The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

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the man looked at the screen seeing that the camera was shot out. "so it all going to as I planned and even that I can't see you I see where you are through those hidden chips. Zack has also been planted now for the next move. Complete change." he picks up the phone "Marcos activate the DNA of Zack and John activation code 7731 and change them both into full formed dinosaurs part from the mind of course. I will give you the code in time. but from that send in the Alpha 3 squard to round all three up at once and bring them to the contanment room 7 I will speak to them once their there." he place the phone down smiling looking to his computer he saw that the delivered DNA arrived. "good to see I have other DNA opitions to pull into."

He picks up the phone again pushing a few numbers "Bring the person Max to contanment room 7 and a sample of dinosaur DNA how about DNA 082 the apatosaurus DNA sample should do the trick" he place the phone back down. He stares at the camera of the large contanment room.


Marcos look to the scientists and activate the devices in Zack and John changing them all the way in form of a dinosaur "good it working. Alpha squard 7 move in and put them all to sleep then move them into contanment room. Move in double time we don't want to keep our guest waiting alone"

Squard moves out fast about 30 men moving in on all directions and a few on the roof they all about to burst into the building that Zack, John and Blaze is in


  • Ducky
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John can feel his control slip away from him once more.  "OH NO!  MY NEURAL IMPLANTS!  THOSE MOTHER F****** AT THE LABS ARE MAKING ME INTO A FULL DEINONOCHUS!"  He hears the fron door crash open, takes out his handgun and points it to his head, but he drops it, losing control of his left hand.  He starts fighting it the best he can, then he realized he had an invention of his lab coat pocket.  An EMP gun, which should kill the chip.  "Qu-quick! In the head!" yells John as he throws the gun to Blaze.  "Th-th-the e-e-e-elecrtomangetic p-p-pulse should k-k-k-kill the chip i-i-instantly!"  Zack is also starting to feel the effects of the virus, his arm is completley changed, he blacks out from the intense pain.  "D-DO IT NOW!" John screams as he grabs the back of his head.  Blaze pulls the trigger and a transparent, light distorting wave of light hits John in the face.  He feels back to normal in seconds and picks up his shotgun from the ground.  "Do it to Zack, now!" he yells as he stands in front of the door, which is about to be smashed open by the door.  Half of Zack's body has now been changed, Blaze fires and EMP at Zack.  The mutation stops, but he remains unconscious.  The squad of men burst through the door.  He shoots them in the head with his shotgun while Blaze plugs them with the assault rifle.  "WE GOT TO GET THE F*** OUT OF HERE!" he yells as he picks up the unconscious Zack and they storm through the house, shooting every soldier in sight.  John gets another adrenaline rush as he hands Zack to Blaze and jumps the squad memeber guarding the front door.  His killing claw digs through the guard's uniform, John clamps his jaws around the guard's neck and bites hard.  Severed veins and arteries spurt blood everywhere and the human/raptor tears out the man's windpipe and swallows it whole.


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All at once from different points men came through the windows and blown a whole in the wall to the right. they fire seveal darts hitting them all knocking out.

They all was taken to the contanment room. a scientist finished their pyshical changes but kept their mental and memior brain cells intact having a human brain in sense in three raptor bodies. they slowly awaken in the very large room with thick walls and doors sealed shut with air coming from seven small vents. they see by a wall apatosaurus with torn clothes resting over the tops of the body seeming to be out cold still.

the speakers turn on "Finally we talk, look up you will see four cameras on the roof they are out of range of your jumping height. I can see you but you can't see me. but you can talk to me. don't worry I just hand all three of your appearances fully changed into dinosaurs while we made sure your minds are in full control of this beastful forms. as you notice you have a room-mate his name is Max. We used DNA samples kindly given from the company you Zack and John worked for and for Blaze he was a bio-test from a test tube." the voice spoke out to them

"Now any questions?"


  • Ducky
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"WHAT THE H*** IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU SON OF A B****?!" Zack screams, unintenionally flexing his killing claws.


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"Nothing wrong with me." he said looking at the screen at Zack zooming in on his face "I am just someone that loves to try out new things whatever the cost." he smiled looking at another screen at the large sleeping apatosaurus. "That over by the corner is Max another test subject working at clearing floors in the lab. Now that these tests are working well I could start creating a gas form of this which will do more then change the body it will make their minds fit the change since you all are the first I will let you all keep your minds to watch the change of power"


  • Ducky
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"'re insane." Zack gets to his new, clawed feet. "You must be a raving lunatic."


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"I've been watching your company for some time now it been in my eyes for years and now I moved in to strike who the one you think sent in the raptors? I have some time warp technology that allowed me to scope up the raptors and place them outside the lab. then one quick switch I opened the doors most exanllent way to clear out the lab for a easy take over and for a bonus I have four subjects within a 30 meter by 30 meter room." the man said looking at the screens speaking to them


  • Ducky
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"Oh I am far away. I am watching you all from a room of my own just watching this is progress enough." the man said looking at the screens seeing Max starting to wake up. "Aw Max is awaking. he only age 19 and only 14 meters tall and 20 meters long from tail to snout still only 60% fully grown still some way to go. Now I will see what happens next between you three and him if all go well I will have the food shafts opened to feed you all in about 4 hours. good luck" he close the speakers off so they can't hear him any more.

"Erm.... my.. head" Max moans with his eyes opening with bluring vision he couldn't see much with his eyes attempting to the light.


  • Ducky
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"Holy shit.  Max, look what they've done to you.  In less than fifteen minutes the virus will take over your nervous system an you'll have no control at all.  The neural implant will make sure of it.  We need to find a way to intercept the virus and the implant to avoid your complete transformation.  This strange bastard did this to Zack and me.  But we managed to intercept the virus in time.  You on the other hand, I don't know what to do." says John.


  • The Gang of Five
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"He put something in me... I remember what happened they was speaking that something about prototype testing that the change can't be complete only form of outter and inner can be changed the mind stay intact..." his eyes came into view clear now he saw them "my god you all raptors! but... why do you all look so small?" he look over part of himself "What the!? I am dinosaur that no good for nothing mad men! I some longnecked dinosaur." he looked over where his hands should be "Oh great I don't even have hands I have front feet just great... I am some large dinosaur with my mind clear as light and I have to walk on these four feet no hands... what the hell am I suppose to do with this body!?" Max said mostly to himself loudly quite disturbed by all this.

A ladies voice speaks out from the speakers "the virus isn't a virus it a controled DNA changing product we created and the ones we used on all of you can't affect your minds in such a way that you come a natural dinosaur you all will retain all your skills, memiors and thoughts including control so don't worry your prefectly sain for now" She said to them and two parts of the floor dipped down a bit about 2ft by 6ft floor panel lowered by 4 ft then water flowed in to both panels then another two panels lowed both 5ft by 5ft square lowered by a foot. then one had leaves flowed in from a shot that opened up and the other with freshly cooked meat in the other.

"Leaves for Max and cooked meat for John, Zack and Blaze. Next lot of food will be in 6 hours" the speakers turn off.

Max slowly stands up towering over the three "I would of like to be tall but this is crazy" he looked down at them


  • Ducky
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"I'm not hungry.  I say we need to find a way to escape, stock up on ammo and tell these psycos to suck it." says John.


  • The Gang of Five
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"I don't like to be the one to say the bad news but I can't really use guns and those claw hands of yours are not able to take hold of a gun in a way as we would if we was still human." Max spoke out and John instantly looked at Max standing on four feet and looked at his three clawed hand. Yet again Max brought out the facts that drained the use of weapons such as guns.

F-14 Ace

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Blaze paced inside the room.  He had tried everything he could think of but nothing worked.
He shouted, "You'de better pray I don't get free.  If I do, I'll get you for this.  I don't care how far away you are."
He kicked the heavy door but only managd to hurt his foot.
Blaze hopped on one foot holding the hurt one screaming, "@#$%!  $%&*%^!  @#$%^&*!  Dammit!  M#$@%^ $&*^#@r!
(I edited it now.  Will this work?)


  • The Gang of Five
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(Erm Blaze is in the containment room how can he go and get someone if trapped and emprisioned.?)


  • The Gang of Five
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(there is no way he could get out of a tightly sealed room, have you bothered to READ any of the other posts?

Just then, Blaze arrived back with Della and carrying a small pouch containing several items.
He asked, "So, what did I miss? What is going on?"

So how can you say this part of he in the same cell as the others and have all things taken from him? Blaze is in the same place as Zack, Max and John making them all stuck and no way to reach this Della.)

F-14 Ace

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Oh yeah. :slap   How could I forget? :slap stupid, stupid, stupid!  I wasmore concerned about my alergies when I was reading because I had no medicen.  I'll go back and edit. :bang  :bang  :bang  :bang


  • Ducky
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"We have to get out of here, rescue Blaze's Mate and make sure the contagious DNA strand doesn't reach earth.  This son of a bitch can take over THIS planet.  But he'll never get his f****** claws on earth." says John as he looks up at a camera and flips it off.


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"Well from the look of the large two doors it heavly armored about 2ft thick doors and walls. I would try and ram it but this change left me only enough strength to move around a little." Max said then look to them "And I think the same with you three. the only way to get our strengths up is to eat something and that would be the food they gave us... leafs might not be something I much would like to eat but if this change affected my whole body that would be most likely my taste buds changed as well" Max said looking to the leafs.

"Best to wait it out for now and think of a good plan. I believe that DNA samples they have and tests they did on us need about 7 days to process before going to the next stage" Max spoke out to them thinking over some of the processes that the tests have to go through before a solid answer.


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"By seven days earth may not stand a chance." says John.