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Accepting Requests for next LBT Song to Sing

action9000 · 139 · 12145


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Hi everyone!

The Gang of Five just finished singing their latest LBT song!
Problem is we're not sure what song to sing next!  Remember, that the "Gang of Five" includes you as well!

I'm taking requests for our next song.  The most-requested song will be our next project!
The Catch?  You must be willing to sing in the song which you have requested! B)  :p  For details about the singing process, see this topic:

The singing process is very casual and mainly for fun. The finished song will be kept online on a permanent basis for anyone with the link to the song to download.  Mainly, this will include members from our own Gang of Five board and members of the LBT community who come across this board.

I'll accept (almost) any LBT song request from any of the films or TV episodes.  Once we agree on a song, I'll need a couple of weeks to prepare the music for us. We'll work out the rest of the project once we get there.  For now, let the requests begin!


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I would be willing to sing the song "always there".  The thing is I do not know how good a singer I am (what you sound like in your head is never what you sound like to the rest of the world).  I would have to sing this song in the RV as it is the only place I can be in private which has certain difficulties.  I would have to use my old laptop since I do not have a computer in the RV.  My laptop isn't great.  It has a 1.8GHZ processor with only 512MB ram.  Is this sufficient?  I would really like to sing this song with a couple of other people.  I will be able to filter out the noise of the cars with my special noise editing program I paid a crapload for.  I have done this many times since the RV is my personal "LBT hut". :lol


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Oops!  Yes it was.  I forgot about that.  Oh well.  I would also like to sing "We will always be your friends".  I don't believe that one has been done yet.  I might be willing to participate in other songs if I am able to.  I know that there is no way I will be able to sing "things change" or other songs like that.  I just can't hit the notes.  Anyway, I have only tried singing these two songs so I don't know if I will be able to do any of the others.  I must say however that I am pretty good at these two songs.  That's why I said always there without thinking first.  I will try the other songs soon and see if I can do them.  I have them all memorized except the ones on lbt 11.  I have only seen that one once since I found it so bad.  Anyway, I'm off to try big water.  I'll inform you of the results.


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How about either (hope they haven't been done)

The LBT Theme Song from the show


Bestest Friends


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Best of Friends?  I know unofficially I had sent Tim some recordings about that song but we've never done a group one of that song.  I'd join in for that one.  Which version though--the movie version or Olivia Newton-John version?  I like that latter more than the former.


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So long as we don't have to sing like petrie.  That would be too wierd.  Singing "But this me do believe" made my stomach turn when I sang it.  I would prefer the movie version so long as none of us have to sing that line.  If not, I would prefer the end credits version.  Either way, I hope I can get a piece of the action!


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Wow.  I just ripped the vocal aspects from the song and just listened to the instruments and I must say that singing along to the movies in sync is near impossible with this song.  There are almost no areas where there is distinguishable tones so if you lose your pace, it would be near impossible to pick up again.  this song is going to be hard but I'm up to the challenge.  I sang along without the characters and experienced an average of a 1.2 second delay between when you're supposed to say the lines.  I think I'll be able to get it though with enough practice.

Here.  Listen to it:

NOTE:  I don't know what happened but photobucket didn't name it right.  It's not my backwards movie as it says it is.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,May 17 2007 on  08:03 PM
Oops!  Yes it was.  I forgot about that.  Oh well.  I would also like to sing "We will always be your friends".  I don't believe that one has been done yet.  I might be willing to participate in other songs if I am able to.  I know that there is no way I will be able to sing "things change" or other songs like that.  I just can't hit the notes.  Anyway, I have only tried singing these two songs so I don't know if I will be able to do any of the others.  I must say however that I am pretty good at these two songs.  That's why I said always there without thinking first.  I will try the other songs soon and see if I can do them.  I have them all memorized except the ones on lbt 11.  I have only seen that one once since I found it so bad.  Anyway, I'm off to try big water.  I'll inform you of the results.
The first title you gave as a request is called, "Bestest Friends" and the second you requested is called, "Everything Changes".

I would be happy to participate in either one myself.  I'll request those as well. :)


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I have a question.  If we end up doing "things change", who will sing cera's line "all at once things change".  I doubt anyone here can sing that very well.  I certainly can't! :lol   I can hit the note, but after that, I am unable to continue for some reason.  My voice just goes.  I can sing the line quite well, I just can't get past it.  It will be interesting to see who will do that line and how good they can do it.  I look foreward to it!

Oh.  And to clear up some confusion, the song is called Things Change:


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We are not parting the songs among ourselves before the singing. Everyone has to sing the entire song (much better for the right timing as well) and it is later on decided who does which part.
I would like to sing "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" if others like this song too.

Dash The Longneck

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I would do "bestest friends" or "Things change." The only thing I'm lacking right now is a Microphone. But I will get one real soon.


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You can increace microphone quality by up to 439% if you apply magnets near the middle of the wire inside the microphone.  Do not touch the actual microphone sound entry point!  This will ruin the microphone.  This makes it so there isn't so much background noise and decreases the microphones sensitivity.  You must take the recording and put it through an enhancement program like magix audio cleaning and enhancment to get the audio volume to an acceptable level though.

NOTE:  the magnets don't need to be powerful to work.  they just need to be able to attract electrons or somehing like that.  I don't remember but we did this in computer class and it worked pretty well.  I just cut up a picture frame magnet on the fridge and it worked just fine.


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Wow, there was actually quite a bit of talk in this thread!   :wow

From the looks of things, our current situation is:

LBTlover: "Things Change" or "Bestest Friends"
Weather_lord_7: LBT TV Theme song or "Bestest Friends"
Petrie: Bestest Friends
Pokeplayer: "Things Change" or "Bestest Friends"
Malte: "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond"
Dash the Longneck: "Things Change" or "Bestest Friends"
Action9000: "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" or "Bestest Friends"

which brings the request totals (and number of volunteer voices) so far to:
Bestest Friends: 6
Things Change: 3
Beyond the Mysterious Beyond: 2
LBT TV Theme Song: 1

Looks like our next song will be Bestest Friends, featuring the following members:
dash the longneck

Malte, if you sing with us, this will be the song with the most vocalists in the history of the Gang of Five! :D

We're still accepting newcomers to sing Bestest Friends with us (This means you LF1616!  You know you want to!), but the Gang of Five has Spoken for song choice. B)

Which version though--the movie version or Olivia Newton-John version? I like that latter more than the former.
From my perspective, there isn't a great deal of difference.  If you would prefer the lyrics from the Olivia Newton-John version, that's fine with me.  My lyrics site has both versions written out in full.  The main difference between the songs is the number of singers, followed by small changes in the lyrics.  I plan to use the music I've already produced for Bestest Friends, no matter which version of the song we use (unless it Really doesn't work out for some reason).

I would prefer the movie version so long as none of us have to sing that line.
The two versions of the songs are so similar that if we are to avoid this line, we may as well sing the Olivia Newton-John rendition.

Wow. I just ripped the vocal aspects from the song and just listened to the instruments and I must say that singing along to the movies in sync is near impossible with this song. There are almost no areas where there is distinguishable tones so if you lose your pace, it would be near impossible to pick up again.
The easiest way to avoid getting lost is to get to know the original song very well, to the point where the timing just comes naturally.  A more technical way around this issue would be to count and subdivide the beats of the music in your head and remember at which point in which beat each line starts.  Nearly impossible?  I think not. B)   I've had to count tougher stuff than that in my high school band.  

Here's a snapshot of some of the sheet music of the first verse.  the highlighted blue staff is Petrie's rhythm.  The staff 2 below the blue one is Ducky.  It's really not all that complex, yet I suppose I would call this section the most complex rhythm in the song (roughly 56 Beats per minute where the quarter note gets the value of 1 beat.  There's also an F# in the key signature.)

For this song, I plan to set aside the most rhythmically-complex parts to a single singer.  Getting multiple amatuer voices in sync on an overly complex rhythm when the singers can't even hear each other...I'm not going there!  I'll keep the group singing mainly to the choruses.
The overall result for you, as a singer, is this:
1) In the verses, feel free to generally be expressive but please try to start each of the lines at close to the correct time or it will be difficult for me to switch voices mid-verse.
2) In the choruses, please focus on keeping your timing fairly strict so we will sound together.  If you try to get too expressive with the timing on the choruses, it will sound like a jumble unless we're all expressive in the exact same way.  For the sake of simplicity, I say we try to remain as strict as possible in the choruses (unless we all agree that we want to try some fancy schmancy expressive stuff on the choruses, in which case, let the choreography begin! LOL :lol )
General rule: Try not to be too expressive with the timing, for the sake of staying together.

If you would prefer, I will release a version of the music with instrumental parts playing along to the melody and rhythm of the original vocalists.  It makes no difference to me whether you want these melody instruments as guidance or not: I just need to mute or unmute a few (well, about 10) tracks in the studio project file.  I'll post up both versions (instrumental melody and no audible melody) and you may sing to whichever version you find easier.   I will have the music posted up soon.  I need to reboot my computer in 3 GB mode in order to load the project is all, so I've been a bit lazy. :P:

Just for fun, here's a small chunk of a piece I had to play on trumpet in grade 11.  Note the rhythm complexity and REALLY fast tempo (180 Beats per minute)!  By comparison, I consider Bestest Friends quite easy. :lol

(apologies for terrible quality!)
In case you're curious, here's an mp3 I just made up of the entire trumpet part I had to play (this MP3 is played by my computer)

I'd still say it's a bit tougher rhythmically than Bestest Friends.  If I can do this, you can sing Bestest Friends.  I have faith in you. B)  :yes

So one last bit of voting:
Do we want to sing to the movie's lyrics, or Olivia Newton-John's lyrics?


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OK, how does one sing over the internets? Sorry to sound noobish, but I'm just curious. Also, I'm worried my singing could compare to Woundwort singing  :lol

But I'm willing to give it a shot, thing is, I'll need to know what to do & all that.


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There is a link to the details about singing earlier on the first post in this topic, but here's the basic idea:

I will post an mp3 of the music that we will be singing to.  Every singer will download this mp3 music.  

(Important: use headphones so the microphone doesn't pick up the music playing please!)

Play the mp3 and sing the song (while recording using some recording program.  I recommend Goldwave 4.26) completely through, in time with the music.  Send your recording to me and I will mix the voice into the music (I'm doing the mixing because I have the source music and associated project files, so it's easier for me to mix since I can control the level of every note of every instrument).

(IMPORTANT: Please, Please sing to the Mp3 that I post up.  Do NOT sing along to the original song or you WILL be out of synch when your recording meets my music.)

Once all the singers are mixed in with the music, I'll post the finished song back up for all to hear.

[EDIT] We have a couple of choices here.  I have an mp3 of Bestest Friends which is useable to sing to...or we can wait for me to re-arrange the music and make it generally more interesting (ideally :lol ).  At this moment, the arrangement sounds a little elementary (and the piano part about 1/3 to 1/2 the way through the song is driving me insane, playing the same note a billion times!) but I'm willing to work with it if the singers are!
I'll post up the current Mp3 and you can let me know what you think:


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Make that "possibly" a yes. You know that there are few LBT songs I wouldn't want to sing.
As for the version of the song we are going to sing I'm strongly in favor of the actual movie rather than the closing credits version.


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Good to hear, Malte. ;) I figured you would say that, however since you didn't explicitly vote for Bestest friends, I didn't want to speak for you.

Anyways, that's one vote for the Movie version!  Any other votes?


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So let me get this straight.  You don't want us to record the music when we sing.  You want us to use headphones and sing to your version that has no voices in it so you will just recieve a file with nothing but our voices and no music of any kind?  I just want to make sure you don't want me to play the music minus the vocal aspects and sing along to it while listening to the real movie version with the words through the headphones.  Also, what format do you want the music file to be in?  I can do it in literally any format you specify.  Would you like it in mp3, wav, wmpa, or what?  I would also like to add thet i'm for the movie version all the way.  Sorry, but the end credits version just doesn't appeal to me very much.


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As I said before, I set up a topic that covers all the necessary information about the LBT song projects:

As for a quick answer to your question:
any of the following are acceptable:

192 kb/s (or higher bitrate) Mp3 or WMA, 44.1 kHz Mono (stereo is okay but it just wastes space)

.wav, 16-bit signed, 44.1 kHz Mono (again, stereo is okay but wastes space)
24 bit is okay but I will have to reduce it to 16-bit eventually for compatibility reasons.  32-bit is no good.  I can't play 32-bit audio on my computer.

You want us to use headphones and sing to your version that has no voices in it so you will just recieve a file with nothing but our voices and no music of any kind?
Correct, I would like Only your voice.  I'll handle the music part. B)

just want to make sure you don't want me to play the music minus the vocal aspects and sing along to it while listening to the real movie version with the words through the headphones.
Also correct.  I am actually re-writing all of the music for our songs.  Think "MIDI files on steroids" and you have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing on my end.  It takes a lot of work to get a decent result, but it's worth it. B)