The Gang of Five
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The Corrupt a Wish Game.

WeirdRaptor · 1781 · 180302


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Granted. Unfortunately, your new Wario Land game turned out to be a scam, and you end up with a game where you traverse the grades of Wumbo school, studying 12 years of Wumbology. Plus, you get to play an after game where you get your master's degree at the University of Wumbo. This is what happens when you try to get games that start with a W. All of them will turn out to be a game about Wumbo. You may be thinking that it's not so bad and it could be fun, right? Well, unless you find a lecture about Wumbology fun, you will find it to be very boring, repetitive, and annoying pretty quickly. By the way, turning off the TV/Console and/or unplugging them will result in the frying of your devices. The only way to escape is to get your Master's degree. So, good luck! No, you can't AFK or Idle. :p

I wish that water tasted and felt like Coca Cola. That way, I can get the satisfying effects without the added caffeine and sugar!

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Granted!  However, as a result, all life in the water dies.  On top of that, water doesn't re-hydrate anyone so everyone dies of thirst.

I wish Ruby got MUCH better representation in the TV Series.


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Unfortunately, Ruby Before Time isn't as popular and gets cancelled AGAIN...

I wish summers were cooler around here.


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Granted. From here on out, summers cool down to a much more pleasant temperature. In the process, however, the other seasons become colder as well, winter in particular.

I wish that Ali and Shorty had appeared in more than one film.


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Granted. But because Ali and Shorty appeared in more than one film, it gave them the chance to be together with the gang, and therefore bond with each other in a blossoming relationship. Littlefoot gets jealous and tries to push a huge boulder on Shorty to kill him, but Ali saves him by pushing Littlefoot off the cliff he was gonna push the boulder off of. Basically, Littlefoot went falling towards the ground and pieces of tissue, blood, and bones splattered everywhere. While Ali may had a tiny bit of guilt in her, she knew that it was for a noble cause. And besides, why marry a Longneck that would thirst for blood anyway?

I wish that the song If We Hold On Together by Diana Ross plays on the radio stations.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Granted, but no one paid for a license for it.  As a result, they all go off the air due to expensive lawsuits.

I wish I was making more money at work. (No really, I wish I was.)


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Granted. You are making more money at work, but only because you found a way to avoid paying taxes. Don't worry though, the government has caught on to your dirty deed and you are sentenced to a year in prison and a fine of $50,000.

I wish that Jirachi was an actual real life partner with pokeplayer984! :DD

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Granted. The two of them go on many wonderful adventures together. Too bad their spirits are crushed when they end up losing the Pokemon League. :cry Although their tragic tale does inspire the plot of the Pokemon Detective Pikachu sequel. :DD

I wish the entire LBT soundtrack had been officially released. As you can see from this analysis, there's some musical cues in the film that don't appear on the album. Ditto for an official release of the sequel soundtracks as well.


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Granted. But, there is a slight catch to this. You see, somehow they knew what you hated the most and inserted the Hello Kitty song into many of the songs in the LBT soundtrack. Sweatshirt and I Play Pokémon Go Everyday are also inserted in the soundtrack. How are they inserted, you ask? Well, all of those songs will play at the same time as the original intended LBT song, but at 200% volume, while the LBT one is played at 50% volume. Good luck hearing the songs like that. :p

I wish that Mo was a Mosasaurus. :Mo

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Granted. Mo is now a Mosasaurus. Remember how the Mosasaurus encounter turned out last time?

I wish for a free Nintendo Switch.


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Granted!  Here's a box of the Nintendo Switch.  Just the box.  You wanted that, right?

I wish there was more entertaining things on YouTube these days.


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Granted. Mo is now a Mosasaurus. Remember how the Mosasaurus encounter turned out last time?

You haven’t seen the aftermath then, didn’t you?

Granted. There are more entertaining things on YouTube. Prank in the hood gone wrong (almost died), 24 hour challenges, don’t try this at 3 AM, all capital letters in the titles and red arrows in the thumbnails, all those types of videos are the things produced after making that wish. Wait a minute...what is your definition of entertaining?

I wish that the Animals of Farthingwood had a more popular following.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Granted, it had one more fan.  It didn't change anything about how it was distributed later on.

I wish being an idiot was against the law.


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Granted. People who are genuine idiots get arrested for their stupidity and locked up so the rest of us don't have to put up with them any more. Unfortunately, there's so many idiots out there that jails all around the world soon suffer from overcrowding and simply can't contain everyone. More jails are built to accomodate this, but it proves to be a significant drain on society's resources, and society itself starts to collapse because too much of the population was arrested. :smile

I wish for a free Nintendo Switch. Not just the box this time, but an actual, functional Switch.


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Granted, but it was found to actually be stolen, and the real person who is the culprit, whom gave you the Switch, has done a great job at framing you for his crime.  You now get to spend time in jail for a crime you did not commit.  All because you wanted free stuff.

I wish to be THE most popular person in the world.


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Granted, but all that popularity means that you can't do anything with being judged until you almost want to lob said popularity away.

I wish for more free time.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Granted. Prisoners around the world get more free time, and therefore more time to devise and plan a prison escape. Good job, you just caused a mass hysteria in towns and cities because of your foolish wish, as many prisoners are now roaming the streets and robbing/killing anyone within their vicinity. Because of this, military intervention is involved, which ironically threatens the safety of normal citizens even further.

(If you’re wondering, he didn’t specify who got more free time, he just asked for more free time)

I wish that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ruled America.

(Jeez, this was so random) :slap

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Granted. However, because they come from the Pony kingdoms, it's what they're accustomed to and they don't adjust well to our world at all. They make such terrible rulers for America that they end up getting impeached.

I wish that Cera could come back to living in my apartment. It's been a long time now and I miss having her with me.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2019, 11:52:40 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Granted, but with her suddenly appearing there she gets frightened and starts running around, destroying stuff.  She eventually rams through your door and runs away.  When you try to explain what happened, you are seen as crazy.  As such, you are not just forced to pay for the damage, but also are sent to a mental hospital.

I wish to be immortal.


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Granted, but you’re teleported to the surface of the sun to suffer for all of eternity. It’s like living in Hell, but you’re still technically alive.

I wish that I never procrastinate.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...