The Gang of Five
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Raptor · 13 · 3154


  • Ducky
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This is a unique RPG. why is it unique? Because it's about anthropomorphized mice.

Yes, mice.

Not humanoid, but they can talk, have societies, and walk on their hind legs(unless they're running).

They also live in a world of danger.

Ya see, just about everything eats mice. Snakes, birds, heck, even some centipedes.

So, what do the mice do? Protect themselves. Hide their villages and forge powerful swords. They train the most resilent of their species to protect the villages, guard them from the threat of predators.

But, there are some real bad stuff on the horizon. The stuff of some of the deepest, darkest legends.


Name: Kent Ardon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Rank/Profession: Guard
Appearance: Kent wears a grey cape, the symbol of a guard, and has red fur. He is frequently seen with his father's lonsword strapped to his back. He is quite fleet-of-foot, and often employed to scout surrounding areas for predators.
Brief Bio: Kent has always aspired to be a guard, after his father, Deren Ardon, gained fame for fending off an infestation of rats with the help of only twenty mice. His wishes came true when he was recruited to the guard for his agility and bravery. Kent quickly became a full guard, and and enjoys his duty immensely. Otherwise, Kent is a sarcastic, firey-tempered young mouse, who is quick to leap into situation perhaps beyond his ability. Despite this, Kent is quite intelligent.


I hopped over the branch barring my way. I had been sent to find the wherabouts of a trader, who had been carrying supplies to my home village of Trenholm. Trenholm was named for the hero of old, Kanteran Tren, who had taken on three snakes and lived. Any scout or guard faced with the gravest of danger needed only to shout 'Tren', and help was sure to arrive. I looked up, towards the massive trees. They towered above us mice, but were quite useful as watchtowers. Securing my father's longsword to my back, I ran over to the nearest tree and scrambled up, finding footholds in the knarled bark. There was a tiny spider along the way, but I shooed it away. Nothing that small could hurt a guard. Nothing that small could hurt any mouse. I spotted a low branch extending from the tree, and clambered towards it. One foot slipped. With a gasp, I nearly lost hold on the bark, and for a few moments, my hind legs and tail dangled above the forest floor. I pulled up, and, after a few struggles, managed to regain my footing. I panted for a few seconds, then clambered to the edge of the branch. I looked down, to see if I could spot anything that would hint to the trader's prescence. I did. With a deep breath, praying that it was not what I thought, I sped back down the tree and ran for the site of the large, overtuned cart that was surely the trader's load. I took one look at the grotesque, mutilated remains that lay beside the cart, and turned my head skywards. The wind picked up, and plastered my ears and fur against me, as I took a deep breath.



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In response to Kent's shout, three figures almost immediately dropped from the nearby branches.  Patrol Squad 7, consisting of two siblings and their adopted brother stood in front of Kent, weapons at the ready.  Haru, the oldest of the group and de facto leader, turned and said...
"Kent.  What's the new...Oh.  That's the trader, isn't it."
He said, noticing the dead body near them.
"Great.  That's all we don't need.  I think something big's in motion here.  This is the third attack in the month.  Somethings trying to cut off our supplies."
Shion said, running a gauntleted hand over his head.
"Agreed.  What should we do, guys?"
Yukiie, the youngest of the group asked, looking over the corpse...


  • Ducky
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"It's just..." I sighed. "Predators aren't this smart... and even if they were... he hasn't been eaten... just..." I looked back at the corpse. Every time I looked at it, I got closer to vomiting. I barely could even describe the condition the poor trader's body was in. "Not even Rats would do this." I said. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Rats were known to do this... but... even then, it was only when they were being directed by something. "We should get back to Trenholm. The other guards need to know that another Trader's been taken..."

The depth of of my horror and revoultion at the corpse was not simply because he was dead. I had seen many dead mice before, and while all saddened me, none were as horrific as this.

For the Trader's corpse had no skin.


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Yukiie spoke up as the group began to make their way towards Trenholm.
"Ummm...I hate to bring this up, but did anyone else notice the..."
Haru nodded, cutting her off by saying...
"Yes sis.  We all noticed the conspicuous lack of skin on the body,  and it's probably freaking us all out."
Shion shook his head, trying to clear the image before adding...
"But... what did that to him?  I've never seen anything else like it, except..."
Yukiie and Haru both gasped, and the trio said in unison...
"Except the other Traders!"
Haru sighed, voicing the group's thoughts by saying...
"This is...bad..."


  • Ducky
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We know knew that each attack had been by the same perpetraitor. I looked back at the corpse. "Well, we can't leave him to the predators." I sighed, looking around. "Does anyone have anything we could dig with?"


The trader's grave had been dug, and a small grave marker constructed from twigs and leaves. It wasn't truely a proper burial, but it kept from the predators and honored the trader. We'll have to strengthen the patrols. I thought, and I turned back to Trenholm's direction. But what would have done this? Why?


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Yukiie spoke up, asking...
"So, does anyone have any connections to these traders?  Besides the skin being gone?"
Haru nodded, saying...
"There was the common ground that they attacked traders heading towards Trenholm.  They were carrying supplies, and they all died within a certain distance of the villiage.  I haven't got any other links.  Shion?"
Shion nodded.  
"The last common factor was that they were all males.  No females were attacked."
He concluded...


  • Ducky
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"Tha could be a connection... But-" Suddenly, there was a low hissing. A grey mouse ran out, wearing a blue cape, the symbol of a senior guard. "Stay low, there's a serpent coming." He hissed in a half-whisper. I recongnized the guard as Farrar Canston, one of the youngest guards evert to make it to senior level. I hid behind a large log, my tail dissapearing behind the rotted bark. I hoped the serpent wouldn't spot my red fur, as it stood out. But, then again, it was quiet possible I could take the beast.


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Haru reached to his hip, gripping his sword's hilt with white knuckles.
"It's close..."
He whispered...


  • Ducky
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I looked around the corner. Farrar had unslung a wooden staff from his back. I scoffed at the weapon, and was about to say how a blade would do better, when the hissing started again. My fur stood on end. Serpents were rare, but incredibly dangerous. I saw Farrar's whiskers twitching nervously, as he looked around the corner to take see if it was there.

There was a lound hiss, followed by a WHAP!

Farrar pulled back, and began rapidly backpedaling. I unsheathed my father's blade, as the massive black serpent slithered over the log, its tounge flickering in and out of its mouth. The thing opened its jaws and lunged. The white fangs flashed as I dove out of the way. I managed to sever one of the creature's fangs, but that made it pull back to strike again. This time, I felt the remaing fang brush my tail.


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Squad 7 had leapt into action as the snake's fang fell.  
"Hey Ugly!  Over here!"
Haru lunged forwards, drawing his cutlass as he did so, and severed the snake's other fang, before dodging rapidly away from any retaliation.
Shion then leapt skywards, bringing a savagely heavy fist to the serpent's head, rendering it unconcious.
Yukiie raced to Kent, noticing the wound on his tail
"You're hurt, Kent!  Here, let me administer the antidote quicky, unless you really want to die!"
She exclaimed, quickly starting to rummage around in her medical kit...


  • Ducky
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I looked back at the wound. Indeed, there was a residue other then blood on the cut. I felt slightly cold, despite it being mid-summer. "Y-yeah... I think you better do that..." I was slightly dizzy already. The serpent's eyes regained the light of consciousness, as the monster rose. Farrar pulled back his staff, and brought it to crunch against the serpent's lower jaw.


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Yukiie pulled a small syringe out of the bag, quickly injecting Kent's arm with the antitoxin before pulling her staff-sword out of the scabbard and holding it at the ready...
Haru and Shion both circled the revived snake warily...
"Serpents are tough, but not this tough!  Something's wrong!"
Haru said, spinning his sword before placing his cutlass back into its holster, reaching for his greatsword, while Shion shifted into a different combat stance, readying his attack...