The Gang of Five
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The Swimmer Trials

The Lone Dragon

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Chapter 50: Confrontation and Realisation

Her chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace as Ali closely followed by Cera and the rest of The Gang ran as fast as they could away from Red Claw and Thud, where Screech was they didn’t know but as far as they were concerned, one less predator chasing them was good. Petrie was up high in the sky and looking for any means of escape for his friends but all he could see was a large ravine which they would reach in a matter of moments. The cliffs were steep and had a very untrustworthy set of huge rocks at the top of the incline. The base of the ravine itself followed the stream but all over the place was the last thing anyone would want to run through, Thorn bushes. However Petrie knew it was better to be a little bloodied then dead and those thorn bushes might provide some sanctuary or an escape route of his pursued friends since the big predators would be unable to quickly navigate the thorn bushes. Petrie was about to fly back down and report his observations when he noticed something he had missed.

Up on the cliff heading toward the ravine at an even quicker rate was Screech. “Oh no!” cried Petrie. Screech was probably going to try and cut them off before they got into the ravine. Petrie raced down from his elevation and over to his friends. However he could not see the little Swimmer that Screech was chasing from his lower elevation.

Down on the ground the friends ran as fast as they could but Cera was starting to struggle, she was falling behind due to her injured leg. She was panting and running in a desperate attempt to escape Thud who was now snapping at her tail with obvious malice. Cera jumped when he tried to swipe her feet out from under her with his claws then she jumped right to avoid his maw which missed her tail by mere inches. She screamed in fright and ran harder despite her burning leg.

“Cera!” yelled Ali and ran back and while Thud was running toward Cera she ran across his path and rammed into his left leg. There was a loud screech as the fast biter came to the ground with a crash. Growling furiously as Red Claw overtook him, Thud got up and resumed the chase.

“Come on Cera!” yelled Ali who was now pushing the exhausted Threehorn forward.

“My leg” cried Cera as she struggled to continue running. Suddenly Petrie flew down to them.

“Guys!” He yelled. “Petrie see ravine ahead with thorn bushes you can lose Sharpteeth there but Screech running there now he try to cut us off you must hurry!” Petrie pointed with his wing to the ravine and then to Screech running along the top of the cliff.

“Run as fast as you can Guys!” yelled Ruby to Chomper and Spike and ran back to help Ali and Cera. She came up on Cera’s right side while Ali was on her left. Both helped push Cera along. Come on Cera we have to make it to that ravine!” said Ruby pointing ahead.

“I’ll try!” bellowed Cera in pain as she was beginning to limp. Behind them Red Claw began to snap at them while Thud covered his rear.


On the cliffs however it was a whole other story. Diver was running as fast as her little legs could carry her. She zig zagged in and out of the various sized rocks in order to avoid the snapping jaws of Screech. She panted with the exertion that she was going through, being chased was a completely new experience for Diver and it was not as cool as she pictured it. Rather, it was frightening and tiring but Diver knew she had to continue on if she did not want to end up as lunch for the predator. Besides she knew what she wanted to do, she held a small stone in her hands. As she headed towards rocks on the top of the cliff. Down below she could see The Gang approach the ravine but Cera was a shorter distance behind everyone with Ruby and Ali on either side of her, pushing her on while Red Claw and Thud roared a short distance behind them.

Diver knew for her plan to succeed she would need to find the right spot and have precise timing so as not to endanger The Gang however that was a tricky prospect considering that she now had one of Red Claw’s henchmen hot on her heels and bent on her demise.

Suddenly as she neared the rocks she saw it, the small rocks holding the big rocks in play, loosening just one of them could cause a huge rock slide and that was precisely what Diver intended to do but first she had to get rid of Screech but that was easier said than done.  

“Is this what Ducky goes through every time she goes off adventuring?” asked Diver to herself. Well now she knew what it felt like. Looking down she saw The Gang enter the ravine.


“Come on guys, into the bushes!” shouted Chomper and ran into the widest gap he could find between the thorn bushes but the long thorns still managed to scratch him, creating large gashes in his skin. Chomper grimaced as he looked back and saw Spike getting covered in similar gashes while Cera, Ruby and Ali finally entered the thorn bushes. Though they all gave yells as the thorns penetrated their skin. Ruby and Ali had to run straight through the bushes in order to help Cera so their bodies were covered in painful cuts.

Petrie Looked up and saw Screech running along the rock ridge growling fiercely, he looked like he was chasing something else because he had not cut them off as Petrie thought he would. Curious he flew up and saw to his amazement and fear: Diver running from Screech along the edge of the cliff. A loud roar caught his attention and he looked down to see his friends get through the thorn bushes while Red Claw and Thud advanced on slowly as the thorns slowed them down but it would not be long before they resumed the chase and something worse was about to happen.

“Cera Get Up!” yelled Ali pushing the downed Threehorn but Cera’s legs had had enough and now refused to take her weight. Cera crawled along in desperation while Ruby and Ali pushed her along.

“Leave me” said Cera weakly but both dinosaurs shook their heads firmly. “You’ll die if you stay here” said Cera weakly, she was sure she was doomed but she could at least save Ali and Ruby from the same fate.

“No Cera!” yelled Ali “Your coming with us!”

“Whether you want to or not!” agreed Ruby and they both resumed pushing Cera along but the Sharpteeth were almost out of the thorn bushes now.

“Guy’s!” yelled Petrie. Everyone turned to him. “Screech not after us, he after Diver!”


“It’s now or never” thought Diver as she saw Cera collapse and Red Claw along with Thud make it out of the thorn bushes. She could not get away from Screech but she was about to change that. Nearing the end of the rocks she turned and threw the stone with all her might at the small stones at the base of the big ones and that’s when it happened. The whole cliff seemed to give way. With a yelp Screech fell off the cliff along with the rocks but so did Diver. She fell onto a flat rock and held on with all her might as the rockslide slid down towards the oblivious Sharpteeth. Diver screamed and closed her eyes and holding onto the rock she was on with all her might she just hoped beyond all hope that she would come out of this alive.    



Everyone stopped when the herd the noise then the ground trembled as if an earthshake had begun but that was not what caused it, everyone looked up and saw the huge wall of rock falling towards them.

“RUN!” Yelled Chomper to his friends.

The girls ran pushing Cera with sheer determination and desperation but Cera was also pushing her legs on now and they all ran as the rocks came crashing to the ground behind them with a noise like thunder.

The girls jumped and fell to the ground as a few rocks landed around them but the noise was dying down as the rock slide ended almost as quickly as it began. Dust covered the entire scene. The Gang got together and looked at the huge pile of rocks now clogging the ravine. None of their pursuers could be seen but they could hear some pained growls coming from the other side of the rock fall indicating that the Sharpteeth were still alive but to out of it to hunt.
Suddenly as the dust cleared everyone saw, on top of a flat rock, her hands gripping the edges with enough tightness to break bone and a look of shock on her face, Diver.

Her mouth was wide open yet she was unscathed and she remained as still and mute as a statue.

“Diver!” yelled everyone at once at advanced towards the shocked Swimmer.

“Are you alright?” asked Ali anxiously when they arrived but she did not get any response from Diver. Spike nudged his sister and finally Diver seemed to snap out of her trance, she forcefully pulled her hands off of the rim of the rock which was cracked from how hard she had grasped it. She slipped to the ground and lay there, looking around in amazement and all of a sudden just burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“Diver?” said Ruby in surprise but Diver just laughed until she lost her breath and said in a breathless whisper “I did it” she said in awe.

“Did what?” asked Cera in confusion

“I saved you and survived” she said in her voice returning to normal.

“Wait. You caused that rock slide?” asked Chomper in bewilderment, staring at Diver with a wide mouth.

“Yes, I threw a stone at the large rocks and caused a rock slide” she said.

Spike look overjoyed and licked Diver’s face causing her to laugh again. While everyone else just stared at the Swimmer in mute shock.

“Okay,” said Cera “That was either the bravest or craziest thing I have ever seen anyone do” she said.

“Thank you Diver” said Petrie when he regained use of his voice. Everyone else repeated Petrie’s statement.

“Thanks Diver but what are you doing here?” asked Ali.

“Following you,” said Diver simply. “I’m going to find my mom and sister” she said.

“You shouldn’t have-“

“I just saved your life!” said Diver firmly “So where would you all be if I hadn’t decided to follow you?” she asked angrily.

No one could find the words to say. “Well now that we have this settled, let’s go and find my sister” said Diver and she walked off in the direction of the river. Everyone stared wide mouthed at Diver but eventually followed, she was now a part of their little group whether they liked it or not.


Morning at The Big Water

Ducky looked across the ocean feeling very drowsy after her recent night terror about Sharptooth. After she settled back down with her mother she was unable to fall asleep lest Sharptooth visited her dreams again. So she had just laid awake for the rest of the night with her mother watching over her. It was a very lonely night. Trough had wanted to ask her what had happened but he had been told to leave her alone by Bluey. However now he sat down next to her on the shore and carefully put his arms around her.

Ducky was slow to respond but she accepted the gesture. She turned her head to look at her friend and saw the concern in his eyes. “I am sorry for waking you Trough I am, I am” she said absentmindedly.

“You don’t have to apologise for anything,” said Trough “least of all to me, I can tell if night terrors are scary or not and I know yours was scary. Oh, I do wish I could help you though” Trough placed his hand on Ducky’s.

Ducky closed her eyes and closed her hands around Trough’s hand. “I do not want to talk about it no, no, no. It was just too scary” she said emotionally, there was moisture forming around her eyes.

“Then don’t” said Trough. Then hugged Ducky tightly to which Ducky vigorously returned his hug. “Just know that I am here for you whenever you need me” he whispered softly in Ducky’s ear.

They disengaged and Trough made to leave but Ducky called out to him. “Do not go Trough, stay with me. Please.” said Ducky. Trough sat back down next to Ducky and gave her a friendly nuzzle. He did not object to staying with Ducky but he would certainly object to the events that happened next.

“You no good son of a tar pit of a brother!” shouted Shelly from the nest. “I won’t let you do this!” she yelled angrily.

“Out of our way you silly girl!” came a voice that the two friends recognised as belonging to Barge. Scarcely a second later just about every Swimmer child in the herd emerged from the underbrush and onto the beach and at the head was Barge, Whirler and Storm. Shelly was in front of them looking furious as she faced off with The Trio.

“Don’t even think about it!” she shouted in their faces but the three boys just walked past her as if she was nothing but a ghost. They stopped in front of Ducky and Trough whom were both standing up and looking nervously at the scene.

“Well, we finally figured out who you are” said Barge pointing directly at Ducky.

“What do you mean?” asked Ducky nervously and instinctively retreated towards The Big Water. She also didn’t like the eager smiles on the other Swimmers faces, they had certainly come expecting something.

“Sure” said Storm almost sweetly.

“You Bastards!” yelled Shelly all of a sudden, causing everyone to look at her in surprise in the wake of her uttering a curse word. “You leave them alone do you hear me!” she said walking up to Barge and yelling at his face. Barge looked surprised. “You won’t pick on my brother any longer you wimps!” she hissed.

Barge scowled “Your brother is the wimp” he growled.

“You are wrong!” yelled Shelly. “Trough is braver then you all and he is selfless, he saved my life in the storm, he dived into the water and saved me from drowning even though it meant putting his life on the line. How many of you have ever done a thing like that?!” She said pointing to the group of Swimmers.

“Oh Shut It!” said Whirler and without the slightest warning he punched Shelly in the face. Shelly fell on her back in a daze.

“Shelly!” yelled Trough and grabbed hold of his sister and pulled her up and away from the bullies.

“We are not here because of you or your sister we are just visiting your hatching friend” said Storm with a rather unpleasant smile as he pointed at Ducky.

Ducky looked surprised “But I am not a hatchling no, no, no” she said sounding confused.

“Oh but I think you are,” said Storm “because only hatchlings wet the nest……like you did last night.”

The Swimmers burst into uncontrollable laughter. While Ducky looked away in complete embarrassment as her cheeks lit up bright red. “How!?” cried Trough. How could they find out what happened last night?

“You should ask our idiot brother Vorn that!” hissed Shelly enraged. Trough gasped at his brother. How could he do this?

However matters just got a whole lot worse as the assembled crowd started chanting words such as hatchling, nest wetter, baby and scaredy egg at Ducky who was now in tears at such a severe humiliation. “Cry baby” chanted The Trio when the saw Ducky cry.

Trough gave a furious bellow and ran out to Barge and punched him in the face so hard that he sent him to the ground. “Ducky is the best Swimmer there is you ungrateful piece of Sharptooth dung!” he yelled, waving his arms around in a blind rage.

“She is just a little baby” retorted a Swimmer in the crowd as they surrounded Ducky and continued chanting.

“Don’t listen to them!” cried Shelly and Trough at once.

Everyone was shouting, Ducky held her hands on her head and closed her eyes tightly then suddenly something snapped in her as all her feelings of pain and anger burst from her in one furious shriek as she yelled at everyone present.


A sudden rustling in the bushes brought them all back to reality and it wasn’t a pleasant one at that either. Standing in front of them were five very angry adults including Sura, her mother and sister as well as Laura and the most startling presence of all, the herd leader Rarlap.

“You are not going anywhere” he said firmly.

“You stay here” said Sura to the three bullies, she sounded furious as she walked past the children and followed the tracks of her daughter.  

“Why did you do that?” asked Grandma Swimmer looking livid. The presence of the herd leader and the high elder of the herd had stunned the children into silence.

“You are in very big trouble now” said Laura to the children but particularly to her son Vorn. She couldn’t believe her son would sell out Ducky for a few laughs at her expense.

“Why did you do it?” Bluey repeated her mother's query firmly to the offending children.

However all she got was fearful looks.

“Answer her!” bellowed Rarlap, his unexpected outburst caused all the children to jump in fright. “Barge,” said Rarlap firmly “come forward.”

Barge looked frightened as he moved out into the open.

“Tell me why you did that to her.” said Rarlap. The conviction in his voice left a clear meaning that he was not asking he was ordering.

Barge stuttered nervously, his courage had completely fled from him. “Er….she deserved it……besides it was fun” he said though his voice sounded weak and puny compared to the the voice of the elder.

“Deserved It!?” shouted Isira in outrage and advanced on Barge with her hands on her hips. “No child deserves that!” she said. “So what makes you think she deserved it?!”

Barge was shivering and the other younglings backed away in fear, even Trough flinched at the fury in the aged Swimmer’s voice. “She didn’t do what we said, she liked Trough but not us and she tricked us into following a plant” said Barge, convinced that he would be pardoned but this immature youngster was unfamiliar with the minds of the adults.

“That is disgusting!” said Bluey.

“How dare you!” said her mother.

“That is no reason to harass a child” said Rarlap firmly. “Everyone is allowed their own opinion youngling and it is not up to you to tell them otherwise.” He shook his head at the rest of the children. “You disgust me” He said crossing his arms. “For letting her be bullied and mark my words there will be consequences.” He said angrily.
“You will all go home now and you will not leave your nests while I tell your parents what happened so they can decide on the appropriate punishment for you and you three” Rarlap pointed at the Trio “I am sick of your bullying of children, your group is disbanded, you are forbidden from meeting up again until you prove to us that you will never bully anyone again.”  

The children gasped, dumbstruck. Storm quickly retorted “But-“

“That is my final word!” thundered Rarlap, glaring at the youngsters, there was going to be no disagreement here. “Now go home, all of you!” He snapped. The children quickly dispersed until only Laura’s children were left.

The adults had heard the clambering and went to investigate, they saw it all but they did not intervene until the very end. Laura was glaring at Vorn. “You are grounded for the rest of the stay here mister and I am not joking” she said. Shelly and Trough nodded. “And you two are grounded for the rest of the day” said their mother.

“What!?” They both cried at the same time.

“You are grounded for cursing Shelly and you for punching Barge Trough, he may have deserved it but violence is never the way to solve your problems got that?” explained Laura to which both her children nodded, though the kept their heads bent in shame.

Then Trough looked up at Bluey and asked “Is the last thing that Ducky said true?” he asked.

Bluey looked taken aback, she looked at her mother awkwardly and sighed. “Come with me Trough, we need to talk” she said and gestured for him to follow her to a secluded part of the beach.

“Come Shelly, Vorn” said Laura and left with her daughter following slowly behind, she felt bad for Ducky and hoped she would be alright but that outburst, there was so much pain in her voice, so much turmoil. Shelly knew that what Ducky said was true there was no way it couldn’t be but she didn’t have much context to put her words into meaning but she at least understood the dream.

“We need to talk too.” Said Rarlap to Grandma Swimmer.

“I heard what she said before she left and I know she is not lying, she is doing the Trial of Destiny isn’t she” said Rarlap calmly, it wasn’t a question in was a statement.

Isira gasped and sighed she owed Rarlap an explanation.


“Ducky!” called Sura as she came to the cove near the cave where she first met Mo. Sura knew her daughter was here, her footmarks had led in this general direction and her sobbing was audible from where she stood at the centre of the cove. “Ducky?” said Sura in a gentler tone and walked in the direction of the sobbing. She came to a small, shaded crevice on the side of the cove that she could only fit her fingers through. That was the place where the sobbing originated.

Sura lay on the ground and peeked inside and saw Ducky curled up in a snivelling ball at the back of the crevice, she was sobbing loudly and was completely oblivious to her mother. “Ducky dear, I’m so sorry, I should have stopped it before it all happened.” She said in a guilt ridden voice. Ducky finally seemed to register her mother’s presence. She got up and ran out of the crevice and into her mother’s embrace where she sobbed loudly.

“Those bullies were so….so…mean to me….they were….they were” said Ducky in between sobs as she felt her mother’s beak beside her body.

“They will never be mean to you again, we adults shall see to that” responded Sura and held her daughter close to her beak.

“I am so sorry mommy,” said Ducky tearfully. “I brokeded my promise I did, I did. Now they know I am doing The Trial.” Ducky held on tightly to her mother’s beak.

“The kids don’t know about The Trial,” said Sura in an attempt to comfort her daughter “but Trough’s mom does and the herd leader” thought Sura, feeling very worried that their position might have been compromised. “I won’t let anyone hurt you though” said Sura reassureingly.

“Come on dear,” said Sura lifting Ducky up into her arms. “Let’s go back to the cave.” Sura walked slowly away with a still saddened Ducky in her arms.


Trough stared opened mouthed at Bluey as she told him in chilling detail about Ducky’s dream and it horrified him. Never had he heard of such bloodshed or horror, he could just not imagine what Ducky had gone through, he could not imagine going through what she had.

“You know who Sharptooth is don’t you?” inquired Bluey.

Trough nodded silently, of course he knew who Sharptooth was, who wouldn’t know, however he had never seen him but he had heard of the terrible atrocities he committed to anything in his path. He could only imagine what seeing him in his sleep would be like.

“Ducky has encountered Sharptooth before, she has been chased by him more than once.” explained Bluey.  

“In her sleep?” asked Trough.

“No, for real Trough”

Trough looked shocked.

“She was only five cold times old when she was attacked by him the first time.” said Bluey. “But she encountered him a many other times in the span of a few days, it was during the last encounter in which she and her friends killed him. She was tasked in luring him into the trap” Trough couldn’t believe it. Ducky had helped kill Sharptooth? It was a real eye opener for the things that Trough did not know about Ducky.

“She had to walk into a dark cave with Sharptooth all alone and then get chased, Trough and she has never forgotten how scared she was then, she had many night terror about it at one time.”

Trough looked down, he felt sorry for Ducky and what she had to go through today and all those years ago but there was still something that Bluey had not explained that Trough was curious about.

“And what about that Trial thing Ducky yelled about?” he asked. “What has this got to do with it?” he asked.

Bluey closed her eyes and put a hand around Trough as she prepared to tell him the reason why Ducky was out here.


“Please don’t tell anyone about her Rarlap, she is just a child” pleaded Isira, she was on the verge of tears as she explained the situation to Rarlap.

“I hardly think that will be necessary after today” replied the herd leader. “I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone knows by tomorrow” he said. “And I will need to call a meeting” he added calmly.

“Please, she is my Granddaughter, I cannot allow anyone to harm her” pleaded Isira.

“I know” said Rarlap in an understanding voice. “You are a great role model Isira” he complemented but looked hard at her face “I would never do anything to harm her and you know that, I never liked this Trial anyway nor do I like the sound of this herd leader you tell me about but all the same everyone will be looking for me to uphold our traditions tomorrow,” Isira looked sick “Something I will not do, I will help defend her.”

Isira gasped then took a relieved expression. “Thank you dear” she said.

“You are welcome” replied Rarlap with a smile. “You are a close friend and so is your daughter, and I think that Sura is a great role model for any parent” Rarlap put a hand on Isira’s shoulder.

“Good luck to you all, I hope your granddaughter lives through this” said Rarlap as he parted from Isira. She stood there for a few moments with a smile on her face, Rarlap was certainly someone she could trust and his support would be a real help in supporting of Ducky. Isira knew she would have to inform Sura of this so she turned and headed for the cave at brisk pace, hoping that she would find Sura and Ducky there.


Beside The River In The Mysterious Beyond

Diver was the first to wake in the early afternoon. After she and The Gang had escaped from the Sharpteeth they had found a large tree they could shelter under for the night. Everyone fell asleep very quickly after the exertions of the night.

Diver walked to the river and sipped the cool water then sat down by the bank and looked at her reflection in the water. Wishing more than anything that she could see the faces of her mother and sister next to her but they were still for away. “Please be okay” she whispered under her breath and closed her eyes.

“You miss them don’t you?”

Diver turned to see Cera sitting down beside her.

“Yes, I do. I just want them back home and I wish that there was no stupid Trial.” said Diver, starting to feel a little emotional.

“You and me both,” agrreed Cera. “I know how you feel” she added solemnly.

“What do you know about potentially losing a sister!” hissed Diver aggressively at Cera.

“I lost all my sisters” said Cera simply, however there was still pain in her voice.

“Oh” stuttered Diver uncomfortably “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that” she said quickly.

“No hard feelings Diver” said Cera quietly.

“I just don’t want to lose Ducky, she is my sister” said Diver.

“I know Diver, she is my friend and I don’t want to lose her either” agreed Cera.

There was a short silence between the two girls as the both sat quietly and listened to the running stream and the loud snores of Spike. Finally Diver spoke up.

“Well I certainly showed those idiots who was boss last night” boasted Diver, she was thinking of the major brahhing right’s she now had over Rapid. He would be furious.

“I’ve done it more than once” snorted Cera.

“But that was easy, I mean those Sharpteeth were pathetic and Ducky is always talking about how scary Sharpteeth are, they are stupid.” said Diver.

“Don’t led Chomper hear you say that” chuckled Cera before turning to a more serious note. “There are intelligent Sharpteeth out there like……Sharptooth” Cera looked a little distant when she said that.

“But that Sharptooth disappeared many cold times ago, like he was different from those rock heads back there” said Diver in a dismissive tone.

“He was worse than anyone you can imagine Diver.” said Cera firmly.

“So I’ve heard but still like Ducky ever faced him, I know my sister and she never saw Sharptooth” said Diver.

“You don’t know as much as you think” said Cera sharply. “Me, Littlefoot, Petrie, Spike and Ducky, we have all been chased by him, he have fought him, we killed him” said Cera in a trembling voice.

However Diver didn’t believe her “You’re pulling my tail” she said. “Ducky has told me about all her adventures and she never mentioned Sharptooth and she tells me everything.”

“Did she tell you what she saw in her sleep stories during her time of night terrors?” asked Cera unexpectedly.

Diver was taken aback. “Um no… and dad knew but they wouldn’t tell us.”

“Sharptooth was visiting Ducky in her sleep all those times” said Cera looking at Diver with a bit of a haunting look.

“Did Ducky tell you about our first adventure together?” asked Cera.

“No” admitted Diver, looking up curiously at Cera.

“I didn’t think she would tell,” said Cera. “Our first adventure was also our hardest. Sharptooth chased us many times and he killed Littlefoot’s mom” said Cera to which Diver gasped. “She died in front of him Diver” said Cera, obviously referring to Littlefoot. Diver held her hand under her chin looking rather startled, she had never known Littlefoot’s backstory very well.

“He decided to get rid of him after our journey was reaching the end, after we faced starvation, and exhaustion and Fire Mountain’s and tar pits and lots of other dangerous dinosaurs, including leaf eaters.” Explained Cera.

“From leaf eaters? I doubt that” said Diver in disbelief.

“Believe it or not Diver we stumbled across a watering hole with trees and green food around it but there were also two other kinds eating and drinking there. They were Dome Heads and Grey Noses. The Dome heads were eating from the trees and the Grey noses were drinking from the water hole but they would not allow us to eat or drink because we were not the same kind as they were, they refused us even though we were starving and thirsty.”

“That is ridiculous!” said Diver in outrage. She had never heard of such cruelty before, especially not from any leaf eater.

“I know” said Cera. “Those Grey Noses did allow Ducky to drink at the water hole because she was a similar kind to them but she refused.”

Diver looked at Cera in surprise. “Why?” she asked in amazement.

“Because they would not allow us to drink and if we didn’t drink then neither would she” said Cera. Diver looked amazed. “We left that oasis without any food or water” said Cera.

“But what does this have to do with Sharptooth?” asked Diver.

“Nothing, it was just another danger we encountered, I was even chased by some Dome Heads. They were trying to kill me” said Cera.
Diver looked rather sorry for Cera but still shocked that leaf eaters would try to kill her.

“Then we encountered Sharptooth again and we killed him but Ducky, she was probably the bravest of all of us that day. Do you know why?” asked Cera looking closely at Diver.

Diver shook her head and listened closely to Cera’s narrative.

“She was to be the bait-“

“What!?” yelled Diver in shock and outrage, was Ducky supposed to bait Sharptooth himself?

“Yes, she was the bait, she went into a cave after Sharptooth and came out with Sharptooth chasing her, after she got in the pool she had to swim for her life and it was hardly enough. Littlefoot and Spike were trying to bush a big boulder on top of Sharptooth’s head so he’d drown in the water hole. Ducky yelled and pulled faces at him in order to keep him distracted” said Cera to a completely dumbstruck Diver.

“She bought us the time I needed to arrive and help push Sharptooth into the water” said Cera.

“Wow” was all Diver could say.

“But Petrie nearly got taken down too, we all thought he was dead until he climbed back up and Ducky….. She got her scar” said Cera.

“Ducky doesn’t have a scar” said Diver.

“She does,” replied Cera “A tiny round spot underneath her left arm on the side of her flank that was pricked by one of Sharptooth’s teeth, it is impossible to see from afar”

Diver took a deep breath. “She did all that?” asked Diver in awe “She lured away Sharptooth?”

“She did” confirmed Cera with a nod of her head. “I have never known anyone as brave or as selfless as her” said Cera.

“That’s my sister” said Diver quietly. She looked up at Cera “Thanks for the story Cera, I understand now” said Diver.

Cera smiled from the praise. A loud yawn caught their attention and they both looked back to see their friends waking up. It was time to resume their journey.


Bluey's Nest

Trough fell onto his knees, his eyes wide open in horror as his tears fell slowly down his cheeks, he just couldn’t believe what Bluey had just told him about Ducky, about her Trial and what the expected outcome was.

“No” he said shaking his head in repulsion “No…this is impossible” he sobbed “She can’t be” he was trembling all over.

Bluey took her up in her arms and nuzzled the youngster. She could certainly relate to what Trough was going through right now. “She can’t do this” said Trough “I can’t let…She….I” Trough broke down as the reality of the situation finally confronted him, now he knew the truth, now he knew what Ducky was going through.

“We are doing all we can to prepare her Trough” said Bluey in a counselling manor as she looked sadly upon the grief stricken child.

“But what if is not enough and Ducky-“ Trough was panting to wildly to continue he just stared at the ground breathing in heavily. Bluey put a hand on his back.

“We would never let that happen Trough and you know it” she said gently.

Trough suddenly got up and looked in the direction of the cave where he was sure Ducky would be. “I have to go” he said simply and before Bluey could say another word he took off at a run toward the cave with Bluey watching him from behind.


Ducky was sitting on the beach outside the cave and looking out over the ocean, she grasped her knees firmly and sobbed once. Memories were streaming through her head, all of them triggered by her humiliation by The Trio. Her memories of home and everything associated with it, her friends and family and all the stupid events that had passed since she heard about The Swimmer Trials. However memories of a time long gone also raced through her mind, a memory of going into a dark cave and hiding behind a tiny rock as Sharptooth growled menacingly ahead of her.

It was enough to cause Ducky to tremble. She reached a hand under her left arm and placed it on her flank where she felt the tiny scar from that day. Ducky knew that she had been so lucky to not be skewed when she was frantically swimming away from Sharptooth, she knew that if she had not gone right at that precise moment that Sharptooth dived for her then she would not be here right now. As it was she still came out injured, an injury that refused to completely heal and instead become a reminder of her actions that day.

Her mother was inside the cave and was deep in conversation with her mother about a meeting tomorrow but Ducky was not interested. Jane was also inside the cave under Cyrest’s watchful eye, she could now fluently walk and run which meant that keeping her safe had just become a whole new balancing act.

“I want to go home I do, I do” she whispered into the winds.

Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps approaching at a rapid pace. She turned and to her surprise she saw a tear faced Trough running towards her. He didn’t stop until he had leapt into her arms and sobbed hard into her shoulder. Ducky patted his back as she hugged him tightly, his pain was so contagious that it caused her to tear up as well.

The two sat on the beach holding tightly to each other and sobbing until they finally broke off in the evening sunset. The colours displayed were rich in red, orange and yellow yet the two young Swimmers were completely oblivious to it.

Trough looked directly at Ducky face with tears falling down his eyes. “How?” he asked “How could you be chosen to do The Trial?” he sobbed.

Ducky gasped as she registered Trough’s words, he knew now, he knew that she was taking The Trial of Destiny. Tear sprung to her eyes as she hugged Trough tightly.

“I never wanted to do The Trial no, no, no” she sobbed “I wish it never existed I do, do” she sobbed.

Trough held onto her tightly. “I won’t led you go, I will never let you go” he said in resolution.

“I must do it I must, I must” said Ducky a sudden conviction entering her voice.

“You don’t have to!” yelled Trough in pain but Ducky shook her head.

“I must, I must” she replied with slow sadness.
Trough looked at her with a pained expression. “Why?” he asked, desperate to understand why Ducky would willingly do this now.

“Because of Swayer, because of my younger brothers and sisters and because of you” she said, looking deeply into Trough’s eyes, his friendly loving eyes that now seemed to burst with heart break just as her eyes were. Ducky took a deep breath “There is a Swimming Sharptooth at the place where The Trial happens” she said softly.

Trough gasped in disbelief.

“I must do it to stop other Swimmers from doing it,” she said. “I do not want you to do it no, no, no” she held on tightly to Trough’s hands. “You know Cyrest had a son?” she said.

“He did?” asked Trough in surprise, he never knew that.

“Ah huh, ah, huh” said Ducky nodding her head. “His name was Swayer, I met him in my sleep stories and he was very kind he was, he was” she said sadly.

“Where is he now then if he is Cyrest’s son?” asked Trough curiously.

Ducky closed her eyes sadly, a few more tears fell from her eyes. “He fell doing The Trial, he did….he did” she said before looking up at Trough and nuzzling him affectionately. “I cannot let anyone else take this Trial after me no, no, no.”

Trough seemed to understand now.

“That is why you chose to do it, to stop The Trial and save any other Swimmer from taking it” he said slowly to which Ducky nodded.

They looked at each other for a long time. Finally Trough said “You are the bravest, selfless most bestest Swimmer in the whole wide world” he said and hugged her affectionately “I know you can do it” he whispered in her ear.

Ducky smiled at him “Yep, yep, yep” she agreed.

The two sat back together and watched the sunset, huddling close to each other for warmth, comfort….and love.


Elsewhere In The Mysterious Beyond

The Longneck stirred a little, he felt the surface he was resting on move slowly up and down, slowly and wearily Littlefoot opened his eyes and found himself laying on his father’s back. His tree stars had been changed and the wound on his neck was no longer bleeding. It was slowly healing but it would never vanish, it was now a scar.

“Littlefoot!” came Shorty’s voice in delight.

Littlefoot looked to his left and saw his brother sitting next to him, keeping him from falling off their father’s back. Bron was also aroused by Shorty’s call and stopped walking and turned to face Littlefoot.

“Oh son” he said and nuzzled him carefully. Littleoot flinched as the sudden movement of his neck caused a little pain to spring up but thankfully not too much. Littlefoot also noticed that the herd was on the move again.

Littlefoot groaned as his belly growled at him at the lack of sustenance it had received. Bron and Shorty certainly noticed. “Boy! You sound like you could eat the tree stars off an entire tree” commented Shorty.

“Off several trees I would imagine” said Littlefoot.

“Well then let’s go get you some dinner” said Bron.

“No need” said a female voice.

Three Longnecks turned to see a tall brown female approaching with her small son on her back. In her mouth she held a whole load of tree stars for Littlefoot which she laid on Bron’s back beside him.

“Just something to thank you for saving my son” she said, smiling at Littlefoot and then at her hyper son who was now jumping around on his mother’s back in happiness. “You’re alright, you’re alright!” he trumped in joy.

Bron chuckled at the youngster’s performance. “I’m sure Littlefoot appreciates this.”

“Oh I do” said Littlefoot taking a large mouthful of the tree stars in his mouth. “Thank you” he said after he swallowed his tree stars.

“No, thank you Littefoot.” Replied the Longneck. “You saved my son even though it meant putting yourself in danger, you truly are your father’s son.” She nuzzled Littlefoot, causing him to laugh.

“And I am sure your mom would be proud of you” she said with a warm smile which Littlefoot returned.

“Right you guys let’s keep moving, we should be at The Big Water by the end of today or tomorrow” said Bron and resumed his march. Littlefoot pricked up at hearing that bit of news, it would not be long now, soon he would be at The Big Water, soon he would be reunited with Ducky.


Night In The Great Valley

As night fell in The Great Valley there was an awful cacophony of sound as the adults searched for their missing children. Topps was yelling for Cera, Ariel was scanning the skies for Petrie. Brace was searching frantically for Ali and Ruphus was searching the streams and lakes for any sign of Diver or Spike. Ruby and Chomper were also unaccounted for as Ruphus had gone to check on them at The Secret Caverns but found nothing.

Exhausted, out of breath and fearful, the respective parents met together on a nearby hill.

“Any sign of the children?” asked Grandpa Longneck in concern. However all he got were negative shakes of the head and a chores of “No’s”

“Where could they have gone?” said Ariel. “I’ve searched the entire Valley and have not seen any sign of them”

“Nor me,” said Brace “and I searched every forest and clearing”    

“I searched everybody of water and nothing” said Ruphus. “I also couldn’t find Chomper or Ruby when I searched The Secret Caverns” added Ruphus. Everyone looked very nervous, it was obvious that the children had probably gone on one of their adventures again.    

“I have a bad feeling about this” said Grandma Longneck.

“We must find them!” said Topps firmly.

“But we don’t know where they have gone” said Ariel bluntly.

“Perhaps you could do a search outside The Valley Ariel” suggested Grandpa Longneck.

“That’s a good idea” said Ruphus.

“Oh, I will” said Arial with a firm nod “But not in the dark, I’ll begin my search tomorrow” said Ariel.

“If you find them then we are going to go out and get them back” said Topps angrily turning away. “Those kids” he muttered under his breath as he left for home. Everyone started breaking off and heading for their respective nests however they all had a bad feeling in their guts about the whereabouts of their children, all they could do was hope that wherever they were, they were okay.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?

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Poor Ducky.  Mean people suck, period😏.


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Review of chapter 48:

Oh what a chaos! What would they do without the flyers? They would be lost! Luckily, the journey to the Land of Mists in order to get the Night Flower is not nearly as perilous on the air-route...

Very kind of the Swimmers to take the Flyers in. :)

Oh, Opal has a Swimmer friend, nice.

The destruction of the valley seems to be immense and the death toll high. Petrie did find Rapid but he now has the task to tell the swimmers of his condition. They obviously don't take the news too well but it could be worse.

Well, things are a lot more uplifting at the Big Water I see :D Aww Ducky and Troughare soooo sweet and Jane is taking her first steps, how cute :)

Trough's family is very relieved to see him alive and they certainly are approving of Ducky and him :yes

Oh very interesting scene. Cera seemed to be the runt of the litter. That scene was really emotional.

And the Flyers return! Now there's hope! Also for Ruby and Rapid? We'll see :)

Great chapter overall, will review the other two later today ^^spike
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Review of chapter 49:

Hmm, if I recall correctly what happened in the last few chapters, then Ali's thinking is not too far off reality...

Oh, looks like most residents are recovering. Chomper and Ruby have earned eternal gratitude from the swimmers for saving Rapid and Echo and Diver were promoted to lead the family in the Trials as a reward for taking responsibility .

Well, now THIS is going to be interesting  ^^spike The Gang going on adventures without their parent's permission.... why did that even surprise me in the first place?  :D And Diver following them? Let's see how that evolves... :)

Ducky is having a sleep story huh? I see a very emotional scene coming soon...

W-what the hell of a sleep story was THAT? Holy shit  :lol You've taken every little bit of effort to torture my little Ducky, this means WAR!  x(cera (Kidding of course ;))
This sleep story was... brutal. I don't have a problem with brutality in fiction (heck, I'm not any better  :angel ) but I think there should have been a little warning for those with a weak stomach, that this scene would be very graphic. This is no critique - I really liked the dream sequence, just a suggestion. :)

Dang, this totally messed up Ducky :( Poor her, she indeed is traumatised  :sducky

Oh big surprise again. No adventure without anything wanting to kill you :p

Interesting turn of events overall. The storm was a highlight so far but the level of excitement is hardly dropping at all, you keep it exciting  ^^spike
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Ch 49...


dude, I think you REALLY did overdo in that moment

such scenes makes people vomit after few sentences, but you kept describe such "beautiful picture" for half of chapter.

just think:

WAS it worth it?
did it make story better or gave interest to readers?..  

it isn't just pointless insulting of your story. Just reasonable feedback.

The Lone Dragon

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I totally get what you say about chapter 49 Guys. I do think I pushed it a to hard here. The thought of putting a violence warning up failed to cross my mind :oops  :angel Anyway the dream my not have been at all pleasant but it has major groundings for what happen later on in the story. The title Coming For You is basically Sharptooth's words to Ducky and is very important, not only for setting the scene for the next chapter but also for other later chapters.

I am sorry if I went to far here, I was really considering putting an M rating on the story after re reading the chapter. Thankfully I have no more intention to put such dreams up again. Sharptooth's attack was a way of showing his anger, you could say he is interacting with Ducky as Swayer did and it will have major implications during The Trials  ;) Not going to spoil anymore but just so as you know that that scene was very important even if it was rather bloody.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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I wouldn't change the dream now. It was a bit tough but like I said I'm okay with that.  :yes

Anyway, review of chapter 50 :)

Good action-loaded chase! Cera will be mad knowing she was the weakest part of the group :lol Also, I think Cera's comment matches my own thoughts pretty well about what Diver did there  ^^spike

I think I need to give you a new nickname... from now on, you're The Evil Dragon  :lol

That was some very harrassing bullying scene. Reading this makes me want to do something very painful to the bullies, yep, yep, yep! How dare they hurt my little Ducky like that?! *raises pitchfork angrily*
What a mess... everybody knows about Ducky's fate now. That not good, I can tell.

The scene started so peaceful and sweet, oh well  :lol

Always cool to see Cera show her soft side... neat little scene between Diver and her :)

So that's Ducky's motivation to take all the cruelty upon her??? Wow, that leaves me quite speechless in a positive way...

Oh, finally a word on Littlefoot's condition... looks like he's okay :)

And the gang is being missed by their parents... you naughty, naughty children you :p

Well, if anything, this chapter only made the story more exciting. Poor Ducky though ;(

Can't wait to read the next chapter and I hope I will not end up falling behind again  :bang
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Chapter 51: Thunder Pool

Ducky looked out over the ocean at sunrise from her seated position at the back of the cove, her gaze lingered on another Swimmer taking in deep breaths of the salty air as he sat on the bank, his feet immersed in the cool lapping waters of the ocean. Ducky approached the dark green Swimmer, looking rather apprehensive but her presence was already know to him. “I used to love coming here, Dad would take me here all the time when I was young. The herd would stay under the trees while we would spend a few days here, camping in the cave. I loved it, I never really knew how much I missed it.” He said looking out of the ocean, his voice contained an equal measure of joy and sadness. Joy from all the fun times he had once had here and sadness at how it had all been taken away from him.

Ducky sat down next to Swayer and put her hand on his shoulder. He turned to her as if only just noticing her, he gave her a look filled with envy. “The last time I was here my Dad told me we would go to The Great Valley for The Swimmer Trials. I was so excited, I didn’t know I would be chosen for The Trial on my arrival.”

“You did try hardest Swayer” said Ducky gently. She was rewarded with a sad look.

Swayer took a deep breath and looked down. “We are more similar then you realise Ducky" he said calmly.

“I know, we are both doing The Trial and-“

“That’s not what I meant.” Swayer’s words were not yelled but they contained enough volume to make Ducky stop and watch Swayer curiously.

“I never knew that the day I took The Trial was the day you fought Sharptooth for the last time.” He gave her a look that communicated not only his amazement but also his pity for what he knew Ducky had went through.  

Ducky however trembled when Swayer spoke of Sharptooth.

“We both faced a Sharptooth” said Swayer solemnly. “But you survived and I didn’t” he said with a lot of bitterness in his voice.

Ducky held onto Swayers hands tightly and said “I would not be here if it were not for my friends” she said as memories of that day poured through her mind and suddenly the scene changed.

They both stood on top of a relatively steep hill, a large cave opened up into the mountain side. A dark and ominous cavern containing any unseen phantoms in its depths. However the duo were not alone. A small light green Swimmer, younger than them both walked up to the mouth of the cave whimpering in fright.  

Ducky recognised the scene instantly, except she was not in the same place she had once been as she looked upon her younger self, trembling with fear as she wandered as quietly into the cavern. Ducky grabbed Swayer’s hand as they both walked into the cave. Swayer was watching the scene with great interest.
Then ahead they saw him. A tall, muscular Sharptooth with olive green skin that was so dark in the cave that it looked black, however the glow of that red eye seemed to light up like a beacon while the other eye, his blinded eye was held tightly shut. Sharptooth growled menacingly, in this cave he seemed to be in his element, in the dark he looked more like a monster, a leaf eater’s worst nightmare hidden in the depths of the dark cave.

However the young Swimmer was creeping up silently behind Sharptooth looking utterly terrified. Sharptooth growled and appeared to turn his head. Ducky watched as her younger self hid behind a small rock, she lay there trembling and whimpering in a tight ball, she had her eyes tightly closed.

Swayer could not help at be amazed at Ducky’s age, or at least the age of her very younger self as she prepared to confront Sharptooth, something no one had done before and lived to tell the tale. “Rather much like The Trial” thought Swayer as he watched the scene. Ducky was grasping his hand so tightly it hurt.

Sharptooth turned his back into the cave and younger Ducky raised her head to look over the rock and then did something that anyone in that situation would have thought was insanely foolish. Ducky let out a loud scream before ducking back behind the rock in the same position as before. Sharptooth gave a sharp growl and turned his head around sharply, Ducky had certainly caught his attention.

Ducky remained in that trembling form for a few more seconds before slowly peeking her head above the rock to find that there was no sign of Sharptooth anywhere, not even a growl or footstep, only the sound of a stream running somewhere deep within the cave could be heard, it was as if Sharptooth had disappeared into thin air.

“Where did he go?” said Swayer in surprise as he looked around for Sharptooth but his attention was brought back to young Ducky when she jumped over the rock as if preparing to go deeper into the cave but she jumped back as she finally lost her nerve and started to slowly back away.  

That was when it happened, there was no roar but there was a loud crash as Sharptooth’s foot came down right behind Ducky.

“What the!?” yelled Swayer, jumping in surprise and falling on his back. Where had Sharptooth come from?! Older Ducky helped Swayer back onto his feet where they watched the scene in startled shock

Younger Ducky had also jumped but Ducky herself stood petrified to the spot as she watched her memory. She watched as her younger self ran for her life past Sharptooth but she hadn’t even gotten out of the cave when Sharptooth dived for her. Ducky jumped forward, as far as she could and Sharptooth’s bite missed her by a couple of inches but he continued to slide towards her, snapping fiercely. Younger Ducky was sliding down the slope from the cave on all the rocks and gravel that Sharptooth’s attack had upheaved. “HELP!” screamed younger Ducky as she landed on Sharptooth’s nose and they both plummeted down into the watering hole with a giant splash.  

Swayer gasped in astonishment. “Okay, I can’t believe you actually did that” he said as the scene dissolved and they were back on the beach.

“We got rid of him that day, we did” said Ducky sounding immensely weary. “But he still visits my sleep stories, he does”

“You can stop him” said Swayer gently, Ducky looked up and waited for Swayer to continue “All you have to do is imagine a cave when he comes, inside the cave is your mind, you can have any image there you want.” Ducky nodded. “Then you say to Sharptooth that he is not welcome here and then you imagine the cave being sealed up by a huge rock that he can’t get through, he’ll never bother you like that again.”

“I can do that” said Ducky and closed her eyes. The scene changed, there was a large cave that they stood in but inside the cave was an image of The Great Valley, of Ducky’s nest, of her dear family, of her best friends.

“That’s good Ducky, you’re doing it” encouraged Swayer. All of a sudden a large rock fell in front of the cave sealing The Valley from the outside world. “You’ve done it!” cheered Swayer.

Ducky opened her eyes and the scene changed back to the cove, she smiled happily at Swayer.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” cried and grabbed Swayer in an embrace so tight that he couldn’t breathe. Swayer coughed and managed to struggle out of Ducky’s grasp.

“You should still be wary of him” he said gravely.

“Why?” asked Ducky nervously.

Swayer looked out over the ocean with a grim face “Because,” he said slowly “I have a bad feeling you have not seen the last of him” he said.

“What does that mean?” said Ducky, fearing what those words might mean.

“I mean,” said Swayer “that Sharptooth might try for vengeance on you and your friends, he died defeated by hatchlings, I don’t think he has given up on his last hunt” said Swayer.

Ducky looked a little scared by the prospect of facing the vengeful spirit of Sharptooth. Swayer saw how scared she was and held her hand tightly. “Don’t worry, you know how to block him out now” he said reassuringly.
Ducky noticeably calmed down.

“Um, Swayer?” she asked.

“Yes Ducky?”

“I was never told and I was hoping you would tell me” said Ducky.


“What exactly are you supposed to do in The Trial?” asked Ducky curiously.

Swayer looked a little concerned. “No one’s told you?”

Ducky shook her head. “No, no, no” she said.

“The Trial is simply to get through the underwater cave system and out again.” explained Swayer “You start outside the caves but there is a finishing line that you must cross to successfully complete The Trial and that line is on the other end of the caves that you must swim through.”

“But it sounds it so easy” said Ducky thoughtfully.

“Yeah I know” chuckled Swayer without any humour. He looked closely at Ducky and Ducky was surprised to see a tear fall down his eye.

“If I were alive I would have loved you to be my friend but you have one other friend and he is also a Swimmer but I just wish I could have had the chance-” he said sadly, stopping and looking down with closed eyes even though they didn’t stop his tears from falling.

Ducky nuzzled him in a friendly fashion. “You will always be my friend Swayer no matter what, no matter where you or I are, we will always be friends yep, yep, yep” Swayer hugged Ducky tightly.

“Thank you Ducky, you’re my best friend.” It was Swayers last words as the scene turned white.


Sura woke from her slumber inside the cave and gave a tired yawn and got drearily onto her feet and took in her surroundings. She could see her mother sleeping beside Cyrest who was coiled around the nest where Jane was fast asleep. “Well it is still early morning” thought Sura, she walked out to the entrance and stood there at the dawn of the new day, the golden sun warming and pouring strength into her limbs. She looked down onto the rocky beach and saw Bluey coiled around two small Swimmers sleeping side by side in perfect harmony. Sura smiled and walked down to her sister and sat down beside her and watched Ducky sleeping beside Trough.

With a finger she softly stroked Ducky’s back. “If only they could always be together” thought Sura, she knew that Trough had been told of The Trial and it had rendered him completely heartbroken but with Ducky’s support of him and Trough’s support of her they both seemed to be holding the looming despair at bay.

Bluey stirred and woke up with a yawn.

“Morning Bluey” said Sura.

Bluey greeted her in turn before she turned to smile at the two younglings sleeping beside her. “They are so beautiful” she said as she watched them sleep.

"Yes they are" said Sura with a loving smile at the two children and her sister before she looked at her sister with a more serious expression. “There’s going to be a meeting today” she said.

“Don’t worry Sura, Rarlap is supporting you and he is good of heart, I’m sure that we’ll be fine.” Said Bluey, trying to reassure her sister.

“What do you know of him?” asked Sura with genuine curiosity.

“He was not the son of the leader” said Bluey to Sura’s surprise. “The old leader was childless and he chose out of the young children who he could train to be as leader and Rarlap was an orphan with only one brother who was better at just about everything but was not at all nice, he thought he would be chosen but he broke into a fight with his brother when he was chosen instead and left” explained Bluey.

“Do you know how he became orphaned?” asked Sura.

Bluey shook her head “He never talked about, but the old leader was worthy of the title and he basically took him in and he became leader when he died of old age” said Bluey.

Sura sighed “I’m still worried if anyone in this herd knows of Sculra and has allegiance to her” said Sura.

“We would never let anyone harm Ducky” said Bluey boldly.

Sura gave Bluey a warm smile “I can always count on you to watch my back” she said.

“Always” chuckled Bluey.

A playful laugh erupted behind them and they both turned to see Jane hurrying down towards them with Cyrest and Grandma Swimmer struggling out of the cave after her. “Come back here Jane!” called Cyrest sounding very agitated, he still had a little black under his eyes at his niece’s unexpected wake up call, she was just so full of energy.  

“Oh no” chuckled Bluey “The little ones are about to have company” she said rather loudly but that failed to wake up the two children but they both woke up with surprised exclamations at having Jane jump on top of them.

“Ohhh” moaned Trough but Jane kept jumping up and down on his and Ducky’s back until she had prompted them to get up, rather slowly.

Ducky yawned and rubbed her eyes while Trough messaged his back. “You could have warned us about Jane” he said accusingly at Bluey though he still appeared drowsy.

Bluey laughed “and ruin all the entertainment?” said Bluey mockingly.

“Oh you horrid girl!” groaned Trough.

“If it is any consolation she did try to wake you before Jane got here but you were both still asleep” said Sura in her sister’s defence.

“I think I would have likeded a dunk in the spring again rather then that” said Ducky as she got to her feet with a sore back.

“Or The Big Water” added Trough.

“That can be arranged” said a sudden squeaky voice.


Ducky and Trough both yelled out in astonishment as they were both blasted with cold water. Everyone laughed while they ducked behind Bluey’s body in order to escape the unexpected jet of water. However a high jet of water still managed to drench them there.

The two emerged. Behind Bluey’s body to lots of laughter from all the Swimmers of both land and water.

“Mo!” cried Ducky in an indignant but almost playful tone.

“Morning Sleepy head!” he cried jumping up and going a back flip in the air.

“Oh you guys!” exclaimed Trough, annoyed.

“What?” said Cyrest innocently “We’re only having a little bit of fun, you two lovelings” he added with a playful grin.

“Would you stop calling us that?!” said Trough sounding very annoyed as he glared at Cyrest. “We are not lovelings oh no, no, no” said Ducky in agreement.

“Oh really?” asked Cyrest, scratching his chin in contemplation “then I must have been hallucinating when I saw two Swimmers kissing on the beach in the sunset, what a romantic set up” he said his smile growing wider as his comment had the intended effect of making both Ducky and Trough blush in embarrassment.

“What do you mean?” said Trough trying to sound innocent but it was already plain obvious to everyone of what had happened.

“Did you really think that after yesterday’s events we would not be keeping an eye on you?” asked Grandma Swimmer rhetorically.

“She does have a good point, she does, she does” thought Ducky.

“Hello everyone” came Noon’s voice.

“Ah” said Sura turning back towards The Big Water to face Noon and Mo. “I’m glad the storm didn’t hurt you” she said sounding relieved.

“We knew some sheltered places where we could wait it out” responded Noon “It’s nice to see you are okay too” she said and leaped out of the water and diving back down while spinning. Ducky meanwhile was in the process of introducing Trough to Mo.

Trough had never met a Big Water Swimmer and was hence a little cautious but that quickly changed when he and splashed him with his fins. That put a smile on his face as he splashed back only to have Ducky splash him. “Oh ganging up are we?” said Trough and dived under and came up underneath Ducky and catapulting her out of the water with a surprised cry as she landed back in the water, laughing merrily as Trough splashed her.

Cyrest was keeping an eye on Jane as she entered the fray but kept his ear on the conversation Sura was having with Noon as she introduced her mother and sister.

“Nice to meet you” said Grandma Swimmer.

“So what are you doing here today?” asked Bluey.

“Now we come to that” said Noon and got straight to the point “I have a proposal that will certainly help Ducky if she completes it.” said Noon, though Sura did not like the hesitation in her voice, likewise her eyes also appeared more fatigued, suggesting to Sura that she had really thought this over.

“What is this challenge?” asked Sura, she already knew it was another test but this one was different…..very different to the first test.

“I’ve been thinking of taking you and Ducky to swim at Thunder Pool.” said Noon.

The name had an ominous ring which made everyone feel weary and a little bit fearful. A long silence followed that statement that nobody seemed to notice.

“What is Thunder Pool?” asked Cyrest slowly, his attention completely focused on Noon instead of Jane. He didn’t notice however that Mo, Ducky and Trough were also listening to the conversation intently.

“It is a huge whirlpool that I think-“ Noon never got to finish her explanation when she was interrupted.

“No!” said Sura firmly. Everyone turned to her agitated form. “I will not sent my daughter into a whirlpool even if it is to prepare for The Trial it is way too dangerous, she never even managed to swim all the way down the local rapids here so how the hell do you expect her to beat a whirlpool!” said Sura her voice steadily rising until she was almost shouting.

“I agree” said Bluey as her mother also nodded, they both thought the risk to be too great.

Cyrest quickly intervened “Sura it-“

“No!” shouted Sura decisively over Cyrest. “I’m not going to risk my daughter like that, do you hear me! I will never-“

The next words seemed to throw the entire world into silence.

“I will do it”

Her voice cut through Sura’s rant like a knife as everyone gazed at Ducky. Noon in surprise, everyone else in numb shock, even Jane stopped playing and watched the scene as for a moment everything, the cool wind, the powerful waves and water, even the dinosaurs heart beats seemed to stop in utter astonishment at Ducky’s unexpected pronouncement.

Sura was totally petrified in horror at what Ducky had just said, so shocked was that atmosphere that it took about a minute for everything to resume its normal pace. Finally the silence was broken. “Ducky,” It was Sura, she was shaking her head “It’s too dangerous.” Was all she could say as the shock hadn’t quite warn off yet.

“I know I can do it yep, yep, yep” said Ducky trying to sound confident through inside she was frozen in fear at the very thought of battling a whirlpool. “And it will help me prepare for The Trial, yes it will”

Sura was utterly speechless, she had never expected Ducky to take up the challenge in a million years yet she just did. “Why?” she asked open mouthed "It’s just as dangerous as the Trial in my opinion and I can’t let anything happen to you dear” she said in a protective voice.

“I must do it, I must be ready for the Trial even if it means” Ducky gulped “going into a whirlpool.” She said, the fear was present in her voice for everyone to hear but despite that fear Ducky had still accepted it.

“Ducky” said Trough walking up to her looking very frightened “Please don’t do it” he said.

Ducky locked eyes with Trough. Her beautiful blue eyes contained the fear but also a grim determination and also a plea for understanding and in that moment Trough understood why Ducky chose to do it. He placed his hand on hers and declared. “You can do it and I will be there to see it” he said in an encouraging tone.

Everyone looked surprised at Trough but Noon quickly spoke “You can all come and support her” she said.

“I have to watch Jane” reminded Cyrest.

Noon nodded “Okay we’ll take you to Thunder Pool and tell you how to win a battle against a whirlpool.” Sura was about to protest but Ducky gave her little choice in the matter as she dived into the water and grabbed hold of Mo’s fin “Swim Mo, swim” she said.

Sura quickly followed and Trough grabbed a ride on Noon’s back while Bluey got into the water and they set off while Cyrest and Isira stayed behind. Cyrest had to grab Jane in order to stop her from swimming after them. She protested vigorously to Cyrest’s hold but he did not relent and brought her back onto dry land. While Isira watched the group of Swimmers leave.

“Good luck!” she called, though she was still very nervous about this little venture however there was nothing she could do now except wait until it was over and maybe see her beloved Granddaughter again.


The journey seemed slower than usual and less exciting, if anything the atmosphere was rather tense as the group of Swimmers headed for Thunder Pool. Ducky was holding on so tightly to Mo’s fin that he actually told her to loosen her grip, it did not help Ducky but she complied. Now that she was on her way to Thunder Pool she shivering on the inside yet on the outside she seemed like a pale statue, it was true that as they continued on and getting ever closer to the whirlpool Ducky became paler and paler until she almost looked like an albino Swimmer.

No one said anything for the rest of the journey. They travelled down the shore past the Swimmer herd and the cliffs and the enormous archway and continued swimming until they could all hear a light rushing in the distance, as if there was a waterfall nearby however the foreboding at what they were going to find was growing and Ducky was now starting to shiver.

As they swam on the sound grew louder and louder till it felt like it was bursting her ear drums. Everyone realised that they were on the boundary of Thunder Pool, the safest distance they could possibly be to the pool without getting caught in it. The shore was lined with cliffs and coves, it was to one of these coves that Noon headed for with everyone following close behind.

The water was relatively shallow here and had a small rocky beach and some natural stairs carved into the rock of the cliff led the way to its crown. “Take a look from up there” said Noon when she relieved herself of Trough who quickly made it over to Ducky’s side. Sura and Bluey both took the two youngsters in their arms and climbed up the steps.

They were panting by the time they all got to the top but what they then saw completely took their breath away.

A large fast flowing river was arriving at the sea, a few cluttered islands were abound in this area but they were positioned as such that three different currents one being from the river and two oceanic met right here and that meeting was marked by the massive whirlpool Thunder Pool.

Thunder Pool lived up to its name not only was it a whirlpool but the sound of these three currents coming together so violently was simply deafening. The whirlpool itself was simply huge, its circumference expanded to nearly fifteen longneck lengths and the current inside looked like it could grind meat better than any Sharptooth. It was a very intimidating sight, even more so for Ducky.

When Ducky first took sight of Thunder Pool her mouth dropped, it looked absolutely amazing but her stomach quickly dropped as she remembered that she was going to swim willingly into the mouth of that behemoth. Ducky looked even greener than usual, she was on the verge of fainting.

Her feeling was shared by her companions. Trough was looking at Ducky with wide eyes filled with fear as he silently but vainly protested what she was about to do.

Sura gestured to Bluey and they both made their way back down the stairs though they both appeared to sway on their feet for a moment as if they were sick or dizzy, such was the prospect of even thinking about trying to take on that whirlpool. Sura herself felt an old fear return of the whirlpool that she had nearly drowned in when she met Ruphus. Her breathing increased.

“Mama, I am scareded I am, I am” whimpered Ducky and held onto her mother’s chest for comfort. Sura could only keep a firm hold of her daughter as she was utterly devoid of the right words at the moment. Trough was also whimpering while Bluey comforted him. The icy shaft of fear had touched each one of their hearts, they all thought that no sane person would even think of doing what they were about to do.

It was in this manner that the Swimmers arrived back down in the cove where Noon and Mo were waiting for them. When Noon say the looks on her companions faces she said “I see you’ve seen Thunder Pool” she said it in a tone so grim that Ducky was astonished that she was usually so playful, fun and friendly. This only reaffirmed to her of how dangerous this place was.  

“I am not going to let Ducky do this!” said Sura with firm conviction, Bluey nodded in agreement but Trough was watching Ducky closely, he had a feeling he knew exactly what she as going to do.

“Sura if-“

We’re going!” ordered Sura.


Once again Ducky’s voice cut through Sura like a knife, she stood there staring in disbelief at Ducky. She shook her head firmly but Ducky jumped free of her mother’s arms and into the shallow water.

“Ducky come here” said Sura sounding both agitated and worried.

“I must do this to prepare for The Trial I must” said Ducky with brave conviction in her voice, if she was scared at the moment she did not show it.

“Ducky I am sorry but this is far too dangerous for training and I can’t risk losing you” said Sura gently, taking a step forward but Ducky backed away and to Sura’s immense alarm she suddenly ran to the edge of the deep water where the current of Thunder Pool swept past.

“Ducky what are you doing!?” said Sura in alarm, running forward toward her daughter.

“Mama Please Stop!” yelled Ducky holding her hand up. “Or I will dive in”

Everyone froze at unexpected Ducky’s announcement. This was so uncharacteristic for her that it was not funny, Sura was confused why was Ducky willing to do this? She did not know of Ducky’s dream with Swayer and how it really motivated her to try this extreme form of training. Ducky was more determined than ever to be prepared for The Trial for she knew if she was prepared then she would survive.

“Ducky please come back here dear, its dangerous there” said Sura very, very gently and crouched in the water to show Ducky that she would not go for her.

Ducky shook her head. “Mama I must do this, please, if you come with me can I do it?”

Sura was dumbstruck, here was Ducky asking like a child who wanted to stay up playing a little longer when it was already bedtime but what Ducky was proposing here was out of the question.

“No Ducky” she said quietly. “Neither of us can take on that thing!” she said pointing out to Thunder Pool to emphasise her point. It was at this point that Noon interjected.

“I have made it through that place before Sura, I can guide your daughter and I know the secret to working these currents, I swear on my life that I will not let your daughter come to harm while she is out there.”

Sura looked hesitant, her mind in ferocious conflict about this decision. She understood the overwhelming and compelling need to train Ducky so that she would be ready to face her Trial but she also knew the dangers of whirlpools all too well, she had almost drowned in one and so had her son, Spinner when he was younger “It’s a good thing he is not here” thought Sura or he would have gone straight in regardless of the danger.

Sura also understood the risks, the worst case scenario was that she and Ducky could lose their lives and what would that mean for her family? She couldn’t let that happen but Noon knew these waters and if she could get them through safely then Ducky would really benefit and it might make a difference in The Trial.

Sura had come here to train Ducky, she knew she couldn’t just stand in front of everyone when they put her in dangerous situations when she knew he daughter had been through plenty before. Cyrest’s comment about her babying Ducky came to the fore front of her mind.

Closing her eyes tightly Sura, after almost a minute of silence finally nodded her head. “Okay dear, we will do this together” she said quietly.

Ducky’s expression softened and she walked back to her mother and sat down on the rocky shore beside her while Noon swam in front of them. Sura put her hand around her daughter and waited for Noon to begin her lesson.

“Okay now that I know that is settled let us begin” she said and took a deep breath. “So you know how to feel where a current is coming from?” she asked. Ducky and Sura nodded.

“Well that is the key here, forget about battling the current its way too strong even for me. You both must take a deep breath before going under because it is not a shallow place.” The tension seemed to rise between the Swimmers.
“Now when you start just follow the current into the Pool you must stay on course or you will be knocked out of position, you must follow the current that goes down and stay within it or you will be in dire trouble” Noon was very serious about this. Even Mo had never heard her speak so grimly and seriously before.

“Keep in that current, it will take you to the bottom but be weary, other currents will try to pull you out, but you can resist them by staying in the down current and you’ll be able to tell if you need to stabilise because all the currents have different strengths to the one we will follow. Understand?”
Ducky and Sura nodded. A thought passed through Sura’s mind and she voiced her concern to Noon. “What is the sea floor like here?” she asked thinking about how the current will act at depth.

“It is rather rocky so you will be dodging rocks when you get down there and I should warn you that there is little light at the bottom, because of all the sand which is stirred up.” Ducky looked at her mother in alarm but her mother put a comforting hand on Ducky’s back, reassuring her that she would be there for her.

“Now the current gets stronger as you go down and that means you will go faster. When you get to the bottom you must move a little further outward into another current and it head upwards but it is not as strong as the one going in so you will have to use your strength here, it’s fast when down deep but it slows as you get toward the surface and that is where you will need to use your strength” explained Noon.

Sura nodded and asked “Is that current weak enough for Ducky?”

“I believe so,” said Noon “but you must be careful not to get swept back into the down current.”

“I will be careful I will, I will” said Ducky, though she was starting to sound scared again at the giant prospect facing her, one wrong move here could mean certain death and that really scared Ducky.

Noon gave her a warm smile “I’m sure you will, now when you reach the surface you will be close to this cove so you can head back here”

“Right” said Sura and Ducky at once.

“I suppose that is all you need to know” said Noon bluntly ending her lecture.

“Okay” said Sura and looked down at Ducky “Now I will be right behind you dear and Noon will be ahead, we won’t let anything happen to you” Ducky nodded and hugged her mother while taking in deep calming breaths.

“Ducky” She turned and saw Trough walk to her side where he hugged her tightly. “Good luck and please come back safely” he begged.            

“I will Trough,” said Ducky as she broke off. “I will.”

Bluey nuzzled her and said “You can do it Ducky” in the most encouraging voice she could muster, though she too was scared half to death.
Ducky walked into the water with her mother and Noon and prepared to take the plunge.


Noon led the way while Sura swam behind her daughter who was swimming between them. Ducky could not believe she was actually doing this! Her whole body was trembling with anticipation, her nerves fired adrenaline through her system, heightening her senses as she suddenly entered the periphery of the massive Thunder Pool.

Almost instantly she was pulled along by an almost alarmingly fast current. It was faster than anything she had ever been caught in prior to this but Ducky knew she would be no match for this current and was completely at its mercy.
Suddenly ahead she saw Noon diving into the water, Ducky took this as her cue to follow, taking a last deep breath of fresh salty air she closed her mouth and dived. After diving Ducky realised that if she was not in that position at that moment then she would have been swept down by her feet as it was the current here was simply phenomenal, it pulled her down so fast that she had trouble equalizing. The resounding splash behind told Ducky that her mother was following right behind her.

Thankfully after a short while she became used to the tug of the current, it pulled her in an ever tightening circle descending down deeper and deeper all the time. Noon swam on ahead of them and she followed one certain current that could actually be seen. It was like a large tube of bubbles that she was inside, it brought her down into darker waters. Ducky and Sura followed suit it was at least easy to see where the current was but like Noon said it was often disrupted at points by other currents sweeping in from the sides, those could also be seen too but thankfully they were not nearly as strong as the main down current and Ducky quickly got used to its features.

Down they went further and further into the dark, there speed increasing every cycle of the whirlpool. However Ducky was more surprised than anything else, the whirlpool didn’t seem as dangerous as she had been told. She couldn’t help but think of her brother Spinner “What he would give to do this” thought Ducky as she swam on course. Ever since he almost drowned in a whirlpool he had been rather vainly to create one by swimming as fast as he could, he would be so jealous of her if he knew what she was doing.

Sura was also surprised at the ease of their journey down but she knew that would soon change, she couldn’t help but feel afraid after almost drowning in another whirlpool, the thought kept her alert and she was keeping a sharp eye on both Ducky and Noon so should trouble arise she would be ready to react.
The ease of passage did not last as they all got down towards the sea bed, that’s when the rocks appeared. Huge tall rocks dotted the sea floor and the taller ones finding their way up into the current the three Swimmers were following. Now it became dangerous. Everyone took evasive action to avoid slamming into the rocks and being rendered unconscious which in the place they were in was a death sentence.

The rocks were easy to dodge it was just reacting in time that was the trouble because the visibility was so low here so rocks just appeared out of the blue, the current helped them to manoeuvre but the sheer speed in which they were traveling meant that they barely avoided the rocks by an inch.

Ducky’s heart was racing faster than ever before as she turned on her tail left then right then right again in order to avoid the rocks. She had tried to sniff them out but there was so much sand here that she couldn’t distinguish what was ahead of her. However she knew she could do it. Trough believed in her and so did Bluey……and so did Swayer.

They were swimming so close to the bottom now that they sometimes skimmed its bare rocky surface. Suddenly Noon was heading towards her!
Ducky swerved barely avoiding her. However her relief was short lived as she had to dart past her mother as the circle tightened. “I am going to crash!” thought Ducky in horror. Suddenly Noon broke off into another current on the outside periphery of the inside current. “This must be the up current that Noon spoke of.” thought Ducky. However Ducky’s momentary distraction took away her awareness from the surroundings so she did not notice the rock ahead of her until it was too late.

Ducky swerved but her tail hit the rock sending her spiralling off course. Her mother was quick to react, grabbing her tail in her beak and pulling her into the up current when suddenly Ducky was torn from her grasp by an unseen side current.

Sura tried to turn but the current held her in place, she was too deep to fight it, too deep to help her daughter. Sura realised with horror that she might be responsible for dooming Ducky. She headed upwards where the current was weaker she would be able to go back down there and save Ducky then.

Meanwhile Ducky was being flung all over the place with no frame of reference, all that she knew however was that she was in big trouble, if she failed to get to the surface then she would be doomed. Ducky kicked hard in any direction when she was flung into a nearby rock. The impact knocked must of the air out of her lungs in a gurgle of bubbles but it did manage to right her orientation so she could get into the up current but now the fight began.

She would have to fight to the surface with hardly any air left!

With her heart pumping wildly Ducky swam up toward the surface as fast as she could but the further she got the more tired she became as her body responded to the lack of oxygen by shutting down its less important systems. A light headedness fell over Ducky and her vision became increasingly blurry. However she was aware of all the bubbles around her……..



Sura gasped for breath as she surfaced on the rocks of the cove after Noon, half way up she nearly ran out of air and instead of going down she made to reach the surface. As soon as Sura righted herself she looked back into the water in horror.

“DUCKY!” she yelled.

Bluey and Trough ran to the water’s edge and gasped at what seemed to happen. Mo stared open eyed and mouthed and sank in numb shock.

“No” whimpered Trough in horror as tears started to fall. Bluey picked him up and held him tightly as she too started to cry.

“I going back in” panted Sura. She was out of breath and exhausted but she had to save Ducky she just had too!

She made for the deep water but Noon swam in front of her. “It’s too late Sura” she whispered.

Sura gasped and began to tremble.

“I’m so sorry” whispered Noon closing her eyes tightly, She knew that Ducky would have run out of air by now since they were down there for quite a while and the fact that Ducky had not surfaced yet only supported that.

Sura was frozen as she looked out over the waters and closed her eyes in pain, tears fell and her heart wretched. She had failed. Ducky was gone and she had let it happen. That realisation broke something in the poor Swimmer who keeled over and shouted out in pain.



Everyone turned to Thunder Pool and saw to there absolute joy and relief, Ducky swimming towards them in exhaustion, she struggled over to the shore and fell down on the rocks coughing violently and shivering.


Everyone shouted at once and ran to meet her. Ducky suddenly found herself scooped up in her mother’s arms where every inch of her body was vigorously nuzzled. “Never ever scare me like that again Ducky!” she yelled, tears falling down her eyes. “I thought I lost you” she sobbed as she held on to Ducky tightly.

“I made it mama” said Ducky in exhaustion but the triumph in her voice was not lost on Sura, who looked at Ducky in amazement. “How did you do it?” she asked.

“I breathed some of the bubbles going up I did…” Ducky broke into a fit of coughs as she vomited up a whole loud of water and shivered violently in her mother’s arms.

“Oh my brave little one, you’ll be okay now” said Sura patting Ducky’s back and letting her down into the water where she was bowled over by Trough who hugged her so tightly she couldn’t breathe.

“You’re the most stupid girl in the world!” he yelled out as he held on to her.

“I know” was all Ducky could say.

“But I still like you” he said breaking off from her hug.

“And I you yep, yep, yep” replied Ducky.


“Mo knew you make it!” trumpeted Mo as he breached, drenching both Ducky and Trough with water and knocking them over on top of each other as the resounding wave hit them. Trough was beneath Ducky as she tried to untangle herself from him but accidently falling onto his stomach and knocking the air out of Trough in more ways than one.

“Trough!” cried Ducky as a large set of bubble rose from his tail. Trough could only blush in response. “Has anyone told you how disgusting you are?” teased Ducky with a cheeky smile on her face.                

“No, but like your one to talk hatchling” he emphasised the last word so Ducky knew what he was getting at. Ducky couldn’t help but giggle as she pulled Trough out of the water. The two smiling at each and holding tightly onto each other’s arms.


“Ohh” said Ducky holding her stomach.

“Are you sure you won’t make tail bubbles now?” joked Trough.

Ducky ignored the joke and said “I am sooooo hungry I am, I am.”

“Try this” said Noon. Holding a large pile of green seaweed on her beak. Sura took the seaweed off Noon and lay it in a large pile on the ground. “I don’t know if we can eat this” she said.

“You won’t know unless you try” said Noon optimistically.

Sura took a strand of the seaweed in her mouth and chewed. She gasped the taste was salty but the flavour of this underwater green food from The Big Water was just marvellous. “Oh my!” she cried and took another handful. Noon laughed at Sura’s reaction as Bluey, Ducky and Trough joined her in the feast which the both found very enjoyable after such a close scrape with death.
Ducky was eating one stand of seaweed, but it was a rather long piece so she pulled more of it into her mouth and continued eating, she pulled out more and more of the long seaweed strand and suddenly found herself beak to beak with Trough who was feasting on the same strand.

For a second they were both surprised. Ducky giggled and blushed as Trough presented her with the rest of the strand which Ducky gladly ate. “Oh I wish Spike could be here, he would love this he would, he would” said Ducky.

“Then we’ll just have to bring some of this stuff back” said Sura to Ducky’s delight. “Now come along dear, we’d better get back to the cave, we have got a meeting at the herd today and we best not be late”

“Yep, yep, yep” agreed Ducky as she jumped and Mo’s back with Trough holding onto her from behind. “Let’s Get Out Of Here!!” he cried out in eagerness.

The Swimmer dived into the water and left Thunder Pool but on the way back Sura was so was so glad that Ducky was successful she felt sure she could do The Trial and succeed now but she secretly worried about the herd meeting to come.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?

Cancerian Tiger

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If one could experience a whirlpool without drowning, I would definitely try it.  I wonder if it looks like the inside of a tornado...only water instead ;).

Oh, Trough you dirty dog :lol  :lol!  Well, it's said that a big step toward a marriage/partnership is being comfortable farting in front of each other, so there :spit  :p.


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Review of Chapter 51:

Wow, the scene between Swayer and Ducky was pretty powerful! Good description there not to mention the relationship between them that is pretty close despite they've never even met technically (spiritually... yes). It's a very interesting side-plot to say the least that Ducky is still fighting Sharptooth in her mind. But now the has a weapon to keep him away, yep, yep, yep!

Ah there are certainly more comfortable ways to be woken up (like being kissed awake by your love) ^^spike
So Ducky has to face a whirlpool huh? Damn that girl has guts. Cera would be jealous! :p

That whirlpool is nuts. Wonder how Ducky will do in there. I'd be amazed if everything went according to plan...

Well, that's just what I expected and what I, as a writer, would've done as well. Putting Ducky into trouble but she still makes it just barely.

The scene between Ducky and Trough was so sugar-sweet and utterly funny and hilarious. I'm still smiling ^^spike

Great chapter overall :DD
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The Lone Dragon

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Chapter 52: An Unwelcome Guest


Sculra opened her eyes from her rest and in a flash was outside her cave in the afternoon sun and looking down at Sierra who had just landed on the ground. “What’s going on Sierra?” she demanded.

“Aren’t you going to offer some hospitality for a tired Flyer?” grunted Sierra. However Sculra just clenched her hands into fists.

“Cut the crap Flyer and tell me what is going on or all you’re going to get is a big headache when you wake up in the morning” threatened Sculra shaking her fists at him.

“Okay, okay” growled Sierra. “You’ll be pleased to know that everyone in the Valley knows that your stupid friend lives”

“She’s not my friend Sierra and never has been but go on” said Sculra.

“It appears that the Valley got news from an old Flyer friend of mine about her but enough about that. I also found the little brat near The Big Water” said Sierra coldly, he almost spat out the words ëlittle brat’.      

“And” said Sculra dully.

“I dislocated her leg, that should slow-“

“You should have broken it, you idiot!” scolded Sculra harshly.

“I would have done worse had not been for some other Swimmers that chose to attack me before I could do anymore, there is a Swimmer herd at The Big Water and it looks like the two that attacked me are relatives of the brat’s mother.”

Sculra’s eyes widened in surprise. “Count on Sura’s family to cause trouble for me” she thought. “Continue.” She said sounding a little more curious.

“I found out that the little brat has a lover. I was going to eat him before they stopped me.” Sculra had a pondering look on her face.

“Any other news?” she asked.

“The brat’s secret has been found out now everyone in the herd knows what she is doing and will hold a meeting, she should be in real trouble now. Oh and she has also been training with Swimmers from The Big Water”

“What!?” yelled Sculra in shock, her mind quickly processed this new information. If Ducky was learning from them then she would have more skills to bring to The Trial which means more chance of success. Sculra couldn’t allow that to happen but now with the herd onto her that would soon stop. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind. “Who’s the herd leader?” she asked.

“The herd leader?” asked Sierra in surprise.

“Yes the leader of the Swimmer herd, do you know who they are?” said Sculra impatiently.

“Yes, I overheard some Swimmers talking about their leader, a male called Rarlap” said Sierra.

Sculra’s eyes widened. “Sharptooth Crap!” she cursed furiously.

“What?” asked Sierra.

“That herd leader is no traditionalist he will support her, I need another plan, a plan to get her back here even if Cyrest comes. I’ll be able to finally move in and give them hell!” hissed Sculra angrily.  

“How do you propose we do that?”

Sculra held a hand under her chin and thought for a few moments then Sierra spoke again, interrupting her train of thought.

“Oh and the brat’s friends, those kids are missing, they disappeared a few days ago but I have seen then en route to The Big Water” he said.

Sculra smirked. “Well, well” she said thoughtfully “I think we can turn this around. Sierra fly back to The Big Water as fast as you can and tell Sura that I have her worthless so called son, the Spiketail and will kill him in a day’s time if she does not choose to return to The Valley.”

Sierra shook his head “Those kids are already close to The Big Water, the plan won’t work.”

“Ahh, but here is the next part of the plan.” Said Sculra with a wicked smile ”You then fly to intercept the kids and stop them or cripple them anyway you can and also tell Sura this so she knows it was me: Compassionate herd leaders are trouble and never abide by traditions and it is a herd leaders duty to uphold those traditions no matter what. Tell her those exact words and she’ll know it’s me”

Sierra nodded.

“Now get some food and water and be off with you!” said Sculra as she turned away with the same wicked smile on her face, Sura would not get off easily with her this time. A few minutes later Sierra had taken off as fast as his wings would carry him, at such a pace that he would arrive at The Big Water in the evening.



“Ohhhh, my tummy is making its angry noise” groaned Ducky when she and Trough arrived back at the cave on the Mo’s back. One could easily hear the angry grumbles and gurgles coming from Ducky and Trough’s belly’s. Sura and Bluey seemed to be okay but the two kids were really feeling it.

“My stomach is killing me” groaned Trough in agreement, he like Ducky was holding onto his belly as it grumbled. He could only assume that this was a result of the underwater green food from The Big Water that he and Ducky ate, yet it did not appear to affect the adults.

Noon confirmed Trough’s theory a moment later “It’s the green food you had, your bodies aren’t used to it” she said, sounding a little worried.

“Then why are me and Bluey okay?” asked Sura.

Noon shrugged with her fins “I don’t know, perhaps it’s because your both adults and it only affects children” speculated Noon.

“You don’t say” moaned Trough as he slid off Mo’s back and into the water, closely followed by Ducky.

“My tummy hurts it does, it does” said Ducky as she fell on her knees, the water was now up to her chest.

“I’m sure you’ll both be fine” said Noon.

“I hope so” said Sura.

“You’re Back!” Everyone turned to find Cyrest, Grandma Swimmer and Jane advancing down the slope to the water’s edge.

“And you’re alive” said Cyrest with a cheeky smile while the others just rolled their eyes.

“Yeah but it was a very close in thing.” said Sura sounding awfully tired.
“Way too close for comfort” added Bluey.

“That bad huh?” asked Cyrest.

“You have no idea,” said Sura “but at least Ducky succeeded and we all got out alive.”

A loud gurgling sound brought the adults attention back to Ducky and Trough, they sounded worse. Their bellies gurgling unpleasantly.

“Are you two okay?” asked Grandma Swimmer in a worried voice.

“We ate some underwater Big Water plants” said Sura, “And it seems it does this to children.” Sura gestured to Ducky and Trough.

Grandma Swimmer shook her head.

Ducky held onto her belly and groaned, suddenly she felt the pressure travel through her body and build up, with only a few moments left before the inevitable happened all she could say was “Oh no!”


It came out like an explosion from her rear end and a huge amount of large bubbles erupted to the surface around a very red faced Ducky. She was soooo embarrassed as everyone laughed but not coldly laughing, friendly laughing. However she felt immensely relieved as the pressure ebbed she gave a sigh of relief even though that caused everyone to laugh harder.

“Well, better out then in” chuckled Bluey.

Trough stopped laughing and said “That was the biggest tail bubbles I’ve ever seen” he laughed again, loudly.

Ducky blushed but then she took on a malicious smile as Trough’s belly grumbled. Trough groaned but to his surprise Ducky gave his belly a large push inward. “Oh no!” cried Trough, just like Ducky as he too let out a huge fart, the huge bubbles rose to the surface as he gave a sigh of relief but his cheeks lit up bright red.

“I do not know” said Ducky playfully “I think you made larger tail bubbles” she said, pointing to Trough.

“I did not!” cried Trough indignantly “I’m sure you made larger!” he said.

“Yeah right” laughed Ducky.

The two would have continued bickering if it weren’t for the laughter of everyone around them at their little antics.

“Well when you too are quite done, I think we had better get to the meeting, we don’t want to be late” said Sura with a wide smile on her face.

“Agreed” said her mother and sister.

“Okay mom” said Ducky and she and Trough proceeded to get out of the water and dry themselves.

“And by the way if your wondering Ducky made the larger tail bubbles” said Cyrest as they were about to head off. This caused Trough to laugh and Ducky to blush “Cyrest!” she cried indignantly as he laughed at her expense.

“Come on you two” called Grandma Swimmer who was already heading off along with her two daughters.

“Coming!” cried Ducky and Trough simultaneously, they both exchanged surprised looks with each other before running to catch up with the other adults, there was a meeting to attend and Ducky had quite forgotten how important it was going to be.


In a large secluded clearing the Swimmers had gathered or rather the adults who had to attend, including the elders and a few parents, the rest of the adults were looking after the kids. They were sitting in a circle. Rarlap stood by his mate, Alane as he watched the gathering take place.

He had already told her about the situation and what he planned.

“You are doing the right thing dear, I would do anything for our future children, I won’t condemn a mother for being a good mother and keeping her child from dying” said Alane. She was one of the most beautiful females in the herd but unlike them she was very hard, she was made of pretty stern stuff after having a life filled with fierce struggles between life and death and herd loyalties.

She and Rarlap had met when he as an adolescent first arrived in the herd along with his brother. Two orphans. Rarlap was not the dominant of the two and he and his brother were always on edge with each other. However when Rarlap first saw Alane. He liked her but so did his brother, like all other males in the herd, they were captivated by her looks. However Alane although she was kind and friendly she was notably very tough and always pushed any potential suiters away by being as distant as she could.

She was also one of the few females who could hold her own in a fight, a skill that served her well. More than once she had to fight off some very irate males who would not take ëno’ as an answer. Coming from a hard family that hardly looked after themselves, Alane was forced to care of herself at a young age as her parents seemed to regard her and her clutch mates as a bad accident.
However when Alane actually met Rarlap it was when a particularly aggressive male had attacked her in the dead of night…….


Many Years Ago in The Mysterious Beyond.

Alane walked back to her nest during the early night time hours. It was her hobby to go out and star gaze, it was an activity that didn’t involve any physical effort like so much of her life had demanded, it was just something she could do to cool down. Even though it meant moving away from the herd and into potential danger it never deterred her from taking a short journey to one of the few pleasures she found in life.

She was nearing the perimeter of the large herd that was sleeping beside the wide, fast flowing river. Her nest was only a short walk away on the periphery of the herd’s nests, it was part of the measures she took to see that no one got to her, even though she was only an adolescent she had left her parents who had abused her more than once before, it was this unspeakable act of betrayal that broke her innocence and robbed her trust of others.

Alane feared taking people in due to fear of having to go through the same treatment her parents had put her through. Even if she did find love she still distanced herself from it for fear of losing all that she might hold dear, even though she had many males interested in courting her she had refused them all, it made her existence a rather lonely one.

A sudden rustle in the bushes to her right caught her attention. Alane immediately jumped into a defensive stance, not daring to say a word less she alert any potential threats to her whereabouts. Her eyes darted other the scenery looking for any sign of danger but all she could see was trees, reeds and lots and lots of shrubs that littered the ground making a huge hiding spot for any lurking predators. Alane was about to dash off when the sound of a rock hitting a tree came from behind.

Alane darted around to face…..nothing. Alane sighed in relieve then suddenly.


Something big slammed into her back and knocked her to the ground and leapt upon her prone form. Alane reacted almost by instinct and rolled around into all fours and using her tail she swung it upwards towards her back and felt contact. A body slammed to the ground beside her. Alane positioned herself into a defensive stance and faced her aggressor, another Swimmer, a male.

She recognised him, he was a suiter that like so many others, she had rejected but it appeared that this Swimmer was not going to let her stop him from claiming her. “Now dear we can do this the easy way or-“ Alane rammed him in the gut before he could finish leaving the male winded as she took off for her nest at breakneck speed however the male was not so easily deterred. He sprinted after her, being an adult he was much faster and had no trouble catching up with her. Seeing Alane tiring he leapt at her and knocked her to the ground and pinned her under his body.

“Get Off Me!” Yelled Alane fiercely, slashing at him with her arms until he pinned them down and gave her an ugly smirk.

“Now you’ll be mine” he said and got into position above her.



The male fell to the ground as another male Swimmer entered the fight, he had belted him with his tail, causing him to fall to the ground.

“Get Away From Her!!” yelled Rarlap. Placing himself in front of the astonished if somewhat relieved Alane in a defensive stance.

“Get out of my way kid!” hissed the Swimmer when he righted himself.

“Never!” said Rarlap who was glaring at his adversary grimly. “You have no right to do this to her!” he bellowed aggressively, however the Swimmer charged but Rarlap was ready he knelt on his knees and as the larger Swimmer bore down upon him he grabbed hold of his belly and using the Swimmer’s own speed and weight against him he threw him other his body and headfirst into a tree which successfully knocked him out.

The two Swimmer were breathing heavily, white mist forming around their mouths as they both looked at the defeated Swimmer then their gaze shifted to look at each other.

However only a few words were exchanged between them before they went their separate ways.

“Thank you”

“Your welcome”


Back To The Present

Alane shook her head slightly as she returned her thoughts to the present but had she known at the time that she would soon fall for Rarlap she might have tried to leave the herd but very slowly they begun a relationship, it started off as mealy simple courtesies which extended into friendly conversations. It was then that they realised how similar they were and immediately started to take a liking to each other and over the years their bond had just grown stronger and stronger until finally they became mates. Now however they would soon become more as Alane felt the lump in her abdomen, she would be a mother soon and Rarlap would be a father.  

Alane was determined to give all her children the love she never had, and she was determined not to let traditions in any way cause harm to any child, having grown up in a traditionalist family and many of her abuse was a result of violating some unknown tradition to her at the time. She would not allow that to happen to anyone else while she lived.

It wasn’t long before Grandma Swimmer or Isira as she was known by members of the herd arrived tailed by Bluey and Sura with Ducky walking nervously next to her. Trough had been dropped off at home since young ones weren’t allowed at these types of important meetings.

Grandma Swimmer and Bluey too their respective positions on the outer circle while Sura with Ducky stood in the centre of the circle under the scrutiny of every adult present. Sura noticed a few sympathetic looks but she also noticed an equal number of firm looks but the rest, the majority of Swimmers scrutinized her and her daughter with unreadable expressions.

The meeting was started by Rarlap who came forward and said in a calmly “Good Afternoon my fellow friends, herd members, Swimmers” said Rarlap, his voice was loud enough for everyone to hear him without any trouble. “This meeting has been called to resolve a troubling matter. Yesterday I witnessed an intolerable act of bullying from the children of our herd.” Rarlap’s tone changed to a firm, appalled tone.

“I was not alone in witnessing this incident as both Bluey and Isira were with me along with Sura here” He gestured to each Swimmer respectively and continued unabated. “We saw this youngling, harassed by nearly every single child in our herd and she yelled at them all and left. It was her words however that carried the most weight when she revealed that she was taking The Trial of Destiny.”

The adults murmured amongst themselves until Rarlap finally continued with his speech. “I understand that she is not supposed to be out here……training for The Trial, in our wisdoms” There was a collective gasp from all the adults present. Laura was looking at Ducky and Sura in shock, of course she had found out about The Trial but now she was told the full reason of why Ducky and Sura were out here.

There were some angry murmurs among a small group of dark brown Swimmers, but mostly it was just shocked murmuring from the assembled adults, a child trying to master such wisdoms? It was such a long shot in their minds that no one believed it was worth it. “We are here to discuss these developments as a group and to pass respective judgement on Sura and Ducky, first however I want to know each of your opinions on the matter, and we will hear from Sura and allow her to tell us the full story of why they are out here” said Rarlap calmly, he did not condemn Sura and Ducky with his words but it felt like they were being put on trial by a whole herd.

“There should be no need for slow judgement here, the issue is simple.” Called one of the browns in the group that had been muttering angrily. “Those two Swimmers have violated our traditions and such a breach can only mean a harsh sentence of pain or death.” He said, the browns nodded their heads in agreement.    

Sura felt her stomach drop a little and Ducky almost felt like she had gone greener at his words, this was obviously a very high stakes meeting they were in, the decision of which could decide their fate’s.

“But no one has survived the Trial, why not let that be her punishment” called out a green. However another green interjected. “To the dung heap with traditions, this is wrong!”

A few seconds later the meeting fell into a very passionate argument about what should be done with Sura and Ducky. The numbers of for and against were equal.


The clamour died down when Rarlap bellowed and everyone turned to look at their leader. “All those who support stand on the right side and all those against stand on the left side.” The Swimmers split into two even groups of fifteen each. “Now,” said Rarlap “We will now hear what Sura has to say.” He said and politely sat down and allowed Sura the floor.

Sura cleared her throat and spoke “My fellow Swimmers, I am not your enemy nor is my daughter. I have travelled many days from The Great Valley and survived Sharpteeth to come here and give my daughter the training she needs to survive The Trial.”

A green Swimmer raised his hand. “Yes?” asked Sura politely.

“I don’t recall anyone ever finding out who takes The Trial until the last few days before The Trial, so how do you know that your daughter is taking it” the Swimmer asked curiously.

“I am one of two herd leaders and I live in The Great Valley” there was some interested mutterings when she mentioned that, it was unheard of for a Swimmer herd to have two leaders.

“The other herd leader is also the High Elder of the herd and her name is Sculra and as soon as she chose who was going to take The Trial she told me” explained Sura.

“Why would she do that?” asked Alane in surprise.

Sura closed her eyes sadly and turned to Alane “Because we don’t get on and she hates me, for taking the mate she wanted, for defying her, for taking in an orphan Spiketail as my own son” said Sura.

The faces around looked at her in surprise at hearing that Sura had adopted a Spiketail. “Preposterous” muttered one of the browns under his breath.

“She chose Ducky for one reason,” said Sura slowly and gravely “She chose her to die”

There was a surprising silence which lasted until Laura asked “Why?”  

“For the same reason that she told me before I should have known, she did it all to make me suffer, this is her way of torturing me” she said and looked down at the ground in pain “By killing off my eldest child in front of me, in a situation where I can’t do anything to stop her, she has already attacked my daughter at my own nest, she wasn’t safe in the Valley with her around”

There were looks of sympathy and shock from most people in the circle. “I have done the only thing I could do, teach Ducky how to survive, I am doing what any mother would do for her kids.” Sura looked around at the assembled adults “How many of you are parents?” she asked “Those who are know that children are precious and if one of them was in danger you would do anything to save them because that is what being a good parent means, you do it because you love them. I may have many children and I may have never lost one child but I will not lose any one of them, I would die before I let a single one of my children come to harm” She said passionately. Sura’s appeal to the parents seemed to have swayed a few minds as there were several Swimmers who walked from the left side over to Rarlap’s right.

It was at this moment that Rarlap chose to push the advantage. “I may not be a parent but I will be soon” he said looking proudly at Alane, there was a collection of gasps since most of the herd were oblivious to Alane’s pregnancy. “And if I ever want someone I could look up to for being a good parent it is Sura,” Sura looked flattered, she blushed lightly. “She is doing all she can for her children and protecting every single one of them a love and dedication that I hope Alane and I will be able to show too” he said, Alane nodded with him.

“Who cares whether she is a good parent or not, they have still violated our tradition and should be punished.” Called the same brown. Only his group of six stood in opposition.  

“Haven’t I already been punished enough?” asked Sura and walked over to the browns and lifted her neck to show the huge scar she had there “Look at this” she said calmly, everyone looked at the supposably mortal wound with shock. “I was attacked by Fast Biters on my way here, I saved my daughter but they nearly killed me. I came here to find one who has survived The Trial to train Ducky and I have done that but I nearly paid the ultimate price for it. A few days ago a Flyer attacked my daughter and dislocated her leg and attacked Trough, he was sent by Sculra to stop us” said Sura.

The browns looked a lot more sympathetic.

Sura walked back into the middle of the circle and said “We have kept to our traditions and they have served us well but there are some that are cruel and we still uphold those.” She said suddenly Alane rose looking sad.

“Sura is right,” she said and looked round the circle at the surprised faces, they had not expected her to speak up. “I distanced myself from everyone because of fear that I would be treated like a piece of dirt, like how my parents treated me and they did that because I violated traditions by accident when I was a child, traditions I was oblivious too!” Alane’s voice rose in anger “But they didn’t care, no they still beat me for it and when I was young I witnessed males trying to literally mark their chosen females as is tradition.” Alane shook her head firmly “There are some traditions that we don’t need and The Trial of Destiny is one of them, I do not think it is worth the blood of so many of our children and if I were in a position to stop it then I would stop it without hesitation.” She declared firmly “It is wrong!”

The last opposing browns got up and started heading over to the right side of the circle.


He watched the Swimmers from his hiding spot in the bushes, behind the trees, he watched silently, observing the going on’s of the Swimmers, his eyes widened in shock then narrowed in fury when he saw them. The two Swimmers that he and his brother had hunted, the ones that he was hunting in honour of his dead brother. With a menacing growl he prepared to charge but then saw the Swimmers break into a circle with the two Swimmers he was hunting in the centre.

“Dammit” he thought. If those two were in the centre with every side protected by other Swimmers then any attempt to attack would be futile. He instead laid down on his belly and watched the proceedings, he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on here but he didn’t understand what was being said so he just watched, waited and assessed.

The youngling he remembered appeared to be relatively fitter then she had before, significantly more fit then when he had last saw her. “Which means she might be harder to catch” thought the Fast Biter.

He turned his attention to the youngling’s mother.

She had recovered and was back in full health however the damage of their last encounter was obvious for all to see with the scars on her back, belly, shoulder and the most obvious and the most shocking of all: the slash across her neck, the one that he had inflicted.

However when he saw the Swimmer show off that scar to the shocked audience, he couldn’t help but growl furiously, so she was bragging how she survived having her neck cut open by him?! He trembled with fury as he tried to keep a calm composure as he watched the meeting. However seeing this Swimmer bragging of surviving him and killing his brother was enraging for the Fast Biter.

Of course he never saw his brother die but he found him laying on the ground with a huge wound in the chest that had been made by a rock but he mistook it for a wound made by the crest of a Swimmer, forgetting that Swimmers don’t use their crests for defence but his grief muddled mind wanted a scapegoat and that scapegoat was Sura and Ducky.

He waited until he saw the Swimmers move over to the other side, now he had a direct line of attack over to the two Swimmers. He narrowed his eyes and sprung up and charged at the two Swimmers and leapt out of the underbrush with a bloodthirsty roar of fury and begun his attack.  


Sura heard the roar and instantly turned on her heels just on time to see a Fast Biter leap out of the woods and run at break neck speed straight towards her and Ducky. She immediately grabbed Ducky and leapt to the side at the last moment before the Fast Biter crashed to the ground exactly where she had been a moment ago, Sura rolled and jumped to her feet in a defensive stance. The whole meeting degenerated, some Swimmers turned and fled while others held their ground in a defensive stance but Bluey, Grandma Swimmer, Rarlap, Alane and two other Swimmers ran to Sura’s aid.

They stood in a menacing defensive line in front of the furious fast biter who had just shaken the dirt from his teeth and turned to stare directly at Sura and Sura looked at him with horrible realisation. “Oh no” she whispered as she realised who this fast Biter was, Ducky to gasped as she recognised the Fast Biter “Oh no, no, no” she said fearfully as the horrible memories of their last encounter jumped to the forefront of her mind.

At this point most lone Fast Biters would retreat at having a quarter herd of full grown adult Swimmers standing in front of them, which made the actions of this Fast Biter most disturbing as he stayed and paced around the Swimmers who followed his every move with apprehension. Why wasn’t this Fast Biter retreating or attacking? Suddenly Rarlap realised that he had already singled out a target and seemed impossibly determined to be successful in this hunt, but who was the target?

It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. The Fast Biter had his eyes fixed on only one pair: Ducky and Sura. They were his targets and he was obviously not going to let them go without a fight.

“Sura get behind us now!” bellowed Rarlap to which Sura quickly pull back behind the defensive line of Swimmers, however the Fast Biter saw this and with an angry hiss he charged forward. Rarlap aimed a blow at him with his tail which the Fast Biter ducked under and continued to move forward. Bluey charged at him but the Fast Biter just grabbed her belly as she neared him and using her own body weight against her, he threw her over his head and into the two green Swimmers, knocking them over like oversized skittles.

Grandma Swimmer and Laura jumped in front of Sura. “Run dear!” yelled

Grandma Swimmer to her daughter but Sura wouldn’t move. “I’m not leaving you!” she replied and put Ducky down behind her and joined the defensive line.

“Sura get out of here! He wants you!” Yelled Rarlap. The Fast Biter grinned when he saw Sura join the defensive line but all of a sudden Alane charged him from behind and sent him flying straight into Grandma Swimmer’s tail which she used like a giant mace to swipe the Fast Biter to the ground.

“Leave Us Alone Fast Biter!” she shouted.

The Fast Biter got back onto his feet, snarling viciously. Suddenly he charged and leapt up into the air, straight at Sura who jumped out of the way but that left her back open to attack. Her mother tried to tail lash the Fast Biter but he jumped over it and to their surprise he sprinted past Sura.

It looked like he was retreating until they all heard a familiar scream. The adults gasped as Ducky turned and ran from The Fast Biter.

“NOOOO!” yelled Sura and ran after the Fast Biter. Ducky was nearly at the tree line and possible safety however the Fast Biter jumped into the air and landed on his side and slid straight at Ducky preventing any hope of her manoeuvring the predator. The Fast Biter rose up onto his feet but this time he held a fearful, struggling Ducky in his right claw, he held his free claw threateningly over Ducky’s belly. Though this message was no verbal the meaning was perfectly clear “Don’t come any closer or she gets disembowelled.”

Sura had frozen stiff, a look of dawning horror on her face as she realised that these were probably her dear daughter’s last moments. “NO!” she cried out, tear pouring from her eyes. The other Swimmers stood petrified as they watched the scene helpless to save Ducky. It was all down to the Fast Biter now…..


The Fast Biter looked coldly into Sura’s horrified eyes, now she would know how he felt, then he looked into Ducky’s eyes and saw to no surprise the fear and the sadness as she shivered in his grasp as tears started to fall from her blue eyes, which seemed to be begging him to let her go. As the first tear fell onto his hand he felt something different to the anger he had gotten so used to grow inside him. Sorrow. He had always hunted out of necessity to survive, he found no joy in killing other dinosaurs that he has never even met, who have their own thoughts, feelings and lives. None of them deserved to die at his claws but it is the way of the world and he had never felt remorse at the death of a leaf eater till now, because this time he was not killing out of necessity but out of a desire to avenge.

His eyes, softened, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was how Red Claw first started but he had made a promise and he was nothing if not an honourable Biter. Although he would not like what he was about to do, separate a mother from her child forever but he resolved he would hate himself later for it.

“I am sorry little one, but I will make it quick” he said quietly to the little one even though she could not understand him. He placed a claw across the youngling’s neck and prepared to slash it open in one swift movement that would end her life before she could feel any pain. The Swimmer seemed to realise that this was her end and looked at her mother one last time before closing her eyes tightly and waiting for the end.





The five friends walked along the river slowly and wearily, they were nearing The Big Water but they were becoming almost too tired to continue. Cera was limping and had to be helped along by both Ali and Ruby who were both exhausted at having to carry the unwieldy weight of the Threehorn for so long. The three girls were panting and Ruby seemed to be on the verge of collapse, carrying Cera all day had taken its toll on her, she was not as strong as Ali and could hardly handle the weight on her now exhausted arms. Thankfully Spike seeing how exhausted Ruby was walked beside and nudged her away and took her place.

“Thank you Spike, Spike thank you” said Ruby wearily.

“How long do you think we have left Ali?” asked Chomper.

“I think we’ll get there within the next day or two” said Ali sounding just as exhausted as Cera.

“Well at this rate we won’t get there till the next Cold Time” sighed Diver frustratingly.

Cera just groaned. Even though she hated being the weakest of the group she admitted that she needed the help, her leg had split open during the chase with Red Claw and was now turning yellow, clearly indicating infection. Ruby had tried to patch it up but the constant movement meant that the herbs she applied would not take much of an affect against the infection. It caused Cera much pain and she was struggling to continue, the only thing that kept her doing was the hope of seeing Littlefoot and Ducky again, she missed them both and Ducky especially.

“Maybe we should rest?” suggested Petrie.

Diver looked up angrily. I won’t rest until I find my sister” she said firmly but the rest of The Gang disagreed with her.

“Well you can continue while we all rest up” said Cera sounding annoyed at Diver’s nagging.

“Spike?” said Diver in the hopes of receiving some support from him, after all Ducky was Spike’s sister but Spike shook his head, even though he wanted to see Ducky desperately and their pace was frustratingly slow he knew they all needed rest if they ever wanted to find Ducky.

Diver sighed in defeat “Okay, we’ll rest up till night and move on” she said as the five started to settle down against each other and fall into a deep sleep. Diver however was the only one who remained up. She silently walked into the water and dived under and lay on the muddy bottom and just tried to calm her thoughts.

Diving like this was a favourite past time for her, Ray and Ducky. To just dive and lay on the bottom of a stream and try to get ones thoughts in order was very satisfying, even more so when there was company but that was something she didn’t have this time. Although the cool water brought some calm to the Diver’s distressed mind.

She was still trying to work out why Ducky of all people was doing The Trial. Unlike her sister she didn’t have the luxury of knowing about Sculra’s motives she only knew what she originally first heard from Littlefoot and the rest of The Gang. She just didn’t understand why it had to happen. Why Ducky of all her people? Why her sister?

Diver found herself wishing once again that The Trial never existed and life was like it had been before The Trials when they still had their full innocence.

Suddenly a shape swooped across her for a second and then was gone, it was a rather large shape and Diver could not see or hear it from where she lay. In curiosity and a little bit of caution she swam slowly to the surface and got onto the bank and saw to her horror Sierra bending over Cera with malicious intent.

“GUYS!” She yelled. “HEY YOU HORRID FLYER TRY ME FOR A HUNT!!!” Diver yelled at the top of her lungs.

This certainly did the job of distracting Sierra and alerting The Gang who all jumped up in surprise.

“Sierra!” yelled Cera and without any warning she charged the Flyer and rammed him in the gut. Sierra fell back, winded. “That’s for being the vile fiend you are!” Yelled Cera. Diver ran to Spike and jumped on his back and yelled to her friends. “RUN!”

The Gang didn’t need telling twice and took off at a harsh pace, Ruby and Ali and Chomper were all helping Cera run, who may have been quite irate but she didn’t verbally complain as she and her friends ran for cover.

Sierra however was flying above at a rapid pace as he tried to catch up with The Gang, he wasn’t supposed to be here at the moment. He had yet to deliver his message to Sura mainly because he thought that Sculra’s plan while good was way too risky and filled with too many flaws, so he chose to take out the kids before they reached The Big Water, screw his orders.

The Gang ran beneath a large canopy of tightly knitted trees. Sierra cursed but he knew they would have to come out sooner or later, with that in mind he thought he might have some fun with them. “Oh so you want to play hide and seek do you? Well you can come out now I found you!” he cackled and shook the canopy with his talons in an attempt to scare the children out but that didn’t work. So he just hovered above and waited patiently.

Beneath the protective shelter of the trees The Gang lay breathing heavily with fear and exertion. How were they going to get out of this one? Suddenly Ruby pricked up. She picked up a whole load of sticks and stones in her arms and mentioned Diver and Chomper to do the same. “Ali, Spike you help Cera while we cover you, we will cover you while you help Cera” said Ruby.

“Okay Ruby” said Chomper and grabbed as many sticks and stones as he could while Diver likewise did the same thing. Spike and Ali took up position next to Cera.

“Good Luck Guys” said Petrie.

“Good Luck to you too” said Chomper.

“We’re going to need it” whispered Diver under her breath.

“NOW!” yelled Ruby and as one they all ran out of there hiding space and ran along the river bank. A glance upwards revealed that Sierra was already after them.

“Here Chew On THIS!” yelled Chomper and turned as did his other Theropod companions and all at once they threw a barrage of sticks and stones at the Flyer. Sierra gawked in surprise and took evasive action but he was too slow and the projectiles hit their target. Bruises appeared all over his body and wings and he even sustained a small cut on his cheek.

Now raving mad he yelled out to them as they ran off “You won’t get away from me that easily you little brats!” he dived at them but a well-aimed shot from Ruby hit Sierra right between the eyes causing him to yell furiously and continue his pursuit.

Ruby, Chomper and Diver ran as fast as they could, while throwing a projectile every now and again back in Sierra’s direction.

“Guy’s over here!” called Cera, she was sticking her head out of a concealed cave and beckoning them to her before she hid again. The cave was across a branch from the river that ran into a large shallow pond with crystal clear water in it and a sandy bottom. The three friends made for the cave while Sierra flew behind them, gaining ground despite the objects that were being thrown at him.

“I’m out of ammo” cried Chomper.

“So am I” replied Ruby.

“I have one more stone” said Diver as she crossed the river with her friends but suddenly she got stuck and started to sink. “Help!” she called as she slowly sank in some Sinking Sand. Petrie was quick to respond, he darted out of the cave and swooped in front of Sierra’s face and flew circles around him in an attempt to distract him but it only partially worked.  

“Diver!” yelled the two friends simultaneously and ran back to Diver and tugged her out of the Sinking Sand. Diver looked at the sand that she had walked through. It was the same as the sand in the waterhole. Diver’s eyes lit up as she had a plan and without a word she ran off towards the pond. She had one stone and she would use it wisely. Ruby and Chomper ran after her with surprised yells but Sierra suddenly swooped down upon them. Ruby and Chomper threw themselves flat onto the ground in order to dodge the attack.


Diver’s last stone found its mark. The Flyers head. “Come And Get Me!” she yelled. Sierra was however already swooping towards her with his mouth and talons wide open for the kill.

Diver ran to a rock over the pond and waited until Sierra was just a few feet from her before she jumped. Sierra’s talons struck the rock and he lost control, with a yell Sierra tumbled head first into the pond only to get caught in the Sinking Sands. Sierra realised he was in trouble and struggled vigorously even though his fate was already sealed.

Diver yelled, calling out for help as she held on for dear life to the rock she had jumped off, it was the only thing stopping her from sinking beneath the waters, when she landed in the water she immediately grabbed the rock she had been standing on and held on with all her might.

“HELP!” she called.

“Diver!” It was Chomper, he appeared on the rock along with Ruby and they both grabbed hold of a hand each and pulled Diver out of the Sinking Sands. Diver got back on her feet as she watched the last of Sierra’s body disappear beneath the water, never to trouble anyone ever again.

“Come on,” said Ruby “Let’s go find the others so that they can be found and we can be on our way” said Ruby. Her companions nodded and ran back over to the cave.

“Guy’s, you can come out Sierra has sunk in the sinking sands!” announced Diver when they got there.

Cera was the first out. “Well I always knew he’d come to a sticky end” she said “Now let’s go before anymore Flyers creep up on us” she said and with the help of Spike and Ali moved on and resumed their journey to The Big Water with Chomper, Ruby and Diver following behind and Petrie flying above, keeping an eye out for any more unwelcome guests.


The Swimmer’s gasped, blood splattered the grass and the fast biter shrieked.
Trough was holding onto the Fast Biter’s tail by his teeth and had thrust a sharp rock into the flesh of his tail, causing the Fast Biter to shriek in pain and surprise, he turned to see Trough and shook his tail violently in an attempt to dislodge him but Trough held on. He had secretly followed the grown-ups and watched the meeting but when he saw The Fast Biter grab Ducky and hold his claw to her throat he saw red. Grabbing the nearest rock he could find, he then charged out of the bush behind the Fast Biter and jumped up and bit down on his tail and thrust the sharpened stone into the tail with all the strength his arms could give it.

The sudden shriek caused Ducky to open her eyes in surprise but she gasped when she saw Trough holding onto the tail. “Do not let go Trough no, no, no!” she yelled encouragingly.

Sura saw her opportunity and sprinted forwards and snatched Ducky out of The Fast Biter’s claw and kicked him in the gut. The Fast Biter fell backwards two metres and landed with a thud on his back, completely winded. Trough let go of The Fast Biter’s tail and found himself scooped up in his mother’s arms as she came to his rescue. Sura and Laura retreated behind the defensive lines which had swollen in size as some of the bystanders joined in. At least twenty four Swimmers barred the way.

The Fast Biter righted himself and looked back at the Swimmers, looking furious. “This isn’t over” he hissed in Sharptooth and dashed away, knowing that he’d have no chance in a fight against a defence that strong.

“Oh Ducky” said Sura in relief as she nuzzled her affectionately while Laura nuzzled Trough “Oh my brave boy” she said.

Ducky looked over at Trough “You saved my life you did, you did” she said in thanks.

“You saved me once, I just returned the favour” replied Trough with a smile as he jumped over onto Sura’s hand and embraced Ducky. “I would never let anyone hurt you” he said.

“No, no, no” said Ducky in contempt.

Rarlap watched the display with and smile and walked over to Sura. “That was close”

“That fast biter was the one who did this” said Sura holding onto her throat were the scar was.

“I think he has a grudge against you” said Rarlap sounding worried “and I don’t think you’ve seen the last of him” he added.

“We’d better get back to Cyrest” said Sura then she turned to Rarlap and Alane “Thank you” she said to which the two nodded.

“You have nothing to worry about Sura, the herd is on your side otherwise they wouldn’t have helped you” he said with a smile. Sura felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, finally she didn’t have to worry about anyone trying to harm her or Ducky from this herd.

“Thank you dear, you’ll both make good parents when the time comes” she said in praise.

The couple beamed. “Good luck Sura” said Alane.

“And Good luck Ducky” said Rarlap as Grandma Swimmer left with her daughter and Laura. “I’m staying with Rarlap and Alane tonight” said Bluey. Her mother gave her a playful smile and Sura gave her a look of cheeky suspicion. Bluey had told her that she sometimes spent time with Rarlap and Alane, they were some of the few friends she had in the herd. Though Sura couldn’t help but wonder what they got up to when they were alone.

But as they left Trough still had one last thing to say. “Can I sleep over with Ducky tonight?” He asked his mother.

“Of course you can dear” she replied as they headed off away from the meeting clearing.


There was a gorgeous sunset on the horizon of The Big Water when in two separate, places two separate parties had arrived. “I’m coming Ducky” said Littlefoot quietly as he and his father’s herd arrived at The Big Water however unknown to him, The Gang had also arrived at The Big Water. “I’m coming Littlefoot” thought Ali when she arrived. Now the friend’s would soon be reunited, that she was sure.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Review of Chapter 52:

Uh oh... Sculra is such a bitch! I hope that plan won't work out somehow!  <_<

Ahem, that really reminds me of Littlefoot and Ali in my fanfic. Very funny scene  :lol

Geez, that meeting is quite important but it looks like Sura and Rarlap managed to change the minds of most herd members :yes

uh oh yet again... was wondering when that guy would show up eventually... dude that was a good fighting scene there. I almost thought Ducky was destined to become roasted chicken but Trough saved the day, apparently  :wow

Oh, now that's an interesting developement... the Gang managed to drown Sierra. Good job guys  :lol

Well, looks like a great meeting is about to take place huh? Good chapter!  ^^spike
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Cancerian Tiger

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Sierra bit the dust!  I hope Sculra's fate makes Game of Thrones look like child's play😈.

And that fastbiter...charbroiled fastbiter burgers, anyone😋? Lol.

Lastly, if there's anything I learned today, well make that two things:

1. You're never too old for fart humor.

2.  I should not drink coffee while reading a scene like that.  I'm lucky my smartphone is not fried😆!

The Lone Dragon

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Chapter 53: Together Again

Evening in The Great Valley

The adults of the missing children were gathered in The Stone Circle waiting anxiously for Ariel’s report. She had flown for most of the day outside The Great Valley in search of the children, experience told the adults that they had probably gone on one of their little adventures, the fact that they hadn’t been seen for the past several days only reinforced the adults conviction that the children were somewhere outside The Great Valley.

“I have searched all around the outside of The Valley and I haven’t seen any sign of the kids” Ariel said to the worried adults.

Mr Threehorn gave an angry grunt. “Where could those kids have gone this time?” he said, voicing the very question that all the adults wanted answered. “Those kids will be in some major trouble when they return” said Brace, sounding both equally agitated and worried.

The adults started talking amongst themselves, each proposing ideas more outrages then the one before about where the kids could have gone. It was at this moment that a grim faced Ruphus voiced the theory that he had worried was correct.

“I think I know where the kids are” he said calmly. The statement caught the attention of all the adults and they turned to stare expectantly at Ruphus. “I think the kids have gone to The Big Water.”

There was silence as everyone digested this new piece of information. Mr Threehorn shook his head “Why would the kids want to go back to The Big Water?” he asked Ruphus.

“Because that’s where Ducky is” was Ruphus reply.

“I think your right” said Ariel. “It makes sense, they all miss her and after that storm they were probably concerned whether she was okay or not, the fact that your daughter“ she pointed to Ruphus” is missing supports this” she said thoughtfully, scratching the bottom of her beak in contemplation.

“What about Ali? I bet she would have gone after Littlefoot instead of Ducky” said Brace.

“But Littlefoot has gone with Bron and his herd….” said Grandma Longneck but stopped there as she suddenly realised something “his herd is going to The Big Water” She realised that was probably the reason why Littlefoot went in the first place, because he wanted to see Ducky again and desperately, but what could make him that desperate, then the next piece of the jigsaw fitted in place. Sierra’s lie about Sura’s death…..Yes that would certainly stir up Littlefoot, he must have heard about the lie but not the truth. Grandma looked at Grandpa and shared a knowing expression with him, it appears his reasoning was the same as hers.

“They are all looking for Ducky” said Ruphus.

Grandpa looked down at Ariel and asked “Do you think you could fly down to The Big Water and find them?”

“You just watch me” said Ariel firmly “I’ll return as soon as I can” she said and proceeded to take off.

“I’ll look after your children while you’re gone Ariel!” called Ruphus.

“Thanks Ruphus” she replied in relief.

“And tell Cera that she will have a lot of explaining to do when I see her again!” called Mr Threehorn.

“Okay” was all the Flyer said as flew off towards The Big Water with all possible speed.


Evening at The Big Water

The massive Longneck herd had stopped for the night behind the shelter provided by the cliffs in sight of The Big Water, the original idea was to nest on the shore but there was a large herd of Swimmers nesting there so Bron took the inland area instead of the shoreline so as to respect the boundary of the other herd.

Littlefoot had fully recovered from his injury though one could see the fine line that ran the entire length of his neck. He was lucky it was only a glancing blow or he would be dead by now. Also the young child that he had rescued had formed quite the attachment to him, he was always looking for ways to impress him or to engage with him in some of his games.

While Littelfoot was happy to oblige he also felt very strange, he had never had played with other young longnecks, it was something that his childhood had so far denied him, course he had Ali and Shorty but not at the age of the young Longneck he saved. In a way it was a glimpse into a whole world that could have been his had things been a little different.

He was however grateful for the respite as they reached The Big Water, he could finally sit down and rest along with Shorty while they both looked out towards the sparkling waters of the ocean. Littefoot sighed in content, however he did not feel very content, he felt restless and impatient. He was so close to his goal and all he had to do was wait for the right time.

“What is your plan littlefoot?” whispered Shorty when he saw the impatience in his brother’s demeanour.

“Wait till night then find Ducky” replied Littlefoot.

“So when Bron and everyone else falls asleep we go?” questioned Shorty.

Littlefoot nodded. “I hope Ducky is okay” he said quietly.

“We’ll find out tonight Littlefoot don’t you worry” Shorty said and yawned as he settled down. “Wake me when it’s time to go.” He said as he closed his eyes and appeared to fall asleep. Leaving Littlefoot looking through the trees at the ocean with a great longing, their would be a time to search for Ducky but it was not now, he needed to wait just that little bit longer before he and his friend were reunited.


Rarlap and Alane’s Nest

“What a day” sighed Rarlap as he splashed some water over his head and rubbed his brow. “I thought Sharpteeth didn’t come close to The Big Water because they can’t smell because of the strong smell of the water” he said.

“That Fast Biter gave me chills.” said Alane. “The way he fought, like he had nothing to lose”

“That was the The Fast Biter that slashed my sister’s neck open” said Bluey in concern.

“No wonder he went for her and Ducky, he must have a grudge against them and that means, he will be back, I don’t think he’ll stop till he gets what he wants” Rarlap looked down in contemplation, he knew what the Fast Biter wanted and he was determined to get it.

“Well, I’m just glad that we all made it through the day in one piece” said Bluey.

“You’re not wrong there Blue” said Rarlap.

Alane looked at Bluey and asked her “I wonder if your little friend has found someone he actually likes who also likes him” said Alane in a curious voice, though Blue knew what she was getting at.

Bluey laughed. “Those two” she chuckled “They are really close and they appear to be in love with each other and they are really funny, they’re already kissing in the open and……. Making bubbles from the wrong end” She laughed.

The couple joined in on Bluey’s mirth. “They sound like they're already planning on what to name their children” laughed Alane.              

“They seem good for each other” commented Rarlap. “But there is still the matter of The Trial.” He said in a more grim voice.

“Don’t remind me” said Bluey firmly “I have had it with that good for nothing Trial, if Trough loses her and I and Sura and all her friends and family lose her then I will personally destroy this Trial” said Bluey with certain conviction.  

Rarlap put a hand on Bluey’s shoulder “Don’t worry too much Blue, you and your sister are teaching Ducky all she needs to know” he said encouragingly. Bluey sniffed and nodded.

“I know she can do it Blue, just have faith in her abilities” said Alane softly.

Bluey smiled, grateful for the support. “Thanks guys, you are the only ones who have ever showed me friendship” she said.

“You are a worthy friend Blue, never forget that” said Rarlap, he gave her a gentle nuzzle. Blue returned his nuzzle and holding on tightly to Rarlap’s flank and gave him a kiss on the lips, she quickly broke off and looked away embarrassed.

“What am I doing? I can’t do this!” she said in distress.

“Bluey, I like you just as much as I like Alane” said Rarlap gently.

“But your mated I-“

“A herd leader can have more than one mate Blue” said Rarlap as a matter of fact.


“Oh quiet Bluey, you are our friend, you and your mother have done so much for us that we could never be out of your debt, it’s time we repaid you” said Alane to Bluey’s surprise.

“Oh Alane” said Bluey, there were tears in her eyes. ”thank you both” she said and fell into Rarlap’s embrace, it would be a night that she was sure she would never forget.


Ali waited. She waited impatiently for her friends to wake up. After they had got to The Big Water Petrie suggested that they all rest up as they were all very tired. Ali wanted to push on but the others thought over wise and chose to get some well-deserved R&R. Ali chose to sit by and keep watch even though she thought it was a little silly since Sharpteeth were not known to hunt on the shores of The Big Water due to the fact that the salty smell of the ocean overwhelmed their sense of smell and without their sense of smell they were at a disadvantage so they chose to hunt further inland where the smell of salt water was not so overwhelming.            

She was so close she could feel it, somewhere out there was Littlefoot and Ducky, she was desperate to see them both again, Littlefoot especially, she wanted to kick his butt for leaving her for a wild fast runner chase. She just hoped he was alright, although she was agitated and rather annoyed with Littlefoot, she was a lot more worried than anything else. What if something had happened to him? What if he hadn’t survived the storm? Ali felt her stomach drop at the thought, she didn’t want to think about it but she could not shed the feeling that something bad had happened to him.

Ali looked out over the ocean. There was a Swimmer herd to their right and large inaccessible rocky cliffs to their left. Ali had been here before and knew where the stream was and she knew the most probable place that Bron’s herd was. She had not forgotten what her mother had said about the rumours of where Cyrest lived, that was where she was most likely to find Ducky. But where Littlefoot would be when she went to search for him she did not know, would he stay with the herd or go to find Ducky?

She would leave that decision till they got to the stream.

Ali waited for several more hours until darkness had descended and the sky lit up with sparkling stars and a half moon, it was at this moment that she heard a long yawn form her rear and saw The Gang was waking up.

It was Diver who woke up first with Cera quickly following, however she quickly tried to go back to sleep when she saw what time it was. “Come on guys, stay awake” said Diver sounding enthusiastic and wide awake.

“It’s night time” groaned Cera.

“Get up Cera we go now” said Petrie. Spike even tried to push her awake, he was so eager to see his sister again. Only Ruby, Chomper and Cera were not up.

“Come on get up!” said Ali loudly as she woke up Chomper and Ruby while Spike finally lost patience and rammed into Cera’s side. That woke her up.
“Hey, Stop That!” cried Cera angrily. “I’m up already, so stop it Spike!” she hissed disgruntledly.

“Okay now let’s go” said Ali and she lead The Gang off in search for their two friends.


“Okay, let’s go” whispered Littlefoot to Shorty once he was sure his father was asleep. Shorty nodded and the two boys silently got to their feet and tip-toed away from where Bron was sleeping and while keeping to the shadows they made their way out of the herd unnoticed except for one pair of eyes that watched them coldly as they disappeared off into the night.

“Let’s go up there and get the lay of the land” said Shorty and gestured to a small woven track that led up to the top of the tall cliff on the right side of the stream. The track was rocky and hardly big enough for them and looked rather treacherous.  

Littlefoot had doubts about Shorty’s decision, he remembered what Ali’s mother said about where Cyrest lived but if Ducky was with the Swimmer herd then they might indeed be able to spot her from high up on the cliff. “Okay” he said and the two brothers started their slow, laborious climb up the winding trek.

The half-moon providing enough light for them to see the trek and not trip and fall over the edge of the cliff which was getting ever higher as they progressed. It was a cool evening with no wind but white mist formed around their mouths as they breathed. It would be the cold time soon. Finally the top came into view with a strong bound Littlefoot landed on the top of the cliff and was almost blasted backwards by a strong, cool wind coming from across the ocean, Shorty likewise was almost blown back by the unexpected breeze. They had not felt it on the way up because the cliff had shielded them but now a rich salty breeze lifted their senses and made them feel alive.      

Littlefoot led the way over to the edge and looked over the ocean. “Wow” he and his brother said simultaneously, the view was breathtaking, The Night Circle shone over the water creating a white light over the surface of the shimmering water.

“Over there” said Shorty and ran over to the left edge of the cliff, followed closely by Littlefoot.


Ali led The Gang on the way to the stream, they were now making their way across the sandy beach. The area past the trees of the shore was filled with sleeping Swimmers in their individual nests. Every now and then The Gang would spot kids sleeping, nestled beside their mothers flanks. Diver could not help but feel a little emotional when she saw this. She had not been in a Swimmer herd in The Mysterious Beyond for many years and the fact that she had not slept with either her sister or her mother for a considerable amount of time now was not at all helping her current mental state.

Spike, seeing his sister’s obvious distress placed his head beside her in support. “Thanks Spike” whispered Diver as she pated Spike’s nose. Spike gave an affirmative grunt and grabbed her back in his mouth gently and placed her on his back where Ducky would usually sit when she rode on him. “Let’s go” said Diver and the two continued to follow Ali, who was keeping a sharp eye over absolutely everything in sight.

Spike knew why Ali felt like this and could easily relate with her feelings. She was looking for Littlefoot, she was as desperate to find him as he was to find Ducky, he couldn’t blame her in the slightest. Petrie landed on his back behind Diver and they all walked on, finally they sighted the stream. They were now so close to finding Ducky, he just knew it.


“Do you think we should start there” said Shorty as he looked over at the Swimmer herd.

“I was told that Cyrest lives in a cave not in the open” said Littlefoot. “But perhaps, she might be down there so let’s give it a try.” Littlefoot turned along with Shorty and moved parallel to the cliff edge which as they were to shortly find out was a disastrous decision.



The ground beneath Littlefoot’s and Shorty’s feet gave in under them, the next thing they felt was a sudden drop and a painful impact on their backs on a slope beneath them as they rolled down a slope with a rather steep incline and over the edge with horrified yells. Now they were falling head first towards…….

A huge pile of mud at the base of the cliff. The two boy cried out and tried in vain to brace themselves for the touchdown.




“What was that?!” cried Cera in alarm when she heard the two screams from above.

“It came from over there” said Chomper as he pointed in the direction of the screams.

“Let’s go check it out so we can see if we can help” said Ruby and led the way over toward the cliff. All of a sudden there was a loud splat and the screams were cut off. The Gang increased their pace. As they got closer to where they has heard the noise they all heard a loud muffling sound.

“Over here” said Ruby and pushed her way through a few bushes and was greeted by the vertical walls of the cliff but that was not what caught the attention of her and her friends. It was the pair of tails and rear legs sticking out of a large pile of foul smelling mud. The unlucky fools who had fallen in where making muffled noises and their legs were shaking around like mad as they vainly tried to extract themselves from the mud.

“Hold still!” called Cera.

The two dinosaurs seemed to have heard Cera because they ceased their struggles while Cera and Spike grabbed a tail each while the others held back with their hands held over their noses. “Eeeeeeewwwwwwwww!” exclaimed Cera with a mouthful of tail. This mud was even more stinky then the mud Spike landed in when they visited the geysers.

Cera and Spike gave a few mighty tugs until finally two bodies fell out of the mud and onto the ground in front of them gasping for breath, they appeared to be two Longnecks. “Are you okay?” asked Cera in shock.

One of the Longnecks looked up in surprise and opened his mouth in shock when he looked at her.


The Gang gasped in astonishment, they recognised that voice anywhere “Littlefoot?” said Ali in startled shock.

“Ali!” said Littlefoot. That was certainly enough to confirm the identity of the two Longnecks. It was Littlefoot and Shorty.

Littlefoot walked up to Ali but Ali kept her distance as she did not want to touch Littlefoot’s mud covered body. He and Shorty were completely unrecognisable with their usual colours being covered by the foul smelling mud.

“What are you all doing here?” Asked Shorty.

“Looking for you two” replied Cera bluntly.

Littlefoot was about to say more but Cera cut him off. “I think we can talk after you guys get cleaned up because you absolutely STINK!” said Cera, thrusting her  paw over her nose. The boys could take a hint and quickly made their way into the stream and began washing off the mud, The Gang followed.

“You have both come here on a wild fast runner chase!” said Cera angrily.

“What do you mean?” asked Littlefoot defensively.

“Sierra lied all along, we found out from Pterano that Ducky’s mother is still alive” said Cera.

Littlefoot gasped, the bomb dropped on him and he realised at just how much of a flathead he had been. “And that’s why you’re here?” he asked as he washed his face. With the mud cleared from all but their backs The Gang could easily see Littlefoot and Shorty’s distinguishing features. They just had to wash their backs.

Chomper stepped forward as the brothers didn’t smell as bad now. “Well, we thought we might be able to see Ducky as well” he said innocently.

Littlefoot chuckled. “What do you say we say hi to Ducky tonight?” he asked, he got a chorus of enthusiastic “Yeah’s” from his friends.

“But might me ask how you fall in mud?” asked Petrie.

“We fell off that cliff when the ground gave way under us” said Shorty.

“Ohhh” said Diver in understanding.

“Diver?” said Littlefoot in surprise “What are you doing here?”

"I’m here to find my mom and sister” The Swimmer replied simply.

“Okay” said Littlefoot and was about to follow Shorty’s move and wash the last of the mud off his back when-


“Chomper?” said Ali in surprise as the small Sharptooth shouted out and walked over to Littlefoot and stopped in front of the mud on his back and lowered his nose to a few centimetres away and took a deep sniff. His friends looked rather bemused but didn’t interrupt him

Chomper analysed what he was smelling. It was difficult to get a clear picture from the smell because of the salty air but he managed to sniff something.

“Swimmer…..elderly…..male….good health…….feeling tired” he said internally

“Swimmer….hatchling…….female……..good health…….related to elderly male………feeling excited and playful”

“Swimmer…….youngling……..male…….good health…….not related………smells like he’s in love”

Chomper took another deep sniff and analysed the scents

“Swimmer…….elderly……..female…….good health………feels worried”

“Swimmer…….adult……..female…….good health…….closely related to elderly female………feels relieved and tired”

Chomper wondered why he was smelling these things, he should not be smelling all these scents unless……the answer hit him. “Ah guy’s that wasn’t mud you landed in.”

Littlefoot and Shorty visibly cringed at this statement while their friends were looking at them in a mixture of disgust and amusement. Cera had to stifle a laugh at the unlucky Longnecks.

Littlefoot quickly tried to wash off but suddenly Chomper let out a gasp.

“What is it Chomper, Chomper what is it?” asked Ruby.

Chomper didn’t answer but took another sniff. Cera looked away at what Chomper was doing so that she would not lose her appetite. There were two more scents that hit Chomper, he analysed them.

“Swimmer……mother…..related to other females……….good heath………..feels very nervous”

Chomper’s heart rate accelerated as he finished analysing that scent and moved onto the last scent.

“Swimmer……youngling………daughter of the mother………good health…………feels very happy………Ducky!”  

Chomper gave a loud exclamation. “Guys I smell them, I smell them!” he cried, jumping up and down in excitement.

“What?” asked Cera.

“I smell Ducky and her mother!” he cried out in joy.

Everyone pricked up when he said that. Littlefoot washed the rest of his body until his hide was cleaned and asked eagerly “Can you find them Chomper?”

“I could if I went back to the relief spot” replied Chomper and immediately took off with the others running hot on his heels. Chomper arrived back at the relief spot and after taking a deep sniff of the air he followed the trail at a brisk pace around the cliff and onto the rocky beach. After a short while he stopped. The others stopped behind him.  

“Chomper?” asked Littlefoot uncertainly

“I can’t smell the trail anymore,” said Chomper “all I can smell is the Big Water” he gestured out towards the water.

“The cave has to be around here somewhere” said Littlefoot.

“Like over there” said Cera. Everyone looked at the place Cera was looking at and saw the opening of a cave in the rock. Without waiting Chomper, closely followed by Ruby and the rest of The Gang, all ran up towards the cave and towards their dear friend Ducky.


The six Swimmers were all sleeping peacefully. Cyrest slept next to Isira. Jane was wrapped in his tail and closer to the entrance lay Sura coiled around Ducky and Trough who were both sleeping soundly side by side.

It was at that moment that a seventh dinosaur entered and he was no Swimmer but a young Sharptooth. He quickly eyed the chamber until finally his eyes came down on one Swimmer. The Sharptooth ran forward and shouted out in a very happy voice “DUCKY!”

The Swimmers jumped awake as suddenly a whole load of newcomers where seeping in through the entrance. Cyrest jumped up and instinctively placed himself into a defensive stance, it was then that he noticed the Sharptooth bearing down on Ducky.

“Sura, LOOK OUT!” he yelled.

Trough gave a cry of fright when he saw the Sharptooth coming towards them at full speed but suddenly the most unexpected and the most surreal thing that Trough had ever seen happened.

Ducky jumped up with a happy cry. “CHOMPER!” she yelled out in joy and ran towards the purple Sharptooth to Trough’s horror which changed to confusion when Ducky embraced the Sharptooth, he was even more astonished to see the Sharptooth vigorously return Ducky’s hug.

“Ducky!” cried another voice and a pink Fast Runner appeared.

Ruby!” cried Ducky and leapt into her arms and embraced her, the Fast Runner returned Ducky’s hug and looked positively delighted.  

Suddenly Ducky was bowled over by a brown Flyer.

“Oh Petrie!” said Ducky in joy as she embraced the Flyer in a strangling embrace while The Flyer returned her hug with a hold that was stronger than even Ducky’s. "Oh me sooooo happy to see you Ducky!" Petrie shouted happily.

All of a sudden Ducky found herself nuzzled on three sides by Littlefoot, Cera and Ali. She cried out each of their names in joy and hugged each one of them, even Cera didn’t resist her hug. They all disengaged with wide smiles on their faces but suddenly Ducky fell on her back as she was attacked by the wet but warm tongue of her dear brother. “SPIKE!” Ducky laughed as she was tickled by Spike's tongue then embraced his snout. Spike continued to lick her and she laughed out in delight.

“Spike stop it, it tickles it does, it does” laughed Ducky to the amusement of her friends, it had been so long since they had seen each other and now they were together again. Ducky got back on her feet only to see a familiar sight running towards her, calling her name in joy.

“Diver!” cried Ducky, tears of happiness now falling down her cheeks as she reunited with her sister. Diver was just as emotional. The two sisters embraced and nuzzled each other as they both shed their happy tears. Spike embraced them both is his front legs and nuzzled them with his snout.

“Diver! Spike!”

“Mom!” cried Diver and Spike let out a happy cry as he and Diver were embraced by Sura, Ducky quickly joined in as the family found itself embracing in one big hug. Sura nuzzled Diver lovingly while Ducky laughed then she proceeded to nuzzle Spike in joy.

“Oh my little ones” she said gently and embraced them all again. The Gang watched the exchange with smiles on their faces as a small part of the Swimmer family was reunited.

Cyrest cleared his throat loudly. “Um, what is going on here?” he asked in confusion.

“And who are they?” asked Trough pointing to The Gang, he kept a nervous eye on Chomper and Ruby though.
“Oh kids” said Sura in surprise as she finally seemed to notice them.

“These are my friends yep, yep, yep” said Ducky.

She pointed to each one of the Longnecks in term as she said their names. “This is Littlefoot, Ali and Shorty” she pointed to the orange Threehorn “This is Cera” Cera puffed out her chest in pride, obviously liking the attention. Ducky held the Flyer’s hand “This is Petrie and these two,” Ducky pointed at the Sharptooth and Fast Runner “are Chomper and Ruby” Then Ducky moved on to her family members “and this is my brother Spike and sister Diver” she finished.

Trough looked agape no one had mentioned to him who Ducky’s friends were, he just assumed they were Swimmers but the only Swimmer that was her friend here was him. He was also astonished about Spike being her brother. How could a Spiketail become brother to a Swimmer? He looked at Diver and noted her dark green coloration, she looked similar to Ducky, there was no way that she couldn’t be her sister.

Suddenly Ducky took Trough’s hand and pulled him to his feet “Guy’s this is my new friend, his name is Trough yep, yep, yep” she said cheerfully.

There was a chorus of friendly greetings that completely overwhelmed Trough, he had hardly ever been greeted in a friendly way and now he had nine other completely new dinosaurs happily greeting him in their own unique ways as if they had known him for years before. “Errr Hi” he said weakly. Though he kept his distance from Chomper, he was still freaked out that the Sharptooth could talk and understand him and that made him awfully nervous.  

Jane’s excited squeal brought all the attention over to her. Cyrest was holding her in his arms while she looked at them with excitement and fascination. “And this is Jane, she is a hatchling she is, she is” said Ducky.

“So cute” said Cera as she looked at the little Swimmer.

“Ah, Kids…..” Sura said so as to get the children’s attention “We are all glad to see you”

“Yep, yep, yep” interjected Ducky happily.

“But what are you all doing here?” asked Sura eyeing them all.

“It’s a long story” said Littlefoot.

“Oh do not worry you can tell us, you can” said Ducky as she sat down next to Diver. The Gang taking this an invitation all made themselves comfortable and Littlefoot began the narrative.

“Well it all started when that Flyer Sierra came to The Valley and told everyone that your mother was dead” said Littlefoot.

“WHAT?!” shouted Sura in disbelief. “Are you saying that foul Flyer who helped kidnap my daughter and nearly broke her leg several days ago went around The Valley telling fat fibs?!” Sura sounded outraged.

“That is very mean it is, it is” said Ducky angrily crossing her arms in agitation.

“Yeah,” said Cera “But Pterano appeared a few days later and told us he met you”

Sura sighed in relief “And he told you I was alive” said Sura hopefully.  

“Yeah he did,” said Cera “but Mr and Mrs Longneck over here” The Gang laughed at Cera’s snide comment about Littlefoot and Ali “didn’t know that Pterano had come, they still thought you were dead”

Sura shook her head.

“Oh!" said Chomper as he remembered Sculra’s attempt to steal Sura’s eggs. “I should say that Sculra tried to use a pair of egg stealers to try and steal your eggs a short while after you left”

The affect this sentence had on Sura was frightening. “WHAT!!!?? That evil creature tried to steal my eggs!?” She shrieked in rage, slamming her hand on the ground angrily.

“Calm down Sura” said her mother, putting a reassuring hand over her daughter’s back but Sura was still fuming.

“Don’t worry,” said Chomper “I helped the grown-ups by tracking down the egg stealers and we stopped them from harming any of the eggs, you still have every single egg, even after the storm”

Sura noticeably calmed down “Well at least the eggs are okay” she sighed in relief.  

Littlefoot took his chance to continue “Then my Dad’s herd came back to The Valley so Shorty could do The Big Longneck Test and I came up with a plan to go to The Big Water with my Dad’s herd and find you”

“Well at least you went with a herd” said Sura.

“Do these kids do this all the time Sura?” asked Cyrest.

“You have no idea” chuckled Sura in response. “Now where were we?” she said.

“Um…Cera told me about Sierra’s lie but Littlefoot had already left and then The Killer Storm hit” said Ali

Everyone tensed at the memories of that storm.

“Is everyone in The Valley okay?” asked Sura nervously.

Diver shivered “Mom, Dad was hurt real bad protecting the eggs, he would not leave our shelter even though he was hurt and aunt Merri got hit on the head by a frozen sky water stone and Rapid got swept away down the Fast Water”

Ducky looked horrified and Sura’s face paled significantly.

“Oh no, no, no” said Ducky in distress as she held her hands over her mouth in worry “Is Rapid okay?” she asked in concern.  

Ruby nodded. “I found him by the Fast Water and took him into The Secret Caverns but not without a little souvenir” She pointed to the scar on her back. Ducky gasped in shock and so did Littlefoot for this was new to him too. “Rapid is alive but he has a broken leg”

Sura gasped, looked horrified. “He’s okay?”

"Except for an extremely wounded pride he’s perfectly fine” said Diver casually.

“After the storm everyone who was hurt got sick, including dad and aunty” said Diver

“If it wasn’t for the Flyers then we would have lost a lot more than we did” said Ali.

“Mr Clubtail didn’t make it and Mrs Maia was lost along with her entire family” said Cera sadly.

Sura sighed sadly “Oh dear” she said.

“Littlefoot nearly got himself killed saving a little kid, he got his neck sliced open” said Shorty and pointed with his foot to the huge scar along Littlefoot’s neck.

Everyone gasped. Ali nuzzled Littlefoot then all of a sudden she slapped him on the back with her tail.

“Owwww!” cried Littlefoot.

“That’s for leaving and almost getting yourself killed!” bellowed Ali furiously “Did you even think about me and how I felt when you left?!” tears were falling from her eyes as she glared at Littlefoot.

“I’m sorry Ali, I was only trying to help” replied Littlefoot, nuzzled Ali in a consolatory manor.

“Oh no, more lovelings” groaned Cyrest.

Isira chuckled and the children laughed but not Ali and Littlefoot.

Sura cleared her throat “What happened after the storm guys?” she asked.

Cera took poll “Well, when we all recovered Ali planned to go after Littlefoot and tell him the truth” said Cera “and Diver sneaked along with us” said Cera.

“Diver” said Sura disapprovingly, scowling at her daughter.

“I did save them from Red Claw, Screech and Thud”

“What!?” cried Littlefoot.

“Yeah, they were chased by those three idiots and Cera collapsed” said Diver.

“Cera collapsed?” said Shorty in disbelief.

“You would if your leg was injured” said Cera disgruntledly and held up her injured leg so everyone could see the scars on her leg.

Then all who hadn’t seen the scars exclaimed in shock.

“It happened in the storm” said Cera.

“Okay so Diver saved us and we moved on until we were attacked by that foul Flyer Sierra” said Ali.

“Oh no, no, no” said Ducky.

“That horrid Flyer” said Sura furiously.

“But Diver tricked him into falling into the sinking sands, he won’t be bothering us anymore” said Chomper.

“Oh Diver my brave little one” said Sura and gave her a gentle nuzzle. Diver chuckled as she was ticked by her mother’s muzzle. She felt so happy to be with her mother and sister again.

“We arrived at The Big Water today” said Ali.

“So did we” said Littlefoot.

“But we met up with Littlefoot and Shorty a short while ago after they fell off a cliff and into your relief spot” said Cera.

The Swimmers gave revolted looks. “Yuck, yuck, yuck!” said Ducky in disgust.

“Then Chomper followed your scent, followed your scent he did until he couldn’t follow it anymore” said Ruby.

Trough was pretty sure he was not the only one who shook his head in confusion when Ruby said that, he had never known anyone that had a speech pattern like that.

Petrie continued “We find cave and then we find you” he said in joy and did a few exhilarated loop the loops.

“Well that is quite the tale” said Grandma Swimmer.

“Oh” said Sura as if she just realised something “I think you should meet Cyrest, he’s been teaching Ducky the wisdoms” said Sura introducing the elderly Swimmer “and Diver I would like you to meet someone very special” said Sura as Grandma Swimmer came over to her. Diver looked at her very curiously.

“Diver I would like you to meet your grandmother” said her mother.

Diver’s mouth fell opened as she gazed at the elderly Swimmer.

“Mother this is my daughter Diver” said Sura.

Grandma Swimmer lowered herself down to Diver and gave her a warm smile.
Diver was still staring opened mouthed “Grandmother?” she said uncertainly.

Grandma Swimmer chuckled “I certainly am” she said with a nod of her head and nuzzled her gently. Diver laughed and returned her nuzzle.

“It’s a pity Bluey isn’t here” said Sura “I’m sure she would love to meet her niece”

Diver looked up at her mother in surprise. “She will soon Sura don’t you worry” said Grandma Swimmer as she broke off from Diver.

“Oh I am so happy to so all of you again I am, I am” said Ducky as she nuzzled Spike’s head. Spike returned her nuzzle and sighed in content.

“But what am I going to do with you little trouble makers,” sighed Sura. “I can’t just take you back can I?”  

“No way!” said Diver, a consensus shared by the whole gang.

“Well I guess it’s safer here then out there so I don’t see a reason why you can’t stay” said her mother.

“Yay!” cheered Ducky, jumping up in happiness. “Oh thank you mama thank you, thank you, thank you” she said happily. Sura gave her a warm smile in return.

“Wait one moment here,” said Cyrest in objection “this is my nest here and what guarantee do I have that my niece won’t be gobbled up by a Sharptooth or Fast Runner?” demanded Cyrest firmly.

“I swear on our lives that neither Chomper nor I will harm your niece, your niece Chomper and I swear not to harm on our lives” said Ruby holding up a hand as she made that pledge for herself and Chomper.

“Yeah!” said Chomper raising his hand in agreement.

Cyrest shook his head in a daze as he was still rather unfamiliar with Ruby’s unique speech. “Can you speak for them both Ducky?” he asked.

“Yes, yes, yes” said Ducky. “Chomper is friendly and nice and so is Ruby and they are both my friends they are, they are” said Ducky in confirmation.

Cyrest scrutinized the two youngsters for a bit longer for any signs of deception but he couldn't find any reason to believe that they were lying. Cyrest sighed “Okay then you can stay here” he said.

The friends looked at each other happily. “Hey Ducky why don’t you tell us what happened to you?” asked Shorty, he had so far kept quiet but he was also interested in Ducky’s story. However Sura dejected with a shake of her head.

“A story for tomorrow” said Sura. The kids all let out loud groans, causing the grown-ups to chuckle. “It’s sleeping time not story time” said Sura noting the children’s heavy eyelids.

“Okay mama” said Ducky.

“We’d better go” said Littlefoot to Shorty who nodded in agreement.

“But Littlefoot, Shorty will you not sleep here with us?” asked Ducky in surprise.

“I wish we could Ducky but we got to get back to my Dad, we don’t want him to get worried” said Littlefoot.

“Okay, goodbye and goodnight guys” she said. Her gesture was repeated by the other children. Trough was unsure whether he should but they all treated him fairly so there was no reason he should not return their kindness.

Littlefoot and Shorty left the cave and stepped out into the cool sea breeze and quickly made their way back to the herd however they were both deep in conversation.

“How are we going to sneak off tomorrow” said Shorty.

Littlefoot however looked troubled he looked Shorty in the eye and said. “I can’t keep doing this”

“Can’t keep doing what Littlefoot?” asked Shorty.

“Fibbing and sneaking around my Dad,” he looked down and stopped his walk “Perhaps we should just tell him what I really came here for” he said.  

Shorty gave him a dark look “I don’t think that’s a good idea, he might get mad at us”

“But I can’t keep trying to stay away from my Dad. I came here to find Ducky but I also want to spend more time with him, I don’t want to have to wait until after the cold time for him to visit anymore” said Littlefoot looking down.

Shorty looked deeply into his brothers eyes and saw in them sadness, he had not spent the time he had wanted with his father, he just wanted his father to stop the whole herd leader act with him and have his Dad back with his Grandparents in The Great Valley as a family, the family they should have been from the moment they met.

Shorty gave Littlefoot a sympathetic look “If you do it I’ll be there with you” he said.

Littlefoot smiled at the support from his brother “Thanks Shorty, now let’s get back to the herd” he said and walked on with Shorty following. They reached their sleeping father and settled down for sleep but unknown to them, all was that not as it appeared, Bron’s eye was open on the side that they couldn’t see and he had seen them.


“Come along kids, we can tell our story tomorrow after we all get a good night’s sleep” said Sura as she laid down from her previous sitting position.

“Okay mama” said Ducky as she let out a tired yawn and walked over to her mother but this time she was accompanied by the rest of her friends. For Sura it was a new experience to have so many larger then Swimmer children coming up to sleep beside her bulk.

Spike lay down in his usual spot beside Sura’s belly along with Ducky, Diver, Trough and Petrie sleeping beside his belly. Ali and Cera laid down further up beside Sura’s chest while Ruby and Chomper laid down near her tail. As Sura curled her body around the children she heard Ducky mumble, half asleep “I am so happy we are all together again I am….I am” she said as she finally dropped off into a comfortable nights rest.

Sura smiled at her and gently nuzzled her, a gesture she repeated for each of the children sleeping beside her as if they were her own children. “Thank you for saving my son Ruby and my eggs Chomper” she whispered to the two youngsters and gave them each a lick and a thankful nuzzle. The two kids chuckled in their sleep when Sura licked them but they quickly relaxed back into a peaceful slumber.

“Good night mother, good night Cyrest” said Sura as she laid her head down.

“Good night Sura” said Cyrest and Grandma Swimmer in turn as everyone settled down for the night. For Ducky it almost felt like she was back in The Great Valley with all her friends and family, before she knew of The Swimmer Trials. It felt so good to see then all again and at last they were together again to help each other through their adventures like they always had. Everyone slept peacefully that night.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?

Cancerian Tiger

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Oh, my!  Poor Littlefoot and Shorty :x  :spit.

I figured Cera would find that historical.  Great minds think alike, ya know...sick minds :p  :lol.

The Lone Dragon

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Chapter 54: Soul Search

Sura opened her mouth and yawned long and loud. She opened her eyes and was confronted by the darkened cave, it wasn’t yet daybreak. Though daybreak was not far off. Sura quickly looked around the cave and almost immediately her eyes settled on the children sleeping beside her warm bulk. Each child slept in perfect harmony, only the sound of Spike’s deep snoring could be heard. Sura was surprised by how much she missed her son’s snoring, it was a reminder that he was by her side but lately that had not been the case. Speaking of Spike, she glanced over to the young Spiketail, a smile crossing her duckbill like beak. Spike had four children sleeping beside his belly, they were encircled by his tail. Ducky lay right next to Spike while Trough lay right next to her with Diver on the over side and Petrie sleeping almost on top of Ducky, his wings acting like a blanket over his dear friend. Sura certainly felt a little different, for until today she never had this many large bodies sleeping beside her, least of all one with teeth.

However, they had all earned her trust and Ducky needed them right now just as they needed her. Sura turned to see Cyrest sleeping beside her mother with Jane wrapped safely within his tail. A quick glance out of the cave told her that sunrise was just a few minutes off. She figured it was time to wake everyone up.

“Wake up little ones” she said gently giving each of the kids a gentle push with her beak until they stirred. There was a chorus of tired yawns but after the children got a glimpse of the time they quickly tried to shuffle back to sleep.

“Come now dears, you don’t want to miss the rise now do you?” asked Sura. That did the trick.

Ducky’s eyes opened wide. She jumped up onto her feet in a sudden blaze of energy, she of course had seen the rise once before and now wanted her friends to see it too. “Come on guys get up, get up, get up!” said Ducky rather loudly looking utterly ecstatic. She shook Diver, Petrie and Trough vigorously but all of them let got was miserable groans.

“It’s too early” mumbled Cera irritably.

“Come on guys get up, get up!” cried Ducky but her friends took little heed of her. Impatient, Ducky grabbed a large tree star from the ground star plant and filled it with the cold spring water. Sura had already gotten up and out of the way when Ducky flung the water over her sister, brother and her two close friends.

They all jumped up with cries of surprise and quickly shivered in discomfort at the touch of the freezing cold water. They were all wide awake, even Spike. Ducky didn’t waste any time in refilling the tree star and tipping the water over Ruby and Chomper, they both woke up with simultaneous cried of shock.

Finally, Ducky tipped the last tree star of water of Cera and Ali. Cera shrieked in shock and jumped onto her feet only to trip over her tail and fall in a shivering heap. “W-W What was that f-f for?” said Cera in shock.

“Cold” said Chomper, shivering beside Ruby with wide eyes.

“You guys would not wake up so I had to do that” said Ducky quickly, appearing to be almost oblivious to her friend’s discomfort.

“It’ll be worth it though” chuckled Cyrest who had been awake long enough to see what had happened.    

“It better be” muttered Cera as she slowly got to her feet.

While everyone else began to get to their feet Cyrest gently woke Grandma Swimmer and then he very softly nudged Jane awake, she yawned and blinked tiredly but that was quickly dispelled when she saw the hum of activity around she got to her feet with an excited squeak. “Come along everyone, the rise is starting” said Sura from where she stood at the entrance of the cave.

In a few moments everyone had crowed the entrance to view the rise of The Bright Circle. It started with a gold light appearing over the horizon and slowly it started to expand, the ocean took on a sparkling gold, shimmering surface. The clouds were painted a bright yellow. Everyone watched in awe as the round gold orb that was The Bright Circle slowly rose into the sky. More of the ocean was bathed in the gold light and the first morning salty breeze blew across the water’s surface, leaving a sparkling ripple in its wake. The watching dinosaurs breathed in deeply of the enriching salty air.

The golden light travelled across the ocean and then across the beach, banishing the remaining darkness that still held clung to the land. This light travelled up the cliff until in washed over the miniature group of dinosaurs watching the rise. The gold light brought warmth and comfort and the cool salty wind brought life in its wake. Everyone stirred with new energy that the morning had given. A few of the distant clouds took on an orange hue and even a lesser few clouds took on a light red, pink hue. In addition, the sparkling water reflected light ripples on the beach and cliff.

It was a breathtaking sight, something that the bystanders struggled to describe in its sheer beauty and majesty. Ducky took a deep sniff of the refreshing air and looked beside her and saw that this time she was far from alone. Her brother and sister and her friends all stood beside her, each revelling in this breathtaking moment. They all looked like they were gold dinosaurs from where she stood and Trough, he looked absolutely gorgeous, she had never seen anything like it, his body was bathed in the golden light making him look more like a statue of gold then a person. He was the envision of the most perfect Swimmer she had ever known, he tall crest and strong body, limbs and tail and his handsome beak and those enchanting green eyes, they were light green like hers were light blue. His brown colour no longer looked dull but filled with warmth and love that she had come to love so much about him.

She held his hand, he looked at her with a loving smile spread across his beak. To Trough Ducky was the most beautiful Swimmer in the world at that moment, her aqua eyes conveyed so much love and compassion on everything they fell on. Her slender body, tail and limbs, they looked slender but they possessed a hidden strength always showed when she protected those she loved. Her crest, long and smooth and that beak which always held that friendly smile towards him, a beak he certainly had contact with before. He nuzzled Ducky and she nuzzled him back; this moment was perfect for them.
Ali was watching the two young Swimmer and she immediately noticed the signs of affection from both of them, they were as in love as she and Littlefoot were in love. It made her wish that he was here though to see the rise and be with his friends; to be with her and share their love with each other.

“This was definitely worth it” said Cera looking out over the ocean, her face a mixture of awe and joy. A feeling shared by everyone there. It was at that moment that Sura chose to cuddle Spike and Diver. The duo hugged her back as the each conveyed their love to each other, Ducky was not left out of this for long, she joined them moments later and was soon smothered by her close family members.

“Oh happy day” said Petrie.

“Oh yes, it is, oh yes, yes, yes” said Ducky after breaking away from her hug. With renewed energy Ducky jumped out of the cave and into the open “Come on follow me” she said in excitement and ran off toward the right. Everyone followed inquisitively, Ducky was heading for a large sand slide that had a rock like ramp at the bottom it was one of the only sandy area’s on this part of the beach.

With a joyful cry Ducky leapt onto her back and slid down the slide as fast as she could when she reached the ramp she took off into the air and did a spinning triple somersault and finishing off with a perfectly vertical dive into the water. She surfaced laughing happily. She waved to her friends near the top of the sand slope “Come on everyone it is really fun it is, it is!” she called.

Diver was quick to run to the slope and like Ducky she leapt onto her back and slid down the slope with an exhilarated yell, she reached the ramp and repeated her sister’s stunning acrobatics but she spun her body at very uncontrollable looking angles, it looked like she was going to stack but instead she landed in the water in a perfectly straight dive. She surfaced laughing like her sister.

“That was amazing Diver” said Ducky.

“I’m not called Diver for nothing” said Diver proudly.

They looked back up to the top and saw Trough take his place on the top with a piece of old drift wood hanging under his arm. Diver observed this curiously, she had not been blind to the affection this Swimmer had shown for her sister or the affection that Ducky had returned. There was something different about it. This was more than just simple affection it almost looked like love. Diver narrowed her eyes and scrutinised Trough closely. Wondering how Ducky had met him and how he had managed to seemingly win her over because they were acting just like her mom and dad when they were with each other…..and alone.

Diver sniggered to herself, she had once eavesdropped on her parents when they were alone at the nest and the way they were talking to one another……
It reminded her of Ducky and Trough. However, she still wanted to learn more about Trough so that she could protect her sister from any misunderstandings. “I wonder if we should expect eggs from you two soon” Diver was unaware she had said that out loud but was too busy watching Trough to notice Ducky’s face light up redder than a red tree star.

Trough threw the drift wood on the sand and jumped on top of it and surfed his way down doing some rather amazing acrobatics on the wood that left everyone staring in shock. When he reached the ramp he jumped off the drift wood board and went flying in a very erratic and uncontrollable fashion, he was spinning his whole body like a Frisbee and moving into different angles with perfect control and finally turned in for the dive, he was out past Diver and Ducky now but what surprised them was his angle of entry he went in at a very shallow, almost horizontal angle and he went in tail first. He kept his tail stiff and straight though and dived in the water nice and straight. After submergence Trough kicked his legs fast and wound up next to Diver and Ducky who were both staring dumbstruck at him.

He laughed at the looks on their faces. Diver was especially astonished because unless she had just dreamed that then she had been out dived!

“How did you do that?” said Diver in astonishment.

“That was amazing Trough it was, it was” said Ducky, positively beaming with delight.

“Thanks,” said Trough, modestly “I made that move up as a way to escape from the bullies in the herd and it totally works, they dive in headfirst but find I’m already going the other way before they have a chance to catch me.”

“Could you teach me how to do that?” asked Diver in awe.

“Okay” replied Trough but the loud yell cut off any more conversation as Cera, closely followed by Ruby, Chomper and Spike slid down on large pieces of fern that had once been used to cover the cave entrance during The Killer Storm.
Ruby slid past Cera and accidentally knocked her and that knock was enough to put Cera into a wild spin, she gave startled yell as she went out of control and hit Spike sending them both spinning down after Ruby with Chomper behind them. Ruby dived into the water first while Cera and Spike belly flopped it, feeling rather dizzy.

Chomper splashed down next to them. “Ruby beat you Cera!” he cried.

“So I think you owe me ten tree stars Cera” said Ruby proudly.

Cera muttered angrily under her breath. “I would have won if you hadn’t hit me” she said.

“It was an accident Cera, an accident it was” said Ruby.

“Humpth!” said Cera and joined the rest of her friends in the shallows to watch Ali and with Petrie holding her head tightly as she slid down on her belly with a frightened yell. Petrie held on tightly as they headed to the ramp that was rapidly approaching them. Ali screamed in fright as she took off and felt the new sensation of gliding through the air and it felt marvellous……at least while it lasted. She dived into the water and surfaced looking utterly exhilarated. “Ohh I want to do that again with Littlefoot” she said as Petrie landed on the bank beside her.

“Of course you want to do it with him Mrs Longneck” said Cera in a rather cheeky voice that made Ali blush, to the amusement of her friends.  

They looked back to the top of the cliff to see Cyrest helping Jane onto the slide. “There we go Jane now you can go down”

Jane eagerly pushed off and slid down the sandy slide with a happy squeal. She landed in the water feet first and surfaced close to Ducky, splashing around happily as she made her way back to her friend.

Cyrest watched the scene with a chuckle but unfortunately he neglected his surroundings and forgot exactly what he was standing on. As he shifted his foot he slipped on the sand and fell on his side with a surprised yell which was cut off as he started rolling down the slope and getting sand stuck in his mouth in the process. His muffled cries were heard all the way down the slope as he flew off the ramp and belly flopped into the water with a huge splash that soaked all the children.

He pulled his head out of the water which was to shallow for his liking and groaned as he tied to get up and fell back into the water, completely disorientated. He rinsed his mouth of any sand but it took him a while to be able to regain his bearings and stand without falling over. However, he was painfully aware of the roaring laughter coming from the kids at the sight of such an epic fail. With slow and uneasy steps, he pulled himself back onto the shore and fell on his belly with a groan.

“Oh dear Cyrest I expected much better from a Swimmer of your stature!” called a playful voice.

“No respect for the elders” moaned Cyrest at Sura’s cheeky remark.

“Let me show you how to really do it!” called Sura and leapt onto her belly and slid down the sandy slope and slid off the slide, doing an amazing set of acrobatics, that mirrored the style of her two daughters before she dived under.

Ducky clapped her hands in applause when her mother surfaced. “That was a great move mom it was, it was” she said, her companions nodding in agreement.

“Thank you dear” said Sura with a warm smile.

“I see you have lost none of your old skill Sura” called Grandma Swimmer from above “But you’ll find that I am still the master” she jumped on two the slope as she said that and slid down on her own two feet, she wobbled precariously but managed to keep her balance when she got to the ramp she leapt into the air and after doing one twirl of the body she pulled herself back into a horizontal position. She was gliding parallel to the water and as she did this she lowered her legs and made running movements on the water’s surface. Everyone’s mouths fell open in disbelief, Grandma Swimmer looked like she was walking on the water!

But Grandma Swimmer was really just using her momentum to give her movement and when she started to lose that momentum she executed a double somersault and dived into the water so perfectly that there was barely a splash of water.

She surfaced to see everyone gawking at her like startled gargoyles. She laughed at the astonished faces directed at her.

Cyrest spluttered “How……..?” was all he could say.

“Where…….?” Said Diver

“Did you” said Ducky

“Learn that?” finished off Sura, looking totally dumb stuck.

“I learned from the best” replied Grandma Swimmer “From an old, wise and cheeky Swimmer who absolutely loved to show off”

“Who?” asked Sura

“Your father dear, your grandfather little ones, he taught me how to do that and I’ll tell you the things he could do were real eye openers and he loved to show off his ability because no one else had it” said Grandma Swimmer.

“But I never saw him do anything like that” said Sura in amazement.
“No you wouldn’t he stopped doing those types of stunts after my first clutch hatched but in his day he did such moves all the time.” Explained Grandma Swimmer.

Sura looked down and sniffed “I wish I knew him better” she said a hint of pain in her voice. Her mother put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“I can tell you about him if you want me too dear” she offered.

Sura’s face brightened considerably “I would like that very much mother” she said.


Water drenched everyone as the sound of a high pitched and squeaky voice filled the air. “Hello mud brothers!”

“Mo!” yelled The Gang, Ali and Diver looked at Mo in amazement having never seen a Big Water Swimmer before.

“It’s good to see you again” said Cera with a wide smile.

“Same here too” said Mo, doing one of his signature jumps.

“Mo this is Ali, she’s our friend she is, she is” said Ducky.

“Hi” said Ali shyly

“And Littlefoot’s soon to be mate” said Cera.
Ali cast Cera a threatening glance as everyone laughed.

“And this is my sister Diver” continued Ducky.

“Hello Mo” said Diver with a warm smile and a friendly wave of her arm.

Nice to meet you all” said Mo jumping up and doing a spectacular twirl and dive. “Is Littlefoot here too” he asked eagerly when he surfaced.

“Littlefoot here but not with us” said Petrie.

“He is with his father, with his father he is” said Ruby.

“But he will come soon, I know it” said Chomper.

“Yeah,” said Cera “wouldn’t want to leave Ali here alone would he” she said with a smile.

“No he wouldn’t” said Ali firmly to Cera.

“Hey Ducky?” inquired Diver “Can you tell us your story now?” she asked with a tinge of excitement in her voice, after all Diver loved stories.

Ducky shook her head “I want to wait for Littlefoot and Shorty” she said.

“Fair enough” said Trough. He turned to Diver with a smile “and now I think I’ll show you how to do that move Diver”

“Oh yes please!” cried Diver and eagerly followed Trough back up towards the sand slide. Diver couldn’t help but think of her sister Sandy as she looked at the slide “She’d love it here” she thought to herself as she prepared to finally live up to her name and Diver better then Trough, she was beginning to like him.


Littlefoot awoke feeling more tired than he wanted, he wondered why that was but then the events of last night swept through his mind as he remembered his reunion with The Gang and their reunion with Ducky, he was not surprised that he was tired now, after all he had been up awfully late last night, it was already midmorning.

A yawn to his left told him the Shorty was only just waking up too. “Hey Shorty” said Littlefoot, his voice sounded rather groggy and tired, Shorty’s replay was just as bad. Without another wood both boys got to their feet and headed to some nearby bushes. “Breakfast is served” said Shorty sarcastically as he and Littlefoot both started slowly munching on the leaves. The herd was long since up and already thriving with activity, children played and adults grazed in the sunny fields. They did not yet know that they were being watched.

“Ahh, you’re up”

The boys turned to see Bron standing over them.

“Morning Dad” said Littlefoot.

“Hey Bron” said Shorty briefly before moving back to his meal.

“You look tired” observed Bron.

“Oh we just didn’t get a good night’s rest” said Shorty with his back turned to Bron and with a mouthful of tree stars in his mouth.

“Shorty I would like you to finish eating before you start talking and when you do start talking I want you to look at me” said Bron calmly.
Shorty rolled his eyes before complying to Bron’s instructions.

“No wonder your beat, been up exploring all night have we?” said Bron, his tone held no malice, rather deep agitation and annoyance.

“What are you talking about?!” said Shorty defensively even though he had just confirmed Bron’s suspicions.

“I was woken by Russ last night”

“What did that jerk want with you?” asked Shorty.

“He told me he had seen you two walking away from the herd, and I found no sign of you beside me” said Bron, eyeing the two boys who now looked rather shocked, they had been caught out and the look that Bron was giving them indicated that he wasn’t going to let off until they had told him the full truth.

“Dad it was all my idea so please don’t blame Shorty” said Littlefoot, taking full responsibility for his actions.

“It was your idea to go out and explore at night, away from the protection of the herd? I’m very disappointed in you boys” he said with a shake of his head. Both boys bowed their necks in shame but Littlefoot wasn’t finished.

“We weren’t exploring, it was all my idea to come, but it was not because I wanted to be in a herd” said Littlefoot slowly, there it was he couldn’t go back from here, Bron would soon know the truth.

A puzzled expression set across Bron’s face. “What do you mean Littlefoot?” he asked.

Littlefoot took a deep breath. “I only came to find one of my friends” he said.
Bron stared at him in surprise. “I thought her mother had died and I didn’t want to leave her out here alone, I had to help her” said Littlefoot, almost pleading for his father to understand.

“Why didn’t you tell me or your Grandparents?” asked Bron.

“I thought they would try and stop me, I just couldn’t leave her alone” said Littlefoot.

“And Shorty was in on this?”

“Yes” said Littlefoot “But only because I asked him to” said Littlefoot, trying to cover for his brother.

“Last night me and Shorty met up with my friends from The Great Valley, they had followed us here to tell us that our friends mother was alive.” said Littlefoot.

“Whose mother?”

“Ducky’s mother, see before you came a Flyer came and told us that she was dead and we weren’t sure whether to believe him or not, he wasn’t exactly trustworthy.” said Littlefoot.

“And you decided to act on the word on an untrustworthy vagabond?” Bron’s tone was getting more and more agitated and he was wearing a firm frown.

Littlefoot stuttered nervously. “Y-yes” he said.

“My friends told me I was wrong last night and I know I made a mistake but I just had to come” said Littlefoot, there was a tinge of desperation for understanding in the young Longnecks voice.

Bron heard this and his expression softened “I understand why you did it but you have still been very irresponsible, you ignored the lessons your family has taught you and-“ Bron was suddenly cut off by an almost condemning remark from his son.

“Lessons that you never taught” he said slowly and painfully.

Bron stared at his son awkwardly, an uncomfortable silence drifted over them. Shorty looked from each Longneck to the other in concern.

“I was taught by my mother, she and my Grandparents - they raised me and my mother died for me” Littlefoot was unaware of the few tears that fell down his cheeks at the mention of his mother, even Bron shivered at that statement. “And where were you? I know your reasons but I can’t respect them now, not after we first me, I don’t know if I can call you my father” Littlefoot’s voice was disturbingly quiet and condemning.  

Bron looked shocked “Littlefoot, you know I love you and I would do anything f-“

Then Where Are You All The Time!?” bellowed Littlefoot unexpectedly. “You have not been my dad all this time, you’ve been a herd leader! I know you look after them but do they mean more than me? I want my Dad back with me and my Grandparents in The Great Valley not some herd leader who only turns up once a year!” Littlefoot’s voice contained so much pain and anger directed at his father.

“But Littlefoot my herd needs-”

“I NEED YOU!” Littlefoot yelled, tears now falling thick and fast down his cheeks. “Someone else can lead the herd, you have deputies don’t you? But I want my Dad back do you even care for me? Would you put your herd over your son?! I can’t keep doing this, if you can’t step down and actually be my dad then I don’t know you, you would never have been my father.”
Bron was staring at Littlefoot in numb shock, words utterly failed him, he could think of no retort for Littlefoot’s accusations.

“My mother was always there for me, but you are not. I saved your life at The Fire Mountain and you still left me. How could you do that!?” Littlefoot practically yelled out the last part, he couldn’t say anymore, he had lost his composure and just turned tail and fled from the Longneck in front of him, tears falling silently down his face.

“Littlefoot!” He ignored Bron’s distressed call and was unaware of Shorty giving chase to him.

Bron was just paralysed as the full magnitude of his actions finally hit home. His own son could no longer call him his father. Bron bowed his neck in shame and whispered mournfully “What have I done?”

Littlefoot meanwhile had run full speed into the underbrush and Shorty followed but got tangled in a few vines, by the time he got out he had lost Littlefoot.

“Littlefoot?!” he called but received no answer, “I shouldn’t have expected one anyway” thought Shorty as he walked through the underbrush, his pace increasing to a jog. He was sure he knew where Littlefoot was headed, after all it had been in that general direction.  


The friends applauded as Diver successfully repeated Trough’s acrobatics and with a skill that left even Trough gasping, he was shocked by Diver’s ability to quickly pick out his technique and after only two attempts get it flawlessly right. “I guess that’s why she’s called Diver” thought Trough. He was currently sitting in the shallow water beside Ducky who was clapping her hands as her sister approached them.

“That was great Diver yes, yes, yes” she cried.

“Thanks Ducky” replied Diver. She seated herself near her sister.

Trough watched the other children and finally voiced his thoughts. “You have a very…..unique batch of friends.” He said cautiously. Ducky directed her attention to him, she had expected this to come up sooner or later “How does a Swimmer have a Spiketail as a brother? And how does the same Swimmer be friends with a Longneck, Threehorn, Flyer and of all things a Sharptooth and Fast Runner?” he asked.

“It is a looooong story yep, yep, yep” said Ducky emphasising long so it was clear how big it was.

“A story I would like to hear” said Trough, now showing her keen interest.

“Well, I met Littlefoot, Cera and Petrie after The Great Earthshake we travelled for many days to reach The Great Valley and on the way I hatched Spike, he had no parents so when we all got to The Great Valley my mom took him in, he’s now my little brother he is, he is” said Ducky, it was an extremely short hand account of her adventures but introductions were best got out of the way early.

“I get all of it except that Spike is a little brother,” said Trough after all Spike was much larger then Ducky even though he was younger, he understood a little of what Ducky must have gone through “you had no one and you met your friends and you all went to find your families together. I can understand how you can be friends but what about The Sharptooth and The Fast Runner? How on this earth did you become friends with a meat eater and an egg stealer?” asked Trough in disbelief.

“Well, we hatched Chomper we did, we did” said Ducky.

“You…hatched…a Sharptooth?” Trough was gazing at her in shock and wonder.

“Accidentally” added Ducky. “Some Egg Stealers stole one of my mom’s eggs and me and my friends chased The Egg Stealers to get the egg back, we saved the egg….somehow” said Ducky. “We found an egg in The Mysterious Beyond and we thought it was my mom’s egg but it was really Chomper’s egg it was, it was”

Trough nodded, he seemed to understand the unusual circumstances of Chomper’s hatching.

“We helped get Chomper back to his family and we met them again at The Big Water but now he is living with us in The Great Valley because Red Claw is hunting him” said Ducky “and Ruby came with Chomper to The Valley to look after him and she is a great friend she is, she is” Ducky said cheerfully with a nod of her head.

I’m surprised you don’t have any Swimmer friends.” said Trough.

“There are other Swimmer’s in The Great Valley” said Diver “But most of them are just little tailed children” she said referring to the small tails of infants and toddlers.

“Okay I can understand now” said Trough simply.  

“Oh I am glad of that yep, yep, yep” said Ducky with a smile. She looked back at her friends who were happily playing in the water, feeling that she wouldn’t be too badly missed she got up and said “I will be back shortly I need to take care of some business” she said and ran off without another word.

“Huh?” said Trough in surprise, getting up. He felt a little worried that his responses had somehow upset Ducky, perhaps he had not spoken of her friends kindly enough. He rushed to go after her but suddenly found his path blocked by Cera and Diver grabbed his tail from behind.

“Hey, what are you doing!?” he said in surprised annoyance.

“You don’t want to follow Ducky now,” said Diver “have you no manners?” she asked, giving Trough an icy glare.

“What?” asked Trough in confusion. It was Cera who answered his queries  

“That’s what Ducky always says before she goes to relieve herself and you would not want to follow her when she’s doing that now would you?” she asked rhetorically.

“Oh, sorry” said Trough sitting back down on the bank “I didn’t know” said Trough.

“Well there’s a lot you need to learn about Ducky,” said Cera with a sigh then she gave him a cheeky smile. “especially if you like her so much” Diver giggled.

Trough became defensive immediately. “I’m just trying to be her friend” he retorted.

“Sure you are,” said Diver sarcastically. She gave Trough a more serious look. “I know my sister and I can tell she likes you and you like her”

“So perhaps we can give you some ëhow to approach Ducky tips for you’” said Cera with a cheeky smile.

Trough spluttered, unable to respond. “I think I know enough about Ducky to know what I’m doing thank you” he said.

“What’s Ducky’s favourite colour?” asked Diver immediately.

Trough was caught off guard by this unexpected question. “It’s…… um…… blue?”

The girls laughed at him, leaving Trough looking both confused and worried, his concern didn’t improve when Cera spluttered out “He’s totally doomed”

Trough sighed. Perhaps he could use some help after all “Okay, what is Ducky’s favourite colour?” he asked. He was about to learn a lot more about Ducky then he once knew.


With a relieved sigh Ducky walked away from the relief spot and wiped herself with a nearby leaf. Wiping was something unique only to dinosaurs with arms since for footers hadn’t the ability to wipe like her kind could but even them it was not a common practise except in a few places, The Great Valley being one of them. She could easily see the footmarks and large hole created by Littlefoot and Shorty when they feel in, Ducky really did feel sorry for them, she threw the leaf away and was about to head back off to re-join her friends when she heard what sounded like sobbing.

“Huh?” she said in surprise as she looked around for the source of the noise, she quickly pinpointed the source which was actually above her. She looked up to the top of the tall cliff and listened closely as the sound moved away, she suddenly set off for the path up the cliff, she didn’t know why Littlefoot was upset but she would be there for him now. She set off at a brisk pace.
She didn’t notice Shorty jog through the underbrush right after she left nor did Shorty notice her. They just continued onto their respective destinations.


Littlefoot lay on his belly at the top of the cliff looking inland to where his father’s herd was, he noticed that Bron was nowhere to be seen, he had certainly caused a conflict in the Longneck. However, all he could feel at that moment was the lingering pain from his confrontation with his dad. He had lived for so long without his father and had spent precious little time with him, now however he could no longer wait, he had been separated from him way to long and that made him feel alone, his father didn’t exactly stand as tall as his mother, she who hatched him and raised him , taught him to listen to his heart and sacrificed herself so that he could live. It was her spirit that guided him to The Valley and even now he knew that she was watching over him like the guardian angel she always had been.

He was expelling lots of tears over the issue of his father and mother, never has he been confronted with such an issue in his life and this time he would have to deal with it alone, devoid of his mother, separated from his father and many days travel away from his dear grandparents but little did he know that he would not face this issue alone.

Suddenly he felt a small, gentle hand place itself onto his flank and the voice that followed brought some measure of comfort to him. “Littlefoot are you all right?” asked Ducky, there was much concern in her voice at seeing her friend like this.

“Ducky” he turned to look at his dear friend, her face was clearly worried for his wellbeing. “How did you find me?” he asked quietly.

“I know this area and I heard you crying, I did, but what is wrong? Why are you sad?” asked Ducky hopping onto his back and putting a reassuring hand on the base of his neck.

It’s….my dad. I yelled at him, I told him that he wasn’t being a father, that he didn’t care for me” Littlefoot closed his and placed his neck on the ground in despair and sniffed.

Ducky looked alarmed at Littlefoot’s explanation and his reaction. She got off his back and walked over to his head and hugged and nuzzled his cheek in an attempt to provide some comfort to her friend. “I am so sorry Littlefoot I am, I am” she said sadly “I know what not having a father feels like I do, I do”

“Your father left didn’t he?” asked Littlefoot, Ducky nodded, there were tears in her eyes now. Although her mother had never told her siblings what happened when her father had left she had secretly witnessed the fight, she woke up in the middle of the night to find both her parents absent but she heard furious yelling in the distance, she recognised her mother’s voice and ran to the top of the sand dune and hid within the shrub but what she saw horrified her beyond anything else she had witnessed so far in her life. Her mother and father were fighting, punching, biting, scratching and rolling over each other in the water. She saw them yell at each other in fury and then she saw her father leave. Sura didn’t know that she had not wept alone that night. Ducky wept with her, her mind in chaos as she believed that she was the reason her father had left and it broke her gentle heart.

Her mother found out within a few days and had to assure her that it was not her fault that her father left, even though Ducky had still been traumatised by that event in her life. She could easily relate to not having a father. “I thought it was my fault” she said, a few tears building around her eyes. “I did, I did”

“I just want my dad back” said Littlefoot.

“Your dad does love you Littlefoot, he always has and always will” said Ducky.

“I don’t know” said Littlefoot, closing his eyes in dismay.

“I am sure he will try to be a father to you soon” said Ducky in a reassuring voice as she nuzzled his cheek again. “My daddy came home but it just took him a long time and it is taking your daddy a long time to really come home to you” said Ducky.

“But what if he doesn’t?” asked Littlefoot.

“I am sure he will come back to you Littlefoot, even if you think he dies not love you, he knows that he loves you, he is just not used to being a dad” said Ducky.

“That might be why I see him as herd leader, he doesn’t know how to be a dad” sighed Littlefoot. He closed his eyes tightly but when he opened them again there was clear resolve in them. “He loves me, your right Ducky, he will come back, I just need to help him realise that he is my dad and then maybe we can finally be a family again” said Littlefoot.

He bent his neck and nuzzled Ducky gratefully “Thanks for helping me feel better Ducky” he said, Ducky smiled in return.
“You are my friend and that is what friends do yep, yep, yep” she said cheerfully, her warm voice chasing away the pain in Littlefoot’s heart, he smiled and got to his feet with renewed vigour. “Come on Littlefoot,” said Ducky and led him down the trail in the direction of the cave.


“And that was the last I saw of him” said Shorty as he quickly finished explaining the confrontation between Littlefoot and Bon to the startled friends.

“But where Littlefoot go then?” asked Petrie, sounding worried to the verge of panic.

“I don’t know!” said Shorty angrily “I thought he would come here but I was wrong, I don’t know where he is now” said Shorty.

Cera looked to Petrie. “Do you think you can find him from the sky Petrie?” she asked.

“Me no think me need to” said Petrie and pointed past Cera. The friends turned to see Littlefoot walking slowly towards them with Ducky on his back. Everyone watched Littlefoot with apprehension but Littlefoot just walked over to Ali and sat next to her on the warm rocks, she gave him a comforting nuzzle.

“Are you okay Littlefoot?” asked Shorty.

“I’m better now Shorty; don’t worry” replied Littlefoot before turning to Ducky whom had gone to re-join Trough, Spike and Diver. “Why don’t you tell us your story now Ducky?” asked Littlefoot with genuine curiosity.

“Oh yes, yes, yes” she said eagerly.

“Hey what’s going on here?! What have I missed?!” said a sudden voice the children turned to gaze in astonishment at a female light blue Swimmer approaching them. Diver herself was gawking at the sight of this strange looking Swimmer.

“Hi Bluey, how was the night?” asked Sura with a friendly wave to her sister.

“It was just fine Sura,” replied Bluey in a friendly voice, her gaze settled on all the children sitting on the bare rock “but what is going on here? I don’t recall this place being so crowded” she said.

“These are Ducky’s friends, they arrived here last night after journeying here alone” said Sura, a little bite in her remark, she then walked down to Ducky and put a hand on Spike and Diver’s back “and my son Spike and my daughter Diver” she said with a smile. Bluey on the other hand looked surprised as she approached.

“Who is she mom?” asked Diver, pointing to Bluey “I’ve never seen a Swimmer like that before” she commented to the amusement of Grandma Swimmer and Cyrest.

“This Diver is Bluey, she’s my sister, your aunt” said Sura.

Diver gasped in shock as she took a new look at Bluey, she certainly looked like she was related to Sura not as much because of her skin colour but because of her friendly smile and kind demeanour.

“Nice to meet you” said Diver.

“Nice to meet you to little one” said Bluey and gently nuzzled Diver as if she was her own child, Diver chuckled as her aunt’s muzzle tickled her, Spike was next to be nuzzled by the light blue Swimmer. Bluey broke off and looked at the other children “Yes, your all Ducky’s friends, she told me all about you all including you two” she said with a surprisingly friendly smile over at Ruby and Chomper.

Bluey sat down on her haunches and said “Now I believe you were going to tell your friends about your journey Ducky” she said.

Ducky took that as an invitation and began her tale from the moment she and her mother had left The Great Valley. She told them of their journey through the cave and the brief reunion with Archie and of their time in The Land of Mists. When she got to the cave her mother told them all about her misadventure at the sinking sands, it left everyone especially Diver rocked to the core, she had not known that her mother was an adventurer but to hear that she had lost two of her siblings on one adventure really hit home the message that adventures didn’t always end well.

Ducky then moved on to tell them about the dawn attack by Dil and Icky and their narrow escape. “Those idiots, it serves them right for trying to eat you!” said Cera when she heard of what had become of them.

Sura then told them of their stumble on Ducky and Diver’s birthplaces, she happily retold the story of her two daughters hatching. “So you were nearly eaten right after you hatched?” said Cera to Ducky when they finished “And I thought I was bad too” she commented to herself.

Ducky took it from there and told them about their encounter with The Spiketail herd. Spike was overjoyed to hear that Tippy was doing alright. Sura then told the kids of the close shave with Red Claw and his two Fast Biters; Screech and Thud. That sure made everyone more tense.  

However, the narrative took on a harsh turn when the kids herd of the Fast Biter attack and the horrible result it had on Sura and Ducky, they were amazed that she had survived especially after hearing about her recovery.

However, Littlefoot couldn’t help but feel extreme sympathy for Ducky after the attack, he knew how she felt all too well and the teling of the attack brought back the ever present memory of his mother’s final battle. Cyrest then told them about the training he had given Ducky as well as going into the disastrous attempt at the local Rapids.  

Mo then told them about their reunion and the challengers that Ducky had done from Thunder pool, to the underwater cave and the race to rescuing Sura from the Megalodon Shark.

Diver hugged Ducky so tightly it hurt when she heard what Ducky had done “Oh I’m so glad you saved mom and that your alive” she said gratefully, Spike grunted in agreement and gave Ducky a large lick across her front. Cera was astonished when she heard about Ducky taking on Thunder Pool, but so was everyone else, none of them could really believe she had actually done that.

Ducky then went on to tell her friends about meeting Trough and The Swimmer herd as well as her Grandmother and Aunt. Trough was surprised by all the looks of sympathy he got when the friends heard about how he was treated. “Bullies” said Littlefoot angrily.

“They so mean” said Petrie in agreement.

“They’re lucky I wasn’t there” said Cera firmly.

Ducky then told them about Sierra’s attack.

Spike was growling with rage when he heard what that bastard Flyer had done to his sister. Ducky put a gentle, reassuring hand on Spike’s snout. “I am okay Spike I am, I am” she said gently.

Then It got to The Killer Storm. Ducky and Trough both told their respective parts though they both left out their first kiss and Ducky’s accident, they’d never hear the end of it of they had told them. Her friends were just glad that she and her companions had survived and were okay.

The last part of the story was the bullying Ducky endured and the meeting that followed which was soon followed by the Fast Biter attack. Everyone was glaring furiously when they had heard about how the children of the herd had treated Ducky, Cera snorted and stomped her foot on the ground aggressively and Spike was shaking with rage. Sura and Ducky had to calm him though Diver let out an angry rant “If I ever see those bullies I will kick their butts so hard that they won’t even be able to sit down again!”

“Yeah!” shouted Cera in agreement.

The children were glad the meeting had gone well but when they heard about the Fast Biter’s attack they were all chilled, especially Chomper “He sounds like he has nothing to lose, that’s dangerous” he commented. However, they were all left gasping when they heard about him capturing Ducky and Trough’s heroic actions.

Poor Trough was quite literally smothered by Ducky’s friends and found himself in the iron hug of Diver and Spike licking him until he was on the ground, laughing. “Thank you for saving my sister Trough” said Diver.

“She’s my friend and that’s what friends do” said Trough.

“I don’t care what those other Swimmers say, you are a good friend and you don’t deserve to beaten up just because they think you’re a loner because you are not a loner anymore” said Diver.

“Yeah!” everyone said in union.

“Thanks everyone” replied Trough who by this time was blushing deeply.

“I think that’s all there is to tell” said Sura.

That was a very amazing story mom” said Diver. Spike grunted in agreement.

“Thank you dear” replied Sura and observed just how late it was the sky was already turning orange in preparation for night. However, there was still one more guest to arrive before the night.

“Hello everyone” said an unexpected, yet familiar voice.


Bron had stayed exactly where he was the whole day, by the waterhole looking deep into the water as if he were searching for something elusive deep in its waters, his mind was in complete turmoil. The accusations that his son had thrown at him had caused more damage than the strongest Sharptooth. Normally he might have been able to just act tough and pull through but not with his own son, the words his son carried had great meaning to him because they meant a lot to Littlefoot.

He closed his eyes in shame, his son had every right to be angry with him after all where was he all his life? He never saw him hatch and he never helped his mate fight Sharptooth, the guilt that he might have saved her had he been their rose like a flood to overwhelm him. Littlefoot was right, he had not acted like a father, but that was only because he didn’t know how. He knew how to be a responsible herd leader and that is what was outwardly communicated to his son. He wasn’t sure how to be a father, he had spent so much time devoid of a son and after their reunion he spent too little time with him.

The guilt rose into a torrent of agony, he had never been there for Littlefoot, not in his life before they met and not now. His shame was heightened when he thought back to Littlefoot saving his life at The Fire Mountain. He meant a lot to his son, so much that he was prepared to risk everything to save him, he couldn’t blame him for being angry when he left. It was true that the herd had become like a family to him, he knew everyone by name and they knew him, he had grown to respect them and protected them to the best of his ability but neglecting his son in the process.

“What kind of a father am I?” he asked himself. “Am I a good herd leader but a bad father? Is that why Littlefoot is so upset?”

Littlefoot had lived a life in The Great Valley with his friends and under the loving care of his Grandparents but still he had no father there, all because he chose his herd over his son.

Bron closed his eyes tightly, a few tears falling from his eyes as he realised his failure as a parent, Littlefoot may look like him and act like him but he was always like that, he wasn’t taught how to do that, it was his mother that taught him, she had given him every tiny piece of love she could afford to her son, she gave up her own life for him.

Bron realised how much of a disappointment he must have been, to not live up to the example of his mate, how would she react if she were here now? She would not want the family split up like they always had been so far, Bron knew that if she were still alive he would have stayed in The Great Valley because of how much he loved her but he had failed to show that love to Littlefoot, his loving son, whom had risked everything for him.

“I can’t keep doing this” said Bron out loud to himself, he couldn’t stay away any longer, it was long since time to step up and be a father to Littlefoot, he had already caused his son more pain then he’d care to admit and he had to redeem himself for it, no longer would he stay separated from his family, no longer would he shun his responsibility to his family, he would be a dad. Littlefoot’s dad.

With his mind made up, a calm sense of peace descended upon Bron’s mind, he knew in his heart what decision he had to make and got to his feet, he proceeded with a firm resolve to complete that decision, “I am sorry for all the sadness and pain I have caused you Littlefoot,” said Bron apologetically “but I will not cause you anymore pain, I will be your father, We will be a family again, my son” Bron finished with a strong firmness and set off with a powerful determination in his stride.





Everyone let out exclamations of surprise as the blue Flyer landed on the beach, Petire immediately flying into his mother’s welcome arms.

“What are you doing here?” asked Cera in surprise.

“Looking for you kids” replied Ariel sternly. “Did you think your absence would be unnoticed for long?” she asked. “Your father’s not happy with you Cera” stated Ariel as a matter of fact.

“So what else is new?” said Cera casually, she hardly expected her father to be happy with her.

“Oh Sura, it’s so good to see you again” said Ariel with a happy smile.

“Likewise Ariel, the kids have already told me about Sierra and thanks to them he won’t be bothering us anymore” said Sura. Petrie’s mother widened her eyes at the implications of Sura’s words.

“You know about Rapid and Ruphus I take it?” she asked cautiously.

Sura nodded solemnly “Yes, I know.”

Ariel turned her attention to the children “Well, what am I going to do with you?” she said. “You can’t just wonder back on your own.”

Sura cleared her throat loudly “Actually I’ve been thinking to go back to The Valley, after all in The Valley I won’t be hunted by Fast Biter’s, the kids could come home with us”

There was a chorus of cheers and affirmations from The Gang and Ducky especially. Trough looked a little shocked, if she was going to go home then she would be leaving him until his herd journeyed to The Great Valley. With that in mind he voiced his request “Can I come too?” he asked.

Ducky pricked up when Trough said that “Oh yes, yes, yes, Trough can come can he mama? Please, please, pleeeeeaaaase” she said putting on her most adorable face she could.

Sura chuckled at her daughter’s reaction, “I am perfectly fine with him coming dear, as long as it is okay with his mother.”

“YAY!” cried Ducky jumping up and down, her tail going berserk. Her friends couldn’t help but grin at Ducky’s ecstatic display.

“When are you planning to leave?” asked Ariel.

“I think tomorrow would be good if very one agrees with me, Cyrest, are you okay with completing Ducky’s training in The Great Valley” asked Sura.

“Do you have to ask Sura?” was his reply “Of course I’m okay with going to The Great Valley again, it’s been too long” said Cyrest eagerly.

“Excellent,” exclaimed Sura. “I think we can leave tomorrow.”

“YES!” cried out all the children, none of them could wait to get back home.

“I’ll fly back and tell everyone that you’re on your way home” said Ariel.

“Thanks Ariel” said Sura as Ariel took off.

“I’ll see you at home Petrie” she called to her son.

“See you soon mom!” he called as she flew off into the sunset.

Ducky was trembling with sheer anticipation and excitement for tomorrow she was finally going to go home. Sura decided for the kids to get an early night for they would all have a very big day tomorrow.  

Sorry for the long wait my computer hard drive died with no files recoverable, I had already done most of the chapter, so I've had to rewrite the chapter. Hope you enjoy it.   ^^spike
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Review of Chapter 53:

Well, looks like the grown-ups have figured out where their children "might" have gone this time. Took them long enough ^^spike

Littlefoot and Shorty seem to have a little adventure planned themselves ;) Interesting that you mention what Littlefoot's childhood could have been like, almost screams for a fanfiction where Littlefoot ends up with his dad instead of his mother :p

Bluey what are you doing?! :lol

Okay, so both the Gang and the two Longnecks are wandering around in the dark, trying to find Ducky and completely unaware of each other... that's a funny situation actually :p

Oh boy, this is ridiculous... and amusing :DD Littlefoot and Shorty falling into a pile of shit, very original idea ^^spike
There we have our reunion, only one member of the gang is still missing. I do wonder how they are going to react to certain changes in Ducky's life *cough* Trough *cough* ;)

Okay, this was exactly what I thought was gonna happen... Upon meeting Ducky, everybody goes crazy and they all say hello to each other in a mess :lol A very heartwarming scene, well done trying to tell a lot of things within very few space :)
I see trouble in the Longneck herd rising up though ^^spike

Also, the last scene is amazing! Shows what kind of character Sura has, a perfect mother :)

Great chapter overall! Missed reading TST ;)

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Review of Chapter 54:

Oh gosh where to start? :p

The first scene was simply breathtaking. When I recall what your writing was like at the beginning and what it turned into now it's hard to believe this is the same author! The descriptions of the sunrise are so spot on - you had me sitting on a beach, watching the sun rising with my favourite dinosaur pals in my mind, thanks for that! :)littlefoot
Also, I couldn't keep me from smiling hard when Trough and Ducky were having these highly romantical thoughts about each other  :lol (+ Ali, reminds me of a scene I want to write for way over a year already but there's still so much to write before I reach it in SDP :p)

So, the rough wake up (that was funny!) proved to be well worth it, yep, yep, yep!

Now they go surfing/sliding/diving?! Now that was a very good idea! Again, great writing there! In addition, I must concede that Diver and Cera are really, really dirty  :lol Their comments about our two little lovelings (and the other two big longnecked lovelings) are just hilarious!  :DD

And now I really wish there was such a thing as a LBT fail compilation on YouTube! Cyrest you're my hero!  :lol

Oh, why didn't I expect Mo to join the fun? And will Ducky have some competition soon? Diver seems to like Trough too   :nyah

Okay, I knew Littlefoot and Shorty were gonna get in trouble but I didn't see something of THIS magnitude coming... wow. Littlefoot showed Bron, that's for sure. This chapter is just getting better and better :smile

You really wanna kill me, do you?  :lol  "how to approach Ducky tips"... I'm dieing!  :DD Only confirms my thoughts about Cera and Diver btw, they really are a little... you know... the way friends are when you're in love and they just won't stop teasing you  :rolleyes

Trough also finds out more about how Ducky's Gang came to exist, couldn't have explained that shorter and yet so accurate ^^

Wait, now I am highly confused... Ducky's Dad = Ruphus? he fought Sura and left!? Either my memory of previous chapters is poor (in that case, I should read them again) or this is new information... coming out of the blue so much that I'm a little confused... Well, maybe things will clear up soon. ^^

Anyway, what can Ducky do better than making people feel better? Nothing! Whenever I feel bad, I wish someone like Ducky was at my side cheering me up  :yes

Well, the storytelling went well I guess. Nobody's been hugged to death at least :p Now who's that unexpected guest? You have me puzzling here... or maybe not, I do have one guess...

Heh, Bron is finally taking responsibility for Littlefoot as it seems  ^^spike

Hah, knew it'd be Ariel! :smile So they're going back to the Valley finally! It's been long enough after all! And it also means the Trial will come closer and closer and so is the end of this story *cries* Though there are probably still going to be quite a few chapters I do hope ^^
I'm sure Trough will be allowed to join them (although not allowing him would also make room for some interesting scenes ^^spike) but what about the Longnecks? Would Littlefoot simply go with the Gang without a word to Bron? Well, since Bron has come to his senses as it seems, we might see them meet in the next chapter, we'll see ;)

So, summarising this chapter, I have to say I LOVE it and I laughed tears at some points and almost shed some at other points and throughout the whole chapter, you managed to make the pictures form in my mind easily due to your great descriptions. Keep it up, bro! This is getting better and better!  :!
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^ Thanks for the review Ducky and if you or anyone else want to know about what happened between Sura and Ruphus then you should go back and read Chapter 28: Life Flash because I have did some major editing to it a while ago, including adding the confrontation between Sura and Ruphus. So without any further ado here's the next chapter.  

Chapter 55: Departure

“Bron……….” The voice was almost inaudible over the wind; it was more like a whisper on the wind. Bron looked around in an attempt to find the source of the mysterious voice. He had no idea where he was, he only knew that it was dark and raining, flashes of lightning occasionally lit up the night sky, it was relatively calm compared to the last storm he had been in.

“Bron………” Called the voice again. Bron strained his ears, unable to pinpoint the source or even the gender of the speaker it was as if the wind itself was talking to him.

“Yes?” said Bron nervously. There was a powerful gust of wind at that moment and all of a sudden Bron was surrounded by swirling clouds, he could see nothing past the walls of vapour but suddenly just as quickly as it begun the clouds cleared leaving Bron rather freaked out but at least this time he was not alone, there was another Longneck in his sight next to a large river it’s feet submerged in the water. He could not tell who it was or the gender as the Longneck’s body was shrouded in shadows but he could clearly see a small nest lying wrapped in the Longnecks tail, it held four eggs but three of them had been smashed leaving only one intact. The egg in question started wriggling, obviously it was going to hatch very shortly.  

“Hello?” asked Bron as he advanced forward through the river towards what he assumed to be the soon to be mother or father. However, he got no response from the Longneck. Suddenly a sleek shadow moved out of the dark. Bron gasped as the Egg Stealer crept up stealthily towards the egg “Mine” it hissed quietly at the egg.

Bron reacted in an instant and with startling precision, he swept his tail right through the Egg Stealer…..literally. The tail went right through the Egg Stealer as if it was a ghost. “What the-!?” said Bron in alarm when that happened but scarcely a second later the Egg Stealer had leapt into the water, alerting the over Longneck to his presence, he quickly snatched up the egg but a powerful head-butt from the Longneck knocked him clean out, causing him to drop the egg, which bounced away.

“Oh no!” said Bron and at once, he and the other Longneck where already rushing after the egg.

The egg bounced into the river and fell down a water fall but fell onto a ledge beneath it. It bounced away into a clearing just as the rain stopped and The Bright Circle came out. Now Bron was in the presence of three adult Longnecks all watching the egg fearfully, had the baby survived all that? The egg in question did not look very good, it was covered in large, long cracks all over the surface, it looked like it was going to burst open any second now………and it did.


The first crack sent a small nearby lizard running in fright, a hole appeared in the top of the egg.


The tip of a brown tail of a boy emerged, light brown on the underside, and dark brown on the top and a neutral shade of brown between poked its way out of the egg.


The right back leg emerged from the egg.


The left back leg broke through the shell and the rest of the egg collapsed, the hatchling who was almost standing on his head, he rolled around over his back and onto his belly. The long neck of the hatchling was rather tiny and he bore a face filled with love and compassion as well as lots of curiosity as he opened his eyes and smiled a wide smile.

“Here I am” came the voice of a female Longneck that made Bron’s heart skip a beat. He turned to look upon the face of the one person he thought he would never see again. His mate. Littlefoot’s mother. Bron gasped in astonishment. Then he looked down at the hatchling and realised that he knew who it was, it was Littlefoot and he had just witnessed him hatch.

“He’s beautiful isn’t he?” said a gentle feminine voice behind him.

The voice was addressed to him. With extremely slow weary steps Bron turned around to look at the loving face of his mate, she was looking at him and Littlefoot in the background. “Hello Bron” she said and walked up to him and nuzzled his face. Bron almost felt he was going to have a heart attack, that touch felt so real but it couldn’t be.

“But your dead” was all he managed to say.

“I am but that doesn’t mean I am not with you dear” replied Littlefoot’s mother in a soft voice, filled with love.

Bron let out a breath he hadn’t realised he had been holding and proceeded to nuzzle his mate. “I missed you so much” he said, his voice was ridden with guilt and tears started to fall from his eyes.

“I missed you too Bron”

“I am sorry”

“Sorry for what?” asked Littlefoot’s mother.

“I left you, I wasn’t there for you or our son” said Bron in a guilty voice, bending his neck in shame. However, his mate put her head beneath his and hoisted his head back up.

“Look at me Bron” she said gently.

Bron opened his eyes slowly and looked at his mate. He felt terrible at that moment and when he looked at his mate’s back and neck, he could see the huge gashes where Sharptooth had torn into her flesh, the blood did not flow from the wounds though, it stayed inside her.

“You did what you thought was right, I can’t blame you for that, I just wish we could have been a family again and you have finally allowed that chance, Littlefoot does need a father and you are his father” explained Littlefoot’s mother.

“I wish I had never left then you might not have died” said Bron, he was trembling and tears were now falling from his eyes even faster at that realisation. He suddenly found himself being nuzzled by his mate.

“Blaming yourself for something you had no control over is not going to help you, I don’t want you to linger on that, I just want to see my son at home in The Great Valley, with mom and dad and his friends…..and you” said Littlefoot’s mother.

Bron nodded. “I promise dear,” said Bron softly but no less meaningfully. “I will look after Littlefoot and be a father to him, I promise that we will be a family again” He finished. His mate smiled at him lovingly and nuzzled him, he returned her nuzzle contently.

“I know you will dear, now it is time for you to go” said Littlefoot’s mother with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

“Not now please!” said Bron pleadingly as his mate turned to leave.
His mate turned to look at him and smiled “I will always be in your heart Bron, you and Littlefoot are never alone” she said and with a powerful gust of wind she vanished into the cloud.

“Wait!” cried Bron as his mate disappeared from sight and the cloud engulfed him and everything went back but one loving voice remained.

“Wake up Bron, it’s morning my dear, a new day has begun. Wake up”
That was the last thing Bron heard before he woke up.            


She was surrounded by mist, she didn’t know where she was only that her feet were on solid ground. “Where am I?” thought Sura as she looked around in alarm. She walked forward but had no idea where she was going and if she could see what was ahead of her then she could end up in an even worse situation so she decided to stand still and wait for the fog to pass. But for no matter how long she stood their alone and fearful the fog refused to clear, what was worse she had no idea where Ducky, Diver and Spike were now or if they were okay. Suddenly something called.

Sura cocked her head in confusion, it sounded like a whisper but she could hardly here a thing. Then it turned into a distant voice but she couldn’t tell anything about it, nevertheless she still strained her ears to hear what was out there.

“Hello?!” she called uncertainly. Her call was answered.




Sura was sure there were three voices but she couldn’t hear what they said nor could she gather any information about who they were. Suddenly she saw a shadow appeared out of the fog. Sura strained her eyes but she could not see through the fog at the thing that was approaching her all she knew was that it was big, however she spotted two smaller shadows, tiny in comparison to the big one appear on either side of the big shadow and as they approached they became clearer, she could very nearly see them, then they came out of the mists and Sura gasped at who stood before her. A second later everything went dark as Sura woke up.


With a sharp breath Sura opened her eyes and looked around the cave, realising that she had only just woken from a dream, she tried to remember it but found her memory as blank as the fog that had surrounded her in her dreams. Sighing she looked out the cave and saw the light of a new day pouring into the cave, Sura took a deep breath and with a smile bent her head to the children sleeping beside her, which now included Shorty and Littlefoot who was busy sleeping next to Ali, just as Ducky was sleeping with her brother and sister along with Trough.

“Wake up dears” she said gently and gave each child a gentle waking push with her beak. Ducky opened her mouth and yawned tiredly when her mother gave her a gentle nudge with her beak. “Morning little one” she whispered softly to her.

“Morning mama” said Ducky in a somewhat croaky voice. She was pleasantly aware of how warm she was and how close her friends were to her. She turned to look at Trough who was fast asleep beside her. She smiled and sighed dreamily, she felt that she could almost watch him sleep forever, he looked so very peaceful. However, Ducky knew that her mother was waking up everyone now, so she chose to wake up Trough herself.  

She gave him a friendly lick on the cheek. Trough chuckled but didn’t wake up, so Ducky nuzzled the front of his beak with her beak and whispered “Wake up Trough” however the response she got from Trough was surprising to her. He nuzzled her beak, the nuzzling quickly became a kiss from him. Ducky’s eyes widened in surprise but she soon returned the kiss as realised that Trough had already woken up and he had a cheeky glint in his eyes.  

“Morning Lovelings!” yelled Cera right between the two Swimmers.

Ducky and Trough both gave startled yells at Cera’s cheeky exclamation. They quickly found their friends laughing at their performance. To make matters worse Diver began to sing “Trough and Ducky sitting in a tree K-I-“

“No!! Shut Up you lot!” yelled Trough. “We-Are-Not-Lovelings!” he shouted angrily.

“No, no, no!” said Ducky in agreement, she looked rather annoyed.

“What are you talking about?” asked Cyrest. “You two were kissing just before, what says more plainly ëI’m in love’ then that?” he said rhetorically to the amusement of the children.

“Now, now” said Sura, as she tried to spare Ducky and Trough from anymore embarrassment, their bodies already looked like a pair of red tree stars. “Breakfast, is here little ones.” She said and put some tree stars down among the friends.

“Breakfast for you maybe” said Chomper disdainfully as his belly rumbled.

“Don’t touch me then!” said Trough loudly as the friends laughed at his comment before Ruby got up and approached Chomper

“Come on Chomper,” She said “let’s look in The Big Water for something for you to eat” said Ruby and led Chomper outside of the cave. The friends began eating contently, with Spike eating huge mouthfuls of green food at once.

“How did you ever manage to raise a Spiketail that gorges himself like that?” said Cyrest in shock as he observed Spike. Sura chuckled in response.

“Well, He is allowed to have food at any time of day” she said.

“But Spike is always hungry he is, he is” said Ducky. Spike nodded in confirmation and let out a loud belch as he finished his meal.  

“I can see that,” said Cyrest “He’ll eat us out of the cave” he joked.

Grandma Swimmer got to her feet and stretched her arms out “It’s not like we’ll be staying in here much longer anyway Cyrest” she said, still sounding a little drowsy.

“Oh yes, yes, yes we are going back to The Great Valley today we are, we are” cried Ducky happily clapping her hands in excitement.

“Trough, Ducky, Blue!” called Sura from the entrance “I think we should go and get permission from Laura if we want Trough to come with us” she said.

“Wait for me!” said Grandma Swimmer as she followed them out “We’ll be back soon dears” she said to the children as she left.

“Well, who’s up for a game of Swimmer and Splasher while we wait?!” said Diver and ran out towards the water. She was met with enthusiastic responses from everyone else who followed her down to the water to play.


The Great Valley

The Grown Ups gathered eagerly around Ariel on the top of a hill overlooking the main river. She had only just returned from her trip to The Big Water. “What news Ariel?” said Ruphus, the desperation clearly evident in his voice, he really wanted to hear if Ducky, Sura, Diver and Spike were okay.

“Well I found them all by The Big Water with Sura and Ducky and Cyrest” said Ariel to the relief of the parents.

“How’s Cera looking?” asked Topps.

“Are my children and mate okay?” asked Ruphus.

“Is Ali there?” asked Brace.

“And Littlefoot?” added Granma Longneck.

“Please everyone one at a time!” cried Ariel, while she had expected this response it did not make it anymore overwhelming, the parents silenced themselves and waited expectantly for Ariel to continue. “Now all the children are there, that includes Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Chomper, Ruby, Ali, Shorty and Diver” she said “As well as two other Swimmer children and two adults that I didn’t know” she hastily added to Ruphus’s surprise and curiosity.

“They all look okay, Cera’s leg has been well tended and has healed and from what I heard while they were telling stories the kids managed to finish off Sierra for good and they also had a run in with Red Claw that Diver saved them from” said Ariel.

“Oh my!” exclaimed Ruphus in shock.

“So they’re all okay?” asked Grandpa Longneck.

“Yes and here’s more Sura is taking her small herd back to The Great Valley!” said Ariel in delight.

Ruphus gasped in joy “Sura’s coming back with the kids!” he cried out in excitement.

“Calm down Ruphus!” said Topps irritably to the ecstatic Swimmer. “So when can we expect them back?” he asked Ariel.

“They are leaving today. They should be here in the next few days” explained Ariel to the Grown Ups delight.

Grandpa Longneck smiled gratefully at Ariel “Thank you, this is very good news I think we can all rest a bit easier now”

“The pleasure was all mine Grandpa Longneck,” said Ariel “besides my son was out there too and it was good to see Sura again”

Grandpa nodded and turned to leave “Well I suppose we’ll see them soon won’t we dear” he said to his mate. “Yes we will” she responded with a smile as the Longnecks departed, Topps quickly followed. Muttering to himself as he left “I will give Cera a jolly good talking to when she gets back”

Finally, only Ruphus and Ariel remained. “Thank you Ariel,” said Ruphus gratefully. “this means a lot to me.”

“Your welcome dear” replied the Flyer kindly. Ruphus was about to leave when Ariel called him back.

“What is it?” he asked curiously.

“I heard Ducky and Sura tell their tale of what happened after they left the Valley until they met up with the children, you and Merri might find it interesting” said Ariel.

“Oh indeed!” said Ruphus eagerly. “Come along to my nest and you can tell me and Merri what has happened.” Ruphus then left for his nest with Ariel flying overhead, she would have quite a tale to tell before the day was over.


The Big Water

“Hmmmmm” said Laura thoughtfully.

She had just been asked by Trough if he could be allowed to go with Ducky’s family and friends back to The Great Valley and she wasn’t sure about it. Now that she knew that Ducky was taking The Trial of Destiny she didn’t want Trough to grow to attached to her as he would probably lose her, Laura didn’t want her son to go through that but she also knew that she was way too late to prevent a bond between her son and Ducky, they were already kissing each other and one way or another Laura knew there was no going back from this. On the other hand, saying ëno’ to Trough was certainly not a good idea. “Love knows no bounds after all” she thought. Trough would probably run off on his own if she said that and without a herd he would be in great danger. On the other hand, she and the rest of The Herd were going to The Great Valley soon and Trough going now would mean a much more pleasant journey for him then it would be in the herd. At least that was what she hoped.

With a sigh she looked down at Ducky and Trough, they were holding hands and both wore expressions of extreme anxiety, she could tell they both wanted to go to The Great Valley with each other and now with Ducky’s extremely cute and Trough’s exceptional pleading expressions she made her choice.

“Okay Sura, Trough can go with you but promise me that you’ll take care of him, that you won’t let him come to harm” said Laura, looking at Sura.

Sura held up her hand and stated “I swear I will look after your son Trough and make sure he doesn’t come to harm even if it should mean injury for me” She said in firm resolve.

Laura smiled “Thank you Sura and good luck. Goodbye Trough, have a safe trip” said Laura as Sura turned to head back to the cave with Ducky, Trough and her mother in tow, Bluey had gone off earlier saying “I’ll meet you back at the cave soon”

“Goodbye Trough,” said Shelly as she hugged her brother one last time “Stay safe out there!” she called.

“You know I will!” replied Trough in a reassuring voice as he left with Ducky walking beside him. This was it he was finally going to The Great Valley with his best friend, he smiled in excitement at the prospect that awaited him.  


“Thank you for all you done my friends” said Bluey emotionally as she broke off from Rarlap’s embrace.

“You have deserved the love that we have showed you Blue,” replied Rarlap “and you are more than just a friend to me” as he stroked the Sapphire crystal hung around her neck.

“We’ll see you at The Great Valley Blue” said Alane from beside Rarlap.

“Thank you again” said Bluey as she turned to leave “Goodbye Alane, goodbye Rarlap” she before she left.

“Goodbye Bluey” called the couple as she left but neither of them noticed the subtle bulge in Bluey’s abdomen as she left.


“I’m not sure about this Bron” said Marcus, Bron’s most effective deputy, he was the second in command of the herd but it was never really made official but the grey Longneck was not only strong but clever and had proved his worth time and time again, Bron could think of no better replacement for his position then Marcus.

“I know you are right to take my place as herd leader Marcus” said Bron with a smile.

Marcus was flattered that Bron thought so highly of him. At the same time, he was still unsure about this decision. “Do you think this is a good idea Bron?” he asked, he knew his reasons but Bron was talking about leaving a whole herd here.

“It is time I stepped down Marcus, I had a good run but I have left my son for too long……it’s time for us to be a family again. I hope you understand that” said Bron calmly.

Marcus nodded slowly. “I understand sir….” He sounded uncertain “But what will I do as a leader?”

Bron smiled encouragingly “You protect your herd, as for what you do, that’s up to you, our route is familiar to you so you could go anywhere, just stay alive and if you ever have children then don’t put you family above anything that’s my advice to you” said Bron in an encouraging voice, all his words were said from his heart.

Marcus seemed a bit more confident, he gave a smile. “Thank you Bron, it has been a pleasure to know you, I wish you all the best for you and your son” he said as he turned around but said a last few words to the now ex leader. “I won’t let you down Bron” he said as he went to inform the herd of its most recent developments.

“I know you won’t” said Bron quietly to himself and lay down on the ground and waited, he was sure Littlefoot would come back soon and when he did, they would finally make up.


The small herd of Swimmers and children now walked away from the cave as a group. Spike was currently carrying Ducky, Diver, Trough and Jane on his back. Jane was sitting in front of Ducky on Spike’s neck, Ducky was keeping a hold of Jane to stop her from falling off as she was so excited about riding on Spike. Trough and Diver sat atop his back while Petrie perched on Cera’s back. Littlefoot was walking beside the group with Ali. Cyrest and Grandma Swimmer were together at the rear while Sura and Bluey led the way.

Suddenly Littlefoot made a call as they were passing through the forest by the cliffs. “Wait!” he cried. The whole group stopped to look at him curiously. “I need to tell my Dad what I’m doing,” he explained “can we stop by at my Dad’s herd?” he asked Sura respectably.

“Of course Littlefoot, lead the way” she gestured for him to take the lead. It did not take long for Littlefoot to sight the Longneck herd in the plains but he was a little apprehensive about this meeting, having not seen his father since he had yelled at him, how would he react to him going back to The Valley?
Suddenly he heard and felt the giant footsteps of a Longneck approached Littlefoot looked up and saw Bron walking calmly towards them. This only made Littlefoot more nervous about facing his father. He stopped and watched Bron approaching for what seemed like ages before he stopped in front of Littlefoot.

By now Littlefoot’s heart was racing, he was worried that he would run off because at the moment he almost felt like he was about to face a Sharptooth, except he wasn’t he was facing for father. Taking a deep breath in order to calm himself Littlefoot stepped forward.

“Errr…. Hi Dad” he said. The nervousness being very clear in his voice and demeanour.

“Hello Littlefoot” replied Bron calmly.

“Um…so…..I just….” Littlefoot was unaware at how low his head was as he said this “came here to tell you that….I’m going back to The Great Valley with my friends.”

“With them?” asked Bron gesturing to the group behind him.

“Yeah…..” said Littlefoot slowly. He felt very awkward and almost expected a long silence to follow which made what happened next all the more surprising.

“Then do you think you have room for one more Longneck?” asked Bron with a smile.

“Whhhaaaat?” asked Littlefoot, raising his head in astonishment to look at Bron.

“Do you mind if I join you on your way back to The Valley?” asked Bron.

Everyone was staring at Bron in surprise none more so then Littlefoot, he looked like he had just seen his father grow two heads. “But Dad you’re herd I-“

“I have resigned my position as herd leader and have chosen to leave the herd” said Bron calmly, but he smiled wider as he bent his neck down to Littlefoot, his son. “You were right Littlefoot, it’s time for us to be a family again,” he said to a completely dumbstruck Littlefoot. “I know I’m not perfect and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you son but no more, you are my son and I love you, I will come home with you and be the father I should have been if you’ll have me” said Bron.

Littlefoot didn’t say anything for a short while, everyone watched the two longneck’s in silent apprehension. Suddenly Littlefoot gave a happy yell and ran to his father, they both nuzzled each other contently. “I’m sorry I yelled at you Dad it was disrespectful” he said as he broke off. He couldn’t believe what had Bron had chosen to do but he was happier than ever now with his Dad finally coming to live with him The Great Valley as a family again. Shorty was also astonished that Bron had chosen to leave the herd but he enjoyed the prospect of living in The Great Valley with his brother.

“Don’t worry Littlefoot, you taught me that I needed to be a father and that is what I will do, even if it took a little yelling to get the truth in my head.” He smiled at his son and he smiled back.

“So is there room in this herd for another Longneck?” he asked.

“You bet!” trumpeted Littlefoot. “Guys my Dad’s coming back home with us!” he called to the delight of his friends. However just as they were about to leave another Longneck, this time a female came to the group, she had a small Longneck on her back that Littlefoot recognised as the one he had rescued during The Killer Storm.

“I couldn’t let you leave without say thank you Bron on behalf of the herd. We’ll miss you but we will never forget you” she said kindly.

“Thank you Jesse,” replied Bron in kind “it was a pleasure” he added.

Jesse then lowered her neck to Littlefoot. “And thank you again for saving my son Littlefoot, I wish you all the best” She nuzzled him while her son nodded enthusiastically from her back. “Your mother would be proud of you” she whispered as she disengaged.

“Shorty” said Jesse, turning to face the green Longneck. Shorty was surprised that he had been addressed and waited for her to say more. “Well done in completing The Big Longneck Test, you’ll make a fine leader one day” she said with a kind smile which Shorty returned.

“Thank you and goodbye Jesse” said Shorty respectably. He had noticed that the rest of the herd had gathered to watch, they stood behind the Jesse and watched in silent vigilance at the ending of another herd leaders time, even if Bron wasn’t dead they still paid a proud respect to their old leader.

“Goodbye Everyone” said Bron to the herd who responded with a chorus of their own ëgoodbyes’ especially Jesse’s son. They watched as the small herd turn.

“It’s time to go everyone” said Bron. Everyone followed as they departed from The Longneck herd, Swimmer herd and The Big Water and started their journey back to The Great Valley.


The Great Valley  

Ruphus and Merri were both sitting by their nest containing Sura’s eggs with Ariel in front of them she had just finished explaining Sura and Ducky’s tale to them, though it took her the whole morning, it was early afternoon now and The Bright Circle shone brightly above The Great Valley but the air was cooler and the tree stars were changing, they were turning red and brown and falling to the ground in huge piles as Autumn was beginning, the adults knew that The Cold Time was approaching. However, Ruphus and Merri only had ears for the story but as the story ended Ariel started eating some berry’s nearby them quietly while she allowed the two Swimmers time to fully comprehend the story she had told and she had said a lot, she hadn’t realised how patched she was before, her voice was all croaky and her throat was sore so she took a long drink while she reflected on what she told Ruphus and Merri.

She had told them about the cave and Archie and The Land of Mists along with Dil and Icky’s morning attack and briefly touched on the story Sura had shared with Ducky. She also told them of Sura stumbling upon Ducky’s birthplace. This part of the tale had shocked her audience especially when they heard at what state Sura was in at that moment. “My poor Sura, she must have been in a lot of pain” thought Ruphus quietly.

Ariel continued and told them about meeting The Spiketail herd and the encounter with Red Claw, Screech and Thud.

“Well it’s a good thing Sura knows how to evade a Sharptooth” said Merri with relief. However, her relief turned to startled horror when they heard about the Fast Biter attack. They both paled at the impression Ariel gave her.

“Oh my” said Merri slowly, holding a hand over her chest. She now knew what her sister had faced on her journey to The Big Water.

“Poor Sura and poor Ducky, my little one saw it all” said Ruphus sadly, he now really wished he had been there to help Sura and to comfort Ducky who he knew would probably have been heartbroken at the seeming loss of her dear mother. “It’s amazing she even survived at all” thought Ruphus in amazement.

Now Ariel got into telling of Sura’s recovery and meeting Cyrest and his hatchling niece and what Ducky ended up doing to stop save Sura. It left both Swimmers speechless at the gravity of the situation and how Ducky had handled herself. “At least they are alright now” said Ruphus in an attempt to calm his and Merri’s nerves.

Ariel moved on to describe Ducky’s training from Cyrest and Mo’s Water Kin. On the whole Ruphus and Merri largely approved of Ducky’s training and were overjoyed to hear of her progress. This created a new hope to surge within their veins, maybe Ducky could do it. He was especially astonished but at the same time beaming with pride when he was told about The Megalodon Shark attack. “Oh I am so proud of her” said Ruphus with a smile on his face, he did have his reservations for Ducky’s training in the river rapids and Thunder Pool and Ariel perfectly understood his concerns, she could not imagine placing any of her children in a position to face a gusty wind let alone a tornado but Sura and Ducky had done the aquatic equivalent of these and pulled them off successfully, well at least one of them anyway.

After that they stopped to have a short break for food and check on their respective kids who appeared to be alright then Ariel got right back into the story, she told them about The Swimmer herd and Ducky’s bond with Trough. Now if Ruphus and Merri had been shocked before they were astonished now, their mouths were gaping wide when they were told that Ducky and Trough were kissing each other openly and of their apparent affection for each. “Affection? That might be understatement” thought Ruphus in shock.  

They were certainly not prepared for this kind of revelation, for Ruphus to hear Ducky actually finding what sounded like a lover was nothing short of crazy. He never thought Ducky was even old enough to even have those kinds of thoughts but displaying them openly and with another Swimmer near, her age. He felt so happy for her “My little girl is growing up” he thought quietly to himself but even as his body filled with happiness it also filled with sadness. What if Ducky didn’t complete The Trial? He shuddered, that was the last thing he wanted to think about. So he asked Ariel about Trough.

Ariel told Ruphus what she had heard about him, how he and Ducky met and what they had been through together and what her personal opinion of him was as she had seen him before. “He’s a fine young child as far as Swimmer’s go and he really appears to like Ducky, I think they are very good for each other” she said. Ruphus sighed and nodded his head in approval and beckoned for Ariel to continue.

She told him about Ducky’s bullying because she wet the nest because of a night terror about Sharptooth. Ruphus looked furious when she was done telling him that. “How dare they pick on my daughter like that!” he exclaimed angrily. He needed a few more seconds to calm down before Ariel could tell him about the meeting. Both Swimmers were pleased with the results but were horrified at just how close Ducky had come to death by the same Fast Biter that almost killed her mother. It was a surprise to hear that Trough saved her life after she saved him in The Killer Storm, which Ariel also told them about and both Swimmers were relieved to hear that their beloved family members had made it safely through The Killer Storm, though they were shocked about the length Ducky had gone to save Trough.

“She must really like him” said Ruphus thoughtfully.

“Indeed,” said Merri in agreement “To dive out into such waters…..At least Trough returned the favour but saving Ducky from that Fast Biter, he sounds like a really good friend to Ducky” she added.

“He’s more than a friend” Ruphus thought but nodded his head in agreement.

Ariel also told about the reunion with The Gang and finally voiced what she had been waiting to say for a while. “Oh and also Sura is coming back with two other Swimmers” That got both of her audience’s attention.

“She is eh?” asked Merri curiously.

“I think you know them Merri” said Ariel with a smile.

“Why?” asked Merri.

“Because they are your family” said Ariel. Merri gasped at what the statement implied. “Who?” she asked.

“Isira, I believe her name is, she’s-“

“Mother!” cried Merri in joy. “Who else is coming with her!?” asked Merri eagerly, she was simply trembling with excitement at the thought of seeing her mother again.

“A light blue Swimmer ca-“

“Bluey! Oh my dear sister!” shouted Merri she looked overjoyed now. “And they’re coming here!”

“Yes they are, it appears I’ll soon meet your mother Merri” said Ruphus, he looked surprised but no less happy about this development.

“I’ve got one last thing to tell” said Ariel and finally proceeded to tell them about Diver’s journey, how she saved The Gang from Red Claw, Screech and Thud and how she played a pivotal role getting rid of Sierra for good. “Oh my brave little one” said Ruphus in admiration as well as pride, his children were growing up so nicely.

Now after all this telling of tales, Ruphus and Merri finally had time to digest all the news, but they both got to their feet after a quick exchange of nods and walked back to Ariel as she finished her drink. “Thank you again Ariel” said Merri gratefully.

“Your welcome dears” replied Ariel “I’ll see you all later and I know we’ll all be seeing Sura and Ducky later too!” called as she took flight and with a screech she was off. Leaving Merri and Ruphus alone at the nest.

“Well” said Ruphus after a short time “I think we better go and let the kids know who’s going to arrive home in a few days” he said and with a smile he went off to tell the children that their brother, sisters and mother would be returning along with their grandmother and aunt. “They’ll be delighted” thought Merri as she laid down beside the nest and watched the eggs inside with a distant smile on her face. How wonderful it would be to see her sisters and mother again.


The small herd walked along in a direction parallel to the coast until they came to another river, it was not the same one that Sura and Ducky had first taken to get to The Big Water however. Thankfully Cyrest knew this river. “This will lead us into a forest outside the barren plains and turns off a day’s walk away from The Great Valley,” he explained “and it’s a much safer route then The Land of Mists by far, I’ve never been their presently and nor do I intend to”

“Okay so how long do we follow the river Cyrest?” asked Sura.

Cyrest shrugged “Depending on the speed, fast pace and we’ll get through in about two days if we go slow we should get there around four or five days, at the speed were traveling I’d say….” Cryest scratched his chin while he figured out the time “around 3 days before we leave the river then another day’s march till we get to The Great Valley” said Cyrest sceptically.

“That doesn’t sound too bad” said Cera. “Means more time between me and my father lecturing me” she thought.

“Come along everyone” said Cyrest and took the lead down the river.

For several hours they trudged along the river bank stopping every now and then to eat and drink but they made good progress and didn’t find any sign of Sharpteeth. The Gang meanwhile entertained Jane by giving her rides on all their backs and in Littlefoot, Ali and Shorty’s case on the top of their heads, accompanied by Ducky most of the time. She even took her on a swim in the river, accompanied by Diver and Trough, swimming on either side of Ducky with Jane on her back. Jane was really enjoying herself and even Petrie gave her a short flight since she was small and light enough to carry.

“You no let go Jane” he warned; Jane nodded and held on tightly to Petrie as she knelt down on his back. Petrie took off, flying slow and steady just above his friend’s heads and even taking her up to Bron’s elevation and Jane absolutely loved it. She laughed and squealed as Petrie soured through the air effortlessly, everyone was enjoying watching her, even the adults although they kept a sharp eye on her and the terrain as it does not do good to let one’s guard down in The Mysterious Beyond. Jane was having so much fun that she was a little disappointed to return to the ground but as Petrie landed on Cera’s back she willing got off and curled up on Cera’s back and fell into a deep sleep as the all the fun rides had exhausted her.

Cera looked back and giggled as Jane fell asleep on her back but quickly turned back to a smile, Jane reminded her of Tricia in so many ways “She’s so cute” sighed Cera in her mind. From then on the journey progressed at much more quiet pace, one that was comfortable for both adults and children. Finally, they took a short pit stop to eat and drink they were on the edge of a large forest separated by the slow flowing river which divided the forest from the grassy plains that the small herd was on. There were some tall trees growing a short distance away and aquatic plants growing by the waters edge. Ducky was already guzzling down water by the time her friends came to drink.

Diver came beside her and took her drink, they were a short distance away from everyone else but not far away to be in any immediate danger, Diver let out a sigh as soon as she was done. “I haven’t done this in ages” she said to Ducky.

“What have you not done is ages?” asked Ducky curiously.

“Travelling in a small herd with you and mom” replied Diver.

“I am happy to be going home with you and Spike and Mama I am, I am” said Ducky in agreement.

Diver looked a little apprehensive. “I envy you and your adventures and your friends Ducky, you get to do all this and kick Sharptooth butt all time”

“I do not think I like kicking Sharpteeth around it is not fun nope, nope, nope” said Ducky, her voice trailing off. Diver could relate to that in some way as she had been chased by Screech and understood what it felt like to run for one’s life but she had not had it as rough as Ducky on that front.

“Ducky can I ask you something?” said Diver slowly, there was something that she wanted to address after hearing about her previous adventures, she was curious and wanted to know more but this subject she was touching was far from pleasant.

“Oh yes, you can Diver” said Ducky cheerfully.

Diver looked down hesitantly but finally blurted out “Was Sharptooth visiting your sleep stories during your time of night terrors?” she asked in the calmest voice she could muster.

Ducky gasped as her cheerful exterior promptly vanished at the mention of Sharptooth. Ducky knew what Diver was referring to, the time after she arrived home in The Great Valley for the first time when she had suffered nightly night terrors about Sharptooth and suffered from the accidents these frightening visions invoked for a month. “Why would she ask about that?” thought Ducky in surprise. She didn’t answer straight away but eventually nodded her head, her expression downcast.

Diver could almost sense the question that appeared in Ducky’s head and answered it for her. “Cera told me about Sharptooth when we were going to The Big Water, she said you and your friends killed him and that you were used as bait.”

Ducky closed her eyes and shivered as the memories of that day went through her head again, of Swimming for her life against Sharptooth and fearing she would become the predator’s next entre. Diver suddenly lifted her sister’s left arm and finally saw what Cera was talking about. Ducky jerked away at Diver’s sudden action.

Diver saw it, the scar that Cera had talked about, it was hardly visibly, just a tiny round dot on Ducky’s flank but it was still there, the place where Sharptooth had wounded Ducky. Diver looked at Ducky and saw an expression of melancholy planted on her face, it conveyed so much pain and fear. “Did Sharptooth really cause Ducky to feel like this?” thought Diver in numb shock as the true extent of Sharptooth’s attack and its effect on her sister was finally revealed.

Immediately Diver put an arm around Ducky and drew her close, now she understood why Ducky never talked about those days, that were the hardest of her life. “I’m sorry” she said sadly “I had no idea”

Ducky sniffed. “I was so scared-ed then and when I see him in my sleep stories and the last one he….he….” Ducky couldn’t go on, she just fell to her knees and began to sob quietly. Diver gasped and settled herself down beside her sobbing sister and hugged her gently but it did little to sooth Ducky’s emotions as the terrible images of that dream struck her mind with the force of a Flying Rock and chief among those images was two girls crushed by Sharptooth’s foot, confronting these images was heart wrenching for Ducky. Why did her sister have to talk about this?

“Ducky?!” said a sudden voice. Diver turned to see Trough quickly rushing over to Ducky’s side “Are you okay?” he asked looking worried.

Ducky shook her head and continued to cry softly into her hands. Trough put his hand around Ducky from her right while Diver held her gently from the left. Trough nuzzled her in a consolatory way. What was the matter with his friend? Why was she crying?

“I’m sorry Ducky, sorry for bringing this up” said Diver apologetically. Ducky looked down into the water and closed her eyes sadly.

“I am so scared-ed of him, in my sleep story you had been crushed under his foot with Sandy and everyone, mom, dad, Spike he.....” Ducky sobbed harder while Diver gasped at what her sister was implying, she definitely did not know how Ducky felt in those dreams nor she could not imagine seeing that, sure she had nightmares about being eaten but nothing like what Ducky was suggesting.

Ducky was now leaning on both Diver and Trough just to keep herself from slumping down into the water, she was crying loudly now. “Spinner……Sharptooth he….’sniff’ used-ed daddy’s crest to…….” Ducky let out a loud wail and completely broke down.

“It’s okay, Ducky, it was just a sleep story” said Diver softly as she hugged her sister gently, even though Ducky returned her hug with an iron grip.

“And Sharptooth is gone now, you won’t have to face a Sharptooth like him again” said Trough, nuzzled Ducky’s right cheek which was wet with tears sliding down her face like a pair if waterfalls. It really hurt Diver and Trough to see Ducky break down like this.

“Ducky, are you okay?” Diver and Trough looked to see The Gang coming to see what was going on having been attracted by her wail. They stopped in alarm when they saw Ducky clinging to Diver like a frightened hatchling and sobbing loudly. They all swiftly approached in order to give their friend support and comfort. Ducky was aware of her friends as they all crowded around her in support.

“What wrong Ducky?” asked Petrie “Why you so sad” he asked almost feeling like tearing up at the sight of Ducky’s breakdown.

“Something I shouldn’t have brought up” said Diver bitterly as she patting her sisters back. “I asked her about Sharptooth and she told me about her latest night terror about him” said Diver.

“Ohhh” said the children quietly. The original five members of The Gang quickly approaching and nuzzling or otherwise holding onto Ducky in some way and in Spike’s case, giving her a lick up the length of his sister’s back, Ducky appeared to be calming down now.

Littlefoot walked up to Diver and asked her in a whisper. “Was this a really bad night terror?”

“It was” said Trough to Littlefoot’s surprise. “I was there when she had it and Bluey told me about it, she heard what happened from Ducky’s mom” said Trough.

Trough gestured to Littlefoot to come around to his end and he whispered in his ear to which the other kids listened too “It was terrible, Sharptooth killed every one of her family in the most horrible ways and you guys too, then he ate her after killing her mother in front of her”

The Gang nodded in understanding, they laid down beside Ducky and reassured her with gentle words and nuzzles that she was okay and that she would never be alone. The support was really good for Ducky and finally she started to calm down. “Thank you everyone” she choked out.

“We are always there for you Ducky“ replied Littlefoot.  

“Whenever you need us” said Trough.

“Mmmm hhhmmmm” said Spike with a nod of his head.

“Yep, yep, yep” said Ducky gently. “Your right Sharptooth is gone and I am safe from Sharpteeth now.”

Something clicked in Littlefoot as he remembered The Sharptooth in the Crescent Caves, Ducky was indeed facing a Sharptooth and they had forgotten to tell her and her mother. “Ducky!” he suddenly said urgently to everyone’s surprise.

“You can’t do The Trial, you just can’t!” he said desperately.

“I do not want to do The Trial no, no, no” said Ducky, shaking her head “But I must do it and I will do it, yes I will” responded Ducky, she sounded surprisingly determined but that didn’t matter to Littlefoot now.

“No you don’t understand Ducky! You can’t do The Trial!” he said almost shouting.

“Littlefoot right” said Petrie in agreement followed by all her friends who all seemed to get what Littlefoot was talking about and desperately urged her not to do it.

“I must do it I must, I must” said Ducky in reply to her friend’s urgent and fearful warnings.

“Ducky you can’t!” cried Ruby.

“You might die!” said Chomper, sounding highly distressed.

“I mus-“

“You can’t do it because there is a Swimming Sharptooth beneath The Crescent Caves where The Trial takes place!” shouted Cera at the top of her lungs, however nothing but complete silence followed her words.

Everyone was breathing hard except Ducky, she had long since known about this but a few others did not.

“…..WHAT!!!......” Ducky turned to the sound of her mother’s horrified voice, she turned and saw to her concern that her mother had gone all white and her eyes were completely filled with terror now that she knew this. For Sura, at that moment everything felt like it had stopped, except the fear which rose to drown her in a sea of despair that her daughter, no matter what she had done would still die in The Trial, all this training in vain as her daughter fell, Sura wobbled on the spot and suddenly collapsed to her right.

“Sura!” cried Bluey in alarm and caught her sister before she could hit the ground. She looked at her sister’s face and immediately knew that she had fainted. Ducky, Spike and Diver were already running to the mother in concern.

“Mom!” cried the two sisters as they reached their mother’s prone form and desperately tried to rouse her but without success. The over adult Swimmers arrived at this moment, having been attracted by the apparent rumpus being made.

“She’s only fainted” said Bluey to the children in an attempt to calm them.

“What happened?” asked Grandma Swimmer in concern as she knelt down beside Bluey and examined her daughter. She didn’t need to though as Sura suddenly woke up with a gasp and began to tremble uncontrollably as she got into a kneeling position and tried in vain to steady her breathing, there were unshed tears in her eyes.

It wasn’t true! It couldn’t be true! A Swimming Sharptooth in The Great Valley beneath the Crescent Caves it was just impossible. Sura couldn’t calm her mind as she slowly began to fit the pieces together. “No has survived The Trial in The Great Valley…….because of a….S….Swimming S-Sharptooth, it can’t be true! Ducky is doing that Trial, she can’t do it, but if the kids know then The Valley probably found out no one would do the Trial now unless………”

Sura’s mind reeled as the horrible realisation struck her harder than The Great Earthshake itself. “Sculra knew this all along, that’s why she chose all the Swimmers….she’s killing them all….she chose Ducky to-“

Rage filled Sura now, hot, boiling, untameable rage rippled through her body like a burning fire, never had she felt this way before, her breathing increased substantially and her fists clenched, finally like lava exploding from a volcano, a furious yell burst out of Sura’s mouth as she jumped to her feet, startling everyone present her children leapt back in fright at such a startling reaction from their mother, Ducky hid behind Spike’s foot and peeked her head out watch her mother yell.

“SCULRA KNEW THIS THE WHOLE TIME!!!!” she shouted in a blind fury, she was seeing red at the moment, she kicked a large rock with her foot and sent it flying away only to hit a tree and shatter. Sura was panting in rage and her teeth were clenched tightly in what almost looked like a snarl when she suddenly felt a hand on her back and chest and the next thing she knew she heard her mother’s calm voice rush through her like soothing water, clenching the fiery rage that had briefly taken over her. “Calm down dear” said her mother gently “Deep, slow breaths Sura” she said.

Sura complied with her mother’s instructions and quickly she began defuse and regain her composure. “Is that true?” she asked, her voice almost inaudible after her outburst. “Is there a Swimming Sharptooth in The Crescent Caves?”

“What?” said Isira, Bluey and Cyrest as one, their eyes widening in shock.

“Yes,” confirmed Littlefoot “we’ve seen it.”

“Oh Littlefoot I already know about The Sharptooth” said Ducky almost apologetically.

“Huh?” said Littlefoot in surprise.

“You already know?” Cera looked uncertain as she said that.

“How could you know what we know without seeing what we know?” asked Ruby bewilderment.

“I have known for a while, since the day me and my mom were attack-ed by those two Fast Biters” explained Ducky, everyone looked at her in confusion, obviously waiting for an exclamation of how. “Swayer told-ed me”

Cyrest shuddered as Ducky said this. “He visited-ed my sleep stories and told-ed me he did, he did” said Ducky. Her friends looked very confused now as they had no context for what Ducky was telling them except Trough, however Cyrest quickly provided them with an explanation that brought them up to speed.

“My son is dead Ducky, he died long ago in that cursed Trial you’ve been chosen for, why would he visit your sleep stories and not mine?! His own father!?” Cyrest yelled out the last words in pain and frustration, why couldn’t he see Swayer again? Why couldn’t he, even if it was all a dream? “And why didn’t you tell us?” he asked almost accusingly.

Ducky recoiled slightly at Cyrest’s apparent frustration “I did not want to frighten you, no, no, no” she said in a small voice.

“I understand Ducky,” said her mother gently lowering her head down to her daughter’s eye level “but no matter how bad the truth is it is better than a lie or simply not knowing my little dear” she said calmly. “It looks like we are going to have to teach you some Swimming Sharptooth manoeuvres if worse comes too worse but if I get support I might be able to stop The Trial if we can show everyone that there is a Swimming Sharptooth beneath the Crescent Caves” said Sura hopefully.

That made everyone prick up. Sura turned to her Cyrest “I’m sure Sculra has known about this Sharptooth the whole time, that’s why she sends Swimmers in to do it, to discredit their family’s and remain on power by fear” she said with firm anger in her voice.

Cyrest was now getting angry too “And with that Sharptooth in The Trial she can make sure that all the Swimmers die and that she always wins” he was seething; his words were through gritted teeth as he now knew who was responsible for Swayer’s death.

“I swear to you Swayer I will make her pay for what she has done to you!” thundered Cyrest in his head where he had kept the raging storm of his emotions locked from sight, it would do no good to yell about it anyway. He looked down at Ducky and said “I will teach you every tiny ounce that I know about swimming, caves and manoeuvres, so that you will be ready to beat any Sharptooth in the water.” he said with firm determination.

Ducky smiled up at Cyrest “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you” she said happily.

Cyrest smiled back. Bron suddenly marched over, he had been grazing on the taller trees, further away and had just finished his meal. “Well we all ready to go?” he asked in good spirits, oblivious to what had been going on a few moments ago.

“Yep, yep, yep!” said Ducky cheerfully and jumped onto Littlefoot’s back. The adult Swimmers nodded and the convey started moving again, although everyone had a lot more to ponder about then before. But there was one chief hope between them all that The Trial would be stopped before it started or if not and Ducky had to do it then Ducky would survive it.

The small herd continued walking until late evening where they all settled down for sleep. Littlefoot and Ali were sleeping with Bron while everyone else was sleeping in the circle created by Sura and Bluey’s bodies. However, Cyrest did not sleep, he stayed up. Thinking about everything, The Trial, Sculra, Swayer, the Swimming Sharptooth as well as Ducky and her training. He lay in his makeshift scrape with his niece sleeping contently beside his body with his tail wrapped around her, Grandma Swimmer was also sleeping beside him, he had actually grown quite fond of her after they had spent some nice times together. He looked out into the distance thoughtfully, his expression remained neutral but inside he was conflicted. He knew what they would soon encounter on their way to The Great Valley and while they could just pass it by if they wanted too, there was no doubt that many of them probably would if they knew what they were going to pass tomorrow.

However, this was too big an opportunity, too big an obstacle to simply pass by. No this had to be done now for better or for worse and if the outcome was to be terrible then he would bear the guilt for the rest of his life but this had to be done. Ducky had to face this and she would have to face it alone with no help this time, Cyrest only begged that she could do it. He finally settled into an uncomfortable sleep, though he resolved to talk to the adults when the time came.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?