The Gang of Five
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PokÈmon Mystery Dungeon

Threehorn · 141 · 36135


  • The Gang of Five
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they soon land just outside town they then walk towards it "Some wild adventage so far isn;t it?" Threehorn chuckled as they walked.


  • Ducky
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"Heheh!  Yeah." Tanner says, walking beside Threehorn.


  • The Gang of Five
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"SO I wonder if we going to run into those three, that Charmander, Squirtle and Chikorita" Threehorn wondered as they came up to a hut with a post box outside it. "Wonder if this is a home or something"


  • Ducky
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"I'm guessin so.  I wonder who lives here.  Maybe we could ask them what this place is."


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"from the looks of things there no one in there from what I can see, let go into that town, it should be across that bridge there" Threehorn pointed over to it and walked towards it.


  • Ducky
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Tanner shrugs and follows his friend into town.


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They walked into the town to see near by a pool of water with waterfalls "Look like we could go up there, from the looks of it there is quite a few pokÈmon there" they about to walk up to it when a Charmander and Chikorita and Squirtle ran into Threehorn's leg all landing on their backs and seeing the Squirite with a case of some sort and all wearing the scarfs still.

"Are you guys ok?" Threehorn asked (who play the three or one or two of them?)


  • Ducky
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(I'll probably play one.  Maybe Chikorita.)


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"Ow that was a hard hit" Squirtle moaned then he look up at the Charizard and Lugia "A real legendary pokÈmon!?"

"Wow that cool" Charmander said picking himself up "Are you two a rescue team?"

"Rescue team? us? erm no" Threehorn replied a bit lost what was a rescue team for.


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"We kind of travelled" Threehorn made up a story "And came across this place"

"I see, welcome then, but we can't stay and chat we got to get to the post office to find more rescue jobs to do and help the poor pokÈmon" Charmander spoke


  • Ducky
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"Wait! Isn't that our bag?" says Chikorita, eying the bag Threehorn had slung on him.


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"Oh this I found it lying next to the pillar stone by some vines" Threehorn took it off and placed it on the ground. "I was wondering if it belonged to someone."


  • Ducky
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"Yeah, it's ours.  Thanks for finding it!" Chikorita picks the bag up with her mouth and slings it on her back.


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"Your welcome" Threehorn said with a smile. "if you don't mind me asking what are these rescue teams?"


  • Ducky
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"I was about to ask the exact same question." says Tanner.


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"Look like I wasn't the only one that didn't know" Squirtle said with hands behind his head.

Charmander then said that shutted him up "They travelled here, they don't know cause where they from this earthquakes haven't affected their home"

"You had to ruin the moment" Squirtle muttered.

"But anyhow we are Team Go-Getters and we do rescue missions to save pokÈmon that are in trouble at dangous places. the best of them all is Team ACT they are gold rank but we trying to get up to their rank" Charmander told them.

"Sound like it quite the hand full" Threehorn said leaning against a tree with arms crossed and eyes closed as he spoke.


  • Ducky
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"Yeah.  You'd probably need to work hard to get up to something as high as a gold rank.  Unless there's something higher than it." says Tanner.


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"Yeah it is, but you two are not in a rescue team?" Charmander said then asked them. "If not I think we could get them to join our team, Chikorita do you think we got room for two more?" Charmander asked her

"Talk about jumping the gun" Threehorn mutters to himself


  • Ducky
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"Yeah!  We probably have room for two more." says Chikorita.

"You said something Threehorn?" says Tanner, barely hearing what Threehorn muttered.