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Flathead770's Fanart

Flathead770 · 348 · 103958


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This is a really cool drawing! I like the overall layout of the picture with the pond and the mountains in the background and the characters' poses are quite nice too. :smile Each of them seem to have a unique and in-character position in the picture so good job with that! :)  However, there are a few things I'd point out like Ducky and Ruby's heads. Ducky looks really weird (her face is too high for example as you implied) and Ruby's neck and head seem too small. Also, there are some problems with Petrie's face and his eyes look in different directions. Finally, the ground looks quite empty but I understand it would be too time-consuming to do that in a large picture like this. On the other hand, Chomper and Spike look very good as does the rest of Ruby and the action in the picture is done really well. Despite some flaws with the characters, the picture as a whole is quite great and it's a good way to wrap out this year! Good job! :yes
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 08:58:52 AM by Sovereign »


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well,some faces of characters are... derpy. :D
But otherwise - this is cool drawing!


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I seriously don't think I can beat this :P Wow!
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As always, thanks for the feedback/comments. :DD

This is a really cool drawing! I like the overall layout of the picture with the pond and the mountains in the background and the characters' poses are quite nice too. Each of them seem to have a unique and in-character position in the picture so good job with that!

For the background I really just threw in what you would expect in the valley. The mountains are similar to the ones I did for the Great Valley Yu Gi Oh card I did earlier this year just with colour. It seemed to turn out alright so I'm happy.

Coming up with the character poses was probably the most fun for me. Most of the characters fell into place fairly quickly. The biggest exception was probably Chomper. I didn't know what I should exactly do with him. First he was going to have his back to the log, beside Ruby with a snowball in hand. After I couldn't get it to look right I tired a similar pose but on the side of the log peeking around the corner but had troubles again. The final idea was to have him crouching around the corner for a sneak attack, which is what the final product ended up being.

However, there are a few things I'd point out like Ducky and Ruby's heads. Ducky looks really weird (her face is too high for example as you implied) and Ruby's neck and head seem too small. Also, there are some problems with Petrie's face and his eyes look in different directions.

I'm not surprised that some characters look off given the increased scale of the drawing coupled with the fact they were for the most part done from memory. It's these parts however that feedback is most useful when you don't have an exact reference to examine so it's all the more appreciated.

Ducky is someone that I clearly need to practice on as I feel like I'm having a hard time getting her face right.

It's funny with Ruby becuase the first time her head was even smaller so I re-drew it to it's current size. I guess I never drew it big enough. I'm not too concerned about this but it's good to be aware. I always have had a tendency to draw smaller then I should.

Finally, the ground looks quite empty but I understand it would be too time-consuming to do that in a large picture like this.

Yea I was fully aware of this throughout drawing. I never worried too much about it as I figured I should keep things slow. This is the first fullscale art that I've done to any meaningful degree and it was nice to use snow as an excuse to leave white space on the paper. I had some more ambition in planning to have footprints scattered about to help it look less blank but in the end didn't want to go through all the trouble. Another thing is if you look closely to the right side of the fallen log there are semi circles cut into the log. Those are supposed to be Chomper's bite marks where he chewed through the side of the log to hide under the overhang as he sneaks up. I was going to have the spit out wood chips in the bottom right as well but dropped it for the same reason.

On the other hand, Chomper and Spike look very good as does the rest of Ruby and the action in the picture is done really well. Despite some flaws with the characters, the picture as a whole is quite great and it's a good way to wrap out this year! Good job!

It's good to hear that you like how Spike turned out. I was fortunate that him trying to bury his head in the snow made sense so I never had to put too much effort into him :lol Chomper is the one I am most proud of as well as the rest of team Littlefoot.

well,some faces of characters are... derpy.
But otherwise - this is cool drawing!

Haha good to know. Expressions are kinda fun to work with and I might have another idea in store for practicing some of them.

I seriously don't think I can beat this :P Wow!
You can do it, I believe on you! :smile

[EDIT]believe on you? ... That sounds wrong. :lol
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 01:50:43 AM by Flathead770 »


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Now that Christmas breaks and new years have past it's time I start at it again. I haven't been working on anything real concrete at the moment. Instead I focused on doing some fairly quick sketches over the last few days, mainly focusing on Littlefoot and seeing where I'm at with going by memory. I wasn't going to bother posting this but it some turned out pretty good.

Top Left: This was mainly used for the 45 degree back/side view that Ducky123 and myself were trying to work on for his Ducky and Petrie dancing prompt and I never really tried to do any cleaning up (or including another arm for that matter). It was pretty satisfying coming up with a result that actually kinda works and was the kickstarter to keep going.

Top Right: Trying to do a happy type face, sorta like  :)littlefoot The main issue seems to be with his oversized eyes and upper part of his head. Comparing it with the bottom one kinda makes me think it might be good as a younger Littlefoot though.

Upper Middle: I tried to see if I could draw a sorta walking pose. Not really to exciting. I don't think it's that bad, but it would probably help to look at some references for this.

Lower Middle: This was a fun one. I've been wanting to draw something related to pulling a vine (and I probably will again in the future) and it's a good way to try a more unique pose. One of the issues that I believe is with this one is that since the back end of Littlefoot is closer to the ground then the upper part, the hind legs end up looking a little small. Instead of having the hind legs move parallel to the forelegs it might have been better to angle them more forwards so the hind feet are closer to the front feet and extending the leg length in the process.

Bottom Right: I'm really happy how this one turned out. I kind of wish I would have done a more proper drawing for this, but my main goal for this one was practicing the face anyways so I'm not too upset.

Now it's on to brainstorming for the fanart prompt.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 10:12:26 PM by Flathead770 »


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These are looking great! It's really nice to see you applying what you've learned to some original poses! Keep it up, awesome job :smile


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I agree that these are pretty impressive! :) The expressions are quite great in all of these, especially the first two, and the overall look of the pictures is quite solid! These drawings look pretty detailed and it's also good to try new kinds of poses! However, I'd like to point out that Littlefoot's front legs in the third picture look a bit small and there's something fishy about his chest in the fourth one. :p Still, I really like the smooth look and great expressions in these pictures! They look really nice! :DD


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Sketching is the most effective way to learn drawing something better ^^spike

Well, these certainly turned out quite nice and I'm glad I was able to give you a bit of inspiration/motivation :smile
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Thanks everyone!

These are looking great! It's really nice to see you applying what you've learned to some original poses! Keep it up, awesome job
It's been an interesting year that's for sure.

wonderful! ^^

I'd like to point out that Littlefoot's front legs in the third picture look a bit small
Hmm yeah I can see that. I think the overall length is alright, it just needs to wider in a two dimensional way.

and there's something fishy about his chest in the fourth one
I don't know what you're talking about :p I imagine if there is a case where the shoulders are moved closer together it would create some sort of skin fold, though that doesn't seem to be the case with how I drew him here. I don't really have a justification in this case haha.

They look cute! :) I like them!
Glad you like it!

Sketching is the most effective way to learn drawing something better ^^spike

Well, these certainly turned out quite nice and I'm glad I was able to give you a bit of inspiration/motivation
Agreed. It's also a bit relaxing after working on more ambitious works as well, though now I'm back at it again with the next prompt.


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Oh man did this ever come down to the wire. Here we go, this is my submission for the first fanart prompt of 2018: Draw a scene from a future LBT movie

I find it funny that while Ducky123 did only Longnecks I went with only sharpteeth. My first thought for this prompt was to actually do the war with sharpteeth that Dinoteen kept going on about as a joke, but scrapped the idea as I couldn't find his post. Not long after Sneak commented in my 'ask me' topic:

@Flathead: Please, tell us how you see good version of prequel movie to events of LBT TV series in your head! :P


How did Chomper and Ruby met?

among a few others (these are the most relevant to this drawing). My reasoning for both meeting Ruby and to head to the Great Valley was that Chomper had to get introduced to Red Claw in some form (I don't think just hearing about Red Claw would give him enough motivation). My drawing shows how I imagine this encounter would be with the basic premise being that Chomper's dad holds off Red Claw, and his mother deals with Screech and Thud while Chomper climbs up and escapes. From there Chomper would somehow meet up with Ruby (and maybe she helps/saves him in some capacity). While this was mainly me coming up with an answer to Sneak's question it also plays into my thoughts that if Red Claw were to ever show up in a sequel like XV, both Red Claw and Chomper should be the focus of the plot and this could serve as a flashback or something.

As for the drawing itself.
The Good:
Well I finally managed to completely color in an entire drawing this time around as there's no snow to be lazy :p On the topic of colors, I also tried more with shading and I think I managed to do ok. Shadows are a little on the light side but oh well, I've already spent enough time coloring as it is :lol I'm happy with how all the characters turned out. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pull this off as these positions aren't really referable. Screech's leaping pose was the most exciting to finally finish.

I didn't think about this until after I had finished drawing Screech and didn't want to re-do it but Chomper's mother pose doesn't make too much sense. If she was swinging her tail to the left then having her also look to the left would go against her momentum of her rear end. Her head and front of her body should instead be swinging to the right. The main reason Chomper is actually climbing the side of the cliff was because Chomper is quite small relative to the others so having him higher up would allow me to have everyone at a decent size. The problem though is that this doesn't look quite right to me and that may have to do with Thud's size. With him being so large I feel like it doesn't give the impression that Chomper is high enough. I also found it difficult to match Chomper's mother's color. She needs to be more of a brownish/bronze color and his dad should be darker as well.

Also, rocks :p

I think that mostly covers my thoughts. Feel free to share yours and thank you Sneak for the idea. Your timing was perfect! :DD
« Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 10:12:09 PM by Flathead770 »


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C'mon. Poor Stupid Claw and his minions... They would be dead in next minutes... :D
And lol Thud's face. XD

Thank you for this drawing-answer! I love it!


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I think there is no doubt who would have won if we'd had enough entries to enable voting ^^spike

Wow, these are by far not easy poses and the perspective isn't very easy to do either. The colours are light but I think it's the better choice since the background is not overshadowing the characters :)

Also a big thumbs up for the movie plot, that's meeting the prompt excellently :D
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This drawing is really good! The scene has a very neat idea and the layout and expressions are done very well! Most of the characters are positioned and drawn in a good way and I really like how concerned Chomper and fearful looks in this picture. Things are going to get ugly real soon! :D However, there are a few things that caught my eye in this one. The most obvious is the question about what Screech is doing? :p  If he's jumping at Chomper's mom, the perspective makes it look pretty weird. The second one is that Chomper's dad's lower body looks too large in comparison to his head and Red Claw's body is far too small. Other than those issues, I also like the background and the smooth coloring is really nice. Great job with this one as always! :yes


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Aaaah, super cool! You did a great job with the poses, and the angle on the background works very well! I don't think Chomper looks too large, either, but that's just me :D
All in all, wonderful job with both the scene and the story elements!


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C'mon. Poor Stupid Claw and his minions... They would be dead in next minutes... :D
And lol Thud's face. XD

Thank you for this drawing-answer! I love it!
While on the topic of death, I was considering throwing in a 3rd fast biter, implying that it died during the struggle and would be the reason for Red Claw to retreat. I had enough to draw however so I decided to drop it. Glad you loved it!

Wow, these are by far not easy poses and the perspective isn't very easy to do either. The colours are light but I think it's the better choice since the background is not overshadowing the characters :)
Yeah each one is doing something that makes it difficult whether they're twisting their neck, jumping or whatnot. As for coloring I tend to always put little pressure so it tends to be fairly light but in this case putting more pressure to color darker would have taken significantly longer to color.

Also a big thumbs up for the movie plot, that's meeting the prompt excellently :D
I'm just glad Sneak gave me the inspiration. I was worried about trying to come up with something.

This drawing is really good! The scene has a very neat idea and the layout and expressions are done very well! Most of the characters are positioned and drawn in a good way and I really like how concerned Chomper and fearful looks in this picture. Things are going to get ugly real soon! :D
Haha yep things look like they're going from bad to worse and I like Chomper's position; A nice vantage point to take one last look at the events unfolding.

However, there are a few things that caught my eye in this one. The most obvious is the question about what Screech is doing? :p If he's jumping at Chomper's mom, the perspective makes it look pretty weird.
The idea behind the way he looks is that he is supposed to be jumping off those rocks in the background to gain more height but the rocks ended up being a combination of too small and too far away so it might look off (I did actually have streak marks from Screech's back to the rocks to show where he jumped but the rock wall kinda hides it too much to notice. For the pose itself I took the idea of long jumping where you raise your feet up in front of you, which also serves to sink his feet into his prey. It seemed to make sense to me at least.

The second one is that Chomper's dad's lower body looks too large in comparison to his head and Red Claw's body is far too small.
For Red Claw I drew his front part of his body smaller due to the fact it's supposed to be turning towards the front of the page and is being blocked from view by Red Claw's head. For Chomper's dad...yep I can see that.

Aaaah, super cool! You did a great job with the poses, and the angle on the background works very well! I don't think Chomper looks too large, either, but that's just me :D
All in all, wonderful job with both the scene and the story elements!
Thank you! And thanks everyone else for the comments!  :)littlefoot


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I'm still working on the next fanart prompt but in the meantime I've done a couple random sketches that I've finally bothered to upload. Both of them are of Ducky but that ended up being purely coincidental.

The first one is...well I don't even know exactly how this came to be. Something about Discord glitching and people were seeing Ducky's and Jordy's (nicknamed 'Archer') avatars swapped and thus the idea of ArcherDUCK came into existence. I wasn't around when it happened, I merely just decided to see if I could draw it.

I didn't spend too much time worrying about getting proportions right and mainly just focused on seeing if I could get the pose to look decent. The main problem was trying to get the head to look slightly cocked as she aims.

The next one was also from Discord, but came up in a conversation on how a determined look in anime usually has angry looking eyes but with a small smile or grin. Ducky was wondering how it would look on, well, Ducky :p so I figured I would give it a shot.

Whether or not the intended result was achieved, I really like how this one turned out. I should work on drawing more pictures focusing on the face more often.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think or if you happen to have a drawing to counter with... nudge nudge wink wink poke Ducky poke :lol


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Evil Ducky looks here like she gotcha someone with her bow's arrow...  :sducky

Well, while upper Ducky appeared visibly disdproportional somehow :( I love second picture! Her face is amazing!


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These are quite cool pictures! While Ducky's body is far too big in the first picture and her feet too small, the pose itself is quite successful so good job with that. :) Her expression looks really great here! As for the second picture, I, too, think it is a very good one! The face looks a bit sharper than it should be but other than that, good job with these ones! :yes