The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Lylat Tales

Explorer · 868 · 67892

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason sighed as he cut the music off, but he smiled as he watched Adrian raise his ship in front of him. Jason then pushed the go button on his computer. As the fighter rose into the air he smiled and said through the communication:
"This is going to be awesome! I'm ready to ride!" he then pushed the throttle forward and shot his fighter out of the hanger, right behind Adrian.


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"Hey, Joven, you around here too?"

Will made the Airwing fly out of the hangar, into a wide space, warming up by performing a few "barrel rolls".

"Whenever you want, commander. Unit ready for testing." He informed, placing the Airwing still, hovering. "Let's go!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason smirked as his fighter flew in a circle completing three barrel rolls. "All systems are still green. Whenever this test starts I'll be ready for it!"


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Adrian laughed.
"Well, Jason, You just got your wish!"
He said, aiming his right-hand rifle at Jason's ship and firing a short burst of lasers...


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Will looked carefully at a few defense breaches in the commander's ship as it shot to Jason, and therefore shot a few times at it, making sure the Airwing would then perform a U-Turn back out, in a defense motion.

"Commander, bogey on you! Eheh!" He said through the communicator.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason gave a yelp of surprise and pulled left on his throttle, moving his ship out of the line of fire by mere inches. "Wow that was close...nice try though Adrian!" Jason then pulled a U-turn and returned fire. "Time for some close quaters action!"


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Adrian grinned, before Will and Jason's shots hit the Seraph.
"Well, aren't you two fiesty! Looks like I'll have to get a little more serious with you!"
He said, diving downwards and firing both rifles at the two of them.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason smiled and replied, "You can try can try!" He then pulled a loop and open fired at Adrian to intercept his shots.


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"Aw, heck! My left wing!" Will shouted as an alarm ressonated. He decided to accelerate and try his luck by flying upwards, shooting multiple shots at Adrian. "But you won't get me down with that!"


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Adrian watched as Jason tried to block the rifle rounds with his own shots.
"Not a bad try, Jason, but..."
A pair of rounds lanced forwards and hit the fighter.
"Not quite enough..."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason groaned as the ships shields dropped. He then noticed that his stabilizers were not responding. "Uh-oh. This can't be good." His ship then began to plummet like a rock from the sky, his cockpit facing the ground. He tried pulling up, but to no avail. He shielded his eyes and prepared for the worst.


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Will somehow managed to recover the control over the one-winged Airwing, and, when he finally did, he turned to Adrian, searching the weak pointson the ship. However, his own ship couldn't keep up the same balance, and was slowly falling down, As he tried to raise the ship's direction, he turned his eyes to the sky, as he saw something falling quickly towards the ground. It was easy to recognize a ship, and who's ship it was.

"Jason!" Will shouted through the communicator, unsure of getting any answers.

Nonetheless, he flew towards him, trying to get the craft in time.


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Adrian saw the fighter falling, and in a flash, boosted the Seraph towards it.  
"Hang on, Pup!  Help's on its way!"
He yelled over the comlink, firing a pair of grappling cables out to grab the fighter, stopping its' descent...


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"Wait, what?!" Will mumbled, performing a U-turn so he wouldn't collide with the cables. "But... Ah, whatever, he's safe now." He turned the transmission on: "Commander, this is Wilhelm. Permission to land due to wing problems."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason felt his ship jerk to a stop. he then looked around wondering what had stopped his ship from crashing into the ground. He looked up to see cables attached to his wings, and he gave a sigh of relief as he said into the communicator "Thanks Adrian. I thought I was a goner. My dad would've killed me if I'd died in a training exercise."


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Adrian chuckled.
"He'd've had a hard time with that.  Besides, I don't like having people die on flight exams.  Don't mention it."
He said, slowly levelling Jason's fighter to the ground...
"Oh, and by the way... Is your father the legendary ace Bill Grey?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason smiled and replied, "Sure is...why is he's all the way back home on Katina...its not like he took time out of his day schedule to come see this little test...right?" he then chuckled at his sentence.


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Joven circled around as he watched their instructor catch Jason's ship with the cables, bringing himself around beside Will's ship.  "Commander, Wilhelm's ship looks in bad shape.  Permission to land with him to get a better assessment."

The Great Valley Guardian

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A voice then came over the communications system: "Hello boys, I'm glad to see my son has a few friends who look after his sorry tail."

Jason's head snapped back and he said, "D-DAD?!"

Bill Grey happened to be standing on the runway overseeing the whole operation.

"Oh this is so embarrassing." said Jason with a blush on his face.


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Will looked at Joven through the ship, but quickly turned as he heard a new voice in the communicator.

"What... Bill Grey...?" Will mumbled.