The Gang of Five
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The Past Haunts

Nahla · 486 · 66632


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Aother 3 person RP between Sleepy,Zimmy and  me (cause we has so much funs :D)

Ok,it was Sleepy's turn to come up with a RP,but I'm the one posting it. But plot was created by Sleeping-force's-inside

See Sleepy? I told you I'll make it 'the day after tomorrow' xD

And my turn to be villain HEHEHEHE

Character List:

Littlefoot (Nahla)
Grandma and Grandpa (Sleeping-force's-inside)
Bron (Zimba)
Zimba (Sleeping-force's-inside but character belongs to Zimba)
Nahla (Nahla)
Hades (Nahla)
Nani aka Nahla's Mother (Zimba but character belongs to Nahla).

A small herd arrives in The Great Valley,lead by a female that goes by the name of Nani. Her 'herd' contains her daughter Nahla and family friend Zimba. They came here to escape  a past that most would consider a nightmare. That nightmare had a name-Hades. Hades is cold,cruel..and maybe a little...ok a very big psychopath he also happens to be Nani's old (forced) mate and the father of Nahla,who wants them back in his control. Things take a twist when Nahla starts falling in love with one of the valley longnecks named Littlefoot. Upon hearing this Hades plans to stop at nothing to shatter the bond the two lovers share. However Hades's plans go further then just making sure Nahla doesn't feel the love. Grandma and Grandpa must not only protect their grandson and his girlfriend  and her family,but everyone else they know because they'll soon realize Hades will stop at nothing to get what he wants more then anything in the world-power over the most famous and beautiful land in the world-The Great Valley. No matter how many lives he needs to take to get there.

Sleepy,sorry if I gone off your idea a bit but I got kinda carried away with writing the thingy :D

Zimmy,you start off since you got Nani also up to you if you want Bron there yet.

And Sleepy,no blowing up the world this time  :nyah


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OOC: Haha 'Sleepy don't blow up the world' xD.

A tall female longneck entered the valley,she had clear blue eyes. They sparkled with the hope of a new beginning and leaving behind the memories of her past and...him..Hades... At first she thought nothing good had come out of her time with Hades then she realized one thing did-their daughter they had together,Nahla. She turned her head to see her late teenager/young adult daughter trailing behind her,her red male friend Zimba by her side before turning her head again to focus ahead of her,she narrowed her eyes when she saw a form walking up to them..something big..and brown...and longneck like...

OOC: No RP of ours ain't official till Littlefoot greets the OC's xD

So it gonna be Me-Nana-Sleepy for this one regrading RP order?


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OOC: Sure,that order will do.

Littlefoot stopped in front of them and eyed them up and down,he soon smiled it was like he could tell if someone was trustworthy just by looking at them. "Hello,I'm Littlefoot one of the leaders here. I'm in charge of greeting visitors,as is my grandparents but they are busy right now so you's are stuck with me" he chuckled. "May I ask your names?"

"I'm Nahla" the  young pink female stepped forward,she nodded to the other female "That is my mother,Nani".

"What about him?" Littlefoot asked nodding towards Zimba.

Nahla slapped Zimba in the side with her tail "Don't be rude,introduce yourself. I'm not doing it for you" she muttered to the red male.


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OOC: Awwwww, why not!? D:

"I... I'm Zimba..." He shyly said, a blush visible even with his red coloration.


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Nani chuckled "Zimba is just a friend of my daughter,not related by blood" she explained turning her head to look around "Nice to meet you Littlefoot...thats a kinda strange name for an adult longneck though isn't it?"


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Nahla burst out laughing at both her mother and her friend.

"Yeah I get that a lot lately" Littlefoot mutterd.

"Is it ok if I go take a drink?" Nahla questioned.

"Of course,watering hole is that way" Littlefoot nodded with his head.

"Thanks" she walked past Zimba "You can come if you want or you can stay with the dude with the weird name and my mother" with that said Nahla walked on further still giggling.


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"I... I think I'll stay here..." He murmured. "Sides, the name is not THAT bad..."


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Meanwhile a little bit away another brown but older male longneck lay near to elderly grey ones. Bron had decided to spend time with his family here in the valley which contained his parents in law and hi son who just happened to be Littlefoot.


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"Well..she's...bubbly" Littlefoot commented watching Nahla leave "ANyway" he said turning to face the others "Follow me,my Grandparents will help you's arrange a resting place" he lead them on called out for his Grandparents "GRANDMA! GRANDPA!" he soon spotted them and turned to face Nani and Zimba "Thats them" he then cleared his throat loudly to alert his Grandparents they were  kinda wanted.


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Grandpa opened one eye to look at his grandson. "Didn't we give you our jobs?" He demanded with a grin as he rose to his feet. "Really now..."


  • Petrie
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Bron rose his head and stood up "Littlefoot,you slacking off?" he teased whacking his son in the head,getting Zimba too by mistake but not noticing.

Nani looked back "I hope Nahla didn't get lost...."she commented.


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Littlefoot poked his tongue at Bron before turning to Grandpa "Yeah you did..BUT I thought you would least help these poor homeless longnecks who have no where else to go" he said in an over dramatic way his eyes sparkling with mischief.


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"That is ALSO your job now." Grandma joined her husband with a gentle smile. "Welcome to the Valley, since it seems our grandson is incapable of greeting you."

Zimba hesitantly returned her smile.


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"Thank you" Nani replied "Theres another one of us but...she went for a drink now seems to have  vanished" she chuckled/


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"She'll be fine" Litttlefoot said "Little trouble she can get in here,it's perfectly she is an adult isn't she? She'll be fine ma'am" he turned to his Grandparents smirking "But I can't do EVERYTHING!" he complained "I need a partner or something to help me so they can do the jobs I do not like" he was clearly joking though.


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"Feh..." His grandparents rolled their eyes. "Well, we have been pushing you to find someone for years. Now if you had that, this would not be such a discussion. Now go find these guests some spots."


  • Petrie
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Bron chuckled "Littlefoot,you really need to get yourself a girl. Your Grandparents are wanting that no doubt,the love...the wedding...then the great grandkids they been wanting for years,and I think they want to be ALIVE that..don't cha's" Bron slapped  Grandpa very lightly with his tail.

Nani laughed "I want my daughter Nahla to find a guy though she how do we say...a bit hyper..never settles down or do what I tell her" she laughed "And it even worse now she an adult with 'free will'..ugh that girl is gonna get me killed one day maybe a guy will settle her down some and she'll be more like Zimba here" she nodded with her head.


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Littlefoot blushed "I already told you's. None of the girls here are interested in me and also I have no interest in being a father anytime are a pain in the butt" he laughed turning to face the new comers "You know...this Nahla reminds me of somebody..." he trailed off not realizing Nahla was pretty much the female version of himself.


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"Of course, it took AGES for us to finally get grandkids." Both glared at Bron. "So it's pretty much YOUR fault that this is all taking so long."

Zimba blushed, not thinking that he was really something anyone would want. He was a shy coward after all, more a philosopher than a fighter. Which was predictably bad in their world.


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Nani nudged Zimba "WHy don't you go find Nahla? Hang around with her for a while,you both could do with the company I think"

Bron's face filled mock hurt "It isn't MY fault Littlefoot fails at getting girls"