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LBT fanart by me!

Lain_EX · 42 · 8405


  • Ducky
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I was bored and I drew this:

Did it really came out good? What do you think?


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Sorry.  Can't read what is says.  Add some color and it will look a lot better though.  Why is it so wrinkled?


  • The Circle
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Really a cute drawing :)
Is it freehand? I don't suppose it is your first LBT drawing, is it? Do you have more fanart to show us?
We seem to draw our characters at the same size (the original drawing of Ducky is probably smaller than it appears to be on the photo).
Sorry. Can't read what is says.

It reads "By Lain-Ex".
As for constructive criticism (not meant to talk down the beautiful drawing but to help making future drawings even more beautiful) Ducky's lower jaw is a bit too much inclined toward the viewer compared to the rest of her head causing the impression that her lower jaw is slightly lop-sided. Below her knee Ducky's legs are a bit too thin (and this is a mistake I made in many, many of my own drawings too).
But really this is a nice drawing and I'm looking forward to see more from you :yes


  • Hatchling
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I'm with both comments thus far here--a bit of color and realign Ducky's lower jaw just a teeny bit and you'll have a really nice Ducky. :)

(I think he took a picture of the drawing rather than scanning)


  • Ducky
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(I think he took a picture of the drawing rather than scanning)

You read my mind.

And yes. I know I suck at drawing, but I had nothing else to do. And the paper was wrinkly 'cause I was correcting some mistakes (without counting Malte's notorious details).


  • The Circle
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And yes. I know I suck at drawing
No, you don't! You don't suck at drawing at all!
When I wrote that I'm looking forward to see more of your work, I MEANT it, and I still do!
Please do not mistake suggestions on how to improve work as slatting of the same. It isn't. It is hard not to find a single one of the "notorious details" in any drawing made by anyone. Not mentioning them doesn't make these details disappear, but mentioning them shows that people take more than a superficial look at a piece of art.
Please keep up your work Lain_EX! :yes


  • Spike
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Im not one who can offer much in 2d art critques but i happen to like it my self. Though wouldnt mind seeing it in full color hehe


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  • Littlefoot
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What are you smoking?  You don't suck at drawing.  Heck of a lot better that some of the drawing's I have seen (Including my own).  `As for the jaw, I never even noticed it until I took a really long look at it.  Keep up the good work!


  • Ducky
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And yes. I know I suck at drawing.

You kidding? I can barely draw my way out of a paper bag. XD I can't even come close to that. That's very good. I'll probably agree with the others about the jaw, but other than that it's awesome! Good job!  ;)


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In my experience (which is limited) I have found that people rarely think that their drawings look okay.  My mother is a professional artist and she hated her artwork growing up even though she won every art award the school ever had and went to DC to compete in the national art contest.  If you think your artwork sucks, it's probably great!  This stuff happens all the time.


  • Ducky
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In my experience (which is limited) I have found that people rarely think that their drawings look okay. My mother is a professional artist and she hated her artwork growing up even though she won every art award the school ever had and went to DC to compete in the national art contest. If you think your artwork sucks, it's probably great! This stuff happens all the time.

Yeah, that happens to me sometimes with my stories. There are moments I think it sucks, but when I post them it comes out great. I'm sure a lot of us have moments like that.


  • The Circle
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There are different kinds of people who talk bad of their own work. I got to know two kinds of people. One kind feels just genuinly miserable with anything they do, even if there work is really well done. The luckyer ones among them are able to pinpoint what exactly it is that they dislike (those who are able to do that rarely belong into the group who feel all that bad about their own work).
There is another kind of people who by themselves think their work is just great and then they talk bad of it in a "fishing for compliments" kind of manner trying to provoke people into contradicting them and praising their work without having to praise themselves.


  • Ducky
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Hm, guess that explains a lot. I sometimes feel like I'm not confident in my work, but then I come to realize that I sometimes get nervous feelings about how I do. I don't do that as much as I used to. Sometimes when I'm really in a delay on working on something when other things come up I may feel like I lost my touch, but as I get more into it that feeling slowly dies. I am more confident in what I do now.


  • Ducky
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Well, thank y'all for yor support.  Hey, if you want more fanart made by me, I'll gladly make it (unless I don't have time for it. :lol).

Y'know, having a second look at my drawing I know I don't suck at drawing. :)


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  • Littlefoot
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Why.  Were you drunk or high when you took the first look? :lol


  • Ducky
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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,May 13 2007 on  09:36 PM
Why.  Were you drunk or high when you took the first look? :lol


  • Chomper
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Aww, that's really cute! Just like everyone else is saying, I think it's good too! Most people (me too) notice problems in their own artwork. There's a balance, I think, because you should feel proud of your art without getting too egotisical. Everyone, including the most famous of artists, has room to improve their art in some way. It doesn't mean the art sucks at all. You really did great on this piece. Keep it up.  :)


  • Ducky
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Thnx Akiko.

And for y'all I've got Good news and bad news.

Good news: I've bought colored pencils. :D

Bad news: Someome of my family threw away mi pic to the trash! :cry2

So, I won't be able to show the previously posted pic colored. -_- Sorry.


  • The Circle
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Uh oh :cry2
I made that experience too. The first LBT drawings I made after "rediscovering" LBT in 1998 ended up in the trash as well, though I was not the one to cast them away. :(


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  • Littlefoot
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TOO BAD  :cry2 I was hoping to see that one colored.  You should take the image file and color it in photoshop or something.