The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

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Insane Cafe


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"Holly mother of pearl!" Exclaimed Aves in aw at the gift "That's a lot of loot!"

Aves smirked and looked to Nick

"But it also looks like we've got alot of cleaning up to do. Shall we hire someone for that?"


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That's up to you" stripetail said he climbed the stairs, Chong in tow. Scooby, and Dixie followed, their armor glistening in the flickering light.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm STARVINg" Shaggy said, to the laughter of all. Shaggy, being a runner, had a very high metabolism, and he burned through food quickly. He followed his pet up the stairs
"We'll start by cleaning up as much as we can by ourselves. We'll fix up the cafe and make it better. My friends, anytime you want a table, You'll have one.." Nick said, grabbing as much gold as he could and stuffing it in his pockets He left the bag to Aves.. and walked up the stairs
"How about the one we were sitting at?' Dixie asked as they walked.. Nickjsmiled "Sure .That will be the "scooby Table" froom now on. Anytime, you guys want to eat here, the table will be available for you."
_ The group reached the top of the stairway and Nick opened the secret door. The office was in ruins, tyere were holes in the wallseverywhere, from the Sporks. On the ground lay broken plastic silverware. "Yep, we definitely need to fix this place up.."
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"Forget it!" Yelled Chong while in tow "This cafe is mine! You will all regret this! In fact, I fire the both of you, Nick and your stupid fox friend!"

"Of shove it" Snarled Aves, he pulled out a pie he had stored away before the spork battle and creamed it into the back of Chong's head

"There's your little Chinese cap, rice boy!" sniggered the fox and he re hoisted the bag of treasure unto his back

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail looked around and immediately said "I am NOT cleaning this up!" Omnivorus sighed and said "You won't have to I do have the Force remember?" The flyer shyly smiled as the Force ghost started to levitate the remaining sporks into the air...and suddenly he had a question and he turned towards Aves to ask it "What the heck to do with all of these silly things?"


  • The Circle
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"Well, they are made of plastic.. why not recycle them?" Aves chuckled at his own comment

"Melt them down, turn them into something useful!"


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"At least that mischief is over.  Though a bit hairy not quite like the one when I had to save the dragon from the princess, but still a bit hairy." Marcus said.


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They already gave in their notices, you fool, why else would Nick break your nose?' stripetails said savagely "time to shut you up.." He gestured and the vines which bound Chong starting growing again, and wrapped themselves around Chongs mouth, gagging him, so he could no longer speak. As Stripetail walked though the ruined cafe an group of policemen waited at the enbterance. "Is this the guy called Chong?" One of them asked "Yes.. he is.. " Stripetail replied, handing Chong over. "You'll be seeing bars for a long time Mr. Chong..We're charging you with 54 counts of murder.. for each one of the customers and staff who have died on the premises, we are holding you responsible." Chong struggled violently against his bonds and gag, but to no avail. "I hear the pies here are good, but the rest of the food'a not fit to feed a starving dog.. Change that ASAP.."The policeman said, tipping his cap.. as he and other pushed The former owner into the back of thier patrol car and drove off..
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"Well, that about does it!" smirked Aves and they watched as the cop car left the parking lot. They also noticed that the cafe seemed to had returned to the normal world and was no longer in some demented alternate reality

"So... what does this mean for us now?"

Booming Narrarator: ITS SEQUEL TIME!!!!

*RP goes Boom and ENDS*

Yay!!! :claps and cheers:

The Great Valley Guardian

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Aves answer seemed to please the sith lord, so he began to use Force Lighting to superheat and melt the sporks down into liquid...then he began to form them and shape them....and once he was done he sat the finsihed products on the nearest table and said

"There! 57 new bowls for soups and chowders! How's that for pure evil?"


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(LOL Good one... post the opening thread for that.. and we'll close this one.. although I had a few things left to say in this one.. They can wait until the next one..
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