The Gang of Five
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The Lone Dragon

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About time The Swimmer Trials RP got off the ground.

Character List.

Taken Characters

Ducky: Ducky123
Sura: The Lone Dragon
Littlefoot: The Lone Dragon
Cera: Cancerian Tiger
Sculra: Rhombus
Ali: Ducky123
Trough: Cancerian Tiger
Echo: The Lone Dragon
Swayer: The Lone Dragon
Ruby: Rhombus
Grandma Longneck: bestariana1girl
Petrie: bestariana1girl
Diver: Ducky123
Opal: Ducky123
Spike: The Lone Dragon
Ruphus: Ducky123
Spinner: Cancerian Tiger
Rapid: Cancerian Tiger
Sandy: Cancerian Tiger
Grandpa Longneck: The Lone Dragon
Merri: The Lone Dragon
Chomper: The Lone Dragon
Ali's mother: The Lone Dragon
Ray: The Lone Dragon


It was a beautiful day in The Great Valley, no chance of rain and a no cool breeze, perfect day to be out and about. The Gang was no exception they lined up in the meadow outside The Secret Caverns. They were preparing to paly one of their many games, in this case a game of toss the seed. It was a classic girls vs boys match with Littlefoot, Petrie and Chomper lined up against Cera, Ruby and Ducky. Spike however was sitting on the edge of the clearing and gorging himself on a succulent bush, oblivious to the game.

Ducky had said that Spike would probably join the game after his meal. Littlefoot raised his tail. "Ready?"

A chorus of "Yes's" met his ears and with a whack of his tail the game was on.

The Swimmer watched the game from the surrounding trees with a smile on her face as she remembered times long gone, memories of fun and adventure and youth that she often felt when she looked at The Gang. With a content sigh Sura turned her attention to her two little ones. Ducky and Spike, although they did not know this yet is that Ducky and her clutch mates would be participating in a rite of passage called The Swimmer Trials. She had made up her mind to tell her children sometime today but that could wait as she sat on her haunches and watched the game with a smile on her face. What a pleasant day it was.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Ruby bounded away from the girls' goal, which indicated that the game had begun.  In Ruby's mind she had obtained the seed first for an obvious reason.

I have hands so that makes me handy!

Despite her handiness, however, that was not an insurmountable advantage.  The others could very easily toss the seed into the goal with their mouths, and she was not the only one with hands, as Ducky's form running beside her clearly indicated.  Whenever Ruby got into trouble, Ducky was obviously getting ready to be in place to catch the seed.  That being said, however, there was one thing that none of her friends possessed.

She was the only one with a fastrunner's speed.

With a quick nod to Ducky and a grin towards her rapidly advancing opponents she accelerated towards the boys' goal.  If the boys want to toss the seed then they have to catch the seed!

The game was on.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

Cancerian Tiger

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Cera, the feisty little threehorn who accepted any challenge thrown her way, ran alongside Ruby and Ducky.

"C'mon, you two!  Let's show these guys how this game is really played!" Cera panted energetically.  Meanwhile, Spinner and Sandy played a game of Tag near their nesting grounds as Rapid watched the game unfold before him.  He especially kept his gaze on Cera as Rapid secretly daydreamed about kicking tail alongside her.

The Lone Dragon

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Littlefoot ran alongside towards the girls. Ruby currently had the seed but knowing her she would almost certainly have a trick up her sleeve, but so did he. "Petrie fly down and distract Ruby, chomper watch our backs, I'll go for the seed" said Littlefoot.

"Lets kick their tails boys" said Chomper as he and Petire hurried to carry out Littlefoot's orders.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Ducky sprinted alongside Ruby as the game launched and everybody started to make a goal with the seed.

"We will win today, yes we will!" Ducky was determined not to repeat the terrible defeat her team had to take the last time this game had been played. Petrie had teased her about it on more than one occasion already and even Spike had been reminding her of the defeat earlier.

"But Spike is not playing, oh no, no, no!" Admittedly, even though Spike wasn't too good at Toss the Seed, he was still an additional player to toss the seed to... today it would be 3 versus 3 - boys versus girls... and Ducky was as motivated as she could be to win!

"I think Littlefoot is going to go for you, Ruby!" Ducky warned from her position slightly behind Ruby - there was no way for such a small little Swimmer like her to keep up with a much larger fastrunner that was designed for speed too. But her small size also had a few advantages... as well as having hands to take hold of the seed if Ruby got into trouble, backing her up.
Inactive, probably forever.

The Lone Dragon

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It looks like I'll be taking Petrie for the time being.

Petrie flew fast over the girls so all their backs were facing him then he performed a sharp turn and angled himself directly to Ruby and gained altitude. "Girls not know what hit them" he thought as he dived down towards an oblivious Ruby.

However Ducky who was lagging behind the other two girls suddenly turned her head and noticed Petrie coming in. "Drat!" thought Petrie as Ducky bellowed a warning to Ruby. "It not stop me though"
He dived towards the seed with his talons outstretched.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Ruby didn't even bother to look up as soon as she heard Ducky's warning call.  Since she didn't see anything immediately threatening in front of her that had to mean that the threat was from above.

With a swift, exaggerated shift of her weight to her left, she put all of her muscle strength into the small seed.  As it quickly sailed into the air she had only one thought.

You're turn now, Ducky! Now it's your turn!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Littlefoot gave a cry of surprise as Ruby threw the seed out of his range however that was not the problem, he was still heading towards Ruby at full speed. He slid on the ground and tried to stop but it was already too late and he was way to close to Ruby.


Littlefoot and Ruby landed on the ground after their head on crash looking rather dazed. Petrie gasped but he saw the seed flying into empty space with Ducky being the closest however she was distracted and worried about the crash so Petrie took off for the seed. However Ducky regained her bearings and the race between them began.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?