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Mr. Stick adventure (chapter 1)

Sneak · 453 · 90702


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Welcome to the game!

Rules are simple!

- Everyone are welcome here to join and play!
- I post pictures sequences together with text that describes what's going on in game. Then you post COMMAND what character should do.
- Objective: ESCAPE! :D Explore rooms, take items to inventory, examine things, solve puzzles, be careful and don't ask for hints/clues from author (me :p ). To check your current inventory, post a COMMAND for it.
- Please, do not make multiple action commands in your single post, and make only one post per turn, so many people are able to play every turn. :)

(Rules can be updated in future. I will check my archives and look for old rules.)

Good luck and let's try to make fun!


Found old rules and recommendations!



1) I read and respond on all your commands/posts, with exception: I don't consider old useless repeating commands. So, if you can't see your commands in my story posts, it means I ignored them on purpose, because they're repeating.

2) Please, do not make several commands in the same post or in short period of time. Let other players play too!

3) If you want to examine items from inventory, to look at them closer, you should give individual COMMAND for that. Exceptions are NOTES, that will be read by mr. Stick automatically.

4) DON'T ASK me about hints. If I see you're TRULY deeply stuck, myself will give you unique "clues" by Stick's thoughs and speech. But PRETTY PLEASE, try to solve puzzles by yourself. Ok?

5) Be observant. Try to notice every tiny detail in rooms, including my own errors during drawing! (duplicated or disappeared objects, misplacing, etc)

I would keep updating them during the play.


You are mr. Stick, and you awaked in... some dark room.
Recommend commands, please.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2021, 01:56:38 PM by Sneak »


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(first post is updated)


« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:27:33 AM by Sneak »


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<no single soul is interested?>

« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:27:47 AM by Sneak »


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It's sad I wasn't able to finish this game project here on forum. :'(
I wonder what to do with it now, where should I post it...
Well, hopeing for the best.

See you later, mr. Stick!
You will escape this WEIRD PLACE one day! :D


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@StardustSoldier :
Thank you for respond, Stardust. :)

Now I'm not sure... Since playing it alone won't be so interesting. I was hoping that community will be interested in something new and different.

But if you really has a will to play, even alone, walk this path till the end - I don't mind. :D

So, shall we start?


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Well maybe someone else will want to join in once we get going. But either way, yes, I'm still good to participate.

One question first, though. How exactly do the commands work? Is each command limited to one word?


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Thank you. :)

Well, commands can be short like "Mr. Stick: Try to open a door" or "go down the room", or many-sentenses long, with detailed describition of action, and your personal thoughts about why you think its better to do this or that, etc. :)


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Alrighty. Well I'll start this off simple then.

COMMAND: Try to open the door.


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Alrighty. Well I'll start this off simple then.

COMMAND: Try to open the door.

Mr. Stick looks around. It is very dark here, because there is no visible light sources except some glowing red square on center wall, and some white round circle on the left wall.

He tries to recognize if there's a door in this room, but he can't find it right now. His eyes see badly through darkness.

If there was light switch somewhere to light the room, it would be so much better...

Can you guide mr. Stick where should he go?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:28:06 AM by Sneak »


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COMMAND: Head towards the glowing red square.

Mr. Stick slowly gets up from the floor and comes to far wall, right to where glowing red rectangle is located.

It looks like it is some sort of indicator light. Or button.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:28:26 AM by Sneak »


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COMMAND: Press it.

Mr. Stick carefully presses red glowing rectangle...

...and lights in the room are on!
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:28:42 AM by Sneak »


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COMMAND: Try to open the door.

Mr. Stick goes to door and tries to open it.

Door is locked. What a surprise...
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 07:29:03 AM by Sneak »


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Yeah, I had a feeling that would happen, as that probably would've been too easy, but I wanted to be sure.

COMMAND: Investigate the small black dot on the opposite wall.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2019, 08:44:18 AM by StardustSoldier »


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COMMAND: Investigate the small black dot on the opposite wall.

Mr. Stick inspects the dot on the right wall.

It's a small hole.
He peeks in it, but can't see anything.