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Reveiw LBT 13 Here!


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Sounds like a good movie if you do not mind goofy movies.  I like watching those, if I"m in the mood.  I've already mentioned above why I"m waiting.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Nov 29 2007 on  10:29 PM
I have been unable to obtain a copy as well. :( I checked at my local fred meyer and they didn't have it.  I'm hoping that was just fred meyer cuz it never has anything.  I looked online at and they say it'll take 7-14 days for it to arrive if I order it online! :angry: I pray it's at walmart when I go tomorrow.  If it's not, I'm gonna be pretty sad. :cry
If you haven't viewed LBT 13 yet, then you will be well off to have not read these reviews and spoilers.

Manny Cav

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I was talking to landbeforetimelove. You was posting in this thread at the same time I was, and I did not see your post. ;)


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Sorry, I"ll edit my text out so an admin can delete my post then.


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Sorry, I"ll edit my text out so an admin can delete my post then.
Taken care of. B)


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I may enjoy watching it, and all it's sillyness.

 Though it's silly, no reason there can't be a mainly silly movie. Though if the flow of the plot differs from previous ones to much it may upset some or many fans.


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If you haven't viewed LBT 13 yet, then you will be well off to have not read these reviews and spoilers.

Naw.  I love to read spoilers about movies before I watch them and reviews are even better. B)

Manny Cav

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You might be different than I am, but I might not would have found the movie as funny if I knew what was going to happen beforehand the first time I viewed it.


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It depends on the movie with me.  Star Trek and the like I don't want spoilers.  Land before time it gives me ideas what to look forward to.  Star Wars, since episode 1 I want to get as many spoilers as I can to see if it's something I want to see or not.


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I'm at that age where silliness shouldn't be the whole focus of film, yet apparent silliness reigns in this there any connectivity to 12?
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:

Manny Cav

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If one doesn't like the current direction of the series or the silliness, then perhaps that person has "outgrown" the series. And the only "connections" I noticed to LBT 12 werea few appearances by Tria.


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Are any of the films ever connected very much between them, except for a few exceptions?


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I don't oftentimes like to view funny movies more than a few times.  I mean, it's only funny so many times and if that's the whole base of the story, I'm afraid this one might have to go at the bottom of the pile in my list of favorite LBT movies.  It has to have a good storyline and substance to be enjoyable.  LBT 6 didn't really have a good storyline and that's why I didn't like it too much.  I'm hoping they don't go the "silly" route with the series from now on.  The story is what makes a movie a movie.


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Mine's more or less

... wait...

So far (Real time review)

Egad? Hey-ho?... goofball? muddle?

What kinda words are these? I can understand things like drippily because it's LBT... but egad hasn't been used in years... and Hey-ho... I don't even know what to say...

Flying into reeds and seeing a strange creature (seem familiar?)?

(I'm missing quite a bit since I decided to first try and watch it in Spanish for learning purposes)

these guys are as random as I...

this is redundant =\ =/

perhaps I'm judging too fast XD

could she really trip over Petrie if she could smash him?

was Littlefoot burying the last sharptooth really necessary?

I think one of the background characters... had a name change in Spanish...

I don't think dance breaks work too well in these...

what's the green for?

pixelated zooming! -.-

the word "tummy" is a poor song word... otherwise How Do You Know? is my favorite song in this movie

Flatulence still isn't funny

I think Doofah has Alzheimer's Disease

Feathers are strong!

They used up their 3 songs real quick, and didn't make a third one in this one like 11... but that left plenty of songless movie  :^.^:

Allusions perhaps

1 - Littlefoot getting a family member in danger... Finding a Utopian valley by strange instructions, using rocks to defeat carnivores, crossing a large, rocky area to find something, a large waterfall (I think), Mr. Topps doesn't have a large speaking role
2 - Basically having to take care of kids
3 - A large waterfall, a set of 3 semimain characters
4 - Echos as a plot device, Grandma being an even partially dynamic character, a large waterfall, a non-speaking guest-character
5 - crossing a large, rocky area to find something... ending in water
6 - Weather as a plot device (Tornado in this)
7 - Ducky falling from a cliff and being saved by a flyer
8 - Weather as a plot device (Snow in this)
9 - Leading irritating people to a place... odd singing...
10 - "Sleep Stories", using rocks to defeat carnivores, macroing, a large Waterfall
11 - Temperamental Cera, that opening music!
12 - Temperamental Cera, the opening sentence "our world has existed for billions of years", macroing, the don't wake up Cera rule, Ducky falling from a cliff

As best I can tell... in Spanish they replace "berry" with "ball" which is kinda comical... but it's partially because I don't know the word for berry and "bola" can mean ball


THIS JUST IN! The Spanish subtitles for the TV ep called Spike "Skipe" XD


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If one doesn't like the current direction of the series or the silliness, then perhaps that person has "outgrown" the series.
More like the series seems to be outshrinking us :(
Our age is not the problem, the turn the land before time is taking is (I haven't seen LBT 13 so I can't say anything objective on it yet. What I have read doesn't sound encouraging; then again opinions on LBT sequels may differ).


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The first movie was very serious in many ways... this one appears to be a joke (I haven't seen it yet, but am becoming... concerned.)

In 1997, I said that I would stay with the series to the end. I thought that it would be over by the year 2000. I was very wrong. I hope this one is a one-off comedy, as some of the TV episodes have been more serious than this thirteenth appears to be.


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I liked it, and I was superskeptical, however, it is more childish than the first, but many are


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I look forward to watching it, since I know what to expect.  I still wonder if this is a new direction, or a one shot type of thing.  Or perhaps one that will be done now and then.


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I'm avoiding reading into this thread until I watch the movie.  I Juuust picked it up today (finally had time!) and I'll probably watch it tonight. :D


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