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Smash Brothers: Collision

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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Back on the other end of the portal, three figures were deciding what to do.

"Those guys just jumped into that thing and they disappeared. I have a bad feeling on whatever's on the other side of it," Rita the longneck said as she felt a chilled sensation.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I've had my share of portal dangers. I went  through one that looked just like an ordinary door only to find an all powerful magician with four elemental crystals that would not go down easily whatsoever."

"Uh, door? Magician? Elemental crystals?" Rita asked, totally lost.

"Sorry. Nevermind about that," Mallow said, looking at the portal. "Dark energy- I mean bad things- are definately on the other side of this."

"You're positive?" Rita asked.

"Yeah. I sent a Psychopath spell through it. I knew that it would hit someone random since I couldn't focus on a target. But whoever or whatever I hit would only think, 'Kill, kill, kill!' So yeah, there is a problem. I have no doubt."

"What should we do?" Rita asked nervously. She wanted to help wherever there was trouble, but Mallow had seen so much of it that she usually asked him about it.

"Well, it will be extremely dangerous, and I don't have Mario- I mean an old friend of mine- to rely on like last time, so I must admit that I am a bit unsure myself," Mallow admitted.

"Jig Jig Jiggly Jig Jigglypuff!" the white puff ball sitting on Rita finally said. If you could call it talking anyway.

"Psychpath!" Mallow shouted, looking at her. "Do you realize what you're getting into?" he asked Jigglypuff.

"What did she say?" Rita asked curiously.

"She wants to fight," Mallow said. "But I don't think she would do so well there. She has fought other pokemon on her world, but on there, battles resulted in fainting, not death, so she didn't have much to worry about. She has even fought in this tournament before, but again, no killing here, just knock outs. Whatever is on the other side means business; there are no rules to protect her or any of us if we go."

Jigglypuff looked upset and jumped off Rita's back. She jumps over to Mallow and uses her Pound attack and knocks Mallow several feet into the air. "Jiggly Jig Jig," she said angrily.

"Oomph!" he exclaimed from the impact. When he landed on the ground, he slowly and gently got to his feet and said, "Psychopath. Alright, you've made your point. I'll go too."

"What was that all about?" Rita wondered aloud.

"She said that if she can take down a guy who helped save a world, she is more than suited to fight whatever comes in her way," Mallow answered, still rubbing the spot she made contact with.

"Well, I'm not the best fighter either, but if we work together, we will be fine. If you two go in there, count me in," Rita said with confidence.

"Psychopath," Mallow whispered, focused on her. He smiled at what he saw in her mind, then said, "Alright gang, we might be way over our heads here, but we just can't ignore it when we know that there is danger. Jigglypuff's confidence reminded me that. We each have our fighting styles: weather and psychic, agility and sleep spells, and physical and transformation. If we use these effectively, we still might not overpower everything we encounter, but strategy is also on our side. If you two are so willing, I won't abandon my friends or anyone in trouble. Alright, here we go!" he shouted, jumping into the portal.

Jigglypuff jumped back on Rita's back and Rita in turn jumped into the portal as well. As they were being transported through into the Great Valley, Mallow recalled what he saw in Rita's mind. "She's more afraid than she'll admit, but she has faith that she'll make it through this if her friends are there for her. After fighting with my four old friends long ago and feeling the same way, it seems that Rita and I have more in common than we thought. Don't worry Rita. I may not be the hero Mario was, but I will do everything in my power to keep us and whoever we meet safe." And with that, they arrived on to the battlefield, underneath an unusually dark sky.


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"Link's the name!" Link replied, shooting at a Reflective Primid near him.

The strike from above flew through them, but gave the two enough time to dodge the "thing" before it hit them.

"What was that?!" Link shouted, gasping on the ground. He had just finished coughing from the dust on the ground when he spotted the three figures from before, in the stage, at the cave's entrance. "We've got company!"


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"Nice to meet you!" Deimos said, leaping over a Sword Primid and crushing it.

Strut looked at the 3 arrivals. He readied his spear. "Identify yourselves!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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The three figures glanced at the raging battle around them. One of them knew the area they got transported to, while the other two were completely unfamiliar with the place, the whole planet to be exact. But Rita didn't have any time to enjoy the scenery.

"Uh, is this the best time for an introduction?" Mallow asked, worried about the fighting and not so much about who is who.

Knocking a Primid out with a very hard whack from her head, Rita responded, "Come on Mallow. Look around you. If we don't tell them who we are, they have every right to think we're against them just like those things are."

"Well, when you put it that way... Fine, I'm-"

"Jig Jiggly Jig Jig!" came an angry shout.

Everyone just stared at what seemed to be a white ball with eyes.

"Uh, hold on a moment. Psychopath! Oh. Jigglypuff, I don't think that now is the time to be poli- Ouch!" Mallow exclaimed after Jigglypuff slapped him. "Fine. Jigglypuff says that, whoa! Thunderbolt!" he shouted, neutralizing three small Primids coming up for a group attack. "She said that if you want a formal introduction, you need to ask politely. Of course, considering our surroundings, even I see the stup- Oomph!" he said, getting knocked down by Jigglypuff before finishing.

"Uh, how about this? Let's just say whatever those things are, they aren't on our side either, so let's just take care of them-" Rita knocked one down with her tail, which began to recover until she stopped it with her foot, "then we can get down to our details, okay?"


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"Well said, let's get these guys knocked out before we're finished!" Link shouted, readying his sword.

A Fire Primid threw a rather small flame ball at him, but he was able to deflect it with the shield.

"Wrong strike, pal!" He replied, performing a jump strike at the Primid. "Any of you guys know a spell or something?!" Link inquired to the arrivals.


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Deimos was in the process of using a rock he picked up to pound away at a Metal Primid. Eventually, he broke the rock on the Metal Primid's iron-hard skin but not before it exploded in a black mist.

Even Petrie joined in the fight by pecking at the Primids.

A Fire Primid threw a small fireball at Nod. "Nice try!" Nod shouted as he charged through the fireball and trampled the Fire Primid underfoot.

Hyp kneed a Primid, stunning it, then finished it off with powerful 2-handed hammerfist.

"Guys! We've got someone new!" Ducky said, diving out of the way of a Fire Primid's fireball attack.

"Formal introductions will have to wait." Strut said. He batted a Sword Primid aside with the butt of his spear and stabbed it with the point of his spear as it lay on the ground.

(OOC - can anyone use the gang of five if they aren't taken?)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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"Well, we all have some abilites, but Mallow, I mean the sky puffy guy here is the only one with spells. Any ideas Mallow?" Rita asked him.

"If you wanted to fight all day, I could use my magic. But while I don't know about the rest of you, the three of us have little chance of escaping without injury," he replied. "Ow! Oh come on, I'm only looking out for us, okay Jigglypuff? Do you have an idea?" Mallow asked her, a little sarcastically.

Jigglypuff frowned on the note of sarcasm but she did have an idea and she told everyone there: "Jiggly Jig Jig Jig Jiggly Jig Jigglypuff!" Well, she tried to tell everyone.

Mallow knew his cue, and with little enthusiasm said, "Psychopath." He paused for a minute and said, "We don't even know if there is a place like that here, and how would we lead all these things there if there was?" Mallow asked, even though he doubted Jigglypuff could help there.

"A place like what? What did she say?" Rita asked him.

"What good would it do?" We don't know this place at all anyway," Mallow complained.

"Mallow, I used to live here," Rita answered.

"Huh? This is the world you described being from? The dinosaurs here don't quite look- Shocker!" he shouted, causing a large lightning bolt to stun a very large Primid.

"Look, I'll explain later! Just tell me what kind of place we're looking for," Rita said quickly, getting on her front legs and back kicking a Primid behind her, but got a quick slash from one in front before Mallow knocked it out with his Froggie Stick. Blood trickled out of her neck.

"Hold on Rita! Let me heal you!" Mallow shouted, getting ready to summon his HP Rain spell.

"It's nothing! Do it later! Tell me now!!!" Rita almost screamed.

Mallow was taken back but said, "Some place large enough to hold several creatures that also amplifies sound."

"The Cave of Many Voices," Rita answered without even needing to think. "Hurry. It's this way."

"Hold on! We still have no way to lead all these things there! What are we supposed to do about that?" Mallow asked, before getting in a sword/stick fight with another Primid, until he got his Froggie Stick knocked away by its sword. It was just about to run him through.

"Mallow!" Rita shouted.


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"How about we just get rid of that danged portal and get the rest to some place else?!" Link suggested, piercing one last Primid before falling on his knees, gasping. "I'm tired of this... WHERE IS IKE WHEN YOU NEED HIM?!"
A Primid was about to jump over him, but for some reason was obliterated.
Quickly enough, Link drew the bow out and shot the Sword Primid, helpng the guy get up.
"What do you need?!" He asked in a rushed voice.


"Hold on down there!" Kyro shouted, falling inside a pond. He quickly uncurled and ran behind a bush, trying to recover some air. "Where did I fall...?!"

((OOC: Everyone can use the five. Although Cera's currently held prisioner by Golyura, but, besides that, its fine to use. Also, I suppose we're needing a boss, the battle can't go on forever... Who's it gonna be? I've got Golyura in suicidal mode, but he can be fought later.))


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(OOC - I'll go with Dark Ms. Swimmer.)

Ducky slammed her knife into a Primid. "I do not want to do this any more. I do not, I do not."

Deimos was breathing heavily and it was clear that several Sword Primids had found their mark. He grabbed the last Primid and tore its head off. "Any place we can go?"

Strut looked at the rest of the Primids running out of the cave into the Great Valley. "Oh no!"


Over in the Thundering Falls Lake, Ms. Swimmer, armed with dual sticks, was trying to fight off some Primids. She swatted one into a rock, causing it to explode but a strong blow from a Big Primid knocked her down. She knocked one of the approaching Primids off its feet but the Primids broke down into shadow bugs and enveloped her.

Eventually, Ms. Swimmer stood up but her eyes were an eerie blue-white color and she was no longer dark green but a dark purple. Even more amazing was how she started to grow.

"Ms. Swimmer?!" Mr. Threehorn asked. He noticed Ms. Swimmer raising one of her sticks, now the size of saplings.

"Not anymore." Ms. Swimmer replied. Her voice was different, icy almost otherworldly.

Mr. Threehorn galloped away as fast as he could.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Ike reached over and grasped Link by the arm, pulling him back to his feet.

"Link, long time no see. What do you need me for?" Ike said as he thrust his sword into another Primid.


  • Ducky
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"Ike! Man, glad to see you here! Lots of Primids! We can't handle this on our own! And if... wait..." Link trailed off.

Heavy footsteps were audible in the distance.

"Something's coming..." He commented. "And its big..."

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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"Something huge is somewhere around here, getting very close too," Mallow also pointed out to his friends from the noise as if they couldn't tell.

"Yeah, we should do soemthing!" Rita exclaimed.

"Let these "experienced" guys handle whatever it is," Mallow retorted.

"Is something the matter?" Rita asked him.

"They seemed very eager to help us out on our plan," he said sarcastically. "They must have it all figured out so they are obviously better suited to handle the hard stuff. We had just suggested getting most of these guys somewhere else but the same suggestion was simply repeated as if we weren't even heard. Let's just take care of the smaller creatures and worry about ourselves. That seems to work out pretty well."

"Mallow!" Rita yelled her friend was about to get it.

Jigglypuff jumped up and used Body Slam on the Primid, which was knocked down hard and didn't get up.

"Whew!" Mallow huffed. "Thanks for the save, Jigglypuff. I'm glad you finally used that attack on someone besides me for a change."

"Jig Jig," was her response as she smiled gleefully.

Mallow didn't have to mind read to know what a 'you're welcome' was from her. But he wondered where those other guys were.

"Now, now Mallow. That guy with the sharp, long rock simply asked you if you knew any spells. That didn't include a 'Let me help you' anywhere so you really can't hold anything against him for going over to fight with someone else. These creatures are very vicious and numerous," as Rita body slammed one charging her. "It seems unwise even to me to have too many of us group together in the same place as a single, large target for them to focus on. The enemies are everyone so all of us should be the same way to get rid of them faster. That guy really is experienced because he did the smart thing. And by the look of it, I think those two know each other," she noticed.

"I don't care if they know each other or not! I really like Jigglypuff's idea and wish we had help with it!" he complained. Then he noticed something. "Star Rain!" he yelled, taking out a group coming towards them with a giant falling star.

"Well it can still work with the just the three of us," Rita replied. "We came here as a team, knowing full well our team will probably remain just a trio. So think. How can we lure a bunch of these things to the cave so that Jigglypuff can do her thing? We probably can't get them all, but it will make things easier on everyone here if we lower our enemies' numbers by even just a little. Once they're out of it, getting rid of them will be very easy, provided we do it fast enough so they don't all wake up."

"Fine, let me think," Mallow said and then paused for a moment. While he thought, the three were viciously attacked. Mallow started going at it with his Froggie Stick after he had recovered it along with a few Thunder Bolts. Jigglypuff Pounded several, and knocked out some with Sing when she felt overwhelmed. Rita, with no magic attacks of her own, was having the most trouble, and some deep cuts adorned a few parts her body which hurt her very much. She didn't draw attention to them though so that the others wouldn't worry too much about her. After a bit, she finally managed to take down the one she had been fighitng the whole time that the others were defeating several of them. She could have transformed to fight better, but she hadn't fully learned how to control that power yet so she decided that now probably wasn't the best time for a trial run.

Finally, Mallow said, "We need something to draw them to that cave, but I'm against using you guys as bait. I'll get on my cloud car which I'm pretty sure can go faster than these things and I'll lure them there myself. Go somewhere safe you two."

"No way!" Rita exclaimed. "We stay together, right Jigglypuff?"

"Jiggly!" came her response.

"If you're sure they can't keep up with your cloud car, then we won't be in danger if we go with you either. It would be safer than being separated. Besides, you have no idea how to get there anyway. We have to do this together," Rita stated.

"Well, I guess you have a point. But I'm still not the best driver so hang on!" Mallow warned as he called his cloud car down and they hopped on, ready to lead some of these things to the cave. But as they took off, they left a small trail of blood behind...

I forgot to take into account that not everyone here knows Pokemon very well, or at least not Jigglypuff very well, so I neglected to list her most updated official ability list previously, so here it is now for those who need a reference:

Defense Curl/Normal/Status/0
Double Slap/Normal/Physical/15
Body Slam/Normal/Physical/85
Gyro Ball/Steel/Physical/Varies
Wake-Up Slap/Fighting/Physical/60
Hyper Voice/Normal/Special/90


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Kyro looked through the bushes, trying to distinguish something in the skif.

"What is all this...?!" He mumbled, surprised. "What is going on in this valley?!"

The rockback gulped as three were leaving, followed by a few Primids, while around five kpt fighting the Primids and two nervously looked out at the northern entrance of the Valley.

The ground was shaking violently and a loud noise was audible.

"Why didn't I stay at home...?!" Kyro ironized.


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"Link, what in the name of Greil is going on?" Ike asked while fending off the Primids.


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Hyp, Nod, Mutt Strut and Deimos all looked at Ike.

"Hey! Who's the new guy?" Nod asked. A Sword Primid headed towards Ike but Hyp grabbed a spear from Nod's back and hurled it at the Sword Primid.

"I'm going to check out those footsteps and get a new club." Deimos said, "Anybody need some herbs for injuries?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"He's Ike, a friend of mine!" Link replied, turning around. "I'll go with you, Deimos!" He offered himself.


"Hey! Wait for me!" Kyro shouted, rolling after the three others that had ran off.


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"We'll get the introductions later! And thanks for coming, Link!" Deimos said.

He then ran out of the cave.

Nod looked at Ike. "So, you're Ike? What brings you to the Great Valley?" A Primid threw a weak punch that Nod didn't even feel. Strut speared the Primid.


As Deimos made his way to Mr. Bigmouth's Grove, he noticed huge Swimmer footprints. He sniffed one of the footprints. "Ms. Swimmer's scent. But these footprints are the size of a Longneck footprint."

He eventually entered the grove and retrieved a club of the same design he had used previously and a stone ax. He looked over at a tree and noticed several deadly looking stone tipped spears resting against it.

"So how do you like our armory?" Deimos asked. "It's a leftover from the old war. Mr. Longneck thought it would be wise to keep it around in case of an emergency."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Link looked around at the weaponry with amaze.

"Man, you've got pretty developed skills here.. Hylian guards would droll at this..." He commented. "But we've got to figure what those footprints are there  up to. You said they wre unsually big... Let's go after them."


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Deimos grinned. "Thanks! Unfortunately, our weapons can break but it seems yours can't."

Deimos then spoke to Mr. Bigmouth. "Mr. Bigmouth, we have hostile activity in the valley. Please see to it that weapons and herbal medicines are being made."

Mr. Bigmouth nodded, threw some wood onto a small fire, grabbed two rocks began hammering out a stone knife from a large black rock.

"It won't be too long." Mr. Bigmouth replied.

"Link! Do you need another weapon?" Deimos asked.

(OOC - anyone can take Mr. Bigmouth but he is the herbalist/armorer.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Don't worry, I'm fine with my Four Sword ad Hylian Shield! I've got other weapons in, but..." Link stopped for a short time. "I'll be needing arrows. Resistant wood and sharp rock!" He requested, showing his bow.


Will was starting to sweat.

"Guys, its getting closer..."