The Gang of Five
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For the Stone, or For Friendship?

LBTFan13 · 321 · 37562


  • Cera
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It's been two days since Ozzy and Strut kidnapped Littlefoot and Longtail. The two egg eaters tied a vine around both their necks to prevent them from escaping, and have been dragging them to the Stone of Cold Fire. Of course, Ozzy knows that the Smoking Mountain is almost impossible to climb, and carrying the two kids would only hinder him in their quest. He starts to wonder if he and Strut should just get rid of them once and for all, but then he comes up with another idea and decides to keep them around, for now.

Meanwhile, back in the great Valley, Cera and Chomper have noticed that Littlefoot and Zaine, along with some others, have been missing for three days. They begin to worry about where they could possible be, but to keep the adults calm they tell them that they are all out playing. Somehow, this lie works, but Cera realizes that sooner or later they are going to figure out that they are gone. Cera and Chomper decide to go on her own to find them, but Cera's cousin tags along with her.

The three of them eventually find Zaine's group. Chomper is glad to see Ducky and Zaine are safe, but then Cera asks where Littlefoot and Longtail are. Zaine explains to her what happened, and this only enfuriates her. She begins to blame Zaine for the whole thing and begins to rant on about the stone being fake. Of course, Zaine counters and tries to explain what he's seen, but Cera now hates him for what's happened to Littlefoot and Longtail. Of course, Chomper believes Zaine entirely and tries to back him up.

Cera is not the only one who now holds a grudge against Zaine. Longtail's uncle, Cyrix, also feels that it was Zaine's fault that his nephew was even thinking about going on this journey. He tends to avoid Zaine for the majority of the time, but will throw in a remark every now and then. Mim, Vylor, and Argaya on the other hand do not blame Zaine for anything that happened, but they try to publicly stay out of the whole argument. Zaine realizes that the only way to make everybody happy again is to save Littlefoot and Longtail and personally take care of Ozzy and Strut. He just hoped that Littlefoot and Longtail would forgive him for getting them even more involved into this mess.


  • Petrie
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High above the Great Valley a small dark shape flapped its wings and circled, as if it was unsure of what to do. When two flyers came into view the dark shape quickly swooped away.

Heading towards her nest, Soar thought carefully to herself. Despite having been alone for all this time, even her youthful instincts could tell her something was happening down in the valley. Something was stirring everything up in a way it hadn't been stirred in a long time.

Coming to a graceful landing in a small cave in the peak of one of the many cliffs surrounding the great valley, Soar sat alone, and thought.


  • Cera
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Meanwhile, the group had taken a break to get some food and water. Zaine kept to himself and away from Cyrix and Cera. He ate some leaves off of a bush and looked out into the sky silently. "I swear I'll get you back. If I have to die trying, then so be it."

Chomper began to hungrily chase a fly around, weaving in and out of the group. He finally caught it snd ate it. Smiling, he looked around at the others. "I don't know how you guys are able to eat that green stuff. It's so... gross!"


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Dante walked quietly up to Zaine, standing behind him and saying...
"Zaine.  Know this.  I do blame you for getting Longtail and Littlefoot captured.  I suppose that I even despise you for it.  But Longtail trusted you, so that means that I trust you, too.  I' whatever I can to help you..."

Meanwhile, Virgil and Motochika were sitting with the group, and when Chomper commented on the other's taste in food, Motochika laughed...
"Well, I suppose that it is an...acquired taste, Chomper.  It is much like how I got used to living with others, and living in peace."


  • The Circle
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Mim nods, "Gross to a sharptooth.  But it seems some are able to eat only green food, some only meat, and others can eat both.  I sometimes do wonder why things are like this. " she thinks to herself then starts going over some of her observations, ones she's never mentioned to anyone else and some conclusions she has had and also some thoughts.  She does this while eating some green leaves.  She would sometimes eat some of the crawlers and other things, but not while any plant eaters were around to see her, knowing they find it gross.  She does gather any crawlers she finds to give to Chomper who is unable to eat any green food.  

"Here, you may like some of these.  Quite tasty." Mim says offering some crawlers to Chomper she has gathered.

Petrie is on a limb of a short tree.  He eats some of the leaves and pulls off others to drop to the ground below so Ducky, and any one else who wishes but can't reach, can eat them.

"Petrie worry about them." He said concern in his voice.

Ducky finished eating one of the leaves fluttering down to the ground from Petrie dropping them, offering some of the others to others nearby, except for Chomper who she knows dislikes such things.    She looks up to Petrie.

"Do not worry Petrie, we will rescue them.  Things will turn out ok, yep, yep, yep." She said nodding trying to reassure Petrie, herself and anyone else nearby.  

Mim nods in agreement.  "I'm sure they are both well.  They are to valuable to them to be harmed.  Those to may not be very smart but they are not stupid, not to stupid anyway.  Though if they were smart they'd not have taken any captives since it tends to... end unpleasantly for those who take captives.  We'll get them both back, and deal with those egg eaters." She said keeping herself as calm as she could knowing remaining as calm as one could would help her to think better when the times needed it.


  • Cera
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(Here we go)

Mitch just finished his daily exercise. Feeling abit tired, he walks over to the river to have drink.
At the river, he notice two female longnecks. One of them is his secret love.
They're looking his way. He takes a deep breath, stretches his body and tail, showing his muscles.
No luck today, the two gals burst into laughter. Mitch feelt like a whole herd of trrehorns had been running him over.
He lowers his head and walks slowly for the forest, hoping to find some nice snack to cheer him up.
On the way, he recognize a group of other dinosaurs  (chomper, petrie, mim, ducky...) he walks their way.

- "Hi guys, what's going on"?
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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  • Littlefoot
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All of Shera's friends had to stay home this day, they were ill or had to help their parents. She felt a bit lonely and went out searching for some company. She sees a group of dinosaurs, and sees a longneck walking towards the group. They must a bit younger she thought. She kept on watching the group from a distance, too shy to introduce herself.


  • Cera
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Zaine turned towards Dante. "Despite your anger towards me, I thank you for wanting to help me, but keep one thing in mind. I didn't want any of this to happen. I can tell you Longtail and Littlefoot wouldn't blame me for this, so I can't understand why you do."

Chomper smiled and took the crawlers from Mim. "Thanks a bunch!" He then stuffed them in his mouth and licked his lips. "Mmm, now that's what I call good food." He tried not to make the others feel uncomfortable, because the majority of the time he mentions food and somebody takes it the wrong way.

Chomper then noticed Mitch walking towards them and he waived to him. "Hey Mitch. Well, we're kind of in the middle of a crisis right now, and it's kind of a long story."


Meanwhile, Ozzy and Strut continued through the Mysterious Beyond, pulling Littlefoot and Longtail along the way. "If I had known these two were so heavy, I would have just thrown them off the cliff!" Strut complained.

"Quit your whining!" Ozzy yelled. "We were lucky that longneck didn't tear us apart, because he would have if we didn't jump!"


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  • Littlefoot
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Shera was listening to what the group was saying to the longneck. She only could hear some words. Slowly she walked a bit forward to hear them better, but kept on hiding. I'd better not show myself yet, I dont even know them. she thought.
She recognised some of the group, though she didn't really know their names.


  • Cera
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Mitch smiled, "Hiya Chomper! Everyone."

"Huh, crisis"? You haven't been causing trouble have you?"

His eyes wandered from Chomper to the others...

"...Hey, by the way, Where's Littlefoot and Longtail? Don't they usually hang out with you guys?" he said, confused.

Then suddenly, his sniffer caught a scent, coming from nearby.

"You guys alone here, are you?" He lifted his neck and looked around, sniffing into the air as he did.

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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  • Cera
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"If they would forgive you...then I do, as well.  I'm... I'm sorry for what I said, Zaine.  Don't worry, I won't hold a grudge."
Dante extended a claw as he looked at Zaine...

Motochika and Virgil looked as they heard Mitch's comment, and as they did, Virgil caught a small movement, and Motochika heard Shera's breath...

"You can come out, whoever you are.  We won't hurt you..."
He said, calm as usual...


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  • Cera
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Zaine smiled. "I'm glad we are friends." He used his tail so shake Dante's hand. "Now, if only I could convince Cera and Longtail's uncle otherwise. They'll probably never forgive me."

Chomper's sniffer then caught the scent as well. He turned and saw a threehorn nearby. "Hey, it's another threehorn! I better hide." Chomper walked behind the others so the newcomer wouldn't see him.

"Good idea," Zaine nodded. He then walked a little towards the threehorn. "It's all right. We aren't going to hurt you. My name is Zaine."


  • The Circle
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Ducky turns and looks in the direction then up at Petrie.  "Can you see who it is Petrie?" She asks.

Petrie looks over in the direction and nods, "It threehorn, not far. Over there." He said pointing in the direction.  

"Hmm, if the person is shy or scared maybe one of us should go over there and invite the person over here." Mim said looking around thinking who would be the best one.


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'I am Vylor, and my sister is Argaya.' Vylor said.


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  • Littlefoot
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Shera saw the others looking her way. She took some steps backwards.


  • Cera
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When nobody voluntered, Mitch saw Mim's eyes pointing at him.

"Don't worry guys, I'll do it" He sighed.

He turned around and walked towards the little treehorn.
When he got close, he lovered his head, smiled and said calmly:

"Hello there, my name's Mitch. What's your name?" "It's okay, come here and say hi, we don't bite."

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Petrie
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A fair distance away Soar prepared for flight. Perhaps today, when everything seemed to be on edge, she would finally try and meet other people. She had never felt so lonely, but she didn't know how to act around anybody who wasn't her mother.

And that was no longer an option.

Sighing, Soar flapped and and took off into the sky, scanning the land below.


  • Cera
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Zaine looked over to Chomper. "Say, doesn'tshe remind you of someone?" he whispered. "She looks... familiar somehow."

"Well, she is a threehorn," Chomper said. "Maybe she's related to Cera?"


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  • Littlefoot
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A littlebit afraid Shera stepped forward.

'Hello... I am Shera...' she said.