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Alternate Reality Game: Search and Reveal


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Alright, this is how this works. For the uninitiated, an alternate reality game is an interactive story dependent on your participation.
My character will be investigating something (you'll be see when I get the first entry in) and he will come across clues, puzzles, and crossroads. Solving them is your job as is deciding what he will do next when two or paths are open to him. Sometimes solving clues and riddles will lead directly to crossroads.
It will also be up to you to figure out what is going on. The character will learn and become more savvy with your revelations when feasible.

This is open for anyone and everyone to participate in at any time. These are the rules:

1. No takebacks. Once you have made a decision or interpretted a clue, the story advances, period. This will not be like a "Choose-Your-Own-Adventure" where you can turn the pages back to start again. However, one wrong move will not cause the character to die a icky, gooey death. It will just be a mistake that the character has to live with. You can foul up, sometimes, but there will be a point of no return after a certain point.
However, until we reach that point, it will be possible to have the character trace his footsteps back, sometimes.

2. How you solve riddles and clues (alone or together) is entirely up to you. Path decisions will be a simple vote.

3. If I've made another update based on what the others decided, but you want to say something about the previous options, anyway, go ahead, but it will not alter the course that has been taken. At least not yet. If possible, the story can follow your two cents later on.

4. Have fun.

I hope many of you participate and that we all have fun with this. Please don't be intimidated, I've done this before. I know how to handle this.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Search and Reveal:
Entry 1
Ron Foster steps into his apartment, and pulls off his suit jacket. He has just gotten back from a funeral. It was a funeral to an empty casket, representing his college friend, Jared Carpenter.

   In truth, no one had seen Jared for months now. He had just disappeared one day, and had been missing ever since. The police had turned up absolutely nothing that could solve his strange case. In the time before he went missing, Jared had reportedly began acting strangely. Ron had been out of direct contact with him since they both graduated with their Bachelor Degrees and moved on, which was six months ago, so he had to take the word of others for it. They lived in different states after graduation, anyway. He talked to Jared on the phone often, but his friend had put on a mask of normalcy when they spoke.

   Jared returned to his hometown and lived there happily for the first three months after graduating. He found a job at a local branch of Sprint, and bought an apartment. Over the phone, he had told Ron that he spent most of his time either gaming with friends or online.

   Early in the fourth month, Jared had become paranoid, and always acted like he was being hunted or chased by something. He had started to distrust the people around him and holed up in his home for weeks. Then one day, after no one had hurt from him for a while, another acquaintance went to check on him and found that the apartment was empty. It was odd, as no one had reported seeing him leave the building, and he lived on the fourth floor.

   Ron found out when he was questioned by the police if he knew anything about where Jared might have gone, but of course he didn’t. He had thought everything fine. Months passed and nothing new turned up. Finally, Jared was declared dead based on the evidence of his failing health in the time he was deteriorating before vanishing completely.

   Jared’s family had collected the belongings the police had kept as evidence before the investigation closed, which included his laptop, notebooks, and several other small items. His family reported over the phone that the notebooks looked like they were full of scribbles of man that lost his wits and were going to dispose of them as Jared’s mother could not stand the sight of them, but Ron asked if he could have them, instead.
   Ron had received them just that day at the funeral. Afterwards, he tossed them into the back seat of his car and drove the four hour drive from Vermont back to his home in Greenfield, Massachusetts.

   Now Ron is in his home and is very tired. He looks at the notebooks in he carried under on arm.

A)   Eh, these can wait until morning.
B)   Just what disturbed his family about these? I have to know now.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I vote (A). While I personally would look at the notebooks right away, the fact that Ron drove 4 hours home without even thinking about the notebooks means that he probably doesn't care, especially if he's tired.

Also I think the government is involved because nobody is declared dead just after a few months of being missing. They waited two years before calling Amelia Earhart, and they still haven't decided on D.B. Cooper.

There are far too many variables to just call someone dead because of deteriorating health. The government is covering something up and wants the whole Jared thing to be swept under the couch.


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Search and Reveal:

Entry 2

   Ron decides that since he took the trouble of convincing Jared’s family to give them to him, instead of throwing them out, to look at them now. He hangs the jacket and neck tie and sits down on his couch to over them over.
   The notebooks are old and fairly well-used. They are unmarked and nothing denotes an order they came in. He shrugs, set three of them to the side, and begins from the fourth.

The following is what he finds:

P. 1: This odd image:

P. 2: On the next page is an unfinished image of Jack Skeleton.
P. 3: The following:
“What does It want? It just stares" written over and over.
P. 4: This photo:

P. 5: “I missed you so, so to see you.”
P. 6: I page with the image on the first page scribbled on it in several places. Also on it, the words: “HE WATCHES WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN CANNOT BE UnSEEN”
P. 7: “Your move.”
P. 8: “You see him. He sees you.”
P. 9: “I cannot hide.”
P. 10:

Pages 11 and 12 are missing, as a little bit of the page is left over.
P. 13: “Eyeless.”
P. 14: “I want to believe” scribbled over and over.
P. 15: “Red Rook”
P. 16:

All the rest except for the last have been ripped out very messily.
Final Page: “Check mate” and:

Ron closes the notebook after he finishes reading it, not knowing what to make of what he read. The writing did seem to be that of a madman’s. He looks over at the other three, shrugging he picks the next one up and reads from it.
Most of the pages are filled with inane gibberish about something stalking Jared’s every footstep, but nothing really helpful.
Then he opens the next notebook and finds this:

"My son, wherefore seek'st thou thy face thus to hide?"
"Look, father, the Erl King is close by our side!
Dost see not the Erl King, with crown and with train?"
"My son, 'tis the mist rising over the plain."

Once upon a time there were twin girls, Stela and Sorina. They were brave little girls, and had no fear of the dark, nor of spiders and other crawling things. Where other young ladies and even young boys would cower, Stela and Sorina would walk with their heads held high. They were good girls, obedient to their mother and father and to the word of God. They were the best children a mother could ask for, and this was their undoing.
One day, Stela and Sorina were out with their mother gathering berries from the forest. Their mother bid them stay close to her, and they listened, as they were good children. The day was bright and clear, and even as they walked closer to the center of the forest the light barely dimmed. It was nearly bright as noon when they found the tall man.
The tall man stood in a clearing, dressed as a nobleman, all in black. Shadows lay over him, dark as a cloudy midnight. He had many arms, all long and boneless as snakes, all sharp as swords, and they writhed like worms on nails. He did not speak, but made his intentions known.
Their mother tried not to listen, but she could no more disobey the tall man than she could forget how to breathe. She walked into the clearing, her daughters shortly behind her. "Stela," she said, "take my knife, and cut a circle on the ground big enough to lie in." Stela, who was not afraid of the tall man, nor afraid of the quiver in her mother's voice, obeyed what her mother said. "Sorina," the mother said, "take the berries and spread them in the circle, and crush them underfoot until the juice stains the earth." Though Sorina wondered why her mother asked her to do such a thing, she obeyed, because she was a good girl.
"Stela," the mother said, "lie in the circle."
Stela, though she worried she might stain her clothes, did as her mother asked.
"Sorina," the mother said, and bid Sorina cut her sister open with the knife.
Sorina could not; would not.
"Please," her mother said. "If you don't, it will be worse. So much worse."
But Sorina could not, and she threw the knife away and ran home, crying. She hid under her bed, afraid for the first time in her life. She waited until her father came home from the fields, and told him of the terrible thing she had found in the woods. Her father comforted her, and told her she would be safe. He went to the woods, his axe in hand, and as he commanded, she stayed by the hearth, waiting for his return.
After some time she fell asleep. When she woke, it was to the sound of knocking on her door at the darkest hour of the night. "Who is there?" she said.
"It is your father," the knocker said.
"I don't believe you!" said Sorina.
"It is your sister," the knocker said.
"It cannot be!" said Sorina.
"I am your mother," said the knocker, "and I told you it would be worse." And the door, locked tight before her father left, fell open as if it had been left ajar. And her mother stepped in, her sister's head clutched in one bloody hand, her father's in the other.
"Why?" wept Sorina.
"Because," said her mother, "there is no reward for goodness; there is no respite for faith; there is nothing but cold steel teeth and scourging fire for all of us. And it's coming for you now."
And the tall man slid from the fire, and clenched Sorina in his burning embrace. And that was the end of her.

Little Prey Goes To The Big Town,
Play's a little game with the big boyS,
Snip, snip, snip, off goes a finger,
Bright red, his pain lingers.

Little Prey Goes To The Big Town,
End's a game for a girl,
Stab, stab, stab, she will loose her Hound,
Bright red, he is Hellbound,

Little Prey Goes To The Big Town,
Can he be found by a friend,
Slice, Slice, Slice, straight to his tummy,
Out his sides, red and yummy

You seek
concentrate You fool
incorrectly. assist
silence Fifth Perch.
to those who know
are about the beast
thus You need
a beast to your abilities
its work not in doing slaying the prey for it.

There is nothing else is this notebook. Ron slams it shut and puts it with the other two he’s read. He’s certain that the stories are going to give him nightmares. He picks up the fourth and final notebook and reads it:

“It seems to come from the woods. Always from the woods. Does that red building belong to it? What is It? What does It want? Is it because we entered it’s domain? Where have James, Ryan, and Maddie gone?! Did It take them? Who was that man earlier?”
“A night. It always comes at night. Everyone else in gone. What was that noise? Oh god, he's coming for me. No no no no no. I still have so much to say, so much to do! I won't let them take me. I'll run. Not again. Never again. I'll run and hide, but they'll find me. He always finds me. Must be a way death. death is a way out. Death is better than the blankest room. Goodbye. I can't go back there. Didn't want it to end like this. I'm not crazy. I can't go to that place again."

It cuts off after that, but the notebook does have one more thing to offer:

“1 3 2” on an otherwise blank page.
“8 20 13” on another.

 With the four notebooks piled up, Ron isn’t sure what to make of them. There was one lead in the last notebook, mention a red tower building, the woods, and a third possible location Jared what called it’s “domain”, which could be either one of the former two, but what was written did not clarify that.

Now that Ron thinks of it, three months is awfully soon to declare someone dead after they just went missing. It was almost like they just ended the investigation for the sake of keeping things quiet. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that something very wrong.

A)   I should give Jared’s family a call tomorrow to ask about the woods and the red building.
B)   Maybe I should keep quiet, and prepare to return on my own later.
C) Maybe I should just leave this alone.
D) Maybe I'll study the notebooks a bit more.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I doubt Ron would do ©, he doesn't have enough evidence to do (A), and it would just bring up undesirable memories for the family; and (B) is a little extreme with so little to go on, unless Google Maps shows Jared's unnamed hometown has a forest. Just stick with (D) for now, unless something really really caught Ron's attention.

First note, I'm pretty sure the red building also is the domain of the opponent, since rooks are known as castles, and the opponent is compared to the mythical German Erlking.

Have a feeling Jared is being built up as a parallel to Jesus somehow; his last name is 'Carpenter', also making his initials "J.C." In addition, the chess metaphor puts Jared on the white team.

Also pretty sure it's related to Slender Man; the descriptions all match him, and the creepypasta mythos is the only place I've ever heard the term 'fifth perch'.

OOC: I avoided using the internet, only using what I knew off the top of my head; are we supposed to use Google to help our propositions?


  • Cera
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No, I won't throw anything that requires Google.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Search and Reveal:
Entry 3

Ron decides to study the notebooks a bit to see if he can’t make any sense. While three of them were pretty much open books, he decides to check over the second one that was filled with the inane scribbling.

The following afternoon after work, he does just that. He takes out the notebook again. For the most, it is just ramblings about Jared being stalked by something or a few images of trees and such, but a few things catch his eye:

“the Stolen. arch-devils”

The random capitalized word and inexplicable period puzzle him.

“im yellower of ou.cH”

The same with this one strange phrase.

“abc 1 pqrs jki jki jki pqrs 0 mno def will contact him”

This third thing that sticks out to him.

The fourth and final image that seems out of place is an image of what looks kind of like Davey Crocket.

Ron can find nothing else that seems to follow a pattern, so he copies down the three things that stuck out to him and examines them more closely.

Solve the puzzles.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The string of letters is a phone number: (217) 555-7063. The area code puts it somewhere in Springfield, Illinois.

Davy Crocket I guess continues the King theming, what with "King of the wild frontier". The yellow and arch makes me think of McDonalds :p I always knew Slender Man was in cahoots with them!

Anyway, next obvious thing is to call the phone number.


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Ron realizes that the numbers equate to a phone number. The phrases still baffle him, but now he has something to go on. He pulls out his cellphone and dials.

It rings four times before he gets an answer. At first, all he receives is static on the other end, but he says the usual "Hello," and tries a few more times before he receives a reply on the other end.

"Arrange them..." static; "...three days...". The voice is barely above a hoarse whisper.

"Jared, is that you," Ron asks, but the lines goes dead.

Every subsequent time Ron tries and retries the number, but he receives a recording that this phone number does not exist.

A) I'll try the phone number one more time.
B) Getting weird. Arrange what? Maybe I should give those other two phrases a look.
C) Screw this, I'm hungry.
D) Maybe I'll hop online for a while.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I know the two phrases are word scrambles. The first is a sentence beginning with S and ending with n. The second begins with H and ends with u. But I can't imagine all the grammatically correct sentences you could create with those letters.

So I guess I already did B). I doubt A) will do anything, so D) seems like the logical next step.


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Entry 5

Ron decides to give up on the word scrambles for a while and hops online. He firsts checks his emails and decides to look up this "De Ritter" and such that he found in the notebooks. When he does, he comes across a strange selection of stories all featuring one common creature.

Jared thought he was being stalked by this thing? Ron now fears his friend might have really lost it. After searchng around the various "Slender Man" stories for a while, he decides to check on his emails.

Much to his surprise, he has two emails from Jared, one from yesterday, and the other from today. The first just says "LEAVE IT RON" while the other says "IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU NOW". Looking at the time the latter email was sent, it came from just a few minutes ago after Ron made that call.

Thinking this too weird beyond measure, Ron steps away from the computer. Frlustered, afraid, and baffled, Ron leaves his apartment to go for a walk to clear his head. Could Jared still be alive? Why was he declared dead? How is he sending me emails? All these questions went through Ron's mind as he walks the park a few blocks from the building he lived in.

After a while, he calms down and returns, but he has a horrible cough.

"That's what I get for taking a walking at night in this town. I probably caught something...but this fast," he thinks.

He passes a business man on his way back into the building, but pays him no mnd. By the time he enters his bedroom, Ron is sick and miserable enough to go to bed. He lies down and falls into an uncomfortable sleep the instant his head hits the pillow.

That night, Ron has a dream. A terrible nightmare where he is standing in the middle of a street surrounded by children. Each time he turns around or moves, one of the children vanishes, and it keeps happening until they are all gone.
Then he is suddenly in the woods. Bags. Bags hang from each and every tree branch. He could hear the cries of the children, still. In fact, they seemed to be coming from the bags.
All around him, trees that look twisted and infected with something are all around hiim. Black leaves adorn the branchs of them all, and some of these trees even seem to have eyes, that watch him.
He turns and looks at one particularly large and monstrous looking tree. From it, Jared hangs, impaled through the chest on a tree branch, while several other bodies lay draped over the various other branches. Bloods flows over and drips from every corner of this tree.

A) Jared?! Hang on, buddy! I' coming!
B) that Jared? What is this place?! What is if the bags and tress?! Maybe I should a a closer look at them.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Guess we're gonna be taking a closer look at something. I vote A), and I have a feeling nobody else is going to vote.


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Ron rushes over to Jared and tries to scale the tree yo get to, but there are no branches low enough for a human to clinb. He wonders how Jared got up there and looks at the tree to try again. However, suddenly eyes open up in the side of it and stare at him. He feels a crushing weight suddenly take him and Ron stumbles to the ground. The weight crushes the ar out of him, and soon, all turns to darkness.

Ron shoots upright in bed. A dream. It had only  been a dream, but it felt so real. He still has the cough, though. For the next two days, Ron's health does not improve and he keeps having similar nightmares. At the end of the three day period, he was coming home from work, ready to just call a doctor.

He checked his mail slot on the way in. In there, amongst the regular junkmail and such, was a letter without a return adrees. On the back it just said 'Ron' with the 'o' x-ed out.

He takes them all inside and opens the strange envelope. Inside is a note. One side is blank while the other says "HE HAS COME". As Ron reads it, he feels the air grow colder and his lghts flicker slightly.

He tosses the letter onto the coffe table and goes to the phone. He calls his doctor, who will be ready to see him at 1:00 PM the following day. He hangs up, in the meantime, some friends had called him to go to the new bistro in town.

After changing out of hs work clothes, he heads out the door. The bistro is withiin walking distance, so he decides to just go there on foot. He spends the next few hours there, chatting with friends and dining on homebrewed food. The food and cheer make him feel a bit better, surprisingly. He leaves in high spirits and begins his walk home.

As he passes the park where he first got sick, the day has reached the twilight hours. The streetlights are already beginning to flicker on. However, inspite of the warm summer air, everything begins to feel cold. Ron rubs hs arms, thinking his odd.

"Brr, what the hell," he utters.

He looks around him, wondering why it got cold suddenly. Behind him, bathed under the light of a street light, is a man, starting perfectly still and just staring at him. From what Ron can make of him from the distance, he must be a lawyer or something, because he has a black suit with a red power tie.

A) What's he want?
B) Damn its cold. Better get home.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Petrie85,Jun 20 2011 on  09:13 PM
Yeah I will pick B.
Bah! Someone trying to stop me from killing off the main character!

Fine, I'll take the intelligent option and switch to B


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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hey, just for the record, I solved one of the sentence scrambles!

The second sentence reads: "He will come for you."

That means that the first sentence indeed begins with S and ends with 'n', and spaces are unimportant. I'm having problems making anything meaningful, though.