The Gang of Five
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Spirited Away- Animal Style

Nick22 · 88 · 18694


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Well, I guess I'll join then.

Although its been awhile since I've seen Spirited Away.



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Though this isn't required, it would be helpful for anyone interested in joining, for their planned characters, whether they be OCs or ones from an existing series, to post the following:

Name of char:
Spirit (or demon)/Mortal:
Reason for being at bathhouse:


  • Cera
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Here are my OC's for the moment.  FC's will come soon:

Name:  Hotemenshu "Kura" Kurago
Species:  Kirin spirit
Gender:  Male
Equipment:  Daisho sword set
Description:  Anthropomorphic kirin w/ digigrade legs, emerald scales w/ gold plated belly scales, gold mane, whiskers, tail, & hair on elbows & feet, single deer-like horn, brown eyes, 6'6", black samurai's kimono w/ gold lotus designs

Personality:  Wise, calm, protective, can become fierce when Hotemenshu family members or innocent creatures are attacked or harmed

History:  A long-time guardian spirit over the Hotemenshu family, Kura was tasked in protecting and guiding the family spirits to the afterlife.  But when a recently killed child, Hotemenshu Riki, wanders off as soon as he died, Kura embarks on a journey to find the human spirit and take him back home.

Name:  Shirigume
Species:  Kitsune fox spirit
Gender:  Female
Equipment:  Katana, iron-ribbed fan
Description:  Anthropomorphic kitsune w/ digigrade legs, 6 tails, golden yellow fur, green eyes, 5'11", solid sapphire blue kimono

Personality:  Cunning, sense of humor, soft spot for forest spirits

History:  Shirigume resided in a forest near Mount Fuji when she met Kura on his journey to find a family child's spirit and challenged him to a friendly duel.  She felt insulted went he let her win, and the only chance she had for a rematch was to join him in finding the child.

Name:  Omari "Not"
Species:  Inugami dog spirit
Gender:  Male
Equipment:  Naginata, Katana
Description:  Anthropomorphic Shiba Inu, digigrade legs, black fur, gray eyes, 6', black samurai kimono

Personality:  Solemn, soft-spoken, but quick to defend Zira and kill at her command.  Until commanded, he sits on a balcony overlooking the sea and watches, unmoving.

History:  Omari was once a loyal canine that was transformed into an inugami by sorcery, supposedly to serve his owner.  But because of the pain he endured, he turned on his owner, possessing her and sending her off a cliff.  Since then, he wandered alone through the spirit world until he came to Zira's bathhouse.  There, Zira took his name, changing it to Not, and made him a guardian and enforcer at the bathhouse.

Now for modified FC's

Name:  Red
Species:  Demon cat
Gender:  Male
Equipment:  Hourglass that can entrap and hold spirits
Description:  Dark red fur, green eyes, 5'7", dark blue robes

Personality:  Cruel, malicious, yet sometimes suave and even-tempered, has an appetite for the finer things in life, as well as human souls

History:  A frequent visitor to the bathhouse, Red desires to rest and relax from all his scheming in the underworld.  Recently, he has returned from a trip in the mortal realm with something he was going to snack on later...


  • Petrie
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Are we allowed to bring Digimon the RP as well? I wanted to bring a few of my favourite characters from the show... Three to be exact, two of which are Megas ( adult/highest evolution ) and the last one being a fresh ( infant/lowest evolution ). Though, of course the older two would have to be spirits/immortal beings, while the youngest could be the... baby? To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure if Digimon or people from the spirit realm even have children, so my new idea of creating a Digimon family may have to be changed.

Also, may I 'tweak' or customize the original character sheet when I want to add certain details? Because, my characters may not always show up everyday at the bath house. And may only be there for several days; in other words some of my OCs that I create may only show up in short cameos. And, my other reason is because I tend to write two-three pages worth of text for each character profile, including the additional details (Background stories and whatnot).


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Here's two canon chars I'll use:

Name: Kovu
Spirit/Mortal: Spirit
Species: Lion
Personality: Still being a cub, he's full of energy and is always willing to help those around his parents' massively successful bathhouse. This is because Zira and Scar, both having obtained immortality, gave it to their 3 cubs as well, and made it so they'd never age past their cubhood. Kovu, in this rp, has been the age he was seen at in the beginning of LK2 for over a 100 years now, but he's fine with that.
Reason for being at the bathhouse: He's one of 3 cubs of the owners, and he often helps with work with employees he's friends with.

Name: Tiger
Spirit/Mortal: Spirit
Species: House cat/Furry blob
Personality: Pretty jolly, though tends to eat a lot. Zira, annoyed by this cat's eating habits, transformed him into a big blog of a feline, though his face, and paws are still discernible. He can still move by using his magic and liquefy himself and go across the floor like a current of water.
Reason for being at the bathhouse: Is one of the locals, and stays almost 24/7 to eat Chef Wildcat's food.


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Sure, you can bring in Digimon CM, the main rule is that it's just not a "hi-tech" world, so no machine chars or anything like that.

Feel free to tweak, we haven't started anything yet.


  • Petrie
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Thanks, and despite myself promising to write my character's profile sheets at a later date. My seemingly endless boredom; has begun to manifest itself deeply within the confines of my head. It's already close to my breaking point, I can barely resist the temptation to start writing. And so, I'll start creating my four characters now, however, I may be unable to post today... If you wish to know why, it's most likely because I have an awful tendency of getting distracted easily. >_<


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Ok, but you don't have to be very detailed CM, we're not asking for that much.


  • Petrie
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I know that. Although, to be truthful it's just that I actually enjoy adding a whole bunch of details. As it was one of the rules for the RPGs that I participated at a forum I used to be on, so in a sense, it had became a habit of mine to do so. But you don't have to worry about me, since I actually do love creating large CS's ( Character Sheets ) as it gives me more practice with my grammar and how to write visual details.


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I can't wait to see them, CM! :-)

But don't feel like you have to post all 4 tonight, if you just type up 1, that would be fine.


  • Petrie
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Hehe, I don't think it'll be possible for me to do that even! ^_^
But I might be able to finish at least one of them by today, so you can except a long post of pharagraphs later on. :)


  • Petrie
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Okay, I shall be making all my Digimon OCs become gijinkas ( humanized versions of themselves ). With their original Japanese name (species) within brackets, with a general summary of their pyhsical  appearances. I may even draw what 'Mia looks underneath her helmet, though, it'll have to be another day as I'm barely even awake anymore... And by the way, I'll start writing my other two OCs once I get some sleep.

Name: Chromia
Nickname: 'Mia
Species: Demon Warrior ( ChaosDukemon )  
Gender: Female
Age: 20, 458, 399
Reason for visiting/staying at the bath house: Wanted to go on a two week long vacation with her "family".

6' 11” in height, Chromia, is one of the very few female spirits of her species. So rather instead of the bulky builds of her two older brothers; she retains a rather curvaceous athletic figure underneath that suit of armour. Although, many have tried guessing what she looks like, only a few estimated details were correct. Few of them being that she had flawless defined facial features, golden eyes and long silver hair ( it can be seen on the top of her helm, as her hair became some sort of of 'ponytail' ). However, nobody but her family and future husband has seen what is underneath all that sheet of metal.

Chromia, is strongly and widely known for being cheeky, humorous, adventurous, brave and sometimes even socially awkward whenever it comes to certain friendships and casual conversations. As nobody could ever truly predict her exact words and main intentions will be. Although, try as you might there is simply no one that can ever call her by the one word called “predictable”.  Heck, not even her own fiance is safe from her ever changing personality... And as to how the coupling even managed to get engaged at all, is still a mystery that has yet to be solved. Seeing as the two are almost complete polar opposites when it comes to their actions, characteristics and sanity levels.

But despite both their major differences; love just managed to rob them both of their ability to see each others' imperfections. Though then again, it could also be caused by those thousands years of friendship that had made her and Raphael overlook and ignore those unimportant details. Though, nevertheless, the topic on how she fell for him, won't be changing the immortal's bubbly and lively character anytime soon.

And despite her obvious childish qualities. Chromia knows when she's fighting on losing ground or treading in the deep and cruel frigid waters of the sea. And she can and will be able to tell if someone is threatening her, and if such circumstances occurred. This woman will not hesitate to use her years of battle experience and destructive powers of her family crest, the Hazard symbol, to their fullest extent. Be warned, a mad and battle-charged Chromia is a bad spirit to face during mortal combat... After all she didn't train to become a warrior for just anything.

Additional information:
'Mia and alongside her best friend-- or rather soon to be husband, Raphael. Have been considered the “dynamic duo” for more than just a couple centuries; having been entitled to the same name ever since the day they met each other during battle over several millennium ago. Although, being to young to be 'parents' ( For goodness sake, they're not even married yet!), both spirits had decided to take on the responsibilities of taking care of, Rei. Even though, the female demoness lacks the knowledge on taking care of young children, the fact did little to deter her when she took a liking to the kid. Even going far enough as to take on the “big sister role” just for the little girl, causing Rei and her; to form an unbreakable bond of sisterhood.


Meh, I'm gonna edit this profile tommorrow when I wake up... Why? Well, it doesn't really meet my standards at all, as it is too short and fairly undetailed for my liking. DX


  • The Circle
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I guess I could either do a character from the american dragon show, or do an oc who is a dragon.  They are common in many cultures, or a snake type.  A number of cultures have either a naga type, or some who can shift between human and snake forms, or do that as more then 1 character.  A snake/naga type and maybe a dragon or an fc from that show.


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you can bring in dragons Kor, as sdragons are common in eastern culture..
 i'll be playing Kopa,Kiara older brother, as well as a few other characters..
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I guess an oc dragon made for the rp as apposed to jason or an fc like one from jake the american dragon, what I've seen a few episodes of.


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you can use jake  and jason, Kor.they can be guests in the bathouse
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I guess they'd have to both be in their dragon forms.   maybe if some want to do a digimon they can say they are something like Djinn from golden sun.  Some sort of elemental spirits or something.  Not sure if any here have played golden sun, I've played a bit of the first game.


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sure they can be in dragon foirms, thats perfectrly fine..
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I guess since their dragon forms would fit in better then their other form.


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I'll be Sagwa, Sheegwa, and Dongwa, if I'm allowed.  :)