The Gang of Five
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f-22 "raptor" ace

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Have you watched any of MLP G5? If so what are your thoughts?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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It’s pretty weak, I honestly have mixed-to-negative feelings on most of it. The initial movie was great, but they clearly frontloaded it with overly-expensive animation and an all-star cast and never had any intention of bringing all that forward, so it’s hard to even count it towards what came after. And what came after was stiff low-grade animation, wooden writing and literal years to catch their footing, and I’d dropped out long before it started getting even remotely good. Make Your Mark and that 2D show where they all have CalArts mouth were both really bad when I checked them out, and in general I don’t think any of it lived up to Gen4 even at it’s lowest points.

Actually hideous, btw
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 06:35:46 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Yup! Great film, part of Pixar's classic repertoire. I didn't mind Monsters U either honestly


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What do you think about Anthropomorphism?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lol I'm a furry so I'm obviously a fan :P My primary character in the Into the Black RP series on this forum was an anthro fox, a corrupt police officer named Emilena. She was fun, I improved a ton as a writer through playing her over those years.

I think anthropomorphism is great for taking some of the restraints off storytelling and exploring more specific facets of the human condition under a microscope. Animals are very one-track for the most part, and so many exhibit their own specific personality traits that make for wonderful characterizations, it's a very useful medium for learning the nuances of writing and having fun at the same time.


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Do you think that Dogs and Cats could have actually began to evolve to have Human like qualities if Humans went extinct early on in Human history around 800,000-900,000 yeas ago?

Thus leading them to be the new Humans of today instead of us.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Sadly I don't think so. Humanity had two things going for it that allowed it to evolve into the game-changer they became; an incredibly high brain-to-mass ratio and opposable thumbs. Brain size plays a huge role in determining the cognitive capabilities of a species (to the point we can extrapolate about long-dead species like Troodons just by comparing their brain size to modern-day ancestors like birds) and opposable thumbs gave us the dexterity necessary to create tools and interact with our world however we see fit. Cats and dogs lack several of the biological factors that would spur a species towards evolutionarily advancing their intelligence to the point of true sentience.

Now, if humans had never evolved and I had to pick who might have taken over, I'd say octopi, on a hypothetical Earth that was entirely covered in water. They have big brains, prehensile tentacles, and have been observed creating tools, solving complex puzzles, and forming strong emotional bonds with their handlers. In another timeline I could totally see them as having taken over the planet instead of us.


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Do you sometimes believe we've devolved as a species in terms of modern day intelligence?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Not really, we've just made it way easier to see what the average people are thinking/doing/believing at any given time. Kinda like how the "Florida Man" meme hinges entirely on Florida's sunshine laws making police reports freely accessible, thus making it seem like Floridians are getting arrested for zanier things just because they're the only place we can access the records, social media and the internet have made it easy to see every deranged opinion, widespread falsehood, and bizarre event that in earlier times would be lucky to make local news, now can get 10 million views on Twitter within hours of it happening. So it's all just a side effect of the ease and rapidness of modern unfiltered communication.


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What do you think about AI taking over voice acting?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Man, it's frustrating cause I get it, it's hard to find voice actors and AI does a passably good job. But I'm a voice actor, I put in the work to learn how to do it properly, how to enunciate and regulate cadence and inject emotion and avoid vocal fry, and I just cannot listen to AI readings because they don't do it right. They enunciate lines wrong, they miss emotions, they're overall too flat for anything beyond a business powerpoint.

This extends to most industries being riddled with AI chuff. Speaking as a writer/artist/voice-actor/video editor, I think I'm honestly more liberal than most of my colleagues towards AI art and AI v.o. and ChatGPT and whatnot, I see the value in them and I understand why beginners want to use them, and I think they're a wonderful tool for professionals to augment their workflow. But they aren't replacements for learning the right way to do it, and they truly never will be. Not when you know the craft and can see the many tiny ways they detach from the viewer/reader/consumer's experience with the content.


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What sort of stuff do you voice act on?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Mostly YouTube voiceovers, game characters, and audio stories. Most of my regular work is narrating gaming guides for this YouTube channel, though my full VO portfolio is viewable here.


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Can I ask if you had any training? I've heard them and your voice is a rich baritone.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Thank you! I've had lots honestly, both of my parents were public speakers so they had me doing things like Toastmasters when I was still in grade school. I did drama/improv throughout high school, and then I took a ton of different customer-facing jobs through college from phonebanking to coldcalling to customer support. They weren't glamorous but they got me really comfortable with voice-acting before I'd even started the YouTube/Twitch hobbies

This is me in the early aughts, my dad was a high school biology teacher so he'd have days where I'd give the lectures to his class. I still remember random biology facts because of that, haha


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Do you think it's childish to have a book read to somebody instead of reading it by themselves?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Not at all! There's no wrong way to read a book, and if that helps you experience it, then more power to you. I don't even think listening exclusively to audiobooks is "not reading," in all these ways you're still digesting the author's content and experiencing the story to a degree you can converse about the plot if you had to :D


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Did your dad pay you to cover his high school biology lectures for him? :P

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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He totally should have! :nyah

TBH I was too young to remember any of this, I just have his word on it and the pictures. Students reconnect with him occasionally just to thank him and reminisce, and some of them have mentioned they enjoyed my lectures too so I imagine they must have gone okay, haha