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RockingScorpion's Side Projects


  • Spike
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Welcome to my "Everything Else" - Topic.

Well...that topic description and I start right off with dinosaurs. :D

I recently was in a store, saw these figurines and just thought: That's damn realistic. oO

A few days you go. xD

[align=center]When Giants walked the Earth - Apatosaurus

Picture hidden for a reason, see a few posts below.

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Yep, here's realistic (and grown-up) Littlefoot running around. :D

And I think this will be a small series - depending on how many of these I'll get - they're not the cheapest figurines you can get.^^
But I decided on collecting them, so...we'll see.

Oh btw: I'm trying to put them in a scenery where they could've actually been. It recently was discovered that grass was already there during the cretaceous period, and I was pretty lucky there because this spot is 10 minutes away from my house. :D
Finding fitting places will get more difficult for other time periods..but I'm positive I'll find something.^^

And if anyone may know more than I do about Dinosaurs and where they lived, I'm always open for tips, suggestions etc.

And btw: the model size, I won't tell. I could but I think it's funnier to not to. :D
Everyone who is from Germany: Schleich is pretty much in every store that has toys.^^

And that's it for now.

Hope you like it. :)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 01:52:41 PM by RockingScorpion »


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Wow, this is looking damn realistic indeed :smile I love it!
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Very nice.  :yes That is really realistic.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • The Circle
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Looks very realistic and a great attention to detail.


  • Spike
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Thanks to all of you, and yep, I do have a thing for details. :D

If anyone wonders why it disappeared: I had another idea for that one but now that I think about I could send this in for the photoshop fake I have to do for my photography class. For that to happen I have to make it invisible until I sent it in - or earlier, if this isn't good enough (I so hope it is.^^)

So yeah, by the end of the next week it should be back online - and maybe with an even better result. ;)


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  • Spike
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Normally I try to stick to what I say, but I'm right in the middle of way too much, the last few (a LOT) coming deadlines this semester and the exhibition I have to do are more important things I have to prepare and get done and until that is still going on I probably won't have time to draw or whatever.

Buuut there is something I can show. :D
(Otherwise I wouldn't be posting xD)

[align=center]Happy Birthday, Jan

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

This was planned to be a submission to the GalaCon Art Gallery, a fanart exhibition at GalaCon in Germany (My Little Pony Convention) where the pictures later go to a Charity Auction. Last year my submission brought in 150Ä (what the hell xD) and I really want to do this again, it's really great and the only way I can help them raising more money. The prices at the auction are far from reasonable, I can forget to buy anything there. xD

Sadly, the owners of these OCs didn't give me permission (one of them did, the other one probably won't.) This isn't so bad, I have another option, but I think this one would have been more successful.^^

OCs belong to:

So yep, the reason to get something I did to the GalaCon Art Gallery is the only reason I'm doing fanart right now. Otherwise I probably wouldn't. xD

Hope you like it :)
« Last Edit: August 06, 2022, 09:57:20 AM by RockingScorpion »


  • Spike
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So, now we got my actual submission to GalaCon's Art Gallery. I hope it gets accepted. :D

[align=center]It's Your Birthday!

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Well, exams are all written, I still got stuff to do, but it's a lot more relaxed now. I also have new fanart ideas in my head and the next one will probably be LBT related again. To give you some hints, hmm...

Dinosaurs, Red Bull and bad puns.'ll get crazy. xD

That's it then, hope you like it. :)



  • Spike
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First: I made it to the Art Gallery again. Took them a while to reply, but in the end..:D

And now that this is done, onward to the next competition. :D

[align=center]Derpy On Tour - Medieval Market

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

This is for Ponies Around The World. At first I wanted to take this figure to some famous building or whatnot, but during a brony meetup yesterday we went to this place, and one of us was dressed for the occasion as well. So...yep. :D
Permission granted to use it, of course. ;)

Oh, and the Apatosaurus Photoshop picture is back online, with some improvements. It's in the first post in here - and anyone who can tell me 2 of the 3 changes I did - here's a virtual cookie. :D

That's it then. :)


  • The Circle
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Nice pictures.  Hope you had fun at the place you were at in the last picture.


  • Spike
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Let me present you the first and probably last custom figurine I ever made. xD

[align=center]Toothless Custom Figurine

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

These figurines only come with two colors, black and green for the eye. But everything is there, saddle, prostethic tail and so on. That's when I decided to do this. After all, even if I would ruin it, these are not so expensive. And my model colors are still fresh after all these years. :D

So yeah, that's it. And it does look a little bit better now.
And believe me, the tail symbol was painful to get right. xD

Length 6,5 centimeters total
Wingspan 8,5 centimeters

Hope you like it.
RS :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Wow, absolutely amazing! :DD
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  • The Circle
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That looks great.  Very well done, good work you've done.


  • Spike
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Thanks, you two. :)

And next one:

[align=center]Toothless Pencil Drawing

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

No "creative" title this time, because it's just a test to draw him. And let me tell you...

He is the most complicated character I've drawn so far. A lot of thinking went into shading the wings (and I'm still not 100% satisfied).
A lot of this is probably because he is much more realistic than cartoonish. Even the eye size makes sense because his species hunts during the night.

And try to let a Nightfury grin by yourself, then you'll know what I went through. Just minimal changes and he's looking 100% aggressive. I didn't want him to look aggressive. xD

So yeah, my first HTTYD related fanart. Might there be more to expect? Maybe. I really do like this series after all. :D

Hope you like it. :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Awesome! :lol You got him (and his expression in particular) extremely well, yep, yep, yep! I suppose there won't be a coloured version?
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  • Spike
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Thanks...and no "color"? What gave you the idea? :D

[align=center]Toothless Digicolored

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Nothing much to say here I guess except...

I like characters with one basic color. #laziness. xD

Hope you like it. DL version is a tad bigger by the way. ;)


Oh, right..anyone who know the movie also knows Toothless can let his teeth disappear. Why? I just got it. He hunts at night and white teeth on a black body...not the best idea. :D


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Thanks...and no "color"? What gave you the idea? biggrin.gif
Dunno... he's pretty much ONE colour as you pointed out so I thought there's no need to just make him all black (plus his artificial tail thingy) :p Looks nice! :yes

Oh, right..anyone who know the movie also knows Toothless can let his teeth disappear. Why? I just got it. He hunts at night and white teeth on a black body...not the best idea. biggrin.gif
Aaaaaaaahhhh...  :idea  :idea  :idea
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  • Spike
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Even one color is enough reason to me. :D

I went to GalaCon (european brony convention) last weekend and had an absolute blast - anyone of you were there, too? :D next update is related to this Con.
Because I was running around with around 100 postcard sized prints, giving them to random people I met. Lately I discovered that I have a thing for giving out something for free. :D
Anyway, I asked the first person who actually came to my DA account and told me she got a print about her favourite pony.

Guess which one it is. :D

[align=center]Simple Rarity - Digicolored

(for bigger size etc.)[/align]

Pencil Version:

Time needed (color included) about 3 hours.
Also...I'm really not bragging here, but this is the last pony related deviation I did and put time and effort into:
(The other two ones were speed challenges, and I don't draw well under pressure).

Sometimes it's nice to see your own improvement.

Hope you like it. :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Wow! This is amazingly well done! :wow I'm not into MLP but those ponies sure look cute :lol
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