The Gang of Five
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Topics - Blais_13

Pages: 1
Land Before Time Captions / flying threehorn
« on: July 10, 2012, 06:03:03 AM »

Cera:See Petrie?I told you threehorns can fly!
Petrie::slap six points!

Littlefoot:eight points!Nice landing!:lol
Ducky:TEN ponints!I give ten to everyone yep yep yep.

LBT Fanfiction / Take a look inside
« on: July 04, 2012, 06:19:39 AM »
First of all I am not an artist.
While looking up some fanart I thought that hey If they can do it why can't
(and I had to find something to do while listening to music becose I was bored :DD)

So I will only draw Cera for a while,becose I want to be able to draw her before moving to another one,which will be Littlefoot.

First and worst one,whit a very unique pose :lol
Yeah,this first picture is sucks I know,I missed the headshape,I actually made another one with this angle which I like more than this,but I can't scan right now,and I only have this scanned,so i will show this.If you start with something ugly,the next ones will seem to be more nice I think :lol.

I used a laptop touchpad for the coloring and the outlines,and I dunno what is shading but I tryed it :smile .I forget to draw the lines in the frill in the original,so i had to make it without helpinglines with a touchpad,that's why they are look awful.

Land Before Time Captions / philosophical trio
« on: May 02, 2012, 03:29:32 PM »

Littlefoot:Have you two ever wondered about the meaning of life?This thoughts sometimes make me feel depressed.

Petrie:Yeah I know what are you saying.Sometimes I feel that I am soo little compared to the word,and it doesn't matter what I'am doing,it won't make any changes after all.

Littlefoot:what about you Cera?

Cera:Hey,I just realized taht I can touch my nose with my tongue!I'm sure you guys can't do that!-smiles.

Caption away.

The Welcome Center / Hello topic
« on: April 29, 2012, 02:27:08 PM »
Hello everyone.I have been observing this forum for like half a year,and i finaly decided to join.I am new to forums.Actualy,this is the first forum I registered,so this is the first post i made on a forum.Anyway,here is something about me.I like shoting with things,mostly bows,or airsoft guns.I also like reading thrillers,fantasy or sci-fi stories.By sci-fi i mean warhammer 40k :D.In music i prefer hard rock or metal,and of course I like land before time.It's one of the first movies I remember I saw.Recently,i watched the last two movie,so I have seen all of them.English is not my native laungage,so there can be grammar mistakes.Fell free to ask if you want.This dino smiles are cool   :!

Pages: 1