The Gang of Five
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Star Wars: Coalition


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The Bothan smiled and picked up the bag lying at Sedona's feet. The Nuzzar decided to spend her time crossing her arms and scowling between Issac and the hooded stranger, as if she wasn't sure which she was more angry with. The Bothan produced a bottle and handed to the hooded figure.
"Alright stranger, first step: drink this. It's not poisoned or anything, I'll explain why you need to drink it in a second. Second off, no one saw you come in here, right?"
As the Bothan walked over to unconcious guard and continued to wave his hand over them as if he were conducting an invisible orchestra. The guards twitched in their sleep, and then both cracked a wide, slimy grin.
"How did you find us, by the way? We were careful to make sure we covered our footprints."
"How long are you going to leave the bar unguarded?" Sedona said without looking at him. The Bothan rolled his eyes.
"Sedy, please. This is a good thing. It won't change anything except make the last phase flow smoother."
"I'm not trying to be snide," Sedona growled, stamping her foot. "I'm asking you how long are you going to keep that bar unguarded?"
The Bothan put a finger to his mouth.
"Worst come to worst, we brought plenty of the green stuff."
He looked over to the stranger and smiled.
"Sorry, we're both a little stressed at the moment, Mr... name?"


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The hooded figure chuckled, taking the bottle and looking at it.
"Even if it was poison, it wouldn't kill me.  But I suspect you'd know all about that. Wouldn't you... Jedi?"
He asked softly, throwing his hood back, letting his facial feature show as he took a swig from the bottle...


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The Nazzar's eyes widened. The Bothan, after a hesitating moment,gestured to the Nazzar with his fingers after he finished waving his hand over the guards. She nodded and walked in front of the door, holding her Westar out at the bounty hunter.
"I do, indeed I do," the Bothan said quietly, not a hint of a slur in his voice any more.
"Poison-- at least not in the usual sense-- doesn't work on Hutts either. The damn slugs have a liver that could process raw cynanide without so much as a hiccup. But suppose for a moment, there was a box," he said, and made a little cage with his hands.
"Not a box you and me can see-- a molecular box. A protien megacomplex with about seventeen million different amino base pairs, and them combined with special ligand clamps, scaffolded enzymes, a lipid membrane, and then all bound together by membrane bound cyctoskeleton anchors."
He opened and closed his hands like a clamshell. "Can you picture it? Then suppose you go one step further: you put membrane bound proteins into the lipid bilayer surface of this hypothetical molecular box. Protiens rich in glutamate and aspartame to get a structure that forms bonds so easily that it'd stick to Tefflon... or intestine walls... Or metal."
The Bothan raised a finger at his companion and stood up. "I changed my mind, Sedy. There's no need for the gun threats-- this fella spooked me badly, but I still think we can trust him."
The Nazzar scowled and lowered her weapon, but didn't budge from that door.
"Now, Mr. Force sensitive bounty hunter, what would one put in this convoluted molecular box? You've created a sealed environment so tight that you've virtually sealed it in what we like to call 'laboratory conditions'. Well, I'll tell you what I put into it, anyway," he said with a humorless smile.
"Chemicals normally too unstable to exist in any environment for long, if you catch my drift-- not 'poison', in the usual sense, unless you consider eating a bucked of lit cherry bombs 'poisonous'. And let's say that you've designed this protein envelop around your nasty chemicals so it'll slowly decompose by random thermal motion in a fifty configuration degradation process-- one week after it's synthesis, to be exact-- wherein this box loses it's integrity and releases it's contents."
The Bothan pointed to the bottle. "That bottle you drank is a type of Wine called Grapelli. It supposedly goes very well with what the dugs call 'cuisine'."
"Sebulba's gonna need an excuse to get out of there," Sedona warned, and the Bothan nodded rather frustratedly.
"If this man truly wants to help us, this shouldn't take much longer... You, a contact of mine, and Jabba the Hutt have ingested these little boxes along with the wine. Now these boxes can be 'locked' so the degredation of the box doesn't take place with a chemical antidote of mine. I already have a bottle set aside for my contact, so he can drink with Jabba without arousing suspicions, and I have one spare bottle set aside in case anyone accidentally poisoned themselves by picking Grapelli from the shelf over at the bar."
The Bothan leaned on the wall. His hand was in his pocket, grasping something.
"Now first thing's first, and don't you dare lie to me: who are you really? Did Vader pay you to come after me? How the hell is it that some random bounty hunter cavorting with filth like Jabba the Hutt happens to have experience with the force?"


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The man chuckled, tapping the bottle idly.  
"A clever trick, I must admit.  But, as a Kitsuun..."
He tugged his collar aside, revealing that there was a cup strapped under his chin, filled with the alcohol.
"We tend to not trust strangers, and especially not Bothans who tell us not to ask questions.  But I'm not your enemy here, so I'll answer your questions.  The name is Adrian Kibagami, of the Kitsuun ship Wandering Star.  I am a former Jedi, trained by the old Council.  And no, Vader didn't hire me.  If he even so much as knew who I was, I'd be running from hunters all the damn time, and I don't feel inclined to do that.  So no, I'm not after you, merely interested in following someone with such a massive readout of Force power.  Two someones, actually."
He said, grinning laconically...


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The Bothan looked over his shoulder at the Nazzar.
"Dart him."
"Why didn't you ask me to do that in the first place?" the Nazzar sighed in relief as she whipped out a weapon that looked like small revolver. She unloaded all eight darted rounds into different parts of the kitsune's body.
The Bothan pulled out a lightsaber.
"Jabba the Hutt is lord of half the underworld in the outer rim. I didn't ask you to drink because I wanted to pull a fast one on you: I wanted you to drink because I honestly wouldn't believe a single word you say unless I knew your life depended on it. Now it does, so no more riddles, and no more half-answers: Why did you follow us, what are you doing here, why do you want Jabba dead after the thug just paid you money, and what weapons do you have on you?"
The Bothan held up his light saber in a ready position, but hadn't yet lighted it. This kitsune-- if he truely WAS just a passerby, which he was beginning to doubt more and more by the minute-- didn't seem to understand how high the stakes were for him, Sedona, and Sebulba. If he couldn't get at least some leverage over the kitsune to make absolutely, 100% sure that this was not a trick-- that this was not a smooth talking loyalist who had just found a catch that would surely net him a fortune from Jabba-- then there was absolutely no way he was going to allow this stranger into there scheme, and that meant he was going to have to kill him. Even though Sedona had pumped him full of chemical, that didn't preclude the kitsune from attacking them if he truely wasn't who he said.
"You didn't follow me because I was force sensitive. If that was true you would have found the other person in the palace who was force sensitive. I use tricks far too much to trust someone who professes to be an expert. Answers my questions fully."


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Adrian smirked.  
"Right, right.  You mean the boy?  I noticed him, but he stays too close to Jabba to check out.  And as to why I accept jobs from that slug, there's only one reason.  Credits talk, and I needed to maintain my cover.  Bribing anyone who figured out that there might be more to me than what they see is expensive, after all.  As to what I have on me... There's the blaster hidden in my sleeve, the two lightsabers I just happen to be laying on the scabbards I store them in...Wouldn't recommend touching them, by the way, they are trapped to only work for me, there's the lightsaber in my staff, the discblades on my back...and that's it."
He said languidly.


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The Bothan sensed the chemicals did make it in, and this, followed by the more complete answers, caused him to lower his lightsaber.
"Alright. I can believe that."
He was about to open his mouth to say more, when suddenly his eyes widened in horror.
"Sebulba. If I don't bail him out Jabba's going to get bored with him."
The Bothan suddenly pivoted around and ran for the door. Sedona jumped in suprise.
"Wait- hey- what-?" she stuttered as Issac activated his cloaking field as he ran past her.
"Give him the full run down!" Issac called over his shoulder as he sped off.
The Nazzar was stunned at how easily Issac was now entrusting her with this man that a moment ago he was about to pull a lightsaber on.
"But what if he tries anything!?" Sedona shouted after him as loudly as she could without drawing attention.
"You still have Jr.! And make sure to scan for bugs!"
Sedona stood at the doorway of the room, blinking at the dancing crowd in front of Jabba's thrown.
"That senile, ratty old git," she sighed, shaking her head. She took a few looks around before shutting the door. She regarded the kitsune distrustfully. She tapped her finger on her arm with a sour look.
"Issac may have let that Jedi stuff go to his head, but don't think I'm letting my guard down around you for even a minute..."
She exhaled, looking down at her shoes, the unconcious guards, before looking back to the kitsune. "Alright. So... tell me, how familiar are you with Jabba's dungeons? More specifically, just how many people he's got locked up down there?"


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Adrian shook his head.  
"I know the layout well enough, but as to numbers, I couldn't say.  The slug only employs me on bounties he wants dead.  But I can still easily get in and take down any guards in there, free any captives that are alive, and get out quickly."
He said calmly...


  • Petrie
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Sedona put the deathstick back into her mouth and quietly lit it.
"It's not that simple. If there were just a few dozen prisoners, then yeah, that'd be our go to plan. Unfortunately, it's not a few dozen. It's between one and five thousand-- two thousand seems the most likely, from what we've gathered. And these people aren't exactly in any shape for stealth, either. Most of them have been starved and tortured, and I wouldn't be surprised if more than a few have been maimed."
She offered the kitsune a deathstick from her pack, still giving him a very wary 'I'm doing this only because I was told to' kind of look.
She seemed jittery. She was playing with the refractor on her Westar just to give her fingers something to do.
"So we've been feeding this chemical to Jabba for four days straight now--yeah, one dose isn't enough-- the two days Issac spiked his food. The third we spiked his recreational drugs. This is by far the largest dose we're giving him today, and probably the last one we'll need to give him. Now even though we disguised these chemical packets to look like cells, Jabba's sharp. If he smells a trap, he'll ask for his booze to be checked, and believe me when I say that he WILL find the chemicals, and he WILL have this place locked down so he can interrogate every single person in here."
She shrugged. "Issac's solution was to call in a favor from a local. Some crotchety pod racer-- apparently Jabba likes the guy, so we're hoping to lower his guard by having him there. Jabba doesn't fall for mind tricks... but everyone can fall for a mental suggestion, especially if you make them think that they thought of it themselves. For example... a Dug comes to your party, and a little voice in your ears says 'what do Dugs like to eat?' It's such a situation dependent question, he's obviously going to think it was his idea and not say..."
She gave a little indian nod with her deathstick between her fingers. "A bothan in a cloaking field planting a very subtle mental suggestion. Now..."
She looked to her left at the sleeping guards. One of them gave a giggly laugh in their sleep, and the other one made kissy faces before snoring again. Sedona gave a face disgusted scowl and rolled her eyes. "These two yahoos. There's a point in the building where if an explosive charge is placed, it'll not only give us an entrance into the prison, but it'll blow out an exit for us. The problem? That point is a surveillance room, and it's heavily locked. So... Ugh... you know what, I don't need to explain it. Just take my word that these two are vital for me to get access into that room. You got it? We're gonna time it so when Jabba dies, our explosive goes off a few minutes later. While all the guards are crowded around Jabba's corpse, that's when we bust everyone out."
She paused. "Yeah. That's the plan. It's crap, but it's the best we can do with two people."


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Adrian nodded, then chuckled a little, waving off the offered deathstick.
"Hmm...what if we were to, say, alter the total number of interested parties to five?  The kitchen boy, his slave girl, and myself are all interested in ending his life as well, and the boy has some semblance of Jedi knowledge.  Add that in, and I think we have a very real chance of getting the prisoners out as well.  In fact, there are two in the cells that I've heard about of interest.  A Gand findsman, and a reprogrammed protocol droid.  Bounty hunters, or at least they used to be.  If we were to, say...have a small group break into the prison before your bomb goes off... that might just work out well.  I can get in there easily enough, and, if the last guard roster I saw was any indication, then there won't be much resistance.  I know where a door in is, so I break in, disable the guards, and then wait for the kaboom with the prisoners.  If you could get your Bothan friend to help by making sure the boy in the kitchens knows, then we have a good shot."
He said calmly, glancing at the ceiling idly.
"Also, I would appreciate that antidote now."
He added...


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Eolus made his way into the throne room stood just behind Jabba. He wasn't too pleased to be here. The boy secretly had his lightsaber in his pocket in case an opportunity to escape presented itself.



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Within the prisons under Jabba's Palace, a lone Gand sat in his cell, staring at the wall, deep in meditation.  Next to it, a wiry, angular protocol droid sat, focusing intently on his companion.  The droid stared at the Gand for a moment longer before walking to the other end of the cell and sat down, staring at the opposite wall and attempting to replicate the same meditative stance...


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It was then that Oola was sent back to the slave chambers, guided by Bib Fortuna. The young Twi'lek was at least relieved to be away from her master at last, she had befriended a few of the other slaves.

As the two Twi'leks entered the chambers where most of the other slaves, including Eolus were allowed a short break as the afternoon had begun. He watched as Oola nervously made her way past him.

"I do not want any trouble in here, and I will remind you all that anyone who attempts escape will be executed harshly." he told them before turning to leave.

Eolus took in the young Twi'lek's form as she approached, she was so young, no much older than himself. The boy always liked to wonder what was on her mind, and of her home planet - Ryloth, it was known as.

He had little chance to speak to Oola, since she was almost always chained to Jabba's throne. How the he wanted to just take his lightsaber and pierce the hutt's black heart so badly. But he remembered his mother's warnings, about the Dark side of the force.



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outside of the palace two driods approached the palace, one a goldplated tall bot, the other short and squat and only talked in beeps and sounds ' i dont like this r2. but its to rescue master Solo' c3po said in a strained voice the astromech droid made a series of noises which caused the protocol droid to sigh again. ' i 'd rather not think about that. they catch us, we're scrap' he added as he approached the fromt doot.
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Eolus embraced the green Twi'lek girl as she approached.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." He whispered to her.

"Its may have been worse if you did not obey my master." Oola whispered back.




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c3po knocked on the door to the palace and waited for a guard to open it. it slowly opened and a huge guard towered over them.. ' sorry. we are interviewing with master jabba to interpret curissian  speech'  c3po said.
Winner of these:

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Most of the slaves rested, so Eolus and Oola were among the few still awake.

"If only you listened and left with that Jedi you mentioned before, you would at least have avoided this fate." Eolus muttered.

The Twi'lek frowned a bit.

"I was naive, Jabba's Majordomo made it sound tempting, its not like I could have known."

Eolus softly fondled her lekku.

"I promised that I would get us both out of here no matter what it took. I do not plan to break such a vow. At least, to make sure you leave alive."

Oola smiled.

"If I recall, you've never told me how you ended up here."

Eolus frowned a bit.

"I was kidnapped, same as you."




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From behind Eolus and Oola, a quiet chuckle was heard as Adrian stepped out of the shadows, hood raised...
"Well, you're in luck, then.  Keep quiet, and follow me."
He said gently...


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The two gasp and quickly turn to the hooded figure, Eolus got up, gesturing to Oola to stay behind him. His lightsaber in hand, ready to be ignited.

"And you are?" he asked.



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Adrian paused, turning around.
"I'm a friend.  For now, that's all you need to know."
He said shaking his head.