The Gang of Five
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A World so Far but so close

Threehorn · 1242 · 99816


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"Mmm.. fine" Mr Threehorn said to him then turns away walking off and Latias reappearing.

"I sense great dislike in him of new odd things... I do not wish him to see me he might do something that could be bad for me..." Latias said with fear of Mr Threehorn.


  • Cera
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"I thought you might be thinking that," Littlefoot responded.  "He's not truly bad.  He just acts mean most of the time."


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"But I can feel it off him... it scary for me... when I sense something like that I want to adviod it at any means that how I can be sure to be safe" Latias said to Littlefoot "I am sorry if it sounds odd but it just me... I get easily spoked form things that have a feeling of dislike and other types that might go along that line"


  • Cera
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"Oh," Littlefoot says.  "Well, not everyone here is as mean as Mr. Threehorn.  I have a lot of friends that are very nice.  Maybe I could go introduce you to them?"


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"I... I don;t know... this world is all new to me and rather confusing..." Latias pauses senseing the displeasement that Littlefoot had feeling that she was never going to show herself to others "Alright I trust you... only cause you feeling sad for me being neverous to other new creatures" Latias said giving Littlefoot the spooks as she knew what he was feeling.


  • Cera
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Littleffot shivers as he feels what Latias is feeling.  "There's no need to really be afraid of my friends," he tries to assure her.  "But if it's too much for you right now, then I can understand.  It normally takes a little time to get used to new friends."


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"Don't worry I'll try. Maybe I am wrong" Latias said to Littlefoot "You go and I will follow don't worry I will be behind you" Latias said disappearing before his eyes but he looked to see her but only the outline


  • Cera
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Littlefoot's jaw drops.  " do you do that?" he asks.


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"This?" Latias reappeared "I just can. Just foused and the light around my body bends and make me unseeable just like this" Latias disappears again "It a ablitily of many I have"


  • Cera
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Littlefoot is still in awe.  "I've never seen anybody do anything cool like that.  Did you learn it, or were you born with it?"


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"Well I could do it but I don't think any creature in this land could do such a thing maybe you could say I was born with it" Latias said to him "Lets go meet your friends"


  • Cera
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"Ok then.  They're not that far from here."  Littlefoot leads the way back to where his friends still sit.


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"Hey Littlefoot found anything?" Cera said with a smirk thinking he haven't when she only saw him coming up to them not knowing Latias awas right above him.


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Littlefoot opens his mouth as he looks behind to look at Latias, but she was again invisible.  "Latias?" he said as he looks around for her.


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Latias appears scarying the others "Ah what that?" Ducky freaked out

"I am Latias don't worry I am not any where near harmful to others" Latias said with a smile hover over them

"What a odd looking flyer..." Cera blinked wasn't even sure what else to say


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Spike's eyes grow wide with shock at Latias' sudden appearance.

"She's the one I saw last night falling from the sky when the skywater fell," Littlefoot explained.  "Where exactly did she come from...I forgot to ask."


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"I am not sure where this place was but the storm I flew into wasn't over land it was over the ocean no land for a long way only water below the lightning strikes when I countered the dark creature that was after me and then I ended up here waking up with the light of the morning sun" Latias said to them without harsting.

"Well that tells the story in one hit... are you not worried about it sounding..." Cera was cut short by Latias

"False? no I don't make up stories" Latias replied

"How... how did you know I was going to say that?" Cera asked quickly

"Guested" Latias replied


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" do you plan to get home?" Littlefoot asks.


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"That hard... since I don't know how I got here in the first place. It something that happened which I can't figure out as this time" Latias said to them "Till then I will stay here if that is fine by you lot" Latias asked

"Well that not us to say. You have to show yourself to our parents some time or later" Cera said to her


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"Well...she had come across your dad earlier today," Littlefoot mentioned to Cera, "But I'm sure they'll let her stay."