The Gang of Five
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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 62737


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Petrie saw a small shadow fall over him, and turned his head to see Ducky standing over him. He blinked and grinned sheepishly. "Um... Ducky can see Petrie, can't she?"

Guido grinned and jumped off the tree branch, gliding through the air to find a new hiding place. A little further on there was a group of small blue plants which happened to be about his size. Landing amongst them, he stood up straight and tried his best to appear plant-like.

The Anonymous Person

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"You cannot fool me, oh no no no!" said Ducky, giggling, "I can see all of you, I can, I can!"


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Petrie groaned. "Me was sure me wasn't going to get caught..." He stood up straight and put on his best 'fearsome' face. "But nobody can hide from Petrie!" Turning around, Petrie covered his eyes with his wing and began to count, giving the others time to hide.


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Spike continued to watch from his hiding place.  "Looks like Petrie is the chaser now."  He observed.  

Looking around, Spike noticed that the two tall trees around him had few low-hanging branches and did not give him much cover from the air.  "Uh oh."  Spike thought suddenly,  "I need to move while I still have a chance!"

Spike moved over to an area of tall grass beside the pair of trees.  "This should do."  He then lowered his body to the ground to make himself less conspicuous, all the while being careful not to move the grass too much while taking the occasional bite.  He did not want a repeat of what happened to him earlier.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ruby took a desperate look around her. Where to hide? The tree she had previously hiding is was clearly not a sensible option, unless...
She considered - Petrie would not expect her to hide in such an obvious place, so it would be the last place he'd look...but she decided against it, she had to think of something else.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper was sniffing from the small rock he was half-hiding behind. He could start to pick up some of the scents from his friends. Petrie, Ducky, Spike, and Ruby were filling in his nostrils. He started to smile, mostly from being so bored at this point, and wanting something to happen so bad.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"Me coming, ready or not!" Petrie uncovered his eyes and turned around. The area seemed clear - but he knew they were somewhere close. He grinned and started making his way around the group of trees and bushes next to him, deciding they were too obvious.

As he moved, he started humming to himself. He was Petrie, master sharptooth-hunter, searching for the bad guys to save the day! He stooped down to pick up a limp twig - no, a deadly anti-sharptooth spear - as he scampered along, twirling it between his fingers.

All the bad guys would fear him, and his brothers and sisters would be so jealous... Distracted by his daydreaming, Petrie didn't notice a shape sticking out from the rock he was approaching. Petrie would be famous all over the Great Valley! he thought smugly, as he walked around the rock... and straight into a set of large, sharp teeth.

"EEE!" He screamed as he stumbled back, dropping his deadly anti-sharptooth spear at his side in his shock. Petrie prepared to fly for his life... when he looked up and saw the teeth belonged to Chomper. "Oh, Chomper!" he gasped, trying to look as cool as he could, "Me knew it was you... You the chaser now!"


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"Owww, this bloody log is too narrow for my taste.. I gonna need a different hide..." Cera thought. Petrie and Chomper were distracted so she darted to the caves, unnoticed.
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Upon hearing Petrie exclaim "Oh, Chomper!" Spike began to panic.  "There is no way I can hide from his sniffer!"  He thought.  Chomper's ability to track and find others with his potent sense of smell was far superior to Spike's and to anyone else in the gang.  More disturbingly, based upon the volume of Petrie's exclamation, they must be quite close to Spike's location.  "Chomper probably already smells me."  Spike concluded with some discontent.

However, as the wind began to gently blow against the grass, he noticed that it was blowing in his direction, and not towards where he heard the voices.  "Well at least I am downwind." He thought with some relief, "Maybe he will notice one of the others first."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Oh, hey, Petrie!" Chomper said with a huge, toothy grin. He wasn't sad to be found. On the contrary. "Guess I better get started, then."

He stuck his sniffer in the air, and picked up the same scents as before, though Spikes was a lot more faint by now. "Nope, no good!" He only had one threehorn on his mind right now, and he wasn't gonna settle for anyone else. He started trotting off.

"Ah, on the hunt again!" The little predator suddenly stopped in his tracks, and mentally kicked himself for thinking of such a thing. "No, That's not why I like being it. Can't be."
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"Chomper's walkin' t'wards me... what if he finds me?!?" Cera thought. She was aware of Chomper's tracking abilities which wouldn't help her if Chomper was picking up her smell with his sniffer. "If only I'd chosen a hide where I had the option of outrunnin' him..."Cera cursed trying not to be obvious.
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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper walked by the very cave Cera was in, not even noticing her at first. Suddenly, he Picked up Cera's scent. He stopped in his tracks, just to get a bearing on where she was.

"She must be in that cave!" he thought. "The air must be blowing in there, that's why I can just barely pick up her scent."When he figured that out, he also realized if the air is blowing into the cave, is must be going out somewhere else! He walked away from the entrance Cera was in, hoping to have a little fun this time. Sniffing around the rock formations near the cave, he found an opening with air flowing out.

Cera's unmistackable scent was now flooding his nostrils, so he slowly crept in...
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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OOC: Sorry guys I thought I already posted but guess it slipped my mind.

Littlefoot broke into a run sprinting towards the other side of the area we were playing in,he however tripped over a loose stone and fell into the nearby water with a splash. He wasn't hurt but he sure did make the noise. He go out of the water and shook himself off. Looking for somewhere he can dart to and hide. It was then he decided to give thought about it instead of darting around randomly. He began trying to plan a route to the place his chose without being caught.


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Spike heard the rustling of leaves get fainter and fainter.  "He caught someone else's scent"  He concluded, "I guess it is safe to take a bite or two..."  The young spiketail then proceeded to take a few blades from the grass around him, being mindful enough to keep the noise to a minimum.

However, in the middle of his impromptu meal he heard a massive splash.  "What the..."  Spike immediately crouched down and kept as silent as he could be.  "Was this a trick of Chompers?  Did he feign walking off just so he could ambush me?" Were some of the thoughts that ran through Spike's head.  The thoughts were not unfounded, playing pranks on his friends during their games was something that Chomper had done many times before.  However, Chomper would usually roar or sneak up on his friends in order to scare them playfully - Not haphazardly crash into the water and... shake the water off?

Spike peaked above his hiding place in the tall grass and saw a long neck.  He smiled and did his best to stifle an amused grunt.  "Ha.. It is only Littlefoot."  He thought with some amusement, "I guess it would be hard to hide with his long neck."  Spike then resumed his meal.  Figuring that even if Chomper was in the area, he would have a far more conspicuous target in Littlefoot than himself.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Petrie flapped away as fast as he could. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of Chomper heading towards some caves. Good job me didn't hide there... He spotted a small tree hollow not far up from the ground in front of him, and he settled into it.


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"Crap, he's going to catch me!" Cera cursed insidely. She was desperately trying to figure out an escape path but there wasn't one. "If I leave my hide, he'll spot me straight away... But... he needs to catch me so if I run for it I might escape him. That's it!" Cera turned around and left her hide aiming at the path that lead deeper into the cave towards another exit. Just when she looked into that path, she heard a mighty roar. "Crap!" she called and ran for it towards the very other exit...
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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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(OOC: I don't remember Chomper roaring, Ducky, but I'll roll with it.)

Chomper stepped on a sharp rock in the cave, and he let out a mighty roar of pain. 'Dangit! I know she heard that!' he mentally cursed himself as he just started running towards Cera as fast as he could. He chased her out the other end of the cave, but wasn't gaining much ground on her.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Cera was faster than Chomper. As she looked back to judge the distance she had from Chomper while stil running at full speed, she didn't see the tree in front of her and crashed into it headfirst with force. Now it was Cera's turn to utter a mighty roar of pain.
"Oh Cera, you stupid Threehorn.. They gonna laugh at you..."
As Cera intended to look back to consider whether it was still making sense to run for it, she noticed that her horn was stuck in the tree.
"The day can't get any worse, can it?" she sighed, waiting for Chomper to laugh at her.
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Spike's meal was again interrupted by a loud roar, which caused him to again peak over the tall grass that was serving as his main camouflage.  He couldn't see much from his vantage point for a few moments, but then he saw a blur of yellow collide into a large tree.

"Ouch!" Though Spike, That has got to be painful!"  His concern turned into amusement, however, when he saw that the prideful threehorn was struggling in a futile attempt to get out of the tree.  He laughed with great amusement, not even attempting to stifle his amusement this time.  "It looks like Cera is going to be the chaser now." He concluded, but then he took a look at this hiding spot.  He had consumed nearly all of the grass on the side facing away from the cave.  He would be easily visible if anyone approach from that side!

Grumbling to himself in annoyance of his own absent-mindedness, he decided to move to a different spot.  "The stream had many shallow depressions around it.  Perhaps I should go there?"  He then slowly moved away from the tall grass and advanced in the direction of the stream.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Petrie relaxed in his tree hole, once again sure that he wouldn't be found. He cocked his head at the sound of something charging towards him. Me no like the sound of that... Suddenly, he was rattled around in his hiding place as something struck the tree with a heavy thump.

Startled, he peeked out and looked down, then snorted with laughter. "Looks like horns not always a good thing!" he chortled down to Cera as she struggled to free herself from his tree. He suddenly saw Chomper fast approaching, and ducked back in.