The Gang of Five
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Life in the Mysterious Beyond

The Great Valley Guardian

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Pearl frowned at what she'd heard from Rita and was sure Misty's statement was reinforcing her fear. If Screech and Thud did find them, they would all be in trouble.
"Oh...this is bad." whispered Pearl to herself.


Pterano smiled and said to himself 'ahhh...I'm so glad that Cree never learned to do two things at least while flying!' He then landed next to Cree and crossed his wings as he asked his brother a question.
"After all this time Cree why are you still up to no good? We're flyers, we are above stealing from others!"


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Redclaw was visibly irritated. Food was difficult to find in the mysterious beyond. One, possibly two fully grown sharpteeth would not be an easy match for him, he had to admit. And yet one of them was not in immediate sight, the other a small ways away... Such a large concentration of smaller prey was very difficult to pass up.
"How far off is the little biter's father?" Redclaw asked, gruffly. He would very likely decide to strike, but he was still debating as to how.


"If it's only Screech and Thud, that's not such bad news. But if Redclaw is with Screech and Thud, which is likely since Screech and thud are usually with Redclaw..." Ruby's mom scanned the terrain for any sign of the two fastbiters. She trusted chomper's nose, but that wasn't exactly a comfort at the moment.


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"Mom, dad," Chomper called "Redclaw's nearby!" he said this in the sharptooth language, but luckily, the fast biters and Redclaw didn't hear this


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Deon didn't see the others that should be in the area ahead.

"We should hide I think." Blue-eyes said.  Deon nodded and they headed off for some trees they could see not to far away.


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Veli, a young sharpteeth flyer who was Chomper's friend landed besides Deon and Blu-Eyes. "Redclaw's nearby, you best get out of here," he advised


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"Yea but where?"Deon said.  

"Trees are to small." BLue-eyes said looking at some of the trees.


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“Yeah” Misty agreed, “although if they try anything, Screech and Thud I mean, I’m still gonna kick them so hard they’ll have indi-g-gestion if they try to eat me!” she assured the others, “I mean, if running doesn’t work” she added.


“Hang on…” Cree said while rubbing his head, “Migrane hasn’t gone away…” he heard Ptearno’s words though and sighed, once able, “Oh please, they were on the tree like five seconds before, it’s hardly different than just beating them to the picking, and plus they had plenty others” he argued. He frowned, “In case you haven’t noticed, Squirt”, he still liked calling Pterano that! “this isn’t that soft Valley where everyone picks a day to eat all the tree sweets, ya gotta grab it while it’s there or it might not be there!”. His eyes narrowed as he continued to think “I can thank you, Ptami and Tylr for teaching me that lesson I guess” he spat before smirking, “don’t feel so good when they throw the same treatment on you later, does it?” he asked, “dang traitors” he muttered to himself again.


“Possibly no more than a good jog or few steps from the hatchlings” Screech answered, going off his last sight, he knew forming his own opinion on what to do was pointless, Redclaw would decide and tell them what they were doing.


Ruby nodded at her mother’s words, “Eitherway, we would not want to wait until we knew Redclaw was there because we saw him to know Redclaw was there” she agreed. She looked to her brother and sister, “I will get them to  cave that is not in the open for Redclaw to just see” she offered, wanting her younger siblings to be safe.


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"And my mom and dad could beat up Screech and Thud," Chomper laughed.

Just then, Dil showed up, prey held in her maw, unaware of Redclaw's presence. "Caught breakfast sweetie," she smiled to greg. "Not now mom," Greg said nervously.


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Ruby's dad nodded, "Getting to a cave unseen is a good idea, or going to where Chomper's parents are, if they are closer." He said.

"Yea, they'd make him go away." Ruby's little brother said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Pearl sighed as she looked outside the bush.
"I don't like this quiet waiting..." She was beginning to shake with fear.


Dein and Terri stood up and stepped forward.
"Chomper stay behind us and if we tell you to it!" said Dein with a serious tone and look in his eyes.

Terri stepped back to try and protect Chomper. "Don't worry." she said "We won't let anything bad happen!"


Pterano scowled at his brother.
"No! Cree, we only taught you to grab it when you were at the end with no options left. Not to steal from those who already have it!"
He then stepped closer to his brother as he said with a raised tone in his voice.
"I am paying for a mistake I made! It was the wrong choice and I have to accept that...I HAVE accepted that, and you should too! Although your exile wasn't an accident. You set yourself up to fail from the very beginning. You should be ashamed of yourself Cree, what would mother think of you now?"


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Ruby nodded, "Then I will get them closer to where Chomper and his parents are, so they will be close incase anything happens" she waited until her parents moved too though to walk her brother and sister over towards where she'd last seen Chomper's parents


(I'm still trying to figure out what Cree did that got him not included even in the beginnings of the Valley, more food stealing perhaps)

Cree's scowl seemed to match Pterano's as he listened, "You always were were one for putting yourself above others" he commented, in all ironies since he'd always been better at that even as a hatchling.

"Well fine, Pterano, you've reached a moral cliff I haven't" by his sarcastic tone, Cree didn't truthfully mean these words, "ya happy?!" he said, hoping his brother would leave him alone now.

On the comment on their mother his frown deepened for some reason and he shrugged, moving off away from Pterano on the cliff face and sitting, "I guess she'd have reason to be disappointed in both of us" he said as he threw the remains of the stolen food, just a few leaves, off the cliff face.

He wasn't going to let Pterano see or be able to tell that what their parents were bound to think of all of this was one of the few things he still cared about. "Probably just say the same thing Ptami did before I left, not say anything and just shake her head" he added without noticing it.


Misty put a hand on Pearl's hand quietly to try and help her quaking, "Don't worry, we'll um..." she couldn't think of much to say to reassure though. She smiled, "Just don't think about the waiting". It wasn't much of a comfort all in all, but it was something. Misty grimaced.


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Chomper made his way over to his parents and obediantly stood behind them.

Rita joined him "I hope this doesn't end badly."


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Ruby's father nodded, "I think it would be safer over with Chomper's parents, are you all ready go go?" He asked as he stood up.  

"Yea, I'd certainly feel safer with them then here alone." Ruby's little brother said.

- - -

"I think I smell 2 large sharpteeth that way, and not far." Deon said.

Blue-eyes sniffed, "Yes, I smell then too.  They must be the pair of friendly sharpteeth I heard live nearby.  Let's go." Blue-eyes said.

"Race ya." Deon said.

"Not if I get there first." Blue-eyes said, hoping to keep his brother from feeling panicking.


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Greg went over to Dil and hid with his mother. "Redclaw again?" she asked, in a not-surprised tone


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"Yes, that is most definitely a better idea than sitting in plain sight, to be seen." Ruby's mother commented as she began walking, making sure that her children remained in front of her.


Redclaw was making a genuine effort to think things through clearly, to approach this situation with a level head. But the sharptooth was impatient by nature, and his ravenous appetite didn't make things any better. Each moment he wasted on deliberation stoked his agitation exponentially.
At last, the battle was lost. Hunger and rage overwhelmed his meager reasoning, and his senses surrendered to raw instinct. The massive meat-eater thundered to the pinnacle of the incline, muscles tensed against the impact of a sudden stop. Cavernous lungs dragged an invigorating breath of air into their depths, and Redclaw let loose a roar that vibrated through the air like thunder. His nightmarish silhouette bent double in a horrible moment of anticipation; the subsequent strike was inevitable. Any onlooker who had never before experienced the brute firsthand would now know that his reputation was well-earned.


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Deon jumped in surprise at the roar. Blue-eyes grabbed him in the air before he could land and continued running towards the smell where they smelled the 2 large sharpteeth to be.  Deon squirmed a bit but stopped when his brother wouldn't put him down.  He did have to admit that Blue-eyes could run faster then he could, since he had longer legs.

 - - -

Ruby's father nodded, "Certainly, let's go children." He said and went along with the kids, keeping them in front of him as best as he could.


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Dil, Rory, Rita, Greg, Ichy, and Myra followed.

However, an unfortunate longneck was right in Redclaw's path and was unaware of his presence....

The Great Valley Guardian

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Pearl couldn't help but give a small scream at hearing Redclaws roar. She felt safer knowing Rita and Misty were with her. But she still couldn't stop shaking in fear.


Both Dein and Terri were startled by the roar. They looked at each other for a moment and then turned to face a hill off in the distance, and it was then that they saw Redclaw, but he wasn't just standing there, no...he was running down the hill as fast as he could.

Terri in a moment of anger was ready and willing to charge at Redclaw no matter what, but a nudge from Dein stopped her.
"Wait for the right moment." Was all Dein said as they readied for a fight.


No matter how hard he tired to deny it...Pterano just couldn't stay mad at Cree...he was family, and the old saying of flyers flock together was still certainly true. He took a step forward and placed a hand on Cree's shoulder. He didn't say anything though...he was hoping he wouldn't have to to get his point across.


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Ruby nodded that she agreed with her brother and stayed right by both him and their sister as the family made their way. “Do not worry, Redclaw had many areas of the Mysterious Beyond to control, and he can not be in all of them at once, so he will only stay here for as long as he can stay here”. She knew her statement wouldn’t help them for the time Redclaw was here, but just couldn’t stand for her younger siblings to worry.


Screech, knowing full well before it came that it was coming, braced both himself and his ears for the roar which meant only one thing, Redclaw was done thinking. With screeches of their own backing up of whatever plan Redclaw had, Screech and Thud
(OOC: I’ll borrow him until, and if, anyone wants him, or maybe I should just do both of them. If someone wants one or the other of the pair later though they can just pick one out :D Screech and Thud adoption :lol)
Rushed forward along with him, their eyes concentrated on the best moment to dart in and try to flush out the young ones while Redclaw handled the adults.


“Ok now’s when I wish we weren’t alone hiding in a bush” Misty commented as she flinched from the roar, “but…I wouldn’t say we should dart for any grown-ups now…we’ll just be spotted” she tried to think if there wasn any place better to be than where they were.


Cree’s first response to this was to, of course, in that independent nature of his, jerk aside and glare sharp sticks (ya know, daggers :D) at his brother…yet this melted pretty soon and he just sighed. “Well…I guess pushing aside anyone who has to tolerate me isn’t that smart of a move…” he admitted.

“It just bugs me ya know” he strangely found himself confiding, and of all flyers to confide to! Well…actually it was better than saying this to that goody two claws, Tylr, but still. “they (he knew he didn’t have to say which siblings he meant) have just always had it figured out on what to do,  where as I…well if you mad me to apologize to those swimmer right now I’d probably end up doing the same thing I did to that know it all three horn of the Valley herd…call them a dirty, rotten, stuck up rock pusher and slug ëem across the jaw”.

Cree was pretty sure this more than his stealing from some of the adolescents of the group at the time, was why Topsy had ultimately kicked him out.

“I don’t know why” he went on to confide as he paced, “it’ just…I don’t know” he shrugged again. He puffed out a puff of air, “but I’m not getting far the way I am now…so maybe I will try out this ëcooperating’ thing you and the others keep mentioning” he shrugged before actually allowing himself a small smirk of something other than jeering.

Pterano wasn’t perfect, so maybe if there was one sibling to start with getting along with, he was it.