The Gang of Five
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Map of the Land Before Time


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Quote from: UnionRags123
Ooh that reminds me that I forgot to PM LeventeII  :facepalm

Oops-Eeps. :sducky

Quote from: UnionRags123
Here’s how my friend and I found out that we’re both LBT fans:
We both play an online horse game, and we’re both in a discord server for the game. Anyways, I posted a picture in the chat of me holding a copy of the original movie because I was excited that I’d found it in a store (even though my family doesn’t have any devices that can play a DVD) and she responded saying that she also loves the LBT. So of course we started talking about LBT stuff  :lol

What a turn of events. There's many things that people don't even know they have in common with until they briefly show or mention it one day.

How many movies of LBT have you watched so far? How about the TV series?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Quote from: UnionRags123
Ooh that reminds me that I forgot to PM LeventeII  :facepalm

Oops-Eeps. :sducky

Quote from: UnionRags123
Here’s how my friend and I found out that we’re both LBT fans:
We both play an online horse game, and we’re both in a discord server for the game. Anyways, I posted a picture in the chat of me holding a copy of the original movie because I was excited that I’d found it in a store (even though my family doesn’t have any devices that can play a DVD) and she responded saying that she also loves the LBT. So of course we started talking about LBT stuff  :lol

What a turn of events. There's many things that people don't even know they have in common with until they briefly show or mention it one day.

How many movies of LBT have you watched so far? How about the TV series?

I’ve seen almost all the movies at least 3 times each - the only ones I haven’t seen 3x or I’m not sure if I’ve seen them 3x are 1, 9, and 13.
But I’ve seen all of them at least  twice. And ones like 4, 6, 8, and 10 I’ve probably seen like 5x. And I’ve probably seen 6 at least 10 times - I think my parents don’t ever want to see any of it again since they had to sit through it so many times when I was younger  :lol
And for the TV series I’ve seen all the episodes at least once, with the majority of them on the “seen multiple times” list  :)
I definitely go in the category of fans who are like “I love the original movie, all the sequels, and all the TV episodes”  :lol
(The reason I haven’t seen the original more is I don’t think I have enough tissues around - in other words it’s got some really sad parts and I’d rather watch something with fewer sad parts :lol )

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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Oh my god. Quite the LBT fanatic, I see! :D
You've watched all the movies many times, impressive! You even like the 13th LBT movie The Wisdom of Friends? That's quite an unpopular movie among fans here.

Personally, I've watched all the movies up to the 5th one. I still need to view the rest of them.
Do you happen to own an LBT 14 Movie DVD collection? Since you watch the movies so much, I thought you may have one in your possession. In fact, I have bought that DVD collection in order to watch all the movies.

Also, here's a very fascinating thread titled Possible Locations of the Great Valley that I'll like to share with you. I don't think it'll help with your map project considering that it only discusses a theory of a real life equivalent/inspiration for the Great Valley, but the many things you'll learn about in there will shock you, I guaranteed. :)

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Oh my god. Quite the LBT fanatic, I see! :D
You've watched all the movies many times, impressive! You even like the 13th LBT movie The Wisdom of Friends? That's quite an unpopular movie among fans here.

Personally, I've watched all the movies up to the 5th one. I still need to view the rest of them.
Do you happen to own an LBT 14 Movie DVD collection? Since you watch the movies so much, I thought you may have one in your possession. In fact, I have bought that DVD collection in order to watch all the movies.

Also, here's a very fascinating thread titled Possible Locations of the Great Valley that I'll like to share with you. I don't think it'll help with your map project considering that it only discusses a theory of a real life equivalent/inspiration for the Great Valley, but the many things you'll learn about in there will shock you, I guaranteed. :)
Yeah - I totally love the series. As for the 13th movie (I generally  refer to the movies by number because it’s shorter to write  :lol ) I like the movie, but I think  the Yellowbellies are bleh. I probably would’nt have rewatched it...but my nephews (LBT fans too!) wanted to watch it - with me  :facepalm

I wish I owned the movies, but sadly the total of LBT movies I own is less than the number of movies that Littlefoot’s mom is in  :(petrie

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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Do you have any updates on the progress of the map? :)
Yeah it hasn't really been that long since you first started the project, but is everything coming along smoothly?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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UnionRags123 and I each do our own maps, but we support each other. I have started my map a few months ago, so I'm almost done. If nothing interferes, I will be able to show my map next week. It will look like a sketch, but it will fulfill the function as a map. My next aim will be to make the whole thing look prettier.
UnionRags123 hasn't started with her actual map yet. She collects information about certain landscape features before she starts with the actual map.  :)


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Have you completed your map yet, @LeventeII?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Yep!  :duckyhappy

After a long time as promised the map! :)

I have to apologize for my long delay. I thought I could finish the map before the end of the school break, but that wasn't the case. The school eats up my time mercilessly, hence all my projects have been delayed.

First, the history of this map and why I created it.

The first idea of a map came to me at the beginning of 2019. I had a writer's block for my fanfiction, and in order to deal with it, I wanted, among other things, to create a map to be able to plan and organize places of action and march routes better.

I started with the sketch around April. I already had some ideas in my head how to connect some locations from the movies. This first sketch was about placing the areas of the Mysterious Beyond relatively to each other. In doing so, I took into account the march routes of the Gang through the movies and I also paid attention to possible clues on how the locations could be related to each other.

The second sketch became like a bird's eye view photography. I began with the first landscape features and specified the areas of the Mysterious Beyond. I tried to include as many factors as possible in order to be able to continue working as precisely as possible.

Then I started with the actual map.
The first thing I included was the Great Valley. It was almost continuously in the center of the map, from there I worked my way out.

I worked with several layers. I inserted sketches, colored areas, labeled features. That went very well in the beginning. I made the canvas larger and larger as I moved further away from the Great Valley. I reached a critical size at the moment that I drew the Great Water. At that time the canvas measured 16000 x 11000 pixels. This may seem wasteful, but I tried to keep the scale as good as possible. My orientation was: One dinosaur should be one pixel in size.

The problem: This immense screen size together with several layers brought my computer to its limits. And yet it's actually quite powerful! My 8 GB RAM caused the most problems. As soon as I opened the file, it was mostly in use.
I kept on working, but soon I had to delete the layers one after the other until I had only one. This made the process a little more difficult, but didn't really lengthen it.

By far the longest time it took to correctly place the landscape features and color the terrain. Everything should fit after all.

I think it's important not to see this map as a finished work. For me it's actually finished, I think one can work and understand it very well, but a real map needs more. Think of treasure maps or satellite images or maps in atlases. So this map is more about usefulness than beauty. But I didn't ignore the beauty factor, I think it's easier to decorate an existing map than to create it artistically from the beginning. That would follow next, but I can't tell if and when that will happen, because it's a pretty large step and I don't think my artistic skills suffice for such a design.

It is also important to note that this map may look cheap, but that does not mean a poor job. The most difficult part was finding and placing the locations. But they also had to fit together and they had to make sense and match the march routes of the Gang.

At the end, I renewed the description and translated it. I created the map in German language and translated it into English language. I hope I didn't make any mistakes. :)

The north is not at the upper end of the map. I oriented myself to the sun in the movies and tried to let the sun rise in the east accordingly.

I also inserted the crater from 10, but I had to cut the map to insert it, because the distance to the Great Valley is far too big. For the sake of simplicity, I have therefore displayed the crater separately, although it actually belongs on the map.

Otherwise, I have to mention that I left out some elements, especially from the series, because they were too inaccurate. Sometimes I wasn't able to find the exact position, so I preferred to leave it out.

The meaning of the colors is described in the map legend. Next to it is the compass.

I wanted to stay as Canon as possible. It should be said, however, that it is not possible to create a universal map of the Land Before Time universe. There are lots of possible ways. It seemed a bit like a Sudoku to me during the creation process: The locations are positioned relatively to each other, sometimes there is only one possible solution. But very often there was freedom. For example when drawing the march routes, which served me as a sketch and orientation for the placement of the valleys.

Some information about the map at the end:

The beginning is in the upper right corner. This is where the actions of the first movie take place.
The crater in 10 is basically at the bottom left, that means in the far north-west.

How do you think about the map? Does it make sense? Could I have put more effort into a certain place? Is something unclear, are there any questions? :)

Second Sketch




I recommend downloading the map, because the map may be too large in size for some browsers.

EDIT: corrected map: Map 1.1
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 09:24:12 AM by LeventeII »


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Levente, this is properly awesome! I've just been able to take a quick look before heading off to work, but I think you've done an amazing job!

One German name I stumbled open on the right side of the map is 'Unteridischer Fluss, Höhle'.

Something I think that could be added for clarity's sake is bigger location names, like you did with Land of Mists. One could be added for Chomper's Island and such locations.

There are many names I don't recognize (probably cus of tv series), so I appreciated you adding in which movie something appeared when you did! It'd probably be cool if you could add the legend on top of the map itself, perhaps in the lower left corner since there are no locations of importance there.

Overall amazing work!


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Much agreed with Mumbling right there! The map is absolutely perfect and you most certainly did a good job fleshing out the environment in such a fashion that just radiates high detail levels. You can clearly see each location as they are marked with care, and even if I took a quick glimpse at it just now I feel like I didn't miss anything crucial. Even if some of locations might not be 100% accurate (I said might, because I am not quite certain myself about that), I do feel like this is what the world of dinosaurs looks like in detail. And I must agree with Mumbling about the bigger location names as well, I feel like that would complete the map even more than it already is. Like Mumbling (this has become a habitual matter by now) I do not know every last location by name, so it feels great to refresh my memory and learn new locations I probably didn't even know existed until now. Thank you so much for this map, Levente! You can be proud of your accomplishment for sure! :)littlefoot


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Thank you very much! It means a lot to me and I am happy that you like it!  :)

I have corrected the map and I have also enlarged some location names. I placed most of the names next to the actual locations because I didn't want the font to cover anything. And I also added the map in the previous post. If there is anything else that should be noticed, I will not hesitate to correct it.

I added the legend with the compass at the bottom left. It really makes more sense to have the legend directly on the map so one doesn't always have to switch back and forth between the map and the legend.  :)

Map 1.1


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Wow, this is really detailed and through. Chrome refused to load the image because of memory due to the number of tabs I have open, so I used it locally and discovered the dimensions of the image. It must have taken ages to make! :o

Anyway, I really like the legend/color-scheme as it makes the world of Land Before Time appear almost like a topographical map, minus the contour lines. I'm impressed that everything is mapped out in a way that doesn't seem to contradict any other landmark, and there're some locations and places I wasn't even aware of. Fantastic job!
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Oh dang this is really well done LeventeII! You did a good job connecting seemingly separate landmarks across the movies, like how the river in 14 leads to the oasis in 5. Awesome!  :)littlefoot


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I don't have much to add beyond what everyone else has already said. But I agree, nicely done.


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Great job, LeventeII! I can only agree with what the others have said already. The second map with the changes you made was an improvement to the first, thanks to the criticism of others here. I only got a chance to see the map today, and quite frankly I knew it would turn out being great. I really can't say anything about the locations, considering that I haven't watched all the movies yet, but they seem pretty accurate from what I've gathered by other people who posted here already. :)

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Yeah, I want to know what online horse game they were talking about. Mostly because I used to write for a pretty high-profile one and wouldn't that be a hell of a coincidence.