The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!


Paradise Bird

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Its fine even us chinese find it difficult.


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The treatment of the peoples of southeast asia by the Japanese in WW2 and before , was terrible, and there are many who still hold resentment against the japannese for thier treatment.. I'm currently reeading a book about Hideki Tojo, who was the wartime leader of Japan, and who was hanged in 1948..
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  • The Circle
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I did not question that. Never would I.
The only country that lost more people in WW2 than China was Russia, the percentage of people killed in Singapore and in other South Eastern states is among the highest too, and the abuse and murdering of civilians and POWs is well documented. The refusal of the Japanese government to accept the historic responsibility for their crimes is outrageous (e.g. the visit of then prime minister Junichiro Koizumi to the Yasukuni Shrine where known criminals of war are hailed as heroes and where active attempts are made to rewrite history denying Japanese crimes and glorifying WW2) and I would really hope for a change in the policies of Japan (and some other countries) regarding their treatment of their own history.
What I DO oppose however is the blaming of a whole people most of whose parents weren't even born before the end of the war and the hating of a people as a whole in general. I can only judge individuals and while certain ways of acting and thinking may be more likely to be found in some countries than in others I think we must guard against lumping millions of people together and hating them for just belonging to that people. That is the kind of hatred which ultimately led to such crimes as WW2!

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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Agreed but we also are most angry with the Japanese for not declaring their mistakes.They continue to teach about their glory at the espense of the youth believing us to be useless.If you watch this video you will realise that it has a deep meaning.


  • The Circle
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I probably lack the knowledge to figure out what that MCDonald clown video has to to with the situation.
As I said I'm perfectly with you when it comes to the necessity of Japan changing the way they deal with their history. The denial or even the not mentioning of the crimes (e.g. the rape of Nanjing) in school books is absolutely intolerable.
But hating every single member as a people on the basis that he or she belongs to the people is as irresponsible dealing with the presence as this ignoring or denial of crimes is irresponsible dealing with the past and both is going to contribute to the problems of the future.
Unfortunately Japan is by no means the only country that ignores, denies, or euphemizes the crimes committed in the past. It is rather creepy how many mass murders and even genocides could happen throughout the history of the last 100 to 150 years with hardly anyone noticing it.
But if we really are to learn from the past to prevent repetition in the future I think we must not allow for the hatred of that time to infest ours but to try to promote change (the denial of such crimes really should not continue) on a different basis than hatred.

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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That's why I said I was worried if the member that is japanese know how am I and him going to face.


  • The Circle
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In any case take note of the very first point of the board rules:
1 - no flaming (this includes racial slurs, stereotypes, condescending remarks i.e. You can go to hell, etc.)
No discrimination of anyone based on his or her nation will be tolerated here and everyone is welcome to the GOF no matter the nationality, religion, or gender.

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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I will not do that I'm just worried I won't get a chance to talk to him/her
By the way do you play spore?Can make anything you wish I tried making a triceratops


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  • Ducky
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Nah, I am sure he wouldn¥t avoid the forum because of you. I know him pretty well, and that wouldn¥t fit to his personality I think. ;-) So stop worrying and enjoy your stay here :wow  :wave


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yeah, enjoy the foruim... :)
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  • The Circle
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By the way, who of our members is from Japan? I was not aware at all one of us was.


  • Member+
  • Cera
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Hi and welcome! :D

Look forward to seeing you on the forum!

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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Hi perhaps one of them that introduced himself?


  • Ducky
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Welcome to GOF.

I hope you enjoy being on the is a really good community.:)

Do you like the Lion King?  I see from your avatar that it's Nala or Sarafina?  

Anyway, hope you like it here.

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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Nala but this one is a downgraded version the big one is like this.

I also practice photoshop.
If you want to see Adventuring in Espanol or French see it in my photobucket account.


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Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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Nope photoshopped it.Not sure how I got it but when I opened my files I saw it and I decided to do somthing with it.


  • Ducky
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Yes, thought I recongised it.  

DarkHououmon: In case you are interested the original is here from the Lion King Fan Art Archive:

Paradise Bird: You did a good job with photoshopping this.


  • Member+
  • Littlefoot
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I hope the original artist doesn't mind people modifying their artwork.