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Suggestions for audio play plots

Malte279 · 60 · 13059

f-22 "raptor" ace

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How about one where the GOF meets the LBT characters?


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Here is the 2nd draft, likely not any better.  I dislike doing a large post so I'll break it in half for easier reading.  


Littlefoot calling out as he is looking for Ducky: “Ducky, can you hear me?” His voice is in the distance.

Petrie says from the top of Littlefoot's head: “Me see Ducky.   She over there.”

Littlefoot : “I see her too, Ducky, hey Ducky.” Littlefoot says, his voice still in the distance.

Ducky turns at the sounds of the voiced of her new friends.  

Ducky: “over here!  I am over here, yes I am, yep, yep, yep.” She calls out jumping up and down a bit.

Then Ducky turns to Spike who is sleeping & making the usual sounds of Spike sleeping.

Ducky: “Those are my friends, we are going to the Great Valley, you can come too if you want, yes you can.”

Ducky walks over towards where the others are coming from.

The 3 others ( Littlefoot, Cera, & Petrie) arrive.

Cera: “Here you are.  Why did you go all the way over here?”

Ducky: “I had no choice.  You jumped on the log and I went flying, I did, I did.”

Cera says in an annoyed voice: “oh so it is my fault is it?”

Petrie: “You no flyer, you bigmouth.”

Ducky: “I know.”  Walking back towards where Spike is sleeping.

Petrie thinks for a moment: “What was it like?”

Ducky pauses in her walking to think for a moment before turning around to Petrie: “Sorta scary, but sorta fun too.”

Spike wakes up, yawning a short distance off.  

Littlefoot: “Who is that.” Seeing Spike for the first time.  

Ducky: “That is Spike, he is coming to the Great Valley with us, he is, he is.”


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Cera: “Oh, no he's not.” She says in an annoyed voice.

Ducky: “He is all alone.  I helpeded him to hatch, I did, I did.” She says with her voice showing her concern for Spike and her feelings he's all alone.

Littlefoot: “Maybe his Mommy and Daddy are at the Great Valley.” He says with some hope in his voice.

Cera: “He won't be able to keep up.  He'll just slow us down.” Said, still annoyed at another adition to the group.

Ducky: “He can keep up, he can.”

Littlefoot: “It would not be right to just leave him behind Cera.” Littlefoot says to Cera with his determination to bring Spike along.

Cera: “Look at how much he sleeps and eats.   And he doesn't look smart enough to know to follow us.”
She says, still annoyed, as Spike eats some nearby grass in a huge mouthful.

Ducky walked around as she looked around and saw a thin branch.  “I have an idea, I do, I do.”

She goes over and picks up a thin branch with some food on the end.  She waves it in front of Spike who licks his lips and  starts walking towards it.

Ducky: “See, he can follow us, he can, he can.”

Littlefoot: “Looks like a good idea Ducky.  You can ride on me.”

Cera in an annoyed voice, “Fine, but if he falls behind or slows us down I'm not going back for him.”

Ducky gets on Littlefoot, riding on his tail facing backward and holding up the branch with the leaf and the gang of now five sets out.


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I know that using RPs for scripts has already been suggested,but this proposal is sligtly different.

Maybe a small RP chat in some instant messaging system (the most commonly used) would work to create, even if not a definitive script, a base.
Additionaly, it would make sure it pleases "everyone" by using a single character per RPer. A few pairs could be made, and suggestion would be thrown in through the RP. It would be fairly smaller than ordinary RPs, to fit a small script style.


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It would be a different project though, not an LBT role play game. The advantage would be that RPG characters' voices needn't resemble that of any movie voice actor, but I guess it would be a project mostly for those involved in the RPG unless others too feel enough "with it" (and here is a point in favor of the LBT RPG, for there is hardly anyone here without enthusiasm for LBT) to participate actively.

I really think Kor provided a good basis for an audio play project and in fact the only complete script that has been issued here up to now.
Personally I would give his idea about an RPG reenacting a cut scene from the original movie my vote if it comes to deciding between the suggestions that have been made so far.
Once a suggestion has been accepted by so many people that a realization of the suggestion is possible the discussion about details (e.g. changes of the script) could start.
So far not too many suggestions have been made and even less actual scripts for an audio play project have been handed in.
Maybe activity about the audio play project can be increased if we set a deadline for the handing in of actual scripts.
I suggest that by February 5th (one month from now) all those who are willing to record their voice and thereby participate in the project may vote on the scripts posted here by that time.
Once the basic script for the first project (other suggestions might still be realized later on) has been selected the final details / changes about the script can be discussed.


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Acting out the cut scenes would be a good start, even though the parts would be short since it would give some the feel of what it's like to write, act, and other stages of doing an audio play.  Also doing short scenes that could have been in the movie, as I mentioned, like what if the movie began 5-10 minutes before it did or was longer then it was.  Or scenes that could be in the movie, like in the 4th one, maybe once they got back Ali's herd did not leave shortly after they got back.  

Then trying the German audio may be tried, and / or original things.  

If there are not enough female voice actors for all the female roles it mey be needed to substitute some of the characters, like having Littlefoot's grandfather have all the lines instead of most of them with some for grandma longneck, Ducky's father instead of her mother speaking, ect.  Since I assume there may be only 1-2 females willing to act.  Also if songs are to be in it, some of the folks may not feel comfortable singing and instead some of the folks who participate in the singing project but not the audio acting may sing a certain character's lines in the song.  

As for original characters, unless some have changed, I did mention it before but most didn't seem to like the idea.  I liked it since it does offer certain advantages.  For one you could have some smaller adults who are with the kids, since otherwise most of the gang mayl likely have adult sounding voices I'd guess.  Though if done the char would have to be pure LBT with no powers or any other non LBT thing & the char would have to be detailed and likely voted on like the scripts would likely be.


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Quote from: Kor,Jan 5 2009 on  10:35 PM
Also doing short scenes that could have been in the movie, as I mentioned, like what if the movie began 5-10 minutes before it did or was longer then it was.  Or scenes that could be in the movie, like in the 4th one, maybe once they got back Ali's herd did not leave shortly after they got back.
This. I'm working on a script with Vaan based on the 4th movie, but instead of Ali's herd leaving immediatly, we'll add, say, 5 minutes before leaving. Like, a small, minor adventure that could have happened before they departed, and that didn't last very long.


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That could fit since the movies do have a switch from one scene to another that, to me at least, makes it obvious that time passed, like before Ali's herd leaving.  They could have left a few days, weeks, ect after the gang & Ali got back with the night flowers.  

There are other spots in other movies like that too.  Like in the first movie when Littlefoot first gets to the Great Valley then leaves, then comes back out with his friends.  To me it seems that there was a cut there that an audio play could at least fill.


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Quote from: Kor,Jan 5 2009 on  10:51 PM
That could fit since the movies do have a switch from one scene to another that, to me at least, makes it obvious that time passed, like before Ali's herd leaving.  They could have left a few days, weeks, ect after the gang & Ali got back with the night flowers. 

There are other spots in other movies like that too.  Like in the first movie when Littlefoot first gets to the Great Valley then leaves, then comes back out with his friends.  To me it seems that there was a cut there that an audio play could at least fill.
That's more than enough examples for people to work on a small script themselves, too, don't you think?


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February 5th is drawing closer as a "deadline" to hand in scripts. So far only two scripts have been handed in. The one I posted is not only incomplete so far, but also (I think) too ambitious for a first project.
So I think that so far Kor's script is the only script we have to work with.
Everyone is welcome to post more scripts to choose from until February 5th. If we have more than one script on February fifth we can vote to decide which script will be used. All those who are willing to actively participate in the project (those who hand in scripts, those who are willing to record and do voice acting roles, those who provide additional recordings of background sounds or music, those who cut the sounds together, and anyone else who is actively helping the project in any way) may cast their votes.
After a script is selected the details of the script should be worked out. Suggestions of improvements can be made and applied depending on the agreement (e.g. the inclusion of more details such as background sounds, the adding of further lines or the abandoning of lines (depending on the situation) etc.).


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Sorry, but we weren't able to finish the script because wwe barely met each other on IM. I'll try to work on it by myself, but help is welcome too...  :lol:
Also, I might be considering entering into the voice acting crew, if I may, of course.


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I could try another very short mini scene if folks want to have 2 to vote from.


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ok.  It'll not be very good but I"ll throw together a first draft of the 2nd of 3 ideas I had of stuff from the 1st movie and pm it to you.


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I am at the moment too tied down to work on a script. However, I wouldn't mind lending a hand with the voice acting. I'm not too good at imitating child's voices, but if needed for one of the adults I could probably do fine :yes


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February 5th has come and passed without any further script being handed in. So I guess we should go for the script Kor handed in (the next step would be to discuss its details, check out roughly how long it takes to read it, possibly change, or amend a few lines, and think about which background noises appart from voices may be required).
However, I must admit that these days I'm very much hooked up by university work and may not muster as much leisure as I think this project thoroughly deserves.
Would it be okay for you to give it a break for some time (I solemnly promise that I won't let it die) until there is a bit less pressure of other concerns?


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It's ok by me.  I guess some others are busy also.  I do have a script I talked over with Explorer.  Though the reaction here seemed little so I wasn't sure if folks were busy or not very interested in the first one.


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Quote from: Malte279,Feb 12 2009 on  12:10 PM
February 5th has come and passed without any further script being handed in. So I guess we should go for the script Kor handed in (the next step would be to discuss its details, check out roughly how long it takes to read it, possibly change, or amend a few lines, and think about which background noises appart from voices may be required).
However, I must admit that these days I'm very much hooked up by university work and may not muster as much leisure as I think this project thoroughly deserves.
Would it be okay for you to give it a break for some time (I solemnly promise that I won't let it die) until there is a bit less pressure of other concerns?
Sure that's fine. Real life should always be priority :yes


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I wish I could have goten more ideas for that draft. However, I'm just plain... empty of them. I haven't had much leisure time either, though.


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Sorry, but we weren't able to finish the script because wwe barely met each other on IM. I'll try to work on it by myself, but help is welcome too...

Now I fell even worse <_< , I promised I would help and I dind't, I'm really sorry.