The Gang of Five
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The Shifting

Raptor · 47 · 18880


  • Ducky
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"I think it's my middle school's cafeteria food." I say. It starts bubbleing, and as each bubble pops, a horrible stench wafts through the room.


  • Ducky
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"Oh god." I hold my nose, I start to feel a little queasy, "I'm not squeamish most of the time.  But in this case..." I can't keep anything down and I wind up blowing chow over the floor.


  • Ducky
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Suddenly, the arm from before extends down and attempts to pry the goo off the floor. "If we grab onto the arm, maybe it'll pull us out." I say. Tears come to my eyes as my own lunch begins to rise in my throat. "We...we b..better hurry."


  • Ducky
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I spit the nasty taste of vomit out of my mouth, "You read my mind!" I say as I grab hold of the arm and pull myself up.


  • Ducky
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I follow suit. The arm pulls both of us up into a small room with a large door on the left side. A smallish octopus Alien operates the arm. It turns to us and... gurgles in alarm. "Alimons uruuuuk daaax! Alimons uruuuuk daaax!"


  • Ducky
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"SHUT UP!" I yell as I tackle the octopus.


  • Ducky
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The octopus, which has a very weak body, is crushed. "Let's get out of here before someone comes to see what all the noise was about." I say, turning towards the door.


  • Ducky
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"Hmm, did you notice that the only word that seemed to be spoken in english was "Alimon"?" I say to Chris.


  • Ducky
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"You're right. I wonder why.... wait, do you suppose we're Alimons?!" I say.


  • Ducky
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"I think that's what they turned us into!" my eyes widen, "Those bastards!"


  • Ducky
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"Well, we better get out of here so we can repay them." I say. I look at the door. " I think this is pressure activated..." I press one of my feet onto a panel in the center of the door. It opens up and I fall through and into a heap.


  • Ducky
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  • Ducky
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"Yeah, I'm fine." Suddenly, the shipe shakes voilently. "What the hell...?" The ship shakes once more. an octopus creature, carrying a large container of the clear fluid, heads through a door. I make a leap for him, but the door closes and something can be heard blasting off. "I think something's wrong with the ship." I look around. "But I think these are escape pods."

OOC: More people can still join, there's another ship over earth.


  • The Gang of Five
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(could I bring in a General that works in Area 51 that the army that works there found the alien ship and opened fire on it with high speed pressure cannons?)


  • Ducky
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(Ask Raptor, it's his RPG.  I wouldn't count on it.)


  • Ducky
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OOC: Actully, this ship happens to be several thousands miles above earth. The other ship is crusing above the northern part of North America.


  • The Gang of Five
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(the cannon idea is something that they used with some alien technology so it can fire into space for a short distance, if aimed right it could fire at a arch angle. but that getting ahead of myself. I could create ideas out of nothing. but it up to you if this is ok since it your RPG.

here is profile of the General though.

Name: Corwell
Rank: general of Area 51
Age: 49
Sex: male
Attitude: cold and straight to the point, the unknown is seen as a threat to the home country of USA. Defending it against all threats. Take action and ask later
Personality: Strong minded, straight thinking, strong command voice and very serious for most of the time. Taking things into his own hands if required.)


  • Ducky
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OOC: Sorry, but the only tech that humans have is tech we have today. So no-go on the base or the cannons.


  • The Gang of Five
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(ok no problem. could have high atomshpere jets that could fire missiles towards space. if that is ok. I know there is a few of those around. USA has a few that I heard about since I watched a program about fight jets once. I come up with the ideas and ask if that ok before doing anything.

if not ok, I will try to think how to get the general into the story, but for now I am off now for the night. goodnight)


  • Ducky
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OOC: I don't want any milatary interface whatsoever.