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(me, too) Lbt/maturity problem. :(

Jrd89 · 36 · 6648


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Guys, I have a problem like RainbowGirl 39 has in a thread she posted earlier.

I have a story..actually 2 quick stories:

The first one.. About 2 years ago, my dad found my "saurus rock/cold fire" dvd in the slot when he was getting ready to watch a different dvd.. he found it and said.. "What baby left this in here?..." then he set it down, and loaded in his movie disc..

The second one... that Mom told me a couple of years ago (2011)..

"You need to grow up, Jared. Land Before Time is for little kids, not you." Yet she has no problem with me being on the gof, but tells me to remember to be careful and be safe... "Jared. Watch out what you do don't know who you're talking to or who they are."  and dad seems ok with it, but tells me "Don't talk to anyone 17 or younger. Remember that you are a legal adult (don't talk to minors).

I'm 23 physically.. but i'm not fully there in maturity, (and never will. I am a funny guy, I love LBT as much as I did when I was 5. I can't leave it.  I'm just...different from my family members, my dad, mom, and sister.  I'm that "One different" member. :(

I love LBT at 23 years old. I don't want to be "labeled" for liking a "little movie for little kids".. I do not want to erase LBT out of my life and "grow up!/move on!/man up! you're not a little boy anymore."..  but I CAN'T! I don't want to.

Guys did you know, the day I bought my original and Big Freeze dvds.. my mom said "That was a WASTE of money Jared!" she got mad..and wanted me to take the dvds back to the store and return them. I ran to the bathroom and cried it out. (this was when I was 21).  Later on that evening when things cooled off, I asked.. "please mom.. Will you let me keep my new land before time dvd's?  Please??
  :(  she said.. "yeah."   and I told her thank you.

I hide my dvd's of 1,2,3,6,7, and 8 in a bag in the top of my closet, and hide my drawings folder in one of my dresser drawers. I have to keep hiding it. I don't want mom or dad to find out. (yet dad said 2 years ago that my "LBT 7 Pteranodon trio" drawing was amazing.  :| Yet I'm a baby and act immature for having land before time dvd's? :(  

Noone'll understand me. :(  I don't think LBT is for babies. It is very nostalgic. I treasure my favorite gang character, Petrie. and I love the Original classic and the sequels up to "The Stone Of Cold Fire". :(  Guys, am I being immature for loving the land before time being 23 years old?  They're not "baby movies" Mom didn't like the day I bought those "original" and "Big Freeze" dvds, and thought the movies were "for little kids"  .. she said "Jared... how OLD are You???"  and she was really throwing a fuss at me...  wasting money on Land Before Time dvd's.

Guys, I need help here. :( Am I "being a baby" for still loving LBT this much at 23 years old? :( I don't want to throw LBT into the "dumpster" and "act my age" and "man up."

I can't...  I can't!  I don't want to leave LBT. I love movies 1-7. :( I love Petrie same as I did when I was a boy. :(  I hope i'm not "acting like a 6 year old" for loving Petrie/LBT still as much at 23. :(

Mom and dad don't seem to have a problem with me talking to you guys on the GOF, but they say "Jared, watch out who you talk to, what you say on there, and do not talk to anyone 17 or younger."

Thank God I got to keep my original and Big Freeze dvd's and that my mom didn't force me to take them back to the store and return them. :(

I can't guys.. I don't want to leave LBT. I know i'm a man physically, but a funny guy/kid at heart. :(  I don't want to get an "immaturity/needs to grow up and learn to act like an adult, not like a little boy." label.  :unsure:

Is there a problem with me, or am I fine? :(  (I know i'm very lonely, and have a "social" case of aspergers syndrome. I feel i'm "not normal like the rest of the early 20's crowds and never dare to open my mouth in public that I love the land before time."

(I hide all of my LBT Dvd's/drawings from mom and dad. The dvds are in my closet in a bag, and my old drawings are in a folder in my dresser.)

I'm 23, but i'm not ready to grow up/man up in all of my areas yet. :( I can't erase the LBT fan out of me. I don't want to leave it. I love it. I love Petrie. I can't erase him from my life totally and "man up!".. I don't want to man up and move on in that area. I can't..DO it!   :cry  This Petrie fan won't ever outgrow his wings!.. or ever "put Petrie and all that little kid's stuff behind and learn how to act like a mature 23 year old adult and man up."

(If I could talk to the little flyer and tell him how I feel, I would say: "Petrie, I will never leave you. I'll always be a fan of yours, no matter how old I get." :cry

I just want to be myself ;) and not be what my parents want me to be in terms of "acting fully mature." <_< and they don't "fully" accept that I still really love/am a BIG fan and really love "The Land Before Time" either. :|

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Then why didnt you just post this in her thread, if its the same topic?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Then why didnt you just post this in her thread, if its the same topic?


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There is no need to leave a show or series you like since others say it is for kids, babies, or folks to young for you.   Like I said in another thread, one problem in the US, and other countries, is anything animated is seen as kids stuff, and anything animated aimed at primarily kids, or the whole family , is seen as for kids or babies, by many folks, instead of them seeing animation as just 1 method of story telling.  

For one large example look at My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  It's aimed at young girls, but it has a huge fan base of adult males, diffidently not the target audience.  

So go on liking what you like, though some may not think you should like it.  And you may have to hide it, till you live on your own, sad that society is like this in many places.


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Meh, Kor is the oldest guy around here (how old are you again, kor?) and he still loves LBT.

Your admins are pretty much all older than 25 with the exception of me. LBT is simply a big part of our childhood and our adulthood alike. It's not weird at all to like something that's directed at kids. Just look at the sheer number of ponylovers or, for a more general audience, all the people who love Disney movies in general. No matter what age you are, a kids movie can be targeted at children and parents alike, thus liking it at a later age is not weird at all.


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The younger generations differ greatly from the older ones.  But it takes a long time for things to change.  It will probably be "weird" and unacceptable for any grown adult to like animated stuff for at least the next 20 years.  But I've learned throughout my life that what society tells you to do is WRONG 99% of the time.  I couldn't care less about what's socially acceptable and you shouldn't either.  It's hard to not be accepted by your family, but just realize that THEY are the ones with the problem, not you.  LBT may not have a large following like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but that's because it's a realllllly old show and wasn't nearly as popular even when it came out.  And you have to remember the generation thing.  LBT came out a generation ago.  Liking animated stuff wasn't as prevalent as it is today.  And with the internet today, we can all come together and realize our liking for animated stuff is NOT abnormal.  It's just against what society deems "normal."


  • Spike
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Liking LBT or any other movies that you watched as a kid doesn't make you immature at all - generally, it makes you empathetic and probably at heart a very mature and caring person.

If you cannot leave LBT, then don't. It's your life, your preferences and your nostalgia. Don't let anyone else ruin it for you.
We're all backing you here. Don't think you're alone!  :smile


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If you still like LBT and want to still watch it, then go ahead. It's not anyone else's business what you watch and what you like. It's not hurting anyone when you watch LBT, or any cartoon for that matter. So just ignore anyone who criticizes you for liking LBT. They have no right to try to control what you find appealing.


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Well, first, why haven't you watched 9-13 yet  :p ?
Second, them telling you to not talking to anyone under 17 is a little... over the top.

Also, families vary widely! Some people watch R movies and listen to rock 'n' roll their whole childhood'n' stuff, so of course they're going to say they think LBT or MLP and such are for babies.

LBT is great, but I mean DO remember it's not the ONLY fun thing in life :)
You can still like it along with other things.
I think you should keep your drawings just where someone would keep their drawings, and your DVDs, if you don't watch them too often lately, just in a drawer or cabinet.

Ok, I used to feel kind of embarrassed too because all the people around me were crazy about rock and screamo and rap, and R movies and cussing and CoD and everything like it. And I felt kind of alone with my soundtracks, and animated movies and LBT and the like. But eventually, I realized something. Who I am. I'm me. They are them. So what am I doing? One way I built up confidence is buying new clothes. I got some oranges and reds and lime greens. At first I was a little scared to wear them at college, but then it just felt normal. You might be feeling apprehension because either a group of your friends you don't know as well as you'd want to, or they seem so far-gone against what you believe in you're scared of telling them.

It is really your choice who you spend time with!
I could say more but others here are helpful too :)

EDIT: It's not about just 'ignoring other people and their criticism', but actually living with what you believe in and enjoying it. If it's good, and you like it, what do you have to fear? Nothing! So, eventually, you'll think to yourself, "They may say such things to me, but it doesn't bother me because I know what I like and believe in" or something like that lol. People always like to persecute happy people ;D


  • Chomper
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They don't want you to even talk to minors? Where is that even a problem? Every forum I've ever been on has a wide range of age groups... and nobody cares if they're talking to a kid or an adult, they just play it safe by not revealing exact ages or other sensitive info. We're not discussing X-rated stuff here, just PG-rated cartoon movies and computer games. 0.o;

To try to put things in perspective... I'm also 23. I watch Land Before Time, and Spongebob Squarepants, and occasionally other "kiddie" cartoons. I also collect comic books, model dinosaurs, and LEGOs. I still live with my mother... and she tolerates it. She was a bit surprised that I still like some of this stuff, but I earn my own money, so I can spend it on what I feel like.

My advice is to just wait it out until you can get your own place... because they're taking this way overboard. Assuming that you're not using their money to buy LBT dvd's, then it really is none of their business. You're a legal adult, and they don't have the right to tell you to stop watching/liking a G-rated cartoon any more than they do to tell you what color clothing to wear or that you can't buy yourself pizza on the weekend. These things have no impact on them or the state of their home, so it just isn't reasonable.

Most of the funnest guys I know are the ones who are still into kid stuff--and if you watch interviews you'll find that the people who make cartoons often have the same personality; that's why they're successful at it. So really, don't think you need to give it up just because your parents tell you to... you won't get any personal fulfillment by doing so, and life's rather short to live the way someone else wants you to just to make them "happy". Wanting to "honor your parents" usually is a good thing... but they should be giving you more leeway and accepting that this is what you're interested in, not berating you for what you like and trying to force you to stop.


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Quote from: Mumbling,Jan 11 2013 on  01:45 AM
Meh, Kor is the oldest guy around here (how old are you again, kor?) and he still loves LBT.

Your admins are pretty much all older than 25 with the exception of me. LBT is simply a big part of our childhood and our adulthood alike. It's not weird at all to like something that's directed at kids. Just look at the sheer number of ponylovers or, for a more general audience, all the people who love Disney movies in general. No matter what age you are, a kids movie can be targeted at children and parents alike, thus liking it at a later age is not weird at all.
Not sure, somewhere in my 40's I believe.  

Hope the stuff and advice everyone is saying here helps you.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I don't think you need to stop loving LBT, Jared. You can't let your parent's tell you what to think anymore, your a grown man with your own job and everything.

I know your still living under their roof, and have to live by their rules while you still live under that roof, but I think you should still be able to pursue your interests, and long as it's not something like an out of control addiction that's really being a burden on the rest of the family or something it really should be okay. From what I've heard from all the chatting I've done with you, it REALLY doesn't seem like you have some kind of out of control addiction or anything. It just sounds like you enjoying what you enjoy in your spare time, in a reasonable way, and your still leaving plenty of time for having an actual job, doing chores, and helping out.

I don't really know why I'm talking about this in this way, I guess it just felt like something you really needed to hear. Just my advice I guess.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Petrie
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And yes, Vonboy, it is good advice. My love of LBT isn't an out-of-control addiction.

It just sounds like you enjoying what you enjoy in your spare time, in a reasonable way, and your still leaving plenty of time for having an actual job, doing chores, and helping out.

Yeah.  :yes  You nailed it, Vaughn. That's exactly what I do. I go to my job, then in the evening I help with the dinner stuff/chores, and then I use my free time after dinner to do my fun LBT stuff (if all of my family stuff/chores are done for the day, I head for my room, play a cd on my stereo, turn on my laptop, and do my usual every night youtube/deviantart/LBT gang of five stuff for a few hours before I go to sleep for the night. :yes

As for my days off in my free time, i'm on my computer, or I go to the mall or barnes and noble or Best Buy.. for fun looking at electronics/magazines/books, and music.

And as for times when I watch LBT movies.. (yeah of course there is a disc drive on my laptop).. I go to the family room and watch an LBT movie. I only do this occassionally. (it's kinda rare to have an empty house to myself for at least 3 hours) but when it is... :) I will go to the family room and maybe watch an LBT movie and enjoy it/relax. ^_^  

(And no, it's not an LBT movie watching addiction where i'm constantly watching to no end. :blink: .. No. I only watch my lbt dvds once every few months or so.

For my "lbt dvd watching in complete privacy with noone home" plan to work...

There has to be nobody home for at least 3 hours. The goal is for me to not get caught watching an LBT movie and "being immature" (to mom and dad's views.) I keep it private. and i've followed through perfectly so far each time it's happened. :D :D

 I've never been caught. I know when the time is right for watching one of my LBT dvd's alone in privacy. ;)

My motto is: "When mom, dad, and sis are away (for at least 3 hours).. Jared's LBT dvd's (can) play." :yes  ...not that I go and watch my lbt dvd's EVERY time that i'm home alone for at least 3 hours.

I've followed through perfectly every time, guys. I've never been caught. ;) I either know or check with them to see what time they're going to be home by.

I'm a champion at this. I've never been seen or caught by my mom, dad, or sister while watching an LBT dvd. :)

Ludichris 1: You were VERY helpful with what you said your post (in addition to Vonboys) Really. I thank you for such support. (especially in the 2nd paragraph. You're 18, but you still watch LBT, SpongeBob, and other stuff, too. It proves that i'm not alone with what i'm doing. :)

Well, first, why haven't you watched 9-13 yet ?
Second, them telling you to not talking to anyone under 17 is a little... over the top.

Also, families vary widely! Some people watch R movies and listen to rock 'n' roll their whole childhood'n' stuff, so of course they're going to say they think LBT or MLP and such are for babies.

LBT is great, but I mean DO remember it's not the ONLY fun thing in life
You can still like it along with other things.
I think you should keep your drawings just where someone would keep their drawings, and your DVDs, if you don't watch them too often lately, just in a drawer or cabinet.

Ok, I used to feel kind of embarrassed too because all the people around me were crazy about rock and screamo and rap, and R movies and cussing and CoD and everything like it. And I felt kind of alone with my soundtracks, and animated movies and LBT and the like. But eventually, I realized something. Who I am. I'm me. They are them. So what am I doing? One way I built up confidence is buying new clothes. I got some oranges and reds and lime greens. At first I was a little scared to wear them at college, but then it just felt normal. You might be feeling apprehension because either a group of your friends you don't know as well as you'd want to, or they seem so far-gone against what you believe in you're scared of telling them.

It is really your choice who you spend time with!
I could say more but others here are helpful too

EDIT: It's not about just 'ignoring other people and their criticism', but actually living with what you believe in and enjoying it. If it's good, and you like it, what do you have to fear? Nothing! So, eventually, you'll think to yourself, "They may say such things to me, but it doesn't bother me because I know what I like and believe in" or something like that lol. People always like to persecute happy people ;D

If you cannot leave LBT, then don't. It's your life, your preferences and your nostalgia. Don't let anyone else ruin it for you.
We're all backing you here. Don't think you're alone!

Thank you guys. (I really am a nice, quiet, shy, but funny guy.  I'm no "Ok..let's get serious, Jared. LBT movies are for little kids, not 23 year olds." guy. ;) No way! :DD I don't want to leave LBT. I love it too much to leave it. ;) I'm never "too old" to appreciate and love LBT.

The gang of five has been a social life-saver for me. I really appreciate your care, help, and support, guys. I don't feel so "all alone" and "empty" since I have you guys to talk to. ;)

Even though my mom and dad say "People that you meet and talk to online don't count.  true "friends" are only those you've met "in person". Online "friends" don't count."

<_< Really guys, "those people that you talk to online don't count as true friends." Yes. my dad and him saying "Don't talk to anyone online who's 17 or younger" was a little tight. Thanks Ghostfishe, for your post on that.  Dad's all "Watch out for anybody that might be doing something suspicious, and be careful with who you're talking to and what you say."

They don't want you to even talk to minors? Where is that even a problem? Every forum I've ever been on has a wide range of age groups... and nobody cares if they're talking to a kid or an adult, they just play it safe by not revealing exact ages or other sensitive info. We're not discussing X-rated stuff here, just PG-rated cartoon movies and computer games. 0.o;

To try to put things in perspective... I'm also 23. I watch Land Before Time, and Spongebob Squarepants, and occasionally other "kiddie" cartoons. I also collect comic books, model dinosaurs, and LEGOs. I still live with my mother... and she tolerates it. She was a bit surprised that I still like some of this stuff, but I earn my own money, so I can spend it on what I feel like.

My advice is to just wait it out until you can get your own place... because they're taking this way overboard. Assuming that you're not using their money to buy LBT dvd's, then it really is none of their business. You're a legal adult, and they don't have the right to tell you to stop watching/liking a G-rated cartoon any more than they do to tell you what color clothing to wear or that you can't buy yourself pizza on the weekend. These things have no impact on them or the state of their home, so it just isn't reasonable.

Most of the funnest guys I know are the ones who are still into kid stuff--and if you watch interviews you'll find that the people who make cartoons often have the same personality; that's why they're successful at it. So really, don't think you need to give it up just because your parents tell you to... you won't get any personal fulfillment by doing so, and life's rather short to live the way someone else wants you to just to make them "happy". Wanting to "honor your parents" usually is a good thing... but they should be giving you more leeway and accepting that this is what you're interested in, not berating you for what you like and trying to force you to stop.

For me, you guys do count as friends, even the fact that it's online, you have been there to support me.

I've even had a couple of you become Skype friends (like Vonboy), and that's been a help to me in not feeling lonely anymore.

Thank you, everyone. I do count you guys as friends. You've really been helpful, kind, caring, and supportive for me.

I wish I was able to give you guys a big flyer hug for being here for me. :D I'm feeling all warm inside now.

And guys, for those of you who have Skype, in case you ever want to type or talk to me, (if you're not already on my skype contacts list) my skype username is jrdkck89.

The Anonymous Person

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Like everyone else said here, don't let anyone control what you're interested in. I'm happy nobody controls my likings (except a few certain people  <_< ), and I'm just happy to watch LBT and lots of other things too. I wish someday, you can pick a day in which you can finally open up to your family, look 'em straight in the eye and tell them "LBT isn't babyish!" and the like, but who knows when that'll be, like in your 40's?

Anyways, as a certain flyer said, "That just the way the rock rolls!  :lol " Keep doing what you want to do, and don't let your family control it. Who knows what might turn up.  :)


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I won't let my family control it, Anonymous. (I still look forward to living on my own, having my very own apartment/place one day.

I'll remember what ghostfishe said:

My advice is to just wait it out until you can get your own place...

And yes. I will do that. :yes

And even currently, as I continue living with my parents, I will always have the gang of five, and all of you here to talk with (as long as the gang of five exists) ^_^

I love it here. It's so friendly. and I have all of my LBT buddies to talk to whenever I want to. :D You guys have been incredibly comforting and helpful to me.

I can't thank you guys enough. :)


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Actually I'm 18 years old but,  :lol all in the same! Glad you're feeling up to it :)


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Update: I made an age edit, Ludichis 1 and fixed it. I understand what you're saying. You're 18 and watch LBT and SpongeBob, i'm 23 and watch LBT and love it the same. There is no LBT age limit to how long you'll embrace/love it for.

We're fine. I just have to get by the "parent obstacle/not mature/it's just for little kids" thing.

I'm a good guy. ;) and i'm not doing anything wrong or immature by loving LBT at my age. There is NO "age limit" for how long you can love and be a fan of The Land Before Time, and no one can stop you and tell you otherwise.

For those of you who have parents who have absolutely no problem at all and accept that you love lbt and have lbt dvd's/plush toys/posters/collections..   Then i've gotta admit.. you have really nice parents. ;)


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Oh, and something interesting about your mother saying "Don't talk to minors, Jared!" thing.

Me, my brother, his wife, and a lot of my brother's friends growing up have been very active in youth ministry in the past. At different churches, we'd often do activities with youths, playing sports and games with them, or telling them bible stories, sitting down in groups and talking with them, giving them  advice on life, all kinds of stuff like that.

I don't know if you or your family's ever been involved with a church, but I think it's a great thing. It's like extracurricular activities at school. It gives youths something safe they can do, and gives them less opportunities to say get involved with drugs or something else really damaging.

I never really understand what's so bad about an adult talking to a youth. I mean, they need someone to look up to. good role models to want to be like. Now, if you were like a pedophile, registered sex offender or a bum or something, I'd never want my children anywhere near you, And I would tell them never try talking to complete strangers. but if your a good productive citizen, you need to be a good role model to youths. It just seems like the right thing to do.

I mean, they are literal our future, and they need all the advice and help they can get.

EDIT: I keep thinking of more stuff to write on this subject. My brother also often volunteers at elementary schools, to read books to the kids, and things like that. If you ever want to try some community service, diong something simple like reading a book to like class would be a great things to do. Schools (At least in our areas) allow this, if you call them ahead of time and can provethat your a right in the head person, and not a druggie or something. You'll have to go through some questions and stuff to prove your an okay enough person, but they let you come in if you pass all the tests. usually if you can prove that you volunteered at a church before, they're a lot more accepting.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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It's ok Vonboy, my parents don't understand me with some of the things that I do. And saying that "don't talk to minors" IS being kinda extreme. That's just my mom and dad..

I'm not doing anything wrong Vonboy. You know it and I know it. I'd never do anything that would ever get myself into major trouble on the GOF or ANYWHERE online. :blink:

You know me in our Skype talks too, dude. Sure i'm quiet and shy, sometimes i'll argue on an issue I disagree on.. but i'm a very good guy, nonetheless. :yes


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, I was just probably going too far over in another subject, but I just thought it was something interesting to bring up.

Hmm, maybe I could start like a "volunteering" topic in the after midnight section, and we can discuss if anyone on this forum does any kind of volunteering work, or maybe like good ways you could volunteer or something. :)

I haven't seen any kind of topic like that before here.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!