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Land Before Time: Twilight Valley

Serris · 509 · 31919


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"Huh?" Lori snapped out of her daze and glanced around. She spotted Misty and started to say that it was nothing out of reflex, but stopped herself and decided it might be better to tell her thoughts to someone. "It's just... I'm wondering what all this is for. Why are dinosaurs killing and hurting each other? It's different when it's for food, or to defend oneself, but what is this for? I know it's not for food. It's unnatural and we shouldn't do it."


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Instead of arguing, Misty nodded, "Yeah, I agree, but from what I hear it's because this other group of Claw Valley dinosaurs are trying ot take over this one, I guess...they're the only one's that can stop it" she shrugged, not really sure.


As she flapped on, Kit soon spotted what looked like a sharptoothed flyer milling around about a small carcass, but carcass all the same. She felt like upchucking, but forced herself to swoop lower, "Ok...if you don't know Twiz, this could get ugly fast..." she realized. She fell back on some of the sharptooth she'd picked up from Twiz to Chomper and such.

<"Um, 'cuse mi, you sin Twiz?"> she asked as simply as she could get around to it. The sharptoothed flyer turned and Kit waited with baited breath.

<"W-what was that?"> the sharptoothed flyer asked. Kit swallowed and forced herself to say it again, or part of it, <"Twiz, you seeen 'im">. The sharptoothed flyer laughed, <"Well aren't you just the cutest thing, with that trying to talk and all!">. Kit tried to hold in her sigh, "Look" she fell back on flattooth, "it's kinda important that I find my cousin Twiz, so if you could stop laughing for like two seconds...".

<"H-hold up"> the predatory flyer waved his wings, not understanding all of the rambling, but getting most of it. <"Sorry, I...I have a dull life, ok so Twiz, yeah he's sort of the new leader of our herd, since his mom was the last one and all and he seems to have taken to our traditions rather than...">.

As she caught enough of the gist of it, Kit rushing forward to hug the unsuspecting sharptoothed flyer halted his statement. "Oh, praise the skylights, thankyou!" she exclaimed in joy.


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The Fast-Runner looked at Misty and sighed. "You're right. It's something we've never done before. And something I hope never has to be done again. But since Claw Valley started it and won't back down; we have no choice but to defend ourselves." He brandished his stone knife. "And defend ourselves we will!"

The Swimmer grabbed Ozzie. He then turned to Misty and Lori "Are you coming with me? Someone has to carry Longtail."

The Fast-Runner picked Longtail up, placing his arms under Longtail's armpits. "Lori, Misty, someone take his feet." He turned to Longtail. "We're going to take you to Mr. Bigmouth."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail who by now had grown used to not moving merely blinked and replied,
"Okay...whatever. Just make it so I don't hear anymore pops from my body those are getting annoying."


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"I was afraid you would say that," Lori sighed. "You don't know anything about why they want the valley though?"

She headed over to Longtail and frowned. "Sorry, I don't think I can really help..." She moved her slinged arm to point out her reason for refusing to help. "More than likely you'll hear some popping if I try carrying you."


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"Hmm, well let's see" Misty moved over to survey the way in which Longtail was laying, "move you without any more annoying pops, well I think I could at least help do that" she said, taking Longtail's feet.


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"Got him?" the Fast-Runner asked.

The Swimmer shook his head. "I'm not sure why they want the valley but I have heard that there is a strange blue crystal in one of the caves."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail spoke up.
"Well...I'm not sure about any stone....but I'm guessing they're just getting desperate, hungry, or both!"


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"A strange blue crystal?" Lori repeated with a skeptical expression. "What in the Mysterious Beyond would they want with that?"


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"Yeah, around here rocks are just rocks" Misty said, "What could they do?".


"So I have to get to the Land of Mists" Kit went on to explain to the sharptoothed flyer from Twiz herd helping her out, "and you could have said earlier that due to both my Uncle Trip and Twiz you can understand flattoothed flyers!" she pointed out a bit annoyed. Her guide chuckled, <"You never asked"> he replied in his native tongue, and Kit caught the gist of it.

<"Well anyway, here we are, best start explaining again"> the sharptoothed flyer said, landing. Kit took a breath and prepared to do just that. She spotted her aunt, the sharptoothed flyer who lead all these others, and figured she would be the best bet for where to start with explaining, since she didn't see Twiz yet.

"Here goes nothing..." Kit walked over.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail suddenly felt a wave of fear grip his body and he tensed up for a moment. He then said aloud, "I think I remember part of a story about a blue rock...and if it's the story I'm thinking of...we might have a problem....a really big problem!"


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Misty was still skeptical, of anything magic that was, though and frowned, "What, is it like a sharp weapon or something?" she asked.


"K-Kit-", Despite being shocked beyond belief, Kit found that Twiz' mom was accepting enough of her being here, but then she figured that made sense since she probably wasn't the one who came up with the idea of kicking her mate out.

Kit smiled, "Y-yeah, that's me, Tylr's little girl all grown up" she frowned, "but I need your help right now, or Twiz and one of the rest of yall or something" she said.

"What's up?" Twiz asked, eager to help. Kit smiled gratefully and then launched into the story.

Twiz whispered back to translate for the rest of his herd that couldn't speak flattooth, even if halfway through he was just as shocked as the rest of his herd.

<"Magic flower...boy these flatteeth have the dumbest ideas"> one of the others said.

Twiz frowned yet rather than answer him, told Kit, "Well sure I'll help ya find it...<me and Skylar both will"> he grinned, as he said this last part in sharptooth, but Kit could still catch on he knew. Skylar had been the one to just make fun of the tale, and he frowned in shock as some of the others chuckled.

<"I was just put in charge of the herd the bright circle before"> Twiz smiled at Skylar, <"So you gotta listen and if I say you're coming you are">

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Longtail answered Misty's question with one of his own.
"I'm not sure what it was supposed to look like, it is a story after all, but I have another much trouble do you think we'll all be in if they manage to get the stone?"


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Misty, despite her skepticism, thought. "If it's just a sharp thingy...not much" she answered, then sighed, " senile old grandfather's stories I remember from back when I was really little and had a family are true...lots" she whispered, "it's suppose to be able to...well do things...but then no one ever believe my senile old grandfather, it's why he was senile" she found for a defense, "I'm sure it's just a stupid rocks, stupid legends aside" she sounded more like she wanted to convince herself than Longtail.


"So which way do we head?" Skylar asked, with only a slight sigh of annoyance. "Well, since I'm in charge..." Twiz began, only remembering his rank in relatoion to his herd member Skylar, and not his cousin that he wasn't over in any way shape or form. "Um...which way was that Kit?" he asked, this also being her mission and all.

Kit just smiled, "The Land of Mists should be this way, if I remember correctly" she said, continuing to fly towards the right direction. "You're in charge..." Skylar chuckled. "Well I am of you!" Twiz shot back.

"Now boys" Kit sighed, "does it really matter...besides, this being the mission I started on, if anything...oh nevermind" Kit grinned.

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Longtail tried to laugh, but found it hard.
"Well...perhaps your grandfather wasn't as senile as you and your herd may have thought. It might help if we could understand what exactly the rock is supposed to do." he said aloud


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"Well, if the rock is supposed to have magic powers, why hasn't anyone investigated it?" Lori asked. She made to cross her arms before she remembered one of them was still in a sling.

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Longtail sighed.
"Well it could be that no one here in the valley has ever heard of such a stone, or maybe they just didn't feel like looking for it."


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"That...that's all he gave though" Misty sighed, "it's dangerous 'cause it's gots powers normal dinosaurs aren't suppose ta know of" she said as if quoting him, "lot of good that does us, he didn't even give a clue as to what!".

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Longtail then asked aloud.
"Where...where's Kit, I'm starting to worry about her. I hope she's okay."
He then asked, "So if we have to find this silly stone...who's going to do it?"


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"She's not back yet" there was a sigh in Misty's voice, "I don't know, should I go try to find the foolish flyer or the rock?" she offered to do either.


(ooc: Time jump, so we're not doing this all month...although going by the movie...the trip should be do-able in a day right? :D)

"Does a mist like that mean the Land of Mists?" Skylar asked as they got closer to a huge amount of mists in any event. "It's worth a shot" Kit said, "Ok's where we have to stay on top of things...apparently once we land on that ground there are very dangerous things that could attack us".

"Lovely" Skylar said lowly. They'd been flying so far, despite the multiple other rests, though that none of the three flyers really had a choice of landing.

"T-that looks sort of ok, still high" Twiz pointed out a sturdy looking tree with sturdy looking top branches. Kit nodded, "Best we've got I'm afraid". They circled lower to land. Kit peered a bit and sighed, "I can't see if we'd be nearer the flowers or if they're around from this high though...we'll have go lower at some point...".

"Well let's rest first so we can avoid anything that might attack" Skylar suggested.