The Gang of Five
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Wayfaring Strangers

F-14 Ace · 32 · 11006

F-14 Ace

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Ok, here are some basic rules.  

Rule 1: This is a redo of the Sleep and Remember RP.  I have already spoken with seven people who are interested in joining.  I don't want any more than that.  While I do not have the authority to tell additional people they can't join, I do ask that you respect my wishes.  I simply can not handle large RPs and I already have all the people I am willing to allow.  I explained my reasons in the discussion thread on this RP, which you can view below.

Rule 2. No Godmoding or controlling other characters without permission.  

Rule 3. Please try to make each post at least four sentences.  I can't stand when someone only posts a couple words.  

And that's it for the rules.  

Here's the song that inspired the title for this RP.  I think it fits nicely. :yes

Just one more thing.  Let's not have everyone characters start out in the same exact place.


He trudged along behind the rest of the herd, tired and covered with the dreadful, reddish dust that coated the dull, lifeless landscape as far as the eye could see. His brown eyes shifted across the flat landscape, paying attention for the slightest sigh of a predator. This was his duty; to follow behind the rest of the herd and look our for predators that may be stalking them. Snork sighed in a depressed manner and quickened his pace to catch up with the herd. To the teenage parasaurolophus, there seemed to be no point to life. All the herd did was wander about looking for their next meal. Snork had considered running away a few times after hearing rumors of a wonderful place called "The Great Valley" however, he didn't for fear that the place was fictional. He could be lost forever amidst the dead landscape; alone for any predator to snatch.

This rootless lifestyle was a miserable, pathetic excuse of a living. And Snork's father, Darin, was not making things any better. No, his father was actually contributing to the problems. His father *was* the problem. Darin, the herd's leader, had never liked Snork. He wanted a daughter and and was quite upset when the only egg to hatch brought a son instead. After the tragic loss of Snork's mother, his father had been negligent and at times, downright abusive towards his son.

The bellowing of his father brought Snork's thoughts back to the present. He was expecting another wave of insults about what a pathetic lifeform he was. Instead...
The herd's leader barked barked, "We're stopping here. Make sure *they* don't get any of our food! Think you can manage that?"

He pointed to a small herd of iguanodons that were resting near by. Snork snorted angrily once his father was out of earshot. Surely the spikethumbs would not come anywhere near this herd. They generally kept to themselves. Snork's father was a staunch racist. He absolutely loathed anyone who was a different species and loathed members of his own species who fraternized with them even more. Snork couldn't understand it. He couldn't understand why his father hated the rest of the world. The young swimmer sat down on the hard, dry ground and watched the other herd. A young iguanodon, maybe a little younger than himself, was resting in the company of her parents. She seemed to have a kind family who actually cared about her. How Snork wished he could just run away with them. Of course thy would probably never allow it.

Strafe was lying on the rocks with her mother on one side and her father on the other. It had been a long, hard day of travel and everyone was looking forward to a decent night's sleep.

The young iguanodon asked her mother, Tamora, "Mom, are you sure about this Great Valley place? We've been looking for it since I was born and we still haven't found it yet. When will we ever get there?"

Tamora sighed and replied, "Have patience, Strafe. We will get there... eventually. I promise that some day, you will have a nice, safe home with plenty of green food."

She nuzzled her daughter and rested her head on her folded paws. Strafe glanced over to her father who was already asleep and decided that now was the time for rest. They could continue this conversation in the morning. It had just been such a long journey. Strafe was hungry, thirsty, and aching from head to tail. For years, her herd had been searching for the place known as the Great Valley. The young iguanodon was now having doubts that the place even existed. She folded her front feet and rested her head on them, allowing sleep to overtake her.

General Grievous

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Many miles away the sun began to set over the empty wasteland, Kaga made his way through what had once been a dense forest.  Dead, decaying trees lined the path he was walking along.  The iguanodon kept a keen eye out for predators, as this was the perfect place for an ambush.  However, Kaga was almost fully grown and he was a great fighter so predators didn't scare him much.  Kaga was not looking for food as he wandered among the dead trees.   He had happened upon a green bush earlier in the day that satisfied his hungry stomach.  Now he needed water.  The iguanodon could smell water somewhere up ahead.  As he walked along, his ears detected the sound of rushing water and Kaga quickened his pace.  

"Finally..." he whispered to himself as he emerged from the dead forest onto the sandy bank of a wide river.  The river looked deep and the water was moving swiftly.  There were rapids near the center of the water.  Still, the water was cool and Kata made his way to the edge and began lapping at the refreshing liquid.


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Elsewhere, a young threehorn was al alone, well, at least that's what it seemed to be as her name was called out "Skye? Skye!?"

The young threehorn known as Skye, looked around a little bit as she gave off a groan and walked over to whom was calling out for was her mother "What is it mother?" she decided to ask her.

"How many times do I have to tell you, not to wander too far ahead? You know that there are Sharpteeth and many other dangers out there and I don't want to see anything happen to you" Skye's mother replied back to her.

"Yeah, why don't you be....normal for once?" another voice asked was Skye's sister.

Skye looked over to her sister and groaned some more "Yeah, well I'm sorry that I'm not as perfect as you can be"

"Skye, be nice to your sister" her mother told her.

Skye however, just rolled her eyes back at that point....she was of course, being stubborn at the moment

Her mother was known as Rose, while her sister was known as Kyra.

"Look, we can't take our time right now, there's not a lot of green food around, so yes, we will be hungry again soon enough and the sooner we get...." Rose begun as Skye interupeted her.

"To the Great Valley, the better....I know mother...." Skye replied back with a little groan as the three threehorns were walking once again.


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Mim, a late teen or young adult female rainbowface, was resting from the long walk her family had been doing much of the time since they had left the area where they had lived before.  They at first had just been sort of wondering aimlessly then hearing some talk about the great valley had started to try to look for it and had eventually come across some who claimed to have been there, including one lone longneck who gave them directions saying he wasn't headed that way for a while and wasn't sure when he would be in the mood to head there again.  He had seemed gruff and short, but not a speciest like some others then encounter were.  

"It does seem this area has been through a rather long dry spell." Mim said as she rested looking around.  

"Yes, by the appearances it does seem to have lasted quite some time.  Longer then is usual judging from the sparce plants and other signs around." Her father said looking around the area as well.


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Atop one of the higher plateaus of the great expanse, a young fastbiter sat, looking out over the wastes before him.

"Dante, what are you doing up there?"
Came a mocking voice from down below.  The young fastbiter, Dante, scurried over to the edge and looked down at an older-looking sharpclaw.  The sharpclaw in question was Arius, his mentor and friend, as well as his traveling companion.

"Oh!  A-Arius!  I was just thinking about how we're going to be crossing this whole thing...and it seems so big..."
Dante stammered, seeming awestruck by the vastness before him.  Arius chuckled, then nodded.  

"Don't focus just on the distance, Dante.  Remember, there will be many hardships ahead.  But, when your spirits fall, just remember where we're heading."
Arius said, shifting his gaze towards the horizon.  Dante bounced a little, then almost lost his balance and grabbed the rock a little.

"Yeah!  The Great Valley!"
He cheered, looking towards the horizon as well, grinning eagerly...

The Great Valley Guardian

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The child flyer was standing on the very tip of a mountain in the vast, empty barren landscape known as the Mysterious Beyond. The flyers eyes were bloodshot, he had bags under his eyes and his body swayed dangerously as he looked up at the horizon and could see the bright circle rising into the sky. With a sigh of annoyance the young flyer leaned forward and let himself free fall from the top of the mountain, slowly picking up speed and watched as the rest of the massive stone mountain rushed by just a few meters from his body. He then spread his wings letting the current of the air pull him upwards into the ever brightening sky and heading towards the bright circle, not having any idea where he was going... only knowing that he couldn't stop moving.
As he flew however he began to repeat a sentence he'd memorized to keep himself awake. 'My name... is Longtail... and I am the only survivor of my home, and that means I must stay alive!'


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Beneath a dusty orange sky, soberly illuminated by a bleak red sun, lay a vast, empty plain, framed by distant mountains and dotted with the skeletons of trees. There was no sound but the wind sweeping over the barren terrain, occasionally punctuated by the eerie shriek of a solitary flyer.

Once this had been a thriving habitat, occupied by many diverse kinds of dinosaurs, leafeater and sharptooth alike. In recent years, however, a mysterious phenomenonówhether it be a climatic change, pathological, geological, or any combination of the above, no one could be certainóhad led to the disappearance of all but the very hardiest of plants from this region, forcing the dinosaurs that had once fed on them to migrate in search of new sources of greenery, followed by their ever hungrier predators. Similar changes were taking place all across the continent, perhaps even the entire world, and it was having a profound effect on dinosaurs everywhere.

The near-unanimous response among the dinosaursóto seek out new homes that better suited their living requirementsóresulted in many groups that had heretofore never interacted with (or even seen) one another encountering each other (sometimes at uncomfortably close quarters) for the first time. In spite of the peculiar and sometimes frightening situations these encounters sometimes caused (indeed, perhaps because of them), the dinosaurs, by and large, dealt with their increasingly strange and proximate neighbors in the same way most of them always had: each kind kept to its own, avoiding other species. It would happen, however, that some dinosaurs would soon enough have no choice but to mingle with others of different kinds, under more dramatic circumstances and with stranger results than many of them could ever imagine.

(OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post, and sorry my first post doesn't introduce much. :oops One thing to know about me is that, being such a wordy writer, it takes a while for me to tell a story in relatively small increments. I hope it’s okay that my characters won't actually appear for another post or two.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Mim and her family were done resting so the all got up and continued on their way.  The younger ones stayed near the center of the group with some of the older ones with them and the older teens and adults around those.    They all kept a sharp lookout for any sorts of dangers especially sharpteeth and fastbiters.  

(ooc: I wonder if any of my child chars would fit into the rp or not.)

F-14 Ace

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OCC: Well, I did have an idea.  I was thinking that after the earthquake, Tamora is gonna get separated from Strafe and she will need someone to travel with.  Perhaps she could meet up with them.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Despite his current situation being in the Mysterious Beyond with no food, and no water Longtail continued to fly towards the horizon. His body began to protest as his belly grumbled for food, and his vision became blurry from lack of water. He lowered himself to the ground and landed on his feet, but sat down as his body continued to resist his brains demands to move forward. "I'm... just too tired. And I haven't slept in... days...maybe just a nap." said Longtail almost at a whisper as he laid his head down and fell into a deep slumber.


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Diver was playing with her sibblings in a small area with their parents nearby.  They all looked identical to those who did not know them very well.  To each other and their parents they could tell apart who was who with no problems.  

Mia was eating a bit of dried leaf and some bark, the only things her family had found edible in the nearby area where they were resting.  She sat down as she ate both of the items, not liking them very well, but when that was all one had to eat one did not have much choice.

F-14 Ace

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[occ: Dang, I've been slacking...  Anyway, I'm gonna use text colors for my characters from now on.  It makes it easier to see who is talking.]

Strafe awoke and felt the aching pain of an empty stomach.  Opening her green eyes, the iguanodon discovered that it was still the middle of the night.  Insects were chirping and the moon hung low in the sky.  She let out a sigh and slowly hauled herself to her feet.  Strafe needed to find something to eat or she knew she would have a hard time traveling the next day.  She quietly crept away from her parents and made her way to a small stream.  There were a few reeds growing in the shallows.
"Finally..." Strafe muttered and she took a mouthful of reeds.  They were bitter and unappetizing but the growling of Strafe's stomach forced her to eat them anyway.  They were green and rich in nutrients and she would need every bit of it.  

Strafe spent several minutes downing the reeds until she finally couldn't stand it anymore.  She turned to return to her herd, but froze when she spotted an unfamiliar shadow cast on a nearby rock wall in the moonlight...


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Diver was resting with her siblings.  They had done a lot of traveling since their hatching.  At times they found some water to rest at, or even play in, and often barely enough to drink, and it sometimes tasted as bad as the dried leaves, twigs and other things they ate.

"Are we almost to the Great Valley?" Diver asked her mother who was nearby.

"We have to travel more days to get there. " Mama swimmer said, patting her children on their heads.  Their father was dozing nearby.  They had agreed to only have 1 of them sleep at a time with sharpteeth maybe nearby.


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Skye and her family contninued to walk onwards still as Kyra started to complain by that point "Are we almost there?" she whinned some what, whilst Rose shook her head.

"No Kyra, we're not there, we still have many travels to do, many days before we get there" Rose told her daughter, to which Kyra just groaned.

Rose then looked to the sky to notice that the sun was setting as she looked to both of her daughters "We should go and stop" she told them as she soon stopped walking with some green food around, not a lot, but enough to last them the night.

Skye gave off a bit of a scoff with them having to rest as she looked to her mum and sister before deciding to have a little wander around.

"Skye, don't wander off too far" Rose called out to her.

Skye just rolled her eyes back as she continued to have a look around at the area around them.

General Grievous

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As the sun sank below the horizon, Kaga waded across the river and found himself standing in a vast land of canyons and plateaus.  The land was dry and barren except for the occasional dead tree.  The green iguanodon wandered through the dark landscape, swishing his tail from side to side as he walked.  The moon lit the terrain well and Kaga had good night vision so he could see the land well.  Somewhere nearby he could hear voices.
"I wonder who that is." he said as he began to quietly make his way toward the direction the voices were coming from.  

Kaga peered around from behind a rock and spotted a young fast biter, probably about his own age, and an old sharpclaw.  The fast biter stood atop a rock formation looking out over the wasteland ahead while the sharpclaw yelled something up at him.  From this distance, Kaga could not tell what they were discussing, but he could hear bits and pieces of it, including something about the Great Valley.


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General Grievous

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OCC: Dude, please follow the posting order.  It wasn't your turn.


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(ooc: sorry, I didn't know there was a posting order.  Where is the post order?  I'll copy then delete from here my previous post to a notepad file so I can post it in the correct post order spot.)


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OOC: I have to agree with Kor, there's nothing about a posting order anywhere in the rules nor in the discussion thread.  I have never been part of an RP myself where there's suppose to be some sort of posting order. Every single RP I have been part of has had no posting order.

The Great Valley Guardian

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(OOC: I believe the posting order F-14 is speaking of is simply the number of posts allowed per day. There is a rule, that says anyone participating in an RP, is only allowed to post twice in a single 24 hour period. While the rule itself isn't necessarily enforced, it is stated and implied)

Longtail gave a yawn as he opened his eyes and noticed that the night circle had risen into the sky. He yawned again as he rolled onto his back, closing his eyes and slipping back into sleep letting his mind wander as he felt the cool air rush over his body, and smiling in return.