The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

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Messages - OwlsCantRead

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Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Star Day, RubberDucky!
« on: November 08, 2020, 08:01:32 AM »
Happy Star Day :TreeStar

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy birthday, DiddyKF1!
« on: November 05, 2020, 08:50:25 AM »
Ayy, happy Star Day to the one person here on GoF who ships Ducky and Petrie harder and in a way less subtle manner than I ever could. :Dducky :petrieooohh

The Welcome Center / Re: Hello again! I am back from my hiatus!
« on: November 05, 2020, 05:26:19 AM »
Hello and welcome back. Shorter hiatus than most, but still, we welcome your return. :Dducky

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: November 03, 2020, 12:57:46 PM »
I still like the idea of having a One Word, Dialogue, and Major prompt to choose from for each month. :yes

I also wanted to inquire if this particular prompt could be brought back at all for the next year...
March 2020

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

I was actually going to participate in it last time, but then I hit a creative writing burnout (along with a bunch of other stresses earlier in the year). But I think it's a cool and unique idea for a prompt, and in fact I still have my story idea that I could use if it were to come back. I'd love to be able to give this one another shot.
I stalled out on this specific prompt too back in March and April due to extenuating circumstances. I actually have about 2,000 words written as a draft, so hopefully if it returns I can finally finish it up.

Ask Me / Re: Owl be here for your Asks
« on: October 28, 2020, 09:12:50 AM »
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory form 1971 or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from 2005 which one is your favourite?
Grew up with 2005 version, prefer the 1971 version.

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy birthday, jorrdy12!
« on: October 28, 2020, 02:27:54 AM »
Happy 18th Starday, Jordy! Another October kid turning 18th, heh! :celebrate

Ask Me / Re: Ask ImpracticalDino
« on: October 26, 2020, 10:10:31 AM »
But other than that I can't really say I have any other particular moments or memories that I'd really wanna relive, lest my childhood if we can go broad like that. Sure, my moments in life overall were good, but nothing overly spectacular or special. Mostly normal if you get my drift. :)
Then do you prefer your childhood or your current teenage life?

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Re: Award Winners 2020
« on: October 26, 2020, 09:03:23 AM »
Hm, I'd said last year that the votes were getting narrower as compared to the year before that, but even that didn't prepare me for this year's awards, which had many shakeups, entrants, and was overall a rather tense contest. In the wake of its conclusion, I give my congratulations to all the winners, runner-ups, and participants! A lot of close calls, and there might have been a record number of eligible members for Appreciated this year which shows the camaraderie of the GoF.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the votes! I actually didn't expect to be eligible for multiple categories, and will try to keep things up! :) I'd gladly opt for the Littlefoot banner for Friendly Member:

(will pick the runner-up banners after Hypno makes his choice!)

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday Hypno!
« on: October 25, 2020, 12:46:20 PM »
Happy 18th Star Day, Hypno! :birthday

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Re: 2020 Tiebreaker
« on: October 24, 2020, 09:55:37 PM »
Almost missed this due to work.

I retain my vote for jassy. :ShortyDisgusted Already stated my reasons in the main Appreciated poll, but I do feel like she has been overlooked as an underdog, and as she has been slowly acclimatizing more with the community, I think I will stick with my choice.

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: October 23, 2020, 11:40:46 AM »
I admit, when I saw this I had to go to Animation Screencaps to see the corresponding scene in the film since I didn't remember it all too well, and your drawing style makes it seem like your art is an oil painting of the scene.

Your lighting and shadows makes the already colorful scene pop up and be even more vibrant. Overall, I like how striking the piece is, as it's drawn slightly differently from the original and thus stands out on its own. :petrieLOL

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT in the new 2020s decade
« on: October 23, 2020, 12:04:32 AM »
Mini-update since this thread began. Still feel like the lack of commenting on all the Land Before Time Universal video due to new regulations hurts the chances of interaction.

But it was brought to my attention that there is another relatively unknown sub-community of Land Before Time fans on Amino, which is best described as a kid-friendly Tumblr/Reddit fandom space. While it is nice to see that some young fans still are drawn to the series, that and the sudden boom and renaissance after the viral May Youtube video on the sequels gives me some semblance of a future fan resurgence.

LBT Fanfiction / Re: A Glimpse Beyond
« on: October 21, 2020, 12:02:15 PM »
Ah, I really liked this one. There have been many angst pieces where Littlefoot cries for his mother (especially if it adapts the first film), but I cannot remember if Littlefoot's mother has had a one-on-one supernatural chat with her son before. I even remember a story about Cera's mom guiding her, and I still can't recall if I seen an explicit meeting (not implicit) before.

Littlefoot's conversation with his mother was... something else, because for the first time for me, it forced me to consider a few things;

1: Despite being younger and more inexperienced in life, here Littlefoot is actually the winner because he could see something that his mother could not, despite her experience.
Now, this part of this review, I admit, caught me off guard, because I'd always seen Littlefoot this way. It isn't explicitly stated in the series, but the very nature of his character is what allows him to be the lynchpin in the Gang of Five/Seven and unite them to begin with. So yes, I did like that the talk did explicitly establish that the children have made strides that the resilient adults did not, because while it might seem obvious in a series perspective, maybe sometimes one just overlooks it on a daily basis in the valley.

And as a result, even when I only just started reading through the longnecks' talk, I was positively certain that this aspect of Littlefoot would be brought up, so I'm glad that it was, as sometimes altruistic ones like Littlefoot spend so much effort being nice that they don't realize how others around them appreciate it until reminded by an external party. So overall, I liked the talk between him and his mom. It had a sense of reunion and finality to it, even if I did expect how it'd go, even when the tear-rending goodbye was bound to happen.

So really, the only ironic complaint I have with the story is, believe it or not, the Rainbow Faces. The story would have made just as gripping a connection if it faded from the end right back to the valley, as even without their interference it is clearly implied that Littlefoot is a destined leader to unite the herds. The Rainbow Faces ironically jarringly cut that connection, and maybe it's personal opinion, but I feel like the tone would have worked better if Littlefoot had just awakened from his dream and briefly reflected on what it could have meant instead of dismissing it outright due to outside interference, as it led to an abrupt ending.

Overall, I still like this story rather much. Lots of LBT stories do gloss over some of the supernatural aspects of it, but that aura of mystery was there in this touching tale.

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: October 21, 2020, 02:03:25 AM »

Ask Me / Re: Ask Dagmar
« on: October 20, 2020, 10:50:58 AM »
Why do you like Cera? :cerasmug

Ask Me / Re: Ask SHARPELY!
« on: October 20, 2020, 10:47:29 AM »
HTML and CSS is web programming, so are you studying IT field right now?

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, RainbowFaceProtege!
« on: October 20, 2020, 01:29:18 AM »
Ah, very observant. Didn't realize you stealthily added your birthday into the system after much coaxing. Like a true rainbowface, hm. :rainbowThinking

Happy Star Day, Rainbow! Thanks for all the activity you brought this year! :rainbowwave

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: October 19, 2020, 12:56:34 PM »
To anyone not in the know, the picture is supposed represent a trio of three friends: Stardust as Cera :cerasus, me as Guido :feelsgoodman, and Impractical as Mo :Mo.

The lighting is gorgeous, by the way. Mo leaping into the air and obscuring the sun is eerily similar to his first appearance in LBT9, and I like the pensive if relaxed pose Guido has in Cera's frill. Cera herself seems gleeful and at ease (like an eager Stardust), Mo is gleeful and hyper like Impractical, and Guido is oddly introspective as he looks above like me, so I like the personalities of who they represent in their LBT counterparts. Really like this commission piece! :TakeMoney

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, Enchanted-Valley96! :)
« on: October 19, 2020, 12:33:37 PM »
Happy Star Day! :birthday

LBT Fanart / Re: Sovereign's Fanart
« on: October 19, 2020, 06:54:50 AM »
Ortin's personality can easily be gleaned from his expression, heh. :petrieLOL I like the blending of light and dark blue color pencils, it really gives some perception of depth, even if it comes at the cost of Ortin appearing quite pudgy. If there's one thing to comment, perhaps it's the angle that Ortin wraps his wings, but I feel they should be a bit larger.

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