The Gang of Five
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Yellowbellies rule! The RP

Goldenwind · 101 · 27943


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In a time long forgotten by history. There exists a species that was a lost legend in the time of the dinosaurs. In their time they were known as… The Yellowbellies.
"This way y'all!"  :PCera Shouted a big bouncy purple Yellowbelly with feathers that are much longer than most of his herd. He leads it with pure optimism with no fear or worry. They call him Boogie. The yellowbellies behind him follow him excitedly. Unlike the other herds, they aren't searching for Berry Valley, but a valley that might just give them more. A Great Valley.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Smoke bellowed from the fire mountains. The clouds of ash enveloped the steep base of grey rock. Further towards the top an opening with great arches in the shape of teeth loomed. A porthole of yellow appeared. Ascending the arid rock was Tyrannosaur of marred complexion. His grey skin scarred with red stripes from eye to forked claw. He made his way to the portal, each step shook the rocky basin. Entering the light he came to a sight. In the center of the ashen room was a pit of bubbling magma, the yellows and oranges churning as skeltons of Sharpteeth sunk into its shoals. Standing around the pool, where six Sharpteeth, one had a crocodile snout, and massive fore claws. Another was a similiar shape to Redclaw, only instead the grey skin was a deep jade, making its red eyes more apparent. Then most stark of all was a sharptooth with narrow snout, wide face, and two great horns over its eyes; he sat upon a rock throne, his red and black scales sparkling in the magma light.

Carnie the Carnotaurus: This Assembly will come to order.

The Sharpteeth took positions in a circle around the magna pool.

Carnie: We have been summoned here at Tooth Mountain to pass judgement on the accused.  Redclaw step forward.

The steps of Grey Sharptooth were heavy and uneasy. He held his head low.

Carnie: You stand accused of two counts of sharpdition, and one count of fossil failure. Do you understand the charges?

Redclaw: I do Sharplord.

Carnie: You were trusted to guard the Great Pass to the Great Valley. You repeatedly failed to keep your charge, and worse you allowed some children to outwit you and defeat you with fruit! Such a shameful defeat has caste a shadow on the Clan! Restoring the natual order will take time. But the damage you have done to the Clan and the reputation of all sharpteeth is unforgivable. In order to restore our image, one must be sacrificed. You are to be expelled from the Clan, never to return. You’re rank is forfeit and you shall lose all the privileges and protections of other Sharpteeth.

Redclaw felt his damaged red eye water, his head almost prostrate on the rocky floor.

Carnie: So that all may recognize you as an outcast, you shall be marked.

Two of Sharpeeth with black sails and crocodile snouts took hold of Redclaw and led him to a rock above the magma. The Grey Tyrannosaur was then pushed upon it as it bobbed in the molten waters. It sank and the magna lapped and began to burn Redclaw’s belly. He let out a roar, as the rest watched his underbelly be submerged in magma for short periods of time. When the searing was complete, Redclaw’s whole belly was a red hue, matching his scars from his eye to his claw.

Carnie: You are hence forth banished. Now may all members of the Clan preform the Sharpshun!

Each of the Sharpteeth turned their backs, and Redclaw now was on his own. The Grey Sharptooth shed three tears that upon hitting the black rock sizzled and evaporated. He with head laid low left the Council and proceeded down the ashen path he had come. Meanwhile the Council did not disperse.

Carnie: We shall now appoint a new Guardian of the Great pass. Who shall we nominate?!

Unanimously the shouts called for one name: Croc! Croc ! Croc!

The Brown and Tan Baryonyx stepped forward.

Carnie: A New Redclaw you shall be!

A bowl of magma was brough by a Troodon and steeping a bone claw in the fire, he motioned for Croc to approach. Carnie burned several red stipes on his crocodile sbout and head.

Carnie: Now go! Take a contigent to the Great Pass and restore fear! Make all tremble before our kind again! RAWR!

« Last Edit: April 10, 2020, 06:21:19 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Far away, in the Great Valley, it was a perfectly relaxing day to be in the mud pools.

Cera would have been more relaxed, however, if someone else hadn't discovered the place. "What happened to the secret mud pools being secret?" she grumbled under her breath, glaring towards Wild Arms, who was lounging on the other side of the pool.

Sighing in relaxation and closing his eyes, Wild Arms was oblivious to the young threehorn's mood, however.

After Bron had brought him and the rest of the herd into the valley for a visit with his son, the rest of his herd had offered--practically begged, in fact--for Wild Arms to stay in the valley when it was time for them to go. Of course, Wild Arms had jumped at the opportunity. If he'd known about the Great Valley before, he would've gone to stay there ages ago! There were (almost) no sharpteeth, and plenty of food was available for everyone. It was obviously the most sensible place to live!

As Wild Arms leaned back in the warm mud, he thought to himself that there wasn't a more peaceful place in the world than this.

Gentle Sharptooth

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“New Life”

Redclaw stumbled as he traversed a narrow canyon. His red eye moist with tears and his face downcast. The canyon rock had streams of emerald, a mixture of highly dangerious acid. Redclaw came to minor cliff and stood above the fuming stream. He then grabbed a lone tree branch with his bannana shape teeth and dropped it in the waters. The wood smoked and beagn to dissolve in acid. Redclaw then with a expression of utter loathing began to step closer to the esge when his tail was hit by something. The Grey Sharptooth turned to see a bizzare looking pair pf creature, they were bipedal and resembled Gallimimus but had feathers on their head and elbows. Their colors were vibrant yellows, blies, and pinks. The strargamimuses made a loud noise with their rounded noses, and emerging from the path they had come was Sharptooth. The three colorful creatures panicked as they now stood between two Tyrannosaurus.

Oopah: O no! We’re done for!

Loopah: I knew there were no berries this way!

Foofah: What are we gonna do?!

The prusing Sharptooth was a Tan color with bright yellow eyes. He snared at his prey and then made eye contact with Redclaw. Letting out a roar he began speaking in tongues of Shsrpteeth.

Jaws: This is my prey. Back off.

Redclaw snorted.

Jaws: I see you bear the mark of shame.. coward..

Loopah: What are they saying?

Oopah: Who cares!

Foofah: we are gonna be their dinner! Ohh!

Jaws: Leave outcast and I won’t have to add new scars to your already pathetic face.

Redclaw turned around, while yellowbellies began to scream.

Oopah: We are gonna be that Sharptooth’s berries!

Loopah: Gone so young!

Foofah: Help!

The Tan Tyrannosaur made his way to Yellowbellies who dug their heads into the rocky ground, their bodies shaking. Redclaw turned to see the helpless trio in the corner of his eye. Just as Jaws opened his mouth wide to take a bite, He was hit by a long grey tail, sending him to the ground. Redclaw then sunk hus teeth in the head of Jaws. The two Tyrannosaurs wrestled on the ground. Jaws Struck Redclaw in the neck with his forked claws, but Redclaw using hus superior weight came down on the Tan Tyrannosaur. Oopia raised her head and saw the two Tyrannosaurs fighting.

Oopah: Guys! Guys! Lookl!

Loopah and Foofah removed their heads from the ground.

Redclaw took hold of Jaws neck as they rose from their tumble. Jaws taking advantage of Redclaw damaged eye thrusted hos two claws into his cheek. Redclaw loosed his grip and now Jaws took a hold with his jaws, causing Redclaw to whinoer.

Oopah: We have to help him!

Foofah: Why? He’ll just eat us.

Loopah: We should go, while we can!

Oopah: No! He needs our help.

The Yellowbelly ran towards a medium size rock and sought to place it underneath the pivoting foot of Jaws. Oopah tried to move it but couldn’t.

Oopah: Get over here! Both of you!

Foofah and Loopah came running. Now with the power of three they moved the stone beneath Jaw’s foot, who upon pivoting down slipped, losing his grip and slidding to edge of acid stream. Redclaw stood looking at Yellowbellies with his good eye, nodded and then rushed as Jaws rose to his feet. With full force, Redclaw headbutted the Tan Tyrannosaur who flew off the cliff into emerald steaming waters. Jaws let out a horrible ear piercing shriek, as his body sank beneath the the acid. The Yellowbellies began to make strange calls and shake their bodies as in a dance of triumph. Redclaw snorted and began walking the path he came when he felt pressure on his three forked foot. He looked down and saw the Yellowbellies hugging his toes. Redclaw looked in amazement.

Oopah: Thank you! Thank you!

Foofah: O great one!

Loopah: Your toes are so big!

Redclaw titled his head in confusion.

Oopah: You must come with us! So we can reward you!

Foofah: Reward him!

Loopah: Mhmm.. berries.

Redclaw understood a measure of their words, but couldn’t make out the whole gist. The Yellowbellies began tugging on his toes and motioned to follow them. Redclaw gave puzzled look but obliged their entreaties, he began to follow the three yellowbellies to whatever lie beyond the canyon. It couldn’t be worse than Sharp Mountain.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2020, 05:33:08 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Boogie's herd finally reached Saurus rock, so they were close. "Okay I think almost there. Let's check our numbers to see if we're still together now." Boogie claps twice and all the yellowbellies in his herd gather about. "Okay... Oop I think we are missing a few." Boogie quickly notices that three were missing.
"We are?" Asked one.
"Oopah, Loopah, and Foofah, looks like... No worries." Boogie smiles retaining his cheerful tone. "I'll go look for them for a bit. Stay bushy till I am back!"  :PCera He said with a bounce. The group followed and they all bury their heads under.

Suddenly Wild Arms and Cera was attacked by a Sharptooth!! "RAAAR!" Chomper cannonballs into the mud! Mud is sprayed everywhere! "Hi Cera! Hi Wild Arms!" :chompysmile He said before laughing a little.


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Wild Arms' eyes snapped open, and the first thing he noticed in front of him was Chomper's mouth full of teeth. Sharp teeth.

"YAAAUGH!" Wild Arms shrieked. "Help! HELP! Sharptooth!" he cried, waving his arms around in panic as he tried to scramble out of the mud in a hurry. All he ended up doing, however, was splattering mud and some of his feathers around the area, and he was forced to give up and sink back into the mud with a squelch. "Hurry, somebody help!" he wailed like a frightened hatchling. "Grandpa Longneck! Mrs. Swimmer! Mr. Threehorn! Well...maybe not Mr. Threehorn," he quickly decided, cringing. "But somebody's gotta do something! Hey--quick, threehorn kid! Get him with your horn!"

"Grrrr..." Cera stood up, looking madder than a hornet as she wiped splattered mud from her face. "I'm going to get something with my horn!" She began trudging across the mud, moving straight towards Wild Arms with a furious frown.

"Oh, phew...thank goodness!" Wild Arms smiled in relief, oblivious to what she meant. "That way," he calmly directed her, pointing towards Chomper. "He's that way."

Thankfully, before this could escalate any further, Guido came down from the sky, shakily landing right on top of Cera.

"Look, a perfect landing!" he cheered as he managed to get a steady footing. But that was when Cera began turning around. "Whoa...whoa!" Thrown off balance, the glider fell into the mud with a splat. "Scratch that," he mumbled, spitting mud out of his mouth. " know, it's pretty warm in here! This stuff actually feels good! Folks should come here to relax or something!"

"What an idea that would be," Cera sighed, rolling her eyes.

"So what are you guys up to, a-anyway?" Guido asked nervously, sensing Cera's irritation.

"Trying to escape the clutches of this vicious beast!" Wild Arms blurted, pointing to Chomper.

"Aw, c'mon, Willy, we've talked about this before. Chomper's fine," Guido said. "He, uh, just happens to have sharp teeth, a-and red eyes, and...and..."

"Are you trying to make things worse?" Wild Arms said with a shudder.

"Hey--hey, look, there was a reason I came down here to talk to you guys," interrupted Guido. "What was it...oh, yeah! While I was up there, it looked like this herd of dinosaurs was headed towards the valley! I don't know what they were, but there were a bunch of 'em, out by Saurus Rock..."
"Great," said Cera sarcastically. "I needed some more company." Then an idea hit her. "Hey...Chomper, why don't you and Wild Arms go see what's going on?" she said. The way she said it sounded like more of an order than a suggestion.

Gentle Sharptooth

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“A New Family”

Oopah, Foofah, and Loopah lead Redclaw through the pass. They came to an open clearing, and then before them was citdel of rock, with a tower. Redclaw eyed a set of teeth chiseled into the rock. He remebered the place, Saurus Rock. The Grey Tyrannosaur watched as the trio ran towards other Yellowbellies making the peculiar sounds he heard before. There was one Yellowbelly who greeted them and seemed to illicit fealty and respect. Redclaw felt uneasy around these strange creatures, who now croweded around him and began making high pitched sounds of glee. The Grey Tryannosaur was now surrounded, like a grey rock eith flowers of yellow, blue, pink, and green. He was now in a world unkown to him. For one, each of these Yellowbellies hugged hus feet and snuggled againat his leg; an odd sensation. He had only known pokes, tares, and bites before. This means of expression was alien and in reaction he let oit a roar! The petals of yellow, red, blue, pink, and more scattered, but one approached without hesitation.

Who was this bold one? Redclaw thought.


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Chomper couldn't help but sigh and shake his head at Wild Arms as he panics he has seen this all before, he is kind of used to it. Guido's arrival however perked Chomper's spirits! He tries to refrain from laughing when he fell into the mud. Though he gives an unamused look when Guido started to go into how scary he looked. Though a new herd entering the valley. That's interesting! "Okay!" He nodded at Cera happily. "Maybe we can get to know each other?" He said to Wild Arms with a smile, hoping for them to get along.

"Nevermind! Look!" Boogie pointed and shouted at the sight of the lost trio approaching them with Red Claw. Boogie felt no fear with his herd. He was happy to see the trio safe with their new "friend". He didn't even object when they started to cuddle and snuggle him. With the roar, he approached with his smile unwavered. "Sorry, my folk likes to cuddle as a sign of affection." He said casually with a happy laugh, as if he thinks Red Claw could understand him. "He's a new friend?" He asked Oofah.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Reclaw peered at these strange creatures who kept hugging hus toes. Affection to him was as alien as success. He lowered his head towards the one called Boogie, and trying to communicate his desire to leave, he was interrupted by Oopah who with Loopah put a giant garland of flowers on Redclaw’s head.

Oopah: Yes Boogie! He saved our lives from mean sharptooth.

Loopah: Hurray for our protector!

Loopah began leading a crowd of Yellowbellies to sing in some kind of noise with their noses. Redclaw raised his crusty eyebrow. What had he gotten into?
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 03:09:08 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Guido, Chomper, and Wild Arms stood on the Looking Rock and gazed out at the mysterious herd that was coming closer to the valley.

"What do you think they are?" Guido asked, scratching his head in curiosity.

"Uh, I dunno," said Wild Arms, who was more occupied with trying not to get too close to Chomper while trying to keep a safe distance from the edge of the rock at the same time.

"Um, uh, Chomper, have you ever seen anything like them before?" stammered Guido.


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Boogie nods at Red Claw as the yellowbellies sang. "For saving our own... We welcome you to our herd. We grant you the title of Redbelly! Protector of Yellowbellies of all!" He cried out with some of the yellowbellies cheering as the singing went on. Boogie then hugged the intimidating Sharptooth directly on the snout!  :PCera

"Hmm... They remind me of fast runners like Ruby, maybe you Wild Arms, but they are more... Big." Chomper said as he looked on in bewilderment. He is currently unable to see RedClaw behind Saurus Rock. This could be considered fortunate for RedClaw.

Hyp see's Cera in the mud pool from behind some grasses and grins mischievously. "Flying rock splash!" He shouts as he cannonballs right in to splash Cera!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Meanwhile... At Sharp Mountain..

RedCroc let out a to roar as magma spewed forth from center pool of the throneroom, and smoke bellowed like grey puffs of skulls. Carnie the Sharplord had left the chamber with his guards, now only Redctoc and his retinue remained.

Redcroc: Now that I am the new Redclaw, I order that we find the predecessor and make him dinner! Banishment is not enough! His failure has brough dishonor to our clan!

The two Spino Bros roared in agreement.

Redcroc: Let us return to the Great Pass and feed on Redflaw’s bones! Muwahahaha!

Redcroc and His Twin Spinosaurs cackled and then exited the grumbling mountain. Following these titans was two silver skinned Tyrannosaurs and two dozen Fast Biters with their orange scales and blade shaped brown stripes. Redcroc lead his croctingent into the Mysterious Beyond. Their mouths watering for Redclaw’s flesh!

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Meanwhile, back at the mud pools, Cera had reached the end of her rope!

"THAT'S IT!" the threehorn hollered, shaking the mud off herself. "Every day I try to relax, some bozo just has to come out here and ruin everything!" Furious, she charged straight towards Hyp.


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Hyp hops out of the way grinning as he splashes again. "You like getting muddy? If you just told me, I would have dumped mud on you guys more often." He laughed as he splashed about.

Thud reveals himself from a rocky passage in front of Croc and his Sharptooth squad. "So you'll be hunting my ol' leader… I want to show that I am nothing like the fool he was. May I join your honor?" Thud growled as he kneeled before Croc… He wants to prove himself so that he can keep his title being one of the two most dangerous fast biters known to Sharpteeth kind. Screech isn't with him as he is currently trying to his own way to make things good with higher rank sharpteeth, but Thud won't wait, even if it means he has to beg.


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Cera circled back around to glare at Hyp. "I'm going to get you for this!" she threatened, running at the bully.

At the same time, Wild Arms had just made the mistake of looking down from the Looking Rock, and as he realized the ground was so far away that the clouds obscured it, he began feeling quite dizzy.

"Yikes!" he yelled, so startled that he grabbed onto Chomper to steady himself, not thinking. "Oh, know, I'm thinking it'd be a sensible idea to get down from here, huh??"

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redcroc stood on a jaggid cliff edge as he watched his croctingent march forward. When a jade raptor approached and did kneel before him. Redcroc listened to the appeal of this Fast Biter who had been loyal to Redclaw but now sought to escape the shadow of his failure. This moved Redcroc.

Redcroc: Noble Thud.. your ambition to rise from the ashes of your former master’s fiasco moves me. I have a role only you can fill. When it is time you will regain your honor. To place you on the path of redemption, I give you command of the Fast Biter Retinue. Command them and prove yourself worthy!

Redcroc let out a gleeful roar.


Back near the Great Valley...

Redclaw was now arrayed in vines from neck to tail with flowers. A great fire was burning in the camp and the Yellowbellies danced around it with lovked hands. Redclaw sat watching this bizarre spectacle when he heard a great gurgling drum coming from his belly. He was famished, with several coconut bowls before him of berries, he sniffed and took in the scent. It wasn’t unpleasent like greenies, but sweet. Redclaw took hus pitchfork claw and poked a cluster of berries and raised it to his mouth. He took a bite, that is swallowed it whole and felt the berries madh into a pleasent and soothing juice of blueberry and rasberry. He then proceeded to eat the bowl full of berries, when Oopah artived with more bowls of berries. Redckaw’s white grey chin was stained with blues and purples. Oopah giggled.

Oopah: You like em! I knew you would.

Redclaw with the little Leaf Eater he knew responded.

Redclaw: Not Bad. Better than leaves. I mean if I knew what leaves tasted like.

Oopah saw the red belly of Redclaw that seemed to glow as the Bright Circle dimmed.

Oopah: You have a red belly!

Redclaw looked at his belly and lowered his head in shame.

Oopah: I have a yellow one, see?

Redclaw peeked with his good eye and saw.

Oopah: I know! We’ll call you Redbelly!

Just then Foofah and Loopah energed, and stood on either side of Oopah.

Foofah: It’s time for the hero dsncr!

Loopah: Dance! Dance! Dance!

Oopah: Come on Redbelly! Let’s dance!

Before Redclaw could object, the herd of Yellowbellies housted him up and made him join their circle dance. Redclaw, I mean Redbelly at first worried about stepping on someone, but in time he surrendered to the beatl, and began shaking his tail, which yellowbellies began doing a limbo game under as they danced.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 10:23:39 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Thank you honor." Thud grins, his chance has come. "I will not disappoint." He turns to the fast biters. "Show me how fast and cruel you all can truly be."

Boogie was happy to see Redbelly enjoy himself with the rest of the herd. He joins with the limbo before dancing beside him. "Welcome to the yellowbelly family." He said with a doopey Yellowbelly smile.

Hyp runs from Cera around the mud pool treating it like a game of tag. "You can't catch me yah big baby!" He taunts to have Cera chase him more.

Chomper was caught offguard and quickly lost balance! "Wild Arms! Hey! Ahh!!" Chomper fell back knocking into Wild Arms and began to slide down! He was starting to understand why Looking Rock was only used in emergencies!


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"Wanna bet??" Cera challenged, herding Hyp towards the opening of the Secret Caverns.

Guido gasped as his friend slid past him. Without thinking, he took hold of Chomper's arm to try and stop him, but he soon realized that the weight of the little sharptooth was too much for him to support, and he began sliding down the slope himself. "Willy--help!" shouted Guido.

Wild Arms quickly grabbed Guido's hand. "Gotcha!" he shouted. It wasn't that hard for him to pull the others back to safety, since he was by far the largest of the group.

Guido flopped across the rock in relief, breathing heavily. "Phew...thank you..."

"Uh, you're welcome," Wild Arms said, feeling kind of strange. Had he just done something heroic, for real? And he'd saved a sharptooth, even! This was a bizarre turn of events, alright...

Still, as he looked down at the recovering Guido and Chomper, Wild Arms thought that being the one to make a rescue instead of being on the other end of it for once felt pretty good!

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Redcroc watched as Thud took control of his platoon. This Fast Biter has promise he thought. Redcroc took his place between the Spino Bros and marched under the dimming red Bright Circle.


Redbelly danced his heart out. All those pent up emotions he felt as a member of Sharptooth Clan came out as be boogied. He heard Boogie’s welcome to the family. At last he had for first time met a group that accepted him without merits and preformance. A tear filled his red scared eye.

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(Aww... I feel so happy for Redbelly.  :Mo)

Boogie dance alongside Redbelly, seeing himself, happy to see him let himself go! He let's out some sick moves as he dances without a worry. To him Redbelly was the best sharp- no, redbelly, a yellowbelly could ask for.

Hyp continues running from Cera and into the cave chuckling as he tries to hide. He knows the Secret Caverns almost as well as Chomper and Ruby… Or so he thought. As he runs around being chased by Cera, a faint noise could be heard... Cheerful sounds with some big stomping noises... "Huh?" Hyp came to a complete stop.

"Thanks Willy…" Chomper hugs Wild Arms. Even though he, unintentionally, was the reason why he lost balance. "Is it alright if I suggest we leave the looking out for the flyers?" Chomper nervously said. This was the second time he almost slid down the Looking Rock. No plans for there to ever be a third time.