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Ask the Characters

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena, do you think this  Hospital job will actually work? the track record to date of plans like this hasnt been great, see Flora getting grabbed and Rose getting shot, also see the purifiers tracking you guys down.

Emilena: Normally I wouldn't hold my breath, but in all honesty, it's going to depend on Awe. He's the wild card we never had before, and so far he seems to actually know what he's doing. If he can pull this heist off without the alarm sounding, our group might finally have acquired someone competent at stealth. Kojurro didn't count...


Marita and Marie, do you plan on hiding your identities like Rose did, in order to get on Flora's good side?

Awe, what are your first impressions on Emilena and Marita?


My available characters are Dr. Shelton from Darwin's Soldiers and Emilena, Lily, and Flora from Blanking the Slate.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 07:11:59 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Anne: Well, duh. I've had people try to touch it. I've had people pull on it...seriously, it's attached to my fucking skull! It's not going to come off!" And of course, I've been yelled at or kicked out of some places because they're afraid I'd eavesdrop on people. Yeah, my implant lets me do that but I'm polite enough to not turn on scanning mode in busy places.

Soren: Lost those back in our adventures in Lanthae along with my homebrew exoskeleton. I arrived in Seryet City with jack-shit except for a few thousand creds and whatever I managed to pilfer and take with me during the Lanthae escapades.

Dr. Zanasiu: Grateful. I guess I owe him big for that. But then again, I protected him during the Pelvanida Crisis so we're even?


Ask any of my characters.


Shelton, do you see any of the cybernetics and gene mod work at Pelvanida eventually making it out into the public?

Flora, do you have any gene mods?

Stripetail, how did you come to know Nick?

Awe, how did you handle the police when they came looking for you?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: Well, I mainly go for a non lethal approach, even if they're known to be corrupt I do what I can to limit casualties. But if they've been marked by my contractor they're fair game. I do keep the public on my side since I do hide among them.


Dr. Krezach, what was it like to work with Werner?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora, do you have any gene mods?

Flora: In spades. My parents were heavily ingratiated into this underground community called the Changelings that experimented with prenatal gene alteration to find the "biological limit." They were like Gattaca hippies, and they did all sorts of weird shit to their unborn kids just to see what worked and what didn't. The Changelings only really stuck around for one generation before increased social awareness got them all arrested and their practises outlawed. A few of the other kids grew up in the orphanage with me, they were a weird bunch.

Shelton, do you see any of the cybernetics and gene mod work at Pelvanida eventually making it out into the public?

Shelton: Frankly I'm surprised it hasn't happened already. There's a fortune waiting to be made if the right company can secure the rights to advance or distribute the sort of research we'd created at Pelvanida. To be honest, I suspect the government wants to keep it under wraps so they can create supersoldiers as an international bargaining chip, but after everything that happened in 2009 the cat is certainly out of the bag.

Flora: Wait, who the fuck are you?

Shelton: ...

Flora: ...

Shelton: ...


All Blanking the Slate characters and Stripetail, do you think you'll ever have any kids?

Awe, what are your first impressions on Soren, Emilena, and Marita?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 06:23:21 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: Well first impressions were to be honest amazement. Since I always keep an ear to the ground and do my homework on any potential jobs, I hadn't expected them to have such... varying backgrounds. As for having kids, I'm not quite sure. I've spent most of my life killing that's not really the makings of a stable family life.

Shelton, What were your first impressions of Werner when he arrived at Pelvandia.


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Stripetail: Two Questuions, eh? Well I'll start with the first one-  how I first met Nick.  It was when I stopped at the First Cafe run by Chong, when he and Aves wrre staffing the kitchen.. the food was terrible and the way he treated the staff was even worse.  so, shall we say, I helped make a change in management. As for having kids, no. I had a mate once,  named Snowpaw but she died shortly after our marriage, she caught a severe flu and it claimed her life within a couple days. I  was not nearly the healer then,  that  i am now, had that  happened today I would have been able to save her.  it took me decades to recover from losing her, and after i did, I swore i would never allow myself to hurt in that way again. So kids are out of the question for me.

 Marita: Hiding my identity from flora is out of the question , she knows me, and Marie. besides, i have a duty to keep an eye on her courtesy of Bailey. I dont know what Rose is up to , or for that matter where she is. As for having kids, I'd need more money for that to be a consideration, a LOT more money.
 Marie: Why would I try and disguise myself, when the person already knows me. Sounds counter-intuitive, and besides it wouldnt get me on her good side anyway. As foir having kids, I dont know. maybe, in the future.

 Ask  Dixie, Tigeress of the Moon  and Scooby, from Insane Cafe
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 12, 2018, 12:27:33 AM
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 12, 2018, 12:27:33 AM
Shelton, What were your first impressions of Werner when he arrived at Pelvandia.

Shelton: I thought the kid was in over his head. Pelvanida was a top-secret facility with one of the highest faculty mortality rates in the country (the main reason I worked in administration, instead of directly with the experiments), and Werner was only eighteen. Plus he had something of a habit of being horribly injured. But I underestimated him; he never spent more than a single night in the infirmary, and his work ethic was nothing short of earnest. I should have realized you didn't get to be the youngest scientist in the base without being something special. Too bad I didn't get to know him before we were fighting for our lives.

Quote from:
All Blanking the Slate characters and Stripetail, do you think you'll ever have any kids?

Emilena: I'm completely sterile. Byproduct of the Growth Acceleration program aging me to adulthood; I skipped puberty overnight. And honestly I have no complaints, pretty much every age-related hormonal change in females just makes our bodies less combat capable. I'll take a four-minute mile over having breasts any day of the week.

Flora: I'd actually need to get government permission. When I left the orphanage, I signed a thing promising not to have offspring unless they were adopted, since they don't want my messed-up genetics entering the gene pool. That being said, I'm not against the idea, but I'd need to be a lot older. Right now there's no way I'm juggling concerts, Columbia Records, and kids.

Lily: I already have children. Two boys named Christian and Ejlert, plus two girls named Aylin and Hannah. Of course, three of them have died due to the actions of my late husband, but I honestly don't know where Ejlert is at the moment. He seems to have escaped his childhood home, or else I'd have seen him when I paid my visit, so I can only hope he's found happiness on his own.


Rose, do you prefer the Flora from Racing the Storm and Around the Folf, or the Flora from Blanking the Slate?

Werner, did you know your father at all before he disappeared in your youth?

Hans, similar question, do you have any memories of Werner before you left to join the terrorists?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 06:10:14 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Werner: a little bit but not really much.

Hans: Yeah I left when he was about four years old.


James what were your first impressions of Werner?


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Rose: hmm. thats a good question. its hard to say. both have their pluses.  the Flora from Blanking is a lot more confident I would say, has a bit of an ego, but that comes with being a music superstar. i'm not sure what the future holds, but i'll always try to help flora as much as I can.

 Tony Stracci, what have you been up to since we last  saw you?
 Ask Stripetail anything.
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Tony: Kids? Yeah sure, if I ever found the right woman to be with and start that family. But yes, at some point I'd like to continue the legacy of the Stracci name. Can't say as of yet that I've found a suitable match but never say never.

Tony: In regards to the recent question, I've inherited my father's empire upon his passing, but I've tried to keep a lot of it on the legitimate side. He was known for his paving and construction businesses, so I've tried to expand those as best I can. The illegal weapons' trade of course can't be fully avoided, but I'm doing the best I can to gradually phase it out. Inherited his mammoth car collection as well, so I drive and maintain the cars whenever I can, and of course, use them on an adventure or two.


Emilena, if you had your pick of any person in the party you could settle down (and let's say you had to choose), whom would it be and why?

Rose, are your parents alive, and if so, what are they up to now?

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Soren - Ehh, maybe?

James - Well, at first, I was wondering who the hell opened up summer internships at Pelvanida. But then I found out that he was a legit scientist, albeit one fresh out of college. But really, graduating college at 18? He must have had some really hardcore course work. Regardless, he's great at what he does.


Shelton, what made you work at Pelvanida?

Tony, how do you manage to keep a low profile with all those exotic cars you love to drive?

Stripetail, how did you come to battle with Mertavius?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton: My roommate in college. His name was Bruce, he was a jackass and I was the only one who'd put up with him. He was a genius though, a real prodigy at virtual reality, and I try to keep people like that in my circle. And oh boy did it pay off in this instance.

He'd been interviewing aggressively with Pelvanida, I didn't really understand why at the time (years later, I learned it was because he wanted to join Dragonstorm...) and one day he passed the word onto me that their control room admin, Dr. Denning-Rodger, was retiring after 34 years on the job. That cranky old man gave me the hardest job interview I've ever had...but I landed the position due to lack of other applicants. Most qualified people were scared off by the alarming frequency of workplace-related injuries, but I was just excited to find an American government job that covered reallocation costs. You don't just turn that down.


Emilena: Sighhhhhhh... Okay, fine. In the spirit of fair play, I'll give this question an honest shot.

Knocking some easy ones off the list: Lily, Awe, and the lesbians are instant hard passes. Marita and her groupies are idiots and I'd probably shoot myself if I had to encounter them on a daily basis. Lily genuinely scares me with her recent behavior. I already had to experience living with her these past few months, I would not recommend it to anyone. Awe is a vigilante Augmented freedom fighter, and a marriage with him would last about as long as it'd take me to chloroform him and call the police.

The Axel from Lanthae would probably have gotten my vote, but these days he's taken to drinking and complaining about literally everything, I think I get depressed just from looking at him. He needs a therapist, and that sort of person can really affect your psyche as a roommate. Or (eurghh) husband, I guess.

I don't believe Anne and I have shared a single line of dialogue in all the months we've known each other. I don't know why we keep her around, I despise her inability to keep control of her drug addictions, and in a marital situation I'd constantly worry she'd nick my stuff to finance her substance abuse.

Tony is, for the most part, neutral, with some minor plusses and no major minuses. He once worked for the Purifiers, so I could probably convince him to hate Augments again. He's wealthy, well-bred, and currently the least dysfunctional teammate. But his primary downside is his libido; he just answered he's interested in having kids to further his lineage, and I recall him flirting heavily with Marita in Racing the Storm. Unfortunately I don't think I'm sexually-compatible with someone who wants to, well, have sex.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but Soren comes with the only major plusses I can think of. He'd be able to take care of my cybernetic hand when it needs repairs, plus I suspect he'd mostly go off and do his own thing in his workshop. He's never shown any sort of sex drive in all the time I've known him, plus I just spent two weeks on the run with him and he's refreshingly self-sufficient. We likely will never agree politically, but I think we both understand that and could do what we needed to make it work. Not that that would ever happen or anything, mind you!


Awe, are there any significant individuals in your past the other main characters don't know about?

Tony, if you'd been present for Kojurro's brief appearance in this role-play
Kojurro's brief appearance in this role-play, how would you have voted regarding his fate? What do you think about how things ultimately turned out for him?


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Tony: A good question. I tend to drive my vintages around the neighborhood where I live. Everyone knows my old man had his collection, so they just expect to see a good old gas burner on the streets of their place. Now despite it being anathema to me, if it's longer distances into the city proper, I will definitely take the modern, self-driving, electric whatchamacallit out. I don't really like it, as I like the experience of actually driving your car, but it serves the dual purpose of keeping me in a low profile and being at least an efficient drive. Still, if I get the hankering, I will occasionally take out one of the classics from the garage and bring it into the city (totally worth the looks and thumbs up I get though!). But yeah pretty much if I want to keep my low profile, I just slide into the heavily tinted electric vehicle and take that around.

Tony: Definitely death. He had betrayed us too many times and he would've been more of a hindrance than a help. Nothing he said during that conversation would've convinced me had I been present so yep! Put a bullet in his brain, end it quickly, and move on. I'm not really one for gratuitous violence but sometimes... in a situation like this when you have no choice and taking him along would've just led to us either getting stabbed in the back, shot multiple times, imprisoned and tortured, what have you, best to choose the option that benefits the group.


Soren, you seem like you know your way around a weapon. Would you describe yourself as a gun aficionado, and if so, what's your favorite type of gun?

Emilena: Random question, but at the end of Into the Black, Kojurro was waiting to kill everyone with a sniper rifle... let's say he wasn't executed by us. Do you think he'd still be waiting there patiently, rifle at the ready, preparing to gun us down?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 11:21:55 AM by Pterano »

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: I heard from Nairda that he didn't let the destruction of the entire city stop him,
he didn't let the destruction of the entire city stop him, so probably!

(OOC: Holy crap, I just looked, and Serris, Pterano, Nick22, bushwacked, LettuceBacon&Tomato
LettuceBacon&Tomato, f-22, and StarfallRaptor have all controlled Kojuuro for at least one post. He's truly the most universal character in the canon.)


Werner, where did you go to college, and what did you major in?
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 02:09:41 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: Not really, I never really went for and significant relationships they don't mix well with being an assassin. That and the work I currently do keeps me too busy for any real off time.

Werner: I studied at the Technical University of Dresden and I majored in computer science, biology, chemistry and mechanical engineering.


Shelton, so how do you feel having a whole disease named after you?


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 STripetail: How did i first cross paths with Mertavius? Simple, he tried to conquer my home world, and I stopped him. He hasnt forgotten, and hasnt stopped trying to conquer it either . One thing about Mertavius. He is  without scruples, or mercy.  Any world run by him would be a bleak hellscape and woe to those to fall into his hands. If you think Chong is bad, well Mertavius makes Chong look like a choir boy.
 Rose:. My Folks live on the other side of the country, and I havent seen them in years. I send them cards every so often, and on rare occasion they send me stuff, like money, or  food.  They're outdoors types, they're always out hiking, and camping. I honestly could not tell you what they do for a living, its been so long since I saw them. But whatever they do, they seem to make pretty good money.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton: I mean, I would have preferred to not die to it and somebody else get that ‘honor.’ But I guess it’s nice to have a legacy that involves my name. Before the public learned about Shelton’s disease, I tended to get glossed over in the history books because I died before the Einstein-Rosen bridge network was finished.


James, what is your greatest shame?

Tony, we’ve seen and heard a lot about your dad, but not nearly as much about your mom. Is she still alive, and what sort of person was she?


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Soren: Well, it's nice to have a gun in Lanthae thanks to how shitty the place is and I'm pretty proficient with one. But I'm not some legendary gunslinger. As for my favorite gun, the Remington 870 has always served me well. Cheap, good stopping power, reliable and customizable.

James: I don't think I'll ever live down setting fire to one of the bio labs during my post-doc. Turns out those hot plates run much hotter than the ones I'm used to during my Ph.D.

Dr. Kerzach: Ehh, he's good at what he does?


Awe, how did you get so many augmentations?

Axel, biological or cybernetic augmentations?

Shelton, did you have any ethical issues with working at Pelvanida?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton: For a while I could believe the spiel that every experiment was either a criminal or volunteer. They made sure you first met the enthusiastic ones like Siberys, and then the batshit sociopaths like Slash and Agito. I didn’t learn about how we were kidnapping homeless off the streets until I’d already taken the job. And by then, what was I gonna do? I’m not an American citizen, I’d just spent thousands moving here and securing an apartment, and had no hope of landing another job half as good as this one. I wasn’t in a position to rock the boat. Or at least, that’s how I justify it to myself...


Kerzach, did you have any ethical issues working at Pelvanida?

James and Soren: If you two competed against each other in a two-person Darwin’s Soldiers-style Schutzhund competition, with Remington 870s as your weapons of choice, who would win?

Werner, we’ve seen and heard a lot about your dad, but not nearly as much about your mom. Is she still alive, and what sort of person was she?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 07:23:02 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe: I was given only the best augments by Werner Industries to fulfill my role as a corprate assassin.

Werner: Well, it's kind of a hard subject. She sadly passed away shortly after the incident at Pelvandia. It was before we tested the gate that the government had rebuilt. She was a very kind and loving person. (ties in rather nicely from that bit in your fic before they go through the gate Card of Ten eh LB&T?)


Dr. Kerzach, what were your first impressions of Werner?

Shelton, after hearing on your antimatter clones adventures did you express a wish that you had gotten a chance to explore that brave new world before it ad been destroyed?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2018, 10:01:47 PM by f-22 "raptor" ace »