The Gang of Five
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"That's a Bopper"


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Arn't you tired of watching LBT 12 and laughing when guido get's hit with Mr. Clubtail's tail?  I sure was.  So I made this video to get sick of it!;7913392;;/

Just sharing my relief mechanism! :lol I don't laugh at this part any more.


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I actually find it more funny listening to this. But if you think thats annoying wait to you see this video on youtube.


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But if you think thats annoying wait to you see this video on youtube.

I didn't think it was annoying, I was just so sick and tired of bursting out laughing every time that happened.  There's something wrong with my soundcard again so I couln't listen to your video.  I wasn't even sure that the sound turned our right on the one I posted.


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There's something wrong with my soundcard again so I couln't listen to your video.
Maybe its for the better, i had that song stuck in my head for so long afterwards.
I wasn't even sure that the sound turned our right on the one I posted.
It seemed fine to me.


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It seemed fine to me.

Well that's good.  I didn't want to post a movie here with bad sound.  All too frequently, movie joiner screws up the audio and you have to go in there and manually fix it.  *Sigh*.  Oh well.  It was the cheapest...


  • Ducky
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I love the Spanish version of the phrase XD

"ESO ES UNA BOLA!" (which translates as "that's a ball" but it's close enough I guess :p)


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Maybe I could find it in spanish.  I dunno though.  I don't have the original dvd's anymore and I have never seen an LBT video to download that was in spanish.


  • Ducky
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me either :( I want the Spanish V's bad, but no luck :(


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I got the German version of LBT 5.  I lost it in a hard drive crash though.  It was so funny!  God, I miss that video.


  • The Circle
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Do you understand any German or did you get it just for the fun of the sound? :)


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Do you understand any German or did you get it just for the fun of the sound?

LOL.  Nope.  I don't understand a word of German.  I don't even know how to say hello.  I'm taking German next year though, so I might be able to understand it.  I'm a little frightened.  I've heard that German is extremely difficult.  Oh well.  Nothing can be as bad as the Japanese class I took. :lol


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:lol: At least we have the same letters except for ‰ ˆ ¸ and ?. German is more complicate than English though which does not suffer from a number of unnecessary difficulties the German language has in store. Then again German can sound quite beautiful in spite of some hard sounds which put some people off.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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I can speak a bit of German. I don't speak enough to talk to someone. But I can say hello, goodbye, please, thankyou. When I got some lbt dvd's from the libary I used to watch them in french.


  • Ducky
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I found German rather easy... there's a lot of REAL long words in German... but there's a lot of cognates more importantly


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I don't think it is the words which would make German difficult to learn, but much of the grammatical rules which have no equivalent in English. Please write a couple of lines in German.


  • Ducky
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du bist ein fuchs! (:p Aves lol)

It'd be difficult to try since I haven't done German since 7th grade


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Almost perfect except for du (at the beginning of a sentence or when used as a direct address in a letter) and Fuchs (as a noun) would be capitalized. However, there are many not exactly necessary grammatical difficulties in the German language. I have talked (respectively written) to quite a couple of people who were convinced of the near nativeness of their German while in some cases it was really not easy to figure out what the person meant (the same is true for the written utterances of some native German speakers though :lol).
Don't get me wrong, German can be quite a beautiful language and in some cases it is clearer than English (e.g. in most (not all) cases you know about the gender of a person the moment he or she is mentioned while in English it takes further explanation if somebody mentions for example a friend, colleague whatever), but it also is more complex and I suppose there are more sounds in German difficult to pronounce for the native English speaker than the other way round.
Aber ich mˆchte Dich echt nicht entmutigen. Wenn Dir die deutsche Sprache gef‰llt und Du mal Fragen dazu hast oder ich Dir sonst irgendwie weiterhelfen kann, dann lass es mich einfach wissen.


  • Ducky
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I know Der Die and Das can change the meaning of a word completely XD

and actually Manny, it makes a bit more sense in context that way, he's only using a word that seems odd there... "less" would make more sense, but I don't think he means fewer I think he means less necessary

Manny Cav

  • Cera
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I think that we should stop being grammar Nazis and start getting back on topic. :lol: