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Flathead770's Photography


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Yeah it's always exciting when you get the chance to see some wildlife!

Glad you guys liked them! I figured I would leave it at that as I don't want to spam anymore haha. Though I did take the best pictures throughout the trip to share.


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That waterfall picture is great! I'm guessing you used a slower shutter speed to create that effect on the flowing water?

I like that you were able to capture those two deer. Were you really close to them or is that a camera trick?

Always nice to see a bear. As long as it's far away. Far, far away.

I also appreciate the close-ups of leaves and flowers :D


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That waterfall picture is great! I'm guessing you used a slower shutter speed to create that effect on the flowing water?

I like that you were able to capture those two deer. Were you really close to them or is that a camera trick?

Always nice to see a bear. As long as it's far away. Far, far away.

I also appreciate the close-ups of leaves and flowers :D
Thanks! Yeah a lower shutter speed does give that effect of blurring the water. For that shot I was at around 1/4 second and couldn't really go any slower as it was about the highest brightness I could get without overexposing the sky.

For the deer I was using a telephoto lens, which allows me to zoom in closer on a subject. I mostly had that lens on since we heard that there were bear sightings in the area. Though I should say I only stopped and took the picture of the bear once we determined that it wasn't chasing after us or anything and were ready with the bear spray. Didn't want to be one of those people who would try to take a picture and get mauled haha.

Yeah the flowers were pretty abundant so I couldn't just walk by them all without taking a few pictures :p


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Alright, I think I should share a couple more photos. This was earlier in the year during quarantine where I decided to try and take some pictures of birds in my backyard and surrounding neighbourhood.

This is probably the best Sparrow pic that I have

The next few are of a Blue Jay I found not too far from my house. Managed to get some lucky shots in. Was quite happy as I've wanted to get a good picture of this guy for quite a while now.

Some of you might recognize the last one as my avatar on Discord.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 11:47:55 AM by Flathead770 »


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Thanks Sneak!

Been quite a while since I've been able to properly take some pictures, so it was nice that I was able to go out and get some decent ones recently over the last couple days. Got some good macro/flower shots that I'm happy with so I might as well share some.

I noticed this flower tree/bush on my walks so decided on bringing my camera one day. The individual flowers are pretty small so I was happy how this one turned out.

Here's a macro shot of one of the flowers that fell to the ground. I like the contrast between the pink flower and the grass in this one.

Not a macro shot technically but it is cropped a bit. The sun started to shine directly on the flowers, which made them look really cool.

Not sure what these are called, but they're the really small white flowers that grow on some larger trees. It's neat to see the texture on the petals.

Since I had macro on the mind, cannot resist trying to take a shot of some water droplets on leaves haha.

It snowed pretty good two days ago (yes snow, this is Alberta after all  :PLoofah ) so I drove down to the flowers again to see what sort of pictures I could get. Pretty neat seeing a combination of snow and flowers, though the bush wasn't doing too well with the snow. The snow itself was quite wet and dense, the branches on the hedges outside my house were drooping down pretty good from the weight haha.


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Thanks! It's nice to manage to get some decent nature type pictures while stuck in the city  :PLoofah


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I've been keeping somewhat busy at taking photos since I last posted some on here, mostly of the same old geese and ducks in the city as they always make for fun subjects. Though this time I've got to see the goslings grow up at the park so that's been pretty neat. also did a hike down near the Rocky Mountains again as well. Both of those have been already been fairly represented on this topic already so there's not much new to show with that, but recently I've managed to get out of the city right around a new moon with clear skies to try and get a decent photo of the Milky Way.

Looks like I've finally managed to get a decent photo of it, at least from what I can get this far North. The light pollution was a bit of an issue and blocks the bottom part of it, which is unfortunately where the better part of it is. The image itself has been stacked with about 14 pictures that I took to help reduce the noise using a free software called Sequator. The same program was also used to reduce the light pollution a little bit, which is why you can see some funny noise around the centre of the Milky Way.

For now I'm happy as this is probably the best I'm gonna get in my current location unless I travel to a better dark sky preserve like Jasper National Park or go somewhere further South.


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 :wub :wub :wub :wub
So beautiful.

I want to see such night sky with my own eyes so badly...


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Can always count on you Sneak to comment on these haha. Thanks  :rhett_smile

I want to see such night sky with my own eyes so badly...
So do I  :bestsharptooth

I can tell you it's a lot less spectacular with your own eyes, though it's still nice to be out at night seeing a lot of stars, even if it's not as many as what a camera can pick up.


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Alright, time to finally post a few notable pictures from my camping trip in Jasper last summer!

First 2 pictures are some close ups. First is some sort of Chipmunk. They seem to be pretty tame towards humans in the national park and general approach you and beg like this for food. The second is some flowers that I don't know the name of at the start of one of our hikes.

This was a scenic spot at one of our first hikes of the trip. We did this one first as a warm up and because we ended up skipping it the end on our previous trip due to that day being super hot. The little lake at the bottom is due to run-off from the glacier above.

The end of a small hike along a creek that had a decent number of cool looking waterfalls. Got a pretty cool angle here, though the bright midday creates some really harsh shadows in this picture.

This is Horseshoe Lake on a small rock in the water. Hard to see here but the higher cliff sides in the middle of the picture is where some people were cliff jumping into the water.

This is from another big hike at the summit of the mountain. Pretty cool views, but the large wind gusts were pretty scary, even though there was plenty of room to walk around I still felt like I might get blown off the mountain  :bestsharptooth

This is a pretty cool shot of a Lake just before our last major hike of the trip. The wildfire smoke over the trip had been off and on in severity and this morning was particularly thick, which gave me the chance to try for a simplistic landscape shot devoid of any detail with different shades of the mountains as they progress in the background.

As great as the last picture was, it comes at a cost of having absolutely no view at the top of the hike. I was looking forward to this hike specifically as it apparently has a wonderful view of the mountains and that lake shown above. Instead we get a bunch of white  :PLoofah

Really fun trip overall, and might be the last time I get a nice long week off in the summer for something like this until I'm done school. Hope you guys enjoy!


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OK, I actually really like the 2nd last picture even though I understand why you'd be disappointed with the view. The fact that you basically only see whites and blues is beautiful, to me anyway. Great pics overall :)


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Thanks guys! And yeah Iris I really like that one as well! Probably one of my favourite shots I've taken possibly. Hopefully next time I visit that place I can actually see stuff  :PLoofah


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Wow, these are amazing! Loving the landscapes, especially the waterfall and the lakes - makes me want to try hiking to experience those places myself (if only it wasn't so much hard work...  :P)

Can't wait to see your next shots when you get the time to go exploring!

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HOLY- i didn't know you were a photographer! I've seen every one of these, how have I not seen them until now?!

You have such a perfect eye for capturing beautiful shots!
I personally love the dark park one and the other with the blue jay. I also really love the sunsets and just aaah! Everything is so cool and pretty!!

You are a dedicated person, wanting to wake up early to get the perfect angles and lightings. I wish to learn from you!
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-

The jewelstone queen

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also what camera do you use?
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-


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Wow, these are amazing! Loving the landscapes, especially the waterfall and the lakes - makes me want to try hiking to experience those places myself (if only it wasn't so much hard work...  :P)

Can't wait to see your next shots when you get the time to go exploring!
Thanks Bushwacked! Yeah hiking is a lot of fun and the work is definitely worth it! Just need to make sure you have enough water and maybe something to snack on and make sure to take as many breaks as you need. Trust me it's not like I'm in good shape or anything haha. Hopefully I'll get a chance soon to get out and take some decent pictures again! For now I'm stuck in school again  :PLoofah

HOLY- i didn't know you were a photographer! I've seen every one of these, how have I not seen them until now?!

You have such a perfect eye for capturing beautiful shots!
I personally love the dark park one and the other with the blue jay. I also really love the sunsets and just aaah! Everything is so cool and pretty!!

You are a dedicated person, wanting to wake up early to get the perfect angles and lightings. I wish to learn from you!
Oh wow thanks! Don't worry, I can be plenty lazy and skip going out because it's too early or whatever  :bestsharptooth
But yeah if you have any questions I can try and answer them as best I can! Feel free to ask them here or in my Ask Me topic.

also what camera do you use?
I started with a Nikon D3400, an introductory DSLR for a lot of these earlier pictures I've posted here. I also bought a used Nikon D810 that's a full frame DSLR. I suppose I have a decent amount of money invested in this hobby, but either a cheap intro camera of around $500 or even your phone can take pretty good pictures still! Sometimes you just need to know a bit about composition and changing some settings. For example, I took this with my phone since I didn't have my camera with me at the time and just had to lower the exposure a bit to get the colours to show a bit better.


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Oh man those are some gorgeous views. That earlier one of the milky way is just amazing.  The second-to-last photo in the most recent post is really nice too, it looks kinda mystical.

I also should get into hiking because I like to take photos of views like this, but I'm lazy. :p Great stuff!

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion