Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > The Party Room

LBT Quote Game

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I know! It's not Mr. Thicknose! It's Cera from LBT 7. It's when Petrie is talking about how his uncle told him how flyers used to rule the world but Cera is quick to interrupt! easy one but another one of my favourite lines...three to get this time but all from the same scene...

--- Quote --- Character 1: No!
Character 2: Yes!
Character 3: Maybe...
--- End quote ---

That one is from LBT 8. When the gang (minus Ducky and Spike) wants to leave the Valley and run into Mr. Thicknose who asks them if they mean to leave the Valley they are not quite constant with their responses.
Next one:

--- Quote ---"Don't even think about it!"
--- End quote ---

I can get 1/2 of it: it's Cera talking to Ducky and it's during a tag game but I don't remember where it's from.

--- Quote ---Will you stop complaining?
--- End quote ---

It was from LBT 10.
Yours is from LBT 2, and Ozzy says this to Strut shortly before the song "Eggs".

--- Quote ---Many eons ago...
--- End quote ---

Total guess: It's the narrator (I know that for sure) and it's LBT 9.


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