Role Play > Random Role Play

Adventures In ToonWorld

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Derek Powers scowled. He clenched his fists as he felt his temperature rising. Even with the enhanced synthetic skin and clothing he wore, the radiation could still burn them away and it simply wouldn't do to reveal himself as Blight. He took a breath to calm down.

"Commissioner," he said calmly. "Are you forgetting that Wayne-Powers Enterprises has more in assets and turns a greater yearly profit than some countries? Good day." He then hung up the phone.


Of course, with how big the news of Paxton's arrest was, his face was soon plastered all over the airwaves.

And unsurprisingly, the Village where Stripetail and the athletes were staying had televisions.


Gabriel had sent another two Weasel team to break Blammo out of jail. This time, she told them to be more discreet.

And discreet they were. They were dressed as repair personnel and escorted by two police officers as they walked down the hallways of the cellblock. Already, they were formulating the plan to incapacitate the two officers with them.

powers hung up before Gordon could reply, Which was just as well, because her response would have certainly pushed him over the edge. Derek powers had become the second richest man on the planet- second only to Bruce Wayne himself - by throwing the weight power and prestige of Wayne-Powers around like a giant bully club. everyone had buckled under in the past- until the Batmans return.  now this wizard had come into town showing absolutely no fear of Powers at all, and the media had stated to notice.  Hamilton Hill high had been using the money Stripetail  had paid them to use their facilities to make some long overdue upgrades to lighting, sports facilities and the bathrooms. students were spending their creds on cars or paying down debt, Maxine Gibsons family had even moved into a much bigger and better apartment. Gotham was raking it in, and there hadnt even been a single game played yet

Annabelle said nothing as she reluctantly took her seat. She had always been working against the Devil in heaven, so she could only imagine he was planning to treat her harshly.

"Just say what you want to say," she said flatly to the lord of the underworld.


"Father, I want to update you on your statue's progress," Kovu said proudly.

Scar smiled on the other end of the phone, Kovu had been working on this project for a while now.

The two Weasel team was nothing if not efficient. One of them pretended to look at the steel door to one of the cells, while another one of them opened the tool box and pulled out something that the officers had likely never seen before as they were from a "harder" toon setting.

A portable hole.

To them, it looked just like some wallpaper or other such material. One of the Weasels nodded and "accidentally" dropped the item, letting it flutter beneath the feet of the two officers. Before they could react, the two officers immediately fell down the hole and into the floor below them. A cloud of dust and an almighty crash marked the officers' painful landing.

The first Weasel picked up the portable hole and rolled it back up. Unfortunately, they had neglected to account for the cameras. Having removed the officers, the second Weasel picked up a can of "instant door". The can was a simple paint can with a paintbrush inside. He picked up the brush and slathered the shimmering striped liquid onto one of the steel doors, producing a simple unlocked door not unlike the one found in a house.

He entered and then there was the sounds of a fight along with some dust spilling out from the open door before the Weasel was ejected from the door and the the door simply collapsed into a puddle of paint.

"Wrong one," he said, pushing down the sizable lump on his head back down.

The second Weasel sighed. "We'll split up." He took another can of the "instant door".


One of the staff from Neo-Gotham's City Hall knocked on Stripetail's door. In the man's hand was a message saying that he needed to testify against Paxton Powers.

Arlene and Chie finished their kissing and Arlene moved into the tub with Dixie and Atrua.” Forgive me cutting in, girls, but I need to borrow Dixie for a moment. I need to get something for Oliver while we’re here, and I’m not sure what to get him. That, and I don’t have much money right now..” Arlene sighed.” You need to participate in the events here to make money. That and make up for all the time we lost.” Dixie said.” We have missed several locations. Fortunately Stripetail Scooby Tiger and Garfield have been understanding . The boys have been helping watch Oliver too.” Dixie added. “ oh yeah, he loves eating out with the guys, they usually get him pizza or subs or something.” Arlene said.  Big ones too, the kind that would feed me for over a week from just a small one.” Dixie laughed.” I know that feeling. Scooby doesn’t believe in small portions when it comes to food. We have the full pantries and fridges to prove it. “
One of my favorite foods in the  town is the met cheese roll flag. It’s seven atlternating meat and cheese rolls with seven different dipping sauces. The honey one is So good.” Atrua said.” Drat , now I’m hungry.” Arlene said.” Can we order some?” Dixie asked,” I’d like to try it. And I’ll be glad to pay for it.”  There’s a food phone in the main hall, for when prizes get the munchies.” Atrua said.” Come on girls, let’s go get some. Enough for everyone here too.”


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