The Gang of Five
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A new world...Same old faces


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OOC: Well I'll certainly try Nimrod, I think part of the problem I've had is figuring out who's in the group with Zaine that Kit and Petrie greeted. Littlefoot and Cera are with another group right? I was wondering earlier?

Twiz smiled and returned the hug, "Same, here I..." he very hesitantly stepped back and tried to focus on her question, "W-well, I was with the herd and as you know we had Flip with us, showing him the vines and all, by the way he's fine" Twiz quickly reassured.

"I...after I lost the herd, I was sort of too stunned to do anything, I guess myself, Flip and Kit all owe Petrie our lives" he smiled, "He pushed us into another cave just in time of a rock fall that kept the fire and such out".


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OCC: Yes, they are with Ecco, Hunter and Ali so far I know. Maybe it would be better for everyone if we would do a short list in the discussion thread who is with who right now. Just a suggestion.


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OOC: Ok, then this might be a bit of backtracking, but making sense of it...

As the got closer to some of the others with Zaine, whom they'd spotted first, Petrie and Kit's attention was drawn immediately to two members of the collected group, and to an extent the third as well.

"Littlefoot, Cera!" the two flyers immedietly darted forward. "Oh thank goodness you guys and Ali are safe as well" Kit gave a smile to the female longneck as well.

"Yeah" Petrie sat up from where he'd actually all out hugged Cera's face almost like he would have as a hatchling, "but then I knew Cera was too though not to survive" he grinned.

The two flyers then noticed Ecco, Hunter and the others, and sharpteeth in the mix wasn't that shocking of a thing by now after Chomper, the Bellydragger and such.

"and if so many others also everyone could have survived after all?!" Kit said optimistically. Petrie grimaced to show how unlikely and jumping the bolder this was, but didn't say anything.

Cancerian Tiger

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Note: My OC is a light blue female threehorn, and is the same age as the Gang.

I have no idea what in the world hit me.  All I know is that I had just arrived in the Great Valley the day before.  The Bright Circle had risen, and I was lookin' for a place to get a drink when I stumbled upon a very friendly young swimmer named Ducky.  We conversed as she lead me to what was called the Thundering Falls.  It was there that I noticed a threehorn around my age.  Just as Ducky was about to tell me who the threehorn was, a powerful blast threw us far.  As I scrambled to my feet and rushed over to Ducky, the ground began to shake and break apart beneath us.  I ordered her to grab my leg, and that she did as we suddenly crashed down into the darkness below.

My name is Aurelia, and my life has hit another rough patch.

Aurelia slowly woke up, and blinked several times.  "Wow.  What a doozer," she groaned as she slowly and carefully got up on her feet.  "What in the name of sharpteeth happened?"  Everything around her was underground.  She then heard a weak groan behind her, and turned around.  It came from none other than her swimmer friend, who appeared unconscious.  "Ducky!"

I will never know what has happened to our home, nope nope nope.  From what I remember, I had to see my brother Spike about something.  At the same time, the love of my life was going to meet me down at the Thundering Falls.  He was, he was.  His name is Renn, and he is a very loving guy.  My family adores him, and we have been pondering when to try to start a family, yep yep yep.  On my way to the Thundering Falls, I met up with a threehorn I had met just the day before.  I do not know much about her, but she seems really nice.  Just when I was about to introduce her to Cera, an awful blast tore through the air and tossed us like baby swimmers.  It made a terrible sound.  It did, it did.  When I landed back on the ground, I was too stunned to get up as the ground began to shake beneath me.  I then saw my new threehorn friend, Aurelia, rush over to me.  "Ducky!  Grab my leg!" she ordered.  I grabbed onto her left frontleg as I stood up, just to suddenly feel the ground fall from beneath us.  Next thing I knew, I was in the dark.

My name is Ducky, and the life I once knew is over.  It is, it is.  

"Ducky!" a slightly familiar voice rang out.  "Ohhh," Ducky groaned painfully as she regained her consciousness.  Her head hurt terribly.  "Ducky," the voice repeated itself.  "Aurelia?" Ducky asked as Aurelia came up and looked Ducky over for injuries.  "Are you okay, Ducky?" Aurelia asked as she used her head to help Ducky sit up.  "Yes, but my head hurts real bad, yep yep yep."

This is one event I wish was just a scary sleepstory.  I was sleeping in and having a sleepstory about my friends, sister and I as kids.  We were having an abundance of treesweets.  Suddenly, a loud blast woke me abruptly.  I jumped up in a panicky fashion and began to run for the Thundering Falls.  I knew my sister would be there soon.  I had to at least get her out of harm's way.  However, I did not get too far before I crashed into the underground.

My name is Spike, and my world of treesweets and taking it easy are gone.

Spike slowly woke up, and gasped.  He could barely see anything around him.  Too stunned and terrified about what had just transpired, Spike passed out and remained that way.


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Zaine was a little confused by Longtail's remark. Then he finally realized something. "But...... Pearl isn't dead. I just saw her two minutes ago. I think she's with Littlefoot and Ruby last I checked!"


Littlefoot sighed. "Unfortunately, we've had much experience with leaving the Great Valley. That might be the best course of action because I don't see the green food here ever growing again."


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Shorty came over to listen to the conversation Littlefoot and the others had. "I...don¥t know. Maybe it could grow again. I personally never saw such a destruction before, that¥s for sure. But it could happen. I relived a regrowing of greenfood many times before. So it could happen. But til then I also agree that we should look for another place to get greenfood."


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"So where do we go from here?" Chomper asked Longtail.

Cancerian Tiger

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"How are we going to get out of here?  We are trapped, yep yep yep," whispered Ducky, still sitting.  

"Well, there's gotta be a way out of here.  I just know it," Aurelia replied as she looked around.  She then saw a shaft of light coming in from a few feet ahead of them.  "Hey!  What have we got here?"  Ducky looked up as Aurelia headed over to the shaft of light and tried to poke her head out.  However, her head was too big.

"Let me see," Ducky piped up as she went over and managed to poke her head through.  What she saw before her sickened and scared her unlike anything she had ever seen before.  Ducky quickly came back in, rushed over to a nearby corner, and vomited.

"Uh, Ducky.  What's wrong?  Did ya see somethin'?" Aurelia asked as she approached Ducky.  Ducky turned to her with a tearful expression.

"It is all gone, Aurelia!  Our home, our families!  It is all a lost cause!  It is, it is!" Ducky sobbed harshly.  Aurelia felt ill, for she knew what it was like to suddenly lose an entire family at once.  Yet she still found it in her to go over and comfort Ducky.  Ducky was crying on Aurelia's right shoulder as Aurelia kept trying to comfort her.  After a few minutes, Ducky looked up.

"Thank you, Aurelia," Ducky sniffled.

"You're welcome, Ducky.  C'mon, let's move along and see if we can find a way out or hopefully other survivors," Aurelia said.  "Maybe Renn made it."

"I hope so," Ducky whispered as the two began to follow a path full of obstacles and obstructions.

Meanwhile, Spike continued to remain passed out.

The Great Valley Guardian

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(OOC: Cancerian Tiger, Just so you know, everyone in this RP is a teen/adult...just a heads up :smile)

The words that Zaine had just spoken had broken the sad state Longtail had been suffering from and he beamed brightly as if he'd been told the best news in his life! He then turned his attention to the arrival of Littlefoot, Cera and the others and he smiled again knowing that at least most of his friends had survived...but then his eyes focused on the one thing he'd been searching for...Pearl!

Pearl was riding atop Littlefoots head when she too noticed Longtail and for a short while neither flyer moved....too stunned at what they were seeing. Pearl overwhelmed with emotion began to slowly cry from joy.

Ruby looked on and smiled as well to see that Pearl and Longtail had been reunited after such a terrible incident.

Hunter was more focused on listening to Littlefoot and the others discuss what should be done and either way she figured they would come to an agreement sooner or later.

However at hearing Chomper pose his question Longtail looked around for a moment before flapping up to the top of the nearest tree and whistled to get everyones attention. And the rest of Longtails herd landed nearby to hear what he had to say as well.

Azure as was still hugging Twiz not really wanting to let him go but at the sound of talking about leaving the valley she turned her head and asked, "What is everyone taking about? Are they crazy?! Leave this place and we may not make it..."

Longtail then cleared his throat as he spoke.
"Today...our lives have changed. For the worse some would say, but I know for a fact that our world...our way of life is not over yet! The line between predator and prey, the hunter and hunted is GONE! We must work as one herd, and take a stand to find a new land for ourselves and everyone we care about or else we'll lose EVERYTHING! And I for one will not accept losing like this...but first we have to search for survivors!"

He took a breath and continued, "I want us split into teams, Petrie, and Kit, you two are to check from the skies and see if you can find anyone alive in the valley that might need help. Littlefoot and Ali, I would like you two to help with that as well as can see through the trees instead of over them."

Pearl however had to ask, "What about the rest of us?"

Longtail sighed. "The rest of us....have to find and move the bodies of those that didn't make we have....a clear path out of here. That is what we have to do." He then dropped from the top of the tree and hugged Pearl as she landed in front of him.


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"Sounds right to me", Ecco said. He knew that they had to do anything. And Longtail seemed to be a good leader. So it should be better to follow his lead now so there won¥t be any discussions which slow down the folks now. I just hope all that will be over soon. Hopefully my friends are still alive. He shed a tear as he thought about them and remaind where he was til he¥d get more descriptions of what to do now.

"What should I do?", Shorty asked with a curious tone in his voice. I am kind of big, so maybe I could look for other survivors from up here as well.


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"Ok, let's do this," Chomper said, going with Longtail's plan.

Greg was thankful his mom was really strong.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Jun 8 2009 on  01:56 PM
(OOC: Cancerian Tiger, Just so you know, everyone in this RP is a teen/adult...just a heads up)

(OOC: I know that ;).  Maybe I was not specific and should've said my OC is the same age as the Gang in this RP.  I have only one other OC whose also the same age as the Gang in this RP.)

"We outta run into somethin' here sooner or later," Aurelia blurted as she and Ducky continued down the dark path.

"I hope so," Ducky mumbled as she began to glance around nervously, consequently falling behind from Aurelia.  THUMP!  Ducky had tripped over a rock, but the fall startled her.

"AHHH!" she screamed as she dashed toward Aurelia, not watching how fast she was going.

"Ooof!" Aurelia said as Ducky ran into her.  "What in the world scared ya back there?"

"I tripped on a rock.  I did, I did," Ducky replied.

"Be careful.  Your kind are not the smallest creatures that ever graced the world," said Aurelia.

"Sorry," Ducky apologized.

"It's okay, Ducky.  C'mon, let's get goin'," Aurelia replied before the two began walking again.  Suddenly, Aurelia heard a sound and stopped dead in her tracks.

"Ducky, did ya hear that?" she whispered.

"Hear what?" Ducky whispered back.  The two closed their eyes and went silent.  Sure enough, they could hear a voice some distance away.

"I do hear it, yep yep yep.  It is another survivor.  It is, it is," Ducky whispered in an excited fashion.

"Okay, keep quiet until we find the survivor," Aurelia ordered just before they went silent and followed the voice.

Spike had awaken by that point and was wandering through the underground, uncertain about what way to go.  He could not get his loved ones off his mind, especially his sister.  

"What in the world happened to us?" Spike asked himself out loud.  It brought him comfort to hear his own voice instead of the underground's errie silence.  As he was walking along, he could hear a voice coming from behind a wall.  He put his right ear against the wall and listened carefully before he smiled.

"Renn?" he questioned himself out loud.


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"And we're usually the ones with the crazy ideas" Cera muttered to herself.  Still, she couldn't help but smile when Longtail hugged Pearl.


"Littlefoot, can I talk to you in private?" Ali asked.


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Ichy, Greg, and Dil stood by Longtail.

"Um...Longtail?" Greg asked, nervous. He felt he needed to ask this. "For us sharpteeth, even though we know we can't eat the other survivors, if any of the dead bodies are in good shape, could those?" Greg hoped Longtail wouldn't get mad at that question.

The Great Valley Guardian

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After hearing Gregs question Longtail turned to the bellydragger, smiling and then laughed for a moment. "Honestly Greg I would encourage it...for all the sharpteeth here in our group should eat what they can...but not too much that they can't still help should we need it...but yes, if you find any bodies in good condition go right ahead and eat what you can."

Pearl was far too happy that her mate and the leader of their herd had survived, but she could see even from the ground, that their original herd number had been almost cut in half, and what saddened her further was the fact that almost none of the hatchlings could be seen which meant that they too had died. Pearl at that moment shuddered and hugged Longtail again hoping he'd understand her pain.

Azure looked to Twiz and asked, "D-Do you know if any of Longtail's hatchlings survived?" She hadn't thought about it...but then she remembered that her own was alive and well and it made her wonder.


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"Thanks," Greg said, just in time too, as Ichy found a dead spiketail that was in good condition.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Renn?" Spike questioned out loud.

The last memory I have before I ended up in this cave of some sort is of me making my way to the Thundering Falls.  I was on my way to see my sweetheart, Ducky, when a heavy blast threw me a good distance.  As I tried to get up, sharp pain shot up my right lower leg, causing me to fall back down.  The ground was breaking up as I tried to get up again, and I did not get anywhere before I fell beneath the ground.

My name is Renn, and my dreams of the future seem bleak now.

"What?!  Who's there?!  Aw, man!  Whoever you are, you've gotta help me!  Oh, someone please help me!  Man!  Mother always said I could never find my way out of a cave to save my life, and it looks like she was right!" Renn's voice carried on.


Meanwhile, Ducky and Aurelia were approaching the area the voice was coming from.  The voice had suddenly gotten louder, which helped them even more.

"We're gettin' close," Aurelia blurted out loud.

"We are, yep yep yep," agreed Ducky.  As they came around a corner, Ducky could not believe her eyes.  In front of her was her brother, Spike!

"Oh, my goodness!  Spike!" Ducky squealed in excitement as she dashed toward Spike.

"Ducky, wait!  How do ya know that's him?!" Aurelia cried out as she ran after Ducky.

"It is Spike!  It is, it is!" Ducky cried as Spike turned to the sound of his sister's voice.

"Ducky?  Ducky!" Spike cried as she came up and embraced him.  

"I am so glad to see you, yep yep yep!" Ducky sniffled.  Spike then noticed Aurelia approaching them.

"Who is this?" Spike asked, causing Ducky to turn around.

"Come here, Aurelia.  There is no need to be shy, nope nope nope," said Ducky as she gestured for Aurelia to approach them.  She did as told.

"Aurelia, this is my brother Spike.  Spike, this is Aurelia.  She is the newcomer I had told you about.  She also saved my life in that earthshake.  Aurelia is a life saver.  She is, she is." said Ducky.

"No, I'm not.  Still, you're more than welcome, Ducky.  It's really nice to meet ya, Spike.  If I may ask, how can a spiketail and a swimmer be siblings?" Aurelia asked.

"Mama adopted him, yep yep yep," Ducky answered.

"Actually, Ducky adopted me first," Spike said with a smile.

"Hey!  Can someone help me?!  Aw, man!  This really stinks!  I should've known Mother was right!" Renn's voice started up again, startling the trio.


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Damn, my head. What was this???...

My name is Scarface. And for those who don¥t know me, I am a male raptor. Don¥t ask me how this happened and what happened. I just slept and suddenly there was this horrible earthshake. I fell a few metres, down from the little cliff I was lying at. Then a rock fell on my head and I was knocked out. Now I got awake by something... yeah,... I would say it was something like a squeal. And I think I heard other voices too. Anyway, this is the worst day I ever had. For one thing, I don¥t know if any of my herdmembers survived, and for the other thing I am lost in a cave, burried by stones.

I better go and look where this voices came from. And boy, am I hungry!


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Chomper and his friends tried to sniff out other survivors.

"You guys smell anything?" the teenage sharptooth asked.

Cancerian Tiger

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Ducky gasped, then smiled.

"Is that you, Renn?!" she called as she braced herself against the wall in order to hear him more clearly.

"Yeah, man!  My name is Renn!  How do you know my name?!" Renn replied.

"Because I am Ducky!  I am, I am!" Ducky called back.

"Ducky?!  Oh, sweetie!  I'm so glad to hear your voice!  Hey, I'm sorry I did not make it over to you before this happened!" said Renn.  "Are you okay?!"

"I am okay, yep yep yep!  Are you okay, honey?!" Ducky replied.

"Yeah, just a little busted up!  Spike!  Can you get me out of here, man?!"

"I'm not sure my tail will be strong enough to break that wall!" Spike said loudly.

"Then, clear the path y'all, for this is a job for a threehorn!" Aurelia spoke up.

"Hehe, you sound just like Cera!  You do, you do!" Ducky giggled as she and Spike moved out of Aurelia's path.  "Stand back, Renn!"

"Yessum!" Renn replied as he did as told.

"Okay, here I come ready or not!" Aurelia warned just before she charged headfirst toward the wall.