them..Vitani said.. " i'm going up to the 6th floor.. check on the elevator, one of thems not working..
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"Delicious," the Duke smiled, "After all, this fits right into my diet..." he chuckled heartily.

The Duke wasn't just a carnivore, he preferred to eat his prey while it was still alive and terrified.


"Gotcha sis," Kovu nodded, "Later I'm going to check the bamboo to see if all the water is being properly directed to the baths."


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Jason and the others arrived where the food was.  "Nice looking." Jason said.

"mmm, and smelling too." Guilmon said looking at and sniffing the food.

"Wow." Jake said, not having seen that much or variety of food before in one place.


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"Do you have a name, little one?" The vixen asked.

"A-Alan Amistad" Alan responded before asking the vixen her name.

"My name is Marian" she replied.

"Is there a way back,Marian?"

Marian pulled Alan close and whispered these words into his ear:

"There is a way but it is no simple task. Go into the back gate in the garden, then down the stairs and into the boiler room, there you'll find Baloo, the boiler man. Tell him you want a job, even if he refuses keep asking, be careful though, he may trick you into leaving."

Alan then caught sight of another anthropomorphic fox, this one wearing mostly green clothing.

"Mari, are you out there" He spoke in a british accent.

Marian stood up and bowed

"I must go" she told Alan before walking towards the other fox.

Alan waited until both foxes left before standing.

"Simple or not, I don't think I have a choice" he muttered.



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Kovu was not aware of the presence of the other mortal besides the lion cubs in the bathhouse.

"Better see how Mr. Wildcat's doing..." he smiled.


"You....burp.....outdid yourself Wildcat," the Duke smiled, devouring the trapped prey.


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Alan snuck into the garden and searched for the back gate. When he found it he entered and it seemed that his heart skipped a beat when he saw the large staircase that supposedly led to the boiler room.

Alan gulped as he approached the chasm of stairs.

"Well, here goes nothing" he muttered as he slowly stepped on to the first stair, then the second then the third and on, nothing happened. Alan stepped onto the seventh stair, suddenly...


It crumbled beneath his feet and Alan quickly ran down the stairs screaming and lost his balance which resulted in him smacking into the balcony wall. Alan quickly got up and left as a window above him opened.

Alan soon found the door to the boiler room, he thought about what he was going to say and slowly entered.



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Jake went over and got started on picking out some food for himself and got started on eating the food.  

"It's a good as it smells and looks." He said to the others present.