The Gang of Five
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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 99608


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And now for part 3 of the chapter...

A crevice in the rock wall of the Hidden Canyon:

"Go, Logos!  I will... I will take care of this..."

Logos shook in agitation at Chronos's words.  Did he honestly expect her to run away while he made the ultimate sacrifice?  As far as she was concerned, she had made her choice when she selected him as her mate.  They were to be inseparable until the bitter end.

...and just because the bitter end was here that did not mean that she was going to renege on her sacred vow.

"To hell you will!  I am staying with you!  Now either crush the damn stone or I will!"

"What is going on here?"

Both rainbowfaces stared in shock at the sudden intrusion.  It was Mr. Thicknose.  Why was he still here?

Chronos spoke first.  "You have to leave, sir!  We are going to cause the rock slide!"

Logos continued.  "Please go!  Let us take care of this!"

The dinosaur did not go, however, but continued to walk into the crevice.  With each footstep of the massive dinosaur, the walls vibrated.  It was as if he couldn't hear them.

Chronos's voice became quite panicked now.  "Please go!  You have to train the younglings...  Let us do this!"

Mr. Thicknose stopped.  "You sound like that you don't plan on coming back..."

Logos swallowed.  "Please just go..."  It was horrific enough that she and her mate would die in this cataclysm; she did not want someone else to die as well.  Especially not a kind soul like Mr. Thicknose.  She didn't realize that she was crying until Mr. Thicknose spoke again.

"I take it that stone is what will cause the rock slide?"

Chronos and Logos both looked at the stone, before gazing upon the dinosaur with surprise.  How could he have made such a deduction?

Mr. Thicknose laughed.  A sound that carried little happiness at the moment.  "It is obvious... I am not stupid, you know.  I don't know what you think about us people from down here... but you can tell the other star people that we are not as stupid as we look."

Logos was agape.  "What... how?"

Mr. Thicknose continued.  "It was obvious since the day that you arrived.  You knew things that no one else would know about...  you knew about the Stone of Cold Fire...  and your mate told me about the stars... more knowledge than even a flyer would know..."  Mr. Thicknose smiled.  "I never had children, so I got my joy by teaching others...  that is one kind of immortality isn't it..."  His face was jovial but his eyes suddenly turned sad.  " was an honor to finally get the chance to learn from all of you.  You made an old dinosaur quite happy."

Chronos protested.  "Please... we can't have you do this!  It is our..."

Mr. Thicknose interrupted.  "Responsibility?  Pah!  Your responsibility is for your children."

Logos sputtered.  "Our what?"

The elderly dinosaur laughed.  "I guess star people don't lay eggs then... otherwise you would have noticed what that little bump in your abdomen meant."

Logos stepped back and looked at her abdomen.  She had simply assumed that she was getting fat and lazy due to the valley's plentiful food, but...  I'm going to be a mother...  Chronos hugged her as she fell into his embrace.  That changed everything.

Mr. Thicknose smiled at the display.  "Now go, both of you...  Just tell me how to make this work."

Logos looked up with tear streaked eyes.  Tears of both happiness for her family and sadness for the sacrifice that would now have to be made for the valley.  Chronos answered for them both.

"You... you... just have to crush it...  When Littlefoot gives the signal... We took care of the rest... but... but sir...  we can't ask this of you... we just can't!"  His next statement was just as helpless as it was sincere.  "The valley needs you!  It needs a teacher!"

Mr. Thicknose smiled as he gently lowered his nose to both of them.  "It already has two of them... Now go!"

In a flurry of movement the rainbowfaces sprinted out of the crevice with as much speed as they could muster.  That was when Mr. Thicknose spoke to them one last time.

"Chronos?  Logos?"

Both of them stopped and turned at the dinosaur's words.

"Tell Littlefoot not to blame himself."

The rainbowfaces quickly nodded at the elder's final request and then resumed their mad dash away from the rock wall.

They never looked back.


The Hidden Canyon:

"Grandpa?  Get up...  Please get up..."

His grandfather slowly raised his head, but it only came up slightly from the ground.  In a scene that was eerily reminiscent of another tragic scene in his life, his grandfather was struggling to maintain life.  His terrible gash to his abdomen appeared to have taken its toll as his beloved elder breathed in gasps.  That was when the scent hit Littlefoot.

The scent of illness.  His grandfather was gravely ill.

"Littlefoot... You need to leave."

The brown fast biter turned at the sound of his grandmother's voice.  It sounded even rougher than usual as Littlefoot finally saw her injuries as well.  A terrible injury to her flank.  The smell of blood of viscera.  But she lacked the smell of death, she could still escape.

"Grandma, you need to leave.  Follow the others..."

His grandmother shook her head.  "No, Littlefoot.  It is my time."

Littlefoot's eyes filled with tears.  "No!  You're not dead yet.  You still have a chance!"


Littlefoot turned to gaze upon his grandfather's face.  Despite the immense pain that he must have been feeling, his grandfather still had a smile on his face.  It was the kind of smile that one wore as an apology.

"I have lived a long life, Littlefoot... go back to the valley and put an end to this."

It was only now that Littlefoot became aware of the others around him.  Ruby and Cera were poised like sentinels at his side, not wanting to interrupt the moment, whereas Ducky, Taunt, and Breeze could be seen gesturing for the hidden runners to go back towards the entrance.  His friends were with him, but they were also putting themselves into grave danger.

"I will, Grandpa..."  As tears poured from his eyes he then turned towards his other grandparent.  His beloved grandmother who had been like a second mother to him.  He now knew that he could not convince her to abandon her place at her mate's side.  This was his goodbye to them both.  "Grandma... say..."  His voice broke with emotion.  "Say hello to mother for me."

Both longnecks then nuzzled their grandson in a final embrace.  So this was goodbye.

"Block their way, you idiots!  He isn't invincible!  Would an invincible dinosaur cry?"

Littlefoot turned in horrified surprise.  Calin was back and he had several of his fast biters with him.  Once again their path back into the valley was blocked.

"Nice try, Seeker!  But we will finish the job now!"

Littlefoot made no expression with his face as he spoke directly to the hated fiend.

"Hmmm... It was worth a try."  Hearing thundering footsteps advance, he could see Red Claw and his minion fast approaching.

They were trapped.


Littlefoot could see the small, purple form of Chomper at the entrance as his two parents followed him in an attempt to bring him back in.  He could not risk another one of his friends being trapped in this deathtrap.

No... He would end this now.

"Stay back, Path!" Littlefoot cautioned.

"But, Seeker!"  Chomper protested in anguish as his parents blocked their son's path.

Littlefoot gave him a sad smile.  "Take care of the others, will ya?"

"Aww... Isn't that sweet!"  Calin mocked.  "Saying your goodbyes?  How the mighty have fallen!"

Ignoring Calin's taunt, Littlefoot looked towards his fellow companions in these tense moments.  

Cera and Taunt were huddled together in a gesture of affection.  They both knew that these could be their final moments.  Neither of them would go out without a fight, but they knew what the outcome would be.  Despite his stoicism, Thud looked from the entranceway with grief showing in his eyes.  Would he lose his son in the moments ahead?

Ducky and Breeze, on the other hand, both looked towards the entryway with sad expressions.  Spike's injured form could be seen there with tears in his eyes.  He could very well lose a sister and a friend in the moments ahead.  But their predicament deprived them of a proper goodbye.  Their departure would be from a distance.  Their final words forever being left unsaid.

Finally, there was Ruby.  His beloved friend.  His own grandparents had signaled their consent to their union, but now it appeared that their time together would end along with his grandparents.  They both exchanged a nuzzle as the sound of Red Claw's footsteps became louder and louder.  They would face the end together.


Littlefoot reluctantly broke the embrace as he faced his grandfather.  He had a smile on his face, which greatly confused the poor fast biter.  How could he look happy at a time like this?

"Littlefoot, I have an idea."


Red Claw stopped in front of the insolent fast biter.  His longneck allies remained severely injured and even his packmates had resorted to hiding behind their massive bodies.  It was pathetic in the extreme.

But why was the fast biter still facing him with a cocky expression?  The roar that he got from the brown fast biter was most certainly not the words of a beaten dinosaur.

"Red Claw.  It is against my better judgment, but if you and your sharpteeth leave now then I will let you leave in peace."

Red Claw stood in silence.  The fast biter would allow him to leave in peace?  Really?

An arrogant laugh echoed across the canyon as the massive sharptooth was flabbergasted by the fast biter's arrogance.  

"You must have no sense, you arrogant piece of sap-sucker excrement!"  He roared in rage.  "You insult my dead son, you kill my followers, and then you have the gall to threaten me!  Being killed by me would be too easy for you..."

"I will take care of it, sir!"  Calin's rage-filled voice greeted Red Claw's ears.

Red Claw chuckled.  "Yes, I am sure that you could... But I am not quite done yet..."  He then turned his attention back to the hated brown fast biter.  "What do you know of those sap-sucking bastards?"  Red Claw was enraged just talking about them, but if he could get information on where they were from this fast biter then he would tolerate his antics.  He would be dead soon enough.

The brown fast biter smiled.  "They are quite close.  About as close as the rock was which killed your son."

"How do you know that?!"  Red Claw's expression was a mixture of shock and rage.  The other sharpteeth simply assumed that the legendary leaf-eater children had tricked his son into falling into a watering hole.  Red Claw, however, had inspected the site where his son had died.  A rock was found by his son's bloated body.  Only a dinosaur who had explored the site of his death would have found out that knowledge.  Or...


The hated fast biter smirked.  "Ah, so you figured it out!  Lovely!  The Stone of Cold Fire granted our wish in a rather interesting way...  I suppose that we killed enough sharpteeth to finally earn the right to become sharpteeth."

Red Claw advanced forward in his rage.  In his single-minded focus on the instruments of his son's destruction, he did not notice the horrified expressions on the faces of the fast biters.  The idea of herbivores becoming carnivores was unnatural and horrifying.  If the Stone of Cold Fire could do this then what else could it do?

"We wished for the power to defeat you."

Red Claw laughed in a manic fashion as he squared off with the elderly female longneck.  Now he would have the chance to kill those who had killed his son.  Then... then... he could finish his assault on the valley.

"It looks like your wish wasn't granted after all, Seeker!"  Red Claw mocked.  "You will still die and your valley will die with you!  Once a sap-sucker, always a sap-sucker!"  He moved closer.  "Any final words?"


Littlefoot looked back towards his comrades with an expression of pride.  A great wrong was about to be righted.  Even if they may not live to see the outcome...  they all knew that their deaths would not be in vain.

The valley would live on.

"Final words?  Yes, I have a few..."  He looked at the sharptooth with an arrogant expression.  "We are the Seven Hunters and today we fulfill our destiny!"

Littlefoot sucked down a deep breath.  Now it was time.

"Rainbowfaces, do it now!"


"Alright, there they are!"

Whitehorn looked up at Topps's exclamation.  The hidden canyon was full of fast biters and sharpteeth, with two lone longnecks being visible in the chaos.  Mr. and Mrs. Longneck.  His mind deduced.  I hope that we are in time, but why are the others holding back?  The longnecks need help!  Thankfully we are here now!

Whitehorn looked at the assembled threehorns.  "Alright, everyone!  Let's charge them!  We have to save them!"

Without further word, the threehorns charged into the canyon.  They had no idea the destruction that was soon to follow.


"Rainbowfaces, do it now!"

So it has come.

Mr. Thicknose looked down at the small black stone.  It was such a small thing.  Black as obsidian and as reflective as water.  But yet it supposedly contained enough energy to rain death upon the valley's enemies.  It was not something that the dinosaur could understand and now he knew that he never would get a chance.

So many questions...  but no more time for answers...

He closed his eyes at his inner admission.  He had prided himself on gaining knowledge throughout his life and sharing his mental wealth with others, but those times had come to an end.  All of his memories... all of his knowledge... would soon be consumed by the same thing that eventually consumes all living things.  But he did take one comfort in one thing.

The valley will go on... and so will my students... His mind immediately turned to his 'students' of sorts, the rainbowfaces.  He had not taught them much in the way of intellectual knowledge, but he had showed them how to be proper dinosaurs.  He now knew that they would carry on his legacy.  As long as the valley had teachers like them then it would be well protected for ages to come.  That made it easier to make the sacrifice that he knew that he had to make.

Self-sacrifice... that was a lesson that he never gave the children.  But he supposed that it was one that they never needed.

Mr. Thicknose smiled as he raised his front legs up high for the lethal act.

"One final lesson to give..."


"What are they doing?!"  Littlefoot gaped from behind his grandfather as he saw the threehorns approach with horrifying speed.  "They have to get out of here now!"

Red Claw grinned.  "Ah!  The more the merrier!  Fast biters prepare to..."

He never got the chance to finish his words.

Light.  Blinding and radiant light suddenly enveloped them all in its brilliant glow.  It was as if the bright circle had come to earth in order to greet its residents.  All of the dinosaurs looked away as the sudden radiance as their skin was scorched by the apocalyptic glow.  Then came the noise.

A roar emanated from the ground as if every cave and opening were screaming in anguish.  A horrific and deafening sound that caused the mountains and valleys to shake alike in a seizure of cataclysmic force.  As the land was caught in the earthshakes to end all earthshakes, it felt as if the rocks themselves were going to be sheared apart.

Which is exactly what happened.

Dust appeared over the rock wall as if some black cloud were bellowing from some unseen crevice in the bowels of the earth.  This was only the prelude of what was to come as the terrible underground shockwave shattered everything before it.  In a terrible instant the rock wall itself appeared to bellow out like an inflated balloon, only before erupting into a terrible torrent of chaos.  It was as if the rocks themselves had turned into gas and were blowing down into the canyon as fog rolls over hills.  

The terrible black cloud of rock and dust rolled over trees and bushes as the land began to lurch from side to side in a convulsion of destruction.  The snapping of trees, the ripping of ground, and the crushing of bodies were all silenced under the deafening roar of the unstoppable cascade of death.  Red Claw and his minions scampered aimlessly in a pitiful attempt to escape their fate.

But there was no escape from what had been unleashed.

In these final moments Littlefoot hugged Ruby in a show of support against what awaited them.  That was when another body pressing against his alerted him to his surroundings.

Ducky, Breeze, Cera, and Taunt had all pressed against him as they too awaited the final act of this terrible battle.  Likewise the faces of both of his terribly injured grandparents greeted his.  Though their bodies formed a barrier between them and the onslaught to come, their faces were fixed solely on their beloved grandson.  Though none of those present could hear anything over the approaching avalanche of doom, they could see one another.  With a simple and heartfelt exchange of nods, the dear friends exchanged their final messages.

We did it, guys... See you all on the other side.

By the entranceway to the valley, the residents were helpless to watch as the unstoppable maelstrom of death enveloped both enemy and ally alike.  Then and only then did silence finally reign again in the devastated canyon.

The battle for the Great Valley was over.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Pterano has finally arrived with his warriors but it looks like the attack is rather a vendetta than an act of defense as the valley's flyers seem close to utter destruction. And what about Volant, what about Petrie? :unsure:

Fear the Sharpteeth that have nothing to lose... I think this works for Hidden Runners too. They may be weak but they still have these spears which should take out some fastbiters at least...

The Longnecks and the swimmers are so brave, facing their possible (and quite likely) death with dignity. It's just typical for the grandparents to value the wellbeing of others over their own. Of course this triggers a lot of fear and concern in everyone who has a loved one to lose here. Littlefoot is distressed and so is Ducky which is under these circumstances very alike the former swimmer.

Oh gee, first Petrie's gone and then he's alive again. This is an excellent way to create tension and I have used it once myself.
Pterano's forces seem strong enough to deal with the enemy flyers but there's a very personal mission for Pterano. Rinkus shall hope he was never born...

The death toll is rapidly rising on both sides, apparently. Chomper has switched to survival mode and so has everybody else, probably. Quite a vicious battle going on and not everybody will be as lucky as Chomper...

Oh no! Now Grandma is injured as well. The riddance of one sharptooth isn't really great news anymore, considering the costs that killing the predator caused...

Swimmers are unfortunately no match for a fully grown sharptooth... poor aunt of Ura :( Well, at least they are now under the protection of the Longnecks... momentarily.

Ducky, Cera and Spike are having quite some trouble but the vines work very well. Spike would have been severely injured if not dead and Ducky would have a severe shoulder injury.

Well done, Thud! Taking out a deputy but not getting injured in the process.
But now the Hidden Runners are the new target of Calin...

Oh, poor Harthron... at least he didn't suffer. Impaling the leader is a very bad development, lowering the courage of his followers. Ignis is shocked of course but she shows real strength and tries to fight until the bitter end. She has nothing to lose anymore after all.

Oh, I have a bad feeling about the plan of the Rainbowfaces... I just do :unsure:

Right, not all fastbiters are engaging in battle in the Hidden Canyon... some are after the children in the secret caverns... oh damn!

Hmm, I must have missed Viscond and Westron entering the Secret Caverns or forgotten about it :p
Kill those beasts before they kill Detras and Shorty!

The battle on the sky is won. Rinkus is dead by the talons of Pterano though Pterano's conversation with Rinkus is interesting as well as Pterano's sudden "mercy".

The scene in the Secret Caverns is quite eventful. First Shorty is willing to sacrifice himself after he and Detras reach a dead end so that Detras would live on to care for his children, pushing the fastrunner into the stream in order to save him.
But then the two Hidden Runners come to the rescue just in time and the situation soon turns to the worse again. Shorty shows the same protective way of thinking that Littlefoot's Grandparents also show again but then he gets thrown into the stream which is likely his death sentence. That's what I call a battle! :D Though Shorty's situation concerns me a little...

Now it's getting really tough for the Seven Hunters as the enemy has realised that the spears are quite handy... The severity of Seeker's injury is not clear even though he's acting like an undead zombie rather than a possibly fatally injured fastbiter... Show Calin who's boss!!!

Pterano has just saved Bron's life. Redclaw will be amused :p I wonder what he thinks about Seeker's "threat" :smile

Ahh, the vines again :celebrate
Seeker tries to make the enemy fear him and I guess it works. Calin can't help them right now so they're confused.
And the Threehorns are advancing. They will stand no chance!

It's getting ever so awesome! :DD Seeker is openly challenging Redclaw and quite effectively creating a shield of fear around him. His Grandparents seem to be in huge problems however...

Logos is pregnant!? Now that's a surprise :blink: Beautiful conversation between them and Thicknose :yes

Wait, wait, wait... Now what did I miss? Grandpa seems to meet his end at last, Grandma staying with him, and they say good-bye to their son... and then Seeker, Ponder, Stern Claw, Taunt, Ducky, Spike and Breeze are trapped all of a sudden... I think I know Seeker's plan already but there has to be another solution... you wouldn't kill 'em all, would you? :unsure:

Redclaw and Seeker... that's an eery conversation. And the Threehorns do the wrong thing at the wrong time again!...

Okay... Thicknose unleased the power of the stone... This might very well be the end of our beloved Seven Hunters though I have this odd feeling...
Anyway, thanks for enlightening my day at school (a lot of space between the lessons). This was a gorgeous read! :yes
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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I'm probably opening myself up for tons of heartbreak here, but here's one of my 'crazy insane theory times'!

When Littlefoot told Grandpa he had a plan, it was more than just the cataclismic explosion to take out Redclaw's Army.

Basically, a few days after the battle, Chompers parents (If they are even alive) go scavaging around in the blast zone, moving the bolders around to get at what dead bodies they can for food, when they find Grandpa's body. There, they find a air pocket on her side, where Littlefoot and the others have been for the last few days, feeding off her body to stay alive. She had acted as a shield to try to save them from the rocks, and they had been trapped there in that pocket, waiting for rescue.

I don't even know if it would be possible for a longneck to shield a catastrophe like that. It's most likely impossible, and I'm crazy, but I can't get it out of my head, dangit!

Anyway, waiting for you to dash my dreams again :p
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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^Oddly, I've come to a similar conclusion... Just a coincidence? ;)
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Thanks for the review, Ducky.  :)

Fear the Sharpteeth that have nothing to lose... I think this works for Hidden Runners too. They may be weak but they still have these spears which should take out some fastbiters at least...

Indeed, it fits all of the defenders at the moment.  Sometimes the enemy which is forced against the wall is the fiercest enemy.  This is something that Redclaw's army had not bargained for.

Oh gee, first Petrie's gone and then he's alive again. This is an excellent way to create tension and I have used it once myself.
Pterano's forces seem strong enough to deal with the enemy flyers but there's a very personal mission for Pterano. Rinkus shall hope he was never born...

Oh yes... Pterano is out for revenge.

The death toll is rapidly rising on both sides, apparently. Chomper has switched to survival mode and so has everybody else, probably. Quite a vicious battle going on and not everybody will be as lucky as Chomper...

Indeed.  I wanted to focus on Chomper's fight just to indicate the general chaos and disorganization of the melee.  His battle represents what the rest of the pack is facing in their own struggles.  At a certain point critical thinking shuts down and instinct simply takes over or, as Mike Tyson put it, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

Well done, Thud! Taking out a deputy but not getting injured in the process.
But now the Hidden Runners are the new target of Calin...

Yep, yep, yep!  What Leap couldn't do in terms of strength, he made up for in strategy.  Without his deputy Calin will have to give all of the orders.  So he had better hope that he isn't incapacitated...

Oh, poor Harthron... at least he didn't suffer. Impaling the leader is a very bad development, lowering the courage of his followers. Ignis is shocked of course but she shows real strength and tries to fight until the bitter end. She has nothing to lose anymore after all.

Indeed.  Ignis is a fearsome foe on any day.  But now that they have killed her father...

The battle on the sky is won. Rinkus is dead by the talons of Pterano though Pterano's conversation with Rinkus is interesting as well as Pterano's sudden "mercy".

Yeah, Pterano decided to play the villain card on Rinkus.  But for some reason I don't think that anyone in the valley will complain.

The scene in the Secret Caverns is quite eventful. First Shorty is willing to sacrifice himself after he and Detras reach a dead end so that Detras would live on to care for his children, pushing the fastrunner into the stream in order to save him.
But then the two Hidden Runners come to the rescue just in time and the situation soon turns to the worse again. Shorty shows the same protective way of thinking that Littlefoot's Grandparents also show again but then he gets thrown into the stream which is likely his death sentence. That's what I call a battle! biggrin.gif Though Shorty's situation concerns me a little...

Yeah, Shorty and the grandparents are more alike than either might think, but in both cases their sacrifices came with a heavy price.  We will just have to wait and see if the price that Shorty has to play is his life...

Ahh, the vines again celebrate.gif
Seeker tries to make the enemy fear him and I guess it works. Calin can't help them right now so they're confused.
And the Threehorns are advancing. They will stand no chance!

Yep, yep, yep!  The vines are certainly a game-changer.  Littlefoot saw an opportunity and decided to use it to his advantage.  As you have seen this is what turned the battle.

Wait, wait, wait... Now what did I miss? Grandpa seems to meet his end at last, Grandma staying with him, and they say good-bye to their son... and then Seeker, Ponder, Stern Claw, Taunt, Ducky, Spike and Breeze are trapped all of a sudden... I think I know Seeker's plan already but there has to be another solution... you wouldn't kill 'em all, would you? unsure.gif

Now, do I look like the type of writer who would kill off main characters like that?  Muhahahahah!!!

Thanks once again for the review and the kind words, Ducky.  :) I should have the next chapter posted in a few minutes.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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As for the crazy idea that the two of you have... well... you are about to see if you are correct or not.   ;)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 72   Aftermath

“But the world moves on, even when you don't want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops.”
― Ann Aguirre

He woke up gasping.

Cough after cough arose from the dinosaur's lungs as he found great difficulty in catching his breath.  It was only after the eighth or ninth hacking cough that he was finally able to fill his lungs with air.  In that moment he felt as though he had been liberated from a prison.  The prison of suffocation.  The mysterious dust which had choked him was now outside of his body where it belonged.  It was only when his immediate need for air was resolved that his mind began to register the overwhelming pain.


Soreness racked every part of the threehorn's body.  It was as if had butted heads with a far more powerful threehorn and didn't quit until he had finally lost consciousness.  But he had not done that since he had trained with his father so many years ago.  This filled with great dinosaur with pause.  If he had not been in a fight with another threehorn then why did he feel like he had barged into a rock wall?

A pained groan emanated from the threehorn as he struggled to rise to his feet...  only to crash back into the ground when he collided with something above him.

That was when the massive beast finally opened his eyes.  

"What the..."

What lay in front of his eyes was utterly incomprehensible to the disoriented dinosaur.  Rocks littered the ground in an inexplicable manifestation of chaos.  The rocks ranged in size from small boulders to what appeared like entire chunks of mountains.  There was no rhyme or reason to placement of the massive stones.  It was as if the entire rock wall had collapsed into the canyon.  As if that wasn't enough to overwhelm his senses, the land was also covered with a thick layer of brown dust, which gave the entire scene an otherworldly appearance.  It was then that the memory of what had transpired came back to him.

The battle... fast biters... rockslide...  He thought to himself in silence.  It was now obvious what had led to the destruction of the canyon and his struggle to breathe.  He was lucky to be alive... which made him recoil in horror at a sudden thought.

What about the others?

Turning his head around, he looked over towards his back and gasped at what he saw.


The substantial form of the brown threehorn lay upon his back, his body partially covered with numerous rocks.  Rocks which were similar to the ones which partially covered his own body.  Finally seeing the obstruction which held him in place, he lifted his body with all of his might against the massive stones.


The rocks did not give even though he had hit it with enough force to cause severe back pain.  Not being deterred, the threehorn tried again with even more determination.


With a sudden lurch the rocks fell away to either side of his body.  He was finally free from his rocky prison!  Wasting no time, the threehorn stumbled over the boulders in this apocalyptic hellscape and called to the leader of the threehorns.

"Whitehorn!  Can you hear me?"

There was no movement from the threehorn.  His body gave no indication that he was alive.  In horror, he nudged the threehorn with his horned face.

"Sir, get up!  We have to find the..."  

The threehorn stopped suddenly as Whitehorn's face came into full view after his prodding.  It was now obvious why his comrade would not respond to him.  A large indentation resided where his robust face should have been.  His eyes stared back at the threehorn with an unchanging stare.  The ever so slight amount of bleeding from the threehorns nostrils and mouth confirmed the horrible truth to the threehorn.

Whitehorn was dead.  The rockslide had killed him instantly.

The threehorn barely held back a scream as the magnitude of the loss hit him full force.  The future of the herd, their most competent of the new generation, had been killed by the cataclysm.  The enemy was nowhere to be seen, but what good was that if he were all that remained?  None of the remainder of the herd could be seen.  It was only rocks and dust.

Now panicking, the threehorn looked all around the horrific scene for any sign of life.  That was when he began his desperate call.

"Can anyone hear me!?  Is anyone else alive?!"  


"Son, can you hear me?!"

Bron desperately yelled as he pushed another boulder with his strong feet.  He was getting desperate now.  They had been searching for several moments and there was no sign of any survivors.  No yells... no coughs... no bodies... The only thing that greeted their eyes was a barren collection of rocks and dust.  Even the grass and trees were nowhere to be found.


The longneck turned his head and could see the valley's unlikely allies assisting in the search.  Both of Chomper's parents were using their massive bodies to help push stones out of the way, while they roared into the desolate ravine.  Undoubtedly, they were trying to get any response from their son's friends.  Even though he had been safe at the entrance, his comrades had not.

"Guys, can you hear my voice?!"

Bron frowned as the purple sharptooth called out to his friends with obvious grief.  He had been fighting beside his comrades and was willing to lay down his life rather than to let them down.  Now, however, Chomper found himself searching for them as an outsider.  Part of Bron's mind registered that he was probably feeling exactly what Bron had felt when he had feared that his son had died with his mother.  The guilt of the survivor...


As Bron pushed another boulder and coughed at the plume of dust that rocketed into the air, the growls of Spike and Leap could be heard from behind him.  They were undoubtedly calling to their friends in the sharptooth language, whose meaning was lost on the longneck.  The odd language... the sharptooth culture... the sense of smell... there was so much about his son's sharptooth life that he never really understood and now he feared that he never would.  As he pushed another boulder with his feet, the massive longneck began to sob.  Was his son truly gone?  

Wait!  The longneck's neck bolted upright.  That's it!

Bron looked over to the purple sharptooth with a nearly crazed look.


The purple sharptooth did not answer, but looked up at the longneck with an uncertain expression.  He was obviously lost in his own grief just as Bron had been a few moments prior.

"Chomper, can you smell them?"

Chomper shook his head sadly.  "There is too much here!  Blood, dust, and lots of bodies...  I would have to get real close to smell them."

Bron nodded at this.  He didn't have much of a plan, but it was all that they had got.  As Bron lowered his head to Chomper's level, the sharptooth looked at him with surprise and confusion.  The longneck's next words only heightened his uncertainty.

"Chomper, get on my neck and have your parents clear a path... I have a plan."



The fast biter rose from the ground with his face troubled with a noticeably pained expression.  His tan hide appeared an odd mix of crimson and black due to the congealed blood and the caked-on dust.  The only thing that stood out in his expression was his yellow eyes.  Despite the lingering dust in the air they seemed to glisten with an amber glow.  That was when the dust caught up to him.

Coughs emanated from the fast biter as his chest heaved with every shuddering breath.  The violent emission of black soot from his mouth hinted at the cause of his distress.  It was only after a few moments of struggle that he finally felt well enough to see what had befallen him.

Rocks covered the entire scene as a thick haze of dust remained in the air.  It couldn't have been too long of a span of time since he had seen the rocks come down...

That's when it hit him.  The rockslide.  Had Seeker been responsible for this?

He looked from side to side at his immediate surroundings.  The feet and heads of several of his packmates could be seen between heavy boulders.  Their bodies crushed... their heads smashed... the smell of blood and brain matter hung in the air.  Those visceral smells had replaced the smell of fear as the most potent stench in the air.  That and the ever-present smell of dust.  Everything was dust now.  Dust and rocks.  Only the large mushroom colored rock that lay beside him gave the scenery any hint of diversity.

It was when the rock groaned that he realized that it wasn't a rock after all.

"Fast biters retreat..."  Red Claw's eyes sprung open.  It was only now that he could see what had transpired and what remained of his once proud pack.  Corpses and the grievously injured... except for one who had been protected by Red Claw's body.

Calin stared at his benefactor.  The battle is over... is he going to finish me now?  He pondered to himself.  He had failed in his mission and Red Claw's hopes lay in ruins before the fallen rocks.  As the survivors limped away they would tell this tale to the entire Mysterious Beyond.  No one would dare risk joining in Red Claw's crusade now.  Surely the massive sharptooth realized this.  

"Calin..."  Red Claw growled in anger.  His voice sounded muffled, but the rage was still present.  It was obvious that the sharptooth was going to have his revenge.  "You have failed me for the last time..."

Calin proceeded to back away slowly.  His head darted to and fro searching for the quickest path up the boulders and to safety.  But he knew that if Red Claw went to chase him down then there was nothing that he could do.  Red Claw would stop at nothing to crush the peon who had ruined his dream.  No one would sing Red Claw's praises now.  The song of the seven terrible hunters would take his place.  A warning to tyrants through the ages.

That was when Calin realized something.  He wasn't dead yet.  What was taking Red Claw so long?

"My feet... my back..."  Red Claw sputtered in impotent rage.  "Why won't they move?!"

Calin turned slowly and saw the lunging jaws of the massive predator miss him by mere feet, but the tyrant could not move closer.  For it wasn't a stone that held him in place, nor a broken bone...

"Your back is broken..."  Calin muttered in awe.  His expression soon turned to one of malice.  "How delightful!"  

"You corrupt bastard!  I will crush you!  I will do what I should have done in the first place!"  Red Claw raged.  He was now thrashing his head aimlessly trying to escape from his prison.  But he could not escape from his own body.  

"You used me..." Calin intoned.  "You needed me to help you take the valley, but you didn't need me to live..."

Red Claw roared and struggled to bite the fast biter despite his paralyzed body.  However, his body would not cooperate with his head's wishes.  He was as helpless as the enumerable weaklings that he had condemned to death.  Worse yet, he was doomed to spend his moments of helplessness with the horrible fiend that he had helped to create.  Calin was, in many ways, a reflection on Red Claw's true nature.  As he could see Calin pick up a pointed stick from one of the numerous dead hidden runners, he knew what was coming.

"Now you will never avenge your son... never have your song sung to the Night Circle... never be remembered except as one of the greatest prizes of Seeker's pack..."  Calin nearly spit at mentioning Littlefoot's sharptooth name.  The fact that he used to be a leaf-eater didn't matter at all to Calin.  All that mattered to him was that he had been beaten utterly.  Calin's dreams of power and success were no more and that bastard of a fast biter would be praised for ages... but at least he could have some pleasure in dealing with his unscrupulous benefactor.

Red Claw roared in rage.  "Do you think that you will be any better, you worthless slab of excrement!?  Your end will come soon enough!"

Calin smiled.  "Not as soon as yours... Let's see what this crap does to a two-footer, shall we?  I wonder if you can still feel pain."

As the tan fast biter stabbed the tyrannosaurs in the back with the tainted stick, Red Claw continued to attempt to orient his head towards his foe, but his body simply wouldn't budge.  He gave no hint that he could feel anything in his paralyzed back for several moments as he continued to hurl insults and taunts.

But then the situation changed.

Red Claw's roaring suddenly stopped as his eye began to twitch uncontrollably.  Then his nostrils began to flare in a spastic manner as he proceeded to suck down air in sporadic gulps.  The orange death was upon him.  Knowing that his end had come without any legacy to be left to the ages, he roared in pain and rage.  The deafening display of despair and contempt filled Calin with immense pleasure as the beast's head flailed in utter helplessness.  He could watch this for ages.  Accordingly, he was disappointed when the beast went silent after a sudden gasp and spasm.  Then all was still.

Red Claw was dead.  His terror would haunt the world no more.

Calin looked at the rocks around him.  Had he been a being capable of empathy then the heaps of crushed bodies might have filled him with remorse, but he felt nothing.  However, when he heard coughing and hisses for help under some of the rocks, he was filled with concern.  My 'comrades' will have even less use for me than Red Claw...  Time to get the hell out of here!

With a final insulting gesture towards Red Claw, he threw dust into the dead beast's face with his hind legs.  Then, with as much energy as he could muster, he propelled himself onto a nearby rock and proceeded to climb towards safety away from the devastated canyon.  He may have lost, but he resolved to live another day.

He had no idea that the hisses for help had not come from one of his packmates, but rather from another dinosaur entirely.


"Somebody help!  Can anyone hear me?!"

Ducky yelled in desperation.  She woke up in complete darkness and found that she could barely move.  This was enough to make her begin to panic.  The smell of dust, death, and blood did not do anything to calm her nerves.  Despite the fact that the echo of her voice hurt her ears in this enclosed place, she did not relent.  She had to call for help... any help... in order to help herself and her friends.

Little did she know they were very close by.

"Yes, we can hear you, Haven!"  Came a hissed reply.  "Try to stay calm.  We are trying to get to you."

Ducky sucked in a relieved breath.  It was Cera's voice.

"Stern Claw?  Are you alright?"

Another voice reached her ears at that point.

"We are... okay."  Came the weary voice of Littlefoot.  He sounded anything but fine.  "Stern Claw, Ponder, and Breeze are with me..."  A deep sigh was heard, which sounded muffled due to whatever debris was blocking Ducky's vision.  "Haven... have you seen Taunt?"

Ducky shook her head despite the fact no one could see her.  "No, no, no!  I cannot see anything!"  That was when she had a sudden thought.  But maybe I can smell him!  Slapping herself for ignoring the obvious solution to the problem, she took a deep breath and tried to ignore the lingering smell of death and blood.  Underneath the stale smell of dust came another strong scent.  A scent that was familiar.

The smell of Taunt.

She tried to edge her body between her unseen restraints as she tried to follow the scent.  As she did this Ruby's voice called in the distance.

"We were able to escape from the rocks, but the rocks seem to be blocking your escape!"  Ducky had to avoid berating Ruby for stating the obvious, but that was when a realization reached Ducky's mind.

We were together so if the rocks separated us then... The horrific conclusion then dawned on her.  Oh, no, no, no! The hurried underneath the rocks which were almost certainly blocking her path and lurched towards Taunt scent.  She soon found what she was looking for.  

"I have found him.  I have, I have!"

An audible sob escaped from behind Ducky's rocky prison.  "Thank goodness!"  It did not take much imagination for Ducky to visualize the others comforting Cera in her time of need.  As this was happening, however, Ducky began probing her friend's body with her clawed hands.  Why wasn't he moving?  She began to panic at this point until she finally felt some movement.  The rising of a chest.

Taunt is still alive...

As she continued to feel with her hands, however, she discovered something unsettling.  They were situated between two rocks.  One which was smooth and disturbingly warm and another which was cold and rough.  That cold rock seemed to continue for some distance away, causing her crawlspace to become too narrow to transverse any further.  Not only did this trap her and Taunt, but it also blocker her from touching his left leg...  In fact when she felt in that area she could only feel something wet.

Blood.  Taunt was wounded.

As Ducky processed this, she could feel Taunt's chest suddenly seize in a violent expulsion as her friend began to groan.  In that instant Taunt suddenly emerged into consciousness.

And screamed.


Tria ran with all of her might through the Hidden Canyon.  She was followed in turn by the remainder of the defensive line for the main entrance.  Recent events echoed through her mind as she continued her headlong sprint.

"Maybe they will attack here next.  Maybe this is a diversion..."

Tria groaned at the ponderings of the younger female.  Despite being more easygoing than her mate, she had no patience for naysayers in the heat of battle.  They had their orders and diversion or not they were the ones who were left to guard the entrance while most of the others reinforced the besieged entrance into the Hidden Canyon.  She was about to give the other female a stern rebuke when the world suddenly turned upside down.

A sudden blast of bright, white light streamed from the other side of the valley, an ominous sight on any occasion but especially so on this day.  Because Tria knew exactly what that meant.

"The rainbowfaces must have..."

Before she had a chance to finish as the ground began to shake violently in the fiercest earthshake the valley had ever seen.  Many of the threehorns were knocked to their sides in the sudden seizing by the earth itself.  As the shakes continued a noticeable black plume began to rise into the sky.  Then, as suddenly as it started, the shaking subsided.

Everything was still for several seconds as each threehorn struggled to come to terms with what had just occurred.  The rainbowfaces had obviously caused the rockslide that they had told the leadership about the day prior, but if they had set it off in the Hidden Canyon then that meant...

"My mate!"

Tria looked on in horror as the ramifications of the rockslide now went into clear focus.  Danger or no danger, the rainbowfaces would only set off the rockslide if the enemy was in range.  Despite their orders, Tria knew that she had to act.

"Everyone, to the Hidden Canyon!"

Everything after that had been a blur.  The remaining threehorns, which represented the weaker members of the herd, had left the main entrance in a cascade of stampeding bodies, fearing what they may find when they reached their destination.  Many of them were females who had watched their mates set off for the Hidden Canyon mere moments before.  Each one hoped beyond hope that their mates had been too slow to get there in time to be caught in the rockslide, but each feared the worst.  As Tria rounded the bend on the approach to the Hidden Canyon she had no idea what to expect.  With thundering feet and a thundering heart, she circled the turn in the ravine...

And stared in shock.

It was gone.  Everything was gone.  The trees... the plants... the life... it was all covered in rocks and dust.  The stream, rerouted by the numerous rocks, was the only sign of movement in the desolate scene.  Its reddish-brown hue only highlighted the bleak reality.

Shrieks and screams emanated from behind Tria as the others came into view of what she had seen.  Each of them were struck with the same fears... the same despair... it was only now that Tria felt her emotions overwhelm her.  The reality was too horrible to ignore.

Tria looked towards the ground in her despair.  Deep sobs emanated from her as the full magnitude of her loss hit her full force.  Her wonderful mate was more than likely dead or severely injured in this tangled mess of fallen rocks.  She once again would be left a widow and Tricia would be left without a father, just as Cera had been deprived of her mother.  Or had she lost Cera as well?  That terrible thought filled her with even more agony.  For the rainbowfaces to use the stone with allies present indicated desperation.  If things had gotten that bad then more than likely Seeker's pack had fallen as well.  She and Tricia may very well be all that was left.

Tria looked out at the scene one last time.  Damn it, Topsy!  Why did you have to leave me all alone!?  Why did... Why... That was when she saw it.  It wasn't very noticeable in the apocalyptic scene, but it was clear enough.

A patch of gray in the brown expanse.  A small view of a threehorn's crest.

She did not waste any time as she sprinted up the boulders in the frantic mania that can only come with grief.  She ignored the calls of the others as they questioned her sudden movement, but their footsteps soon joined her chorus as others saw the same sign that she had noticed.  The air soon rang with the sounds of stomping feet, rolling boulders, and heavy breathing.  In their wake, a trail of black dust rose into the air from their movements, rising like an ominous fog.  But Tria paid none of that any heed.  Her focus was exclusively on the mysterious gray crest.  With dawning horror she could see only two others beside her sought-after companion.  As she approached the threehorns seemed to not notice the approaching stampede, but continued to stare off into space.


Her voice echoed across the barren landscape as she stopped in place.  This allowed the kicked-up dust to overtake her and cover her and her followers in a thick haze which made them all gag in disgust.  Despite this, however, they remained in view.

The gray threehorn turned as if he were in a trance.  His expression was one of horror and uncertainty.  The very gaze of someone who had seen far too much in his life and had just been forced to see even more.  She could not see his face through the thick haze, but his voice was all of the confirmation that she needed.


She ran forward and struggled across the boulders as she cleared the distance between him and her in mere moments.  She barely noticed his rigid demeanor as she nuzzled him in relief.

"Topsy, I was so worried...  Thank the Bright Circle that you are okay!"  She said between sobs, as she could feel her mate begin to breathe heavy with emotion.  However, his body had all of the tension of a dinosaur who was holding back.  It was only when one of the other females spoke that she realized that fact.

"Where is my mate?  Where is the herd?"

It was only now that she looked up and took a good look at her mate's face.  His eyes were distant as if he were looking at something miles away and still being horrified at what he saw.  He mouth opened, but nothing came out.  It was only after several moments that the elder threehorn spoke in the most haunted tone that Tria had ever heard.

"This is the herd..."  Tria looked around.  What could her mate possibly mean?  They were only about half of the threehorns in the valley.  No less than two thirds of the males had gone with Whitehorn to help the defenders.  It was only with his next words that the horrific reality sunk in on the devastated dinosaurs.

"I'm sorry... None of the others..."  He sucked in a deep breath as he looked at the others.  "We are all that remains."

The mournful wails of the threehorns could be heard across the canyon.


Pained wails echoed across the canyon adding misery to the already desolate scene.  It was only at this point that the other residents had any idea that any of the threehorns were still alive in the valley.

"Swimmers!"  Bron spoke authoritatively to the trailing dinosaurs.  "Find the threehorns and see if they need any help!"  With mutterings of concern, the surviving swimmers began to advance towards the stream in order to follow it to the other side of the canyon.  He had never formally been named the leader of the defensive line, but no one had questioned him on that point.  Everyone dutifully obeyed.

"I can't smell anything over here!"  Chomper lamented from a nearby boulder.  "They aren't underneath this."

Bron nodded as he lowered his neck to the boulder and let Chomper climb back on.  "Alright I can put you on those boulders a bit further upstream perhaps..."  He turned towards the fast biters who were to his left.  "Anything?"

A hoarse cry came from one of the fast biters, who Bron immediately identified as Spike.  Thud moved in to support the ailing fast biter as Swift hissed something unintelligible.  It was only several moments later that Spike finally spoke with pain evident in his voice.

"Nothing... There is no sign of them!"

Bron frowned.  The two injured fast biters were obviously injuring themselves further by climbing on the unstable rocks.  He knew that his son would never forgive him if anything happened to his packmates.  With that in mind, Bron tried to talk some reason to Spike and Leap.

"Maybe you should go back..."

An angry growl was the only thing that came out of Spike's mouth as his eyes seemed to take on an ominous tone of red.  As long as his sister and friends were out there then he would go nowhere else.  Bron quickly dropped the subject.  After all he had his own son to search for in this terrible landscape.  He began to walk towards the stream as he advanced into the canyon.


Bron stopped as he focused on the scream that seemed to come from close by.  In an instant Thud advanced over the boulders and began to sprint towards an unseen destination.  It was only when Chomper spoke that Bron realized what had happened.

"That's Taunt and he is in pain!"


"Try not to move, Taunt.  Oh, no, no, no!"

Taunt seized as waves of hot pain coursed through his body.  A searing visceral pain tormented his leg, while a dull ache permeated his hip and knee.  He had never experienced such pain in his life and the sensation was overwhelming.  He could only answer the teal fast biter in a high-pitched hiss.

"It hurts!  It hurts so much..."

He sucked in gasping breaths as he tried to regain some composure, but the pain made any thinking too difficult.  It was only when his dear friend spoke to him from the other side of the rock that he began to focus on the world around him.

"Taunt... I know it hurts, but try to stay calm... okay?"  Cera asked with a tenderness that was virtually unknown for her.  "If you move then you will hurt your leg even more."

Taunt cried out in pain.  "Like it matters...  A busted leg means the end..."  Taunt closed his eyes in anguish.  It was unheard of for a fast biter to survive with a complete fracture of the leg.  Even if he did survive then he would be a permanent burden on the pack, unable to hunt or fend for himself... and he would not permit it to come to that.  His dear friend had other ideas, however.

"Don't you give up on me now, you bastard!"  Some part of his pain-dulled mind found some humor that the old Cera was back.  "We will get you out of here... somehow..."

A she felt Ducky begin to cradle his head in an attempt to calm him down from his agony, he momentarily lost focus on what was going on around him.  There were voices and screams and a variety of other things... but only the pain was constant.  It wasn't until Ducky physically slapped him that he regained full awareness.

"Roll when I say so!"

Taunt looked at his friend with bemusement.  How could he move when there was a rock imprisoning his shattered leg?  That was when he felt the searing pain suddenly intensify in his leg... and light...  Somehow they were moving the stone!  Despite his pain, he allowed Ducky to roll him away from the wedged rock.  As he continued to convulse in pain, he could see blinding light was everywhere.  He was free now... but like it would do him any good.

"Holy crap!"  Came a distant voice that almost sounded like Chomper's.  He didn't regain focus until after two fast biters suddenly fell upon him and proceeded to hold him in place.  This cause another scream of anguish.

"It's alright, son... we will get you through this somehow..."

"Taunt... you stay with me... you hear me?!"

Taunt took on a sad smile.  Cera and his father were doing their best to reassure and comfort him, but he knew that this was for naught.  Once a leg was ruined there was nothing more to do.  It would be time for the crippled dinosaur to wander off to let nature take its course or for one of his loved ones to aid him in that final journey.  Considering the amount of pain that he was in, he did not mind that assistance coming sooner rather than later.

"Leg crushed, dad...  You know what has to be done..."

Through his tear-filled eyes he could see his father's face began to contort in pain as he embraced his son in a firm embrace.  He could hear his father's shaking breaths as Cera began crying in the background.  Cera may not understand what now had to be done, but he knew that his father would do what was necessary.  At least he would have a chance to speak to his beloved parent one last time.


Taunt looked over in confusion as the face of Littlefoot came into view.  Surely, he would understand why this had to be done...

"No.  It isn't over yet, Taunt.  Let's see if the rainbowfaces have some way of saving you."

Cera pushed her leader out of the way as she stared in Taunt's face.  "That's right!  Now suck it up and prepare to be lifted!"

Taunt looked confused.  What did she mean by that?  It was only when a swimmer's body came into view that he realized what was coming.

"Be careful, mommy!  He is hurt bad.  He is, he is!"


Littlefoot watched as Taunt was picked up gingerly by Ura and another swimmer.  Thud and Cera understandably ran close behind following him on what they both knew could very well be his final journey.  Fast biters who had broken legs were generally doomed to death.  When one considered that he had an open wound that made the situation all the more grave.

Littlefoot shuddered at the sudden removal of his responsibility to Taunt.  Now that he was on the way to seek assistance his mind could finally begin to dwell on what had happened... on what he had lost.  With trembling hands he grabbed the boulder closest to himself and turned in the direction of the rock slide.  

It did not take him long to find what he was looking for.

Immediately beside the massive rock that they had moved aside lay a form that had haunted him since he had escaped from his rocky prison.  The smooth rock that Ducky had felt underneath the rubble was not a rock at all, but rather something that had once been very much alive.  Seemingly against his will, Littlefoot raised his trembling hand and placed it on the still-warm body of the elder longneck.  It was only when he felt the flesh of his deceased grandfather that he fell to his knees and broke down.

Wave after wave of muffled sobs escaped from the fast biter's mouth as he collapsed against his elder's body.  Lost in his grief he barely registered the embrace of Ruby and nuzzling from his father.  He also did not immediately recognize the scents of the remaining packmates in his presence.  Everyone waited beside Littlefoot in a silent vigil for their stricken leader.  It was only an indeterminate amount of time later that Littlefoot dared look up at the bodies of his beloved parental figures.  Those two giants who had cared for him when no one else was available. For years their gentle words had supported and guided him.  Their necks had been symbols of stability and certainty.  But now the mighty necks had fallen and their words were silent.

Because they had placed themselves between the pack and the rocks.  It was their final gift to their beloved grandson.

They're gone... they're really gone.  Littlefoot lamented.

"They... look so peaceful, don't they?"

Littlefoot looked at Ruby with a curious expression, before again focusing on his grandparents.  They indeed had serene expressions on their faces.  His grandfather had a small smile, while Grandma's neck curled around that of her mate's.  They looked like they were at rest.  Their struggles were over.

Littlefoot sucked in a deep breath.  "They knew that the valley was safe and that we were all cared for... that was enough for them."  A tear fell from the sharptooth's eye.  "They were so... so..."

Bron finished for his son.  "Selfless.  They were the most selfless dinosaurs that I have ever known.  They remind me of another member of the family."  He then looked down at his son.  "We need to find the other survivors, Littlefoot."  Bron said this while looking at Chomper's parents and his hidden runner translator.  "You should take care of your pack... and your wound."  It was only upon his mentioning of it that Littlefoot took note of the gash in his chest.  "I think me and Chomper's folks can take it from here."

Littlefoot nuzzled his father's leg.  "Dad... I..."

Bron smiled sadly.  "I know, son.  I miss them too."  He sucked down a deep breath.  "They will always be with you if you remember them...  the... the important thing now is that we stand to our duties."

Littlefoot sighed.  "Right..."  He looked back towards his grandparents with a gentle expression.  He tried to shake the horrific memories of his mother's death from many years ago, but they still lingered nonetheless.  He could only take solace that his grandparents remained together even in death.  At least they would be there to keep mother company.  "I will be back, Grandma and Grandpa.  I will give you the farewell that you deserve."

With no further words, Littlefoot slowly departed the Hidden Canyon with Ruby and Chomper at his sides and the others close at hand.  All of them were more than ready to leave this canyon which had been filled with so much death.  Little did they know that the valley itself would also be filled with the casualties of war.


Ruby looked on in horror at the sights around her.  The constant movement of the injured and their loved ones made for a confusing and dangerous situation.  The massive leaf-eaters were too preoccupied in their grief to look below for any allied fast biters.  As a result, the sharpteeth were left looking from the outside at the throngs of injured as they searched for their loved ones.  They had no idea where Taunt was being treated, nor where Cera and Ducky were currently situated.  But they could only assume that they would be in the same place.

However, before they could find their loved ones, a familiar voice was heard over the chaos.

"Hold him down, Chronos!  The last thing that I need is to be slapped by an angry hidden runner!"

Chomper, Littlefoot, Ruby, Spike, Swift, and Leap all began to approach upon hearing those welcome voices.  As a result, they were quickly able to see and hear what was about to happen.

"What do you mean?"  Viscond protested, but his tone soon changed as the healing leaves were placed on his raw back.  "Ahhh!!!"

Both fast runners struggled to contain him as the pain coursed through his system.  However, as his pain dissipated, he finally began to calm down.  It was obvious to all how much pain he was currently under.  Even if there were any uncertainty on that point, the endless cascade of obscenities was more than enough to end all doubt.

"Damn you all to hell!"

Logos gave him a cheeky response.  "You're welcome!"

And with that the two rainbowfaces rushed off to treat the others.  There was no shortage of injured, but disturbingly it appeared like most of the treatable injured were of the smaller dinosaurs.  There were many hidden runners in varying stages of treatment and just as many who were obviously on their way to the Land of the Parted.  But besides a few swimmers and domeheads, there were no adult leaf-eaters to be seen being treated.  

That was when Ruby caught sight of her mother.  

Why does mommy look so sad?

Not wasting any time Ruby sprinted passed the enumerable injured.  Littlefoot matched her speed with some difficulty as the others struggled to catch up.  With their tremendous speed it was no time before they reached her mother.  That was when she caught sight of something that she hoped to never see.  Her siblings were crying as well.

"Mommy..."  Ruby spoke softly, fearing what she would hear.  "Mommy, what is wrong..."


Pearl looked up with trembling hands.  Both of her siblings were now crying as were the other children.  They all had lost a beloved caregiver, but she had lost far more.  She had lost a mate and Ruby had lost her beloved father.  With deep emotion she was only able to speak after Littlefoot had begun to nuzzle Ruby in concern.

"Ruby...  Littlefoot...  Your father... Shorty... they never came back."


Cera cradled Taunt's head in her arms as the rainbowfaces finally returned to their side.  They obviously had to help stabilize those who were the most gravely injured before dealing with other injures, but she did not care about any of that right now.  As far as she was concerned Taunt did have a grave injury.  An injury that usually meant death.  How could they simply give him some healing leaves and then leave him to his own devices.  It was almost like they had written him off as a lost cause.

No...  No!  Cera shivered as she considered that possibility.  The rainbowfaces were obviously budgeting their limited time and it made little sense to spend a lot of time on a dinosaur who were already as good as dead.  Maybe that was why they had waited until the end of the day to inspect the fallen fast biter.  Maybe that was...

"Please move, Cera.  We need to get a good look at Taunt if we are going to help."

Cera nuzzled Taunt one last time before retreating back from her beloved friend.  Had Logos said anything else then she might have reacted less that civilly, but Logos had chosen her words carefully.  It was almost as if she had done this before.

She watched helplessly as the two mysterious dinosaurs poked and prodded Taunt's leg which caused several hisses of pain.  As the two began to speak in the jargon-laden language that only they understood, Cera's eyes met Thud's for the first time since they began waiting for Taunt's treatment.  They shared a small understanding nod as both then proceeded to return their gaze to Taunt's stricken form as he nodded at the rainbowface's questions.  It was only now that she could truly comprehend the pain that she had seen in his father's eyes.  It was the pain of a father who had already lost too much and feared that he would lose what little he had left.  For Thud only knew mercy killing as the treatment for such an injury.  It was either a lingering, painful death or a quick one in his mind.  If there was any other option then he would take it.  The rainbowfaces were their only hope.

Chronos straightened his back as he let out a deep sigh.  He then gave an ominous order that neither of the fast biters wanted to hear.

"Cera, give me a pointed stick."

At this pronouncement Cera collapsed in anguish.  So it was true, Taunt was as good as dead.  Even the rainbowfaces agreed that a mercy killing was the only hope at this point.  These would be her final moments with her beloved friend... Her final time to tell him her feelings before he departed from her forever... Why did it have to end like this?


She jerked her head towards the rainbowfaces as Logos lightly. but noisily, slapped her mate on the beak.

"You fool!  They don't know that you want to help him; they think that you want to euthanize him!"

Cera rose with hopeful eyes.  Did this mean?

As Chronos rubbed his beak, he answered a bit more carefully.  "Fetch us a stick and some vines please.  We need to hurry if we are going to fix your friend's leg properly."


After nightfall:

The sounds of sobs and crying was almost deafening as the threehorn stood in front of the assembled dinosaurs.  Despite the fact that his mate and Bron stood beside him, he had never before felt so alone.  No doubt most of the valley had heard about the toll, but they could not possibly imagine the true magnitude.  It was his sad duty to break the news.

"Residents of the valley...  We have won the battle, but we have paid a terrible price."

The sounds of sobs echoed to his right.  It was at this time that he realized that Bron had lost his composure.  This was not something that he could blame the longneck for.  At least Topps had not lost a child on this day.

"Among the honored dead are the best and brightest spirits that the valley has ever known.  They sacrificed themselves for something that was better than themselves... and we must struggle to be worthy of their sacrifice."

There was not a dry eye in the assembly now.  Everyone had lost a friend or loved on.

"Mr. Thicknose was a teacher to many of our little ones and a keeper of the valley's knowledge.  It was he who took down the rock wall and in doing so, secured the security of the valley..."

There would be no crying widows for Mr. Thicknose, nor mourning sons or daughters, but he would be remembered by those he lectured to over the years.  His legacy would not be one of progeny; rather, it would be one of story and song.  No doubt tales of Mr. Thicknose's deeds would live on for far longer than any dinosaur that was alive to hear Topps's speech.

What Topps could not see at that sad moment was the two blood-covered rainbowfaces in the crowd.  Both had bowed their heads in silent reflection on the friend who had sacrificed everything in order to bring their plan to fruition.  For all that the valley knew, Mr. Thicknose had used their knowledge in order to ram the cave at the right point.  They would know nothing of the Repressor or their mission to their planet.  Yet, somehow, they preferred it that way.  He was truly the hero here, whereas they were just the facilitators.

As they pondered, unobserved by the others, Topps continued.

"Countless hidden runners fell to defend our home... among them their leader..."  He looked towards the assembled pack with an appreciative expression, as Ignis bowed respectfully despite her incalculable grief.  "We owe much to you.  You are free to recover here until you are well enough to return to your home."  

It was against every instinct in his body to make such an offer to another kind, but his sense of honor overrode any xenophobia that he may have held on to.  He had a huge debt to pay.

"Grandma and Grandpa Longneck also fell in battle."  A few gasps echoed from the group as the rumors were confirmed for all to hear.  The wisest of them had indeed died defending the land that they loved.  His voice cracked as Tria rushed in to support him.  "They were my friends...  We will just have to carry on even though they will no longer be here to guide us."

His voice cracked again as he struggled to compose himself.

"I will take care of this, threehorn."

It took a few moments before he could speak again, but he was pleased to hear that Bron had taken the opportunity to speak in his place.  He could articulate his grief for the others, but not with the losses of his own kind.  Even though he had not been the leader in the charge into the canyon, he still felt the burden of responsibility.

"The threehorns and flyers have suffered more than any other herd.  Many have been lost, including Whitehorn himself."

Loud cries emanated from the assembled threehorns as they began to stomp the ground in their grief.  Most of the families had lost a father and more than a few children had been left as orphans.  For them, their escape from the hiding place gave them only misery.  Tria had taken the lead in adopting one of the poor things into her family.  Upon seeing the actions of the defacto leader's mate, many other female threehorns followed suit until all were accounted for.  Topps had not spoken on the matter one way or the other.  He simply led by accepting silence.  His accepting smile of the infant male spoke volumes to all who had been present.

"And as for the children..."  Bron's voice broke as he confirmed the news to the assembly.  "Shorty... my son is no more... and Detras has joined him in death...  I can only hope that when I die it can be with half as much bravery as my sons..."  He nuzzled Littlefoot as he lost the ability to speak.  Bron's remaining son was equally at a loss for words.

Topps rose again to finish this sad duty.  The dead could not be helped, but the living was another story.

"Our thoughts are now with the injured...  Taunt..." The absence of his daughter was understandable on account of his injury.  She refused to leave his side.  "Petrie..."  The flyer's mother and siblings were undoubtedly huddled by their sharptooth brother.  They had not only lost a sister on this horrible day, but they may yet lose a brother. "And countless others... our hopes are with you all.  The valley has paid for its life in blood.  We can only hope that no more blood is demanded of us."

With that the assembled dinosaurs departed without ceremony.  They had far too much on their minds to deal with formalities.  They had survivors to comfort, injured to heal, and martyrs to mourn.  Despite the pain of the present, each would have to do their best to survive and thrive so that their loved one's sacrifice would not be in vain.


Taunt woke up with a start.

"Easy, Taunt.  Don't move the leg."

Taunt calmed significantly at Spike's calm voice.  However, he was still confused about where he was.  Why was he laying on his side?  Why did his leg have a stick tied to it with vines?  Why was he in pain?

Oh... shit...  the rockslide.

With his recovering memory, he looked over at the assembled dinosaurs.  Spike and Leap both had numerous healing plants on their numerous cuts and abrasions, but their wounds were nowhere near as severe as his.  Nonetheless, it was imperative for them to rest and recover.  He had no doubt that Littlefoot would threaten them with unnamed torments unless they agreed to assist in their recovery.  Well... he would if he were not in mourning.

He shifted his gaze towards the massive longneck in the distance.  Curled up next to him was the noticeable form of Littlefoot, obvious even under the cover of night.  Bron had lost a son and Littlefoot had lost the two caregivers who had supported him throughout his childhood.  At least Thud had been spared that torment.  He could clearly see Ruby and her family curled up next to the burdened leader as well.  Both families had lost so much in the horrible battle and as such it was only logical for them to find solace in each other's company.

Stern Claw's distant form could be seen in the distance beside her father.  Neither of them had yet entered into slumber and Taunt could only imagine that both of them were trying to resolve the horrific events of the battle.  She had stayed by his side until after he had finally fallen asleep, but now obviously needed time with her father.

Taunt looked down in shame.  Nearly half of her herd was killed today.  Her extended family and acquaintances from not so long ago had met their ends under the heavy stones of the Hidden Canyon.  Suffocation... blunt trauma... bleeding out... the dying moments of the threehorns must have been awful beyond all imagining.  Had Taunt not been injured she undoubtedly would have long since sought solace in her family.

Taunt sighed.  Despite having what would usually be considered a mortal injury, he had come out of the cataclysm quite lucky.  At least he was still alive.  Many of the other injured may not be able to claim that for much longer.  With that in mind he gazed over at the assembled flyers who were talking to the rainbowfaces.

Petrie was laid in a prone position on the ground as Pterano assisted Logos in allowing water to drain into the flyer's beak from a tree star.  He had still not regained consciousness and everyone feared that might be the permanent situation.  Ducky, Volant, and all of Petrie's surviving siblings were congregated around the stricken flyer as they offered each other what little comfort that they could.  That was when an odd sight caught his attention.  The shadow of a flyer which was illuminated by the moonlight.

"They call that one Guido, apparently."  

Taunt looked in surprise at his father.  How long had he been awake?  Had he been watching over him the entire time?

"Petrie was his best friend when he was a leaf-eater and he seems to have taken it on himself to do whatever he can to help.  Even if that is getting healing plants under the light of the Night Circle."

Taunt nodded.  "Sometimes that is all that we can do to not feel helpless."

Thud moved over to his son as he enveloped him in a loving embrace.

Taunt was more correct than he could have known.


Guido grabbed another healing leaf as he struggled to fight his growing exhaustion.  The absolute last thing that he wanted to do was to be forced to reflect upon the horrors of the day.  One of Petrie's siblings was dead and Petrie himself might be lost in the days ahead.  It was enough to make Guido remember back when he had originally believed Petrie to be dead after the brown flyer had turned into a sharptooth flyer.  Those horrible emotions... the hopelessness... the despair...

Guido clinched his eyes shut for a moment as he willed himself to remain focused.  He would be of no help to anyone if he broke down in despair.  Petrie had given the valley his all, the least that he could do was to return the favor.  He could cry when it was all finally over.  When Petrie's fate was finally known.


Guido quickly took off into the air and landed on a nearby tree.  What is that?!


Another splash echoed into the night as Guido stared into the dark stream.  He was in the Mysterious Beyond so he couldn't discount the possibility that sharpteeth could be responsible for the sudden commotion... and when Guido reflected that Chomper's folks were staying at the other end of the Hidden Canyon...

Damn sharpteeth!  Haven't we suffered enough?!   Guido was about to fly off and count his blessings when the mysterious dinosaur suddenly came into view.

A longneck.


"Damn you are heavy!  And to think that I thought giving Tricia rides was painful..."

The other dinosaur appeared to try to rise from the water where Shorty's tumbled had caused him to land.  Guido couldn't see much detail on the taller dinosaur, but he certainly had a distinct voice.

"Well if you hadn't decided to swim down the Underground Rapids then my leg would still be fine!  I was floating quite nicely until your green ass decided to make an appearance."

The silhouette of the longneck turned towards the stranger and talked back in a cheeky tone.

"Well Mr. Feather Ass, I didn't have much of a choice..."

Both dinosaurs stared at one another for a moment before erupting into fits of laughter.  It was a curious sound.  The kind of sound that could only come from persons who were simply happy to be alive, never mind anything else.  But that was not what disturbed Guido.  The voice of the longneck... he recognized that voice...

"Sh... Shorty?"

The longneck's dark silhouette turned towards the teal flyer.  "Guido?"

As Guido moved closer, the seaweed covered bodies of a fast runner and a green longneck friend came into clear view.  They both looked like that they had cleaned the bottom of a lake with their bodies.  Despite their disheveled appearance, however, both of them seemed relatively uninjured except for Detras leaning against Shorty for support.  Upon seeing this sight Guido felt something warm begin to build in his chest.  It was when Shorty's cheeky smile suddenly appeared and his humorously understated voice broke through the night that Guido knew that at least some joy had come on this night of despair.

"So... uh... how was your day?"

After a most difficult day for the citizens of the valley, finally some good news has arrived. Despite the return of Detras and Shorty, however, the battle has taken a terrible toll. Will Petrie be the last casualty of Red Claw's vendetta? And what about the survivors on the enemy side, namely Calin? These questions and more will be answered in the two remaining installments of the Seven Hunters!

Well, the story is finally drawing to a close. I should have the last chapter posted on late Christmas Evening in the US (the early morning of December 26 for those of you in Europe) as a late Christmas present of sorts. (-; Meanwhile the epilogue and a final author's note will be posted on New Year's Eve. Until then, I would like to wish you and your families the very best of tidings!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, I was right... I feel so happy right now for Littlefoot's group. I know I got a lot of the details wrong, and looked over some thing in the previous chapter, which you had pointed out, but I'm glad they made it out of this alive. The Grandparents gave their lives to saver their son and much of his pack, and they were happy to do so, knowing they could go on, and the valley itself would go on as well. Gotta see about Taunt, though.

I'm sorry, but the threehorns were idiots! I've got to feel sorry for them, so, since their stupidity caused the loss of so many of them. It's just sad and tragic in a way. They screw up their mission, letting the fast biters in the valley, then stay out of the battle for most of it, and out of regret, they rush back into battle at the worst possible time, ending up not really dieing for any reason. Poor Whitehorn. This tragedy could have been prevented. :cry

I'm so glad both Shorty and Detras made it! That was a great last pick-me-up at the end, there! You kinda need to sprinkle them around all the death and misery, or the death and misery just get's tiring after awhile.

I'm curious as to what Colin could be up to now. He'd obviously not care about his 'comrades', so he won't go on any kind of vendetta for them, but will he go on one for himself? Maybe he will make it his whole life's purpose to take down Seeker? I know we aren't done yet, but could this be sequal material? :p  :lol  :nyah

Oh, a mistake I noticed. You have Ura still alive in a scene here, while I THINK she was the one that got her head ripped clean off by redclaw.

Anyway, shorter, but still an amazing, and emotionally filled chapter. I can't wait for the last chapter/epilogue!

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Quote from: vonboy,Dec 20 2014 on  05:16 PM
Oh, a mistake I noticed. You have Ura still alive in a scene here, while I THINK she was the one that got her head ripped clean off by redclaw.
Actually, that wasn't Ura. It was her aunt, Tranquil, who got her head ripped off.


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Sorry for the delay in responding, I have been busy with Christmas festivities.

Yeah, I was right... I feel so happy right now for Littlefoot's group. I know I got a lot of the details wrong, and looked over some thing in the previous chapter, which you had pointed out, but I'm glad they made it out of this alive. The Grandparents gave their lives to saver their son and much of his pack, and they were happy to do so, knowing they could go on, and the valley itself would go on as well. Gotta see about Taunt, though.

I figured that you would be mostly pleased with the result.  The grandparents have indeed paid the ultimate price to ensure the safety of the children.  Now only time will tell if Taunt and Petrie will survive through their ailments.  Petrie is still unconscious and Taunt has what would normally be a mortal injury for a fastbiter.

I'm sorry, but the threehorns were idiots! I've got to feel sorry for them, so, since their stupidity caused the loss of so many of them. It's just sad and tragic in a way. They screw up their mission, letting the fast biters in the valley, then stay out of the battle for most of it, and out of regret, they rush back into battle at the worst possible time, ending up not really dieing for any reason. Poor Whitehorn. This tragedy could have been prevented. dino_sad.gif

It wasn't so much stupidity, as the mob mentality.  When they all charged forward in formation they allowed Calin's deputy to go behind their lines and charge into the valley.  Unfortunately by the time they realize that there will be no attack on the main entrance and that they can act as backup, Littlefoot's plan is already in action.  Their losses, like the losses in most wars, were pointless and tragic.  It all could have been prevented.

I'm so glad both Shorty and Detras made it! That was a great last pick-me-up at the end, there! You kinda need to sprinkle them around all the death and misery, or the death and misery just get's tiring after awhile.

Indeed.  :yes Every tragedy needs some lighthearted elements and every comedy needs some tragedy.  A chapter full of death and despair would be quite a tough read.

I'm curious as to what Colin could be up to now. He'd obviously not care about his 'comrades', so he won't go on any kind of vendetta for them, but will he go on one for himself? Maybe he will make it his whole life's purpose to take down Seeker? I know we aren't done yet, but could this be sequal material? dino_tongue.gif  dino_laugh.gif  harhar1.gif

We will just have to see what happens to our dear Calin, the most benevolent and kind of dinosaurs.  :p His act of killing Redclaw (admittedly for a selfish desire for revenge) is probably the only good act that Calin has done in this story.

Actually, that wasn't Ura. It was her aunt, Tranquil, who got her head ripped off.

You are indeed correct.  Ura is still alive.  Otherwise I tremble to think how Spike, Ducky, and their enumerable siblings would react.

Thanks for the reviews and comments, everyone.  :) The next chapter should be posted late Christmas Night.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I admit, I rather enjoyed the scene with Calin and Redclaw.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 73   A parting of the ways

“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
― Khalil Gibran

Three days later:

The fast biter wore a serene expression as he stroked the rock with his clawed hand.

"I hope that you two enjoy the view.  It is beautiful."

It was customary to simply let bodies decompose as it was part of the circle of life, but this was far different.  So many had died and the valley's victory was so miraculous that it was decided to build a monument to the fallen.  A reminder, like Saurus Rock, to distant generations of what happened on that day.  The valley, having been devastated by grief, was only too willing to perform one final feat for those who had sacrificed so much.  Just as they had lived through their own efforts and not simply through the mercy of nature, they would create the landmark that nature would not.

The stone which he was touching was only a small part of the large mound that had been created by the efforts of the valley.  Large stones had been dragged by the surviving threehorns, which created the base of the structure.  They had found a natural base at the bodies of the fallen longnecks, which themselves had been mostly covered by massive stones.  From there a huge mound of mud and rock had been placed higher and higher, with dinosaurs climbing on their construction in order to raise it further.  The massive mound of rock and mud rose to the height of a longneck and was nearly six times as long in diameter.  It was amazing that such a structure could have been built, with the rockslide's help or not.  But very nearly the entire uninjured population of the valley had worked at it as an outlet for their grief and despair.  It was something to do when nothing else could be done for the injured and fallen.  It had only been the previous night when Bron finally ordered everyone to stop.  He didn't want them to work themselves to the point of injury, no matter their intentions.  They had lost far too many as it was.

"I guess we kind of got carried away... but you all deserve this...  Whitehorn...  Harthron...  Grandma...  Grandpa..."  The fast biter bowed his head.  "I just hope that Petrie doesn't join you... his pack still needs him... and so does his family." He sighed deeply.  "I just hope that you are happy, wherever you are now...  I am sure that mother is proud of you."

The fast biter stood in silent vigil at the base of the mound for several moments.  Besides blocking entrances the valley had never really made anything like a construction before.  Perhaps it was inspiration from the pack's use of vines and spears... or perhaps it was contagion from the weird ideas of the rainbowfaces... but whatever it was, the valley had decided to deviate from the natural order to honor those who had defended the natural order.

"I figured that I would find you here."

Littlefoot did not turn around.  He had heard the small longneck approach for several minutes and had smelled him for minutes before that.  Nonetheless he was not displeased to have his company.  

After all, he had feared that his brother was one of the fallen until quite recently.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Littlefoot asked softly.

Shorty quickly sat down beside his brother and looked up at the massive mound.  He was silent for several moments, but then he shook his head in a disbelieving way.

"I can't believe that they are gone."  Shorty admitted sadly.  "The day before..."  He couldn't make himself reference the battle.  "...they were so happy.  Pestering you and Ruby over your thing..."  Shorty smiled in remembrance.  "...and now they are not here anymore."

The longneck turned towards his brother.  "How are you holding up?"

Littlefoot sighed.  "As well as can be expected, I guess.  At least they... they died knowing that the valley was going to be okay.  At least they had that mercy."

Shorty leaned against his brother as Littlefoot reciprocated the kind gesture.  At least the two brothers still had one another and their father.  Their family, like many, had experienced the bitter taste of loss, but they would still continued on.  That was something that some of the threehorn and flyer families could not attest to.

Some of them had been completely annihilated.

"What..."  Shorty asked hesitantly.  "...what about Petrie?  Has there been any word?"

Littlefoot simply shook his head, which made Shorty lean a bit more forcefully.  It was increasingly looking like the pack might lose one of their own.  The longer that the flyer did not awaken, the weaker that his body would become.  At some point it would be time to say goodbye to their beloved flyer.  The fast biter was already preparing himself for that possibility.

"The rainbowfaces say that we should know in a couple of days."  Littlefoot finally offered.  "If he doesn't wake up in the next few days then it will be too late."  Littlefoot was summarizing, of course, Logos had explained the effects of Petrie not eating and something about 'energy' that was beyond his understanding, but the meaning had been clear.  This had done nothing to improve the pack leader's state of mind.

"Well..."  Shorty finally offered.  "Detras wanted me to tell you something."

Littlefoot blinked.  "Oh?"

Shorty nodded.  "Yeah...  He says that Chomper's folks will be going to Hanging Rock today.  They will wait for you there."

Littlefoot was perplexed by this.  "Why would they... oh."  He finally got the point of the message.  "Um... right..."

Chomper's parents, like the rest of the pack, had been able to feed upon some of the corpses from the battle's aftermath.  However, the fallen rocks had covered up much of the usable meat and none of the valley residents would want them to eat those residents who had lost their lives in the valley.  In fact, the dinners in the canyon were only acceptable because the act could not be seen...  It was obvious that Dein and Terri would feel the need to leave before the rest of the pack, but even they would have to leave soon.

The only question was: would Petrie join them?

Littlefoot sighed.  "Alright.  Let's go talk to Chomper's folks.  We will also need to... erm... make sure that the residents don't head in that direction any time soon."

Shorty paled at the mentioning of possible predation on the valley residents, but he said nothing.  Littlefoot was correct, of course.

Littlefoot looked up at the mound one last time as he rose to the stalking position of his species.

"Goodbye, Grandma and Grandpa...”  His soft smile was overflowing with emotion.   “Take care of mother for me."

As the two brothers departed from the canyon, the Bright Circle's radiant form finally peaked over the massive mound, filling the canyon with its white light.  A hopeful sign in the desolate wastes.


"I am so glad to have you back, daddy!"

Detras smiled as his daughter hugged him tightly.  In any other circumstance having a fast biter hug a fast runner would be an odd occurrence, but it had turned into a regular ritual since he had returned with Shorty.

"I know, dear.  It is good to be back."  He smiled.  "I already sent word to Littlefoot for him to meet up with us."

Ruby looked surprised by this.  "Oh...  Are Dein and Terri?"

Detras nodded.  "Yeah, they have decided to make the trip today.  I am sure that the valley will be somewhat relieved by that."

Ruby took on a slightly annoyed expression.  "Now dad, you know that they wouldn't eat a valley resident!  They gave the valley their vow... they fought beside them."

Pearl walked into the conversation just in time to intervene.  "That is true, dear.  But old habits die hard."  Her smile seemed to brighten up the cave.  "The residents are somewhat used to all of you, but not Chomper's folks."

Ruby reluctantly nodded at this.  Her mother had a point there.

Pearl's smile remained undiminished.  "Now let's go get your brother and sister.  I expected to get them earlier, but somebody decided to sleep in..."  She chided with mock disapproval.

Ruby yawned.  "Well I wouldn't have slept in if I wasn't so tired.  If I were less tired then maybe I would not have slept in."

Detras smiled.  "Well, you do need the rest in order to heal."  He inspected some of her gashes with concern.  "Despite the vines you took quite a few good scratches."

Ruby nodded sadly.  "Not as bad as some of the others."

The three dinosaurs became silent at Ruby's words.  Their family had come through the cataclysm comparably well off, but many of the others had not.  Dozens of the valley's residents were dead and many would carry the scars of the conflict for the rest of their lives.

"Well..."  Pearl spoke softly.  "Let's go get your brother and sister.  From there we can go check on Petrie..."  She looked up at Ruby with sad eyes.  "Ura told me that she had to pry the kids away from Petrie last night... none of them wanted to leave him behind."

Detras frowned at this.  "Is that why you decided to let them spend the night at the swimmer's nest?"

Pearl nodded.  "Arial and Orchid have become quite close to the swimmers...  I figure that would cheer them up.  Not to mention that Ducky more than likely has already led them to Petrie this morning."

Ruby looked towards the stream that led to where the swimmers resided.  "She goes there every morning and doesn't leave until the Night Circle rises.  I feel sorry for her.  Petrie is her best friend."

Pearl hugged her daughter.  "Shh... dear... we will visit both of them in a few moments.  Let's just get your brother and sister, okay?"

Ruby reluctantly nodded as all three of them proceeded to walk down the stream towards the interconnected water holes that made up the nesting site of the swimmers.  What was normally an area bustling with activity and joy was eerily silent and calm at this early hour.  The lack of voices was a reminder of those who had been silenced forever.

A splash caused her to quickly recover from her melancholy.

"Ah, Ponder!  There you are!"

Ruby turned towards the familiar voice and smiled.  Despite the turmoil of the last few days, the sound of her companion's voice immediately lifted her spirits.  As long as he remained then she knew that things would be okay.

"Seeker!"  She ran up to the advancing dinosaur as both of her parents looked on with amusement.  "You brought Shorty with you?"  She asked with curiosity.

Littlefoot looked surprised for a moment, before looking behind him.  In the distance, and advancing rapidly, was the exhausted form of a green longneck.  It didn't take long for his mocking voice to greet his brother's ears.

"Damn!  You fast biters are fast!"  He tried to catch his breath for a moment.  "Are you two in that much of a hurry to make babies or something?!"  He asked in a cheeky manner.

Both Littlefoot and Ruby looked mortified at Shorty's accusation, as Ruby's parents tried to hold back laughter.  

"Ahem..."  Littlefoot cleared his voice in an awkward manner as he adjusted to speak in leaf-eater.  "You do realize that you are taunting two sharpteeth, right?"

Shorty did not fall for Littlefoot's mock threat.  "Heh... you wouldn't eat your own brother... besides, after what I just had to run there isn't much meat left on me anyway."

Both Littlefoot and Ruby chuckled at this.  Shorty's humor was a welcome respite from the surreal situation they found themselves in.

"There is something seriously wrong with you, Shorty."  Littlefoot mocked.  "Joking about being a meal..."

Shorty shrugged.  "I always said that you were a bad influence."

The five dinosaurs laughed lightly as the banter of the small dinosaur as they continued their journey towards Ducky's family and from there, to Petrie's comatose body.  They had no idea that four familiar dinosaurs were already quite close by.


"Alright, son.  Now lean against Stern Claw and walk towards me."

With pained grunts emanating from the fast biter's mouth, he struggled to hobble on one leg as Cera allowed herself to be used as a support.  In the slowest of movements Taunt slowly trekked across the distance between them.  It was only when he collapsed into his father's supporting arms that he allowed himself to speak.

"Damn it!  Everything hurts!"

Thud sighed as he assisted his son in sitting himself on the ground, being careful not to let him put any weight on the broken leg.

"I know, son... but at least your other leg seems to be fine."

Taunt sputtered.  "Fine?  Fine?!  I walked slower than legless swimmer!"

Cera stroked his head as she tried to calm him.  "Remember what the rainbowface said, Taunt?  Your knee just needs time to heal, but we have to work the leg so it doesn't get too weak."  She smiled at him.  "Then when your other leg is better we can do the same thing until it is strong as well."

Taunt growled.  "Oh gee, I can't wait..."

"Is he alright?"

Cera looked up.  With her fixation of Taunt's therapy, she had nearly forgotten that her father was close by.  As she was about to speak, however, Taunt decided to try his hand at speaking leaf-eater again.

"Well I have a broken leg, a sore leg, and a sadist for a father.  Yeah, I'm just fine."

Everything seemed to stop at that instant as Cera translated Taunt’s leaf-eater for Thud’s benefit.  Cera had taken to translating for her friend, which had probably saved him from being stomped on twice over back when he had first been introduced to her father.  However, he now had sufficient control over the leaf-eater language to speak intelligibly.  Cera was concerned that Taunt's cheeky demeanor would lead to trouble.  However, her father's reaction surprised her.

He laughed.

"Your father is torturing you?  Has my daughter not been doing her job?"

Cera had to chuckle at this.  With all of the emotion and turmoil over the last few days, it felt good just to hear her father in good spirits, even if only for a brief moment.  She was curious as to what her father wanted, however.

"Cera, can I speak to you a moment?"

The yellow fast biter looked at Taunt and Thud for a moment as if to ask for their permission.

Thud laughed.  "Well, since I am a 'sadist' I think it would be appropriate for me to lead the next walking session."  He gave a predatory smile at his son, who emitted a groan in response.  Thud then looked up at Cera.  "I am sure that he will appreciate you 'saving' him later."

Taunt whined.  "You are all sadists!  Sadists, I tell you!"

Cera smiled.  "Don't worry, Taunt.  I will be back... then it will be my turn to help you walk."

She ignored the obscene gesture that Taunt gave her in response as she raised her head in a prideful strut and then turned towards her father.  He had a somewhat grave look on his face.  As she approached, he began to walk some distance away towards the watering hole.  It was only when he finally stopped and looked into its depths that Cera finally asked the obvious question.

"What do you need, daddy?"


Topps sighed at the question from his daughter.  Where could he even begin?

"What do you think of Goro, Cera?"

His daughter seemed to be taken aback by the mention of Tria's adopted son.  His adoption had been the one act that motivated many of the other mothers to take in the orphans of the battle.  Two entire litters had been left orphaned, but between the remainder of threehorns there had been enough to take them in.  

Cera's face took on an odd expression.  "He seems like a good kid.  Tricia seems to like him..."  

As she said those words, she looked across the lake towards where Tricia and Goro seemed to be playing a game of some kind.  Topps followed her expression and smiled at the scene.  Tricia seemed to be showing the reluctant young child how to swim, while Tria looked on in amusement.  This was something that Tricia wouldn't have learned without Ducky's training so long ago and now it seemed that Tricia wanted to share her knowledge to her adopted brother.  It was a cute scene and one that Topps felt bittersweet to see.  After all, it should have been this child's mother and father who were witnessing this and not him.

He only hoped that Whitehorn would be pleased to have Topps adopt his son.

"It went against my instincts to accept another's child as my own.  But now I almost feel like he was always my son... you know?"  He looked towards the water for a moment.  "Tria was surprised when I made the suggestion."

Cera was taken aback.  "This was your idea?  I thought that Tria..."

Topps nodded.  "Do not misunderstand, Cera.  Tria accepted Goro just as readily as she accepted you, but I felt that I had to do this..."  His face contorted oddly as he shifted from a frown to a contemplative expression.  "Whitehorn risked everything in the battle.  I could see the pain in his eyes.  He felt anguish with every loss... but he didn't let any of that show."  He blinked as he remembered the brown threehorn.  "He was a natural leader in the making and the damned battle took him!"

Silence permeated the scene as Cera dared not interrupt her father.  The emotions in the air were palpable.

"He was the sort of threehorn that I would have been honored to have as a son...  I will consider it an honor to raise his son as my own."  He smiled sadly.  "It is not the way of our kind... but being around you Cera has taught me something important."

Cera blinked away the tears that she had no idea that she was shedding.  "What's that, daddy?"

Topps nodded.  "Sometimes you have to look passed the old ways... in order to do what is right."  He nuzzled his daughter as he laughed at himself.  "If Mr. and Mrs. Longneck were here then they would say I was getting soft."

Cera laughed as well.  A very soft sound that came out like a light growl.  "Well, Bron could call you soft if that would make you feel any better."

Topps rose to his full height and resumed the cocky demeanor that was customary of his species.  "Bron, ha!  Not even he is stupid enough to call me that!"

Cera chuckled at her father's antics.  She was obviously pleased that he was beginning to act like his old self.  He noted this and decided to move on to the purpose of this meeting.

"But that is not why I called you out here... I think that there is something else that I need to do... something that the longnecks would have done if they were here..."

The yellow fast biter looked up at this.  This was an unexpected development.

Topps cleared his voice.  "Cera, what do you think about..."


"You leaving already, mommy?"

Terri looked at her son with a smile.  Despite having been in battle, her son could still act as innocent as a child.  Because he is still a child. She cautioned herself.  A child who has seen and done too much.  

"Yes, Path... the food is not as plentiful."

Dein took the opportunity to clarify his mate's statement.

"Ha!  The food is plentiful enough, but the leaf-eaters would object!"

Terri looked at her mate with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.  "What do you expect, dear?  For one of them to sacrifice themselves as a token of goodwill?"

Dein shrugged.  "That would be nice.  Or they could just let us eat some of those nice domeheads that got ripped up in the valley."

Terri rolled her eyes.  "Somehow I think that they would object to seeing us eat their brothers and sisters, dear."

Dein laughed, a horrific growling sound.  "They're already dead!  I can understand them being unconvinced if we killed them first, but they have already been ripped up like a flyer in a hailstorm!  If they don't want to watch then they can look away while we eat!"

Her mate was about to make another cheeky reply when another voice caught her attention.

"Dein.  Terri."  It was Littlefoot.  "Sorry for the delay... I was um... reflecting."

Terri frowned inwardly.  Littlefoot had lost his grandparents in the attack and though her mate might not have been capable of seeing the situation in the way she did, even he could understand the significance of losing one's caregivers to an enemy.  At least those two earned their vengeance. She affirmed to herself.  Though she knew that the pain of loss would still haunt the brown fast biter for some time.

"It is alright, Seeker."  She affirmed.  "Giving respect for our ancestors requires no apologies."  She noted that the fast biter bowed his head at the mentioning of 'ancestors'.  Now his grandparents were in that same realm as his mother, Skytail, and all of those others who had passed on in ages long gone by.  It would certainly take a while to accept that as reality.

Chomper took the lull in the conversation to finally speak again.  "Stay safe out there!"

Dein laughed.  "Red Claw is dead and most of his allies have been crushed.  We will do just fine."  He then looked down as several others, whom he recognized as Spike, Breeze, Leap, and Swift, began to congregate at the scene.  "You all just come to Hanging Rock when the Spotter situation is over."

Littlefoot and Chomper both looked down at this.  There were only two possible ways for Petrie's 'situation' to be resolved and one of those ways became less and less likely each day.  The emotional burden on the gathered dinosaurs was obvious.

"Is it too late for the valley to send it regards?"

Terri looked up.  The massive grey threehorn that she recognized as Cera's father slowly came on the scene, with Cera following close behind.  Further behind him, lumbered a large brown longneck and a green juvenile.  It looked like the valley was about to give them a proper send off before they left.

"I have no idea what the grey horn-face said, but if it doesn't involve him offering himself up as food, then I don't care."

Terri rolled her eyes at her mate's sarcastic expression and turned her gaze towards her son.

"Path, would you mind translating for us?  And... give your father a generous interpretation.  I would prefer not to be chased out."

As her mate continued to make wisecrack remarks, Chomper nodded his head in agreement with his mother's proposal.  It was here under the main entrance of the valley that it gave a fond farewell to the first and only adult two-footers that they had accepted into its boundaries.  All of the leaf-eaters present knew that if they had the misfortune to met again in the Mysterious Beyond then it would be a battle to the death, but at least for this one shining moment in the valley's history both sides had been joined for one noble purpose.

It was something that no one who was present would ever forget.


"It looks like Chomper's folks are leaving."

Volant could only nod mutely at Guido's report.  All of her attention at the moment was focused on the same prone form that she had been fixated on for the last three days.  Periodically Ducky or one of her children would offer her some food, but she ate very little.  She had already lost one daughter and the thought that she may lose Petrie was too much for her to bear.

"You should try to eat something, sister.  I can keep watch for a while."

Volant shook her head.  "Petrie didn't take a break and neither will I."

The elder flyer heard an exhausted sigh from her long-exiled brother.  He had been permitted to stay until Petrie's fate was known, but he knew that his place in the valley was a precarious one.  But nothing was as precarious as Petrie's situation was now.  Volant's heart ached with every rise of her son's chest.  She feared that each one might be his last.

She could feel her brother's approaching feet as he moved closer to Petrie's side.  He simply stayed there for several moments as Ducky and Guido approached on the other side.  The silence stretched from one moment to another as they maintained their vigil.  It was finally Ducky which broke the silence.

"Wake up, Petrie... All of your brothers and sisters are waiting for you.  They are, they are."

Volant sighed as she closed her eyes.  Petrie remained asleep despite their best care and the help of the rainbowfaces.  She couldn't help but wonder what sleep stories came to Petrie in the seemingly endless sleep.


Petrie shifted to his right as the other flyer barreled passed where he had been previously.

"You have to do better to catch Petrie!"  He mocked as he turned in the opposite direction and proceeded to pick up speed.  If the other flyer thought that he was going to catch him, then he had another thing coming.  With him gaining speed at an alarming rate in this endless sky, he was quite surprised to see another flyer flying right next to him.

"You would have a better lead if you hadn't mocked him."

"Ahhh!!!"  Petrie panicked as he went into a barrel roll and went into a vertical dive.  The sky in this mysterious place appeared to be endless, so why not dive as fast as he can?  He soon realized that all of this was for naught, however, when the mysterious flyer again appeared at his side.

"Good strategy, but he will eventually catch up.  He always catches his prey."

Petrie looked towards the flyer as he continued to dive.  The flyer was a male Pteranodon which had a remarkably similar appearance to Pterano, but he appeared to be a bit older.  Despite having never met this flyer in his life, he looked familiar for some reason.

"If he always catch prey, then why you here?"  Petrie squawked as he could hear the black flyer approach closer to the duo.  The stranger appeared to be quite correct.

The flyer laughed.  "He caught me long ago.  He only catches his prey once."  The eyes of the flyer then met Petrie's.  "But I think that he won't mind catching you much later... you provided him with more than enough prey in recent days."

Petrie could hear the black flyer approach even closer.  A horrifying screeching sound seemed to be emanating from the fiend's body as he came closer and closer.  It was enough to drive the sharptooth flyer into a panic.

"He isn't too bad... he is just doing his job..."

Petrie sputtered at this.  "Me no care!  Me no want him do his job on me!"

The elder flyer laughed a jovial laugh, which greatly confused Petrie.  How could he be so calm at a time like this?  What did he mean that he had already been caught?  What did any of this mean?  As the black flyer came closer and closer, Petrie suspected that he would never learn the answer.

"You know, Petrie... Spotter... Sandstorm... whatever you like to be called.  I am glad to have met you, even though you never met me."

Petrie was silent.  This flyer was making no sense.  No sense at all.  But yet he couldn't turn away as he stared into his eyes.  It was as if he were staring directly into his soul.  As the screeching of the black flyer came closer, the elder flyer smiled a loving smile and leaned in towards Petrie's ear.  As he whispered into Petrie's ear, he could see the mysterious world fall away like a phantom in the rising of the Bright Circle.

"Wake up, son."


The first thing that caught Petrie's eyes was light.  Blinding light.


The small flyer sucked down a breath...  and then another... and then another.  For some reason the mere sensation of breathing felt liberating.  It was as if it were the first conscious action that he had done in days.  As pleasant as the return awareness was, the next sensation was not welcoming at all.

Pain.  Terrible, terrible pain.

In a sudden rush all of the memories from the battle came back.  The attack on the valley, the killing of Valaria, his quest for revenge, the battle in the ravine, his crash into the rocks...  The reason for his lingering pain was now obvious to him.  He felt like that he had crashed into the mountain, because he had.  He had finally awakened from his slumber, but his enemies would not.

Despite the pain, Petrie could soon see that the light was dimming as his eyes adjusted to the scene around him.  There were four forms immediately to his front, which seemed to be emitting a growling sound that was oddly alien, yet calming.  It was almost as if the four dark features were...

Asleep.  Petrie's mind registered.  Is Petrie by sleeping spot?

As his vision continued to clear, he could see the specters begin to come into clear focus.  Two large brown flyers were leaning against one another making an odd screeching sound, while the green, featured form of a fast biter was curled up into a ball by his feet.  It only took him a few seconds to recognize them.

Momma... Uncle Pterano... Ducky...  Guido...

Petrie smiled as he again sucked down a breath.  Was the sleep story real?  Was it fake?  Had he really met his biological father?  In the end he realized that it didn't really matter.  What mattered was that for now he was in the world of the living and he could still be with those whom he loved.  He wasted no time in seizing his second chance at life.

"Why you sleep?  Bright Circle still up."

Petrie was treated to the surprised expressions of the four as they suddenly awakened from their slumber.  In an instant, Petrie was enveloped in the loving embrace of his loved ones.  As the joyful squawks and cheers echoed across the valley, everyone knew of his fate.  Petrie may meet his end in battle one day, but it would not be today.  

The last of the seven hunters had survived the battle


The next day:

"Goodness, Petrie!  You're eating fish about as fast as we can catch them!"

Petrie stopped eating for a moment in order to catch his breath.  Though the sight of gore and the smell of disemboweled fish caused the leaf-eaters distress, none of Petrie's siblings departed the scene.  They were just happy to have him back.  In a moment, Petrie was ready to respond to Taunt's commentary.

"Well, Taunt.  You not catching them.  Others catch them."

Taunt rolled his eyes at Petrie's words.  He had set himself up for that one.

"Just my luck!  On the one day Spotter can't fly away after his taunts, I have a bum leg."

Petrie may a shrugging motion with his wings.  "Me probably can fly.  Me can try..."

"I don't think so."  Came Volant's stern reply.  "Remember what the rainbowfaces said?"

Another voice from behind Petrie alerted him to the continued presence of the two mysterious dinosaurs.  

"You had a very bad head injury, Petrie.  You should stay put for a couple of days at least."

Another voice, the masculine voice of Chronos, came shortly thereafter.  "Yes.  As it is you need a lot of food to make up for your lost body weight.  You are almost eating as much as Logos..."

A pained groan was suddenly heard as Petrie shook his head.  Logos had obviously let her mate know what she thought about that comment.

"Ahem..."  Logos's voice resumed.  "Yes, you are eating a lot...  and unlike certain other people you are not in the process of making eggs."  An apologetic cough emanated from the male, as she continued.  "Are you feeling alright, Petrie.  Any mood swings?"

A muffled laugh came from Taunt as he desperately tried to hide his amusement.  He didn't want to be the next in line for Logo's pregnancy-induced wrath.  Thankfully, Petrie's answer saved him.

"No.  Me not moody."  Petrie replied.  "Me just hungry and tired."

Logos then came into view of the flyer as she nodded.  "That is to be expected.  You had a pretty bad concussion, but I don't think that you have permanent damage."

Petrie ignored the odd word 'concussion' as he assumed it was just one of those weird, star people words.  Instead, he took the opportunity to talk to Taunt.

"You hear that, Taunt.  Me have hurt head.  Me almost as stupid as you are now."

An annoyed growl emanated from where Petrie couldn't see, as Cera's voice called out in rebuke.

"Stop trying to move, Taunt!"

"He called me stupid!"  Came his annoyed reply.

"I know you are, dear, and I love you anyway."

Petrie laughed mentally as he could hear Taunt growl in a mixture of defeat and affection.  No matter what insults Petrie could unleash, he knew that they paled in comparison to Cera's usual banter with her friend.  Petrie was just glad to see that everyone was recovering, himself included.

"Here you go, Spotter!"

Petrie turned his head slowly as he could see the other members of the pack appear.  Thud, Leap, Swift, Spike, Breeze, Ducky...  They were all present and each carried a large fish in their mouths.  As if on cue, they dropped the slippery morsels into a large pile on the ground.  Petrie's hunger returned in force.

"Yuck!  How can you eat that stuff?!"

Petrie smiled at Flap's exclamation.  His brothers and sisters had initially greeted him with uncontrolled jubilation before they all shared in the mourning over Valaria.  But now the usual banter was returning.  A hint of what had come before these days of tragedy and despair.  In reaction to his brother's question, Petrie responded in jest.

"It good, brother.  You should try some."

As the chorus of disgusting exclamations emanated from the flyer family, Volant decided to intervene.

"Okay, children.  How about we get some berries to eat, while Petrie eats... his meal?"  At the chorus of agreeing chirps, Volant laughed and directed her attention to her injured son.  "Petrie, will you be alright?"

Petrie smiled.  "Me be okay, momma.  Pack is watching me and so is rainbowfaces."

Petrie returned his focus to the tasty fish that had been laid in front of him.  As he began to eat and Volant prepared to leave, Petrie heard the sound of two pairs of flapping wings.  This was followed by his mom's sudden inquiry to the new flyers.

"Pterano... Nunti...  What's wrong?"

Petrie turned just in time to see Pterano land, with Nunti close behind.  Pterano had a grave look on his face.

"I have just been informed that Topps wants to talk to me.  It doesn't take a genius to know what he will say."

Volant bowed her head slightly, as the two siblings embraced.  She whispered something into his ear for several moments, which Petrie could not hear.  Then she took off into the air.  Petrie did not wait for his uncle to speak before he broke the silence.

"Uncle, you have to leave?"

Pterano looked in his nephew's direction with apologetic eyes.  "It appears so, Petrie.  I know of no other reason why the threehorn would want to talk to me.  His opinion of me is well known and you have awakened so..."  He gave a soft smile.  "There is no reason to keep me around."

Petrie could not see the knowing look that Cera gave Taunt in the background.  At this moment all that was on Petrie's mind was his uncle's situation.

"Well, you have Nunti so you both be safer in the Mysterious Beyond."  Petrie noted.  "We kill most bad flyers in battle.  So it be safer."

Nunti laughed in the background.  "I am sure that since we allied with the 'baddest' of the bad flyers, that that will help us as well."

Petrie had to laugh at that as well.  He had indeed built up a reputation for himself and he had no doubt that the survivors of the battle would carry the pack's deeds by word-of-mouth across the land.  In sharptooth society a fearsome reputation could sometimes be enough to dissuade an upstart from fighting in the first place.  Petrie had no doubt that this protection would extend to those that had allied with his pack as well.

Pterano nodded.  "Yes, indeed.  I have no doubt that we will do just fine."  His eyes took on a far-way look for a few moments as he seemed to be considering something.  "I am just glad that you are back, Petrie... Had anything happened to you..."

Petrie eyes watered as he joined his uncle in a hug.  "Don't cry, uncle.  Me okay now."

Looking upon the touching scene, Littlefoot looked over at his comrades and gave a knowing head gesture.  As if on cue, the pack dispersed and allowed the trio of flyers some privacy.  Even Taunt, who was bound to his resting spot, had enough foresight to keep his mouth shut.

Little did Pterano know that his fate had already been sealed.



The hidden runner looked up reluctantly from the watering hole.  The familiar face of Viscond greeted her vision.

"The remaining elect are ready to move on...  they are just waiting on your word."

Ignis blinked.  "My word?"

Viscond hesitated.  "Yes... you are still one of them.  Your father saw to that."

Ignis looked down in remembrance.  Her father had indeed restored her family birthright when he had joined in the valley's defense, but she still felt like one of Viscond's followers.  It was odd how the few weeks of freedom had made such an impact on her.

"Tell them that I will be ready in a moment."

Viscond nodded and gave her a slight reassuring grip on her shoulder.  

"He would be proud of you, you know?"

Ignis frowned as she continued to look downcast.  "We lost so many... too many."  She shook her head.  "What will happen to us now?  We lost the very best of us..."  She stopped for a moment as she choked up.  "Now it is up to us who remain to pick up the pieces."

Silence reigned for several moments as Viscond sat down beside the stricken female.  Eventually, however, he broke the silence.

"It reminds me of something I once told Westron."

Ignis turned in surprise.  Viscond had refused to talk about Westron's passage since the terrible battle.  The grief was simply too great... but now he appeared to be ready to open up.

Ignis responded cautiously.  "What is that?"

The male hidden runner smiled slightly as his eyes went out of focus.  It was as if he were looking at something far away.  In a dreamy voice, he then began to recall a distant memory.

"You want me to be your deputy?  I'm honored, sir... but..."

Viscond had just offered his second-in-command position to his dear friend, but he seemed hesitant at the offer.  Viscond had expected this humility, so he responded to Westron's hesitation with ease.

"Trust me, Westron.  You are the best hidden runner for the job."

Westron continued to hesitate, but eventually spoke in a soft voice.  "What do you think the job entails, sir?"

Viscond looked at Westron with surprise.  Did he honestly think that he was not sure of what he was offering?

"I mean no disrespect... but... it is more than just relaying orders and doing delegated work.  I will have to be the figure that they look up to.  I will have to be the leader-in-waiting.  I will have to live up to the standard that you have established...  are you sure that I am the right person for the job?"

Viscond smiled.  That was the kind of analysis that he expected from his friend.  He responded in a kind voice.

"Westron, if I didn't think that you were the one for the job, then I would not have offered it to you.  Closeness implies support.  The pack already knows you are my chosen even though you don't have the title yet."

Westron was taken aback by this.  "They do?"

Viscond nodded.  "Indeed, they do."  He then placed both hands on Westron's shoulders.  "The only question is will you allow me to make it official."

Despite his misgivings, Westron gave him the most confident smile that he could muster.

"I accept."

"Closeness implies support, Ignis.  Your father was doing more than right a wrong when he took you back into the fold."

Ignis was taken aback by this.  "Are... are you sure, Viscond?  I am sure that my father would have told me if he wanted to promote me in rank.  I am still just a daughter and one of the elect... no more than that.”

Viscond gave her a disbelieving look.  "Oh really?  Then why were you giving orders after your father died?  More importantly, why did the others obey them without question?"

Ignis looked away.  She had no answer for him.

"When I was in that cave... fighting the fast biters..."  Viscond paused as he tried to forget the images of his friend being killed.  "I had no idea the carnage that was happening in the canyon, but the others eventually told me."

Ignis continued to stare at her reflection in the water.  She looked nothing like her father, except for her piercing eyes.  Some part of her almost recognized her father's eyes staring back at her through the reflection.

"Do you know what they said, Ignis?"  Upon receiving no answer, he continued.  "They said that they were fortunate that Harthron's deputy took over after he fell.  They said that Ignis fought with the fury of a bellydragger."

Ignis spun around.  "They said what?!"  She shook her head.  "I am not a deputy..."

Viscond smiled.  "Closeness implies support, Ignis.  Your father's support and your own actions have promoted you, whether you like it or not.  It is a foregone conclusion who the remaining elect will select as the new leader."  His face was resolute despite Ignis’s expression of disbelief.  “Some people are born into leadership and others earn it.  You have done both.”

Ignis was dumbfounded.  In the distance the sounds of footsteps could be heard as Seeker's pack and the valley prepared to give the hidden runners a kind send off, but she paid that no heed.  Was she ready to be a leader?  To do so would require her to take a mate... or several... and to perform the other duties associated with that high title.  Could she really live up to the standards that her father had established? Closeness implies support.  She thought to herself. I hope that I will make you proud, daddy.

"Alright... tell the others that we will leave momentarily... Deputy."

Viscond was surprised by this.  Sure, as temporary leader she could make such a promotion... but still...

"Closeness implies support."  She whispered into his ear.  "Besides, someone has to try to teach me how to be diplomatic."

Despite the improperness of doing so in this situation, Viscond couldn't help but joke about the issue.  "Diplomacy isn't not exactly your strong point?"

Ignis retorted quickly.  "About as much as tact is yours."  As the two shared a laugh at one another's expense, she decided to press the issue.  It was amazing how quickly she was growing to the idea.  It was like she was born to do this.

Just like her father.

Ignis took in a deep breath.  "So... do you accept?"

Viscond smiled at the proud female.  Despite her youth and inexperience, it seemed that the pack had chosen well.  She was just what the pack needed to recover from the shock of their tremendous losses.  A new breath of air in a pack that had become stagnant and content with its past successes.  His response was simple and to the point.

"Yes, sir."


Pterano shifted uncomfortably as he waited for the threehorn to finish sending the hidden runners on their way.  He knew what the elder dinosaur’s decision was going to be and part of him wished that he would simply get it over with.

I have lived apart from the valley for several Cold Times.  I can survive a few more.

“Fly... flyer sad?”

Pterano looked down with surprise at the sudden exclamation.  A small pink threehorn greeted his vision, with her eyes inspecting him with concern.  The child thinks that I am sad... how sweet.  Pterano noted.

“No, this flyer is just waiting for...”  He resisted the urge to call him and unkind name.  “Mr. Threehorn.”

The pink threehorn suddenly perked up at this.  “Ha ha!  Flyer want to see daddy!”  Then, with a sudden shrug of her head, she gestured for another infant threehorn to follow her lead.

“Come come, Goro!  Tell flyer bye!”

Pterano simply gave a respectful nod as the shy brown threehorn gave him a slight nod.  Then, with some struggle, he attempted to catch up with the pink female.  The child seemed to have an air of sadness around him, but the other threehorn seemed to be helping.

Thundering footsteps made Pterano forget his absentminded ponderings as the tell-tale form of Topps came into view.  He simply had resigned himself to being sent away from the valley, so he resolved to make this as painless as possible.  His nephew was alive... the valley was safe... and his duties were done.  As far as he was concerned, if this was the last time that he saw the valley then at least he could leave on a good note for once.  With Pterano expecting the worst, this made the threehorn’s words all the more incomprehensible to him.

“They are precious aren’t they?”

Pterano had expected many things, but he had not expected that as a greeting.  “Yes... yes children certainly are.”

The threehorn approached as if Pterano had not spoken at all.  “The pink one is Tricia, my daughter.  The brown one is Goro... my adopted son.”

Suddenly pieces began to fit together in the flyer’s head.  “He lost his father in the battle...”

Topps nodded sadly.  An emotion that Pterano had never seen in the dinosaur.  “Whitehorn.  That was his father’s name.  He was the one who led the defense of the main entrance.”

Pterano spoke softly.  “Then we owe him much.”

Topps growled in annoyance.  “If the others hadn’t have overreacted then he would still be alive.  In fact, most everyone would still be alive...”  His face turned into an angry expression.  “But some of the others became enraged and charged ahead... that allowed the fast biters to enter our valley.”  The threehorn looked down in sadness.  “If it wasn’t for Cera and her friends... then all would have been lost.”  After a pause he admitted something that Pterano never expected to hear.  “The same praise could be given to you.”

Pterano sputtered.  “What?”

The threehorn took a deep shuddering breath.  “Had the sharptooth flyers been allowed to keep control of the skies then Littlefoot’s plan would not have worked.  The flyers couldn’t have told the rainbowfaces where to go... Even if the valley would have survived, the cost would have been even higher.”

At those words, Pterano looked around at the valley.  Its confines still rang with the voices of dinosaurs and the occasional laughter of children, but it was far reduced from what it once was.  Especially in the territory of the threehorn herd.

“The price...”  Pterano agreed.  “...was already too high.”

Topps simply nodded as he turned to look towards his mate, his daughter, and his adopted son.  All three of them were playing on the other side of the watering hole.  Soon another brown threehorn joined in the festivities of the two younglings.  Another son of Whitehorn’s.  Even though the children had been split up into multiple families, they still retained the bond of brotherhood.  Both flyer and threehorn smiled at this.  As long as that drive was retained then the valley’s best days were still ahead of it.

“I have heard that Petrie is doing better.”

Pterano sighed.  Here it comes...

“Yes.  My nephew is awake again.  I am so glad that he is alright...”  Pterano’s voice broke.  “...I almost thought that I was too late.”

Topps responded softly.  “Well... thankfully Petrie’s life wasn’t part of the valley’s price.”

Pterano looked down bitterly.  “The valley has suffered enough because of my blunders...”  The images of those that he let down in the initial journey to the valley flooded his mind.  “I am glad that my nephew wasn’t another.”

Topps’s response surprised the flyer.  “You did what you could.  If it wasn’t for your flyers then many more would have died.”

Pterano’s voice called out in a deep rage.  “I should have done more!  I should have been quicker!  Too many have been lost... too many!”

Topps stood impassively as he glanced down at the flyer.  Despite the rage-filled words, all of his anger was directed at himself.  The flyer had taken the blame for the dead, but this was not something that the threehorn would accept.  Not anymore.

“There isn’t a dinosaur in this valley that couldn’t say the same thing.”  Topps cautioned.  “If we threehorns had kept the line then the invasion would not have happened... if the flyers had known about the fake attack then they could have been more defensive...  if Littlefoot had known about Red Claw’s plans then he could have stopped before he entered the canyon.”  He sucked down a deep breath as he stared at the flyer.  “But you know what, Pterano?  In the end all that matters is that too many are dead and we unworthy fools are all that is left.  So we have to suck it up and deal with it.”

Pterano was stunned into silence at the threehorn’s rebuke.  It was obvious that he was not the only one who was carrying guilt about the past.  Topps was not done, however.

“When you are a leader you make hard choices.  Many times those choices do not work out the way that you planned.”  A confusing cascade of emotions passed across the threehorn’s face.  “Your botched plan to find the valley caused all of your followers, including some of my own packmates, to die.”  Pterano’s head fell in shame.  “...and before we found the valley my botched defense of the pack caused my mate and three of my beautiful daughters to die...”

The threehorn looked away suddenly, as Pterano reacted to this information in shock.  Back before his reformation, he would have possibly exploited this information, but now he was simply felt with pity for the threehorn.  Pterano knew all about the bitterness of guilt and the pain of loss.  He would not wish that on his worst enemy.

And Topps certainly was not that anymore.

“I’m sorry, sir.”  Pterano spoke softly.  “I will leave as soon as I bid my nephew farewell.”

Topps was surprised.  “What?”

Pterano frowned.  “It was kind of you to let me stay to see Petrie, but I still have a sentence to serve.  Mr. Longneck gave me that sentence and it is only right that I complete it.”

Topps stared at the flyer with disbelieving eyes.  “I was... going to lift it.”

Pterano chuckled softly.  A sad laugh.  “You certainly have changed, Threehorn.”

Topps shook his head.  “As have you, Pterano.”

Pterano looked up as a shadow passed overhead.  The tell-tale form of Nunti was circling and obviously waiting for a resolution to this matter.  Pterano still felt penitent for his past crimes and did not want to go against the judgment of Littlefoot’s grandfather, who had sacrificed his life and that of his mate’s for the benefit of the valley.  But yet...  could he deny Nunti the safety that the valley could offer?  He had no doubt that Nunti would continue to follow him regardless of the risks.


Pterano turned towards the threehorn’s contemplative hum.

“Worried about your friend, eh?”

Pterano nodded.  Was he that transparent?

The threehorn smiled.  “Well, the valley will need a messenger to talk to our children.  After all... they can’t be here anymore.”  His face turned somewhat downcast.  “They have to live their new lives now.”

Pterano nodded.  “Sir, are you asking...”

Topps nodded.  “The Hidden Canyon is not technically part of the valley, is it?”

Pterano shook his head.  “Well... no...”

Topps smiled.  “Excellent.  I expect Nunti to follow you along and to let us know how the kids are doing every half Night Circle.”

Pterano sputtered.  “I... I don’t know what to say.”

Topps deadpanned.  “Unless you want to be stomped then you will say yes.”

“You drive a hard bargain.”  Pterano offered.  “I accept.”  


It took mere moments for Pterano to secure the agreement of Nunti and to inform the other flyers of Topps’s arrangement.  Although such a reprieve might have seemed reasonable to most herds on account of Pterano’s heroic actions, for a threehorn to renege on his punishment was an extreme measure.  Even though Pterano was still technically exiled due to the fool’s sense of honor, he would be far safer with shelter in the Hidden Canyon.

The threehorn sighed.  I am getting soft in my old age.

As the Bright Circle began to set, Topps looked into the red hues of the sky.  Somewhere out there in the canopy of yet unseen stars was undoubtedly the one for the longneck, who had been simultaneously his greatest foil and friend.  Regardless of where he was, however, he hoped that he could still hear him.

“Well, Longneck... against my better judgment I did what you would have done.  I certainly hope that you are happy.”

Despite the fact that only silence greeted his ears, in his mind he could swear that he heard a longneck laughing.

He smiled.  For once he didn’t mind letting the longneck have the last laugh.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Two days later:


Ura stared into the water with a downcast expression that was most unlike the cheerful hadrosaur.  Had she had expressed such emotional turmoil when her children were awake then she surely would have been mobbed by her concerned children.  However, at this early hour with the Bright Circle just peaking over the horizon, only two of her children made their presence known.

The predators.  Her beloved Ducky and Spike.

She remained silent for several moments as she could begin to hear her daughter and adopted son enter the water.  The splashing became louder as the two carnivores approached, which finally motivated her to speak.

“This was your aunt’s favorite swimming place... Even when she sleep swam, she would end up over here...”  She sighed deeply.  “It is hard to believe that she is really gone.”

The splashing stopped as her two children froze in place.  They now understood their mother’s melancholy.

“How...”  Ducky hesitated, unsure about how to proceed.   “ did aunt Tranquil die?”  Coming from any other dinosaur the question would have been tactless, but coming from Ducky it had a different meaning.  She was simply trying to find meaning to the loss of one of her family members as any other loved one would do.  Finding out what happened was not the last step in finding closure, it was the first step.

Ura took in a shuddering breath as she looked in her daughter’s direction.  Despite her undying love for her children, some part of her could only see a predator when she looked at Spike and Ducky.  They were of the same kind that had killed so many... the same kind of those who helped the murderer of her beloved sister... and worse yet she knew that these two children of hers had certainly killed leaf-eaters in the past.  Such a reality was easy to ignore when one is safe in the Great Valley, but after her recent loss and the resulting terror it became impossible to ignore.

My children are killers...  merciful killers...  honorable ones...  but they are sharpteeth all the same. She looked at them sadly.  Littlefoot is right about them having to leave...  I just wish that it didn’t have to be this way.

“She was killed by Red Claw when she tried to escape.”  Ura answered plainly.  “I wish that I could forget it... but it haunts me still.”

Ducky looked down sadly as Spike nuzzled her.  It was he who spoke next.

“She didn’t deserve that.”

Ura’s voice was more biting than she intended.  “No dinosaur does.”

Both siblings looked down at their mother’s condemnation.  Any naivety, willful or not, about their children’s lifestyle had evaporated since the traumatic battle.  Their mother’s love was still there but a boundary now existed; the same one that had already existed between all of the other children and their parents.  Because of her nature, it haunted Ura especially.

“We have no choice, momma.”  Ducky offered sadly.   “We have to do it or we starve... but we are not like Red Claw.  Oh, no, no, no.”

Ura nodded her head sadly.  “I know, dear.  But this is the first time that I have thought about it...  really thought about it.”  Here eyes returned to the water.  “I guess that it is...”  Her voice broke.  “...better that you leave as the valley’s friends than as its enemies.  You can’t help what you are and we can’t help what we are.”  She looked at her daughter sadly as she lowered her head in her direction.  “I am a leaf-eater and you are a meat-eater.  Just...  when you are out there... try to remember us.  Don’t become what we have just defeated.”

Ducky nuzzled her mother as Spike did the same.   “We will never forget you momma!  Nope, nope, nope!”

Spike also grunted an affirmation as he nuzzled his mother’s nose, obvious tears flowing down his eyes.  The finality of what was about to happen overwhelmed him.

The three remained together in peaceful silence for several moments until the sounds of the other swimmers awakening and entering the water could be heard.  It was then that Spike asked one final question.

“Mother, do you think that Aunt Tranquil is in a better place?”

Ura smiled, a sad but compassionate expression.

“I am sure that she is.  I am also sure that she is proud of you, wherever she might be.”  She then nuzzled the two one more time.  “And so am I.”

As the rest of the family joined the three contemplative dinosaurs, the valley began to erupt in activity.  The swimmers were not the only dinosaurs coming to terms with what was about to happen.


The green longneck watched the two fast runners play a game of Hide and Seek with one another.  As he did so, he wore a sad smile on his face.

So carefree... sometimes I envy them.

With a heavy sigh, he allowed himself to look away from the two dinosaurs that he was currently responsible for.  Ruby’s parents wanted to talk to Littlefoot and Ruby alone for an extended period of time and it didn’t take a genius to find out what they would be discussing.  His brother and Ruby would soon be leaving the Great Valley for the last time and Ruby’s parents wanted to make sure that nothing was left unsaid before the inevitable parting.  It reminded Shorty of the conversation that he, Littlefoot, and Bron had just a few nights prior.

The elder longneck sighed as he nuzzled his son.

“So... now that Petrie is awake I suppose that the time has come.”

Shorty struggled to say anything to convince his brother that this was not necessary... that they could stay in or around the valley for their own safety... but he knew the truth.  The truth was that they simple had to leave.  Accordingly, despite his inner turmoil, the green longneck remained silent.  He could not fight against nature.

Littlefoot nodded.  He soon responded in a hoarse voice that clearly communicated his exhaustion.

“Yeah... the time has come for us to leave.”  He looked up at Shorty and then at his father.  “I... had become used to living with my pack, but now that I visited here again... and fought with all of you... it is like I never left.”  He shook his head.  “This is like a second goodbye.  I don’t know if I can take it.”

Bron nodded sadly.  “And this one will be the last.”

Littlefoot smiled sadly.  “Yeah...”

Shorty looked up at Bron and then back towards Littlefoot.  “Why?  Couldn’t you visit with some of the residents guarding you?  Why does this have to be the end?”

Littlefoot gave his brother a look that Shorty could not decipher for several moments.  Then, with a heavy sigh, he explained the situation to his adopted brother.

“Letting us in would let us see the new defenses...  it would allow the valley to see those who are their enemies in the Mysterious Beyond...  residents would see the same dinosaurs who killed their loved ones and friends on the outside...”  Littlefoot shook his head.  “It is better this way.  We could still talk to the valley through Pterano, but we must remain apart.  For the good of us all.”

Shorty nodded.  He understood the premise behind what Littlefoot and the others were planning, but not why it had to be so complete and final.  Littlefoot seemed to understand Shorty’s confusion and answered his unspoken question.

“Can you imagine what it would be like to kill and eat others even though you can understand them?  Every scream... every beg... every regret that they spit out in their dying breaths?  If we continue to visit then that will continue to be haunted by what we must be... and so would the valley.”  

Littlefoot gestured towards the rock walls in an expansive gesture with his claws.  “The valley has lost too much to Red Claw’s attack and even though we helped all of you fight, do you doubt that when most of them take a look at me that they don’t see a dangerous killer?”  Shorty looked down at Littlefoot’s obviously correct words.  As Littlefoot placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, he finished what he wanted to say.  “I am a killer, Shorty.  But I am also your brother...”  He looked up at Bron.  “...and your son.  I am doing what is the best for all of us.  This is the only way that I can fulfill my duties to my pack and ensure that I do not betray the valley.”  Littlefoot stared into his brother’s eyes.  “You understand, don’t you, Shorty?”

Shorty looked up into the yellow eyes of his brothers.  Though his eyes had the predatory tint of a carnivore, they still retained the love and compassion that only his brother could express.  It was an odd contradiction and like most contradictions this one required a difficult solution.  Despite his raging emotions at the injustice of it all, Shorty responded with a soft voice.

“Yes, Littlefoot.  Just promise me that you will stay safe out there.”

Littlefoot nuzzled him affectionately as he whispered his answer to his brother.

“I promise.”

Shorty sighed.  It had only been two days, but it felt like the conversation had only been from a few moments ago.  Now the big day was here.  He would have to say goodbye to his brother for the last time.  Sure, they would be able to ëtalk’ through Pterano, but it wouldn’t be the same as actually having Littlefoot be nearby.  Worse yet, the knowledge that if they met again in the Mysterious Beyond that it could be as adversaries filled him with dread.  He had no doubt that Littlefoot would make every effort to safeguard his family and friends, but if his pack were starving or if he didn’t recognize Shorty in his adult years...

Shorty nodded sadly.  Littlefoot had indeed made the right decision, but that didn’t make it any easier to accept.  He would have to remain vigilant against the threats of the world and he would have to include his brother on that list of threats.

Unfortunately for Shorty, he did not hear the threat that was sneaking up on him until it was too late.


“Ha ha!  We have climbed the boulder!”

Shorty sucked down a deep breath as he refrained from yelling at the two fast runners.  His inattention had indeed set himself up for an ambush by the mischievous siblings.  That did not mean that he had to appreciate their prank, however.

“What have I told you two?  I am not a boulder!  I am a longneck!”

The two fast runners jumped off of him and ran around him in a pestering manner.

“Boulder!  Boulder!  Boulder!”

Shorty sighed at their antics as a smile appeared on his face seemingly against his will.  Something about the children’s antics simply made him smile.  They were so carefree and despite the struggles that they had faced, they were resilient enough to still be the same children that they had been when they entered the valley.  It was inspiring in a way.  In the wake of some much death and despair, the new generation showed the way to a promising future.

“Alright, you feather brains!”  Shorty mocked in jest.  “Let’s go find my brother and your parents.  I am sure that they should be done by now.”

Arial perked up at this.  “Can we ambush our sister?  Please...”  

Shorty smiled as Arial put on her best begging expression.  She didn’t really have to beg for her to get her way this time.

In fact, he looked forward to the coming entertainment.

“Oh...”  Shorty replied with a smirk.  “ my guest.”


“So you will be staying in the valley?”

Pearl smiled at Littlefoot’s question.  She was quite surprised by this turn of events as well.

“Yes, Littlefoot.  But only until the egg-laying season... they obviously want us to leave when that time comes.”

Ruby jumped up in excitement.   “That is great, mommy!  There is plenty of food in the valley.”

Detras then took the opportunity to join in.  “Yes, and the sharpteeth will be most desperate during the Cold Time.  The spring should be much safer...”  He then smiled at her daughter.  “Of course, all of you killing a lot of them should help make things safer as well.”

Pearl stepped forward as Ruby took on a look of embarrassment.  “Both of you had some pretty bad gashes... make sure that you keep on using healing leaves.”

Ruby and Littlefoot’s response was nearly simultaneous.

“Yes, mom...”

“Yes, Pearl...”

All four dinosaurs went silent for a moment at the instantaneous reply.  Then, almost as suddenly, all four began to laugh at the situation.  Ruby’s mother was simply being motherly and Ruby was simply being an annoyed daughter.  Littlefoot’s reaction was much the same as his friend’s, which was yet another sign of how close that they had become.  Littlefoot was practically a member of the family now.

“Ruby!  Ruby!”

Ruby’s face took on a joyous expression as the two siblings came sprinting in her direction.  Before she knew it, she had Arial and Orchid literally climbing up her legs.

Ruby laughed at the antics of her brother and sister.   “A fast biter being attacked by fast runners.  You two seem more mixed up than me!”

Another voice called out from the distance.  “I think that I may have been a bad influence on them.”

It was Littlefoot’s chance to smile.   “Shorty!  I see that you got stuck with babysitting again!”

“Heh... babysitting... hanging out with you... same difference.”  This caused Littlefoot to stick out his tongue in response.  “I guess that Bron thought that I had enough practice at it.”

The thundering of footsteps made everyone look up at the next approaching dinosaur.  A longneck that Littlefoot knew quite well.

“Actually, I figured that it takes a child to relate to them.”

Littlefoot smiled.   “Dad!”

Bron chuckled.  “You didn’t think that I would miss your farewell, did you?”

Littlefoot cleared the distance in no time as he nuzzled his father’s massive foot.  Both of them knew that these next few moments could very well be the last time that they saw one another face to face.  With the lives that the children would now have to lead, none of them wanted to be faced with the possibility of being hungry within walking distance of the valley.  Nature dictated their lot in life, but they could choose where they exacted their bloody wrath.

And none of them wanted to contemplate doing it where their loved ones were near.

“You are not as fast as me, Finder.  Nope, nope, nope!”

In a flurry of activity, Ducky crashed side-first into Shorty as Spike collided into her just a moment thereafter.  It was enough to stun Bron and Ruby’s parents, but Littlefoot was unfazed.

“Congratulations, Haven.  You have caught my brother.  But you may have some problems if you try to eat him.”

Shorty was less than impressed.  “Urgh... You two are using me as a target again?!”

Ducky looked embarrassed as Littlefoot tilted his head in a inquiring manner.   “Um... We only did it a few times.”

Spike corrected his sister as he dusted himself off.   “Maybe four or five...”

Littlefoot smiled as he looked up at his father.   “It seems that they are trying to get me kicked out before we are able to walk out, dad.”

Bron shrugged in mock ambivalence.  “They are your packmates, Littlefoot.  Are they always like this?”

Cera’s voice deadpanned from behind the longneck.   “You have no idea.”

As the assembled dinosaurs looked in her direction, the oddest sight greeted them.  Cera, Thud, Leap, and Swift all were walking with deliberated slowness as they carried what appeared to be interlocking sticks on their backs.  The oddest thing about this contraption, however, was what lay upon it.

“Hey, Stern Claw... does this mean that you can’t get me off of your back, now?”

Cera growled.  “Taunt, I swear if you don’t shut up then I will drop you on the ground and you can crawl to Hanging Rock.”

A flyer’s voice called from the makeshift carrier.  “Don’t drop Spotter!  Me not annoying as Taunt!”

“Thanks for the support, Spotter.”  Taunt mocked.

Petrie gave a cheeky smile through his beak.  If the flyer’s banter was back then that was a good sign.

Suddenly, however, the weight on the apparatus increased quite noticeably.

“Well, nephew this certainly seems like a nice perch.  Perhaps Nunti, Guido, and I could join in this journey...”

Another voice called from the sky as a shadow passed overhead.  “Unless you all want to be eaten that may not be a good idea, brother.”

Pterano gave a smile with his beak as he turned towards the nearest carrier, Cera.  “Now... would you do such a thing?”

Cera’s only response was a toothy smile as she grunted with exertion.

Pterano looked at Nunti with some amusement.  “Oh well, Nunti.  It looks like it is back to flying for us.”  With no further commentary they took off into the sky and followed the path of the sharpteeth.

“I see that the rainbowfaces have worked wonders again.”  Littlefoot said approvingly of the contraption.   “But do they expect you four to carry them all of the way to Hanging Rock with that thing?”

It was now Thud’s turn to speak.   “No, of course not.  I think that our glorious leader and the two chasers over there can take over sooner or later.”

Littlefoot suppressed a groan, as Ducky and Spike both sighed at the journey ahead of them.  Carrying the two injured dinosaurs to their temporary shelter for the Cold Time would certainly take more than the customary one day journey on the short path.  A two or three day journey was more likely.  It was a good thing that they had been able to eat some of the last remaining carrion in the Hidden Canyon.

It was then that the sounds of running swimmers could be heard.  It seemed that Spike and Ducky’s sudden sprint had left their family in the dust.  Now they had finally caught up.

“Spike!  Ducky!”

The chorus of playful voices reached a crescendo as they proceeded to mob their carnivorous siblings.  In the process a rather unexpected companion joined in the mobbing.

“Wow!  I didn’t know swimmers could ambush!”  Chomper announced with some amusement.

Ruby shook her head in amusement at Chomper’s antics.  For a sharptooth that had seen so much, he still had an inherent innocence that radiated from him.  In fact, she supposed, they all did.

However, as Topps and Ura appeared over the horizon, each knew that their brief reunion with their families would soon come to an abrupt end.  This was it.  They would need to depart and keep their distance for the good of both them and their beloved valley.  Better to remain families and friends from a distance than to watch it collapse before your eyes.

The parting of the ways had finally come.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of chapter 72 (how the heck did I manage to fall behind again even though I'm having like 6 hrs per day more freetime as usual? :bang):

The descruction of the Hidden Canyon must be immense. Whitehorn is among the numerous victims of the cataclysm. Who else remains? Interesting introduction into this chapter I must say ;)

Bron and Chomper's family have been in safety when the apocalyse took place. Now they are desperately trying to do find any survivors with little hope. Wonder what Bron has in mind however...

Wow, Calin kills Redclaw. That's awesome! Now somebody kill Calin please :D

Aww, damn... I was hoping you were somebody evil enough to challenge the most evil swimmer but since the Gang is still alive... I guess you're still the friendly parallelogram :lol

The Threehorns have very severe losses. Topsy and Tria are still alive however.

Oh Taunt... this sounds very bad for him but there seems to be the option of the Rainbowfaces healing his leg... somehow.

I knew it all along what Grandpa and Grandma were up to! It's totally understandable for Littlefoot to break down. Grandma and Grandpa Longneck have been what his mother and Bron should have been for him; they were like actual parents, always taking care of him.

And now it's clear that neither Detras nor Shorty have made it :( The scene is so bloody tear-jerking... how dare you :p On the positive side, Petrie is still alive...

Ah yes... everybody needs to spend some time with their friends and loved one who remain. Petrie's situation seems to be critical however :unsure:

Uhh, forget what I said before, they've made it after all! :D That'll cause some happiness to erupt rather soon I reckon :yes

Overall, this was a very emotional chapter. It takes some effort to write it like this and I certainly enjoyed it despite the death toll... :p I shall try to read the other chapter tomorrow :yes
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Quote from: rhombus,Dec 14 2014 on  01:02 AM
And now for part 3 of the chapter...

A crevice in the rock wall of the Hidden Canyon:

"Go, Logos!  I will... I will take care of this..."

Logos shook in agitation at Chronos's words.  Did he honestly expect her to run away while he made the ultimate sacrifice?  As far as she was concerned, she had made her choice when she selected him as her mate.  They were to be inseparable until the bitter end.

...and just because the bitter end was here that did not mean that she was going to renege on her sacred vow.

"To hell you will!  I am staying with you!  Now either crush the damn stone or I will!"

"What is going on here?"

Both rainbowfaces stared in shock at the sudden intrusion.  It was Mr. Thicknose.  Why was he still here?

Chronos spoke first.  "You have to leave, sir!  We are going to cause the rock slide!"

Logos continued.  "Please go!  Let us take care of this!"

The dinosaur did not go, however, but continued to walk into the crevice.  With each footstep of the massive dinosaur, the walls vibrated.  It was as if he couldn't hear them.

Chronos's voice became quite panicked now.  "Please go!  You have to train the younglings...  Let us do this!"

Mr. Thicknose stopped.  "You sound like that you don't plan on coming back..."

Logos swallowed.  "Please just go..."  It was horrific enough that she and her mate would die in this cataclysm; she did not want someone else to die as well.  Especially not a kind soul like Mr. Thicknose.  She didn't realize that she was crying until Mr. Thicknose spoke again.

"I take it that stone is what will cause the rock slide?"

Chronos and Logos both looked at the stone, before gazing upon the dinosaur with surprise.  How could he have made such a deduction?

Mr. Thicknose laughed.  A sound that carried little happiness at the moment.  "It is obvious... I am not stupid, you know.  I don't know what you think about us people from down here... but you can tell the other star people that we are not as stupid as we look."

Logos was agape.  "What... how?"

Mr. Thicknose continued.  "It was obvious since the day that you arrived.  You knew things that no one else would know about...  you knew about the Stone of Cold Fire...  and your mate told me about the stars... more knowledge than even a flyer would know..."  Mr. Thicknose smiled.  "I never had children, so I got my joy by teaching others...  that is one kind of immortality isn't it..."  His face was jovial but his eyes suddenly turned sad.  " was an honor to finally get the chance to learn from all of you.  You made an old dinosaur quite happy."

Chronos protested.  "Please... we can't have you do this!  It is our..."

Mr. Thicknose interrupted.  "Responsibility?  Pah!  Your responsibility is for your children."

Logos sputtered.  "Our what?"

The elderly dinosaur laughed.  "I guess star people don't lay eggs then... otherwise you would have noticed what that little bump in your abdomen meant."

Logos stepped back and looked at her abdomen.  She had simply assumed that she was getting fat and lazy due to the valley's plentiful food, but...  I'm going to be a mother...  Chronos hugged her as she fell into his embrace.  That changed everything.

Mr. Thicknose smiled at the display.  "Now go, both of you...  Just tell me how to make this work."

Logos looked up with tear streaked eyes.  Tears of both happiness for her family and sadness for the sacrifice that would now have to be made for the valley.  Chronos answered for them both.

"You... you... just have to crush it...  When Littlefoot gives the signal... We took care of the rest... but... but sir...  we can't ask this of you... we just can't!"  His next statement was just as helpless as it was sincere.  "The valley needs you!  It needs a teacher!"

Mr. Thicknose smiled as he gently lowered his nose to both of them.  "It already has two of them... Now go!"

In a flurry of movement the rainbowfaces sprinted out of the crevice with as much speed as they could muster.  That was when Mr. Thicknose spoke to them one last time.

"Chronos?  Logos?"

Both of them stopped and turned at the dinosaur's words.

"Tell Littlefoot not to blame himself."

The rainbowfaces quickly nodded at the elder's final request and then resumed their mad dash away from the rock wall.

They never looked back.


The Hidden Canyon:

"Grandpa?  Get up...  Please get up..."

His grandfather slowly raised his head, but it only came up slightly from the ground.  In a scene that was eerily reminiscent of another tragic scene in his life, his grandfather was struggling to maintain life.  His terrible gash to his abdomen appeared to have taken its toll as his beloved elder breathed in gasps.  That was when the scent hit Littlefoot.

The scent of illness.  His grandfather was gravely ill.

"Littlefoot... You need to leave."

The brown fast biter turned at the sound of his grandmother's voice.  It sounded even rougher than usual as Littlefoot finally saw her injuries as well.  A terrible injury to her flank.  The smell of blood of viscera.  But she lacked the smell of death, she could still escape.

"Grandma, you need to leave.  Follow the others..."

His grandmother shook her head.  "No, Littlefoot.  It is my time."

Littlefoot's eyes filled with tears.  "No!  You're not dead yet.  You still have a chance!"


Littlefoot turned to gaze upon his grandfather's face.  Despite the immense pain that he must have been feeling, his grandfather still had a smile on his face.  It was the kind of smile that one wore as an apology.

"I have lived a long life, Littlefoot... go back to the valley and put an end to this."

It was only now that Littlefoot became aware of the others around him.  Ruby and Cera were poised like sentinels at his side, not wanting to interrupt the moment, whereas Ducky, Taunt, and Breeze could be seen gesturing for the hidden runners to go back towards the entrance.  His friends were with him, but they were also putting themselves into grave danger.

"I will, Grandpa..."  As tears poured from his eyes he then turned towards his other grandparent.  His beloved grandmother who had been like a second mother to him.  He now knew that he could not convince her to abandon her place at her mate's side.  This was his goodbye to them both.  "Grandma... say..."  His voice broke with emotion.  "Say hello to mother for me."

Both longnecks then nuzzled their grandson in a final embrace.  So this was goodbye.

"Block their way, you idiots!  He isn't invincible!  Would an invincible dinosaur cry?"

Littlefoot turned in horrified surprise.  Calin was back and he had several of his fast biters with him.  Once again their path back into the valley was blocked.

"Nice try, Seeker!  But we will finish the job now!"

Littlefoot made no expression with his face as he spoke directly to the hated fiend.

"Hmmm... It was worth a try."  Hearing thundering footsteps advance, he could see Red Claw and his minion fast approaching.

They were trapped.


Littlefoot could see the small, purple form of Chomper at the entrance as his two parents followed him in an attempt to bring him back in.  He could not risk another one of his friends being trapped in this deathtrap.

No... He would end this now.

"Stay back, Path!" Littlefoot cautioned.

"But, Seeker!"  Chomper protested in anguish as his parents blocked their son's path.

Littlefoot gave him a sad smile.  "Take care of the others, will ya?"

"Aww... Isn't that sweet!"  Calin mocked.  "Saying your goodbyes?  How the mighty have fallen!"

Ignoring Calin's taunt, Littlefoot looked towards his fellow companions in these tense moments.  

Cera and Taunt were huddled together in a gesture of affection.  They both knew that these could be their final moments.  Neither of them would go out without a fight, but they knew what the outcome would be.  Despite his stoicism, Thud looked from the entranceway with grief showing in his eyes.  Would he lose his son in the moments ahead?

Ducky and Breeze, on the other hand, both looked towards the entryway with sad expressions.  Spike's injured form could be seen there with tears in his eyes.  He could very well lose a sister and a friend in the moments ahead.  But their predicament deprived them of a proper goodbye.  Their departure would be from a distance.  Their final words forever being left unsaid.

Finally, there was Ruby.  His beloved friend.  His own grandparents had signaled their consent to their union, but now it appeared that their time together would end along with his grandparents.  They both exchanged a nuzzle as the sound of Red Claw's footsteps became louder and louder.  They would face the end together.


Littlefoot reluctantly broke the embrace as he faced his grandfather.  He had a smile on his face, which greatly confused the poor fast biter.  How could he look happy at a time like this?

"Littlefoot, I have an idea."


Red Claw stopped in front of the insolent fast biter.  His longneck allies remained severely injured and even his packmates had resorted to hiding behind their massive bodies.  It was pathetic in the extreme.

But why was the fast biter still facing him with a cocky expression?  The roar that he got from the brown fast biter was most certainly not the words of a beaten dinosaur.

"Red Claw.  It is against my better judgment, but if you and your sharpteeth leave now then I will let you leave in peace."

Red Claw stood in silence.  The fast biter would allow him to leave in peace?  Really?

An arrogant laugh echoed across the canyon as the massive sharptooth was flabbergasted by the fast biter's arrogance.  

"You must have no sense, you arrogant piece of sap-sucker excrement!"  He roared in rage.  "You insult my dead son, you kill my followers, and then you have the gall to threaten me!  Being killed by me would be too easy for you..."

"I will take care of it, sir!"  Calin's rage-filled voice greeted Red Claw's ears.

Red Claw chuckled.  "Yes, I am sure that you could... But I am not quite done yet..."  He then turned his attention back to the hated brown fast biter.  "What do you know of those sap-sucking bastards?"  Red Claw was enraged just talking about them, but if he could get information on where they were from this fast biter then he would tolerate his antics.  He would be dead soon enough.

The brown fast biter smiled.  "They are quite close.  About as close as the rock was which killed your son."

"How do you know that?!"  Red Claw's expression was a mixture of shock and rage.  The other sharpteeth simply assumed that the legendary leaf-eater children had tricked his son into falling into a watering hole.  Red Claw, however, had inspected the site where his son had died.  A rock was found by his son's bloated body.  Only a dinosaur who had explored the site of his death would have found out that knowledge.  Or...


The hated fast biter smirked.  "Ah, so you figured it out!  Lovely!  The Stone of Cold Fire granted our wish in a rather interesting way...  I suppose that we killed enough sharpteeth to finally earn the right to become sharpteeth."

Red Claw advanced forward in his rage.  In his single-minded focus on the instruments of his son's destruction, he did not notice the horrified expressions on the faces of the fast biters.  The idea of herbivores becoming carnivores was unnatural and horrifying.  If the Stone of Cold Fire could do this then what else could it do?

"We wished for the power to defeat you."

Red Claw laughed in a manic fashion as he squared off with the elderly female longneck.  Now he would have the chance to kill those who had killed his son.  Then... then... he could finish his assault on the valley.

"It looks like your wish wasn't granted after all, Seeker!"  Red Claw mocked.  "You will still die and your valley will die with you!  Once a sap-sucker, always a sap-sucker!"  He moved closer.  "Any final words?"


Littlefoot looked back towards his comrades with an expression of pride.  A great wrong was about to be righted.  Even if they may not live to see the outcome...  they all knew that their deaths would not be in vain.

The valley would live on.

"Final words?  Yes, I have a few..."  He looked at the sharptooth with an arrogant expression.  "We are the Seven Hunters and today we fulfill our destiny!"

Littlefoot sucked down a deep breath.  Now it was time.

"Rainbowfaces, do it now!"


"Alright, there they are!"

Whitehorn looked up at Topps's exclamation.  The hidden canyon was full of fast biters and sharpteeth, with two lone longnecks being visible in the chaos.  Mr. and Mrs. Longneck.  His mind deduced.  I hope that we are in time, but why are the others holding back?  The longnecks need help!  Thankfully we are here now!

Whitehorn looked at the assembled threehorns.  "Alright, everyone!  Let's charge them!  We have to save them!"

Without further word, the threehorns charged into the canyon.  They had no idea the destruction that was soon to follow.


"Rainbowfaces, do it now!"

So it has come.

Mr. Thicknose looked down at the small black stone.  It was such a small thing.  Black as obsidian and as reflective as water.  But yet it supposedly contained enough energy to rain death upon the valley's enemies.  It was not something that the dinosaur could understand and now he knew that he never would get a chance.

So many questions...  but no more time for answers...

He closed his eyes at his inner admission.  He had prided himself on gaining knowledge throughout his life and sharing his mental wealth with others, but those times had come to an end.  All of his memories... all of his knowledge... would soon be consumed by the same thing that eventually consumes all living things.  But he did take one comfort in one thing.

The valley will go on... and so will my students... His mind immediately turned to his 'students' of sorts, the rainbowfaces.  He had not taught them much in the way of intellectual knowledge, but he had showed them how to be proper dinosaurs.  He now knew that they would carry on his legacy.  As long as the valley had teachers like them then it would be well protected for ages to come.  That made it easier to make the sacrifice that he knew that he had to make.

Self-sacrifice... that was a lesson that he never gave the children.  But he supposed that it was one that they never needed.

Mr. Thicknose smiled as he raised his front legs up high for the lethal act.

"One final lesson to give..."


"What are they doing?!"  Littlefoot gaped from behind his grandfather as he saw the threehorns approach with horrifying speed.  "They have to get out of here now!"

Red Claw grinned.  "Ah!  The more the merrier!  Fast biters prepare to..."

He never got the chance to finish his words.

Light.  Blinding and radiant light suddenly enveloped them all in its brilliant glow.  It was as if the bright circle had come to earth in order to greet its residents.  All of the dinosaurs looked away as the sudden radiance as their skin was scorched by the apocalyptic glow.  Then came the noise.

A roar emanated from the ground as if every cave and opening were screaming in anguish.  A horrific and deafening sound that caused the mountains and valleys to shake alike in a seizure of cataclysmic force.  As the land was caught in the earthshakes to end all earthshakes, it felt as if the rocks themselves were going to be sheared apart.

Which is exactly what happened.

Dust appeared over the rock wall as if some black cloud were bellowing from some unseen crevice in the bowels of the earth.  This was only the prelude of what was to come as the terrible underground shockwave shattered everything before it.  In a terrible instant the rock wall itself appeared to bellow out like an inflated balloon, only before erupting into a terrible torrent of chaos.  It was as if the rocks themselves had turned into gas and were blowing down into the canyon as fog rolls over hills.  

The terrible black cloud of rock and dust rolled over trees and bushes as the land began to lurch from side to side in a convulsion of destruction.  The snapping of trees, the ripping of ground, and the crushing of bodies were all silenced under the deafening roar of the unstoppable cascade of death.  Red Claw and his minions scampered aimlessly in a pitiful attempt to escape their fate.

But there was no escape from what had been unleashed.

In these final moments Littlefoot hugged Ruby in a show of support against what awaited them.  That was when another body pressing against his alerted him to his surroundings.

Ducky, Breeze, Cera, and Taunt had all pressed against him as they too awaited the final act of this terrible battle.  Likewise the faces of both of his terribly injured grandparents greeted his.  Though their bodies formed a barrier between them and the onslaught to come, their faces were fixed solely on their beloved grandson.  Though none of those present could hear anything over the approaching avalanche of doom, they could see one another.  With a simple and heartfelt exchange of nods, the dear friends exchanged their final messages.

We did it, guys... See you all on the other side.

By the entranceway to the valley, the residents were helpless to watch as the unstoppable maelstrom of death enveloped both enemy and ally alike.  Then and only then did silence finally reign again in the devastated canyon.

The battle for the Great Valley was over.
P.S., which side is our favorite friendly Sharptooth on , or is he not friendly anymore?  Is he even still alive anymore?  


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@ Ducky123

The descruction of the Hidden Canyon must be immense. Whitehorn is among the numerous victims of the cataclysm. Who else remains? Interesting introduction into this chapter I must say wink.gif

Bron and Chomper's family have been in safety when the apocalyse took place. Now they are desperately trying to do find any survivors with little hope. Wonder what Bron has in mind however...

Yeah, I decided to begin the chapter with a scene of utter destruction.  I wanted the reader to experience the uncertainty from the standpoint of the survivors.  To be forced to search with little hope of success.

Wow, Calin kills Redclaw. That's awesome! Now somebody kill Calin please biggrin.gif

Poor Calin.  With as much requests for a painful end as the character gets, you would think that he was hated or something.  :p

Aww, damn... I was hoping you were somebody evil enough to challenge the most evil swimmer but since the Gang is still alive... I guess you're still the friendly parallelogram dino_laugh.gif

Nope, nope, nope!  :p The pack has managed to find a way to survive.  Though in the case of Petrie it was a very close thing.  I wasn't joking when I told a reviewer on that I flipped a coin to decide his fate.

I knew it all along what Grandpa and Grandma were up to! It's totally understandable for Littlefoot to break down. Grandma and Grandpa Longneck have been what his mother and Bron should have been for him; they were like actual parents, always taking care of him.

Yeah, Littlefoot tried to stay strong while his friends were being rescued, but in the end the reality of his loss became too much for him.  He has effectively watched both of his parental figures die before his eyes.  At least he can take solace in the fact that they died heroically and they joined each other in death.  It is only fitting that dinosaurs joined so closely in life would follow into the Land of the Parted.

Overall, this was a very emotional chapter. It takes some effort to write it like this and I certainly enjoyed it despite the death toll... dino_tongue.gif I shall try to read the other chapter tomorrow in-yes.gif

Thank you for the review and your continued interest.  :) I look forward to your next review.  :yes


Please do not "quote" the entire post when you want to simply reply to something.  Just use the reply option for that.  When you quote a 5000-word entry in makes the topic quite hard to navigate.  To answer your question, however, yes Chomper is alive and on the side of the gang of seven.  However, if you wish to understand the story you really need to start from the beginning.  The latest entries are the culmination of over 500,000 words of plot.  That is far too much for me to summarize in a reply.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Whew, I was faster than your update  :angel

So the residents have build a monument? That's... surprising :p Littlefoot seems to be coping well with the death of his grandparents as well as Shorty. However, the chances of Petrie's survival become more dire with every day he spends in coma. Chomper's parents are wise by leaving I think. They need to make sure that their old territory won't be taken by somebody else... Calin perhabs? :lol

"Damn! You fast biters are fast!" He tried to catch his breath for a moment. "Are you two in that much of a hurry to make babies or something?!" He asked in a cheeky manner.
Haha, that was a good one, Shorty! :D

Taunt is never going to lose his attitude or is he? :smile His therapy sounds very promising to me.

Interesting conversation between Cera and Topsy. Cera's father seems to have learned an important lesson and, above all, has really developed. He wouldn't have taken in another kid previously I think and especially not the kid of the leader who replaced him.

It only seems fair to give Dein and Terri a proper good-bye as a tribute to their help.

Oh, and that sleepstory is just lovely! Petrie is gonna survive :celebrate Well, as was to be expected somehow (did you really flip a coin? :o Would it have changed the last two chapters significantly as well as any sequels, side stories etc.?).

Ah, another humorous scene... Are you trying to make up for all the sadness lately? :p Well, I don't mind ^^ I'm pretty sure, considering Mr. Threehorn's latest developments, that he won't throw out Pterano... now that's what he was going to talk about with Cera :idea

Ah, so Ignis is going to be the new leader of the Hidden Runners? That's nice :) And I have a feeling who might become her mate one day...

Ah yes, I thought so. Mr. Threehorn has allowed Pterano to stay, technically. Certainly a wise decision. Wisdom comes with old age I guess and Topsy shows that he has gained quite some wisdom (not to mention he's a "softie" now :lol).

The scene with Ducky and Spike is beautiful and emotional :)

... as is the conversation between Littlefoot, Shorty and Bron. Even though I think annual meetings could be possible, maybe it's best for each of them to live their own life...

Aaaand a happy final scene. What else does a reader wish for? :p It a really, really odd feeling that the story is gonna... end. I've got so used to it :p Well, there's still the epilogue I guess ^^

Well, stating the obvious: I, as always, have enjoyed this chapter!
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So the residents have build a monument? That's... surprising dino_tongue.gif Littlefoot seems to be coping well with the death of his grandparents as well as Shorty. However, the chances of Petrie's survival become more dire with every day he spends in coma. Chomper's parents are wise by leaving I think. They need to make sure that their old territory won't be taken by somebody else... Calin perhabs? dino_laugh.gif

Yeah, the chapter certainly begins on a bittersweet note.  As for Chomper's parents, they have decided to reside at Hanging Rock (since its current inhabitants are taking a bit of a vacation in the Great Valley at the moment  :p ) and they can simply retake their territory in the Spring.  After all, with the pack's reputation, most challengers should be wise enough to run away as soon as Chomper's parents and the pack come into view.  :yes

Taunt is never going to lose his attitude or is he? Dino_grins.gif His therapy sounds very promising to me.

Yep, yep, yep!  :lol That is good ol' Taunt... but as he can't move well right now, he might want to be careful in what insults he hurls Cera's way.  A fast wit is best followed by fast reflexes.

Interesting conversation between Cera and Topsy. Cera's father seems to have learned an important lesson and, above all, has really developed. He wouldn't have taken in another kid previously I think and especially not the kid of the leader who replaced him.

Ah yes, I thought so. Mr. Threehorn has allowed Pterano to stay, technically. Certainly a wise decision. Wisdom comes with old age I guess and Topsy shows that he has gained quite some wisdom (not to mention he's a "softie" now dino_laugh.gif).

Yeah, the character growth from Topps, which we started to see as early as Act 3, has reached its logical conclusion in this chapter.  He had not only adopted a child as a show of support for his fallen friend, but he had even given Pterano a pardon of sorts.  Grandpa Longneck would be proud.

Oh, and that sleepstory is just lovely! Petrie is gonna survive celebrate.gif Well, as was to be expected somehow (did you really flip a coin? ohmy.gif Would it have changed the last two chapters significantly as well as any sequels, side stories etc.?).

I'm glad that you enjoyed the sleepstory.  As for flipping a coin, yep, that indeed happened.  I had two possible ways that I planned to handle the remaining chapters, but Petrie won the toss.  :DD Although, in retrospect, I probably would have spared him anyway.  Some of the plans for the sequel would have had to be shelved had he died.  Not to mention I don't know if I had the heart to actually kill off our favorite flyer.  :unsure:

Ah, so Ignis is going to be the new leader of the Hidden Runners? That's nice smile.gif And I have a feeling who might become her mate one day.

I don't want to give anything away, but Ignis certainly seems to have made her choice for Husband #1 hasn't she?  ;)

Well, stating the obvious: I, as always, have enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for the kind words.  :) I will have the epilogue posted within the hour.  It is hard to believe that it is almost over...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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As Topps and Ura appeared over the horizon, all conversation stopped between the packmates.  The reality of what was about to transpire had finally hit them full force.

These would be their last moments in the valley.  They more than likely would never see their parents face-to-face again.

Littlefoot sucked in a deep breath as the threehorn and hadrosaur approached slowly.  Both of them wore faces that were holding back their deep emotion.  The truth of their feelings was not lost on Littlefoot.  It wasn't everyday that you said goodbye to your own flesh and blood.  They may all be aware that their children would be in good shape with their allies and hard-fought experience, but that did not change the enormity of what they were about to lose.


With barely concealed emotion, Littlefoot looked up at his father.  The brown sauropod wore an equally controlled expression, but his eyes gave away his feelings.  The brown fast biter did not need to smell the scents emanating from his father to tell that he was overflowing with a curious mixture of sadness, sympathy, and pride.  Littlefoot simply looked in his direction as he did not trust himself to speak at this point.  Bron mercifully spoke without further prompting upon seeing that he had his son's attention.

"Everyone else is already assembled."

Littlefoot was confused by this.  "Everyone else?"

The answer to Littlefoot's question did not come from Bron, however, but rather from the gruff threehorn which had just entered into hearing range.

"Yes, everyone else.  You didn't think that the valley would let you leave without recognition, did you?"

Littlefoot remained silent.  Actually, that was exactly what he had expected.

"The others are very grateful."  Ura was the next one to speak.  "We would not all be here if it wasn't for all of you."

Littlefoot looked down.  "Some of us aren't here anymore."  The images of his beloved grandparents entered into his mind as he contemplated what they had lost in the great battle.  Any elation at the loss of Red Claw and his minions was dwarfed by the loss of the valley's greatest residents.  He didn't have the opportunity to dwell too long, however, before a pink arm shook him out of his reawakened melancholy.

"But many of us are here."  Ruby spoke softly.  "...and if your grandparents were here then they would want you to be happy...  and you can't be happy if you are sad."

Littlefoot looked up at his dear friend with a bittersweet smile.  Even though Ruby had the claws and teeth of a fast biter, the contemplative nature and empathy from her fast runner days were still present in her eyes.  Somehow she always knew what to say even in the darkest moments.  Despite his sadness over what was coming, he couldn't help but feel better from hearing her voice alone.

"I guess that you are right, Ponder."  He nodded slowly.  "But are you ready for this?  We... we will probably never see them again."

Ruby hugged Littlefoot tightly.  "I know... but as long as I know that they are okay... then I will be okay."


Cera looked upon the touching scene with trembling feet.  It was a good thing that they had already lowered the makeshift carrier for Petrie and Taunt to the ground, otherwise she suspect that she would have dropped it.

"We will miss you, Ruby!"

Cera barely held back tears as the rose-colored fast biter was enveloped by the loving embrace of her parents.  Even her two siblings managed to attach themselves to their sister's foot.

"Dad..."  Cera looked up at her friend, as Littlefoot began to address his father.  "I guess this is goodbye then..."

The massive neck of the sauropod reached down and lightly met the head of his son.  A final show of affection between the last vestiges of Littlefoot's family.

"It will never be goodbye, Littlefoot.  We will still be able to talk... even if it is through Pterano."  Bron broke away in order to look at Littlefoot face to face.  "The Mysterious Beyond will be a better place just to have you in it."  Bron shook his head.  "You have helped so many..."  He looked towards the other residents that were now situated near the exit, some distance away.  "...those who are here..."  A look towards the pregnant form of Logos then followed.  "...those who are coming..."  Then he looked back at his son, tears gleaming in his eyes.  "...and those who have come and gone... at least what they stood for still remains.  Just promise me that you won't forget about any of this, Littlefoot.  Never mind what you have to do out there in order to survive... never mind what days may come... know that you are loved."

Littlefoot finally broke down into tears at his father's words.  As Shorty embraced his brother with his neck and Bron again nuzzled his son, Littlefoot's response could barely be heard.

"I will, dad.  I will."

Cera took a deep breath as her two friends said their goodbyes to their families, for she knew what was coming.


Despite her surprise at her sister's sudden appearance, Cera resisted the urge to react defensively as her sister charged straight into her side.  The fact that her father increased his pace in response to Tricia's sprint showed he was concerned at this turn of events.  But Cera had long ago adjusted to her new instincts in order to protect those whom she loved.

Which was exactly why they had to leave now.

"Tricia, you rascal!"  Cera teased.  "You know that you shouldn't charge sharpteeth until you're older!"

Tricia let out a childish laugh at Cera's soft admonishment, which made the sharptooth put on an amused smirk.  Sharp teeth or no teeth, I guess Tricia just sees her sister.


The soft voice of her stepmother made the yellow fast biter look up in apprehension.  Much as she had wanted to avoid the parting, she knew that it had finally arrived.  She steeled herself to be strong despite her emotions, but the gleaming in her eyes already foreshadowed her failure.

"Tria... Daddy..."  Cera slowly moved forward, as Tricia stepped aside in confusion.  With trembling arms she closed the distance between her and her father.  Within moments, the sensation of being nuzzled by the threehorns reached her consciousness.

"I'm going to miss you all so much..."  Cera choked out as she laid bare all of the emotions that she had been restraining.  As a familiar crest rammed her in the side before nuzzling, she quickly amended her statement.  " too, Tricia."

"Just remember what we said, dear.  Take care of yourself out there."  Tria cautioned.

This earned a prideful response from Topps.  "She has survived Red Claw and fast biters, I am sure that she can handle whatever the Mysterious Beyond throws at her.  After all, she is a threehorn and threehorns..."  He quickly realized that his compliment no longer held true as far as his daughter was concerned.  " well she used to be a threehorn and threehorns can handle anything!"

Cera chuckled at her father's correction.  "Did I finally get you to say something nice about sharpteeth, daddy?"

Topps sighed as he knew that he had bested himself this time.  "Hmph!  Don't worry, it won't happen again."

Despite the magnitude of their parting, the entire family broke out in laughter at Topps's antics.  Though they would probably never see each other again, each of them knew that they would remain in one another's hearts.  It was finally Topps that broke the touching moment as he had to do something before his beloved daughter left.

"Alright, where is that 'boy' of yours, Cera?"

Cera gave her father a knowing look as her sensitive hearing picked up an annoyed sigh from the fast biter in question.

"Going to threaten him one more time, daddy?"

Topps raised his head in a prideful gesture.  "Would I be doing my fatherly duties if I didn't?  Plus I have it on good authority that Taunt will be unable to run away this time."  The final sentence ended with a smirk from the threehorn.

Cera smiled as she gestured towards her companion.  "Right this way, daddy!"  Another groan emanated from Taunt as he was obviously not looking forward to being lectured at by a threehorn.  This caused Cera to laugh at Taunt's plight as she mocked him one last time.  "I am sure that he is looking forward to talking to you again!"


Thud looked at the scene below with a profound sense of melancholy.  Too many memories and emotions were being dredged up in the sharptooth's mind.  Memories of a mate saying her final goodbyes...  memories of a son being chased away by his own father...  memories of his own redemption many years later...

"Should we protect your son, sir?"

Thud looked at Leap with a bemused expression.  "What?"

Swift answered his question as she advanced forward towards the others.  "The threehorn is coming close and he doesn't look too happy..."

Thud looked at them expressionless for a moment, before erupting into a fit of laughter.  This confused his packmates to no end until he finally explained his reasoning.

"Neither of you have had children... so let me put it to you this way: sometimes even if the waters are clean, you still have to test them."  Their confused expressions remained, so he tried to explain again in a less dignified manner.  "He wants to make sure that my son will take care of his daughter.  He is doing that the only way that he knows how."

It was at that point that Swift stopped her forward motion.  "Oh..."

Thud smiled.  "My son should be okay, provided that he keeps his mouth shut."

Leap responded with a snicker.  "So he is doomed then?"  

Thud joined Leap in his amusement.  "I am sure that my son will be fine.  If he has survived dealing with Stern Claw for all of these months then he should be able to handle her father."

As the laughter died down, however, the sounds of the tearful goodbyes continued to reach the elder's ears.

"Remember, you two...  make sure that you bathe everyday and that you always have two escape routes planned.  I don't care if you two are sharpteeth, you still need to be prepared if something bigger comes along..."

"Yes, mom..."

Ah, Haven's mom...  Ura, wasn't it?  Thud thought to himself.  He couldn't understand the words, but the context was obvious for anyone to see, leaf-eater or not.  The overprotective mother... that brings back memories...

"Now Taunt...  What did I tell you about running near the cliffs?"

"Taunt...  Make sure that you eat the entire swimmer leg...  you want to grow strong, don't you?"

"Now, son, don't struggle...  the splinter has to come out..."

"Taunt!  Don't nip at your father's tail!  I know your joking, but your teeth still hurt!"

Thud smiled a sad smile.  He supposed that the language of motherhood was universal.

"Make sure that you tell Pterano if you need any help, he is a flyer and he can search places... and make sure that you eat well."

The hadrosaur suddenly took on a surprised expression as she realized the full implications of what she had just said.  This was not lost on her two sharptooth children as they looked at one another and gave a chuckle.

"Don't worry, mom!  We will!"

The two fast biters embraced their mother's leg as they were nuzzled by the emotional hadrosaur.  Ducky and Spike's siblings soon joined in the mass of hugging bodies as Thud looked on in silence.  It seemed that all of the families had finally said their goodbyes to their departing children.  Knowing that nothing would be served by delaying his own pack's arrival, he cleared his throat to gain his pack's attention.  It was with great reluctance that he finally spoke to his packmates.

"Alright... Let's go down there...  the time has come."


In a procession that appeared as surreal as it was heartbreaking, the fast biters walked two abreast between the columns of valley residents.  Only Petrie and Taunt did not walk in the procession as they rested on their carrier of sticks and vines.  At the sides of the departing procession stood the adults of the valley.  Despite the fact that they stood in silence, their mere presence in sending them off communicated the respect that the pack had earned.  Sharpteeth usually left the valley in a blind panic... or as corpses.  Instead the valley was giving the same send off that residents received during their final moments...

During the walkabout.

When a leaf-eater was more of a hindrance to the herd than a benefit, then they would often wander off in order to meet their end in the Mysterious Beyond rather than die slowly of sickness.  Such a parting would obviously be the last one that a dinosaur would receive from the valley and as such it had all of the formality of a funeral.  

Because that was exactly what it was.  They would probably never see the pack again.

As the scene played out before his eyes, Logos wrapped him into a loving embrace.  They had an excuse to not join in the procession as everyone knew that Logos was very close to laying her clutch of eggs.  However, both of them had already exchanged their goodbyes with the children days before.  One conversation in particular replayed itself in Chronos's mind.

"You know, Littlefoot...  we talked to Mr. Thicknose right before he died."

As soon as Littlefoot's face fell, Chronos wished that he would have phrased himself a bit more carefully.  It was obvious that the fast biter still blamed himself over many of the deaths in the battle.  After all, it had been his plan to use the Repressor to cause a rock slide.  Had Littlefoot not have formulated the plan, then many of the fallen in the canyon would have lived... or so Littlefoot thought.

"What... did he say?"  Littlefoot questioned softly.

Logos placed a comforting hand on Littlefoot's shoulder as she answered.

"He told us to tell you to not blame yourself.  You did what you had to do."

The fast biter was silent for several moments as his body heaved up and down with emotion.  Yet, no tears flowed from his face.  It was as if he had already shed too many for those who would never rise again.

Littlefoot shook his head sadly.  "He knew that I would blame myself.  So he spent his last moments just to make sure that I would understand that he didn't blame me for what happened?"  He took on a disbelieving look.  "I guess that he knew me better than I realized.  As a longneck I just thought... that he enjoyed hearing himself talk."

Chronos and Logos both looked at one another and laughed at Littlefoot's admission.  They could relate to his mindset.

"Sometimes a teacher's best lessons are not in his words, Littlefoot."  Chronos cautioned.  "Rather, the best teachers understand their students and lead them to where they need to go.  He loved you children more than you can ever know."

Littlefoot nodded at this.  He had prided himself on understanding his packmates as part of his leadership qualities, but Mr. Thicknose had eluded him.  He knew that Mr. Thicknose cared, but he had no idea that he would have been willing to sacrifice himself.  Who else could he have misjudged over the years?

"Don't be hard on yourself, Littlefoot."  Chronos spoke into the fast biter's eyes.  "We all had to make sacrifices in the battle.  But because of those who were willing to risk everything, those of us who are still alive get to make a new start."  Chronos gestured towards his mate, as Littlefoot's eyes focused on her bulging abdomen, a sign of life yet to come.  "For that I will forever be grateful."

Logos smiled as the fast biter finally seemed to be taking on a less depressed expression.  The rainbowfaces may not have sacrificed their lives in the battle, but they could still contribute to help those who remained.  They had already treated many of the physical injuries from the battle, but the mental ones yet remained.  The least that they could do was to put the leader of the pack at peace with his actions.

"I just wish that there was some way for us to honor them besides stories and songs."  Littlefoot lamented.  "The Lone Dinosaur has Saurus Rock, but my grandparents... Whitehorn... Valaria... they all have nothing."

Chronos pondered this for a moment.  Maybe the valley would be better off with a little bit of 'cultural contamination'...  With a contemplative expression he planted the seeds of things to come in the dinosaur's mind.

"Well... maybe the valley could make them their own Saurus Rock..."

As the pack departed past the threshold of the valley, the adults began to separate one-by-one in order to continue their day.  Even though they had all lived through the most extraordinary days of the valley's existence, live still had to go on.  There were children to feed, games to play, mates to love, and lives to live.  The pack had helped to ensure that.

Chronos sighed.  As he and his mate began to walk back towards their cave in silence, he spared the empty entrance one final look.

"Thank you, children.  You gave us all a second chance.  We will not squander it."


The Mysterious Beyond:

Several hours had passed since the pack had departed from the valley.  In that time the Bright Circle had finally capitulated to the Night Circle in its celestial realm.  As the welcoming blanket of darkness descended upon the Mysterious Beyond, the sharpteeth had finally stopped their ceaseless walking and began to prepare for sleep.  Their journey to Hanging Rock would continue first thing the next morning.

As Petrie and Taunt were carefully assisted to their sleeping areas, Chomper took the opportunity to look back in the direction of the valley.  His preoccupation did not go unnoticed by a certain brown fast biter.

"You miss it too, huh?"

Chomper jumped slightly at having his thoughts suddenly interrupted.  However, upon hearing his friend's voice, he calmly looked in Littlefoot's direction.  He found that his friend's expression closely resembled his own.

"In a way I am sad to see it go... but in another way I am glad to be away..."  Littlefoot shook his head.  "I don't know if that makes any sense to you, but..."

Chomper nodded as he interrupted his friend.  "You're sad to leave your family, but glad that you can't hurt them now?"

As Littlefoot's face took on a sad expression, Chomper was afraid that he had hurt his friend's feelings.  However, a curt nod and a sincere expression soon told him that he had answered correctly.

"Yeah..."  Littlefoot admitted.  "As much as I want to see Shorty and Bron again, I know that there would always be the chance that we might run out of food and then..."  He shook his head.  " is better this way.  It really is."

Chomper smiled at his friend.  It seemed that whatever had to be said between his packmates and their families had been said.  He, along with everyone else, was prepared to be what they had to be once more.  Fate had led them to reconcile with their past lives, but it still forced them to live their current lives.

"It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?"

Cera's voice greeted their ears as she and other walked over to where the duo was sitting.  Upon hearing her words, Chomper couldn't help but think that the sight of the Night Circle on this night was oddly comforting.  A promise that even in the darkest of nights, hope could still shine through.  Just a week prior, Red Claw had stood at this very area and called out his threats to the valley... but now he was no more and the valley remained.

"Yeah..."  Chomper admitted.  "I wonder if my mommy and daddy are looking at it right now."

A slight smile appeared on Ducky's face as she responded to her friend.

"We will see them in a few days.  You can ask them then.  You can, you can."

Ruby nodded.  "Our moms and dads may be far away, but we are all under the same sky."

Littlefoot responded without looking away from the sky.  "Except for those of us who are in the sky..."  Chomper looked down as he realized that Littlefoot was referring to his fallen family members.  "But at least we are all here... in our own way."

An odd silence fell over the group as if an unspoken question had been uttered.  Within moments, everyone seemed to have the same idea.

"We sign song now?"  Petrie muttered from his perch on the carrier.

"We can sing a song for our aunt!"  Spike offered to which Ducky offered a good-natured grunt in agreement.

"For Whitehorn."  Cera added.

"For the hidden runners..."  Ruby offered into Littlefoot's ear.

"For our fallen brother."  Leap added.  "...and for those who wanted to leave Red Claw's horde but could not."

Breeze's voice joined the chorus as Spike nuzzled her.  "For Skytail, Skyflank, and Vigilant."

"For my sister."  Petrie recommended.

"For Mr. Thicknose."  Littlefoot added.  "And for Grandma and Grandpa..."  Now that the packs were in agreement that it was time to commemorate their dead and add to the pack's song, the only question was: who would start the chorus?  Considering who was the most skilled signer in the packs, this was a no-brainer.

"Taunt?"  Littlefoot asked softly to the injured fast biter.  "Would you do the honors?"

Taunt seemed preoccupied by something, however, as he did not answer his leader.  Instead, he simply sniffed the air with a confused expression on his face.  It was almost as if he had found something of interest...

"Taunt?"  Chomper offered.  "We already ate today; if it is food that you smell then we can chase it tomorrow."

Taunt did not shift his gaze as he spoke.  "I think that we can honor the dead much better if we punish their killers."

This caught everyone by surprise.  What was Taunt talking about?  Nearly all of the enemy sharpteeth had been killed in the rockslide, chief among them was Red Claw.  Their killers were already punished...

"Taunt..."  Cera began.  "Are you sure that you are okay?  We killed them, remember?"

Taunt only now looked in their direction as he stared into Cera's eyes.  "Then tell me while I smell his scent."

Chomper grew tired of the cryptic answers that Taunt was giving and began to walk in his direction.  "Whose scent, Taunt?  If it is any... whoa!"

Chomper stopped.  That scent.  That horrible scent.  The scent of a fast biter that was devoid of any compassion or fear.  The scent that was simultaneously familiar and alien.  Oh yes... he knew this scent.

"Guys..."  Chomper began.  "That is Calin's scent."

Gasps arose from the assembled packs as Cera, Littlefoot, and Thud all ran by Taunt's location in order to smell where the scent trail had remained.  Within moments their suspicions were confirmed.

"We hunt tonight!  He must die!"  Care demanded.

"Agreed!"  Littlefoot roared.  "Let's chase him down and..."

"That scent marking is at least three days old, Seeker."  Thud cautioned.  "He could be nearly anywhere now... and what about our injured?  Do you want to leave my son and Spotter all alone?"

Littlefoot looked unsure for a moment before answering forcefully.  "You, Leap, and Swift can watch our injured... we are going to finish this now once and for all!"

Roars of protest arose from Leap and Swift as they too wanted retribution for the loss of their brother.  Conversely, the roars of bloodlust from the other pack members made any conversation hard to follow as anger-driven instincts were beginning to take over their reason.  It was at this moment that the calm voice of Chomper restored some sanity to his friends.

"We could have none of us go after him and yet still avenge our loved ones."

Everyone looked back at the purple sharptooth as if he had lost his mind.

"All due respects, Path..."  Cera answered gruffly.  "But what in the hell are you talking about?!"

Despite Cera's skepticism, he put on a slight smirk.

"Seeker, did my daddy ever tell you about the right of calling?"

Spike sighed.  "Path, that is nice and all, but now is not the time to..."

"Wait!"  Thud interrupted the green fast biter.  "Let's listen to what he has to say."

Littlefoot paused.  "Alright, Path.  What is your idea and what is this right of calling?"

Path answered his question with a question that was even more cryptic.  "We are the scariest sharpteeth out here, right?"

Cera nodded.  "Since the survivors think that we can survive rock slides, pointed sticks, and claws... yeah, we are quite scary."

Path continued.  "What do the surviving members of Calin's pack think of us right now?"

Taunt interrupted.  "Who cares what those monsters..."

"They are petrified."  Leap answered over Taunt's objections.  "They probably think that they have lost one tyrant for another... um..."  He looked awkwardly in Littlefoot's direction.  ", sir."

Path nodded.  "Yes...  and they will want any protection they can get... especially if it means protection from us."  He grinned.  "Especially if that means protection given by us..."

Littlefoot looked sternly at Chomper, but his interest in Chomper's plan was apparent.  "What is your idea, Path?"

Chomper's smile was now a beaming one.  "Calin's packmates probably hate him as much as we do... how about we offer them peace... but for a price..."  Chomper walked over to the others as he gestured towards the stars.  "Besides... A single chase is a bit too good for Calin, isn't it?"

Littlefoot smiled as the other packmates began to murmur in support of Chomper's idea.

Calin was about to have a taste of his own savagery from those whom he had savaged the most.


Two weeks later:

"Listen fellow sharpteeth!"  The flyer's voice echoed across the ravine.  "Seeker promise no peace until Calin's tail is brought to him at Hanging Rock!  The killer of Calin get two fresh kills in thanks, but for Calin only death awaits!"

Petrie looked out at the surprised sharptooth pack as they took in the news.  With his pack's reputation and the knowledge of Red Claw's fall filtering throughout the Mysterious Beyond, it would take no time for every sharptooth to be scouring the land for Calin's condemned head.  Despite the reputation that they had to maintain, only Calin would be the subject of their wrath.  Just one final kill to be made in order to ensure that a great evil was purged from the world.

"Does your mother know that you are already flying around?"

Petrie looked back and saw the form of Nunti staring at him.

"You no tell her!  Otherwise she have Spotter's head!"

Nunti laughed at the sharptooth's protest as he raised a wing in a placative gesture.

"It's alright, your secret is safe with me... your uncle should be here in a few moments."

Petrie opened his beak in surprise.  "He here!?"

Nunti laughed.  "He is.  You don't think the valley would abandon all of you, did you?  How did your mother put it... we will be together even if we have to stay apart."  He then looked down at the panicked sharpteeth that seemed to be running away from the flyers as fast as they could run.  "What is going on here?"

Petrie smiled.  "Seeker making a point and me help him make it."  He then gestured towards Hanging Rock.  "You talk to others now.  We want to talk to our mommas and our mommas want to talk to us, but we talk through you."

Nunti stared at the flyer for a moment.  "Your mother will be glad to know that you are safe..."

Petrie nodded.  "Me glad that she safe.  We work to keep her safe."

♪ My body lies bleeding, but we are succeeding
In our quest to have evil restrained
Friends at my side, I will not submit
My sister's death will not be in vain ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

♪ Now we are nine strong, we carry on
Through uncertain days
But we do not fear, we are together
Come what may ♪

♪ The stars shine on bright
Through the ethereal night
Though I know not where I go
I know that I will go there with you
My journey goes on ♪

Nunti looked perplexed as the roared sounds reached his ears.  The meaning of the sharptooth words were lost on him.

"What is that noise?"

Petrie smiled.  "That be our song!  It use to be Skytail's... now it also ours!  We not lose people if we remember them."

Nunti looked intrigued.  "Is that like a story?"

Petrie nodded.  "Yes!  Like song-story!"  Petrie grew silent for a moment.  "They just tell me and my sister's part."

Nunti looked surprised.  "You include leaf-eaters in your song?"

Petrie smiled.  "Of course!  They family too... even if we apart."  He then gestured again with his wing.  "Come!  We teach you our song and you can teach song to valley!  Then we can all sing under big sky!"

As the flyers continued their descent towards the pack of sharpteeth, the pack's joyful song could be heard echoing across the ravines and bluffs.  Despite their losses and the now permanent separation between many of them and their families, they remained attached to them as closely to them as ever.  As long as they had the memories, support, and love of their families then they had everything they needed to face the days ahead without regret or fear.  Their song would grow as their deeds became more numerous, but none of them would ever forget from where they had come.

They were one pack and nothing would ever separate them.


Damn it!  They found me!

Calin ran through the underbrush in a wild panic.  He had planned on simply fleeing from anywhere where Seeker's pack could tread, but he could never have expected his own packmates coming out from the wilds in order to seek his blood.  For the last five days he had been tracked like a wounded animal, but had been succeeded in avoiding his pursuers.

Until now.

The sounds of roars could be heard getting louder and louder as his former comrades approached.  The sounds of impending doom were only equaled by the sounds of his breath which was coming forth in shuddering gasps.  For five days he had not eaten, nor had he had more than a few hours of sleep.  The toll on his body was making itself felt with a vengeance.

Just a little bit further and I can get to the stream...  If they lose my scent that I can get away from these bastards!  I should have killed them when I had the chance!

His legs burned with exertion as he pushed his body to its limits.  Despite the rising pain and the feeling of numbness emanating from his damaged tail, he persevered on towards the smell of fresh water.  It would only be a few moments and he would be able to seek sanctuary in its depths.  To hide his scent and possibly live another day...


With a high-pitched scream, Calin fell to his knees in pain.  His ankles erupted with agony as something wet began to run down his feet.  As he clutched the source of his torment, his hands became drenched in the source of the wetness.  

His own blood...  his ankle had been run through by a spear.  

Through his pain-addled mind the ramifications of his situation became apparent to him.  No... the only dinosaurs that use pointed sticks are...  that would mean...

"Why hello, Calin!  Enjoying the exercise?"

Calin looked up at the mocking figure as his eyes struggled to focus despite the pain.  The smiling form of an adult hidden runner came into view.  One that he had never seen or smelled before.  An enraged roar was his only response.

"Oh...  That won't do!"  The hidden runner cooed in a mocking tone.  "I am sure that Seeker would be devastated to hear that you didn't enjoy all of this... after all he worked so hard to set this up for you..."

Calin growled in anger. Seeker?!  That bastard is behind this?!

"Yes, your old friend."  The stranger answered the unspoken question.  "It is amazing how much loyalty you can gain when you simply promise peace at the cost of one life... especially when many would like to extinguish the life in question in the first place."

"Just shut up and finish me, you bastard!"  Calin raged.  He struggled to get up in order to strike out at the hidden runner, but another strike to the ankle made him fall to the ground in anguish.  The hidden runner continued without missing a beat.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to do that... it seems that your friends want to play."  The sounds of running feet edged closer as Calin began to whimper and roar in incoherent rage.  He would do anything to avoid that threat.  He knew full well that his packmates would show him no mercy.

The hidden runner removed the spear again as Calin's roars quieted into mere whimpering.  There was no sign of aggression or violence now.  He was simply left helpless as he lay bleeding on the ground.  His ankles had been ruined.  The question was not now whether he would die, but rather how he was going to die?

"Ignis wanted to be here to wish you well."  The stranger intoned.  "But as she has a pack to lead, I am sure that you will understand her absence."

"Tell her that her father was a worthless..."


"Ahhh!!!"  Calin screamed in anguish as the spear now made contact with his right shoulder.  Once again he had been given a non-lethal injury.  In his pain any taunts faded from his consciousness.

"As I were saying before I was rudely interrupted..."  The hidden runner did not sound particularly displeased at being forced to strike the predator again.  "Since you have killed her father... one of the most honorable runners that I ever knew... she has been forced to take his place."  His face took on a malicious tint as any pretense of affability was lost.  "As her mate I think that it is only fitting that I give my love a proper gift..."  A malicious smile erupted on his face. Seeker only needs to smell your tail to know that you are no more, I guess that means everything else is fare game...  I suppose that your head should suffice."

Calin thrashed on the ground as he had nowhere that he could go.  He could not force the stranger to put him out of his misery and his pursuers were closing fast.  He had no options left in his final moments.  In the end he was just as helpless as all those he had tormented in his short life.

The stranger looked into the carnivore's eyes with contempt.  "So much pain... so much violence... so many good people cut down... and all from a worthless coward like you..."  The hidden runner paced as Calin closed his eyes and awaited the end.  "My brother deserved more!  My nephew deserved more!  They were loved, which is more that you can say you worthless piece of filth!"  He quivered in anger as he rose the spear threateningly.  "It saddens me that I will not be the one to finish you...  but I made a deal with your former 'friends' and a deal is a deal...  at least my brother will be avenged at least."

"Please... just end it..."  Calin croaked.  Gone were his pride and his hopes for power.  Gone was his mask of substance.  The only thing that remained was the shallow, pathetic shell that had been Calin all along.  A being that had only cared for himself and understood little else.  But Calin had gone far beyond being worthy of pity and this was reflected in the hidden runner's answer.

"Believe it or not, Calin.  I would put you out of your misery as I wouldn't want to sink to your level."  He then shrugged.  "But I would hate to be on the bad side of your companions... speaking of which..."

The hidden runner waved with his arms as a roar greeted Calin's ears.  A horrific sound that signaled his impending doom.

"As promised, here he is!  Remember our part of the deal?"

"Of course, you get the head... does it have to be intact?"

"Not really.  My leader will be able to smell the fiend's scent and know it is his."

Calin writhed in anguish as he crawled towards the abandoned spear.  His hope for a quick death at his own hands was soon dashed however when the hidden runner picked up the spear and placed it over his shoulder.

"Farewell, Calin.  Know that everything you are about to experience is your own fault.  Whatever your followers do to you, I am sure that you have done far worse to others..."  The hidden runner sighed.  "...but I will not sink to your level... your own deeds are about to judge you.  But know that I am Viscond, and on this day I have avenged my fallen comrades."

Calin's clinched his eyes shut as he awaited the end.  In the distance, the departing footsteps of the hidden runner could be heard as he undoubtedly waited for the bloody deed to be done.  After a few moments of silence, which was only punctuated by his pained whimpers, the weight of several bodies finally descended upon him.  He struggled to no avail as his feet and arms were restrained with ease.  Before his world erupted into pain, a voice whispered into his ear.

"Well, Calin...  Have anything to say?"

The fast biter clinched his eyes shut at the other sharptooth's taunt.  The voice sounded so familiar...  It sounds just like one of his packmates that he had taken care of many weeks prior...  back when he was paranoid about his position...  back when the hidden runners had alluded his forces...  back when...  

"Leap and Swift weren't the only ones to join the pack in stages in order to avoid your 'recruitment'.  My brother Kerwat had the same idea..."  His voice radiated with rage even as his words remained disturbingly even.  "Please allow myself and my sister to return a favor that we have owed you for quite some time..."

Calin paled.  Oh no...

"Alright, then...  Let's start with your left eye."


Thank you all very much for your support and constructive criticism over the last year! I highly doubt that this story would have ever been finished if it wasn't for your continued appreciation and support. Before I began writing this story, I was deeply doubtful about my ability to write creatively and I suspected that this story would not have amounted to much of anything. But all of you have helped me to hone my abilities as an author with your helpful feedback. Furthermore, you have inspired me to continue as an author despite my initial misgivings and for that I will be forever grateful.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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  • Ducky
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This is a great ending. Really :)

I already said it earlier, but I loved the "Eat the whole swimmer's leg, taunt!" followed by Ducky's and Spike's mother accidentally telling them to make sure they keep well fed, before coming over to hug her leg.

Colin got a... good ending, in my books :p. I was kinda hoping he would keep going, hopefully trying to get revenge on Littlefoot for himself, but this is great, all the same.

I don't really have much to add at this point. I could go over what I think about the whole story, but don't know how different that would end up then that review I gave you for the fanfiction awards months back. I'll just tell you I've really loved this story, and I'll check out whatever you have coming up next. :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!