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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

well lets see here


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Where to begin..
Well im a guy 36ish years old been a huge fan of animation my entire life. Seen pretty much all the old disney clasics. I simply put find it amazing that any one can hand draw a entire movie every single frame i know i sure could never do it. Id say thats the number 1 reason i love animation so much. Just thinking about the skill needed to do even a 10 minute  simple animation project is mind blowing. Were not talking a few hours work were talking in to the few 100 hours mark. I fiddle with makign various 3d models in programs like 3d max true space etc. Ive also hand coded a large portion of the former colony city 3d chat rooms 3d mall along with my mentor and teacher known as clean (a nick name he got because he made sure his codeing in vrml was squeaky clean). Being as he tought me prety nearly all i know about vrml i tended to do the same. Im currently a gm (game master) and forum moderator for rubies of eventide a free online mmorpg. Been with the game as a player sence 2/12/02 and am still there when i can be. I also build repair upgrde and clean up the mess people make of their computers both hardware and software.
Lets see what else?
Well i am a knife collector have some very old ones in my colection and am gettign the stuff togather for a forge so i can try my hand at that to heh. Hey what can i say i have lots of hobbies.

Im also a irc chat aholic so if any one would be intrested in a irc chat for the forums here let me know ill set up a channel on the ausirc network. Forums are great and all but well their not live comunication. I like the ausirc net work because its small and secure. You wont be spammed by bots with porn links or other such nonsense.

Ok thats it best stop here as my laptop has isues with its screen and is acting up. So ill end up typing blind if im not careful heh.


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First welcome.  :wave  :wave

You sound like you're a 3-D that what you do?


  • Spike
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Quote from: Petrie,Mar 14 2007 on  09:39 PM
First welcome.  :wave  :wave

You sound like you're a 3-D that what you do?
For a living na. Right now im trying to find any old job. I do it mostly as a hoby. Ive made a few mods for rubies of eventide the 3d mall for coci stuff like that.

My animation skills simply o not exist. So i mostly do static models. Like in rubies i did a bunch of weapons and shields etc.

The area in computers where i make money is from securing them cleaning up infections from viri spyware etc. I also build id say 200 or so computers over the years. I did that for 2 years in a row and spent every bit of my spare time doing 20 30 and 40 mile bike rides. Logged close to 12k miles one year. But like most things here in ohio it is getting harder and harder to find some one who want s acomputer built from the ground up.


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Whoa!  36?  Wouldn't that make this guy the oldest member here?  Someone check up on that.

Anyways, welcome, novaflare.  Hope you enjoy your time here posting, responding, commenting and uploading. :)


  • Spike
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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Mar 15 2007 on  09:46 AM
Whoa!  36?  Wouldn't that make this guy the oldest member here?  Someone check up on that.

Anyways, welcome, novaflare.  Hope you enjoy your time here posting, responding, commenting and uploading. :)
Lol im always the oldest on forums and ircs. Happens when you have been on line sense 93/94. Im lucky to remember how old i am thanks to the net and its effect on your sense of time. I sware im still writing 2006 on varius documents that need such things as dates. Im likely the first of many people who are rediscovering the old animated films from their youth. Most teens feel silly admiting they like such and such animated film while adults will post omg ive not seen that movie in years think ill rent it. One guy last year on the imdb board posted that and next day posted how while he was typign his latest reply about all the things he noticed in land before time his son at the time 7 was watchign it on dvd for the secound time they had watched it the night before togather.

I have no kids my self but 3 neices 2 nephews and 2 grand nephews and a grand neice. Guess what the older ones have already seen heh. Wont be long before the youngest will see it to. LBFT is on its 3rd generation of viewers now. That just amazes me. The 20ths aniversy dvd should break some records for sure and if in the theators man that should be a site to see. Gona have entire families there. Grandparents parents and their children/grandchildren.

Got to love any thing that brings families togather especially in this age of the electronic baby sitters called tvs and computers. When you got films like the land before time franchise that is something that parents and adults in general can at least stomache its a good thing indeed.

Lets see typical kids fair on tv these days. Barney the purple dino that makes you want to scream no more at the top of your lungs and kill the producers who make the show. I could rattle of a list of god 100 or more such shows on tv now that are like that.

As for posting well im a forum and irc aholic i post alot. Do a google search for novaflare and about 80% of the results are me. Theres alot of my posts under nova and on the rubies of eventide forums i post under my gm account sarnes. Id say all told i have 100k forum etc posts on the net. Countless hours worth of irc chat many months worth of game play time racked up on various mmorpgs.

At this moment i have 5 forums open in firefox and 2 irc chats.


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Welcome to the Gang of Five novaflare :yes
It is always a pleasure to hear a new voice here :)


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The Same goes with cartonos nova. Classic shows like Looney Tunes, The Flintstone, Scooby Doo, and Tom and Jerry just aren't being made today. Sure they have 'updated' versions of some of those shows, but they;''re just not the same. Cartoon Network really has gone downhill over the last few years...
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Spike
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Quote from: Nick22,Mar 15 2007 on  03:29 PM
The Same goes with cartonos nova. Classic shows like Looney Tunes, The Flintstone, Scooby Doo, and Tom and Jerry just aren't being made today. Sure they have 'updated' versions of some of those shows, but they;''re just not the same. Cartoon Network really has gone downhill over the last few years...
Never cared much for the looney toon time shows.  Not saying tha they are not very well done in their own right.
But yeh cartoon network has went down hill big time. Stupid stuff like that billy and mandy they just love to advertise on half a dozen networks. sorry but thats just total brain rot trash. In fact that show is a perfect example of the electronic baby sitter type of show. What parent wants to sit through that trash? So they stick their kid in front of the tv and go watch opra or some soap opera. Cartoon network should take this chance sense they have 1 worth while show the land before time to get more shows that parents will watch with their kids. Somethign with some deapth and meaning. I bet theres a half dozen producers and animators out there that would jump at the chance.

Acording to what i fund online there is 26 episodes of a old land before time rip off called dink the little dinosaur. It is not even close to the quality of land before time but it is somethign a parent could watch with their kids. Acording to imdb not only did it resemble lbft but one of the current voice actresses voiced amber one of the main chars there as well. Anndi McAfee    ...    Amber (voice) and
land before time the series credits
   Anndi McAfee    ...    Cera (unknown episodes).
Point is they could turn cartoon network in to something that parents could watch with their children any time and not be bored crazy or driven insane.


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I'm not so sure which way around a rip-off charge against Dink would work out. I didn't get a chance to watch the movies yet, but from what I heard they are supposed to resemble some of the LBT sequels. As Dink was produced before the LBT sequels were I suppose it is quite likely that the makers of LBT didn't employ just some of the speakers, but also some of the ideas of the Dink movies.


  • Spike
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Quote from: Malte279,Mar 15 2007 on  06:53 PM
I'm not so sure which way around a rip-off charge against Dink would work out. I didn't get a chance to watch the movies yet, but from what I heard they are supposed to resemble some of the LBT sequels. As Dink was produced before the LBT sequels were I suppose it is quite likely that the makers of LBT didn't employ just some of the speakers, but also some of the ideas of the Dink movies.
Dink wasnt movies it was a series. It came out after land before time 1. It is hard to tell how much was stolen from lbft as per the various episode themes etc. Remember for all we know lbft 2 was planned shortly after the first movie. Regardless it wasnt all that bad a show. It was much simpler in the area of the art and animation and theres nothing wrong with that. I love those simple little animated comercials for those triiminic (sp?) strips with the wolf and ant eater. I love it when the mother wolf asks her cub what he was doing. "sweaty what were you doing out there? If that farmer had cought you.... I was tryign to count sheap..."  It is so simple and at the same time so well done.

I have emailed the company who made dink to see if there is any way or place to get the episodes. There was 2 seasons of 13 eps each acordign to imdb. So for a animated series it did have a some what heatlhy run. I posted some links over on the network 54 boards.

F-14 Ace

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Welcome to the GOF, Novaflare!  I hope you like it here.  It is always nice to meet new people.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Howdy novaflare! B)  :wow
Sorry to be so late to welcome you; these last couple of weeks have been brutal on me and I've hardly had a chance to stop by the forum!

Quick bio of myself:
20, male, Canadian, 1 month away from graduating college (Industial Instrumentation)

A 3-D Modeller; I think that's a new talent around here!  I'm a bit of a music geek myself, mainly digital audio but I play keyboard a little bit too.

Unfortunately, I don't have a great deal of time to chat right now... :(
Welcome to the gang of five!  Hopefully we'll meet up some more on the forums! B)


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Hey Novaflare!  :wave

Although this is not our first meeting, I should still make your greeting an official GOF one. Welcome to the Gang of Five forum. Age is a mere formality as everyone has a passion for onee thing or another.  ;) Regardless of time spent on the planet, everyone here is friendly and topics are open to you for discussion! ;)

Enjoy your stay!

Littlefoot-1616 B)


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I welcome you to the GOF. I'm Lain_EX. Enjoy your stay here, amigo.