The Gang of Five
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Land Before Time and Hot Wheels Acceleracers Crossover Story


  • Ruby
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Well! Here’s the Prologue Chapter of the first LBT and Acceleracers crossover story on the site! Enjoy everyone!  :)littlefoot

Prologue: 3 Months Later and Arrival;

Location: Somewhere in the Arizona Desert at a top secret US Military Base; 3 months after the Ultimate Race and Gig's ultimate sacrifice to destroy the Racing Drones that made it to Earth;

The sun was slowly rising into the sky somewhere in the Arizona Desert in the state of Arizona as dawn approached signifying a new day had come. Sure it was quiet from only the sound of the desert wind blowing across the desert landscape with a few tumbleweeds rolling across the dusty ground. No one would ever come out to a place like this as deserts are known for their harsh environments which forced native wildfire to adapt to the scorching temperatures during the day and cool ones during the night.

However, this certain part of the desert was owned by the United States Military as it is the site of a highly top secret US military base even more secret than the infamous Area 51 military base in nearby state of Nevada near Las Vagas, Nevada. This one base was much more top secret and no one knows about it except a number of individuals on the outside. As for the average everyday US citizen they had no idea about the base exiting it even wasn't on the map either. Not far from what appeared to be ol' Highway 35 which runs past the base down a dirt road was a lone 18 year old human figure was standing next to a certain blue Teku car known as Reverb watching the sunrise.

'I can't believe how much my life has changed the past few months…', thought the figure in a very familiar voice as he was thinking about recent events in his life.

Closing in the human figure was none other Vert Wheeler who was wearing what appeared to be a Silencerz' holographic camouflage racing suit, but Vert's suit was different from the other ones as it was silver like the standard high tech suits. However, that parts where the suit was suppose to be purple or lavender instead had three different blue colors like neon blue, cyan blue, and royal blue while the top of the arm sleeves at Vert's shoulders which stopped at the standard issue backpack for the drivers of the team had not only the Silencerz' insignia, but also the Teku symbol as Vert was still a member of the Teku. Presently, Vert was thinking about how much his life had changed since 3 months ago which he was still trying to wrap his head around as his entire world had well… exploded. The biggest and shocking reveal that Vert never expected was that his own father Major Jack Wheeler was actually the leader of the Silencerz.

Soon Vert kept thinking to himself about the past recent events happening to him which led him to his present moment, 'I not only defeated Galorium and won the title of Acceleracer by using my own skills during the Ultimate Race by the Acceleron I met, but we also managed to give the Drones a major defeat. It's hard for me to believe that I actually won the biggest race of my entire life even though I didn't win in any of the Racing Realms and left when I thought I couldn't beat the drones.'


Vert began to remember the racing realms that he messed up in when he alongside the Teku and Metal Maniacs started racing for Doctor Tezla. First came the Storm Realm the very first realm that Vert went into which unfortunately was the realm that Kadeem was captured by the Racing Drones in as Vert managed to get through the portal just in time with his Deora II the very same car he won the World Race in with Wave Whippers team as the front part of the car was severed from the back which was probably trapped in the Storm Realm somewhere. The front part of the car skidded to a halt on the stone floor of the Acceledrome with the back end of the severed car was glowing hot red after the portal took the back end of his car.

Then following that memory was the Swamp Realm which was the first one that the Teku and Metal Maniacs won when Vert was at the end of the that realm as the Swamp Monster guarding the end of the track woke up as Vert was driving the first Power Rage at that time and roared with fury after being disturbed from its sleep, "MMMRRROAAAAAAAAHHHHHRRRR!"

Vert who was wearing his Teku cloths at the time saw the large living plant monster could on only exclaim in disbelief and shock at the huge living plant creature that was guarding the end of the track, "WHOAAAA!"

It quickly jumped forward to the point when Vert's Power Rage got grabbed by one of the vines that were going after him and had lost valuable speed by going over the mossy side of the track. With the sounds of a metallic crunch and the shattering of glass one of the vines smashed through the top of Power Rage bringing it up into the air as more vines came after the helpless car. Vert thought he was going to be swamp food for the hungry creatures that lived in that realm or have his head as a trophy for RD-L1 after Vert stopped him from reaching the end of track thanks to his grappling hook which gave Nolo the chance to win the Swamp Realm and its accelecharger. That was a close call.

However, the next memory was the closest that Vert came to close to destruction and his biggest blunder which was in the Water Realm as he was nearly at the portal and thought he was going to win his first accelecharger, but he got cocky after Karma told him how much time was left in the realm and tried to finish the fastest time ever. Unfortunately Karma warned him to back off his car's the accelerator only for him to hit a part of the track that was covered water he tired to slow down as he was coming to a sharp curve and lost control of his causing it to spin and fly off the track. Thankfully, the Power Rage that Vert used at the time had a EDR installed which saved his butt big time as it teleported him out of his car back to Earth while his car crashed into a dark red colored rock formation with a explosive impact!


Then Vert came flying out of portal in the Acceledrome after he used the EDR to escape his near explosive end. However, he managed to crash into a large inflatable crash bag that Nolo and Lani set up after Porkchop used the EDR before Vert did and ended up getting hurt by flying out of the portal at the speed he was going at in the Water Realm. The huge inflatable bag stopped Vert and greatly reduced the impact leaving him with no injuries or bruises on his body as he rolled down the large pad towards the ground. That was a very close call indeed.

The next memory was of the Ruins Realm which was right before the Cosmic Realm and the Ultimate Race not to mention after the Junk Realm. It was the 2nd realm that Vert went into after coming back to the Acceledrome after getting somewhat of his confidence back thanks to his conversion with his dad back home. Vert and Nolo had split up as one of the Racing Drones' monstrous car eating vehicles called Sweepers was on their tails. Vert had made a right turn on the Teku motorcycle called Nightlife as he was navigating a temple when he saw one of the walking stone statue creatures right in front of him exclaiming in alarm, "WHOA!"

Vert slammed on Nightlife's breaks and turned to the right only to skid across the stone like road right up to one the statue's legs and crashed into it and fell down only for his bike to land on his right leg banging it up. It wasn't long until Vert saw the Sweeper coming for him just as the statue was about to attack him knowing if he didn't do something soon he was going be swept up by the machine. Luckily the stone statue beast grab the Sweeper before it could catch Vert and managed to escape with Nolo in his car.

Soon the latest memory came as Vert and Galorium were at the entrance to The Sphere to where the Accelerons live after Vert alongside Sparky caused the leader of the Racing Drones' RD-09 to crash as she had all the Accelechargers that she used during the test to complete the realms. However, the Acceleron didn't approve of Galorium using the accelechargers to finish the race first denying her the title of Acceleracer as that wasn't what the Ultimate Race was teaching her about.

However, there was one individual who did rightfully earned the title of Acceleracer as the Acceleron pointed to Vert who was not far from his overturned Reverb that he was presently driving in the present day and said to Galorium, "This human used his own skills to complete the realms. That is the test. He is a true Acceleracer."

Vert was left in total shock, amazement, and surprise at what he just heard from the acceleron. He was the true winner of the Ultimate Race and passed the test despite overwhelming odds he won the race with his own skills not even needing to use one accelecharger as Galorium had them all. Speaking of the Racing Drone leader, however, she didn't take her bitter and humiliating defeat by a mere human well saying she was first before Vert, but it was clear she was unworthy of the title as the Acceleron gave Vert an Acceleracer racing skin for passing the ultimate test. Once Galorium was delt with after she tried to attack Vert in her true form thanks to the Acceleron who sent her flying into space never to be seen again by his powers Vert managed to get the Accelechargers back and learning his friends were in trouble deciding to go back and help them the Acceleron gave him a wisdom circle before jumping back in Reverb and raced back to Earth to help his friends.

As he neared the portal back to Earth in Reverb with Sparky, the wisdom wheel he was given, and the accelechargers Vert heard the Acceleron say to him almost telepathically, "When you return Acceleracer you will not be alone."

At the moment the visor for Vert's Acceleracer skin's helmet activated covering his face as he knew he will meet the accelerons again in the future. Next time Vert won't be alone for his second visit. Soon Reverb hit the portal and disappeared in a white flash as he returned to Earth to help his friends and gave the Racing Drones a explosive defeat and the shocking surprise of his dad as the leader of the Silencerz.

(Present Day);

As the sun rose higher into the air Vert could only smile feeling that despite messing up multiple times and almost giving up thinking he couldn't beat the drones he succeeded in the most unexpected moment of his life. Not to mention showing Galorium who was a true acceleracer and what you learned in defeat is important. Sure there were many more Racing Realms out there with unknown accelechargers just waiting to be collected and Vert still had a lot to learn knowing the lessons they teach to drivers who race in them.

However, the Racing Drones were still out there and also still a major threat to the universe and human kind, but since they lost Galorium they weren't as dangerous before which didn't mean the Silencerz could let their guard down. Knowing that they were going to need more help the extremely top secret US military team been recruiting some of the best skilled individuals across the US military from the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, Special Forces, and even the Coast Guard. There are present efforts of recruiting the Teku and Metal Maniacs thanks to Vert for convincing his dad that they can be a major help as 3 teams working together against a common foe that being the Drones. Jack had to agree with his son after seeing the Teku and Metal Maniacs hold their own in a fight not to mention on the track 3 months ago when the Racing Drones attacked the Acceledrome. However, the two teams been were searching for Vert who was the last one to make it out of the Acceledrome before it was destroyed by Gig to prevent the drones that made it to Earth run amok for 3 months. Tracking them wasn't that hard as the two teams were using a stolen Drone Sweeper as a mobile garage/command center.

Besides it wasn't hard to track a massive car eating machine created by alien test robots that had a obsession of just winning no matter who got in their way rolling across the desert.

Vert soon tapped on his suit's right wrist which showed a light blue holographic screen of a digital clock appeared showing 6:15 AM. Soon he said to himself knowing it was almost time for breakfast at the base's mess hall and a morning patrol duty with a old teammate of his who was part of his Dad's team, "Better get back to base! Don't want Alec to kept waiting for me or start the day off on an empty stomach!"

Then without wasting any time Vert jumped back into his car, closed the driver side door of Reverb, buckled up into his seat, and turned on his mid-engined V12 beryllium powered supercar with a sports car sounding scream as the car's neon lights and headlights came on. Once that was done Vert's camo suit activated as deployed a helmet identical to his dad's helmet, but the visor had neon blue and royal blue colors. At last Vert shifted Reverb to drive and with a step on the gas pedal Reverb's back tires squealed before Vert turned his car around and raced down the dirt road back to Silencerz HQ.

Little did Vert know a new adventure was around the corner and of prehistoric proportions.

Location: 65 Million Years ago on alternate Earth in a different universe; At the Great Valley home of Littlefoot and his friends and their families;

The sun or the bright circle as the dinosaurs call it was already high in the morning sky as flying dinosaurs like for example the pterodactyl and few other flying dinos are enjoying their morning. However, the cold times were approaching and many treestars had already began to fall from their trees as Great Valley had enough food to last until spring, but for one certain young Apatosaurus who calls this wonderful place home who live with his grandparents there was something that he was excited about this certain coming cold time.

Yep it was Littlefoot and he was quite excited as his dad Bron alongside his stepbrother Shorty were coming to stay at the Great Valley for this Winter as much of the green food out in the Mysterious Beyond had become scarce thanks to the cooling temperatures. He even heard Ali's herd was coming to the valley for the winter too which meant Littlefoot and his friends were going to see the young female longneck again. Also a third herd was coming to the valley for the winter and were a bunch of farwalkers. Today was the day that Bron's herd was due to arrive any moment now. Ali's herd and the herd of farwalkers weren't due to arrive until two days from now. Speaking of the longneck Littlefoot was playing tag with his friends Cera the Triceratops, Ducky the Saurolophus, Spike the Stegosaurus, Petrie the Pteranodon, Ruby the Oviraptor, and lastly Chomper the friendly Tyrannosaurus Rex who were having a absolute blast of fun.

Right now Cera was it as she chased Ruby and Spike laughing playfully as Ruby looked back at Cera and said to her, "You can't catch me Cera!"

"Oh I will and you'll be it once I catch you Ruby!", replied Cera as she had a determined look on her face knowing she can keep up with Oviraptor.

But then Ruby suddenly went right while Cera went after Spike as the two dinos neared a small shallow pond with a small cliff overlooking said pond. The female threehorn began to close the gap between her and the young spiketail as she closed on Spike and said to the young spiketail with a grin on her muzzle, "Got you this time Spike!"

But Cera was wrong when Spike made a sharp left turn causing the young triceratops to run past and looked where he went as she forgot to look where she was going! Cera looked forward to see she was heading straight for the small pond! The young triceratops let out a panicked scream as she was about to get really wet, "AAAHH!"

Quickly Cera slammed her feet into the ground to brake hard putting all her weight into stopping as she didn't want to get wet. At last with much effort Cera managed to come to a screeching stop on the edge of the small cliff overlooking the pond. She looked down and let out a sigh of relief before saying with a chuckle, "Eh heh… that was a close one."

But she spoke too soon as Cera began hear a cracking sound and looked behind her to see the ledge she was on was breaking apart before it gave way and fell into the water below. Today wasn't her day.


Cera fell into the pond with a loud splash and was submerged in the water of said pond before she resurfaced with a flat look on her face with a lily pad on her head with a frog on said pad. The frog was enjoying a peaceful morning until this silly threehorn fell into its pond and disturbed the peace. Soon Cera heard Littlefoot's voice asking her as he alongside the rest of the gang looked at her in her pond with a frog on her head, "You okey Cera?"

Cera turned around to see Littlefoot and her friends look at her from the top of the cliff she was on moments ago with Littlefoot, Ducky, and Ruby having concerned looks on their faces. However, Petrie who was flying behind Littlefoot, Spike, and Chomper tried desperately not to laugh at Cera's funny state which made the young female triceratops to groan in annoyance. Next time she'll get Spike at tag if its the last thing she do to get even with him.

She then replied to Littlefoot's question as she said in annoyed tone of voice to the young male longneck dinosaur, "What do you think Littlefoot?"

"Um… I'll take that as a no.", responded Littlefoot as he could tell Cera wasn't happy after falling into the pond.

Soon the group of friends heard loud footsteps and saw Littlefoot's Grandpa coming to come get the young longneck which meant one thing. Bron's herd must be arriving now! Soon the adult Apatosaurus said to the younger longneck, "Littlefoot your father's herd just arrived. Ready to go see him?"

Littlefoot beamed at this piece of news and said to his grandpa, "Yeah! I'll be right there Grandpa!"

Littlefoot looked at his friends and said to them as he was off with his grandfather to meet up with his dad, "I'll be back guys! I'm going to see my dad real quick and then I'll be back with Shorty!"

"Tell your dad that we said hi for him Littlefoot!", said Ducky excitedly as she and the others were going to stay behind and help get Cera out of the pond.

Littlefoot smiled back at the small green dinosaur swimmer and nodded in reply before he ran off to his grandpa as they headed over to meet up with Bron and Shorty who had just arrived with their herd. No doubt they were going to be waiting for them to arrive. Besides they didn't want to disappoint them.

It wasn't long until Littlefoot and his Grandpa arrived at the location where Bron's herd was entering the valley and there leading the large herd of dinosaurs of different plant eating dinosaurs was Bron with Shorty right beside him. The young green Brontosaurus and the adult male Apatosaurus sees the two longnecks that they been waiting for when they first arrived at the valley.

Littlefoot's face beamed with joy and excitement at the sight of his father and his step-brother who had just anrrived in the valley and exclaimed to them, "Dad! Shorty!"

The young longneck ran for the two newly arrived longneck dinosaurs as Bron smiled at him and said to his son, "Littlefoot!"

The once Littlefoot got close to him Bron lowered his neck as the two longnecks nuzzled each other as they were pretty happy to see each other again. Then Littlefoot heard Shorty's voice as he walked up to his foster family that took him in with a smile on his muzzle as he too pretty happy to his foster-brother again before saying to them, "Hey bro! Happy to see me?"

Littlefoot smiled back at Shorty before the two young longnecks turned around and swung their tails together like a longneck dinosaur version of a high five. Once that was done Littlefoot said to Shorty and his dad as he was pretty excited with the fact that the herd was going to spend the winter in the Great Valley with 2 more herds that would be arriving in two days, "It's great that you two got here safely! You can't believe how excited I am right now!"

"Yeah. Can't wait to meet this Ali character that been talking about during our last visit Littlefoot!", replied Shorty as he was pretty eager to meet Ali as he never met her face to face before. Now he was going to get the chance to talk to her in two days.

Littlefoot had to agree and was sure Ali was going to be surprised to see the longneck's brachiosaurus step-brother for the very first time. Soon Littlefoot looked at his Dad and asked him, "Dad? Can I take Shorty to meet up with my friends?"

"Sure thing Littlefoot, but be sure you and Shorty be back before sundown.", replied Bron as he and Grandpa longneck were going to meet up with Grandma longneck and do some catching up to see what's new in the valley and how things were going in the Mysterious Beyond.

Littlefoot nodded back to his dad and said to him with a smile, "Thanks Dad! Come on Shorty race you back to my friends!"

Soon Littlefoot ran off back towards the pond where his friends were causing Shorty to smirk and said to his foster-brother, "Oh no you're not Littlefoot! Not unless I beat you to them first!"

Without hesitation Shorty quickly chased after Littlefoot as the two young longnecks raced for where Littlefoot's friends were right now. Both of them let out laughs of joy and excitement as they ran down the path towards where the rest of the gang was presently.

However, what Littlefoot, Shorty, nor Littlefoot's friends knew was a new adventure was about to begin. One of high octane action, exhilarating speed, and things they have never seen before in their lives. As everything went completely black after a shadow of a thick tree obscured the screen.

BGM: Cosmic Realm Opening (Movie Version, but in the arrangement used for when the Teku and Metal Maniacs highjack a Drone Sweeper;)

The scene opens up showing scenes from the previous movie one of the Teku and Metal Maniacs highjacking a Drone Sweeper in the Cosmic Realm. As two Sweeper Drones got in between them Tork and Nolo slammed into the two robots with their cars sending their parts flying back towards the Sweeper that the two teams were going to use to infiltrate the Drones HQ and rescue Wylde.

The there was a sudden charge of footage as it went to Vert and Sparky as they chased after Galorium when the Drones attacked the Acceledrome and taken the Accelechargers that the Teku, Metal Maniacs, and Silencerz collected. As Reverb neared the large hologram of the wheel of power it was launched into the portal as there was yellow flash before shifting to Vert in the Storm Realm still chasing Galorium who was already using the Accelechargers to complete the realms. Little did she know that would be her very undoing.

A quick change went back to the Teku and Metal Maniacs as they were racing around the Drones HQ dodging energy balls left and right from the Drones' defenses. One scene showed Karma's car crashing on top of a Drone car when Taro's car was turned over and had come to a complete stop. The following scene showed Monkey driving the Sweeper that the two teams used to infiltrate the Drones HQ plowing through Motorcycle Drones and destroying RD-07s left and right like a walking tank.

Another change came back to Vert showing him in the Water Realm still chasing Galorium who had already used the Water Realm Accelecharger to complete the realm while Vert used his own skills to complete the realm despite the odds against him. After that came the Metro and Cliffside Realms and just like before Vert used his own skills to complete the realms while Galorium used the Accelechargers that came from both realms to complete them. The last scene showed Vert's car jumping off the side of the track falling down towards the bottom of the track to close the gap between him and Galorium as she used the Cliffside Accelecharger to gain a large lead. The move worked as Reverb landed on the bottom of the track before it raced after Galorium in her RD-09 car.

A scene change went back to the Teku and Metal Maniacs as they were rescuing Wylde. Despite being surrounded and outnumbered they were doing their best to keep the drones distracted while Kurt went to get his young brother back which would lead to the fight with what the Drones turned Kadeem into. As footage of the fight between Wylde and the Drones hybrid continued another scene showed Porkchop rescuing Shirako after his car was overturned after flipping over onto its back side. That was followed by Kurt and Wylde teaming up to take down the drone hybrid that was once their friend after he disappeared after falling from the tower before the two brothers got back to Kurt's Battle Spec and escaped with Wylde by using the car's EDR teleporting them back to Earth. The rest of the two teams followed by doing the same thing with their cars and got back to Earth only to be surrounded by Racing Drones. However, human kind was going to have the last laugh over the alien robots.

Right on the heels of the previous footage was when Vert and Galorium were in the Cosmic Realm as the final realm before the portal to The Sphere appeared. As Galorium pulled ahead Vert used Reverb's new Nitrox II Afterburner to close the gap between the two cars and managed to take the lead. Galorium responded by using the Cosmic Realm Accelecharger to gain a speed boost and managed to close the gap before the two entered the portal to The Sphere where they met the Acceleron who declared Vert as the true winner of the Ultimate Race as used only his own skills without using one accelecharger giving him the title of Acceleracer while Galorium was humiliated and enraged as she failed the test and defeated by a human in a race. Soon the Acceleron gave Vert his own Acceleracer racing skin for passing the test before a sudden change showed Galorium in her true form as she tried to attack and destroy Vert, but her efforts were fruitless as she was flung into space by the Acceleron.

Soon after that the footage showed Vert going back to Earth with the Accelechargers, the Acceleracer racing skin suit, Sparky, and the Wisdom Wheel he got from the Acceleron as he went back to help save his friends. It followed Vert alongside his friends and even the Silencerz which happen to be Vert's dad's team teamed up to take down the Racing Drones before they escaped with Vert being the last one as Reverb jumped into the portal just in time as Gig sacrificed himself to detonated the Nitrox II tanks to trigger a massive explosion taking out the Drones that made it to Earth in a massive fireball before everything went white.

Suddenly in a black space the iconic Hot Wheels logo appeared as the flames burned like real fire blowing in the wind. Soon a familiar logo which had 3 gauges, a wing on the back, and two speakers pulled up right behind the Hot Wheels logo causing it to move up a bit. However, on the newly arrived logo there turned off light blue colored lights.

Then when the second part moved down multiple metal letters all made of metal with a light blue outline were put on the wing with the sound of tire bolts being put on during a NASCAR race with the welding sound of rivets. Once that was done the logo came on like a car as neon light blue light turned on while the speakers below the wing began to play with move with the sound of the music. The sound of a sport car engine racing down the track came before there was a light blue flash below the title showing the rest of it.

Hot Wheels Acceleracers:
Dino Collision

As the title remained there in the center the logo glowed white before there was a blinding flash and a powerful whoosh.


  • Ruby
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Chapter 1: Nightmare, Herds Arrive, and Littlefoot's Discovery;

Location: Unknown;

Littlefoot had no idea where he was as the young longneck walked down a long empty snow filled cave. This place looked unfamiliar to him and yet why was he filled with so much dread for some reason. However, he had no idea why he was feeling this way like his instincts were on high alert.

Usually Littlefoot knew every place in the Great Valley from the caves, meadows, forests, ponds, watering holes, and everything in between with his friends as they been around their home multiple times. This cave, however, was completely new to him as it was unfamiliar to the young longneck dinosaur. Also there was the white ground sparkles which is what the dinosaurs called snow were on the ground which didn't make sense as the valley wasn't covered in this stuff the other day.

If he wasn't in the valley presently then where was Littlefoot right now?

He kept walking a bit more before Littlefoot came to stop in a section of the cave Littlefoot called out loud hoping someone would hear him as his voice echoed of the cave walls, "Hello? Is there someone there?"

No reply came at first as everything was dead quiet, but for some odd reason Littlefoot felt like he wasn't alone in this cave. Something else was here in this very cave. And it wasn't a dinosaur.

Suddenly Littlefoot heard an unfamiliar male voice that echoed around him saying out loud, "Beware of the Racing Drones. Stop at nothing… beware."

"Racing Drones? Who are you? Come out where I can see you!", called out Littlefoot who wanted to know who just spoke just now.

No response came from the voice which was more unnerving to Littlefoot as he wondered if the voice was warning him of something. Perhaps the warning was about these Racing Drones that the voice spoke about which left more questions than just answers. However, Littlefoot wondered what was a Racing Drone anyway little did he know he was about to find out. A wish he was going to end up regretting.

BGM: Tezla's Fall (the part when RD-L1 appears);

Suddenly the cave sealing lit up with green lights and the sounds metallic footsteps which caught Littlefoot's attention as he saw strange things moving on the sealing. They didn't look like anything that Littlefoot ever seen before and thanks to how dark the cave was it was hard to tell what those things were from a distance. Suddenly, there was a metallic crash behind the young longneck who quickly turned around to see a strange creature that all black with a few parts being green with strange symbols not to mention no eyes. Littlefoot's face gained a beyond scared look on his face as the creature stood up to its full height and was even taller than he was not to mention it looked dangerous.

Littlefoot didn't know he was looking at RD-L1 who glared at the young longneck menacingly before engaged his visor giving him a more dangerous appearance frightening Littlefoot even more before slowly walking towards him. This thing must be a Racing Drone then all those moving black objects with the green lights moving on the sealing were also Racing Drones. There was one thing Littlefoot had to do as his brain told him one thing… run. As fast as he could!

Without thinking Littlefoot turned around and began to run down the cave as fast as his legs could carry him before RD-L1 began to run after him with every metallic footstep he made going faster and faster. Littlefoot didn't know what was happening or why this thing was chasing him, but he knew one thing this weird creature was worse than any sharptooth that he had ever seen in his life! He needed to get away from it and fast!

Soon he reached a junction and Littlefoot made a sharp right turn to only run down a passageway that stopped at a dead end! The longneck screeched to a stop and exclaimed out loud as there was no way out, "Oh-no! Dead end!"

"Indeed. No where to run now little one.", came an unfamiliar robotic voice filled with malice right behind Littlefoot as he quickly turned around to see RD-L1 walking towards the cornered young dinosaur.

As the Racing Drones lieutenant stomped forward for him Littlefoot slowly stepped back now extremely scared as he alone with some kind of thing that wants to bring mortally harm to him. He backed into the stone wall of the dead end just as RD-L1 got closer and closer until he was a few inches away from the young longneck dinosaur who was trembling in fear as he really scared now.

Soon the new leader of the Racing Drones said to Littlefoot now that he had him cornered as he wanted information from him, "Now tell me child. Where has your mother hidden it?"

Littlefoot who was still terrified of the drone was confused about it was talking about and what this has to do with his mom. Soon the Longneck replied back to the hulking robot saying to it, "I… I don't know what you're talking about?! Even if I knew I would never tell whatever you are anything!"

This made RD-L1 very enraged as Littlefoot refused to talk, so it was time for a different method that will make the young dinosaur talk. Punish him physically for his defiance and force him to talk. Then the Racing Drone raise his right arm which was now a fist and was about to attack Littlefoot as the young dinosaur shook his head begging this thing to not attack him, but his pleas were disregarded as RD-L1 swung his fist towards the dino who let out a terrified bloodcurdling scream as everything went white.

(In Reality at the Great Valley during the night);

Littlefoot woke up with a horrified look on his face and let out a frightened scream when the strange creature was about to attack him, "AAAHHHH!"

The young longneck panted as he tried to catch his breath as his heart felt like it was racing with fear and terror in his vains. At last Littlefoot managed to calm down and looked to see he was with his dad and Shorty as he was spending the night with them and he just had a nightmare. A very unsettling nightmare.

Littlefoot never had a nightmare like that before and it was pretty scary too with those strange things he saw including the one that chased him in that cave. However, what was the strange creature talking about anyway and how did it know about his long departed mother. But the dream felt more like a warning and was it about these Racing Drones he saw in his dream.

The young longneck sighed before he heard his dad's voice as he was woken up by Littlefoot's scream as the adult Apatosaurus looked at his son with a concerned look on his face, "You okey Littlefoot? I thought I heard you scream moments ago?"

"I'm fine Dad. I just had a really strange and scary nightmare is all.", replied Littlefoot as he was still shaken up by what he saw in his dream moments ago.

Bron nodded in reply and could tell his son was still trying to calm down after the scare he got from his dream. It was best he ask him in the morning on what did he see in said dream. Right now they needed to get back to sleep because Ali's herd alongside the herd of Farwalkers that going to spend the winter in the Great Valley were to arrive tomorrow.

"We'll talk about what we saw in your dream tomorrow Littlefoot. Right now just go back to sleep and get some rest. Your friend Ali's herd will be arriving in the valley tomorrow.", said Bron as they had a pretty busy day tomorrow.

Littlefoot nodded back to his dad and said to him knowing he'll be able to talk to him about what he saw in his dream moments ago, "Okey dad."

With that Littlefoot laid his head back down and went back to sleep just as Bron did the same as the adult longneck followed suit. However, what no one of the Great Valley knew tomorrow was going to be quite an interesting day. Enough to awaken something hidden underneath the ground with things that no dinosaur had ever seen before in their lives.

(The Next Morning);

Soon morning came all the dinosaurs of the Great Valley were eating breakfast with their families that included Littlefoot and his family alongside his grandparents and Shorty. As they were eating Littlefoot told his dad about what he saw in his nightmare last night. Bron and Littlefoot's grandparents were surprised and shocked at what Littlefoot told them about his dream. Shorty even shivered at the story as it sounded pretty unsettling about these strange black and green creatures that Littlefoot spoke about.

At last Bron found his voice and said to Littlefoot as he understood now that his son had quite the bad dream last night, "That's some story son. No wonder you were pretty shaken up from your nightmare last night."

"Indeed, but… how did the creature that chased you in your nightmare knew about your mother Littlefoot?", asked Grandpa longneck as he was a bit curious about what Littlefoot talked about the small interrogation session with RD-L1 about his mom and something she hidden from these strange creatures.

Littlefoot had no idea as he too was just as confused as his family were as on how that strange creature knew and talked about his mom in his dream. It sounded like it was looking for something which his mom must of hidden to keep it out of the wrong claws from being used to harm others. It could explain why it came after him in the first place in his dream, but what exactly that these strange things wanted.

"Well whatever you saw in your nightmare last night Littlefoot I don't want to meet it in real life.", said Shorty as he was a bit scared by what Littlefoot told them about his nightmare last night.

Littlefoot could only agree with his step-brother as he really hoped he never have to meet those strange things in real life any time soon. There were too many questions about the nightmare to begin with in the first place. However, the young longneck's thoughts were interrupted when Cera came running in with a smile on her muzzle and said to Littlefoot and Shorty, "Littlefoot! Shorty! Ali's herd had just arrived in the valley with the farwalker herd!"

This brightened up Littlefoot's face as an excited smile formed on his face after Cera told them the news. Ali's Herd had just arrived in the valley alongside the Farwalker herd. The two longnecks better go over and greet Ali and see if she wanted to play with them.

Soon Littlefoot looked at his dad alongside his grandparents and said to them, "Can Shorty and I go over and say hi to Ali with my friends?"

"Sure Littlefoot. Your father, grandfather, and I will be there soon to meet the Old One and Ali's mother after we finish eating.", replied Grandma longneck as she gave the two young longnecks their permission.

This made Littlefoot smile and the two longnecks with Cera raced to meet up with the rest of Littlefoot's friends at the entrance to the Great Valley. He wondered how Ali was doing right now.

At the Entrance to the Great Valley;

It didn't take long for the three dinosaurs to reach the entrance to the Great Valley where they met up with Ducky, Spike, Petrie, Chomper, and Ruby as they were watching Ali's herd arrive with the farwalker herd. Soon enough a certain young female apatosaurus that was around Littlefoot's age came into view as she was walking alongside her mother. There was no doubt about it that was Ali and she looked pretty excited to see her friends from the Great Valley again.

"Ali! Over here!", came certain male voice as Ali looked her right and saw Littlefoot and his friends alongside an unfamiliar young green longneck with blue eyes waiting for her to arrive at an outcropping of rocks near the entrance.

Ali's face beamed with joy at the sight of Littlefoot and his friends as she yelled to the young male apatosaurus with excitement, "Littlefoot!"

Soon the female longneck youngling ran over to group of dinosaurs just as Petrie flew over to her and said to the longneck, "Me missed you a bunch Ali! Me hope trip wasn't so bad on way to the Great Valley!"

Ali giggled and said to the small flying dinosaur as she was happy to be back in the Great Valley again, "Heh I missed you too Petrie. In fact I missed all of you, but since my herd is going to be staying for the coming cold time until Spring I can't wait to have so much fun with you guys!"

Littlefoot had agree with Ali's reply as he said to her showing Shorty to the female longneck for the first time, "Ali I want you to meet my step-brother Shorty. He's part of my dad's herd who arrived in the valley the other day!"

Ali looked at Shorty and said to the young green brachiosaurus with a smile on her face, "Nice to meet you Shorty."

"Nice to meet you at last Ali. Littlefoot told me stories about you during our last visit to the Great Valley.", replied Shorty as he had to admit Ali looked kind of cute for a female longneck which Littlefoot had a secret crush on.

Ali smiled and said to Shorty as she heard a bit about the green longneck from Littlefoot, "Yeah. Littlefoot told me about you too I never knew he had a step-brother."

Shorty smiled at this before Cera asked Ali if anything interesting happened along the way to the Great Valley, "So anything interesting happened along the way here Ali?"

Ali thought for a moment and nodded in agreement to the female threehorn's question as there was one interesting thing that happened to her on the way to the Valley, "Yeah. I made 3 new friends on the way here Cera they should be arriving now."

Before Cera or the rest of the gang could ask who were these new friends they saw in the herd of farwalkers a family of two Maiasauras a light green male and a light yellow female with several young hatchings, but in between them was a surprising sight as a light blue colored young female Spinosaurus around Ruby's age with grayish blue sail on her back, a pale aqua blue underbelly, blue eyes, and black colored claws. Also she seemed very nice and could speak like a leaf eater just like Chomper. Not far away were two Torosauruses with the male being dark blue while the other the female was yellow and beside them was a young male ivory colored Torosaurus who hadn't grown his horns on his frill yet, had brown eyes, a pale yellow underbelly, and white colored nails for his legs. This young one looked around Cera's age and a bit less boatful than the orange young triceratops was, but just as strong. Then there was a family of Ampelosauruses both were ocean blue colored with yellow spikes on their backs pale grey underbellies, and silver colored nails for their legs. The male and female had the same colors, but the shading of their colors were different the male had a darker shade of colors while the female had lighter shades of colors which made them easier to distinguish between them. The male one had grey colored eyes while the female had light blue colored eyes. Right beside the two was medium shaded young male Ampelosaurus with a older teenage twin sister with turquoise blue in place of where the parts were ocean blue with 4 hatchlings with them.

Soon Ali called out to the 3 young dinosaurs that were in the group of arriving dinosaurs, "Finny! Damp! Charley! Over here!"

The 3 young dinosaurs heard Ali's call and looked towards her and gasped with excitement before they asked their respective parents if they could go play with their new friend. Thankfully the parents said yes and all three of the young dinosaurs raced over to the spot that Littlefoot and his friends alongside Shorty were right now. Once they arrived at the spot Ali said to Littlefoot and the gang, "Everyone. These three are my new from the Farwalkers Herd. Finny, Damp, and Charley."

Soon the young female spinosaurus said to Littlefoot and the gang alongside Shorty in a smart female tone of voice, "So your are the longneck and his friends that Ali's been talking about on the way here! It's really nice to meet you all!"

Chomper was very surprised to see another friendly sharptooth like himself especially from a spined sharptooth dinosaur as he said to her, "Your a sharptooth! Just like me and you can talk like the plant eaters too!"

Finny nodded in reply and said to Chomper as she continued talking to him and the others, "Yep! I was adopted by my foster parents when I was just a hatchling. I learned how to speak flat teeth thanks to them and became part of the herd allowing everyone to accept me as one of their own. Even though I'm a sharptooth like you Chomper."

Chomper could only agree with Finny's reply as the Great Valley had accepted him as one of their own when he returned to Littlefoot's home with Ruby's help after she promised to watch over him for his parents. It was a miracle that the two herds didn't run into Red Claw with his two fastbiter goons Screech and Thud out in the Mysterious Beyond. Besides sharpteeth had sharp senes of smell which comes in handy in avoid predators like an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex or Allosaurus for example.

Soon the young male Ampelosaurus whose name was Damp spoke up next saying to the group as he was amazed by the absolute beauty of the Great Valley, "I only heard stories about the Great Valley from other herds, but now that we're here I'm beyond amazed right now! This place looks incredible!"

"You're telling me! I just can't believe that we're actually here! This got to be a dream!", added Charley as the ivory Torosaurus could agree with Damp's statement as he thought the valley was just a bed time story.

Soon Ducky had an idea and said to the 3 new dinos as an idea flew into her head, "Say you 3 want to play with us?"

Damp smiled and said to the small green dino with a smile on his muzzle, "Sure thing Ducky. So… what do you guys want to play then?"

The gang thought for a moment trying to think of something to do with their new friends. They could go to the bubbling mud and have some fun there. Go swimming at the Thundering Falls and get wet. Or play tag again like two days ago which would give Finny, Damp, and Charley a chance to see more of their valley home.

Soon Cera said to everyone as the idea of playing tag again came flying back into her head which would do perfectly as she can catch Spike this time after he caused her to fall into that pond, "Let's play tag! Not it!"

With that Cera ran off from the others towards the forest before Petrie said next as he was okey with that, "Me not it either!"

Petrie flew after Cera before Littlefoot, Shorty, and Ali looked at each other and smiled before saying in unison, "Not it!"

The three longnecks ran after Petrie and Cera before Ducky, Ruby, Finny, Damp, Charley, and Chomper yelled out loud as well, "Not it!"

The group went after Littlefoot and the others leaving only Spike who realized he was it this time. So the green spiketail went after the group of dinosaurs as fast as his legs could go as the kids were laughing and were enjoying themselves enormously. Little did anyone know a certain duo of egg eating brothers had returned to the valley as well.

BGM: Ozzy and Strut's theme (LBT II: The Great Valley Adventure);

Right behind where Spike was standing earlier was a bush and poking his head of the bush was a certain Struthiomimus with orange colored eyes who turned out to be Ozzy who had snuck back into the Great Valley via the two migrating herds. The egg stealer thought he was never going to stop listening to those rotten kids talking especially that young longneck and that young sharptooth that ruined his dinner plans the last time he was in this valley. The last time he was here things didn't go well and he alongside his brother Strut got chased into the Mysterious Beyond by Chomper's angry mom and dad when he was just a baby when the two egg stealers tried to throw him and Littlefoot off the Great Wall! It was miracle that they survived from becoming sharpteeth food or ripped limb from limb by Chomper's parents. Now they had deal with two young friendly talking sharpteeth instead of one.

As he watched the kids disappear into the distance from the bush Ozzy muttered to himself in relief, "For once I'm actually happy those rotten sprout congers are gone! At least no one has seen us yet! Right Strut?"

Suddenly Ozzy began to heard the sound of chewing and munching as if someone was eating something right beside him. As he looked around for the source of the sounds and realized there were no bigger dinosaurs near him until he looked down at the ground and had a pretty good guess who it was.

Soon Ozzy exclaimed to the culprit that was making the sounds below him, "Strut you get up here this instant and you better not be doing what I think your doing!"

At last Strut appeared from below and to Ozzy's utter annoyance his twin brother was eating green food again this time being grass in his mouth and said to his brother, "What Ozzy? I'm eating here!"

Ozzy growled as his face turned hot red with rage before he yelled at Strut in an enraged tone of voice, "Strut you guzzling grass guzzler! Spit that out right now!"

Soon Ozzy dove for Strut causing the younger brother to panic and a loud ruckus erupted from the bush as the older brother as trying to make his younger brother spit out the grass he consumed moments ago. It sounded more like a fight was going on between the two brothers as it kept going for a bit before until it stopped as Strut poked out the bush now his mouth empty of grass and looked a bit roughed up bit thanks to his older brother before Ozzy reappeared next to him.

"Ow. Why did you do that for Ozzy?," complained Strut feeling bruises over his body, "I was having a bit to eat."

Ozzy rolled his eyes and said sharply to his little brother after he had the nerve to be eating green food of all times, "Because Strut you were eating green food! I know that I said this before, but no brother of mine isn't going to eat vegetation! Not while I'm around."

Strut groaned as he remembered that line after the first time that the brothers had to come to the Great Valley. He was still haunted by the end result of them being changed by two angry sharpteeth adults for trying to get rid of Chomper. Now they come back to this place to feast on one thing and one thing only. Eggs. This could only end in disaster for sure.

Soon Strut said to his brother as he reminded him the last time they were here at this valley, "Ozzy. Remember what happened last time you said that or when we were here before? We got chased by two sharpteeth when we tried to get rid of one of those kids and that baby sharptooth!"

Ozzy groaned as he remembered that part which he unluckily stills remembers as it was still fresh in his mind. He soon said to his brother in an annoyed tone of voice, "Don't remind me Strut. I still get night terrors thinking about those two sharpteeth chasing us back then! I'm just glad we didn't end up as breakfast for them. Speaking of breakfast let's grab an egg and feast on it!"

Soon Ozzy ran out of the bush and for one of the nearest nests containing dinosaur eggs for him and Strut just groaned knowing what was going to happen next, "Here we go again."

After he said that Strut went after his brother knowing they going to find food and that being a dinosaur egg. However, what the brothers didn't know was a major event will change their world. More ways than one.

With the Kids…

BGM: Snowball Fight theme (LBT 8 The Great Freeze);

Meanwhile with the young dinosaur children they were having fun still playing tag and presently Ducky was it as Spike tagged her earlier and now was chasing the others including Spike himself. The group of 12 dinosaurs were pretty much having a absolute ball as Ducky was chasing Littlefoot as they were running through the forest as huge group of trees dotted the landscape.

As he ran Littlefoot said to Ducky as he was ahead of her thanks to his size and legs, "Heh can't catch me Ducky!"

"Oh I will! Yep yep yep!", replied Ducky as she chased after Littlefoot as fast as her feet could carry her and was slowly catching up to him. However, Littlefoot made a sharp turn to the right and Ducky missed him by a few meters. But the little green dinosaur saw another target in mind as she saw the tail of a certain young male T-Rex hiding behind a tree. A smirk formed on her beak and snuck up quietly behind Chomper who was trying to hid from Ducky thinking he outsmarted her, but he was wrong.

"Tag! Your it Chomper!", said Ducky as she touched Chomper on the back and ran from him making the young T-Rex grin before he began to chase after the others playfully.

At the same time Damp saw Chomper coming for him and said to the young friendly sharptooth with a grin on his face, "You can't get me Chomper!"

"Oh yeah I will! Just watch!", responded Chomper as he and Damp ran down the path underneath a large tree root running past Littlefoot who was going deeper into the forest via a path deep into the said forest.

At the same time Cera was with Charley hiding from Chomper behind a large bounder thinking that they were safe until Damp raced by and the friendly young T-Rex saw the two hiding dinosaurs. He quietly snuck up behind Cera and tagged her catching her by surprise and exclaimed to her with a laugh, "Ha ah! Tag your it Cera!"

Chomper runs off towards Ruby while Cera slowly looks at Charley with a devious grin on her face while the ivory Torosaurus gulped and muttered to himself, "Aw egg-shells."

Then the ivory colored young dinosaur ran from Cera before she gave chase after him determined to tag him or any other young dinosaur that was playing with them. This time she was going to get Spike good and she will have retribution after what happened two days ago when she fell into that pond. However, Cera nor the others knew a huge change was coming and it was about to rock their world.

Meanwhile Littlefoot was having too much fun he forget to watch where he was going as he ran deep into the forest which was completely unfamiliar to him. He made a sharp turn to the right and kept on running until he hit something hard right in front of him. The force of the impact bruised the front of his nose before he stumbled back a bit before landing on his bottom with a thud.


All that the young male longneck could say right now was a loud, "Ow!"

The pain soon left him until at last Littlefoot finally opened his eyes he found himself in an unfamiliar part of the forest and there right in front of him looked like stones put together in a strange fashion. In fact they put together as a large circle of some kind which seemed to be made of a stone like material that Littlefoot had never seen before in his life. What was even stranger was there were strange engravings on the stone which appeared to represent something yet they didn't look like they from this world or even known to dinosaurs.
As he looked at the strange large object Littlefoot said to him with astonishment, "Whoa! I never knew something like this was in the Great Valley! It looks even older than Saurus Rock!"

Littlefoot soon got to his feet and began to walk through one of the arches of the strange stones before coming to the center of the strange object. In the dead center had a smooth stone that pointed upwards towards the sky. This caught Littlefoot's curiosity as he looked at the upward pointing stone wondering why this thing was pointing towards the sky.

"Hmm… why is this stone pointing upwards unlike the others?", said Littlefoot as he got closer to the stone and wondered why it was like that in the first place.

But then without thinking Littlefoot laid one of his forelegs on the upward pointing stone and felt a surge of energy flowing through the stone until it suddenly began to glow in a light blue light. The young longneck slowly walked back from the stone as began to build up energy from within it like it was preparing to do something.

That's when it happened…

BGM: The Truth (when the Sharpteeth attack from the Land Before Time 7: The Stone of Cold Fire);

Suddenly Littlefoot felt the ground begin to shake violently below him and that could only mean one thing. An Earthshake! Soon the young longneck exclaimed in horror out loud, "EARTHSHAKE!"

Littlefoot quickly ran from the strange stones as all of them began to glow light blue like the one in the center of the stones. He didn't see was the stone in the middle began to create a small sphere of energy which began to grow in size. As if it was about to fire something into the stars.

At the same time Cera had cornered Spike and was about to tag him when they felt the ground shake violently. Cera and the rest of the gang knew what that meant as she exclaimed to everyone, "EARTHSHAKE!"

All the kids tried to keep their balance, but a few like Chomper, Finny, and Damp fell to the ground with a hard thud. Suddenly the ground bulge as something began to rise up from the earth as strange orange like objects with glowing sides which was actually track usually found in Racing Realms appeared. Petrie looked at the strange thing and said in total bewilderment, "What is that?!"

"I really don't know! In fact I really don't know!", said Ruby as the track was being brought up from under the ground which they had no idea that been under the feet of the residents of the Great Valley all this time.

Across the valley Strut and Ozzy were about to feast on an egg from one of the stegosaurus' nests when the earthshake happened. The two brothers startled by the shake wobbled and tripped as Strut let the egg go on accident and the egg landed back in its nest with no problem. That wasn't the case for the two brothers.

Ozzy then looked at Strut with fury after his blunder of loosing their breakfast while his younger brother smiled sheepishly at him as the trembling continued as they began to get covered by rocks from a nearby cliff, "STRUT YOU-"

Before Ozzy could finish a large rock buried the two egg stealers and knocked them out cold. When they wake up the Valley would be transformed.

As the trembling continued many dinosaurs in the valley saw more track coming out of the ground some in loops, jumps, long straight sections, high speed curves, tunnels that went through the Great Wall or underground, there was also a path that went past the Thundering Falls, and there was a last path that went off towards the Land of Mists. A secret 5th path followed the way that Littlefoot and his followed to reach the Great Valley the first time. Also more track was emerging from the ground with more loops, jumps, and many other things appearing the mysterious beyond like going through the Smoking Mountains, the Land of Mists, and two more paths going in different directions before they converged at Big Water where Littlefoot and his friends said their goodbyes to Mo with a underwater tunnel going underneath the sea.

Back at the Great Valley a certain ring like portal usually found at the end of a Racing Realm appeared in front of Saurus Rock as the track emerged out of the ground showing a ramp in front of it. However, the portal looked closed until there was a flash of light blue and the portal at last opened, however, it didn't have a symbol like all Racing Realms had at the end. Could Littlefoot's world be a Racing Realm?

At the strange stone structure the trembling stopped at last before the middle stone fired a light blue beam into the sky just as portal appeared above the beam. Once the beam entered the portal it suddenly vanished without a trace like it wasn't there to begin with. Cera and the others had seen the beam and portal before both disappeared as the threehorn said to the others as she was looking at the sky, "What was that all about?"

Shorty had no idea either just like the others as he said to Cera looking at the sky with Petrie and the others, "You got me? I never seen anything like that before in my life!"

Soon Damp spoke up next as he looked around and noticed Littlefoot was missing from the group and said to the others, "Uh guys? Where's Littlefoot?"

The gang snapped out of their skyward gazes before looking around and noticed Littlefoot wasn't with them. The group was about to go look for him when at last the young longneck in question appeared from an opening in the trees as he was running to his friends and exclaimed to them as he screeched to a stop right in front of them, "Guys! Are you all okey?"

Finny soon responded to the longneck's question as she said to him, "Yes Littlefoot. We're all okey."

Soon Cera said to the young longneck dinosaur that just arrived, "Littlefoot did you see that strange light in the sky earlier and where were you?"

Littlefoot nodded back at Cera's question and said to her, "I did! Also you guys need to see what found in the forest! Come on!"

Soon Littlefoot went back the way he came from running as fast as he could to reach the strange stones he found earlier which caused the strange earthshake. Littlefoot's friends soon followed after the longneck alongside Shorty, Ali, Finny, Charley, and Damp wondering what they were going to find.

A bit later…

Littlefoot and his friends arrived at the location deep in the forest where the strange stone structure that the young longneck found earlier which in turn caused the track to appear out of the ground. Cera and the others were amazed at the sight of the strange object including the strange markings written on the stone. It didn’t look like it came from their world, but maybe from beyond the Mysterious Beyond just like those two Rainbow Faces talked about years ago.

As she got closer to the structure looking through one of the arches Cera said to Littlefoot with a very confused look on her face, “So this thing caused the Earthshake earlier Littlefoo?”

Littlefoot responded back to Cera’s question as he was looking at the center stone with Finny and Ruby in the middle of the structure which fired the beam into the portal before both vanished without a trace, “Yeah. When I touch this center stone it then suddnely glowed and caused everything to shake and make those strange things to appear.”

Not far away Petrie was looking at the strange engravings on the smoothly cut stone pillars as he flapped his wings and said to everyone, “Me don’t know, but these things look too spooky.”

Damp had to agree with the little flying dinosaur as he was right beside Petrie as the Ampelosaurus knew these weren’t made by plant-eaters or sharpteeth, “I have to agree with Petrie on this! Maybe we should go home and check on our folks to see they’re alright.”

Everyone agreed with Damp’s request before the group of 12 dinosaur kids left the strange stone structure before Littlefoot looked back at it in deep thought. If no dinosaur herbivore or carnivore built this thing or even the strange things that appeared out of the ground then who did? He even began to believe what the Rainbow Faces said a long time ago when they came to the Great Valley when the Stone of Cold Fire appeared. Could there actually be something beyond the Mysterious Beyond?

However, his thoughts were interrupted as he heard Shorty’s voice calling out to him, “Littlefoot come on!”

”Oh! Coming!”, replied Littlefoot as he ran after his friends and step-brother knowing he’ll more time to think about it back at the nest as the group headed back their respective families.

Little did our young friends knew was what Littlefoot did moments ago was transmit an ancient signal from their world to another one. A certain world home to humanity that currently held the Wheel of Power and a new adventure like nothing the gang had ever before in their lives was about to happen.

The race was just about to begin.


  • Ruby
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Chapter 2: New Signal and a Strange Encounter;

Location: Silencerz HQ; Top Secret US Military base somewhere in the Arizona Desert;

On Earth there was a hub of activity going on in the main garage where all cars for the team were worked on in anticipation for a new Racing Realm opening. But the 3 past months have been low as no realms have opened yet with the exception of the Water Realm reopening which proved to be much needed practice for the team on tracks based on water conditions. That doesn't mean the team was just sitting around doing nothing while waiting for a new realm to open up.

Many of the drivers were sharpening their driving skills via practice tracks that were in the base or VR simulation races using their cars for said virtual races. Not to mention working on said cars to make sure they were in tip top shape when the call comes out for drivers to race in Racing Realms. Presently, Reverb and one of the Silencerz cars called Anthracite were on two gyro lifts that were preforming a virtual reality race simulation between Vert and an unknown Silencerz driver who had a wide visor for his helmet.

The two racers were racing on a simulation of the Lava Realm and Vert was in the lead. As he went around the last curve Vert shifted Reverb to a higher gear and accelerated for the portal as he went through the virtual portal first with Anthracite right behind him going through the portal last. Soon both drivers heard a female electronic voice say to them, "Simulation complete. Lowering drivers' cars now."

Soon the gyro lifts lowered the two cars onto the ground as the tires touched the ground before the latches holding the two released them. After that the two cars rolled forward stopping a few meters from the high tech devices before Vert opened up his car's driver side door and got out before deactivating his helmet and said to the driver of Anthracite jokingly with a smile on his face, "Beat you again Alec. Looks like the Lava Realm really doesn't agree with you."

The cockpit windshield of Anthracite opened up allowing the driver out of the car as he unbuckled from his driver seat and landing his feet on the ground. Soon after the driver deactivated his helmet showing his face and it was none other than Vert's childhood best friend and teammate in his Wave Rippers racing team during the World Race on the Highway 35 track Alec Wood. The dark skinned racer looked like he hadn't changed a lot since two years ago, but his hair did get shortened a bit and was the same exact age as Vert was. Alec grinned and said to Vert as walked over to his best friend and rival who he hadn't seen in two years, "Hey cut me some slack Vert! I'm still getting used to driving Anthracite after I switched from Accelium besides I'm just glad you didn't pick the Storm Realm."

Vert had to agree with his friend cause that was the Racing Realm that Alec crashed in when he was racing for Tezla who Vert learned was once part of the Silencerz before he went rogue after learning about the Accelerons and stealing Silencerz tech and Nitrium which was once one of his dad's team's cars. Luckily Jack and his team were in the Storm Realm during that time and rescued Alec before the realm closed. After that Alec joined the Silencerz as one of their drivers. Also Alec used to drive another Silencerz car called Accelium which Vert remembered well when he was in the Junk Realm, but just recently Alec made the switch to a more powerful and faster car in this case Anthracite.

"Hey you two surf rats finished playing on the simulator?", came a certain male Puerto Rican accent as the two racers saw the owner of the voice as none other than Banjie Castillo the former leader of the Roadbeasts from the World Race grinning at the two racers that were part of the large team and acted as Vert's dad's 2nd in Command.

Vert and Alec looked at Banjie as the human Acceleracer smirked at Banjie and said to him, "Very funny Banjie. Alec here lost 2 out of 3 of the realms on the simulator."

"Hey! I beat you in the Swamp Realm simulation Vert! You got to give me credit for that.", Alec retorted playfully as he did beat Vert in that simulation by sheer luck as both were neck and neck when they reached the portal at the end of the track. However, Alec was able to slightly pull ahead of Vert even though Reverb had more horsepower than Anthracite.

Vert looked back at Alec and scratched his head with a sheepish grin on his face before saying to the former Wave Whipper, "Yeah you got there Alec. I thought I was going to win that one, but you win some and you loose some. I just got to keep my skills sharp if we ever go into a new racing realm."

Alec and Banjie walked over to the dark skinned 18 year old racer had to nod in agreement. Ever since the Wheel of Power was brought to Earth for safe keeping after one of the team's members managed to infiltrate the Drones HQ and retrieve the wheel while Kurt and the others at the time busying keeping the drones busy and rescuing Markie. During the past 3 months the Wheel of Power been inactive not opening one new Racing Realm while the team's scientists were busy examining and analyzing it and the Wisdom Ring that Vert got from the Acceleron at the Sphere. Even though the Drones lost Galorium after she was flung into space by the Acceleron that Vert met after the Ultimate Race they were still considered plenty dangerous, but not as much they used to be even though RD-L1 took command of the Drones as their new leader.

Also several new recruits to the team had arrived a few days ago many had expert driving experience or came from the US' armed forces with excellent skills. There were even new cars for the team ranging from concept ones to modern day exotic supercars or hypercars from the world's best manufacturers of cars from Dodge, McLaren, Ferrari, Mercedes-Benz, Lamborghini, Pagani, Ford, Chevrolet, Aston Martin, Bugatti, SSC, Lotus, Acura, Maserati, Audi, BMW, Porsche, and others. Most of them were confiscated from outlaw street racers, gang leaders, mob groups, and a few other things, but also straight from the manufacturers delivered by truck or by train. There were even models of prototype cars. All the cars were stored in a storage area that connected to the base.

Soon Alec said to Vert as concerned look formed on his face as the subject of their new teammates going into their first Racing Realm, "I just hope our new teammates are ready to face the Drones or go into their first Racing Realm. The first time we went up against the drones in the realms we got butts kicked hard."

Vert had to agree with Alec's statement as almost all of the World Race drivers that went into the Racing Realms either one way or another got stuck in said realm via the track itself or by the Drones who totally pounded them in the race thanks to their cars and tech. Thankfully Vert's dad was able to get them all out before the realms closed except for one. Vert already knew what happened to Kadeem after his dad told him about his friend's unfortunate fate. It served as a reminder that the Drones were dangerous and no matter what happened no teammate ever gets left behind in the Realms. The safety and wellbeing of the team's teammates comes first.

"Yeah. But I think they be ready when that time comes Alec. Anyways I'm gonna get a bite to eat from the mess hall. I'll talk to you guys later.", said Vert as he began to walk over to the mess hall to get a bite to eat.

Vert, however, didn't get far when he heard a voice call to him, "Hey Vert! Wait up!"

The 18 year old teku racer looked to his right to see one of the new recruits to the Silencerz a 20 year old white male with a military buzzcut brown colored hair with blue eyes and was a bit taller than Vert was in height and had an athletic body build. This guy's name is Matt Hynder a former United States Marine Core officer that worked with canines and had skills in human medicine, veterinary medicine, med tech, a expert driver form the streets and the Rocky Mountains of Denver, Colorado, and also a expert on dinosaurs as Matt has a bachelor degree in paleontology and was trying to get his masters degree until he was recruited by the US military joining their ranks in the Marines as a Vet and Vet Tech for the Canine Units. Matt has seen plenty of action in the Middle East and his driving skills were top notch in desert and mountain terrain which attracted Vert's Dad's attention and recruited him to the Silencerz as part of a transfer to his team.

Vert looked at Matt and said to him with a smile on his face, "Oh hey Matt. How are you and the new recruits adjusting to the new surroundings of the base?"

Matt chuckled and said to the 18 year old racer, "Heh doing great Vert! This place is pretty awesome with all the tech and personal here I'm literally blown away!"

Vert couldn't disagree on that notion as all the Silencerz tech was pretty amazing after all besides if you want to go toe to toe with the Drones your going to need your own tech as he said to Matt, "Yeah. Anyways you want to go to the mess hall and grab a bite to eat?"

"Sure thing! I wouldn't mind getting something in my stomach after working on my car for several hours!", answered Matt as he was up for grabbing some grub to eat.

So the two drivers headed for the mess hall to get some much needed food. However, what they didn't know was something was about to happen.

In the main lab where the Wheel of Power is kept;

In the science wing of the base was a lab that held the Wheel of Power as two Silencerz scientists were taking readings on the acceleron artifact that once powered Hot Wheels City and the map to the Racing Realms. So far nothing out of the ordinary for the wheel as everything looked stable. The two scientists looked at each other and one said something to the other one that was unrecognizable thanks to advanced voice scrambling technology to avoid their true identities from being discovered.

The second scientist said something back to the first one and like before was unrecognizable thanks to Silencerz voice scrambling tech. It was hard to tell what they were talking about, but it could be about the Wheel of Power. Suddenly, one of the consoles began to pick up a strange anomaly from the wheel as it began to glow a yellow glow catching the two scientists' attention. Before they could do anything else the artifact erupted in a bright yellow flash of light causing the two to shield their faces from the light.

Everything was so bright thanks to the flash, but just like it appeared the flash of light disappeared allowing the two scientists to see again.

The two scientists looked down at the consoles and everything seemed normal with the strange anomaly that the wheel picked up moments ago. But when the two looked at the wheel they saw a unfamiliar symbols on the wheels. The new symbol looked like the Junk Realm's symbol, but it had a third identical shape right above the bottom two. Then one of the consoles picked something up as the Wheel of Power released a tons of data into the console and from the look of it a brand new Racing Realm must be getting ready to open up. Maybe by tomorrow.

The first scientist looked at the second and said something to him or her causing it to nod in reply. It quickly ran out of the room while the first one began to make a few calls thanks to its mask that required assistance in help to analyze and decipher the data that the wheel just released. Did the wheel pick up a Acceleron in origin signal of some kind? And why did this new symbol appear on the rings thanks to the flash of light?

Whatever the case may be things were about to get interesting.

Back with Vert and Matt…

"Wow! That must of been some race you and your friends took part in!", replied Matt as he and Vert were at one of the tables with trays of food being normal foods that the team ate too keep their strength up.

Vert nodded back in reply as he was telling Matt about the World Race which happened 2 years ago and how the Wave Rippers won the race. Soon the 18 year old racer said to Matt, "Yeah. You won't believe what Hot Wheels City looked like before the Drones tore it down to make their headquarters."

"I can imagine. It must of been a massive place!", replied Matt as he was taking a bite out of his apple.

Vert had to agree with Matt on that notion as Hot Wheels City was a massive place indeed. Just then the intercom came on as Vert and Matt looked up at the sealing as they heard a voice calling all the drivers in the base, "Attention all Silencerz drivers. Please report to your squads in debriefing rooms for an emergency meeting. Repeat all drivers report to debriefing rooms for an emergency meeting."

Vert and Matt looked at each other before they got up from their seats and then their trays before running over to a nearby trash dispenser dumping the scraps from their food into the container before they ran off towards the debriefing room that Jack's squad met at. A meeting like this could mean one thing. Trouble.

It took some time by navigating the hallways, but the two racers made it to debriefing room 1 in no time and saw inside Alec and Banjie inside sitting in seats with faces that Vert knew from the World Race like Dan Drezdon, two of Banjie's Roadbeast teammates from the world race Esmeralda and Skeet, Felix Sharky a former Wave Ripper who was part of Vert's team during the World Race, and few others that competed in the World Race including other drivers from the US military from different backgrounds. However, among the group of drivers for Jack's squad were three new recruits who had just arrived at the base a few days ago.

First up was Connor Reynolds a peach colored skin 19 year old young man with black colored hair that was given a military buzzcut just like Matt, he had brown colored eyes which had a smart look in, and was in the US Air Force as a communications officer, technical support officer/fighter pilot before being transferred to the Silencerz a few days ago after his first tour in the Middle East was finished and was the squad's new communications and technical officer on the field during a race. Connor came from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and had experience driving on the city streets with incredible precision skills and knew how to work on cars thanks to working at a local garage with one of his classmates from school. Next up was a 18 year old male who originally hailed from Japan before moving to the US around Portland, Oregon named Zoom who had black colored hair, a red and white band around his forehead, and had dark grey colored eyes. Zoom had plenty experience from driving cars back where he came from and was a skilled marshal artist like a ninja that valued honor and integrity in battle. He literally beat the pants off Alec on his first day at the base which Alec still has bruises from in the first place. Zoom was a noble warrior and looks up to Vert like a big brother figure to him. Zoom's role in the squad was their Scout, but still has a lot to learn before he can go into a Racing Realm and face the Drones. The last new member of the squad was an African American 19 year old girl named Agora Ibaden who has dark brown colored skin, dark brown colored hair with the back tied in a bulb in the back of her head, and grey colored eyes. Agroa was the Squad's new tactical and special operations officer and she came from Montana as she has quite a lot of experience with animals not to mention a excellent off-road driver either it was on dirt or on pavement she had pretty sharp skills including of a hunter who respects nature. Both drivers were wearing the standard issue Silencerz holographic camouflage suit that been revamped by the team's scientists that came equipped with improved tech and added safety technology built into it.

Vert and Matt soon sat next to Agora, Connor, Zoom, and the rest of their teammates just as Jack arrived in front of the group of assembled drivers that were under his command as he called out of everyone of his team, "Okey. We're all here now and I know this is out of blue for all of the sudden for being called here, but we have an urgent situation that just happened several minutes ago."

Everyone looked each other with concern as they wondered what happened and what was the urgent situation about. Vert hoped it wasn't the Racing Drones again after they got their sorry chaises handed to them and got beaten pretty good. If the Drones were back they would be looking for Vert cause he was the one who defeated Galorium in the Ultimate Race and took back the Accelechargers which were now in the Silencerz' safe hands.

However, Vert knew that wasn't the case as Jack said to the group of drivers as the Silencerz' leader, "It's not what you all think it is. It's not the Drones."

Sighs of relief came to the group of racers including Vert before Matt asked Jack on why were they called here, "So why were called in for sir?"

"Well Matt that's a simple and yet complicated answer. The reason why you all were called here alongside your fellow teammates is because moments ago the Wheel of Power had picked up an unknown signal that is Acceleron in origin from a different world beyond ours. We don't know exactly who sent that signal, but the wheel also pumped out a large amount of data that our scientists are trying to decipher as we speak. It will take time, but we'll be filled in on what exactly the data is about, but also there's a strong possibility a new racing realm is opening by tomorrow thanks to a new unfamiliar symbol appeared on the wheel when that new signal came.", replied Jack as he told his team what he learned from the scientists that told him about what happened moments ago before all the drivers were called in for a emergency meeting.

Vert and others looked at each other with surprise and shock. The Wheel of Power had been inactive for 3 months now, but then this happens and causes it to become active again. That was quite a shock, however, if they got the signal then that meant the Drones could've gotten the same signal too meaning they were going to be seeing them again real soon in this new upcoming racing realm that was opening tomorrow.

Soon Zoom spoke up next as he said to Jack, "So who's going into this new realm then sir?"

"Well I've already chosen who is going in Zoom. Vert, Matt, Agora, Banjie, Alec, Drezdon, and Esmeralda you all are going into the new realm alongside myself. The rest of you will stay here at the base and make sure no Drones managed to get through the portal.", answered Jack as he told the group who was going into the new realm.

Matt and Agroa were surprised much to Zoom's dismay and disappointment as he wasn't going into the realm while Alec said to the two rookie drivers with a grin on his face, "Well you two guess are going to see and race in your first Racing Realm tomorrow!"

Agroa just looked back at the former Wave Ripper and said to him with a smirk on her face, "I'm ready to face these Racing Drones anytime. Hope you didn't get rusty after 3 months of no activity."

Before Alec could retort back to Agroa about her comment Vert was the next one to speak as he asked his dad about certain acceleron devices, "What about the Accelechargers dad? Are we going to use them in the realm?"

"Well son that's a big yes. Since all our cars have recently been equipped with Accelecharger Readers that were adapted from your car we can at last even the plain-field with the Drones' Warped, Fog, and Monument Realm accelechargers. We may have most of them while the Drones only have 3, but we'll have to use them sparingly cause we know our cars can't handle Accelecharger energy for a long period of time.", answered Jack as all the team's cars have been equipped with Accelecharger Readers to allow them to use the devices in a race. Considering Earth's cars couldn't handle the accelechargers' power for long portions of time except the Racing Drones' cars that were designed to make sure that weakness wasn't taken advantage of during a race.

The seven drivers nodded in agreement with the leader of the Silencerz as they were going to use Accelechargers for the upcoming realm. A discussion began with the drivers on which accelecharger they were going to use as Jack was going to use the Cavern Realm Accelecharger for the race, Alec was going with the Swamp Realm Accelecharger, for Banjie it was the Cliffside Realm accelecharger, Drezdon the Lava Realm Accelecharger, for Matt it was the Water Realm Accelecharger, Agora was going to use the Junk Realm Accelecharger for the race, for Esmeralda the Ice Realm Accelecharger, and lastly for Vert he decided to use the Cosmic Realm Accelecharger as he already knew what its power was during the Ultimate Race with Galorium. The rest of the Accelechargers would stay on Earth at the base where they would be safe from the Drones.

After that the meeting was done and the 8 racers got the Accelechargers that they were going to use in the realm tomorrow from the Accelecharger holder that Vert got with the rest of the mystical devices that the Accelerons created when he won the Ultimate Race. Once the drivers walked out of the room they went their separate ways Vert decided he was going to go outside and get some fresh air to clear his mind, so he can be ready for tomorrow. As he got to the main garage where Reverb was Vert was about to get in his car when he heard a voice behind him saying to him, "You going out to the remains of the Acceledrome son?"

Vert looked behind him and saw it was his dad who could tell there was a lot on Vert's mind after the meeting that they had moment ago before the 18 year old human acceleracer said to Jack, "Yeah. I thought I just do a small patrol around where the Acceledrome was located before I go to bed dad."

Jack nodded in reply as he knew Vert needed to be on his A-game as they were going to be in a new unknown racing realm. Besides he knows the Drones have a bone to pick with him after he humiliated them after Vert beat Galorium in the Ultimate Race. Also getting some fresh air to clear his head will do Vert some good.

"Okey, but I want you in bed by 10 tonight. We got a busy day tomorrow and I need you at your best. Can't save the world if your all tired out from being out all night.", replied Jack put a little joke at the end making Vert smile at that.

Soon Vert replied back to his dad as he opened Reverb's driver side door and tot into its driver seat, "Can't argue with that. I'll be back at the base before 10. Oh… before you tell me I'll be careful."

Jack nodded in reply before Vert closed Reverb's driver side door before buckling himself up into his seat, turned on the V12 powered Teku car, and activated his helmet which covered his head before shifting to drive and drove away for the exit which led to the outside world. As the door opened up Reverb went up a smooth curved slope that led to the surface as Vert accelerated his car up the ramp and reached the top in no time as the door which was positioned horizontally instead of being vertical like most doors opened up showing the star filled night sky as Reverb crested the top and hit the desert sand of the dirt road that led to Highway 35.

As Vert drove Reverb down the dirt path at high speed around 190 mph range and climbing before he reached the road of Highway 35 as he made a sharp right onto the paved road. Now that he was on a smooth surface Vert pushed down on his car's accelerator as Reverb zoomed past rocks and other objects that were close to the road. It was a good thing Vert had Reverb's headlights on to help him see where he was going.

As he raced down the old highway towards the Acceledrome Vert had no idea he was being watched from the distance by two individuals who knew exactly who Vert was and his title of Acceleracer. They were going to introduce themselves to the 18 year old racer when he stops at the Acceledrome. Who they were exactly was quite the mystery, but one thing was for sure they weren't human.

At last after driving for a while Vert arrived outside the Acceledrome's remains as he brought Reverb to a stop just outside the former secret HQ that was destroyed in the explosion created by Gig. Once he turned off his car Vert got out and closed the door before he gazed back the hidden base from the distance.

"Man, that explosion sure did a number on the Acceledrome. Good thing I got out of there in time with Sparky or I would of been toast in more ways than one.", Vert said to himself thinking about his escape from the Acceledrome when the whole place was destroyed in a fireball thanks to Gig in order to destroy the Racing Drones that made it to Earth.

As Vert gazed at the old base as silence fell over the desert he began to think about his friends in the Teku and Metal Maniacs. It had been 3 whole months after the Ultimate Race and understood they were looking for him. After all the only one who was with him at the time was Sparky who used Reverb's old EDR that was equipped on the car at the time to escape Jack's team just after Vert got grabbed. The former racing drone couldn't talk complete sentences as Monkey was still working on him and sparks a lot hence the name Sparky with the usual 'Hello' when he talks. However, Vert wondered how his friends were doing right now and were they looking for him for the past 3 months.

Minutes passed as the moon rose higher into the night sky soon Vert looked at his virtual timer showing the time which was about 9:40 PM mountain time. It was probably a good idea to go back to base and get some well deserved sleep. After all they got a new Racing Realm to win tomorrow which no doubt had the Racing Drones entering that new realm to cause trouble.

Vert was about to get back into his car and head back to Silencerz HQ in Reverb knowing that Alpha Squad was going to a new world tomorrow to find out where that new signal was coming from when he heard a unfamiliar male voice say to him, "So your the human that just earned the title of Acceleracer three months ago. I must say I'm quite impressed with your accomplishment."

"Yes especially for someone just 18 years old I must say for one older than a teenager he still has much to learn.", came a female voice agreeing with the male voice. Vert turned around to see who was talking to him and saw two living Gallimimus dinosaurs walk up to him which surprised the human racer as he thought all dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago when that meteorite crashed into Earth. But these two had bills that were colored yellow, red orange, and blue with a green body, a pale underbellies, and blue stripes on their backs. Also one looked like a male and the other looked like female.

The two dinos walked up to Vert as he looked at them as they inspected him and said to the duo, "Uh… did you two talk just now?"

Then it happened as Vert got a massive shock of his life as the male Gallimimus actually spoke just like a human being saying to him, "Indeed. I can insure this isn't an illusion young man. We're real."

"Yes flesh and blood just like you. After all you and your friends who faced the Racing Drones should have taught you better to expect the unexpected in the universe.", said the female Gallimimus who sounded smart just like the male one.

Vert was left speechless as he just stared in shock at the two dinos as he heard and seen them talk with his own two eyes. Also the female Gallimimus was right after facing the Racing Drones and racing in Racing Realms you always had to expect the unexpected, but talking dinosaurs thats a first. Also how did these two know about the Racing Drones and even Vert himself being an Acceleracer?

Soon Vert managed to get a grip on his composure and said to the two Rainbow Faced dinosaurs, "Okey. First off you two know who I am and you even know about the Drones. And secondly, where did you two even come from?"

The female Gallimimus soon walked up to Vert and said to him with a knowing smile on her bill, "Let's just say we're not from around here young man. And we also know about the Accelerons too and where that signal that the Wheel of Power picked up earlier today."

Vert looked the female Gallimimus with surprise at what he just heard from this talking dino and asked her, "Wait?! You two know where that signal is coming from?!"

The female Gallimimus just said to Vert with a all knowing look on her face, "Well that would be telling young man, but we can tell you this. There is more to what you and your fellow man kind know about the universe that you live in. However, keep asking questions it helps sharpen the mind."

"Indeed like say from a different universe completely different from the one you live in which the Accelerons have been to. In fact you might encounter one certain little longneck with a sharp mind while your there.", added the male one who was trying his best to not blurt out important information that could make Vert suspicious knowing humans were very intelligent beings.

Vert was about to ask what the male Gallimimus meant by that until he got a communication transmission from his dad at Silencerz HQ as the 18 year old looked at his suit's right sleeve as the communication link has been established as Jack's voice came, "Vert where are you?"

"I'm just outside the Acceledrome Dad and the weirdest thing just happened to me. I think I was just talking to…", Vert began as he looked at the two Rainbow Faces only to see that they were gone. It was like they weren't even there to begin with leaving Vert in disbelief as the two rainbow faced dinosaurs were gone.

"With who Vert? Please respond.", responded Jack as he waited for Vert's answer back to him.

Vert managed to snap out of his state and responded back to his dad's call saying back through his com link thinking it was all in his head, "It… it's nothing dad. I'm just about to head back to base."

"Okey. Make sure you get back here before we lockdown the base for the night.", said Jack as he decided to leave the question on who Vert was talking to for later.

"I will. I'll be back in no time! Over and out.", responded Vert as he ended the call and got back into Reverb and closed the door behind him and drove off back to Silencerz HQ. Whatever he saw moment ago was probably a trick created by his mind and maybe a goodnights' sleep will help him get over the strange encounter with those two talking dinos. Little did he know the two Rainbow Faces were watching him race off into the distance as Vert turned onto highway 35 and headed back to Silencerz HQ from behind a large rock.

As Reverb was out of sight as it raced down a long curve the male Rainbow Face said to the female one, "I told you that young man had potential. He's quite the hero now that you think about it. Think we should have told him more about Littlefoot and his friends in the Great Valley?"

"You know that's not allowed. Besides those humans will learn more about them when they meet them in person.", said the female Rainbow Face as she told her companion that was not the best idea.

"Oh right. Sorry.", said the male Rainbow Face as he knew spilling the beans was the last thing they needed.

Soon the two dinos brought their heads down behind the rock they were behind and were gone. There was one thing for sure about tomorrow… things were about to get really crazy.